AReviewof Indirect Methodin Fire Tube Steam Boilers
AReviewof Indirect Methodin Fire Tube Steam Boilers
AReviewof Indirect Methodin Fire Tube Steam Boilers
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Step 3: Find the actual mass of air supplied.
Step 4: Estimation of all losses
L1: Dry flue gas loss (sensible heat).
L2: Heat loss due to evaporation of water formed due to hydrogen in fuel (H2).
L3: Heat loss due to moisture present in fuel (H2O).
L3: Heat loss due to moisture present in air (H2O).
L6: Heat loss due to surface radiation, convection and other unaccounted.
The radiation losses happen when the heat transfers from the side walls of the boiler to
the outside. Moreover, they are not altering and are considered to be 1% as per BS 845.
Step 5 Calculate boiler efficiency by indirect method.
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