Myofuncional 3
Myofuncional 3
Myofuncional 3
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Intra-Oral Examination 5mm. There is moderate crowding in upper and lower anterior
Intraoral examination on frontal view shows presence of a region. The upper and lower arch shows the presence of a V
deep overbite, on side views the patient shows the presence of shaped arch form. OPG of the patient shows presence of all
Class II div 1 incisor relationship, an End on canine four 3rd molars in a developing stage. Hand wrist radiograph
relationship on both sides and an end on molar relationship on shows SMI stage 3 and lateral cephalogram is clearly
both sides. Patient has an overjet of 7 mm and an overbite of indicative of a concex facial profile and a recessive lower jaw,
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Pre Treatment Cephalometric Readings maxillary and mandibular anteriors, forwardly placed
Parameters Pre- Treatment
maxillary and mandibular anteriors and protrusive upper
SNA 83° and lower lips
SNB 76° 2. Tweeds analysis shows a Horizontal growth pattern and
ANB 7° proclined mandibular incisors
WITS 5mm 3. Wits appraisal shows AO ahead of BO by 4 mm
MAX. LENGTH 75mm indicating Skeletal Class II pattern
MAN. LENGTH 98mm 4. Ricketts analysis shows a retrognathic
IMPA 110° mandible,retropositioned condyles and proclined
NASOLABIAL ANGLE 88° mandibular anteriors
U1 TO NA DEGREES 39° 5. McNamara analysis shows a retrognathic maxilla,
U1 TO NA mm 8mm retrognathic mandible, a horizontal growth pattern,
L1 TO NB DEGREES 35° decreased lower anterior facial height and proclined
L1 TO NB mm 7mm mandibular incisors
U1/L1 ANGLE 103° 6. Rakosi Jaraback analysis shows a Horizontal growth
pattern and proclined maxillary and mandibular incisors
7. Holdaway soft tissue analysis shows increased maxillary
FMA 24°
and mandibular sulcus depth and increased strain of lips
Y AXIS 69° 8. Downs analysis shows a retropositioned chin, a Class II
Skeletal pattern, a horizontal growth pattern and
1. Steiners analysis shows an average maxilla and a proclined maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth
retrognathic mandible, Class II Skeletal pattern, an
Average to Horizontal growth pattern, proclined Model Analysis
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Treatment Progress of the case. The overall treatment time was 24 months, i.e., 12
Construction bite of the patient was registered by training the months of functional appliance wear and 12 months of fixed
patient to bite in the desired anterior position which corrected appliance treatment. The molar relationship was
the profile and enabled a class I molar relation bilaterally. overcorrected to a super Class I on the right and left side.
Construction bite was taken with 6mm advancement and 4 Retention by means of both removable Hawleys retainer was
mm opening. Clarks Twinblock was fabricated and appliance given for 1 year and permmanent Lingual Bonded retainers in
was delivered to the patient and proper post appliance upper and lower arch were given.
delivery instructions were given. Follow ups were carried out
regularly. Pterygoid response was observed in the patient
within 28 days of delivery of the appliance. Trimming of the
appliance was done in an occlusogingival direction at an
interval of 3 weeks. Sagittal correction into a class I molar
relation was achieved in 8 months. Photograph of Profile
change after myofunctional therapy show the positive change
in patients profile.
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Removable Retention
Fixed Retention
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
Profile Changes Pre-Treatment, After Twinblock Therapy and After Fixed Appliance Treatment
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