Female detainees had Women Livelihood Trainings Livelihood Trainings 1. Abaca
resorted to crime in order empowerment thru basket making 2. Wallet /
to provide for their livelihood / vocational decorations from recyclable
families' needs trainings materials 3. Hand washing soap
making 4. powdered sosp making
5. dish washing liquid making 6.
Fabric Sofetener making 7. Ethyl
alcohol making 8. Hand sanitizer
making 9. Cologne making 10.
Perfume making 11. Meat
processing 12. Candy making
An increasing number of To educate the Literacy and Education Provide the detainees with
offenders Detainees. To provide Alternative Learning System /
spiritual enrichment Literacy Program Conduct of
activities to change for bible study
a better person
Efficient and effective OTHER HEALTH OTHER HEALTH SERVICES Provision of free laboratory and
delivery of health and SERVICES x-ray procedures to Indigent /
social services;To improve Charity out- patients of BMC
the health and well-being
of Indigent / Charity
patients by providing free
Female detainees had Women Livelihood Training Livelihood Training 1. Abaca
resorted to crime to empowerment thru basket making 2.
provide for their family’s livelihood / vocational Wallet/decorations from
needs training recyclable materials 3. Hand
washing soap making 4.
powdered soap making 5.
dishwashing liquid making 6.
Fabric Softener making 7. Ethyl
alcohol making 8. Hand sanitizer
making 9. Cologne making 10.
Perfume Making 11. Meat
processing Candy making
Inadequate supplies of To provide holistic OPERATION OF TANGLAW PAG- Provision of Clothing and Linens
clothing and linen for CICL needs and protection ASA YOUTH REHABILITATION
for comfort and hygiene of children in conflict CENTER
with the law for their
total rehabilitation.
It is the right of women to Institutional and Literacy and Education Ecological Solid Waste
avail livelihood and skills capability building for Management Act of 2000
development training, livelihood enterprises, (RA9003)
seminars, and other businesses, and
Alternative sources of environmental
Income through recycling awareness and related
and skills training services
Lack of awareness in To provide programs DAGLIANG TUGON SA Training and Capability
disaster prevention and on prevention, PANAHON NG KALAMIDAD - building/information and
mitigation of different mitigating, Prevention and Mitigation education campaign for different
vulnerable groups preparedness, vulnerable groups
rehabilitation, and
recovery of
marginalized sectors
concerning disaster
Lack of awareness of the To increase Support in the implementation Implementation of Anti Littering
value and importance of participation of men of Provincial Ordinance No. 27- Ordinance
cleanliness of men and and women in the 2017 (Provincial Anti-Littering
women to the health and promotion and Ordinance)
well-being of Bulakenyos integration,
cooperation, and
coordination between
all concerned
government agencies,
LGUs, and
stakeholders in
ecological waste
Lack of awareness of the To increase Support in the implementation Provincial Anti-Littering Re-
value and importance of participation of men of Provincial Ordinance No. 27- Orientation
cleanliness of men and and women in the 2017 (Provincial Anti-Littering
women to the health and promotion and Ordinance)
wellbeing of Bulakeños integration,
cooperation, and
coordination between
all concerned
government agencies,
LGUs, and
stakeholders in
ecological waste
Lack of Gender Sensitivity Strengthen awareness Ecological Solid Waste Gender and Development
Awareness of employees of men and women in Management Act of 2000 Awareness for Ecology Officers
of BENRO Gender Equality (RA9003 Seminar
Reducing maternal Expand service Maternal, newborn, child health Blood Donation (Community-
morbidity due to lack of delivery package and Nutrition (MNCHN) core based- donation and BPBC’s
blood supplies during among AP, PP, infants, packages of services (pre-natal, Walk-in Donation) Target:30,000
emergencies and children and pregnancy, delivery, post- blood donors (blood bags
improve MNCHN Partum, and newborn periods. collected)Target – 240 MBDs
delivery networks,
Rights of men and women To Strengthen the Support to Provincial Anti-Illegal Conduct upland monitoring to
to enjoy healthfully and Advocacy of men and Logging Task Force Operation ensure tat no illegal logging,
balanced Natural women in the kaingin, and other forms of forest
Resources protection and destruction, such as slash and
conservation of burn farming (kaingin) and
natural resources and unlawful logging activities, will
preservation of Flora happen.
and Fauna
The low living conditions To reduce poverty and Indigency/Financial Assistance Aid to an individual in crisis for
of indigent women, vulnerability of Program both men and women Provision
children, PWDs, the marginalized women, of Financial such as: Medical
elderly and youth children, elderly, Non-medical Burial
PWDs, and youth thru Transportation Housing Calamity
the provision of Educational
livelihood and
protecting Calamity
against hazards and
sudden loss of
income, and
Improving people's
capacity to manage
GAD Mandate
'RA 6365 (Sec. 4) An Act To formulate, adopt POPULATION PROGRAM - Support to 100Mth Symbolic
Establishing A National and monitor the Population and Development Pinoy Baby
Policy on Population, implementation of Integration
Creating the Commission coherent, integrated,
On Population and For and comprehensive
Other Purposes' plans, programs, and
relevant to adolescent
health, responsible
parenthood, family
planning, and
'REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7160 To improve and INFRASTRUCTURE Conduct dredging activities in
Every Local Government construct reservoirs, four (4) rivers and (1) creek in
Unit shall appropriate in its deepen flood-prone District 1 of Bulacan
annual budget no less than rivers and form
20% of its annual IRA for irrigation channels
Development Projects.' through dredging of
rivers and creeks
1% of the total population To capacitate health Direct healthcare service Provision of incentives to health
are the required health volunteers on primary delivery as health providers volunteers
volunteers as an healthcare service multipliers
augmentation for the delivery
health service delivery.
4801 health volunteers or
BHWs augment the need
for more health workers in
service delivery.
AO 2008-0029 To ensure safe Maternal and Child Health Anemia detection and
Implementing Health motherhood Program prevention, micronutrient
reforms for rapid supplement, and free laboratory
reduction of Maternal and services for the first 200
Neonatal Mortality expectant mothers.
AO 2008-0029 To ensure the survival, Maternal and Child Health Evaluation of entries (screening,
Implementing Health health and Program site validation, and selection of
reforms for rapid development of finalists by the screening and
reduction of Maternal and newborn babies selection committee)
Neonatal Mortality
DOH-ADMINISTRATIVE To sustain a Subsistence of patient (Meal of Provided meals of in - patients of
ORDER 2016-0020 nutritionally adequate patient Rogaciano M. Mercado Memorial
Standardization of Per and appropriate diet Hospital
Capita Budget for Meal for in-patients of
Provision of Patients of the Rogaciano M.
Department of Health Mercado Memorial
(DOH) and Local Hospital.
Government Unit (LGU)
Hospitals in the Country
Executive Order No. 137, Maintaining, National Disaster Resilience Capability Building Program for
August 10, 1999, Declared developing, Month different sectors
every month of July as protecting, and
Disaster Consciousness conserving disaster
Month. Executive Order preparedness,
No.29, S 2017, renaming prevention, control,
National Disaster and mitigation tender
Consciousness Month to to Executive Order 17
National Disaster s. 2010 and to conduct
Resilience Month Disaster Risk
Reduction and Climate
Change Adaptation
programs and
activities to mitigate
the disastrous effects
of global, warming
NEW PROVINCIAL To improve the health OTHER HEALTH SERVICES Provision of free medicines to
ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF and well-being of Indigent / Charity patients of
BULACAN SECTION 20. Indigent / Charity BMC
MISSION STATEMENT: - patients by providing
The Province is committed free medicines
to pursuing the: Efficient
and effective delivery of
health and social services;
PGB Executive Order No. To increase if not Scholarship Program “Tulong Educational/Financial Assistance
009, Series of 2020 sustain, the number of Pang- Edukasyon para sa Evaluate and receive the
Enjoining the Endowment scholars from indigent Bulakenyo” documentary requirements of
of Educational Financial families and deserving the beneficiaries/learners for
Assistance Through a learners. processing their educational
Scholarship Grant to assistance. - Prepare the
Qualified Bulakenyos Obligation Request (OBR) and
under the program Vouchers of the
“Tulong Pang-Edukasyon beneficiaries/learners with the
para sa Bulakenyo”, requirements
Amending Executive Order
No. 004-S 2019 Thereto
PGB Executive Order No. to raise awareness Scholar's General Assembly Scholarship Program “Tulong
009, Series of 2020 about educational Pang- Edukasyon para sa
Enjoining the Endowment policies and Bulakenyo”
of Educational Financial procedures, as well as
Assistance Through a to involve students in
Scholarship Grant to the decision-making
Qualified Bulakenyos process through
under the program dialogues with various
“Tulong Pang-Edukasyon stakeholders.
para sa Bulakenyo”,
Amending Executive Order
No. 004-S 2019 Thereto
Presidential Proclamation To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Elderly Week celebration a.
470 (Sept. 26, 1994) necessary assistance Centenaryong Bulakenyo
Declaring the First Week of to the Federation of
October of Every Year as Senior Citizens.
Linggo ng Katandaang
Filipino' To provide the
necessary assistance to the
Federation of Senior
Presidential Proclamation To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Death Assistance to Brgy. Tanod,
470 (Sept. 26, 1994) required assistance to Volunteer Workers, and Brgy.
Declaring the First Week of the Federation of Officials
October of Every Year as Senior Citizens.
Linggo ng Katandaang
Filipino' To provide the
necessary assistance to the
Federation of Senior
Proclamation 115-A 1967 To provide Capability Building Program for Fire Prevention Month
Declaring every month of information and different sectors
March as Fire Prevention enhance awareness of
Month. the community on Fire
Prevention and Safety.
Proclamation No. 361 To provide necessary PROGRAMS FOR PERSONS WITH National Disability Prevention
Declaring the Third Week knowledge and DISABILITY (PWD) and Rehabilitation Week
of July as the National assistance to make Celebration:
Disability Prevention and lives of PWDs whole
Rehabilitation Week.
Proclamation No. 361 To provide necessary Surgical Mission Surgical mission in July and
Declaring the Third Week knowledge and November
of July as the National assistance to make the
Disability Prevention and lives of PWDs whole
Rehabilitation Week.
Provincial Administrative To recognize GAWAD DANGAL NG LIPI Conduct of evaluation- (screening
Code of Bulacan Section outstanding and selection of nominees in
54- Institutionalized achievement of different fields)
Awards (a) Dangal ng Lipi Bulakenyo (men &
Screening Committee women)
meeting- (Male-7, Female-
8) Selection Committee
Meeting- (Male-4, Female-
Provincial Administrative To inspire the youth BOY/GIRL OFFICIALS Conduct of provincial election for
Code of Bulacan, Section and develop boy/girl officials; Designation of
188 Boy/Girl Officials leadership ability to elected boy/girl as government’s
Week – Under Presidential participate in the counterpart for 1 week
Proclamation No. 99, political and public.
Series of 1992, regarding sphere
the celebration of “Linggo
ng Kabataan” every
second week of December
shall be a Boy/Girl Officials
Week to be observed in
the province.
Provincial Administrative To affirm and GINTONG KABATAAN AWARDS Conduct of Gintong Kabataan
Code of Bulacan, Section recognize youth (GKA) Awards
189 – Gintong Kabataan contributions in
Awards – There shall be an society, To recognize
established awards system outstanding
to recognize youth performance of the
participation and youth in the various
involvement in all aspects fields
of development, both in
and out of their
RA 10121 Philippine To educate the Training and Capability Building Community First Aid Responder
Disaster Risk Reduction community on for different sectors Training
and Management System disaster management
Sec. 2. (d) Adopt a disaster with focus on
risk reduction and prioritizing
management approach marginalized sectors
that is holistic,
comprehensive, integrated
and proactive in lessening
the socio-economic and
environmental impacts of
disasters, including climate
change, and promote the
involvement and
participation of all sectors
and all stakeholders
concerned at all levels
especially the local
RA 10121 Philippine To educate the Training and Capability Building Public Service Continuity Plan
Disaster Risk Reduction community on for different sectors Training
and Management System disaster management
Sec. 2. (d) Adopt a disaster with focus on
risk reduction and prioritizing
management approach marginalized sectors
that is holistic,
comprehensive, integrated
and proactive in lessening
the socio-economic and
environmental impacts of
disasters, including climate
change, and promote the
involvement and
participation of all sectors
and all stakeholders
concerned at all levels
especially the local
RA 10121 Philippine To educate the Training and Capability Building Basic Aquatic Search and
Disaster Risk Reduction community on for different sectors Rescue / Surface Rescue /
and Management System disaster management SCUBA / Swift Water and other
Sec. 2. (d) Adopt a disaster with focus on water-related training
risk reduction and prioritizing
management approach marginalized sectors
that is holistic,
comprehensive, integrated
and proactive in lessening
the socio-economic and
environmental impacts of
disasters, including climate
change, and promote the
involvement and
participation of all sectors
and all stakeholders
concerned at all levels
especially the local
RA 10121 Philippine To educate the Training and Capability Building Incident Command System
Disaster Risk Reduction community on for different sectors Training
and Management System disaster management
Sec. 2. (d) Adopt a disaster with focus on
risk reduction and prioritizing
management approach marginalized sectors
that is holistic,
comprehensive, integrated
and proactive in lessening
the socio-economic and
environmental impacts of
disasters, including climate
change, and promote the
involvement and
participation of all sectors
and all stakeholders
concerned at all levels
especially the local
RA 10121 Philippine To educate the Capability Building Program for School Hydrological Information
Disaster Risk Reduction community on public school teachers (SHINe Network (SHINe)
and Management System disaster management advisers) and student
Sec. 2. (d) Adopt a disaster with a focus on beneficiaries
risk reduction and prioritizing
management approach marginalized sectors
that is holistic,
comprehensive, integrated
and proactive in lessening
the socio-economic and
environmental impacts of
disasters, including climate
change, and promote the
involvement and
participation of all sectors
and all stakeholders
concerned at all levels
especially the local
RA 10630 AN ACT To provide wholistic OPERATION OF TANGLAW PAG- Provision of Personal Hygiene Kit
JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM of children in conflict CENTER
IN THE PHILIPPINES, with the law for their
AMENDING FOR THE total rehabilitation
NO. 9344, OTHERWISE January - 146 February
KNOWN AS THE 'JUVENILE - 144 March - 137
JUSTICE AND WELFARE April - 130 May - 124
ACT OF 2006' AND June - 120 July - 121
THEREFOR September - 116
October - 113
November - 110
December - 100
RA 10630 AN ACT To provide wholistic OPERATION OF TANGLAW PAG- Children at Risk /CICL Congress
JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM of children in conflict CENTER
IN THE PHILIPPINES, with the law for their
AMENDING FOR THE total rehabilitation
NO. 9344, OTHERWISE January - 146 February
KNOWN AS THE 'JUVENILE - 144 March - 137
JUSTICE AND WELFARE April - 130 May - 124
ACT OF 2006' AND June - 120 July - 121
THEREFOR September - 116
October - 113
November - 110
December - 101
RA 10630 AN ACT To provide wholistic OPERATION OF TANGLAW PAG- Legal Assistance
JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM of children in conflict CENTER
IN THE PHILIPPINES, with the law for their
AMENDING FOR THE total rehabilitation
NO. 9344, OTHERWISE January - 146 February
KNOWN AS THE 'JUVENILE - 144 March - 137
JUSTICE AND WELFARE April - 130 May - 124
ACT OF 2006' AND June - 120 July - 121
THEREFOR September - 116
October - 113
November - 110
December - 102
RA 7719. National Blood To provide forthwith Blood Donation Matters Conduct Monthly Mobile Blood
Services Act of 1994. An safe supplies of blood Program Donation Activities to provide
act promoting voluntary forthwith supplies of blood
blood donation and
provides for an adequate
supply of safe blood.
RA 9994 Senior Citizen's To provide free OPD Senior Citizens Program OPD cards are given to all Senior
Act Section 2 (f)(3) cards to all Senior Citizens and PWDs free of charge
Establish a program Citizens and PWDs upon presentation of a valid ID.
beneficial to the Senior
citizens, their families, and
the rest of the community
they serve; Section 4(e)
Free medical and dental
services, diagnostic and
laboratory fees such as but
not limited to x- ray,
tomography, scan and
blood test in all
government facilities
subject to the guidelines
to be issued by the DOH in
coordination with the
RA 9994 Senior Citizen's To provide Senior Senior Citizens Program Facilitation of Senior Citizens and
Act Section 2 (f)(3) Citizens and PWD PWDs documents to avail of free
Establish a program patients with free laboratory and x-ray procedures
beneficial to the Senior laboratory and X-ray and ECG
citizens, their families, and procedures and ECG
the rest of the community
they serve; Section 4(e)
Free medical and dental
services, diagnostic and
laboratory fees such as but
not limited to x- ray,
tomography, scan and
blood test in all
government facilities
subject to the guidelines
to be issued by the DOH in
coordination with the
RA No. 10742 An act Information drive KABATAAN KARAVAN Conduct of Kabataan Karavan
establishing reforms in the about the SK Reform
Sangguniang Kabataan Law / Republic Act
creating enabling 10742, and youth-
mechanisms for situation updates
meaningful youth
participation in nation-
building and for other
RA No. 10742 An act To promote the total PAG-ASA YOUTH ASSOCIATION Conduct of PYA Meeting
establishing reforms in the development of the Meeting
Sangguniang Kabataan out-of-school youth
creating enabling and other
mechanisms for disadvantaged youth
meaningful youth to become self-reliant,
participation in nation- economically
building and for other productive, and
purposes; Rule V, Section socially responsible
30 'any SK official, whether citizens
elected or appointed or
any member of the LYDC
must undergo the
mandatory training
program before she or he
can assume office.'
RA No. 8759 (PESO Act To promote gender IN-HOUSE SKILLS TRAINING & Conduct of Skills Training
1999) An act equality in ENTREPRENEURIAL Program Conduct
institutionalizing a national training/scholarship DEVELOPMENT TRAINING (EDT) Entrepreneurship Development
facilitation service network programs and to Training (How to Start Business)
through establishing a support the goal of using the Livelihood Starter Kits
Public Employment Service bringing Bulakeño Conduct of Mass Graduation
Office in every province, domestic workers
key city and other strategic especially women with
areas throughout the low skills, low paying
country. and oppressive
household service
work and assist them
to land in higher skills,
better paying, decent
work and become
RA No. 8759 (PESO Act To inculcate BARANGAY TRAINING & Conduct of meeting Conduct of
1999) An act volunteerism among EMPLOYMENT COORDINATOR BTEC Assembly Conduct of Skills
institutionalizing a national the youth and OR BTEC SKILLS REGISTRY Registry Survey for Skills Profiling
facilitation service network vulnerable sectors to SURVEY
through establishing a establish a Skills
Public Employment Service Profile in every
Office in every province, barangay for
key city and other strategic employment.
areas throughout the
RA No. 8759 (PESO Act To develop WORKERS WELFARE PROGRAM Conduct of consultative meetings
1999) An act employment and and assembly and/or capability
institutionalizing a national livelihood programs/ training
facilitation service network plan and program
through the establishment monitoring and
of a Public Employment evaluation for the
Service Office in every youth, women, OFWS,
province, key city and informal workers in
other strategic areas the province.
throughout the country.
Republic Act 7875 To ensure safe and Workers Welfare Program Conduct free laboratory services
'National Health insurance healthy volunteer for the first 200 Volunteer
Act' Title III, Rule I, Section workers workers
4. All Filipinos shall be
mandatorily covered
under the Program. The
Program shall be
compulsory in all
provinces, cities and
municipalities nationwide,
notwithstanding the
existence of LGU-based
health insurance
programs. The LGU's shall
ensure that members in
such localities shall have
access to quality and cost-
effective healthcare
Republic Act 7875 To ensure the Anti-Rabies Vaccination To ensure the vaccination of
'National Health insurance vaccination of animal Program animal bite patients we will give
Act' Title III, Rule I, Section bite patients free Anti rabies vaccination.
4. All Filipinos shall be
mandatorily covered
under the Program. The
Program shall be
compulsory in all
provinces, cities and
municipalities nationwide,
notwithstanding the
existence of LGU-based
health insurance
programs. The LGUs shall
ensure that members in
such localities have access
to quality and cost-
effective health care
Republic Act 7875 To assist indigents in Hepa Screening Program To assist indigents, we will give
'National Health insurance getting HEPA free Hepa screening
Act' Title III, Rule I, Section screening program
4. All Filipinos shall be
mandatorily covered
under the Program. The
Program shall be
compulsory in all
provinces, cities, and
municipalities nationwide,
notwithstanding the
existence of LGU-based
health insurance
programs. The LGUs shall
ensure that members in
such localities shall have
access to quality and cost-
effective healthcare
Republic Act 9288 To detect the 28 Expanded Newborn Screening Conduct Expanded Newborn
'Newborn Screening Act of congenital diseases Screening
2004' through the expanded
NBS program
Republic Act No. 10661 An To provide primary EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Children’s Month Celebration /
Act Declaring November of care and knowledge to DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Seal of Child-Friendly
Every Year as National the foundational (ECCD) Municipality
Children’s Month development of
Presidential Proclamation children.
No. 404 Series of 2003
Declaring June 7-11 as Day
Care Workers’ Week
Republic Act No. 10661 An To provide basic care EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Provision of materials for Day
Act Declaring November of and knowledge to the DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Care graduates
Every Year as National foundational (ECCD)
Children’s Month development of
Presidential Proclamation children
No. 404 Series of 2003
Declaring June 7-11 as Day
Care Workers’ Week
Republic Act No. 7192 AN To provide additional SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE Financial Assistance for Capital
AS FULL AND EQUAL Entrepreneurs (MSEs)
The New Prov’l. To recognize GAWAD GALING KOOPERATIBA Information dissemination
Administrative Code of outstanding Screening and Evaluation
Bulacan Chapter IV Section achievements of Awarding Ceremony
58 GAWAD GALING cooperatives
Provincial Governor or the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan
may authorize the
awarding of other awards
when deemed appropriate
2018 – 674 participants
202 –Male / 472 Female
2019 – 432 participants
173- Male / 259 Female
The Philippine Disaster To provide programs DAGLIANG TUGON SA Provision of family food packs for
Risk Reduction and on prevention, PANAHON NG KALAMIDAD - informal settlers
Management Act of 2010, mitigating, Prevention and Mitigation
Republic Act (RA) No. preparedness,
10121: Section 2 response,
(Declaration of Policy) rehabilitation, and
State shall ensure that recovery of
disaster risk reduction and marginalized sectors
climate change measures in relation to disaster
are “gender responsive,
sensitive to indigenous
knowledge systems, and
respectful of human
rights” (Sec. 2.j), and that
the State shall “develop
and strengthen the
capacities of vulnerable
and marginalized groups
to mitigate, prepare for,
respond to, and recover
from the effects of
The right of men and To strengthen Ecological Solid Waste Sustain operation of Provincial
women to uphold the participation of Management Act of 2000 Solid Waste Management Board
constitutional right to a stakeholders in the (RA9003) (PSWMB)
balance and healthy implementation of
ecology in accord with the ecological waste
rhythm and harmony of management
nature as enshrined in Sec.
16, Art. II of the 1987
To educate the community To educate the Ang Bote Mo Kaligtasan Ko Donation of Rescue tools and
on disaster management community on Buong Taon Na Ito equipment to partner agencies
with focus on prioritizing disaster management
marginalized sectors with a focus on
marginalized sectors
650 Lingkod Lingap sa To have regular BAYANIHANG BULAKENYO BBFI General Assembly for
Nayon (only 5 males), assessment of FOUNDATION, INC. updating profile and ID provision
4,160 Mother Leaders (all program
female), 960 Day Care implementation of
Workers (only 16 males), Brgy volunteers and
brgy. Health Workers (all provide support group
female) needs to be to strengthen them
strengthened and given
Lessening supply of To involve Dumagats DUMAGAT ASSISTANCE Aid to Dumagats
livelihood materials due to in the reforestation of PROGRAM
caingin system in the their area that they
Dumagats may have ownership
of the program
(PARC) and its local To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Salary of Board Member
counterparts; community- necessary assistance representative of Indigenous
based resource to the Federation of People
management bodies or Senior Citizens.
mechanisms on forest
management and
stewardship; the National
Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources Management
Council (NFARMC) and its
local counterparts; the
National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples; the
Presidential Commission
for the Urban Poor; the
National Anti-Poverty
Commission; and, where
applicable, the local
housing boards.
Board Resolution 2000- To serve as vehicle PANLALAWIGANG KOMISYON Salary of PKKB and PSWDO GAD
412 Institutionalization of between government PARA SA KABABAIHAN NG Focal Person
Panlalawigang Komisyon agencies and other BULACAN (PKKB)
para sa Kababaihan ng entities in
Bulacan (PKKB) mainstreaming of
women in pursuit of
peace, equality and
Office of the Governor To provide technical EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Provision of Uniforms for ECCD
Executive Order No. 15- assistance to local DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM service providers
2011 An Order Organizing counterparts and (ECCD)
& Strengthening the service providers
Provincial Council for the
Protection of Children
Incorporating Thereat
Early Childhood Care &
development (ECCD)
Coordinating Committees
PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA To continuously equip GAD FOCAL POINT SYSTEM Quarterly meeting/reporting of
JMC 2013-01 Guidelines GFPS members (GFPS) GFPS-TWG
on the Localization of the
Magna Carta of Women
(3.2) LGUs shall deepen
their knowledge and build
their competencies on
GAD-related laws and
commitments, gender
mainstreaming, gender
analysis, gender-
responsive planning and
budgeting, and GAD-
related tools among others
PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA To continuously equip GAD FOCAL POINT SYSTEM Salary of GFPS Secretariat office
JMC 2013-01 Guidelines GFPS members (GFPS) personnel
on the Localization of the
Magna Carta of Women
(3.2) LGUs shall deepen
their knowledge and build
their competencies on
GAD-related laws and
commitments, gender
mainstreaming, gender
analysis, gender-
responsive planning and
budgeting, and GAD-
related tools among others
Presidential Decree No. To enhance the skills NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR Coordination and monitoring
1569 “Strengthening the and knowledge of CHILDREN - First 1,000 Days interventions and activities on
Barangay Nutrition volunteers (F1K) Program the PIMAM
Program By Providing For
A Barangay Nutrition
Scholar In Every Barangay,
Providing Funds Therefor,
And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. To enhance skills and NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR Establishment of LGU First 1000
1569 “Strengthening the knowledge of CHILDREN - First 1,000 Days Days Program
Barangay Nutrition volunteers (F1K) Program
Program By Providing For
A Barangay Nutrition
Scholar In Every Barangay,
Providing Funds Therefor,
And For Other Purposes
Presidential Decree No. To provide funds for NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR Aid to Municipal Nutrition Action
491 Creating A National the traveling expenses CHILDREN -Enabling Program Officers
Nutrition Council And For of volunteers for core
Other Purposes SEC. 4. meetings and activity
Creation of a National preparations
Nutrition Council
Presidential Decree No. To provide funds for NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR Aid to Lingkod Lingap sa Nayon
491 Creating A National the traveling expenses CHILDREN -Enabling Program
Nutrition Council And For of volunteers for core
Other Purposes SEC. 4. meetings and activity
Creation of a National preparations
Nutrition Council
Presidential Decree No. To provide fund for NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR Aid to Mother Leaders
491 Creating A National the travelling CHILDREN -Enabling Program
Nutrition Council And For expenses of
Other Purposes SEC. 4. volunteers for core
Creation of a National meetings and activity
Nutrition Council preparations
Presidential Decree No. To provide fund for NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR Aid to Population and Nutrition
491 Creating A National the travelling CHILDREN -Enabling Program Council
Nutrition Council And For expenses of
Other Purposes SEC. 4. volunteers for core
Creation of a National meetings and activity
Nutrition Council preparations
Pursuant to the mandate These aims to ensure Health Program for Employees Conduct of random mandatory
of 1987 Constitution and government agencies drug testing
the Administrative Code of remain drug-free by
1987 to ensure that subjecting public
morale, efficiency, officials and
integrity, responsiveness, employees to a
progressiveness and random mandatory
courtesy shall be widely drug test as a
observed in the civil condition for
service and to ensure that continuous
government service shall employment It will be
be drug-free as provided ensured of effective
by the Comprehensive and efficient service
Drug Act of 2002, CSC from the hazards of
Resolution No. 1700653 drug cause in the
prescribe the Guideline in workplace
the mandatory random
drug test for public
officials and employees
RA 10354 RESPONSIBLE To formulate, adopt POPULATION PROGRAM - Salary of Population Program
PARENTHOOD AND and monitor Population and Development staff
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH implementation of Integration
ACT OF 2012 coherent, integrated,
and comprehensive
plans, programs and
relevant to adolescent
health, responsible
parenthood, family
planning and
RA 7305, Section 30 To grant public health Employee Welfare Program Provision of benefit under Magna
Magna Carta of Public retirees with Carta
Health Workers Highest automatic 1 salary
Basic Salary Upon grade increase 3
Retirement three (3) prior months before his/her
to the compulsory compulsory
retirement, the public retirement provided
health worker shall that they reached the
automatically be granted retirement age (65)
one (1) salary range or and fulfilled the
grade higher than his/her service requirement
basic salary on his/her under the existing law
retirement benefits
thereafter, computed on
the basis of his/her highest
salary provided, that
he/she has reached the
age and fulfilled service
requirements under
existing law
RA9710 Chapter IV Section To provide special Employee Welfare Program Provision of benefit to female
18 Special Leave Benefits leave benefit to employees under Magna Carta
for Women employees female employees
having rendered who undergone
continuous aggregate surgery caused by
employment service of at gynecological
least six (6) months for the disorders
last twelve (12) months
shall be entitled to a
special leave benefit of
two (2) months with fill
pay based on her gross
monthly compensation
following surgery caused
by gynecological disorders
Republic Act 8972 Solo To provide fund for SOLO PARENT PROGRAM Aid to Solo Parents President
Parents Act of 2000 the traveling expenses
Section 5. Comprehensive of volunteers for core
Package of Social meetings and activity
Development and Welfare preparations
Services. Sec. 12.
Additional Powers and
Functions of the DSWD. (a)
Conduct research
necessary to: (2) define
executive and legislative
measures needed to
promote and protect the
interest of solo parents
and their children; '
Republic Act 8972 Solo To provide future SOLO PARENT PROGRAM Salary of Focal Person on Solo
Parents Act of 2000 traveling expenses of Parent Program
Section 5. Comprehensive volunteers for core
Package of Social meetings and activity
Development and Welfare preparations
Services. Sec. 12.
Additional Powers and
Functions of the DSWD. (a)
Conduct research
necessary to: (2) define
executive and legislative
measures needed to
promote and protect the
interest of solo parents
and their children; '
Republic Act No. 10410 An To provide EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Capability Building of Provincial
Act Recognizing The Age counterpart funds for DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Federation of Child Development
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) the training and (ECCD) Workers
Years as The First Crucial continuing education
Stage of Educational of ECCD service
Development and providers
Strengthening the Early
Childhood Care and
Development System,
Appropriating Funds
therefor and for other
Purposes Sec. 7 B3
Republic Act No. 10410 An To provide EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Quarterly meeting / Capability
Act Recognizing the Age counterpart funds for DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Building of Provincial Federation
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) the training and (ECCD) of Day Care Teachers
Years as The First Crucial continuing education
Stage of Educational of ECCD service
Development and providers
Strengthening the Early
Childhood Care and
Development System,
Appropriating Funds
therefor and for other
Purposes Sec. 7 B3
Republic Act No. 10410 An To provide EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Quarterly meeting of the
Act Recognizing the Age counterpart funds for DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Provincial Council for Protection
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) the training and (ECCD) of Children (PCPC) / Response
Years as The First Crucial continuing education Team/ Seal of Child-Friendly Local
Stage of Educational of ECCD service Government Audit (SCFLG)
Development and providers
Strengthening the Early
Childhood Care and
Development System,
Appropriating Funds
therefor and for other
Purposes Sec. 7 B3
Republic Act No. 10410 An To provide technical EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Aid to Child Development
Act Recognizing the Age assistance to local DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Workers
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) counterparts and (ECCD)
Years as The First Crucial service providers
Stage of Educational
Development and
Strengthening the Early
Childhood Care and
Development System,
Appropriating Funds
therefor and for other
Purposes Sec. 7 B3
Republic Act No. 10410 An To provide technical EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Aid to Day Care Worker President
Act Recognizing the Age assistance to local DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) counterparts and (ECCD)
Years as The First Crucial service providers
Stage of Educational
Development and
Strengthening the Early
Childhood Care and
Development System,
Appropriating Funds
therefor and for other
Purposes Sec. 7 B3
Republic Act No. 10410 An To provide technical EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND Salary of Focal Person on ECCD
Act Recognizing the Age assistance to local DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Program
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) counterparts and (ECCD)
Years as The First Crucial service providers
Stage of Educational
Development and
Strengthening the Early
Childhood Care and
Development System,
Appropriating Funds
therefor and for other
Purposes Sec. 7 B4
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7277 - To provide necessary PROGRAMS FOR PERSONS WITH Conduct of KASAMAKA sa
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR knowledge and DISABILITY (PWD) Bulacan quarterly meeting
THE REHABILITATION, assistance to make
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7277 - To provide necessary PROGRAMS FOR PERSONS WITH Aid to Persons with Disabilities
THE REHABILITATION, assistance to make
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7277 - To provide necessary PROGRAMS FOR PERSONS WITH Salary of Persons with Disability
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR knowledge and DISABILITY (PWD) Affairs Officers and staff
THE REHABILITATION, assistance to make
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9432 To formulate, SOCIAL WELFARE AND Staff Development of PSWDO
MAGNA CARTA OF SOCIAL and integrate policies
WORKERS SEC. 21. Human and programs on
Resources Development. - social welfare and
The DSWD shall conduct a Development.
periodic human resource
development and
management study in the
following areas: (b)
Opportunities for public
social workers to grow
professionally and to
develop their potentials
and experience a sense of
worth and dignity in their
work; ' The new Admin.
Code of Bulacan Chapter
7, Sect. 81 – There shall be
an established continuing
program for career and
development at all levels
which shall create an
environment conducive to
the development of
personnel (men and
women) skills, talents, and
values for better public
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9432 To mainstream GAD in OTHER GAD MAINSTREAMING Aid to Women and Children
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A all sectors of program EFFORTS Protection Desk
MAGNA CARTA OF SOCIAL implementation
WORKERS SEC. 21. Human
Resources Development. -
The DSWD shall conduct a
periodic human resource
development and
management study in the
following areas: (b)
Opportunities for public
social workers to grow
professionally and to
develop their potentials
and experience a sense of
worth and dignity in their
work; ' The new Admin.
Code of Bulacan Chapter
7, Sect. 81 – There shall be
an established continuing
program for career and
development at all levels
which shall create an
environment conducive to
the development of
personnel (men and
women) skills, talents, and
values for better public
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9432 To formulate, SOCIAL WELFARE AND Staff Development of PSWDO
MAGNA CARTA OF SOCIAL and integrate policies
WORKERS SEC. 21. Human and programs on
Resources Development. - social welfare and
The DSWD shall conduct a Development.
periodic human resource
development and
management study in the
following areas: (b)
Opportunities for public
social workers to grow
professionally and to
develop their potentials
and experience a sense of
worth and dignity in their
work; '
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR all sectors of program EFFORTS
THE MAGNA CARTA OF implementation
WOMEN Sec. 25. Right to
Representation and
Participation. - The State
shall ensure women's
participation in
policymaking or decision-
making bodies in the
regional, national, and
international levels. It shall
also ensure the
participation of grassroots
women leaders in decision
and policy-making bodies
in their respective sectors
including, but not limited
to, the Presidential
Agrarian Reform Council
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9710 To mainstream GAD in OTHER GAD MAINSTREAMING Salary of focal persons on Self-
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR all sectors of program EFFORTS Employment Assistance Program
THE MAGNA CARTA OF implementation
WOMEN Sec. 25. Right to
Representation and
Participation. - The State
shall ensure women's
participation in
policymaking or decision-
making bodies in the
regional, national, and
international levels. It shall
also ensure the
participation of grassroots
women leaders in decision
and policy-making bodies
in their respective sectors
including, but not limited
to, the Presidential
Agrarian Reform Council
Sec. 5. Functions of the To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Salary of Focal Person on Senior
Centers. (a) Identify the necessary assistance Citizen Program
needs, training, and to the Federation of
opportunities of senior Senior Citizens.
citizens in the cities and
municipalities. (c) Promote
and maintain linkages with
provincial government
units and other
instrumentalities of
government and the city
and municipal councils for
the elderly and the
Federation of Senior
Citizens Association of the
Philippines and other non-
government organizations
for the delivery of health
care services, facilities,
professional advice
services, volunteer training
and community self-help
Sec. 5. Functions of the To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Monthly meeting of Senior
Centers. (a) Identify the necessary assistance Citizens Organization
needs, trainings, and to the Federation of
opportunities of senior Senior Citizens.
citizens in the cities and
municipalities; (a) Promote
and maintain linkages with
provincial government
units and other
instrumentalities of
government and the city
and municipal councils for
the elderly and the
Federation of Senior
Citizens Association of the
Philippines and other non-
government organizations
for the delivery of health
care services, facilities,
professional advice
services, volunteer training
and community self-help
Sec. 5. Functions of the To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Salary of Focal Person on Senior
Centers. (a) Identify the necessary assistance Citizen Program
needs, trainings, and to the Federation of
opportunities of senior Senior Citizens.
citizens in the cities and
municipalities. (c) Promote
and maintain linkages with
provincial government
units and other
instrumentalities of
government and the city
and municipal councils for
the elderly and the
Federation of Senior
Citizens Association of the
Philippines and other non-
government organizations
for the delivery of health
care services, facilities,
professional advice
services, volunteer training
and community self-help
Sec. 5. Functions of the To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Aid to OSCA Municipal Head
Centers. (a) Identify the necessary assistance
needs, trainings, and to the Federation of
opportunities of senior Senior Citizens.
citizens in the cities and
municipalities. (e) Promote
and maintain linkages with
provincial government
units and other
instrumentalities of
government and the city
and municipal councils for
the elderly and the
Federation of Senior
Citizens Association of the
Philippines and other non-
government organizations
for the delivery of health
care services, facilities,
professional advice
services, volunteer training
and community self-help
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9432 To formulate, SOCIAL WELFARE AND Year-End Assessment of Program
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A supervise, coordinate, DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Implementors
MAGNA CARTA OF SOCIAL and integrate policies
WORKERS SEC. 21. Human and programs on
Resources Development. - social welfare and
The DSWD shall conduct a Development.
periodic human resource
development and
management study in the
following areas: (b)
Opportunities for public
social workers to grow
professionally and to
develop their potentials
and experience a sense of
worth and dignity in their
work; ' The new Admin.
Code of Bulacan Chapter
7, Sect. 81 – There shall be
an established continuing
program for career and
development at all levels
which shall create an
environment conducive to
the development of
personnel (men and
women) skills, talents, and
values for better public
Sec. 5. Functions of the To provide the SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM Aid to Senior Citizens
Centers. (a) Identify the necessary assistance
needs, trainings, and to the Federation of
opportunities of senior Senior Citizens.
citizens in the cities and
municipalities; (a) Promote
and maintain linkages with
provincial government
units and other
instrumentalities of
government and the city
and municipal councils for
the elderly and the
Federation of Senior
Citizens Association of the
Philippines and other non-
government organizations
for the delivery of health
care services, facilities,
professional advice
services, volunteer training
and community self-help
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9432 To formulate, SOCIAL WELFARE AND Aid to Municipal Social Welfare
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A supervise, coordinate, DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM and Development Officers
MAGNA CARTA OF SOCIAL and integrate policies
WORKERS SEC. 21. Human and programs on
Resources Development. - social welfare and
The DSWD shall conduct a Development.
periodic human resource
development and
management study in the
following areas: (b)
Opportunities for public
social workers to grow
professionally and to
develop their potentials
and experience a sense of
worth and dignity in their
work; ' The new Admin.
Code of Bulacan Chapter
7, Sect. 81 – There shall be
an established continuing
program for career and
development at all levels
which shall create an
environment conducive to
the development of
personnel (men and
women) skills, talents, and
values for better public
Sub-total C
Grand TOTAL (A+B+C)= (Php Php 922,325,742.43+Php 99,549,749.53) =1,021,875,491.96
9. Distribution of 25 packs
soap making kit to 25
female PDLS (July 4, 2022)
"10. Powdered Soap Making
Training August 22, 2022
(20 female; 10 male)"
There were 6,896 indigents/ here were 5,927 indigents 363,559,158.61 379,942,505.91
marginalized served. of various requests for
financial assistance were
served. 1. Financial
Assistance: Medical
assistance, Operations,
Surgery and Assistive
Devices Male= 2663
Female= 3264 Breakdown:
JAN- 29,086,395.55 FEB-
38,571,288.16 MARCH-
26,454,200.00 APRIL-
24,976,359.75 MAY -
18,852,816.66 JUNE-
17,082,109.53 JULY-
22,789,235.00 AUG-
39,182,820.00 SEPT-
30,404,170.00 OCT.-
35,724,120.00 NOV.-
37,741,120.00 DEC
Provide financial assistance 3rd qtr.: July 27 -Provide 10,000.00 5,000.00
and services to Elijah Marie financial assistance and
Reyes, one of the 8 Symbolic services to Elijah Marie
Pinoy Baby from Calumpit, in Reyes, one of the 8
July Symbolic Baby from
Provided free Laboratory 1st quarter -50 2nd quarter 40,000.00 40,000.00
services (CBC worth P150.00 & - 50 3rd quarter - 50 4th
Urinalysis worth P50.00) quarter - 50 a total of 200
during the first pre-natal expectant mothers were
checkup of 200 expected given free lab services
Conducted Free pre-natal 1st quarter -31 2nd quarter- 15,000.00 5,400.00
consultation, counseling, 11 3rd quarter -14 4th
reproductive health, and quarter - 52 adolescent
responsible parenthood for parents were given free
300 adolescent parents counseling, reproductive
health,, and responsible
Validated One Hundred (100) Validated 118 entries for 467,555.00 367,062.00
entries screened/site on June year 2022 June 14-
8 to July 22, 2022 Eight (8) orientation June 21-Aug 2-
committee meetings virtual validation Aug 4-5
conducted June 3- Orientation Deliberation Aug 10-
Aug 5- deliberation Aug 12- selection of finalists Aug 23-
selection of finalists Aug 24- briefing of finalists Aug 31
briefing of finalists Sept 7-10- to Sept 2- Final interview
final interview Sept 10 final and deliberation of winners
deliberation and selection of
Provided means of in-patients 36,908 Patients served 10,409,447.00 9,149,134.30
of Rofaciano M. Memorial 114,848 Meals served The
Hospital consisting of Female: patient was served. Meal
5,475 patient days served January 2,208 7,786
Male 940 Female 1,268
Patient was served Meal
served February 2,770
8,479 Male 1,188 Female
1,582 The patient was
served Meal served March
2,636 8,092 Male 1,204
Female 1,432 Patient
served Meal served April
2,832 8,713 Male 1,043
Female 1,789 Patient
served Meal served May
2,883 8,759 Male 1,571
Female 1,312 Patient
served Meal served June
3,189 9,703 Male 1,765
Female 1,424 Patient
served Meal served July
3,592 10,896 Male 1,847
Female 1,745 Patient
served Meal served August
3,875 11,968 Male 1,357
Female 2,518 Patient was
served Meal served
September 3,578 10,902
Male 1,404 Female 2,174
Patient served Meal served
October 3,241 9,926 Male
1,385 Female 1,856 Patient
served Meal served
November 3,223 9,812
Male 1,469 Female 1,754
Patient served Meal served
December 2,881 9,812
Male 1,017 Female 1,864
One (1) training in the 1st One (1) training on the 1st 144,000.00 144,000.00
semester of 2022 with 60 LGU semester of 2022 with 60
employees and walk–in LGU employees and walk–in
participants Male = 45 Female participants Male = 45
= 15 Total: 60 participants Female = 15 Total : 60
One (1) training in the 1st Conduct of DRRM Plan and 42,000.00 220,000.00
semester of 2022 with 60 LGU LDRRMFIP Workshop No. of
employees and walk–in Female: 13 No. of Males: 9
participants Male = 30 Female Total No. of Pax: 22
= 30 Total: 60 participants
One (1) training in the 1st Conducted 3 training • 142,000.00 212,330.00
semester of 2022 with 50 LGU Basic Aquatic Safety &
employees and walk-in Rescue Boat Handling
participants Male = 45 Female Training for Sta. Maria
= 5 Total: 50 participants MDRRMO Staff 1 female, 13
male • Water Safety
Training for BENRO
Employees 15 female, 35
Conducted One (1) SHINe Conducted One (1) SHINe 412,500.00 189,500.00
Conference in the 4th Quarter Conference in the 4th
of 2022 with participants from Quarter of 2022 with
37 or more SHINe participants from 37 or
beneficiaries’ schools Male = more SHINe beneficiaries’
300 Female = 100 Total: 400 Level 2 – Integrated
participants Planning Course 17 female,
13 male • For Malolos
CDRRMO (1st Batch) 8
female, 27 male • For
Malolos CDRRMO (2nd
Batch) together with
Marilao CDRRMO 27
female, 25 male 5 female,
27 male • 21 female, 19
male 33 female, 17 male
1 set of toiletries provided per 1st qtr: January – 186 352,400.00 352,400.00
quarter residents provided with
hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
deodorant, face mask,
alcohol, and sulfur soap)
February - 182 residents
provided with hygiene Kit
(including detergent & bath
soap, toothpaste &
toothbrush, shampoo, face
towel, deodorant, face
mask and sulfur soap)
March - 89 residents
provided with hygiene Kit
(including detergent & bath
soap, toothpaste &
toothbrush, shampoo, face
towel, deodorant, face
mask and sulfur soap) 2nd
qtr.: April – 86 residents
provided with hygiene Kit
(including detergent & bath
soap, toothpaste &
toothbrush, shampoo, face
towel, deodorant, face
mask and sulfur soap) May
12 – 84 residents provided
with hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
deodorant, face mask and
sulfur soap) May 31 – 75
residents provided with
hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
1 congress conducted in 4th qtr.: November
deodorant, 25and
face mask – 45,000.00 10,000.00
November CICL
sulfurCongress conducted
soap) June – 73
residents provided with
plate, cup and pillow 3rd
qtr.: July 8 – 75 residents
provided with hygiene Kit
(including detergent & bath
soap, toothpaste &
toothbrush, shampoo, face
towel, deodorant, face
mask and slippers) August
12 – 74 residents provided
with hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
deodorant, face mask)
August 25 – 72 residents
provided with hygiene Kit
(including detergent & bath
soap, toothpaste &
toothbrush, shampoo, face
towel, deodorant, face
mask) August 31 – 70
residents provided with
hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
deodorant, face mask &
slipper) September 6 – 70
residents provided with
hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
deodorant, face mask &
slipper) September 6 – 70
residents provided with
hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
deodorant, face mask &
slipper) September 12 – 71
residents provided with
hygiene Kit (including
detergent & bath soap,
toothpaste & toothbrush,
shampoo, face towel,
deodorant, face mask &
slipper) September 20 – 70
residents provided with
hygiene Kit (including
10 CICL provided with P15,000 1st qtr: January – 21 150,000.00 18,750.00
legal assistance for case residents assisted on their
processing case February – 51
residents assisted on their
case March – 36 residents
assisted on their case 2nd
qtr.: April – 51 residents
assisted on their case May –
75 residents assisted on
their case June – 33
residents assisted on their
case 3rd qtr.: July – 35
residents assisted on their
case August – 20 residents
assisted on their case
September – 38 residents
assisted on their case 4th
qtr.: October – 33 residents
assisted on their case
November– 34 residents
assisted on their case
December– 38 residents
assisted on their case
Provided Free Hepa Screening 1st quarter- 21 2nd quarter 40,000.00 14,250.00
for the first 200 indigent - 12 3rd quarter -11 4th
patients (100 male & 100 quarter- 13 (12 male and 45
female patients female) were given free
hepa screening. A total of
57 patients
100% of new settlers provided 1st qtr.: March 4 - provided 500,000.00 66,360.00
with family food pack as 70 food packs to informal
starter settlers’ family in Biñang
2nd, Bocaue
901,842,755.58 922,325,742.43
1 assembly attended by 4,810 4th qtr.: December 22 - 356,000.00 280,000.00
barangay volunteers in General assembly attended
December by 4,800 barangay
volunteers (Mother Leader
and LLN)
45 Dumagat officers were 1st qtr.; 27 male and 18 720,000.00 549,000.00
provided with ₱1,000 monthly female Dumagat officers
incentive were provided with ₱1,000
monthly incentive 2nd qtr. -
4th qtr.: 28 male and 18
female Dumagat officers
were provided with ₱1,000
monthly incentive
Full salary of 3 GFPS-TWG 1st qtr. – 4th qtr: Full salary 1,546,104.00 1,546,104.00
Secretariat office personnel: of 3 GFPS-TWG Secretariat
office personnel: 1 SG-24
(P88,410/mo) permanent 1
Casual SG-11 (P25,439/mo)
1 Casual SG-4 (14,993/mo)
650 LLNs provided with ₱3,000 1st qtr.: 8 males and 629 10,400,000.00 10,180,000.00
quarterly female LLNs provided with
₱4,000 quarterly 2nd qtr. -
4th qtr.: 4 males and 632
female LLNs provided with
₱4,000 quarterly
4,160 Mother Leaders 1st qtr.: 40 male and 4,122 53,292,800.00 53,292,800.00
provided with ₱3,200 female Mother Leaders
quarterly provided with ₱3,200
quarterly 2nd qtr. - 4th qtr.:
14 male and 4,150 female
Mother Leaders provided
with ₱3,200 quarterly
1 council provided with 3rd qtr.: July – 11 PNC TWG 250,000.00 44,000.00
incentives for program provided with incentives
implementers / meetings
Nine (9) public health retirees 1st quarter- Bernadette 7,083,670.47 7,083,670.47
based on Human Resource Espiritu-BMC 2nd quarter
Information System (HRIS) Jocelyn Gomez-PPHO
statistics who reached the Anabellle Yanga-BMC 3rd
compulsory retirement age of quarter Rosario H. Dayao-
65 are given 1 salary grade BMC Monina Herrera-BMC
increase (basic salary and Nenita T. de Jesus-BMC
retirement benefit shall be Constancia C. Martin- BMC
computed on the basis of the 4th quarter Ronilo Camua-
highest salary received) GDPDH Olivia Payumo-BDH
Female -8, Male -1
All PGB female employees 1st quarter- Jocelyn Gomez- 881,328.46 881,328.46
undergone surgery due to PPHO 2nd quarter Lea Ann
gynecological disorders are DG Joson-BMC Teodora
provided with two (2) weeks Navarete-PA’s Rosemarie
to a maximum of two (2) Sacdalan- PTO Adrynnette
months leave with pay without C. Lastimosa -BMC 3rd
deduction from her earned quarter Cheyenne V.
leave (average of three(3) Libunao-SMDH Rio Danica
female employees suffered A. Ramos – BMC-FTREH
from gynecological disorders Gloria S. Vitug- Accounting
last 2021 Daisylyn l. Rosano-PAO 4th
quarter Maolenn Angelica
Prov’l. President was provided 1st qtr. - 4th qtr.: Female 324,000.00 312,000.00
with ₱4,000 monthly Prov’l. President provided
incen,tive and 23 municipal with ₱4,000 monthly
presidwere ents provided with incentive, and 21 female
₱1,000 monthly incentive and 1 male municipal
president provided with
₱1,000 monthly incentive
Provided ₱1,000 monthly 1st qtr. - 4th qtr.: Provided 348,000.00 348,000.00
incentive to 22 municipal day ₱1,000 monthly incentive to
care presidents, ₱4,000 22 municipal day care
monthly for Prov’l. President presidents, ₱4,000 monthly
and ₱3,000 monthly to prov’l. for Prov’l. President and
secretary ₱3,000 monthly to prov’l.
secretary (3 male, 21
2 salaries of personnel 1st qtr. & 4th qtr.: 2 salaries 847,704.00 847,704.00
working on ECCD program: 1 of personnel working on
SG-18 (P42,159/mo) ECCD program: 1 SG-18
Permanent 1 SG-11 (P45,203/mo) Permanent; 1
(P22,316/mo.) Casual SG-11 (P25,439/mo.) Casual
1 staff development attended 2nd qtr.: June 2-3 & 9-10 – 450,000.00 450,000.00
by 117 personnel’s (35 males, PSWDO Staff development
82 females) done by May and Team Building at
Forestal Waves and Resort
Tanay, Rizal
27 WCPD provided with 1st qtr. - 4th qtr.: 27 female 324,000.00 324,000.00
P1,000.00 incentive per month WCPD provided with
P1,000.00 incentive per
1 staff development attended 2nd qtr.: June 2-3 & 9-10 – 450,000.00 450,000.00
by 117 personnel’s (35 males, PSWDO Staff development
82 females) done by May and Team Building at
Forestal Waves and Resort
Tanay, Rizal
12 SWAD members provided 1st qtr. 4th qtr.: 2 male and 288,000.00 288,000.00
with ₱2,000 monthly incentive 10 female SWAD members
provided with ₱2,000
monthly incentive
2 personnel working on SEA 1st qtr. & 4th qtr: 2 349,416.00 349,416.00
on Family Violence: personnel working on SEA
on Family Violence: 1 SG-4
(P14,993/mo) Casual 1 SG-3
(P14,125/mo) Casual
1 personnel working on senior 1st qtr. – 2nd qtr: 1 350,943.00 350,943.00
citizen program: SG- 11 personnel working on
(P22,316/mo.) senior citizen program: SG-
18 (P45,203/mo.) *50% 3rd
qtr. – 4th qtr: 2 personnel
working on senior citizen
program: 1 Casual SG-11
(P25,439/mo.) *100% 1 JO
SG -3 (475/day) *100%
Prov’l. President provided with 1st qtr. - 4th qtr.: Male 360,000.00 327,000.00
₱4,000 monthly incentive, Prov’l. President provided
Prov’l. Secretary provided with with ₱4,000 monthly
₱3,000 monthly incentive, and incentive, female Prov’l.
23 municipal presidents Secretary provided with
provided with ₱2,000 monthly ₱3,000 monthly incentive,
incentive and 22 municipal presidents
(13 male, 9 female)
provided with ₱1,000
monthly incentive
Prov’l. President provided with 1st qtr. - 4th qtr.: Male 360,000.00 336,000.00
₱4,000 monthly incentive, Prov’l. President provided
Prov’l. Secretary provided with with ₱4,000 monthly
₱3,000 monthly incentive, and incentive, female Prov’l.
23 municipal presidents Secretary provided with
provided with ₱2,000 monthly ₱3,000 monthly incentive,
incentive and 21 municipal presidents
(10 male, 11 female)
provided with ₱1,000
monthly incentive
24 Local Social Welfare 1st qtr. - 4th qtr.: 24 female 300,000.00 288,000.00
Officers provided with ₱1,000 Local Social Welfare Officers
monthly incentive provided with ₱1,000
monthly incentive
100,920,754.53 99,549,749.53
901,842,755.58 922,325,742.43
100,920,754.53 99,549,749.53
1,002,763,510.11 1,021,875,491.96
Variance or Remarks
Governor's Office
tive devices
PSWDO Implemented
Variance or Remarks