Protective Effect of N-Acetylcysteine From Drug-Induced Ototoxicity in Uraemic Patients With CAPD Peritonitis
Protective Effect of N-Acetylcysteine From Drug-Induced Ototoxicity in Uraemic Patients With CAPD Peritonitis
Protective Effect of N-Acetylcysteine From Drug-Induced Ototoxicity in Uraemic Patients With CAPD Peritonitis
Bulent Tokgoz1, Cahit Ucar2, Ismail Kocyigit1, Mehmet Somdas3, Aydin Unal1, Alperen Vural3,
Murat Sipahioglu1, Oktay Oymak1 and Cengiz Utas1
Department of Nephrology, Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Erciyes
University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey and 3Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Erciyes University Medical Faculty,
Kayseri, Turkey
Correspondence and offprint requests to: Bulent Tokgoz; E-mail: [email protected]
from centre to centre, and it resulted in death in 3% of the phonuclear leucocytes. Patients with impaired tympanic membrane integ-
episodes in our cohort [6]. Many patients are hospitalized rity were excluded. Each patient was queried in terms of complaints such
as tinnitus, vertigo and dizziness, and their responses were recorded.
due to peritonitis and may have to stop receiving CAPD This is a prospective, randomized, controlled, open-label study. The
therapy [7]. According to the recommendations of the patients were randomly assigned to receive treatment for CAPD peritonitis
International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, as soon as a _
either with NAC (Asist; Bilim Ilac Sanayi Ticaret A.S., Istanbul, Turkey)
patient is diagnosed with peritonitis, cultures must be taken 600 mg twice daily (treatment group) or with treatment for CAPD peritonitis
alone (control group). After the patient was informed and consent for the
and empirical antibiotic therapy should be started without enrollment in the study was given he/she was requested to choose a sealed
delay [8–11]. Empirical therapy has to cover both Gram- envelope in which ‘NAC Group’ or ‘Control Group’ was written. Thus, the
positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. Each perito- groups were developed.
neal dialysis (PD) centre should determine which antibiotics Threshold values for hearing were identified through ‘pure-tone audio-
should be used in empirical therapy by being aware of the metry’ measurements with the AC 40 Audiometer (Interacoustics, Assens,
Denmark) using a standard technique of pure-tone air and bone conduction
efficacies and sensitivities of the microorganisms causing threshold measurements at frequencies of 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000,
peritonitis in its own patient population. Gram-positive or- 4000, 6000, 8000, 10 000, 12 000, 14 000 and 16 000 Hz in the Audiol-
ganisms may be covered by vancomycin or cephalosporin ogy Laboratory in the Otorhinolaryngology Department. Recordings of the
and Gram-negative organisms by a third-generation cepha- threshold hearing values obtained from the ear with lower hearing were
control group had no microorganisms. Table 3 summarizes Table 2. Underlying causes for ESRD
the causative microorganisms in the peritoneal fluid cultures.
When the treatment and the control groups were compared, NAC-treated Control group Total
Causes of ESRD group (n ¼ 30) (n ¼ 30) (n ¼ 60)
late follow-up test results of low- and high-frequency hearing
functions showed a statistically significant difference (Table 4). Diabetic nephropathy 9 (30%) 11 (36.7%) 20 (33.3%)
At the early follow-up, low-frequency (PTA-1) exami- Hypertension 6 (20%) 6 (20%) 12 (20%)
nation, three patients (10%) in the control group and one Glomerulonephritis 0 (0%) 2 (6.7%) 2 (3.3%)
patient (3.3%) in the NAC group, and in the high-frequency Polycystic kidney disease 1 (3.3%) 0 (0%) 1 (1.7%)
(PTA-2) examination, nine patients (30%) in the control Amyloidosis 3 (10%) 1 (3.3%) 4 (6.7%)
Others/unknown 11 (36.7%) 10 (33.3%) 21 (35%)
group and one patient (3.3%) in the NAC group fulfilled
the criteria for ototoxicity (P ¼ 0.11 and P ¼ 0.021,
respectively). At the late follow-up, low-frequency (PTA-1)
Table 3. Causative organisms isolated from peritoneal effluent fluida
examination, 15 patients (50%) in the control group and 1
patient (3.3%) in the NAC group, and in the high-frequency NAC-treated group Control group
(PTA-2) examination, 21 patients (70%) in the control group Microorganisms (n ¼ 30) (n ¼ 30)
and 1 patient (3.3%) in the NAC group fulfilled the criteria for
ototoxicity (P < 0.001). Gram positive
The mean change in PTA-1 at early follow-up was 3.16 Staphylococcus epidermidis 5 (16.6%) 4 (13.3%)
6.25 in the control group and 1.36 5.85 in the NAC- MSSA 4 (13.3%) 3 (10.0%)
MRSA 3 (10%) 4 (13.3%)
treated group (P ¼ 0.25), while in PTA-2 at early follow- CNS 5 (16.6%) 2 (6.7%)
up, it was 5.43 8.56 in the control group and 4.73 Enterococcus 0 (0%) 2 (6.7%)
7.40 in the NAC-treated group (P < 0.001). As for the Gram negative
mean change in PTA-1 at late follow-up, it was 12.76 Pseudomonas 3 (10%) 1 (3.3%)
E. coli 1 (3.3%) 2 (6.7%)
6.22 in the control group and 1.86 5.98 in the NAC-treated Others 1 (3.3%) 1 (3.3%)
group (P < 0.001). Finally, the mean change in PTA-2 Fungus 1 (3.3%) 0 (0%)
at late follow-up was 16.93 8.10 in the control group Culture negative 7 (23.3%) 11 (36.7%)
and 5.96 8.89 in the NAC-treated group (P < 0.001)
(Tables 5 and 6). MSSA, methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus; MRSA, methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus. aureus; CNS, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus.
There was no statistically significant difference between
the groups in terms of hearing functions at the beginning.
However, patients taking NAC had better hearing function
test results at the end of the fourth week after treatment Table 4. Early and late follow-up hearing levels between groups
compared with those of the control group (P < 0.05). There
Hearing function NAC-treated Control group
were no statistical differences between the baseline low- test (dB) group (n ¼ 30) (n ¼ 30) P
frequency hearing function tests and the first and the fourth
week’s low-frequency results tests in patients taking NAC. Early follow-up
The first and the fourth week’s low-frequency hearing PTA-1 28.8 6 12.0 27.6 6 14.1 0.71
functions worsened compared with the baseline low fre- PTA-2 44.0 6 14.9 43.8 6 19.2 0.95
quency tests in the control group (P < 0.001). It was seen Late follow-up
PTA-1 25.6 6 11.6 37.2 6 13.8 <0.05
that NAC had a protective effect against ototoxicity on PTA-2 42.8 6 14.7 55.3 6 17.1 <0.05
low-frequency (0.25–8 KHz) hearing functions. The comparison
4076 B. Tokgoz et al.
Table 5. Mean hearing loss at early and late follow-up In another study, the same researchers reported that
repeated intraperitoneal gentamicin administration
NAC group Control group increased the risk of ototoxicity [23].
(n ¼ 30) (n ¼ 30) P
Mars et al. [21] reported no hearing loss in the study in
Early follow-up
which they performed audiogram tests at the start of intra-
PTA-1 1.36 6 5.85 3.16 6 6.25 0.25 peritoneal aminoglycoside treatment (within the first 24 h of
PTA-2 4.73 6 7.40 5.43 6 8.56 <0.001 administration) and after the completion of therapy (within
Late follow-up 17 days on average) in patients with CAPD. This study was
PTA-1 1.86 6 5.98 12.76 6 6.22 <0.001 conducted on only six patients although it had a prospective
PTA-2 5.96 6 8.89 16.93 6 8.10 <0.001
design. Another study performed on 19 patients with CAPD
indicated that clinical ototoxicity occurred even if gentami-
Table 6. Number of patients who developed ototoxicity cin blood levels did not specifically increase after intraper-
itoneal administration [22].
NAC group Control group This study revealed that hearing loss was observed par-
(n ¼ 30) (n ¼ 30) P
ticularly at higher frequencies. Gendeh et al. [24] found
Fig. 2. Correlation between hearing loss and total antibiotics dosage in control groups.
[32]. Additionally, Sinswat and et al. [13] designed a cytometry method that cochlear cell death was reduced
study in guinea pigs and intraperitoneal coadministration with the addition of NAC at 72 h after the radiotherapy. It
of antioxidant therapy recovered intraperitoneal AG- was found that the use of NAC was safe and effective,
induced ototoxicity. and it reduced hearing loss in radiotherapy patients be-
In a study performed by Low et al. [33], radiation- cause of head–neck cancer. In another study performed
induced ototoxicity was evaluated in patients who were by Feghali et al., the protective effects of NAC on cis-
on radiotherapy because of head–neck cancer and it was platin-induced ototoxicity was evaluated. It was shown
found that NAC significantly reduced both cochlear cell that NAC was protective against both cisplatin-induced
apoptosis and the production of free oxygen radicals in damage to auditory neuronal cells and to auditory hair
the inner ear after the radiation. It was shown by the flow cells [15].
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metric tone frequencies [34]. gentamycin-mediated nephropathy in rats. Eur J Pharmacol 2001;
In conclusion, our data suggest that NAC may be used as 424: 75–83
a cheap, effective and safe drug for the prevention of AG 17. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Guidelines for the
and vancomycin-induced ototoxicity in CAPD patients. audiologic management of individuals receiving cochleotoxic drug
The present study has several limitations. First of all, therapy. ASHA 1994; 36 (Suppl): 11–19