Fxvolume Tick Volume Vs Real Volume Study
Fxvolume Tick Volume Vs Real Volume Study
Fxvolume Tick Volume Vs Real Volume Study
Actual Volume vs. Price Updates Analysis EURUSD % of Daily Volume by Hour, month-on-month
/ n
^ Xi - X h^Yi - Y h
r= i=1
/ n
^ Xi - X h2 / n
^Yi - Y h2
EURCHF Trade Volume by Hour vs Tick Volume by Hour
The square of the coefficient (r2) is equal to the percentage of
the variation in X that is related to the variation in Y. An
It is clear from the results illustrated that there is a r value of 0.9683 tells us that 93.8% of the variance of tick
definite and constant correlation between trade volume volume in EURUSD is shared by trade volume.
in any hour and the number of tick updates within that
time. Readers will note from the above charts that trade From our analysis of these four currency pairs, we could
volume appears to outperform tick volume on a like-for- postulate that over 90% of movement in tick volume in any
like basis during peak hours; we attribute to the fact that currency pair is reflected in the movement of actual traded
the average ticket size is greater during these hours, as volume, ie. If tick volume is seen to be increasing, traded
shown below: volume will be increasing in a very similar manner.