API 510 Question Bank 2022

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10. 1. 2. 1B. 4. 15. 16. For caustic Service nickel alloy are cleaned by which method FMR is used in which service a. Caustic corrosion cracking b. Fatigue c. Creep d. HIC Repair of SA-387 11 will be checked with wi UT, MPT, PT, ET SA-516 Gr. 70 (thk. 31.75 mm) is repaired with £6010, what will be depth of repai Safety Standard ~ API 2217A Read Repair section of API 510 very very carefully as so many question from the same UT calibration for material being examined and calibration block (API 577) F four hours. method after 24-72 hours CIU corrosion temperature for CS No option of 10°F ~ 350°F Ans, 212°F ~ 350°F Parameters increases CUI (Twisted question not straight forward) Read Critical factors of API 571 carefully Appearance of Caustic Corrosion cracking Spider Web NDE method to inspect Chloride SCC Deaerator cracking (API S71) Deaerators in boiler feedwater systems can be susceptible to cracking from a corrosion fatigue mechanism. Inspection for Column (API 571) a) the area of the fed inlet and five o ten trays above and below the feed inet b) the reflux inlet, the adjacent shellhead, and the fist 5 to 10 trays below the reflux inlet; ©) the shell across from and adjacent to the inlet from the reboiler (i present). This includes the bottom head, bottoms nazzles and the head to shell seam, Frequency of jaeger test ‘Acceptance standard for UT (ASME Sec Vill Appendix-12) These Standards shall apply unless other standards are specified for spedc applications within this Division, 17. The minimum vessel thickness required for performing hot taping (ASME PCC-2 HOT TAPPING) 216-3.11 Wall Thickness to Prevent Burn-Through During Welding (a) Consideration shall be given to heat input, wall thickness, depth ofweld penetration, and operating condi- mining burn-through risk. The prob- nigh increases when welding components are less than 6.4-mm (%-in,) thick, To mi mize the risk of burn-thorough for sch welding compo- nents, the first pass should be made with 24 mm (Zin) or smaller diameter electrodes. 18. The question from API 576 Forward-acting Conventional Rupture Disks. Aforward-acting conventional ruptunsdk i formed (domed), sold metal dk designed to burst at rated pressure apple to the concave side See Figure 6, This rupture sk yplcally hes en iD The {aot on be alemst ain WegerOe Wt Oats Welle Gite acer Fectpremsre cot oe ‘These diss have a random opening pater and ar GAMARIMIREED tat ere not suitable for intalton upsteem ofa prasane tbe vate. 19. The primary reason for use of Rupture disk (Open and close book) ©) ST aS SRSUSTIRTVAVESome ne disk designs are designed tobe ees erste up. ») (PSVBAt(GSHSSIONIS BPESEUFEEEFVANE—The rupture cisk is used to prevent corrosive materials from contacting the pressure-elf valve internals during normal operating conditions. Exposure is imited to the ‘overpressure scenario duration plus the length of mei takes to replace the disk ) (RIEEStSTHGATSIGYPTESSIETEIEIVANE ign alloys or exotic alloys for rupture disk constuction cost much less than corresponding rele valve wi the same alloy tim. 6) RUS eakage WSU PSSURHRHEE VANES Aniize tv erisions Ywough te pressures! oo 20. The valve may be tested on-stream with assisted hydraulic lift (No option was for set pressure]. Read Page No.50 below paragraph carefully (open book question) |A valve may be tested on-stream with a lit assist device that will determine the set pressure of the valve. ‘These devices apply an auxiliary lifting load to the valve disc holder and spindle and, in conjunction with iting the valve, incorporate a method for determining the opening of the valve and the load applied at the point of ‘pening. Numerous technologies are used for determining the opening point and correlation of the applied load. These technologies range fom simple audible notification to software-based data analysis, displacement, or acoustic sensors. The set pressure ofthe valve is computed by dividing the load at opening by the valve Seat area and then adding the value of inlet pressure. Data output ranges from a summary of 21. The broken spring causes (API 578 Close book) uncontrolled valve opening. 534 General Spring failures occur in two forms. The first is a weakening of the ing, which causes a reduction in set ressure and the possibilty of premature openin 22. The CIU, Caustic corrosion, Caustic Stress corrosion cracking to be red carefully from API 571. 7-10 Question from the same in open and close book 23. Geometric unsharpness limitation for 2” thick plate (Close book) 1-274.2 Geometric Unsharpness Limitations. Rec- ‘ommended maximum values for geometric unsharpness are as follows: | UT Maximum Temperature we can get good results ? Magnetic Particle test ammeter calibration difference — little 10% Temperature difference between UT Calibration block and job (base plate) PCC- Tube thickness — 40% loss — tube bundle replacement Rupture disc purpose and uses ? Pressure relief valve operating percentages for greater than 70 PSI ? Distance between reinforcement plate calculation Remaining life calculation Thickness of material requirement to fill calculation Difference between ACFM and Magnetic Particle testing In Carbon steel to find surface defect which NDT Method you will use? Types of rupture dics and there design shape? if cracks occurred on pressure Vessel known by inspector which method you will do repair? While in service pressure ,if you found materials constructed were incorrect Minimum thickness of pipe or vessel for doing tapping? For low thickness materials why heat input will be low? If pitting thickness exceeds less than 1/2 of required thickness, how much thickness repair will do ? They will give some value in exam>> Some pitting depth they will give and need to say whether accept or repair? Which method you will use to inspect corroded bolts and nuts ? If we use NDT lie of pressure testing , what are the additional required test (tightness) Pneumatic test formula ? Inspection form OD and gives ID defects (what is NDT METHOD) Remaining life calculation Based on WPS — How much thickness qualify? Harness test will mention in WPS or PQR ? what safety standard will follow while earthing pressure vessel ? Outside of Ellipsoidal Knuckle area corroded, The center portion of head which formula use for calculation? (Ellipsoidal, Tori spherical, Hemispherical, Cylindrical) Some vessel exempted in accordance with the criteria in ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1 Should be considered for Inclusion based on Risk ? Which code recommended practice for Material Verification Program? AEU Exchanger? (Floating head, No Floating Head, Fixed tube sheet) What Is Arc Blow? Design Temperature? Inspection Plan Definition? What is Testing? What is Transition Temperature? Who is responsible for implementing and executing an effective MOC process that reviews and controls changes to the process and to the hardware? Who should Implement and Maintain IOWs? Who shall maintain certification records of the examiners employed, including dates and results of personnel qualification? Before starting Inspection activities ? If Lining appears bulged ? What is On-Stream Inspection? Who approved Nozzle?(Only Inspector, Only Engineer, Inspector or Engineer, Inspector and Engineer) What is PT temperature? How to Prepare CUI Inspection Plan? Which may be eliminated ? PT which defect detecting?( Crack, Pin Hole, Porosity, Subsurface Crack) How to find refractory or lining (RT, UT, WEMT , IR) How to do surface preparation for caustic stress corrosion cracking (Low water blasting & Grit , High pressure & Grit, Grit & Power Bruss, Grit & Policing) Corrective Procedure should utilize which temperature?(125F, 149F, 150F,175F) When Presser test Must be applied?(After normal repair, Repair, alteration or Repair, if the inspector believes that one is necessary ) MAWP definition ? When Pneumatic test shall consider by engineer before conducting test?If pressure vessel component experience accelerated corrosion or should fail because an incorrect material was inadvertently substituted for the specified material ? Weld and Heat affected zones are often inspected for ? Accessible flange face should be examined for ? Flange fastener should be engaged if the lack of complete engagement ? The marking on a representative sample of newly installed fastener and gasket should be examined to determine ? Flange in high -Pressure and/or High -Temperature services that have been boxed in or leaked on-stream during the previous operation run should special attention to ? If both the ownership and location of vessel are changed? External inspection should? (Answer: Ladder, Staircase, Platform) Non-continuous for internal Inspection? On Stream Inspection in Lieu of Internal Inspection? (Must be read all rules) Multi Zone Vessel? Each repair organization shall have ? Pressure -relieving device shall be tested and inspected at interval that ? Deferral proposed new due date would not increase ? Short term VS Long Term shall be determined By ? (Examiner, Corrosion Specialist, Inspector and Corrosion Specialist or Inspector) When evaluating Shot term and Long term corrosion rate as part of the data assessment ? How to determine Probable corrosion rate ? ( Four Method) If Probable corrosion rate an on-stream determination shall be? (There is one option show after 1000 hrs and second option after three to six month so don’t choose 1000hrs.) Evaluation of locally thinned area ? (two rules remember, one question close book and for calculation open book) One question form average thickness six rules API book page no : 44 and one for calculation) Evaluation of Pitting? (one question for objective and two question for calculation) One question Joint efficiency ? (Option must be choose either side of weld IInch or twice the required thickness whichever greater ) Evaluation of existing equipment with minimal documentation for Type 2 Butt weld? (They are Given Valve like 1.0, 0.55, 0.65 and 0.70) Owner user shall maintain Permanente Recorded will be ? The inspector may give prior general authorization (Not for pressure test, Not for routine repair) Chapter 8 API book Page no 48 page very important two question close book and two question open book ) All repairs and alteration to pressure vessel shall be performed by repair organization in accordance with ? Before any Repair or Alterations are performed, all proposed methods of design, executive, materials, welding procedures, NDE, and testing shall be approved by ? Who shall approve all specified repair and alteration work designated hold points after completion pf work? Temporary repairs may remain in place for a longer period of time only if evaluated, approved, and documented by ? Drag and Drop Temporary Repair? Drag and Drop Permeant Repair ? Filet welded patch shall have rounded comers with a minimum radius of ? (lin, 2in, 3in, 1 1/2in) 85) Temporary repairs using fillet-welded patches shall be approved ? 86) Calculate distance between the toes of the fillet weld? Non penetrating nozzles may be used other than crack? 88) Permanent repair shall be five rules API Page No 51 (A to E points) 89) Insert Patch ? (A to C points) 90) Filler metal strength for overlay and repair four points in Closed book Question like using Except Repair depth calculations using with formula T fill = d X S base /S fill 92) Preheat Temperature used in making welding repair shall be accordance 2 93) Preheat temperature shall be ? 94) PS5 material review should consider factor such as the reason for to stress corrosion cracking? (Ans is PHWT Required-Open Book Questions) 95) CDW deposited methods shall be used ? 96) For welds made by SMAW after completion of welding to and without allowing the weldment a temperature shall be ? (Ans is : 500 OF + 500 F) 97) Which electrode required backed at Oven ? (7010, 7018, 6010) 98) A rerating shall be performed in accordance with requirement’s ? 99) Which one excluded in ASME SEC VIII Div 1 but included in API 510? 100) Three to four sum for T Required and calculate Pressure ? 101) Find out Not normalized SA516 Gr 60 thick 1.125 which temperature without impact test? 102) Find out ellipsoidal head T required given some value ? 103) One or two question find the MAWP given detail like 100ft tower 100 psi at Top calculate what is bottom pressure? 104) Lighter Image of B and darker background of radiographs ? 105) IQI shall be selected on ? 106) Maximum intensity of Gama rays? 107) Maximum Gauge range shall not greater than ? 108) Bend test acceptance range ? 109) If welder fail in Pipe radiography so how many length required? (Carefully read question and Answer little bit different) 110) Some PQR, WPS and WPQ given find out some questions like Below in My exam 111) Welder qualified in above linch and unlimited range, welder can weld Nozzle minimum dia. 112) Given tensile test is accepted or not? 113) Qualified range in WPS is Correct as given PQR? 114) How many tensile test required given range? 115) Open Book Questions : UT Compatible for which joint ? 116) Open Book Questions : how can determine the weld Preparation angle prior to welding? Ans : Bridge Cam Gauge 117) For Burn through two questions API 577 Para. Page 110. 118) What is reason of spring failure (Corrosion) Closed Book 119) Open Book: Spring insusceptible application for ? (Material Strength, Hardness and Heat Treatment-API 577 Page 28 last Para. Second Last Line) 120) Pressure -Relief valve should be braced and shipped ? Closed Book 121) When pressure relief valve premaintenance documents and proper handling procedure should be completed ? Closed Book 122) Open Book : The Block Valve on the inlet and outlet should be opened and locked ? (Ans: Or Car Sealed in the position) API 576 Page 42 Point H first Line) 123) When PRV valve received in shop which test first will do? As received or Pop Pressure 124) Drop and Drag Rupture Disk Holder should be inspected for (Media Build up, Corrosion and Damage) Open Book 125) How to check internal Refectory Lining from inside(UT, RT, WEMT and Light Hammer test) 126) Amine cracking is foam of ? 127) How to Inspect Amine stress corrosion Cracking ? Closed Book 128) Open Book : Drop and Drag Brittle facture Critical Factor ? Point A. 1,2 and 3. 129) In High-Solution-strength caustic Temperature above ? 130) Caustic corrosion is best prevented through ? 131) Caustic corrosion cracking how to inspec 132) Chloride stress corrosion cracking which material most susceptible? 133) Nickle alloy material how many nickel content ? 134) Increasing oxygen content tends to increase carbon steel ? Close book 135) Corrosion Under insulation Critical factor ? Open Book 136) How to Inspection erosion corrosion? Point A,B,C 137) HTHA best Mitigation which alloy ? (Ans Chromium and Molybdenum) 138) How can Provide additional Information on rate and extent of Damage ? Corrosion Coupon (HCL Corrosion) 139) Mechanical Fatigue Critical Factor ? Point A & B 140) How to mitigate Mechanical Damage ? Ans Good Design Close Book 141) How to inspect Mechanical Damage ? Closed Book 142) Strategically placing continuous corrosion monitoring in the system? (Corrosion Coupons, UT, MT & RT) 143) Sulfidation of iron based alloys beings metal temperature above ? 144) Sulfidation is most often in the form of ? 145) Wet H2S welds in carbon steel should be controlled to Produce weld Hardness less than? Q.01 To prevent Stress Corrosion Cracking in carbon steel expose in a process containing sulfide , the hardness must be equal to or less than: 1) 200 2)225 3) 235 yaar Ans: 1 Q.02 Then long term and short term corrosion rates are different, the remaining life should be determined: 1) at the discretion of the inspector 2) using the rate that reflects the current process condition 3) Using the rate that gives the shortest remaining life 4) using the rate that gives the longest inspection interval Ans: 4 Q.03 An “A” number on welding procedures correspond to which of the following: 1) The filler metal electrode or rod diameter _2) Base metal groupings for high strength low alloy material 3) Classification of ferrous weld metal analysis 4) the amount of diffused hydrogen contained within the electrode Ans: 3 Q.04 Which of the following electrode designations applies to a flux-cored arc welding electrode? e715 2) £708-6 3) E7018 4)€7010 Ans: 1 Q.05 Vessel made of 2-in (50 mm) thick SA-302-B material has localized corrosion to a point where the remaining thickness is below the its retirement thickness. Weld buildup will be done using SMAW. Which of the following methods can be used to avoid PWHT. 1) Notch toughness testing _2) Controlled Deposition Welding 3) PWHT is required regardless 4) Preheat to 300F (150C) with an interpass temperature of 450 F (230C) Ans: 4 Q.06 when reviewing a welder performance qualification (WPQ), one of the items to check includes: 1) Chemical composition of the coupon 2) that the PQR data matches the WPQ 3) Result of the Tensile test 4) Identification of WPS Used Ans: 2 Q.07 One of the following electrode designations, which require storage in a heated storage oven to maintain at low moisture content? 1) £7014 2) 7018 3) E8010 4) £9010 Ans: 2 Q.08 Field Metallographic replication (FMR) of Nozzles is often the method used 1) Brittle Fracture 2) mid wall delamination 3) The onset of fatigue damage 4) High temperature creep damage Ans: 4 Q.09 Corrosion under insulation corrosion rates can be increased by each of the following concept these that: 1) Contain Chloride salt 2) do not utilize vapor barriers 3) Wick moisture 4) are made of close-cell foam glass Ans: 3 Q.10 if bulging or separating of the refractory lining is noted, then portions of the : 1) May be removed to permit inspection of the metal beneath 2) Should be removed, a wire mesh installed and the refractory 3) Need not to be removed if radiography used 4) Shall be removed and restored to its original condition. Ans: Q.11 A Vessel with a 3-in (75 mm) thick shell, composed of P.no 3, Group 1 material initially had post weld heat treatment as a code requirement. What is the maximum depth of weld repair that can be made without subsequent PWHT when a 350F (175C) preheat is maintained during welding? 1) Kin (13 mm) 2) 5/8 in (16 mmm) 3) 1 %in (38 mm) 4) 3in (75 mm) Ans: 2 Q 12 A carbon steel pressure vessel is to be put into a caustic service (solution of 30% by weight) at a temperature of 140 F (60 C) and a pressure of 176 psig (1.21 MPa). Considering Caustic stress corrosion cracking (caustic embrittlement), which of the following is the most appropriate statement. 1). The vessel should be changed to nickel alloy 2) The vessel should be changed to type 316 stainless steel 3) Industry experience indicates that there should be 4) The vessel should be post weld heat treatment Ans: 4 Q.13 Ina sour crude refinery, a carbon steel tray is removed from a fractionation lower section that operate above 500 F (260 C). The tray is thin throughout, and its type 410 stainless steel tray valves relatively uncorroded. Which of the following is most likely to responsible to the damage? 1) High temperature sulfidic corrosion 2) Naphthenic acid corrosion 3) Polythionic acid corrosion 4) Hydrochloric acid corrosion Ans: 1 Q.14 Alternating current flux leakage examination technique is good for detecting: a) Metallurgical changes that may lead to cracking b) localized metal loss and subsurface cracking ¢) Corrosion under insulation d) surface breaking cracks and elongated discontinuous Ans:2 Q.15 In magnetic particle examination, the direction of magnetization shall be deteriorated by particle indication obtained using an indicator or shims. The magnetizing technique shall be changed where clearly defined line of particles is not formed in: 1) Atleast two nearly perpendicular directions for the multidirectional techniques 2) At least two nearly horizontal directions for the multidirectional techniques 3) One of the nearly horizontal directions for the multidirectional techniques 4) One of the nearly perpendicular directions for the multidirectional techniques Ans: 1 Q 16 When inspecting for cracks in vessels in caustic or ammonia services- especially those constructed of high strength or coarse- grain steels- which of the following method is considered to be best for detection of surface breaking flaws? a) eT 2)uT 3) ACFM 4) WEMPT Ans: 3 Q.17 During inspection of small horizontal vessel with a history of uniform corrosion, thickness measurements are normally taken at: 1) The two locations that appear most corroded. 2), One location on each major design item 3) One location on the top and bottom 4) Atleast two locations in the vapor space Ans:2 Q.18 To prevent stress corrosion cracking in carbon steel exposed to a process content, harness must be equal to less than : 1) 200 2)225 3) 235, 4) 241 Ans: Q.19 In steam- generating equipment and piping, caustic corrosion is best prevented through: 1) Alloy upgrading to 300 series SS at temperature greater than 350 F (177 C) 2) Proper design 3) Careful monitoring of injection points 4)_ Periodic flushing to remove deposits Ans:2 Q.20 The type of corrosion caused by sulfidation is most often described as: 1). Uniform thinning 2) high temperature oxidation 3) Pitting or localized corrosion 4) stress corrosion cracking Ans: 1 Q 21 Normally how many layers of weld metal should be deposited when making welding with dissimilar metals to reduce the impact of weld dilution? aya 242 3)3 4)4 Ans: 2 Q.22 Why is it important to evaluate the potential for brittle fracture during a pneumatic pressure? 1) The higher potential energy involved from compressible fluids 2), The lower-notch toughness of material at test temperature 3) The increase likelihood of lower transition temperature of the material 4) The increased likelihood of failure due to increased triaxial stresses Ans: Q.23 Relief Valve visual on stream inspections are intended to find the problems with: 1) Inspection Practice 2) Maintenance Practice 3) Process condition _ 4) Correct Metallurgy Ans:3 Q.24 What is the required RT category for a nozzle butt weld whose joint is 1.75 in (44.5 mm)? 1) Full 2)Spot with joint efficiency of 0.80 3) Spot with joint efficiency of 0.85 4) None Ans: 1 Q.25 During the inspection of a horizontal pressure vessel, an ellipsoidal head has the following: Thickness 1.25 in (31.75 mm), inside diameter of the skirt 48 in (1219.2 mm), inside radius of the dish 48 in (1219.2 mm), Inside knuckle radius 8 in.(203.2 mm), S= 15,000 psi, E-1 What is the MAWP for his head without a corrosion allowance? 1) 739 psi(5.09MPa) 2) 771 psi(5.36 MPa) 3) 785 psi(5.41 MPa) 4) 820 psi Ans: Q.26 Which of the following materials is most susceptible to high temperature hydrogen attack: 1) Mn-0.5 Mosteel 2) 1.25Cr-0.5 Mo steel 3)1-Cr-0.5 Mosteel 4) C-0.5 Mo steel Ans: Q.27 Avertical pressure vessel with a tangent to tangent dimension of 80 ft (23 rm) with a 70 steel with an 1.D of 40 in. (1,000 mm), a shell thickness of % In, and heads thickness 0.354 In (9 mm) thick. Which of the following is considered an alteration to this vessel? 1) Anon -reinforced 8 in. (DN 200) top head nozzle replaced in kirt 2) An NPS 2 (ON 50) non reinforced nozzle installed on the bottom head 3) An NPS 8 (DN 200) non reinforced nozzle installed near the bottom of the... 4) An NPS 4 (DN 100) reinforced shell nozzle installed 180 degrees....... reinforced shell nozzle Ans: Q28 Nickel based metals are defined as those having nickel content greater than: 1) 25% 2)30% 3)50% 4)65% Ans: Q.29 During the repair of pressure vessel, a seamless ellipsoidal head is replaced. The stamped RT- 2 suns The replacement head is attached using a single welded but......that will be left in place, One welder performs the weld. What is the joint type for the head-to-shell weld? Fi 242 3)3 aa Ans: Q30 A carbon steel pressure vessel is to be put into a caustic service (solution of 30% by weight) at a temperature of 140 F (60 C) and a pressure of 176 psig (1.21 MPa). Considering caustic stress corrosion cracking (caustic embrittlement), which of the following is the most appropriate statement? 1) The vessel should be changed to nickel alloy 2), The vessel should be changed to type 316 stainless steel 3) Industry experience indicates that there should be 4) The vessel should be post weld heat treatment. Ans: Q31 A vessel with a 3.1n (75 mm) thick shell, composed of P.No 3, group-1 post weld heat treatment (PWHT) as a code requirement. What is the maximum of Made without subsequent PWHT when a 350 F (175 C) preheat is made wnw.aim? 2) %in (13 mm) 2). 5/81n. (16 mm) 3) 1-1/2 In (38 mm) 4) 3in. (75mm) Ans: 2 Q 32 A inspector is assigned to the Amine Unit and is required to perform an internal inspection .........carbon steel sour gas stripper column. Which of the following types of damage should the ...... concerned about? 1) Uniform thinning, localized corrosion, and under deposit attack 2) Hydrogen blistering in the shell material 3) Alkaline stress corrosion cracking in the weldments 4), Pitting attack and crevice corrosion Ans: Q.33 The maximum surface temperature for dry magnetic particle 1) Set by the manufacturer of the examination medium 2), Set by the NDE level Il examiner 3) Limited by the permeability of the examination 4) Set by the owner- user QA program Ans: 2 Q.34 What may cause a valve to chatter during relieving operation? 41) Shop sets the relieving pressure 10% too high 2), Obstruction or fouling in the outlet piping. 3). Obstruction or fouling in the inlet piping 4) Short, over-sized inlet piping Ans: Q 35 Charpy impact testing is required for fabrication of a pressure Vessel unnins test coupon material is 45,000 psi (310 MPa) and the thickness wu. F following Wah fooveiadaaianasindy sles) woul gmmertgecticereent oNMAEEMR, section YY, Witson I? 1) 18,12, 20 feb (24,15,27 J) 2) 19,9.5, 22 ft-lb (26 12,30) 3) 18,10, 15ft4b (24,136, 203) 4) 17,11,15 feb (23,15, 203) Ans: Q 36 Prior to weld repairs in caustic service who should review the details of the welding plan to sum Suitability for service? 1) Apiping designer 2) Awelding inspector 3) A chemical engineer 4) A corrosion specialist Ans: Q.37 Click on the exhibit button to display more information about this. Do the tensile test results shown in POR EM2-1 meet the requirement... 1) Yes, because specimen meet the tensile stress requirement 2) No, because neither of the specimen nor the tensile stress requirement 3) No, because specimen 1 does nat meet the 4). Yes, because the average value of the specimen is, the tensile strength Ans: 0.38 A pressure vessel with a joint efficiency of 0.85 has a locally corroded Away from the weld shall the corroded area be in order t0 USE .n.non required thickness? 1) 1/2in, (13 mm) or 2 times the required thickness, while 2). Lin, (25 mm) or 2 times the required thickness, while. 3) Lin, (25 mm) or 3 times the required thickness, while... 4) 2in, (25 mm) or 3 times the required thickness, while... Ans: Q.39 FMR of nozzles is 1). Brittle fracture 2) mid-wall delamination 3) The onset of fatigue damage 4) high temperature creep damage Ans: Q.40 Deaerator in boiler feedwater systems can be 1) Repeated pressure cycling 2) corrosion fatigue mechanism 3) Hot tearing in the weld heat affected zone 4) chemical treatment having a pH of 7 or higher Ans: Q.41 When performing Magnetic Particle examination using the dry powder technique on ferritic material... nonferromagnetic coatings, applications qualified for the overhead position may? 1) Be used in any other position 2) Not be used for other position 3) Be used only for flat position 4) Be used only for overhead position Ans: a2 identified on a carbon steel vessel that had operated above 750 psi. of time. Which of the following actions should be taken? This question has more than one correct answer; please select all answers that apply. 1) Perform a complete dimensional check when shutdown 2), Perform replication or obtain a boat sample for analysis when shut down 3) Recommend shut down as soon as possible if operating in the creep range 4) Obtain the metal skin temperature using infrared or temperature indicating Ans: Q.43 Which of the following are used when selecting an image Quality indicators (IQ) for butt welds having internal reinforcement, internal protrusion or a backing ring? 1) Base material 2) internal protrusion 3) external reinforcement 4) backing ring ‘Ans: Drop answers in the box Q.44 metals (left column) may match to the same .. Ans: Q.45 A pressure vessel with a 1,250 in. (31.75 mm) thick SA-516 Gr 70....sueunews thickness of 0.878 in, (22.30 mm). Following preparations u.unmnnmmunn (9.53 mm) deep area of metal loss. This will be repaired using 510, what is the required thickness of the repair weld? 1) £6010 filler material is not allowed for this repair 2) 0.321 in, (8.15 mm) 3) 0.375 in. (9.53 mm) 4) 0.438in. (11.12 mm) Ans: Q.46 missing a7. may the pressure vessel be operated bypass 1) With the engineer approval 2) Inspector and operator have reviewed risk potential 3) With a documented and approved deferral 4) Inspection deferral extension does not exceed 12 months Ans: Q.48 which of the following is an API 510 code requirement when performing controlled deposition welding for a vessel repair? 1) The repair method must be reviewed by an engineer 2) The weld area must be preheated to at least 425 F (218 C) 3) The vessel for repair must be constructed of P-5 or P-7 material 4) The original post weld heat-treatment was performed to prevent stresses Ans: .49 What material may suffer severe weld and/or heat affected zones .... Water? 1) 11/4 Chrome steel 2) SA-516 grade 70 coated carbon steel 3) ERW carbon steel 4) All non-ferrous material Ans: Q.50 for an internal inspection of vessel that has contained acidic components what type of corrosion would be expected on the vessel shell? 1) Hydrogen cracking in the vapor space 2) Hydrogen pitting in the vapor space 3) Hydrogen blistering near the liquid level 4) Hydrogen embrittlement below the liquid level Ans: Q51 0 area of considerable size is being evaluated. The vunmmunnmnm when the distance from the nozzle does not extend while. 1) Amaximum of 2 times the nozzle outside diameter 2). One half the limits of the reinforcement as defined in the. 3) 6in, (150 mm) on each side of the nozzle 4), The limits of the reinforcement as defined in the construction, Q52 missing API 510 EXAM PAPER OPEN BOOK 1. Rotary UT and electromagnetic techniques for thickness measurement in heat exchangers tubes. Which is better and why ? 2+ If MT applicator qualified for overhead examination, what other positions he is qualified for ?...A 3+ Brinell hardness numbers for different material... table Api S77 4- What s the purpose of onstream inspection for PRDs ?...Ans:: to check maintenance and operations practices effect on the PRDs 5- Using FMR for nozzles.....why? 6 Maximum offset for Cat A welding with given thickness joouAns:: table from ASME 8 7- Simple questions for WPS & WPQ.& POR & Pressure vessels exempted from API 510. ‘9+ ERW CS pipes or tubes in heat exchangers suffer severe weld/HAZ cracking in fresh and brackish water 10- Caustic corrosion curve....given caustic ratio’ & temperature......fequired material type and PWHT. requirement. 11- Joint efficiency from table UW-12 :12- Which type is this welding joint... Anst: from table UW-12, 13- MT magnetization direction 14- MT calibration variations +-10% 15- When do you use pilot operated PRD .... Ans: open book from API 576 16- UT temperature correction at which temp....... Ans: above 150 F (API 510) 17- 2tor 1” distance for E=1 for corroded area away from welding. 18- Vessel with minimal data.... What is Maximum E for seamless head. WRT 19- Question .... Minimum distance between two patches... Ans: 20- MDMT for material....select Curve and then get temp from UCS 66 21- What to do with a vessel if you found a hot spot.....2??? 22- Problems UG-28 & UG-32 23- Problem: hydrotest pressure....=1.3*MAWP* -LHMAWP*, 24- Problem: pneumatic pressure ‘And how many steps (Ans: 6) 25- Evaluation of pitting that is deep below CA...... conditions as per code 26- Documentation of temporary repairs......choose as per code (open book) 27 28- Who is responsible that equipment requirement as per AMSE V.......Ans: Code User designated hole 1QI or essential ln Table T-276, A thinner oF 30- CLOSED BOOK 31- HCL corrosion....cdew point 32- Are temporary patch on existing patches allowed? 33- Definitions....consequence of failure 34- Non Continues service maximum inspection intervals 35- Questions for remaining life and corrosion rate... simple 36- Static heads calculations. imple 37- CUI temperature range for CS, St St & Duplex 38- 5-7 questions in responsibilities 39- How pop tests for PRDs in toxic service is done ...... Ans:: Api 576 ( portable test stand at installation site ) 40- Atmospheric corrosion above 250 F , surfaces are dry for corrosion to occur tc. 41- Erosion/corrosion in form of grooves, gullies, waves, valleys, 42- PRD is considered stuck shut when ?....Ans:: when no open at 150% of set pressure 43- Rupture disk is installed upstream PRD to protect from corrosion 44- Preheat in lieu of PWHT temp....300 F 45- Best material to mitigate HTHA.....chromium and molybdenum alloys 46- Contents of inspection plan 47- Failure of PRD spring...why?....Ans:: corrosion 48- Which of the following is a repair organization. 49- Weld repair depth in case different strength filler material = Sfill/Sbase * d 50- Range for UT calibration within the test temperature is... 25 F S1- For Tless than 2”, the test temp is.....Ans:: 10 Deg above MDMT. 52+ Length of averaging general corroded area for vessel ID above 60" I$ .......ANS: 1/3 ID or 40” 53- Which material is susceptible to Cl SCC -Ans:: St St 304 S '54- What is the code for MVP....Ans: Api 578 © 55- What type of damage found above and below liquid level in acidic service..... blistering '56- Which of the following is alteration... Ans: .dding nozzle with reinforcement 57- Definition...defect '58- Definition ...Required thickness.....AN: ithout corrosion allowance '59- Who to consult if reduction in CMLs is needed.......Ans: Corrosion specialist 60- Interval for vessel with RLS years....Ans: 2.5 61- Patch cornet ” radius TYPICAL QUESTION API 510 EXAM 4#To increase resistance to HTHA Use alloy steels with # chromium and molybdenum #C-0.5Mo is not suitable with HTHA 4# Sulfidation occurs at high temp above # 500 F +#PMIisan effective for inspection of Sutfidation (Open) # Most susceptible damage for equip. containing acidic fluid is : Hydrogen blistering above or below the level of fluid: 4# the most affecting parameter in fatigue cracks is : design & the ratio of ultimate tensile strength and min stress... # Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking ..the most affected material is ? $5 300 Series, # Figure 4-146 Recommended operating limits for C.S in Caustic Service. (Chart) Will give you Mat. Working @140C against NAOH 30% what should you do in this Material? Answer Use it after making stress reli ing ( PWHT ) | # Toughness is:(677) the ability of a metal (o absorb energy and deform plastically before fracturing # transition temperature: The temperature at which a material fracture mode changes from ductile to brittle. ASMEV # material 1.25 in, what is the hole type IQ] shall be used if the weld is accessable from both sides? 30 . #Magnetizing equipment with an ambeer shall be calibrated whenever the equipment has been subjected to major electric repair, periodic overhaul. #572 +#IF temp in creep range suspected then?! Metallurgist or Eng should be consulted #who is responsible for the quality craftsmanship of welding?! Welder #Weldingiis ... Casting # Where corrosion, fouling, and other service conditions are not known and cannot be predicted with any degree of accuracy (as in new processes), the initial inspection should be? Accomplished as soon as Practical after operations begin to establish a safe and sultable testing interval # If nozzles should be internally inspected for corrosion, cracking, and distortion. The inspection should be 7 Done visually with @ scraper and a flashlight #9.3.3 Foundation inspection +# Peening Definition? UW-39 ° Weld metal and heat affected zones may be peened by manual, electric, or pneumatic means when it is deemed necessary or helpful to control distortion, to re- lieve residual stresses. +# UW.33 & UW-35 Offset + Reinforcement #PWHT Overlap 5 feat +# UW-33 & UW.36 Offset # what is the number of specimen required in charpy V test in ASME VIII? 3 speciments. Only Calculations of : # UG-32 Formed Heads, and Sections, Pressure on Concave Side (Only Ellipsoidal Head Formula and Itwas very easy to solve) ASME IX **A welder qualified by welding in the 5G position, the welder can’t weld: horizontal “To use RT for welder qualification in lieu of bend test, which case cannot be used for: GMAW-S # PNO. 53is : Titanium Alloy Material (Open Book) 7-234 Article ASME IX ‘Other Typical MCQ in May 2015 Exam: # Where can u find these data: 1- unit designation 2- company Name 3- set pressure 4- equipment designation 5- test dates? ‘Answer: Identification Tag for Pressure-relieving Device alteration. # A physical change in any component that has design implications that affect the pressure-containing capability of a pressure vessel beyond the scope described in existing data reports. Answer: Alteration. # With carbon and low alloy steels, CUI usually causes? Localized corrosion. #CML should be distributed appropriately over the vessel to provide adequate monitoring ? Answer: major pressure parts. 4# -The purpose of new vessel inspection is to? Verify the equipment is safe for operation. The inspection interval of Buried Vessels shall be based on? ‘Answer: an assessment of the cathodic protection system. # Most important method for detecting CUI is Answer:Visual inspection # Inspection method that has globally agreement is ? Visual test # When the extent of radiography originally performed is not known for joint type 1? Answer: use joint efficiency of 0.7. -If a pressure vessel component fail because an incorrect material was inadvertently substituted for the specified material, the inspector shall consider the need for further.verification of existing materials in the pressure vessel. 4# What can be done to extend the life of a vessel with a corroded area in the shell plate 6 inches from the weld, a joint efficiency of less than 1, and a corrosion thickness currently near the minimum required thickness? Answer: Recalculate t minimum for Sig conditions using E = 1. # Normally, minimum thickness evaluation may be conducted by? Answer: Ultrasonic testing. # Temper embrittlement is loss of ductility due to incorrect PWHT and High temperature service . # Ifa discontinuity is found in weld, it should be size, charecterized and evaluated. # which of the following method is most suitable for detecting laminatior # PSV cold set pressure is 400psi. What is the Max. acceptable tolerance in the set pressure: 412. #if bulged area under insulation is observe, this is indication for corrosion built up beneath the insulation. # Corrective procedures should be ed when metal temperatures (typically above 150 °F [65 °C]).. # Where corrosion, fouling, and other service conditions are not known and cannot be predicted with any degree of accuracy (as in new processes), the initial inspection should be? Accomplished as soon as practical after operations begin to establish a safe and suitable testing interval. # LOF in weld is relevant to which welding process from the following - GMAW-S ( Short circuit } . Pr CupRA A 7 eee tre pipe © Cid alter _— Js 2 - ons ? on toot Fog Lifted mc Camery Curr - & aeb\a) eo 2 ies eee. yp Poid leek in het D> Wika of Wet His darses » pilor opvekt Pt riick velme Yok whee veg chert wleddown 1S ryudrd- Use Rupe dice. mH sao. yale a pincde Yo Coe furid. 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