Nuclear Power Plant Outage Optimization
Nuclear Power Plant Outage Optimization
Nuclear Power Plant Outage Optimization
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The goal of maintenance at a nuclear power plant is to ensure that nuclear operators have the
use of all systems necessary for safe and reliable power production and are able to keep these
systems available and functioning reliably. Traditionally, most maintenance activities are
performed during refuelling and maintenance outages, which always require a great deal of
attention and planning because they are the main cause of nuclear power plant unavailability
and are responsible for a large proportion of the operational and maintenance costs of a
In recent years, there have been significant changes in the electricity producing industry, and
the electricity market itself has also undergone major changes. This has led to a situation in
the nuclear industry in which more and more plant managers are required to reduce their
operational and maintenance costs and to increase plant availability while continually meeting
the increasing number of safety and regulatory requirements.
Nuclear power plant outage management is a key factor for good, safe and economic nuclear
power plant performance. Good outage management practices cover many different areas:
plant policy, the coordination of available resources, nuclear safety, and regulatory and
technical requirements both before and during the outages.
This publication is an update of IAEA-TECDOC-1315, Nuclear Power Plant Outage
Optimisation Strategy, which was published in 2002, and aims to communicate good outage
management practices in a manner that can be used by operators and utilities in Member
States. The good practices described and the examples of strategies and experiences from
current plants in operation on the optimization of outage periods will be of benefit to outage
managers, operating staff and local industries involved in the planning aspects of a nuclear
power plant. In addition to a discussion of a plant outage strategy and how this strategy is
actually implemented, the main areas identified as most important for outage optimization by
utilities and government organizations include: organization and management, outage
planning and preparation, outage execution, safety outage review, and countermeasures to
avoid the extension of outages and to facilitate the work performed during forced outages.
This publication represents a general consensus among experts of the best common practices
that can be used at nuclear power plants to optimize outages. It should be recognized that
outage optimization is not just a reduction in outage duration, but a long term strategy to
reduce the cost of electricity generation by balancing the trade-off between maintaining plant
systems to ensure reliable operation during the operation cycle against the cost of lost
generation while performing maintenance during outage conditions. Some best practices have
the potential to reduce outage duration with no trade-off during the operating cycle by
improving work efficiency during the outage.
The IAEA is grateful to the experts and their Member States for their contributions. The
IAEA officer responsible for the preparation of this publication was H. Varjonen of the
Division of Nuclear Power.
This publication has been prepared from the original material as submitted by the contributors and has not been edited by the editorial
staff of the IAEA. The views expressed remain the responsibility of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the
IAEA or its Member States.
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1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
6. ECONOMICS ............................................................................................................. 38
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 43
ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. 45
outage management: outage planning and preparation, outage execution and post-outage
A key issue for the outage optimization strategy is ensuring nuclear and industrial safety. This
is supported by a good nuclear safety and industrial safety culture as well as their continuous
improvement and development.
Safety measures should be prepared and implemented throughout the entire operating lifetime
of the plant and for all conditions (operation, abnormal and accident). The outage period
should be considered as part of operation, because certain functional systems fulfill their
specific duty under these conditions, such as cooling the fuel and preventing radioactive
release to the environment. Probabilistic safety analysis has shown that core damage risk
during certain refueling stages is as significant as on-line risk. Refueling outages involve
additional staff who may not be as familiar with the plant, special care must be taken to
ensure contract staff are aware of nuclear safety requirements and participate in ensuring
defense in depth is maintained
Nuclear safety includes maintaining plant configurations that support defense in depth
availability of safety systems, minimization of radiation exposure (ALARA principle) and
minimization of shutdown risk. Shutdown risk, safety systems and key safety parameters
should be continually shared with all outage workers. Further information can be found in
Section 3.4.8.
When optimizing outage duration and costs, nuclear safety should not be challenged and if
possible the nuclear safety should be improved. The safety configuration should be considered
during outage planning and preparation, and monitored during execution of outage. After the
outage, shutdown risk should be evaluated to make recommendations for future outage plans to
reduce overall outage risk.
Safety culture should be fostered to always support plant personnel in setting up a safety first
High standards are maintained for industrial work practices and the work environment in
order to achieve high levels of personnel safety.
Utilities assume ultimate responsibility for ensuring safety and quality, so the establishment
of sufficient supervisory oversight of contractor activities is desirable.
Establishing long term contracts for major work programmes, if practical, and incentive
programmes, assist in fostering a safety culture, and long term partnership contracts with
contractors. At some utilities the long term contracts are combined with an effectively
operated bonus system which can have a positive influence on work quality and
2.3.1. Economics
The economic challenge in using electricity, which is produced by nuclear, renewable, or
other competitive energy recourses, has a significant role in the future use of nuclear power
plants (NPPs) but also possible planned lifetime extensions. For this reason production costs
should be driven as low as reasonable, without compromising NPPs safe operation.
In developing and executing the strategic and operational objectives, plant managers must
adopt and express fluently and consistently all goals and business objectives that reduce
unnecessary costs. Optimization of outage costs is one key element in maintaining the
competitiveness of nuclear–generated electricity compared to other energy sources.
From the view of the NPP operator, the effectiveness of electricity generation and the
availability of the plant can be improved by shortening outage duration. Performing an
economic study will aid in choosing the optimal positioning and length of the various types of
outage based on electricity market situation, available resources, plant design, and
requirements of safety authorities. The most important factor for minimizing outage cost is
likely to be the market price of electricity in the NPPs local area. The market price for
electricity may be driven by varying seasonal demand for electricity or the availability of
competing electrical generation. Additionally, the availability of supplemental contract
workers may need to be coordinated with other NPPs to spread out the impact of too many
concurrent outages competing for resources.
Sufficient early assessment and review of the cost of outages is an integral part of cost
effective management. Improving the overall economics of an NPP requires a comprehensive
understanding of the relationship between operations and maintenance.
Cost effective outage planning basis should not therefore, be a maintenance cost minimization
or maximization of performance of nuclear power plant, but rather to maximize the long term
profitability, while preserving the nuclear power plant high safety and confidence of
2.3.2. Modifications and renewal strategy
Safety improvement and modernization programmes are an important part of medium and
long term outage planning and large investment projects are best fitted together with the
outage strategies. Outage related projects are better managed by utility personnel and progress
reviewed periodically together with everyone involved.
Guidelines for plants and instructions for investment project execution are essential.
A project plan defines project scope, execution time, operational state, and planning and
implementation resources and describes the procedures for monitoring progress during design
and implementation.
The project manager’s responsibility is to ensure that cooperation with line organization and
the outage planning department is comprehensive and effective during the whole lifetime of
the project.
Significant modification implementations would be better done at one unit/year, in order to
gain experience from assembly, startup and operation of new equipment or systems so in case
of any problems, only one unit suffers the consequences.
Online maintenance strategies are found and implemented at the plants on two different basis
or some kind of mix of them. The first is an equipment level criticality classification based on
maintenance strategy principals (Ex. INPO AP-913), the second is a probabilistic safety
analysis (PSA) approach which is founded on a system and safety function level configuration
risk assessment [7].
More so than in the conditional maintenance, it is necessary to master the technology and the
behavior of the concerned equipment in its normal conditions to consider the possibility of
such maintenance strategy.
It is based on the analysis of the evolution of technical parameters that describe the equipment
conditions and detect potential degradation. This type of maintenance is more precise than the
conditional maintenance because it is used to anticipate and better predict when maintenance
intervention should be carried out but it is more complex to implement. Combined
Combined equipment strategy covers the most critical plant equipment in criticality classes 1
and 2. Part of the criticality class 3 equipment may also be included within the scope of this
strategy. A combined strategy consists of predictive, maintenance conditional and scheduled
planning of maintenance programmes and spare part strategy. All components are normally
classified in one of the three or four classes. Classification is based on production, safety,
availability and authority requirements for the equipment taking into account maintenance and
replacement costs. The classification is evaluated and can be changed based on the periodic
review of maintenance strategy taking into consideration the maintenance and operational
Sharing operating experience with other utilities will benefit the entire nuclear industry.
Lessons documented from previous outages should be reviewed just prior to the start of each
new outage.
track to completion. All the relevant data and evidence are collected and documented
on the condition report as practical.
• Screening: All issued condition reports should be reviewed first to determine if the
reported issue affects plant safety, technical specification limitation, operability
and/or reportable issues to the regulator. The issue should also be reviewed for
quarantine, prompt investigation and immediate actions. When an issued condition
report requires field work, a work order should be created.
• Evaluation: The evaluation is performed depending on the level of significance
determined by the screening committee. Most CAPs include detailed trending codes
which, when assigned correctly, will identify trends in the level 4 events which may
be more significant than the events appear to be individually.
• Establishment of corrective actions: When the cause of the failure is identified, an
appropriate corrective set of actions should be established to correct the adverse
condition of the system, structure or condition and solve the cause of the failure. The
corrective actions should be documented and entered in an action tracking system to
be monitored and tracked against assigned due dates.
• Completion of corrective actions: Corrective Actions with proposed due dates are
forwarded to assigned supervisors for assignment within their work groups. It is
expected that persons assigning actions will review the action and proposed due date
with the assigned supervisor prior to forwarding the actions. The supervisor reviews
the action, and if the due date and action are agreeable, assigns them to an individual.
If for some reason, the action cannot be completed as assigned, the action can be
reviewed and approved to issue an alternate action or duration. Note that any
alternate actions should receive the same level of analysis, review and approval as
the original action which is replaced. When the worker has completed the action, it is
routed to the supervisor for approval. If approved, the supervisor progresses the
action to the closed status using the features of the computer tracking system.
• Effectiveness review: For all root cause evaluations, an effectiveness review will be
conducted at a point following completion of all associated corrective actions. The
effectiveness review should determine if the desired change was accomplished and
that no new problems were developed as a result of the corrective actions. The
acceptance criteria for the effectiveness review should be established at the time of
the evaluation, and based on best industry practices [4].
The outage experience feedback system should include review of own outage performance
and could also include evaluation of outage experience feedback from other plants.
Effectiveness in gathering and applying lessons learned from outages and other experiences is
essential for continued improvement and long term success. Management uses the gathered
information, regarding problems and successes from recent outages, to improve performance
of the following outages. It is important to measure the effects of actions being taken.
Efficient performance indicator system should be operated fostering the evaluation and
comparison the outages performances.
Benchmarking is a helpful tool for optimizing outage performance. For example, excursions,
comparing processes with similar plants or reactor types. For more specific areas of
improvement, benchmarking could be considered with a whole different business area, e.g.
improvement of feedback gathering with marketing company.
Comparison and share between the different operators’ practices in the main steps of an
outage and the optimization strategy: short term aspect of outage management but also middle
term and long term aspect of outage management. In the short term aspect of outage
management, the benchmark can be focused on the practices on outage planning and
preparation, outage execution (intervention quality, etc.) and post–outage review (how to
evaluate an outage, only KPIs, a dedicated report, etc.?).
To provide history of the outage, an outage report should be created including the key
activities, lessons learned, outage critique and actions taken including an effectiveness review.
The collective dose rates of both plant and contractors’ staff received during plant
operation and maintenance periods should be monitored and recorded with great care and
followed up during the outages.
Industrial safety requirements recall many provisions during the outage. Some of them are part
of work scope and their fulfillment depends on workers’ attitudes. Individual workers
should understand that they are responsible for their own radiological exposure and industrial
During outage execution, corrective actions should be taken quickly when problems arise in
industrial safety and radiological protection. For this reason, a rapid feedback system can be
established to monitor personnel performance and to quickly identify potential problems.
Specific industrial safety criteria:
(a) An industrial safety programme with specific objectives and clearly defined
policies, procedures and responsibilities is developed and implemented.
(b) Safety committees are established that include participation by personnel at all
levels of the organization.
(c) Managers provide the resources, training and equipment needed to implement the
organization’s industrial safety programme properly.
(d) Leaders promote industrial safety by setting strategic goals and objectives and by
monitoring and coaching workers to improve safety performance. They actively
communicate with the workforce, enforce established standards and are held
accountable for the industrial safety performance in their work groups.
(e) Personnel understand what is expected of them regarding industrial safety and
perform work in accordance with established industrial safety standards and
expectations. They are accountable for their behaviors and actions related to
industrial safety.
(f) Supplemental personnel are accountable to the same (or equivalent) standards as
utility personnel. A communication process is established to ensure supplemental
workers understand industrial safety standards and performance expectations.
Service contracts include industrial safety requirements; and the selection of a
supplier is, in part, based on an evaluation of the supplier’s ability to deliver the
product or service safely.
(g) Personnel receive training to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to
perform work in a safe manner. Initial and continuing training topics include
industrial safety programme requirements, protective clothing and equipment use
and hazard recognition and mitigation to prevent injuries.
(h) Industrial safety is integrated into station planning processes, including the work
control and engineering design change processes. Plant modifications are
designed and installed as needed to improve personnel safety.
(i) Permanently installed and portable safety equipment (including fume hoods;
safety showers; eyewashes and fire protection equipment) is maintained, inspected
and tested periodically to confirm it is readily available and functions properly.
(j) Personnel protective equipment and clothing (including items such as respirators;
safety harnesses; fire-rated clothing; hard hats; work gloves; eye and hearing
protection) are available, stored appropriately, maintained and inspected prior to
(k) Personnel select the correct safety equipment for the task. Personal protective
equipment and other safety equipment are used appropriately.
(l) Prior to work, personnel ensure that the appropriate warnings and barriers to
injury are in place for their safety and the safety of others. This includes ensuring
that equipment is in a safe condition and that appropriate permits and permit
requirements are in place. The safety constrains for working in clean working
areas or tanks and closed work areas are clearly defined and taken in the
(m) Personnel select and use the appropriate and inspected tools for the work being
(n) Materials and equipment in work areas are stored and controlled to maintain safe
housekeeping standards and minimize the potential for injuries.
(o) Bulk chemicals, compressed gases, corrosive agents, organic chemicals and
cleaning agents are labelled and stored properly and are controlled and handled
consistent with the hazard classification and safety data sheets to prevent
improper use and to protect personnel.
(p) Safety hazards are identified and reported using appropriate station programme,
such as the corrective action process, so they are visible to both workers and
managers. Hazards are evaluated in a timely manner and actions to mitigate or
correct hazards are developed and given the appropriate priority.
(q) All injuries and near miss events are reported and evaluated, as appropriate. The
causes and corrective actions of investigations are communicated as appropriate to
reduce the potential for repeat events. Corrective actions are developed to prevent
recurrence and improve the industrial safety programme.
(r) Individuals proactively report low level incidents, coach coworkers and correct
conditions when substandard behaviors or conditions are identified.
(s) Performance measures are defined and are used by managers to determine
industrial safety trends and establish future direction. A means is implemented to
collect, evaluate, correct and reinforce safety behaviors rapidly during periods of
high work activity such as refueling outages.
(t) Benchmarking, self-assessments and audits are used to evaluate and improve
industrial safety and performance.
(u) Industry operating experience is reviewed regularly and is used to improve
performance and the industrial safety programme.
Organizational and management principles applied in outage management should be based
on process and quality management procedures rather than on those procedures applied in
multilayer hierarchical organizations.
Preventive maintenance implementation should be a station priority. The station management
team should monitor implementation and leaders enforce accountability at all levels.
Work management processes should be well defined and performance should be routinely
measured, trended and critiqued. Corrective actions to close performance gaps should be
identified and tracked to completion. Workers and support personnel should participate in
post-job critiques of completed work.
Maintenance and other site managers should create an effective means of feedback that
promotes continual improvement in station and supplemental personnel performance.
Cross-functional expertise is necessary to take responsibility for equipment as well as for
maintenance, control, scheduling and engineering that have a direct influence on plant
performance. Maintenance personnel should recognize the importance of the equipment being
maintained to operations and plant safety.
Extensive training and retraining programmes should be implemented. Maintenance personnel
should have good site awareness to prevent inadvertent equipment actuation, misposition or
damage, as well as to prevent injury to self and others. As such, a strong nuclear safety culture
should be created and continually supported that each individual accepts the unique
responsibility inherent with using nuclear technology. The operating and maintenance
personnel should be ready to react correctly in case of malfunctions, incidents or accidents
that could occur at any time.
A job rotation programme inside the owner’s organization should be considered. A
comprehensive knowledge of the complete plant eases the understanding and communication
especially at interfaces. For example, outage managers may have previous operations
experience as well as maintenance or work management experience.
Maintenance and other site managers should provide oversight of supplemental personnel on
a regular basis, especially during critical work activities and when supplemental personnel
perform work independently.
The need for coordinating the efforts with all players has led to radical changes in the method
of outage organization for some utilities. There are two predominant outage organizations:
permanent outage structure (see Fig. 2) and outage project team (see Fig. 3). At the moment it
seems the more efficient organization is the outage project team which comprised of staff
from the different plant departments, e.g. maintenance, operations and engineering.
The OCC should work to prioritize schedules and coordinate resources using real time data
exchange. This allows better and more consistently deliver services safely, with high quality,
and on schedule. This ability helps to achieve outage performance goals and improve the
ability to immediately respond to emergent issues.
An OCC coordinates the outage planning and execution and brings together all the personnel
involved in the outage, which report to a decision making steering group headed by the
plant manager. In particular, the centre includes a coordinator for each major function and/or
equipment that is under maintenance, test or inspection during outage. The coordinator
makes the bridge between the operations and maintenance departments and the OCC.
The outage planners and coordinators should take ownership of the identified problems to
ensure by proper counter measures and optimum management efforts to identify and solve the
problem in the shortest time possible. Maintenance department designates the staff
responsible for component maintenance. The designated engineer (called component
engineer) tracks the components performance, prepares and reviews maintenance programmes
taking into account operating experience, and plans the components maintenance.
Responsibilities and working methods of outage organization should be guided in plant
specific procedures.
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) document on AP–913 method: definition of the
component engineer at component team [7].
The component engineer monitors at least components which are classified according to the
The component engineer knows its equipment, knows the “as found” state of the equipment
through regular visits; he participates in the assessments conducted on these equipment, if
necessary. In addition, he develops and analyzes data from the operating and maintenance
experience feedback concerning its equipment; he may propose actions in order to improve
the reliability of components and optimizes the preventive maintenance programmes.
OCC, operations and other key organizations should screen new work collaboratively to
determine the appropriate priority and classification of an identified deficiency based on its
safety significance, operational impact and effect on emergency preparedness. Priorities
should be well defined, communicated and adhered to. Previously prioritized work should be
periodically re–evaluated based on the aggregate impact of deficient equipment or operational
Periodic reviews of backlogs should be conducted to verify appropriate priorities are in place.
These reviews should focus on understanding and managing the aggregate and individual
impacts of the backlogs.
Resources should be confirmed and committed to complete the scheduled work. Committed
resources should be monitored by the OCC and gaps should be identified and closed to
support the scheduled work. Shop supervisors should inform the OCC as soon as possible if
activities from the schedule need to be revised. This will ensure dependent task resources are
effectively used. Continuous review of the schedule is required to identify possible schedule
conflicts or shortfalls in resources. This is especially true when new work is added to the
schedule or when works starts to slip on the schedule.
All steps in the outage planning, preparation and execution should be well documented. The
documentation should be updated to specify the current plant status especially in case of
exchange of equipment, systems modification, updates and maintenance work.
3.2.2. Contractors relation
The scope of work can be prepared and executed by plant’s staff, external contractors or a
combination of both. External contractors are often specialized for inspection and
maintenance or repairs where special tools and processes are needed.
The incorporation of external contractors needs a specific workload breakdown with
identification of interfaces and responsibilities. Nevertheless, the utility project outage team
encompasses the overall preparation, planning, management, contracting, financing as well as
all technical features.
As the contractors are normally coming from, and used to work in, other industries, a
considerable amount of training should be given to introduce them to safety aspects, safety
culture and self-assessment aspects of the plant.
The interest of long term contract arrangements with experienced service companies or with
the main plant supplier should be assessed. Utilities should choose between the
developments of their own capabilities for outage work and/or arranging support from
external companies to improve their outage performance.
Different outsourcing approaches may be utilized for the maintenance, modifications and/or
The type of outsourcing depends on various parameters including capability and experience of
owner’s staff. The choice in this matter is an important subject that has to be decided by the
operator rather early. In general, the more the contract responsibilities are sub–divided, the
higher would be the risk for good outage performance. Also the responsibility of the plant and
contractors should be clearly defined; and senior contractor managements should supervise
their outage preparation and worker performance station staffs still should provide oversight
for contractor’s work.
Contractors should be made aware of management expectation and outage performance, and
should be trained and qualified according to utility’s training and qualification programmes,
and actively participating outage preparation and feedback to improve outage execution and
management. Because of distinction between nuclear plant and other industries, it is necessary
to provide training for contractor personnel of nuclear safety, human performance tools such
as procedure-compliance, self-check, pre-job briefing and post-job debriefing, etc.
Usually it is a good practice to use long term contracts with partnership relations including
deep ownership of the contractors for outage tasks. The use of local industry capability is
also preferable and cost effective. Normally, frequently changing the contractors will
increasing management cost and increasing safety, quality and schedule control. When
establishing long term contracts it is important to preserve a competitive market situation.
And contractors, incentive programmes fostering safety culture, and long term partnership
contracts with contractors.
Key performance indicators (KPI) should been setup to evaluate the contractors work, and
when applicable, if the plant satisfied with the results of KPIs, contractors will receive the
premium which preset before outage.
For ensuring continuous competence and quality of work, the ratio of new contractor
employees versus experienced should be balanced. Correct ratio should be considered in
contracts. It is also good practice to provide contractor personnel accommodations, catering,
transportation and leisure programme.
The performance of contractors is important to achieving outage objectives and goals. So it is
good practices to establish a strategic partnership with main contractors, who will share
utility’s vision and safety culture, and have deep ownership and accountability. It is also
important to systematically assess contractors competency including management and
technical ability compare to the market. According to assessment result, replace contractors if
necessary, but don’t recommend frequent changing of contractors.
Since these contractors may have obligations to other nuclear power plants, it may be
necessary to negotiate the level and timing of contractor support early to ensure contractor
availability. It may also be necessary to coordinate with these other nuclear power plants that
share resources to ensure contractor availability.
These KPIs should have defined target values, which actual values will be monitored.
Deviations should be investigated and, if necessary, define corrective actions.
• Operational experience reports;
• Actual schedules;
• Feedback;
• QA-reports;
• Work hours;
• Costs;
• Radiation doses;
• Work orders.
Utilizing the database above, outage planning success, status and effectiveness describing
KPIs can be formed, for example:
• Work specific production losses, caused by delays [e.g. MWh, €];
• Amount of feedback for different sections [e.g. pcs];
• Number of deviations according QA-audit results [e.g. pcs];
• Estimated vs. actual costs [e.g. %, €];
• Estimated vs. actual radiation doses [e.g. %, manmSv];
• Planned vs. actual work hours (normal/overtime) [e.g. h, %];
• Planned vs. actual schedules [e.g. h, %];
• Number of re-work [e.g. pcs, %].
These KPIs should have defined target values, which actual values will be monitored.
Deviations should be investigated and, if necessary, define corrective actions in short and long
term planning period.
3.3.1. Range of planning
According to the plant strategy, outages are planned on long, medium and short term. These
plans differ in-time, level of details and scope of activities.
In the long term planning, the plant establishes the occurrence and duration of outages
according to the fuel management, equipment ageing, need of major back fittings and
refurbishment. The long term plan optimizes plant availability to the grid, total outage
duration and cost estimates. In order to optimize the different outages duration over longer
time period heavy and time consuming work should be allocated to specific outages. It allows
flexible planning and distribution of workload during a period varying from 5 to 10 years. It
also includes preliminary cost and budget estimates in the frame of the expected scope of
supplies and services.
Annex I presents the long term plan used at Teollisuuden Voima Oyj ( TVO) 1 and 2
NPP in Finland.
The medium term plan is used to coordinate the outages of all plants and take into account
electricity market needs. It is more detailed than the long term planning and comprises a time
period of 2 to 5 years. It estimates the material and human resources needed and incorporates
medium size back fitting / refurbishment activities in compliance with new industry
standards and changes in the regulatory requirements, e.g. technical specifications for steam
The short term plan is the detailed planning for the next outage. A good current practice is to
start the short term planning for the next year outage 10 to 12 months before starting the
current year outage. Another practice is to start detailed planning at the beginning of the new
In long and medium term planning, special attention should be paid to fuel cycle optimization.
Most of the utilities regard a 12 month fuel cycle as economically optimum. Some utilities
have lengthened the fuel cycle up to 18 or even 24 months. The fuel cycle optimization
depends on the electricity market situation. The cost of fuel enrichment could also have an
impact on the economically optimal fuel cycle.
These plans should be included in the plant budget and financial decision making process.
Working with these different plans is the key to optimize the outages.
In the medium and long term planning, it has become a good practice to categorize the outages
in three or four types with the objective to minimize the total outage time.
The outages may be categorized into four different kinds:
• Refueling only, this could be worked out in 7 to 18 days;
• Refueling and standard maintenance, which could be worked out in 14 to 23 days;
• Refueling and extended maintenance, this could be worked out in 15 to 40 days;
• Specific outages for major back fittings or plant modernization which could take
more than 40 days.
In case the utility operates several nuclear power plants, a reference outage is defined as a
generic outage including common activities to all outages. The reference outage could be for
instance, a refueling and standard maintenance outage.
When planning using reference outage, special attention should be paid to activities not
regularly included in its scope of work. These activities which have the potential to be on the
critical path could extend the length of the outages. An assessment of these activities should
be made.
Annex III Case study; “Turbine modernization in normal refueling outage at Loviisa 1 in
It’s good practice to implement modifications done at one unit / year, to get experiences from
assembly, start up and operation of new equipment or system and in case of appearing
problems, only one unit suffers.
Work that can be done safely during operation be supposed to be done during the operation.
• Actions to prevent short comings of materials and human resources;
• Walk-downs of preparation team (coordinators, system engineers, contractors,
including foremen) to the working place to overview equipment and discuss
requirements for outage activities.
Some design modifications could also be carried out to minimize outage time depending on
the reactor type, such as:
• Modernization of refueling machines;
• Fuel leak detection by mast sipping;
• Support bridge at refueling floor;
• Easily removable insulation;
• Local cranes;
• Permanent working platforms;
• Special turbine rotor cooling system allowing earlier start of turbine work;
• Hydraulic turbine bolting and turbine inspection holes;
• Inspection devices enabling inspection without dismantling components;
• Support water storage for efficient water handling during outages.
planned. The review is a structured procedure during with information regarding the status of
the outage preparation work and risk associated with both the preparation and execution of the
outage is gathered and analyzed. A combination of self– and independent assessment shall be
used for the readiness review.
The review of outage readiness could, for example, be performed 18, 12, 6 and 3 months prior
or even more frequently when approaching to the start of the outage, based on which type of
outage that is going to be performed: refueling, maintenance or modifications outage.
One objective of the readiness review process however is to assure that the relevant projects,
engineering programmes etc. have been assessed by a project challenge process.
The general objectives of the readiness review are to judge if the outage can be executed as
planned. More specific the readiness review shall focus on the following issues:
• That the objectives of the outage is clearly defined and understood by involved
• To review the progress of the outage preparation work. Shall include a review that
vital milestones as specified in the outage planning and preparation process have
been met;
• Review that preparations are sufficient both regarding maintenance work, plant
modifications and other work to be performed during the outage. For plant
modification projects a health check is performed independent of the readiness
review. The focus of the readiness review is to ensure that project health checks have
been performed with acceptable outcome. This review will, together with the review
of the progress of the outage preparation work, give the outage manager and relevant
safety oversight level the possibility to exclude work that are not showing sufficient
• Review the process for scope control and the stability of outage scope;
• Check that all safety related issues such as safety shutdown plans have been
reviewed in a timely manner;
• Review the organizational readiness, which includes roles and responsibilities,
processes and procedures for preparation and execution of the outage, staffing plans,
finalization of outage specific preparations such as operational instructions etc.;
• Review that relevant procedures are being followed and that previous identified
actions have been performed.
The qualitative risk analysis is the process during which risks are identified and their effect
and probability to affect the objectives are evaluated. The risks are prioritized and the
objective with the analysis is primarily to identify actions in order to reduce the risk.
The quantitative risk analysis will mainly be used in order to evaluate the total risk exposure
for the fleet and to judge if mitigating actions needs to be taken on fleet level. The analysis
shall define the probability to reach the stated targets as well as describe the total risk
exposure (expressed as outage extension) for the outage and the possible reserves that may be
3.3.9. IT tools
A user friendly IT-system that supports the first line users is essential for a safe and effective
To set up the amount of IT support during outages is a good practice to do classification on
your IT-system to set up the requirements for the availability of your system etc. Specify the
requirements for restart of the system in case of an IT-system shut down. A back-up
procedure to handle the situation if the system will crash should be considered.
It is a good practice to have an adequate computerized information system including:
• Work order and permit administration;
• Preventive maintenance;
• Planning and scheduling;
• Project planning;
• Material and spare parts management;
• Plant technical data;
• Plant operation and maintenance history;
• Radiation dose control;
• Personal database;
• Account control;
• CAP, experience reporting;
• Key performance indicators.
If the system doesn’t include the essential parts from above, there should be a very well
integration between each IT tool to simplify the work for the user.
The use of a computerized database enables better handling of the complete work programme
and allows fast access to the whole documentation. A cost control by activity and for the
complete outage can be integrated into the data bank. Such a system has the further advantage
to store essential information to be used in the next outage.
The outage project team can be built from operating and maintenance staff. In case the utility
operates several units, a separate engineering group acts for outage preparation and execution.
In such a structure the interface between the operating personnel, maintenance and repair
groups with the outage staff has to be carefully organized. Is it recommended to establish and
efficiently operate in three shifts an OCC involved the all affected organization members. (see
Chapter 4)
Prefabrication of parts for modifications, control and assembly of tools, training of personnel
including motivation aspects, job training, acceptance of spare parts and materials should be
prepared in good time before the outage start.
Most of the radioactive and other waste from a nuclear unit is produced during outage.
Measures should be planned and executed to minimize the waste volume. A good practice is
to establish standardized environmental system such as ISO 14001.
The next sub-sections outline good practices or measures in the areas of coordination and
communication, work control management execution of the maintenance, and ensuring, and
radiation and industrial safety.
with specific labels and physical barriers. The safety requirements and expectations for
protected equipment’s have to be clearly communicated.
As another key element of safe work conditions a separated clean work zone has to be formed
and maintained around the dismantled primary and secondary systems/equipment. The used
spare parts and tools should be registered and the pre– and post–serviced state of components
has to be controlled.
As a good practice some utilities established comprehensive foreign material management
(FMM) system. In this structure there are responsible FMM programme manager and FMM
coordinators belonging to specified departments to own, to implement, and to develop the
FMM programme. In this case the FMM activities are planned, the involved personnel are
trained and the usage of FME devices is well controlled. The used FME tools are also
regulated, registered and stored according to the FMM programme.
Foreign material management in nuclear power plants is summarized in an IAEA publication
monitoring application can be useful tool for support the decision making process and
handling the unexpected deviations from the outage plan.
• The efficient manners of communication and delivering information to all involved
• Risk assessment.
Guidance for handling rescheduling during outages should be provided including; at what
point it’s needed, how to deliver information to all involved, rearrangement of resources,
(UMM) etc.
It’s recommended identify work (risk list), which have higher risk to effect the length of the
outage and prepare a “plan B”.
When rescheduling is needed during the outage, all safety related problems should be
reviewed, how they affected to the safety.
A clear delegation of responsibility has to be established and documented by the top
management of the plant. The role and duties of the Regulatory Body should be clear and well
understood by all people involved in the outage.
One of the most important tools to communicate and resolve daily problems is the daily
coordination meeting supervised by the outage manager. In order to get the right focus on the
daily coordination meeting the important problems and concerns should be highlighted and
the main workflow (approx. 95%) must be handled in the normal work control management.
The main issues discussed in this meeting are:
• Work progress, delays and status of activities on the critical and sub–critical path;
• Updating the schedule for following days;
• Technical, administrative and environmental problems and new work orders;
• OHS, fire and nuclear safety situation.
Apart from the Daily Coordination Meeting, other meetings are also held to track the outage
execution. Plant management meetings should be arranged when needed or at least once a
In case of problems, ad hoc management and technical meetings should be arranged.
It is important to provide effective communication tools and encourage staff to use them, for
better knowledge of the progress of the outage and decreasing the lag between work phases
and improving wrench time.
One way to simplify & streamline the coordination and communication is to implement the
3.4.10. Information
Staff involved in the outage, both plant personnel and contractors, should be well informed
about the safety situation and the plant status. Mechanisms to communicate status and
progress of outage should as well be implemented. Modern electronic media should ease the
communication inside the plant and with the headquarters. Short bulletins or reports
distributed to the personnel familiarizes the entire staff and enables rather early
countermeasures. Special dispositions, such as daily meetings could be adopted to improve
relation between operation and maintenance personnel. Walk–downs by the outage and plant
management to follow–up plant status are good means of communicating management
expectations and monitoring the situation in the plant.
It is good practice to inform the contractors about the outage progress. It is also important to
coordinate their work sites and get their feedback on the work schedule. The flow of
information from and between the various activity centers should avoid conflicts in the
process and acts as a management tool with clear delegation of responsibility and
assignment of work.
The distribution of daily reports to all outage participants is another good practice.
Means of communications could be outage progress reports disseminated through newsletters,
Intranet, video systems etc. Some utilities have used wall posters to motivate outage staff and
communicate outage progress.
Another good practice is to prepare and distribute an outage information handbook with all
needed information including: outage plan summary with critical path, objectives, goals,
telephone directory, security, emergency signals used, meeting reports, parking lots,
restaurants, etc.
• Analysis of shutdown and startup procedures;
• Analysis of working procedures, organizations and safety culture attitude;
• Transfer of outage experience feedback to other units;
• Particularly successful ideas used;
• Work that could not be executed / postponed.
The outage experience report should be used by outage management to analyze and determine
their expectations for subsequent outages. The analysis concentrates on the identification of
opportunities for improvements in safety, quality and productivity, reduction of radiation
exposures, reduction of failures and identification of successes. They should also develop
corrective action plans identifying actions for correcting the root causes of a problem. Actions
should be measured and indicators should be monitored.
The experiences from the post–outage action plan may advantageously be used for the
following year readiness review.
Share outage experience with other plants and countries.
OCC members come from Outage Management Department, Operations Department,
maintenance department, Technical Department, Safety Department, Chemical Department
and main contractors. The OCC is the center of outage management. Typical members and
responsibilities are e.g.:
• Outage Manager comes from the Outage Management Department, responsible for
the outage process, including outage preparation, execution and feedback.
Responsible for the outage steering group’s strategies and indicators, including
outage safety, quality and duration requirements.
• Operations Manager comes from the Operations Department, responsible for the
outage operation management, assist outage manager to coordinate and control
outage operations activities.
• Conventional Island Manager comes from Outage Management Department, assist
outage manager to coordinate and control conventional island activities, as an agent
when outage manager is absent.
• Nuclear Safety Manager come from nuclear safety Department, responsible for the
examination and surveillance of outage activities independently, ensure it according
with technical specification requirements.
• Quality Control Manager comes from Technical Department, responsible for quality
control management, assist outage manager to arrange quality defects issues during
• Industrial Safety Manager comes from Safety & Quality Management Department,
responsible for Industrial safety organization and management, assist outage
manager to supervise and manage industrial safety of outage activities.
• Post–maintenance Test Manager comes from Operation Department, responsible for
Maintenance test management, assist outage manager to organize Maintenance test
activities and verify the outage quality.
• Planners come from Outage Management Department, responsible for outage plan
management, assist outage manager to arrange outage activities and control outage
schedule. Normally, there are three planners, two in charge of nuclear island, one for
critical path, one for the others; the other one for conventional island.
• Maintenance coordinators come from the maintenance department and main
contractors, responsible for coordination of maintenance activities.
OCC personnel are selected before the outage and senior plant management will approve the
organization. OCC members are trained prior to the outage to clearly understand management
expectations, outage goals and performance, and the OCC’s responsibilities. OCC personnel
will participate in both outage preparation and execution.
During preparation, OCC members should meet period to discuss scheduling, critical path and
trace preparation plan in detail.
During the outage, OCC members spend much of their time physically in the OCC. The OCC
is typically located in the protected area to be close to work control, the plant and work
The OCCs responsibilities are e.g.:
• Outage activities are tracked, monitored closely;
• Maintain focus on nuclear, radiological, and industrial safety;
• Monitor critical path and near critical path outage progress intensely;
• Look ahead to prepare for upcoming milestones, activities, and evolutions, then
make sure workers are informed of important activities;
• The status of key activities is communicated frequently and clearly to staff involved,
• Establish outage priorities;
• Emergent issues are identified and assigned to the responsible team to be addressed
promptly, ant to report to senior managers in a timely manner;
• Evaluate emergent work items for implementation during the outage and for their
effects on shutdown safety.
The OCC holds daily meetings to clearly communicate critical and near critical path status,
major work that may impact nuclear safety and conventional safety, emergent issues, and
protected equipment status. The OCC will work round the clock and update the critical and
near critical path scheduling 2 or 3 times each day. When practical, video surveillance will be
installed in the OCC office to track and monitor the progression of field work. The OCC will
also release outage progression to staff involved in the outage, the means including emails,
intranet, bulletin board in field and internal television.
Normally, the OCC will quickly resolve most issues encountered during execution of outage
in the field. If any problem should require senior management involvement, the outage
manager will report to the outage steering group promptly.
management. The most common approach is for a utility to develop a master outage schedule
months in advance using the NPP’s existing scheduling software (e.g., Primavera P6).
Typically, during the outage, the latest version of the schedule is printed at the beginning of
each shift. Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and its partners are developing technologies that
will have capabilities such as automatic schedule updating, automatic pending support
notifications, and the ability to allocate and schedule outage support task resources on a sub
hour basis (e.g., outage micro scheduling). This report also describes the scheduling
challenges that occur during outages, how the outage scheduling technologies that INL is
developing help address those challenges, and the latest developments on this task (e.g., work
accomplished to date and the path forward).
Previous INL reports have described various advanced outage functions that will become
available through application of technology. These advanced functions are described here as
they will be leveraged in new schedule monitoring tools or graphics. Technology
improvements can enable OCC functions that include, but are not limited to:
Real Time Collaboration for Emergent Issues–Using multi touch monitors and high quality
audio and video conferencing equipment deployed in various coordination centers, staff can
simultaneously work on complex problems by sharing real time pictures, diagrams, schedule
information, and notes. This technology also facilitates communicating the product(s) of the
collaboration effort to the OCC, subject matter experts, managers, or other stakeholders. An
electronic record of the resolution of the issue assists in knowledge management and future
use of the information. The use of communication technologies has potential to reduce the
need for face to face meetings, saving time, and the richer data may increase the level of
comprehension of complex problems.
Real Time Work Status–The use of CBPs and AWPs allows the OCC staff instant status of
work packages and procedures. These systems also allow outage managers to call up and view
the actual steps of a work package or procedure as they are completed or to simply notify the
OCC automatically when certain activities, tasks, or subtasks are completed. When tied into
scheduling software, CBPs and AWPs provide a real time picture of schedule adherence.
Portable wireless cameras installed near critical job sites that feed to the OCC also allow
outage managers to remotely monitor job status without relying on field workers to call in
status updates, thus allowing them to focus on work completion with little or no interruption
that ultimately should reduce the time required to complete the task.
Automatic pending support notifications–Utilizing embedded triggers in CBPs and AWPs,
notifications to support staff can be automatically routed to required personnel via calendar,
text, or email notifications at predetermined points in the work process, alerting them of
pending tasking that requires their support. For example, a trigger may be set 30 minutes prior
to a quality control (QC) hold point, notifying the assigned QC inspector of the upcoming
required inspection. If the first resource (QC inspector) is unable to provide support in a
reasonable time frame, the first resource would reject the notification and a follow on
notification would go to the next resource, and so on until a resource (QC inspector) accepts
it. Automated notifications allow the staff to perform more efficient resource allocation and
real time planning.
Improved Communication of Discovered Conditions from the Field Using mobile
technologies, field workers who identify issues in the field can set up an instant video
conference with the OCC or a supervisor in the field at the point of the problem. This would
provide the OCC staff with eyes on the issue and an instant understanding of the nature of the
issue. It would also allow further interaction between outage managers and the person
discovering the issue without having to physically go to the location. Further interaction may
include directing the worker to send back additional video footage or an annotated photograph
of the surrounding area or component or more carefully describing some aspect of the
problem while providing a live video feed. This also provides an opportunity for the OCC to
pull in other stakeholders in real time to make decision making a more parallel process versus
a series process saving all involved significant time and physical effort. Other benefits are
realized such as reduced radiation exposure, reduced exposure to physical hazards, efficiency,
and overall safety of not have numerous staff entering the NPP to put eyes on the issue.
Another advantage to remote collaboration is the ability for decision–makers who are not on-
site (e.g., at corporate headquarters on business travel, or at home) to view the issue and make
the necessary decision(s) without returning to the site to do so.
More Efficient Dissemination of Information from the OCC–Utilizing advanced conferencing
software and large multi touch monitors, OCC managers can establish interactive status
briefings in which stakeholders may participate from any location, onsite or offsite, using a
variety of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, smart phones, and tablet computers.
This anywhere/anytime capability should produce significant gains in efficiency and accuracy
in communications.
Real Time requirements Monitor–Utilizing a combination of information pulled from the
status of CBPs and AWPs, real time NPP status from the NPP computer, and NPP logs, OCC
managers can more effectively and easily display status and readiness for key activities or
tasks. These displays enable rapid analysis of state and status and expedite decision making.
Mobile Alerts–Utilizing a messaging system similar to instant messaging used by most smart
phones, OCC managers could update NPP personnel when important milestones are met or
NPP conditions change. For example, the system could provide alerts for events such as
window closures, NPP risk level changes, protected system changes, or industrial or
radiological hazards. These messages would consist of a simple statement of the condition,
but also provide more detailed information for events that require it through use of an
information icon. These messages could also be sent to handheld devices, desktop computers,
and large screen displays throughout the NPP. This process would be much more effective
and efficient than providing out–of–date information on static displays or printed material
currently used at NPPs [11, 12].
The safety reviews should be done in a proactive way to identify safety concerns in an early
stage of preparation. In that way, the reviews contribute to a higher awareness of reactor safety
concerns throughout the whole outage preparation and execution.
Plant design, resources, safety requirements and electricity market conditions should be
considered in the economic study performed to choose the optimal length and positioning of
the various outages.
Respective technical analysis and financial provisions should be organized in due time and
would constitute the basis for the realization of all proposed updating and maintenance
measures during plant life. Decisions on the financial provisions should be taken by the plant
management or the board of the utility. One main goal in the decision making process should
be the optimization of plant availability and outage duration.
Long term budget planning and financing provisions and the budget for short term outages
should be held sufficiently flexible to enable the plant management optimizing the outage.
Early cost estimates are essential for a successful optimization of outage. Cost estimates
should take into account all needed internal and external expenditures, and financing. All
different parties should be considered in the cost estimates, e.g. contractors, spare parts,
materials, own staff salary, and other running costs. A good practice is to follow up the cost
on a daily basis and to predict the final cost.
Improving the overall economics of a nuclear power plant requires a comprehensive
understanding of the relationship between O&M spending and the performance of the plant. It
should be recognized that there is a real cost associated with poor performance (lost
opportunity for receiving revenues, higher than necessary cost to generate, etc.) as well as the
corrective maintenance cost associated with repairing equipment. In addition, there is a
mutual interaction between O&M spending and the performance of the plant. Too little
proactive (preventive) O&M spending results in a high frequency of unplanned breakdowns
with high corrective maintenance cost and high cost associated with unavailability. The
practice of too much O&M spending can put the plant past the point of diminishing returns.
The goal, therefore, is not to minimize O&M cost or to maximize performance (availability,
etc.) but rather to minimize the total cost by optimizing the O&M cost. In order to achieve
this potential improvement, however, individual day–to–day decision making should be
enhanced (bottom–up).
Typical improvement methodology consists of three basic steps:
• Identification: identifying all potential improvement options to address plant problem
• Evaluation: the economic justification and prioritization of options identified;
• Implementation: the choosing of the economic optional option and the comparison of
expected to actual results.
By following this type of process the best use of the plant’s limited resources (money, time,
and manpower) will allow the plant to optimize its cost and performance.
An outage extension is the increase of outage duration beyond the planned time after the
outage plan is frozen. It is a negative effect that should be avoided because it causes
unplanned energy loss, requires additional manpower, increases outage cost and may result in
the production of additional radioactive waste and increase the collective dose exposure.
Generally, if the outage is planned and managed accordingly, the extension of the outage may
be initiated by a reason that has been discovered during the outage. With the increase of NPP
operating experience, the risk of outage extensions could be reduced. However, it may be
recognized that while optimization of planned outage duration is desirable, making the
planned outage shorter may increase the probability of the outage extension due to
minimization of margin for resolving unexpected problems in given time.
To handle these unexpected events, the plant management should make efforts from the very
beginning in the outage planning phase to predict and prevent outage extensions by using
proactive engineering approach, questioning attitude, proper motivation and operating
experience feedback programme results. The most frequent causes and their counter measures
to avoid outage extension are listed in Section 7.1 and 7.2. These causes should be used in the
plants self-assessment process to assess the probability that similar causes can occur.
• Deficiencies in interdisciplinary communication;
• Quality control deficiencies.
Regulatory impacts:
• Last moment regulatory requirements added;
• Late approval from regulatory;
• Misinterpretation of regulatory requirements.
Failure of inspection or special maintenance tools (lack of preventive maintenance of
special tools).
Inadequate or lack of spare parts.
Inadequate vendor support:
• Lack of technical support and unreliable sub–contractors;
• Lack of equipment or material supply or late delivery.
Deficient outage planning:
• Under estimation of activity duration or work force;
• Improper scheduling of work activities;
• Support activities (scaffolding, etc.), tools, materials not clearly defined;
• Plant status prerequisites, work permits and approvals not clearly defined;
• Operational Experience Feedback (OEF) programme results were not taken into
account or OEF actions were not adequately implemented while planning
reoccurring outage activities.
• Applying proper workers motivation such as incentives and awards;
• Development of the FME programme based on the latest industrial experience;
• Reduce maintenance (maintenance optimization).
• Correct ratio of new contractors (max. 50 %).
Improve outage planning based on in–house and industrial feedback by:
• Setting up clear goals;
• Defining outage milestones and freeze dates for different phases of outage;
• Proactive planning and scheduling, i.e. predicting and considering possible problems
and planning in advance the time for corrective actions; and
• Considering OEF programme and plant history files during the planning phase.
The list of causes and countermeasures could be used for self–assessment of plants own
performance and in that way identify areas for improvement in optimizing outages.
Optimisation Strategy, IAEA-TECDOC-1315, IAEA, Vienna (2002).
[2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Management Strategies for Nuclear
Power Plant Outages, Technical Reports Series No. 449, IAEA, Vienna (2007).
[3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Indicators for Management of
Planned Outages in Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA-TECDOC-1490, IAEA, Vienna (2006).
[4] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Guidance for Optimizing Nuclear
Power Plant Maintenance Programmes, IAEA-TECDOC-1383, IAEA, Vienna (2004).
[5] ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Effective Refueling Outage Preparation
and Execution Guidance, EPRI Product ID: 1022952, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA (2011).
[6] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Maintenance, Surveillance, and In-
Service Inspection in Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. NS-G-2.6,
IAEA, Vienna (2002) 74 pp.
[7] INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR POWER OPERATORS, Equipment Reliability Process
Description Revision 2, AP-913, INPO (2007).
[8] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Safety of Nuclear Power Plants:
Commissioning and Operation, IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSR-2/2, IAEA,
Vienna (2011) 50 pp.
[9] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Procurement Engineering and
Supply Chain Guidelines in Support of Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Facilities,
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.21, IAEA, Vienna (2016).
[10] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Foreign Material Management for
Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.22, IAEA, Vienna (in
[11] IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY, Development of Improved Graphical Displays
for an Advanced Outage Control Center, Employing Human Factors Principles for Outage
Schedule Management, (2015).
[12] IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY, Guidelines for Implementation of an Advanced
Outage Control Center to Improve Outage Coordination, Problem Resolution, and Outage
Risk Management, (2014).
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
RCM reliability centred maintenance
RCP reactor cooling pumps
RHR residual heat removal
RI reactorinneslutning /containment
RPS Rosatom production system
RTF run to failure
SG steam generator
SSC system, structure and component
TECDOC technical document
TG turbine generator
UMM urgent market message
WO work order
WOP work outside the process
WWER water cooled, water moderated power reactor
YVL Regulatory guide, Finland
Teollisuuden Voima Oy (TVO) operates two almost identical BWR units on the Olkiluoto
Island on the west coast of Finland. The net electrical output of each unit is 880 MW.
Consequently, these units have been named Olkiluoto 1 (OL1) and Olkiluoto 2 (OL2). The
units have been designed and delivered by the Swedish company Asea Brown Boveri (ABB)
OL1 and OL2 produce energy at cost to the shareholders mainly consisting of the Finnish
pulp and paper industry. The load factor of both units has increased steadily, reaching 95
percent. The average load factor of the past ten years (2004–2013) for both units has been
94.9 percent. The unplanned energy unavailability is typically less than 2 %. Refueling
outages are carried out in the spring when there is a lot of hydropower available in Finland.
TVO has made good results in realizing short and effective annual outages. A prerequisite for
short outages without risking the nuclear safety is the plant design itself. The Olkiluoto units
have safety systems with 4 x 50 per cent capacity and consistent physical and electrical
separation. These inherent features allow preventive maintenance of safety system trains
during power operation. The quality of maintenance work in safety systems is better, too,
since it can be done without pressure on the work schedule. The design of the reactor pressure
vessel and its upper internals as well as the permanent watertight connection between the
reactor vessel flange and the containment help to minimize the preparations needed before
unloading can be commenced.
The subjects of outage safety planning are criticality safety, RHR and preserving of the
reactor coolant inventory. The last item is especially important since the units are equipped
with internal main recirculation pumps, the maintenance of which may create risks for large
bottom leakages. Separate time schedules are provided for coordination of the work with
respect to these three safety aspects.
To reach a high level of safety, it is essential that the personnel taking part in the maintenance
activities is motivated, well trained and familiar with the plant design and relevant procedures.
The paper deals with the education and preparatory training of TVO´s and subcontractors´
outage personnel.
The technical specifications (Tech. Spec.) can be seen as a set of operational safety rules and
criteria, which defines the allowed operational range from the safety point of view. The
content of the Tech. Spec. for Olkiluoto 1 and 2 was changed in 1986, when a separate
chapter "Conditions and limitations for cold shutdown and refueling outage" was written.
If exemptions from the rules given in the Tech. Spec. are necessary to carry out some tasks in
a practical manner, then the safety office of the utility prepares an application for an
exemption. The On–site Safety Committee handles all applications for exemptions before
submittal to the regulatory body.
According to the guide YVL A.6 (Conduct of Operations at a nuclear power plant), the utility
has to submit for approval or information large number of documents to the Regulatory body
The Radiation and nuclear safety Authority (STUK) well in advance of the outage. During the
outage, there are up to 10 inspectors from STUK at the plant site. Although the supervision of
outage activities carried out by STUK is relatively extensive, the regulatory activities do not
normally cause any significant delays in the progress of outage activities.
There are two basic types of planned outages for Olkiluoto nuclear power plants: the refueling
outage and the service outage. The refueling outage mainly consists of refueling, corrective
maintenance, periodical inspections and tests required by the technical specifications and
maintenance according to the preventive maintenance programme for annually overhauled
components. Typical duration is 9 days for Olkiluoto BWRs. The service outage can be either
normal or extensive and includes in addition to the refueling work all major plant
modifications or upgrading’s. The service outage duration varies between 14 days (normal,
including the opening of turbine) to 20 to 30 days (extensive, including major modifications)
for Olkiluoto BWRs. An example of the refueling and maintenance outages is shown in Fig.
Olkiluoto NPP
Refuelling Outage / Service Outage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
In the refueling stage the mode switch is set in the B–position as explained above.
The policy of TVO is to carry out preventive maintenance measures effectively at the right
time to avoid failures and unplanned shutdowns, and to operate the plant units at high
efficiency. To achieve this goal, good condition monitoring and detailed maintenance
planning are needed. Good trend supervision and detection of failures at early stage is one of
the main principles. Identifying existing or potential problem areas by advanced vibration
monitoring, a careful follow–up of process efficiency, chemistry and other process
parameters, and the use of other predictive methods (thermography, oil analysis, motor
operated valve testing etc.) are essential in determining the condition of the power plant units.
Today, the main part of the maintenance consists of periodic inspections and overhauls. The
intervals between major overhauls are being extended and the availability of a unit is
improved by using predictive maintenance methods and adopting the concept of condition
based maintenance. Various analyzes are used to optimize and to allocate maintenance
measures to right objects.
The proportion of corrective maintenance has been less than 10 percent of the total annual
maintenance man–hours. Preventive maintenance and inspections make about 60 percent and
modifications and improvements about 30 percent (during the past few years this percentage
has been higher because of the modernization project).
The Olkiluoto BWR units are equipped with fourfold safety systems, and some preventive
maintenance in safety systems can be done during operation. For example, preventive
maintenance of the emergency diesel generators, containment spray system, auxiliary feed
water system and low pressure injection system is performed during operation. However,
most of the annual maintenance is done during the annual outages.
The objective is to avoid major unexpected repairs with a proper spare parts policy and
detailed risk studies. All critical items to be inspected are analyzed in advance, to determine
acceptable defect levels and to plan provisional repair methods for continued operation. Final
repairs, which usually aim at improving the design, are carefully preplanned and executed
during the next outage.
By means of an optimal spare parts policy it is possible to keep up the quality of maintenance
work done during the relatively short outages. The number of complete component
replacement units, such as generator rotors, control rod drives, turbine blades, servomotors,
various pumps and valves, emergency diesel engine etc. has increased over the years. During
the outage components are replaced and they are serviced after the outage in workshop
Olkiluoto NPP units are operating with twelve months fuel cycles and about one fourth of the
fuel is replaced during every outage.
According to the standard schedule, fuel design and optimization work starts rather early,
about 2 years before bundle fabrication. Usually the lead time before loading the fuel into the
reactor is 3 years, because TVO has a fuel reserve, corresponding to one year of plant
operation, at the site. The last phase in the design work includes the planning of actual reload
for a certain operating cycle to reach the needed cycle length at full power, followed by the
reactor core supervision and design work during operation. The time span between starting
the design work and the final discharge of the fuel from the reactor is about 7 years.
The purpose of the refueling is to load a new core configuration for the following operating
cycle, according to the results from reload design calculations. This requires special planning
and optimization, taking into consideration limiting conditions from other relevant outage
works and various inspections. The refueling includes a total of 600–700 fuel assembly
transfer operations in a typical quarter reload case. This consists of the following parts: about
130 fuel assemblies totally removed from the reactor core; 100 assemblies temporarily
removed from the core to the fuel pools for various reactor and control rod inspections and
instrument replacements; 250 fuel sufflings inside the core; reloading the temporarily
removed fuel assemblies and loading about 130 fresh fuel assemblies.
Factors that help in minimizing the time needed for refueling operations are careful
optimization with a special computer programme, a semi–automatic refueling platform and
constant careful supervision of all refueling operations.
Planning of outages is done on three levels at the same time: long term planning (about ten
years), mid–term planning (three years) and detailed planning of the next outage, where
special emphasis is put on the careful study of the critical path activities (see Fig. I–2).
Long term planning is used to fit together the planned maintenance and inspection measures
with modifications in order to minimize the total time needed on the critical path of outages.
The Plant Life Extension programme is also taken into consideration in the long term
The planning period of the next outage is one year. The hold points (milestones) from
planning to reporting and post–outage review are specified in the planning schedule. The
detailed planning is started about one year before the outage, when the main critical activities
and the main scope of the outage are determined and a preliminary time schedule can be done.
The most critical spare parts must also be reviewed at the same time because of the possible
long delivery time characteristic to the nuclear industry.
Outage planning is made according to the planning schedule. The main time schedule
specifies the critical path of the outage. The amount of other schedules depends on the scope
of outage works (reactor and turbine time schedules, schedules for bigger repair and
modification works and schedules for individual working groups).
Availability of the reactor safety systems during the outages is specified in the reactor safety
system availability schedule and allowed working times are specified in the system schedule.
Planning is assisted by modern and advanced computer based systems.
The main part of the maintenance is done during outages and by contractor personnel. The
availability of competent resources is assured by the existence of certain "key persons" in
TVO’s staff and by having long term contracts with plant vendors and main service
FIG. I–2. Outage management - time scheduling.
Multi cycle fixed price contracts are also used. About 1000 outside workers from about 100
different companies participate in the annual outages while the number of TVO’s own outage
personnel is around 300. Over 70 percent of the contractors’ personnel have experience of
previous outages.
The coordination of the planning and execution of outage work is always the responsibility of
TVO, and it is done in a "partnership" arrangement with the main contractors.
One important aspect in striving for a high level of safety during outages is the education and
preparatory training of TVO´s and subcontractors´ outage personnel. It is essential that the
personnel taking part in the maintenance activities are motivated, well trained and familiar
with the plant design and relevant procedures. A special session on safety issues will be
arranged every year to subcontractors´ outage personnel. The outage information handout
includes a separate section on safety.
Maintenance personnel knowledge, training and qualification, and performance support safe
and reliable plant operation. Maintenance is performed by or under the direct supervision of
personnel who have been qualified for the tasks to be performed.
Continuous training effectively addresses plant hardware and procedure changes, infrequently
used skills, and lessons learned from in–house and industry operating experience.
The knowledge and practical abilities of contract maintenance technicians and other non–
station maintenance personnel are equivalent to those of station maintenance personnel for the
functions to which they are assigned.
On the job training is used to provide necessary skills and knowledge prior to assignment to
perform tasks independently.
For the operators, annual sessions on safety issues during outages are arranged. The plant
simulator has not been used for the outage related training of the operators so far.
Radiation protection training is intended to provide workers with the pre–requisites to work in
the controlled area, and it also aims at contributing to the accomplishment of radiation
protection objectives. The training is given to permanent and temporary workers working in
the controlled area. Training provided for employees working in the controlled area includes
applicable parts of radiation legislation, fundamentals of radiation and radiation risk,
instructions for work in the controlled area and information on dose monitoring. The
employees must demonstrate in a written examination that they have sufficient knowledge of
radiation protection.
The dose information provided by an effective work dosimetry system provides means of
correctly focusing the radiation protection. TVO uses digital RAD–80, RAD–51 TR and
DMC 2000S dosimeters. TL–dosimeters serve as the official personnel dosimeters. A
dosimeter must always be worn by persons working in the controlled area. There is a radiation
work permit for work performed in the controlled area. Radiological work permit planning
can be done effectively when all previous work permits as well as the contamination and
radiation data of all components and rooms are registered in a computer. The radiation work
permit provides at least the following information.
Name of employees:
• Radiation conditions in the working area;
• Requirements concerning measurement of dose rate, surface contamination and
airborne activity;
• Exposure assessment; and
• Special instructions and equipment.
The minimization of doses in short annual outages is based on effective scheduling of work
and on minimizing the number of workers.
The company’s own goal is to keep the collective annual dose below 1.0 manSv during years
when one plant unit has a refueling outage and the other has a service outage. If the outages
involve modifications that significantly differ from normal outages, the annual dose goal is
below 1.5 manSv. Dose goals are defined separately for very extensive repair and service
A project to decrease the concentration of Co-60 in the reactor water has been implemented.
The number of components containing cobalt in contact with primary circuit has been reduced
more than 40% from the original level at both plant units. For future modifications guidance
and implementation of the replacement programme for valves containing cobalt is continued.
Purchases and modification planning take into account the goals for reducing cobalt.
Stellite balance will be reduced if whenever a need to replace components or equipment
occurs. The use of other materials that create or may create significant activation products
(such as Co-58, Sb-124, and Sb-125) will also be limited whenever possible.
The TVO outage organization has the following characteristics: a full time outage manager,
an acting outage coordinator in operation, project organization for every planned outage, an
outage management group, a long term outage group and an outage planning group.
The outage management group is chaired by the plant manager and this group provides
general supervision, approves outage times and programmes, and provides decisions for
significant problems.
The long term outage group is chaired by the operations manager and it is involved in long
term and middle term planning (3 to 20 years) including major overhauls and inspections,
modifications/improvements, and the plant life time programme. They also follow up and
monitor outage performance indexes.
The outage planning group is chaired by the outage manager and it includes representatives
from all organizations working with the next outage. It provides supervision of detailed
planning, execution and reporting of outages.
The outage manager coordinates all activities concerning outage planning and execution and
the acting coordinator (one of the shift supervisors) coordinates all activities that take place
during the outage (work permit /plant safety planning etc.).The safety office is located on–
site, as well as the technical support staff. About four months before outages, which are
scheduled to take place in springtime, safety office reviews the outage schedules set up by
outage coordinators according to the rules given in the technical specifications. There are two
important time schedules that are related to safety. The first one shows the unavailability’s of
the systems used for RHR, emergency core cooling (ECCS) and electric power supply and
important works vital to preserving of water inventory. The second one shows the availability
of reactivity control systems. As a result of this review, the safety office prepares a
memorandum on the RHR capacities during outage and on the safety of the main jobs. This
memorandum is also discussed in the On–site Safety Committee.
Outage plans and the execution of outage and all safety related activities must be approved by
the regulatory body. During the outages up to 10 inspectors from the regulatory body are at
the site and available 24 hours per day if necessary.
The management of plant modifications has been described in the Operational Phase QA
Manual. YVL guides issued by the Regulatory Body (STUK) give requirements concerning
planning and implementation of modifications. Safety related modifications are reviewed and
approved by relevant authorities after internal approval by TVO. The YVL guides also
specify the contents of documentation which has to be submitted for approval.
Concerning safety related plant modifications, the YVL guides require safety impact
assessments to be made. Safety evaluations are performed by TVO’s own personnel or by
outside contractors depending on the nature and extent of the modification. When assessing
the safety impact of proposed modifications, assistance from the plant supplier, other
suppliers and research institutes is used.
In connection with safety related system modifications or otherwise important modifications,
reliability analysis (PSA) is used to determine the impact of the modification on the safety of
the plant. PSA studies are also used for comparing different alternative solutions when
planning modifications. Safety evaluations of modifications are part of the pre–inspection
documentation sent to STUK for approval. Depending on the nature and extent of the
modification it is designed by TVO’s own personnel or by outside contractors.
Work planning activities (work permits and work orders etc.) are always made by TVO’s
personnel according to the plant procedures. All modification plans, irrespective of the
originator, are reviewed and approved by responsible organizations and persons in TVO
according to the plant procedures before they are submitted to STUK for approval. Purchase
of safety related equipment is subject to STUK control. TVO has to send pre–inspection
documentation for approval.
STUK gives approval for the manufacturer, construction and manufacturing plans, QA and
QC plans etc. Both TVO and STUK perform audits and inspections at the manufacturer’s
premises before, during and after manufacturing depending on the nature of the equipment to
be manufactured.
Both TVO and STUK perform inspections after the installation of the modification. STUK
issues commissioning inspection protocol. Test programmes are part of the pre–inspection
documentation. Conduct of tests is witnessed by STUK inspectors depending on the nature of
the modification and tests. Test results concerning safety related modifications are subject to
STUK review and approval.
Updating of plant documentation takes place in steps during and after the implementation of
the modification. Updating schedule is dependent on the need of documents in operation and
maintenance of the system after modification. The system descriptions in the FSAR are
updated as a campaign once a year. Changes to plant documentation under STUK control (e.g.
Technical Specifications, FSAR) must be approved by STUK.
Work planning activities (work permits and work orders etc.) are always made by TVO’s
personnel according to the plant procedures. During normal operation foremen responsible for
executing the work are also responsible for detail planning of work orders. During the outage
there is a special group (6 persons) doing detail planning of work orders. Outage manager is
responsible for this activity.
The safety office reviews individual work orders for maintenance tasks during the outage and
approves those important to safety.
Work planning is assisted by modern and advanced computer based systems. The work flow
in the work management system is shown in Fig. I–3.
FIG. I–3. Work flow in work management system.
Main steps of the controls by outage coordinator/shift supervisors are the following:
• Prepare outage schedules important to safety according to technical specifications;
• Give out work orders important to safety of the outage according to approved time
• The shift supervisor is responsible for the Tech. Spec. and specially assigned
requirements being fulfilled during the outage, even though the time schedule
• Separate work orders are required, if identical tasks are performed in redundant
safety systems.
The utility TVO wanted to create a realistic view on the risk level also during the shutdown,
startup and refueling outage conditions. Therefore, in the year 1990 the utility made a
decision to extend the PSA to the analysis of refueling, shutdown and startup. Improvements
of the shutdown safety and perspectives for the future developments were identified.
Regarding the repair strategy, the objective is to avoid major unexpected repairs with a proper
spare parts policy and detailed risk studies. All critical items are analyzed in advance to
determine acceptable defect levels and to plan provisional repair methods for continued
The operational organization, especially the shift supervisor, bears the main responsibility for
safety. An independent review of outage safety matters in general for every outage, and an
operational safety review of outage works in the work management system, is made by TVO
nuclear safety office. For example, the safety office performs an independent review on the
plant status before startup. Also the regulatory body performs its own supervision.
All outage activities are planned and performed according to the requirements laid down in
TVO’s quality system. Activities are controlled by related procedures and instructions.
The QA engineers audit and routinely monitor different activities during the outages. The QA
office especially concentrate on controlling that the administrative measures are functioning
as planned in order to assure that different work activities are planned and performed in a
controlled and systematic manner. Also safety culture issues are addressed.
At the end of the outage the QA engineers monitor and control that all organizational units
have performed all their assigned checking and verification duties required to be done before
the plant can be declared ready for startup. After all this has been done the QA manager will
give his approval and the final permission for the startup can be asked for from the regulatory
body representative at the plant site.
The outage group, meeting twice a week during planned outages, collects and scrutinizes
noteworthy incidents occurred during outage. It prepares a special report on them for OEF
purposes. The regulatory body is informed about events and observations significant for the
development of the quality system as well as measures taken there upon.
The primary safety functions to be monitored are RHR, pre–serving of water inventory and
maintaining criticality safety.
The RHR function shall tolerate a single failure of active components and the pool water
temperature shall not exceed 60°C. The initiating event taken into account in the assessment
is normally a loss of offsite power with simultaneous failure of one diesel generator.
Emergency core cooling system (ECCS) has to be single failure tolerant to preserve water
inventory while work is performed in a place which is connected to the primary circuit below
the top of active fuel and which can’t be isolated from the primary circuit. The maintenance of
internal main recirculation pumps involves the risk for a large bottom leakage during outage.
Special arrangements have been implemented to cover this safety issue. One example of these
arrangements is closing of the lower drywell personnel access door to prevent draining of the
reactor water outside the containment while critical tasks are under way.
An important element of shutdown safety is maintaining reactivity control, although criticality
accidents due to component failures or maintenance errors have rather low importance in
PSA. A shutdown margin of more than one per cent has to be maintained during the whole
outage taking into consideration any active failure of a single component or any single human
error. The shutdown margin after a single loading error when all the control rods are in the
core is normally more than three per cent. The shutdown margin in connection with an
erroneous removal or maneuvering of one control rod is calculated in advance after each fuel
transfer operation. Owing to this, changes of the fuel transfer list without repeating the
calculations are allowed only during unloading phase of refueling.
Also availability of power is important for core cooling and decay heat removal. Sufficient
power availability even in case of a loss of offsite power with simultaneous failure of one
diesel generator shall be assured.
The TVO units have safety systems with 4 x 50 per cent capacity and consistent physical and
electrical separation. However the Shutdown Cooling System used during outage for RHR
has 2 x 100 per cent capacity and the redundancies have common pipelines. Due to problems
with IGSCC (Inter granular stress corrosion cracking) and thermal stresses, which have made
frequent reparations necessary, the availability of the Shutdown Cooling System during
outage has not been high. The Fuel Pool and Auxiliary Pool Cooling System can be used as a
redundant path for RHR.
Unscheduled but planned unavailability of the systems shown in the safety related time
schedules is in principle not allowed, without a special prior review / study done by the safety
office. The availability of the important safety systems is shown in the main control room by
means of magnetic tags which are visible to all in the control room.
The most important Emergency Operating Procedure deals with loss of primary circuit leak
tightness during maintenance of the main recirculation pumps. In this case, a large bottom
leakage is generated, and the accident management is concentrated on preventing loss of
water from the containment. Case specific plans are usually written for the yearly outages e.g.
to deal with possible loss in certain safety relevant systems during maintenance of another
Single mechanical interlocking’s have been implemented to prevent removal of plugs from
the recirculation pump openings. This is an example typical of shutdown conditions. The
lower personnel access door of the containment is closed during the critical phases of the
internal recirculation pumps maintenance.
Of course, all the normal routines like limitation of access to several electrical divisions at the
same time are followed also during shutdown.
A lot of attention is paid to preventive fire protection during outages. Workers, doing so–
called hot work like welding and cutting, must have a special license to do that work. Each
hot work must have a hot work permit. Special fire patrol personnel control that hot work are
carried out in a safe way. There have not been any remarkable fires during outages.
If exemptions from the rules given in the Tech. Spec. are necessary to carry out some tasks in
a practical manner, then the safety office of the utility prepares an application for an
exemption. The On–site Safety Committee handles all applications for exemptions before
submittal to the regulatory body.
The safety office reviews individual work orders for maintenance tasks in the outage and
approves those important to the safety.
Operating experience feedback from outages has been systematically gathered since 1992.
TVO has not established a separate organizational unit for operating experience feedback but
relies on a group of persons representing various disciplines. This "Operating Experience
Group" processes experience feedback information further.
Special attention is paid to the feedback from outages and the goal is to improve outage
management continuously. Thorough outage documentation makes it easy to identify
strengths and weaknesses. Information on abnormalities and suggestions for improvements,
received from both our own and contractor personnel, are especially taken into account.
Sufficient and timely information to everyone involved in outage activities is essential for
successful performance. Before the outage, everyone should get both their own work
information and an overall impression of how they can contribute to good outage
performance. TVO gives out information, both to own and contractor personnel by having
general information outlets and special meetings together with different working groups.
Daily reporting is used to follow and supervise the progress of the outage. The report is
prepared before daily morning meetings and distributed widely by data and information
systems as well. An outage report is prepared one month after the outage at the latest.
Clear and well defined performance indicators for different outage functions exist in order to
follow up yearly outage performance. Human errors are followed and analyzed carefully and
lessons learned procedures are developed.
During and after every outage, a comprehensive critique covering experience from all work
and support groups is gathered. Also a separate report is written after every outage. In order to
develop outage activities, all deviations from normal routines are analyzed by both the
"Operating Experience Group" and the outage planning staff. The "Operating Experience
Group" evaluates all the feedback information for relevance to TVO. If considered useful, a
proposal for modification is written.
TVO has access to several international operational experience databases e.g. (WANO, IAEA
/ IRS, IAEA and MRPIS). There is also a common organization The Owners Group for
Nordic BWR operators (ERFATOM) for experience feedback for the BWR operators in
Finland and Sweden. ERFATOM is located in the offices of the ABB Atom in Västerås.
All unintentional deviations from the technical specifications will be reported to the national
Shutdown PRA complements PRA scope at level 1 as well being a part of the living PRA
model. The utility was interested in performing a probabilistic risk analysis due to several
reasons, among which one could mention open containment during refueling period, refueling
outages with numerous overlapping maintenance tasks, continuously shortening outages,
missing automatic start of safety systems, unavailability of some safety systems due to
maintenance of auxiliary systems and forebodings on the importance of human errors.
Because the containment is open, severe core damage could lead to significant release of
radioactive materials to the environment. The first study was performed during 1990–1992
called as SEPSA–project. The total manpower required to accomplish the SEPSA–project was
approximately three man–years. The project team consisted mainly of utility's own personnel
strengthened with an expert in human factor/reliability assessment.
The first results showed that the contribution of the refueling outage on the annual core
damage risk was of the same order of magnitude as the contribution of the full power
operation. Modifications in maintenance procedures were adopted, and the analysis was
thoroughly updated and included in the living PRA during 1995–1996. The level 2 PRA
showed that the assumptions of the utility before the preliminary SEPSA study were correct in
the year 1997. The contribution of refueling to the core damage frequency (CDF) was reduced
below 1 %, but still its contribution to the large early release frequency (LERF) was about 30
%. Level 1 PSA extension including the fire Common Cause Initiators (CCIs) during outages
was added to the PSA model in 1998. PRA model and analysis were updated in 2004–2005
corresponding to current outage practices (short refueling outage with and longer service
outage). In 2014, extensive update of shutdown PRA has been performed including e.g.
update of event tree modelling, initiating event frequencies and components unavailability
due to maintenance.
Besides the severe nuclear risks the utility is interested in other risks, too, e.g. significant
extension of outages. They are evaluated as a by–product of the event tree sequences, not
severe enough to lead to core damage. The following plant damage states have been
considered: Mechanical fuel damages, Local criticality, Overheating of concrete structures of
pools, Core uncover, Spent fuel uncover in spent fuel pools, and severe core damage.
Thermal hydraulic analyzes made during the first SEPSA–project, showed that all operating
modes with critical reactor should be included in power operation mode PSA (Fig. I–4). Thus
SEPSA covers only the subcritical operating modes. The duration of each of the shutdown
operation modes is currently the average value from the recent seven years before updating
the study (2006–2013). The average outage duration was approximately 238 hours.
Only five different plant configurations are separately modelled in up–to–date shutdown
PRA. They are based rather on the decay heat production and the integrity of the primary
circuit than the unavailability of systems due to maintenance. The unavailability of
components due to maintenance and systems is modelled in the system fault trees. This is
possible because of special features of the computer code is used in the modelling. The
planned maintenance of the systems is mapped out from the previous seven outages, and it is
modelled in the fault trees in subsystem level. Three different sizes of leakage below core and
seven above core are modelled with separate event trees. Their frequency is based on human
error analysis of maintenance tasks. The mechanical causes of failure are insignificant as
compared to the human factor. Each configuration has its own event tree, loss of RHR as the
initiating event. Loss of external grid is included in the transients without its own event tree.
Fire CCIs and other external event CCIs are modelled with the separate "external" event
trees, which are developed from RHR event trees (states T0–T4). A single CCI event can be
applicable for one or even to all RHR states T0–T4.
Fig. I–4 showed that all operating modes with critical reactor should be included in power
operation mode PSA.
Special studies are carried out for the unwanted local criticality events, for the over
pressurization of the reactor with steam lines filled with water, for the heavy load transport in
the reactor hall and for the transients during short startup and shutdown periods with air
atmosphere in the containment. The importance of criticality events is minor, but accidents
caused by loss of heavy loads are among the major contributors of the mechanical fuel
damage risk causing a minor release.
Another interesting aspect is the temporal behavior of the risk level (Fig. I–5) as a result first
study. The beginning of a refueling outage is important from the risk point of view. There is a
risk peak during the water filling of the reactor tank and during the first three days of
maintenance activities. The potential of overfilling followed by the loss of RHR explains the
former one. Later, it was significantly reduced with modifications in procedures based on a
result of the first SEPSA study. The filling of reactor tank above a certain level is not allowed
using piston pumps any more. The latter risk peak is more difficult to reduce, because it
consists of several critical maintenance activities under the reactor pressure vessel. In
addition, the average risk level during the startup and shutdown is higher than the average risk
level during the power operation.
FIG. I-5. Risk level during the outage (first SEPSA results).
Several actions to improve shutdown safety have been carried through during and after the
first SEPSA–project, which decreased the dominant risk contributors arising during the
shutdown period significantly. The lower personnel access door is now kept closed during the
critical phases of the internal main recirculation pumps (RCP) overhaul, as mentioned earlier.
Mechanical cotter pins installed in the plugs are used during the internal main recirculation
pump overhaul that prevents the inadvertent lifting. In order to prevent the cold over
pressurization the use of auxiliary feed water piston pumps is no more recommended for
reactor filling. In addition, the increase of spent fuel pool cooling capacity, improvements in
timing of capping of safety and relief valves and in the inspection routines of control rods are
examples of modifications that are implemented during the based on shutdown PRA results.
In addition, TVO has developed a PRA application to support outage schedule planning. This
application utilizes the existing average outage PRA models to calculate momentary core
damage and radioactive release frequency during the outage. This application was used in the
planning outages in 2013 first time. As results of the assessment, several modifications were
done in the outage time schedule. The PRA application utilizes the outage schedule printouts
and the calculation of CDF/LRF is performed hour by hour throughout the whole outage. A
risk profile for the outage as a function of time is the main result of the analysis (Fig. I–6).
The example of the risk profile (blue line) is presented in Figure I–6. TVO has applied as
internal risk criterion that average release frequency must not exceed 6E-9/h (red line) in this
CDF [1/h]
26 May 2013 28 May 2013 30 May 2013 01 June 2013 03 June 2013 05 June 2013 07 June 2013 09 June 2013 11 June 2013 13 June 2013
1.00E-07 Target
Detailed planning of follow outages 1–2 years carefully study of critical path activities
Support Teams Safety, radiation protection, chemistry, security, fire protection, material
administration, personnel welfare, IT services, waste treatment etc.
• Outage PSA;
• Technical Specifications for Outages;
• Independent safety review for every Outage, carried out by the Nuclear Safety office;
• Reactor Safety Time Schedule (criticality);
• Shutdown Cooling Time Schedule;
• Operational safety review of outage work in the Work Management System.
• Loviisa NPP’s consists of 2 WWER 440 units, with two turbine lines per unit, each
including one high pressure section and two low pressure sections.
• Target was to execute, both low pressure turbine sections preventive maintenance
and modernization at Loviisa unit 1.
• Modernization included opening both sections, modification of diffusors and
renewing of water visors.
• We got schedule from contractor, it was transferred into MS Project and the critical
path was identified;
• Negotiations were conducted between contractor, other projects, plant turbine
specialist, mechanical maintenance, operational unit and outage planning to optimize
schedule, taking into account use of cranes;
• Work was examined phase by phase, and phases, which could be done
simultaneously were recognized and rescheduled and task durations were optimized.
Contractor had planned reserve time in many phases, which is not allowed, because
the work is on critical path and steering of the outage is lost, if the project is finalized
too early. Some phases were possible to do outside of isolation, and could therefore
be removed from the critical path;
• Contractors shifts were optimized to ensure correct resources for every phase;
• We made common crane schedule for all turbine hall work. Prioritized turbine work
first while synchronizing schedules between other work, that required crane usage;
• We made own work package (system window) with own isolation for turbine
modernization to ensure on time start;
• Project readiness was reviewed monthly at outage meetings, no return points were
FIG. III–3. Low pressure turbines.
• Turbine modernization was completed in schedule. Never before have two low
pressure turbine maintenance and modifications been done in such a short time
• If project had been ordered as turnkey from contractor, production loss could have
been approx. 108 000 MWh 4 M€.
FIG. III–4. Low pressure turbine with new ‘water quide’.
• To further develop unscheduled crane usage, a crane time table was introduced for
the 2015 outages, from where everyone can see prioritized lifts (critical path) and
reserve cranes for own usage. This was found to be a good practice to decrease
waiting hours;
• Based on these experiences, a crane coordinator was appointed for the 2015 outages;
• Contractors schedule should be evaluated critically, because there is often spare time
and contractor may not have a knowledge, about which part of work must be done
during isolation. Based only in the contractor’s opinion, this work could only be done
during a long outage;
• Project’s real duration should be evaluated as early as it is assigned to middle term or
long term planning, because contractors seldom have knowledge about the actual
impact to the critical path.
Annual outage planning schedule is monitored monthly at outage planning meeting. This
schedule includes essential milestones and dates for outage planning.
• Annual outage planning clock (checklist) is a visual tool made for task progress
monitoring for outage planning department;
• Outage clock is a checklist, for ensuring, that all tasks are started and completed on
• Annual outage planning clock progress is monitored weekly at outage planning
department meetings. Exceptions are handled via outage planning corrective actions
• Annual outage planning clock have found to be valuable tool for decreasing risk of
delayed actions and for Outage department resource planning.
• Work order status tracking is a tool for monitoring whole Outage progress, by
monitoring completion of the work orders;
• Work order status tracking is reviewed daily at morning meetings during the Outage
and is presented in Outage daily report;
• Besides general W.O. tracking, also group–specific W.O. data KPI's can be
monitored from this excel. Specific KPI's are made for all maintenance groups, QC
and operation units;
• Actual is compared to reference Outage;
• These KPI's have found to be an effective way to track, that W.O. are started and
finished on time and therefore whole Outage progress is effortlessly monitored and
coordinated, despite of large amount of work orders.
Work order status tracking database consists of information listed below. Needed information
is collected daily from plant information system to Excel:
• Planned Outage duration;
• Estimated amount of work orders;
• Finished W.O. / day;
• Dates;
• Outage day;
• Planned W.O. readiness;
• Actual readiness;
• In progress;
• Not started;
• Total W.O.;
• Estimated amount of work orders;
• S.S. starting permit;
• Ready for de–isolation;
• Readiness for year of reference;
• Total W.O. for year of reference;
• Not started %.
The long term outage planning aims to ensure outage shutdowns at Forsmark. So that these
are planned and performed in a safe way and that a downtime of 70 days of all three units can
be included over time.
The instruction describes the long term outage planning Procedure with regard to activities,
responsibilities, input and output data as well as connections to governing instructions.
VI-2.1. Mandate
VI-2.3. Purpose
The aim of the instruction is to define the work process and clarify how Forsmarks
Kraftgrupp AB works with long term outage planning.
VI-2.4. Prerequisites
Basic prerequisite is to apply 70 outage days per year and a 4–year outage cycle.
Three types of outage have been defined as follows:
(1) Short outage "Fuel Replacement Outage" (BB)
• Approx. 10 days (8 action days) at unit 1 & 2 and approx. 12 days at unit 3;
• Fuel replacement and periodic testing are governing and tighten up the schedule;
• Other maintenance and modification activities are secondary to fuel replacement.
(2) Medium–long outage "Maintenance Outage" (UH)
• Reactor and turbine maintenance tighten up the schedule;
• The number of days are determined depending on maintenance, as well as being
limited by actions at other units, approx. 25 days at unit 1 & 2 and approx. 21 days at
unit 3;
• Renewal activities are secondary to maintenance;
• Pressure testing of RI interval 3 years should be performed during Maintenance
outage if the reactor maintenance is not governing.
(3) Long outage "Renewal Outage" (AÄ)
• Plant modifications tightens up the schedule;
• The number of days are determined depending on the number of modifications, as
well as being limited by actions at other;
• Units, approx. 35 days;
• Maintenance activities are secondary to plant modifications.
The outage cycle of 4 years means that there is a fuel replacement outage every other year and
between these years there is a renewal and a maintenance outage. For example, BB–UH–BB–
If a decision is made that this is a process, this point needs to be defined further.
VI-2.7. Information process
To obtain an overview of the scope and propulsion concerning the scope, templates are used.
There are two templates, one template for creating a scope plan for renewal, maintenance and
operation activities. It is used from year –5 to implementation. A row in the scope plan for
each project number. Maintenance measures and maintenance with construction support are
handled by maintenance department. A row in the scope plan for each major maintenance
measure that requires a lot of planning/coordination. Operational measures are handled by
operations. The scope plan with be annexed to the reports and decisions that long term outage
planning produce.
Instructions for filling in the scope plan are available.
The degree of fine–tuning will increase the closer we get to implementation.
Another template is available for following up activities, a preparation plan which is used
from two years before outage project. The preparation plan should specify the time when the
point will be finished.
Instructions for filling in the preparation plan are available.
FIG. VI–3. Preparation of outage scope meeting.
Known Renewal Long term Planning prepares the documents needed Desired Maintenance
and communicates to the operators concerned. measures, renewal and
Known Maintenance
operational measures
Responsible departments go through and fill in
Known inspections and tests (testing) compiled
known scope plan.
Known production plan
Desired Maintenance Facts are collected via questions based on the scope Assessed outage scope
measures, renewal and plan, where responsible departments are expected
operational measures (testing) to be able to answer. The goal is to obtain
are compiled information in all columns for each measure.
Deviations are documented. An assessment of
known scope accommodated within decided outage
time shall be conducted.
Assessed outage scope Information from the scope plan is summarized and Approved outage scope
compiled into an outage scope report with report rev 0
deviations and risks. An outage scope report for all
Input data for long term
three units containing a schedule/unit.
production planning
The outage scope report is approved by CEO.
• Responsible: Planning department and CEO.
Approved outage scope report Responsible departments go through and fill in Current outage scope
the scope plan based on desired changes, with desired additional
Known change of outage scope
additional measures or the desire to remove and removed measures
Any change in long term measures. clarified.
production planning
Current outage scope with Review of the already filled in scope plan. Review Assessed outage scope
desired additional and will take place at least two times a year in the
removed measures clarified period
–4.5 to –2.5 years prior to implementation of the
Facts are collected via questions based on the scope
plan, where Responsible departments are expected
to be able to answer. The goal is to obtain
information in all columns for each measure.
Plant changes shall be ordered according to
deadlines, this means that big projects need to be
ordered before it is 3.5 years until implementation
(TG0–SI). Medium projects 2.5 years prior to
implementation (TG0–SI). Small projects 2 years
prior to implementation (TG0–SI).
Deviations are documented. Assessment/co–
planning in order to see whether known scope is
accommodated within decided outage time shall
take place. Activity owner shall be able to answer
how many days the introduction in the plant is
expected to take.
VI-3.6. Compile and approve outage scope report
Assessed outage scope Information from the scope plan is summarized and Outage scope report is
compiled into an outage scope report with approved rev 1 to rev 4
deviations and risks. An outage scope report for all
Input data for long term
three units containing one schedule/unit.
production planning
The outage scope report is approved by CEO.
Approved outage scope report Responsible departments go through and fill in the Current outage scope
rev 4 scope plan based on desired changes, additional with desired additional
measures or the wish to remove measures. and removed measures
Known change of scope
Current outage scope with Review of the already filled in scope plan, the goal Assessed outage scope
desired additional and is to obtain information in all columns for each
removed measures clarified measure 2 years before implementation all types of
projects shall be ordered.
Deviations are documented. Assessment/co–
planning in order to see whether known measures
are accommodated within decided outage time shall
take place. Activity owner shall be able to answer
how many days the introduction in the plant is
expected to take.
VI-3.9. Compile and approve outage scope decision incl. schedule per unit Rev 0 (UNIT
1, UNIT 2, UNIT 3)
Assessed outage scope Information from the scope plan is summarized and Approved outage scope
compiled into three decisions with respective decision Rev0 (UNIT 1,
schedule. A decision with a schedule per unit. UNIT 2, UNIT 3)
The outage scope decision is approved by CEO.
VI-3.10. Handing over of outage scope decision from Long term Outage Planning to
Outage Leader/Outage Project Manager
Approved outage scope Annual activity which is synchronized with Approved outage scope's
decision Rev0 investment plan. decision Rev0 to outage
Leader/outage project
Approved scope decision containing main
schedules is handed over to each outage
leader/outage project manager. The general
preparation plan is also handed over.
The meeting may be held for all three units or
At the meeting the outage scope decision is
reviewed and the main schedules, as well as
After the meeting the outage project Manager is
responsible for ensuring that the scope decision is
kept updated.
FIG. VI–6. Preparation of outage project meeting.
Approved outage scope Responsible go through and fill in the scope plan Current outage scope
decision Rev0 based on desired changes, additional measures or with desired additional
the desire to remove measures. and removed measures
Known changes of scope
Outage project Manager fills in the general
preparation plan based on the respect times that Current preparation
exist. template
Current outage scope with Facts are collected via questions in the scope plan, Assessed outage
desired additional and where responsible departments are expected to be able to scope
removed measures clarified answer.
Current outage scope
Current preparation template The preparation plan is reviewed with regard to with desired
deviations from respect times. additional and
removed measures
Deviations based on the preparation plan are
documented and action plans for deviations drawn up.
Current preparation
Scope assessment:
Renewed assessment of known measures is
accommodated within decided outage time. Activity
owner shall be able to answer how many days the
introduction in the plant is expected to take. In the case
of requests for changed scope they shall be raised at the
outage meeting for decision.
VI-3.13. Outage meeting
Measurement of KPI for progress takes place in accordance with the operational plan.
The objective of the project is to reduce duration of technological processes due to internal
production reserves and increase in labour productivity.
The goal of the project is to reduce the Unit maintenance duration from 98.5 days (level
achieved at Unit 1 in 2012) to 70 days (ambitious level).
The low pressure condenser (LPC) of the turbine К–1000–60/1500–2 is designed to condense
waste steam from low pressure cylinders of the turbine and to maintain the steam design
pressure (vacuum) in normal operation modes, which is necessary for reliable and safe
operation of the turbine plant.
Arrangement, dimensions and number: the turbine LPCs are of basement location, they have
14 m length, 10.5 m width and 8.4 m height. Mass of one condenser: 621 t. Number of
installed condensers: 3 (one condenser under each low pressure cylinder).
FIG. VII–1. Turboset K–1000–60 1500 (arrangement of LPCs is shown in the lower part).
In order to avoid slippage of the LPC–3 replacement schedule, additional
personnel had to be involved for simultaneous (parallel) performance of
operations for module consolidation and LPC–3 cutting.
− Untimely delivery of hydraulic jacks;
− Planned delivery dates: 15.08.2014;
− Actual delivery dates: 24.08.2014 – 1 set, 06.09.2014 – 2 sets;
In order to exclude slippage of the LPC dismantling schedule, additional
personnel had to be involved in rearranging hydraulic jacks as well as hydraulic
jacks with a lower hoisting height had (h=500 instead of h=700) had to be used.
(2) Lack of human resources in LPC–2 cutting phase;
In phase of LPC–2 cutting, a lack of human resources (cutters) was identified
which resulted in a 2–day delay from the schedule.
In order to avoid delays from the LPC–2 cutting schedule, additional personnel
had to be involved as well as a tool of the Rosatom Production System (RPS)
called “production process smoothing” had to be applied with cutters’ distribution
to organize their round the clock work.
(3) Lack of human resources in LPC welding phase.
The LPC welding operations were performed by workers in two shifts by 8 hours,
from 8:00 to 24:00. The adequate work from 0:00 to 20:00 was not organized (3–
4 welders worked). The reason was the work performer’s staff heavy load during
LPC replacement at other plant units (LPC replacement at Novovoronezh Unit 5
and planned outages at other five nuclear power plants). Actual losses amounted
to 2 days.
The RPS tools used in work organization were as follows:
• “Detailed work planning by the hour”;
• “Control of due dates” of detailed schedules;
• “Organization of work places according to 5S system”: removal of unused tools from
the work area, visualization of work progress and results on the maintenance site;
• “Flow cartography”: cutting and welding diagrams;
• “Loss elimination”: permanent identification of problems and implementation of
production process improvements;
• “External adjustment”: preparatory operations were performed prior to Unit
shutdown which allowed reaching the expected result with lower staff number;
• “Quality incorporation in the production process, intelligent automatization”:
availability of unique specialized equipment;
• “Production process smoothing”: redistribution of cutters and riggers in LPC cutting
Phase 1: Preparatory work.
The following operations were performed prior to Unit 4 shutdown:
• A mounting site was prepared between Units 4 and 5 and its perimeter fenced;
• Wall panels between axes 5–8 were dismantles, and a barrier installed;
Reinforcing structures were installed under floor slabs at elevation of 0,00 in axes 5–
8 of the turbine hall as well as temporary supports and metal structures under
condenser bottom;
FIG. VII-4. Temporary supports and metal structures.
A track for the caterpillar crane Liebher LR1350/1 of 350 t hoisting capacity was
FIG. VII-6. Consolidating modules.
• Pulley blocks were installed for dismantling of LPC covers and the receiving–dump
device parts;
FIG. VII-8. Assembling water chambers.
FIG. VII-9. Cutting equipments.
• 1 day: due to modules quality manufacture and design modification (implementation
of improvements at the supplier’s);
• 1 day: due to modification of the technology for condenser shell lowering on the
supports (instead of three descents of consolidated modules, one descent of the shell
was performed) (“exclusion of excess displacements” and “implementation of
Additional power generation due to reduction in outage duration from the planned level came
to more than 680 million kWh.
Labour productivity of the personnel involved in each phase of Unit 4 turbine condenser
replacement during outage – 2014 was increased by 24% (as compared to Unit 1 turbine
condenser replacement during outage – 2012).
Consultants Meetings
Vienna, Austria: 2-5 December 2014
Vienna, Austria: 22-23 March 2016
Technical Meeting
Vienna, Austria: 6-9. October 2015
@ No. 24
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