Age of Worms #2 The Three Faces of Evil

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he Ebon Triad seeks to create a all published over the course of the next
fiendish Overgod, a monstrosity of 11 months in Dungeon. For additional
pure evil that combines the power aid in running this campaign, check out
of Erythnul, Hextor, and Vecna. The cult’s Dragon’s monthly “Worm food” articles, a
research indicates that a anciant being series that provides additional material to
known as Kyuss is tied to the Overgod’s help players survive this campaign. Issue
rise. Little is known of Kyuss, save that he #334 of Dragon provides comprehensive
was once a powerful being that spawned a lists of all the things you can find for sale
horrific variety of undead creatures. Now, in Diamond Lake’s (o�en) dubious shops.
in the bowels of Diamond Lake, the Ebon Finally, you can head online to
Triad pursues rumors that the worm-like to download Age of Worms Overload, a free
progeny of Kyuss have once again risen. Is PDF that includes details on the hinter-
the Age of Worms finally at hand? lands surrounding Diamond Lake, stat
“The Three Faces of Evil” is a Dungeons blocks for nearly everyone in town, con-
& Dragons adventure suitable for four version notes for running the campaign
3rd-level characters. It is also the second in the Forgotten Realms or Eberron
installment of the Age of Worms Adventure settings, and more.
Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 Of course, you can also run “The
adventures, several “Backdrop” articles to Three Faces of Evil” as a stand-alone
help Dungeon Masters run the series, and adventure, or even as part of a campaign
a handful of poster maps of key locations, of your own design.





Long had the Faceless One toiled in arcane libraries and
From the fanatical peripheries of three evil churches comes
crumbling crypts in search of the true history of his divine
a blasphemous doctrine known as the Way of the Ebon Triad,
patron Vecna, the Maimed God of secrets and intrigue. Unlike
an anonymously penned collection of essays and scrolls
soaked in phantasmagoric allegory and apocalyptic ecstasy. mighty Hextor or valorous Heironeous, Vecna once lived as a
The Way outlines in vague terms a series of rituals and mortal, a legendary lich lord and before that a potent necro-
portentous events that culminate in the spiritual and physi- mancer king. Unlike Pelor, whose naïve clerics sought divine
cal adhesion of Hextor, Erythnul, and Vecna into a single messages in the movements of the sun, Vecna le� a tangible
supremely powerful Overgod. Outlaws even within their legacy cut through the scant written records of human pre-
own blasphemous religions, adherents to the Way of the history. Several texts claim Vecna’s august authorship, and
Ebon Triad travel the world in search of fellow wanderers, more still, some of highly dubious authenticity, purport to
o�en banding together to influence important events and record his spoken edicts. In one such account, the infamous
edge the world closer to catastrophe. Nethertome of Trask, the Faceless One came across a name that
Last year, agents of the Ebon Triad conspired with another dan-
would change his life forever—Kyuss.
gerous cult to trigger a volcanic eruption that nearly consumed the
The Nethertome quoted an even older source, the fabled
city of Cauldron, in the distant southern jungles. This event was a
critical moment in the Shackled City Adventure Path (published Way of the Ebon Triad, a blasphemous collection of apocalyptic
last year in Dungeon and this month as a hardcover from Paizo essays, epic poems, and cryptographs that discuss the advent
Publishing), but to the Ebon Triad it was merely one of a handful of of an era of darkness called the Age of Worms, during which
prophesized events presaging the advent of the Age of Worms, an a great Overgod of evil would arise and mold the world in
era of darkness and writhing death that would provide the required its own terrible image. Remarkably, the Nethertome suggested
backdrop for the ascension of their tripartite god. that this entity would form from an adhesion of three lesser
What the Ebon Triad cultists below Diamond Lake and through- divine entities—the gods Hextor, Erythnul, and Vecna him-
out the world do not understand is that the entire religious move- self. The Faceless One knew that if he could play a critical
ment is a fraud launched at the direction of Kyuss, an ancient role in the creation of this entity, all of the world’s secrets
being who has plotted to bring about the Age of Worms for mil-
would be open to him, and he might become entrenched in
lennia. The scope of this fraud and the true goals of Kyuss will be
the new political and religious landscape. The arrival of the
revealed in future Age of Worms Adventure Path installments.
Use the following chart to adjudicate the results of Overgod would be his introduction to true power. But for
Knowledge (religion) checks made to learn more about the Overgod to arise, the time must be right for the Age of
the Ebon Triad. Worms. And according to the Nethertome of Trask, the Age of
Worms cannot begin until its harbinger, an undead colossus
Knowledge known as Kyuss, once again stalks the land.
(religion) DC Information known Two years ago, a small cell of Vecna cultists affiliated
15 The Ebon Triad is an evil cult dedicated to merg- with the Faceless One unearthed evidence of undead crea-
ing the gods Hextor, Vecna, and Erythnul into a
tures infested with unusual segmented green worms in the
mighty Overgod.
hills south of Diamond Lake, a small mining town east of a
20 Adherents to the doctrine of the Ebon Triad clutch
close their secrets even from other worshipers of metropolis known as the Free City. According to the Nether-
Hextor, Erythnul, and Vecna, who consider them tome of Trask, Vecna had once conducted grim experiments in
heretics. In fact, word of the heresy has not spread a subterranean cathedral in the same region. This confluence
far from these three churches, who keep accounts of Kyuss and Vecna reminded the Faceless One of the Age
of Ebon Triad activities brutally suppressed lest the of Worms and his potential role in bringing about the birth
cult gain more converts. of the great Overgod. The Faceless One tracked Vecna’s lost
25 Despite the internecine struggle between the Ebon laboratory to Diamond Lake, in a cavern below an active cop-
Triad and the orthodox churches, clerics of Hextor, per mine managed by a dwarf named Ragnolin Dourstone.
Erythnul, and Vecna in thrall to the cult continue Using magic and extortion, the Faceless One convinced Rag-
to receive spells from their godly patrons. This fact
nolin Dourstone to carve a secret sha� deep within the earth
especially galls the church of Hextor, whose rigid
and into these hidden chambers.
faith cannot square the contradiction.
30 The idea that a mortal cult could bind gods as pow- The passage complete, the Faceless One and his min-
erful as Hextor, Vecna, and Erythnul is extremely ions moved in. They found a great marble-lined cavity they
doubtful, even preposterous. dubbed the Dark Cathedral, along with a small labyrinth
35 The Ebon Triad hopes to bring about the Age of beyond. They began their work in earnest. Soon, the Face-
Worms as a precursor to the creation of its terrible less One’s ministrations below Diamond Lake attracted
god, and has its hands in apocalyptic conspiracies the attention of other devotees to the Way of the Ebon Triad.
across the land. Perhaps the gods support these First to arrive was a band of tieflings from the Great King-
rebel clerics because they too wish to see the world dom to the east, warriors in service to Hextor who traced
cast in darkness? their fiendish blood directly to powerful entities of the past


who played a role in the demise of that Three Faces of Evil” works well as a Allustan suggests that the merchant
formerly vast empire. Led by an ambi- stand-alone adventure, you and your Balabar Smenk could provide a use-
tious human cleric named Theldrick, players will probably enjoy it a great deal ful gateway to Ragnolin’s mine. Bala-
the group attempted a temple coup in more as part of the Age of Worms Adven- bar and Ragnolin have a well known
their homeland, and were cast out by ture Path. Back issues of Dungeon #124 rivalry. Neither is trustworthy, but
their tyrannical brethren entrenched are available at their animosity might be enough to
in the orthodoxy of the Scourge of make Balabar open to an offer of alli-
Battle. Soon a�er their arrival, a small Adventure Hooks ance with the party. The recovery of
tribe of Erythnul-worshiping grimlocks The players can learn about the cult Smenk’s letter to Filge from the obser-
entered the Dark Cathedral via a tunnel below the Dourstone Mine easily. If vatory in “The Whispering Cairn” indi-
from the Underdark. Led by an oracle you’ve run them through “The Whis- cates that Smenk knows more about
of Erythnul who had received the lore pering Cairn,” the letter discovered in the situation in the Dourstone Mine
of the Ebon Triad in a revelation from the Old Observatory provides a link than he should.
one of Erythnul’s agents, the grimlocks between the corrupt mine manager Bal- If you’ve run “The Whispering Cairn,”
agreed to join the Faceless One’s efforts abar Smenk and the Dourstone Mine. the PCs have no doubt heard of Balabar
to discover more about the unusual If you haven’t run “The Whispering Smenk, and they may even be responsible
green worms in hopes that the Age of Cairn,” or if the PCs need further cause for the deaths of his favorite indentured
Worms is finally at hand. to investigate the goings-on below the thugs and his old best friend. By the time
Hidden within their secret base, the Dourstone Mine, you can have Allustan the PCs have finished exploring “The
cultists of the Ebon Triad are a deadly contact them a�er he makes a disturbing Whispering Cairn,” Smenk already hates
threat to the Diamond Lake region. Soon, discovery about the nature of a strange them and wants to see them destroyed or
the Faceless One hopes to piece together green worm the PCs (or one of his other run out of town. Better yet, he comes upon
the final clues he needs to set his plans agents) have recently provided him. the idea of sending them against the cult-
into motion. If le� undisturbed, this nest ists below the Dourstone Mine, hoping to
of evil might give rise to a terrible power PART ONE: WHAT take care of two problems at once.
beyond the reckoning of man. WRITHES WITHIN If the PCs don’t set up a meeting with
The wizard Allustan (N human male Smenk within a week of their encoun-
Adventure Synopsis wizard 8), the so-called “smartest man ter with Filge, the mine manager takes it
“The Three Faces of Evil” requires the in Diamond Lake,” has spent many upon himself to invite them to meet with
PCs to sneak into Dourstone Mine, years researching local legends and him, ordering a subordinate to sneak into
destroy the Ebon Triad cultists, and lore. Recently, he’s unearthed increas- the PCs’ headquarters with a note setting
defeat a newly born creature known as ing evidence of strange undead crea- up a rendezvous at Smenk’s home in Dia-
the Ebon Aspect. The miners themselves, tures infested with tiny green worms mond Lake. If the situation warrants it,
while not necessarily innocents, aren’t stalking the hills south of Diamond perhaps Smenk kidnaps a PC’s familiar
cultists. The PCs must sneak by them Lake. If the PCs have explored the (or, better yet, the baby owlbear from the
or use Diplomacy to gain access to the Old Observatory in “The Whispering Land Farmstead if the PCs have adopted
mines. Once they overcome this obstacle, Cairn,” it’s possible they are respon- it), just to show them that they’re dealing
they must defeat each of the cults that sible for providing the latest piece of with a professional criminal.
comprise this cell of the Ebon Triad. evidence in the form of just such a In either case, Allustan believes that
Finally, as the last cultists fall, the Ebon worm, suspended in a jar of preserva- the temple is occupied, and he worries
Aspect arises to avenge its worshiper- tive chemicals. Allustan is worried that that its inhabitants are behind the strange
creators. Once the PCs defeat this abomi- these undead creatures could represent undead in the southern hills. He knows
nation, they escape back to the surface, a grave threat to Diamond Lake. Thus, little of the Ebon Triad, but he has man-
where they quickly become embroiled he asks the adventurers to pursue the aged to uncover the location of an eleva-
in another adventure. few leads he has uncovered so far. tor within the mines. He tells the PCs that
This adventure is the second in the Allustan’s studies show that the the elevator is the most convenient way
Age of Worms Adventure Path, a series worms might be somehow connected to into the temple.
of twelve linked adventures to be pub- an ancient temple hidden beneath the
lished in this magazine over the course earth. According to his calculations, the Talking to Smenk
of the next year. Last issue featured temple is located beneath a copper mine Crude, demanding, and insatiably greedy,
the first installment, “The Whispering owned by Ragnolin Dourstone. Ragnolin Balabar Smenk (CN male human rogue
Cairn,” as well as a detailed descrip- is known as a surly, paranoid, and greedy 7) is a nightmare blend of amorality, ava-
tion and poster map of Diamond Lake, mine manager, and Allustan fears that he rice, and boundless gluttony. Unknown
the rowdy town in which the Dour- may be connected to the temple if it is to Allustan, Smenk is secretly in league
stone Mine is situated. While “The currently occupied. with the Ebon Triad. While the Faceless



pressured into helping are crippled ex-criminals unable to find

them. He tells the PCs other work. In addition, a number of the
about his right-hand miners are convicted criminals who have
man, and plays up been sentenced to hard labor. Ragnolin
a sense of (imagi- earned their service with a few well-
nary) betrayal, as if placed bribes in Diamond Lake.
his brand if villainy This section of the adventure is rela-
is somehow more tively freeform. The PCs must come
respectable than that up with a reasonable plan to infiltrate
of the Ebon Triad. the mine—there are a variety of pos-
If the PCs uncover sibilities. They could take jobs at the
evidence of Balabar’s mine, they might sneak in, or they
involvement could bribe the miners to let them pass
in the cult, without incident. Note that as the mine
they may is private property, the PCs should
choose to go probably avoid simply storming it and
after him. slaughtering the guards. Survivors of
As a 7th-level such an attack run to town for help,
rogue who is and the PCs quickly find themselves
constantly sur- in over their heads.
rounded by a
ring of guards and The Guards
One sycophants, Smenk The mine’s security force consists of
managed is more than capable two dozen guards (all 1st-level war-
to subvert Rag- of defending himself riors). Half of them keep watch by day,
nolin with bribes against the PCs. If he the other half watch at night. The night
and promises of is defeated, he begs, watchmen are all dwarves, while the
power, he sees Bala- pleads, whines, and acts daytime guards are human.
bar as another useful tool, the part of the pitiful, mis- Two squads of four guards walk the
particularly if Ragnolin turns erable wretch. His swagger wooden stockade that marks the mining
against the Triad. Smenk currently and arrogance quickly give way camp’s perimeter. The guards make one
provides the Triad cultists with food and to pathetic pleas for mercy. If the circuit around the camp each hour. If
supplies that the Triad’s agents pick up PCs hand him over to the authorities the PCs come within sight of the stock-
in town. Unfortunately, Balabar’s arro- along with evidence of his connection to ade, there is a 25% chance that one of
gance got the better of him. Since the the cult, Balabar is sentenced to several the two guard groups is within 100 feet
Triad is a captive market, he has taken years of hard labor. of the party. Use the rules for Spot and
to selling them spoiled food, poor qual- In short, the PCs have the chance to Listen to determine if the guards detect
ity tools, and other goods at outrageous put Balabar in his place. Roleplay him the characters—each of the guards has
prices. Furthermore, in his last meeting as all the more annoying, arrogant, and a +0 bonus for both skills. Two guards
with the Triad he hinted that he might grating because of it! keep watch from the guard tower, while
need regular bribes to keep him quiet. the other two keep watch over the gate.
Balabar’s confidence received a crush- Infiltrating the Mine The guards are well paid, and most of
ing blow when he woke up next to the Ragnolin Dourstone’s mining opera- them enjoy the near absolute power they
severed head of his right-hand man tion is poorly run. Ever the pragmatist, exercise in the mining camp. The PCs
planted in his bed by grimlock scouts Ragnolin thinks it’s better to pay a few suffer a –5 penalty on Diplomacy checks
dispatched to send Balabar a warning. guards a good wage to keep the workers to change the guards’ attitudes. For every
Smenk now knows that he overplayed in line rather than offer a fair wage to his 10 gp the characters offer as a bribe, they
his hand. Thus, he wants the Ebon Triad miners. He hires anyone who’s willing to gain a +2 bonus on their Diplomacy checks
destroyed. The PCs, if they are in his work at his price (2 sp per day, plus room against the guards. Their initial attitudes
debt, could prove the perfect weapon to and board). Only the desperate or those are unfriendly, but they’ll let anyone in if
distract the Triad or defeat the cultists unable to find work elsewhere remain they can be made helpful.
while he escapes. here for long. In most cases, the min- If the guards spot intruders, they blow
To encourage the PCs to assist him, ers work only long enough to earn the the alarm horns they carry and attempt
Smenk claims (truthfully) that he is ter- money needed to buy passage elsewhere. to surround the PCs. While the guards
rified of the cultists, and that he was Many of the miners that do stick around like to lord over the miners, they back


down from anyone who looks like a PCs, distract the guards, tell them of the overall commander of the camp, while
capable fighter. If attacked, the guards sealed passage that leads to the elevator, a young man with a lazy eye named
fight until they lose half their number. and so forth. Carr is his assistant. The two of them
A guard who drops below half his maxi- If the PCs start a fight, the miners run accompany the miners into the tunnels
mum hit points runs for his life. for their lives. None of them are con- each morning.
Four of the human guards are cult- nected to the Ebon Triad. There are 40 Ragnolin Dourstone (LN male dwarf
ists of Hextor. These warriors flee to the miners in all, and they work from sunrise expert 6) usually spends a few hours
mines if any trouble starts. Three of them to sunset, sleeping in bunks within the each day at the mines, either going over
watch the passage to the elevator, while uppermost reaches of the mine itself. the day’s production with one of the
one descends and alerts the temple below. foremen or looking around the mine
One cultist walks with each patrol, while The Foremen to ensure there’s no sign of the cultists
the remaining pair are split between the Three foremen keep watch over the for anyone to notice. His initial attitude
gate and the guard tower. miners. These are Ragnolin’s personal is unfriendly, and no amount of brib-
lieutenants, and are tough to bribe and ery can sway him. If the PCs somehow
The Miners tend to stand up against troublemakers. manage to make him helpful, he won’t
The miners are easy to bribe, as their Their initial attitude toward the PCs is volunteer any information about the
poor wages and terrible working con- unfriendly—bribes can provide a bonus Ebon Triad other than to warn the PCs
ditions make them open to anything on Diplomacy checks equal to +1 per 50 to stay away from the mine.
that might damage Ragnolin. The PCs gp. The foremen carry alarm horns and
gain a +5 bonus on any Diplomacy check never hesitate to use them if they spot an The Mines
made to sway the miners to their side, intruder in the camp. Any helpful foremen, guards, or miners
with an additional bonus equal to the The foremen are all humans. One, a can tell the PCs that there’s a recently
sp value of any bribe offered to a miner. rusty-voiced thug named Gerreld, mans installed elevator deep in the mines.
Their initial attitudes are indifferent, but the office during the day. He handles all They’ve been told that this elevator leads
bribery makes it fairly easy for even the the paperwork, the payroll, and other down to a set of caverns that Ragnolin is
most crass PC to adjust their attitude to administrative matters for the mine. exploring in hopes of finding a new lode
helpful. Helpful miners might hide the A limping man named Lordren is the or vein—none of them (save the cultist



guards) suspect the truth, and all of them When the elevator is at the top of the sha�, per round. Up to three people may use
know that intrusion into these caves is the chain is wrapped around the spool. As the elevator at once, with each additional
forbidden by their employer. the car descends, the spool spins and the person granting a +2 bonus to the high-
Once in the mines, the characters chain plays out above the car. est Strength score among the operators,
should have little trouble making their The elevator is operated by first releas- for purposes of determining load.
way to the elevator. The guards have ing a brake mechanism set into the A character who tries to raise or lower
set up several obvious signs warning wheel and slowly turning the wheel. The the elevator when it is overloaded imme-
the miners to stay away from the sha�, elevator sha� descends 200 feet to area diately loses control. The elevator doesn’t
and the miners know better than to 1 below. The elevator car itself weighs enter free fall, since the winch itself con-
risk the guards’ ire. 500 pounds. The maximum amount of trols its descent somewhat. Characters
The mines are crude passages and tun- weight a character can lower or li� with inside the elevator must make DC 20
nels hacked into the ground. Torches are the elevator system equals five times Balance checks to avoid losing their foot-
set into the wall every 50 feet, but half of his or her maximum load. In this case, ing. While falling, the elevator descends
them are burnt out and useless. Ragno- the elevator can be moved upward or at a rate of 50 feet per round. When it
lin is too cheap to provide good lighting downward at a rate of 5 feet per round. hits bottom, all creatures in the elevator
in this place. Instead, most miners must If the elevator’s weight is equal to or less take 5d6 falling damage. The elevator car
carry their own torches and lanterns (pur- than the operator’s heavy load, it can be itself suffers this damage as well—it has
chased with their own meager salaries). raised or lowered at the rate of 20 feet hardness 5 and 50 hit points.
Forty feet from the main entrance,
the passage to the elevator cuts down
and to the le� from the main tun-
nel. Timbers and planks nailed to the
wooden frame of the passage’s entrance
block access to the area beyond. A DC
Cathedral Area
18 Strength check or an assault (the bar-
rier has hardness 5 and 15 hit points)
smashes this barrier to pieces, while a
DC 10 Cra� (woodworking or carpen-
try) check disassembles the barrier in Area Area
1d4 minutes. In the former case, the 12 2
guards make DC 20 Listen checks to
hear the commotion. A Cra� check is
too quiet for the guards to hear.
During the day, 2d4 miners are pres- elevator
ent in the tunnels near the elevator
entrance when the PCs enter. They make N
no attempt to fetch the guards, but they
keep an eye on the characters in case the
PCs are looking for trouble. If the PCs
try to access the elevator sha� without 1
first making the miners’ attitudes help-
ful, they report the party to the guards.

The Elevator
The tunnel to the elevator stretches to the
west and has a sharp, downward slope.
A�er 400 feet, the PCs come to a chamber
in which a large, wooden platform with a
5-foot wall built around its edges. Struts
rise 10 feet from each of the platform’s
corners, joining in an X above the plat-
form. A thick iron chain runs through
the X’s midpoint to a large, wooden spool
set in the middle of the platform. The
One square = 5 feet
platform is 10 feet wide and 10 feet long.


1. The Dark Cathedral (EL 3) from 20 to 30 feet. Beyond a depth of 30 Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 13, Wis
feet, the “fluid” of the pool becomes a 10, Cha 8
Three short passages lead from this cham- solid similar to that of stone. What hor- Feats Blind-Fight, Weapon Focus (greataxe)
ber, one to the north of the elevator and rific mysteries may or may not be buried Skills Cra� (weaponsmith) +5, Intimidate +3,
one to its east and west. Each ends in in the unknown depths below are le� to Ride +6
marble doorway. The door to the north is you, but the creature that emerges from Possessions combat gear, chain shirt,
marked with the symbol of a human hand within in Part Five (the Ebon Aspect of masterwork greataxe, composite longbow
grasping an eye. A pair of crimson banners the Overgod) should be an indication of (+2 Str bonus) with 20 arrows, skeleton key
flanks the door to the east, each marked what awaits exploration into such for- (opens all locked doors in areas 2–11), 27 gp
with the symbol of a gauntled fist clutch- bidden regions.
ing six arrows. The door to the west is free A DC 20 Search check made in the Tactics: The tieflings fight a delaying
of all markings. To the south, the chamber area around the pool or on the platform action. One engages the party in melee
opens into a vast domed hall. In stark con- above reveals blood stains, scratches from while the other rushes to the eastern
trast to the rough mine passages above, metal equipment, and scattered ashes. gate to alert the cult of Hextor. Once he
this place bears the mark of an expert arti- The denizens of the temple of Vecna to reaches the gate, the tiefling hammers
san. The black, marble tile floor glistens the north regularly conduct experiments on the door as a move action. Both tief-
in the light of several glowing torches, on the pool, hoping to awaken an aspect lings know the secret knock needed to
while elaborate, carefully worked marble of the Overgod that they believe dwells enter the temple of Hextor (see area 2),
pillars and arches sweep over the chamber. somewhere within. but the tiefling does not use the code.
Toward the back of the chamber, opposite Creatures: Two tiefling fighters from Instead, he pounds on the door know-
the elevator’s door, is a large pool of dark the temple of Hextor are on guard here. ing that the skeletons within will move
liquid. A stairway carved into the curved They keep watch from the pillars near out to attack intruders in response to
wall around the pool ascends to a platform the entrance to Hextor’s temple to the the incorrect code.
thirty feet above the pool. The chamber’s east of the elevator. When the elevator Treasure: The uppermost platform
domed ceiling arches to a height of sixty begins its descent, they move to stand above the pool bears a small, wicker bas-
feet over the pool’s surface. guard near it. The guards have grown ket filled with an offering to the Overgod.
complacent with the monotony of their It contains 100 gp in a leather pouch and
The three doors in the northern duty here. Thus, they tend to assume a silver idol of Erythnul worth 300 gp.
reaches of this chamber provide access that anyone coming down the elevator Development: The final encoun-
to three temples, each dedicated to a dif- is on an errand for one of the temples. ter in this adventure takes place in
ferent aspect of the Ebon Triad. They wear chainmail masks and tabards this chamber as well—details on this
In ages past, Vecna himself delved into marked with a holy symbol of Hextor. encounter appear in Part Five: The God
the mysteries of life within this place. Their arms are covered with elaborate in the Pool.
In those times, this chamber was a vast tattoos bearing Hextor’s liturgies and
library, and the pool served as a potent images of various devils. PART TWO:
scrying device for the lich. The books CITADEL OF HEXTOR
once kept here are long gone, and the Tiefling Guard CR 1 The citadel of Hextor serves as the pri-
pool’s magic has degraded to a shadow Tiefling fighter 1 mary military arm for this branch of the
of its former power, yet this room still LE Medium outsider (native) Ebon Triad. As befits a lawful evil cult,
maintains an unsettling aura of antiquity Monster Manual 209 the clerics and their warriors present
and oppressive secrecy. Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 �.; Listen +0, a highly organized defense against the
The contents of the pool are dark and Spot +0 PCs. In addition to the encounter key
viscous, and exude an aura of uncom- Languages Common, Infernal, Orc provided below, the section “Temple
fortable cold. A splash from the waters AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 Organization” provides an overview of
is enough to inflict one point of Dex- hp 12 (1 HD) the Hextorites’ plans in the event of an
terity damage (Fortitude DC 15 resists), Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 attack. They practice their basic tactics at
and total immersion in the foul liquid Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0 least once per week, making them well-
inflicts 1d4 Dexterity damage per round Spd 30 �. (6 squares) drilled, highly organized opponents.
(Fortitude DC 20 resists) from the super- Melee mwk greataxe +5 (1d8/×3)
natural cold. The liquid is opaque and Ranged composite longbow +4 (1d8+2/×3) Temple Features
dark, and the deeper one goes, the thicker Base Atk +1; Grp +3 The doors within the temple of Hex-
it gets. Ten feet from the surface, Swim Combat Gear 2 potions of cure light wounds, tor are of strong wood. Unless other-
checks in the fluid suffer a –5 penalty. potion of shield of faith (+2) wise noted, the chambers are dark. The
This penalty increases to –10 at depths Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st): humans in the temple tend to keep light
from 10 to 20 feet, and to –20 at depths 1/day—darkness sources nearby, usually everburning



Creatures: The Hextorites keep ani-

mated skeletons in eight of the 12 suits
Citadel of Hextor of armor. These creatures attack anyone
10 who enters without the proper knock.
Even if the party uses the correct knock,
the skeletons’ bells ring as two of them
9 move to open the gate.

Human Skeletons (8) CR 1/3

NE Medium undead
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 �.; Listen +0,
11 Spot +0
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17
7 hp 6 (1 HD); DR 5/bludgeoning
Immune cold, undead traits
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2
Spd 30 �.
6 Melee heavy mace +1 (1d8+1)
Base Atk +0; Grp +1
Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis
10, Cha 1
5 SQ undead traits
Possessions rusted full plate (as full plate
but armor bonus of only +5), heavy steel
shield, heavy mace

Tactics: If the characters use the

2 4 knock code, the two skeletons closest to
3 the door shamble over to open it. The
bells hooked to their armor clang and
ring. Cultists from area 3 arrive in 1d4+4
rounds to greet the visitors. If the char-
One square = 5 feet
N acters attempt to batter down the gate,
or if intruders enter without using the
knock, the skeletons rise to attack. The
bells on their armor clang as they ready
torches. The tieflings and undead rely 2. Chamber of their weapons, and the cultists from area
on their darkvision. the Guardians (EL 3) 2 arrive in 1d4 rounds. The guards in area
As befits a lawful organization, the 4 must make DC 9 Listen checks to hear
passages here are free of debris, trash, A dozen suits of armor, ranging from battered the clamor. If they notice it, they arrive
and graffiti. The temple is run like a leathers to rusted plate, line this chamber’s in 1d4 rounds to attack as well. If a fight
military camp. The camp followers from walls. The bleached white bones of human, breaks out here the guards and the cult-
area 3 gather up any refuse and transport dwarf, and orc skeletons contrast with the ists automatically hear the commotion
it outside by night. dark, bloodstained armor. The suits are care- and arrive as soon as possible.
Before running encounters here, be fully arranged, as if the dead were preparing Treasure: The skeletons’ armor is too
sure to study the “Temple Organization” to march for war. Each has a mace hooked to corroded to be worth anything more than
section in addition to the encounter its belt, while bells of varying shapes and sizes scrap metal. Each suit is worth 100 gp.
key. Once the PCs enter the citadel, the hang from the armor on long, leather strips.
clerics and their followers react to the 3. Chamber of
intrusion with an intelligent, carefully Before proceeding with this encounter, the Faithful (EL 3)
orchestrated plan. If the PCs are rash or remember that the state of this chamber
foolish, they might be overwhelmed and depends on whether the characters know Blankets cover the floor of this chamber,
defeated in short order. the knock code. See the Tactics section surrounding a wooden crate atop which
Temple Doors: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; below to determine what happens depend- stands a small, crude statue of a six-armed
hp 20; Break DC 23; Open Lock DC 30. ing upon what knock the PCs use. humanoid figure. A few battered weapons,


spears, clubs, and flails lean against the far AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 their allies. They pay little heed to
wall. Stone pegs carved into the wall light hp 7 (1 HD) their injuries and tend to rely on the
this area with flickering, bright flames. Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0 crush of their numbers to overwhelm
Spd 30 �. an opponent. For example, a cultist
Two stone spikes carved from the wall Melee longspear +2 (1d8+1/×3) or might throw himself on a foe’s sword
and imbued with continual flames illumi- dagger +2 (1d4+1/19–20) (using up an attack of opportunity) to
nate this area. Ranged dagger +1 (1d4+1/19–20) allow his fellows to grapple the enemy
Creatures: This chamber serves as Base Atk +1; Grp +2 without provoking such an attack.
quarters for a large group of fanatical Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 8, Wis The cult relies on these dupes to delay
Hextorites who hope to enter the Scourge 10, Cha 8 intruders. They are under orders to bring
of Battle’s priesthood. These petitioners Feats Light Armor Proficiency, Toughness the fight to the main temple (area 11).
run errands for the Hextorites, make trips Skills Profession (miner) +4, Use Rope +4 If they fail in that mission, they throw
into town for special supplies, and provide Possessions longspear, dagger, studded themselves at the party to buy time for
manual labor. Their faith has been tested, leather armor, wooden holy symbol of the rest of the temple’s defenders.
and they have yet to be found wanting. Hextor, skeleton key (opens all locked Treasure: A successful DC 15 Search
If the characters have been active in the doors in the citadel) check of the wooden crate in the center
Diamond Lake region for a week or more, of the room reveals a small trove hidden
they may recognize a few of the cultists Tactics: The cultists are fanatical beneath a loose flagstone. The treasure
as locals from town. The PCs may have in their dedication to Theldrick, the consists of a golden holy symbol of Hex-
seen them while buying supplies or in the high priest of this place. They fight tor worth 100 gp and the broken blade of
taproom of the Feral Dog. to the death and are suspicious of all a silver, ceremonial dagger worth 50 gp.
newcomers. In battle they use their
Cult Fanatic CR 1/3 longspears to maximum effect, keep- 4. Guard Chamber (EL 3)
Human commoner 1 ing back from their enemies while
LE Medium humanoid harassing with wild jabs. They use the This chamber holds two beds against the
Init +0; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 aid another action to assist each other east wall, a long, wooden table along the
Languages Common or to improve the fighting ability of south wall, two stools, and a weapons rack



along the west wall. A suit of leather armor a generous amount of animal dung, covers chamber, near the stairway to area 11. If
lies on the table with a variety of tools the floor of this crude, cave-like chamber. the PCs attempt to batter down the door,
spread out around it. the two guards fight them off while the
Creature: This chamber serves as the third warns Theldrick.
This chamber serves as barracks for home for the cult’s mascot, a vicious If the PCs are trapped in area 11, the
a pair of tiefling guards charged with dire boar named Beast that was raised two guards move to guard the door lead-
watching the door. The guards rely on and tended by Theldrick. The creature ing out of the shrine while the third joins
the cultists in area 3 to alert them to any attacks anyone it doesn’t recognize on Theldrick in the upper gallery.
trouble. They tend to take their time sight. Scars cover its hide, while its tusks Treasure: In addition to the coins
in responding to anything short of the have been capped with iron. These modi- listed in their stat block, one tiefling car-
sound of battle. fications make the boar more intimidat- ries a plain, silver ring inlaid with several
Creatures: The two tieflings stationed ing in appearance but do little to alter its small emeralds worth 200 gp total.
here wear chainmail masks to conceal actual statistics.
their faces. Both have elaborate tattoos Dire Boar: hp 52; Monster Manual 63. 7. Barracks
of hellish fiends, symbols of Hextor, and Tactics: Unless the characters are quiet
prayers to Hextor written in Infernal or clever, there is little chance that they Two sets of bunk beds are set along the far
along their bare arms. face the dire boar here. If a cultist or the wall of this chamber, with a thick, bearskin
Tiefling guards (2): hp 12 each; see guard from areas 2 or 3 retreats past area rug between them. Three wooden stools
page 23. 4, he uses a full-round action to undo the are arranged on the rug, while a weapon
Tactics: The tieflings have learned to chains, open the door, and unleash Beast. rack sports several javelins, a bow, several
fight as a pair. While one readies his axe, The boar rampages through the area, quivers filled with arrows, and a sword.
the other casts darkness on a coin or small bearing down on the characters with a
stone and throws it into the midst of the berserker’s ferocity. It fights to the death. This chamber serves as a barracks for
enemy. The two then take advantage of Luckily, it lacks the intelligence for tac- the guards in area 5 and for the tiefling
Blind-Fight to harass their foes. If pressed, tics more complicated than a headlong on watch in the main temple.
the second tiefling uses his darkness spell charge. The cultists use Beast to buy time Treasure: The rack holds 6 javelins,
to cover their retreat to area 6. If cornered to prepare their defenses. a longsword, a composite longbow
or cut off, they fight to the death. (+2 Strength), and four quivers of 20
Treasure: The leather armor is a mun- 6. Inner Guard arrows each.
dane suit that one of the tieflings is in Chamber (EL 4)
the process of repairing, while the tools 8. Priests’ Chambers (EL 4)
around it comprise a complete set of A tapestry depicting a six-armed, fiend-
artisan’s tools. The tieflings carry their ish beast carrying a bewildering variety Light from a pair of torches casts strange
coins, a DC 15 Search of one bed reveals of weapons dominates the north wall. shadows across the blood-red walls of this
a small, velvet bag containing 20 pp and chamber. Two wooden chairs are set oppo-
a golden necklace worth 100 gp. This chamber serves as a guardroom site each other around a round table. Upon
for the inner temple of Hextor and the the table rests a thick, leather-bound book,
5. Chamber of the priest’s quarters. a rusty dagger, a quill, inkpot, and several
Beast (EL 4) Creatures: Three tiefling guards watch sheets of parchment. A wooden screen
Use the following description as the char- this area. Their tattoos depict holy sym- blocks off half the room near a large bed
acters approach the door to this chamber. bols of Hextor, various devils, and scenes covered in blankets and furs.
from Hextor’s unholy texts.
A thick chain is wrapped around the han- Tiefling guards (3): hp 12 each; see page 23. This chamber is the residence of two
dles of these double doors. A crude pad- Tactics: The three guards attempt to priests of Hextor, a married couple named
lock holds the chain in place, keeping the prevent the characters from progressing Garras and Kendra. The two serve Thel-
door locked from this side. The faint, musky any further into the temple. One uses drick only grudgingly, and together they
smell of a large creature kept in a small area darkness to disorient intruders, a second plot to seize control of this temple.
fills the hallway. wades into melee, while the third runs to Creatures: Garras is a hulking brute
warn the high priest in area 10. whose large gut and bulging muscles
The lock can be picked with a DC 25 Chances are slim that the PCs fight strain against his half-plate’s straps and
Open Lock check. Once the PCs enter this the guards here. If word reaches them buckles. He is shaved bald and has a holy
chamber, read or paraphrase the following. of intruders, they rush to the door just symbol of Hextor branded onto his face.
south of area 6 and bar it shut. Two of Kendra is a slender, pale woman with
A single stone spike flickering with magical them wait at the door to repel intruders, long, dark hair pulled back in a tail. She
flame lights this area. Filthy hay, mixed with while the third stands just outside this wears a pair of steel earrings shaped


into a holy symbol of Hextor. Her face is Combat Gear scroll of silence, scroll of sound six arrows hangs from the wall behind the
covered with several scars that mar her burst, wand of cure light wounds (41 charges) altar. Four statues of men clad in chainmail
otherwise appealing features. Spells Prepared (CL 2nd, CL 3rd for evil spells): and leather masks, each carrying a great-
1st—bane (DC 14), cause fear (DC 14), sword, stand along the wall, two on each
Garras CR 2 doom (DC 14), protection from goodD side of the altar.
Male half-orc cleric 1/fighter 1 0—create water, detect poison, read magic,
LE Medium humanoid (orc) resistance This chamber serves as the personal
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 �.; Listen +1, D: Domain Spell; Domains: Evil, War chapel for the three priests of Hextor
Spot +1 Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis active in this temple, Kendra, Garras, and
Languages Common, Goblin, Orc 16, Cha 14 high priest Theldrick.
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 SQ rebuke undead, spontaneous casting The altar provides a permanent des-
hp 19 (2 HD) (inflict spells) ecrate effect. Undead within 20 feet of it
Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +3 Feats Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, gain a +2 profane bonus on attacks, dam-
Spd 20 �. Weapon Focus (heavy flail)B age, and saves, while clerics suffer a –6
Melee mwk heavy flail +6 (1d8+3) or Skills Concentration +7, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8 profane penalty on turning checks.
dagger +4 (1d4+3/19–20) Possessions combat gear, half-plate, heavy The two torches are everburning
Ranged dagger +1 (1d4+3/19–20) steel shield, masterwork heavy flail, torches. The chapel’s ceremonial objects
Base Atk +1; Grp +4 dagger, pouch with 20 gp, key to treasure are hidden in a secret compartment in
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved chest in area 8 the wall behind the tapestry; this secret
Trip, smite 1/day (+4 attack, +1 damage) panel can be found with a DC 20 Search
Combat Gear potion of barkskin (+2), Tactics: The two clerics fight as an check. Characters who open this hidden
potion of blur, potion of bull’s strength, effective pair. Garras occupies the party, compartment trigger a trap. The hollow
2 potions of cure light wounds, potion of using his flail to trip his opponents. If is one cubic foot and is almost completely
shield of faith (+2) possible, he drinks his potions in the fol- filled by a locked metal box (Open Lock
Spells Prepared (CL 1st): lowing order: blur, bull’s strength, shield of DC 25). The box contains some Treasure
1st—bless, cure light wounds, inflict light faith, and barkskin. He casts bless before (see below).
woundsD (DC 12) battle if he has sufficient warning. Creatures: A pair of troglodyte zom-
0—create water, cure minor wounds, Kendra first calls for the undead in area bies dwell in this chamber. They attack
resistance 9. She directs the zombies to fight along- anyone who lacks a symbol of Hextor,
D: Domain spell. Domains: Destruction, War side Garras, then casts bane, then doom and obey the verbal orders of any of the
Abilities Str 16, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 13, Wis on a fighter-type, then cause fear on the three clerics.
13, Cha 8 same warrior she used doom against. She Troglodyte Zombies (2): hp 37; Monster
SQ rebuke undead, spontaneous casting knows that paladins are immune to fear, Manual 266.
(inflict spells) and thus never uses cause fear against any- Trap: The secret panel behind the tap-
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved TripB, one wearing a holy symbol of a good deity. estry is trapped. Anyone who opens it
Weapon Focus (heavy flail) If the party has arcane or divine support, without first speaking the words “Hextor
Skills Concentration +7, Knowledge she uses her scroll of sound burst and her guide me” in Common or Infernal trig-
(religion) +6, Spellcra� +6 scroll of silence, usually casting the latter gers its effects.
Possessions combat gear, half-plate, light spell on a small rock and throwing it into Inflict Light Wounds Trap: CR 2; magic
steel shield, masterwork heavy flail, her enemies’ midst. device; touch trigger; automatic reset;
dagger, pouch with 27 gp Treasure: Kendra and Garras keep their spell effect (inflict light wounds, 1st-level
valuables in a small, wooden treasure chest cleric, 1d8+1, DC 11 Will save half damage);
Kendra CR 2 beneath their bed. The chest is locked Search DC 26; Disable Device DC 26.
Female human cleric 2 (Open Lock DC 20), and Kendra carries the Treasure: The box contains a golden
LE Medium humanoid key. Within the chest is 200 gp in coins, a chalice worth 250 gp, two silver holy sym-
Init +4; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 wand of enlarge person (42 charges), and a bols of Hextor worth 50 gp each, a pearl
Languages Common jeweled bracer worth 1,000 gp. of power (1st level), and a silvered dagger
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19 with a jeweled hilt worth 150 gp.
hp 15 (2 HD) 9. Chapel of Hextor (EL 4)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +6 10. Theldrick’s
Spd 20 �. A pair of torches mounted on long, iron Chamber (EL 5)
Melee mwk heavy flail +4 (1d8+1) or poles shed flickering light across this cham- The door to this room is locked (Open
dagger +2 (1d4+1/19–20) ber. A small stone altar stands between the Lock DC 20). Theldrick, detailed below
Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8/19–20) two torches. A red tapestry emblazoned but likely encountered elsewhere,
Base Atk +1; Grp +2 with the symbol of a gauntlet grasping holds the key.



This cramped spartan chamber is obviously normally holds Theldrick’s armor. If Melee mwk heavy flail +7 (1d8+2) or
someone’s living quarters. A small bed is set he is currently wearing this armor, the dagger +5 (1d4+2/19–20)
in the corner to the le�. Next to the bed is a chest is empty. Ranged mwk light crossbow +5 (1d8/19–20)
short table holding a leather-bound book, The table holds the true items of Base Atk +3; Grp +5
an inkpot, a stone key, and several scrolls. A interest here. The scrolls appear blank, Combat Gear scroll of dispel magic, scroll of
small chair with velvet cushions sits before but anyone who views them using spiritual weapon, scroll of bull’s strength, potion
the table. On the wall to the right stands a detect magic sees a weak aura of univer- of protection from arrows (DR 10/magic)
weapons rack that holds a mace, two flails, sal magic. Read magic reveals writing Spells Prepared (CL 5th, CL 6th for evil spells):
and a light crossbow. A wooden chest rests in a strange script. A DC 40 Decipher 3rd—create food and water, magic
below the rack. Script check allows the PCs to crack vestmentD, summon monster III
the code. Otherwise, the must recover 2nd—aid, hold person (DC 15), sound burst
Theldrick keeps this chamber as his the codebook from the temple of Vecna (DC 15), spiritual weaponD
quarters. He attends to his personal (see area 27) in order to read the scrolls. 1st—bane (DC 14), bless, cure light wounds,
business here, but otherwise spends When the PCs have cracked the code, divine favor, magic weaponD
most of his time in the main temple give them Handout #1. 0—create water, cure minor wounds,
at area 11. The book is Theldrick’s record of guidance, light, resistance
The weapons on the rack have no spe- the Ebon Triad’s progress in the mines. D: Domain spell; Domains: Evil, War
cial abilities or qualities, Reading it over takes one hour. Read or Abilities Str 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis
while the chest give the players a copy of Handout #2 16, Cha 14
when they’ve read it. The book is SQ rebuke undead, spontaneous casting
written in Common. (inflict spells)
The stone key opens the door Feats Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes,
that leads to the caves of Eryth- Rapid Reload, Weapon Focus (heavy flail)B
nul. It is marked with that god’s Skills Concentration +11, Diplomacy +10,
holy symbol. Knowledge (religion) +9, Spellcra� +9
Creature: Theldrick is the Possessions combat gear, +1 full plate,
high priest of the temple heavy steel shield, masterwork heavy flail,
and commander of the Ebon masterwork light crossbow with 20 bolts,
Triad’s military forces in dagger, ring of protection +1, holy symbol
the Dark Cathedral. He is a of Hextor, pouch with 8 gp, key to area 10,
canny tactician and an eager keys to chests in areas 9 and 10
fighter. One of his eyes is
missing, and his face bears Tactics: If the PCs catch Theldrick in
scars and burns from a battle his room, he tries to surrender to buy
against a young red dragon. time. He accuses the PCs of needlessly
He wears one of the dragon’s butchering his followers, and points out
talons as a necklace. His black that their invasion of his domain is obvi-
armor has a crude holy ously illegal. In many ways, he is right.
symbol of Hextor scribed A�er all, the temple of Hextor has not yet
on its chest plate in broken any laws. Theldrick has taken care
dried blood. to avoid arousing any suspicion, and he
has managed to keep the other two arms
Theldrick CR 5 of the Ebon Triad in line. Lawful charac-
Male human cleric 5 ters cannot simply murder him without
LE Medium just cause. He takes particular joy in taunt-
humanoid ing followers of Heironeous, calling them
Init +1; Senses out on the cowardice of a sneaky assault,
Listen +3, Spot +3 and scoffing that the PC’s actions reflect
Languages poorly upon the mighty Invincible One.
Common, Infernal In the meantime, his followers prepare a
AC 23, touch 12, counterattack. If the situation is dire, they
flat-footed 22 flee to the temple of Erythnul for help.
hp 47 (5 HD) Regardless of the situation, Theldrick
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 never leaves the cathedral without a fight.
Theldrick Spd 20 �. He uses his spells to escape, or orders his


followers to attack the PCs in the main Temple Organization
cathedral area outside the elevator.
The temple of Hextor responds to intruders The clerics from areas 7 and 9 lead
Treasure: The weapons rack holds
using a simple plan that focuses on driving the zombies from area 8 to the upper
a heavy mace, a light flail, a heavy flail,
opponents into the main temple, locking balcony of area 11, along with any sur-
and a light crossbow. Theldrick keeps them in there, and attacking them from the viving guards aside from those assigned
his personal treasure and trophies in a balcony. The encounter areas above give to guard the door. There, they wait for
locked (Open Lock DC 25) chest beneath some notes about the temple’s plans, while the PCs to enter the chamber. If the PCs
his bed. The chest contains 70 gp in a this section provides an overview of how enter room 11, the high priest Theldrick
leather bag and a fist-sized gold bust of the Hextorites manage their defenses. seals the door shut behind him using the
a dwarf wearing a gem-studded crown When the characters enter the temple, the room’s controls. With the PCs trapped,
worth 2,400 gp. skeletons in area 2 most likely alert the deni- the clerics rain spells upon them while
zens of areas 3 and 4. Even if the party sends the guards use their bows. The zombies
11. Battle Temple a scout ahead, there are enough skeletons attack anyone who attempts to climb to
there to notice any heavily armored PCs. the upper balcony.
of Hextor The guards in area 3 attempt to retreat Consult the description of room 11 for
down the hall to area 4, where they can a full breakdown of the Hextorites’ tac-
This long, wide chamber is surrounded unleash Beast. The warriors in area 2 fight a tics and plans for that chamber.
on three sides by a balcony perched delaying action to buy time for the rest of the Keep in mind that just as the PCs’
twenty feet above the floor. Six torches complex. Once Beast engages the PCs, the plans can fall apart, so too can the cult-
equally spaced along the walls provide rabble flees to area 11 to make their stand. ists’ plans. If the PCs quickly slay Beast,
light. The side opposite the large, bronze Meanwhile, the guards from area 3 link they can probably rush forward to battle
doors features a sizable viewing box with up with the guards in area 5. Two of them the guards before they can seal off the
a sloped floor and several ostentatious barricade and guard the door that connects doors. The clerics prefer to let their min-
wooden chairs positioned to allow easy the corridor that runs from area 5 to the one ions wear down any opposition, while
view of the chamber below. A huge statue leading to area 10. One waits to the south to the guards, undead, rabble, and the dire
report on any successful attempts to breach boar Beast all fight to the death. If the
of a six-armed humanoid clutching a
the doors, while any other surviving guards PCs never enter area 11, the clerics try to
bewildering array of weapons stands in
join the clerics in areas 7 and 9. make their stand at area 8.
the midst of the chamber. A fist-sized



red gem set in the statue’s forehead glit- gather along the balconies to take in While most of the chairs in the view-
ters in the flickering light. A thick layer the spectacle. ing box are mundane, one is magical in
of sand covers the floor to a depth of a The walls along the arena floor are nature. A large, wooden throne branded
few inches. The walls are smooth, pol- kept smoothed and polished, though with the symbol of Hextor has three
ished rock, while a crimson banner with a few cracks and pockmarks make gems embedded in its armrests. One
the symbol of a black, gauntleted hand climbing difficult but possible (DC 25 opens or closes the doors to the arena
clutching six barbed arrows is set above Climb check). floor, the second one locks the doors, and
the double doors leading into the bottom The statue in the center of the arena the third unlocks the doors.
level of this chamber. is nearly 20 feet tall. Unfortunately for Treasure: The blood-red ruby set on
the Hextorites, but luckily for the PCs, it the statue’s forehead is worth 800 gp.
This is a battle temple dedicated to is badly mounted on its pedestal. A sin- Development: The clerics of Hex-
Hextor. Here, the faithful and heretics gle, strong push (DC 20 Strength check) tor attempt to trap intruders in this
alike fight to the death for glory, honor, sends it crashing down to the north. It chamber and defeat them from the
and the blessings of the Scourge of slams into the balcony, creating a 10- safety of the balconies. The rabble
Battle. The clerics watch the battle foot-wide ramp to the upper level. The from area 2 rallies here in an effort
from their sitting box while the other statue is difficult ground if anyone uses to draw the PCs into the chamber.
denizens of this place commonly it as a ramp a�er it falls. The high priest Theldrick uses the
temple’s throne to close the door
behind the PCs and lock it. He then

Caves casts summon monster III to unleash a

fiendish ape against them, followed by

of whatever spells have the best chance

of disabling the characters. Once he is

Erythnul 12 out of offensive spells, he uses what-

ever magic he has left to enhance his
defenses and abilities. He then relies
on his crossbow or, if the situation is
N well in hand, descends to the arena
floor to melee the PCs.
The temple guards, if any are in this
area, use their bows against the party.
The clerics from area 7 use the tactics
KK outlined in that encounter area to harass
13 the party.
Unlike the other wings of the Black
Cathedral, the caves of Erythnul are
18 little more than natural fissures
within the rock. The grimlocks who
dwell here arrived several months ago
at the behest of their leader Grallak
Kur, a cleric who led his followers on
an unholy pilgrimage through the
14 Underdark. Dreams and visions sent
by one of Erythnul’s minions guided
17 Grallak’s steps until he arrived here.
15 While the other factions distrust
the grimlocks, they provide a con-
venient buffer between the forces of
Hextor and Vecna.
16 The area behind the western door in
One square = 5 feet area 1 opens into a natural cavern that
winds down a flight of stairs to area 12.


Cave Features Unlike the Hextorites, the grimlocks or 23 if the grimlocks do not have their
The grimlocks lack both the time and are poorly organized. They tend to rush shields readied. One grimlock stands
the inclination to sculpt their environ- into battle with little planning, allowing near the chamber’s exit and uses his jav-
ment. They dwell within the caves here, the PCs to defeat them piecemeal. While elins against the party. If his two allies
a series of winding passages punctu- they lack tactical and strategic cunning, fall, he runs to area 13 to the south to
ated by a large, U-shaped cavern. Travel they are still tough fighters who give and warn his brethren.
through this area is difficult, as the expect no quarter.
party must contend with rough ground 13. The Ledge (EL 4)
and sheer slopes. The grimlocks, accus- 12. Stone Forest (EL 3)
tomed to difficult travel through peril- The corridor turns to reveal another room
ous terrain, navigate the caves with ease. A forest of stalactites and stalagmites fills choked with rocky formations. Stalagmites
The PCs are likely not as well adapted to this cavern. The rocky formations make and stalactites block the line of sight ahead.
the environment. it difficult to see far ahead, as they choke Like the last chamber, this place has a rocky,
The caves are lightless, and the walls most of this natural cave. The steady, rhyth- uneven floor of natural stone. It slopes
are rough and cracked, making them mic splash of water dripping into a puddle downward, and here and there rivulets of
relatively easy (DC 10 Climb check) to echoes through the chamber. The ground water flow southward.
scale. Unless otherwise noted, the cave here is rough and uneven.
floors are difficult terrain. They are pit- This place provides an entrance to the
ted with shallow holes, rocks, and other The grimlocks use this chamber as great, U-shaped cavern that the grim-
debris that make travel difficult. a guardroom. A few of their warriors locks inhabit. This cave is at the top of
There are no doors, mundane or oth- keep watch here, using the stalactites the U’s le�, upper edge. More informa-
erwise, in this area of the dungeon. The to conceal themselves against intrud- tion on this great cavern, and the dangers
grimlocks lack the sophistication needed ers. Envoys from the temple of Hex- involved in navigating its sheer walls, is
to construct them. tor announce their presence at this given in areas 14 through 17.
room’s entrance and never proceed The grimlock kennel master, along
Grimlock Tactics any further without permission. Thus, with his two krenshar pets, stands guard
The caves are utterly dark. The grim- the grimlocks move to attack anyone here. The krenshars are kept in the area
locks and their allies have no need for who enters or attempts to sneak into marked with a K on the map. The kennel
light. They take aim at any torches or this place. master lurks at the edge of the chamber
lanterns the PCs carry, as they know The stalactites and stalagmites pro- marked with a G.
of the chaos and fear that the dark vide cover. Squares with stalagmites are The edge of this chamber is a cliff
strikes into surface dwellers. The arti- difficult to move through, requiring 4 that drops 45 feet down. Iron spikes have
cle “Who’s Afraid of the Dark?” from squares worth of movement to enter. been driven into the cliff face, making
Dragon issue #322 also provides advice Creatures: Three grimlocks keep the Climb DC 10 to safely descend it.
and ideas for running encounters watch here. They wear loincloths and At the eastern end of this chamber is
in the dark. fight with crude, stone morningstars a small campsite for the grimlocks who
The grimlocks attack any lanterns or and javelins. Each has several small, man the caves on this side of the horse-
torches the characters carry. The typi- sharp stones stitched into his flesh in shoe cavern. Ashes from a small fire
cal torch or sunrod has hardness 5 and the pattern of a five-pointed star. The along with several crude sleeping mats
2 hit points. Lanterns have hardness pattern is the size of a human palm and can be found here, marked with an A on
10 and 5 hit points. If the grimlocks is a crude representation of Erythnul’s the Caves of Erythnul map.
destroy a light source, it immediately holy symbol favored by primitive tribes. Creatures: The kennel master and
goes out. A DC 25 Knowledge (religion) check his two krenshars fight to the death to
The grimlocks can also make ranged reveals this information. protect this place. The krenshars can-
attacks to destroy a light source. See Grimlocks (3): AC 17, touch 11, flat- not climb the slopes, and were trans-
the rules for attacking carried or worn footed 16; hp 11 each; Monster Manual ported here only a�er the grimlocks put
objects on Player’s Handbook page 165. 140. These grimlocks fight with morn- together a crude litter to li� them. Thus,
Remember that objects only take half ingstars rather than battleaxes, and they have no place to run.
damage from ranged weapons. carry heavy wooden shields and three The gray-furred krenshars are under-
If the grimlocks manage to extinguish javelins each. dark offshoots of their species. The
the party’s light sources, they use ranged Tactics: The grimlocks attempt to hide kennel master wears a cloak fashioned
attacks to harass them from a distance. behind the stalactites and stalagmites, from the fur of an gray-furred, subter-
The grimlocks do their best to keep the granting them a +2 bonus on all Hide ranean dire ape. He wears a wolf skull
PCs confused and engage in melee only checks. Assume that they take 10 on their mask painted red to resemble his pets’
if forced into it. Hide checks, for a total Spot DC of 21, horrific visage.



Grimlock Kennel Master CR 2 Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 13, Wis moves to block the exit and calls out
Male grimlock fighter 1 9, Cha 10 to his krenshars to attack. The kren-
CE Medium monstrous humanoid SQ scent shars use their scare ability to drive
Monster Manual 141 Feats Skill Focus (Handle Animal), the PCs down the cliff to area 14 via
Init +1; Senses blindsight 40 �.; Listen +2, Toughness, Weapon Focus (battleaxe) the iron spikes pounded into the wall.
Spot +2 Skills Climb +3, Handle Animal +9, Hide +1, While the grimlocks normally attack
Languages Common, Grimlock, Listen +2, Spot +2 the PCs’ light sources, here they leave
Undercommon Possessions combat gear, studded leather them intact so that intruders affected
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 armor, masterwork battleaxe, composite by the krenshars can spot and use the
hp 28 (3 HD) longbow (+3 Str bonus) with 20 arrows, spikes. The grimlocks want to drive
Immune gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions pouch with 5 gp their enemies deeper into their lair
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2 so that the archers in area 14 can pick
Spd 30 �. Krenshars (2): 11 hp; Monster Manual 163. them off as they climb.
Melee mwk battleaxe +8 (1d8+3/×3) Tactics: The kennel master attempts Treasure: If the PCs make a DC 15
Ranged composite longbow +4 (1d8+3/×3) to hide at his location (Spot DC 21, Search of the campsite they find four
Base Atk +3; Grp +6 assuming he takes 10 and with his +10 agates worth 50 gp each and a large ruby
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, 2 racial bonus for using Hide in a rocky worth 200 gp.
potions of remove fear setting). As the PCs enter the room, he
14–17. The
Horseshoe Cavern
The following encounter areas require
a thorough familiarity with the rules

Horshoe Area 17 for the Climb skill and falling. The

PCs must navigate a cavern shaped like
Caverns a horseshoe, first climbing down the
cliff in area 14 while grimlock archers
pelt them with arrows, then across the
cavern floor (area 16) while risking an
attack from the chokers in that area,
and then back up a cliff face to area 17.
The PCs might also take the short cut
through area 15, but they must then face
the grimlock barbarian who guards that
passage. However, that might be prefer-
able to battling her while trying to climb
to area 17 from the cavern floor.
The grimlocks use the terrain to
their advantage. They remain out of
melee range, preferring to use their
ranged weapons to whittle down the
party’s strength. If possible, they
retreat to lure the PCs into a false
sense of security before quietly mov-
ing forward to attack as they climb one
the area’s cliff faces.

14. Descent
5 ft. into the Dark (EL 4)

A great pit drops into darkness. Crude, iron

spikes have been driven into the cliff face,

Area 14 offering you a convenient path downward.

The sha�’s roof is fi�een feet above the
cliff’s edge. Jagged stalactites hang from
the ceiling.


Note that the description above Feats Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Fighting in the tunnel’s enclosed
assumes that the party lacks darkvision Focus (longbow) space is difficult with larger weapons.
or a light source that can illuminate the Skills Climb +7, Hide +8 Creatures larger than Medium must
stone shelf below them. If the PCs can Possessions combat gear, studded squeeze through parts the passage. Any
see the sha�’s bottom (it’s 45 feet below) leather armor, club, masterwork Medium creature fighting with a one-
they can see that the spikes form hand- composite longbow (+2 Str) with 40 handed or larger weapon suffers a –4
holds all the way to the bottom. The arrows, 50 � rope with grappling hook, penalty on attacks for squeezing. Light
sha�’s floor is covered with loose debris, pouch with 21 gp weapons function without penalty.
a few shattered stalactites, and a number The far end of the passage ends in
of stalagmites. Tactics: These two archers wait until a small, stone ledge with a crude rope
Creatures: Two grimlock fighters no more than one or two PCs remain at bridge providing access to another
armed with bows hide amidst the rocks area 13 before opening fire. They prefer narrow, rocky outcropping and a
and debris of the shelf below and across to fire at PCs forced to clamber down steeply sloped tunnel heading up and
from area 13. Even if the PCs’ light source the wall via the spikes. When a character to the south.
reaches them, the archers use their natu- starts to climb, one grimlock throws a Creatures: A single grimlock barbar-
ral coloration and the broken stones and tanglefoot bag at each climber while the ian, a feral, wild creature, lurks within
other debris to hide. If they take 10 on other fires arrows. Remember to keep the passage. Normally, this brute waits
their Hide checks, the Spot DC to notice track of the archers’ feats, particularly near the tunnel’s southern edge, but if
them is 28. Point Blank Shot, and the range of their she hears the sounds of battle from area
The grimlocks’ ledge is accessible by Blindsight ability (40 feet). 14 she moves into the passage to inter-
a series of spikes driven into the wall A character struck by a tanglefoot bag cept any intruders.
(Climb DC 10) leading from the tunnel while climbing suffers its effects as nor- This grimlock wears battered armor
at area 15 to their perch. The shelf they mal. Determine his climbing speed and and wields two dull, rusty knives. Her
stand upon runs the entire length of the halve it for the bag’s effects, if appropri- hair is long, knotted, and grimy with dirt,
cliff face opposite area three at the height ate. If a character is trapped in place, he mud, and dust. She has a haggard appear-
shown on the map. cannot continue to climb up or down, ance, with a gaunt, ropey physique.
If the grimlocks wish to travel to area but he suffers the standard drawbacks
13, they throw a rope up to the kennel for fighting and defending himself Grimlock Barbarian CR 4
master, who then anchors it while they while climbing. Female grimlock barbarian 3
tie it down to the ledge. The archers continue to harass the CE Medium monstrous humanoid
party until the characters make it to Monster Manual 141
Grimlock Archers (2) CR 2 the base of the sha�. While firing, they Init +2; Senses blindsight 40 �.; Listen –1,
Grimlock fighter 1 yell out in Grimlock to alert the guards Spot –1
CE Medium monstrous humanoid nearby. The archers prefer to remain in Languages Common, Grimlock
Monster Manual 141 their perch to catch the PCs by surprise AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18; uncanny
Init 3; Senses blindsight 40 �.; Listen –1, if they attempt to retreat. As ranged spe- dodge
Spot –1 cialists, they prefer to avoid melee at hp 44 (5 HD)
Languages Common, Grimlock, almost any cost. Immune gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions
Undercommon Treasure: The two grimlocks have a Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 set of fine, ivory dice they looted from Spd 40 �.
hp 25 (3 HD) a drow war party. The dice have small Melee mwk dagger +10 (1d4+3/19–20) or
Immune gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions gems set in their faces to mark the Drow mwk dagger +8 (1d4+3/19–20) and
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 numerals on each side. They are worth mwk dagger +8 (1d4+1/19–20)
Spd 30 �. 300 gp each. Ranged sling +7 (1d4+3)
Melee club +5 (1d6+2) Base Atk +5; Grp +8
Ranged mwk composite longbow +8 15. The Tunnel (EL 4) Atk Options rage 1/day
(1d8+2/×3) or Combat Gear potion of bull’s strength,
mwk composite longbow +6/+6 (1d8+2/×3) This cave is little more than a wide crack in potion of cat’s grace, 2 potions of
Attack Options Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot the rocks. Five feet wide and perhaps six feet cure light wounds
Base Atk +3; Grp +6 tall, it provides a jagged, twisty passage. Abilities Str 16, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 8, Wis
Combat Gear three tanglefoot bags, 2 9, Cha 7
potions of cure light wounds Use the Horseshoe Caverns diagram if SQ scent, trap sense +1
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, the characters attempt to pass through Feats Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus
Wis 9, Cha 6 this tunnel. The grimlocks use it to avoid (dagger)
SQ scent their ex-allies in area 16. Skills Climb +11, Hide +8



Possessions +1 studded leather armor, 2 upon them, taking 2d6 falling damage. above, a crude rope bridge links a stone shelf
masterwork daggers, sling with 10 bullets, In her lust for battle, she pays little mind almost directly overhead to a second shelf
pouch with 21 gp to such incidental injuries. set thirty feet up on the opposite wall.
Rage (Ex): While she is raging, the grimlock Treasure: In addition to her equip-
barbarian’s stats change as follows: ment, the barbarian has several tro- In their religious fervor to reach
hp 54 phies from a drow priestess that she this place, the grimlocks were forced
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 16; uncanny slew. In a bloodstained burlap sack are to tunnel through several feet of
dodge 200 gp, the preserved head of a female rock. When they reached this shaft,
Melee mwk dagger +12 (1d4+5/19–20) or dark elf, and a wand of cure light wounds they pushed the accumulated debris
mwk dagger +10 (1d4+5/19–20) (34 charges). down it. The debris pile is both diffi-
mwk dagger +10 (1d4+2/19–20) cult ground and a steep slope. Thus, it
Ranged sling +7 (1d4+5) 16. Choker Tunnels (EL 4) costs 4 squares of movement to enter
Grp +10 each square it covers.
Fort +7, Will +5 The cavern’s floor is choked with loose rub- Creatures: A pair of chokers hides
Abilities Str 20, Con 19 ble, fallen stalactites, and other debris. Here in this area. The grimlocks drove them
Skills Climb +13 and there, stalagmites poke up through the from their original lair to this pit. Thus
loose rocks. Ahead, a ten-foot-wide passage far, they have managed to survive on
Tactics: The grimlock lurks in the opens in the far wall. rats and other vermin, but eventually
passage waiting for approaching PCs starvation will do them in. They hide
if she hears the sounds of battle from The passage is 10 feet wide and nearly in the debris pile and lash out at any
area 14. Otherwise, she keeps watch at 8 feet tall. If the characters enter the area character that draws close. Their hun-
the base of the rope bridge to area 12. beyond, read or paraphrase the following. ger drives them to attack, even if they
If she spots PCs below her in area 16, are outnumbered.
she waits until they battle the chokers. If The passageway emerges at the base of Chokers (2): hp 16, Monster Manual 34.
they defeat them, she quaffs her potion of another sha�. A large pile of rocks and stony Tactics: The two chokers fight to the
bull’s strength, rages, and then leaps down debris is piled in the corner ahead, while death. They attempt to hide at the top of


the pile, next to the sha�’s wall, and watch Grimlocks (3): AC 17, touch 11, flat-
the PCs’ movements. If a character draws footed 16; hp 11 each; Monster Manual
within reach, they attack. Otherwise, they 140. These grimlocks fight with morn-
wait until the PCs attempt to climb the ingstars rather than battleaxes, and
wall. At that point, they attack. carry heavy wooden shields and three
Treasure: The chokers hide the javelins each.
remains of their past victims within Tactics: The grimlocks throw their
the debris pile. Here, a DC 15 Search javelins at anyone on the bridge and in
check uncovers the gnawed bones of range of their blindsight. If two grim-
two grimlocks along with a broken locks fall, the third one attempts to flee
morningstar, a leather necklace set and warn its allies in area 18.
with four rubies worth 200 gp, and a The grimlocks would rather not dam-
cold iron longsword. age the bridge, as it took many hours
of intensive labor to build it. However,
17. The Bridge (EL 3) they may attempt to disturb it to send
the PCs tumbling to the cavern floor.
The rope bridge sways slightly, stirred by As a full-round action, two grimlocks
the almost imperceptible movement of air adjacent to the bridge can grab and
in this cavern. It consists of three lengths shake it. Any PCs on the bridge must
of rope arranged in a V-shape. The lower make a DC 10 Reflex save to avoid being
point of the V serves as a foothold, while shaken off the bridge.
the upper arms allow one to hold steady
as they cross. 18. Cliff Chamber (EL 3)

While the rope bridge appears fragile, The roof of this large cavern glistens
the grimlocks took care to ensure that it twenty feet above and is traced with faint
is sturdy enough to hold them. Cross- veins of iron ore. The quarters here are
ing the bridge is a slow, deliberate pro- tight and cramped. Barely ten feet to the
cess at best. The bridge sways precipi- east, the cavern floor rises up into a nearly
tously, while the rope has an unnerv- vertical slope.
ing tendency to creak and shudder as
it bears weight. This rough, uneven chamber con-
Characters can move across the bridge sists of a series of sharp slopes leading
at one quarter their normal speed with- upward. Each contour line on the map
out making a Balance check. A PC who represents about a ten-foot rise. The
wants to move at half speed must make characters can climb these slopes with a
a DC 10 Balance check. Moving at full DC 5 Climb check.
speed requires a DC 15 Balance check. Creatures: Two grimlocks stand guard
Increase these checks by +5 if the PCs here just outside room 19. Unless alerted,
only use one hand to steady themselves, they pay little attention to their duties.
or by +10 if they use no hands. They wrestle, sharpen their weapons, and
On a failed Balance check, a PC makes talk loudly, granting them a –5 penalty on
no progress. If the check is failed by 5 or all Listen and Spot checks.
more, the character falls from the bridge Grimlocks (2): AC 17, touch 11, flat-
and suffers the appropriate falling dam- footed 16; hp 11 each; Monster Manual
age. If the chokers in area 16 are still 140. These grimlocks fight with morn-
active, they move to attack. ingstars rather than battleaxes, and
Creatures: The three grimlocks on carry heavy wooden shields and three
guard duty here wait a few feet up the javelins each.
passage on the far side of the shaft. Tactics: The grimlocks try to use their
They are unnerved by the feral grim- longspears to attack PCs as they climb the
lock at area 15 and prefer to remain sharp slopes in this chamber. Once they
out of sight. If they hear anyone spot intruders, they shout for help. The
crossing the bridge, they move out to monsters in areas 19 and 20 arrive in 1d6
defend the ledge. rounds. Roll separately for each area.



Each requires a DC 20 Search check to

uncover. The first cache contains a jade
Grimlock figurine of Erythnul worth 200 gp, the
second holds 50 gp in coins, the third
Cavern 19
has three garnets worth 50 gp each, and
the fourth contains a silver necklace set
with three gems worth 100 gp.

20. Chieftain’s
Lodge (EL 4)
18 This chamber presents a macabre sight.
A bewildering variety of humanoid and
monstrous skulls are mounted on the
walls just outside this chamber with crude,
20 iron spikes. The chamber beyond is a small,
cramped space that smells strongly of damp
earth. A great pile of furs and blankets lies
in the center of the room.

If the PCs manage to slip past the guards

down in area 18, the chie�ain is here feasting on
a fistful of hallucinogenic mushrooms.
He sits atop his pile of bedding, jabbering
and howling in Grimlock.
Creatures: The grimlock chie�ain is
a fearsome warrior, though his mind is
almost utterly sundered. In his fanatical
N 21 drive to achieve religious enlightenment,
he has taken to ingesting massive amounts
of psychotropic fungi. He believes that
the PCs are heralds of Erythnul sent to
test him. As he attacks, he screams taunts
at them in Common and bids them to
One square = 5 feet carry his regards to Erythnul.
The chie�ain’s body is covered with rit-
ual scars and tattoos. They form a pattern
19. Common Creatures: The six grimlocks do not of a holy symbol of Erythnul on his chest.
Chamber (EL 5) carry their weapons. They must stop to pick His head is shaved bare, while his ears are
them up on their way out of this room. If studded with crude bone piercings.
The scent of rotting meat and offal fills the the PCs enter this room without alerting
air here. Moldering furs, crude bedrolls, and the guards, the grimlocks are unarmed. Grimlock Chieftain CR 4
other signs of a campsite cover the floor of Grimlocks (6): AC 17, touch 11, flat- Male grimlock barbarian 3
this large, natural cave. Spears and crude footed 16; hp 11 each; Monster Manual 140. CE Medium monstrous humanoid
axes are piled near the entrance to the le�, These grimlocks fight with morningstars Monster Manual 141
along with a disorganized stack of shields. rather than battleaxes, and carry heavy Init 2; Senses blindsight 40 �.; Listen –2, Spot –2
wooden shields and three javelins each. Languages Common, Grimlock
The grimlocks use this place as a gen- Tactics: The grimlocks fight to the AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19
eral barracks. Normally, six of them rest death. They are fanatics to Erythnul’s cause hp 49 (5 HD)
here in between their guard duties in and are ready to die to protect their leader. Immune gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions
the outer areas of the cave. These grim- They consider him a revered prophet. Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
locks, like the guards in area 18, do not Treasure: The grimlock warriors keep Spd 40 �.
expect trouble. They suffer a –5 penalty their personal treasure here, hidden in a Melee mwk greataxe +11 (1d12+6/×3)
on Listen and Spot checks as they argue, variety of small nooks and hollows. There Base Atk +5; Grp +9
eat, or sleep. are four treasure caches in the room. Atk Options rage 1/day


Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds have greatly helped the temple of Vecna a move action to drop the rope to the floor,
Abilities Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis in its quest to raise the Ebon Aspect from then clambers down (Climb DC 5).
6, Cha 10 the pool in area 1. Grallak has sewn preserved eyes of a
SQ scent, trap sense +1 In order to ensure his tribe’s dedica- beholder into his empty eyesockets, giv-
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greataxe) tion to the Ebon Triad, Grallak Kur col- ing him the strange, wide-eyed look of a
Skills Climb +12, Hide +5, Intimidate +8, lapsed the passage that once led out of madman. His hair is cut short and dyed
Move Silently +5 this cavern deeper into the Underdark, red, while a holy symbol of Erythnul is
Possessions +1 mithral shirt, masterwork blocking any chance of escape. branded into his chest. His teeth are
greataxe, pouch with 30 gp Creatures: Grallak perches atop a filed into fang-like points.
Rage (Ex): While he is raging, the grimlock small stone ledge 10 feet above a smol- His three guardians are the most fanati-
chie�ain’s stats change as follows: dering fire. He tosses strange powders cal worshipers of Erythnul among the
hp 59 and mushrooms onto the fire. As he grimlocks. They wear bronze masks that
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 17; uncanny inhales the burning fumes, Erythnul’s resemble holy symbols of Erythnul, while
dodge visions come to him. His three servants, their flesh is studded in dozens of places
Melee mwk greataxe +13 (1d12+6/×3) a trio of grimlock warriors, watch over with small, sharp bone piercings.
Grp +11 him and tend to the fire. One keeps
Fort +8, Will +4 watch on the entrance to the temple. Grallak Kur CR 5
Abilities Str 22, Con 20 The grimlocks are under strict orders to Male grimlock cleric 4
Skills Climb +14 never disturb Grallak. Thus, the guards CE Medium monstrous humanoid
assume that intruders are at hand if any- Monster Manual 140
Tactics: The chie�ain is a simple, brutal one approaches. Init +5; Senses blindsight 40 �.; Listen +4,
warrior and a bully at heart. He seeks out the Grallak keeps a knotted rope anchored Spot +4
weakest-looking character and charges him to his ledge. If he must climb down, he uses Languages Common, Grimlock
in melee, ignoring other targets and even AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21
taking attacks of opportunity to pursue his hp 56 (6 HD)
chosen victim. Immune gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions
Treasure: The chie�ain keeps his trea- Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +11
sure mingled amidst his bedding. His Spd 30 �.
personal cache consists of 4 rubies worth Melee mwk morningstar +10
100 gp each, 150 gp in coins kept within
a leather pouch, a jeweled statuette of
a drow warrior worth 450 gp, and a
Heward’s handy haversack. Grallak Kur

21. Temple to
Erythnul (EL 6)

This long passage through the rocks

winds down and down, deeper into the
ground. It curves ahead like a spiral. The air
grows musty and sickening with the scent
of rotting flesh. Eventually, the passage
opens into a wide cavern, where it ends
at the top of a short cliff that stands ten
feet above the cave floor below. From
ahead, the dim glow of a lantern or
small fire casts a dull, red glow.

This place is the domain of Grallak

Kur, the prophet of Erythnul who led the
grimlocks on their unholy pilgrimage to
this place. Grallak spends his time here
deep in meditation, communing with
Erythnul to learn that dreaded god’s
wishes. Already, Grallak’s divine insights



Labyrinth of Vecna


N 25







S Group 2

Group 3

Group 1

One square = 5 feet


(1d8+3) of Lolth worth 200 gp despite the of Vecna can find them automati-
Base Atk +5; Grp +8 great hacks and gashes cut into it, a cally—the magic of this place makes
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds pearl necklace worth 400 gp, and a the door obvious to the faithful. They
Spells Prepared (CL 4th): rope of climbing. hear lingering whispers in a strange,
2nd—hold person (DC 16), invisibilityD, sound In addition, Grallak carries two primordial tongue that pulls their
burst (DC 16), spiritual weapon scrolls that summarize his latest attention to the hidden doors. More
1st—cause fear (DC 16), divine favor, entropic visions. They are written in Common, impressively, a worshiper of Vecna
shield, magic weaponD, obscuring mist as they are meant for the Faceless One, can cause these doors to open and
0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect but the rambling, disjointed style close by merely willing it to be so. A
magic, resistance, virtue is difficult to comprehend. A DC 10 Vecna cultist may open or close one
D: Domain Spell; Domains: Trickery, War Decipher Script check uncovers their door in this manner per round as a
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis basic intents. The letters state that a free action. Nonbelivers must make
18, Cha 12 great power stirs, and that a swarm a DC 25 Search check to find the
SQ rebuke undead, scent, spontaneous of worms is at hand. It speaks of a doors, and must take move actions to
casting (inflict spells) power growing in the pool of the Dark open them.
Feats Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Cathedral, a power that will serve the
Spell Focus (necromancy), Weapon Focus Ebon Triad as a champion, but that a Inner Sanctum Features
(morningstar)B still greater force drives the power of Areas 23 through 27 of this portion of
Skills Climb +4, Concentration +12, evil forward. One passage in particu- the dungeon comprise the inner sanc-
Knowledge (religion) +3 lar stands out: “At last the will of the tum of Vecna. These chambers are well-
Possessions combat gear, +1 banded mail, Ebon Triad be done. With the return built, with smooth, polished floors and
masterwork morningstar, brooch of of great Kyuss, the Age of Worms is expertly cra�ed features. The doors and
shielding (82 points), pouch with 42 gp, finally upon us!” secret doors are as described above. In
silver key addition, these rooms are lit by contin-
PART FOUR: THE ual flame spells cast upon the walls at
Grimlocks (6): AC 17, touch 11, flat- LABYRINTH OF VECNA 20-foot intervals.
footed 16; hp 11; Monster Manual 140. The Faceless One and his followers
These grimlocks fight with morn- knew that they had uncovered one of 22. The Labyrinth
ingstars rather than battleaxes, and Vecna’s great secrets when they dis- (EL Varies, see below)
carry heavy wooden shields and three covered this strange labyrinth directly
javelins each. north of the Overgod’s bubbling A smooth, gray, stone corridor stretches
Tactics: The three grimlock guards pool. Powerful magic flows through about thirty feet ahead before it comes
use their longspears to hold off the this place, and the Faceless One sus- to an intersection. The stonework here is
characters. The guards adopt a posi- pects that at one time in the distant smooth and expertly cra�ed.
tion to attack the PCs while the char- past Vecna himself dwelled within
acters must climb down the sharp these halls. This portion of the Dark Cathedral
slope to the cavern floor. Grallak Kur The labyrinth of Vecna is a twisting requires a bit of explanation. It consists
uses his magic to harass the PCs. series of passages honeycombed with of a maze inhabited by a small band of
He starts with entropic shield to pro- secret doors. These portals open easily kenku rogues, sinister bird-men o�en
tect against ranged attacks, then uses for Vecna’s worshipers, but heretics are associated with Vecna. These cult-
spiritual weapon and hold person on the unlikely to find them without an exten- ists defend the inner sanctum to the
party, targeting the former against a sive search. With luck and diligence, the death. When they notice that heretics
lightly armored spellcaster and the PCs can find the secret doors that lead to have entered their domain, they use the
later against any tough-looking war- the labyrinth’s inner sanctum. secret doors honeycombed through this
riors. He then follows that with a mix area to surround and attack intruders
of cause fear and sound burst. If he must Labyrinth Features from all sides.
venture into melee, he prefers to use The passages here are smooth, expertly The labyrinth is intentionally sized so
divine favor and invisibility to boost cra�ed stone hallways and chambers. that you can fit the entire thing on the
himself as he moves to attack. The doors are made of stone and are set typical battlemat. The black and white
Treasure: Grallak Kur keeps his on perfectly aligned hinges that allow side of the battle grid bound into the
treasure hidden behind a large rock them to open noiselessly. Dungeon Master’s Guide is big enough
wedged into a corner of the room. The doors have hardness 8, 30 hit to fit the entire maze. If you use a dif-
Uncovering it requires a DC 20 points, and a break DC of 30. The ferent grid, it should be 28 by 19 squares
Search check. His cache consists of secret doors found throughout this to fit the entire maze. Check the map to
500 gp in coins, a silver holy symbol area have the same stats. A worshiper ensure that you place the starting point



at the right place to map the entire maze. Great Ally (Ex): When successfully aided on SQ mimicry, trap sense +1, trapfinding
You should start the PCs at the 10th a skill check or attack roll by an ally, or Feats Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
square from the le� corner, along the when aiding another, a kenku applies or Skills Bluff +8, Disable Device +8, Hide
long edge of the grid. gains a +3 bonus on its check or attack +13, Listen +9, Open Lock +11, Move
The “Labyrinth Features” section roll. Furthermore, a kenku gains a +4 Silently +13, Search +8, Spot +9,
above details the secret doors and mun- bonus on attack rolls against an opponent Tumble +11
dane doors found in this area. flanked by an ally. Possessions combat gear, masterwork
The three chambers marked Group 1, Mimicry (Ex): A kenku can perfectly mimic studded leather, club, masterwork light
Group 2, and Group 3 are campsites for familiar sounds, voices, and accents. crossbow with 20 bolts, elixir of hiding,
groups of kenkus. Each of these rooms This ability does not enable the kenku to elixir of sneaking, elixir of vision, 5 sunrods,
has bed rolls, crates of food, barrels of speak languages it can’t normally speak. pouch with 7 gp
water, and other supplies. The labyrinth’s To duplicate a specific individual’s voice, Great Ally (Ex): When successfully aided
dire weasel guardians start in the area a kenku makes a Bluff check. A listener on a skill check or attack roll by an ally,
marked W. familiar with the voice being imitated must or when aiding another, a kenku applies
Creatures: Four groups of monsters succeed on an opposed Sense Motive check or gains a +3 bonus on its check or
inhabit the labyrinth, three small bands to discern that the voice isn’t genuine. attack roll. Furthermore, a kenku gains
of kenkus and a pair of dire weasels a +4 bonus on attack rolls against an
trained to patrol the maze. Each group Group 2 (EL 4): A second group of opponent flanked by an ally.
is treated as a separate encounter. six kenku rogues serves as backup to Mimicry (Ex): A kenku can perfectly mimic
Group 1 (EL 4): These six kenku group 1. They move out to stalk the familiar sounds, voices, and accents.
rogues are charged with watching over maze if they receive word of trouble This ability does not enable the kenku to
the entrance to the labyrinth. They use from their brethren. speak languages it can’t normally speak.
a small peep hole in the secret pas- Labyrinth denizens (6): hp 6; see stat To duplicate a specific individual’s voice,
sage east of their campsite to watch block above. a kenku makes a Bluff check. A listener
the entrance. Group 3 (EL 6): This band of kenku familiar with the voice being imitated
includes the kenku leader, his sorcerer must succeed on an opposed Sense
Labyrinth Denizens (6) CR 1 lieutenant, and 2 rogues. If the kenku Motive check to discern that the voice
Kenku rogue 1 leader hears word from groups 1 or 2, isn’t genuine.
NE Medium humanoid (kenku) he moves his followers to the secret
Monster Manual III 87 doors just south of the inner sanctum Kenku Lieutenant CR 2
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +5, to ambush anyone who comes too close Kenku sorcerer 2
Spot +5 to the secret chambers. NE Medium humanoid (kenku)
Languages Common, Goblin, Kenku Monster Manual III 87
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 Kenku Boss CR 4 Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +6,
hp 7 (1 HD) Male kenku rogue 4 Spot +3
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1 NE Medium humanoid (kenku) Languages Common, Kenku
Spd 30 �. Monster Manual III 87 AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
Melee club +0 (1d6) and Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +9, hp 8 (2 HD)
claw –5 (1d3) Spot +9 Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Ranged mwk light crossbow +5 (1d8/19–20) Languages Common, Goblin, Kenku Spd 30 �.
Base Atk +0; Grp +0 AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13; uncanny dodge Melee club +1 (1d6) and
Atk Options sneak attack +1d6, great ally hp 26 (4 HD) claw –4 (1d3)
Combat Gear potion of shield of faith (+2), Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +3; evasion Ranged mwk light crossbow +5 (1d8/19–20)
vial of alchemist’s fire Spd 30 �. Base Atk +1; Grp +1
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis Melee club +3 (1d6) and Atk Options Point Blank Shot, great ally
12, Cha 10 claw –2 (1d3) Combat Gear wand of magic missiles (38
SQ mimicry, trapfinding Ranged mwk light crossbow +7 (1d8/19–20) charges), Quall’s feather token (whip), potion
Feats Rapid Reload Base Atk +3; Grp +3 of shield of faith (+2), vial of alchemist’s fire
Skills Bluff +5, Disable Device +5, Hide +10, Atk Options Point Blank Shot, sneak attack Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; +4 ranged touch):
Listen +5, Open Lock +8, Move Silently +2d6, great ally 1st (5/day)—grease (DC 13), ray of
+10, Search +5, Spot +5, Tumble +8 Combat Gear necklace of fireballs (type I: 1 enfeeblement
Possessions combat gear, masterwork 5d6, 2 3d6 fireballs), potion of shield of 0 (6/day)—acid splash, daze (DC 12),
studded leather, club, masterwork light faith (+2), vial of alchemist’s fire dancing lights, detect magic, light
crossbow with 20 bolts, 5 sunrods, pouch Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis
with 7 gp 14, Cha 10 12, Cha 14


SQ mimicry, summon familiar (bat) kenkus hiding while the third uses his normal. They should make Spot and
Feats Alertness (as long as familiar is in mimicry ability to lure the PCs ahead or Listen checks to track the PCs, though
arm’s reach), Point Blank Shot drive them into an ambush. if the characters have a light source the
Skills Concentration +3, Hide +7, Listen +4, The kenkus duplicate the PCs’ voices, kenkus can spot them with ease. The
Move Silently +7, Spot +3 or create the sounds of a humanoid kenkus never use light unless the party
Possessions club, masterwork light in distress to draw the PCs into an travels in darkness. In that case, they
crossbow with 20 bolts, 2 Quall’s feather attack. They can mimic the dire wea- light torches and throw them away
tokens (bird), 5 sunrods, pouch with 32 gp sel’s shrieks, and they have also heard from their position to give themselves
enough of the Beast (the Hextorites’ dire sufficient light to fight by without
Labyrinth denizens (2): hp 6; see stat boar) to mimic it. In general, assume revealing themselves.
block above. that the kenkus can mimic any creature Since the kenkus rely on stealth and
The Weasels (EL 4): Two cra�y dire of CR 4 or lower. careful teamwork, they do not simply
weasels patrol the passages. If they Managing this encounter requires a mob the party. Instead, each group in
catch the scent of any non-kenkus, fair amount of work. It is best to make turn attempts to defeat the PCs. The cor-
they sound a horrific shrieking call a copy of the map that you can use to ridors in the labyrinth are too narrow
before charging into battle. Make Lis- track the kenkus’ movement. If your for more than a few kenkus to effectively
ten checks for any kenkus in the area. battle grid is large enough, you can work together.
They move to ambush the attackers if draw the maze for the PCs as they move Treasure: The three groups each
they hear the attack. along. While this might not be realis- keep their treasure in the rooms they
Dire Weasels (2): hp 13; Monster Manual 65. tic, since it gives the players a bird’s eye use as quarters.
Tactics: The kenkus rely on stealth to view of the portions of the maze they Group 1 has a total of 300 gp in coins
overcome their foes. They use Hide and have explored, it makes it far easier to scatted about their bedrolls and camp-
Move Silently to stalk the labyrinth, and keep track of everything. ing gear. Group 2 has another 200 gp
move toward any light sources they spot. Keep track of the monsters’ ini- in coins, along with a small lockbox
A group typically moves in trios, with two tiative, movement, and so forth as (Open Lock DC 20) that holds two



small diamonds worth 100 gp each. 2d10 rounds, any surviving kenkus from 26. The Inner
Group 3 has another 300 gp and a pair the labyrinth (area 22) enter this area to Sanctum (EL 4)
of eyes of the eagle kept hidden within repel the intruders.
a hollow in the floor of their chamber Tactics: The tactics entries in areas An acrid, almost metallic stink fills the air
(Search DC 20). 22, 26, and 27 cover the particulars of of this chamber. The walls here consist of a
the monsters that might come here to strange, green rock with purple veins that
23. Outer Sanctum attack the PCs. In general, Vecna’s cult- writhe and dance within it. Six black pil-
ists fight to protect the wizards of this lars form two rows along the length of this
This ten-foot-wide, L-shaped passage is place, leaving them free to rain spells chamber. They have a tar-like appearance,
broken up by a series of slender, mar- upon the enemy. and what looks like human hands push at
ble columns that run down its center. their surfaces from within, as if a crowd
Strange patterns of wispy green veins 24. Storage Chamber of humanoid creatures was trapped within
writhe and undulate within the stone. each one. A plain, basalt altar rests at one
The floor here consists of square, bone- Boxes and crates fill this room, leaving end of the chamber.
white tiles that measure about a foot only a narrow alley to cross. Kegs of water,
across. The walls are made of a dull gray boxes of rations, and other mundane gear This unholy place was one of Vecna’s
marble covered with strange, circular are arranged in neat, orderly piles. lairs in his mortal days. Now, it is a cha-
bulges in an irregular pattern. pel to his blasphemous faith.
This place serves as a central storage The pillars hold within them the
This is the outer sanctum of the point for the Vecna cult. Both the kenkus trapped souls of those sacrificed within
temple of Vecna. This place was cre- in area 22 and the denizens of the inner this temple. If the PCs have the opportu-
ated thousands of years ago, when sanctum draw from it. Creatures of less nity to inspect them, the pillars consist
Vecna was still a living mortal being. than Small size can move along the path- of a thick, gummy, tar-like substance, and
When he made his relatively recent way through the boxes and crates with- the hands that strain to escape from them
transformation to divinity, many sites out penalty. Small and Medium creatures are all le� hands. Anyone who enters a
where he spent time in his mortal must squeeze, while larger creatures can- square occupied by a pillar comes under
life (including this one) surged with not fit into the room. attack from the desperate spirits trapped
divine energy. Once, Vecna used this A successful DC 20 Search check within. The pillar attacks with a +6 bonus.
place to conduct unholy experiments. uncovers any item from the Player’s On a successful attack, the target cannot
Now, his followers seek to recreate Handbook worth less than 5 gp. There leave the square until he beats the pillar’s
his works. are no weapons or armor stored here, +11 grapple check. A pillar can only grasp
The pattern of green energy within and no more than five of any given one creature at a time.
the columns is a physical manifesta- piece of equipment aside from food The energy that dances along the
tion of the arcane and divine powers and water. walls casts a strange, eldritch light
that surge through this place. Anyone Even more interesting, such a Search across this chamber. Any nonworshiper
who closely inspects a column must check reveals telltale evidence that link of Vecna who stares at it for more than
make a DC 16 Will save or slip into a these goods to Balabar Smenk. The crates a round must make a DC 15 Will save
catatonic state. Anyone affected by the and boxes are branded with his trad- or suffer 1d4 Wisdom damage as his
columns hears strange, whispering ing company’s sign, a rampant rooster mind is overwhelmed with strange,
voices in his mind that seem to hint perched upon a large gold coin. fragmented shards of cosmic secrets
of great power and sinister mysteries. beyond mortal comprehension.
The victim is rendered helpless for 25. Acolytes’ Chamber The unholy energy of this place grants
2d4 minutes. At the end of this time, undead turn resistance +4. This bonus
he awakes from his strange state and This room is cramped with two sets of bunk stacks with any turn resistance the
suffers 1d4 Wisdom damage. beds, a small writing table, and several undead might already possess.
The strange bulges on the walls con- stools. A single torch casts light across the Creatures: Two acolytes of Vecna and an
ceal human eyes embedded into the room from a sconce between the beds. allip occupy the Inner Sanctum. The allip
stone. If anyone other than a Vecna wor- is a spectral figure clad in wizard’s robes.
shiper casts a divine or arcane spell of The acolytes of Vecna bunk here. The robe’s hood completely conceals the
any level within the outer sanctum, the Normally, two of them remain in the figure’s face, leaving it a black void. The
bulges open to reveal human eyes that inner sanctum while the other pair two acolytes are humans wearing ragged,
dart back and forth, alerting all of Vecna’s assists the Faceless One with his work purple robes. They fight to the death to
cultists in this temple of the intrusion. within the laboratory (area 27). The aco- protect the Inner Sanctum, though if pos-
In 1d4 rounds, the guardians from area lytes have no treasure aside from the sible one runs to area 27 to warn the Face-
26 and 27 arrive to confront the PCs. In arcane items they carry. less One of the intrusion.


Acolytes of Vecna (2) CR 2 Feats Alertness (as long as familiar is in Treasure: Set upon the altar are a vari-
Male human wizard 2 arm’s reach), Combat Casting, Improved ety of offerings to Vecna. They include
NE Medium humanoid Initiative, Scribe Scroll two golden goblets worth 100 gp each
Init +6; Senses Listen +2, Spot +4 Skills Concentration +7, Decipher Script and a bronze sacrificial dagger set with
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal, Kenku +8, Hide +4, Knowledge (arcana) +8, blood red rubies worth 400 gp.
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 Knowledge (the planes) +4, Listen +2,
hp 10 (2 HD) Spellcra� +8, Spot +4 27. Laboratory of the
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3 Possessions combat gear, dagger, pouch Faceless One (EL 7)
Spd 30 �. with 48 gp
Melee dagger +1 (1d4/19–20) Two long, wooden tables dominate this
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4/19–20) Allip: hp 26; Monster Manual 10. chamber. They run along the length of
Base Atk +1; Grp +1 Tactics: The two acolytes use their the room, pushed up against opposite
Combat Gear potion of protection from potions of gaseous form to escape to area walls, and are covered with a variety
arrows (10/magic), potion of fox’s cunning, 25, where they then drink as many of beakers, alchemical tools, and other
potion of shield of faith (+3), potion of potions as possible to prepare for battle. devices. A few glass containers bubble
gaseous form, scroll of scorching ray, One casts message to alert the Faceless with materials of a variety of colors,
scroll of web One of the intrusion. They then return from a boiling green sludge to a fizz-
Spells Prepared (CL 2nd, +3 ranged touch): to area 26 to use their scrolls and spells ing, effervescent blue liquid. Several
1st—burning hands (DC 14), color spray against the PCs. bookshelves filled with tomes occupy
(DC 14), mage armor The allip moves to attack the PCs, one section of the wall. Beside the
0—daze (DC 13), detect magic, light, ray of frost driven by an intense hatred of all non- shelves stands an intact human skel-
Spellbook all prepared spells; 0—all; 1st— believers. If reduced to half or fewer hit eton. A few glistening organs, a heart,
cause fear, disguise self, expeditious retreat, points, it darts for cover in the walls to a set of lungs, and a liver writhe and
minor image, shocking grasp stalk the PCs. Once they engage in com- pulse within the skeleton’s rib cage.
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, bat again, such as against the returning In the middle of the chamber stands a
Wis 10, Cha 10 acolytes or the Faceless One, it emerges large, black iron cauldron. A thick layer
SQ summon familiar (rat) to do battle once more. of wax seals it shut.



This is the work chamber of the

The Faceless One Faceless One, the leader of the Vecna
cult within this dungeon. Beakers bur-
ble with strange liquids as the wizards
of this portion of the dungeon plot to
awaken the aspect of the Overgod from
its slumber.
The skeleton is a byproduct of
a recent experiment in reani-
mation using alchemical pro-
cesses. The books are the
Faceless One’s spellbooks,
along with the grimoires of
the acolytes of Vecna who
study beneath him.
The cauldron contains
the rest of the unfortunate
skeleton’s organs. Break-
ing the seal releases an awful
stench. Anyone in the room
must make a DC 15 Fortitude
save or become sickened for 10
minutes. The cauldron contains
a mixture of chemicals and
human organs.
Creatures: The Faceless One
wears green robes and a leather
mask set with iron studs. Only
his coal-black eyes are visible
beneath it. His hands are covered
with mystical tattoos. If the mask is
removed, his face is a blank, feature-
less slate save for a small, sharp nose
and a toothless mouth. He speaks with
a lisp, and his frame is gaunt, almost
fragile looking. His skin is as white as
an albino’s.
His two acolytes wear tattered purple robes
and prominent holy symbols of Vecna.

The Faceless one CR 6

Male human wizard 6
NE Medium humanoid
Init +6; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic,
Giant, Infernal, Kenku
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11; Dodge
hp 37 (6 HD)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7
Spd 30 �.
Melee dagger +3
Ranged dagger +5


Base Atk +3; Grp +3 as lightning bolt, flaming sphere (with the to a range of one mile, as if with a con-
Combat Gear scroll of lightning bolt, scroll aid of his rod), and magic missile. He stant locate creature effect, and it immedi-
of summon monster III, potion of shield of fights to the death with a maniac fanati- ately seeks the PCs out, intending to slay
faith (+4), 4 potions of cure cism, as he does not want to see his work them to the last.
light wounds come to naught. If the PCs escape without killing the
Spells Prepared (CL 6th, +5 ranged touch): Treasure: The beakers, tubes, and Ebon Aspect, the fiend slowly makes
3rd—lightning bolt (DC 19), summon other glassware are a complete alche- its way up into the mines above, kill-
monster III (2) mist’s toolkit. The liquids within them ing anyone and everyone it encoun-
2nd—false life, flaming sphere (DC 18), web include two vials of acid, three vials of ters and eventually finding its way
(DC 17) alchemist’s fire, and a wide variety of to Diamond Lake. If the PCs don’t
1st—hold portal, mage armor, magic other chemicals. stop it, the Ebon Aspect causes ter-
missile (2), shield Scattered about the Faceless One’s lab- rible damage and kills dozens before
0—daze (2, DC 15), detect magic, flare (DC oratory, amidst his tools and equipment, Allustan and several of the clerics and
16), ray of frost are 200 gp in coins, six garnets worth 50 fighters from the Garrison can kill
Spellbook all prepared spells; 0—all; gp each, a cloak of Charisma +2, and a +1 the menace.
1st—chill touch, expeditious retreat, identify, heavy steel shield of blinding. Statistics for the Ebon Aspect can be
ray of enfeeblement; 2nd—touch of idiocy; In addition to the monetary rewards found in the appendix. At this point, it’s
3rd—fireball, halt undead found here, the PCs unearth the code a unique creature, but given the right
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 21, needed to read the scroll found in area conditions and time, more of the fiends
Wis 14, Cha 14 10. This information is summarized in may appear in regions haunted by the
SQ summon familiar (rat) Handout #1. Ebon Triad.
Feats Alertness (if familiar is in arm’s reach),
Brew PotionB, Combat Casting, Dodge, PART FIVE: THE CONCLUDING
Improved Initiative, Scribe ScrollB, Spell GOD IN THE POOL THE ADVENTURE
Focus (evocation) A hellish entity slumbers within the Once the PCs escape from the Dark
Skills Concentration +12, Cra� (alchemy) pool’s depths, slowly gathering the Cathedral, they must cope with the
+14, Decipher Script +14, Knowledge energies it needs to awaken. Unfortu- repercussions of their actions. The
(arcana) +14, Knowledge (dungeoneering) nately for the characters, their intru- presence of the Ebon Triad in the
+10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Spellcra� sion into this place arouses its wrath. If mines could touch off some important
+14, Tumble +6 the PCs defeat all three cults, the Ebon developments in Diamond Lake. The
Possessions dagger, bracers of armor +1, Aspect rises to avenge its worshipers. cult obviously had the blessing of Rag-
lesser metamagic rod (extend), pouch As soon as the last of the three high nolin (the elevator didn’t build itself ),
with 48 gp priests (Theldrick in area 10, Grallak and the evidence gathered within the
Kur in area 21, and The Faceless One dungeon points to Balabar Smenk’s
Acolytes of Vecna (2): hp 10 each; see in area 27) is slain or driven off, the involvement. If the PCs present their
page 43. aspect materailizes fully and clambers evidence to the governor-mayor, both
Tactics: The Faceless One’s first up from the pool in area 1. Luckily for merchants face criminal prosecution.
order of business is to cast summon the PCs, the Ebon Aspect of the Over- If either escapes, they may track down
monster III with his rod to summon god is in a weak state as it has not yet the PCs to serve their revenge at a later
a fiendish Huge monstrous centi- summoned all its power. date. Both Ragnolin and Balabar face a
pede. The enormous beast fills most If the PCs don’t kill the three high long, hard fall from wealth and pros-
of the room, blocking the PCs and priests, and instead capture them, the perity to near destitution if they must
giving the Faceless One the chance to Ebon Aspect’s manifestation is delayed flee Diamond Lake.
escape to area 25 where he prepares for a short time. Only 1d4 hours a�er the Of course, both mine managers have
his defenses. His acolytes follow him PCs take their prisoners from this area, plenty of friends in town. A few bribes,
if possible, but they gladly give their the Ebon Aspect manifests in the flesh. a couple of carefully handled meet-
lives to delay any intruders. This action immediately slays any sur- ings, and a host of old favors called in
Once the Faceless One has a moment, viving high priests as it draws on their might gain both Ragnolin and Balabar
he casts false life and mage armor. If the souls for its birth. their freedom. In this case, the PCs
PCs chase him, he uses web to hamper The Ebon Aspect takes ten minutes face not only an angry nemesis, but
them, then summon monster III again to gather its strength once it emerges, foes who still have the connections
with his rod (calling either a fiendish during which time it smashes the eleva- and wealth needed to make the party’s
ape or another centipede, as the situa- tor car to splinters if it’s reachable. Once life miserable.
tion demands). He then switches to his these ten minutes pass, the horrific fiend All the excitement should be just the
offensive repertoire, casting spells such grows more mobile. It can sense the PCs thing to convince the PCs they need to




The Age of Worms

The secrets of this page are most holy. Know ye heretics who invade them that the eye of Vecna is upon you. If you read this, Theldrick,
you have either slain me and doomed our cause, or the time is nigh for our final victory.
At last the riddle of this place is solved. In ages past, a great being known as Kyuss rose above the petty warlords who fought and
struggled for material gain. Mighty Kyuss is the herald of the Overgod. Soon, he will sound the clarion call to the faithful. The three sun-
dered faiths shall be made whole.
The undead our agents spotted must be located and captured. If they bear the worms of Kyuss then they perhaps hold the final
answer to our research. The Ebon Aspect stirs within the pool, but it is still not ready to emerge. Perhaps a traumatic event – an
invasion by heretics, a great battle fought within these halls – could awaken it. But even then it will attain only a minor form.
The Way of the Ebon Triad speaks of the danger of awakening the aspect too soon. Our work will be for naught.
We must find the worms and the undead hosts that carry them. If they are not here, then we must send agents to the Ri�. If Kyuss him-
self, or his agents, cannot shepherd in the Age of Worms, then we shall do it ourselves so that the Overgod may live.
Our course is clear, my dear Theldrick. Smenk is longer useful to us and must die. Kill him, then send agents to the Mistmarsh, across the
southern hills. I believe that we will find what we are looking for there, among the lizardfolk. Summon more of your warriors. If the calcula-
tions and portents are correct, the time for covert action is at an end. As the Age of Worms begins, we must strike hard and fast to prepare the
coming of the Overgod.
Of course, dear Theldrick, if you were so rash as to slay my followers and I, then you, soon, shall join me in the a�erlife. Doubtless your
treachery has already stirred the Overgod. Our mission has failed, and you will die at his hands.


Excerpts from Theldrick’s Journal

Praise Be to the Scourge of Battle,
The Faceless One grows increasingly concerned. That addled beast Grallak Kur has yet to provide new insights into the Overgod’s nature.
The crude missives he sends speak of the worms, of a slumbering power that must be awoken, but nothing more. I wish he would go back to
the black pit that spawned him if he has nothing more to offer.
The Faceless One tells me this ties into an ancient figure, a being of great power. Of course, he tells me little else. He enjoys keeping his
secrets, but he forgets that they flourish only behind the protection of Hextor. His latest taunt is a scroll that he tells me contains all the
answers I seek. Of course, the fool wrote it in a cipher. Were it not for the dictates of the Ebon Triad, I would lead my troops into their
damnable labyrinth and kill every last bird and wizard within it.
Grallak is the key. Thank the Scourge that he trusts me and not the Faceless One. Otherwise, I doubt the Faceless One would bother
imparting anything to us. We cannot trust these mages. When the Overgod arises, I think it will be time to settle some old scores.

Under the Herald’s Watchful Eye We Conquer,

Grallak Kur has finally yielded a useful clue. I personally delivered it to the labyrinth, and the Faceless one giggled like a blood
addled berserker when he saw the message. Grallak spoke of the worms again, of course. He says that even now they stir and writhe.
The world is like an apple infested with them. All seems well for now, but soon they burst through the skin and swarm across the land.
Still, part of this vision troubles me. Grallak spoke of a great power behind them, but the Ebon Triad teaches that these worms will
awaken the Overgod. Is there some other power at hand here that we cannot see? Is it friend or foe?
The Faceless One knows more, but he of course has little to say. Perhaps Grallak has invented everything. His monstrous kin are few
in number and battered a�er their pilgrimage through the Underdark. If he is an imposter or trickster, we may need to root him out of
this place. In that case, our agents must make another supply run. Six coils of rope, and perhaps bows and more arrows, should do the
trick. With the petitioners leading the way we can uncover any ambushes they have within the cliffs.


take a break from Diamond Lake. The A physical manifestation of the Scaling the Adventure
chance arrives next month, in “Encoun- teachings of the heretical Ebon Triad,
“Three Faces of Evil” is designed for
ter at Blackwall Keep,” by Sean K Reyn- the Ebon Aspect is an abomination to
a group of four 3rd-level characters,
olds. Learn the source of the green not only all that is true and just in the
but with a little work it can be adapted
worms of Kyuss and pit your players world, but also to the traditional faith for use by 1st–2nd-level characters
against an invading force of lizardfolk of the worshipers of Erythnul, Hextor, or 4th–5th-level characters. Simply
in just 30 short days. and Vecna. The Ebon Aspect presented adjust all NPC character levels up
here is the first of its kind, but in time, or down as appropriate by a number
APPENDIX: more may appear in lands haunted by equal to that which the average party
NEW MONSTER the Ebon Triad. level of your group deviates from 3.
An ebon aspect speaks Abyssal, Com- Don’t forget to modify the amount
Ebon Aspect mon, and Infernal. of treasure found in the adventure
Large Outsider (Evil) appropriately. Specific changes to the
adventure include:
Hit Dice: 10d8+30 (75 hp) Combat 1st–2nd-level parties: Remove one
Initiative: +1 The Ebon Aspect is straightforward in
of the tiefling guards from area 1.
Speed: 40 �., climb 20 �. combat, closing to melee as soon as Remove half of the skeletons in area 2
Armor Class: 18, touch 10, flat-footed 17 possible. It generally directs its four and the fanatics in area 3. Replace the
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+22 attacks against multiple targets in a dire boar in area 4 with a dire bad-
Attack: Bite +14 melee (1d8+5) frenzied attempt to inflict as much ger. Remove 1 or 2 grimlocks from
Full Attack: Bite +14 melee (1d8+5) and 3 pain and mayhem as possible, but if each of the encounters in the temple
claws +13 melee (1d4+2) faced with a particularly powerful or of Erythnul. Reduce the depth of
Space/Reach: 10 �./5 �. dangerous foe, it focuses its wrath on the horseshoe cavern to 25 feet, and
Special Attacks: Bloodthirst of Erythnul, that single target. remove one of the chokers from area
standard of Hextor Bloodthirst of Erythnul (Su): The 16. Remove one or two kenkus from
each of the groups in the Labyrinth,
Special Qualities: Blessing of Vecna, cold Ebon Aspect is a fearsome combatant
and remove one of the dire weasels.
immunity, damage reduction 5/magic, driven by the primal bloodlust of Eryth-
Remove the acolytes from area 27.
darkvision 60 �., resistance to acid 10 nul’s savage fury. Once per day, as a free Reduce the Ebon Aspect by 3–4 HD,
and fire 10, spell resistance 16 action, it can enter a terrific fury for and remove its special attacks and
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +10 one round. During this time, Erythnul’s special qualities.
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, divine power infuses it with might. The 4th–5th-level parties: Add a tiefling
Wis 16, Cha 20 aspect gains damage reduction 10/epic, guard to area 1, and replace the skel-
Skills: Climb +26, Concentration +16, fast healing 10, and a +4 profane bonus etons in area 2 with gnoll skeletons.
Intimidate +18, Jump +22, Knowledge to attack rolls and damage rolls. Give each of the fanatics in area 3 a
(religion) +14, Listen +16, Sense Motive Standard of Hextor (Sp): The Ebon level or two of fighter. Advance the dire
+16, Spellcra� +14, Spot +16 Aspect can call upon Hextor to aid it boar in area 5 by 2–4 hit dice. Replace
the chokers in the horseshoe cavern
Feats: Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack, in battle once per day by casting spiri-
with otyughs, and have them attack
Weapon Focus (claws). tual weapon (caster level 10th) as a spell-
the PCs as they head down the iron
Environment: Any (Ebon Triad haunted like ability. The weapon that appears is spikes. Add a second group of weasels
regions) Hextor’s flail. Attacks with the spiritual to the labyrinth, and advance each of
Organization: Solitary weapon have a +13 attack roll and inflict them by 2 hit dice. Finally, send a sec-
Challenge Rating: 6 1d8+3 force damage on a hit. ond Ebon Aspect a�er your PCs at the
Treasure: None Blessing of Vecna (Su): Vecna grants end of the adventure.
Alignment: Always neutral evil the aspect of the Overgod a strange
Advancement: 11–16 HD (Large), 17–30 power over magic. If the caster check to
HD (Huge) defeat the Ebon Aspect’s spell resistance core, Mearls is cunning. If a situation appears
The creature is a bizarre amalgamation of fails, the Ebon Aspect heals damage equal in doubt, he uses bribery and honeyed words
the three deities it embodies. It is a ten-foot to twice the level of the spell or effect to sway the balance to his favor. He is not
tall, powerfully built monster with six arms. targeted against it. D adverse to gaining new recruits of all sorts,
It has smooth, dull gray skin and bulg- and will gladly accept adventurers into the
ing muscles that pulse with arcane power. Mike Mearls is the dark hope of chaotic evil— ranks (though he will test and try them con-
Three of its arms, two on its le� and one young, handsome, well endowed in abilities tinually). Those who arouse suspicion will be
on its right, are missing their hands. It has and aptitudes, thoroughly wicked, depraved, quietly murdered in their sleep. Those with too
a gaunt, skeletal face and massive fangs. It and capricious. Whomever harms him had much promise will be likewise dealt with, for
growls like a beast in battle, and fights like best not brag of it in the presence of one who Mearls wants no potential usurpers or threats
a savage animal. will inform the Demoness Lolth! Evil to the to his domination.



Joachim Barrum

By Mike Mearls

Clues discovered in Diamond Lake lead to

the Dark Cathedral, a forlorn chamber hid-
den below a local mine. There the PCs battle
the machinations of the Ebon Triad, a cult
dedicated to three vile gods. What does the
Ebon Triad know about the Age of Worms,
and why are they so desperate to get it
started? An Age of Worms Adventure Path
scenario for 3rd-level characters.

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

1 DUNGEON 125 Supplement


Eva Widermann Dourstone

Eva Widermann

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

2 DUNGEON 125 Supplement

The Faceless One

Grallak Kur

Eva Widermann

Steve Prescott

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

3 DUNGEON 125 Supplement

Steve Prescott

Horshoe Area 17

5 ft.

Area 14
Robert Lazzaretti Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

4 DUNGEON 125 Supplement

Erythnul 12





One square = 5 feet

Robert Lazzaretti Robert Lazzaretti

Cavern 19




N 21

One square = 5 feet

Robert Lazzaretti Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

5 DUNGEON 125 Supplement

Citadel of Hextor


2 4

One square = 5 feet


Robert Lazzaretti Robert Lazzaretti

Cathedral Area

Area Area
12 2


One square = 5 feet

Robert Lazzaretti Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

6 DUNGEON 125 Supplement

Labyrinth of Vecna


N 25







S Group 2

Group 3

Group 1

One square = 5 feet

Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

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Robert Lazzaretti

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

8 DUNGEON 125 Supplement

The Age of Worms
The secrets of this page are most holy. Know ye heretics who invade them that the eye of Vecna is upon you. If you read this, Theldrick,
you have either slain me and doomed our cause, or the time is nigh for our final victory.
At last the riddle of this place is solved. In ages past, a great being known as Kyuss rose above the petty warlords who fought and
struggled for material gain. Mighty Kyuss is the herald of the Overgod. Soon, he will sound the clarion call to the faithful. The three sun-
dered faiths shall be made whole.
The undead our agents spotted must be located and captured. If they bear the worms of Kyuss then they perhaps hold the final
answer to our research. The Ebon Aspect stirs within the pool, but it is still not ready to emerge. Perhaps a traumatic event – an
invasion by heretics, a great battle fought within these halls – could awaken it. But even then it will attain only a minor form.
The Way of the Ebon Triad speaks of the danger of awakening the aspect too soon. Our work will be for naught.
We must find the worms and the undead hosts that carry them. If they are not here, then we must send agents to the Ri�. If Kyuss him-
self, or his agents, cannot shepherd in the Age of Worms, then we shall do it ourselves so that the Overgod may live.
Our course is clear, my dear Theldrick. Smenk is longer useful to us and must die. Kill him, then send agents to the Mistmarsh, across the
southern hills. I believe that we will find what we are looking for there, among the lizardfolk. Summon more of your warriors. If the calcula-
tions and portents are correct, the time for covert action is at an end. As the Age of Worms begins, we must strike hard and fast to prepare the
coming of the Overgod.
Of course, dear Theldrick, if you were so rash as to slay my followers and I, then you, soon, shall join me in the a�erlife. Doubtless your
treachery has already stirred the Overgod. Our mission has failed, and you will die at his hands.

Excerpts from Theldrick’s Journal

Praise Be to the Scourge of Battle,
The Faceless One grows increasingly concerned. That addled beast Grallak Kur has yet to provide new insights into the Overgod’s nature.
The crude missives he sends speak of the worms, of a slumbering power that must be awoken, but nothing more. I wish he would go back to
the black pit that spawned him if he has nothing more to offer.
The Faceless One tells me this ties into an ancient figure, a being of great power. Of course, he tells me little else. He enjoys keeping his
secrets, but he forgets that they flourish only behind the protection of Hextor. His latest taunt is a scroll that he tells me contains all the
answers I seek. Of course, the fool wrote it in a cipher. Were it not for the dictates of the Ebon Triad, I would lead my troops into their
damnable labyrinth and kill every last bird and wizard within it.
Grallak is the key. Thank the Scourge that he trusts me and not the Faceless One. Otherwise, I doubt the Faceless One would bother
imparting anything to us. We cannot trust these mages. When the Overgod arises, I think it will be time to settle some old scores.

Under the Herald’s Watchful Eye We Conquer,

Grallak Kur has finally yielded a useful clue. I personally delivered it to the labyrinth, and the Faceless one giggled like a blood
addled berserker when he saw the message. Grallak spoke of the worms again, of course. He says that even now they stir and writhe.
The world is like an apple infested with them. All seems well for now, but soon they burst through the skin and swarm across the land.
Still, part of this vision troubles me. Grallak spoke of a great power behind them, but the Ebon Triad teaches that these worms will
awaken the Overgod. Is there some other power at hand here that we cannot see? Is it friend or foe?
The Faceless One knows more, but he of course has little to say. Perhaps Grallak has invented everything. His monstrous kin are few
in number and battered a�er their pilgrimage through the Underdark. If he is an imposter or trickster, we may need to root him out of
this place. In that case, our agents must make another supply run. Six coils of rope, and perhaps bows and more arrows, should do the
trick. With the petitioners leading the way we can uncover any ambushes they have within the cliffs.

Dungeon #125 Map & Handout Supplement © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission to photocopy for personal use only. All rights reserved.

9 DUNGEON 125 Supplement

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