Accuracy Assessment of Land Use/Land Cover Classification Using Remote Sensing and GIS

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International Journal of Geosciences, 2017, 8, 611-622
ISSN Online: 2156-8367
ISSN Print: 2156-8359

Accuracy Assessment of Land Use/Land Cover

Classification Using Remote Sensing and GIS

Sophia S. Rwanga1,2*, J. M. Ndambuki3

Department of Civil Engineering, Tshwane University Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
Department of Civil Engineering, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
Department of Civil Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa

How to cite this paper: Rwanga, S.S. and Abstract

Ndambuki, J.M. (2017) Accuracy Assess-
ment of Land Use/Land Cover Classifica- Remote sensing is one of the tool which is very important for the production
tion Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Inter- of Land use and land cover maps through a process called image classification.
national Journal of Geosciences, 8, 611-622.
For the image classification process to be successfully, several factors should
be considered including availability of quality Landsat imagery and secondary
Received: February 14, 2017 data, a precise classification process and user’s experiences and expertise of
Accepted: April 27, 2017 the procedures. The objective of this research was to classify and map
Published: April 30, 2017
land-use/land-cover of the study area using remote sensing and Geospatial
Copyright © 2017 by authors and Information System (GIS) techniques. This research includes two sections (1)
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. Landuse/Landcover (LULC) classification and (2) accuracy assessment. In this
This work is licensed under the Creative
study supervised classification was performed using Non Parametric Rule.
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0). The major LULC classified were agriculture (65.0%), water body (4.0%), and built up areas (18.3%), mixed forest (5.2%), shrubs (7.0%), and Barren/bare
Open Access land (0.5%). The study had an overall classification accuracy of 81.7% and
kappa coefficient (K) of 0.722. The kappa coefficient is rated as substantial
and hence the classified image found to be fit for further research. This study
present essential source of information whereby planners and decision makers
can use to sustainably plan the environment.

Accuracy assessment, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Land Use Land
Cover (LULC), Remote Sensing

1. Introduction
Land use and land cover information is required for policy making, business and
administrative purposes. With their spatial details, the data are likewise crucial
for environmental protection and spatial planning. Landuse classification is vital

DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2017.84033 April 30, 2017

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

because it gives data which can be used as input for modeling, especially the one
dealing with environment, for instance models deals with climate change and
policies developments [1]. Hence the combined LULC grant a comprehensive
means of understanding the interaction of geo-biophysical, socioeconomic sys-
tems behaviors and interactions [2]. To provide more useful information in land
cover, Remote Sensing is often paired with Geographic Information System
(GIS) technique.
Remote sensing is the main source for several kinds of thematic data critical to
GIS analyses, including data on landuse and landcover characteristics. Aerial and
Landsat satellite images are also frequently used to evaluate land cover distribu-
tion and to update existing geospatial features. With the introduction of remote
sensing systems and image processing software, the importance of remote sens-
ing in Geospatial Information System (GIS) has expanded significantly [3]. The
accelerated usage of remote sensing data and techniques has made geospatial
process faster and powerful, although the increased complexity also creates in-
creased possibilities for error [4]. Previously, accuracy assessment was not a
priority in image classification studies. However, because of the accelerated
chances for error presented by digital imagery, accuracy assessment has become
a very vital process [5].
Accuracy assessment or validation is a significant step in the processing of
remote sensing data. It establishes the information value of the resulting data to
a user. Productive utilization of geodata is only possible if the quality of the data
is known. The overall accuracy of the classified image compares how each of the
pixels is classified versus the definite land cover conditions obtained from their
corresponding ground truth data. Producer’s accuracy measures errors of omis-
sion, which is a measure of how well real-world land cover types can be classi-
fied. User’s accuracy measures errors of commission, which represents the like-
lihood of a classified pixel matching the land cover type of its corresponding
real-world location [5] [6] [7]. The error matrix and kappa coefficient have be-
come a standard means of assessment of image classification accuracy. Moreo-
ver, Error matrix have been used in numerous land classification studies and
were a crucial component of this research.
The objective of this research was to classify and map land-use/land-cover of
the study area using remote sensing and Geospatial Information System (GIS)
techniques and to carry out accuracy assessment in order to find out how well
the classification procedures was undertaken and also to understand how to in-
terpret the usefulness of the classification.

Study Area
The study area map was prepared from Limpopo province map. The area falls
under latitude 23˚0'31.0956"S, 29˚30'48.5697"E and longitude 24˚2'48.3007"S and
29˚32'16.9088"E. The total study area is 7138 km2. The rainfall (average) ranges
from 290.565 mm to 1410.24 mm. The study area is shown in Figure 1.

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

Figure 1. Study area map.

2. Materials and Methods

This paper covers two sections: 1) Landuse/Landcover (LULC) classification and
2) accuracy assessment. The landuse/cover classification of the study area and
accuracy assessment were carried out as per the methodology presented in Fig-
ure 2.

Landuse/Landcover Classification
Image Pre-Processing
Classification process and analysis of the different LULC classes were done using
two Landsat satellite images covering the Landsat 8 OLI/TIS acquired on 16
September 2015. These images includes; L8 OLI/TIRS (path 170, rows 68) and
L8 OLI/TIRS (path 170, rows 77) (Table 1). The Landsat images were down-
loaded from United States Geological (USGS) Earth Explorer
( The selection of the Landsat satellite images
dates was influenced by the quality of the image especially for those with limited
or low cloud cover. Each Landsat was georeferenced to the WGS_84 datum and
Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 35 North coordinate system.
An intensive pre-processing such as geo-referencing, mosaic, and layer-

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

Figure 2. Schematic of work flow for LULC and accuracy assessment.

Table 1. Details of Landsat 8 OLI/TIS used for classification.

Grid cell
Satellite Sensor _ID Path/row Layers Date of acquisition
size (m)

LC81700762015259LGN00 170/77
Landsat 8 OLI/TIS 11 16 September 2015 30
LC81700762015259LGN00 170/68

stacking were carried out in order to Ortho-rectify the satellite images. The im-
age was then processed in ERDAS IMAGINE 2015 software. The satellite image
of each band was stacked in ERDAS Hexagon within interpreter main icon utili-
ties with layer stacked function. Then, from the stacked satellite image the study
area image was extracted by clipping the study area using ArcGIS 10.3 software.

Landuse/Landcover (LULC) Classification: Supervised

For this study, only supervised classification was performed. Supervised classifi-
cation according to [8] is where “the user develops the spectral signatures of
known categories, such as urban and forest, and then the software assigns each
pixel in the image to the cover type to which its signature is most comparable”.
“Supervised classification is the process most frequently used for quantitative
analyses of remote sensing image data” [9]. The supervised classification was ap-
plied after defined area of interest (AOI) which is called training classes. More
than one training area was used to represent a particular class. The training sites
were selected in agreement with the Landsat Image, Google Earth and Google
Map (Figure 3). The basic sequence operation followed on supervised classifica-
tion was;
• Defining of Training Sites: The first step in undertaking a supervised classifi-

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

cation is to define the areas that will be used as training sites for each land
cover class. This is usually done by using the on-screen digitized features.
The created features are called Area of Interest (AOI).The selection of the
training sites was based on those areas clearly identified in all sources of im-
ages. In this study, one hundreds training sites were been identified.
• Extraction of Signatures: After the training site (AOI) being digitized, the
next step was to create statistical characterizations of each information. These
are called Signatures editors in ERDAS Imagine 2015. In this step, the goal
was to create a signal (SIG) file for every informational class. The SIG files
contain a variety of information about the land cover classes described. After
the entire signature have been created, then the SIG file saved as dialog
(Table 2).
• Classification of the Image (Supervised classification): The supervised classi-
fication has been applied after defined training classes. One or more than one
training area was used to represent a particular class. During the supervised
classification process, the entire Signature editor was selected in order to be
used on the classification process. Then the classify was selected from the

Figure 3. Identification of training sites using Landsat image (Erdas Imagine 2015), Google earth and Google map.

Table 2. Signature editor table for classified image.

Class # Signature name Color Red Green Blue Value Order Count Prob.

1 Mixed forest 0.000 0.392 0.000 8 166 1267 1.000

2 Barren/bare land 0.824 0.706 0.549 3 168 87 1.000

3 Shrubs 0.101 0.899 0.730 6 169 50 1.000

4 Agricultures 0.000 1.000 0.000 10 171 78377 1.000

5 Built up area 0.698 0.528 0.581 2 173 4628 1.000

6 Water body 0.000 0.000 1.000 1 174 5524 1.000

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

Figure 4. Classified map of study area.

Table 3. Landcover classification scheme.

Land cover Description

Water body Lakes, reservoirs, stream, rivers, swamps

Land covered by buildings and other man-made structures. Residential,

Built up areas
commercial services, industrial area, mixed urban or built up lands

Lands with exposed soil, sand or rocks, and never has more than 10% vegetated
cover during any time of the year. Bare ground, bare exposed rocks, strip mines,
quarries and gravel pits

Lands with woody vegetation less than 2 meters tall. The shrub foliage can be
either evergreen or deciduous

Lands dominated by trees with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2
Mixed forest
meters, Deciduous forest land and evergreen forest land

Lands covered with temporary crops followed by harvest period, Crop fields and

Editor Menu bar, classify/supervised. Non Parametric Rule was used in this
classification. The Image was classified into six classes namely; Waterbody,
Built up areas, Barren/bare land, shrubs, Mixed forest and Agriculture (Table

Classification Results and Discussion

Supervised classification was carried out at study area. The area of each class was
calculated taking into account the pixel count and total area (study area). Thus
allocations of each classified area, (percentage) are tabulated in Table 4. The
percentage of areas as classified are; Agriculture (65.0%), water body (4.0%),
built up areas (18.3%), mixed forest (5.2%), shrubs (7.0%), and Barren/bare land

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

(0.5%) (See Figure 5). Agriculture was found to be the dominant type of Land
use classified which covers about 65.0% of the total study area, followed by
Built-up areas while the least classified was Barren/bare land which accounts for
0.5%. During the classification, among the water body classified were rivers
(sand river and Houtriver).

3. Classification Accuracy Assessment

One of the most important final step at classification process is accuracy assess-
ment. The aim of accuracy assessment is to quantitatively assess how effectively
the pixels were sampled into the correct land cover classes. Moreover the key
emphasis for accuracy assessment pixel selection was on areas that could be
clearly identified on both Landsat high resolution image, Google earth and
Google Map. A total of 307 points (locations) were created in the classified im-
age of the study area. The Accuracy Assessment Cell Array Reference column
was filled according to the best guess of each reference point. Hydrogeological

Table 4. Classified area under different Landuse classes in study area.

Land Cover Area in km2 Percentage (%)

Classes area

Water Body 283 4.0

Built up areas 1309 18.3

Barren/bare land 37 0.5

Shrubs 499 7.0

Mixed forest 372 5.2

Agriculture 4638 65.0

Total 7138

Figure 5. Pie chart showing distribution of classified area in percentage.

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

Figure 6. Landsat (classified) image of the study area covered with 307 points from random sampling.

Table 5. Theoretical error matrix of LULC classification.

Water Built up Barren/bare Mixed

S. No Classified Shrubs Agriculture Total Correct sampled
body areas land forest

1 Water body 20 3 3 0 0 1 27 20

2 Built up areas 2 61 23 1 3 2 92 61

3 Barren/bare land 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 12
4 Shrubs 0 2 4 25 0 3 34 25
5 Mixed forest 0 0 3 2 31 1 37 31
6 Agriculture 1 1 0 0 1 102 105 102
Total 23 67 45 28 35 109 307 251

map series of the republic of South Africa, Topographic map, Google earth and
Google Map were used as reference source to classify the selected points.
Table 5 shows the relationship between ground truth data and the corres-
ponding classified data obtained through error matrix report.
The overall classification accuracy = No. of correct points/total number of
= = 81.7% .
Table 5 shows a theoretical confusion matrix (error matrix) of a LULC classi-
fication. The columns of the confusion matrix show to which classes the pixels is
in the validation set belong (ground truth) and the rows show to which classes
the image pixels have been assigned to in the image. The diagonal show the pix-
els that are classified correctly. Pixels that are not assigned to the proper class do
not occur in the diagonal and give an indication of the confusion between the
different land-cover classes in the class assignment.
Furthermore, the off-diagonal elements in the rows of the confusion matrix,
divided by the total number of pixels assigned to the landsat image class corres-

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

ponding to the row, represent the commission errors and describe the confusion
between that image class and describes the other land-cover classes. The com-
mission errors describe the chance that a pixel that has been assigned to a par-
ticular class actually belongs to one of the other classes.
Moreover, this study considered other metrics derived from the error matrix
to further describe accuracy assessments including; commission and omission
error, sensitivity and specificity, positive and negative predictive power and
Kappa statistics. For thorough information of these concepts, refer to [10] and
In this research, various statistics related with classification accuracy as well as
overall Kappa statistic are computed based on [12] formulation as indicated be-
Sensitivity = ( equivalent to Producer's Accuracy )
Specificity =
Commision error = 1 − Specificity
Ommision error = 1 − Sensitivity
Positive Predictive Power = ( Equivalent to User's accuracy )
Negative Predictive Power =

a = number of times a classification agreed with the observed value
b = number of times a point was classified as X when it was observed to not be X.
c = number of times a point was not classified as X when it was observed to be X.
d = number of times a point was not classified as X when it was not observed
to be X. Total points = N = (a + b + c + d)
KAPPA analysis is a discrete multivariate technique used in accuracy assess-
ments [13]. KAPPA analysis yields a Khat statistic (an estimate of KAPPA) that
is a measure of agreement or accuracy [5]. The Khat statistic is computed as;

N ∑ i =1xii − ∑ i =1 ( xi + Xx+1 )
r r

N 2 − ∑ i =1 ( xii Xx+1 )

r = number of rows and columns in error matrix, N = total number of obser-
vations (pixels)
Xii = observation in row i and column i,
Xi+ = marginal total of row i, and X+i = marginal total of column i
A Kappa coefficient equal to 1 means perfect agreement where as a value close
to zero means that the agreement is no better than would be expected by chance.
As per [14] categorization of Kappa statistic is widely referenced which is re-
produced in Table 6.

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

Table 6. Rating criteria of Kappa statistics.

S.No Kappa statistics Strength of agreement

1 <0.00 Poor

2 0.00 - 0.20 Slight

3 0.21 - 0.40 Fair

4 0.41 - 0.60 Moderate

5 0.61 - 0.80 Substantial

6 0.81 - 1.00 Almost perfect

Table 7. Category wise accuracy assessment statistical parameters.

Observed proportion of Expected proportion of

Kappa coefficient (K)
agreements (Po) agreement (Pe)

0.9674 0.850 0.782

0.8795 0.613 0.689

0.8632 0.805 0.298

0.9609 0.818 0.785

0.9674 0.793 0.843

0.9707 0.547 0.935

Table 8. Category wise accuracy assessment statistical parameters.

Classified Data
Sensitivity Specificity Commission Error Omission Error UA PA

Water body 0.8696 0.97535 0.0246 0.1304 0.741 0.870

Built up areas 0.9104 0.87083 0.1292 0.0896 0.663 0.910

0.2667 0.96565 0.0344 0.7333 0.571 0.267

Shrubs 0.8929 0.96774 0.0323 0.1071 0.735 0.893

Mixed forest 0.8857 0.97794 0.0221 0.1143 0.838 0.886

Agriculture 0.9444 0.98492 0.0151 0.0556 0.971 0.936

Results and Discussion on Accuracy Assessments

Using the formulae furnished on section 3.0, various accuracy evaluating para-
meters were computed and tabulated in Table 7 and Table 8.
The results from accuracy assessment showed an overall accuracy obtained
from the random sampling process for the image of 81.7%. User’s accuracy
ranged from 57.1% to 97.1% while producer’s accuracy ranged from 26.7% to
93.6%. The broad range of accuracy indicates a severe confusion of Barren/bare
land with other land cover classes. Moreover, the measure of producer’s accura-
cy (Sensitivity) reflects the accuracy of prediction of the particular category. The
User’s accuracy reflects the reliability of the classification to the user. User’s ac-
curacy is the more relevant measure of the classification’s actual utility in the

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

field. Agriculture was found to be more reliable with 97.1% of user accuracy.
The commission error reflects the points which are included in the category
while they really do not belong to that category. For instance, the commission
error is highest in case of built - up areas which meant that more number of
points (31) which do not fall under this category are classified as built up areas.
Equally, the omission error reflects the number of points which are not included
in the category while they really belong to the category. The omission error in
case of Barren/bare land is more (0.7333) with 33 points which actually belong
to this category not being categorized in this class. In this study an overall Kappa
coefficient of 0.722 was obtained which is rated as substantial. Apart from over-
all classification accuracy, the above individualized parameters give a classifier a
more detailed description of model performance of the particular class or cate-
gory of his field of interest or study.

4. Conclusions
Remote sensing is very important for the production of Land Use / Land Cover
maps which can be done through a method called image classification. This me-
thod had made huge improvements over the past decades in the following four
areas for example; LULC maps production at any scale, improvement and use of
advanced classification process such as pre field and sub pixel, classification
procedures using knowledge base process and incorporation of auxiliary data
into classification procedures; such data includes, digital elevation model
(DEM), road, soil, landuse and census data. Moreover classifying landsat image-
ries in order to obtain accurate and reliable LULC information still remains a
challenge that depend on several factors for example the imageries selected,
landscape complexity, image processing techniques and classification process it-
The accelerated usage of remote sensing data and techniques has made geos-
patial process faster and powerful, although the increased complexity also
creates increased possibilities for error. The objective of this paper was to classify
and map land use - land cover (LULC) of the study area using Remote Sensing
and GIS techniques and also to carry out accuracy assessment in order to assess
how well a classification worked.
The supervised classification was performed using Non Parametric Rule. The
image was classified into six classes; Agriculture (4638 km2), water body (283
km2), built up areas (1309 km2), mixed forest (372 km2), shrubs (499 km2), and
Barren/bare land (37 km2). Agriculture was the dominant type of Landuse classi-
fied which covers about 65.0% of the total study.
In addition classified image need to be assessed for accuracy, before the same
could be used as input for any applications. Individual accuracy assessment pa-
rameters are useful to assess the model performance in respect of a particular
category/class of specific interest for the study. In this study, accuracy assess-
ment was performed using error matrix. The study had an overall classification
accuracy of 81.7% and kappa coefficient of 0.722. The kappa coefficient is rated

S. S. Rwanga, J. M. Ndambuki

as substantial and hence the classified image found to be fit for further research.

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