Early Childhood
Early Childhood
Early Childhood
Fine Motor Skills - involve the use of small Cognitive development in preschoolers
muscles in the arms, hands, and fingers. Fine focuses on information processing, such as
motor skills are supported by children’s decision-making, attention, memory,
improvements in perception, or the ways in language abilities, learning, and perceptional
which children use their senses to skills. This lesson will help you understand
experience the world around them. typical cognitive development, or how
children develop thinking skills during the
Influences on Physical Growth preschool years.
Brain development: Even though motor During preschool, amazing changes happen
abilities in preschool emerge as a result of with children's thinking skills. Their
memories are becoming stronger, which experiences and interactions with others,
means they often remember surprising they learn to share, cooperate, resolve
details. They can share their ideas in new conflict, negotiate, and make friends.
and interesting ways. Their imaginations are
Tips To Encourage Your Preschoolers'
becoming a primary vehicle for play and
Cognitive Development
learning. They begin to compare, contrast,
organize, analyze, and come up with more Allow for mistakes.
and more complex ways to solve problems, Celebrate their successes.
which helps their math skills. This lesson Encourage decision-making
will highlight cognitive developmental Spend quality time playing together.
milestones for preschoolers. Help them learn about friendship,
Milestone sharing, and empathy
Invite your youngster to help with
Watching preschool children’s thinking simple chores.
skills develop as they encounter new people,
Support problem-solving
places, and ideas is exciting. The chart
Talk with your preschooler
below highlights cognitive development
during the preschool years. Keep in mind
that individual differences exist when it
Cognitive Activities For Preschoolers
comes to the specific age at which children
meet these milestones; each child is unique. As the parent, you can help increase your
child's cognitive learning by making
Play and Cognitive Development in Early
available fun and playful cognitive
activities. No structured agenda or lesson
Play is not only a vital component of plan is required. Just plenty of time to play
cognitive development in early childhood alone and with others expanding their
but also allows parents to engage with their experiences.
children. The more your child plays, the
more they test their limits, explore
challenges and fine-tune their decision- Emotional Development for Preschoolers
making skills. Through social interaction
with adults and their peers, they begin Socio-Emotional Milestones - Both social
developing their language skills. and emotional development include
behaviors that represent children’s
How To Promote Cognitive Development In emotional growth and their ability to
Preschoolers successfully navigate their world through
interactions with adults and peers. Since
All types of play, even adult-guided play,
these skills develop together, this area of
are beneficial. When children are playing,
development is referred to as social-
they explore, think, create, experiment, learn
emotional development. Social-emotional
how things work, and solve problems. As a
milestones focus on children’s developing
matter of fact, children need lots of
abilities to regulate their attention, emotions,
unstructured play that helps build
confidence and resiliency. Through these
and behavior, and to form positive own emotions or feelings, as well as the
relationships with adults and peers. feelings and emotions of others.
Preschoolers and Socio-Emotional
Relationships with others: Supporting Preschool Children’s Socio-
Emotional Development - Children learn
Preschoolers engage in pretend play with social-emotional skills in the context of their
friends and use words and sentences to relationships by watching, imitating, and
express their feelings and thoughts. Even responding to the social behaviors of others.
though they may still need adult support to Children also learn from the way others
share toys and materials with friends, they respond to their emotions.
improve on their own as time passes.
Healthy socio-emotional development is
Self-awareness: highly associated with responsive
caregiving. Responsive caregivers:
Preschoolers improve their ability to control
their bodies during different activities Offer support and positive feedback
throughout the day. They learn to take turns Provide stimulating materials
and have conversations with peers, Play and engage with children
acknowledge and use their own names and Share events and experiences
the names of others, and self-evaluate and Follow the child’s lead
know when they made appropriate or Support children’s interests and
inappropriate choices. learning
Emotional regulation: Plan meaningful opportunities
throughout the day to help children
Preschoolers display a variety of emotions in practice and learn social skills.
different ways. For example, they may use
words to share their feelings such as “I am Mildred Parten’s 6 Stages of Play
upset”, they may match facial expressions to
happy, mad, sad, or they may laugh when 1. Unoccupied play - This type of play
excited. sets the foundation for the stages that
follow. It’s a period of time where
Independence: babies and young children take part
in unstructured play—mostly by
Preschoolers with a healthy sense of exploring materials around them
independence will follow predictable daily without any sort of agenda.
routines and activities in family child care, 2. Solitary play - This type of play
at home and outside the home, for example, occurs when little ones are exploring
at an outdoor playground. They may start on their own. Without anyone from
identifying a favorite friend and ask that the outside world manipulating their
friend to play or independently play with environment, children involved in
toys and materials. solitary play can explore freely.
Hair Growth
Physical Development - Rates of growth
generally slow during these years. Typically, Hair will start to grow in the armpits and
a child will gain about 4-6 pounds a year pubic areas.
and grow about 2-3 inches per year. They
also tend to slim down and gain muscle Boys:
strength and lung capacity making it
possible to engage in strenuous physical Hair will start to grow and become thicker.
activity for long periods of time.
New hair will also grow in the armpits and
Breast pubic area around the genitals.
May start developing chest and facial hair. out sexual content in television, movies, the
internet, and printed material.
Height - An average of 2 ½ inches in height
and an average of an inch I head Cognitive Development - Intermediate
circumference each year. school children greatly enjoy the cognitive
abilities that they can now utilize more
Weight - During late childhood, a child's effectively as compared to their thinking
weight on average, may be 2.3 to 3.2 skills during their primary years.
kilograms per year.
Cognitive Delay
Muscle - Weight increase was mainly due to
the increase in size of skeletal and muscular Cognitive delays may affect a child's
systems as well as several organs. intellectual functioning, interfering with
awareness and causing learning difficulties
Motor Skills that often become apparent after a child
begins school. Children with cognitive
- During this stage, movements or the delays may also have difficulty
muscles and bones become more communicating and playing with others.
coordinated. At the age of 10 or 11 years,
most children will have learned to play
sports like swimming, basketball, volleyball
and running. These physical skills become a Socio-Emotional Development - - At this
source of pleasure and great achievement to period of socio-emotional development,
the children. children are spending less time at home. The
bulk of their time is spent outside the home,
Insecurities either alone or with other children, rather
than with adults. Other children have
At this stage, children may become very already familiarized themselves with other
concerned about their physical appearance. children.
Girls especially, may become concerned
about their weight and decide to eat less. Understanding Self-Competence, Self-
Boys may become aware of their stature and Identity and Self-Concept
muscle size and strength. Since this stage
can bring about insecurities, parents and One of the most widely recognized
teachers must be very conscious about their characteristics of this period of development
dealing with these children. is the acquisition of feelings of self-
competence. This is what Erik Erikson
Sexual Development - Once children enter referred to when he described the
grade school (approximately ages 7–12), developmental task of middle childhood-the
their awareness of social rules increases and social crisis industry versus inferiority.
they may become more modest and want Industry refers to the drive to acquire new
more privacy, particularly around adults. skills and do meaningful "work".
Curiosity about adult sexual behavior also
tends to increases—particularly as puberty There are five types of peer status:
approaches—and children may begin to seek
Popular - frequently nominated as changes and growth spurts, there is a large
the best friend and one who is rarely focus on the development of children’s
disliked by peers. brains from birth until 5 years of age.
Average - receive an average number
of positive and negative nominations
from peers.
Neglected - very seldom nominated Concentration
as best friend but I not rarely
disliked. School-age children are able to focus on a
Rejected - infrequently nominated as task or topic. They begin to develop
a best friend but one who is also methods of ignoring distractions when
disliked by peers. focusing on a task.
Controversial - frequently nominated
as a best friend but at the same time Memory
is disliked by peers.
Both long- and short-term memory skills
Family improve in school-age children. They can
recall important things from months or even
Family support at this stage is crucial. If years in the past and can recall things like
children do not find a supportive family where they put their jacket after outdoor
when they find their interest (e.g. in hobbies time.
like riding a bike or playing a musical
instrument) they can easily get frustrated. Attention span
Socioeconomics Milestone
A family’s financial status can affect the Both social and emotional development
types of food that are available and include behaviors that represent children’s
accessible, as well as the types of activities a emotional growth and their ability to
child may be able to participate in. successfully navigate their world through
Additionally, families experiencing financial interactions with adults and peers.
issues may also not be able to provide
proper medical care.
2 types of underachiever