BattleTech Mercenaries Kickstarter Preview 04

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The document discusses an upcoming Kickstarter campaign for BattleTech miniatures including over three dozen BattleMechs and numerous vehicles from the Mercenaries faction. It also discusses the process of reimagining classic BattleMech designs for modern miniatures.

More than three dozen BattleMechs will be included in the Mercenaries Kickstarter, alongside numerous vehicles. Some of the BattleMechs mentioned are the Black Python and Phoenix Hawk IIC.

The document discusses how classic BattleMech designs from the original illustrations and tabletop games are reimagined into new 3D sketches and plastic miniatures. It talks about showing the process and different stages of this for different mechs.

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The Mercenaries Kickstarter launches on March 23, 2023,
live from AdeptiCon!
This Kickstarter will bring a slew of much-demanded units to our plastics ForcePack line.
More than three dozen ’Mechs will be included, alongside numerous vehicles for crafting
combined-arms games.

We found during the Clan Invasion Kickstarter that the community loved behind-
the-scenes looks at how we re-imagined fan-favorite
BattleMechs into fresh, modern miniatures. And we
want to offer that again. This time, we’re offering a
look at the new miniatures well before the Mercenaries
Kickstarter launches, as we are so much further along
on the project!

Each of the PDFs in this series walks you

through that re-imagining process. It starts,
of course, with Duane Loose’s amazing original
illustrations. We’ll show you our early, re-imagined
sketches, followed by the 3D renders of each unit, the final plastic
samples, and lastly the miniature, gloriously painted by the Camo
Specs team.

We hope you love this journey as much as we have, and we look

forward to joining you on launch day!

Team Catalyst

The Black Python will appear in the Clan Cavalry Star ForcePack, while the
Phoenix Hawk IIC will be found in the Clan Direct Fire Star ForcePack.
Art is incredibly
subjective—each of
us has our favorite
looking BattleMech,
while others may
not like that ’Mech’s
appearance at all.
But when you’ve
published hundreds
of designs, there
must be one that’s
almost universally
disliked. And no
matter how you slice
it, the original Black
Python (Viper) was at
the bottom of nearly
every fan’s list.

The Phoenix Hawk IIC is

another controversial
design from Technical
Readout: 3055. While
this was a very cool
illustration, it stepped
too close to the anime
line for most of the
The main problem with the Black Python is that it fuses the forward
fuselage of an aerospace fighter with the legs and arms of a
’Mech. How do you do that while still making it cool? Well, the first
sketch blew us away. It was also another wonderful moment when
we realized our current team could make anything look fantastic.
This was another sketch that just worked immediately, retaining
the elements of the original but making it fully BattleTech.
However, there are a few little nips and tucks between this and
the final render; this nearly always happens during the transition.
Ah, now that’s a look that matches the excellent
battlefield capabilities of this ’Mech.
Design by Anthony Scroggins
Sculpt by Chris Lowrey
Design by Anthony Scroggins
Sculpt by Jordan Cuffie
Clan Snow Raven
Beta Galaxy

Alyina Mercantile League

Mercantile Militia

Digital painting by Mark Hayden

The little touches in the background of these
brilliant illustrations, like the DropShip
taking off, create wonderful immersion.

Illustration by Chris Lowrey

Illustration by Jordan Cuffie
Holding the Black Python in my hand was nearly a moment of vertigo. I still remember
excitedly opening the original Technical Readout in 1992. To be part of bringing this
amazing iteration to tabletops everywhere...just amazing.
Painted by Agustín “God and Davion” Sieiro
As mentioned in the last preview, we love weaving aspects
Painted by Scott “PapaChicken” Stinger
together as tightly as we can. Since the Ostroc and Mobile
HQ in that previous PDF were painted up as Illician Lancers,
of course these two miniatures had to be Clan Sea Fox.
An ilClan Era unit entry for the Black Python can be found in
BattleMech Recognition Guide: ilClan, Vol. 12, which you can find
here; the Phoenix Hawk IIC entry can be found here, in Vol 15.
Riptides, the first of a new series of
mercenary short stories, featuring the Illician
Lancers and Clan Sea Fox, is available now!
February 10th, 2023

March 10th, 2023

The Mercenary Tales will continue...
The pre-launch page for the Mercenaries Kickstarter
is live on BackerKit, right now! This preview page
offers a look at what’s coming when the campaign
launches on March 23 at AdeptiCon.

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