Research Paper GeoGebra-Wesley Van Woudenberg
Research Paper GeoGebra-Wesley Van Woudenberg
Research Paper GeoGebra-Wesley Van Woudenberg
Author Note
Wesley van Woudenberg, Master student Science Education and Communication,
University of Utrecht, 3761959, July 2017, Master Thesis, 30 ECTS
This research paper is supervised by Paul Drijvers, and Michiel Doorman as a second
examiner, Department of Mathematics Education, University of Utrecht and supported by
and designed at CITO, Arnhem
This paper is intended for the Dutch mathematics education, and addresses ICT use
in class.
Correspondence concerning this research proposal should be addressed to Wesley
van Woudenberg, Barneveld, Lange voren 70.
Contact: [email protected]
The graphing calculator (GC) is a proper device that brings ICT in the mathematics
classroom, but due to several drawbacks, it is wise that we try to find better tools. This study
focusses on GeoGebra (GGB) as a possible replacement of it, and therefore an experiment
was set up in order to find out what the transition to GeoGebra on graphical-numerical
assessments does to three aspects: test scores, opinions and formation of conceptual processes
(instrumental genesis). In six classes, an intervention of three lesson took place where
students learned to work with GeoGebra and made tests with one of the two tools. An analysis
on differences between the tools on the three different aspects turned out that students’ test
scores were at least as good in the case that students made the test with GeoGebra.
Furthermore, students liked the graphing calculator better because they were more used to it,
but it turned out that they became more positive about GeoGebra when they used the program
more often. Also, zooming functions, all answers in one screen, and the greater amount of
freedom in the program, appeared to be substantial advantages of GeoGebra. Therefore, we
can say that GeoGebra has a lot of potential and that the use of it in classrooms is
Keywords: graphing calculator, GeoGebra, graphical-numerical assessment,
instrumental genesis
graphing calculator. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine whether students are able
to use GeoGebra for the exact same operations as they know them with the graphing
calculator and this study also tries to trace possible problems and advantages when working
with GeoGebra. The focus will be on five main operations which are characteristic for all
graphical functions because of resemblance. This study will focus not only on the
performances of students working with GeoGebra conducting certain techniques they are
already familiar with when working with the graphing calculator, it also measures how
students learn to use GeoGebra and what they think of the program. The research question of
this study is ‘What effects does the use of GeoGebra have on tenth-grade pre-university
students in performing graphical-numerical assessments, compared to the use of a graphing
calculator?’ These effects will be measures in terms of usability, test results and opinions in
three different sub-questions, which will be described in the next chapter.
Theoretical Framework
A lot of scientists agree that technology in the mathematics classroom has a lot of
potential (Hodanbosi, 2001; Jupri, Drijvers, Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 2015; Saha et al.,
2010; Tarmizi, Ayub, Bakar, & Yunus, 2010). In using technology in the classroom, an
important difference between working with and working through technology has been made
by Stacey and Wiliam (2013). Assessment with technology can be seen as traditional pen-and-
paper tests where students are allowed to use technology which supports them in their work,
whereas assessment through technology means that students are questioned and administered
with technological means. This study focusses on the first kind of assessment. Working with
technology relieves students of laborious computations and precise drawing operations, and
this reduced focus on basic skills enables a larger focus on higher order thinking skills such as
modelling, problem solving and conceptual understanding (Drijvers et al., 2016).
A lot of countries acknowledge this potential and have therefore integrated the use of
graphing calculators in their national policies. Although questions arose about whether task-
items are designed properly, a lot of countries have managed to find a workable situation
where students are allowed, recommended or required to use technology at national
mathematics examinations (Drijvers, 2009). An early study on this commonly used graphing
calculator made clear that besides all the advantages, still 75% of participating students
identified difficult or counter-intuitive features (Hennessy, Fung, & Scanlon, 2001). It is not
easy to decide upon which kind of tool to use in mathematics education, because it is not easy
nor straightforward to foresee the effects on the learning process (Bokhove & Drijvers, 2010),
but because of the different kinds of mentioned limitations of the graphing calculator,
GeoGebra is by some people seen a good alternative to it. Experiences with coordinate
geometry which increased learning outcomes (Saha et al., 2010), indicate the potential of this
software program. Although this subject differs from graphical-numerical calculations it
seems plausible that GeoGebra is a good tool for this as well because of its intuitive use. It is
known that students appreciate to overcome knowledge gaps themselves (Drijvers, 2016), and
this is where GeoGebra is advantageous. Buttons can be found on more intuitive places and
are easily recognizable by certain icons.
This different kind of usage, calls for an explorative study which compares the use of
GeoGebra with that of the graphing calculator. The quality of working with GeoGebra will be
tested with the Theory of Instrumental Genesis. This theory implies the creation of different
kinds of techniques when working with tools and is best described in view of four dualities
(Drijvers, Godino, Font, & Trouche, 2013). The first duality is the difference between an
artefact and an instrument. An artefact is a tool that can be used, for example an axe. When a
person becomes familiar with an artefact and uses it for a specific goal, for example to cut
trees, it becomes an instrument. Both the graphing calculator and GeoGebra are artefacts, but
will only be instruments when used properly by students to perform calculations. The ongoing
and time-consuming process for a user to turn an artefact into an instrument is called
instrumental genesis. A second duality is the one between instrumentalisation and
instrumentation. The relationship between a user and an artefact is bilateral.
Instrumentalisation refers to the usage of an artefact by its user while instrumentation implies
that the tool guides the user wherein new conceptions emerge. This dual nature within
instrumental genesis shows that the student’s thinking is shaped by the artefact, but also
shaped the artefact. The third duality is the most important one and comprises of the
difference between schemes and techniques. A scheme is a network of concepts in the brain of
a user which allow him to think how to deal with a certain problem, whereas a technique
refers to the actions a user performs when trying to overcome the problem. Therefore,
techniques are the visible counterparts of a scheme which is only present in the mind of the
student. In this study, techniques are traced in order to shed light on the schemes. At last the
term instrumental genesis itself is complemented by instrumental orchestration. The first
focuses on the learner, while the latter refers to the intentional and systematic organization
and use of artefacts by the teacher (Drijvers, Doorman, Boon, Reed, & Gravemeijer, 2014;
Trouche, 2004). In order to properly trace the genesis of new schemes and mastering of new
techniques, a proper instrumental orchestration is needed. At first the teacher needs to master
both the functionalities of the artefact as well as the mathematical and didactical backgrounds
of the mathematical subjects. Only in this way the teacher is able to pose the right questions at
the right time and is he capable of formulating and structuring tasks and assessments the right
way. Another important aspect is that students should be enabled to discover things
themselves. Learning for peers makes sure that the information is better understood (Trouche,
2004) and because the knowledge is created with peers it feels more like their own knowledge
which is more long-lasting (Mayer, 2014).
In learning the right techniques, it is eminent that students practice with assessments in
order to fully master them. Assessment can be summative or formative. In summative
assessment, the goal is to evaluate the knowledge at the end of the instruction period, whereas
in formative assessment the goal is to “form” the knowledge in the process
(EACEA/Eurydice, 2011). The use of technological tools affects both kinds of assessment and
therefore both kinds must be looked upon. According to Stacey and Wiliam (2013) the use of
technology impacts the way students operate and reason. Because students no longer spend all
their time on computation and drawing tasks, other types of skills are needed, new kinds of
tasks with different goals emerge which affect the validity and reliability of the assessment.
Mathematical literacy abilities, conceptual understanding, strategies, modelling and problem-
solving skills can be assessed more easily (Stacey & Wiliam, 2013), which is a welcome
Three sub-questions will structure the research. Summative assessment is measured in
the first question and formative assessment also in the third. The second question will shed an
important different light on the research.
1. To what extent does the use of GeoGebra influence test results, compared to a
graphing calculator?
2. To what extent do students prefer to use GeoGebra instead of a graphing
3. How does the instrumental genesis evolve using GeoGebra?
Overview of the Study
This study tries to find differences for the graphing calculator and GeoGebra regarding
students’ schemes. The focus of this experiment will be on five numerical-graphical schemes
of window settings (1), images (2), zeroes (3), extreme values (4) and intersections (5). In
order to find these differences an experiment which consisted of three lessons was set up, see
table 1 for an overview. In the first lesson these five schemes were recapitulated with the
graphing calculator, in the second lesson students learned to use these five schemes with
GeoGebra and in the third lesson students made a test with one of the artefacts and filled in a
questionnaire. All classes will be divided into two groups, which will be clarified in the next
Two research paths can be distinguished in this research. At first there is a quantitative
path with test results (sub-question 1) and questionnaire outcomes (sub-question 2). These are
the written documents by students. It is hypothesized that working with GGB leads to higher
results and that students will favor GeoGebra over the graphing calculator. The second path is
a qualitative one (sub-question 3). The hypothesis is that students can use GeoGebra fast and
more fluently.
Table 1
Design of the study
Lesson Activity Sub-question Student group Role of researcher Sub-question
number (path 1) number (path 2)
Test Results. For the first sub-question, a quasi-experiment was set up. Each class was
divided into two randomly selected groups. Both groups receive the same instructions during
the first two lessons. In the third lesson one of the groups made a test with the graphing
calculator and the other group made a similar test with GeoGebra. The former group will be
referred to as GC-students and the latter as GGB-students. Students got 30 minutes to finish
the test.
The test consisted of four questions. In each question students were asked to find output
solutions and draw sketches. In the first question students needed to draw a sketch of a third-
degree graph (1a) and find all zeroes (1b). In the second question the order of drawing and
writing down solutions is reversed, which implied that they needed to find extreme values of a
fourth-degree function (2a) and draw a sketch of its graph (2b). The reversed order was
chosen deliberately in order to find differences in completeness of sketches and output
solutions. In the third question intersection points of a third-degree function ℎ with the line
𝑦 = 𝑥 − 1 should be found (3a), a sketch with al intersections needed to be drawn (3b) and
ℎ(𝑥) = 𝑘(𝑥) needed to be solved, where 𝑘 was also a third-degree function (3c). The level of
this last sub-question is somewhat higher, because this question did not straightforwardly say
that intersections should to be found. The last question was of the highest level, because of the
context-rich environment. At first, students needed to sketch a difficult fifth-degree graph and
give their chosen domain and range (4a). This function gave the amount of internet visitors at
a certain site for different times at one day, so therefore the best possible domain was [0, 24],
because of the twenty-four hours in a day. At second, images should be found for 6.00 a.m.
(4b), 4.30 p.m. (4c) and 10.45 p.m. (4d). Then, an extreme value (4e) and intersection points
for 6000 visitors should be found (4f), and at last students were asked to tell how much
extreme values this function has (4g). Both the answers two and four are considered correct,
because the function had two extreme values within the domain [0, 24] and four in total.
All functions are designed in such a way that at least one of the output solutions cannot
be found within the standard window. Students need to zoom out at least one time to find all
output solutions. See figures 1 and 2 for examples. For the graphing calculator, the standard
window settings are Xmin = −10, Xmax = 10, Ymin = −10 and Ymax = 10 and GeoGebra starts
with Xmin = −5, Xmax = 25, Ymin = −13 and Ymax = 7, which is, although the window in
GeoGebra is very flexible, considered as the standard window for GeoGebra.
Figure 1. Graph of test question 1 with GC Figure 2. Graph of test question 4 with
standard window GC standard window
Opinions and Preferences. For the second sub-question a survey was conducted by
means of a questionnaire. Students filled in the questionnaire directly after the test. This was
done to make sure that students that made the test, could not be absent when filling in the
questionnaire. Between the end of the test and filling in the questionnaire, students were not
allowed to talk to ensure that their opinions were not influenced by their peers.
The questionnaire consisted of different items. At first students were asked to give some
basic characteristics like name, class, school, gender, math-subjects, artefact used with test
(this last one was item 1). Item 2 asked about prior experiences with GeoGebra, here students
could circle n (never used before), s (sometimes used before) of r (regularly used before).
Items 3 to 16 can be answered on a 1 to 5 Likert scale. Item 17 asked what artefact the student
prefers to use. After this the students were asked to give one or two reasons to explain their
Instrumental Genesis. For the third sub-question observations were conducted. Before
the observation methods are explained, it is important to take a closer look at the five main
schemes where this study focusses on.
1. Window settings
2. Images
3. Zeroes
4. Extreme values
5. Intersections
The first scheme comprises of the understanding that functions will only be visible
within a window when the domain and range are chosen properly. For the graphing calculator,
the window is quite static, as for GeoGebra, the techniques for this seem more intuitive. This
is because users can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, the window can be moved by
dragging and domains and ranges can be easily altered by stretching or compressing the x-
respectively y-axis. For the graphing calculator, students need to make up at least their own
interval for the domain, where after they can use ZoomFit, which automatically adapts the
range to the chosen domain for the current graphs. It is possible to zoom in and out with the
graphing calculator but it takes longer and seems to works less intuitive.
The other four schemes are calculation options, that are available in both the graphing
calculator and GeoGebra. An important difference between the two artefacts is that for the last
three schemes, GeoGebra gives all output solutions at once in the algebra screen. Finding
those solutions with the graphing calculator requires a student not only to select every point
one at a time, but also a proper domain should be thought of, because points outside the
chosen domain cannot be found. Because of the dynamic interface of GeoGebra it is quite
likely that students will perform better with GeoGebra and like GeoGebra better than the
graphing calculator.
During the second lesson, where students learn to work with GeoGebra, the researcher
sat down with a pair of students and made notes of their conversation with an observation
instrument. This second lesson is divided into four questions, dealing with the five main
schemes. The observation instrument is based on a similar instrument used by Jupri et al.
(2015) and is set up in such a manner that for each question a division into different sub-
schemes is made. These sub-schemes are split up into the different techniques that can be
visible. The researcher can mark different techniques he sees and write notes behind it.
Afterwards all observation instruments will be compared in order to find important
differences or similarities.
During the test in the third lesson observations were carried out by filming students. For
each class, one GC-student was filmed in the classroom together with all other students that
made the test, and one student GGB-student was filmed in a different room. This was done in
order to enable these students to speak all his thoughts aloud. This made the instrumental
genesis during the test clearer for the researcher. It was made sure that these students were the
two persons being observed in the second lesson, to measure differences more closely.
Afterwards all videos were coded in a time and action matrix for a part of it. For each of the
five main schemes it was determined when and how the action took place. For how well the
action was, a distinction between poor (wrong actions), moderate (good actions but not
directly helpful) and good actions was made.
In the different phases of the experiment the teacher, the students and the researcher had
different roles. Teachers were experts in using GeoGebra, because they volunteered to
participate in this experiment. Before the first phase, the researcher instructed the teacher how
to act. This was done by means of instruction forms for each lesson, see Appendices A, B and
C. Also, with the help of the teacher, the researcher decided which two students could be
chosen as the subjects for observations. These students were talkative persons which made it
easier to distinguish different techniques and schemes.
In the first lesson the teacher instructed the students to recapitulate the five schemes of
the graphing calculator by giving them one large assessment, see Appendix D, in which every
scheme is repeated in different sub-questions. Students worked in pairs and the teacher
walked through the classroom in order to support couples that needed help. By repeating the
prior knowledge for every student, it was made sure that all students of different schools had
the same entry level. Some school used another model of the graphing calculator. Most
schools used a TI model, but one of the schools worked with the Casio model. A special Casio
version of the assessment was developed to minimize differences, see Appendix E. In this
lesson, there is one thing that students learned for the first time. Students learned that an 𝑛th-
degree function has at most 𝑛 − 1 extreme values. They needed to learn this to be aware of
the fact that a function could have more extreme values or other outcome solutions than
visible within their window.
In the second lesson students worked with GeoGebra on laptops or computers, in
couples, in order increase the effect of learning from peers (Mayer, 2014). The teacher
explained the basics of GeoGebra and instructed the class to make the second assessment, see
Appendix F for the TI version, with questions similar to the first assessment. Here, the
couples tried to master the GeoGebra functionalities on their own. In both lessons, the
guidance of the teacher was minimal, because that could influence the instrumental genesis
(Jupri et al., 2015). In the first two lessons, it was important that the teacher paid specific
attention on how the students needed to write their answers because proper answering is
fundamental to this study. Another method to ensure this, was that all the student answers
were written down on special answer sheets, which were collected by the researcher
afterwards, see Appendix G for an example of lesson 1.
In the third lesson students made pen-and-paper tests, whereby they are allowed to use
one instrument, depending on the group they are randomly placed in. See Appendices H and I
for respectively the test for the GC- and GGB-students. After 30 minutes the test was finished
and students were asked to fill in the questionnaire.
Data Collection
In total 131 students in tenth-grade pre-university education (mathematics B) took part
in this study. Out of these students, 122 made the test, of which 59 were male and 63 female.
In order to collect reliable data, it was important to have as little variables as possible, so
therefore no eleventh-grade, mathematics A or pre-higher education classes took part in the
experiment. Different schools throughout the Netherlands, using different kinds of
mathematics sourcebooks and different models of graphing calculators, were selected to
increase representativeness. In total five teachers from four different schools participated with
six classes. The lessons lasted 45 to 50 minutes and took place in the period February-May.
All participating students were familiar with the graphing calculator, whom most of them
learned to know at the beginning of the schoolyear.
Each experiment consisted of three lessons. Each first lesson was carried out by only the
teacher, the second lessons were observed by the researcher and during the third lessons
colleagues of the researcher recorded videos of two students per class. Before the start of the
first experiment, concept lessons were piloted in a secondary school in Bemmel, where some
students were already used to work with GeoGebra. Adaptations were made to optimize the
assessments and the test. This implied that redundant information was left out of the
assessments and the length of the test was reduced.
Data Analysis
In this research, both formative and summative assessment were measured and
analyzed. Summative assessment consists of checking the students´ tests, which was analyzed
for sub-question 1. Formative assessment consists of learning to use an artefact, which was
not only present in the first two lessons, but also during the test. Observations of both lesson 2
and 3 were analyzed for sub-question 3.
Test Results. For the first sub-question students’ answers to the test were analyzed
using a coding scheme. For each part of the assignment students could score points. At first, a
distinction was made between five different categories. For each category, a description is
given. When students meet these requirements, a point for that letter or category was earned,
see figure 3 for a student example of question 2 with a complete coding scheme.
I Input Students wrote down the formula they typed in their artefacts.
F Function Students wrote down what function, option, button or command
they used to find their answer.
O Output Students wrote down their output solutions. For questions 1-3
these were subcategorized in O1 and O2.
O1 O1 output solutions were situated within the standard window.
O2 O2 output solutions were situated outside of the standard window
C Conclusion Students wrote down a corresponding conclusion or answer to the
S Sketch Students drew a proper sketch.
1. Two extreme values and three zeroes of the third-degree function must be visible
in the sketch. GC-students also got this insight point when they found their O2
zero, GGB-students then scored only a half insight point because it cannot be said
with certainty whether they zoomed out or not, and just copying an answer form
the algebra screen would not attest to insight.
2. All three extreme values of the fourth-degree functions must be visible in the
sketch or written down as output solutions. If only the latter is the case, then
GGB-students score only a half insight point.
3ab Similar to question 2 for both extreme values of a third-degree function with all
three intersection points with 𝑦 = 𝑥 − 1.
3c Only all three intersecting points of two third-degree functions needed to be
written down.
4 context This insight point was earned when a student understands that within the context
only the interval [0, 24] is relevant because of the twenty-four hours in a day.
4 graph This insight point was earned when a student drew a good sketch.
This means that most insight points were earned when students saw the total global
progress of the graph. Only one insight point (4 context) could be earned for the
understanding of the context.
Opinions and Preferences For the second sub-question, the questionnaire was
analyzed. For four different kinds of items a distinction between three characteristics was
made. Numbers of the corresponding questionnaire items were noted between brackets, see
appendix J for the entire questionnaire.
a. The students made the test with the graphing calculator or with GeoGebra (1)
b. Regular points
c. Insight points
The four categories of items are the following.
1. Students’ opinion on the artefacts (11, 13, 14, 16, 17)
2. Students’ previous experience with GeoGebra (2)
3. Students’ estimation of their own skills (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15)
4. Students’ motivation for components of the experiment (3, 5, 7, 9)
Statistic tests determined significant differences between characteristics for different
categories of items. For Likert scale categories 1, 3 and 4 parametric tests were used in order
to maintain robustness (Whadgave & Khairnar, 2016). For the second category (item 2) the
answers sometimes and never are combined as one answer because the difference between the
two appeared to little, because some students who said they never used GeoGebra before, did
use it before, according to the teacher, without realizing it.
At last, the open question was analyzed. The students’ reasons for their preferred
artefact were sorted in positive, neutral and negative categories for both the graphing
calculator as GeoGebra. Similar answers were added up, to distinguish commonly given
answers. Afterwards the different types of answers were analyzed.
Instrumental Genesis. For the final sub-question observation instruments and video
codings were analyzed, see Appendix K. In both matrixes, a comparison was made to find
important differences and similarities. Important differences between the GC and GGB usage
were noted. The particular parts of the videos were these events took place, were looked at by
four researchers, in order to increase the reliability and validity of the results. Important
results were discussed and analyzed. These analyses were made for each of the five main
The observation instruments served as an inspirational tool to find differences in the
videos. Some of the observations of pairs in lesson 2 were also filmed because of practical
reasons. These videos served as a measurement tool for comparing differences as well.
Test Results
Overview. In this section, we give an overview of the scored points. Review of the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality suggested that scores were not normally distributed
for both the regular points (KS = .095, df = 122, p = .009) and insight points (KS = .213, df =
122, p < .001). Therefore, non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests were executed in order to find
significant differences between GC- and GGB-students. This indicated that regular point
scores for GGB-students (Mdn = 15) was not significantly higher than GC-students (Mdn =
14), U = 1568, p = .135, but for insight points GGB-students (Mdn = 4) scored significantly
higher than GC-students (Mdn = 3), U = 1020, p < .001, r = .40. The following sections will
elaborate on these scores.
Figure 4 shows an overview of scores for each category of test questions. For each
category, we can see the difference between scores of GC- and GGB-students.
Regular points. For the regular points, we did not find a significant difference between
GC- and GGB-students in general. But when we examined the results more closely, we noted
some important differences. We will focus on differences between sketches and output
Sketches. Table 2 shows the amounts of poor, moderate and good sketches for all
questions. Only students who could make the corresponding questions were included. With
these numbers, Chi-square tests were computed and noted in table 3. In most cases, too many
expected values were lower than 5, in which case a Fisher’s exact test was used.
We found significant differences for questions 1, 2 and 4. Many GC-students drew a
sketch in which not all output solutions were visible. They significantly more often made
moderate sketches, which was due to the ZoomFit function for the graphing calculator. The
higher p value for question 3 could be due to the O2 intersecting point being very close to the
standard window (x = 12.2), which made it more obvious to GC-students that another output
solution could be found outside the standard window.
Table 2
Amounts of sketches drawn poorly (p), moderately (m) or good (g)
artefact question 1a question 2b question 3b question 4a
p m g p m g p m g p m g
GC 2 43 18 5 9 49 2 9 52 17 17 21
GGB 2 7 50 4 0 55 0 4 55 19 4 24
Table 3
Chi-square test of independence, or Fisher’s exact test
Question df N ² p Cramer’s V
1a 2 122 - <.001 -
2b 2 122 - .009 -
3b 2 122 - .144 -
4a 2 102 7.78 .020 .276
Output solutions. Table 4 shows the amounts of correct and incorrect answers for
questions 1-3 and table 5 shows the same for question 4. With these numbers, Chi-square or
Fisher’s exact tests were computed and noted in table 6.
Except for question 2 we found no significant differences for O1 output solutions. For
question 2 this was due to the coordinate (0, 8). Very often a graphing calculator
approximates the x = 0 in the scientific notation 𝑝 ∙ 10𝑞 , with q negative, in which case GC-
students sometimes only wrote down p as the x-coordinate.
We found significant differences for O2 output solutions for questions 1, 2 and 3. This
implied that GC-students very often forgot to zoom out, in order to find output solutions
outside the standard window. For question 4 we did not find any significant differences in
output solutions. This could be due to the length of the test because, as can be seen in table 6,
not every student was able to finish the entire test. Another reason for this could have been the
difficulty of this fifth-degree function. Not only all four extreme values must be found outside
the standard window, also tenth-grade pre-university students had too little experience with
these kind of context questions. For a lot of students this was probably the very first question
in which they needed to think about window settings themselves, because basically nothing
could be seen in the standard screen. This kind of assignment was practiced in questions 5-9
of the assessment form of the second lesson with GeoGebra, but 43 out of 103 students were
not able to start with question 5 because of lack of time. A lot of students who could make
(some of) these last questions forgot to zoom out in which case they still did not practice this
kind of assessment.
Table 4
Amounts of correct (1) and incorrect (0) output solutions for questions 1-3 within (O1) and
outside of (O2) the standard window
artefact q.1b O1 q.1b O2 q.2a O1 q.2a O2 q.3a O1 q.3a O2 q.3c O1 q.3c O2
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
GC 0 63 32 31 18 45 14 49 1 62 17 46 6 52 23 35
GGB 1 58 2 57 2 57 3 56 0 59 5 55 3 51 5 49
Table 5
Amounts of correct (1) and incorrect (0) output solutions for question 4
artefact q.4a domain q.4a range q.4b q.4c q.4d q.4e q.4f q.4g
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
GC 47 8 16 39 3 41 3 34 5 29 8 18 7 13 6 12
GGB 45 3 20 28 8 33 3 30 5 26 5 22 7 11 1 15
Table 6
Chi-square test of independence, or Fisher’s exact test
Question df N ² p Cramer’s V Odds ratio
1b O1 1 122 - .299 - -
1b O2 1 122 34.06 < .001 .528 29.42
2a O1 1 122 14.10 < .001 .340 11.40
2a O2 1 122 7.46 .006 .247 5.33
3a O1 1 122 - .331 - -
3a O2 1 122 8.73 .003 .267 5.08
3c O1 1 112 - .352 - -
3c O2 1 112 13.78 < .001 .351 6.44
4a domain 1 103 - .174 - -
4a range 1 103 - .182 - -
4b 1 85 - .081 - -
4c 1 70 - .883 - -
4d 1 65 - .874 - -
4e 1 53 - .300 - -
4f 1 38 - .804 - -
4g 1 34 - .051 - -
Insight points. For the insight points we found a significant difference between GC-
and GGB-students in general. When we examined differences for each of the six insight
points, similar results as for output solutions were found. Table 7 shows for each question the
numbers of students who scored the insight point (1) and who did not (0). GGB-students that
scored only half a point are counted as 0. Table 8 shows calculations of Chi-square tests of
independence, comparing the scored insights points for GC- and GGB-students per question.
We found significant differences for questions 1, 2 and 3c. For questions 3b (table 3) and 4
(table 6) we already found similar results.
Table 7
Scored insight points per question
artefact question 1 question 2 question 3ab question 3c q. 4 context q. 4 graph
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
GC 32 31 15 48 9 54 24 34 47 8 28 27
GGB 6 53 4 55 3 56 5 49 43 5 18 30
Table 8
Chi-square test of independence
Question df N ² p Cramer’s V Odds ratio
Item 17. For the last item, 93 out of 122 answered that they preferred the graphing
calculator over GeoGebra. This means that only 23.8% of the students liked GeoGebra better.
Table 10 gives an overview of arguments for the answers to this item. Here we find that the
most common reason for preferring the graphing calculator is just that they are more used to it
(n = 35). Another common reason for this was the space on the table that an artefact consumes
(n = 33), as appears from number of times students referred to the compactness of graphing
calculators and the place-consuming characteristic of laptops. Fortunately, also arguments that
related more to the content were given. A lot of students said that typing the input is easy for a
graphing calculator (n = 14) and less easy for GeoGebra (n = 14). This could be due to the
larger keyboard, the using of dots instead of commas and the further distance between
keyboard and screen for GeoGebra. Furthermore, students gave more positive content-related
arguments for GeoGebra. They argued for example that GeoGebra is more clear because all
the contents (and output solutions) are situated in one large screen. Some students oppose this
and say that they figuratively drown in all the possible options that GeoGebra offers in the
screen, the toolbar and on the keyboard. At last some minor GeoGebra bugs are reported.
Table 10
Average scores on opinion items
Opinion GC n Opinion GGB n
The GC is handy and compact 20 GGB is more clear 12
Typing input is easy on the GC 12 GGB works faster 7
With the GC I work faster 7 Zooming with GGB is more convenient 7
The GC works more easily 7 In GGB I can find the right buttons more easily 7
On the GC buttons are more clear 6 GGB works conveniently 5
The GC has calculator options 5 GGB works more easily 5
The GC is more clear 5 With GGB you have everything in one screen 4
On the GC, I can more easily find buttons 4 GGB also gives output outside the current screen 4
The GC works more pleasantly 3 GGB has more possibilities to find solutions 4
The GC has more options 1 GGB already plots a graph when typing input 3
All calculators resemble each other so GGB gives clear answers 2
therefore the GC works more easily 1 GGB plots graphs more conveniently 2
With GGB has one large screen 2
Becoming acquainted with GGB goes faster 1
With GGB you can use commands 1
With GGB you can use a mouse instead of buttons 1
Typing input works more easily on the GC 1
Subtotal (positive arguments) 71 68
I am used to the GC 35 GGB is too unknown to me 8
I never use GGB before 4
Becoming acquainted with GGB requires more time 1
Subtotal (neutral arguments) 35 13
Zooming with the GC works clumsy 2 Typing input works less easily 14
The GC plots graphs very slowly 2 With GGB a laptop takes much place on my table 13
I prefer not using a laptop with mathematics 11
GGB suffers from a lot of small problems 5
With GGB my computer needs to startup first 5
I do not understand GGB 3
With GGB you find buttons everywhere 3
GGB works clumsy 3
GGB sometimes jams 2
With GGB a keyboard has too many options 2
Sitting behind a computer gives RSI complaints 1
GGB without a mouse does not work convenient 1
With GGB, a computer can crash 1
With GGB, I sometimes move my graphs 1
For GGB a lot of prior knowledge is needed 1
The window in GGB is too flexible 1
Subtotal (negative arguments) 4 67
Total 91 148
When we take a closer look at which students gave which answer we find an important
difference in table 11. We calculated a Chi-square square test of independence comparing the
frequency of preferences for GC- and GGB-students. We found that students who made the
test with GeoGebra were much more likely to develop a preference for GeoGebra (42%) than
students who made the test with the graphing calculator (7%), χ²(1, N = 121) = 21.47,
p < .001, V = .42, odds ratio = 10.66.
Table 11
Artefact usage plotted against artefact preference
artefact Preference for the GC - percentage Preference for GGB - percentage Total
GC 58 93.5% 4 6.5% 62
GGB 34 57.6% 25 42.4% 59
Total 92 76.0% 29 24.0% 121
Coherence opinion items. An internal coherence for items 11, 13, 14, 16 and 17 was
found. The Cronbach’s alpha for these five opinion items was .72 when scales for the GC-
items 11 and 13 were reversed. This implies that these five items can be seen as a coherent set
of questions, representing a scale for preference.
We found a same kind of coherence when we compared differences between the two
groups of students for these five items. In table 11 we already found this for item 17, but the
same is true for the other four items, as can be found in table 12. We found that the artefact
that students used to make the test was defining for their opinion. GC-students were
significantly more positive about the graphing calculator and significantly less positive about
GeoGebra and vice versa. These students not only had 30 more minutes experience with
GeoGebra, but also the test confirmed that they were adequately capable to work with it. In
this case, students became more positive about the program.
Table 12
Independent t tests
Item sort description artefact N M SD df t p effect size
Students’ previous experience with GeoGebra. Not only the artefact used for the test
influenced students’ preferences, also prior experience with GeoGebra influenced it, appeared
from the questionnaire. In table 13 we see that students who used GeoGebra regularly before
thought significantly more positive about it. This also appeared from a Fisher’s exact test with
item 17. Students how regularly used GeoGebra before were more likely to prefer GeoGebra
(67%) that students how used it sometimes or never before (21,7%), p = .029, odds ratio =
Table 13
Independent t tests, differentiating opinions of students who never (n), sometimes (s) or
regularly (r) used GeoGebra before.
Item sort description used before N M SD df t p effect size
14 GGB pleasant n/s 104 3.10 1.15 108 2.22 .028 0.93
r 6 4.17 1.17
15 GGB own-skills n/s 106 3.18 1.31 110 2.44 .016 1.20
r 6 4.50 .84
16 GGB intuitive n/s 102 3.25 1.11 106 3.05 .003 1.45
r 6 4.67 .82
Students’ estimation of their own skills. In this section six items on students own-
skills are considered. Means and standard deviations for these items can be found in table 14.
Table 14
Average scores on own-skills items
number item N M SD
4 In my opinion, the first lesson was easy. 106 4.25 .87
6 In my opinion, the second lesson was easy. 110 3.05 1.12
8 In my opinion, the test was easy. 120 3.87 .84
10 My understanding of the GC/GGB was sufficient to make the test. 123 3.96 1.04
12 I know where to find the right functions/buttons on the GC. 122 4.55 .60
15 I know where to find the right functions/buttons in GGB. 113 3.26 1.32
In the previous section, we already found that students that regularly used GeoGebra
before, ranked their own-skills higher than students who used it less. For item 15 we also
found another interesting difference between the two groups of students. An independent-
samples t test pointed out that students who made the test with GeoGebra ranked their own-
skills significantly higher (M = 3.86, SD = 1.15) then students who made the test with the
graphing calculator (M = 2.57, SD = 1.15), t(110) = 5.96, p < .001, effect size 1.20. Also here,
we find a more positive attitude towards GeoGebra, when having 30 minutes of experience
with the program and confirmation from the test in addition.
Students’ motivation for components of the experiment. In this section, we regard
four items on students’ motivation, see table 15. For this category, we did not find anything
important. This might primarily be due to a bad internal consistency. The Cronbach’s alpha
for these four items was .58, which implies that these questions cannot be seen as one scale
for motivation. It would have been interesting to weight test results with a motivation rank in
order to be able to reduce the importance of results of badly motivated students. We did try
this with only item 9, but that did not work because according to Spearman’s rank tests there
were correlations between this item and the amount of regular points (p = .026, 𝑟𝑠 = .20) and
the amount of insight points (p = .011, 𝑟𝑠 = .23). As could be expected of tenth-graders,
students were able to evaluate their performances well. The higher students ranked their effort
for the test, the higher their regular and insight scores turned out to be.
Table 15
Average scores on motivation items
number item N M SD
3 In my opinion, the three lessons were useful. 110 3.42 .86
5 In my opinion, the first lesson was fun. 106 3.12 .83
7 In my opinion, the second lesson was fun. 110 3.16 .97
9 I made the test as good as I possibly could. 122 4.44 .70
Instrumental Genesis
It is complicated to describe how the instrumental genesis with GeoGebra evolved. This
was primarily due to the prior knowledge students had with graphical-numerical assessments
with the graphing calculator. The instrumental genesis was not unique but derived from what
they already knew from the graphing calculator. Therefore, in the following description of the
analyses on the observation instruments and video codings, a comparison between the two
artefacts was made for the five main schemes.
Observation instruments Most of the observations of the second lessons gave an
unambiguous view of the learning process. At first, we saw that students executed the first
four assignments without much trouble. Buttons were found quickly and students mentioned
they liked the fact that GeoGebra gives all output solutions at once. At the same time, we saw
that students needed time to play around, to learn to know the program, and to write down
their answers neatly. Furthermore, we saw that students were struggling with the zooming
functions, more we than expected. This was especially the case when students worked on
laptops without a mouse. The lack of a mouse wheel but also of a numeric keypad on smaller
laptops was unfortunate.
For assignments 5-9 we saw that it was crucial for the understanding of the students that
they could choose proper window settings and that they were able to work fluently with it.
And still then, many students did not realize that there were more intersecting points to be
found, outside the standard window. GeoGebra is inconsistent here because it can find all
intersections of polynomial functions at once, but this is not possible for exponential or
trigonometric functions. Besides this, many students were not able to finish all these
questions. Students simply did not have enough time to figure out the deeper meaning of these
last assignments and the inconsistency of GeoGebra. An important finding here was, that only
one lesson of GeoGebra was too short to understand and execute stretching and compressing
Video codings. In the videos, some similar patterns were found in comparing GC- and
GGB-students. A first observation was that, for lower level questions, schemes are the same
for both artefacts. Only the techniques differ a little, but in the videos we saw that students
were able to use these functionalities with GeoGebra fluently.
Higher level questions, on the contrary, showed something different. How well the
question was answered, when it was asked in a different way than just ‘find the extreme
values’ or ‘find zeroes’, depended on the understanding of the students, on how well they
participated in the second lesson, on how fluently they can change window settings and on
how intuitive the program works. For the latter condition we will make two comparisons of
the two artefacts with examples from the videos. The first one deals with images and the last
one with intersections and window settings.
A student who we will call John made the test with GeoGebra but was also filmed
during the second lesson because of practical reasons. In the second lesson he wanted to find
the image 𝑓(−2) = 9 and at the test 𝑁(6) ≈ 1528. In the lesson, John removed the x
between brackets in the entire formula 𝑓(𝑥) = 0,2𝑥 4 − 1,8𝑥 3 − 0,1𝑥 2 + 3,1𝑥 − 2, in which
case GeoGebra calculates 𝑓(−2) = 9 but presents it together with the −2 as 11 at the left
side of an equation. Therefore, John failed to learn how to calculate images in the second
lesson, even after checking his answers, from which he learned that his answers were wrong.
At the test, John remembered that this was not a good approach. In GeoGebra he had the
liberty to type in 𝑥 = 6. This gave him a vertical line, after which he was able to find an
answer by intersecting the graph with this line. This is a nice example of how GeoGebra has
multiple ways of finding correct answers and works intuitively.
Another example where the greater amount of freedom in GeoGebra plays an
advantageous role, was with a student who we will call Peter. Peter needed to solve ℎ(𝑥) =
𝑘(𝑥), in which h and k are both third-degree functions. Peter was puzzled because first he
thought he had to find an answer to this equation algebraically, but he soon found out that this
was too hard. Peter did not realize he had to find intersections. Peter did not reach the part of
the second lesson where this was explained, so he had basically no prior knowledge. But in
GeoGebra, Peter had the liberty to place a new point, which would not have been possible
with a graphing calculator. When he selected this option and then clicked at one of the three
points were the graphs intersected, an intersection point was drawn. In the algebra screen,
Peter read that it was an intersection point, and at that moment he realized that intersecting
points were places where two formulas are equal. Another important finding in this example
was that Peter was very skilled in adapting window settings. Peter used his personal laptop,
both in the second lesson as at the test and got personal help form the researcher in the second
lesson, so zooming was very easy for him.
This was different for his classmate Josh, with whom Peter worked together in the
second lesson. Josh made the test with the graphing calculator and struggled to find
intersection points of the fifth-degree function of question 4 with 𝑦 = 6000. Josh could not
get this graph within his window properly, it was squeezed to the y-axis because he has
chosen the domain interval [−1000, 1000]. Josh had very little time left and as a last attempt
to see more of the function than just a vertical line near the y-axis, Josh changed his interval to
[−10 000, 10 000], which worked counterproductive. Because the time ran out, Josh could
write down an answer anymore. This is a characteristic example of the difference between the
graphing calculator and GeoGebra.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the differences between the graphing
calculator and GeoGebra. For each sub-question a summary of the most important findings is
To what extent does the use of GeoGebra influence test results, compared to a
graphing calculator? For the first sub-question, we found that after one lesson of working
with GeoGebra, students were able to perform just as well on graphical-numerical
assessments when working with GeoGebra. From this we can conclude that using GeoGebra
instead of a graphing calculator will not be harmful. In fact, in the case that output solutions
outside the standard window exist, students preform even better with GeoGebra. Another
finding was that we could not draw that conclusion for context questions for which the graph
had all its extreme values outside the standard window. Therefore, we could say that students
are significantly more skillful in adapting window settings. This was due to the lack of
experience with this level of assessment, and to the lack of time for test question 4. Because
of these reasons, weaker students were not able to show their true potential. At last we found
that the GC-option ZoomFit, helped students do draw moderate sketches.
To what extent do students prefer to use GeoGebra instead of a graphing
calculator? An answer to the second sub-question was that students, who are already
acquainted with the graphing calculator and then learn to work with GeoGebra during one
lesson, favor the graphing calculator over GeoGebra. The most common arguments for this
choice were, that students were just more used to the graphing calculator, that students do not
like the larger size of the device on their tables and that students found it more bothersome to
type their input in GeoGebra. Another important finding was that if students worked with
GeoGebra more often, they were more positive about it. This appeared from students’
previous experience with the program and from the artefact students used with the test. It was
found that working 30 minutes longer with GeoGebra and having the experience of making a
test that confirms your capabilities with it, significantly increases your attitude toward it.
How does the instrumental genesis evolve using GeoGebra? The last sub-question
was a difficult one to answer. It was complicated to describe how the instrumental genesis
evolved. Therefore, a comparison between the two artefacts was made for each of the five
main schemes.
For the schemes zeroes, extreme values and intersections, we found that the techniques
for finding the output solutions was very similar. Students liked it that GeoGebra gives all
output solutions at once and were much less tended to overlook solutions that were not visible
in their standard or current window, but the most important finding was that these schemes
were actually the same.
For images, we found that techniques were quite different. Although students were able
to type the image and press enter, we saw that students were not yet accustomed to typing.
Students thought of more intuitive ways of finding it, for example by entering the original for
x as a vertical line, where after they searched for the intersecting point. It seemed that the
technique for finding images was less intuitive with GeoGebra, when students are acquainted
with the graphing calculator
For window settings, we found that students clearly needed proper instruction. We saw
that it was not only important to show how axes can be stretched or compressed, also students
need to try to do it themselves, because otherwise they will not remember what button to press
before being able to do so. Because a lot of students were not capable of stretching and
compressing axes, many of them did not fully master the zooming techniques of GeoGebra.
When students mastered the zooming techniques, we learned that these techniques worked
intuitively and faster, because the techniques for finding proper window settings with the
graphing calculator was much more difficult because students then need to make up the
interval for at least the domain themselves.
Discussion of Results
In this study, we compared two artefacts on usability and insight. But does insight in
certain functions lead to a better understanding of functions in general? Insight point were
granted when students had the most important characteristics within the sight of their window,
and we saw that insight increased when using GeoGebra. Whether this also increases the
understanding of functions in general goes beyond the scope of this research. For the graphing
calculator, we can say that it forces a student to think about the interval for the domain.
GeoGebra could make a student lazy at this point. Because zooming and dragging axes is so
easy, a student is less likely to skip this and think of general patterns for certain functions,
although this argument could be refuted by saying that typing a function also costs a lot of
time in which case GGB-students are also stimulated to search for general pattern in
We found that GeoGebra finds all output solutions for polynomial functions at once,
and that students appreciate that. But for more difficult functions, not all output solutions can
be found at once. This inconsistency and students’ often blindly copying of answers from the
algebra screen, could lead to worse results. But when students become aware of this
inconsistency they are more likely tended to check their answers. Therefore, we might say
that GeoGebra invites students to search for more output solutions. Whether students really
learn from the greater amount of insight, or that they just copy the answers without thinking,
is hard to say, and there probably is a difference between weak and strong students here.
We found that the greater amount of freedom in GeoGebra could support understanding, but
also that, for weaker students, this could feel like a confusing raft of options and buttons.
Although these redundant buttons could lead to a cognitive overload (Mayer, 2014), strong
students can profit here. The stronger students, who are often the ones who proceed in a beta
oriented study, are likely to achieve a greater level of understanding, whereas weaker students
will always struggle with that. For the latter group, only the formative process seems harder.
At last it is important that an artefact should always be used with the awareness of the
classroom context in which it is going to be used (Bokhove & Drijvers, 2010). In a world
were computers become increasingly important, it is peculiar to use an external calculator
with limited options. Besides the mentioned advantages, GeoGebra has a lot more options like
parameter sliders and drawing possibilities for geometry. ICT tools can take over a lot form
students and this should work fluently and intuitively. Here GeoGebra seems to have a
substantial advantage.
Because this the experiment took place within daily practices of schools, teachers and
students, some unforeseen minor limitations were noted. At first not all students were present
at each of the three lessons. Some students had other obligations or went on school trips for
other courses, so therefore some of them were missing during one or more lessons. When
students missed the first or the third lesson, this was not a real problem, but when the second
lesson where students learned to work with GeoGebra was missed, students were
automatically assigned to the GC-test. At second, one of the teachers planned her lessons
wrongly. Because of this the researcher was not able to observe the second lesson in person,
so therefore this lesson needed to be recorded on video. Afterwards, it seemed that the teacher
did not use the instruction form, what implied that she gave very little instruction. Students
were thrown in at the deep end, which could also have had a slightly negative impact on
GeoGebra results. These were minor advantages for the graphing calculator, because these
students were far more likely to favor the graphing calculator and preform worse on GGB-
tests, but they were opposed to a minor advantage for GeoGebra. One of the teachers did not
carry out the plan of randomly assigning artefacts for tests as planned. Each two students of
this class that worked together in the second lesson, could choose who of them would make
the test with the graphing calculator and who would do it with GeoGebra, what could have
influenced the results. Fortunately, these advantages for one of the artefacts canceled each
other out.
Students already knew the five schemes for the GC, so they knew what to look for. For
a better comparison between the two artefacts it would have been better to pay the same
amount of attention to both. Another option was to compare test results of two groups of
students who only learned to work with one of the two artefacts, which might have reduced
the effects of prior knowledge of the other artefact.
Another limitation was that the main researcher was not able to record the videos of the
tests himself because of practical reasons. Colleagues who were asked to do this, caused some
irregularities like forgetting to ask the GGB-students to think aloud, or like giving the GGB-
students minor hints. Whereas the first problem only caused the coding to be more difficult,
the latter could have improved GGB-scores. This was not regarded as a major problem
because the students already had an idea of what they wanted to do, and they had only
forgotten where to find the corresponding button. This was due to the short time span of the
experiment. When it would have been practically possible to take more time for students to
learn GeoGebra more thoroughly, this would have been less an issue.
Another problem was the duration of the test. Due to practical issues, it was not possible
to make the test last longer than 30 minutes. Even after reducing the size of the test, many
weaker students could not finish it. If also weaker students would have been able to finish it, it
was more likely that significant differences for question 4 would be found.
Further Research
Suggestions for further research are numerous. Here students were already acquainted
with the graphing calculator, so it would be interesting to research how well students perform
when they only know GeoGebra. Or what will the outcome of this study be if it would be
completely reversed? A study that first learns students to work with GeoGebra and then
introduces the graphing calculator for one lesson, may have an interesting different outcome.
Also, it would be interesting to examine effects in the long run. Results in this study
show that it matters how much time students spend with GeoGebra before formulating how
you think of it. This might also influence results.
Other suggestions could be a more in-depth research on understanding. An example
could be a question that askes students to finish a graph of a fifth-degree function of which
only the start and three extreme values are drawn. Does the student understand that an odd-
degree function will increase or decrease just as it started, and that therefore one extra
extremum must be drawn? This would work best if students have learned to work with only
one of the two artefacts and make this test without it, in order to see differences in general
In summary, we can say that GeoGebra offers a lot of potential. It would be most
interesting to develop pilot programs to test whether these results still hold for student groups
without prior knowledge of the graphing calculator. We hope that policy makers, schools and
teachers are challenged to take this exciting step into the future.
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Appendix A - Instruction form teacher lesson 1
Instructieformulier Les 1
Herhalingsles GR
De eerste les bestaat uit het herhalen van hoe een vijftal opdrachten grafisch-numeriek
opgelost kan worden met de GR. Het gaat om het berekenen van functiewaarden,
nulpunten, minima, maxima en snijpunten. Daarnaast moet een leerling behendig zijn in het
instellingen van juiste window-instellingen.
-Opgaveblad GR
-Invulblad GR
-Antwoordenblad GR
Voordat de leerlingen aan het werk gaan is het uiteraard belangrijk dat er iets verteld wordt
over het onderzoek. Leidt het dus in door dingen te vertellen als
-dat het doel van het onderzoek is om het gebruik van GeoGebra te testen als eventuele
vervanger van de grafische rekenmachine
-hoeveel lessen het in beslag gaat nemen
-dat er (een) onderzoeker(s) langs komt
-dat leerlingen een GR- of GGB-toetsje gaan maken
-dat er van de toets van een paar leerlingen die dit geen probleem vinden filmbeelden
opgenomen worden
-dat ze een vragenlijst mogen invullen over hun voorkeur.
Na de inleiding van het onderzoek bespreek je het doel van de eerste les. Wijs de leerlingen
hierbij op het voorblad en merk op
-dat de nadruk van de les ligt op het instellen van het window en de vijf functies van het
CALC (TI) of G-Solv (Casio) menu
-dat leerlingen zelfstandig of in tweetallen door het opgaveblad mogen werken
-dat het goed is dat leerlingen zichzelf aanwennen om de invoer, gebruikte functie, oplossing
en (eventueel) conclusie (zie schema) op te schrijven (hiermee worden de uiteindelijke
toetsresultaten ook inzichtelijker)
-dat ze werken op een invulblad die na afloop worden ingenomen (naam erop)
-dat leerlingen een antwoordenblad voorin de klas mogen pakken als ze klaar zijn
-dat vraag 13 de laatste vraag is, dat ze hierna kunnen nakijken en daarna de extra opgave
mogen proberen.
Ondersteunen - 25 tot 30 minuten
Licht tien minuten voor het einde van het lesuur toe wat er de volgende les staat te
gebeuren. Zodra je hiermee klaar bent kunnen de leerlingen (eventueel) nog doorwerken tot
de bel.
-Vertel de leerlingen dat het doel van de volgende les is om de vijf soorten grafische
berekeningen met GeoGebra uit te voeren.
-Laat zien hoe de leerling GeoGebra opent en laat ze alvast een zien hoe je de nulpunten van
bijvoorbeeld 𝑦 = −𝑥 2 + 3 kunt bepalen.
-Laat zien wanneer de balk van de examenversie van GGB rood wordt en instrueer de
leerlingen om geen andere dingen te doen, zodat de balk blauw blijft.
-Vertel waar de volgende les plaatsvindt (computerlokaal?) .
-Laat de leerlingen alvast tweetallen vormen zodat ze elkaar de volgende les direct kunnen
-Vraag twee leerlingen die samenwerken en zich er niet voor schamen hun mening te geven
toestemming voor nader onderzoek. Dit houdt in dat de onderzoeker de volgende les samen
zit met dit tweetal en hen nauwkeurig observeert, en dat ze tijdens het maken van de toets
gefilmd zullen worden.
Na vraag 13 zijn leerlingen klaar. Ze kunnen dan een antwoordenblad voorin de klas pakken
om de opdrachten na te kijken. Indien ze voortijdig klaar zijn kunnen ze de extra opgave
proberen. Indien leerlingen het niet afkrijgen leveren ze het invulblad toch in.
Instructieformulier Les 2
Introductieles GeoGebra
De tweede les bestaat uit het kennis maken met GeoGebra(GGB). Ook met GGB leren de
leerlingen een vijftal opdrachten grafisch-numeriek op te lossen. Het gaat om het berekenen
van functiewaarden, nulpunten, minima, maxima en snijpunten. Daarnaast moet een
leerling behendig zijn in het instellingen van juiste window-instellingen. Dit kan door
scrollen, het beeld slepen en de assen slepen.
-Opgaveblad GGB
-Invulblad GGB
-Antwoordenblad GGB
Introductie - 10 minuten
Laat de leerlingen zelfstandig (in tweetallen) werken. Ze mogen in hun eigen tempo aan de
opgaven werken.
Leg na een minuut of tien de hele klas stil om een aantal dingen te bespreken. Laat de input
van de leerlingen komen. Vraag ze naar voren om het ze te laten demonstreren. Bespreek in
ieder geval het volgende
-Indien leerlingen klaar zijn kunnen ze eerst een antwoordenblad voorin de klas
pakken om opgave 1 t/m 4 na te kijken. Daarna kunnen ze werken aan de
bonusopgaven 5 t/m 9 (als leerlingen niet aan deze opgave toekomen, of als ze hem
juist heel goed maken is dat ook interessant voor het onderzoek, vertel dit).
Vertel de leerlingen waar de volgende les plaatsvindt en dat ze daar ter plekke horen of ze
de toets gaan maken met de GR of met GGB.
Instructieformulier Les 3
Toets en vragenlijst
-Toets GR
-Toets GGB
-Vragenlijst leerlingen
-Toetspapier van de school
Toets - 30 minuten
Haal de toetsblaadjes op en deel direct de vragenlijsten uit. Zorg ervoor dat het stil blijft tot
na het invullen van de vragenlijst.
Rol van de leerling
Leerlingen maken de toets en vullen daarna de vragenlijst is. Eén leerling wordt gefilmd in
het lokaal (GR) en één leerling wordt gefilmd in een ander lokaal (GGB), zie volgende alinea.
De onderzoeker stemt met de docent af waar de leerlingen zullen gaan zitten. Samen
installeren ze een camera, die de onderzoeker heeft meegenomen in het lokaal, gericht op
een tafel. Eén leerling van het tweetal die door de onderzoeker nauwgezet is geobserveerd
in les 2 maakt hier de toets met de GR. Hij wordt gevraagd, steeds voordat hij op graph klikt,
zijn invoer nadrukkelijk aan de camera te tonen. Daarnaast wordt een camera geïnstalleerd
in aparte ruimte waar de andere leerling van het specifieke tweetal zal zitten om zijn toets
met GeoGebra te maken. De onderzoeker zal hierbij zitten en steeds aan de leerling vragen
zijn gedachten hardop uit te spreken.
Dit schooljaar heb je kennis gemaakt met de grafische rekenmachine (GR). Tijdens deze les
fris je je geheugen hiervan op. We behandelen het instellen van het venster (window) en vijf
opdrachten, die je kunt uitvoeren met eerste vijf functies uit het CALC-menu. Grijs
gemarkeerde woorden zijn knoppen op de GR en dikgedrukte woorden zijn de verschillende
opdrachten die we behandelen.
Bij de opdracht ‘Bereken …’ mag je de GR gebruiken. Het is hierbij wel van belang dat je niet
zomaar het antwoord opschrijft, maar goed aangeeft hoe je hebt gewerkt. Noteer altijd in
ieder geval de volgende vier zaken.
Lees goed en beantwoord de genummerde vragen met een nette uitwerking in je schrift.
Veel succes!
Juiste window instellen / functiewaarden berekenen
1. Bereken 𝑓(−1) algebraïsch en controleer je antwoord met de optie value. Schrijf je berekeningen
op het invulblad.
2. Bereken 𝑓(5 ) met de functie value.
3. Bereken 𝑓(−84) met de functie value.
Om met value een 𝑦-waarde te kunnen berekenen, moet de betreffende 𝑥-waarde wel in beeld
zijn. In het WINDOW-menu kun je de grootste en kleinste waarden van je assenstelsel
veranderen. Pas indien nodig dus 𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 of 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 aan.
Waarschijnlijk is het je opgevallen dat oplossingen buiten 𝑌𝑚𝑖𝑛 en 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥 wel worden gegeven, ook
al vallen ze buiten beeld. Ondanks dat is het vaak handig dat je de grafiek mooi “in beeld” krijgt.
De grafische rekenmachine heeft een handige optie om de waarden voor 𝑌𝑚𝑖𝑛 en 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥
automatisch aan te passen aan de 𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 en 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 van de ingevoerde formules. In het ZOOM-menu
vind je 0 : ZoomFit.
4. Neem X min = −100 en X max = 100. Gebruik ZoomFit en wacht tot de grafiek getekend is. Geef
Ymin en Ymax .
In het ZOOM-menu kun je met 6 : ZStandard snel je window-instellingen terug zetten naar 𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
−10, 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 10, 𝑌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = −10 en 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 10.
Om de snijpunten met de x-as (nulpunten) te bepalen wordt de tweede functie, genaamd zero,
van het CALC-menu gebruikt. Deze functie geeft de x- en y-coördinaat van dit nulpunt. Uiteraard is
de y-waarde hierbij altijd gelijk aan 0, omdat de hoogte altijd 0 is.
Om de functie zero goed te gebruiken, moet je de GR een beetje helpen met zoeken. Geef eerst
een linker- en rechtergrens (left/right bound) door (twee keer) op enter te drukken. Binnen deze
grenzen zoekt de GR naar een snijpunt met de x-as. Als laatste geef je een gokje (guess) door je
cursor naar het dichtstbijzijnde punt te verplaatsen en op enter te drukken. Dit gokje is alleen
belangrijk als er binnen je twee grenzen meerdere nulpunten te vinden zijn. Je GR geeft de
oplossing die het dichtst bij je gokje in de buurt zit.
De GR kan ook de coördinaten van plaatselijk hoogste en laagste punten berekenen. Deze worden
ook wel extreme waarden, minima/maxima of toppen genoemd.
Om de waarden van toppen te berekenen kunnen de functies minimum en maximum uit het
CALC-menu gebruikt worden. Deze gebruik je net als zero, door eerst een linker- en rechtergrens
te bepalen waarbinnen de GR naar een top zoekt en door de cursor zo dicht mogelijk naar de
betreffende top te brengen en als op enter te drukken (het gokje).
7. Schets de grafiek. Gebruik 𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 = −10, 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 10, 𝑌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = −10 en 𝑌𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 10.
Je hebt een grafiek met twee extreme waarden geschetst. Toch heeft deze grafiek nog een derde
8. Bereken alle extreme waarden van 𝑞 in twee decimalen nauwkeurig. Neem 𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 = −16, 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
10 en gebruik ZoomFit. Zorg ervoor dat je functie 𝑝 niet mee laat plotten door het =-teken, dat
voor de invoer van deze functie in het ‘𝑦 = ’ menu staat, uit te schakelen.
Hier is sprake van een regelmaat. In de formule van 𝑝 is 3 het grootste getal als exponent bij
grondtal 𝑥. We noemen 𝑝 een derdegraadsfunctie en deze functie heeft 2 extreme waarden. De
functie 𝑞 is een vierdegraadsfunctie en deze heeft 3 extreme waarden. Aan de graad (hoogste
exponent) van een functie kun je direct aflezen hoeveel extreme waarden die functie maximaal
Met de functie intersect kan de GR snijpunten van grafieken bepalen. Een aantal soorten vragen
kunnen zich voordoen. Steeds probeer je eerst zelf een antwoord op de vraag te vinden. Daarna
kun je de uitleg lezen die erna komt.
12.Bereken in één decimaal nauwkeurig de 𝑥-waarden waarvoor de hoogte van 𝑝 gelijk is aan 3.
Ook bij vragen van deze soort gebruik je intersect. De grafiek waarvan je de snijpunten met 𝑝 wilt
bepalen is dan een lijn met hoogte 3. Deze lijn kun je plotten door 𝑦 = 3 in te voeren.
13.De functies 𝑝 en 𝑞 hebben vier snijpunten. Bepaal de coördinaten van het meest linker snijpunt,
indien je bij vraag 10 geen vier snijpunten gevonden hebt. Rond af op één decimaal.
In sommige gevallen liggen niet alle snijpunten in het standaard scherm van de grafische
rekenmachine. Omdat 𝑥 4 sneller groeit dan 𝑥 3 als 𝑥 steeds negatiever wordt, valt er aan de
linkerkant nog een snijpunt van 𝑝 en 𝑞 buiten beeld. Pas hierom eerst 𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 aan en gebruik
eventueel ZoomFit. De GR vindt snijpunten dus alleen als ze binnen 𝑋𝑚𝑖𝑛 en 𝑋𝑚𝑎𝑥 liggen.
Extra. Plot 𝑦1 = 2𝑥 en 𝑦2 = 𝑥 4 in het standaardscherm. Je ziet twee snijpunten. Toch is er een derde
snijpunt. Probeer dit snijpunt op je scherm te krijgen en geef de coördinaten. Welke functie groeit
“op den duur” het snelst?
Appendix E - Assessment form lesson 1 (Casio) - first page
Dit schooljaar heb je kennis gemaakt met de grafische rekenmachine (GR). Tijdens deze les
fris je je geheugen hiervan op. We behandelen het instellen van het venster (window) en vijf
opdrachten, die je kunt uitvoeren in G-Solv menu. Grijs gemarkeerde woorden zijn knoppen
op de GR en dikgedrukte woorden zijn de verschillende opdrachten die we behandelen.
Bij de opdracht ‘Bereken …’ mag je de GR gebruiken. Het is hierbij wel van belang dat je niet
zomaar het antwoord opschrijft, maar goed aangeeft hoe je hebt gewerkt. Noteer altijd in
ieder geval de volgende vier zaken.
Veel succes!
Appendix F - Assessment form lesson 2 (TI)
Dit schooljaar heb je kennis gemaakt met de grafische rekenmachine (GR). Je hebt in het
CALC menu vijf verschillende functies leren gebruiken. Dit zijn value, zero, minimum,
maximum en intersect. Vandaag ga je werken met GeoGebra. Misschien heb je dit
programma al wel eens gebruikt om vlakke figuren mee te tekenen of andere meetkundige
opdrachten mee uit te voeren. Met GeoGebra kun je ook functievoorschriften invoeren en
daarmee kan je dezelfde opdrachten uitvoeren als op de GR. In deze les ga je samen met je
docent en je klasgenoten kennismaken met deze functies van GeoGebra (GGB). Net als met
de GR heb je met GGB soms meerdere mogelijkheden om dezelfde opdracht uit te voeren.
Deze mogelijkheden staan tussen haakjes. Je mag dan kiezen welke methode je fijner vindt.
Ook bij het gebruik van GGB is het belangrijk dat je aangeeft hoe je te werk bent gegaan. Bij
de opdracht ‘Bereken …’ mag je de GGB gebruiken. Noteer altijd in ieder geval de volgende
vier zaken. De voorbeeldvraag is: Bereken het minimum van 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 + 1.
Lees goed en beantwoord de genummerde vragen met een nette uitwerking in je schrift.
Veel succes!
Juiste window instellen / functiewaarden berekenen
1. Bereken met behulp van GeoGebra 𝑓(−2), 𝑓(0), 𝑓(1), 𝑓(2), 𝑓(5) en 𝑓(8).
Probeer het ook eens met de functieonderzoeker.
Nulpunten berekenen
2. Bereken met behulp van GeoGebra de nulpunten van 𝑔. Rond af op drie decimalen.
Extreme waarden berekenen
3. Bereken met behulp van GeoGebra de extreme waarden van ℎ. Rond af op twee decimalen.
Snijpunten berekenen
4. Vind met behulp van GeoGebra de waarden van 𝑥 waarvoor geldt dat 𝑔(𝑥) < ℎ(𝑥). Rond af op
één decimaal.
Let op dat GeoGebra niet altijd alle oplossingen vindt. Bij veeltermfuncties zoals 𝑓, 𝑔 en ℎ,
waarbij de 𝑥 steeds als een grondtal van een macht voorkomt vindt GeoGebra wel alle
oplossingen, maar voor ander soort functies zoals die van 𝑝 in de volgende vraag geldt dit niet.
Vind dan de snijpunten door ze in beeld te brengen en zelf een snijpunt te creëren.
Gegeven zijn de functies 𝑝 en 𝑞 met 𝑝(𝑥) = 2𝑥 en 𝑞(𝑥) = 𝑥 𝑏 met 𝑏 een geheel getal groter dan
1. Voor 𝑏 = 2 geldt bijvoorbeeld 𝑞 = 𝑥 2 .
Rond bij het maken van de volgende opgaven zo nodig af op twee decimalen.
5. Vind met behulp van GeoGebra de coördinaten van alle snijpunten van 𝑝 en 𝑞 met 𝑏 = 2.
6. Vind met behulp van GeoGebra de coördinaten van alle snijpunten van 𝑝 en 𝑞 met 𝑏 = 3.
7. Voor 𝑏 = 7 geldt 𝑞(𝑥) = 𝑥 7 . Hoeveel snijpunten vermoed je dat 𝑝 en 𝑞 hebben in dit geval
8. Stel een vermoeden op over het aantal snijpunten van 𝑝 en 𝑞 voor verschillende 𝑏.
9. Geef de grootste waarde van 𝑏 waarvoor je alle snijpunten van 𝑝 en 𝑞 in GeoGebra
redelijkerwijs in beeld kunt brengen.
Appendix G - Answer sheet lesson 1 – first page
Invulblad Les 1 – GR
Nulpunten berekenen
Appendix H - Test GC
Appendix I - Test GGB
Appendix J - Questionnaire
Appendix K - Observation instrument - first page
Observation instrument
Datum:__19-05-2017____________ Observator:__Wesley_______________________________