Does Truth Matter

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Many untrue statements were made about
Wetherspoon during the pandemic
Wetherspoon News sets
the record straight
We publish apologies and/or corrections from:

Daily Express The Daily Telegraph

Daily Mail The Guardian
Daily Mirror The Independent
Daily Star The Times
Sky News Forbes

..among others…
..based on false information
“Now maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong, In the febrile atmosphere of the first
But I ain’t gonna argue with you no more, lockdown last year, no prisoners were taken.
I’ve done it for too long…” Adopting the approach of Muhammad Ali’s
Cat Stevens
tactics in the famous ‘Rumble in the Jungle’,
Wetherspoon, which first opened for Wetherspoon waited for the furore to subside,
business in 1979, was a pretty unfashionable, then requested that the media organisations
albeit reasonably successful, pub company rectify their misrepresentations.
for several decades, until a few years before Never, in the history of business, we surmise,
the pandemic. has a single organisation sought, and
Two small lightning bolts seemed to obtained, so many apologies and corrections
contribute to a transformation of popular from so many iconic media organisations.
opinion, at least among the media classes. Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror,
A writer called Kit Caless published a book Daily Star, Sky News, The Daily Telegraph,
featuring some of the individually designed The Guardian, The Independent, The Times
Wetherspoon carpets, which struck a chord and even America’s prestigious Forbes
in the public’s consciousness and became magazine have all, sometimes grudgingly,
a minor hit. had to admit that they got it wrong.
Then, local authorities, bless them, published C’est la vie, as the Chuck Berry song goes.
a ‘scores on the doors’ league table, showing No hard feelings, folks.
that Wetherspoon, to the surprise of the Yes, some people were horrid to us, but we
metropolitan elite, along with Pret à Manger, bear no grudges.
topped the cleanliness charts for pub and
Newspapers play a vital role in shining a light
restaurant companies.
on power and on the murkier goings-on in the
Positive, even adulatory, press articles world – and journalists work incredibly hard in
became commonplace – and the an Internet-ravaged industry.
Wetherspoon name adorned the pages
Years ago, I berated a stockbroker who
of the press, even in far-away countries
criticised Wetherspoon in a note to his clients.
like America, Australia and Japan.
“Remember, Tim,” he said, “you’ve got your job
Trouble, so perceptive Wetherspoon followers
to do and I’ve got mine.”
instinctively felt, could not be far away,
Fair comment, I thought, I’ll settle for that
especially in the light of my own views on
– and, in the case of media misrepresentations
the divisive issue of Brexit.
of the last 18 months, we’ll settle for
And so it came to pass.
publishing the extensive list of corrections
Following the first lockdown in March 2020, and apologies which you can read on the
comments from an internal staff video, following pages.
designed to reassure, were taken out
of context and distorted outrageously.
The newly fashionable Wetherspoon rapidly Tim Martin
became a James Bond villain. Chairman

2 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |


12 February 2021 30 April, 11 June, 10 July 2020

The Times agreed to print a Correction: On November 12
correction (see opposite), we reported on comments by
following an article dated Tim Martin, of JD Wetherspoon, Three articles by the Independent
12 November 2020. and said ‘Go work at Tesco’ was (dated 30 April, 11 June and 10
The Times agreed to
his employee-friendly cry” (Bitter July) and one Indy 100 article
Truth, Nov 12). dated 24 June 2020 have been
remove the suggestion that
Wetherspoon’s chairman, In fact Mr Martin told employees amended following complaints
Tim Martin, said to employees that supermarkets needed staff from J D Wetherspoon:
“go work at Tesco,” which was in the pandemic. All four articles were amended
completely untrue. Staff offered that work could take to recognise that at no point did
The correction appeared in the it and that they would be given Mr Martin tell employees that
The Times on 12 February 2021. priority at JD Wetherspoon should Wetherspoon would not continue
they return. to pay them.
We are happy to make that clear. The publications accepted the fact that
all staff were paid by the company up
until the point pubs closed, following
which all staff received furlough pay.
2 May 2020 In addition, all four articles were
amended to clarify that Mr Martin did
Sky News inaccurately reported in its online article that: not direct staff that they “should work
at Tesco instead”. The publications
“Mr Martin … angrily [suggested] his 43,000 staff go to work for Tesco”
acknowledged that their reporting on
and that he “threaten[ed] to withhold wages until compensation from the
this point was inaccurate and that
government arrived.” It was also incorrectly reported that the company
Mr Martin had, in fact, expressed that
was “targeting a reopening date in June” and that the “the pub chain
he ‘understood’ if employees were
argued it should stay open during the coronavirus lockdown.”
offered a job in a supermarket and
After Wetherspoon contacted Sky News to correct wished to take it up.
the inaccurate statements, it published the following
In addition to the above inaccuracies,
correction on its website on 2 May 2020:
the Indy 100 article dated 24 June 2020
Correction: This story has been updated to more accurately reflect also incorrectly reported Mr Martin as
previous comments by Tim Martin. We have removed our interpretation saying, after the government ordered
that Mr Martin “angrily” suggested employees seek jobs at Tesco and lockdown, that “our aim is for pubs to
that his stated position amounted to a threat to withhold pay. open for the duration of lockdown”.
The Indy 100 published a correction
and an apology to make it clear that
Mr Martin’s comments in relation to
pubs remaining open were made on
4 May 2020 20 March 2020 - before the
Government mandated lockdown.
In two articles dated 30 April 2020 and 4 May 2020, the Daily
Mirror incorrectly said that Wetherspoon’s chairman, Tim Martin, When the government ordered
“sack[ed] his staff and [told] them to work for Tesco”. the closure of pubs later that day,
J D Wetherspoon immediately
Following Wetherspoon’s representations, the Daily Mirror
complied with the direction and
printed the correction below:
closed its pubs.
Correction: The article originally stated Mr Martin “prompted anger and
eventually a U-turn on wages after suggesting staff should ‘go and work in
Tesco’”. A video caption also stated Mr Martin “tells 40,000 staff to ‘go to
work at Tesco’”.
We accept Mr Martin did not tell staff to work in Tesco or use the words
“go and work in Tesco”. Instead, he said if staff thought it was a good idea to
take a supermarket job, “do it, I can completely understand it.” We are
happy to make this clear and apologise for the confusion.
J D Wetherspoon also dispute that there was a “U-turn on wages”, because
staff wages were paid on March 27 for hours worked up to March 23.
We have clarified the story to make clear there was an argument about
furlough pay, not past wages, and that the firm confirmed on March 25 that
staff would receive furlough pay from April 3 onwards. | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 3


8 April 2020

A letter from The Times’ legal advisers (8 April 2020) Correction: By way of goodwill, we are instructed that
confirms that The Times withdraws its accusation that The Times will amend the online version of the Article
Wetherspoon would not pay staff for work done. as follows:
…employees, telling them that they wouldn’t get paid
until the end of April for work they had done…

7 May 2020
US business magazine Forbes made a large number of mistakes As a result of the press release, Forbes
in two articles about Wetherspoon. changed the headline of its article and also
Wetherspoon issued the press release below, which was printed the following at the end of the article:
published by the London Stock Exchange: Correction: In response to this article,
JD Wetherspoon issued the following statement:
Wetherspoon’s press release: Mr Martin did not say his employees should
7 May 2020 JD Wetherspoon plc (“the company”) get a job at a supermarket but accepted that if
they were offered a job in a supermarket, he
would understand if they wanted to take it.
Correction – Forbes:
Articles published online by the business magazine Forbes, on 27 March He also did not threaten or indeed withhold any
and 3 May 2020, made a number of factually incorrect statements employee pay. Neither Mr Martin or Wetherspoon
regarding the company.
have refused to pay suppliers.
It was alleged that the company told the “workforce that not only would
they not be paid, but they can trot off to get a job in a supermarket”. Wetherspoon has paid all supplier invoices due
As regards pay, a company video, recorded on Sunday 22 March up to the end of March and the majority (83%)
(transcript below, appendix 1), actually said, “all our endeavours are of suppliers have been paid in full.
going to be on trying to make sure that you get your money and that the
pubs reopen”. At no point has Wetherspoon or Mr Martin said that
An email, sent out with the video, said: “All hourly paid employees will it intends to or will open its pubs in June, in breach
be paid as normal on Friday 27 March for all hours worked up to, and of lockdown restrictions.
including, Sunday 22 March 2020.”
Staff were paid on that Friday and have been paid on every Friday since. No reopening date has been decided – and its pubs
The statement in Forbes that staff were told they could “trot off to get and hotels will only reopen when allowed to do so
a job in a supermarket” is misleading. The video actually said: “If you’re by the Government.
offered a job in a supermarket, many of you will want to do that.
”If you think it’s a good idea, do it...I promise you, we’ll give you first
preference if you want to come back.”
Furloughed pub and restaurant staff are legally allowed to receive extra
income if they work for supermarkets as well.
Forbes also said that the company “announced that... pubs WILL
(Wetherspoon capitals) open sometime in June.” That is also incorrect.
In a stock exchange announcement on 29 April, Wetherspoon said: “The
company’s current assumptions are that its pubs will remain closed until
late June 2020”.
The assumptions related to the modelling of two financial “scenarios”, for
the benefit of investors, which necessitated an estimated opening date.
The date was only an estimate and the company made clear that it would
only open when permitted by the government.

4 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |


3 July 2020
The Daily Express agreed to print the following Government’s furlough scheme began, and that after
correction: public backlash, he U-turned his decision.
Correction: A Daily Express article has been amended In fact, Tim Martin expressed that he ‘understood’ if
following a complaint from JD Wetherspoon. employees were offered a job in a supermarket and wished
to take it up.
A previous version of this article reported that Tim Martin
told 43,000 employees that they would have to find work We are happy to clarify this.
elsewhere or would not face getting paid until the

2 June 2021
The London Economic, an online publication, agreed In fact, Wetherspoons is not facing staff shortages or
to publish a correction covering a number of points. recruitment issues. We apologise for any confusion and are
The publication retracted the suggestion that happy to correct the record.”
Wetherspoon was struggling to recruit staff. It also In addition, The London Economic deleted all of the
retracted the suggestion that Mr Martin said there would following offending material from the article:
be “no further payments until the government furlough
1) Employee pay: “Martin announced to staff at the time
scheme was put in place” and that Mr Martin “suggested
that he will pay them until the pubs last opened, but
they [staff] get jobs at Tesco…”. there would be no further payments until the
Correction: This article is based on UK Daily Telegraph Government furlough scheme was put in place”
reporting that has since been found to be misleading. 2) Jobs at Tesco: “He suggested they [staff] get jobs at Tesco
The article may have given the impression that until the pandemic passes”
Wetherspoons in common with other companies in the 3) Non-payment of suppliers: “the pub chain said it did not
hospitality sector was struggling to recruit staff. intend to pay its suppliers until pubs reopen

30 April 2020 15 April 2020

The Daily Star, in an article entitled The Loughborough Echo incorrectly reported in
‘12 pints of lager and a packet of crisps, an article printed on 15 April 2020 that:
please!’, published in its newspaper
“Wetherspoon’s decision not to pay its 43,000 staff
and online on 30 April 2020, incorrectly
during the Coronavirus epidemic reveals a major
stated that:
gap in the government’s pandemic response”,
“JD Wetherspoon announced it will open its according to Professor Alistair Milne, an “expert in
doors to drinkers again in a matter of weeks” financial economics”.
and “the company said it wants to get back to
serving booze “in or around June”. It added that Wetherspoon contacted the Loughborough
the “suggestion could anger ministers.” Echo to ask it to correct the untrue statement
and it printed the following:
Wetherspoon contacted the
Correction: Our article ‘Retrospective insurance could
Daily Star, which agreed to print
save firms’ 15 April, reported findings of Professor
the following correction:
Alistair Milne, of Loughborough University’s school of
Correction: Our article ‘12 pints of lager Business and Economics, which included the statement
& a packet of crisps, please!’ reported that that ‘Wetherspoons’ took a decision not to pay its
JD Wetherspoon was ‘set to reopen in June’ 43,000 staff during the coronavirus crisis’.
and ‘will open its doors to drinkers again in
a matter of weeks’. We have since been contacted by Tim Martin, chairman
of JD Wetherspoon, who has advised that employees
JD Wetherspoon have asked us to clarify that at were paid as normal on Friday 27 March, and have
no point has Wetherspoon said that it intends to been paid on every Friday since.’ We are happy to
or will open its pubs and hotels in June, and that clarify this.
no reopening date has been decided.
We are happy to clarify this. | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 5



Wetherspoon says an MP invented a story in which its chairman,
Tim Martin, appeared before the Business, Energy and Industrial
Strategy Committee (BEIS), whose chair is Rachel Reeves, now
Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (she has since left
“During the Leveson Inquiry, MPs made it abundantly clear that
journalists have a duty to correct misleading statements.
“Ms Stevens and Ms Reeves also have a duty to uphold these
principles themselves.”
her position on the BEIS Committee).
As a result of the fictitious meeting in front of Ms Reeves’ Jo Stevens invents a fictitious meeting.
committee, the MP alleged that Wetherspoon changed its policy (Twitter 25 March 2020)
towards paying staff.
Jo Stevens, MP for Cardiff Central, said on Twitter (25 March): “After a Jo Stevens
session in front of @RachelReevesMP @CommonsBEIS Wetherspoons
have u-turned on decision not to pay 43,000 staff while pubs are shut. After a session in front of@RachelReevesMP ‪@
CommonsBEIS Wetherspoons have u-turned on
“Staff to be paid on April 3 and weekly after that. Good news, but
decision not to pay 43,000 staff while pubs are
people won’t forget political pressure forced your hand Tim Martin” shut. Staff to be paid on April 3 and weekly after
Wetherspoon’s chairman, Tim Martin, said: “These comments by that. Good news, but people won’t forget political
Jo Stevens MP refer to a meeting which never happened. pressure forced your hand Tim Martin
“I was never asked to appear in front of Rachel Reeves’ committee, 25/03/2020, 5:19 pm
as both Ms Stevens and Ms Reeves know. Rachel Reeves confuses ‘furlough’ with ‘Govt loan’
“It’s also completely untrue to say that Wetherspoon had decided and fibs that Wetherspoon refused to ‘lock down’.
not to pay 43,000 staff while pubs are shut. (Twitter 24 March 2020)
“In a video recorded on Sunday 22 March, less than two days after the Rachel Reeves
pubs shut, and three days before Ms Stevens’ comments, I said: ‘All our @RachelReevesMP
endeavours are going to be on trying to make sure you get your money
Unacceptable that wetherspoons has refused
and the pubs reopen.’ to pay it’s 40,000 employees until it receives
“An e-mail was sent with the video, saying: ‘All employees will be paid its Govt loan - potentially in late April - after first
as normal on Friday 27 March for all hours worked up to and including refusing to lock down altogether. If bosses disregard
Sunday 22 March.’“ employees’ wellbeing then Govt should take tougher
action to force compliance.
Mr Martin added: “Ms Stevens’ comments also appear on the Bakers,
24/03/2020, 10:28 am
Food and Allied Workers’ Union’s website and so will inevitably mislead
the public.

Rachel Reeves, MP Jo Stevens, MP

6 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |


Editor’s note: Tim Martin explains how The MP said: “the reference (by Rachel Reeves)
he wrote to Rachel Reeves MP to complain about to the ‘committee’s deep concerns’ does not
Jo Stevens MP’s invention of a fictitious appearance include me. To my knowledge, the letter was sent
in front of Ms Reeves’ BEIS Committee and about without consultation with the committee. Committee
other matters. meetings had previously been cancelled in line with
guidance for entry to the parliamentary estate…”
Tim says: “I wrote to Rachel Reeves MP, In conclusion, Rachel Reeves MP had written to
chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Wetherspoon, expressing her ‘committee’s concerns’,
Committee (BEIS) on 2 April 2020 and
but without the knowledge of committee members.
copied all committee members, to complain about Jo
Stevens MP’s invention of a fictitious appearance in Jo Stevens MP had stated to her followers,
front of the committee. tagging or copying in Rachel Reeves, that
I (Tim Martin) had appeared in front of the committee,
“I also complained that a letter sent by Ms Reeves,
which was untrue; my reply to Rachel Reeves’
which was critical of Wetherspoon, had appeared on
accusations was not visible on the BEIS website at the
the BEIS website, but my reply had not.
time – and I received no reply from Rachel Reeves to
“I did not receive a reply from Ms Reeves, the letter below.
but received one from another MP, a member
of the committee, regarding an earlier letter
from Ms Reeves.”

Rachel Reeves MP
Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee,
House of Commons
London, SW1A 0AA
2 April 2020

Dear Rachel
CC: Members of the BEIS Committee
Further to our recent correspondence, you will be concerned to note that Jo Stevens MP
told her Twitter followers on 25 March that:
“After a session in front of @RachelReevesMP @CommonsBEIS Wetherspoons have u-turned
Editor’s note: The correspondence on decision not to pay 43,000 staff while pubs are shut. Staff to be paid on April 3 and weekly
between Rachel Reeves and Tim Martin after that. Good news, but people won’t forget political pressure forced your hand Tim Martin”
is difficult to find on the BEIS section
As you and your colleagues are aware, no such “session in front of ” your committee
of the UK Parliament website, although ever took place – and Wetherspoon never said that it wouldn’t pay its staff while its
a letter of 24 March from Rachel Reeves pubs were shut. Wetherspoon actually said the opposite to staff on Sunday 22 March,
is more prominent. two days after pubs were closed:
Tim Martin’s letter of 2 April, “All our endeavours are going to be on trying to make sure you get your money
exhibited on this page, does not seem and the pubs reopen.”
to be available at all on the website. You will also be concerned that the highly misleading comments from Ms Stevens appear
The correspondence between on the BFAWU website – and are likely, therefore, to have misled the public.
Rachel Reeves and Tim Martin is As an aside, I note that your letter to me of 24 March is publicly displayed on the UK
available on Wetherspoon’s website Parliament website, yet our replies are not. On 30 March, we were told by your committee
( specialist, Ian Cruse, that you would be “publishing both replies shortly.”
I am sure that the committee does not wish to mislead the public, or MPs, so a public
correction of Ms Stevens’ comments and the publication of Wetherspoon’s responses
to your letters would surely be advisable.
Best wishes

Tim Martin, Chairman

J D Wetherspoon plc | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 7



JAMES DORNAN MSP 19 March 2020



Scottish Member of Parliament (MSP) James Dornan (pictured) After being contacted by journalists, he added on Twitter:
used his Twitter account to incorrectly accuse Wetherspoon of “I’ve since been told that staff were on site for a short period,
opening one of its pubs, when all pubs were closed. but it wasn’t open to the public.”
And when it was pointed out to him by The Scottish Sun that this Wetherspoon’s chief executive, John Hutson, added:
was completely untrue, he immediately deleted the tweet. “We categorically deny that the pub opened.
However, he has refused to apologise for his incendiary tweet. “It was shut, like all other pubs across the UK, in line with the
The Scottish National Party MSP wrote on Twitter: “Apparently a government’s directive.
Weatherspoon (sic) pub near me is still open. “It would have been helpful, and the right thing to do,
“I really hope that at the end of this the owner is sued if it can be for Mr Dornan to tweet a message apologising to staff at the
proven anyone got the virus there.” pub and to Wetherspoon itself.”

8 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |



In the aftermath of ‘lockdown’, Richard Molloy, award-winning beer writer, criticised Tim Martin in local
Torbay paper the Herald Express. In the best tradition of journalism, Tim was given the opportunity to reply,
just as he was in other publications, such as Aberdeen’s Evening Express and Portsmouth’s The News.

Herald Express, Wednesday 22 April 2020 Herald Express, Wednesday 29 April 2020

● Articles courtesy of Herald Express | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 9


Editor’s note: “In an interview with leading hospitality magazine The Caterer, dated 19 February 2021, TV chef
and restaurant owner Angela Hartnett, who used to work for Gordon Ramsay, criticised Wetherspoon for ‘destroying’
communities. Wetherspoon responded to this rather unusual allegation in the letter below.”

19 February 2021
Ms Hartnett was asked by the
interviewer in the magazine: “Have Reply by Wetherspoon to The Caterer: 5 March 2021
people realised the importance of Dear Editor
restaurants to communities?” Angela Hartnett (The Caterer, 19 Feb) says for the design and restoration of
Angela Hartnett answered: that her East London neighbourhood old and listed buildings than any
has “great Japanese, great Indian other company.
and great fish and chips” and that Wetherspoon also has more pubs
“companies like Wetherspoon destroyed” listed in the Good Beer Guide than any
One thing that has changed since I started that sort of community. However, Ms other company and has the highest
working in the industry 30 years ago is Hartnett should consider a number of rating of any large pub company on
that everywhere in London now has its own points before criticising Wetherspoon. the local authority-run “scores on the
neighbourhood. Wetherspoon paid £764 million of taxes doors” scheme, with an average score
in 2019, one pound in every thousand of 4.96 out of 5.
“I live in east London and I don’t need to leave
collected by the government, a major Around 95% of Wetherspoon pubs are
my doorstep to get great Japanese, great community contribution. outside the central London area where
Indian, great fish and chips. Wetherspoon employs 37,516 Angela lives and works.
“Restaurants have become very local; people people, 15,032 of whom own Many of these areas don’t have
go to their local restaurant. shares in the company, and has “great Japanese” on the doorstep
won many awards for training and Wetherspoon pubs, as their
“Pubs are equally as important, and I think and staff development. success indicates, are popular in
pubs are going to suffer far more than In the last 15 years, Wetherspoon local communities.
restaurants after lockdown because pubs has awarded bonuses and Yours sincerely
generally were on their way down. free shares costing £428 million
to staff, a sum equivalent to 55% Eddie Gershon, spokesman
“Companies like Wetherspoon have destroyed
of our profits after tax. J D Wetherspoon plc
that community – the lovely pub on the corner
Wetherspoon has won more awards from Watford, Hertfordshire
– and I think they really will suffer.
English Heritage and CAMRA

Editor’s note: “During the first lockdown in In what can only be described as a series of absurdly
inaccurate hatchet jobs, several publications dishonestly
2020, Wetherspoon needed to raise some money
said, or implied, that Wetherspoon planned to reopen in
from shareholders in an ‘equity placing’ on the
June ‘despite lockdown’.
London Stock Market.
These fibs might seem like mere hyperbole today, but,
In order to do so, a business plan was drawn up which
in the fevered atmosphere of the first lockdown, the false
ESTIMATED that pubs would reopen in late June 2020.
allegations induced real animosity.”

29/30 April 2020

In relation to false allegations that Wetherspoon It also included the following statement from
planned to open in June 2020, despite lockdown, Wetherspoon’s spokesman Eddie Gershon:
the Mail Online published the following correction Clarification: Wetherspoon spokesman Eddie Gershon said:
and clarification: “Wetherspoon has no hotline to the government as to when
Correction: In articles dated 29 and 30 April 2020, we pubs might be permitted to reopen and we doubt if the
reported on the pub chain Wetherspoon’s plans to reopen in government itself has yet made a decision on this.
June. We have been asked to make clear that Wetherspoon
Like all companies we are trying to make a plan for the future
does not plan to open its pubs and hotels in June in breach of
and are guessing that they may be allowed to reopen in late
lockdown restrictions and will only reopen its pubs and hotels
June, around three months after they closed.
when allowed to do so by the Government.
However, that is just an estimate and may prove to be entirely
incorrect. Wetherspoon, like all pub companies, closed its
doors when ordered to do so by the government – and will
only reopen when it is permitted to do so.

10 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |


The exchange of texts between Mr Martin and the journalist
makes it crystal clear that this was not the case.
Wetherspoon had closed its pubs in March 2020, as soon as it

was ordered to do so by the government – and it planned to
reopen only when permitted.
The company issued a press release making its position
The Financial Times has, in recent years, rarely avoided an ultra clear (5a).
opportunity to criticise Wetherspoon. On many of the big financial The FT vehemently opposed Tim Martin’s views on Brexit and
issues of recent decades, Wetherspoon and the Financial Times seemed determined to find an anti-Wetherspoon line anyway (5c),
have been on opposing sides of the argument. so its headline said that Wetherspoon planned to open “despite
In this case, Wetherspoon’s chairman was contacted by a the lockdown” – which was completely untrue.
Financial Times journalist who had become aware of completely The headline was reinforced by the first sentence from the
inaccurate reports, as Mr Martin pointed out (5b below), that journalist, which said that Wetherspoon planned to open in
Wetherspoon was going to open its pubs at the end of June June “in spite of a lack of government guidance”.
“despite the lockdown”.

Students of journalism and those interested in newspapers may wish to study the texts in 5b, below, between
Tim Martin and the FT, along with the subsequent article in 5c, also below.

5a JDW press release issued 18:18, 29 April 2020 5b Text messages 18:08–18:17, 29 April 2020

Hi Tim, see that you are planning to

reopen in June. Is that all pubs? And any
From: News social distancing measures? Hope all well
To: Financial Times journalist Financial Times journalist to Tim 29 April (18:08)
Sent: 29 April 2020 18:18
It’s total and complete cobblers - we
Wetherspoon spokesman Eddie Gershon said: have no insight whatsoever as to when
“Wetherspoon has no hotline to the government as to when pubs might reopen and no information
pubs might be permitted to reopen and we doubt if the from, or hotline to, the government. We’ve
government itself has yet made a decision on this. made an assumption, just for planning
purposes, that pubs MIGHT be allowed to
“Like all companies we are trying to make a plan for the future
open in late June- but we don’t know any
and are guessing that they may be allowed to reopen in late
more than anyone else. Best, Tim
June, around three months after they closed.
“However, that is just an estimate and may prove to be Tim replies to Financial Times journalist 29 April (18:13)
entirely incorrect.
“Wetherspoon, like all pub companies, closed its doors when
Ah! That’s absolutely fine - so others are
ordered to do so by the government – and will only reopen
not reporting correctly? Thanks Tim
when it is permitted to do so.”
Financial Times journalist to Tim (18:14)
Indeed -they’re not letting the facts get in
the way!!!
Tim to Financial Times journalist (18:17)

5c Online FT article (circa 20:00, 29 April 2020)


Pub group sets out £141m share placement to see it through crisis
Financial Times journalist APRIL 29 2020

JD Wetherspoon has said that it plans to reopen its pubs and hotels “in Restaurants, pubs and bars are expected to be among the last allowed
or around June” in spite of a lack of government guidance thus far on to reopen once the lockdown, which was put in force by the
when lockdown restrictions will be lifted. government on March 20, is lifted. Many fear that even when they
But although it gave the date in an update to the stock market, Tim are allowed to reopen, social-distancing measures will severely limit
Martin, the pub group’s chief executive, said it was “complete their capacity, with a knock-on effect on sales.
cobblers” to suggest that the company had firm plans.
“We have no insight whatsoever as to when pubs might reopen and no
information from, or hotline to, the government,” he said. | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 11


Editor’s note: “The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian, The Guardian reported that Wetherspoon ‘planned to
in different ways, published highly misleading articles buy up smaller pubs on the cheap’ – this is also, as we
about Wetherspoon, for which they have both apologised. explain, cobblers.
The Daily Telegraph reported that Wetherspoon had staff Fair play to The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian for
shortages and that chairman Tim Martin had ‘urged Boris publishing quick apologies and corrections, but this sort
Johnson to introduce a visa scheme for EU workers’ – of misinformation is extremely harmful.”
which was completely untrue.

4 June 2021

Apology and correction published by The Daily Telegraph, Friday 4 June 2021:
Correction: [The Daily Telegraph] article may have given the impression that Wetherspoons, in common with other companies
in the hospitality sector, was struggling to recruit staff. In fact, Wetherspoons is not facing staff shortages or recruitment issues.
We apologise for any confusion and are happy to correct the record.

Following the inaccurate Daily Telegraph article, Wetherspoon issued the press release below, which was
published by the London Stock Exchange:
Released : 02 Jun 2021 13:20 with the possibility of preferential visas for countries in close
The Telegraph newspaper published an article online proximity to the UK, as Australia operates with New
yesterday (“Wetherspoons boss calls for more EU migration Zealand, for example (See, for example, Mr Martin’s
as bars and restaurants tackle staff shortage” - 1 June 2021), evidence to the House of Lords Economic Affairs
which misrepresented Wetherspoon’s position. Committee on 8th March 2017 - Appendix 1 see opposite).
The Telegraph journalist contacted Tim Martin, the Tim Martin said: “I was trying to be helpful to the
Wetherspoon chairman, and requested comments regarding journalist by providing up-to-date anecdotal information
reports of staff shortages in the hospitality industry generally. on staffing, which clearly demonstrated a very positive
situation for Wetherspoon.
Following the press query, Mr Martin personally made
enquiries within the company and, in subsequent texts to the “However, my comments were misreported.
journalist, said “anecdotal feedback from … pubs since The false story, expressed in the headline “Wetherspoons
reopening [is that there are] lots of people applying generally.” boss calls for more EU migration as bars and restaurants
Mr Martin’s texts also said that for a “new pub opening last tackle staff shortage” and expressed or implied elsewhere in
week (in a town in North Yorkshire), for example, [there the article, was that Wetherspoon was suffering staff
were] 160 applications for 70 jobs.” shortages, which clearly isn’t true, and that I had
subsequently been moved to change my stance on
Mr Martin’s texts added that “there were 20 applications
immigration, which, as my evidence to parliament several
for four vacancies” in a Bedfordshire pub and there was “a
years ago clearly shows, isn’t true either.
good volume of applications for vacancies in Bletchley and
Milton Keynes”.
Mr Martin concluded that it was “a reasonably good
APPENDIX 1 Extract
position for JDW in the country” and that “recruitment
is more challenging in some seaside towns- but that’s Tim Martin’s evidence to the House of Lords’ Economic
no different to what we experience in any year.” Affairs Committee (published 21 July 2017)
The anecdotal evidence provided by Mr Martin was not Page 21: Members present: Lord Hollick (The Chairman);
reported by the journalist, who instead said that “British pubs Lord Burns; Lord Darling of Roulanish; Lord Forsyth of
and restaurants struggle to recruit staff in the post-pandemic Drumlean; Lord Kerr of Kinlochard; Lord Lamont of
labour market squeeze”. Lerwick; Lord Layard; Lord Sharkey; Lord Tugendhat;
Baroness Wheatcroft.
The journalist also said “pub and restaurant bosses warned
they were being forced to shut sites during the crucial The Chairman: Given the expected end of free movement
lunchtime trade due to a shortage of workers”, which the of people between the UK and EU, what would you like
to see replacing it that would control immigration?
article implied was a problem for Wetherspoon- and which
is clearly not true from the evidence provided by Mr Martin Mr Tim Martin: At the risk of incurring the wrath of Lord
to the journalist. Darling, I think the referendum was about democracy.
The article also said that Mr Martin “urged Boris Johnson to You touched on the issue earlier. Looking round the
introduce a visa scheme for EU workers”. world, New Zealanders can work in Australia; the Irish
could work here and we could work there long before
In fact, Mr Martin has had no contact whatsoever with
the EU.
Mr Johnson since he became Prime Minister.
There is an argument based on pragmatism and proximity.
Mr Martin, as with many Brexit supporters, has, however, EU workers have been allowed to come and work here in
supported an Australia-style immigration points system,

12 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |


the past, and there is a case for them being able to do so it, can have so many people, or would you allow the
in the future on some preferential basis, partly on grounds market to decide that?
of pragmatism. Mr Tim Martin: I do not know the answer to that, but
The reason it would be very difficult to do the same thing for for the UK to be a successful country and economy in
India or China is that they have 2.5 billion people between the next 20, 30 or 50 years we need a gradually rising
them and you just cannot open your borders to them on a population, and that will need some type of reasonably
pragmatic basis; but on a preferential work permit basis, and controlled immigration.
with the historical links with Ireland, which will continue, you If we do not get it, the economy will tend to go backwards.
can do something for EU countries. We need a North American or Australian-type system.
The Chairman: Do you see the Government playing a role in
saying that the hospitality industry, or even the pub sector of

19 January 2021 2 June 2021

Following an announcement by the company, in which it raised
some money on the London Stock Market (a ‘share placing’) Following the inaccurate Daily Telegraph
in January 2021, The Guardian newspaper made some highly report, a considerable number of other
inaccurate comments, which it has agreed to correct. publications repeated the same story
and agreed to publish corrections.
In an article dated 19 January 2021, The Guardian said that
Wetherspoon planned to “buy up smaller pubs on the cheap” Correction: In an article dated 2 June 2021
and that it planned to buy “pubs driven to financial ruin”. titled, “Brexit-supporting Wetherspoon boss
The company issued a press release (see 1 below) which calls for more immigration to plug staff
corrected The Guardian’s article. shortages” it was suggested that Wetherspoon
was having problems recruiting staff.
The Guardian issued an apology and correction (see 2 below).
In fact, as it has been acknowledged by the UK
Telegraph newspaper who first published the
1. Wetherspoon’s press release: incorrect story on 1 June 2021, Wetherspoon
Released by J D Wetherspoon on 22 January 2021 has not experienced any atypical recruitment
A Guardian newspaper article (19 January), following the announcement issues and was in “a reasonably good position”.
of an equity placing by Wetherspoon on the same day, said that
“Wetherspoon moves to buy smaller pubs on the cheap amid Covid crisis” It is accepted that Wetherspoon is not facing
and that “it is targeting pubs in central London.” staff shortages or recruitment issues.
These statements are completely untrue. Wetherspoon operates pubs which
We apologise for any confusion and are happy
are three or four times larger than average and rarely “targets” existing pubs.
to correct the record.
Wetherspoon’s press release on 19 January said that the company is
“considering... a number of properties in central London, the freehold
reversion of pubs of which it is the tenant, and properties adjacent to
successful pubs”.
All the company’s pubs in central London had other uses before
Wetherspoon’s occupation - for example, the headquarters of the Hong
Kong and Shanghai Bank, the former Marquee Club and the former
ballroom of the Great Eastern Hotel.
Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin said:“The downfall of the master spy
Karla in John Le Carré’s epic novel was precipitated by creating a fictitious
“legend for a girl”.
The Guardian should avoid legends and stick to the truth, lest it suffers the
same fate as Karla.
2 June 2021
The Metro agreed to publish the following
2. Correction and apology by The Guardian newspaper , dated 22 January 2021: correction:
This article was amended on 22 January 2021, Wetherspoon has not stated that it Correction: This article may have given
intends to buy up “smaller pubs” as the headline of the earlier version said. the impression that Wetherspoon was having
This was an error based on reported plans by the Redcat Pub Company. problems recruiting staff.
Neither did Wetherspoon’s recent statement to investors say it planned to buy
In fact, Wetherspoon has not experienced
pubs in general as the article said. Rather the company announced that it is,
“considering the acquisition of a number of properties in central London, the any atypical recruitment issues and is not facing
freehold reversions of pubs of which it is currently the tenant, and properties staff shortages.
adjacent to successful pubs”. We apologise for any confusion and are happy to
We apologise to J D Wetherspoon for these errors. correct the record. | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 13


“Bloomberg Businessweek (an American weekly business magazine) wrote an article about Wetherspoon, dated
26 February 2021, which contained many inaccuracies. The company issued the press release below, which was
published by the London Stock Exchange.”


An article in Businessweek (26 February), regarding ● the article refers to Wetherspoon as the “Most-Hated“
Wetherspoon, contains a number of inaccuracies: pub company.
● the article says that Wetherspoon plays “host to This is untrue.
drunken students“. An independent market research survey by CGA
This is a serious allegation to make about a pub company. BrandTrack of 5,000 consumers in 2018, for example,
“Playing host“ in this way would be unlawful, since reported that Wetherspoon is “the preferred brand to
pubs have a legal obligation, enforced by the licensing eat out at“.
authorities, to prevent drunkenness. A similar survey in 2019, also by CGA BrandTrack, found
Pub liquor licences can be lost if legislation is not that Wetherspoon was the “standout choice for branded
adhered to. Wetherspoon has never, in its history, drinking occasions“.
lost a licence on these grounds. ● the article says that Wetherspoon’s chairman

● the article says Wetherspoon is “sacrificing worker Tim Martin is “a lifetime skeptic of the EU“ and that
pay for affordable prices“. “he began in the 1990s to push for Britain to prune
its ties with Brussels“.
However, average Wetherspoon pay, excluding
management grades, is 12% over the minimum wage. This is untrue.
In addition, Wetherspoon paid bonuses and free shares As Mr Martin has said, on a number of occasions,
(see table opposite) to employees equivalent to 55% of his first opposition to the EU was when it was
its profits after tax in the last 15 years. 15,032 employees proposed that the UK join the euro in around 2000,
own shares in the company. following the failure of the euro’s predecessor, the
exchange rate mechanism, in the early 1990s.
Since the share scheme was introduced, Wetherspoon
has awarded 20.6 million free shares to employees, Tim Martin said: “There are a number of other errors
approximately 16% of the shares in issue today. in the Businessweek article, but these are the main ones.
● the article says that Wetherspoon “took advantage ”It is important for the corrections to be in the
of a beer supply surplus to secure cheap contracts“. public domain.“
This is untrue.
The company has never been made aware of a “beer
surplus“ and believes that “taking advantage“ would be
impossible, since beer is produced in short cycles, in
line with current demand.
● the article says that Wetherspoon “unlike traditional

pubs ... divides its pubs into gridlike seating plans…

reducing the frequency of chance interactions“.
This claim is completely untrue.
There is no observable difference between Wetherspoon
seating layouts and those of many competitors.
The reference to reducing interactions is entirely fictional.
● the article says that Wetherspoon “leverag(ed) it’s (sic)

scale to beat out smaller competitors“.

This is misleading.
There are far more competitors now in the hospitality
industry than there were in the past: coffee shops,
restaurants and cafés, which sell many of the same
products as Wetherspoon, have grown exponentially.
Many smaller pub competitors, trading in close
proximity to Wetherspoon, like Loungers, Fuller’s,
Young’s and St Austell, have grown substantially.

14 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |


Wetherspoon: Bonuses and free shares v profits, 2006–20

Bonuses and free shares Profit after tax Bonus etc as % of profit
Financial year
£m £m
2020 33 -30 –

2019 46 80 58

2018 43 84 51

2017 44 77 57

2016 33 57 58

2015 31 57 53

2014 29 59 50

2013 29 65 44

2012 24 57 42

2011 23 52 43

2010 23 51 44

2009 21 45 45

2008 16 36 45

2007 19 47 41

2006 17 40 41

Total 428 777 55

Source: J D Wetherspoon plc’s annual reports and accounts 2006–20

Editor's note: “The importance of freedom of And journalists, too, are mercilessly attacked online,
as the article by Christina Lamb of The Sunday Times
speech is closely linked to the importance of finding
shows (pages 18–19).
the truth.
By encouraging ideas and debate, democracy works
Good outcomes depend on finding out what’s true,
better than any other system.
as many people have discovered.
Yet there is a huge tendency, in which both MPs and
Perhaps the main originators of false information
journalists are themselves often complicit, to
about Wetherspoon were MPs Rachel Reeves and
demonise, vilify and censor non-mainstream views.
Jo Stevens (pages 6–7).
Unless anonymous trolls can be neutralised, which
And the MP Neil O’Brien (page 16) has launched
Toby Young is trying to achieve (back page), and
intemperate attacks, based on inaccurate
unless the press and MPs stick to the truth, society
characterisations, both online and in newspapers,
as a whole will pay a heavy price.”
vilifying government COVID critics.
Yet elected representatives, vital to democracy, are
often themselves primary targets of trolling and vitriol,
as the BBC article about Scottish MP Carol Monaghan
(page 17) vividly demonstrates. | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 15

FREEDOM OF SPEECH The Guardian / 17 January 2021

Editor’s note: “Both online and in the press, the MP Neil O’Brien has attacked critics of government COVID
policies, contributing to their vilification and to an inhibition of debate.
In this article, he denigrates government critics by calling them ‘Covid sceptics’.
That’s untrue. The critics are, in fact, ‘government policy sceptics’. O’Brien also uses sectarian language by referring
to government critics as people who ‘crawl from the woodwork’.
In my view, O’Brien’s pro-Australian, anti-Swedish, hard-lockdown views won’t age well.
Time, of course, will tell who is right…”


The Tory MP on the fantasies of those in the media, and beyond, who oppose lockdown
If you had opened certain newspapers “There is no evidence of a second wave.” Gloom”, “fear-mongering” and “self-serving”.
over the past year, you would have read By autumn, there were more people in hospital That Whitty and Jonathan Van-Tam used their
the following. In spring, you’d have been with Covid but several papers ran pieces tiny amount of spare time to volunteer in
told the virus was fizzling out. You might saying our hospitals weren’t unusually busy in hospitals suggests that’s not true. Now, as the
have been treated to the views of November. Some continued the pretence for death toll still rises, the same people crawl from
epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta, who an absurdly long time. On 29 December, the woodwork to demand we lift all restrictions
claimed: “The epidemic has largely come Pearson wrote: “ICU occupancy is 78% today. as soon as the most vulnerable are vaccinated.
and is on its way out in this country.” Remarkably low for this time of year” and that It’s great that we are leading Europe in
This wasn’t due to the lockdown, she “winter 2020 is the lowest hospital bed vaccinations and lockdown has meant cases
argued, but “the build-up of immunity”, occupancy for 10 years. Yes, really.” are starting to fall back. But if we drop our
which government advisers were guard, we could still risk many lives agonisingly
However, as the new variant exploded and
apparently underestimating. close to the finish line.
television news showed ambulances queuing
By the summer, you would have read that it outside hospitals that were full of people Because they are still dangerous, I have
was all over. In June, Toby Young, editor of the gasping for breath, the story had to change pointed out the mistakes of some Covid-
Lockdown Sceptics website predicted: “There again. Yes, people were now dying but not in sceptics on Twitter. They regard this as
will be no ‘second spike’ – not now, and not in unusual numbers. On 4 January, Hartley- outrageous. An MP shouldn’t be getting
the autumn either. The virus has melted into Brewer reassured us: “The virus kills. It just involved in this. I “must not have any
thin air. It’s time to get back to normal.” isn’t causing excess deaths anymore.” This was constituents who’re struggling”, says Hartley-
Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson wrote: rather difficult to square with the Office for Brewer. Young deleted all his tweets from last
“The terrible Coronabeast will be gone from National Statistics saying 2020 saw the largest year and, in a joint podcast with alt-right
these isles by September.” increase in deaths in England and Wales since conspiracy theorist James Delingpole, I was
By July, the sceptical narrative had changed. 1940. So, others resorted to a different accused of being “a wrong un”, a “fascist”, and
According to Ross Clark in the Daily Mail, there argument. Yes, 89,000 extra people had died compared to Stalin’s secret police chief
was nothing to fear. Boris Johnson’s warning of but they would have died anyway. They were Lavrenti Beria. (I didn’t know you could be a
a possible “second wave” was an unjustified old or had “prior conditions”, so were already Nazi and a Commie.) I’ve touched a nerve, it
“emotive” use of language. Rising cases in on the way out. They didn’t mention that seems. Politicians are used to accountability.
countries such as Spain were “little more than 8,300 of them were of working age or that The guilty people within the media are not.
a statistical illusion” due to increased testing. many “prior conditions” were non-fatal, such The truth is, the Covid-sceptics aren’t really
Globally, countries taking the toughest as asthma, diabetes, mental health or learning sceptics at all. They engage in motivated
measures were getting great results. Australia, difficulties. reasoning; they make stuff up and double
New Zealand, Korea, Japan and Taiwan all Powerful Covid-sceptics in the media have got down on disproved claims. They are powerful
saw case rates at about a 20th of the EU it wrong at every stage. They fought to stop or figures, not used to being questioned. But the
average. The Covid sceptics trashed their delay every measure necessary to control the truth is that they have a hell of lot to answer for.
approach as “sheer panic”. Instead, libertarian virus. They opposed masks, resisted travel
Sweden was all the rage. Never mind that its restrictions, fought local lockdown tiers as well • Neil O’Brien is Conservative MP
for Harborough,Oadby and Wigston,
death rate was 10 times that of its neighbours. as national measures, often with conflicting
a former director of Policy Exchange
They would have no second wave because arguments. Clark wrote again in October that and a vice-chair of the Conservative party
they had wisely built up “herd immunity”. In local tiers were unfair and the PM wanted to
fact, there was a brutal second wave; Finland “trash the northern economy”, but when
and Norway offered emergency medical national measures proved necessary, he
assistance as Stockholm’s hospitals overflowed. complained “we are going to close down
Even the king slammed the failed strategy. restaurants in Cornwall to try to fight an
As infections built up again in the autumn, the epidemic in Manchester”. In December, he
story changed once more. Though it looked said we should prioritise vaccinations in “the
like cases were rising, it was a “casedemic” parts of the country which add most to the
brought on by faulty tests. “At least 91% of economy, London especially”.
‘Covid cases’ are FALSE POSITIVES,” They rubbished those who knew what they By Neil O’Brien
thundered Talk Radio host Julia Hartley- were talking about. Professors Chris Whitty and The Guardian / 17 January 2021
Brewer in September. Patrick Vallance were “Messrs Doom and Print credit:

16 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |

FREEDOM OF SPEECH BBC News online / 27 June 2021

Editor’s note: “This report describes the shocking level of online abuse aimed at Glasgow MP Carol Monaghan.
The police judged the threat to be so serious that Ms Monaghan, along with her family, was advised to move house.
Ms Monaghan’s critique of social media is spot on, yet, on pages 6–7, two senior female MPs fomented huge online abuse
against Wetherspoon, by posting blatantly fabricated and untrue statements. Politicians, often the victims of abuse,
cannot be parties to abuse when they feel (mistakenly) that it suits their political agendas.”


A Glasgow MP who moved herself to a come back to Glasgow - my family were here.” on Twitter anonymously for the best of reasons
safe house after a death threat wants Ms Monaghan was terrified for her family. but there is also a huge hiding place
women in public life to have more for people who want to put more sinister stuff
She said: “Because of the personal nature of
protection. out there. We need a way of identifying users
the threat and the personal details, I knew he
Carol Monaghan feared for her and her and take action against them for tweets that
knew where I lived, I knew he knew who my
family’s lives when online abuse turned into are offensive.”
kids were. I just had to be there.
the detailed threat. The MP has considered giving up politics
“That evening when we came back from the
Earlier this month Jonathan Bell, 35, admitted because of the abuse, saying it wears her
police station to the house, the police
his behaviour caused her “fear or alarm”. down. But although she says she is not
wouldn’t let us into the house until the whole
planning to go yet, she admits she would
The SNP MP for Glasgow North West says area had been searched.
probably not want any of her three daughters
social media companies must take action to “They spent the night outside the house and to go into politics.
end misogynistic abuse. very early the next morning we left and went
She will keep pushing for change.
Twitter said it takes action against accounts to a safe place.”
which violate rules on abuse and harassment. “Longer term, we need to consider how we
Bell harassed the SNP MP between January
deal with people in public-facing roles and
Like most women in politics, Ms Monaghan and April 2019.
how we put protections in place for them to
has always received attacks via her social At Glasgow Sheriff Court he pled guilty to ensure they can go about their jobs in a
media accounts. causing fear or alarm. He will be sentenced normal manner.
But after a series of offensive tweets emerged next month.
“I live here in Glasgow and I represent the area
from a particular individual, the attacks Ms Monaghan puts a lot of what happened where I live and I love to walk about in this
turned sinister. down to social media. She has endured a area. I don’t want that to change. And I don’t
Messages she was sent included references to stream of abuse and has tried unsuccessfully want it to change as a result of this.”
murdered MP Jo Cox. to engage the platforms to deal with it.
In response, Twitter said: “Abuse and
Then her constituency office in Partick was “Social media gives people a platform, it gives harassment have no place on our service. We
targeted, with windows being smashed. them a way of directly contacting a person - at have clear rules in place that apply to
While the MP was in London, the office front any time of the day or night,” she said everyone, everywhere, that address threats of
was splattered with ketchup. “It gives them the opportunity to say things violence,abuse and harassment and hateful
anonymously. It gives them a whole lot of conduct, and we take action when we identify
“When my staff came in it was quite a
protection that the target of their abuse does accounts that violate these rules.”
disturbing thing to see,” she told BBC
Scotland’s The Seven programme. not have.”
“It was obviously meant to look like blood Ms Monaghan believes any woman in a
across the windows. That was the start of the public role is party to this abuse, and says she
physical activities.” has been told told to “grow a thick skin” and
get used to it.
Things got worse when a death threat was
made against her. But, she says: “Really, why should we take that
level of abuse? We wouldn’t accept it in a
“It was phoned in and it contained
workplace, but we are just supposed to take it
enough details about my personal life, enough
and somehow we are to blame if we don’t.”
detail to cause the police to take it seriously,”
she explained. She is calling for safeguards to be put in
place. Her main issue is with people
“I got a call from my office manager. The police
being untraceable.
had contacted him to say there was what they
considered to be a credible threat. “This idea that an abuser on Twitter can stay
anonymous cannot be right,” she said. BBC News online / 27 June 2021
“They weren’t necessarily sure I should come
back to Glasgow. But I was keen that I did “I understand some people want to interact Print credit: | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 17

Editor’s note: “Christina Lamb repeated an unacceptable comment, for which she apologised, previously made by the
Duke of Edinburgh, in a report on the 99-year-old’s funeral. As in the case of Carol Monaghan MP (page 17), the level of
online threats and abuse, via out-of-control social media, is shocking. Since journalists, like MPs, are often the subject of
abuse, they also have a duty to avoid inciting it. Yet two colleagues of Ms Lamb at The Times made false comments about
Wetherspoon (pages 3–4), which also resulted in online abuse.”


One sentence was all it took. After social media took objection to her dispatch from the royal
funeral, the foreign correspondent and her family have suffered a campaign of abuse, bullying
and death threats
Last week I was filling in a form for a What matters is not goodness but the back home, did I realise how many had read
hostile environment course, something I appearance of goodness. We are no longer the sentence in a different way to what I
have to attend every three years for my human beings. We are now angels jostling to intended. I had meant to say that we laughed
job as a war correspondent. out-angel one another.” Like her, I wonder at the duke’s lack of diplomacy, not his racist
“Have you experienced any particularly stress- what is happening to our society that people comments. Indeed I had described his
related incidents?” it asked. think it’s OK to post death threats and vitriol remarks as “offending”. However I could see
to a person and their family in response to their point. I was mortified.
“Kidnaps, ambush, bombs …” I wrote.
words written as a deadline approached. As a female journalist I am sadly used to
“You left out being shot at,” my husband laughed.
The worst week of my professional life started online abuse, from jihadists who hate western
“And something else,” I replied. Neither of with a text from my editor asking me to cover women, or Pakistani hardliners because of my
us laughed. the duke’s funeral. She was persuasive, it association with the activist Malala Yousafzai,
For two months I have rarely slept more than seemed a moment in our history and I knew whose autobiography I worked on. This was
three hours a night. I check all the locks when my mum would be impressed, so I agreed. different. People apparently thought it was a
I go to bed and worry if I don’t hear from my Everything went wrong that day. I’d booked a perfectly reasonable response to abuse me,
student son each day. I cut short a romantic room at a guesthouse in Windsor thinking it my husband and son. The jihadists were
dinner with my husband because I thought a would make my life easier, only for the fire polite in comparison.
woman on the next table was staring at me. alarm to go off halfway through the funeral. My most recent tweet had been a photo of
None of this is because of traumatic By the time it was sorted out I’d missed half two glasses on a balcony overlooking the
experiences in wars but the consequence of a the ceremony and had only an hour to write Thames. We were celebrating the pubs
trip to Windsor on a sunny Saturday to cover 1,500 words. Finally I sat down at my desk reopening on my husband’s birthday. That
the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral. and started writing, opening with the moving was seized on over and over by people
image of the black-masked queen alone in the accusing me of getting drunk by the river in
This is what online abuse does. We’ve all
chapel. Wanting to contrast the duke as her Windsor while the funeral was on and “raising
heard about it and maybe like me you
great love to the old man who had become a a glass to Phil the Greek at the Racist Arms”.
dismissed it as “just words”.
figure of fun to many of us, I wrote the line That the post was from London three days
Perhaps you read the essay posted online last that would cause all the problems: “To her earlier was apparently irrelevant. To them, as
week by the Nigerian author Chimamanda subjects, Prince Philip was the longest-serving they told me, I was a “f***ing big-nosed racist
Ngozi Adichie. In it she explained how two royal consort in British history — an often wine-drinking c***”.
young female writers she had encouraged crotchety figure, offending people with gaffes Then there were the death threats: “Don’t
whipped up a social-media storm after a 2017 about slitty eyes, even if secretly we rather walk around if I see you or your family I’ll
Channel 4 interview in which Adichie said enjoyed them.” knock you out and so ur family,” said
she believed “transwomen are transwomen”.
With deadline approaching, I filed my copy, dubstepbystep on my Instagram. Telling me I
Her protégées had responded by going online which would appear on the front page after should be killed was the least of it.
to call her a murderer, tell Adichie that her going through a series of editors — all of “I feel sorry for your children. You f***ing racist
parents’ deaths were “punishment for her whom read the line how I intended it to be old hag, washed up trowel-faced old bitch,”
transphobia” and accuse her of sabotaging read, or didn’t notice. wrote Maddie Rainer.
their careers
The next day, I had arranged to take my mum Howard Wong, who runs an ice-cream
“In this age of social media, where a story for lunch out, a rare break from caring for my company called Little Moons, thought it
travels the world in minutes, silence disabled father. On the way, I noticed some perfectly acceptable to track down my
sometimes means that other people can activity on Twitter, accusing me of being racist. husband’s account and post abuse about his
hijack your story and soon, their false version I was confused. I have always felt it better not “racist wife”.
becomes the defining story about you,” she to engage as it just fuels the mob, so I tried to
wrote. “The assumption of good faith is dead. ignore it. Only later, after I had dropped Mum

18 Wetherspoon | Does truth matter? |

FREEDOM OF SPEECH The Sunday Times / 19 June 2021

My Wikipedia page was repeatedly hacked, because of so many attacks, warned me to When Newsnight reporter Nick Watt was
changing my description from bestselling watch for identity theft and alert my bank. I chased and abused by lockdown protesters
author to “racist bigot”. One man on social was paranoid when, a few days later, a credit last week, there was widespread
media offered tips on how to start a card stopped working. condemnation, even from the prime minister.
concerted campaign against me. For three weeks it took over our lives. Police When you are getting online death threats,
Many of my abusers had only a handful of came to question us and are keen to there is silence. By the fifth day, I was on the
followers or were clearly bots. Disturbingly prosecute for malicious communication. We verge of resigning. I was getting abuse from all
many were women. Instagram was even have to decide whether we want to go to over the world. “It feels like everything I
worse than Twitter. court and stir this all up. worked for counts for nothing,” I told my
Some people were lovely, tweeting in Every day I hear of professors, female
support (which I will never forget) but being politicians, lawyers, comedians and writers It was some of the women I have written
rewarded by abuse themselves. Many, being abused or cancelled, or feeling they about who changed my mind. “Be strong,”
including Asians, sent me supportive can no longer express opinions for fear of said one woman in Afghanistan (yes, it had
messages. Others were silent, including such a response. Many contacted me but did even reached there). “Don’t abandon us and
young colleagues I have helped and writers not want to speak out for fear of provoking cave in to a mob.”
claiming to stand for free speech, presumably more abuse. She was right. If you are going to go after me
scared that they would be tarred with the I had read about cases such as that of the for racism, fine: I am sorry and will say that
racism brush. One of my oldest friends asked long-time New York Times health editor loud and clear as often as you want. But
me: “Why would you write such a thing?” as Donald McNeil, 67, forced out of his job this then please go after the people who think it’s
if I had done it deliberately. spring for repeating — not using out of OK to spill vitriol online.
I stopped looking at the messages. My malice — the n-word at a dinner for students My detractors will say I am trying to present
husband went through them, reporting on a holiday in Peru two years ago. He was myself as a victim. But I have spent my
threats to Twitter, some of which were taken part of a team that won the Pulitzer for career highlighting abuse and just because I
off, blocking other senders to try to protect coverage of the pandemic. am a target, it would be pathetic to stop now.
me. He was left shaking. Adam Habib, 56, director of London’s School I have a platform and believe it’s right to
Over my 33-year career I have taken on of Oriental and African Studies, was attacked speak out.
despots and dictators; now my nemesis was and suspended for using the same word in I am a woman in her mid-fifties with lots of
a fashion blogger called Susie Bubble, who response to a question after years of work support from family, friends and employers,
runs a bubble-tea café in Stoke Newington, promoting racial equality in his home country, and a well-established career. But what about
north London. South Africa. He has now been reinstated. teenage girls, perhaps just starting out in a new
She launched a petition demanding an Neil Thin, 60, an anthropology lecturer job, insecure about themselves? No wonder
apology from me and The Sunday Times — at Edinburgh University, was attacked online some are driven to self-harm or suicide.
even though the paper published an apology for racism, misogyny and transphobia after Yes, I am sorry for what I wrote, I have learnt
as soon as it could and I had apologised to he criticised a move last year to change the from this and will read my copy more closely
anyone who wrote to me directly. There was philosophy building’s name from in future. But if I get something wrong, does
no excuse for what I had written, I told David Hume Tower, named after the 18th- it mean I am a racist?
people over and over again. At a speaking century philosopher who is now accused of As Adichie said in a conversation last week
event the Tuesday after the funeral, I links to slavery. with Mary Beard, another woman who has
apologised at length. I posted the apology on Thin had also raised concerns about a 2019 also experienced online abuse: “Am I not
my public Facebook page. campus event called Resisting Whiteness, allowed to just have a bad day?”
Bubbles’ organisation, the ESEA (East and featuring an area exclusively for people of
Southeast Asia) Sisters, published all my colour, which he branded “segregation”. Not
social media handles. They contacted every only was he accused of being a “rape
organisation I have ever worked with — apologist”, but students circulated a letter
charities I am on the board of, publishers of saying they did not feel safe in his classes.
my books, awards I am up for or have won, “They have destroyed my reputation,
American think tanks I am affiliated with, damaged my health and put a huge toll on
places where I was due to speak. They posted my family,” he says. “I should be able to
malicious reviews on Amazon. They even brush it off but the power of social media is
contacted my college at Oxford demanding I to make you doubt what matters ... I’ve been
be stripped of my honorary fellowship. beaten up badly three times in my life but
The actress Gemma Chan, whose film Crazy this hurt an awful lot more.”
Rich Asians I had enjoyed, demanded that Thin faced a two-month investigation that
people sign the petition. This took it across exonerated him. His accusers faced nothing.
the Atlantic where many of her followers Thin says he cannot go back into teaching
seemed to think that it was me who coined until those who tried to destroy his reputation
the term “slitty eyes”. are investigated.
The New York Public Library, where I was “The message the university is sending out is
shortlisted for the Bernstein award for that the students can do exactly what they
excellence in journalism, decided not to like and we are too scared to challenge
award the prize. Their letter to my publisher them,” he said. “That’s a terrible way of
ended: “The award honours the noble educating students.”
profession of journalism, and is a reflection
The husband of one of two women who
on The New York Public Library and its
accused the former Scottish first minister Alex
values. As such, we need to hold the
Salmond of sex abuse spoke to the Daily Record
candidates to the highest possible standards.”
of the trolling she faced. “It felt like watching my
The Washington-based International wife self-harm when she was glued to a screen By Christina Lamb
Women’s Media Foundation, which now has reading abusive comments,” he said. The Sunday Times / 19 June 2021
a whole online media abuse department Print credit: The Sunday Times / News Licensing | Does truth matter? | Wetherspoon 19

Editor’s note: “If you want a good outcome, whether for a business, a government or personally, you need ideas and
debate. On page 16, Wetherspoon News takes issue with Conservative MP and Oxford graduate Neil O’Brien for
shutting down debate by vilifying government critics. I first noticed this autocratic tendency 20 years ago when the
Financial Times, then almost exclusively an Oxbridge institution, censored anti-euro comment – hardly an intellectual
approach. In this article, Toby Young takes up the cudgels and explains how he and his courageous team aim to take
on the autocrats and bullies.”


Social commentator Toby Young explains why and how
his newly formed organisation – the Free Speech Union
– will defend people’s right to speak freely, without fear
of being persecuted

iers Morgan was forced out as a presenter of The enemies of free speech hunt in packs; its defenders need to band
Good Morning Britain when he said that he didn’t together too. Whatever it takes, we’ll defend your right to speak freely,
believe all of the things Meghan Markle said in without fear of being persecuted.
her Oprah Winfrey interview. Pale
The banjo player of Mumford & Sons has been ejected from the band The Free Speech Union hasn’t been set up to protect just male,
after he praised a conservative journalist on Twitter. pale and stale conservatives like me.
A director of Iceland was sacked after he made a joke on his blog about If you think that you’re safe because you’re a woman or a member of
the Welsh language. the progressive left, think again.
All of these things happened in 2021 in a country which prides itself The list of people who’ve been no-platformed – prevented from
on its commitment to free speech. speaking in public by self-appointed morality cops who spend their life
And these aren’t isolated incidents. frantically searching for things to be offended by – includes the radical
feminist Julie Bindel, the Women’s Hour presenter Jenni Murray and
During 2014–19, the police in England and Wales investigated 120,000
Germaine Greer, author of The Female Eunuch.
‘non-crime hate incidents’ – that’s what they call it when you make an
‘inappropriate’ joke on Twitter or refer to a trans person by the wrong Even the gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has been targeted by the
gender pronoun. thought police.
That means that our men and women in blue have been investigating He was no-platformed by a group of students at Canterbury Christ
an average of 66 ‘non crimes’ every day. Church University because he signed a letter to a newspaper opposing
the policy of… no-platforming!
Shouldn’t they be policing our streets, not our tweets?
No one is safe from these witch-finder generals – which is why
More than 75 years ago, service men and women from across the
mavericks and dissenters of all stripes will be welcome in the
Anglosphere and the Commonwealth put their life on the line to
Free Speech Union.
defend freedom and democracy, including the right to express your
views and opinions in the public sphere, however unorthodox, without As a wise man once said, I may disagree profoundly with what you
fear of punishment. have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Attack Doesn’t matter if somebody somewhere finds it offensive. As John
Today, scarcely a week passes without another attack being launched Cleese says: “No one has the right not to be offended.”
on free speech. McCarthyism
That’s why I’ve set up the Free Speech Union – a non-partisan, It’s time to end this digital McCarthyism. Free speech isn’t some luxury
mass-membership organisation which stands up for the speech rights of we can afford to live without – it’s the foundational freedom on which
its members. My fellow directors include the author and journalist all of the others depend.
Douglas Murray and the Oxford professor Nigel Biggar. We can’t continue to appease the enemies of free speech.
We have 12 staff members, including a case management officer and a As Churchill said: “An appeaser is someone who keeps feeding
case officer. the crocodile in the hope that it will eat him last.”
If someone at work writes to your boss to complain about something Many good men and women died fighting for our right to speak
you’ve said, we’ll write to them, too, and remind them our mind and exchange ideas without being persecuted by the
of the importance of intellectual tolerance and viewpoint diversity. enforcers of intellectual conformity and moral dogma.
If a bunch of self-righteous bullies picks on you on social media, we’ll This is our precious inheritance and we owe it to them, as well
pick on them. as to our children, to come to its defence.
If someone launches an online petition calling for you to be sacked, Join me in the Free Speech Union where, together, we can defeat the
we’ll launch a counter-petition. authoritarianism and intolerance which are once again threatening to
One of the benefits of full membership is access to legal assistance – if destroy our liberty.
we think you have good grounds for a lawsuit, we’ll help you to fight it.
● To join the Free Speech Union, visit the website or e-mail Toby:
And if it looks as if it’s going to be expensive, we’ll help you to | [email protected]

crowdfund, so that you can pay your legal costs. Membership fees start at £2.49 a month.

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