推薦 CC List

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在以下【推薦Common Core】的columns當中,請留意:

“Workload” Light (L); Medium (M); Heavy (H)


“Study Tips/ 可留意 “For students who:” 和 “DSE subject preference”

Comments” (雖然只是師兄姐的個人意見,但如果符合條件可能會有更理想成績,以

Code Course Name Workload Study Tips/ Comments
CCST (Scientific and Technological Literacy)
- DSE subject preference: Physics (related to
astronomy and paradigm change of science)
- Recite all ppt slides
- Recite answers of the sample paper (the
sample MCs are almost identical with the real
Scientific Revolutions: ones)
Their Continuing Impact - Form group with 1-2 science students for
CCST9026 on Our World and Society L poster
- NO DSE Subject preference (有science底*
→ prof鍾意人有common sense去理解同批
- Science students: 千祈唔好拋書包
- Non-science students: 引用自己本科
Making Sense of - Answer with technical/buzzwords in the
Science-related Social surprise quizzes, which will appear in some
CCST9035 Issues M lectures.

- DSE subject preference: Geography/Physics

- Test會考很多地形,適合有geog底嘅同學
- Tests 要溫 lecture ppt 啲 examples 同問題
CCST9042 The world of waves M - 份term paper要 refer 多啲 paper
- DSE subject preference: science
Robot: Flesh, Machines, - Presentation is important, so make your
CCST9050 Intelligence M presentation impressive.
- NO DSE Subject preference
- 完全唔需要science concepts,文科生冇困難
CCST9065 Women in Science M - Poster整齊啲,跟足instructions就可以
- No DSE subject preference
CCST9072 Smile! Teeth and Society L - Lectures and tutorials are interesting
- Basic science knowledge is not necessary, but
it takes less effort for students studying
- Attend all the lectures with in-class exercises,
which are used to take attendance, and
participate actively in tutorials.
Health Literacy: Things to - It is easy to get good grades if you ask for the
Know Before Consulting tutor's opinions about your ideas for the
CCST 9078 Dr. Google L to M assignments.
CCHU (Humanities)
- For students who like philosophy and food.
- Participate more actively in tutorials, and try
CCHU9005 Food and Values L to M your best in the in-class Kahoot game.
- Lecturer 教學生動,會講好多生活例子,但
Being different: - 鼓勵上堂要專心,prof 隨時叫你答問題,同
Understanding People with 埋 popquiz 考既野有時係 prof 輕輕講過既
CCHU9010 disabilities M 野(係ppt上面搵唔到)
Art and Ideas: East and - Do revision for MC quizzes, they are easy to
CCHU9018 West M get full marks
- Better to reg it with your friends, as you have
Journey into Madness: to work with project mates
Conceptions of Mental - Nice lecturer and generally good grades
CCHU9022 Health and Mental iIlness M - Tutorials are quite demanding
- For students who: are passionate in
feminism/gender equality
Rethinking Women: The - Just understand the concepts, memorization is
CCHU9043 Big Debate L not needed
- DSE subject preference: Arts subj or Lit
- Fun bi-weekly tutorials in medic campus
Creative Arts as a way of - Easy in-class online quiz on moodle every
CCHU9044 knowing L to M lecture
Reinventing Classical
CCHU9049 Music L
CCGL (Global Issues)
- DSE subject preference: Arts and EngLit
- 主攻1-2齣戲溫+上lecture就ok
Hong Kong Cinema - No need to watch movies in full length → can
CCGL9001 through a global lens M just do research
CCGL9002 Hong Kong Culture in the M - DSE subject preference: LS
Context of Globalization - Be active in tutorials, tutor will mark down
your name everytime u speak
- Make sure you collect all lecture notes as they
will be tested on
- Group project: detailed and creative
- Understand the concepts rather than memorize
them, try to read up more on recent
International Relations issues
Thinking about Global - Light workload but your grade largely depends
CCGL9014 Ethics L upon your essay (bit risky)
- DSE subject preference: History
- For students who: have studied modern
western history before (the theories mostly
Challenges of Global originated from 20th century e.g. WWII &
Governance: Past and Cold War) / are interested in International
CCGL9035 Present L-M Relations
- Read lengthy and boring readings before
- seat was assigned for quizzes in every lecture;
quizzes were hard
The Evolution of - 上tutorial多啲講野,冇exam,每堂lecture都有
CCGL9042 civilization L mc quiz,功課只有一份poster
- Make sure you go to every tutorial and master
Responding to the the things mentioned by tutor.
Challenges of Aging - Require good English if you choose report.
CCGL9054 Societies M - Lecturer and tutors are really strict.
CCCH (China: Culture, State and Society)
- DSE subject preference: ChiHist, History
- For students who: have interest in modern
The Chinese Cultural Chinese history
CCCH9005 Revolution H - Memorize all the notes for final test
- DSE subject preference: History, ChiHist
- Better reg it with friends, so to have better
cooperation in tutorial presentations
- final test幾chur,最好同friend夾notes同睇
China's Modernization in - Lecture format: 1hr ppt lecture & 1hr
CCCH9006 the East Asian Context M documentary viewing
- Hea & generally good grades
Family and Development - Find good groupmates and make sure your
CCCH9023 in Modern China L-M tutor likes your topic
Property Rights, Built - DSE subject preference: Geog
Heritage and Sustainable - Start doing the video presentation earlier
Development in Hong - 每次field trip都要用~100hkd買地圖
CCCH9031 Kong H - 揀啱tutor (有啲好人會講埋答案俾你知)
Sustainable Urban
Development and Hong
CCCH9033 Kong M - One required reading for every tutorial

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