Effective Translational Lift - Helicopter Study Guide

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Helicopter Study Guide

Practical Review for the Checkride

Flight Conditions / Maneuvers

What is effective translational lift?

August 16, 2018 by ETL

Effective translational lift (ETL) is when the lift generation from the rotor disc is more
efficient due to increased aircraft speed or wind.

When at a hover in calm, no-wind conditions, the induced flow is a significant factor
affecting the resultant relative wind. As a result, the blade angles are significant and it
takes more power for flight. As the aircraft increases speed, approximately 16-24 knots
indicated airspeed, the impact of induced flow is reduced. Because of forward movement
or wind, there is undisturbed air* meeting the front of the rotor disc. As speed increases,
the portion of the disc receiving undisturbed air increases. As a result, the inflow angle is
decreasing as more air is received horizontally versus vertically. As such, a lower angle of
attack will produce the same lift, resulting in less power needed for flight.
The tail rotor also becomes more efficient with an increase in forward speed. There are
two factors involved. First, like the main rotor, the tail rotor becomes more efficient when
it operates in undisturbed air. Second, the forward movement of the aircraft reduces the
amount of anti-torque thrust needed as the horizontal stabilizer or similar component,
becomes more effective. As the need for anti-torque lessens, there is more power
available for the main rotor.

It is a common mistake for pilots to refer to flying through ETL. An aircraft achieves ETL.
Once in ETL, the aircraft is receiving the benefit of transitional lift until the relative wind is
changed so the ETL is no longer achieved, such as by slowing down, flying downwind or a
change in wind velocity. In general, the increase in horizontal speed or wind, the more
efficient the rotor system.

* Some people will make reference to clean/dirty air instead of undisturbed/disturbed air.
The use of the term clean air and dirty air should be avoided as the level of particulate
matter in the air is not a factor, it is the turbulence of the air that is relevant.


FAA-H-8083-21A – Helicopter Flying Handbook pg. 2-20

Principles of Helicopter Flight, 2nd Edition, pg. 64, 99
FM 3-04.203-2007 Fundamentals of Flight pg. 1-41, 1-43

Other Helicopter Flight Conditions

Aerodynamics, Flight Conditions / Maneuvers

ETL, Lift

What is translating tendency?

August 16, 2018 by ETL

Translating tendency is the movement of the helicopter to the right due to the combination
of main rotor torque and tail-rotor anti-torque.
Aerodynamics (28)
Aeromedical Factors (3)
Airport / Heliport Operations (5)
Flight Conditions / Maneuvers (17)
General (1)
Helicopter Performance (11)
Helicopter Systems (6)
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Navigation and Airspace (14)

Pilot Certificates (12)

Regulations (23)
Risk Management (10)
Weather / Atmosphere (17)
Weather Factors (23)
Weather Services (8)

About the Author

Bradley J. Fenster loves aviation and has a passion for teaching. Brad is the owner and the
i h li t i t t f ETL A i ti Pi t l i t fl B d t l

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