Scale On Territoriality Among Students

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Psychometric Testing

Construct: Territoriality
Group Number 1

Deepanwita Chowdhury: 22PGDMHR12

Dhairya Mehta: 22PGDMHR13

Pranjal Sud: 22PGDMHR35

Sukriti Chawla: 22PGDMHR54

Urval Shah: 22PGDMHR59

Reviewing literature has made us realize that territorial behaviour at the workplace leads to
organizational deviance and dysfunctional behaviours. We have hence developed a scale
which can help measure the territorial tendencies in students, so that they can be made aware
and be helped before they enter the corporate world.

Territoriality is the behaviour of psychologically establishing ownership and entitlement

over things or people in the form of communication, behaviours to assert control or reinstate
boundaries around items in an organization which is otherwise not legally owned.

 Dominance is a trait of creating and establishing a sense of highest authority over

marked objects or people for limiting the invasion and overruling.

 Aggressiveness involves the deliberate exhibition of threatening behaviour and

direct challenges toward acquaintances with the primary objective being to safeguard
or to 0contest one's established authority or territorial boundaries.

 Familiarity is a sense of recognition and comfort that individuals develop

towards specific objects or people, resulting in increased confidence and
efficiency in their interactions and contributions.

 Envy refers to the sense of insecurity, fear, and concern arising out of relative lack
of possession of a psychologically owned object or a person.

 Control refers to the ability of an individual to influence or direct the use of

information or resources through a variety of means, such as physical barriers, social
norms, or personal relationships.

The items would be asked on a 5-point Likert scale. 1 being “least like me” to 5 “mostly like
Note: Few items are reverse coded.


1. It makes me insecure when my friend gets closer to some new person.

2. It makes me feel uncomfortable when someone performs better in my area of
expertise than me.
3. I get jealous when people I make groups with, team up with other people if a
classmate asks for help with a topic I consider my area of expertise, I often control the
extent of assistance I provide, especially if I view it as my academic territory.
4. I feel uneasy when I see some other student approaching the professor with whom I
have connected well.
5. I feel happy when my friend performs better when they team up with someone
than when they have teamed up with me.

6. I feel a strong sense of ownership over the spaces I consider mine.
7. I am comfortable setting boundaries to protect my personal space.
8. I believe that people should respect the boundaries I establish.
9. If a classmate asks for help with a topic I consider my area of expertise, I often
control the extent of assistance I provide, especially if I view it as my academic
10. If I happen to get some valuable information which benefits the class, i tend to share
it with everyone.


11. I have no hesitation in letting other know when they have occupied cnkel
my designated
seat in the classroom. 2023-08-26 12:18:08
12. In situations where someone challenges my authority or tries to --------------------------------------------
take control of
a project in my area of expertise, I tend to respond assertively orcnkel
this item for aggression or control?
13. I prefer to avoid confrontations and physical altercations whenever possible,
2023-08-26 even
if my territory is at stake. --------------------------------------------
14. I feel revengeful when someone disrespects my personal space. What is rationale behind putting assertively
15. I have feelings of retaliation when someone outperforms me in my and aggressively together
area of expertise.


16. I openly confront someone who has occupied my usual seat. cnkel
17. I prefer making sure others acknowledge and adhere to my territorial2023-08-26 limits.
18. I tend to make upfront communication to align everyone as per my opinion.
19. I tend to be more alert when someone tries to encroach my area This of expertise.
item is similar to item 11 used for
not an only
20. I make efforts to take the leadership role in a project even if I am2023-08-26 wording seems different
10:31:52 in
the subject. --------------------------------------------
This item fits more for control dimension
Familiarity: than dominance

21. I make same team for case competitions/projects with familiar people.
22. I prefer going out with people with whom I share a link of similar social background.
23. I prefer to team up with someone for sports based on similar likings for a
particular sportsman.
24. I am indifferent towards people with whom i share no social or cultural background.
25. I feel more comfortable bonding with people previously unknown during
internships/case competitions solely based on a similar college connect.

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