BattleTech Mercenaries Kickstarter Preview 04
BattleTech Mercenaries Kickstarter Preview 04
BattleTech Mercenaries Kickstarter Preview 04
The Mercenaries Kickstarter launches on March 23, 2023,
live from AdeptiCon!
This Kickstarter will bring a slew of much-demanded units to our plastics ForcePack line.
More than three dozen ’Mechs will be included, alongside numerous vehicles for crafting
combined-arms games.
We found during the Clan Invasion Kickstarter that the community loved behind-
the-scenes looks at how we re-imagined fan-favorite
BattleMechs into fresh, modern miniatures. And we
want to offer that again. This time, we’re offering a
look at the new miniatures well before the Mercenaries
Kickstarter launches, as we are so much further along
on the project!
Team Catalyst
The Black Python will appear in the Clan Cavalry Star ForcePack, while the
Phoenix Hawk IIC will be found in the Clan Direct Fire Star ForcePack.
Art is incredibly
subjective—each of
us has our favorite
looking BattleMech,
while others may
not like that ’Mech’s
appearance at all.
But when you’ve
published hundreds
of designs, there
must be one that’s
almost universally
disliked. And no
matter how you slice
it, the original Black
Python (Viper) was at
the bottom of nearly
every fan’s list.