Golden Notes - Mercantile Law - Removed
Golden Notes - Mercantile Law - Removed
Golden Notes - Mercantile Law - Removed
NOTE: There is no willful misconduct if the airplane incorporation law or charter or by means of general
was lost without a trace. In such case, no willful corporation law.
misconduct can be proved because if the airplane is
lost without a trace, there is no proof of the act or XPN: For corporations by prescription, such
omission or the proximate cause of the accident. authority is not necessary (De Leon, 2010).
(Wyman and Barlett v. Pan American Airways, Inc.,
CCH 1 AVI 1093 (1943) NOTE: A corporation by prescription is one which
has exercised powers for an indefinite period
without interference on the part of the sovereign
power and which by fiction of law, is given the status
of a corporation (De Leon, 2010).
The government owns a stock or non-stock A franchise includes any special privilege or right
corporation if it has controlling interest in the affected with public interest, conferred by the State
corporation. In a stock corporation, the controlling on corporations or persons and which does not
interest of the government is assured by its belong to the citizens of the country, generally as a
ownership of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the matter of common right (De Leon, 2010, citing JRS
corporate capital stock. In a non-stock corporation, Business Corp. v. Imperial Insurance, Inc., G.R. No. L-
like the MECO, jurisprudence teaches that the 19891, July 31, 1964)
controlling interest of the government is affirmed
when "at least majority of the members are Kinds of franchise
government officials holding such membership by
appointment or designation" or there is otherwise Primary vs. Secondary Franchise
"substantial participation of the government in the
selection" of the corporation’s governing board. PRIMARY
The fact of the incorporation of the MECO under the Special authority given to a
Corporation Code is the key. The MECO was correct corporation to engage in a
in postulating that, as a corporation organized specialized business (e.g.
under the Corporation Code, it is governed by the banks, insurance companies,
appropriate provisions of the said code, its articles right to use the streets of a
of incorporation and its by-laws. In this case, it is the municipality to lay pipes of
by-laws of the MECO that stipulates that its tracks, erect poles, or string
directors are elected by its members; its officers are wires).
elected by its directors; and its members, other than
the original incorporators, are admitted by way of a Certain rights and privileges
unanimous board resolution. conferred upon existing
The franchise corporations (J.R.S. Business
It is significant to note that none of the original or authority to Corp. v. Imperial Insurance,
incorporators of the MECO were shown to be exist as a supra).
government officials at the time of the corporation’s corporation
organization. Indeed, none of the members, officers The franchise to exercise
or board of directors of the MECO, from its powers and privileges granted
incorporation up to the present day, were to such corporation to the
established as government appointees or public business for which it was
officers designated by reason of their office. There created, including those
is, in fact, no law or executive order that authorizes conferred for purposes of
such an appointment or designation. Hence, from a public benefit such as the
strictly legal perspective, it appears that the power of eminent domain and
presidential "desire letters" pointed out by Funa other powers and privileges
are, no matter how strong its persuasive effect may enjoyed by public utilities (De
be, merely recommendatory. Leon, 2010).
GR: Granted by
It is a sui generis private entity especially entrusted the
by the government with the facilitation of unofficial Granted by a Government
relations with the people in Taiwan without Agency, or a Municipal
jeopardizing the country’s faithful commitment to Corporation
the One China policy of the PROC. However, despite with a special
A corporation has a capacity of continuous existence GR: Corporations have no power to enter into
irrespective of the death, withdrawal, insolvency, or partnership.
incapacity of the individual stockholders or
members and regardless of the transfer of their XPN: The SEC allowed corporations to enter into
interest or shares of stock (De Leon, 2010). partnerships with other corporations and
individuals provided: (ENLiT)
A corporation may exist up to the period stated in
the articles of incorporation not exceeding 50 years 1. The authority to enter into partnership relation
from the date of incorporation, unless sooner is expressly conferred by the Charter or the
dissolved or unless said period is extended (CC, Sec. Articles of Incorporation (AOI)
11). Note: The Revised Corporation Code now allows 2. The nature of the business venture to be
corpotations to have perpetual existence. undertaken by the partnership is in line with
the business authorized by the charter or the
4. Powers, attributes and properties of a AOI (SEC Opinions, Feb. 29, 1980, December 1,
Corporation 1993, and February 23, 1994).
3. The partnership must be a limited partnership
The powers that a corporation can exercise are only and the corporation must be a limited partner.
those which are granted by the law of its creation. 4. If it is a foreign corporation, it must obtain a
All powers which may be implied from those license to transact business in the country.
expressly provided by law and those which are
incidental or essential to the corporation’s existence Q: May a corporation enter into a joint venture?
may also be exercised (CC, Sec. 36). (1996 Bar)
TEST: Whether the act of the corporation is in direct A: YES. A corporation may enter into a joint venture
and immediate furtherance of its business, fairly with another where the nature is in line with the
incidental to the express powers and reasonably business authorized by its charter. (Tuason v.
necessary to their exercise. Bolanos, G.R. L-4935, May 28, 1954).
The power to institute expropriation However, in as much as the term “joint venture” has
proceedings is not granted to all corporations no precise legal definition, it may take various
forms. It could take the form of a simple pooling of
Only quasi-public corporations or those affected resources (not involving incorporation) between
with public interest are given the power to institute two or more corporations for a specific project,
condemnation proceedings against owners of purpose or undertaking, or for a limited time. It may
private property. To grant the right of eminent involve the creation of a more formal structure, and,
domain to purely private entities exercising hence, the formation of a corporation. What is
functions, which are not public in nature, would be prohibited by law is the creation of partnership
For a stock corporation to exist, two requisites must Defects precluding creation of corporation
be complied with, to wit:
1. A capital stock divided into shares and 1. Absence of articles of incorporation;
2. An authority to distribute to the holders of such 2. Failure to file articles of incorporation with SEC;
shares, dividends or allotments of the surplus 3. Lack of certificate of incorporation from SEC.
profits on the basis of the shares held (Sec. 3, CC;
CIR v. Club Filipino de Ceb, G.R. No. L-12719, May NOTE: In this case, neither a de jure nor a de facto
31, 1962). corporation is created.
A corporation sole does not have any nationality but 1. Obtaining an order from the RTC of the
for purposes of applying nationalization laws, province where the property is situated after
nationality is determined not by the nationality of notice of the application for leave to sell or
its presiding elder but by the nationality of its mortgage has been given by publication or
members, constituting the sect in the Philippines. otherwise and by showing that it is for the
Thus, the Roman Catholic Church can acquire lands interest of the corporation that leave to sell or
in the Philippines even if it is headed by the Pope mortgage should be granted;
(Roman Catholic Apostolic Church v. Land 2. In cases where the rules, regulations and
Registration Commission, G.R. No. L-8451, December discipline of the religious denomination, sect or
20, 1957). church, religious society or order concerned
represented by such corporation sole regulate
Acquisition of property by a corporation sole the method of acquiring, holding, selling and
mortgaging real estate and personal property,
A corporation sole may acquire property even such rules, regulations and discipline shall
without court intervention by purchase, donation control, and the intervention of the courts shall
and other lawful means (Ibid). not be necessary (Sec. 113, CC).
The minority of Filipinos Catholic congregation who In a case, the Canons of the Iglesia Filipino
separated and refused to recognize the authority of Independiente provide that all real properties of the
the Roman Catholic Church has no right to claim the church can be disposed of only with the approval
property, because they committed schism. (Canelo and conformity of the laymen’s committee, the
vs. CA 171 SCRA 13) parish priest, the Diocesan Bishop, with sanction of
the Supreme Council, and finally with the approval
Q: Father X, an American priest who came from of the Supreme Bishop, as administrator of all the
New York, registered the Diocese of Bacolod of temporalities of the Church, yet the Supreme Bishop
the Roman Catholic Church which was sold motu propio a parcel of land of the IFI despite
incorporated as a corporation sole. There were the objection of the laymen, the sale is void and the
years when the head of the Diocese was a land must be reconveyed to IFI (Iglesia Filipina
Filipino, but there were more years when the Independiente v. Heirs of Bernardino Tazea, G.R. No.
heads were foreigners. Today, the head is an 179597, February 3, 2014).
American again. Y donated a piece of land
located in Bacolod City for use as a school. Which Dissolution of a corporation sole is not
statement is most accurate? (2012 Bar) necessary for it to become a corporation
A: C. “Any corporation sole may purchase and hold
real estate and personal property for its church, There is no point in dissolving the corporation sole
charitable, benevolent or educational purposes, and of one member to enable the corporation aggregate
may receive bequests or gifts for such purposes” to emerge from it. The Corporation Code provides
(Sec. 113, CC). no specific mechanism for amending the articles of
incorporation of a corporation sole but Section 109
Being a mere administrator of the temporalities or of the Corporation Code allows the application to
properties titled in his name, the constitutional religious corporations of the general provisions
provisions requiring 60% (or 100%) Filipino governing non-stock corporations.
ownership are not applicable to the corporation
sole. The ownership thereof devolves upon the In non-stock corporations, the amendment needs
church or congregation acquiring the same. To own the concurrence of at least two-thirds of its
the property, compliance with the constitutionally membership. If such approval mechanism is made
required 60% (or 100%) Filipino capital is to operate in a corporation sole, its one member in
determined by the nationality of the constituents of whom all the powers of the corporation technically
the diocese (church or congregation), and not the belongs, needs to get the concurrence of two-thirds
CONTROL TEST NOTE: The fact that the religious organization has
no capital stock does not suffice to escape the
In determining the nationality of a corporation, the constitutional inhibition, since it is admitted that its
control test uses the nationality of the controlling members are of foreign nationality. The purpose of
stockholders or members of the corporation. the 60% requirement is obviously to ensure that
corporations or associations allowed to acquire
A corporation organized/incorporated abroad and agricultural land or to exploit natural resources
registered as doing business in the Philippines shall be controlled by Filipinos; and the spirit of the
under the Corporation Code, of which 100% of the Constitution demands that in the absence of capital
capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote is stock, the controlling membership should be
wholly owned by Filipinos, may be considered a composed of Filipino citizens (Register of Deeds vs.
Philippine National under the Foreign Investments Ung Sui Si Temple, G.R. No. L-6776, May 21, 1955).
Act of 1991. This is the only exception to the place of
incorporation test (SEC Opinion No. 04-14, March 3, GRANDFATHER RULE
2004; De Leon, 2010). This test was adopted by the
said law as a general guideline in determining the To ensure compliance with the constitutional
nationality of corporations engaged in a limitation(s) of corporations engaging in
nationalized activity (Sec Opinion No. 07-20, nationalized activities, the nationality of a
November 20, 2007). corporation must be determined by ascertaining if
60% of the investing corporation’s outstanding
Who are considered as Philippine Nationals capital stock is owned by “Filipino citizens”, or as
interpreted, by natural or individual Filipino
Under RA 7042 (Foreign Investment Act of 1991), citizens. If such investing corporation is in turn
the following are considered Philippine Nationals: owned to some extent by another investing
corporation, the same process must be observed.
1. Corporations organized under Philippine laws
of which 60% of the capital stock outstanding Reason: One must not stop until the citizenships of
and entitled to vote is owned and held by the individual or natural stockholders of layer after
Filipino citizens. layer of investing corporations have been
established, for this is the very essence of the
NOTE: RA 7042 provides that where a Grandfather Rule (Redmont Consolidated Mines
corporation and its non-Filipino stockholders
1. Financing companies regulated by the SEC (Sec. Q: The Olongapo City filed a complaint for sum
6, R.A. 5980 as amended by R.A. 8556) of money and damages against Olongapo City
2. Investment houses regulated by the SEC (Sec. 5, Water District (OCWD). It alleged that OCWD
P.D. 129 as amended by R.A. 8366) failed to pay its electricity bills to Olongapo City
and remit its payment under the contract to pay,
Q: Bell Philippines, Inc. (BellPhil.) is a public pursuant to OCWD’s acquisition of Olongapo
utility company, duly incorporated and City’s water system. In the interim, OCWD
Q: Ronald Sham doing business under the name Reason for liability in cases of torts
of SHAMRON Machineries (Shamron) sold to
Turtle Mercantile (Turtle) a diesel farm tractor. A corporation is civilly liable in the same manner as
In payment, Turtle’s President and Manager natural persons for torts, because generally
XPN: If the penalty of the crime is only fine or A: YES. AMEC is entitled to moral damages. A
forfeiture of license or franchise (Ching v Secretary juridical person is generally not entitled to moral
of Justice, supra). damages because, unlike a natural person, it cannot
experience physical suffering or such sentiments as
RECOVERY OF MORAL DAMAGES wounded feelings, serious anxiety, mental anguish
or moral shock. Nevertheless, AMEC’s claim for
Recovery of moral damages moral damages falls under item 7 of Article 2219 of
the Civil Code. This provision expressly authorizes
GR: A corporation is not entitled to moral damages the recovery of moral damages in cases of libel,
because it has no feelings, no emotions, no senses slander or any other form of defamation. Article
(ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 128690 2219(7) does not qualify whether the plaintiff is a
January 21, 1999). natural or juridical person. Therefore, a juridical
person such as a corporation can validly complain
XPNs: for libel or any other form of defamation and claim
1. The corporation may recover moral damages for moral damages (Filipinas Broadcasting Network,
under item 7 of Article 2219 of the New Civil Inc., v. AMEC-BCCM, supra).
Code because said provision expressly
authorizes the recovery of moral damages in Q: Meralco and T.E.A.M. Electronics Corporation
cases of libel, slander, or any other form of (TEC) were parties to two separate contracts for
defamation. the sale of electric energy. Meralco undertook to
supply TEC’s building known as DCIM with
NOTE: Article 2219(7) does not qualify electric power. One day, Meralco conducted a
whether the injured party is a natural or surprise inspection of the electric meters
juridical person. Therefore, a corporation, as a installed at the DCIM building. Two meters
juridical person, can validly complain for libel were found to be allegedly tampered with and
or any other form of defamation and claim for did not register the actual power consumption
moral damages (Filipinas Broadcasting in the building. Meralco informed TEC of the
Network, Inc. v. AMEC-BCCM, G.R. No. 141994, results of the inspection and demanded from the
January 17, 2005). latter the payment of its unregistered
consumption. TEC failed to pay the same.
2. When the corporation has a reputation that is
debased, resulting in its humiliation in the business For failure to pay, Meralco disconnected the
realm (MERALCO v. T.E.A.M. Electronics Corp., et. al., electricity supply to the DCIM building. TEC
G.R. No. 131723, December 13, 2007). demanded from Meralco the reconnection of
electrical service, claiming that it had nothing to
DOCTRINE OF PIERCING THE CORPORATE VEIL Q: Rosario Lorezo received, upon inquiry, a
letter from the Social Security System, informing
The doctrine of piercing the corporate veil is the her that she cannot avail of their retirement
doctrine that allows the State to disregard, for benefits since per their record she has only paid
certain justifiable reasons, the notion that a 16 months. Aggrieved, Lorezo then filed her
corporation has a personality separate and distinct Amended Petition before the SSC, alleging that
from the persons composing it. she was employed as laborer in. Cataywa
managed by Jose Marie Villanueva in 1970 but
Where it appears that business enterprises are was reported to the SSS only in 1978. She alleged
owned, conducted and controlled by the same that SSS contributions were deducted from her
parties, law and equity will disregard the legal wages from 1970 to 1995, but not all were
fiction that these corporations are distinct entities remitted to the SSS which, subsequently, caused
and shall treat them as one. This is in order to the rejection of her claim. She also impleaded
protect the rights of third persons (Vicmar Talisay Farms, Inc. by virtue of its Investment
Development Corporation v. Elarcos, et al., G.R. No. Agreement with Mancy and Sons Enterprises.
202215, December 09, 2015, Del Castillo, J.). She also prayed that the veil of corporate fiction
be pierced since she alleged that Mancy and
In order to justify the piercing of the corporate veil, Sons Enterprises and Manuel and Jose Marie
allegation or proof of fraud or other public policy Villanueva are one and the same. Should Mancy
considerations is needed (Hacienda Luisita and Sons Enterprises’ veil of corporate fiction be
Incorporated vs. Presidential Agrarian Reform pierced?
Council, G.R. No. 171101, November 22, 2011).
A: NO. The Court has expressed the language of
NOTE: This is an exception to the Doctrine of piercing doctrine when applied to alter ego cases, as
Separate Corporate Entity. follows: Where the stock of a corporation is owned
by one person whereby the corporation functions
Effect of piercing the corporate veil only for the benefit of such individual owner, the
corporation and the individual should be deemed
1. The corporation will be treated merely as an the same.
association of persons -undertaking a business
CBB failed to pay the rest of the amount as the Q: Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) extended
company ceased operations. Livesey moved for a series of credit accommodations to ECO using
the issuance of an alias writ of execution, the trust funds of PVTA. The proceeds of the
alleging that CBB and Keith Elliot have credit accommodations were received on behalf
organized another corporation, “Binswanger of ECO by Emmanuel Oñate. Upon maturity of
Philippines, Inc.” He claimed that there was the loans, ECO failed to pay the same. ECO then
evidence showing that CBB and Binswanger submitted a Plan of Payment to LBP, however,
Philippines, Inc. are one and the same the latter rejected the same. LBP filed a
corporation, pointing out that CBB stands for complaint for collection of sum of money against
Chesterton Blumenauer Binswanger. ECO and Oñate. LBP contends that the
personalities of Oñate and of ECO should be
Is the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate treated as one holding Oñate liable for the loans
fiction applicable? incurred by ECO from Land Bank. Is Oñate
jointly and severally liable with ECO for the
A: YES. Shortly after Elliot forged the compromise loans incurred from LBP?
agreement with Livesey, CBB ceased operations.
There was an indubitable link between CBB’s A: NO. Oñate should not be held jointly and
closure and Binswanger’s incorporation. CBB severally liable with ECO. A corporation, upon
ceased to exist only in name; it re–emerged — to coming into existence, is invested by law with a
avoid payment by CBB of the last two installments personality separate and distinct from those
of its monetary obligation to Livesey, as well as its persons composing it as well as from any other legal
other financial liabilities. A reasonable mind would entity to which it may be related. By this attribute, a
arrive at the conclusion that Binswanger is CBB’s stockholder may not, generally, be made to answer
Piercing the veil of corporate fiction on the basis Piercing the Corporate Veil may Apply to
of equity Natural Persons
Equity cases applying the piercing doctrine are 1. When the Corporation is the Alter Ego of a
what are termed the "dumping ground", where no Natural Person. The piercing of the corporate veil
fraud or alter ego circumstances can be culled by the may apply to corporations as well as natural
Court to warrant piercing. persons involved with corporations. The "corporate
mask may be lifted and the corporate veil may be
The main feature of equity cases is the need to pierced when a corporation is just but the alter ego
render justice in the situation at hand or to brush of a person or of another corporation."
aside merely technical defenses. Often, equity cases
of piercing appear in combination with other types 2. Reverse Piercing of the Corporate Veil. From
of piercing (Villanueva, 2010). American parlance of what is called reverse piercing
or reverse corporate piercing or piercing the
Specifically, the equity test can be applied when: corporate veil "in reverse." As held in the U.S. Case,
C.F. Trust, Inc., v. First Flight Limited Partnership,
1. The corporate personality would be 50 "in a traditional veil-piercing action, a court
inconsistent with the business purpose of the disregards the existence of the corporate entity so a
legal fiction; claimant can reach the assets of a corporate insider.
2. The piercing the corporate fiction is necessary In a reverse piercing action, however, the plaintiff
to achieve justice or equity for those who deal seeks to reach the assets of a corporation to satisfy
in good faith with the corporation; or claims against a corporate insider." "Reverse-
3. When the use of the separate juridical piercing flows in the opposite direction (of
personality is used to confuse legitimate issues. traditional corporate veil-piercing) and makes the
corporation liable for the debt of the shareholders."
Indications that a subsidiary corporation is a
mere instrumentality of its parent corporation It has two (2) types:
a. Outsider reverse piercing occurs when a party with
1. The parent corporation owns all or most of the a claim against an individual or corporation
capital stock of the subsidiary. attempts to be repaid with assets of a corporation
2. The parent and subsidiary corporations have owned or substantially controlled by the defendant.
common directors or officers. b. Insider reverse piercing, the controlling members
3. The parent corporation finances the subsidiary. will attempt to ignore the corporate fiction in order
4. The parent corporation subscribes to all the to take advantage of a benefit available to the
capital stock of the subsidiary or otherwise corporation, such as an interest in a lawsuit or
causes its incorporation. protection of personal assets. (IAM/Es vs. Litton and
5. The subsidiary has grossly inadequate capital. Company Inc. December 13, 2017, G.R. No. 191525)
6. The parent corporation pays the salaries and
other expenses or losses of the subsidiary. Q: Plaintiffs filed a collection action against X
7. The subsidiary has substantially no business Corporation. Upon execution of the court's
except with the parent corporation or no assets decision, X Corporation was found to be without
except those conveyed to or by the parent assets. Thereafter, the plaintiffs filed an action
corporation. against its present and past stockholder, Y
8. In the papers of the parent corporation or in the Corporation, which owned substantially all of
statements of its officers, the subsidiary is the stocks of X corporation. The two
described as a department or division of the corporations have the same board of directors
parent corporation, or its business or financial and Y Corporation financed the operations of X
responsibility is referred to as the parent corporation. May Y Corporation be held liable
corporation’s own. for the debts of X Corporation? Why? (2001 Bar)
9. The parent corporation uses the property of the
subsidiary as its own. A: YES. Y Corporation may be held liable for the
10. The directors or executives of the subsidiary do debts of X Corporation. The doctrine of piercing the
not act independently in the interest of the veil of corporation fiction applies to this case. The
subsidiary but take their orders from the parent two corporations have the same board of directors
corporation. and Y Corporation owned substantially all of the
1. Corporators – Those who compose a Note: Under the Revised Corporation Code,
corporation, whether as stockholders or partnership, association or corporation, singly or
members jointly with others may now form a corporation
2. Incorporators –Those mentioned in the Articles
of Incorporation as originally forming and 2. GR: Incorporators must not be less than 5 but
composing the corporation and who are not more than 15
signatories thereof.
3. Directors and trustees – The Board of Directors XPNS: (SEC)
is the governing body in a stock corporation
while the Board of Trustees is the governing 1. Corporation sole
body in a non-stock corporation. 2. Educational institutions
4. Corporate Officers – Officers who are identified 3. Close corporations
as such in the Corporation Code, the Articles of
Incorporation, or the By-laws of the Note: The Revised Corporation Code is silent as to
corporation. the minimum number of incorporators. However, it
5. Stockholders – Owners of shares of stock in a retained the maximum number of incorporators
stock corporation. which must not be more than 15.
6. Members – Corporators of a non-stock
corporation. They are not owners of shares of 3. An incorporator must be of Legal age
stocks, and their membership depends on 4. Majority of the incorporators must be
terms provided in the articles of incorporation Residents of the Philippines (2006 Bar)
or by-laws (CC, Sec. 91,CC). 5. Each must own or subscribe to at least one
7. Promoter – A person who, acting alone or with share (Sec.10, CC)
others, takes initiative in founding and
organizing the business or enterprise of the Note:
issuer and receives consideration therefor
(Securites and Regulation Code [SRC], Sec. 3.10). Q: What is the minimum and maximum number
of incorporators required to incorporate a stock
NOTE: Non-residents may be incorporators that already reserved or registered for the use of
because the law only requires that the majority of another corporation, or if such name is already
incorporators be residents of the Philippines. protected by law, or when its use is contrary to
existing law, rules and regulations.
Q: X is a Filipino immigrant residing in
Sacramento, California. Y is a Filipino residing in A name is not distinguishable even if it contains
Quezon City, Philippines. Z is a resident alien one or more of the following:
residing in Makati City. GGG Corporation is a
domestic corporation – 40% owned by (a) The word “corporation”, “company”,
foreigners and 60% owned by Filipinos, with T “incorporated”,“limited”, “limited liability”,
as authorized representative. CCC Corporation or an abbreviation of one of such words; and
is a foreign corporation registered with the (b) Punctuations, articles, conjunctions,
Philippine Securities and Exchange contractions, prepositions, abbreviations,
Commission. KKK Corporation is a domestic different tenses, spacing, or number of the
corporation (100%) Filipino owned. S is a same word or phrase.
Filipino, 16 years of age, and the daughter of Y.
Who can be incorporators? Who can be 3. If the name applied for is similar to the name of
subscribers? a registered firm, the applicant shall at least
contain one or more distinctive words to the
A: X, Y, and Z can be incorporators. Sec. 10 of the CC proposed name to remove the similarity or
merely requires majority of the incorporators to be differentiate it from the registered name.
residents (not necessarily citizens) of the However, the addition of these distinctive
Philippines. Further, said incorporators must be words shall not be allowed if the registered
natural persons, of legal age and must own or name is coined or unique unless the board of
subscribe to at least 1 share. directors of the subject corporation gives its
consent to the applied name (De Leon, 2010,
Meanwhile, X, Y, Z, GGG, CCC, KKK can be citing SEC Memo, Cir. No. 5, Series of 2008).
subscribers. Residency requirement is immaterial in 4. The corporate name shall contain the word
subscription contracts. However, the citizenship “Corporation” or its abbreviation “Corp.” or
requirement is material in subscription contracts Incorporated”, or “Inc.”.“The corporate name of
if the corporation is engaged in nationalized a foundation shall use the word “Foundation”.
activities requiring at least majority Filipino This is to distinguish the corporation from a
citizenship as a requirement. partnership and other business organizations
(SEC Memo. Circ. No. 5, Series of 2008).
CORPORATE NAME; LIMITATION ON USE OF 5. A person’s full name or surname may be used in
CORPORATE NAME a corporate name:
a. If he is a stockholder of the corporation and
1. No corporate name may be allowed by the SEC has consented to such use;
if the proposed name is identical or deceptively b. If the person is already deceased, the
or confusingly similar to that of any existing consent shall be given by his estate;
corporation or to any other name already c. The Commission may require a registrant
protected by law (CC, Sec. 18). to explain to its satisfaction the reason for
the use of a person’s name;
d. The meaning of initials used in a name shall
2. The proposed name is patently deceptive, be stated by the registration the articles of
confusing or contrary to existing laws (Sec. 18, incorporation in a separate document
CC). signed by an incorporator or director (SEC
Memo. Circ. No. 5, Series of 2008).
Note: Sec. 17 of the Revised Corporation Code
provides that no corporate name shall be allowed by 6. The name of a dissolved firm shall not be
the Commission if it is not distinguishable from allowed to be used by other firms within 3 years
If the term has already expired, the corporation may At least 25% of the authorized capital stock as
now ask the SEC to revive their corporate existence, stated in the AOI must be subscribed at the time of
which option was not present in the old code. Upon incorporation, and at least 25% of the total
approval by the SEC, it will then issue a certificate of subscription must be paid upon subscription (Sec
revival giving it perpetual existence, unless it 13, CC).
requests for a limited term. NOTE: It is not required that each subscriber pay
25% of each subscribed share. It is only required
XPN: No revival is allowed for companies under the that at least 25% of the total subscribed capital
supervision of other government agencies, such as must be paid.
banks, insurance and trust companies.
Note: Sec. 13 has no counterpart in the RCC
XPN to XPN: Unless, Revival is first approved by the
appropriate government agency. Paid-up capital
Extension must also comply with procedural Paid-up capital forms part of the authorized capital
requirements for amendment of AOI. stock of the corporation, subscribed and then
actually paid for. The assets transferred and the
Doctrine of Relation or Relating Back Doctrine loans extended to a corporation should not be
considered in computing the paid-up capital of the
An AOI, which stands as the corporate charter, is a Incorporator may delegate the signing of the AOI
contract of three-fold nature because it is a contract
between: An incorporator may delegate to an attorney-in-fact
1. The State and the corporation; the signing of the AOI in a special power of attorney
2. The corporation and the stockholders; and to such effect. However, the acknowledgment
3. The stockholders inter se. required under Sec. 15 of the CC must reflect this
fact (De Leon, 2010, citing SEC Opinion, Dec. 26,
All corporations organized under the Code shall file Reason for the statement of the purpose clause
with the SEC an AOI in any of the official languages in the AOI
duly signed and acknowledged by all of the
incorporators, containing substantially the The purpose clause determines whether the acts
following matters, except as otherwise prescribed performed by the corporation are authorized or
by the Code or by special law: (NaP- PlaTINum- beyond its powers. Acts beyond the corporation’s
ASONO) powers are called ultra vires acts.
NOTE: The provision on automatic approval in Sec. Other grounds as provided by PD No. 902‐A are:
16 does not apply to the dissolution of the
corporations in light of Sec. 120, CC (SEC Opinion, 1. Fraud in procuring its certificate of
March 30, 1982). incorporation;
2. Serious misrepresentation as to what the
Conversion of a stock corporation into a non- corporation can do or is doing to the great
stock corporation (2001 Bar) prejudice of, or damage to, the general
A stock corporation may be converted into a non- public;
stock corporation by mere amendment, provided all 3. Refusal to comply with, or defiance or a
the requirements are complied with. Its rights and lawful order of the SEC restraining the
liabilities will remain (CC, Sec. 16). commission of acts which would amount to
a grave violation of its franchise;
NOTE: A non-stock corporation cannot be 4. Continuous inoperation for a period of at
converted into a stock corporation through mere least five (5) years after commencing the
amendment of its Articles of Incorporation. This transaction of its business (CC, Sec. 22);
would violate Section 87 CC, which prohibits 5. Failure to file the by‐laws within the
distribution of income as dividends to members. required period; or
Giving the members shares, is tantamount to 6. Failure to file required reports.
distribution of its assets or income (SEC Opinion,
March 20, 1995). No automatic rejection of the AOI or any
amendment thereto
Under Section 122 of the Corporation Code, the non-
stock corporation must be dissolved first. There is no automatic rejection of the AOI or any
amendment thereto. The SEC shall give the
NON-AMENDABLE ITEMS incorporators a reasonable time within which to
correct or modify the objectionable portions of the
Non-amendable items in the AOI AOI or amendment (Sec. 17[1], CC).
Those matters referring to accomplished facts, Effect of non-use of corporate charter and
except to correct mistakes, such as: continuous inoperation of a corporation
NOTE: In case of conflict between the by-laws GR: It must be filed within one (1) month from
and the AOI, the AOI prevails because the by- notice of issuance of certificate of incorporation.
laws are intended merely to supplement the
former. XPN: By- laws may be adopted and filed prior to the
incorporation. Such shall be approved and signed by
6. Must be of General application and not directed all the incorporators and submitted to the SEC
against a particular individual. together with the AOI.
Contents of by-laws Note: The one month period to adopt by-laws was
deleted in RCC.
1. Time, place and manner of calling and
conducting regular or special meetings of Procedures in adopting by-laws
directors or trustees.
2. Time and manner of calling and conducting The by-laws may be adopted before or after
regular or special meetings of the incorporation. In all cases, the by-laws shall be
stockholder or members. effective only upon the issuance by the SEC of a
3. The required quorum in meeting of certification that the by-laws are not inconsistent
stockholders or members and the manner with the AOI.
of voting therein.
4. The form for proxies of stockholders and 1. Pre - incorporation – It shall be approved
members and the manner of voting them. and signed by all the incorporators and
5. The qualification, duties and compensation submitted to the SEC, together with AOI.
of directors or trustees, officers and 2. Post – incorporation:
employees. a. Vote of the majority of the stockholders
6. Time for holding the annual election of representing the outstanding capital stock
directors or trustees and the mode or or members;
manner of giving notice thereof.
The following are the binding effects of by-laws: A: NO. The employment contract is not invalidated
by the failure of the Chairman to sign such. Since by-
1. As to members/ stockholders, officers, laws operate merely as internal rules among the
trustees/ directors and corporation stockholders, they cannot affect or prejudice third
They are bound by and must comply with it. persons who deal with the corporation, unless they
They are presumed to know the provisions of have knowledge of the same. No proof appears on
the by-laws. record that Galvan ever knew anything about the
provisions of said by-laws (PMI Colleges v. NLRC, et
2. As to third persons al., supra)
GR: They are not bound.
Effect of non-filing of the by-laws within the
XPN: They have knowledge or notice of the by- required period
laws at the time the contract was executed
(China Banking Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 117604, Failure to submit the by-laws within 30 days from
March 26, 1997). incorporation does not automatically dissolve the
corporation. It is merely a ground for suspension or
Q: PMI Colleges (PMI) an educational institution, revocation of its charter after proper notice and
it hiredGalvan as contractual hearing, under Section 6(I) of PD 902-A. The
instructor. Initially, Galvan and other corporation is, at the very least, a de facto
instructors were compensated for services corporation whose existence may not be collaterally
rendered. However, for unknown reasons, attacked (Sawadjaan v. CA, G.R. No. 142284, June 8,
Galvan stopped receiving payment for the 2005).
GR: The verification and certification against forum Requisites for a valid donation (RPAI)
shopping must be signed on behalf of the
corporation pursuant to a valid board resolution. 1. Donation must be Reasonable.
2. Must be for valid Purposes including public
XPN: The following officers may sign even in the welfare, hospital, charitable, cultural, scientific,
absence of a board resolution: civic or similar purposes.
3. Must not be an Aid in any:
a. Chairperson of the Board of Directors; a. Political party;
b. President; b. Candidate; or
c. General Manager; c. Partisan political activity.
d. Personnel Officer; or
e. Employment Specialist in labor case. 4. Donation must bear a reasonable relation to the
corporation’s Interest and not be so remote and
These officers are in the position to verify the fanciful.
truthfulness and correctness of the allegations in
the petition (Mid Pasig Land and Development Corporation as surety or guarantor
Corporation v. Tablante, G.R. No. 162924, February 4,
2010; Skyway Traffic Management and Security GR: A corporation cannot act as a surety or
Division Workers Organization v. PNCC Skyway Corp., guarantor because it will be contrary to the primary
G.R. No. 171231, February 17, 2010). purpose for which the corporation was created.
An unregistered corporation has no right to sue XPN: Such guaranty may be given in the
or be sued for want of corporate personality. accomplishment of any object for which the
corporation was created, or when the particular
“Lideco Corporation” had no personality to transaction is reasonably necessary or proper in the
intervene since it had not been duly registered as a conduct of its business.
coporation. If petitioner “Laureano Investment &
Devlopment Corporation” legally and truly wanted Implied powers of a corporation
to intervene, it should have used its corporate name
as the law requires and not another name which it A corporation is not restricted to the exercise of
had not registered (Laureano Investment & powers expressly conferred upon it by its charter
Development Corp. v. CA., GR No. 100468, May 6, but has the power to do what is reasonably
1997). necessary or proper to promote the interest or
welfare of the corporation (NAPOCOR v. Vera, G.R.
No. 83558, February 27, 1989).
The Board of Directors or Trustees must act Q: T Corp. has a corporate term of 20 years
together as a body in order to bind the corporation under its Articles of Incorporation or from June
by their acts (Yao KaSinTrading v. CA, et. al. G.R. No. 1, 1980 to June 1, 2000. On June 1, 1991 it
53820, June 15, 1992). amended its AOI to extend its life by 15 years
from June 1, 1980 to June 1, 2015. On June 1,
Corporate powers which are exercised by the 2011, however, T Corp decided to shorten its
BOD and stockholders jointly (ASIA-FuSE) term by 1 year or until June 1, 2014. Both the
1991 and 2011 amendments were approved by
1. Amendments to by-laws majority vote of its Board of Directors and
2. Extending or Shortening the corporate term ratified in a special meeting by its stockholders
3. Increase or decrease of capital stock representing at least 2/3 of its outstanding
4. The sale or other disposition of All or capital stock. The SEC, however, disapproved
substantially all of the corporate assets the 2011 amendment on the ground that it
5. Investment of corporate funds in another cannot be made earlier than 5 years prior to the
corporation or business or for any other expiration date of the corporate term, which is
purpose; June 1, 2014. Is this SEC disapproval correct?
6. Issuance of stock dividends (2011 Bar)
NOTE: In decreasing the capital stock, resorting to An attempted unauthorized increase of capital stock
reduction of number of shares may also be done amounts to an over-issue and such stock is,
through: therefore, absolutely void and cannot be validated
by application of the doctrine of estoppel.
1. Redeeming redeemable shares (CC, Sec. 8);
2. Purchasing of own shares (CC, Sec. 41); Thus, the following are the effects of such
3. Cancelling or retiring the shares, including the unauthorized increase:
treasury shares (CC, Sec. 9); 1. Subscriptions for such stock are likewise void
4. The corporation may accept a surrender of both on the ground of illegality and for want of
shares and give the holders in exchange consideration;
therefor a proportionate amount of its assets, 2. Subscribers for or purchasers of such stock
provided no rights of creditors are involved; acquire none of the rights of stockholders;
5. Issue bonds for that purpose; 3. Subscribers for or purchasers of such shares do
6. Exchange another class of stock for that retired; not become liable to creditors of the
7. Exchange the corporation’s outstanding shares corporation or on a winding up as stockholders
for a smaller number of shares; or for unpaid subscriptions, and are not subject to
8. Cancelling shares which have not yet been a statutory liability to creditors imposed upon
issued (De Leon, 2010). stockholders; and
4. Subscribers for or purchasers of such shares
Q: Can there be a distribution of surplus on from the corporation may recover from it,
reduction? money paid to it under their subscription or
purchase as upon a failure of consideration, or
A: It depends whether there is an impairment of breach of warranty for the existence of the thing
capital. sold, unless they are precluded from such relief
as parties in pari delicto.
1. If there is no impairment of capital - the surplus
may be equitably distributed by the directors or The board of directors may issue additional
so much thereof as may not be required in issuances of shares of stock without approval of
carrying on the business for the best interests the stockholders.
of the stockholders: Provided the rights of
creditors will not be affected nor the capital A stock corporation is expressly granted the power
impaired. to issue or sell stocks. The power to issue stocks is
2. If there is reduction to meet an impairment – lodged with the Board of Directors and no
there will be no distribution. stockholder’s meeting is required to consider it
When a corporation borrows money, its Pre-emptive right must be exercised within the
indebtedness may be evidenced by notes or bonds period stated in the AOI or the By-Laws. When the
as its primary security (De Leon, 2010). AOI and the By-Laws are silent, the Board may fix a
reasonable time within which the stockholders may
Difference between a note and a bond exercise the right.
1. Preemptive right may be waived by the stockholder. 1. Shares to be issued to comply with laws
However, the waiver should be given individually requiring stock offering or minimum stock
by the stockholder concerned or by another by way ownership by the public.
of Special Power of Attorney. Being a personal right, 2. Shares issued in good faith with the approval of
the waiver cannot be waived by the corporation the stockholders representing 2/3 of the
itself through a stockholders’ resolution (SEC outstanding capital stock in exchange for
Opinion, Dec. 12, 1994). property needed for corporate purposes.
2. 3. Shares issued in payment of previously
3. A stockholder cannot be forced to waive the right contracted debts.
even if the majority of the stockholders opt to waive 4. In case the right is denied in the AOI.
it (SEC Opinion No. 08-08, March 31, 2008). 5. Waiver of the right by the stockholder.
NOTE: Pre-emptive right may be waived impliedly The validity of issuance of additional shares may
as when the stockholder fails to exercise his pre- be questioned if done in breach of trust by the
emptive right after being notified and given an controlling stockholders notwithstanding the
opportunity to avail of such right. non-existence of the pre-emptive right.
Transferability of pre-emptive right of a Even if pre-emptive right does not exist either
stockholder because the issue comes within the exceptions in
Sec. 39 of the CC or because it is denied in the AOI,
The pre-emptive right of a stockholder is an issue of shares may still be objectionable if the
transferable unless there is an express restriction in directors acted in breach of trust and their primary
the AOI. purpose is to perpetuate or shift control of the
corporation or to “freeze out” the minority interest.
Q: X Corporation has already issued the 1000 The issuance of unissued shares out of the original
originally authorized shares of the corporation authorized capital stock pursuant to a rehabilitation
so that its Board of Directors and stockholders plan the propriety or validity of which was on
wish to increase X's authorized capital stock. question by the minority stockholders and
After complying with the requirements of the subsequently disapproved by the Supreme Court
law on increase of capital stock, X issued an amounts to unlawful dilution of the minority
additional 1000 shares of the same value. shareholdings (Majority Stockholders of Ruby
Assume that stockholder A presently holds 200 Industrial Corp. vs. Miguel Lim and Minority
out of the 1000 original shares. Would A have a Stockholders of Ruby Industrial Corp., G.R. Nos.
pre‐emptive right to 200 of the new issue of 165887 & 165929, June 6, 2011, in Divina, 2014).
1000 shares? Why?
Pre-emptive right vs. Right of first refusal
A: YES, A would have a pre‐emptive right to 200 of
the new issue of 1000 shares. A is a stockholder of BASIS RIGHT OF
record holding 200 shares in X Corporation. FIRST
According to the Corporation Code, each REFUSAL
stockholder has the pre‐emptive right to all issues Right to
of shares made by the corporation in proportion to Right to
subscribe to all
the number of shares he holds on record in the purchase
issuance or
corporation. Description shares of a
dispositions of
shares of the
Denial by the corporation of pre-emptive right corporation
There is a sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, Any dissenting stockholder shall have the option to
and any other disposition (SLEMPAD) of exercise his appraisal right.
substantially all of corporate asset if in the
SLEMPAD thereof, the corporation would be Abandonment of the plan for SLEMPAD even
rendered: after the vote of the stockholders or members
1. Incapable of continuing the business; or The BOD, in its discretion, may abandon the plan for
2. Incapable of accomplishing the purpose for SLEMPAD even after such authorization or approval
which it was incorporated (Sec 40, CC). (now by the stockholders, subject to the rights of third
Sec, 39) parties under any contract relating thereto, without
Note: This is subject to the provisions of Republic further action or approval by the stockholders or
Act No. 10667, otherwise known as the “Philippine members (Sec. 40, CC).
Competition Act.”
Effect of sale of all or substantially all of assets of
Procedural requirements for SLEMPAD of all or one corporation to another corporation (1996,
substantially all of corporate assets 2005 Bar)
1. Majority vote of the BOD or BOT GR: The corporation who acquired all or
2. Ratification by stockholders representing at substantially all of the assets of the selling
least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or by corporation shall not be liable for the debts of the
at least 2/3 of the members in case of non-stock latter.
3. Written notice of the proposed action and of the XPNs:
time and place of the meeting addressed to each 1. Express or implied assumption of liabilities;
stockholder or member at his place of residence 2. Merger or consolidation;
Guidelines for the acquisition of its own shares XPN: Where the corporation undertakes to invest in
another corporation or business or for any purpose
1. The capital of the corporation must not be other than a primary purpose, it has to comply with
impaired. There shall be URE’s to purchase the the statutory requirements before it can do so (Sec.
shares. 42, CC).
2. Legitimate or proper corporate objective is
advanced. Statutory requirements that the corporation
3. Condition of the corporate affairs warrants it. needs to comply with to invest in another
4. Transaction is designed and carried out in good corporation or business or for any purpose
faith. other than a primary purpose (1995, 1996 Bar)
5. Interest of creditors is not impaired, that is, the
same is not violative of the trust fund doctrine 1. Approval by the majority vote of the BOD or
(Sec. 41, SEC Opinions, October. 12, 1992, BOT
September 11, 1985, and April 11, 1994). 2. Ratification by stockholders representing at
least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or by
The requirement of unrestricted retained earnings at least 2/3 of the members in case of non-stock
to cover the share is based on the trust fund doctrine corporations
which means that the capital stock, property and 3. Ratification must be made at a meeting duly
other assets of a corporation are regarded as equity called for the purposes
in trust for the payment of corporate creditors. The 4. Prior written notice of the proposed investment
reason is that the creditors of a corporation are and the time and place of the meeting shall be
preferred over the stockholders in the distribution made addressed to each stockholder or
of corporate assets (Boman Environmental member by mail or by personal service
Development Corp v. CA, GR No. 77860, November 22,
1988). NOTE: Investment of a corporation in a business
which is in line with its primary purpose requires
POWER TO INVEST CORPORATE FUNDS IN only the approval of the board. Any dissenting
ANOTHER CORPORATION OR BUSINESS stockholder shall have appraisal right.
GR: The corporation is not allowed to engage in a Q: Stikki Cement Co. was organized primarily for
business different from those enumerated in its AOI. cement manufacturing. Anticipating substantial
profits, its President proposed that Stikki invest
a. What corporate approvals or votes are Q: At least 2/3 of the stockholders of Solar
needed for the proposed investments? Corporation, upon the recommendation of the
Explain. BOD, declared a 50% stock dividend during
b. Describe the procedure in securing these their annual meeting. The notice of the annual
approvals (1992 Bar) stockholders’ meeting did not mention anything
about a stock dividend declaration. The matter
A: was taken up only under the item “other
a. Since a powerplant project and a concrete road business” in the agenda of the meeting. C.K.
project are neither primary purposes nor Senwa, a stockholder, who received his copy of
reasonably necessary for the accomplishment the notice but did not attend the meeting,
thereof, majority votes of the board of directors subsequently learned about the 50% stock
plus the ratification of the stockholders dividend declaration. He desires to have the
representing 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock dividend declaration cancelled and set
stock are needed. aside, and wishes to retain your services as a
lawyer for the purpose. Will you accept the case?
On the other hand, quarry operations for Discuss with reasons. (1990 Bar)
limestone are reasonably necessary or
incidental to attain the primary purpose of the A: NO, I will not accept the case. Sec 43 of the CC
corporation, i.e. the manufacture of cement. states that no stock dividend shall be issued without
Hence, only the majority approval of the board the approval of the stockholders representing not
of directors is needed. The ratification by the less than 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock at a
stockholders is no longer necessary. regular or special meeting duly called for that
purpose. Conformably with Sec 50 of the CC, a
b. To secure the aforementioned approvals, there written notice of the holding of the regular meeting
must be a written notice of the proposed sent to the shareholders will suffice. The notice
investment and the time and place of the itself specified the said subject matter.
meeting shall be addressed to each stockholder
or member at his place of residence as shown Alternative answer:
on the books of the corporation and deposited
to the addressee in the post office with postage YES, I will accept the case. The problem does not
prepaid, or served personally (CC, Sec. 42). indicate that there is action by the BOD which is also
necessary for the declaration of 50% stock dividend.
Q: During the annual stockholders meeting,
Requirements for the declaration of dividends Riza, a stockholder proposed that a part of the
corporation’s unreserved earned surplus be
1. Existence of URE’s. (Unrestricted Retained capitalized and stock dividends be distributed
Earnings) to the stockholders, arguing that as owners of
2. Resolution of the board. the company, the stockholders, by a majority
vote, can do anything. As chairman of the
NOTE: In case stock dividend is to be declared, an meeting, how would you rule on the motion to
additional requirement of: declare stock dividends? (1991, 2001 Bar)
a. A vote representing 2/3 of outstanding A: As the chairman of the meeting, I would rule
capital. (Sec. 43, CC) against the motion considering that a declaration of
b. A corporation must have also a sufficient stock dividends should initially be taken by the BOD
number of authorized unissued shares for and thereafter to be concurred in by a 2/3 vote of
distribution to stockholders. the stockholders (CC, Sec. 43). There is no
prohibition, however, against the stockholders’
Q: Under what circumstances may a corporation resolving to recommend to the BOD that it consider
declare dividends? (2005 Bar) a declaration of stock dividends for concurrence
thereafter by the stockholders. A stockholder
A: A corporation may declare dividends when there cannot compel the corporation to declare either
are unrestricted retained earnings, a resolution of cash or stock dividends as it rests with the sound
the Board of Directors and in case of declaration of discretion of the board.
5. Gain from Sale of Real Property - Available as The penalty in case a corporation unjustifiably
dividends. retains surplus profits in excess of one hundred
6. Treasury Shares – Gain realized from reissuance (100%) percent of the paid-in accumulated capital
of treasury shares. It cannot be declared as is the payment of Improperly Accumulated
stock or cash dividends but it may be declared Earnings Tax equal to 10% of the improperly
as property dividend. accumulated taxable income (NIRC OF 1997, Sec.
29 [A]).
Q: Can the board be compelled to declare
dividends every year? Sources of dividends
A: NO. Declaration of dividends is discretionary GR: Dividends can only be declared out of actual and
upon the board. Dividends are payable only when bona fide unrestricted retained earnings
there are profits earned by the corporation and as a
general rule, even if there are existing profits, the XPN: Dividends can be declared out of capital in the
Board of Directors has the discretion to determine following instances:
whether or not dividends are declared (Republic
Arma Traders issued postdated checks signed Consequences of Ultra Vires Acts
by Tan and Yu, who were its authorized bank
signatories. Thechecks were dishonored due to Ultra vires acts entered into by the board of
insufficient balance. Arma Traders failed to directors bind the corporation, and the courts will
settle the loan despite several demands, not interfere unless terms are oppressive and
claiming thatthe purchase on credit and the loan unconscionable. (Gamboa vs. Victoriano, G.R. No. L-
were spurious as the Board of Arma Traders did 43324. May 5, 1979).
not issue a resolution authorizing the same.
These are the effects for the specific acts:
Is the Doctrine of Apparent Authority
applicable? 1. Executed contract – courts will not set aside or
interfere with such contracts;
A party in a suit against a corporation cannot interrogatories upon the latter, as said officers
compel the latter’s officers to appear as are also considered as adverse parties
witnesses without first serving written
A: NO. The Court has determined that contrary to As can be gleaned from the title of A.M. No. 01-2-04-
the ruling of the CA, it is the LA, and not the regular SC, the amendment of Section 4, Rule 1 of the
courts, which has the original jurisdiction over the Interim Rules of Procedure Governing Intra-
subject controversy. An intra-corporate Corporate Controversies was crafted precisely to
controversy, which falls within the jurisdiction of clarify the previous rule that decisions on intra-
regular courts, has been regarded in its broad sense corporate disputes are immediately executory, by
to pertain to disputes that involve any of the specifically providing for an exception. Thus, the
following relationships: prevailing rule now categorically provides that
awards for moral damages, exemplary damages,
a. Between the corporation, partnership or and attorney’s fees in intra-corporate controversies
association and the public; are not immediately executor. (Heirs of Santiago
b. Between the corporation, partnership or Divinagracia, v. Ruiz, G.R. No. 172508, Janaury 12,
association and the state in so far as its 2011).
franchise, permit or license to operate is
c. Between the corporation, partnership or
association and its stockholders, partners, The subscribed capital stock of the corporation is a
members or officers; and trust fund for the payment of debts of the
1. Any corporation with a class of equity securities A: YES. NPC is a government owned and controlled
listed for trading on an Exchange (Publicly corporation created by a special charter. Its charter
traded companies); allows composition of its board of directors to be
2. Banks; and reduced. As clearly enunciated in Section 16, Article
3. Corporations with secondary franchise. XII, 1987 Constitution: Congress shall not, except by
general law, provide for the formation,
[New provision in RCC:] organization, or regulation of private corporations.
1. Unconscionable and oppressive as to amount to Q: PALI sought to offer its shares to the public in
wanton destruction to the rights of the minority order to raise funds for development of
(Ong v Tiu, ibid); or properties and pay its loans with several banks.
2. When there is bad faith or gross negligence by To facilitate the trading of its shares, PALI
the directors (Republic Communications Inc v applied for a listing in the Philippine Stock
CA, G.R. No. 135074, January 29, 1999). Exchange Inc. (PSE), a non-profit corporation.
Subsequently, PSE received a letter from the
Consequences of Business Judgment Rule Heirs of Marcos, requesting PSE to defer PALI’s
registration, contending that certain properties
1. Resolutions and transactions entered into by of PALI are owned by Marcos. Consequently, PSE
the Board within the powers of the corporation rejected PALI’s application. The SEC reversed
cannot be reversed by the courts not even on the ruling of the PSE. Is the SEC correct?
the behest of the stockholders.
2. Directors and officers acting within such A: NO. In applying the business judgment rule, the
business judgment cannot be held personally SEC and the courts are barred from intruding into
liable for such acts. business judgments of corporations, when the same
3. If the cause of the losses is merely error in are made in good faith. The said rule precludes the
business judgment, not amounting to bad faith reversal of the decision of the PSE to deny PALI's
or negligence, directors and/or officers are not listing application, absent a showing of bad faith on
liable (Filipinas Port Services v. Go, G.R. No. the part of the PSE.
161886, March 16, 2007).
4. The Board of Directors has the power to create Under the listing rules of the PSE, to which PALI had
positions not provided for in the corporation's previously agreed to comply, the PSE retains the
by-laws since the board is the corporation’s discretion to accept or reject applications for listing
governing body, clearly upholding the power of (PSE v. CA, G.R. No. 125469, October 27, 1997).
its board to exercise its prerogatives in
managing the business affairs of the TENURE, QUALIFICATIONS AND
corporation (Filipinas Port Services v. Go, supra). DISQUALIFICATIONS OF DIRECTORS OR
5. Directors and officers who purport to act for the TRUSTEES
corporation, keep within the lawful scope of
their authority and act in good faith, do not Term of office of BOD/BOT
Term, Tenure, and Holdover Period A person who does not own a stock at the time of his
election or appointment does not disqualify him as
Term – time during which the officer may claim to director if he becomes a shareholder before
hold the office as a matter of right, and fixes the assuming the duties of his office (SEC Opinions,
interval after which the several incumbents shall November 9, 1987 & April 5, 1990).
succeed one another. The term of office is not
affected by the holdover. It is fixed by statute and Sec. 30 of the Corporation Code requires directors
does not change simply because the office may have to own the shares of stock in their own right.. To be
become vacant, nor because the incumbent holds eligible to be a director, it is not required that he
office beyond his term when a successor has not owns legal title to the share of stock. It suffices that
been elected. he posseses a beneficial ownership in the books
of the corporation. A trustee is a stockholder of
Tenure – represents the term during which the record. (Lee v. CA, G.R. No. 93695, February 4, 1992).
incumbent actually holds office. The tenure may be Consequently, The omission of the phrase “in his
shorter (or, in case of holdover, longer) than the own right” in Section 23 of the Revised
term for reasons within or beyond the power of the Corporation Code means that in order to be
incumbent. eligible to be elected to the Board and to remain a
member thereof, what is material is lega title
Holdover Period – the time from the lapse of one thereto, beneficial ownership being insufficient.
year from a member’s election to the Board and (RCC Annotated Aquino, Cruz 2019)
until his successor’s election and qualification. It is
not part of the director’s original term of office, nor Both under the old and the new Corporation Codes,
is it a new term; the holdover period, however, there is no dispute as to the most immediate effect
constitutes part of his tenure (Valle Verde Country of a Voting Trust Agreement (VTA) on the status of
Club v. Africa, G.R. No. 151969, September 4, 2009). a stockholder who is a party to its execution - from
legal titleholder or owner of shares subject of the
Duties of Directors/Trustees: (OLD) VTA, he becomes equitable or beneficial owner. Any
director who executes a VTA over all his shares
1) Duty of Obedience – the directors should direct ceases to be a stockholder of record in the books of
the affairs of the corporations only in the corporation and therefore ceases to be a
accordance with the purposes for which it was director (Lee v. CA, G.R. No. 93695, February 4, 1992)
2) Duty of Diligence – The directors should not Q: Grace Christian High School is an educational
willfully and knowingly vote for or assent to institution at the Grace Village in Quezon City
patently unlawful acts of the corporation or act while Grace Village Association, Inc., is an
in bad faith or with gross negligence in directing organization of lot and/or building owners,
the affairs of the corporation. lessees and residents at Grace Village. From
3) Duty of Loyalty – The directors should not 1975 up to 1990, Grace Christian High School
acquire any personal or pecuniary interest in was given a permanent seat in the board of
conflict with their duty as directors directors of the association. After some time,
the association’s committee on election
Common qualifications of a director and trustee informed James Tan, the principal of the school
that all directors should be elected by members
Since the provision in question is contrary to law, Q: John Gokongwei Jr., as stockholder of San
the fact that for fifteen years it has not been Miguel Corporation, filed with SEC a petition for
questioned or challenged but, on the contrary, declaration of nullity of amended by-laws
appears to have been implemented by the members against the majority of the members of the
of the association cannot forestall a later challenge Board of Directors and San Miguel Corporation.
to its validity. Neither can it attain validity through Gokongwei claimed that prior to the questioned
acquiescence because, if it is contrary to law, it is amendment, he had all the qualifications to be a
beyond the power of the members of the association director of the corporation, being a substantial
to waive its invalidity (Grace Christian High School v. stockholder thereof, Gokongwei had acquired
CA, et al., G.R. No. 108905, October 23, 1997). rights inherent in stock ownership, such as the
rights to vote and to be voted upon in the
Additional qualifications provided by the election of directors, and that in amending the
Revised Code of Corporate Governance by-laws, Soriano, et. al. purposely provided for
Gokongwei's disqualification and deprived him
A director should have the following: of his vested right as aforementioned, hence the
amended by-laws are null and void. Is a
1. College education or equivalent academic provision on the by-laws disqualifying a person
degree; for a position in the board of directors on the
2. Practical understanding of the business of the ground that he is engaged in a business which
corporation; competes with that of the Corporation valid?
3. Membership in good standing in relevant
industry, business or professional A: YES. A corporation is authorized to prescribe the
organizations; and qualifications of its directors. A provision in the by-
4. Previous business experience (RCCG, Art. 3 [D]) laws of the corporation that no person shall qualify
or be eligible for nomination for elections to the
Grounds for disqualification of a board of directors if he is engaged in any business
director/trustee which compete with that of the Corporation is valid;
provided, however, that before such nominee is
1. Conviction by final judgment of an offense disqualified, he should be given due process to show
punishable by imprisonment exceeding 6 that he is covered by the disqualification. A director
years;or stands in fiduciary relation to the corporation and
2. Violation of the Corporation Code committed its stockholders. The disqualification of a
within 5 years prior to his election or competitor from being elected to the board of
appointment (CC, Sec. 27). directors is a reasonable exercise of corporate
NOTE: Disqualification by reason of violation of the authority. Sound principles of corporate
CC does not require conviction for the reason that management counsel against sharing sensitive
Jurisdiction over election contests in stock and 1. Straight voting – every stockholdermay vote
non-stock corporations such number of shares for as many persons as
there are directors to be elected.
As amended by R.A. 8799 (The Securities Regulation 2. Cumulative voting for one candidate – a
Code), the jurisdiction of the SEC under Sec. 5 P.D. stockholder is allowed to concentrate his votes
No. 902‐A (SEC Reorganization Act) is now and give one candidate, as many votes as the
transferred to Courts of General Jurisdiction number of directors to be elected multiplied by
(Regional Trial Court). Thus, RTC now has the number of his shares shall equal.
jurisdiction over election contest. 3. Cumulative voting by distribution – a
stockholder may cumulate his shares by
Q: In case where there are 2 lists of BOD multiplying the number of his shares by the
submitted to SEC, which one is controlling? number of directors to be elected and distribute
the same among as many candidates as he shall
A: It is the list of directors in the latest general see fit.
information sheet as filed with the SEC which is
controlling (Premium Marble Resources, Inc. v. CA, Cumulative voting in stock v nonstock
G.R. No. 96551, Nov. 4, 1996).
Cumulative voting in case of non-stock corporations
Q: At the annual meeting of ABC Corporation for is allowed only if it is provided in the AOI. The
the election of five directors as provided for in members of non-stock corporations may cast as
its articles of incorporation, A, B, C, D, E, F and G many votes as there are trustees to be elected but
were nominated. A, B, C, D and E received the may cast not more than one vote for one candidate.
highest number of votes and were proclaimed Cumulative voting is mandatory in stock
elected. F received ten votes less than E. corporations to protect the rights of minority
Subsequently, E sold all his shares to F. In the
next Board of Directors’ meeting following the NON-HOLDING OF ELECTIONS
transfer of the shares in the books of the
corporation, both E and F appeared. E claimed Report
that notwithstanding the sale of his shares to F,
he remained a director since the Corporation Within 30 days from the date of the scheduled of
Code provides that directors “shall hold office election. The report shall specify a new date for the
for 1 year and until their successors are elected election, which shall not be later than 60 days from
and qualified.” On the other hand, F claimed that the scheduled date (Sec 25, RCC)
since he would have been elected as a director
had it not been for E’s nomination and election, Summary order of Commission
then he (F) should now be considered a director If:
as he had acquired all the shares of E. Decide (1) No new date has been designated; or
with reasons. (1984 Bar) (2) If the rescheduled election is likewise not
A: Neither E nor F are directors of ABC Corporation.
E automatically ceased to be a director upon the The Commission, may, upon the application of the
transfer of all his shares to F in the books of the stockholder, member, director, or trustee, and after
corporation. Every director must own at least one verification of the unjustified non-holding of the
share of the capital stock of the corporation of which election, summarily order that an election be held.
he is a director, which share shall stand in his name
on the books of the corporation. Any director who The Commission shall have power the power to
ceases to be the owner of at least 1 share of the issue orders as may be appropriate , including:
capital stock of the corporation of which he is a
director shall thereby cease to be a director. F’s (1) Orders directing the issuance of a notice
claims are without merit since he was not duly stating the time and place of election;
Quorum required in a stock or non-stock (1) The secretary, on order of the president; or
corporation (2) The secretary, upon written demand of the
stockholders representing or holding at
Unless otherwise provided for in the by-laws, a least a MAJORITY of the capital stock or
quorum shall consist of the stockholders MAJORITY of the members entitled to vote;
representing a majority of the outstanding capital
stock entitled to vote or a majority of the members 2. Previous notice to the stockholders or members
in the case of non-stock corporations (CC, Sec. 52). of the intention to remove a director;and
3. A vote of the stockholders representing 2/3 of
When the stock and transfer book is inaccurate outstanding capital stock or 2/3 of members.
and deficient, it cannot be the sole basis of the
quorum. The AOI may be used as the basis of the Remedy for refusal to call a meeting
If there is:
To base the computation of quorum solely on the (1) No secretary; or
obviously deficient, if not inaccurate stock and (2) If the secretary, despite demand, fails or
transfer book, and completely disregarding the refuses to call the special meeting or to give
issued and outstanding shares as indicated in the notice thereof
articles of incorporation would work injustice to the
owners and/or successors in interest of the said The stockholder or member signing the demand
shares. This case is one instance where resort to may call for the meeting by directly addressing the
documents other than the stock and transfer books stockholders or members
is necessary. The stock and transfer book of PMMSI
cannot be used as the sole basis for determining the New Power of SEC under the Revised
quorum as it does not reflect the totality of shares Corporation Code (Sec 27, RCC)
which have been subscribed, more so when the
articles of incorporation show a significantly larger The Commission shall, motu propio or upon verified
amount of shares issued and outstanding as complaint, and after due notice and hearing, order
compared to that listed in the stock and transfer the removal of a director or trustee elected despited
book (Lanuza, et al. v. CA, et al., G.R. No. 131394, the disqualification or whose disqualification arose
March 28, 2005). is discovered subsequent to an election.
GR: Removal may be with or without cause Q: Henry is a board director in XYZ Corporation.
For being a fiscalizer in the Board, the majority
XPN: If the director was elected by the minority, of the directors want him removed and his
there must be cause for removal because the shares be sold at auction, so he can no longer
minority may not be deprived of the right to participate even in the stockholder’s meetings.
representation to which they may be entitled under Henry approaches you for advice on whether he
Sec. 24 of the Code (Sec. 28, CC). can be removed as board of director and
stockholder without cause. What is your advice?
NOTE: The right of representation referred to is the Explain “amotion” and the procedure in
right to cumulative voting for one candidate under removing a director. (2016 Bar)
Sec. 24 of the Code.
A: Henry cannot be removed by his fellow directors.
Requisites for removal of directors or trustees The power to remove belongs to the stocjholders.
NOTE: The phrase “may be filled” in Sec. 29 Period of election to fill a vacancy
indicates that the filling of vacancies in the board by
A director or trustee who: Q: Is the above rule changed by the fact that the
(1) Consents to the issuance of stocks for a secret profits were obtained from ultra vires
consideration less than its par or issued transactions?
(2) Consents to the issuance of stocks for a A: NO. Notwithstanding the fact that the profits
consideration other than cash, valued in were derived from transaction ultra vires, the
excess of its fair value; or director/ trustee or officer is still liable (Ibid).
(3) Having knowledge of the inssuficient NOTE: The members of the board of directors who
consideration, does not file a written approved the payment of the cash dividends despite
objection with corporate secretary. the insolvency of the corporation and the
stockholders who received the payment should
Shall be liable to the corporation or its creditors, make good the losses. (Steinberg vs. Velasco 53 Phil
solidarily with the stockholder concerned for the 953)
The doctrine is not applicable to the following A: YES, Schiera and Jaz violated the Principle of
instances: Corporate Opportunity, because they used Patio
Investments to obtain a loan, mortgaged its assets
1. When a director engages in a distinct enterprise and used the proceeds of the loan to acquire a coffee
of the same general class of business as that shop through a corporation they formed (CC, Sec.
which his corporation is engaged in, so long as 34).
he acts in good faith;
2. The opportunity is one which is not essential to RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRIMES
the corporation’s business, or employment of
company’s resources, or where the director or Where a law requires a corporation to do a
officer embracing opportunity personally is not particular act, failure of which on the part of the
brought into direct competition with the responsible officer to do so constitutes an offense,
corporation; or the responsible officer is criminally liable therefore.
3. When the property or business opportunity has The reason is that a corporation can act through its
ceased to be a “corporate opportunity” and has officers and agents and where the business itself
transformed into a “personal opportunity”. In involves a violation of law all who participate in it
such a case the corporation is definitely no are liable. While the corporation may be fined for
longer able to avail itself of the opportunity, such criminal offense if the law so provides, only the
which may “arise from financial insolvency”, or responsible corporate officer can be imprisoned
from legal restrictions, or from any other factor (People vs. Tan Boon Kong, GR L-35262, March 15,
which prevents it from acting upon the 1930).
opportunity for its own advantage (SEC Opinion,
March 4, 1982). However, a director or officer can be held liable for
a criminal offense only when there is a specific
provision of law making a particular officer liable
Trust Receipts Law makes the officers of a RCC: Prohibition now covers directors’, trustees’ or
corporation criminally liable officers’:
(1) Spouses
The Trust Receipts Law recognizes the impossibility (2) Relatives within the fourth civil degree of
of imposing the penalty of imprisonment on a consanguinity or affinity (RCC, Sec 31)
corporation. Hence, if the entrustee is a corporation,
the law makes the officers or employees or other A contract of the corporation with one or more of its
persons responsible for the offense liable to suffer directors or trustees or officers is voidable, at the
the penalty of imprisonment (Ong v. the Court of option of the corporation unless all the following
Appeals, G.R. No. 119858, April 29, 2003). conditions are present:
Though the entrustee is a corporation, nevertheless, 1. That the presence of such director or trustee in
the law specifically makes the officers, employees or the board meeting in which the contract was
other persons responsible for the offense, without approved was not necessary to constitute a
prejudice to the civil liabilities of such corporation quorum for such meeting;
and or board of directors, officers, or other officials 2. That the vote of such director or trustee was not
or employees responsible for the offense. The necessary for the approval of the contract;
rationale is that such officers or employees are 3. That the contract is fair and reasonable under
vested with the authority and responsibility to the circumstances;
devise means necessary to ensure compliance with 4. In case of corporations vested with public
the law and, if they fail to do so, are held criminally interest, material contracts are approved by at
accountable; thus, they have a responsible share in least 2/3 of the entire membership of the board,
the violations of the law (Ching v. the Secretary of with at least a majority of the independent
Justice, et al., G.R. No. 164317, February 6, 2006). directors voting to approve the material
contract; and
INSIDE INFORMATION 5. That in the case of an officer, the contract with
the officer has been previously authorized by
Any material non-public information about the the board of directors (CC, Sec. 32, par. 1).
issuer of the securities (corporation) or the security
obtained by being an insider, which includes: NOTE: Sec. 32 (RCC, SEC 31) does not require that
(ID-ReGoL) the corporation suffers injury or damage as a result
of the contract.
1. The Issuer;
2. A Director or officer (or any person performing Contract entered with a director or trustee may
similar functions) of, or a person controlling the be ratified by the vote of stockholders
3. A person whose Relationship or former A contract of the corporation with one or more of its
relationship to the issuer gives or gave him directors or trustees or officers may be ratified by
access to material information about the issuer the vote of the stockholders representing at least
or the security that is not generally available to 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or 2/3 of the
the public; members in a meeting called for the purpose.
4. A Government employee, director, or officer of However, the following should concur:
an exchange, clearing agency and/or self-
regulatory organization who has access to 1. Any of the first 2 conditions set forth in the 1st
material information about an issuer or a paragraph of Sec. 32, CC is absent;
security that is not generally available to the 2. Contract is with a director or trustee;
public; or
5. A person who Learns such information by a NOTE: If the contract is with an officer of the
communication from any forgoing insiders corporation, there must be a prior board
(SRC, Sec. 3.8). resolution authorizing the same.
Q: What happens if director “A” is able to NOTE: An executive committee can only be created
consummate his mining claims over and above by virtue of a provision in the by-laws and that in
that of the corporation’s claims?(2001 Bar) the absence of such by-law provision, the board of
directors cannot simply create or appoint an
A: “A” should account to the corporation for the executive committee to perform some of its
profits which he realized from the transaction. He functions.
grabbed the business opportunity from the In such a case where there was an unauthorized
corporation (CC, Sec. 34). creation of executive committee by the board, the
principle of de facto officers may be applied insofar
BETWEEN CORPORATIONS WITH as third persons are concerned. However, insofar as
INTERLOCKING DIRECTORS the corporation is concerned, the unauthorized act
of appointment of an executive committee may be
Contracts between corporations with subject to Sec. 144, which provides for penalties in
interlocking directors violation of the Code (SEC Opinion, Sept. 27, 1993).
A contract between two or more corporations Non-members of the board may be appointed as
having interlocking directors shall not be members of the executive committee
invalidated on that ground alone. Provided that:
Non-members of the board may be appointed as
1. Contract is not fraudulent; members of the executive committee provided that
2. Contract is fair and reasonable under the there are at least three (3) members of the board
circumstances; and who are members of the committee (SEC Opinion,
3. If the interest of the interlocking director in one Sept. 16, 1986).
corporation or corporations is merely nominal
(not exceeding 20% of the outstanding capital NOTE: A person not a director can be a member of
stock), he shall be subject to the provisions of the executive committee but only in a
Sec. 32 insofar as the latter corporation or recommendatory or advisory capacity.
corporations are concerned. (CC, Sec. 33)
A foreigner is allowed to be a member of the
NOTE: Stockholdings exceeding 20% of the executive committee
outstanding capital stock shall be considered
substantial for purposes of interlocking A foreigner can be allowed representation in the
directors. executive committee since he can be allowed in the
BOD. An Executive Committee is a governing body
When a mortgagee bank foreclosed the mortgage on which functions as the board itself. Thus,
the real and personal property of the debtor and membership therein shall be governed by the same
thereafter assigned the properties to a corporation
WHEN: The date fixed in the by-laws; or WHEN: At any time deemed necessary or as may be
provided in the bylaws.
If there is no date in the by-laws – shall be held
Q: Lopez Realty, Inc. issued a Board Resolution Hence, Juanito, as the administrator of Teresita’s
authorizing Arturo, a member of the Board of estate even though not a director, is entitled to vote
Directors of the corporation, to negotiate with on behalf of Teresita’s estate as the administrator
the Tanjanco spouses for the sale of the ½ thereof (Lopez Realty, Inc. et. al. v. Tanjangco, G.R.
shares of Lopez Realty Corporation. Because of No. 154291, November 12, 2014).
this, Arturo and the spouses executed a Deed of
Sale for the shares for Php3.6M. However, Meeting held in the absence of some of the
Asuncion, another Board of Director of the said directors and without any notice given to them
corporation, submitted a letter requesting the is illegal
Board to defer any transaction with Tanjanco as
she was not apprised and given notice of the said It is illegal, and the action at such meeting although
transaction. Despite this, the execution of the by a majority of the directors, is invalid unless:
Deed of Absolute Sale between Arturo and
spouses Tanjanco proceeded. Asuncion then 1. Subsequently ratified or waived, expressly or
filed a complaint for the Annulment of the Deed impliedly, by the absent directors or
of Sale with a prayer for a writ of preliminary 2. Rights have been acquired by innocent third
injuction in the RTC. Asuncion alleges that she persons, as against whom the corporation must
was neither notified nor apprised of the on- be held estopped to set up the failure to observe
going sale of the shares of LRI. Is Asuncion’s formalities (De Leon, supra).
contention correct?
Directors or trustees cannot attend or vote by
A: NO. The general rule is that a corporation, proxy at board meetings
through its board of directors, should act in the
manner and within the formalities, if any, Directors or trustees cannot attend or vote by proxy
prescribed by its charter or by the general law. at board meetings (CC, Sec. 25).
Thus, directors must act as a body in a meeting
called pursuant to the law or the corporation's by- The members of the BOD are required to exercise
laws, otherwise, any action taken therein may be their judgment and discretion in running the affairs
questioned by any objecting director or of the corporation and they cannot be substituted by
shareholder. However, the actions taken in such a others (SEC Opinion, May 27, 1970).
meeting by the directors or trustees may be ratified
expressly or impliedly. In the present case, the Requisites for a valid tele/videoconferencing
ratification was expressed through the July 30, 1982
Board Resolution. Asuncion claims that the July 30, R.A. 8792, as implemented by SEC Memo. Circular
1982 Board Resolution did not ratify the Board No. 15 on November 30, 2001, provides that:
Resolution dated August 17, 1981 for lack of the
required number of votes because Juanito is not 1. Directors must express their intent on
entitled to vote while Leo voted "no" to the teleconferencing;
ratification of the sale even if the minutes stated 2. Proper identification of those attending; and
otherwise. The Court takes into account that 3. The corporate secretary must safeguard the
majority of the board of directors except for integrity of the meeting by recording it.
Asuncion, had already approved of the sale to the
spouses Tanjangco prior to this meeting. As a NOTE: There is no violation of the Anti-Wire
consequence, the power to ratify the previous Tapping Act (R.A. 4200) because all the parties to
resolutions and actions of the board of directors in the board meeting are aware that all the
this case lies in the stockholders, not in the board of communications are recorded.
directors. It would be absurd to require the board
of directors to ratify their own acts—acts which the The basic types of teleconferencing are:
same directors already approved of beforehand.
Contents of the notice, which should be sent to a. Who shall preside at the meeting of the
every director in case of a directors?
tele/videoconferencing b. Can Ting, a stockholder, who did not attend
the stockholders’ annual meeting in Manila,
The Corporate Secretary shall send out the notices question the validity of the corporate
of the meeting to all directors in accordance with resolutions passed at such meeting?
the manner of giving notice as stated in the c. Can the same stockholder question the
corporate by-laws. validity of the resolutions adopted by the
BOD at the meeting held in Makati? (1993
The notice shall include the following: Bar)
The president shall preside at all meetings of the GR: Majority of the number of directors or trustees.
directors or trustees as well as of stockholders or
members unless the by-laws provide otherwise (CC, XPN: If AOI or the by-laws provide for a greater
Sec. 54). number (CC, Sec. 25)
Q: Under the articles of incorporation of Manila NOTE: The quorum is the same even if there is
Industrial Corp., its principal place of business vacancy in the board.
shall be in Pasig, Metro Manila. The principal
corporate offices are at Ortigas Center, Pasig, Rule as to the decision of the quorum
Metro Manila, while factory processing leather
products is in Manila. The corporation holds its GR: Every decision of at least a majority of the
annual stockholders’ meeting at the Manila directors or trustees present at a meeting at which
Hotel in Manila and its BOD meeting at a hotel in there is quorum shall be valid as a corporate act.
Under the CC, stockholders or members periodically 1. Assures the presence of a quorum in meetings
elect the board of directors or trustees, who are of stockholders of large corporations;
charged with the management of the corporation. 2. Enables those who do not wish to attend a
The board, in turn, periodically elects officers to stockholders’/ members’ meeting to protect
carry out management functions on a day-to-day their interest by exercising their right to vote
basis. As owners, though, the stockholders or through a representative; and
members have residual powers over fundamental 3. One of the devices in securing voting control or
and major corporate changes. management control in the corporation (Ibid.).
NOTE: When proxies are solicited in relation to A proxy may be revoked in writing, orally or by
the election of corporate directors, the resulting conduct.
controversy, even if it ostensibly raised the
violation of the SEC rules on proxy solicitation, GR: One who has given a proxy the right to vote may
should be properly seen as an election revoke the same at anytime.
controversy within the original and exclusive
jurisdiction of the trial courts by virtue of XPN: Said proxy is coupled with interest, even if it
Section 5.2 of the SRC in relation to Section 5(c) may appear by its terms to be revocable (De Leon,
of Presidential Decree No. 902-A. From the supra).
language of Section 5(c) of Presidential Decree
No. 902-A, it is indubitable that controversies as Last proxy given revokes all previous proxies (SEC
to the qualification of voting shares, or the Opinion, October 14, 1991).
validity of votes cast in favor of a candidate for
election to the board of directors are properly SEC may pass upon the validity of the issuance
cognizable and adjudicable by the regular and use of proxies
courts exercising original and exclusive
jurisdiction over election cases. (GSIS v. CA, G.R. PD 902-A empowers the SEC, among others, “to pass
No. 183905, April 6, 2009) upon the validity of the issuance and use of proxies
and voting trust agreements for absent
2. Voting in case of joint ownership of stock (CC, stockholders or members” (Sec. 6[g]).
Sec. 56)
3. Voting by trustee under VTA (CC, Sec. 59, last Procedural Matters Relating to Proxies
The fact that the jurisdiction of the regular courts Procedural requirements and limitations
under Section 5(c) is confined to the voting on imposed on VTA’s
election of officers, and not on all matters which
may be voted upon by stockholders, elucidates that 1. The agreement must be in writing and
the power of the SEC to regulate proxies remains notarized and specify the terms and conditions
extant and could very well be exercised when thereof.
stockholders vote on matters other than the 2. A certified copy of such agreement shall be filed
election of directors (GSIS v. CA, G.R. No. 183905, with the corporation and with the SEC,
April 16, 2009). otherwise, it is ineffective and unenforceable.
3. The certificate/s of stock covered by the VTA
Note: It must be noted however that directors or shall be cancelled.
trustees cannot vote by proxy at board meetings. 4. A new certificate shall be issued in the name of
(Par.3, Sec. 5, CC) the trustee/s stating that they are issued
pursuant to the VTA.
VOTING TRUST 5. The transfer shall be noted in the books of the
corporation, that it is made pursuant to said
A voting trust agreement (VTA) is an agreement VTA.
whereby one or more stockholders transfer their 6. The trustee/s shall execute and deliver to the
shares of stocks to a trustee, who thereby acquires transferors voting trust certificates, which shall
for a period of time the voting rights (and/or any be transferable in the same manner and with
other specific rights) over such shares; and in the same effect as certificates of stock.
return, trust certificates are given to the 7. GR: No VTA shall be entered into for a period
stockholder/s, which are transferable like stock exceeding 5 years at any one time (i.e., for every
certificates, subject, to the trust agreement. voting trust)
Note: The voting trust agreement filed with the XPN: In case of a voting trust specifically
requiring a longer period as a condition in a
Principal purpose: acquire control of the loan agreement, the period may exceed 5 years
corporation. but shall automatically expire upon full
payment of the loan.
Other purposes of a VTA
8. No VTA shall be entered into for the purpose of
1. VTA makes possible a unified control of the circumventing the law against monopolies and
affairs of the corporation and a consistent illegal combinations in restraint of trade.
policy by binding stockholders to vote as a unit. 9. The agreement must not be used for purposes
2. To assure continuity of policy and management of fraud (CC, Sec. 59).
especially of a new corporation desirous of
attracting investors. NOTE: Unless expressly renewed, all rights granted
in a voting trust agreement shall automatically
In Pooling Agreement, the stockholders themselves A: NO. The company’s demand does not tally with
exercise their right to vote. On the other hand, the the concept of a VTA because such agreement
trustees are the ones who exercise the right to vote merely conveys to the trustee the right to vote the
under the Voting Trust Agreement. shares of the grantor. The consequence of the
foreclosure of the mortgaged properties would not
Q: A distressed corporation executed a VTA for a be in consonance with the VTA and its effects
period of three years over 60% of its
outstanding paid up shares in favor of a bank to CASES WHEN STOCKHOLDERS’ ACTION IS
which it was indebted, naming the the Bank as REQUIRED
trustee. The Company mortgaged all its
properties to the Bank.The Bank foreclosed the Under Section 6 of the Corporation Code, each share
mortgaged properties, and as the highest of stock is entitled to vote, unless otherwise
bidder, acquired said properties and assets of provided in the articles of incorporation or declared
the Company. delinquent under Section 67 of the Corporation
Code (Tan v. Sycip, G.R. No. 153468, August 17, 2006).
The three-year period having expired, the
company demanded the turn-over and transfer
GR: Majority vote of the outstanding capital stock
Amendments, repeal, or
Majority vote of the BOD
adoption of new by-laws
XPN: If delegated by the stockholders to the board
GR: Vote of the majority of the outstanding shares
of stock or members of both the managing and the
managed corporation.
Limitations on the exercise of appraisal right Effects of the exercise of the right of appraisal
1. Any of the instances provided by law for the 1. Once the dissenting stockholder demands
exercise of the right by a dissenting stockholder payment of the fair value of his shares:
must be present. a. All rights accruing to such shares including
voting and dividend rights shall be
2. The dissenting stockholder must have voted suspended; and
against the proposed corporate action. The b. He shall be entitled to receive payment of
right is not available to a stockholder who was the fair value of his shares as agreed upon
either absent at the meeting where the between him and the corporation or as
corporate action was approved, or was present determined by the appraisers chosen by
at such meeting but abstained from casting his him;
vote. c. GR: He is not allowed to withdraw his
3. A written demand on the corporation for demand for payment of his shares
payment of his shares must be made by him
within 30 days after the date the vote was taken.
1. A record of all business transactions, which 4. It should follow the formalities that may be
shall include contract, memoranda, journals, required in the by-laws;
ledgers, etc; 5. The right does not extend to trade secrets; and
2. Minutes of all meetings of stockholders or 6. It is subject to limitations under special laws,
members; e.g. Secrecy of Bank Deposits and FCDA or the
3. Minutes of all meetings of directors or trustees; Foreign Currency Deposits Act.
4. Stock and transfer book, in case of stock NOTE: The right extends, in compliance with equity,
corporations (CC, Sec. 74). good faith, and fair dealing, to a foreign subsidiary
wholly-owned by the corporation.
NOTE: The duty to keep these books is imperative
and mandatory. The stockholder can likewise However, this right does not apply where the
inspect the financial statements of the corporation corporation is not organized under the Philippine
(CC, Sec. 75). law as in such a case, the right of the stockholder is
governed by the inspection requirements in the
Place where the books and records shall be kept jurisdiction in which the corporation was organized
(De Leon, 2010).
GR: All the above books and records must be kept at
the principal office of the corporation. The right to inspect extends to the books and
records of the wholly-owned subsidiary of the
XPN: The stock and transfer book may be kept in the corporation.
principal office of the corporation or in the office of
its stock transfer agent, if one has been appointed by It would be more in accord with equity, good faith
the corporation (CC, Sec. 75). and fair dealing to construe the statutory right of the
stockholder to inspect the books and records of the
Requirement in order for the minutes of the corporation as extending to books and records of its
board meetings be given probative value wholly-owned subsidiary which are in the
corporation’s possession and control (Gokongwei v.
The minutes of board meetings should be signed by SEC, supra).
the corporate secretary. Without such signature, Rationale behind the right of inspection of a
neither probative value nor credibility could be corporation
accorded such minutes (Union of Supervisors [RB]-
NATU v. Sec. of Labor, G.R. No. L- 39889, November The stockholder's right of inspection of the
12, 1981). corporation's books and records is based upon their
ownership of the assets and property of the
Minutes of meetings without the signature of the corporation. It is, therefore, an incident of
corporate secretary have no probative value, and ownership of the corporate property (Republic v.
therefore cannot be demanded for inspection or Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 88809, July 10, 1991).
examination (Villanueva).
Persons entitled to inspect corporate books
Requirements for the Exercise of the Right of
1. Any director, trustee, or stockholder or member Q: Who are the persons who may be held liable
of the corporation at reasonable hours on under Section 74?
business day (CC, Sec. 74);
2. Voting trust certificate holder – The term A: The first, second and fourth paragraphs of
“stockholder”, as used in Sec. 74 means not only Section 74 are provisions that enumerates the
a stockholder of record; it includes a voting obligations of a corporation, such as what books or
trust certificate holder who has become merely records required to be kept, where it shall be kept,
an equitable owner of the shares transferred and other obligations of the corporation to its
(CC, Sec. 59 [3]); stockholders or members in relation to such books
3. Stockholder of a sequestered company and records. Hence, by parity of reasoning, such
(Republic vs. Sandiganbayan, supra); and provisions can only be violated by a corporation.
4. Beneficial owner of shares- pledgee, judgment
debtor, buyer from record owner. This is It is clear that a criminal action based on the
provided that his interest is clearly established violation of the second or fourth paragraphs of
by evidence. Section 74 can only be maintained against corporate
officers or such other persons that are acting on
Q: The deceased Carlos L. Puno, was an behalf of the corporation. Violations of the second
incorporator of Puno Enterprises, Inc. (Puno, and fourth paragraphs of Section 74 contemplates a
Inc). Joselito Musni Puno, claiming to be an heir situation wherein a corporation, acting thru one of
of Carlos L. Puno, initiated a complaint for its officers or agents, denies the right of any of its
specific performance against Puno, Inc. Joselito stockholders to inspect the records, minutes and the
averred that he is the son of the deceased with stock and transfer book of such corporation (Aderito
the latter’s common-law wife, Amelia Puno. As Z. Yujuico and Bonifacio C. Sumbilla v. Cezar T.
surviving heir, he claimed entitlement to the Quiambao and Eric C. Pilapil, G.R. No. 180416, June 2,
rights and privileges of his late father as 2014).
stockholder of Puno, Inc. The complaint thus
prayed that Joselito be allowed to inspect its Remedies for enforcement of right to inspect
corporate book, and be given an accounting and
all the profits pertaining to the shares of Puno.. 1. Action for mandamus or damages
2. Civil and criminal liability
May an heir of a stockholder can automatically
exercise the rights (inspection, accounting, Liability of a corporate officer or agent in case he
dividends) pertaining to the deceased? violates the stockholder’s right to inspection
A: NO.The stockholder’s right of inspection of the Any officer or agent of the corporation who shall
corporation’s books and records is based upon his refuse to allow any director, trustees, stockholder or
ownership of shares in the corporation and the member of the corporation to examine and copy
necessity for self-protection. After all, a shareholder excerpts from its records or minutes, shall be liable
has the right to be intelligently informed about to such director, trustee, stockholder or member for
corporate affairs. Such right rests upon the damages, and in addition, shall be liable for by a fine
stockholder’s underlying ownership of the of not less than one thousand (P1,000.00) pesos but
corporation’s assets and property. Similarly, only not more than ten thousand (P10,000.00) pesos or
stockholders of record are entitled to receive by imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) days
dividends declared by the corporation, a right but not more than five (5) years, or both, in the
inherent in the ownership of the shares. Upon the discretion of the court (CC, Sec 75 and Sec 144).
death of a shareholder, the heirs do not
automatically become stockholders of the Requisites for existence of probable cause to file
corporation and acquire the rights and privileges of a criminal case of violation of a stockholder’s
the deceased as shareholder of the corporation. The right to inspect corporate books
stocks must be distributed first to the heirs in estate
proceedings, and the transfer of the stocks must be 1. A director, etc. has made a prior demand in
recorded in the books of the corporation. During writing for a copy or excerpts from the
such interim period, the heirs stand as the equitable corporation’s records or minutes;
owners of the stocks, the executor or administrator 2. Any officer or agent of the concerned
duly appointed by the court being vested with the corporation shall refuse to allow the said
Exercise of pre-emptive right The stockholders can exercise their right to vote
through the election, replacement and removal of
Board of Directors or Trustees and on other
1. Only preferred or redeemable shares may be A right that grants to the corporation or another
made non-voting shares; and stockholder the right to buy the shares of stock of
2. There must remain other shares with full voting another stockholder at a fixed price and only valid if
rights. made on reasonable terms and consideration.
Instances when non-voting shares are entitled Provisions in articles of incorporation requiring
to vote (AASI-IMID) stockholders desiring to sell their stocks to offer
them first to the corporation or to the existing
The non-voting shares may still vote in the following stockholders at a given reasonable date before
matters: disposing of them to third persons may be
considered valid and enforceable (SEC Opinion, Feb.
1. Amendment of the articles of incorporation; 23, 1993).
2. Adoption and amendment of by-laws;
3. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or other Right of first refusal is not a substantive right
disposition of all or substantially all of the under the Corporation Code
corporate property;
4. Incurring, creating or increasing bonded GR: The right of first refusal can only arise by means
indebtedness; of a contractual stipulation, or when it is provided
5. Increase or decrease of capital stock; for in the AOI
6. Merger or consolidation of the corporation with
another corporation or other corporations; XPN: In the case of a close corporation, the right of
7. Investment of corporate funds in another first refusal is required to be found in the AOI.
corporation or business in accordance with the
corporation code; and When only the by-laws provide a right of first
8. Dissolution of the corporation (CC, Sec 6) refusal without the corresponding provision in the
AOI and not printed in the stock certificate, it is null
Treasury shares are not entitled to vote and void. There is no authority to create property
restrictions in by-laws provisions (Hodges v.
Treasury shares shall have no voting right as long as Lezama, G.R. No. L-17327, August 30, 1963).
such shares remain in treasury.
AOI may validly grant a right of first refusal in
Rule in case of joint ownership of stock favor of other stockholders
GR: In case of shares of stock owned jointly by two The SEC, as a matter of policy, allows restrictions on
or more persons, in order to vote the same, the transfer of shares in the AOI if the same is necessary
consent of all the co-owners shall be necessary. and convenient to the attainment of the objective for
which the company was incorporated, unless
XPN: If there is a written proxy, signed by all the co- palpably unreasonable under the circumstances
owners, authorizing one or some of them or any (SEC Opinion, Feb. 20, 1995).
other person to vote such share or shares. Provided,
that when the shares are owned in an “and/or” Pre-emptive right vs. Right of first refusal
The implicit argument — that a stockholder, to be Allegation of tort can co-exist with a derivative
considered as qualified to bring a derivative suit, suit in the same petition
must hold a substantial or significant block of stock
— finds no support whatever in the law. The bona Personal injury suffered by a stockholder cannot
fide ownership by a stockholder of stock in his own disqualify him from filing a derivative suit on behalf
right suffices to invest him with standing to bring a of the corporation. It merely gives rise to an
derivative action for the benefit of the corporation. additional cause of action for damages against the
The number of his shares is immaterial since he is erring directors (Goachan v. Young, G.R. No. 131889,
not suing in his own behalf, or for the protection or March 12, 2001).
vindication of his own particular right, or the
redress of a wrong committed against him, Jurisdiction over a derivative suit
individually, but in behalf and for the benefit of the
corporation (San Miguel Corporation v. Khan, G.R. A derivative suit is an intra-corporate controversy
No. 85339, August 11, 1989). hence under the jurisdiction of the RTC acting as a
special commercial court.
Q: A became a stockholder of Prime Real
Estate Corporation (PREC) on July 10, 1991, Q: AA, a minority stockholder, filed a suit against
when he was given one share by another BB, CC, DD, and EE, the holders of majority
stockholder to qualify him as a director. A was shares of MOP Corporation, for alleged
not re-elected director in the July 1, 1992 annual misappropriation of corporate funds. The
Regular meeting
The notice of meetings shall be in writing, and the
time and place thereof stated therein.
1. Annually on date fixed in the by-laws; or
2. If there is no date in the by-laws – any date in April NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code, the
as determined by the board. written notice of regular meetings may be sent
through electronic mail or such other manner as the
NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code, if the by- commission shall allow under its guidelines. (Sec.
laws does not fix the date of the meeting, it shall be on 49).
any date after April 15 of every year as may be
determined by the board (Sec. 49). The notice shall be sent to the stockholder:
1. Within the period provided in the by-laws
Venue: In the city or municipality where the principal 2. In the absence of provision in the by-laws – at least
office is located, and if practicable in the principal 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
office of the corporation: Provided, that Metro Manila
shall be considered a city or municipality. Notice may be waived, expressly or impliedly, by any
stockholder or member.
NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code, any city
or municipality in Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, Metro NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code, the
Davao, and other Metropolitan areas shall be written notice of regular meetings shall be sent to all
considered a city or municipality (Sec. 50). stockholders or members of record at least twenty-
one (21) days prior to the meeting unless otherwise
provided in the bylaws, law, or regulation (Sec. 49).
Special meeting
1. Any time deemed necessary; or
2. As provided in the by-laws The notice of meetings shall be in writing, and the
time and place thereof stated therein.
Venue: In the city or municipality where the principal
office is located, and if practicable in the principal The notice shall be sent to the stockholder:
office of the corporation: Provided, that Metro Manila 1. Within the period provided in the by-laws
shall be considered a city or municipality. 2. If no provision in the by-laws – at least 1 week
prior to the meeting
NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code, any city
or municipality in Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, Metro Notice may be waived, expressly or impliedly, by any
Davao, and other Metropolitan areas shall be stockholder or member.
considered a city or municipality (Sec. 50).
NOTE: SEC may compel the officers of any Nature of a subscription contract
corporation registered by it to call meetings of A subscription contract is indivisible. Consequently,
stockholders/members thereof under its where stocks were subscribed and part of the
supervision (PD No. 902-A, Sec. 6 [f]) subscription contract price was not paid, the whole
4. Corporate Secretary or a stockholder/member subscription shall be considered delinquent and not
for a special meeting intended for the removal only the shares which correspond to the amount not
of directors or trustees (CC, Sec. 28). paid.
Shares of stocks are personal property Reason behind the prohibition on the issuance
of watered stocks
Shares of stock are personal property. They are
incorporeal in nature. Except treasury stock which It is to protect persons who may acquire stock and
belongs to the Corporation (NCC, Art. 417 and 2095). the creditors of the corporation particularly those
who may become such on the faith of its outstanding
Share of stock does not constitute an capital stock being fully paid. The prohibition
indebtedness of the corporation to the secures equality among subscribers and prevents
shareholder discriminations against those who have paid in full
the par or issued value of their shares (De Leon,
They are in the nature of choses in action but are not supra).
in a strict sense. They do not constitute an
indebtedness of the corporation to the shareholder Not all exchanges of stocks worth less than their
and are therefore, not credits as to make the value are considered watered stock
stockholder a creditor of the corporation (De Leon,
2010). The watered stocks refer only to original issue of
stocks but not to a subsequent transfer of such
The board of directors may issue additional stocks by the corporation, for then it would no
shares of stock without approval of the longer be an “issue” but a sale thereof (De
stockholders. Leon,2010, citing Rochelle Roofing Co. vs. Burley, 115
NE 478).
Liability of directors for watered stocks XPN: Trust fund doctrine is not violated in case
treasury shares are reacquired and subsequently
Any director or officer of a corporation shall be re-issued for a lesser consideration by the
solidarily liable with stockholder concerned to the corporation. The only limitation for the reissuance
corporation and its creditors for difference between of treasury shares is that their price must be
the fair value received at the time of the issuance of reasonable.
the stock and the par or issued value of the same, if:
1. He consents to the issuance of stocks for
consideration less than its par or issued value; GR: The situs of shares of stock is the country where
2. He consents to the issuance of stocks for a the corporation is domiciled (Wells Fargo Bank v.
consideration in any form other than cash, CIR, G.R. No. L-46720, June 28, 1940).
valued in excess of its fair value; or
3. Who, having knowledge thereof, does not The residence of the corporation is the place
forthwith express his objection in writing and where the principal office of the corporation is
file the same with the corporate secretary. (CC, located as stated in its AOI even though the
Sec. 65) corporation has closed its office therein and
relocated to another place (Hyatt Elevators and
NOTE: The solidary liability of the directors Escalators Corp. v. Goldstar Elevator Phils., Inc.,
emanates from the fiduciary character of the supra.).
position of director or corporate officer.
XPN: In property taxation –the situs of intangible
Defenses that can be invoked in order that a property, such as shares of stocks, is at the domicile
director or an officer can escape liability for the or residence of the owner.
issuance of watered stocks
XPN to the XPN:
1. The director or officer did not consent and did 1. When a nonresident alien has shares of stock in
not have knowledge in the issuance of the a domestic corporation, then the situs will be in
watered stock. the Philippines; and
2. The director or officer objected to its issuance, 2. For purposes of the estate tax, the gross estate
provided: of a resident decedent, whether citizen or alien,
or a citizen decedent, whether resident or
CLASSES OF SHARES OF STOCK 1. Shares which have no par value, cannot have an
issued price of less than P5.00.
Kinds or classifications of shares 2. The entire consideration for its issuance
constitutes capital so that no part of it should be
1. Par value shares Distributed as dividends.
2. No par value shares 3. They cannot be issued as Preferred stocks.
3. Common shares 4. They cannot be issued by Banks, Building and
4. Preferred shares loan association, Trust companies, Insurance
5. Redeemable shares companies, and Public utilities.
6. Treasury shares 5. The Articles of incorporation must state the fact
7. Founder’s share that it issued no par value shares as well as the
8. Voting shares number of said shares
9. Non-voting shares 6. Once issued, they are deemed fully Paid and
10. Convertible shares non-assessable (CC, Sec. 6).
11. Watered stock
12. Fractional share 3. Common shares
13. Shares in escrow
14. Over-issued stock These are ordinarily and usually issued stocks
15. Street certificate without extraordinary rights and privileges, and
16. Promotion share entitle the shareholder to a pro rata division of
profits. It represents the residual ownership
Who may classify shares interest in the corporation. The holders of this kind
of share have complete voting rights and they
1. Incorporators – the classes and number of cannot be deprived of the said rights except as
shares which a corporation shall issue are first provided by law.
determined by the incorporators as stated in
the articles of incorporation filed with the SEC. 4. Preferred shares
2. Board of directors and stockholders – after the
corporation comes into existence, classification These entitle the shareholder to some priority on
of shares may be altered by the board of distribution of dividends and assets over those
directors and the stockholders by amending the holders of common shares. Preferred shares may be
articles of incorporation pursuant to Sec. 16. issued only with a stated par value (CC, Sec. 6).
Shares with a value fixed in the articles of 1. Preferred shares as to assets –gives the holder
incorporation and the certificates of stock. The par preference in the distribution of the assets of
value fixes the minimum issue price of the shares the corporation in case of liquidation.
(CC, Sec. 62). 2. Participating preferred shares – Entitled to
participate with the common shares in excess
Rule on the issuance of shares less than its par distribution
value 3. Non-participating preferred shares – Not
entitled to participate with the common shares
GR: A corporation cannot issue shares at less than in excess distribution.
its par value. 4. Preferred shares as to dividends–entitled to
receive dividends on said share to the extent
XPN: The prohibition applies only to original agreed upon before any dividends at all are paid
issuance of shares and not to the subsequent sale of to the holders of common stock.
treasury shares and sale of shares made by 5. Cumulative preferred shares – If a dividend is
stockholders. omitted in any year, it must be made up in a
later year before any dividend may be paid on
2. No par value shares the common shares in the later year.
6. Non-cumulative preferred shares – There is no
These are shares having no stated value in AOI. need to make up for undeclared dividends
These are shares of stocks issued by a corporation Furthermore, the declaration of dividends is
which said corporation can purchase or take up dependent upon the availability of surplus profit or
from their holders upon expiry of the period stated unrestricted retained earnings, as the case may be.
in certificates of stock representing said shares (CC, Shareholders, both common and preferred, are
Sec. 8). considered risk takers who invest capital in the
business and who can look only to what is left after
NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code for corporate debts and liabilities are fully paid
Redeemable shares, their redemption shall now be (Republic Planters Bank v. Judge Agana, G.R. No.
subject to the rules and regulations that may be 51765. March 3, 1997).
issued by SEC, in addition to what may be stipulated
in the AOI and Certificate of Stock. 6. Treasury shares
Kinds of redeemable shares Shares that have been earlier issued as fully paid
and have thereafter been acquired by the
1. Compulsory - the corporation is required to corporation by purchase, donation, and redemption
redeem the shares. or through some lawful means (CC, Sec. 9).
2. Optional - the corporation is not mandated to
redeem the shares. NOTE: Treasury shares are not retired shares. They
do not revert to the unissued shares of the
Limitations on redeemable shares (ATVI) corporation but are regarded as property acquired
by the corporation which may be reissued or resold
1. Issuance of redeemable shares must be at a price to be fixed by the Board of Directors (SEC
expressly provided in the Articles of Rules Governing Redeemable and Treasury Shares,
incorporation; CCP No. 1-1982).
2. The Terms and conditions affecting said shares
must be stated both in the articles of Other means in which a corporation may
incorporation and in the certificates of stock acquire its own shares
3. Redeemable shares may be deprived of Voting
rights in the articles of incorporation, unless 1. To collect or compromise unpaid indebtedness
otherwise provided in the Code (CC, Sec. 6 [6]) to the corporation;
4. Redemption cannot be made if it will cause 2. To eliminate fractional shares;
Insolvency of the corporation. 3. To pay dissenting or withdrawing stockholders
entitled to payment for their shares;
Reissuance of redeemed shares 4. Redemption
5. Close corporation.
Redeemable shares, once redeemed are retired
unless reissuance is expressly allowed in the AOI. Limitations on treasury shares
Q: Planters Bank issued preferred redeemable 1. They may be re-issued or sold again as long as
shares with a feature that entitles them to be it is for a reasonable price fixed by the BOD.
preferred in the payment of dividends. 2. Cannot participate in dividends.
Subsequently, the bank experienced liquidity 3. It has no voting right.
problems. The Central Bank ruled that the bank 4. It cannot be represented during stockholder’s
has a reserve deficiency. Despite of the meetings.
Treasury shares distributed by way of dividends Shares classified as such in the articles of
incorporation and which may be given special
They can be distributed only as property dividends. preference in voting rights and dividend payments.
They cannot be declared as stock or cash dividends
because they are not considered part of earned or NOTE: Where the exclusive right to vote and be
surplus profits. The distribution of cash or stock voted for in the election of directors is granted, such
dividends out of treasury shares would be right must be for a limited period not exceeding 5
converting the corporation into both a debtor and years subject to approval of the SEC, the period to
creditor for the same amount at the same time, or commence from the date of said approval (CC, Sec.
requiring it to take money or stock from one of its 7).
pockets and putting it in another, which is absurd.
Treasury shares may be declared as property NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code,
divided to be issued out of the retained earnings Founder’s shares given the exclusive right to vote
previously used to support their acquisition and be voted for are not allowed to exercise that
provided that the amount of the said retained right in violation of the Anti-Dummy Law and the
earnings has not been subsequently impaired by Foreign Investment Act.
losses (SEC Opinion, July 17, 1984).
8. Voting shares
Note: Since a treasury share is a fully paid share re-
acquired by the corporation, it is not outstanding Shares with a right to vote. If the stock is originally
and may be re-issued and resold. It cannot receive issued as voting stock, it may not thereafter be
dividends before the resale, because the deprived of the right to vote without the consent of
corporation cannot grant dividends to itself. the holder.
(CIR vs Manning 66 SCRA 14.)
9. Non-voting shares
Treasury shares vs. Redeemable shares
Shares without right to vote. The law only
BASIS TREASURY REDEEMABLE authorizes the denial of voting rights in the case of
SHARES SHARES redeemable shares and preferred shares, provided
Shares so that there shall always be a class or series of shares
acquired by which have complete voting rights (CC, Sec. 6).
the Issued by the
corporation corporation Instances when holders of non-voting shares are
through when allowed to vote
purchase, expressly so
donation, provided in These redeemable and preferred shares, when such
redemption or the AoI. voting rights are denied, shall nevertheless be
any other entitled to vote on the following fundamental
lawful means. matters:
shares may be 1. Amendment of articles of incorporation;
Can only be
acquired even 2. Adoption and amendment of by-laws;
acquired in
without 3. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or other
the presence
Manner of unrestricted disposition of all or substantially all of the
acquisition retained corporate property;
earnings for as 4. Incurring, creating or increasing bonded
long as it will indebtedness;
not result to 5. Increase or decrease of capital stock;
the insolvency 6. Merger or consolidation of the corporation with
another corporation or other corporations;
10. Convertible shares Shares issued below its par value or issued value.
Shares which are changeable by the stockholder NOTE: Watered stocks pertain only to original
from one class to another (such as from preferred to issuance of shares.
common) at a certain price and within a certain
period. A corporation can designate other classes of
GR: Stockholder may demand conversion at his
pleasure. There can be other classifications as long as they are
indicated in the AOI, stock certificate and not
XPN: Otherwise when restricted by the articles of contrary to law.
NOTE: In the absence of express provision in the
AOI as to their convertibility feature, preferred Time when the balance of the subscription
shares cannot be converted into common. The should be paid:
terms of the preferred share contract cannot be
changed without the consent of the stockholders. 1. On the date specified in the subscription
contract, without need of demand or call;
The conversion of no par value shares to par value 2. If no date of payment has been specified, on the
is allowed by SEC provided there would be no date specified on the call made by the BOD (CC,
change in the stockholder’s percentage interest in Sec. 67);
the total assets of the corporation. 3. If no date of payment has been specified on the
call made, within 30 days from the date of call;
11. Fractional share and
4. When insolvency supervenes upon a
A fractional share is a share of equity that is less corporation and the court assumes jurisdiction
than one full share. to wind it up, all unpaid subscriptions become
payable on demand, and are at once
12. Shares in escrow recoverable, without necessity of any prior call.
Subject to an agreement by virtue of which the share Accrual of interest on unpaid balance
is deposited by the grantor or his agent with a third
person to be kept by the depositary until the Unpaid balance will accrue interest if so required by
performance of certain condition or the happening the by‐laws and at the rate of interest fixed in the
of a certain event contained in the agreement. by‐laws. If no rate of interest is fixed in the by‐laws,
such rate shall be deemed to be the legal rate (CC,
13. Over-issued stock Sec. 66).
It is a stock issued in excess of the authorized capital The above interest is different from the interest
stock. Stocks which are issued in this manner are contemplated by Sec. 67, the unpaid balance
null and void. involved in which, will only accrue interest, by way
of penalty, on the date specified in the contract of
14. Street certificate subscription or on the date stated in the call made
by the board.
It is a stock certificate endorsed by the registered
holder in blank and the transferee can command its NOTE: Interest contemplated in Sec. 66 pertains to
transfer to his name from issuing corporation. moratory interest which is the interest on account of
subscription in an installment basis, while Sec. 67
15. Promotional share speaks of compensatory interest which is the
interest on account of delay
This is a share issued to promoters or those in some
way interested in the company, for incorporating Moratory vs. Compensatory interest
Effect of failure to pay the subscription on the However, a call is not necessary where:
date it is due 1. The subscription contract specifies the date of
payment; or
It shall render the entire balance due and payable 2. The corporation becomes insolvent (Sundiang
and shall make the shareholder liable for Sr. & Aquino, 2009)
compensatory interest at the legal rate on such 3. The subscriber becomes insolvent (De Leon,
balance, unless a different rate of interest is supra)
provided in the by‐laws.
Remedies of corporations to enforce payment of
stocks The notice of the call must be served on the
stockholders concerned in the manner prescribed
1. Extra-judicial sale at public auction (CC, Sec. 67) in the call, which may either be by registered mail
2. Judicial action (CC, Sec. 70) and/or personal delivery and publication.
a. For how many shares is Ace Cruz entitled to 1. Resolution – the board shall issue resolution
be paid cash dividends? Explain. ordering the sale of delinquent stock.
b. On December 1, 2008, can Ace Cruz compel 2. Notice – notice of said sale, with a copy of the
JP Development Corporation to issue to him resolution, shall be sent to every delinquent
the stock certificate corresponding to the stockholder either personally or by registered
P25,000 paid by him? (2008 Bar) mail.
3. Publication – the notice shall furthermore be
A: published once a week for two consecutive
a. Ace is entitled to the whole amount of his shares weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in
which is 100,000. A contract of subscription is the province or city where the principal office of
an indivisible contract. If only partial payment the corporation is located
for the subscription was made, it cannot be the 4. Sale – the delinquent stock shall be sold at the
basis for the amount of cash dividend in favor of public auction to be held not less than 30 days
the stockholder. Cash dividends due on nor more than 60 days from the date stocks
delinquent stocks shall first be applied to the become delinquent.
unpaid balance on the subscription plus cost 5. Transfer – the stock so purchased shall be
and expenses. (Sec. 43) Stocks become transferred to such purchaser in the books of
delinquent 30 days from the due date specified the corporation and a certificate for such stock
in the contract of subscription or in the date shall be issued in his favor.
stated in the call made by the board. (Sec 67) In 6. Credit remainder – the remaining shares, if any,
this case, the cash dividend is not yet shall be credited in favor of the delinquent
delinquent. Ace Cruz, therefore can claim the stockholder who shall likewise be entitled to
entire cash dividend payable on December 1, the issuance of a certificate of stock covering
2008. the same (CC, Sec. 68; Aquino, 2014).
Delinquency sale may be discontinued or cancelled For stock corporations, the action prescribes 6
if the delinquent stockholder pays the unpaid months from such sale. However, in case of non-
balance plus interest, costs and expenses on or stock corporations, the applicable period is 4 years
before the date specified for the sale or when the under the Civil Code.
BOD orders otherwise (CC, Sec. 68).
Winning bidder in a delinquency sale
A certificate of stock is a written instrument signed
1. The person participating in the delinquency by the proper officer of a corporation stating or
sale who offers to pay the full amount of the acknowledging that the person named therein is the
balance of the subscription together with the owner of a designated number of shares of its stock.
accrued interest, costs of advertisement and It indicates the name of the holder, the number, kind
expenses of sale, for the smallest number of and class of shares represented, and the date of
shares;. issuance.
2. If there is no bidder as mentioned above, the
corporation, subject to the provisions of Sec. 68 It is not stock in the corporation but is merely
of CC, may bid for the same, and the total evidence of the holder’s interest and status in the
amount due shall be credited as paid in full in corporation.
the books of the corporation. The purchase by
the corporation must be made out of net NOTE: Under the Revised Corporation Code, the SEC
earnings in view of the trust fund doctrine. may require corporations whose securities are
Thereafter, the reacquired shares shall be traded in trading markets and which can reasonably
considered as treasury shares (CC, Sec. 41; De demonstrate their ability to do so, to issue their
Leon, 2010). securities or shares of stock in uncertified or in
scripless form in accordance with the rules imposed
NOTE: The board is not bound to accept the highest by SEC.
bid unless the contrary appears. The bidder is the
one making the offer to purchase, which the Shares of stock vs. Certificates of stock
corporation is free to accept or reject (Ibid.)
Q: What happens to the remaining shares, if any, STOCK
were not sold? Evidence of the holder’s
ownership of the stock
A: The remaining shares, if any, shall be credited in Unit of interest in a
and of his right as a
favor of the delinquent stockholder who shall corporation
shareholder and of his
likewise be entitled to the issuance of a certificate of extent specified therein.
stock covering such shares (CC, Sec. 68). It is an incorporeal or It is concrete and
intangible property tangible
Rule on questioning the sale of delinquent share It may be recognized
in public auction by the corporation It may be issued only if
even if the the subscription is fully
GR: The sale at public auction of delinquent share is subscription is not paid.
absolute and not subject to redemption. fully paid.
XPN: An action may be filed to question the sale, the NATURE OF THE CERTIFICATE
requisites for which are:
1. There should be allegation and proof of A certificate of stock is a prima facie evidence of
irregularity or defect in the notice of sale or ownership and evidence can be presented to
in the sale itself. determine the real owner of the shares (Bitong vs.
2. The party filing the action must first pay the CA, supra).
party holding the stock the sum for which
the stock was sold with legal interest from It is not essential to the existence of a share of stock
the date of sale. or the creation of the relation of the shareholder
3. The action is filed within 6 months from the with the corporation (Tan v. SEC, G.R. No. 95696,
date of sale (CC, Sec. 69). March 3, 1992).
Certificates of stock may be issued only to Stockholder may bring suit to compel the
registered owners of stock. The issuance of “bearer” corporate secretary to register valid transfer of
stock certificates is not allowed under the law (SEC stocks
Opinion No. 05-02, Jan. 31, 2005).
The corporation may refuse to register the transfer Is a bona fide transfer of the shares of a
of shares if it has an existing unpaid claim over the corporation, not registered or noted in the
shares to be transferred. The “unpaid claim” refers books of the corporation, valid as against a
to the unpaid subscription on the shares transferred subsequent lawful attachment of said shares,
and not to any other indebtedness that the regardless of whether the attaching creditor had
transferor may have to the corporation (CC, Sec. 63). actual notice of said transfer or not?
A stockholder can transfer his shares without A: NO. The corporation has a claim on the said
being fully paid shares for the unpaid balance of Po's subscription. A
stock subscription is a subsisting liability from the
The incomplete payment of the subscription does time the subscription is made. The subscriber is as
not preclude the subscriber from alienating his much bound to pay his subscription as he would be
shares of stock. However, the transfer shall be valid to pay any other debt (Ibid).
only between the parties. The corporation has the
right to refuse from recording the sale in its books. Sale of full paid shares
A transferee of the partially paid shares cannot Sale of fully paid shares is allowed even without the
compel the corporation to record the transfer of consent of the corporation as long as the requisites
shares in its books, even though he has no for the valid transfer of shares are complied.
knowledge that they are not fully paid
Q: Four months before his death, PX assigned
Shares of stock against which the corporation holds 100 shares of stock registered in his name in
any unpaid claim shall not be transferable in the favor of his wife and his children. They then
books of the corporation. Hence, a transferee of the brought the deed of assignment to the proper
partially paid shares cannot compel the corporation corporate officers for registration with the
to record the transfer of shares in its books, even request for the transfer in the corporation's
though he has no knowledge that they are not fully stock and transfer books of the assigned shares,
paid (CC, Sec. 63). the cancellation of the stock certificates in PX's
name, and the issuance of new stock certificates
Stockholder cannot sell a portion of the shares in the names of his wife and his children as the
not fully paid new owners. The officers of the Corporation
denied the request on the ground that another
A stockholder who has not paid the full amount of heir is contesting the validity of the deed of
his subscription cannot transfer a portion of his assignment. May the Corporation be compelled
subscription in view of the indivisible nature of the by mandamus to register the shares of stock in
subscription contract (Villanueva, 2009). the names of the assignees? (2004 Bar)
Liability of the transferee for the balance of the A: YES. The corporation may be compelled by
purchase price in case the stockholder on record mandamus to register the shares of stock in the
fails to pay the same name of the assignee. The only legal limitation
imposed by Section 63 of the Corporation Code is
In case the stockholder on record fails to pay the pay when the Corporation holds any unpaid claim
the balance of the purchase price, he is still liable for against the shares intended to be transferred. The
the balance of the purchase price. Unless the alleged claim of another heir of PX is not sufficient
transfer of the shares is recorded, the stockholder is to deny the issuance of new certificates of stock to
still the owners of the shares as far as the his wife and children. It would be otherwise if the
corporation is concerned. transferee's title to the shares has no prima facie
validity or is uncertain.
REASON: The subscriber is as much bound to pay
his subscription as he would be to pay any other Recording of a deed of assignment with the SEC
debt (Nava v. Peers Marketing Corp., G.R. No. L-28120 without the transfer of shares does not bind the
November 25, 1976). corporation and third persons
Q: Po subscribed to 80 shares of Peers The recording of a deed of assignment does not give
Marketing Corporation at one hundred pesos a rise to any legal benefit to the corporation or any
share with a total value of 8,000 pesos. Po person (Sec Memo Circular No. 17, Series of 2004).
initially paid 2,000 pesos (25% of the amount of
subscription). Without paying the full REQUISITES OF A VALID TRANSFER
subscription price, Po sold to Nava 20 of his 80
shares. Nava requested the officers of the If represented by a certificate, the following must be
corporation to register the sale in the books of strictly complied with:
the corporation. The request was denied
because Po has not paid fully the amount of his 1. Indorsement by the owner and his agent;
Is the case an intra-corporate dispute and is thus In the present case, ADC filed its complaint not only
under the jurisdiction of the RTC? after its corporate existence was terminated but
also beyond the three-year period allowed by
A: YES. The Court finds and so holds that the case is Section 122 of the Corporation Code. Thus, it is clear
essentially an intra-corporate dispute. It obviously that at the time of the filing of the subject complaint
arose from the intra-corporate relations between ADC lacks the capacity to sue as a corporation. To
the parties, and the questions involved pertain to allow ADC to initiate the subject complaint and
their rights and obligations under the Corporation pursue it until final judgment, on the ground that
Code and matters relating to the regulation of the such complaint was filed for the sole purpose of
corporation. The Court further holds that the nature liquidating its assets, would be to circumvent the
of the case as an intra-corporate dispute was not provisions of Section 122 of the Corporation Code
affected by the subsequent dissolution of the (Alabang Development Corp. v. Alabang Hills Village
corporation. Section 145 preserves a corporate Association and Rafael Tinio, G.R. No. 187456, June 2,
actor’s cause of action and remedy against another 2014).
corporate actor. In so doing, Section 145 also
preserves the nature of the controversy between Procedure for dissolution of a corporation sole
the parties as an intra-corporate dispute.
In case of a corporation sole, by submitting to the
The dissolution of the corporation simply prohibits SEC for approval, a verified declaration of
it from continuing its business. However, despite dissolution which will set forth the following:
such dissolution, the parties involved in the
litigation are still corporate actors. The dissolution 1. The name of the corporation;
does not automatically convert the parties into total 2. The reason for dissolution and winding up;
strangers or change their intra-corporate 3. The authorization for the dissolution of the
relationships. Neither does it change or terminate corporation by the particular religious
existing causes of action, which arose because of the denomination, sect or church; and
corporate ties between the parties. Thus, a cause of 4. The names and addresses of the persons who
action involving an intra-corporate controversy are to supervise the winding up of the affairs of
remains and must be filed as an intra-corporate the corporation.
dispute despite the subsequent dissolution of the
corporation (Aguirre v. FQB+7 Inc., GR No. 170770, Upon approval of such declaration of dissolution by
January 9 2013, Del Castillo, J.). the Securities and Exchange Commission, the
corporation shall cease to carry on its operations
Q: Alabang Development Corporation (ADC), except for the purpose of winding up its affairs (CC,
developer of Alabang Hills Village, filed with the Sec. 115).
RTC a complaint for injunction against Alabang
Hills Village Association, Inc. (AHVAI) and its Dissolution by merger or consolidation
president, Rafael Tino, alleging that AHVAI
started the construction of a multi-purpose hall Upon issuance of SEC of a Certificate of Merger or
and a swimming pool on one of the parcels of Consolidation, the corporate existence of the
land still owned by ADC, without the latter’s absorbed corporation and the constituent
consent and approval. corporations in case of consolidation shall
automatically cease. No liquidation proceedings will
AHVAI claimed that ADC had no legal capacity to thereafter be conducted (CC, Sec. 80).
sue since its existence as a registered corporate
entity was revoked by the SEC on May 26, 2003. MODES OF DISSOLUTION
Does the ADC has the capacity to file the
complaint? The following are the modes of dissolution of the
A corporation in the process of liquidation has no Distribution of the corporation’s assets prior to
legal authority to engage in any new business, even dissolution
if the same is in accordance with the primary
purpose stated in its article of incorporation. GR: A corporation cannot distribute its assets prior
to dissolution. This will violate the trust fund
Suits brought against the corporation within the doctrine (CC,Sec. 122).
3-year period but remained pending beyond
said period XPNs:
1. Decrease of Capital Stock (CC,Sec. 38)
Pending actions against the corporation are not 2. Redemption of Redeemable Shares (CC, Sec. 8)
extinguished. They may still be prosecuted against 4. Reacquisition of shares which are considered as
the corporation even beyond said period. treasury shares (CC, Sec. 9)
5. Acquisition of own shares (CC, Sec. 41)
The creditors of the corporation who were not paid 6. Declaration of dividends (CC, Sec. 43)
within the 3-year period may follow the property of 7. Purchase of shares of any stockholder in case of
the corporation that may have passed to its deadlocks in a close corporation (CC, Sec. 10)
stockholders unless barred by prescription or 8. Withdrawal of a stockholder in a close
laches or disposition of said property in favor of a corporation (CC, Sec 105)
purchaser in good faith. 9. Upon lawful dissolution and after payment of all
debts and liabilities (CC, Sec. 122)
Suits not brought against the corporation within
the 3-year period Order of distribution of assets in case of
liquidation (CreSt-PreComE)
Suits not brought against the corporation within the
3-year period may still be prosecuted against the 1. Payment of claims of CREditors who are not
corporation, since there is nothing in Sec. 122, par. stockholders (based on preference or
1 which bars action for the recovery of the debts of concurrence of credits).
the corporation against the liquidator thereof after 2. Payment of claims of STockholders who are
the lapse of the winding up period of 3 years creditors of the corporation, as to the amount of
(Republic of the Philippines vs. Marsman Dev. Co., G.R. their claim as creditors.
No. L-175109, April 27, 1972). 3. Residual Balance shall be distributed
Right of the corporation to appeal a judgment is a. Holders of PREferred stock, if any; then
not extinguished by the expiration of the 3-year to the
period b. Holders of COMmon stock
4. If the creditor or stockholder cannot be found,
Corporations whose certificate of registration was their claims or shares shall be Escheated in
revoked by the SEC may still maintain actions in favor of the city or municipality where the asset
court for the protection of its rights which includes is located.
1. Shall nevertheless be continued as a body Where no time limit has been fixed with respect to
corporate for 3 years after the time when it the existence of the trusteeship, the trustee has
would have been so dissolved; authority to close the affairs of the corporation even
2. For the purpose of after the expiration of the statutory 3-year period
a. Prosecuting and defending suits by or and claims not barred by the statute of limitations
against it; can be presented and allowed until the liquidation
b. Enabling it to settle and close its affairs; is terminated (National Abaca & Other Fibers Corp.
c. To dispose of and convey its property; v. Pore, G.R. No. L-16779, August 16, 1979).
d. to distribute its assets Suits brought by the corporation within the 3-
3. But NOT for the purpose of continuing the year period but remained pending beyond said
business for which it was established (CC, Sec. period
122 [1]).
A corporation that has a pending action and which
NOTE: Sec 122 authorizes the dissolved cannot be terminated within the 3 year period after
corporation’s board of directors to conduct its its dissolution is authorized under Sec. 122 of the CC
liquidation within 3 years from its dissolution. to convey all its property to a trustee to enable it to
Jurisprudence has even recognized the board’s prosecute and defend suits by or against the
authority to act as trustee for persons in interest corporation beyond the 3-year period. The trustee
beyond the said 3 year period [Aguirre v. FQB+7 Inc., may commence a suit which can proceed to final
688 SCRA 242 (2013)]. judgment even beyond the 3-year period. The
director may be permitted to continue as trustees to
BY CONVEYANCE TO A TRUSTEE complete the liquidation (Clemente v. CA, G.R. No.
WITHIN A 3-YEAR PERIOD 82407, March 27, 1995).
At anytime during the 3-year period for liquidation, Suits brought by the corporation beyond the 3-
said corporation is authorized and empowered to year period are not barred
convey all of its property to trustees for the benefit
of its stockholders, members, creditors and other The trustee of a dissolved corporation may
persons in interest. commence a suit which can proceed to final
judgment even beyond the 3-year period. The
From and after any such conveyance by the expiration of 3 years after the dissolution of a
corporation of its property in trust for the benefit of corporation does not affect its right to enforce a
its stockholders, members, creditors and others in favorable judgment, because under Sec. 145 of the
interest, all interest which the corporation had in CC, no right or remedy in favor or against any
the property terminates, the legal interest vests in corporation shall be removed or impaired either by
the trustees, and the beneficial interest in the subsequent dissolution of said corporation or by
stockholders, members, creditors or other persons any subsequent amendment or repeal of the CC or
in interest (par. [2], Sec. 122, CC). any part thereof (Knecht v. United Cigarette Corp.,
G.R. No. 139370, July 4, 2002).
Meaning of trustee
Q: The corporation, once dissolved, thereafter
The word “trustee” as used in the law must be continues to be a body corporate for three years
understood in its general concept. It has been held for purposes of prosecuting and defending suits
that a counsel who prosecuted and defended the by and against it and of enabling it to settle and
interest of a corporation and who in fact appeared close its affairs, culminating in the final
in behalf of the corporation before and after its disposition and distribution of its remaining
dissolution by amendment of its articles of assets. If the 3 year extended life expires
incorporation may be considered a trustee of the without a trustee or receiver being designated
corporation at least with respect to the matter in by the corporation within that period and by
litigation only. The purpose in the transfer of the that time (expiry of the 3 year extended term),
assets of the corporation to a trustee upon its the corporate liquidation is not yet over, how, if
1. The board of directors or trustees itself may be The corporation, through its president cannot
permitted to so continue as “trustees” by legal condone penalties and charges after it had been
implication. placed under receivership
2. In the absence of the BoD or BoT, those having
a pecuniary interest in the corporate assets, The appointment of a receiver operates to suspend
stockholders or creditors, may make a proper the authority of a corporation and of its directors
representations with SEC for working out a final and officers over its property and effects, such
settlement of the corporate concerns [Clemente authority being reposed in the receiver (Yam v. CA,
v CA, 242 SCRA 717 (1995)]. G.R. No. 104726, February 11, 1999).
3. The only surviving stockholder or director (SEC
Opinion No. 10-96, Jan 29 2010) Q: ASB Realty, being the owner of the property
4. The counsel who prosecuted and defended the by virtue of a Deed of Assignment, entered a
interest of the corporation (Reburiano v CA, G.R. Contract of Lease with Leonardo Umale. Upon
No. 102965, January 21, 1999). expiration of the contract, Umale continued
occupying the premises. ASB Realty served
BY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OR Umale a Notice of Termination of Lease and
REHABILITATION RECEIVER Demand to Vacate. Umale failed to comply with
the demand of vacating the premises and paying
Liquidation by a receiver his arrears. ASB Realty filed an unlawful
detainer case. Umale admitted occupying the
In the case of a dissolution order where creditors property but challenged the personality of ASB
are affected, the SEC may appoint a receiver to take Realty to sue and recover the property. He
charge of the liquidation of the corporation (CC, Sec. claimed that ASB Realty being placed under
119). receivership, it is the rehabilitation receiver
that has the power to take possession, control,
NOTE: Thus, the appointment of receiver is and custody of the assets under the Interim
addressed to the sound discretion of the court or the Rules of Procedure on Corporate Rehabilitation.
SEC. Can ASB Realty, a corporation under
rehabilitation, sue in its own name and recover
Appointment of receiver for a going corporation property unlawfully withheld?
The appointment of a receiver for a going A: YES. Being placed under corporate rehabilitation
corporation is a last resort remedy, and should not and having a receiver appointed to carry out the
be employed when another remedy is rehabilitation plan do not ipso facto deprive a
available. Relief by receivership is an extraordinary corporation and its corporate officers of the power
remedy and is never exercised if there is an to recover its unlawfully detained property.
adequate remedy at law or if the harm can be Rehabilitation is for effecting a feasible and viable
prevented by an injunction or a restraining rehabilitation by preserving a floundering business
order. Bad judgment by directors, or even as a going concern. This concept of preserving the
unauthorized use and misapplication of the corporation’s business as a going concern while it is
company’s funds, will not justify the appointment of undergoing rehabilitation is called debtor-in-
a receiver for the corporation if appropriate relief possession or debtor-in-place wherein the debtor
can otherwise be had (Rev. Ao-As v. CA, G.R. No. corporation remains in control of its business and
128464, June 20, 2006). properties, subject only to the monitoring of the
appointed rehabilitation receiver. The receiver
Even without dissolution, the court has authority to does not take over the control and management of
appoint a receiver for a corporation to protect and the debtor corporation being tasked only to monitor
The return of the car subject of the writ of replevin Right of the creditor-mortgagee to foreclose
is correct notwithstanding the pendency of the corporate property
rehabilitation proceedings. This is the necessary
consequence of the dismissal of the replevin case for The court has already settled and upheld the right of
failure to prosecute without prejudice. Upon the the secured creditor to foreclose the mortgages in
dismissal of the replevin case, the writ of seizure, its favor during the liquidation of a debtor
which is merely ancillary in nature, became functus corporation.
officio and should have been lifted. There was no
adjudication on the merits, which means that there The creditor-mortgagee has the right to foreclose
was no determination of the issue who has the the mortgage over a specific real property whether
better right to possess the subject car. Returning or not the debtor-mortgagor is under insolvency or
the seized vehicle is not an enforcement of a claim liquidation proceedings. The right to foreclose such
against the distressed corporation which must be mortgage is merely suspended upon the
suspended by virtue of the stay order issued by the appointment of a management committee or
rehabilitation court. The issue in a replevin case is rehabilitation receiver or upon the issuance of a stay
who has a better right of possession. So long as the order by the trial court. However, the creditor-
respondent is not interposing a monetary claim, mortgagee may exercise his right to foreclose the
respondent’s prayer for the return of the car subject mortgage upon the termination of the rehabilitation
of the replevin suit is not in any way violative of the proceedings or upon the lifting of the stay order
Rules on Corporate Rehabilitation (Advent Capital (Yngson, Jr. [in his capacity as Liquidator of Arcam &
and Medical Corp. v. Young, G.R. No. 183018, August Company, Inc.] v. Philippine National Bank, G.R. No.
3, 2011, in Divina, 2014). 171132, August 15, 2012, in Divina, 2014).
Due to the enactment of RA 7042, the control 1. A corporation may give actual consent to
test is now used in the determination of judicial jurisdiction manifested normally by
nationality of the corporation in case of compliance with the State’s foreign corporation
nationalized or partly nationalized activities. qualification requirements (licensing
However, this does not preclude the use of requirements and other requisites to lawfully
other tests in determining the nationality of the transact business in the Philippines); and
corporation. In fact, as per SEC Opinion on Nov. 2. A corporation, even though not qualified (not
28, 2009, the SEC opined that the grandfather licensed), by engaging in sufficient activity
rule can be useful when a corporation’s (doing business) within the State, established
economic activity is strictly limited by law to judicial jurisdiction over the foreign
Filipino citizens, such as certain types of retail corporation (Foreign Corporations: The
trading and mass media. Further, according to Interrelation of Jurisdiction and Qualification,
the commission, the control test, which is more Indiana Law Journal, Article 4, Vol. 33, Issue 3,
liberal, is applied for corporations intending to retrieved on April 29, 2013).
engage in commerce where 60%-40% equity
ratio is allowed by law. Consent
By securing a license, which is a legal requirement NOTE: Actual transaction of business within the
to lawfully engage in business in the Philippines, the Philippine territory is an essential requisite for the
foreign entity would be giving assurance that it will Philippines to acquire jurisdiction over a foreign
abide by the decisions of our courts, even if adverse corporation and thus require the foreign
to it (Eriks PTE, Ltd. v. CA, GR 118843, February 6, corporation to secure a Philippine business license
1997). (B. Van Zuiden Bros., Ltd. v. GTVL Manufacturing
Industries, Inc., G.R. No. 147905, May 28, 2007).
Foreign corporations shall not be permitted to
transact or do business in the Philippines until they Q: What is the legal test for determining if an
have secured a license for that purpose from the unlicensed foreign corporation is doing
SEC and certificate of authority from the business in the Philippines? (2002 Bar)
appropriate government agency (CC, Sec. 123).
XPN: Isolated Transactions – where a foreign A: The test is whether or not the unlicensed foreign
corporation had no intention to engange corporation has performed an act or acts that imply
continuously in the transaction is not doing in the a continuity of commercial dealings or
Philippines and need not get a license. arrangements, and contemplate to that extent the
performance of acts or works, or the exercise of
Doctrine of “Doing Business” in the Philippines some of the functions normally incident to, and in
progressive prosecution of, commercial gain or of
Q: When is a foreign corporation deemed to be the purpose and object of the business corporation.
“doing business in the Philippines?” (1998, 2016
Bar) Q: Steelcase is a foreign corporation existing
under the laws of Michigan, USA, and engaged in
A: Under the Foreign Investment Act (R.A. No. the manufacture of office furniture with dealers
7402),a foreign corporation is “deemed doing worldwide. DISI is a corporation existing under
business in the Philippines” if it is continuing the Philippine Laws and engaged in the furniture
body or substance of the business or enterprise for business, including the distribution of furniture.
which it was organized. It is the intention of an Steelcase and DISI orally entered into a
entity to continue the body of its business in the dealership agreement whereby Steelcase
country. The grant and extension of 90-day credit granted DISI the right to market, sell, distribute,
terms of a foreign corporation to a domestic install, and service its products to end-user
corporation for every purchase shows an intention customers within the Philippines. The business
to continue transacting with the latter. relationship continued smoothly until it was
terminated after the agreement was breached
Jurisdictional tests of “doing or transacting with neither party admitting any fault. Steelcase
business” in the Philippines for foreign filed a complaint for sum of money against DISI
corporations alleging, among others, that DISI had an unpaid
account of US$600,000.00.
1. Twin Characterization Test
a. Continuity Test –implies a continuity of DISI alleged that the complaint failed to state a
commercial dealings and arrangements, cause of action and to contain the required
and contemplates to some extent the allegations on Steelcase’s capacity to sue in
performance of acts or works or the the Philippines despite the fact that Steelcase
exercise of some functions normally was doing business in the Philippines without
incident to and in progressive prosecution the required license to do so. Consequently, it
of, the purpose and object of its posited that the complaint should be dismissed
organization. because of Steelcase’s lack of legal capacity to
b. Subsequent Test – a foreign corporation is sue in Philippine courts. Is Steelcase doing
doing business in the country if it is business in the Philippines without the required
continuing the body or substance of the license?
enterprise of business for which it was
organized (Sundiang Sr. & Aquino, 2009). A: NO. The appointment of a distributor in
the Philippines is not sufficient to constitute “doing
Requisites for issuance of a license The AOI and by-laws of a licensed and registered
foreign corporation is valid despite the fact that
The foreign corporation must submit to SEC the said AOI and by-laws are not approved by SEC
Since the SEC will grant a license only when the
1. Copy of its articles of incorporation and by- foreign corporation has complied with all the
laws, certified in accordance with law and their requirements of law, it follows that when it decides
translation to an official language of the to issue such license, it is satisfied that the
Philippines, if necessary; applicant's by-laws, among the other documents,
2. The application, which shall be under oath.; meet the legal requirements. This, in effect, is an
3. Attached to the application for license shall be a approval of the foreign corporation’s by-laws
duly executed certificate under oath by the (Citibank v. Chua, G.R. no. 102300, March 17, 1993).
authorized official or officials of the jurisdiction
of its incorporation, attesting to the fact that: Resident Agent
a. The laws of the country or state of the
applicant allow Filipino citizens and 1. An individual, who must be of good moral
corporations to do business therein. character and of sound financial standing,
residing in the Philippines; or
NOTE: This oath of reciprocity is one of 2. A domestic corporation lawfully transacting
the requirements to secure a license business in the Philippines (CC, Sec. 127).
Service upon any agent of a foreign corporation, 1. If a foreign corporation, previously granted a
whether or not engaged in business in the license, ceases to transact business in the
Philippines, constitutes personal service upon the Philippines.
corporation (CC, Sec. 128; Facilities Management 2. A foreign corporation without any resident
Corp. v. Dela Rosa, G.R. No. L-38649, March 26, 1979). agent in the Philippines on whom any summons
or other legal processes may be served (CC, Sec.
As a condition to the issuance of the license for a 128).
foreign corporation to transact business in the
Philippines, such corporation shall file with the Effect of service made upon the SEC
Commission a written power of attorney
designating a person who must be a resident of Such service made upon the SEC shall have the same
the Philippines, on whom summons and other force and effect as if made upon the duly authorized
legal processes may be served in all actions or officers of the corporation at its home office (CC, Sec.
other legal proceedings against such 128).
corporation, and consenting that service upon such
resident agent shall be admitted and held as valid as Whenever such service shall be made upon the SEC,
if served upon the duly authorized officers of the it must, within 10 days thereafter, transmit by mail
foreign corporation at its home office. (RCC, Sec. a copy of such summons or other legal process to the
145) corporation at its home or principal office. The
sending of such copy by the Commission shall be a
Resident agent cannot sign the certificate of necessary part of and shall complete such service.
non-forum shopping
While a resident agent may be aware of the actions
filed against the principal, he may not be aware of GR: Only foreign corporations that have been issued
the actions initiated by the principal, therefore he a license to operate a business in the Philippines
cannot sign the certificate of non-forum shopping have the personality to sue (CC, Sec.133).
that is a requirement for filing of an initiatory
pleading in court (Expert Travel & Tours Inc. v. CA, No foreign corporation transacting business in the
G.R. No. 152392, May 26, 2005). Philippines without a license, or its successors or
assigns, shall be permitted to maintain or intervene
Replacement of a resident agent in any action, suit or proceeding in any court or
administrative agency of the Philippines; but such
The Court has not construed the term “isolated A: YES, Global is estopped. As a rule, unlicensed
transaction” to literally mean “one” or a mere single foreign non-resident corporations doing business in
act. The phrase “isolated transaction” has a definite the Philippines cannot file suits in the Philippines.
and fixed meaning, i.e., a transaction or series of This is mandated under Section 133 of the
transaction set apart from the common business of Corporation Code. A corporation has a legal status
a foreign enterprise in the sense that there is no only within the state or territory in which it was
intention to engage in progressive pursuit of the organized. For this reason, a corporation organized
purpose and object of the business organization in another country has no personality to file suits in
(Lorenzo Shipping Corp., v. Chubb and Sons, G.R. No. the Philippines. In order to subject a foreign
147724, June 8, 2004). corporation doing business in the country to the
jurisdiction of our courts, it must acquire a license
Q: May a foreign corporation not engaged in from the Securities and Exchange Commission and
business in the Philippines and a national of a appoint an agent for service of process. Without
country which is a party to any convention, such license, it cannot institute a suit in
treaty, or agreement relating to intellectual the Philippines.
property rights or the repression of unfair
competition, to which the Philippines is also a The exception to this rule is the doctrine of estoppel.
party or extend reciprocal rights sue in Global is estopped from challenging Surecomp’s
trademark or service mark enforcement action? capacity to sue. A foreign corporation doing
business in the Philippines without license may sue
A: YES. The foreign corporation mentioned above in Philippine courts a Filipino citizen or a Philippine
may sue in trademark or service mark enforcement entity that had contracted with and benefited from
action. This is in accordance with Section 160, in it. A party is estopped from challenging the
relation to Section 3 of R.A. No. 8393, The personality of a corporation after having
Intellectual Property Code (Sehwani Inc. v. In-n-Out acknowledged the same by entering into a contract
Burger, G.R. No. 171053, Oct. 15, 2007). with it. The principle is applied to prevent a person
contracting with a foreign corporation from later
Q: Surecomp, a foreign corporation duly taking advantage of its non-compliance with the
organized and existing under the laws of the statutes, chiefly in cases where such person has
Netherlands, entered into a software license received the benefits of the contract (Global
agreement with ABC, a domestic corporation, Business Holdings, Inc., v. Surecomp Software, B.V.,
for the use of its IMEX Software System (System) G.R. No. 173463, October 13, 2010).
in the bank’s computer system for a period of
twenty (20) years. ABC merged with Global GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION OF LICENSE
Business Holdings, Inc. (Global), with Global as
the surviving corporation. Without prejudice to other grounds provided by
special laws, the license of a foreign corporation to
When Global took over the operations of ABC, it transact business in the Philippines may be revoked
found the System unworkable for its operations, or suspended by the SEC upon any of the following
and informed Surecomp of its decision to grounds:
discontinue with the agreement and to stop
further payments thereon. Consequently, for 1. Failure to file its annual report or pay any fees
failure of Global to pay its obligations under the as required by the Code;
agreement despite demands, Surecomp filed a 2. Failure to appoint and maintain a resident
complaint for breach of contract with damages agent in the Philippines;
before the RTC. 3. Failure, after change of its resident agent or of
his address, to submit to the Securities and
ASSET SALE STOCK SALE A: NO. There was no transfer of the business
The individual or establishment to speak of, but merely a change in
The corporate entity corporate the new majority shareholders of the corporation.
sells all or substantially shareholders sell a
all of its assets to controlling block of There are two types of corporate acquisitions: asset
another entity. stock to new or sales and stock sales. In contrast with asset sales,
existing shareholders. in which the assets of the selling corporation are
No de facto merger took place in the present The enforcement, therefore, of the decision in
case simply because the TRB owners did not get the main case should not include the assets and
an equivalent value in BOC shares of stock in properties that BOC acquired from TRB. These
exchange for the bank’s assets and liabilities. have ceased to be assets and properties of TRB
BOC and TRB agreed with BSP’s approval to under the terms of the BSP-approved P & A
exclude from the sale the TRB’s contingent Agreement between them. They are not TRB
judicial liabilities, including those owing to assets and properties in the possession of BOC
RPN, et al. (Bank of Commerce v. Radio Philippines
Network, Inc., et al., G.R. No. 195615, April 21,
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) treated 2014).
the transaction between the two banks purely
as a sale of specified assets and liabilities when Consolidation
it rendered its opinion on the tax consequences
of the transaction given that there is a Two or more corporations unite, giving rise to a new
difference in tax treatment between a sale and corporate body and dissolving the constituent
a merger or consolidation. corporations which cease to exist as separate
corporations (De Leon, 2010).
b. NO. First, BOC agreed to assume those liabilities
of TRB that are specified in their P & A Merger vs.Consolidation
Agreement. That agreement specifically
excluded TRB’s contingent liabilities that the BASIS CONSOLIDATIO
latter might have arising from pending N
litigations in court, including the claims of RPN, One where a
et al. corporation
absorbs One where a new
Second, as already pointed out above, the sale another corporation is
did not amount to merger or de facto merger of corporation created and
Bancommerce and TRB since the elements Definition and remains consolidating
required of both were not present. in existence corporations are
while others extinguished. (CC,
Third, the evidence in this case fails to show that are Sec. 76)
BOC was a mere continuation of TRB. TRB dissolved.
retained its separate and distinct identity after (CC, Sec. 76)
the purchase. Although it subsequently changed Consequent All of the
its name to Traders Royal Holding’s, Inc. such dissolution constituent
change did not result in its dissolution. All consolidated
of a corporation
corporations are
corporation s involved
Fourth, to protect contingent claims, the BSP dissolved without
or are
directed BOC and TRB to put up P50 million in exception
corporation dissolved
escrow with another bank. It was the BSP, not s except one
BOC that fixed the amount of the escrow. Consequent
Consequently, it cannot be said that the latter No new A new
creation of a
bank acted in bad faith with respect to the corporation corporation
excluded liabilities. They did not enter into the is created emerges
P & A Agreement to enable TRB to escape from Acquisition The All assets,
its liability to creditors with pending court of Assets, surviving liabilities, and
cases. Liabilities, corporation capital stock of all
Capital acquires all consolidated
Stock the assets, corporations are
PLAN OF MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION NOTE: Such plan, together with any amendment,
shall be considered as the agreement of merger or
Plan of merger or consolidation consolidation.
Appraisal right is available to a dissenting
The plan of merger or consolidation is a plan stockholder to a plan of merger or consolidation
created by the representatives of the constituent
corporations, providing for the details of such Any dissenting stockholder in stock corporations
merger. may exercise his appraisal right in accordance with
this Code: Provided, that if after the approval by the
Contents of a plan of merger or consolidation stockholders of such plan, the BOD should decide to
abandon the plan, the appraisal right shall be
The BOD/ BOT of each corporation party to the extinguished (CC, Sec. 77).
merger or consolidation must set forth the following
in their plan of merger or consolidation: ARTICLES OF MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION
1. The names of the corporations proposing to After approval of the plan of merger or
merge or consolidate, hereinafter referred to as consolidation, an article of merger or consolidation
the constituent corporations; is executed by each of the constituent corporations
2. The terms of the merger or consolidation and to be signed by the president or vice-president of
the mode of carrying the same into effect; the each corporation and signed by their secretary
3. A statement of the changes, if any, in the AOI of or assistant secretary setting forth:
the surviving corporation in case of a merger;
and, with respect to the consolidated 1. The plan of the merger or the plan of
corporation in case of consolidation, all the consolidation;
statements required to be set forth in the AOI 2. As to stock corporations, the number of shares
for corporations organized under the CC; and outstanding, or in the case of non-stock
4. Such other provisions with respect to the corporations, the number of members; and
proposed merger or consolidation as are 3. As to each corporation, the number of shares or
deemed necessary or desirable (CC, Sec. 76). members voting for and against such plan,
respectively (CC, Sec. 78).
Approvals required for an effective plan of
merger or consolidation After the approval by the stockholders or members
as required by the preceding section, articles of
The plan of merger or consolidation must be merger or articles of consolidation shall be executed
approved by: by each of the constituent corporations, to be signed
by the president or vice president and certified by
1. Majority vote of each of the BOD/ BOT of the the secretary or assistant secretary of each
constituent corporation; and corporation setting forth:
2. Submitted for approval by the stockholders or
members of each of such corporations at (a) The plan of the merger or the plan of
separate corporate meetings duly called for the consolidation;
purpose. The affirmative vote of the (b) As to stock corporations, the number of shares
stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding, or in the case of nonstock corporations,
outstanding capital stock of each the number of members;
corporation in the case of stock corporations (c) As to each corporation, the number of shares or
or at least 2/3 of the members in the case of members voting for or against such plan,
non-stock corporations, shall be necessary for respectively;
the approval of such plan (CC, Sec. 77). (d) The carrying amounts and fair values of the
assets and liabilities of the respective
Amendment of a plan of merger or consolidation companies as of the agreed cut-off date;