Electrical Symbols Act.2

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Jhon Rafhael Roxas

Electrical Symbols

Symbols Name Description

It is the symbol that is used to represent a wire.
Electrical Wire

This Symbol represents the wire connected

Connected Wires crossing.

This Symbol shows that wires are not connected

Not Connect Wires on crossing.

It is the symbol of a switch that disconnects

SPST Toggle Switch current when open.

It is a symbol that denotes Momentary switch -

Push Button (N.O) normally open.

This denotes the symbol of a Momentary switch -

Push Button Switch normally closed.

It is the symbol of the DIP switch which is used

DIP Switch for onboard configuration.

This shows the symbol of relay that close

SPST Relay connection by an electromagnet.

Symbol of motor, which changes electric energy

to kinetic energy.
Transformer changes AC voltage from high to
AC Transformer low or low to high.

It is the symbol of Photo-resistor - change

Photoresistor resistance with light intensity change.

It is the symbol of a Thermal resistor that

Thermistor changes the resistance when temperature

It is the symbol of an adjustable resistor which

Variable Resistance has 2 terminals.

Diode allows current flow in one direction only -

Diode left (anode) to the right (cathode).

It is the symbol of a voltage Source which

Voltage Source generates constant voltage.

It is the symbol of a current Source which

Current Source generates constant current.

It is the symbol of single cell use to generate

Battery Cell constant volt.

It represents the ammeter whose work is to

Ammeter measure the current in the circuit.

Produce a buzzing sound when current flows

BUZZER through it.

This is the symbol of Bell which Rings when

Electric Bell activated.

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