Deepak Singh
Deepak Singh
Deepak Singh
and an excuse to shop they will come. the man who quotes this one-liner is none other the Mr. Kishore biyani, CEO, future group, a company designed to cater to the entire gamut of needs of the indian consumers. His brainchild, big bazar, provided people people with both occasion and an excuse to shop. In return they crowned him Indias ing of retail. His future group has won the most admired retailor group of the year 2010 award at the images retail awards for the 4th time in a row. Today, he rejoices at the helm of indias reatail revolution . manoeuvring its moves and pauses with utmost precision. Mr.biyanis future group operates through six verticals :future retail,future capital,future brands,future space,future logistics and future media. The groups flagship enterprise,pantalon reatail, is indias leading retail company in presence in food, fashion and footwear,books and music,health,wellness and beauty,home solutions and consumer electronics,general merchandise,communication products,e-tailing and leisure cum entertainment. Mr. biyani 45,a commerce graduate has not always played in big league. Having quit his carrier turfthe familys textile business which supplies denim to arvind mill, he collected Rs. 7 laks and set up a plant in 1987 that produce 200 trousers a day. He also added john miller shirts to his portfolio.the shift frm manufacturing to reatailing was crusial poin in Mr.biyanis carrier. In 1993, Mr. biyani shifted to large store format in Kolkata which clicked and become a raging success with the customers. The year 2001 saw Mr. biyani divising a pan-indian, classless model- big bazar a chain of hypermarkets,leading to democratisation of shopping in india. He evolved a super market chain called food bazar, blending the ambience of indian indian market with western hygiene. This concept has caught up with indian homemakers with great gusto. To don the mental of Mr. Kishore biyani, one needs not only guts to ignore conventional wisdom but also knack of catching rivals off-guard and striking where it hurts most. Under not too garish garb of simplicity rests the tough confrontationist biyani who has set himself the task of retaining control of the largest retail space in the country and would not let anyone suppliers or international promoters included catch him. Mr. biyani sans the superb sartorial sense of sterio typed CEOs , isnt a stickler for posh cars either and doest mind driving around in junior managers maruti 800. A fan of hindi movies, he has even prodused some films without even being remotely attached to the giltz and glamour of the industry. Most people wrote him off years ago as unpredictable and short term bet; detractors still attack him for quite different reasons. However,Mr. biyani remains unperturbed by most comments, and continues to concentrate on furthering his efforts to reimagine retailing on nouveau notes. Comptition success, May 2011
Leisure Merchandise Gusto Democratisation Devising Garish Confrontationist Nouveau Raging
relaxation Produce,stock enjoyment Self governing inventing Brash,loud