Unit1 Videoscripts

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Unit 1

Video scripts


Problem or inspiration? 1.2
How I started this vlog
What is an entrepreneur? A business person?
An inspiring person? A problem solver? Hello there. Today, I’m going to answer
a couple of questions people asked me.
An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own
The first question comes from Mia: ‘Why did
business, and they can be any of these things. One in 18
you start vlogging?’
people say they are entrepreneurs! But where do they
Great question!
get their ideas? What inspires them? Well, I really like watching this blogger, Adam.
It can often be a simple every day problem. He just talks about his life; nothing special but
Entrepreneurs see a problem, usually one they are he gives lots of good advice.
experiencing themselves, and this problem inspires One day, I was watching him when my phone
them to think of a creative solution. While most of us rang. It was my best friend asking for advice.
are waiting for someone else to give us the solution, As we were talking, I thought, ‘why don’t I
entrepreneurs are looking for the answers. make a vlog?’ So I did!
Let’s take Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, two friends The second question is from Jose99: ‘What
from school. They didn’t have enough money to pay don’t people know about you?’ Mmmm…
their rent in San Francisco. So they looked for someone Ok… While I was making this vlog, I got some
who would pay to sleep in their living room and they nasty comments and questions.
found someone! And that’s how Airbnb started. Another I know I seem sociable and confident because
friend joined them and soon Airbnb became a very I do this vlog. But actually, when I get unkind
successful business with over 3,000,000 places in 65,000
comments, I feel bad! So, I guess I’m a little
sensitive, too.
cities in 191 countries. You can now rent a room or a
And that’s all for today!
whole apartment anywhere in the world.
The online service ‘Rent the Runway’ is another
example of someone finding a creative solution to a Language in action
problem. Jennifer Hyman saw her sister spend a lot of Past simple and past continuous with when, while
money on a dress for a wedding, and this inspired her and as
to start a company renting out dresses. Do you need a Let’s talk about the vlog.
special dress but only want to wear it once? Jennifer has Which language did the vlogger use to talk about past
the answer. Her business has over six million members, experiences?
975 employees, and over 400 designers. We use the past continuous to talk about activities in
But these ideas didn’t just appear. progress at a moment in the past.
They took a lot of work and people who didn’t give up. We use the past simple to talk about a short action
These people were brave and took risks. Entrepreneurs which happens in the middle of another activity.
can be any age. Did you know that 24% of university We use when, while and as to join actions or events
students have their own business? Entrepreneurs are happening at the same time.
not afraid to fail, and when they do, they try again,
harder than before. And sometimes ... they succeed! I was watching him when my phone rang.

While I was making this vlog, I got some nasty

comments and questions.

As we were talking, I thought, ‘why don’t I

make a vlog?’

Notice: Use when, not while, with the simple past to talk
about something that happened at a point in time.

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Use it! Pronunciation
Which tense can you use: past simple or past Listen and repeat.
continuous? My friend James used to be afraid of the water.
He was watching a film when he had an idea. He didn’t use to exercise either.
What did James use to be afraid of?
Now you try.
My friends were watching TV when I arrived. Use it!
While I was typing, my computer broke. Look and say sentences with used to.
We were texting, as we were studying. I used to live in Paris.
LANGUAGE IN ACTION 2 I didn’t use to live in Barcelona.
Now you try.
Do what scares you I didn’t use to like salad.
He used to play the piano.
Hey there. Today’s vlog is about fear.
He didn’t use to play the guitar.
When you don’t let your fears stop you,
you can become more confident. She used to paint every day.
My friend James used to be afraid of the water She didn’t use to study every day.
because he didn’t know how to swim.
He used to ride a bike.
He didn’t use to exercise either. This used to
make James feel bad about himself. Not bad He didn’t use to drive a car.
enough to do anything about it.
Until his sister decided to do a triathlon –you
know, a big race where you swim, cycle, then
Local heroes
James wanted to do it, too. But he didn’t know Cultures all over the world have their heroes. They’re
how to swim. an important part of a country’s history. But what type
I said, ‘James, this is the perfect reason to of personality do heroes have? Are they ambitious,
learn to swim! Your sister can swim!’ confident and talented? Or is it more important to be
So James took swimming lessons! He was calm, patient and sensitive?
afraid at first, but after a while he learned Heroes can be different things to different people.
how to swim quite well. He did the triathlon, Some see heroes as people from history books. Others
and, now he’s on the swimming team! look up to superheroes, like Superman. And many
So, don’t let your fear stop you!
people have celebrity heroes – in fact, one in four do!
But sometimes heroes are just ordinary people doing
Language in action inspirational things. Let’s look at some young local
used to heroes from around the world.
Let’s talk about the vlog. While 14-year-old Yash Gupta was studying at school, he
Which language did the vlogger use to talk about things broke his glasses. This inspired him to think about the
in the past that don’t happen now? importance of sight. Some children around the world go
When we talk about situations or activities in the past to school without glasses because they don’t have the
that were repeated or ongoing but don’t happen now, money to buy them. Yash wanted to help. So, in 2011,
we say used to. he started ‘Sight Learning’, an organisation that collects
glasses for children who need them. ‘Sight Learning’
My friend James used to be afraid of the water has given thousands of pairs of glasses to children in
India, Mexico, Haiti and Honduras.
Another local hero, Blair Brettschneider used to
He didn’t use to exercise either. teach teenage refugees in Chicago; while she was
teaching she realised that these girls needed more
What did James use to be afraid of? than just support with their studies. So she started an
Notice: We write use to with did and didn’t. organisation to help these girls deal with life in a new
culture. Blair’s organisation gives the girls the support
they need to manage in a new country.

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What inspires local heroes? For Yash and Blair, it was
a need in their local community that inspired them to
want to help.
Think about your own community. Do you know a local
hero? Would you like to be one?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2020 Own it! 3 Unit 1 – Video scripts

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