Churn Prediction2
Churn Prediction2
Churn Prediction2
DOI: 10.32604/csse.2022.025029
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Computing, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National University of Sciences and
Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author: Ali Mustafa Qamar. Email: [email protected]
Received: 08 November 2021; Accepted: 10 December 2021
1 Introduction
As the service industry becomes increasingly competitive, service-oriented enterprises must predict
customer churn: the tendency of existing customers to leave the service provider, typically defined by the
amount of time elapsed since they are engaged with the service. It costs much more—about six times
more to acquire new customers than to retain existing ones [1] because the churn entails both lost
revenue from the churned customers and marketing costs to acquire replacement customers. Besides,
long-term customers tend to yield higher profits than new customers, and it typically is more complicated
to reach new customers. For all of these reasons, every business should strive to reduce the churn.
The ability to predict customer churn is valuable because it enables enterprises to take active steps to
discourage churn behavior and retain current customers [2]. Big data is increasingly captured in various
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
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domains, including finance, weather, business, and even healthcare; the challenge now is not how to obtain
data but how to obtain useful information from the data. Central to this conversation are machine learning
(ML) and statistical algorithms, which can mine vast datasets for patterns and extrapolate consequences
without any actual knowledge of the domain [3].
Within the ML research community, various representation learning procedures apply to multiple levels
of representation. However, recently, deep learning (DL) is emerging as a practical approach for discovering
explanatory factors or features within various levels of particularly complex representations. The features at
higher levels represent increasingly abstract aspects of the data [4]. This research applies DL techniques to a
telecommunication dataset in order to predict customer churn. In contrast, customer churn analysis can be
used to make business decisions and optimize various services. The DL model could also be applied to
multiple domains.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the state-of-the-art is discussed in Section 2, followed by
the dataset details in Section 3. The proposed methodology is presented in Section 4. Section 5 presents the
experimental setup along with the results. The article is concluded in Section 6, along with giving some
future directions.
2 Related Works
Customer churn prediction is a significant affair in Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Nowadays, rapid lifestyle transformations have a severe effect on CRM, and customers can quickly shift
between competitors. Thus, industries are moving their attention from gaining new customers to retaining
their existing customer base. Consequently, there are some outstanding successes offered by such ML and
DL techniques to the challenging problem in churn prediction, as will be discussed later. Prashanth et al.
[5] use logistic regression, Random Forest, and DL architecture, including deep neural network (DNN),
deep belief network (DBN), and recurrent neural network (RNN) for churn prediction in the telecom
industry. Random Forest offered high performance in terms of accuracy, the Area under the ROC curve
(AUC), and Specificity. However, RNN was able to show remarkable performance in terms of Sensitivity.
Umayaparvathi and Iyakutti [6] proposed three deep architecture and built the corresponding churn
prediction model using two telecom datasets. The three deep architecture are Feed-forward Neural
Network (FNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and classification using ML vs. DL
implementation using Python.
The experimental results show that DL-based models perform as valuable as traditional classification
models while considering accuracy as the performance metric. According to the study by Castanedo et al.
[7], the implementation of a multi-layer feed-forward architecture was significant enough to predict the
churn. The used dataset contains Call Detail Records (CDR) and balance replenishment records, which
show if the customer is active or has churned. The employed optimization technique was Stochastic
Gradient Descent (SGD), and they apply dropout as well. For performance metrics only, AUC has been
used to analyze the results. As future work, they suggested the use of deep belief networks.
Another related method was proposed by Karanovic et al. [8]. In this study, the researchers investigate
the applicability of CNN on imbalanced data for churn prediction. They obtained an accuracy of 98% on a
dataset from a telecommunication company named Orange. The optimization of the CNN hyperparameters
was carried through grid search.
Furthermore, Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) was used as an activation function, and Adam was used as
an optimization algorithm. This study shows that CNN achieves better accuracy than other ML algorithms. A
recent review of the literature on this topic is performed by Agrawal [9]. The applied model is developed
using feed-forward neural networks. A specific dropout layer has been added with a value of 0.1. The
multi-layered ANN model results in an accuracy of 80.03%. The best results were obtained using Adam
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From the aforementioned discussion, although ML-based models are gaining traction with churn
prediction and have the potential to deal with a considerable amount of data, DL models have not
attained the full attention of researchers in this field [10,11]. In DL, only some papers have studied the
problem of churn prediction in the telecommunication area. As seen from studies, predictive churn
techniques can be broadly grouped into ANN and CNN techniques. To the best of our knowledge, no
research has been done on the same dataset as considered in this study with a DL model. The dataset is
used only in one study with ML using accuracy as performance metrics. Although ‘Accuracy’ is a good
metric of performance, assessing performance just based on ‘Accuracy’ is insufficient because accuracy is
more predictable and will be the same on small datasets. Other performance indicators, such as Precision,
Recall, F-score, and AUC curve, should be considered in addition to Accuracy [12]. This study ensures
that a variety of performance metrics were utilized to assess the outcome. In most cases, dropout and
Adam are used in DL models for churn prediction. This technique will be used in this study since it has
shown to be notably successful on other churn prediction tasks.
3 Dataset
The data was obtained from a Telecom operator [13] with approximately 100,000 customers (active or
churn) in a CSV file containing three months of customer history. The data set contained 48 attributes,
including traffic type (outgoing/incoming for voice, SMS, and data), destination (on-net, off-net), loyalty,
and traffic behavior. The status of the customer, which can be active or churn, is the class attribute.
Tab. 1 provides details about some of the dataset attributes.
The first two months were used for training and validation, while the third one was kept for testing. The
data is split into training and validation/testing sets with a 67/33 split.
Classification models usually perform best when the class distribution is almost equal. The dataset is
imbalanced if the class is not in a 50/50 or 60/40 distribution. Our dataset is an imbalanced one. The
proposed technique is a combination of under-sampling and oversampling for dataset balancing to
improve the classification results. The process was performed using the WEKA toolkit. In the under-
sampling approach, some instances are deleted from the majority class (Active class), so that the number
of instances in the majority class becomes close to those in the minority class. For this study, the
Resample method is employed for under-sampling. This reduction is made randomly and is therefore
known as random under-sampling. The oversampling process we used is called Synthetic Minority
Oversampling Technique (SMOTE). In simple words, it looks at the feature space for the minority class
data points, and considers its K nearest neighbors. After applying Resample and SMOTE on the dataset,
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we achieved a balanced dataset. As shown in Fig. 1, the churn class presents 40.38% of the total instances,
while the active class presents 59.62% of the training set. Furthermore, in the testing set, the churn class
contains 41.62% of the total instances, while the active class presents 58.37%.
Figure 1: Histogram for the active and churn customers before and after under-sampling the active class and
over-sampling the churn class for the training set
4 Proposed Methodology
In this study, we provide a set of DL models for predicting customers who intend to churn from the
company to improve churn prediction management. We built various models, which could be employed
in any telecom industry to handle churn management in a better way. In particular, we want to prove that
these techniques are sufficiently effective in boosting a telecommunication company’s retention power.
We now discuss the experimental setup and the baseline methods that will be applied to certify the
proposed approach’s efficiency.
The proposed churn prediction framework is presented in Fig. 2. The input data consists of the CDR.
The data is passed to the data preprocessing stage. Here, the class imbalance problem is handled along
with the normalization of the data (if required). Next, three proposed DL architecture are employed to
achieve the desired goals of this research.
4.1 Framework
The essential tool to develop deep neural networks in Python is the Keras API, together with the
TensorFlow in the backend. We implemented the entire model in the PyCharm environment. Furthermore,
TensorFlow 1.11 was installed on a computer with OS X 10.10.5, a desktop with 8 GB RAM, and an
Intel Core i5 Processor with 2.7 GHz. Our models run on the local CPU.
4.2 Implementation
Here, we present the proposed DL architecture for the churn prediction task. The probability of the churn
is predicted by introducing the users’ three month’s data into the model. This research presents three DL
models, based on DNN, CNN, and RNN architecture. The proposed models are configured based on
different hyperparameter tuning experiments. Hyperparameters are the variables that determine how the
network is trained. During training and testing phases, multiple activation function settings were tried.
The activation functions are extremely important since they learn the abstract features through non-linear
transformations [14]. The configuration was selected based on the comparison of the performance of three
activation functions which are Tanh, ReLU, and Sigmoid. Furthermore, four alternative training
algorithms are used to boost the performance of networks [15]. The algorithms that were used were
Adam [16], Nadam [17], SGD [18], and RMSprop [19]. The experiments show that Adam gives the
highest results. Consequently, it is used for configuration.
4.2.1 Deep Neural Network Setup and Training
The initial values of the hyperparameters were carefully chosen according to the validation set results for
different models. The first model is a deep neural network, founded on a multi-layer feed-forward network.
According to Prashanth et al. [5], ANN can be used to accomplish the DL tasks while using more than two
hidden layers. We initialized our model in Keras using a sequential model, which can be considered as a
linear stack of neural layers and mainly involves dense layers. A dense layer is a fully connected (FC)
layer. The model necessitates the data to the first layer with a definite shape. This input shape is
determined by the number of initial parameters that have been extracted from the preprocessing stage
(specifies the number of rows and columns in the input).
We used three hidden layers where each layer has 43 neurons. The number of hidden neurons was
selected based on the rule-of-thumb method presented in Karsoliya’s study [20]. ReLU function performs
the computation of activation for the dense layer. A dropout rate of 0.6 was used between each FC layer
to avoid over-fitting. A sigmoid activation function was used following the single node’s output layer
since our target class is either churn or active.
We compiled the model using the binary cross-entropy loss function and use the efficient Adam with a
learning rate of 0.01. The number of epochs and the number of training iterations over the dataset were
determined by early stopping on the validation set. The patience was set as 22, meaning that if the model
does not improve after 22 epochs in a row, it will be stopped. The model’s performance was evaluated at
the end of each training epoch on the test dataset with the default batch size. Tab. 2 displays the
hyperparameters setting for the model.
Therefore, one of the goals of this study is to study if the overall performance of the presented network
can be improved further at enhancing the model results. For that, another model has been implemented next.
Furthermore, the convolutional layer’s feature maps are the input of the pooling layer and are pooled to
reduce the feature dimensions. MaxPooling (with a pool size of one) is used. Moreover, flatten and dropout
(having a rate of 0.2) are applied between each FC layer to reduce overfitting. After using several
convolutional and pooling layers, the last layer’s output becomes the input of an FC layer, which
ultimately helps in classifying. Since we want to perform binary classification, the output of the FC layer
is calculated by the sigmoid activation function. The structure of the 1D CNN model is presented in
Fig. 3. The model is composed of an input layer defined by the dimension of the dataset, two
convolutional (Conv) layers, two pooling layers, and an FC and output layer.
Adam is used for adapting the learning rate. The number of epochs was determined by early stopping, as
was the case in the DNN model. After selecting the optimal values of different parameters, a predictive model
was trained and evaluated using the first two months from the CDRs. The values of hyper-parameters for the
CNN model are described in Tab. 3. The learning rate is smaller than that of DNN. However, the total number
of parameters is much more than DNN.
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and previous studies is also presented. Finally, we run different experiments to ascertain the performance of
the hyperparameters.
5.2 Results
Once the model has been built and compiled, the next step is to fit the dataset’s proposed models. Three
months of data have been provided. The first two months’ data were used for training (123,442 samples) and
validation (30,861 samples) with an 80:20 split, while the third month was used for testing, which contains
74,847 samples.
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Figure 4: The graph on the left shows the training accuracy curve. Similarly, the one on the right shows the
validation accuracy for the most accurate DNN model against the number of epochs. The best training
accuracy is 0.9918, and the validation accuracy is 0.9956
Figure 5: Training and validation loss curves for the most accurate DNN, where the training and validation
losses are 0.0486 and 0.0138, respectively
From Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, one can observe a significant improvement in the accuracy and reduction in loss
after the 8th epoch. The accuracy saturated around the 20th epoch, where its value reached 0.992. Tab. 4
shows the confusion matrix of the model.
On the left side of Fig. 6, the orange line shows the Precision-Recall curve in the testing phase —the
precision results on the y-axis and the recall results on the x-axis. The Area under the curve is the
Area under the Precision-Recall curve (AUPRC). Similarly, the plot for the Area under the ROC
curve (AUROC) is shown at the right side of Fig. 6, which shows the amount of TP (recall) and FP rate
for the DNN.
1264 CSSE, 2022, vol.43, no.3
Figure 6: On the left is the Precision-Recall curve for the test set with DNN. On the right is the ROC curve
for the test set with DNN
Figure 7: Training and validation accuracy curves for the most accurate CNN, where the best training and
validation accuracy is 0.9994 and 0.9992, respectively
Tab. 5 shows the confusion matrix for the 1D CNN model. The true positives and the true negatives were
the values that the model predicted correctly (Active customers predicted and vice versa with churners).
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Figure 8: Training and validation loss curves for the most accurate CNN where the minimum training and
validation loss are 0.0020 and 0.0019, respectively
Furthermore, the orange line on the left of Fig. 9 shows the Precision-Recall curve in the testing phase.
On the right of Fig. 9, we show the amount of true positive (recall) and false-positive rates for 1D CNN.
Figure 9: On the left is the Precision-Recall curve for the test set for 1D CNN. On the right is the ROC curve
for the test set for 1D CNN
Figure 10: Training and validation accuracy curves for RNN, where the best training and validation
accuracy is 0.9994 and 0.9995, respectively
Tab. 6 shows the confusion matrix for the model. The confusion matrix is generated from the testing of
the Simple RNN model.
Table 6: Confusion matrix for the Simple RNN model on the test data
Predicted class
Active customers Churners
Actual class Active customers TP (39,140) FP (4,552)
Churners FN (1,221) TN (29,934)
On the left of Fig. 11, the orange line shows the Precision-Recall curve in the testing phase. Similarly, the
plot for the ROC curve is provided in the right of Fig. 11, which shows the amount of true-positive (recall)
and false-positive rates for the Simple RNN performance.
Figure 11: On the left side, the Precision-Recall curve for the test is shown. On the right, the ROC curve
corresponding to the test set is shown
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5.3 Discussion
The results of the three proposed models in terms of accuracy, recall, Precision, Specificity, F1-score,
ROC AUC, Precision-Recall Curve (PRC) AUC, and Cohen’s kappa are summarized in Tab. 7 for the
test phase.
DNN achieved the highest test accuracy of 0.96, and 1D CNN showed superior Specificity of 1.0, which
is the proportion of actual churned customers who are correctly identified as churners. The best results were
observed for DNN with AUC Precision-Recall Curve, F1-score, and Cohen’s kappa having values of 0.996,
0.955, and 0.919, respectively. Furthermore, the DNN model obtained the highest ROC AUC for churn
prediction. During the testing phase, comparative results are obtained for the DNN model and lesser
testing accuracy for 1D CNN and RNN. The performance achieved by DNN was significantly better than
the other methods considered in this study. However, there is a prospective for further enhancements with
testing accuracy, and the accuracy may be improved using approaches such as k-folds cross-validation.
Particular challenges associated with the CNN-based model include selecting suitable parameters and the
effect of different learning rates on network convergence. The DNN classifier also warrants a brief
mention as it had the highest precision 0.91 and rapid training, though it was ultimately less accurate than
other training data options.
As shown in Fig. 12, the training accuracy of 1D CNN and Simple RNN models is more than that of the
DNN model, by about 0.007%. The green line denotes the accuracy of the DNN model and the blue line
indicates the accuracy of CNN. The red line represents RNN’s accuracy, which tends to give the best
training results. The CNN model achieves its peak accuracy after just 12 epochs.
The obtained results indicate that DL methods have the potential for predicting the churn. The choice of
network hyper-parameters is essential for acquiring better results, and our experiments suggest the use of
DNN in this regard.
A comparison of the proposed approaches and the results of state-of-the-art methods is provided to
validate the efficiency of the proposed methods. Tab. 8 presents a performance comparison with standard
classification methods.
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Figure 12: The performance plots of the computational training accuracy of various classifiers by epochs.
After 21, 14, and 13 epochs, the training process stopped for DNN, 1D-CNN, and RNN, respectively
From Tab. 8, one can observe that using the J48 algorithm provides better results as compared to other
state-of-the-art methods. Logistic regression achieved much better accuracy (0.999) than Naïve Bayes
(0.952). It is worth recalling that SVM performance is put on top of the proposed approaches in our
study in terms of Precision. The baseline classifier models generally outperform the proposed methods
considerably in most performance measures, particularly in this churn prediction task.
We compare our results for the proposed approaches and the baseline methods with the work by Qureshi
et al. [21], which was the only study found so far working with the same Telecom dataset. The comparison
shows that our methods achieved significantly better performance. According to Tab. 9, the previous research
suffers from reduced sensitivity, particularly for predicting the churn in the dataset. The proposed methods
obtained better performance for both accuracy and sensitivity for predicting the churn.
Table 9: Comparison of the proposed approaches against other works reported in the literature
Classifier Accuracy Recall (Active) Recall (Churn)
Exhaustive CHAID 0.75 0.76 0.60
DNN 0.96 0.93 1.0
1D CNN 0.91 0.85 1.0
Simple RNN 0.93 0.90 0.96
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The best accuracy of 0.75 was obtained with an Exhaustive CHAID algorithm, a variant of the standard
decision tree algorithm. We can observe that the recall for churners was 60%, whereas the recall for active
customers was 76%. For the Telecom database, the proposed method outperformed the previous work.
Therefore, our conclusion from the experimental results is that DL models perform equivalent to the
baseline methods, which was confirmed in Umayaparvathi and Iyakutti’s study [6].
Acknowledgement: The researchers would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research, Qassim
University for funding the publication of this project.
Funding Statement: The authors received no specific funding for this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the
present study.
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