Giz2021 en Global Carbon Market Uganda

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Global Carbon Market


With the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 the market and pricing instruments and accessing climate
international community committed to limit global finance for implementing their Nationally Determined
temperature rise to 1,5 or well below 2 degrees Celsius. To Contributions (NDCs).
reach this goal, countries need to drastically reduce their Global Carbon Market
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Market-based Commissioner German Ministry of Environment,
approaches, such as emission trading schemes, are an
Nature Conservation and Nuclear
effective way to mitigate climate change as they reduce
Safety (BMU)
costs of emission reduction and incentivize climate-friendly
investments. Partner Country Chile, Uganda, Tunisia, India
Political Partner Climate Change Department
Against this backdrop, in 2008 the German Ministry of
Environment, Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) (CCD) of the Uganda Ministry of
commissioned the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Water and Environment
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with the Global Carbon Market Contact [email protected] (Uganda)
project. The initiative was launched with the aim to support
[email protected] (Germany)
partner countries in using flexible mechanisms under the
Kyoto Protocol and other types of market-based
instruments at national and regional scale. Since 2018, the Approach
project is being implemented in Chile, India, Tunisia and In Uganda, the Global Carbon Market project follows three
Uganda with a focus on novel forms of cooperation that approaches to engage with the relevant stakeholder groups
may arise under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, the in the context of Article 6 and NDC implementation:
voluntary carbon market and dedicated carbon pricing 1. Providing public decision makers with policy
instruments. advice on carbon market instruments and approaches.
In the past, Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have been 2. Supporting the private sector technically through
underrepresented in the global carbon market. Uganda, capacity building to increase its market readiness.
however, hosts more than 25 programmes and project
activities under the Clean Development Mechanism – a 3. Promoting regional cooperation on carbon markets
considerable number, especially when compared to the and climate finance in Eastern Africa.
wider region. Despite continuous uncertainties on the
outcome of negotiations under Article 6, Eastern Africa Activities
countries strive to increase their participation in harnessing 1) Policy Advice for Public Decision Makers
the sustainable development benefits carbon markets may
• The Global Carbon Market project in Uganda works
offer. The Global Carbon Market project therefore combines
with governments, regulatory bodies, parliament and
country activities focusing on Ugandan partners with a ministries offering technical support on the
broader regional perspective. The project’s objective is to development of policies that improve the institutional
assist Eastern Africa countries in making use of carbon capacity for carbon markets and climate finance.
• The project developed Standardized Baselines for 3) Regional Cooperation in Eastern Africa
Ethiopia and Rwanda and is developing additional • The project builds capacities amongst Eastern Africa
ones for Uganda and Kenya. negotiators through trainings and workshops on
• Support is provided to the government of Uganda Article 6 and carbon markets.
regarding the development of the country’s 2050
economy-wide Long-Term Strategy and the NDC • The East African Community is assisted in building up a
updating process. unified position through regional and national
• Together with partners the project worked to further roundtables, e.g. resulting in a position paper that
mainstream carbon markets and climate change in the informed the African Group of Negotiators ahead of
country’s third National Development Plan and its UNFCCC negotiations.
new energy policy.
• The project supports the Eastern Africa Alliance on
Carbon Markets and Climate Finance. The Alliance
offers a platform for member countries (Burundi,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) to
foster a regional approach to carbon markets and to
strengthen their capacities to access climate finance for
NDC implementation and ambition raising.

The Global Carbon Market project in Uganda has
trained more than 50 negotiators from the Eastern
2) Private Sector Support
Africa region on carbon markets and Article 6 as well
• In Uganda, the Global Carbon Market project is as 40 stakeholders of the private sector.
strengthening capacities of the private sector to
The project has supported countries of the region to
develop and implement carbon markets through a establish the Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets
series of dialogues, trainings and events. and Climate Finance in order to deepen regional
• The project is furthermore partnering up with various cooperation and create readiness regarding the new
organizations and enterprises anchored in the Eastern generation of market mechanisms.
Africa region. With these stakeholders, different Article 6 readiness of Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya,
events and workshops are organized on how to Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda and their respective
include the private sector in NDC implementation, regulatory bodies and ministry representatives has
Article 6 readiness and carbon markets. been strengthened through regional workshops and

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