E-Governance Moving Towards Digital Governance
E-Governance Moving Towards Digital Governance
E-Governance Moving Towards Digital Governance
Information communication and technology (ICT) has revolutionized the daily lives of citizens across the globe. The
invention of technology like artificial intelligence, web 1.o to 5.0, chat bots, cloud technology, Internet of things, have
changed the governance in public and private sector. Governments across the globe are adopting the e-governance
approach to run the daily affairs of the country. The use of information communication technology has facilitated
efficient delivery of public services. Digitization of public services has helped in establishing the trust towards the
government. Improving the public administration and governance has become the topmost priority for the socio-
economic development of the country. Internet has changed the traditional way of business working. The
communication between the government, citizens and business is transformed with the use of ICT tools. E-governance
is a step towards making the administration citizen-centric and revamping the delivery of public services. E-governance
in financial sector helps in bringing economic prosperity by curbing the practice of giving bribe and remove corruption.
E-governance has significantly impacted the communication between the citizens and administration.
This paper explores the concept, meaning, challenges of e-governance. The article points out the importance of e-
governance and suggests various steps to make e-governance successful. Qualitative research method is followed in
writing this article.
Keywords: Information Communication Technology, good governance, e-governance, Bhoomi, citizen centric
administration, United Nations e-government survey 2022.
Digitization of services has transformed the transactions citizens lives. Digital transformation in governance can be said
as new normal for the governments. New innovations in technology and the increasing expectations of citizens for
improved delivery of public services has made the government to move from traditional governance to digital
governance. In the present times and more specifically after corona pandemic, countries across the globe are relying on
the use of digital technology in the administration of country.
Development of internet and other digital innovations have encouraged the government to use the Information
Communication Technology tools in delivery of public services. The traditional governance is more dependent on the
paperwork, which ultimately delays the administrative efficiency of government. On the other hand, use of digital
technology in governance improves the efficiency of government and quick delivery of public services.
e-governance is all about doing business in online mode and in secured environment. The e-governance services can be
provided through multiple ways. But cloud computing is one such innovative technology which is very cost effective
(Vijaykumar, 2011).
Digitisation of public delivery of services are changing the social and political life of citizens and how the citizens
participate in the governance of the country. Digitization of public services helps in simplifying the government
processes, eliminating the paper-based transactions and establishing a single point for assessing the public information.
citizens expectations pressurise the government to adopt an integrated public service delivery approach. E governance
helps in focusing on a citizen centric approach in policy making in delivery of services. The term “People centric”
means considering the needs and voices of the citizens into account in designing, delivering, implementing and
evaluating public policies and services (Development, 2019).
Digitization of services place a significant role in the delivery of public services in the under developed and developing
countries. E-governance model of every nation is designed according to the needs of citizens and other stakeholders
who are the primary beneficiary of digitization of services. in United Kingdom the e-governance services are designed
in a way to integrate all the state and national services through an integrated portal (Shareef, Jahankhani, & Dastbaz,
E governance can also be viewed as a means to transform and sustain the administrative reforms and strengthening the
digital democracy in the country. Most of the E-governance researches focusses on Information Communication
Technology aspect from the administrative perspective rather than taking steps to strengthen the participatory
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the computerization of government processes and work towards achieving efficiency in public service delivery,
empowerment of citizens, transparency and accountability. The key motto of e-governance is “citizens first”
(Chandrashekhar, 2008).
According to the World Bank (2002), e-governance has following benefits (Sangita, 2002) –
1. Simplifying the process of information accumulation for the citizens and business sector.
2. E-governance impower the citizens to collect information regarding the government policies and getting
involved in the decision-making process.
3. E-governance strengthens the democratic values by ensuring citizen participation at all level in the governance
4. E-governance leads to automation of various services and insuring the excess of information to citizens
regarding the public welfare policies.
5. E-governance insures accountability, transparency in government transactions and public sector agencies.
6. E-governance helps in the coordination and monitoring the activities of various government agencies.
7. Proper implementation of e-governance helps the citizens to avail the public services through online mode.
Thus, saving the citizens time and money from having a physical visit to government office.
8. Adopting e-governance policy is useful for delivery of public services to citizens which in turn promotes better
government communication with businesses and industries.
9. e-governance helps in bridging the trust gap between the government, citizens and business community. E-
governance has facilitated the process of getting in touch with government bodies by various means like social media,
common service centre etc.
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At the state level, e-governance has been adopted by every state in different sectors. In land administration, e-
governance was implemented by Karnataka. The Bhoomi project started in Karnataka is about the computerization of
land revenue records through national land record management programme. In Andhra Pradesh also the government
started the computerisation of registration of property and related process with it. The success of these initiatives
motivated other state government to adopt e-governance in different fields ranging from health to agriculture sector. E-
Sewa Kendra was established in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh to pay different government taxes and bills and avail
the services like caste certificate, domicile certificate etc. e-governance with the increase in computer and smartphone
users and 5G mobile network infrastructure, has changed the nature of governance.
Another dimension of use of technology in e-governance in a democratic country is that technology enhances the citizen
participation. In a county like India where there is vast section of society that is poor and deprived of basic amenities,
technology empowers the citizens to enhance political equality. Computerization of land records is socially and
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Source (Nations, E-Government Survey 2022- The Future of Digital Government, 2022)
Source (Nations, E-Government Survey 2022- The Future of Digital Government, 2022)
According to United Nations E-Government Survey 2022, E-Government is the milestone in building a resilient,
accountable, and social inclusive organizations and work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 16 and
implementing the Sustainable Development Goal 17 (Nations, E-Government Survey 2022- The Future of Digital
Government, 2022).
The objective of United Nations sustainable development goal 16 is to promote the society based on inclusivity and
peacefulness, provides access to justice to all citizens, establishing an effective, accountable and inclusive institution at
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Issues in governance
Development of ICT helps in strengthening the democratic values in the country. ICT makes governance accountable,
responsiveness, and transparent. Use of ICT plays a crucial role in building public trust among public, private and civil
society organizations (Cordella, 2005). There are few critical issues that need to be taken into consideration when
discussing the e-governance (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007) -
1. For e-governance to be executed efficiently, the government does not have enough committed manpower to
manage the e-governance. to enhance the capacity building there is need of skilled human resource. This human
resource should be knowledgeable, with communication and interpersonal skills. For implementing the e-government
strategically, it is important to fill the readiness gap between the capacities needed to implement the e-governance and
the existing condition of government capacities. There is lack of availability of personnels with appropriate background
and technical skills. There is also lack of appropriate institutional framework to address the issue of capacity
enhancement of personnels. There is absence of policy guidelines related to skill enhancement of personnels. Absence
of personnel policy affects the outcome of personnel policy (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
2. There is a serious need to relook the management of current e-governance programmes. Many of the e-
governance projects have failed in developed countries. The cost of these failed projects was too high but these projects
delivered no outcome and neither it benefitted the citizens (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
3. There is lack of clarity and purpose in the e-governance strategy of e-governance initiatives. There is conflict
between “what the technology can deliver” and “what the organisation needs”. This conflict affects the effectiveness
of e-governance projects (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
4. ICT enabled projects require significant changes both in terms of input and output. To change an existing
condition requires a strong leadership. there is lack of leadership and willingness at the political level and senior
management level to introduce the required changes. People in leadership position do not have the required skills to
exercise the effective leadership of ICT enabled changes (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
5. E-governance projects have failed to engage with the user’s needs. For e-governance project to be successful
it is crucial the need of users to be identified. Every service requires different users, different attitude and different
response to users’ problem. Therefore e-governance projects should work in close coordination with citizen’s needs
(Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
6. In e-governance initiatives in public sector, there exists a lack of effective engagement with all the
stakeholders. ICT enabled public sector projects involves many stakeholders like – service users, suppliers, delivery
partners in public and private sector, bureaucrats, politicians, and the media. As there is no coordination between the
stakeholders it increases the chances of failure of e-governance projects (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
7. There is lack of understanding and awareness about the enterprise architecture model and its benefits. For e-
governance to be successful, issue of security, interoperability and scalable architecture are to be addressed. For citizen
centric e-governance, there is a need for standard based architectures that is must for integration and interoperability of
various citizens services across the central and state governments. Enterprise architecture represents the current or future
structure, behaviour of an organizations work culture, processes, information systems, personnel information’s, various
sub divisions, departments which are aligned to achieve organizational goals. There is no one set standard for the
interoperability of citizens services across the various departments (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
8. E-governance when implemented strategically gives desired outcomes. The results of e-governance project in
one department are not shared with another department. This leads to duplication of work, effort and financial resources.
This duplication of work results in the rising of the financial cost of the e-governance projects (Agarwal, Vanka, &
Sriram, 2007).
9. There is lack of integration of different applications across the government departments, with each department
following its own rules and regulations and management procedures. The government departments do not follow one
uniform set of standards. This results in duplication of work and increases the financial burden on the government
(Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
10. The issue of data security, data integrity and data reliability are mostly left to the discretion of the government
departments or the private sector personnels who work on the e-governance projects. Many of these e-governance
projects do not follow the security protocol related to data management. For the effective execution of the e-governance
projects, it is important that to ensure the security of sensitive data of citizens, government transactions and complying
with the international standard security protocol in e-governance (Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
11. Many of the citizens fear to use the online services, due to security issues like cyber frauds, data theft, phishing
etc. when the government provides any online services to citizens, it must be authenticated that the concerned person
is eligible to receive such online services. use of digital signatures can help in authenticating the service recipients
(Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
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Challenges of e-governance
An integrated approach is needed to address the challenges in e-governance. For e-governance to give desired results it
is significant to address the obstacles of e-governance. The challenges in e-governance are basically centred around
people, process, resources and technology (Commission, 2008).
1. The e-governance policy framework must work to bring coordination among all the stakeholders to bridge the
existing social, economic and digital gaps. The e-governance policy framework must be insulated from the frequently
changing political and bureaucratic leadership. E-governance policy needs long time effort to give desired results
(Chauhan, 2008).
2. A traditional government with vertical organizational setup and hierarchical work procedures is accustom to
paper-based work culture. The shift from paper-based working to digital working, horizontal organizational setup is a
challenging task for the organizations to adapt new work system. Transformation of government from traditional to
digital governance is a time taking process (Chauhan, 2008).
3. There is need of reengineering of the business process in the public services Offred to the citizens. A dedicated
technical workforce is needed to analyse the problems in back-office processes working in manual and online mode
(Chauhan, 2008).
4. The ownership of the efforts and the outcome of e-governance results should be clearly mentioned both for
the organization and outside the organization (Chauhan, 2008).
5. E-governance implementation requires the partnership with the public and private sectors to deliver the public
services. Therefore, the collaboration becomes crucial in giving the outcome. The areas for this partnership, selecting
the partnership terms, and conditions, question of service charges from citizen is a critical aspect of governance. there
is need to adopt a balance approach between the private partnership and citizens need (Chauhan, 2008).
6. In e-governance, risk management of technology related issues is an area where the expertise of trained skill
workforce is needed. The risk associated with technology should be shared with other public agencies and citizens
(Chauhan, 2008).
7. E-governance involves the collection, storage and processing of the personal sensitive data which contains
confidential information about different stakeholders- citizens, government departments, commercial departments,
financial transactions of citizens and state government, income and expenditure data of government and citizens and
trade secrets etc. it is significant to address the security threats like spamming, identity thefts, phishing, etc to look into
these cyber-crimes. Stringent data protection laws to be executed to punish those who violate the law (Agarwal, Vanka,
& Sriram, 2007).
8. E-governance execution requires strategic planning. the time distribution for different activities in e-
governance initiatives to give results is very restricted. Focus is on more on the execution of the execution of policy
and giving instant results. Very little time is given on planning by the public agencies and personnel’s strategic planning
give desired outcomes. There is no support from the government and public agencies, implementing agencies for the
preparation and planning of the e-governance projects. This pressure is due to distortions in government funding process
(Agarwal, Vanka, & Sriram, 2007).
Digitization of governance has led to evolution of new concept “surveillance society”. This term came into
existence because of the citizen data getting into the hands of the state. This has increased the state’s power over the
citizens. In the absence of weak data privacy laws, personal data is can be used by private corporations and misused for
commercial profits, laws related to corporate governance needs to strengthened. People in the rural areas are the major
beneficiaries of government schemes. they more vulnerable to the violation of data privacy by multinational companies.
The rural are not aware of digital literacy. The fear of surveillance society needs to be addressed through strict laws and
cyber security policy (Vaddiraju & Manasi, From E-Governance to Digitisation: Some Reflections and Concerns,
10. Migrating from traditional governance to digital governance is not an easy task. There is resistance from the
traditional bureaucracy which does not like good governance, transparency and accountability. Traditional bureaucracy
feels insecurity due to digitization and fear of increased accountability (Chauhan, 2008).
11. Economic inequality is another major challenge in the execution of e-governance. with the hardware
component and technology for use in e-governance becoming cheaper, this has contributed in the issue of digital divide.
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There is a need to develop an environment for the successful implementation of e-governance initiatives. This is done
by showing a will to bring the changes in the government. The support of the political leadership is very crucial in
developing such conducive environment to move towards digital governance. awareness among the citizens should be
created through public awareness camps. This will generate demand for the e-services among the citizens. Union and
state government should identify the various categories of e-governance initiatives. These initiatives can be used for
accessing the information, doing financial transactions, payment of taxes and user fees for public fees, and availing
government services. there should be more coordination between the information and technology departments at central
and state level to provide the technical support to the citizens. When governance policies are promulgated and
implemented regarding the information and services access through internet, the citizens who are not having access to
internet and their impact on use of e services and information should be examined by the public agencies. Government
t should ensure that the citizens who don’t have internet access are Government not denied to access the public e services
and information. Technology should be developed to deliver the services and information who do not own the
computers or lack internet facility. For e-governance to be successful there is need for re-examining the business process
reengineering based on the citizen’s feedback. Step by step analysis should be done of each process to maintain the
citizen centric administration. private sector has made remarkable progress in use of ICT to achieve organizational
goals and capacity enhancement. Public sector agencies should study these achievements of private sectors through
exchange programs and case studies. The awareness campaigns should be conducted in local language of the citizens.
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