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Meio Ambiente (Brasil), v.3, n.4.

062-072 (2021)
JOURNAL Meio Ambiente (Brasil)
ISSN: 2675-3065 Quissindo et al

Forest fire monitoring in Angolan National Parks between 2008 and 2017
1 2
Isaú Alfredo Bernardo Quissindo , Sérgio Joaquim Fernando Kussumua , António Manuel Teixeira3
* Lecturer and Researcher, Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Department of Rural Engineering, Faculty of
Agrarian Sciences (Chianga), José Eduardo dos Santos University, Huambo, Angola. Corresponding Author: [email protected].
Forestry Engineer, Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, José Eduardo dos Santos
University. Chianga, Huambo, Angola
Professor, Department of Rural Engineering, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences (Chianga), José Eduardo dos Santos University, Huambo, Angola.

Article History: Submitted: 29/07/2021, Revised: 24/08/2021, Accepted: 06/10/2021


The number of forest fires has increased considerably throughout the world. Forest fires are a major cause of damage to terrestrial
ecosystems, and National Parks (NP) and Reserves. So it contributed to the increase of research on the theme. The limitations to know
the recording of hotspots in Angola using fire detection tower can be met by using techniques and data from GIS and remote sensing.
So, this paper aims to monitor the occurrence of forest fires in Angolan National Parks (Iona, Cameia, Quiçama, Cangandala, Mavinga,
Bicuar, Luengue-Luiana and Mupa) in the decade 2008-2017 using data from NASA Modis Collection 6 on Protected Areas, that was
obtained in Nasa Firms Project and World Database on Protected Areas, relatively. The data was processed in ArcGis version 10.1,
Quantum Gis version 2.18 and Google Earth Pro. The main results obtained in this study are described ahead. Most of the forest fires
occurred between June and September, which may be associated with the dry season. The Cameia, Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga NP
had higher forest fireoccurrences and Iona, Cangandala Quiçama and Mupa NP lower. The average forest fires occurrences between
2008-2017 in study area is 21347, and the average per year is 2135, per month 178 and per day 6 in each Angolan NP. The forest fire
in the Angolan NP between 2008-2017 occurred mostly in the day (97 %) in relation to the night (3 %) time.

Keywords: Angolan protected areas; hotspots; Modis; geographic information systems (GIS); remote sensing.

Monitorização de incêndios florestais nos parques nacionais de angola no período 2008-2017. O número de incêndios florestais
aumentou consideravelmente em todo o mundo. Os incêndios florestais são uma das principais causas de danos aos ecossistemas
terrestres e aos Parques Nacionais (PN) e Reservas. Isto justifica o aumento do número de pesquisas sobre o tema. As limitações
existentes no registo de focos de calor através de torre de detecção de incêndio em Angola, podem ser superadas mediante técnicas e
dados de SIG e teledeteção. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo monitorar a ocorrência de incêndios florestais nos PN Angolanos
(Iona, Cameia, Quiçama, Cangandala, Mavinga, Bicuar, Luengue-Luiana e Mupa) no decénio 2008-2017 utilizando dados da Coleção
6 do sensor Modis e e de Áreas Protegidas, obtidos no Projecto Nasa Firms e no Banco de Dados Mundial sobre Áreas Protegidas. Os
dados foram processados nos softwares ArcGis versão 10.1, Quantum Gis versão 2.18 e Google Earth Pro. Os principais resultados
obtidos neste estudo são descritos a seguir. Maioritariamente, os incêndios florestais registaram-se entre junho e setembro, o que pode
estar associado à estação seca. Os PN da Cameia, Luengue-Luiana e Mavinga registaram maior ocorrência de incêndios florestais e
Iona, Cangandala Quiçama e Mupa registaram menor ocorrência. A média de ocorrências de incêndios florestais entre 2008-2017 na
área de estudo é 21347, e a média anual é de 2135, mensal 178 e diária 6 em cada PN Angolano. Os incêndios florestais nos PN
Angolano entre 2008-2017 ocorreram maioritariamente de dia (97%) em relação á noite (3%).

Palavras-chave: Áreas protegidas angolanas; focos de calor; Modis; sistemas de informação geográfico (SIG); teledeteção.

Quissindo, I. A., Kussuma, S. J., Teixeira, A. M. Forest fire monitoring in Angolan National Parks between 2008 and
2017. Meio Ambiente (Brasil), v.3, n.4, p.62-72.

Direitos do Autor. A Meio Ambiente (Brasil) utiliza a licença Creative Commons - CC Atribuição
Não Comercial 4.0 CC-BY-NC. 62
Meio Ambiente (Brasil) (v.3, n.4 – 2021)

1. Introduction

In intertropical regions, fire is commonly used in agriculture (for clearing agricultural land, opening new
agricultural areas and combating/eliminating pests), and in hunting. In Africa, in general, and in Angola fire
can be used in cultural rituals. When this activity is carried out in protected or forest areas, it may be the reason
for the transformation of forest areas into savannas, due to the considerable reduction of trees. Quissindo
(2018) considers that the many forest-savanna transitions are experiencing a change in the fire regime towards
a decrease in fire recurrence because of fire extinguishing policies, rural area abandonment and changes in
practices cultural and spiritual traditions.
Forest fires are a major cause of damage to terrestrial ecosystems, and National Parks (NP) and Reserves
in particular, although protected areas are often affected by uncontrolled fire. According to the Boubeta et al.
(2015) & Semeraro et al. (2016), the number of forest fires has increased considerably throughout the world,
resulting in further extensions of burned areas and consequent destruction of forest production and
environments. In this sense, concerns about the possible impacts of forest fires contributed to the increase of
research on the theme in the last decade.
Despite the efforts invested in fire prevention and suppression in the last decades, the general trend in
the extent of burnt areas has considerably increased in Mediterranean landscapes, principally due to land
use/cover and climate changes, causing severe losses of habitats, biodiversity, landscapes, and historical
elements (Pausas & Fernandez Muñoz, 2012; Moreira et al., 2011). This reality can be observed also in tropical
areas. Semeraro et al. (2016) considers that these aspects are more relevant in natural protected areas since
they represent both hotspots of relevant habitats and cultural landscapes derived from the millennial interaction
between human beings and the environment.
The monitoring of areas through fire detection towers not only has limitations in its spatial distribution,
but it is also difficult to cover a 100% area with such towers (Eugenio et al., 2016). Thus, the use of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing techniques for the detection of hotspots and / or forest fires
ensures greater accuracy in the identification of the original source of the fire, aiding decision making by the
observation team. Several studies report that GIS automates manually executed tasks and facilitates the
performance of complex analyzes integrating geocoded data (Luppi et al., 2015; Santos et al., 2016).
Geographical information system and remote sensing have long been applied to create forest fire
vulnerability map (Amalina et al., 2015). Forest fire vulnerability map is a spatial model used to picture field
condition that is related to risk of forest fire (Jawad et al., 2015). Through this map, activities of monitoring
and prevention of forest fire can be conducted as early as possible (Amalina et al., 2015).
If, on the other hand, there is little information about the occurrence of forest fires in Angolan Protected
Areas in, this does not mean that there is no record of such occurrences in these places. Thus, the limitations
of fire detection tower installations in these areas and others can be met by using techniques and data from
GIS and remote sensing, to know the recording of hotspots and / or forest fires in the Angolan National Parks.
Therefore, this research aims to monitor the occurrence of forest fires in Angolan National Parks (Iona
NP, Cameia NP, Quiçama NP, Cangandala NP, Mavinga NP, Bicuar NP, Luengue-Luiana NP and Mupa NP)
in the decade 2008-2017 using data from hotspots or heat sources of NASA MODIS Collection 6 (NASA
FIRMS MODIS Fire - Hotspot MODIS Collection 6 data).

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Study area

The study area, Angolan National Parks, has an extension of 70.340 km², its location map can be seen
in the following figure (Fig. 1).

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More other detailed information, according to analisys done by this paper author and some studies, are
described in the table 1 in chapter of results.
Methodological steps for the mapping and monitoring of hotspots in Angolan National Parks In general,
the databases used for obtaining information are World Database on Protected Areas and Nasa Firms Modis;
already the processing of this data was done with the aid of the software ArcGis version 10.1, Quantum Gis
version 2.18 and Google Earth Pro.

Figure 1 - Location map of study area

Source: Authors (2018)

Briefly, the methodological steps of this investigation can be seen in figure 2 and the detailed description
of these steps in the following paragraphs.

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Figure 2 - Methodological steps

Source: Authors (2021)

Step 1: Download or acquisition data on protected areas

The geospatial data (shapefile) of the Angolan NP were downloaded on March 8, 2018, in the World
Database on Protected Areas - WDPA (https://www.protectedplanet.net), that is the most comprehensive
global database on terrestrial and marine protected areas (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC, 2018; UNEP-WCMC,

Step 2: Selection of areas of interest (national parks)

Since the data downloaded in the previous step contained information on all protected areas (natural
reserves and regional and national parks), the second step from these data was the creation of a vector file on
Angolan NP in Quantum Gis software.

Step 3: Acquisition of data on hotspots and / or forest fires

Then, on March 29, 2018, the files with information on record hotspots in Angola were obtained. The
selected time scale was the decade 2008-2017.
Data collection was done by filling out a NASA data request form on the official website
(https://earthdata.nasa.gov/active-fire-data). After requesting the NASA FIRMS project website at

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https://earthdata.nasa.gov/firms, the download link

(https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/data/download/DL_FIRE_M6_6256.zip) was automatically received.

Step 4: Detailed description of data on hotspots characteristics

After downloading the data, they presented the following summary (NASA Firms Project, 2018; Giglio
et al., 2006; Roy et al., 2008):
- Download Id: 6256;
- Data Source: MODIS C6;
- Start Date: 2008-01-01;
- End Date: 2017-12-01;
- Output Format: shp;
- Area of Interest: Angola.
The naming convention of file is M6 stands for MODIS Collection 6.

Step 5: Interception of National Park and hotspots data

In the fifth step, with ArcGis software, the data generated in the second step (shapefile of Angolan NP)
and the previous step (shapefile of hotspots) were intercepted and a new vectorial file was created with
information on hotspots recorded between 2008-2017 in Angolan NP.

Step 6: Evaluation of forest fires or hotspots occurrences recording in Angolan NP

SIG techniques were used to evaluate the occurrence of hotspots in Angolan NP, taking into account the
time scale (2008 to 2017), the period of occurrence of heat (day and night) and the occurrence number of
hotspots in each park.
All this led to an analysis and information of recording hotspots within the Angolan NP between 2008-
2017, which led to the results described below and their subsequent discussion.

3. Results

The first result of this study is related to the characterization of Angolan NP according to the calculation
of land area (km²), geographic bounding box and know the establishment date as NP of each parks. Besides
that from results obtained to some studies (IUCN and UNEP-WCMC, 2018; MA, 2018; TARR, 2016) was
described the many animal species and prevailing ecosystem of the Angolan NP. All of this can be seen in the
Table 1.

Table 1- Characterization of Angolan national parks.

Land Geographic Date of
Location Many animal
Name area bounding establishment Prevailing ecosystem
(province) species
(km²) box as NP
Miombo woodland and
Loxodonta sp., E.
14.2214, dominated mainly by the
Bicuar NP 7.900 Huila quagga burchellii, 1930
15.3031 genera Acacia, Sterculia
and Commiphora.
C. crocuta, P. Miombo woodland, with an
Cameia NP 14.450 Moxico pardus, A. jubatus 1938 ecosystem of flooded
and H. amphibious pastures, meadow and the

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Loudetia sandy plateau.

Open Miombo woodland
H. niger variani, C.
Cangandala 16.5606, dominated by B. boehmii,
630 Malanje moschata and 1970
NP 16.8313 U. benguelensis, E.
Ungulata mammals
abyssinica, Dyospiros sp.
Diversified flora, including
11.7324, A. marsupiales, O.
Welwitschia mirabilis, an
Iona NP 15.150 Namibe 13.3443 gazella, N. 1964
endemic plant in the
meleagris, etc.
Angolan Namibe Desert.
Open woodland, Dense
O. afer, S. caffer, C.
Luengue- Kuando 21.9536, woodland, Aquatic
22.610 civetta, L. africana, 1966
Luiana NP Kubango 23.4263 vegetation and Open
Mosaic of grassy savannah
L. pictus, P. pardus, with shrub and patchwork
Kuando 20.2936, D. bicornis, E. of Miombo woodland; and
Mavinga NP 46.072 1966
Kubango 21.5726 quagga, H. equinus, even savannah mosaic with
etc. and without trees and
G. camelopardalis
Forest-savannah mosaic,
15.2104, angolensis, P. leo,
Mupa NP 6.600 Cunene 1964 Miomo woodland and dry
15.9740 Hyaenidae family,
savannah with shrubs.
Loxodonta sp., S.
13.1523, Zambezi phytogeographic
Quiçama NP 9.600 Bengo caffer, Cheloniidae 1957
14.0839 region.
family, etc.
Source: Authors (2021)

On other hand, as is known according to the origin, fires can be classified as forest fires (when they
occur in terrestrial ecosystems), household fires (those occurring in homes) and industrial fires (those occurring
in industrial zones, schools, shops, etc.).
Considering the above idea and according to the nature of the study area (Angolan NP) in this article,
all the hotspots recorded in NP were considered as forest fires.
Through a spatial analisys between two vector layers (from Angolan NP and Forest Fires occurred
between 2008-2017 in the areas mentioned above), there were 170 773 hotspots, that is, forest fires in the eight
Angolan NP. Cameia, Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga NP had higher forest fire records in the time scale
considered in this study, as can be seen in Figure 3.

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Figure 3- Occurrences number of forest fire in Angolan NP between 2008-2017

Source: Authors (2021)

It notices in the previous figure that the Iona, Cangandala Quiçama and Mupa NP recorded a lower
occurrence number of forest fires. The total number of forest fires occurring in each Angolan park, the period
of occurrence, as well as the percentage value that these occurrences represent can be seen in detail in table 2.

Table 2- Datas of number, percentage, and period of forest fire occurrence in Angolan NP between 2008-2017.

Occurrences Occurrences by periods

Name of National
Park Rainy Dry season
Season (May to
Number Percentage Day Night
(September September)
to May)
Bicuar 17 903 10,48 3 581 14 322 16 316 1 587
Cameia 59 521 34,85 13 095 46 426 58 403 1 118
Cangandala 5 199 3,04 936 4 263 5 098 101
Iona 42 0,02 5 37 31 11
Luengue-Luiana 40 975 23,99 7 785 33 190 39 654 1 321
Mavinga 19 827 11,61 3 172 16 655 19 401 426
Mupa 14 618 8,56 2 193 12 425 14 378 240
Quiçama 12 688 7,43 1 649 11 039 12 524 164
TOTAL 170 773 100 34 155 136 618 165 805 4 968
Source: Authors (2021)

In the table above, it is possible to note that although the dry season has a short duration throughout the
year, it was the one with the highest number of hotspots recorded in the period under study, having recorded,
in general, 80 to 82% of the total record of hotspots in relation to the rainy season with records ranging from
12 to 13%.
It was estimated that the average occurrence of forest fires in the Angolan NP between 2008-2017 is
21347, which can be translated into 2135 forest fires per year, 178 per month or 6 per day in each Angolan

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NP. According to the occurrence period (day or night), was obtained an average of 20726 (97 %) forest fires
that occurred during the day and 621 (3 %) at night in the area and time scale under study.
It can be considered that a large part of these fires was caused by resident personnel in the vicinity or
even during poaching activities that use fire to frighten the animals. However, since most forest fires in the
park occurred during the day, it is advisable to take measurements in loco, to know the real causes involved in
The usual occurrence time of forest fire in each park área: Bicuar NP on 8, 9, 12 and 13 hours; Cameia
(8, 9, 11 and 12 hours); Cangandala and Luengue-Luiana (8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 hours); Iona and Quiçama NP
(9, 12 and 13 hours); Mavinga and Mupa NP (9, 12 and 13 hours).

Figure 4- Percentage of forest fire occurrence time (day and night) in Angolan NP between 2008-2017

Source: Authors (2021)

According to the data from table 2 and figure 4, records of nocturnal forest fires were observed in Bicuar,
Iona and Luengue-Luiana NP, to the detriment of others NP (Cameia, Cangandala, Mavinga, Mupa and
Quiçama) that records a greater number of forest fires daytime.

4. Discussion

This study investigated forest fire monitoring in Angolan national parks in the period 2008-2017,
allowing to know the occurrence level of forest fires, the percentage of occurrence per day or nighttime, the
Angolan NP with higher and lower occurrences, among others. Thus, after the presentation of the results
follows the discussion related to the same results.
Despite being very important, both before and currently, statistics on the occurrence of forest fires in
Angola or in Angolan terrestrial ecosystems are very scarce, fragmented, and unknown. According to Santos
(2017), in his study on the statistics of forest fires in protected areas from 1998 to 2002, Brazil also presents
scales and fragmentation of data on the occurrence of forest fires.
The Angolan territory presents only two distinct climatic seasons in the year, the rainy season (August
15 to May 15) and the cold / dry season (May 15 to August 15). The results of this work show that the season
with the highest index of occurrence of forest fires in the Angolan NP corresponds mostly to the dry season,
mainly between the months of June and September. Similar results were obtained in a study carried out in a

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tropical zone (Brazil) that shows the period between July and October as the one with the highest occurrence
of forest fires, being considered as the main fire station for Brazilian protected areas (Santos, 2004). Thus, it
can be considered that climatic factors intervene directly in appearance favor of hotspots.
However, good knowledge of the most occurrence seasons is important in forest fire prevention
programs. According to the Rodríguez et al. (2013), it is important to determine where, when, and why forest
fires occur to structure the prevention and suppression within economically viable limits.
The high number of forest fires in the study area may be is associated with the characteristic atmospheric
factors of each season of the year. For example, in the dry season the climate favors the acceleration of the
process of abscission by the plants, causing much plant material dead on the ground, which favors the origin
or propagation of the fire. In addition to these factors, there are others such as the type of vegetation and its
exposure to the sun. Paz et al. (2011), in describing the factors that affect the behavior of the fire, points the
meteorological conditions as one of the main ones. However, Torres et al. (2017), submits that one factor alone
does not represent a fire hazard without there being others that favor the initiation of the combustion process.
According to Torres (2006), the climatic conditions and forest fires maintain a narrow relationship, from the
probability of occurrences of fires, originating from of the atmospheric conditions in a die period, until the
maintenance and propagation of the fire. In times of the year with low humidity of the air, as in the winter, the
propensity of forest fires increases considerably, because the driest air ends for forcing a larger
evapotranspiration of the vegetables. As in this station they are had an index of deficient rain, reality that can
be observed in the Angolan NP.
This may be related to the results of this work, since a large part of the registered hotspots occurred
during the day, moment when there is a reduction of the air relative humidity and high temperatures in relation
to the nocturnal period.
To the detriment Murphy and Bowman (2012), considers that the factors controlling the extent of fire
in Africa south of the equator were investigated using moderate resolution (500 m) satellite‐derived burned
area maps and spatial data on the environmental factors thought to affect burnt area. The study finds that tree
cover, rainfall in the previous 2 years, and rainfall seasonality were the most important predictors.
Nevertheless, due to the kind of the data used in this work, the factors that underlie the possible
occurrences of forest fires in Angolan NP are uncertain.
In Africa in general and in Angola in particular the fire can be used in cultural rituals. When this activity
is carried out in protected or forest areas, it may be the reason of the transformation of forest areas into
savannas, due to the considerable reduction of trees. Cardoso et al. (2016), consider that the many forest–
savanna transitions are experiencing a shift in the fire regime toward decreased fire recurrence because of,
inter alia, fire extinction policies, rural area abandonment, and changes in traditional cultural and spiritual
This data can be very useful, because it allows to know the number of fires recorded in a point, since it
is possible to know the geographical coordinates of the registration place; it is also possible to know the
occurrence time (hour), which helps to locate future forest fires or burned area, and thus to know the possible

5. Conclusions

Considering the study areas and methodologies used in this study, the following conclusions were
- The Angolan NP occupy an area of of 70.340 km² and they host a large number of plant and animal
species, so they require good conservation measures, even against the disorderly and illegal fire;
- Cameia, Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga NP had higher forest fire records and Iona, Cangandala
Quiçama and Mupa NP recorded a lower occurrence number of forest fires;

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- The average occurrence of forest fires in the Angolan NP between 2008-2017 is 21347, this allowed
to know that in average per year occur 2135 forest fires, 178 per month and 6 per day in each Angolan NP;
- The forest fire in the Angolan NP between 2008-2017 occurred mostly in the day (97 %) in relation to
the night (3 %) time.

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