10 Test Bank For Paraphrasing
10 Test Bank For Paraphrasing
10 Test Bank For Paraphrasing
Though Argentina had many motives for the attack, it is possible that it thought
a woman would be less likely to go to war.
Her justification was that support for dying industries hurt the country’s
economic growth.
It is a sad fact that more people die each year because of lack of clean water than
those dying as a result of armed conflict.
They also believe that the use of fuels such as coal and oil are the main reasons
for the warming.
So after nearly 10 years studying the issues, she took the position contrary to her
original one and began to support nuclear energy.
4. Reading 2 The ONE Energy Solution, Unit 3 Nuclear Power: Clean and Bright
Solar and wind power also have a major limitation in that they cannot guarantee
a steady transmission of energy: both are subject to the weather on a particular
day, and solar power, of course, provides no energy at night.
5. Reading 1 The North American Free Trade Agreement, Unit 4 Free Trade:
Cheap Goods or Good Jobs?
Extensive paperwork also increases the likelihood of mistakes being made, which
results in delays and increased costs.
They argue that free-trade agreements mainly benefit the capitalists who build
factories in countries with the cheapest land and labor.
The gap between the lower tax revenues and the increased spending on public
services is not sustainable and many cities now face major economic problems.
6. Police in Austin, Texas have arrested a 28-year-old man who they say broke
into an Austin business, stole a couple of sausages and fell asleep.
9. Police in New Jersey say a man told officers he fled the scene of an auto
accident because he ‘didn’t want to deal with his girlfriend yelling at him.
10. For some reason, cheese-topped donuts are quite popular in Indonesia, and in
September 2013 KFC decided to get in on the action, offering a glazed donut
topped with shredded Swiss and cheddar cheese.
11. Only a fork is usually used to eat spaghetti, whereas large pieces of meat have
to be cut with a knife and fork.
12. A 68-year-old Gastonia man says he scared off two men in ski masks trying to
break in his home with his gun he keeps on his walker. And then he taped a note
to his door saying if they try to break in his house again, he will be waiting on