Treatment of Herpes Labialis by Photodynamic.28
Treatment of Herpes Labialis by Photodynamic.28
Treatment of Herpes Labialis by Photodynamic.28
Background: Lesions of herpes labialis are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 and cause pain and aesthetic compromise.
It is characterized by the formation of small vesicles that coalesce and rupture forming extremely painful ulcers, that evolve to crusts,
dry desquamations until their complete remission. Currently the treatment of these lesions is done with acyclovir. Although it
diminishes the symptomatology, it causes viral resistance and does not prevent the recurrence of the lesions. It is known that
antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) has numerous advantages, among them: the reduction of the time of remission, and
does not cause resistance. This protocol will determine the effectiveness of PDT in lesions of herpes labialis.
Materials and methods: A total of 30 patients with herpes labialis in the prodromal stage of vesicles, ulcers, and crusts will be
selected to participate in the study and randomized into 2 groups: G1 control and G2 experimental. After signing Research Ethics
Committee and TA, patients in group G1 will undergo the standard gold treatment for herpes labialis with acyclovir and simulated PDT
treatment. Patients in the experimental G2 group will be treated simulating the gold standard treatment of herpes labialis (placebo)
and PDT. In all patients, saliva samples will be collected for analysis of cytokines, and will be performed exfoliative cytology in the
lesions. The pain will be assessed through a pain scale and a questionnaire of quality of life related to oral health (OHIP-14) will be
given to them. Patients will continue to be followed up after 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months; if there is a recurrence of the
lesion, they will contact the researchers.
Clinical registration: - NCT 04037475. Registered on July 2019.
Abbreviations: aPDT = antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, HSL = herpes simplex labialis, HSV-1 = herpes simplex virus, ICC =
intraclass correlation coefficient, J = Joules, J/cm2 = Joules/square centimeter, mL = milliliter, mL = microliter, mm = millimiter, mM =
millimolar, mW = milliWatts, mW/cm2 = milliWatts/square centimeter, nm = nanometer, OHIP-14 = oral health impact profile, PS =
photosensitizer, ROS = reactive oxygen species, RT-PCRq = real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Keywords: photodynamic therapy, cold sores, herpes simplex, laser
The individual data of the patients will remain confidential. The results of this study may be presented at international conferences and published. All data will be saved
on the laboratory of the Department of Biophotonics Applied to Health Sciences of Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil.
This protocol received approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of Universidade Nove de Julho (process number: 3.566.238). The data will be published
in a peer-reviewed periodical.
The study received grant from Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq #165189/2019-3 (CNPq, Portuguese: Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico).
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Postgraduate Program in Biophotonics Applied to Health Sciences, Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE, b Postgraduate Program in Bioengineering and
Biomedical Engineering, School of Dentistry, Universidade Brasil, c International Academy of Lasers in Dentistry, d Laser Special Laboratory in Dentistry, LELO, School of
Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, e Post Graduate Program of Dental Sciences, University Ibirapuera, f Department of Dentistry School of Dentistry, University of Sao
Paulo, g Division of Pathology, Department of Stomatology, School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, h Laboratory of Virology, Institute of Tropical Medicine of Sao
Paulo, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Correspondence: Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana, Postgraduate Program in Biophotonics Applied to Health Sciences, University Nove de Julho/UNINOVE R.
Vergueiro, 235/249, CEP 01504-001 São Paulo, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]).
Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite this article: La Selva A, Negreiros RM, Bezerra DT, Rosa EP, Pavesi VC, Navarro RS, Bello-Silva MS, Ramalho KM, Aranha AC, Braz-Silva PH, Fernandes
KP, Bussadori SK, Horliana AC. Treatment of herpes labialis by photodynamic therapy: study protocol clinical trial (SPIRIT compliant). Medicine 2020;99:12(e19500).
Received: 3 February 2020 / Accepted: 10 February 2020
La Selva et al. Medicine (2020) 99:12 Medicine
La Selva et al. Medicine (2020) 99:12
Figure 1. Flowchart. REC = Research Ethics Committee, ICF = Informed Consent Form, OHIP-14 = Oral Health Impact Profile Questionnaire, VHS = virus Herpes
Simplex, PDT = photodynamic therapy.
performed with a 0 to 10-cm millimeter ruler by a researcher This same examiner will be trained for all evaluations that do
that will not be involved in the treatment of the patients. not allow quantitative and qualitative measurements such as:
Calibration as described (ICC) shall be performed for all collection of secretion and saliva. These procedures are important
measurable data. to maximize the reproducibility of evaluations.
La Selva et al. Medicine (2020) 99:12 Medicine
2.3. Sample description regarding injury. Saliva and HSV secretions from all patients will
The sample will be composed of healthy patients aged 15 to 60 also be collected for evaluation of inflammatory cytokines and
years who have herpes lesions in the prodromal stage, vesicles, saliva and HSV secretion for HSV quantification. Treatment will
ulcers, and crusts. then be performed according to randomization.
Patients of both sex, with no predilection for race or socioeconomic Anamnesis will be performed in both groups. In addition to
status, would be included (negative medical history). general patient health questions, demographic data (age, gender,
Patients with herpes infection in the dry desquamation stage marital status, occupation, educational level, living conditions,
will be excluded. Participants in continuous use of nonsteroidal and salary), medical history data (primary complaint, current
anti-inflammatory drugs and continued corticosteroid therapy illness status, medical history, dental history, and medications)
for <1 week, diabetic participants, smokers who need and will be asked when was the first infection and how many
immunosuppressants, pregnant women and/or nursing mothers, infections occurred within 1 year. The patient will be asked if
human immunodeficiency virus positive, and hepatitis B or C will there is a relationship between stress/begin of the injury and
be also excluded. anxiety/begin of the injury.
To randomly distribute the participants in the experimental Immediately prior to treatment of the herpes lesion the
groups, a draw with 30 numbers will be made through the program responsible investigator will remove and open 1 envelope
Microsoft Excel, version 2017 (ACRTH). The distribution of (without changing the numerical sequence of the other envelopes)
groups will be identical (1:1) for the 2 groups. The distribution will and perform the indicated procedure. In this way, the 24 patients
be done in a blocking fashion (5 groups of 6 patients). Opaque will be allocated in the experimental and control groups
envelopes will be identified with sequential numbers (1–30) and (considering a drop out of 20%), as follows:
inside it will be the information of the corresponding experimental G1: Control group (n = 12) – Patients will receive the
group according to the order obtained in the draw. The envelopes conventional treatment with acyclovir (described in detail in
will be sealed and will remain sealed in numerical order until the Section 2.11) and simulation of treatment with PDT (described
treatment of the lesions. The draw and preparation of the envelopes in detail in Section 2.10).
will be performed by a person not involved in the study. G2: Experimental group (n= 12) – Patients will be treated with PDT
Immediately prior to treatment of the lesions the investigator and will receive a placebo ointment simulating acyclovir cream.
responsible for the treatment will open 1 envelope (without
changing the numerical sequence) and perform the indicated
procedure (ALSA). Three more patients will be included in each 2.10. Treatment with photodynamic therapy
group in view of the drop out predicted in any clinical study In group 2, patients will receive aPDT. The aPDT associates a
(considering a drop out of 20%). The researcher will be responsible photosensitive agent with a source of light and oxygen, to reduce
for storing and tabulating the information, and the statistician (EC) the microbial load in places where there is no vesicle present.
will be responsible for analyzing the data obtained at the end of the The procedures will be performed as described:
research. These same envelopes will contain patient records (with
anamnesis sheet, ICF, and X-rays) and will be kept on file and will 1. If the lesions are in the vesicle phase, they will be ruptured with
be accessible to patients as soon as they wish. a sterile needle, and the overflow fluid will be cleaned with an
absorbent paper taking care not to contaminate adjacent
areas. The methylene blue solution at 0.005% concentration
2.6. Study blinding (Chimiolux; DMC, São Carlos, SP, Brazil) will be gently
Only the researcher responsible for performing the treatments placed on the lesions.
(which will open the envelopes of the randomization) will know 2. Application of methylene blue (0.05% Chimiolux 5 [DMC],
which treatment was assigned to each patient. The identification purified water, and methylene blue) with a carpule syringe and
of each group will be revealed only after statistical analysis of the needle (with stop and without bevel) on the lesions.
data for all those involved in the study by this researcher. 3. One minute of preirradiation will be expected.[29] The
Therefore, the researcher responsible for data collection, the irradiations will be performed with the Laser Duo red
microbiologist (APS) and the statistician (EC) will be blind laser diode (MMOptics, São Carlos, SP, Brazil) with a
regarding the treatments assigned to the groups. The patient will wavelength of 660 nm, with a power of 100 mW, energy
also be blind to the type of treatment performed, since the density of 300 J/cm2, with energy of 3 J in the center of the
treatment of the lesion will be identical in both groups and the lesion for 30 seconds.[30] The laser head will be positioned in
treatment with PDT will be simulated in the control group. direct contact with the lesion perpendicular to the lesion.[31]
Aciclovir placebo will be used in the experimental group, so the 4. It will be applied centrally to each isolated lesion that presents
patient will not know which treatment will be effective. with fixed energy per point of 3 J.
5. Wash in abundance with saline (saline solution) until the
removal of the photosensitizer is complete.
2.7. Pretreatment evaluations
6. During the laser application both patient and operator
Patients will sign the ICF and the TC, the anamnesis, the OHIP- will wear specific goggles to eye protection following the
14 questionnaire, and the data collection injury and questions international security rules.
La Selva et al. Medicine (2020) 99:12
Table 1 effects will be noted and qualified during the treatment protocol
Parameters used in photodynamic therapy. and maintenance period (3/3 months) using the questionnaire
developed for this protocol. Adverse events will be reported in the
Dosimetric parameters
results section of the manuscript and will be discussed. The
Wavelength, nm 660 Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Nove de Julho
Operating mode Continuous (UNINOVE) will be notified of any change.
Potence, mW 100
Beam area, cm2 3 mm2
Exposure time, s 0 2.12. Study variables and time
Irradiance, W/cm2 33.3 W/cm2
Radiant exposure, J/cm2 120 J/cm2
The primary study variable will be evaluation of the resolution
Radiant energy, J 3 time of the lesions in days (primary objective of the study). For
Number of points radiated 1 point/lesion this, a 15-day follow-up will be performed for this variable.
Application locations 1 point in the central of the lesion The secondary variables of the study will be
Application technique Contact
Follow-up of the recurrences of herpes simplex labialis (HSL)
Number of sessions and frequency Single
Photosensitizer Methylene blue (0.005%) lesion at baseline (T0), 1 (T3), 6 months (T4), and 1 year (T5)
follow-up periods.
Presence of ballooning cells by exfoliative cytology at baseline
(T0) and 3 (T1) days after injury.
7. Patients in group 2 will use placebo ointment as described in Evaluate if the amount of HSV-1 decreases after treatment with
the following list. aPDT by Quantitative polymerase chain reaction q at the
The patients in group 1 (control-placebo of PDT) will receive baseline (T0), 3 (T1), and 7 (T2).
an agent with the same vehicle as methylene blue to mimic Evaluation of cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1b, IL-8, tumor
irrigation with the photosensitizer and the laser will be switched necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), and IL-10 by enzyme-linked
off at the time of application. immunosorbent assay method in nonstimulated saliva and HSL
The placebo PDT procedures will be performed on the lesion as lesions in the baseline (T0), 3 (T1), 7 (T2), and 30 days after
described: treatment (T3).
To verify the presence of pain in HSL patients by HSL VAS at
1. Application of methylene blue placebo with a Carpule syringe baseline (T0), 3 (T1), 7 (T2), and 30 days after treatment (T3).
and needle (with stop and without bevel) inside the lesions. Check the temperature at the site of HSL lesion at baseline (T0),
2. One minute of preirradiation will be expected.[29] 3 (T1), 7 (T2), and 30 days after treatment (T3).
3. The irradiations will be performed with the same device Quality of life perception of HSL patients related to oral health
positioned in the same way and at the same time of will be assessed using the OHIP-14 questionnaire at baseline
application; however, the laser will be turned off. The beep (T0) and 30 (T3) days after treatment.
sound will be recorded and turned on during application to
blind treatment to the patient.
4. It will be applied exactly as described in group 2. It will be 2.13. Detailed study variables
washed in abundance with saline (saline solution) until the 2.13.1. Evaluation of injury resolution time in days. The
total removal of the placebo from the photosensitizer. patients will be followed up in 3 and 7 days and the resolution of
5. During the simulation of the laser application both patient and the lesion will be monitored until it is completed. The completed
operator will wear goggles (Table 1). will be accompanied by photos and telephone contact and noted
in a specific clinical file. For this, a 15-day follow-up will be
performed for this variable.[15]
2.11. Treatment with acyclovir
2.13.2. Follow-up of HSL injury recurrences. Patients will be
Patients in group 1 (control): Following the simulation of monitored at baseline (T0), 1 (T3), 6 (T4), and 1 (T5) follow-up
treatment with aPDT, the patient will receive a catheter with periods. The complete will be accompanied by photos and
acyclovir cream and will be advised to spread on the lesions 4 telephone contact and noted in a specific clinical file. For this, a
times a day for 7 days, in which will be their return for 1-year follow-up will be performed for this variable. The location of
reevaluation. The same patient will be reevaluated after 1 month, the lesions through sextants on the lips (sextants 1, 2, and 3 to upper
3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. left to right and sextants 4, 5, and 6 from right to left, with sextant 2
Patients in group G2 (experimental): The patients will perform in the labial filter region and sextant 5 is its lower lip antagonist.
the aPDT as described and will undergo the same procedures of
the patients of group G1, that is, will receive a tube with a placebo 2.13.3. Presence of ballooning cells. Quantify the ballooning
cream simulating aciclovir and the same will be advised to spread cells by means of exfoliative cytology.[32]
the cream 4 times per day for 7 days. The patient will 2.13.4. Collection of ballooning cells for exfoliative cytology.
return for reassessment after 3 and 7 days and will be followed The swab on the lesion of the exfoliative cytology kit of the female
up after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year for recurrence swab specimen collection kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) will be gently
evaluation. passed, made the smear on a slide for microscopic examination.
All treatment proposed in group 1 (simulation of aPDT +
delivery of aciclovir cream) in each patient will be concluded in a 2.13.5. HSV-1 quantification. Collection of HSV lesions
single session. Treatment for group 2 (aPDT + placebo cream) secretion: HSV lesion secretion samples will be collected at 1
will also be completed in a single session. All possible adverse single site in the central portion of the lesion with sterile swab
La Selva et al. Medicine (2020) 99:12 Medicine
after treatment of all HSV lesions. They will be stored in 500 mL 2.13.9. Saliva collect. Samples of unstimulated saliva (2 mL)
of Tris-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in tubes of 1.5 mL for will be collected in 50 mL tubes (Falcon tube) requesting that the
microcentrifuge (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany). During the patient spit in a 50-mL centrifuge tube without touching the lips
collection period (in the clinic) the samples will be stored on ice at the edges of the tube on the 1st care. In the laboratory, 1 mL of
inside a styrofoam. These samples will be properly identified and pure saliva will be stored in 1.5 mL centrifuge tubes at 80°C
stored at 80°C (freezer from the UNINOVE Biophotonics (freezer from the Biophotonic Laboratory of UNINOVE).[35]
Laboratory) until further analysis. Analysis of salivary cytokine profile and HSV lesions: Determi-
nation of salivary levels and HSV secretions of the inflammatory
2.13.6. Collection of saliva. Samples of unstimulated saliva (2
markers TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 will be performed.
mL) will be collected in 50 mL tubes (Falcon tube). In the
Cytokine levels will be determined using high sensitivity 8-plex
laboratory 500 mL of pure saliva will be added to 500 mL Tris/
human cytokine by Millipore (Millipore Corporation, Billerica,
EDTA, and stored at 80° C (freezer from the UNINOVE
MA). The miliplex kits will be developed with microspheres and
Biophotonics Laboratory).
based on immunoassays.
2.13.7. Extraction of DNA. The DNA extraction will be
2.13.10. Pain. Pain will be assessed by applying the VAS with a
performed with Meta-G-Nome DNA Isolation - MGN0910
line of 100 mm, with both ends closed. One end has the indication
(Epicenter Technologies Corp, Chicago, IL) according to the
“0” and the other “10” which means respectively no pain and
manufacturer’s instructions. For saliva samples and HSV secretion,
unbearable pain. Instructions for marking will always be given to
100 mL of sample, previously mixed in a Vortex at 12,857g (10,000
the patient by the same operator. Each patient will be instructed
RPM), 4° C, shall be transferred for 10 minutes to new centrifuge
to mark with a vertical trace the point that best corresponds to the
microtubes. The supernatant will be discarded, leaving 25 mL, next
intensity of pain at the time of evaluation.[36]
to the precipitate. Samples will be mixed in a Vortex for resuspension
of the pellet. For each sample a mixture of 2 mL of proteinase K and 2.13.11. Temperature. The temperature will be measured at the
300 mL of TCL (tissue and cell lysis), placed in a water bath for 15 site of the lesion (at its central point) and at its side (healthy skin 2
minutes and every 5 minutes will be vortexed. After the water bath, cm from the edge of the lesion). The local measurement will be
the samples will be placed on ice for 5 minutes. About 150 mL of measured using the Safety 1st digital thermometer (Safety 1st
protein precipitation solution reagent and mixed in a Vortex for 5 Montreal Quebec Canada) (Safety 1st, “No Touch Forehead:
seconds. It will be centrifuged for 10 minutes, 4°C at 12,857g Xi’an, China,” Columbus, OH).[36]
(10,000 RPM). The supernatant will be discarded, leaving only the
pellet. About 500 mL of isopropanol will be added and the samples 2.13.12. Oral health impact profile (OHIP-14). This question-
will be poured 40 times. The samples will then be centrifuged again naire is a simplified form of the original OHIP-49 questionnaire,[37]
for 10 minutes, at 4°C at 2057g (4000 RPM), the samples being the OHIP-14, and will be used to assess the impact of oral health on
poured, removing the isopropanol, leaving only the pellet. About the quality of life of the research participants. The OHIP-14 is used to
200 mL of 70% ethanol will be added and centrifuged for 2 minutes, measure perceived needs. It measures the impact of oral changes on
4°C and 2057g (4000 RPM). The ethanol will be withdrawn and the oral health related quality of life. The patient responds to 14
last step will be repeated. The tubes will be opened, inverted to dry, questions by assigning to his answers the values 0 (never), 1 (almost
for about 30 minutes. After drying, the resulting pellet will be eluted never), 2 (sometimes), 3 (most of the time), and 4 (always) (Table 3).
in Tris/EDTA. After DNA extraction the samples will be stored in a It can be analyzed under 2 optics:
freezer at 20°C and quantified through the spectrophotometer 1. Additive method: The points are summed (0–56), with 56
(Nanodrop ND1000; Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc). Prior to being the greatest impact on quality of life.
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, a set of primers 2. Domain evaluation: OHIP-14 has a total of 7 domains, which
for HSVP1/P2 corresponding to a DNA sequencing the eight human can also be scored from 0 to 4, with 4 being the highest impact.
herpes virus described by Johnson et al (Table 2) will be used. The To get the result, add the 2 questions of each domain and
first HSVP1/P2 amplifies the subtypes HSV-1, HSV-2, Epstein-Barr divide by 2. Domain 1 refers to functional limitation, domain 2
virus, and cytomegalovirus.[33,34] refers to physical pain, domain 3 refers to physical limitation,
2.13.8. Salivary cytokine profile and HSV lesion secretion. domain 4 refers to psychological discomfort, domain 5 refers
The HSV lesion secretion samples will be collected with sterile to psychological inability, social discomfort, and domain 7
swab at 1 site (central lesion site) and stored in 1.5 mL tubes for refers to general disability (Table 4).
microcentrifuge (Eppendorf). The collected samples will be stored It will be evaluated at the 1st attendance, after 7 days, if there is
on ice. These samples will be properly identified and stored at any recurrence, and after 1 year the OHIP-14. In the additive
80°C (UNINOVE Biophotonics Laboratory) until further method, when the value is >1, the presence of a negative impact
analysis. on the individual’s life may be considered.
The justification for this work is the viral resistance that the
continuous use of aciclovir can promote[7,10] and that PDT has
Table 2 shown good results but to date there are no clinical trials, only
Sequence and reference of primer. case reports[15,20,29] and, in addition, PDT can prevent HSL
Sequence Reference
HSV-1 0
Johnson, 2000 2.14. Statistical analysis
50 -ACATGGAGTCCGTGTCGCCGTAGATGA-30 Statistical analysis will be performed using only the data obtained
HSV-1 = herpes simplex virus. from the patients who complete the study. The Kolmogorov–
La Selva et al. Medicine (2020) 99:12
Table 3
Questions of OHIP-14.
Questions Never Almost never Sometimes Oftentimes Always
Did you have trouble speaking a word?
Have you felt that the taste of food has gotten worse?
Have you felt any pain in your mouth or teeth?
Did you feel uncomfortable eating something?
Were you worried?
Did you fell stressed?
Has your food been harmed?
Did you have to stop your meals?
Did you find it difficult to relax?
Did you feel ashamed?
Where you angry at other people?
Did you have difficulty performing your daily activities?
Did you feel that the life, in general, got worse?
Were you totally unable to do your daily activities?
OHIP-14 = oral health impact profile.
Smirnov test will be applied before the analysis of the normality After 24 hours, 72 hours, and 1 week, the same wavelength was
of each parameter. The t test will be used to compare all means. used changing the parameters, with energy density of 3.8 J/cm2,
All tests will be performed using Graphpad Prism 5 (Graphpad 15 mW, and 0.6 J. No discomfort was reported throughout
Software, San Diego, CA). Data will be presented on average and treatment and follow-up was 6 months with satisfactory results.
±standard deviation. The level of significance will be set at Ramalho et al[29] reported 2 cases, 1 in a 28-year-old female with
P < .05. a vesicle lesion, in which was punctured, its contents absorbed
with absorbent paper, 0.005% methylene blue placed, waiting
time of 5 minutes for the photosensitizer to act and the laser
3. Discussion
applied at a wavelength of 660 nm, with a power of 100 mW, 4.8
Oral herpes lesions are very painful, bringing discomfort, and J, for 2 seconds per point. The following day, the lesion was
aesthetic impairment.[6,10] The causes of recurrences are already in the crusting phase. The 2nd case reported was from a
uncertain,[39] the gold standard treatment is with antiviral female participant, 30 years old, who presented in the prodromal
acyclovir,[9] and it is the most commonly used to prevent or or tingle stage, and the participant reported that she had used
suppress VHS[10,14,40] but continued use of this drug may cause acyclovir cream 5% when she had prodromal symptomatology.
high viral resistance.[7,10] Antiviral medications are most Methylene blue was placed over the macula and the same
effective when the patient uses them for prodromal symptom- parameters as in the 1st case were used. The participant was
atology and acyclovir is effective in reducing the duration and instructed to continue acyclovir cream every 4 hours, and after
symptoms of infection, but the optimal dose is still unknown.[9] 24 hours of PDT application, the macula was no longer
Acyclovir may reduce the duration of symptoms but does not detectable and herpes lesion did not develop. Marotti et al[18]
prevent recurrence.[15] Because of these factors, aPDT is a good conducted a study with high intensity laser and PDT. The first
alternative for the treatment of herpetic lesions, which is a very case using PDT was in a 23-year-old female with herpetic lesions
promising treatment modality. Marotti et al[20] in their study in the vesicle phase. They were punctured, dried with sterile gauze
with 4 participants in the vesicle phase performed their and 0.001% methylene blue and laser was applied with
perforation with a sterile needle to cause the flow of liquid. A wavelength 660 nm, with fluency of 100 J/cm2, power of 100
0.01% methylene-blue-soaked cotton ball was placed over the mW, 28 seconds, 2.8 J of energy, spot size of 0.028 cm2 with total
lesion for 5 minutes and the excess photosensitizer was removed. energy of 8.4 J after 24, 48, 72 hours, and 7 days after the 1st
The lesions were irradiated with a wavelength of 660 nm, spot application. The parameters used were 20 J/cm2, power of
size 0.04 cm2 in continuous mode. The power was 40 mW, 2 40 mW, 14 seconds per point with energy of 0.56 J per point. The
minutes per point, with energy of 4.8 J (total energy of 19.2 J). other case was with a 24-year-old male participant using the same
parameters as the previous case. Based on these cases and the
cases in which Marotti et al[20] used high intensity laser, the
Table 4 authors concluded that PDT has the advantage of low cost. It is
Domains of the OHIP-14 questionnaire.
based on the interaction of a photosensitizer and laser light in the
tissue, causing selective cell damage, generating ROS.[13] The
Domains Meaning
photosensitizer (methylene blue) absorbs visible laser light at an
Domine 1 Functional limitation appropriate wavelength (red 660 nm) from the ground state to
Domine 2 Physical pain the singlet state, which has a short lifespan. From this, the
Domine 3 Psychological discomfort photosensitizer can lose energy through nonradioactive process-
Domine 4 Physical disability es (phosphorescence) or generate ROS through 2 mechanisms:
Domine 5 Psychological disability
either by electron transfer, forming free radicals (type I reactions)
Domine 6 Social disability
Domine 7 Handicap or by transfer of energy to molecular oxygen forming singlet
oxygen (type II reactions).[21] The antimicrobial PDT is an
OHIP-14 = oral health impact profile. effective alternative to the gold standard treatment, acyclovir, but
La Selva et al. Medicine (2020) 99:12 Medicine
there are no clinical studies yet to prove the efficacy of PDT in lesions, providing a low cost alternative indicated for patients
patients with recurrent herpes lesions, only case studies. with viral resistance to the gold standard drug, acyclovir, and,
This study will be a double-blind clinical trial with the goal of offering an alternative in immunocompromised patients who
not inducing the researcher who will treat the patient to a positive have a high recurrence of herpetic lesions and in patients who
aPDT result as well as to mask the participant’s type of treatment. should avoid drug administration by organ impairment where
Blocked randomization was performed so that if there is any acyclovir is metabolized, as well as in healthy patients who have a
interruption of work for any reason, we will have groups with high recurrence of lesions, decreasing discomfort.
proportional numbers of participants, allowing comparison
between them. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee
Author contributions
of the Universidade Nove de Julho, patients will be invited to
participate in the study by signing the ICF. If the lesions are in the Conceptualization: Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana,
vesicle stage, they will be topically anesthetized with 2% Andreia La Selva, Renata Matalon Negreiros, Kristianne Porta
lidocaine gel, as directed by the Research Ethics Committee. Santos Fernandes.
Exfoliate cytology of the lesions will be performed as it is a simple Data curation: Renata Matalon Negreiros, Lara Jansiski Motta,
and reliable method of confirming HSV infection, according to Daniella Teixeira Bezerra, Ellen Perim Rosa.
Barret et al. Microscopically we can observe changes in Formal analysis: Marina Stella Bello-Silva, Karen Miller
cytoplasm and nuclear structures. Lange et al,[41] observed that Ramalho, Ricardo Scarparo Navarro, Ana Cecília Corrêa
cells exhibit a space between inclusion and the extended “bull’s Aranha.
eye” cell membrane. In addition, he observed little frequency of Investigation: Paulo Henrique Braz-Silva, Anna Carolina Ratto
ballooning cells, which are pathognomonic cells in herpes lesions. Tempestini Horliana, Sandra Kalil Bussadori.
Unstimulated saliva collection will be performed before Methodology: Paulo Henrique Braz-Silva, Karen Miller Ram-
treatment, 3, 7, and 30 days after the procedure, in both groups, alho, Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana.
to quantify the virus by qPCR and to evaluate the cytokines IL-6, Project administration: Andreia La Selva, Anna Carolina Ratto
IL-1b, IL-8, TNF-a, and IL-10. For HSV-1 amplification by Tempestini Horliana.
qPCR, a set of HSVP1/HSVP2 primers will be used, which Resources: Paulo Henrique Braz-Silva, Sandra Kalil Bussadori,
corresponds to DNA sequencing the eight human herpes virus Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana.
described by Johnson et al. This primer amplifies HSV-1 Supervision: Sandra Kalil Bussadori, Kristianne Porta Santos
subtypes, HSV-2, Epstein-Barr virus, and cytomegalovi- Fernandes.
rus.[32,33,42] Validation: Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini Horliana, Kris-
In addition, the inflammatory markers TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6, tianne Porta Santos Fernandes.
and IL-8 and IL-10 will be determined by 8-plex high sensitivity Writing – original draft: Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini
human cytokine per Millipore (Millipore Corporation, Billerica, Horliana, Andreia La Selva, Renata Matalon Negreiros.
MA), where Marques Filho et al[43] found high levels of these Writing – review & editing: Renata Matalon Negreiros, Anna
cytokines in the crevicular fluid of patients with peri-implantitis. Carolina Ratto Tempestini, Ana Cecília Corrêa Aranha.
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