Cuadernillo Inglés Técnico Enfermeria 2do Año - 2023

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Inglés Técnico II

Tecnicatura en Enfermería



• Revision of Present Tenses
(Present Simple & Continuous)
• Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

• Hospital Jobs and Personnel
•Hospital Departments and Facilities.




CHICKENPOX *** * * ***
DENGUE ** *** ** *
COVID-19 * ** *** **

• Past Tenses (Past Simple and Past Continuous)
• Future Simple
• Modal Verbs

• Symptoms and Injuries
• Hospital Food and Beverages
• Assisting Patients during Mealtimes
• Food Allergies and Intolerances


1) Identify, at least, 3 examples of the tenses seen in units 1 and 2. You can include
affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
2) Find examples of the 6 modal verbs learnt and give an explanation of their uses.
3) Find 3 examples of comparative and superlative adjectives.
4) Write a summary of the text (IN SPANISH!) of NO more than 100 words.

Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding

Choosing whether to breastfeed or formula feed their baby is one of the biggest decisions
expectant and new parents will make.
Health experts believe breast milk is the best nutritional choice for infants. But breastfeeding
may not be possible for all women. For many, the decision to breastfeed or formula feed is
based on their comfort level, lifestyle, and specific medical situations.
For moms who can't breastfeed or who decide not to, infant formula is a healthy alternative.
Formula provides babies with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.
Some mothers worry that if they don't breastfeed, they won't bond with their baby. But the
truth is, loving mothers will always create a special bond with their children. And feeding —
no matter how — is a great time to strengthen that bond.
The decision to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is a personal one. Weighing the pros and cons of each method
can help you decide what is best for you and your baby.

All About Breastfeeding

Nursing can be a wonderful experience for both mother and baby. It provides ideal nourishment and a special
bonding experience that many mothers cherish.
A number of health organizations — including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical
Association (AMA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) — recommend breastfeeding as the best choice for
babies. Breastfeeding helps defend against infections, prevent allergies, and protect against a number of chronic
The AAP recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months. Beyond that, breastfeeding is
encouraged until at least 12 months, and longer if both the mother and baby are willing.

Here are some of the many benefits of breastfeeding:

Fighting infections and other conditions. Breastfed babies have fewer infections and hospitalizations than formula-
fed infants. During breastfeeding, antibodies and other germ-fighting factors pass from a mother to her baby and
strengthen the immune system. This helps lower a baby's chances of getting many infections, including:
- ear infections - respiratory infections
- diarrhea - meningitis

Breastfeeding may also protect babies against:

- allergies - obesity
- asthma - sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- diabetes

Breastfeeding is particularly beneficial for premature babies.

Nutrition and ease of digestion. Often called the "perfect food" for a human baby's digestive system, breast milk's
components — lactose, protein (whey and casein), and fat — are easily digested by a newborn.
As a group, breastfed infants have less difficulty with digestion than do formula-fed infants. Breast milk tends to be
more easily digested so that breastfed babies have fewer bouts of diarrhea or constipation.
Breast milk also naturally contains many of the vitamins and minerals that a newborn requires. One exception is
vitamin D — the AAP recommends that all breastfed babies begin receiving vitamin D supplements during the first
2 months and continuing until a baby consumes enough vitamin D-fortified formula or milk (after 1 year of age).
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates formula companies to ensure they provide all the
necessary nutrients (including vitamin D) in their formulas. Still, commercial formulas can't completely match

breast milk's exact composition. Why? Because milk is a living substance made by each mother for her individual
infant, a process that can't be duplicated in a factory.

Free. Breast milk doesn't cost a cent, while the cost of formula quickly adds up. And unless you're pumping breast
milk and giving it to your baby, there's no need for bottles, nipples, and other supplies that can be costly. Since
breastfed babies are less likely to be sick, that may mean they make fewer trips to the doctor's office, so fewer co-
pays and less money are paid for prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines.

Different tastes. Nursing mothers usually need 300 to 500 extra calories per day, which should come from a wide
variety of well-balanced foods. This introduces breastfed babies to different tastes through their mothers' breast
milk, which has different flavors depending on what their mothers have eaten. By tasting the foods of their
"culture," breastfed infants more easily accept solid foods.

Convenience. With no last-minute runs to the store for more formula, breast milk is always fresh and available
whether you're home or out and about. And when women breastfeed, there's no need to wash bottles and nipples or
warm up bottles in the middle of the night.

Smarter babies. Some studies suggest that children who were exclusively breastfed have slightly higher IQs than
children who were formula fed.

"Skin-to-skin" contact. Many nursing mothers really enjoy the experience of bonding so closely with their babies.
And the skin-to-skin contact can enhance the emotional connection between mother and infant.

Beneficial for mom, too. The ability to totally nourish a baby can help a new mother feel confident in her ability to
care for her baby. Breastfeeding also burns calories and helps shrink the uterus, so nursing moms may be able to
return to their pre-pregnancy shape and weight quicker. Also, studies show that breastfeeding helps lower the risk of
breast cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and also may help decrease the risk of
uterine and ovarian cancer.

Common concerns of new moms, especially during the first few weeks and months, might include:

Personal comfort. Initially, many moms feel uncomfortable with breastfeeding. But with proper education, support,
and practice, most moms overcome this. Latch-on pain is normal for the first week to 10 days, and should last less
than a minute with each feeding. But if breastfeeding hurts throughout feedings, or if their nipples and/or breasts are
sore, it's a good idea for breastfeeding mothers to get help from a lactation consultant or their doctor. Many times,
it's just a matter of using the proper technique, but sometimes pain can mean that something else is going on, like an

Time and frequency of feedings. Breastfeeding requires a big-time commitment from mothers, especially in the
beginning, when babies feed often. A breastfeeding schedule or the need to pump breast milk during the day can
make it harder for some moms to work, run errands, or travel.
And breastfed babies do need to eat more often than babies who take formula, because breast milk digests faster
than formula. This means mom may find herself in demand every 2 or 3 hours (maybe more, maybe less) in the first
few weeks.

Diet. Women who are breastfeeding need to be aware of what they eat and drink, since these can be passed to the
baby through the breast milk. Just like during pregnancy, breastfeeding women should not eat fish that are high in
mercury and should limit consumption of lower mercury fish.
If a mom drinks alcohol, a small amount can pass to the baby through breast milk. She should wait at least 2 hours
after a single alcoholic drink to breastfeed to avoid passing any alcohol to the baby. Caffeine intake should be kept
to no more than 300 milligrams (about one to three cups of regular coffee) or less per day because it can cause
problems like restlessness and irritability in some babies.

Maternal medical conditions, medicines, and breast surgery. Medical conditions such as HIV or AIDS or those
that involve chemotherapy or treatment with certain medicines can make breastfeeding unsafe. A woman should
check with her doctor or a lactation consultant if she's unsure if she should breastfeed with a specific condition.
Women should always check with the doctor about the safety of taking medicines while breastfeeding, including
over-the-counter and herbal medicines. Mothers who've had breast surgery, such as a reduction, may have difficulty
with their milk supply if their milk ducts have been severed. In this situation, a woman should to talk to her doctor
about her concerns and work with a lactation specialist.

All About Formula Feeding

Commercially prepared infant formulas are a nutritious alternative to breast milk, and even contain some vitamins
and nutrients that breastfed babies need to get from supplements.
Manufactured under sterile conditions, commercial formulas attempt to duplicate mother's milk using a complex
combination of proteins, sugars, fats, and vitamins that aren't possible to create at home. So, if you don't breastfeed
your baby, it's important to use only commercially prepared formula and not try to make your own.
Besides medical concerns that may prevent breastfeeding, for some women, breastfeeding may be too difficult or
stressful. Here are other reasons women may choose to formula feed:

Convenience. Either parent (or another caregiver) can feed the baby a bottle at any time (although this is also true
for women who pump their breast milk). This allows mom to share the feeding duties and helps her partner to feel
more involved in the crucial feeding process and the bonding that often comes with it.
Flexibility. Once the bottles are made, a formula-feeding mother can leave her baby with a partner or caregiver and
know that her little one's feedings are taken care of. There's no need to pump or to schedule work or other
obligations and activities around the baby's feeding schedule. And formula-feeding moms don't need to find a
private place to nurse in public.
Time and frequency of feedings. Because formula is less digestible than breast milk, formula-fed babies usually
need to eat less often than breastfed babies.
Diet. Women who opt to formula feed don't have to worry about the things they eat or drink that could affect their

Formula Feeding Challenges

As with breastfeeding, there are some challenges to consider when deciding whether to formula feed.
Lack of antibodies. None of the antibodies found in breast milk are in manufactured formula. So, formula can't
provide a baby with the added protection against infection and illness that breast milk does.
Can't match the complexity of breast milk. Manufactured formulas have yet to duplicate the complexity of breast
milk, which changes as the baby's needs change.
Planning and organization. Unlike breast milk — which is always available, unlimited, and served at the right
temperature — formula feeding your baby requires planning and organization to make sure that you have what you
need when you need it. Parents must buy formula and make sure it's always on hand to avoid late-night runs to the
store. And it's important to always have the necessary supplies (like bottles and nipples) clean, easily accessible, and
ready to go — otherwise, you will have a very hungry, very fussy baby to answer to. With 8-10 feedings in a 24-
hour period, parents can quickly get overwhelmed if they're not prepared and organized.
Expense. Formula can be costly. Powdered formula is the least expensive, followed by concentrated, with ready-to-
feed being the most expensive. And specialty formulas (such as soy and hypoallergenic) cost more — sometimes far
more — than the basic formulas. During the first year of life, the cost of basic formula can run about $1,500.
Possibility of producing gas and constipation. Formula-fed babies may have more gas and firmer bowel
movements than breastfed babies.

Making a Choice
Deciding how you will feed your baby can be a hard decision. You'll really only know the right choice for your
family when your baby comes. Many women decide on one method before the birth and then change their minds
after their baby is born. And many women decide to breastfeed and supplement with formula because they find that
is the best choice for their family and their lifestyle.
While you're weighing the pros and cons, talk to your doctor or lactation consultant. These health care providers can
give you more information about your options and help you make the best decision for your family.


• Impersonal verbs (“-ing”; past participle and to infinitive)
• Present Perfect

• Patient Hygiene
• Wound Management

1) Después de un adjetivo o nombre utilizamos infinitive con –to:
Ej: It’s easy to do (Es fácil de hacer)
Ej: I telephoned Mary to say sorry (Llamé a mi hermana para pedirle perdón)

2) Después de WANT/DECIDE si ponemos otro verbo, éste lleva infinitivo con –to:
Ej: Do you want to drink some water? / I decided to go to the cinema

3) Las frases imperativas con TELL rigen infinitive con –to

Ej: I told her to open the windows (Le dijeron que cerrara la ventana)
Ej: I told him not to make noise (Le dije que no hiciese ruido)

4) Después del condicional (would like) utilizamos el infinitive con -to:

Ej: Would you like to dance with me?

5) Cuando damos una orden (imperativos) utilizamos el infinitivo sin –to:

Ej: Go home (Vete a casa) / Don’t go home (No te vayas a casas)


El pasado participio es la “tercera columna” para los verbos irregulars y la terminación “-ed”
para verbos regulares. Se utilizan con los tiempos verbales Present Perfect, Past Perfect, la voz
pasiva y para adjetivos.
I have eaten all the chocolate (He comido todo el chocolate)
The journey had started (El viaje había empezado)
The dinner was prepared on time (La cena fue preparada a tiempo)
The car has been washed (El auto ha sido lavado)
The frightened woman screamed (La mujer asustada gritó)
Cars produced in Japan are exported all around the world (Los autos producidos en
Japón son exportados en todo el mundo)





¿Qué es una frase nominal? (NOMINAL PHRASE)
Se denomina FRASE NOMINAL a una frase cuyo núcleo es compuesto por un SUSTANTIVO,
el cual posee modificadores, es decir que modifican o califican el sentido de la palabra
El núcleo es el sustantivo, un nombre común o propio (por eso la frase se llama “nominal”),
o cualquier otra categoría de palabras que cumplan la función del sustantivo. Cabe
aclarar que NO siempre están presentes todos los modificadores en la frase nominal, por
ello, estas pueden estar formadas por un sustantivo únicamente.


El núcleo es el elemento esencial de la Frase Nominal. Sin el núcleo no puede haber frases
nominales y en consecuencia no habría frases ni oraciones con sentido.
Los elementos que pueden funcionar como núcleo de una frase nominal son:
- Los sustantivos o nombres comunes.
- Los nombres propios.
- Los pronombres personales (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) porque sustituyen al nombre.

Cuando una frase nominal posee un determinador este es el primer elemento que se
presenta en la frase. Los tipos de palabras que actúan como determinadores en una frase
nominal son:
- Los artículos determinados e indeterminados (the, a, an)
- Los adjetivos posesivos (my, your, his, her, its, our, your y their)
- Los adjetivos demostrativos (this, that, these, those)
- Los adjetivos que denotan cantidad (cuantificadores como: all, some, any, several, entre
otros, y los diferentes números como one, two, three, four, etc.)

Entre los tipos de palabras que pueden premodificar al núcleo de la frase nominal están:
- Los sustantivos - La forma verbal –ing con función
de adjetivo
- Los adjetivos
- La forma verbal –ed con función
- La forma verbal -ing con función
de adjetivo
de sustantivo
- Genitivo (‘s) (‘)

Ejemplos de Frase Nominal

Health National Primary Mental Health Care
Health Care Network
Health Care Providers Children’s Health
Mental Health Care Journal Children’s Health Topics
Primary Mental Health Care

Estructura de las Frases Nominales anteriores

Normalmente, la última palabra de la Frase Nominal es el núcleo. En los ejemplos dados,

mientras la primera Frase Nominal se refiere a la salud; la segunda, habla del cuidado o
atención (de la salud); la tercera, de los que brindan (cuidados/atención para la salud) –
es decir, de las autoridades sanitarias-; la cuarta se refiere a una revista (de atención de la
salud mental), etc.

(Articulo o Determinante) + Sustantivo

• A psychologist (Un psicólogo)
• The theory (La teoría)
• Some perspectives (Algunas persepectivas)
(Art o Det) + (Adj) + Adjetivo + Sustantivo
• Applied Psychology (Psicología aplicada)
• A psychotic disorder (Un desorden psicótico)
• A serious medical condition (Una condición médica grave)
(Art o Det) + Adverbio + Adjetivo + Sustantivo
• The most important theory (La teoría mas importante)
• A very interesting approach (Un enfoque muy interesante)
• The ultimately most effective treatment (El último tratamiento más efectivo)

(Art o Det) + (Adv) + (Adj) + Sustantivo + Sustantivo

• The Peter Pan Syndrome (El síndrome de Peter Pan)
• The American Psychology Association (La Asociación Americana de Psicología)
• The most severe anxiety disorders (Los desordenes de ansiedad más severos)


Contamination problems (Problemas de contaminación)

(sustantivo) (Núcleo)


The environmental impact (El impacto medioambiental)

(adjetivo) (Núcleo)



The aging process (Proceso de envejecimiento)

(-ing) Núcleo



An interesting book (Un libro interesante)

(-ing) (Núcleo)



A mixed system (Un sistema mixto)

(-ed) (Núcleo)

Pavlot’s experiments (Los experimentos de Pavlot)

(‘S) (núcleo)

La voz pasiva – Tiempo presente
¿Qué es la voz pasiva?

Teniendo en cuenta los ejemplos de los textos ¿qué elementos infiere que son
obligatorios para formar la estructura de la voz pasiva?

1) Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease in which the balance of the blood glucose
in the body is disturbed. In the stomach and intestines food is broken down into
several components. One ofthese, glucose, enters the bloodstream and is carried
to the body’s cells. Insulin, a natural hormone made in the pancreas, is needed to
help glucose enter the cells. It works like a key, opening up the cell to let glucose in.
In the cell, glucose is used as the main source of energy. If the body produces little
or no insulin, or does not properly use the insulin, the result is diabetes.

2) Primary teeth are the first teeth, which come from 6 months of age to around 2 ½
years of age. The primary teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. The replacement
process usually begins at about age. Other names for primary teeth are: baby teeth,
milk teeth, temporary teeth or deciduous teeth. The roots of the teeth are covered
by gums.


Comparación: Voz activa y Voz pasiva

La voz pasiva en los demás tiempos

Técnicas básicas de traducción
Traducir no es descifrar. Si el traductor no entiende lo que está traduciendo, de nada valen los diccionarios
ni las otras fuentes de información que puedan obtenerse.

La traducción no es la transcripción de palabras de un idioma a otro. La comprensión del significado de las

palabras no tiene relación alguna con la traducción. Lo importante es comprender el significado de un texto
en un idioma, para obtener un texto con significado equivalente; es decir, consiste en transferir significado
del lenguaje de una lengua a otra y el sentido (intención) pretendido por el autor.

a) Definition of Translation: Translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one
language (source language – SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language – TL).
Translation, as a process, is always uni-directional; it is always performed in a given direction.

b) Técnicas de traducción: durante la transferencia de un mensaje de una lengua a otra, casi siempre se

Process of into Target

Translation (TL) Language

descubren preposiciones que no pueden traducirse literalmente. Por desgracia, no hay fórmulas mágicas
que nos den una solución; sin embargo, existe un conjunto de técnicas que nos pueden dar una idea de los
cambios que con mayor frecuencia tienen que efectuar los traductores. No obstante, debemos aclarar que
aparte de estas técnicas debemos tener en cuenta la cultura, espacio y tiempo de ambas lenguas en
cuestión. A continuación, se expondrán las mismas en términos de fácil comprensión.

1) ADICIÓN Y OMISIÓN: No es raro que al traducir sea necesario omitir o añadir palabras o grupos de
palabras para preservar la idea, desde el punto de vista gramatical-estructural. Usualmente, la omisión se
emplea con más frecuencia en la traducción del español al inglés y la adición en la traducción del inglés al
español. Por ejemplo:

Español Inglés

Tuvo dificultad en arreglar el viaje He found it difficult to arrange the trip.

Inglés Español

He was beaten to death Fue golpeado hasta caer muerto

Omisión Adición

2) EXPLICITACIÓN: a través de esta técnica hacemos explicito en el target language lo que está implícito
en el source language, o viceversa. Por ejemplo:

Español Inglés

David se divorció David divorced his wife.

Inglés Español

Mary became a citizen Mary se hizo ciudadana americana

Aquí también podemos observar que se omiten o añaden palabras, pero no desde el punto gramátical-
estructural, sino desde el punto de vista conceptual, es decir, se refleja la realidad desde el punto de vista de
la idea.

3) TRANSPOSICIÓN: La transposición ocurre cuando:

• se cambia la función de una estructura por otra que transmita el mismo contenido semántico. Por ejemplo:

- Credit card taxes change the purchasing power → Los impuestos de las tarjetas de crédito cambian el

poder de compra.


- Un estudiante de medicina → A medical student.


4) EQUIVALENCIA: todo idioma tiene metáforas, refranes, frases idiomáticas o sentidos figurados;
el traductor debe buscar su equivalencia exacta en la lengua término (Target Language)

• They are like two peas → Son como dos gotas de agua.

• No hay mal que por bien no venga → Every cloud has a silver lining.

• Break a leg → ¡Buena suerte!

5) ADAPTACIÓN: en cada cultura hay una serie de situaciones, actividades y símbolos a las cuales
se les asigna una significación social determinada. El traductor tiene que adaptar estos elementos
de una cultura a la otra, poniendo notas al pie de página que expliquen el simbolismo. Por ejemplo:

• En los países hispanos se dice que un gato tiene 7 vidas, mientras que en los países anglosajones
tiene 9 vidas.

• En la cultura hispana el martes 13 es símbolo de mala suerte, mientras que en la anglosajona es el

viernes 13.

• “Día de Reyes” = “Magi Day”

• La palabra “compadre” en español no tiene equivalente en inglés.

6) MODULACIÓN: el traductor tiene que adaptar los sintagmas convencionales de una cultura a la
otra; lo cual implica el paso de una forma de pensamiento a otra. Por ejemplo:

• I have not heard from you → No he tenido noticias tuyas.

• Write a check → hacer un cheque.

• Let us go for a sail → demos un paseo en barco.

7) PRÉSTAMO: El préstamo consiste en utilizar una palabra o expresión del texto original en el
texto traducido. Los préstamos suelen notarse en cursiva y consisten en escribir la palabra en la
lengua de origen; en otras palabras, es la no traducción del vocablo. Un ejemplo de préstamo es
blue jeans del inglés. Otros ejemplos pueden ser las palabras sándwich, vodka, baguette, notebook,

1) Analice las siguientes frases nominales extraídas del texto. Encierre en un círculo el núcleo, la
premodificación y tipo de premodificador y determinadores si hubiere. Luego traduzca la frase.





2) Busque al menos dos ejemplos de los diferentes tiempos verbales vistos durante el año
(pasados, presentes y futuros). Puede incluir oraciones afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas.
Extraiga la oración completa.

3) Busque al menos dos ejemplos de adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. Extraiga la oración


4) Busque dos ejemplos de verbos impersonales (“-ing”, to infinitive y participle). Extraiga lo

oración completa.

5) Busque al menos 3 ejemplos de oraciones en voz pasiva.

6) Busque al menos dos ejemplos de verbos modales que indiquen:





7) Explique entre 50 y 70 palabras el contenido del texto.

8) Traduzca los extractos seleccionados por el/la profesor/a.

What Is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a loss of skin pigment that causes white spots or patches to appear on the skin. No one
knows exactly why this happens, but it affects people of all races, many of them kids and teens.

Because vitiligo affects a person's appearance, it can be upsetting. But it isn't medically
dangerous. It's not a form of skin cancer. It's not an infection like MRSA. And it's definitely not
contagious, so you can't catch it from someone else. In fact, most of the people who have vitiligo
are every bit as healthy as everyone else.

What Happens?
To explain vitiligo, it helps to know a bit about how skin gets its color in the first place. Skin color is
determined by cells called melanocytes. They produce a pigment called melanin, which gives
skin its color and helps protect it from the sun.

Skin color is determined not by how many melanocytes someone has (we're all born with a similar
amount), but rather by how active the cells are. Dark-skinned people have cells that naturally
produce a lot of melanin, while light-skinned people produce much less.

Sometimes, the skin suddenly stops making melanin. At first, this might cause a small spot, called a
macule, that's lighter in color than the skin around it. In time these white patches may spread and
grow to cover a larger portion of the body. Sometimes these white patches spread quickly at first
and then remain stable for years. Other times the spread is slower, occurring over a longer period
of time.

Although vitiligo affects people of all races equally, the spots tend to be more noticeable on
darker skin.

What Are the Types of Vitiligo?

There are three types of vitiligo, depending on how many patches someone has and where they
are on the body:

• Focal vitiligo. A person has a few vitiligo spots in a single area.

• Generalized vitiligo. A person has many vitiligo patches all over the body and they tend to
affect the right and left sides of the body in a symmetrical pattern, like a mirror image. This is the
most common type of vitiligo.
• Segmental vitiligo. A person has vitiligo patches on one part or side of the body and usually
nowhere else. This is the least common type of vitiligo.

Vitiligo can happen anywhere on the body, but it's more likely to develop in some areas:

- skin that was exposed to the sun, such as the face or hands
- skin that has folds, such as the elbows, knees, or groin
- skin around the eyes, nostrils, belly button, and genital areas

Because pigment cells give color to hair as well as skin, some teens with vitiligo may notice graying
of the hair or a loss of color on the lips.

What Causes Vitiligo?

Experts don't know exactly what causes vitiligo, but they do have theories. Some think it's an
autoimmune disorder, and that the immune system is mistakenly attacking healthy melanocytes.
Others think it's genetic.

Scientists do know that the risk of developing vitiligo increases in people with a family history of
thyroid disease, diabetes, and certain conditions like alopecia (an autoimmune disease that
causes hair loss).

How Is Vitiligo Diagnosed?
A dermatologist can usually tell if someone has vitiligo just by looking for the telltale white patches.
On people with fair skin, a special tool called a Woods lamp might be used. This lamp uses
ultraviolet light in a dark room to illuminate areas of damaged skin that would otherwise be hard
to see with the naked eye.

Your doctor must ask about your medical history, and probably also ask you about:

- any skin conditions you or anyone in your family has had

- past immune problems you or anyone in your family has had
- any recent rashes or sunburns
- whether you've been ill or under stress recently
- The doctor must also do a blood test to check for thyroid problems and diabetes, since they can
increase the risk of vitiligo.

Very occasionally a doctor may do a biopsy — removing a small piece of the affected area to
check whether there are pigment cells in the skin. (The word biopsy might make you think of
cancer, but in this case, doctors aren't looking for cancer. People with vitiligo are at no greater risk
of developing skin cancer than anyone else.) If the biopsy shows there are no pigment cells, this
may confirm a case of vitiligo.

How Is Vitiligo Treated?

There is no "cure" for vitiligo. Sometimes patches go away on their own. But when that doesn't
happen, doctors can prescribe treatments that might help even out skin tone. Some of these
treatments are things you can try at home; others are done by a doctor.

People and conditions are very different, so what works for one person may not work for another.
And no vitiligo treatment is likely to be 100% effective at making the spots disappear altogether.

Home Care
Sunscreen. Use a good sunscreen every day. Because vitiligo spots have no melanin, they can't
tan. If the skin isn't protected with sunscreen, vitiligo patches may burn or scar. Getting a tan on
the rest of your body will only highlight the white patches, especially if you have light skin.

Cosmetics. Many different kinds of concealers are available, both over-the-counter and through a
dermatologist. Ask your doctor for recommendations and try different brands until you find the
one that works best for you.

Medical Treatment
Some of the more common medical treatments for vitiligo include:

• Corticosteroid creams. When applied to white patches very early in the disease, corticosteroids
can help to bring some color back to the skin by decreasing the inflammation that leads the skin
to have fewer pigment cells. Don't let the word "steroids" put you off. Corticosteroids are
medications, not the type of anabolic steroids that athletes use.

•Photochemotherapy (also known as PUVA). PUVA therapy has two steps: first, a medication
called psoralen is either applied to the white patches of skin or taken orally; then, the skin is
exposed to ultraviolet light, sometimes from the sun but more often from an artificial source like a
UVA lamp. This turns the affected skin pink, which in time tends to fade to a more natural (often
slightly darker) color. You'll want to ask your doc about side effects of PUVA treatment — including
a possibility of severe sunburn and skin blistering.

Narrow-band ultraviolet B (UVB) therapy. This treatment is more widely used than PUVA. It's similar,
except that the ultraviolet light used is UVB instead of UVA. UVB treatment doesn't require
psoralen, eliminating some of the risk associated with PUVA.
Researchers are looking into a procedure called a melanocyte transplant. It works by removing a
sample of normally pigmented skin and using it to grow new melanocytes in the lab. These can
then be transplanted back into the depigmented skin to return some of the missing color.

Living With Vitiligo

Vitiligo isn't dangerous to your physical health. But it can still feel like a big deal if you're concerned
about your appearance.

It's normal to feel like you want to cover up vitiligo, and you need to do what makes you most
comfortable. But if you're starting to turn down every pool party or beach invitation, it's a signal to
take back your life. If people ask about your skin, go ahead and explain — if you want to. It can
help to know you're not alone.

In the end, if people still don't seem to get it, that's their problem, not yours. If you're feeling upset,
you should get support from people you trust, whether that's a family member, friend, teacher,
counselor, or support group. There are plenty of people who love you just the way you are.

You should get emotional support if you need it — especially if you have feelings of depression or
anxiety. Counselors, therapists, and vitiligo support groups can help.





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