Agency Brief
Agency Brief
Agency Brief
AKAH merges the disaster management capabilities of Focus Humanitarian Assistance with the
planning and construction expertise of the award-winning Aga Khan Planning and Building Services.
AKAH also incorporates the role of the Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Fund for the Environment,
dedicated to finding practical solutions to environmental problems and fostering climate-sensitive,
sustainable development. Priority areas for engagement are Central and South Asia.
The cities and high mountain communities of Tajikistan are vulnerable to significant seismic risks, as
well as to frequent disruptive natural disasters such as landslides, mudflows, flooding, avalanches and
heavy snowfall. Tajikistan has a history of severe flooding and earthquakes, causing significant socio-
economic impact. The World Bank estimates that from 1992-2016, natural disasters affected 7 million
people, and caused economic losses totalling US$1.8billion. Natural disasters take the heaviest toll on
communities living in developing countries. In addition to threatening lives and livelihoods, the
reoccurring damage to homes and depletion of assets perpetuates the cycle of poverty.
Tajikistan’s mountainous terrain and the geological and hydrological features of the landscape leave
the country exposed to significant climate change risks, increasing the regularity and intensity of
natural disasters and exacerbating their impact of these disasters on communities, as well as resulting
in changing weather patterns which affects their livelihoods.
AKAH aims to address the increasing threat posed by natural disasters in Tajikistan, and works to
identify communities most at risk, ensure that vulnerable people live in physical settings that are as
safe as possible from the effects of natural disasters; that communities who live in high-risk areas are
able to cope with disasters in terms of preparedness and response; and that these settings provide
access to social and financial services that lead to greater opportunity and a better quality of life.
In addition to investing in disaster risk reduction and building community and institutional resilience
to both sudden and slow onset disasters, AKAH simultaneous facilitates the process of long-term
development by working on service delivery and facilitating access to opportunities. AKAH also
works to ensure that investments in development and infrastructure are safe, resilient and sustainable,
and not at risk of being washed away by natural disasters.
Based on the data and analysis from these assessments, AKAH then works to reduce the physical risks
facing communities, through structural mitigation projects, such as avalanche terracing and gabion
walls to prevent flooding. To date, AKAH has created Hazard and Vulnerability Maps for over 450
settlements in the mountainous areas of Tajikistan, ensuring that over 140 thousand people have a
better understanding of their hazard risk profile. In addition, working in close coordination with local
Government and the local community, AKAH has built over 100 mitigation projects to protect people
living in areas most at risk of natural hazards. As a result of AKAH’s structural mitigation work, the
physical risks of natural hazards have been reduced for 1000 households living in some of the most at
risk environments of Tajikistan.
AKAH also works on service delivery as safe water and sanitation programmes, reaching over 200
thousand individuals, reducing the risks of water borne diseases, and improving the health of the
community. AKAH also works on the construction of resilient facilities such as Early Childhood
Centres or Medical Centres, such as the flagship Aga Khan Medical Centre in Khorog.
To expand opportunity, AKAH works to ensure that communities have access to education, healthcare
and markets, through facilitating access by building pedestrian or road bridges, or by working to
provide road clearing equipment, when remote and mountainous areas are left isolated for many
months by winter snowfall or flooding.