Time for Grammar - Expert - 학생용 Workbook PDF
Time for Grammar - Expert - 학생용 Workbook PDF
Time for Grammar - Expert - 학생용 Workbook PDF
CHAPTER 01 Sentence Patterns 문장의 형식 2
CHAPTER 07 Participles 분사 36
CHAPTER 08 Comparisons 비교 42
01 S+V&S+V+C
1형식과 2형식
2 The artwork (looks / looks like) real and even alive from a distance.
4 Your bag smells like the (sea / salty) because you put many seashells in it.
1 The plane was arrived an hour later than the expected arrival time.
terrific grow up weird turn
2 Chapter 01
1 Some people believe that UFOs are appeared around the world.
2 If there is no one at the station, the train will leave at earlier than usual.
3 The sky suddenly got darken, and heavy rain started to pour.
2 무대가 조명으로 비춰졌을 때 관객들은 조용히 있었다. (the audience, stay, silent)
when the stage was lit.
1 Upon entering (the building / into the building), he went straight to his office.
2 It is not easy to (explain / explain about) the problem with this project.
3 The club members suggested (practicing / to practice) after school every day.
5 I thought they were siblings because they (resemble / resemble with) each
2 Ben gave up on to call the store as the line was busy all morning.
3 Sue enjoys to spend time at the gym during her lunch break.
2 Did you offer him the job because you think highly of his computer skills?
Did you offer because you think highly of his
computer skills?
4 When the audience applauded, the singer sang them another song.
When the audience applauded, the singer sang .
4 Chapter 01
1 Nick fell in love with Suzy at first sight and married with her last year.
2 If you avoid to go to the dentist, your toothache will get worse in no time.
1 그는 우리에게 그의 강아지의 사진을 좀 보여주었다. (some photos of, he, us, his puppy,
2 그는 신입 작가들을 만나기 위해 도서전에 자주 참석한다. (meet, attends, to, the book fair,
new authors, often, he)
4 나에게 기타 치는 법을 가르쳐주는 것은 어때? (me, don’t you, play, how to, the guitar,
why, teach)
1 우리 할아버지는 그가 가장 좋아하는 시계를 나에게 남기셨다. (leave, me, his favorite watch)
My grandfather .
3 선수들은 그들의 주장의 슈팅 스킬을 부러워했다. (envy, their captain, his shooting skills)
The players .
03 S + V + O + O.C.
1 The athlete never gives up on a race, so people call (her / to her) a fighter.
4 The director made Carl (the hero / to the hero) of the movie.
5 The coach expects her football team (advanced / to advance) to the finals.
1 The tour guide advised us watch our step inside the cave.
2 The woman heard wolves to howl while she walked in the forest.
solve paint open crash
6 Chapter 01
2 Jim had his cell phone check by the repairman because it would not turn on.
1 그녀는 그녀의 선생님을 인생의 롤 모델로 여긴다. (considers, her teacher, she, in, her life,
a role model)
(until 4 p.m., the students, soccer, the P.E. teacher, to practice, allowed)
3 그들은 내가 그 제안을 수락하길 요청했다. (to accept, they, me, the offer, asked)
4 만약 우리가 토요일 경기를 취소한다면, 모두 우리를 약하다고 생각할 것이다. (everyone, we,
cancel, think, on Saturday, us, the game, if, weak, will)
01 Present Perfect
4 They (have been, are) friends with each other for 10 years.
6 He (has gotten, got) a job offer from a design company a few days ago.
7 He had fought with his sister. He still does not talk to her.
8 Chapter 02
2 My brother started playing the game an hour ago. He is still playing it.
for an hour.
3 Jake started doing a part-time job three months ago. He is still doing it.
for three months.
1 그녀는 지난주 이후로 그 드라마를 시청해오고 있다. (watching, last, since, she, week,
been, the drama, has)
3 민수는 브라질에 그의 친척들을 만나러 가고 없다. (has, Minsu, to, his, relatives, Brazil,
gone, to see)
4 팬들은 그의 콘서트를 보기 위해 두 시간째 기다리는 중이다. (two hours, his, been, have,
the fans, waiting, for, to, concert, see)
Perfect Aspect 9
1 When we graduated from middle school, we (knew, had known) each other
for six years.
2 The training (had been finished, will have been finished) tomorrow.
4 We (had painted, will have painted) the house by the time Mom returns.
5 She (had used, will have used) the car for 20 years by next Monday.
6 Martin (will have gone, had gone) fishing when Carl stopped by his house.
4 We have been playing tennis for an hour when the rain started.
7 How long have you been waiting until the bus came?
10 Chapter 02
2 Ellen had started doing her homework at 5 p.m. She was still doing it at 7.
for two hours.
3 Jane has studied Korean for a year. She will study Korean next year.
for two years next year.
1 관광객들은 그때까지는 공항에 도착해 있을 것이다. (by then, the tourists, the airport,
will, at, have, arrived)
2 이번 여름이면 그 댄스 그룹은 세 번째 공연을 했을 것이다. (this, the dance group, by,
three times, will, performed, have, summer)
3 그녀가 집에 왔을 때, 그녀의 아들은 친구들을 만나러 나가고 없었다. (got, when, she, had,
gone out, to meet, his friends, home, her son)
4 내가 이모 댁에 들렀을 때, 그녀는 쿠키를 굽는 중이었다. (baking, had been, stopped by,
she, I, cookies, when, aunt’s house, my)
3 그는 오랫동안 밖에서 일하고 있었기 때문에 매우 피곤했다. (work outside, for a long time)
Perfect Aspect 11
5 You (may, must) fasten your seatbelt when you ride in a car.
12 Chapter 03
1 너는 약을 먹고 쉬어야 한다. (take, must, you, some medicine, get, and, some rest)
2 그녀의 무례한 태도는 받아들여질 리가 없다. (cannot, her, rude, accepted, attitude, be)
Modals 13
4 As you have a bad cold, you (had not better, had better not) go to the gym.
5 We (may as well, used to) try the local food this time.
must have been had better take may as well make used to go
14 Chapter 03
1 너는 부모님과 함께 너의 관심사에 대해서 이야기하는 게 좋을 것이다. (talk about, you, with,
your parents, had, your interests, better)
2 나는 우울할 때 피아노를 치곤 했다. (I, felt down, I, play, used, the piano, to, when)
3 나는 차라리 온라인으로 잡지를 사겠다. (I, online, would, a magazine, rather, buy)
4 개들이 그의 발자국을 놓친 것이 틀림없다. (lost, of, must, track, the dogs, have, him)
Modals 15
01 Passive Voice
수동태의 형태와 시제
16 Chapter 04
3 그의 그림들이 곧 전시될 것이다. (be, his paintings, exhibited, soon, going to, are)
Passives 17
18 Chapter 04
1 그 학생들은 자신들의 이름을 적도록 시켜졌다. (the students, to, made, their names,
were, write down)
2 나는 그녀에 의해 그 소포를 보내라는 요청을 받았다. (I, to, was, asked, by, send, her,
the package)
Passives 19
6 The appointment was (put off, put off by) because of the storm.
7 The man was (looked by down on, looked down on by) his neighbors.
with to at about of
20 Chapter 04
2 음식이 자원봉사자들에 의해 노숙자들에게 나눠질 것이다. (be, the volunteers, the food,
the homeless, handed out, by, to, will)
3 그는 마을에서 가장 정직한 사람들 중의 하나로 믿어진다. (he, believed, it, of, in town,
one, is, is, that, the most honest, people)
Passives 21
01 Substantive To-infinitives
to부정사의 명사적 용법
1 너의 약속을 지키는 것은 중요하다. (important, to, is, it, keep, your promises)
3 나는 도서관에서 시끄럽게 구는 것은 무례하다고 생각한다. (I, it, rude, think, be, noisy, to,
in the library)
To-infinitives 23
5 You have to walk for 30 minutes (burn off, to burn off ) calories.
24 Chapter 05
1 나는 수박을 자를 칼이 필요하다. (I, a knife, with, need, the watermelon, cut, to)
3 나는 사고를 목격해서 충격을 받았다. (I, the accident, to, was, witness, shocked)
4 그녀는 신문 기사를 좀 읽기 위해 컴퓨터를 켰다. (turned on, she, read, the computer,
some news articles, to)
1 경기에 이기기 위해서 너는 열심히 연습해야 한다. (must, practice hard, the match)
To-infinitives 25
26 Chapter 05
1 그가 자신의 실수를 인정한 것은 현명했다. (wise, it, was, his, him, to, of, mistake, admit)
2 그들이 거리에서 노는 것은 위험하다. (it, in the street, is, for, dangerous, them, play,
3 그는 내가 지난여름에 했던 일을 알고 있었던 것 같다. (last summer, he, seems, to, known,
have, what I did)
To-infinitives 27
6 Mr. Lee got me (move, to move) the sofa next to the table.
28 Chapter 05
3 The doctor told me not drink or eat anything for two hours.
4 She heard the boys to talk about her behind the tree.
2 경찰은 그 남자가 주머니에 있는 모든 것을 꺼내게 했다. (the police, the man, had, take,
out of his pockets, everything)
4 그녀의 나쁜 건강이 그녀로 하여금 꿈을 포기하게 했다. (poor health, cause, give up)
To-infinitives 29
30 Chapter 05
1 이 도시는 혼자 걸어서 돌아다닐 만큼 충분히 안전하지 않다. (this city, is, safe, alone, not,
enough, to, walk around in)
2 그 영화는 너무 무서워서 나는 그것을 볼 수 없었다. (the movie, was, for, to, too, watch,
scary, me)
3 사실대로 말하면, 나는 유럽에 가본 적이 없다. (to, I have, been, to, Europe, the truth,
tell, never)
To-infinitives 31
6 Mr. Lee suggested (to go, going) camping with his friends.
32 Chapter 06
3 그는 형편없이 대접받은 것을 불평했다. (been, poorly, of, complained, he, having,
Gerunds 33
1 I have difficulty (to sleep, sleeping) at night because I drink too much coffee.
4 She suggested (to eat out, eating out) at least once a week.
34 Chapter 06
4 It seemed that he did not want to spend any money fix his laptop.
1 나는 많은 짐을 한번에 옮기려고 노력했다. (at once, carry, I, tried, to, luggage, a lot of )
2 제가 에어컨을 끄는 것을 꺼리시나요? (mind, turning off, you, my, the air conditioner,
Gerunds 35
01 Functions of Participles
분사의 기능
36 Chapter 07
1 보물은 동굴 안에 숨겨져 있었다. (was, in, hidden, the cave, the treasure)
2 이 노트북 컴퓨터는 매우 혼란스러운 설명서를 가지고 있다. (laptop, a, very, has, confusing,
computer, this, manual)
3 그녀는 결과에 대해 꽤 만족하는 것처럼 보였다. (satisfied, she, with, quite, the results,
Participles 37
02 Participle Clauses
5 You will never get lost (following, being followed) these directions.
6 Not (having taken, have taking) her advice seriously, he failed in business.
38 Chapter 07
2 After they finished the job training, they went back to America.
Participles 39
2 (Compared with, Talking of ) other books, this one is short and easy to read.
4 (Judging from, Generally speaking) his tanned skin, he just got back from
5 (Strictly speaking, Considering) his background, he must have been born with
musical talent.
40 Chapter 07
1 이 수프를 먹기 전에 소금을 좀 넣으세요. (eating, some salt, this soup, before, add)
3 그녀는 머리카락을 바람에 휘날리며 나를 기다리고 있었다. (with, in the wind, she, for,
waiting, blowing, her hair, was, me)
4 그리스어와 비교하면 영어는 배우기 쉽다. (to, Greek, English, compared, easy, with, is,
Participles 41
3 He needs to get used to the new system as quickly (as, than) possible.
6 This conference room is three times (as big, so bigger) as that one.
7 The tennis coach is not as (popular, more popular) as the swimming coach.
6 The new computer works three times so faster as the old one.
as not soon long
42 Chapter 08
3 Andy can play tennis well. Brian can play tennis well.
Andy can play tennis Brian.
1 그 영화는 만화만큼 웃기지 않았다. (the movie, the cartoon, not, as, funny, was, as)
2 너는 가능한 한 많이 경험해야 한다. (should, possible, you, much, experience, as, as)
3 그 바이러스는 우리가 생각했던 것보다 두 배 더 빨리 퍼지고 있다. (the virus, twice, as, is,
spreading, thought, fast, we, as)
Comparisons 43
better much more than
44 Chapter 08
4 The boy from a small town became more famous and famous.
2 Jason의 인기가 점점 더 올라가고 있다. (Jason’s popularity, and, higher, getting, is,
3 Sue는 쇼핑보다 독서에 훨씬 더 관심이 있다. (Sue, much, interested, than, in reading,
in shopping, is, more)
4 커피를 마실수록 나는 더 잠이 깼다. (awake, the, drank, was, more, more, I, coffee,
the, I)
Comparisons 45
5 This is the most exciting game I (ever play, have ever played).
46 Chapter 08
1 아시아는 세계에서 가장 큰 대륙이다. (Asia, the, the world, in, biggest, is, continent)
3 다른 어떤 것도 너의 건강만큼 중요한 것은 없다. (other, thing, as, health, your, no, is,
important, as)
Comparisons 47
01 Subordinating Conjunctions
2 (Though, Unless) the salesperson does not suggest this product, I will buy it.
5 She has been sick (as, although) she is working overtime continuously.
2 Even though it was snowing heavily, she was not late for school.
unless since although
1 I had not seen her for a long time, but I could recognize her.
= I had not seen her for a long time, I could recognize her.
2 If you do not get enough sleep, you will easily get tired.
= you get enough sleep, you will easily get tired.
3 The artist’s paintings are great, so many people come to see them.
= Many people come to see the artist’s paintings they are
48 Chapter 09
3 Wash your hands often. You can avoid catching a cold. (in order that)
1 내 수업이 끝날 때까지 엄마는 그곳에 있을 것이다. (my mom, is, will, over, be, until,
my class, there)
2 사람들이 지나다닐 수 있도록 이 박스들을 치우세요. (these boxes, can, so that, people,
remove, pass by)
3 비록 너무 더웠지만 아이들은 야구를 하고 있었다. (playing, though, it, was, the children,
were, very hot, baseball)
1 그녀는 건물을 드나들 때 엘리베이터를 타지 않는다. (enter and leave, take the elevator)
Conjunctions 49
02 Correlative Conjunctions /
Indirect Questions
상관접속사 / 간접의문문
괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
3 I’d like to know (who won, who she won) the prize.
7 He will (whether, neither) persuade the customer nor promote our product.
if where whether who
50 Chapter 09
3 She does not like the class schedule. He does not like the class schedule.
2 그녀는 마음이 따뜻하고 활기차다. (warm-hearted, energetic, both, and, is, she)
3 나는 그녀가 왜 그와 사랑에 빠졌는지 잘 모르겠다. (fell in, him, I, why, am, love with,
she, not sure)
4 나는 이 문장이 옳은지 아닌지 모르겠다. (correct, know, this sentence, do not, I, is,
Conjunctions 51
01 Relative Pronouns
6 People (whose, who) have pets are less likely to suffer from depression.
1 I was so nervous then that I could not express what I thought well.
2 Sometimes your brother or sister is the person with whom you are angriest.
3 I just saw a girl whose coat was exactly the same as yours.
1 The tiger which it grew too big has been sent to a larger zoo.
2 Isn’t that the woman who she lives across the street from you?
52 Chapter 10
Relatives 53
02 Relative Adverbs
1 I do not understand the reason (when, why) you are doing this.
2 The employees discussed (how, the way how) the service could be improved.
5 La Viva is the place (for which, at which) you can have the best Mexican meal.
6 I will never forget (the day, where) when my father took me to the baseball
3 The library is where you can also watch a lot of good movies.
54 Chapter 10
Relatives 55
1 The company has a new CEO, (who, that) is less than 30 years old.
2 The notebook is in my bag, (where, which) you can find near my bed.
3 That is the student cafeteria, (that, where) you can buy lunch.
4 She has a good sense of color, (as, that) is evident from her artwork.
when where whose which whom
56 Chapter 10
2 The foreign singer sang a beautiful song, but I could not understand it.
= The foreign singer sang a beautiful song, .
4 Tina did not finish the food on her plate, but that was very unusual.
= Tina did not finish the food on her plate, .
5 I found some grapes in the refrigerator, but most of them were rotten.
= I found some grapes, , in the refrigerator.
7 Selina went to Paris last month, and at that time, she visited many art
= Selina went to Paris last month, many art museums.
1 그녀는 독일에서 자랐는데 그것이 그녀가 독일어를 이해하는 이유이다. (grow up, Germany,
which, why)
3 너는 필요한 것보다 많은 음식을 먹지 말아야 한다. (should not, more food, than,
be needed)
4 나는 양말 열 켤레를 샀는데 그 중 하나에 구멍이 있었다. (pair of, one of, which, a hole)
Relatives 57
04 Compound Relatives
2 She gave her flyers to (whoever, however) came out of the gate.
1 Whoever leaves the classroom last should turn off the lights.
anything whoever whatever wherever
58 Chapter 10
4 Whatever they may say, it does not affect my feelings for you.
= No , it does not affect my feelings for you.
Relatives 59
01 Subjunctives
3 If I had asked her to invite me, she (would have, has) done so.
4 If I had won the lottery, I (were, would) not be working here now.
3 If you had bought the bag, you will have regretted it.
4 If he had liked the new teacher, he will not have done it.
2 If she had had enough money, she could have bought a dress.
She enough money, so she a dress.
60 Chapter 11
1 I do not have a house with a swimming pool, so I cannot swim every day.
4 James did not ask me what happened that day, so I did not say anything.
1 네가 공부를 열심히 했더라면 대학에 갈 수 있을 텐데. (hard, you, studied, if, could,
the university, you, enter, had)
2 비행기가 제시간에 착륙했더라면 우리는 그 행사에 늦지 않을 텐데. (had, the event, not,
landed, if, we, would, the plane, on time, late for, be)
3 내가 Amy의 주소를 기억했더라면 그녀에게 크리스마스카드를 보냈을 텐데. (if, would, had,
sent, I, Amy’s address, I, have, her, a Christmas card, remembered)
Subjunctive Mood 61
62 Chapter 11
1 그는 마치 Dick과 싸웠던 것처럼 말했다. (talked, had, he, as if, fought, Dick, with, he)
2 나는 더 많은 사람들이 자선 사업에 관심이 있으면 좋겠다. (charity work, interested in, I,
were, wish, more people)
3 그녀가 공부하는 것 외에 실용적인 기술을 배워야 할 시간이다. (besides, she, learned, time,
it, a practical skill, is, studying)
4 그는 마치 그 패션모델을 직접 만났던 것처럼 말했다. (had, as if, he, in person, talked, he,
met, the fashion model)
5 나의 할머니가 돌아가시지 않았더라면 좋을 텐데. (I, my grandmother, had, passed away,
wish, not)
6 우리가 보고서 쓰기를 마쳐야 할 시간이다. (is, we, the report, time, writing, high,
finished, it)
Subjunctive Mood 63
1 (Having, Had) no cellphone, the boy could not contact his friends.
2 (To see, Seen) him dance, you would realize why he is called a dancing
4 (Had, Being) she had more time to study, she could have gotten a better
4 Having it not been for his efforts, the company might have gone bankrupt.
2 If it had her care, the boy could not have achieved his goal.
But for her care, the boy his goal.
64 Chapter 11
1 휴대 전화가 없었더라면 우리의 삶은 더 단순했을지도 모른다. (been, it, more simple, had,
for, not, have been, cell phones, our lives, might)
2 좋은 책은 정보뿐만 아니라 즐거움도 준다. (a good book, information, would, you, give,
pleasure, as well as)
3 그와 얘기해 보면 그가 유머 감각이 있다는 것을 알게 될 것이다. (realize, talk to, would, to,
of humor, him, he, a good sense, has, you)
4 나는 교통 체증에 걸렸다. 그렇지 않았더라면 여기에 더 일찍 도착했을 텐데. (caught, here,
I, in a traffic jam, would, I, have arrived, earlier, got, otherwise)
5 나의 선생님의 도움이 없다면 나는 그 프로젝트를 끝낼 수 없을 텐데. (for, it, not, finish,
my teacher’s help, the project, not, were, could, I)
1 새로운 정책에 대하여 공지를 받았더라면 우리는 혼란스럽지 않았을 것이다. (be informed of,
policy, confuse)
2 인터넷이 없다면 사람들은 정보를 찾는 데 어려움을 겪을 것이다. (but for, have difficulty,
Subjunctive Mood 65
01 Number Agreement
6 The Netherlands (is, are) not the background of the novel A Dog of Flanders.
2 According to the police report, the majority of the dead were British.
4 Experts say the number of languages in the world will decrease in the
1 The actor and director won his third Oscar nomination. (have)
66 Chapter 12
3 나머지 페이지들은 작가의 삶에 대한 내용이다. (the rest of, the author’s life)
02 Tense Agreement
시제 일치
1 This sign says the store (opens, opened) at 9 a.m. from Monday through Friday.
4 The nurse said Charlie still (wakes, has woken) up at 6 every morning.
5 She wants to show her friends the photos she (take, took) last week.
6 Dad bought me a hair clip when my hair (is, was) very short.
1 They will soon find out that he for Japan. (have already left)
2 The girl insists that she has paid for the popcorn.
The girl insisted that she for the popcorn.
68 Chapter 12
2 They will do .
(anything, was, necessary, is, that)
4 I am wondering where .
(I, put, had, my phone, have)
2 Bob will cook a meal for his mother and then did all the dishes.
4 The boys loved the tree house which they has built themselves.
2 Benjamin Franklin은 정직이 최선의 방책이라고 믿었다. (honesty, the best policy)
03 Indirect Speech
2 Dongsu asked the waiter (what, if ) he could have chopsticks instead of a fork.
5 Sandra (told, said) that her brother had looked fine the night before.
3 Andy asked her whether she was free the following night.
Andy said to her, “ free tomorrow night?”
70 Chapter 12
8 Mr. Kim said to his passengers, “Would you mind if I opened the window?”
Mr. Kim asked his passengers whether .
1 It is in the pink box (whose, that) Diana keeps the letters she receives.
5 Eva not only runs a restaurant but also (attending, attends) graduate school.
1 It was from the ceiling that a strange sound came last night.
that no did none
4 He read the book, but he did not remember any of its
72 Chapter 13
2 Eating too much and not to exercise at all are harmful to your health.
4 Not of them has any complaints though they were in a difficult situation.
4 나는 오후에 쇼핑을 가든지 아니면 삼촌을 방문할 것이다. (either, go, visit)
Sentence Arrangement 73
3 I heard the news (that, if ) Scott would join the baseball team.
5 Not only did she lose her bike, but (she was, was she) also late for class.
be did is were
74 Chapter 13
2 My mom told me to throw away my old toys, but I did not want to be.
4 페미니즘은 남자들과 여자들이 동등한 권리를 가져야 한다는 믿음이다. (feminism, the belief,
that, should, equal rights)
Sentence Arrangement 75