Bio 3.4 3.5
Bio 3.4 3.5
Bio 3.4 3.5
11. Initiation (Tran- First step of transcription. RNA polymerase binds to pro-
scription) moter of template strand of DNA
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Transcription proteins that bind too promoter region of DNA, turned ON
Factors or OFF by controlling RNA polymerase (binding or not)
14. Elongation (Tran- Second step in transcription. RNA polymerase adds com-
scription) plimentary RNA nuclotides in 5' to 3' direction
17. Introns "junk", doesn't code for proteins... viruses & proteins
18. Post Transcrip- 1.) mRNA splicing: cut out introns, paste together exons
tional Process- (can't have errors)
ing 2.) Protect mature mRNA, add cap and tail
21. Protecting ma- Enzymes in cytoplasm attack mRNA. Add 5' GTP cap &
ture mRNA poly-A tail on 3' end
22. mRNA survival Longer tail > Longer mRNA survial = produce more protein
24. How does mRNA 4 different nucleotides can code for 20 different amino
code for pro- acids
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How do codons
match to amino
26. Aminoacytl tRNA Enzyme that bonds amino acid to tRNA, very unstable
synthase bond, requires ATP
28. A Site Holds tRNA carrying next amino acid to be added to chain
30. E Site exit site, empty tRNA leaves ribosomes from exit site
31. Initiation (Trans- mRNA, small and large ribosome sub-unit and tRNA come
lation) together
37. Translation Pro- Proteins begin to fold into primary, secondary, and tertiary
tein Modification structure. Additional proteins, sugars, lipids, phosphate
groups, ect... are added to make it functional
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38. Free ribosomes Proteins that stay in the cytoplasm
39. Bound ribo- (bound to ER) make proteins for golgi, ER, lysosomes, and
somes secreted out of cell
42. Chromatin struc- Chromatin (loosely coiled DNA) wrapped around histones
ture (1) (proteins)
44. Acetylation of hi- Unwinds DNA, adds actyl group- changes shape = genes
stones turned ON
46. Epigenetic Inher- inheritance of traits not directly involving nucleotide se-
itance quence
49. Transposons Specific DNA sequences that can move w/ in and between
chromosomes - can alter gene expression (usually de-
50. Post Transcrip- Alternate RNA splicing- variable processing of exons cre-
tional Control (3) ates a variety of mature mRNA and therefore proteins
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51. RNA interference RNAi or small interferring RNA (siRNA) - short segments
of double stranded RNA... death tag
54. Bacteria Metabo- Bacteria need to respond quickly to changes in their new
lism environment... if they have enough of a product they need
to stop production
56. Prokaryotic Gene Block transcription of genes for all enzymes in pathway...
Regulation genes turned ON or OFF
58. Operator DNA binding site that controls access of RNA polymerase
to the genes
59. How do you turn Repressor protein (negative control), block transcription
genes OFF?
61. What happens Binds to trp repressor protein and triggers repressor to
when excess bind to operator
tryptophan is
62. Lac operon Inducible operon. Normally turned off until needed. Di-
gests lactose.
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What happens Binds to lac repressor protein and triggers repressor to
when lactose is release DNA (induces transcription of enzymes for lactose
present? metabolism)
64. Positive Regula- Bacteria prefers to break down glucose, must make sure
tion (Activators) lac operon is turned on ONLY when glucose is absent
65. What happens Cyclic AMP accumulates, binds to CAP which then binds
when glucose is to DNA
68. Lac on or off OFF because it wants glucose, less cAMP = no cap... poly.
when... No lac- can't bind
tose, but glu-
69. Lac on or off ON because repressor is off... cAMP > CAP > poly. can
when... lactose, bind
no glucose?