National Planning Policy Framework
National Planning Policy Framework
National Planning Policy Framework
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September 2023
1. Introduction 4
3. Plan-making 8
4. Decision-making 13
14. Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change 45
Annex 1: Implementation 63
Annex 2: Glossary 65
1. Introduction
1. The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the Government’s planning
policies for England and how these should be applied 1. It provides a framework
within which locally-prepared plans for housing and other development can be
3. The Framework should be read as a whole (including its footnotes and annexes).
General references to planning policies in the Framework should be applied in a
way that is appropriate to the type of plan being produced, taking into account
policy on plan-making in chapter 3.
5. The Framework does not contain specific policies for nationally significant
infrastructure projects. These are determined in accordance with the decision-
making framework in the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) and relevant national
policy statements for major infrastructure, as well as any other matters that are
relevant (which may include the National Planning Policy Framework). National
policy statements form part of the overall framework of national planning policy, and
may be a material consideration in preparing plans and making decisions on
planning applications.
1 This document replaces the previous version of the National Planning Policy Framework published in July
2 This includes local and neighbourhood plans that have been brought into force and any spatial
8. Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three
overarching objectives, which are interdependent and need to be pursued in
mutually supportive ways (so that opportunities can be taken to secure net gains
across each of the different objectives):
10. So that sustainable development is pursued in a positive way, at the heart of the
Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development (paragraph
The presumption in favour of sustainable development
11. Plans and decisions should apply a presumption in favour of sustainable
authority cannot demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites (with the appropriate buffer, as
set out in paragraph 74); or where the Housing Delivery Test indicates that the delivery of housing was
substantially below (less than 75% of) the housing requirement over the previous three years.
12. The presumption in favour of sustainable development does not change the
statutory status of the development plan as the starting point for decision-making.
Where a planning application conflicts with an up-to-date development plan
(including any neighbourhood plans that form part of the development plan),
permission should not usually be granted. Local planning authorities may take
decisions that depart from an up-to-date development plan, but only if material
considerations in a particular case indicate that the plan should not be followed.
13. The application of the presumption has implications for the way communities
engage in neighbourhood planning. Neighbourhood plans should support the
delivery of strategic policies contained in local plans or spatial development
strategies; and should shape and direct development that is outside of these
strategic policies.
14. In situations where the presumption (at paragraph 11d) applies to applications
involving the provision of housing, the adverse impact of allowing development that
conflicts with the neighbourhood plan is likely to significantly and demonstrably
outweigh the benefits, provided all of the following apply 9:
a) the neighbourhood plan became part of the development plan two years or less
before the date on which the decision is made;
b) the neighbourhood plan contains policies and allocations to meet its identified
housing requirement;
c) the local planning authority has at least a three year supply of deliverable
housing sites (against its five year housing supply requirement, including the
appropriate buffer as set out in paragraph 74); and
d) the local planning authority’s housing delivery was at least 45% of that
required 10 over the previous three years.
d) contain policies that are clearly written and unambiguous, so it is evident how a
decision maker should react to development proposals;
e) be accessible through the use of digital tools to assist public involvement and
policy presentation; and
18. Policies to address non-strategic matters should be included in local plans that
contain both strategic and non-strategic policies, and/or in local or neighbourhood
plans that contain just non-strategic policies.
19. The development plan for an area comprises the combination of strategic and non-
strategic policies which are in force at a particular time.
11 This is a legal requirement of local planning authorities exercising their plan-making functions (section
39(2) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).
12 Section 19(1B-1E) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
Strategic policies
20. Strategic policies should set out an overall strategy for the pattern, scale and
design quality of places, and make sufficient provision 13 for:
21. Plans should make explicit which policies are strategic policies14. These should be
limited to those necessary to address the strategic priorities of the area (and any
relevant cross-boundary issues), to provide a clear starting point for any non-
strategic policies that are needed. Strategic policies should not extend to detailed
matters that are more appropriately dealt with through neighbourhood plans or
other non-strategic policies.
22. Strategic policies should look ahead over a minimum 15 year period from
adoption 15, to anticipate and respond to long-term requirements and opportunities,
such as those arising from major improvements in infrastructure. Where larger
scale developments such as new settlements or significant extensions to existing
villages and towns form part of the strategy for the area, policies should be set
within a vision that looks further ahead (at least 30 years), to take into account the
likely timescale for delivery. 16
23. Broad locations for development should be indicated on a key diagram, and land-
use designations and allocations identified on a policies map. Strategic policies
should provide a clear strategy for bringing sufficient land forward, and at a
sufficient rate, to address objectively assessed needs over the plan period, in line
with the presumption in favour of sustainable development. This should include
planning for and allocating sufficient sites to deliver the strategic priorities of the
area (except insofar as these needs can be demonstrated to be met more
appropriately through other mechanisms, such as brownfield registers or non-
strategic policies) 17.
26. Effective and on-going joint working between strategic policy-making authorities
and relevant bodies is integral to the production of a positively prepared and
justified strategy. In particular, joint working should help to determine where
additional infrastructure is necessary, and whether development needs that cannot
be met wholly within a particular plan area could be met elsewhere.
27. In order to demonstrate effective and on-going joint working, strategic policy-
making authorities should prepare and maintain one or more statements of
common ground, documenting the cross-boundary matters being addressed and
progress in cooperating to address these. These should be produced using the
approach set out in national planning guidance, and be made publicly available
throughout the plan-making process to provide transparency.
Non-strategic policies
28. Non-strategic policies should be used by local planning authorities and
communities to set out more detailed policies for specific areas, neighbourhoods or
types of development. This can include allocating sites, the provision of
infrastructure and community facilities at a local level, establishing design
principles, conserving and enhancing the natural and historic environment and
setting out other development management policies.
29. Neighbourhood planning gives communities the power to develop a shared vision
for their area. Neighbourhood plans can shape, direct and help to deliver
sustainable development, by influencing local planning decisions as part of the
statutory development plan. Neighbourhood plans should not promote less
development than set out in the strategic policies for the area, or undermine those
strategic policies 18.
30. Once a neighbourhood plan has been brought into force, the policies it contains
take precedence over existing non-strategic policies in a local plan covering the
neighbourhood area, where they are in conflict; unless they are superseded by
strategic or non-strategic policies that are adopted subsequently.
18Neighbourhood plans must be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in any
development plan that covers their area.
Preparing and reviewing plans
31. The preparation and review of all policies should be underpinned by relevant and
up-to-date evidence. This should be adequate and proportionate, focused tightly on
supporting and justifying the policies concerned, and take into account relevant
market signals.
32. Local plans and spatial development strategies should be informed throughout their
preparation by a sustainability appraisal that meets the relevant legal
requirements19. This should demonstrate how the plan has addressed relevant
economic, social and environmental objectives (including opportunities for net
gains). Significant adverse impacts on these objectives should be avoided and,
wherever possible, alternative options which reduce or eliminate such impacts
should be pursued. Where significant adverse impacts are unavoidable, suitable
mitigation measures should be proposed (or, where this is not possible,
compensatory measures should be considered).
33. Policies in local plans and spatial development strategies should be reviewed to
assess whether they need updating at least once every five years, and should then
be updated as necessary 20. Reviews should be completed no later than five years
from the adoption date of a plan, and should take into account changing
circumstances affecting the area, or any relevant changes in national policy.
Relevant strategic policies will need updating at least once every five years if their
applicable local housing need figure has changed significantly; and they are likely
to require earlier review if local housing need is expected to change significantly in
the near future.
Development contributions
34. Plans should set out the contributions expected from development. This should
include setting out the levels and types of affordable housing provision required,
along with other infrastructure (such as that needed for education, health, transport,
flood and water management, green and digital infrastructure). Such policies
should not undermine the deliverability of the plan.
Examining plans
35. Local plans and spatial development strategies are examined to assess whether
they have been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements,
and whether they are sound. Plans are ‘sound’ if they are:
c) Effective – deliverable over the plan period, and based on effective joint
working on cross-boundary strategic matters that have been dealt with rather
than deferred, as evidenced by the statement of common ground; and
37. Neighbourhood plans must meet certain ‘basic conditions’ and other legal
requirements23 before they can come into force. These are tested through an
independent examination before the neighbourhood plan may proceed to
21 Where this relates to housing, such needs should be assessed using a clear and justified method, as set
out in paragraph 61 of this Framework.
22 Where these are contained in a local plan.
23 As set out in paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
4. Decision-making
38. Local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in
a positive and creative way. They should use the full range of planning tools
available, including brownfield registers and permission in principle, and work
proactively with applicants to secure developments that will improve the economic,
social and environmental conditions of the area. Decision-makers at every level
should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible.
40. Local planning authorities have a key role to play in encouraging other parties to
take maximum advantage of the pre-application stage. They cannot require that a
developer engages with them before submitting a planning application, but they
should encourage take-up of any pre-application services they offer. They should
also, where they think this would be beneficial, encourage any applicants who are
not already required to do so by law to engage with the local community and, where
relevant, with statutory and non-statutory consultees, before submitting their
41. The more issues that can be resolved at pre-application stage, including the need
to deliver improvements in infrastructure and affordable housing, the greater the
benefits. For their role in the planning system to be effective and positive, statutory
planning consultees will need to take the same early, pro-active approach, and
provide advice in a timely manner throughout the development process. This
assists local planning authorities in issuing timely decisions, helping to ensure that
applicants do not experience unnecessary delays and costs.
43. The right information is crucial to good decision-making, particularly where formal
assessments are required (such as Environmental Impact Assessment, Habitats
Regulations assessment and flood risk assessment). To avoid delay, applicants
should discuss what information is needed with the local planning authority and
expert bodies as early as possible.
44. Local planning authorities should publish a list of their information requirements for
applications for planning permission. These requirements should be kept to the
minimum needed to make decisions, and should be reviewed at least every two
years. Local planning authorities should only request supporting information that is
relevant, necessary and material to the application in question.
45. Local planning authorities should consult the appropriate bodies when considering
applications for the siting of, or changes to, major hazard sites, installations or
pipelines, or for development around them.
46. Applicants and local planning authorities should consider the potential for voluntary
planning performance agreements, where this might achieve a faster and more
effective application process. Planning performance agreements are likely to be
needed for applications that are particularly large or complex to determine.
Determining applications
47. Planning law requires that applications for planning permission be determined in
accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate
otherwise. Decisions on applications should be made as quickly as possible, and
within statutory timescales unless a longer period has been agreed by the applicant
in writing.
48. Local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans
according to:
a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its
preparation, the greater the weight that may be given);
b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less
significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given);
c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this
Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the
Framework, the greater the weight that may be given) 24.
49. However, in the context of the Framework – and in particular the presumption in
favour of sustainable development – arguments that an application is premature
are unlikely to justify a refusal of planning permission other than in the limited
circumstances where both:
b) the emerging plan is at an advanced stage but is not yet formally part of the
development plan for the area.
24During the transitional period for emerging plans submitted for examination (set out in paragraph 220),
consistency should be tested against the original Framework published in March 2012.
50. Refusal of planning permission on grounds of prematurity will seldom be justified
where a draft plan has yet to be submitted for examination; or – in the case of a
neighbourhood plan – before the end of the local planning authority publicity period
on the draft plan. Where planning permission is refused on grounds of prematurity,
the local planning authority will need to indicate clearly how granting permission for
the development concerned would prejudice the outcome of the plan-making
52. Communities can use Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right
to Build Orders to grant planning permission. These require the support of the local
community through a referendum. Local planning authorities should take a
proactive and positive approach to such proposals, working collaboratively with
community organisations to resolve any issues before draft orders are submitted for
53. The use of Article 4 directions to remove national permitted development rights
54. Similarly, planning conditions should not be used to restrict national permitted
development rights unless there is clear justification to do so.
56. Planning conditions should be kept to a minimum and only imposed where they are
necessary, relevant to planning and to the development to be permitted,
enforceable, precise and reasonable in all other respects. Agreeing conditions early
is beneficial to all parties involved in the process and can speed up decision-
making. Conditions that are required to be discharged before development
commences should be avoided, unless there is a clear justification 25.
57. Planning obligations must only be sought where they meet all of the following
a) necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms;
b) directly related to the development; and
c) fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.
58. Where up-to-date policies have set out the contributions expected from
development, planning applications that comply with them should be assumed to
be viable. It is up to the applicant to demonstrate whether particular circumstances
justify the need for a viability assessment at the application stage. The weight to be
given to a viability assessment is a matter for the decision maker, having regard to
all the circumstances in the case, including whether the plan and the viability
evidence underpinning it is up to date, and any change in site circumstances since
the plan was brought into force. All viability assessments, including any undertaken
at the plan-making stage, should reflect the recommended approach in national
planning guidance, including standardised inputs, and should be made publicly
59. Effective enforcement is important to maintain public confidence in the planning
system. Enforcement action is discretionary, and local planning authorities should
act proportionately in responding to suspected breaches of planning control. They
should consider publishing a local enforcement plan to manage enforcement
proactively, in a way that is appropriate to their area. This should set out how they
will monitor the implementation of planning permissions, investigate alleged cases
of unauthorised development and take action where appropriate.
25 Sections 100ZA(4-6) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 will require the applicant’s written
agreement to the terms of a pre-commencement condition, unless prescribed circumstances apply.
26 Set out in Regulation 122(2) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010.
5. Delivering a sufficient supply of homes
60. To support the Government’s objective of significantly boosting the supply of
homes, it is important that a sufficient amount and variety of land can come forward
where it is needed, that the needs of groups with specific housing requirements are
addressed and that land with permission is developed without unnecessary delay.
61. To determine the minimum number of homes needed, strategic policies should be
informed by a local housing need assessment, conducted using the standard
method in national planning guidance – unless exceptional circumstances justify an
alternative approach which also reflects current and future demographic trends and
market signals. In addition to the local housing need figure, any needs that cannot
be met within neighbouring areas should also be taken into account in establishing
the amount of housing to be planned for.
62. Within this context, the size, type and tenure of housing needed for different groups
in the community should be assessed and reflected in planning policies (including,
but not limited to, those who require affordable housing, families with children, older
people, students, people with disabilities, service families, travellers27, people who
rent their homes and people wishing to commission or build their own homes28).
63. Where a need for affordable housing is identified, planning policies should specify
the type of affordable housing required 29, and expect it to be met on-site unless:
64. Provision of affordable housing should not be sought for residential developments
that are not major developments, other than in designated rural areas (where
policies may set out a lower threshold of 5 units or fewer). To support the re-use of
brownfield land, where vacant buildings are being reused or redeveloped, any
affordable housing contribution due should be reduced by a proportionate
amount 30.
65. Where major development involving the provision of housing is proposed, planning
policies and decisions should expect at least 10% of the total number of homes to
27 Planning Policy for Traveller Sites sets out how travellers’ housing needs should be assessed for those
covered by the definition in Annex 1 of that document.
28 Under section 1 of the Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015, local authorities are required to
keep a register of those seeking to acquire serviced plots in the area for their own self-build and custom
house building. They are also subject to duties under sections 2 and 2A of the Act to have regard to this and
to give enough suitable development permissions to meet the identified demand. Self and custom-build
properties could provide market or affordable housing.
29 Applying the definition in Annex 2 to this Framework.
30 Equivalent to the existing gross floorspace of the existing buildings. This does not apply to vacant
67. Where it is not possible to provide a requirement figure for a neighbourhood area 33,
the local planning authority should provide an indicative figure, if requested to do so
by the neighbourhood planning body. This figure should take into account factors
such as the latest evidence of local housing need, the population of the
neighbourhood area and the most recently available planning strategy of the local
planning authority.
a) specific, deliverable sites for years one to five of the plan period 34; and
after strategic policies have been adopted; or in instances where strategic policies for housing are out of
34 With an appropriate buffer, as set out in paragraph 74. See Glossary for definitions of deliverable and
b) specific, developable sites or broad locations for growth, for years 6-10 and,
where possible, for years 11-15 of the plan.
69. Small and medium sized sites can make an important contribution to meeting the
housing requirement of an area, and are often built-out relatively quickly. To
promote the development of a good mix of sites local planning authorities should:
c) support the development of windfall sites through their policies and decisions –
giving great weight to the benefits of using suitable sites within existing
settlements for homes; and
d) work with developers to encourage the sub-division of large sites where this
could help to speed up the delivery of homes.
70. Neighbourhood planning groups should also give particular consideration to the
opportunities for allocating small and medium-sized sites (of a size consistent with
paragraph 69a) suitable for housing in their area.
71. Where an allowance is to be made for windfall sites as part of anticipated supply,
there should be compelling evidence that they will provide a reliable source of
supply. Any allowance should be realistic having regard to the strategic housing
land availability assessment, historic windfall delivery rates and expected future
trends. Plans should consider the case for setting out policies to resist
inappropriate development of residential gardens, for example where development
would cause harm to the local area.
72. Local planning authorities should support the development of entry-level exception
sites, suitable for first time buyers (or those looking to rent their first home), unless
the need for such homes is already being met within the authority’s area. These
sites should be on land which is not already allocated for housing and should:
35 Entry-level exception sites should not be larger than one hectare in size or exceed 5% of the size of the
existing settlement.
36 i.e. the areas referred to in footnote 7. Entry-level exception sites should not be permitted in National
Parks (or within the Broads Authority), Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty or land designated as Green
73. The supply of large numbers of new homes can often be best achieved through
planning for larger scale development, such as new settlements or significant
extensions to existing villages and towns, provided they are well located and
designed, and supported by the necessary infrastructure and facilities (including a
genuine choice of transport modes). Working with the support of their communities,
and with other authorities if appropriate, strategic policy-making authorities should
identify suitable locations for such development where this can help to meet
identified needs in a sustainable way. In doing so, they should:
b) ensure that their size and location will support a sustainable community, with
sufficient access to services and employment opportunities within the
development itself (without expecting an unrealistic level of self-containment), or
in larger towns to which there is good access;
c) set clear expectations for the quality of the places to be created and how this
can be maintained (such as by following Garden City principles); and ensure
that appropriate tools such as masterplans and design guides or codes are
used to secure a variety of well-designed and beautiful homes to meet the
needs of different groups in the community;
d) make a realistic assessment of likely rates of delivery, given the lead-in times
for large scale sites, and identify opportunities for supporting rapid
implementation (such as through joint ventures or locally-led development
corporations) 37; and
37 The delivery of large scale developments may need to extend beyond an individual plan period, and the
associated infrastructure requirements may not be capable of being identified fully at the outset. Anticipated
rates of delivery and infrastructure requirements should, therefore, be kept under review and reflected as
policies are updated.
38 For the avoidance of doubt, a five year supply of deliverable sites for travellers – as defined in Annex 1 to
Planning Policy for Traveller Sites – should be assessed separately, in line with the policy in that document.
39 Unless these strategic policies have been reviewed and found not to require updating. Where local
housing need is used as the basis for assessing whether a five year supply of specific deliverable sites
exists, it should be calculated using the standard method set out in national planning guidance.
The supply of specific deliverable sites should in addition include a buffer (moved
forward from later in the plan period) of:
b) 10% where the local planning authority wishes to demonstrate a five year
supply of deliverable sites through an annual position statement or recently
adopted plan 40, to account for any fluctuations in the market during that year; or
c) 20% where there has been significant under delivery of housing over the
previous three years, to improve the prospect of achieving the planned supply41.
75. A five year supply of deliverable housing sites, with the appropriate buffer, can be
demonstrated where it has been established in a recently adopted plan, or in a
subsequent annual position statement which:
a) has been produced through engagement with developers and others who have
an impact on delivery, and been considered by the Secretary of State; and
76. To maintain the supply of housing, local planning authorities should monitor
progress in building out sites which have permission. Where the Housing Delivery
Test indicates that delivery has fallen below 95% of the local planning authority’s
housing requirement over the previous three years, the authority should prepare an
action plan in line with national planning guidance, to assess the causes of under-
delivery and identify actions to increase delivery in future years.
77. To help ensure that proposals for housing development are implemented in a timely
manner, local planning authorities should consider imposing a planning condition
providing that development must begin within a timescale shorter than the relevant
default period, where this would expedite the development without threatening its
deliverability or viability. For major development involving the provision of housing,
local planning authorities should also assess why any earlier grant of planning
permission for a similar development on the same site did not start.
Rural housing
78. In rural areas, planning policies and decisions should be responsive to local
circumstances and support housing developments that reflect local needs. Local
planning authorities should support opportunities to bring forward rural exception
sites that will provide affordable housing to meet identified local needs, and
consider whether allowing some market housing on these sites would help to
facilitate this.
40 For the purposes of paragraphs 74b and 75 a plan adopted between 1 May and 31 October will be
considered ‘recently adopted’ until 31 October of the following year; and a plan adopted between 1
November and 30 April will be considered recently adopted until 31 October in the same year.
41This will be measured against the Housing Delivery Test, where this indicates that delivery was below 85%
80. Planning policies and decisions should avoid the development of isolated homes in
the countryside unless one or more of the following circumstances apply:
a) there is an essential need for a rural worker, including those taking majority
control of a farm business, to live permanently at or near their place of work in
the countryside;
b) the development would represent the optimal viable use of a heritage asset or
would be appropriate enabling development to secure the future of heritage
c) the development would re-use redundant or disused buildings and enhance its
immediate setting;
6. Building a strong, competitive economy
81. Planning policies and decisions should help create the conditions in which
businesses can invest, expand and adapt. Significant weight should be placed on
the need to support economic growth and productivity, taking into account both
local business needs and wider opportunities for development. The approach taken
should allow each area to build on its strengths, counter any weaknesses and
address the challenges of the future. This is particularly important where Britain can
be a global leader in driving innovation 42, and in areas with high levels of
productivity, which should be able to capitalise on their performance and potential.
a) set out a clear economic vision and strategy which positively and proactively
encourages sustainable economic growth, having regard to Local Industrial
Strategies and other local policies for economic development and regeneration;
b) set criteria, or identify strategic sites, for local and inward investment to match
the strategy and to meet anticipated needs over the plan period;
d) be flexible enough to accommodate needs not anticipated in the plan, allow for
new and flexible working practices (such as live-work accommodation), and to
enable a rapid response to changes in economic circumstances.
83. Planning policies and decisions should recognise and address the specific
locational requirements of different sectors. This includes making provision for
clusters or networks of knowledge and data-driven, creative or high technology
industries; and for storage and distribution operations at a variety of scales and in
suitably accessible locations.
a) the sustainable growth and expansion of all types of business in rural areas,
both through conversion of existing buildings and well-designed new buildings;
42The Government’s Industrial Strategy sets out a vision to drive productivity improvements across the UK,
identifies a number of Grand Challenges facing all nations, and sets out a delivery programme to make the
UK a leader in four of these: artificial intelligence and big data; clean growth; future mobility; and catering for
an ageing society. HM Government (2017) Industrial Strategy: Building a Britain fit for the future.
c) sustainable rural tourism and leisure developments which respect the character
of the countryside; and
85. Planning policies and decisions should recognise that sites to meet local business
and community needs in rural areas may have to be found adjacent to or beyond
existing settlements, and in locations that are not well served by public transport. In
these circumstances it will be important to ensure that development is sensitive to
its surroundings, does not have an unacceptable impact on local roads and exploits
any opportunities to make a location more sustainable (for example by improving
the scope for access on foot, by cycling or by public transport). The use of
previously developed land, and sites that are physically well-related to existing
settlements, should be encouraged where suitable opportunities exist.
7. Ensuring the vitality of town centres
86. Planning policies and decisions should support the role that town centres play at
the heart of local communities, by taking a positive approach to their growth,
management and adaptation. Planning policies should:
a) define a network and hierarchy of town centres and promote their long-term
vitality and viability – by allowing them to grow and diversify in a way that can
respond to rapid changes in the retail and leisure industries, allows a suitable
mix of uses (including housing) and reflects their distinctive characters;
b) define the extent of town centres and primary shopping areas, and make clear
the range of uses permitted in such locations, as part of a positive strategy for
the future of each centre;
d) allocate a range of suitable sites in town centres to meet the scale and type of
development likely to be needed, looking at least ten years ahead. Meeting
anticipated needs for retail, leisure, office and other main town centre uses over
this period should not be compromised by limited site availability, so town centre
boundaries should be kept under review where necessary;
e) where suitable and viable town centre sites are not available for main town
centre uses, allocate appropriate edge of centre sites that are well connected to
the town centre. If sufficient edge of centre sites cannot be identified, policies
should explain how identified needs can be met in other accessible locations
that are well connected to the town centre; and
87. Local planning authorities should apply a sequential test to planning applications for
main town centre uses which are neither in an existing centre nor in accordance
with an up-to-date plan. Main town centre uses should be located in town centres,
then in edge of centre locations; and only if suitable sites are not available (or
expected to become available within a reasonable period) should out of centre sites
be considered.
88. When considering edge of centre and out of centre proposals, preference should
be given to accessible sites which are well connected to the town centre.
Applicants and local planning authorities should demonstrate flexibility on issues
such as format and scale, so that opportunities to utilise suitable town centre or
edge of centre sites are fully explored.
89. This sequential approach should not be applied to applications for small scale rural
offices or other small scale rural development.
90. When assessing applications for retail and leisure development outside town
centres, which are not in accordance with an up-to-date plan, local planning
authorities should require an impact assessment if the development is over a
proportionate, locally set floorspace threshold (if there is no locally set threshold,
the default threshold is 2,500m2 of gross floorspace). This should include
assessment of:
a) the impact of the proposal on existing, committed and planned public and
private investment in a centre or centres in the catchment area of the proposal;
b) the impact of the proposal on town centre vitality and viability, including local
consumer choice and trade in the town centre and the wider retail catchment
(as applicable to the scale and nature of the scheme).
91. Where an application fails to satisfy the sequential test or is likely to have
significant adverse impact on one or more of the considerations in paragraph 90, it
should be refused.
8. Promoting healthy and safe communities
92. Planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe
places which:
b) are safe and accessible, so that crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do
not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion – for example through
the use of attractive, well-designed, clear and legible pedestrian and cycle
routes, and high quality public space, which encourage the active and continual
use of public areas; and
c) enable and support healthy lifestyles, especially where this would address
identified local health and well-being needs – for example through the provision
of safe and accessible green infrastructure, sports facilities, local shops, access
to healthier food, allotments and layouts that encourage walking and cycling.
93. To provide the social, recreational and cultural facilities and services the community
needs, planning policies and decisions should:
a) plan positively for the provision and use of shared spaces, community facilities
(such as local shops, meeting places, sports venues, open space, cultural
buildings, public houses and places of worship) and other local services to
enhance the sustainability of communities and residential environments;
b) take into account and support the delivery of local strategies to improve health,
social and cultural well-being for all sections of the community;
c) guard against the unnecessary loss of valued facilities and services, particularly
where this would reduce the community’s ability to meet its day-to-day needs;
d) ensure that established shops, facilities and services are able to develop and
modernise, and are retained for the benefit of the community; and
94. Planning policies and decisions should consider the social, economic and
environmental benefits of estate regeneration. Local planning authorities should
use their planning powers to help deliver estate regeneration to a high standard.
95. It is important that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the
needs of existing and new communities. Local planning authorities should take a
proactive, positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement, and to
development that will widen choice in education. They should:
a) give great weight to the need to create, expand or alter schools through the
preparation of plans and decisions on applications; and
b) work with school promoters, delivery partners and statutory bodies to identify
and resolve key planning issues before applications are submitted.
96. To ensure faster delivery of other public service infrastructure such as further
education colleges, hospitals and criminal justice accommodation, local planning
authorities should also work proactively and positively with promoters, delivery
partners and statutory bodies to plan for required facilities and resolve key planning
issues before applications are submitted.
97. Planning policies and decisions should promote public safety and take into account
wider security and defence requirements by:
99. Existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing
fields, should not be built on unless:
a) an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space,
buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or
43 This includes transport hubs, night-time economy venues, cinemas and theatres, sports stadia and
arenas, shopping centres, health and education establishments, places of worship, hotels and restaurants,
visitor attractions and commercial centres.
b) the loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by
equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable
location; or
c) the development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the benefits
of which clearly outweigh the loss of the current or former use.
100. Planning policies and decisions should protect and enhance public rights of way
and access, including taking opportunities to provide better facilities for users, for
example by adding links to existing rights of way networks including National Trails.
101. The designation of land as Local Green Space through local and neighbourhood
plans allows communities to identify and protect green areas of particular
importance to them. Designating land as Local Green Space should be consistent
with the local planning of sustainable development and complement investment in
sufficient homes, jobs and other essential services. Local Green Spaces should
only be designated when a plan is prepared or updated, and be capable of
enduring beyond the end of the plan period.
102. The Local Green Space designation should only be used where the green space is:
103. Policies for managing development within a Local Green Space should be
consistent with those for Green Belts.
9. Promoting sustainable transport
104. Transport issues should be considered from the earliest stages of plan-making and
development proposals, so that:
c) opportunities to promote walking, cycling and public transport use are identified
and pursued;
105. The planning system should actively manage patterns of growth in support of these
objectives. Significant development should be focused on locations which are or
can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine
choice of transport modes. This can help to reduce congestion and emissions, and
improve air quality and public health. However, opportunities to maximise
sustainable transport solutions will vary between urban and rural areas, and this
should be taken into account in both plan-making and decision-making.
a) support an appropriate mix of uses across an area, and within larger scale sites,
to minimise the number and length of journeys needed for employment,
shopping, leisure, education and other activities;
c) identify and protect, where there is robust evidence, sites and routes which
could be critical in developing infrastructure to widen transport choice and
realise opportunities for large scale development;
d) provide for attractive and well-designed walking and cycling networks with
supporting facilities such as secure cycle parking (drawing on Local Cycling and
Walking Infrastructure Plans);
e) provide for any large scale transport facilities that need to be located in the
area 44, and the infrastructure and wider development required to support their
operation, expansion and contribution to the wider economy. In doing so they
should take into account whether such development is likely to be a nationally
significant infrastructure project and any relevant national policy statements;
107. If setting local parking standards for residential and non-residential development,
policies should take into account:
e) the need to ensure an adequate provision of spaces for charging plug-in and
other ultra-low emission vehicles.
108. Maximum parking standards for residential and non-residential development should
only be set where there is a clear and compelling justification that they are
necessary for managing the local road network, or for optimising the density of
development in city and town centres and other locations that are well served by
public transport (in accordance with chapter 11 of this Framework). In town centres,
local authorities should seek to improve the quality of parking so that it is
convenient, safe and secure, alongside measures to promote accessibility for
pedestrians and cyclists.
109. Planning policies and decisions should recognise the importance of providing
adequate overnight lorry parking facilities, taking into account any local shortages,
to reduce the risk of parking in locations that lack proper facilities or could cause a
nuisance. Proposals for new or expanded distribution centres should make
provision for sufficient lorry parking to cater for their anticipated use.
44 Policies for large scale facilities should, where necessary, be developed through collaboration between
strategic policy-making authorities and other relevant bodies. Examples of such facilities include ports,
airports, interchanges for rail freight, public transport projects and roadside services. The primary function of
roadside services should be to support the safety and welfare of the road user (and most such proposals are
unlikely to be nationally significant infrastructure projects).
45 Department for Transport (2015) General Aviation Strategy.
a) appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or
have been – taken up, given the type of development and its location;
b) safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users;
c) the design of streets, parking areas, other transport elements and the content of
associated standards reflects current national guidance, including the National
Design Guide and the National Model Design Code 46; and
d) any significant impacts from the development on the transport network (in terms
of capacity and congestion), or on highway safety, can be cost effectively
mitigated to an acceptable degree.
a) give priority first to pedestrian and cycle movements, both within the scheme
and with neighbouring areas; and second – so far as possible – to facilitating
access to high quality public transport, with layouts that maximise the catchment
area for bus or other public transport services, and appropriate facilities that
encourage public transport use;
b) address the needs of people with disabilities and reduced mobility in relation to
all modes of transport;
c) create places that are safe, secure and attractive – which minimise the scope
for conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, avoid unnecessary
street clutter, and respond to local character and design standards;
d) allow for the efficient delivery of goods, and access by service and emergency
vehicles; and
113. All developments that will generate significant amounts of movement should be
required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a
transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the
proposal can be assessed.
46Policies and decisions should not make use of or reflect the former Design Bulletin 32, which was
withdrawn in 2007.
10. Supporting high quality communications
114. Advanced, high quality and reliable communications infrastructure is essential for
economic growth and social well-being. Planning policies and decisions should
support the expansion of electronic communications networks, including next
generation mobile technology (such as 5G) and full fibre broadband connections.
Policies should set out how high quality digital infrastructure, providing access to
services from a range of providers, is expected to be delivered and upgraded over
time; and should prioritise full fibre connections to existing and new developments
(as these connections will, in almost all cases, provide the optimum solution).
115. The number of radio and electronic communications masts, and the sites for such
installations, should be kept to a minimum consistent with the needs of consumers,
the efficient operation of the network and providing reasonable capacity for future
expansion. Use of existing masts, buildings and other structures for new electronic
communications capability (including wireless) should be encouraged. Where new
sites are required (such as for new 5G networks, or for connected transport and
smart city applications), equipment should be sympathetically designed and
camouflaged where appropriate.
116. Local planning authorities should not impose a ban on new electronic
communications development in certain areas, impose blanket Article 4 directions
over a wide area or a wide range of electronic communications development, or
insist on minimum distances between new electronic communications development
and existing development. They should ensure that:
b) they have considered the possibility of the construction of new buildings or other
structures interfering with broadcast and electronic communications services.
c) for a new mast or base station, evidence that the applicant has explored the
possibility of erecting antennas on an existing building, mast or other structure
and a statement that self-certifies that, when operational, International
Commission guidelines will be met.
118. Local planning authorities must determine applications on planning grounds only.
They should not seek to prevent competition between different operators, question
the need for an electronic communications system, or set health safeguards
different from the International Commission guidelines for public exposure.
11. Making effective use of land
119. Planning policies and decisions should promote an effective use of land in meeting
the need for homes and other uses, while safeguarding and improving the
environment and ensuring safe and healthy living conditions. Strategic policies
should set out a clear strategy for accommodating objectively assessed needs, in a
way that makes as much use as possible of previously-developed or ‘brownfield’
land 47.
a) encourage multiple benefits from both urban and rural land, including through
mixed use schemes and taking opportunities to achieve net environmental gains
– such as developments that would enable new habitat creation or improve
public access to the countryside;
b) recognise that some undeveloped land can perform many functions, such as for
wildlife, recreation, flood risk mitigation, cooling/shading, carbon storage or food
c) give substantial weight to the value of using suitable brownfield land within
settlements for homes and other identified needs, and support appropriate
opportunities to remediate despoiled, degraded, derelict, contaminated or
unstable land;
121. Local planning authorities, and other plan-making bodies, should take a proactive
role in identifying and helping to bring forward land that may be suitable for meeting
development needs, including suitable sites on brownfield registers or held in public
ownership, using the full range of powers available to them. This should include
identifying opportunities to facilitate land assembly, supported where necessary by
compulsory purchase powers, where this can help to bring more land forward for
meeting development needs and/or secure better development outcomes.
47 Except where this would conflict with other policies in this Framework, including causing harm to
designated sites of importance for biodiversity.
48 As part of this approach, plans and decisions should support efforts to identify and bring back into
residential use empty homes and other buildings, supported by the use of compulsory purchase powers
where appropriate.
122. Planning policies and decisions need to reflect changes in the demand for land.
They should be informed by regular reviews of both the land allocated for
development in plans, and of land availability. Where the local planning authority
considers there to be no reasonable prospect of an application coming forward for
the use allocated in a plan:
a) it should, as part of plan updates, reallocate the land for a more deliverable use
that can help to address identified needs (or, if appropriate, deallocate a site
which is undeveloped); and
b) in the interim, prior to updating the plan, applications for alternative uses on the
land should be supported, where the proposed use would contribute to meeting
an unmet need for development in the area.
123. Local planning authorities should also take a positive approach to applications for
alternative uses of land which is currently developed but not allocated for a specific
purpose in plans, where this would help to meet identified development needs. In
particular, they should support proposals to:
a) use retail and employment land for homes in areas of high housing demand,
provided this would not undermine key economic sectors or sites or the vitality
and viability of town centres, and would be compatible with other policies in this
Framework; and
b) make more effective use of sites that provide community services such as
schools and hospitals, provided this maintains or improves the quality of service
provision and access to open space.
a) the identified need for different types of housing and other forms of
development, and the availability of land suitable for accommodating it;
c) the availability and capacity of infrastructure and services – both existing and
proposed – as well as their potential for further improvement and the scope to
promote sustainable travel modes that limit future car use;
125. Area-based character assessments, design guides and codes and masterplans can
be used to help ensure that land is used efficiently while also creating beautiful and
sustainable places. Where there is an existing or anticipated shortage of land for
meeting identified housing needs, it is especially important that planning policies
and decisions avoid homes being built at low densities, and ensure that
developments make optimal use of the potential of each site. In these
a) plans should contain policies to optimise the use of land in their area and meet
as much of the identified need for housing as possible. This will be tested
robustly at examination, and should include the use of minimum density
standards for city and town centres and other locations that are well served by
public transport. These standards should seek a significant uplift in the average
density of residential development within these areas, unless it can be shown
that there are strong reasons why this would be inappropriate;
b) the use of minimum density standards should also be considered for other parts
of the plan area. It may be appropriate to set out a range of densities that reflect
the accessibility and potential of different areas, rather than one broad density
range; and
c) local planning authorities should refuse applications which they consider fail to
make efficient use of land, taking into account the policies in this Framework. In
this context, when considering applications for housing, authorities should take
a flexible approach in applying policies or guidance relating to daylight and
sunlight, where they would otherwise inhibit making efficient use of a site (as
long as the resulting scheme would provide acceptable living standards).
12. Achieving well-designed places
126. The creation of high quality, beautiful and sustainable buildings and places is
fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve. Good
design is a key aspect of sustainable development, creates better places in which
to live and work and helps make development acceptable to communities. Being
clear about design expectations, and how these will be tested, is essential for
achieving this. So too is effective engagement between applicants, communities,
local planning authorities and other interests throughout the process.
127. Plans should, at the most appropriate level, set out a clear design vision and
expectations, so that applicants have as much certainty as possible about what is
likely to be acceptable. Design policies should be developed with local communities
so they reflect local aspirations, and are grounded in an understanding and
evaluation of each area’s defining characteristics. Neighbourhood planning groups
can play an important role in identifying the special qualities of each area and
explaining how this should be reflected in development, both through their own
plans and by engaging in the production of design policy, guidance and codes by
local planning authorities and developers.
128. To provide maximum clarity about design expectations at an early stage, all
local planning authorities should prepare design guides or codes consistent with
the principles set out in the National Design Guide and National Model Design
Code, and which reflect local character and design preferences. Design guides and
codes provide a local framework for creating beautiful and distinctive places with a
consistent and high quality standard of design. Their geographic coverage, level of
detail and degree of prescription should be tailored to the circumstances and scale
of change in each place, and should allow a suitable degree of variety.
129. Design guides and codes can be prepared at an area-wide, neighbourhood or site-
specific scale, and to carry weight in decision-making should be produced either as
part of a plan or as supplementary planning documents. Landowners and
developers may contribute to these exercises, but may also choose to prepare
design codes in support of a planning application for sites they wish to develop.
Whoever prepares them, all guides and codes should be based on effective
community engagement and reflect local aspirations for the development of their
area, taking into account the guidance contained in the National Design Guide and
the National Model Design Code. These national documents should be used to
guide decisions on applications in the absence of locally produced design guides or
design codes.
a) will function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short
term but over the lifetime of the development;
c) are sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built
environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging
appropriate innovation or change (such as increased densities);
f) create places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health
and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users49;
and where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the
quality of life or community cohesion and resilience.
131. Trees make an important contribution to the character and quality of urban
environments, and can also help mitigate and adapt to climate change. Planning
policies and decisions should ensure that new streets are tree-lined 50, that
opportunities are taken to incorporate trees elsewhere in developments (such as
parks and community orchards), that appropriate measures are in place to secure
the long-term maintenance of newly-planted trees, and that existing trees are
retained wherever possible. Applicants and local planning authorities should work
with highways officers and tree officers to ensure that the right trees are planted in
the right places, and solutions are found that are compatible with highways
standards and the needs of different users.
132. Design quality should be considered throughout the evolution and assessment of
individual proposals. Early discussion between applicants, the local planning
authority and local community about the design and style of emerging schemes is
important for clarifying expectations and reconciling local and commercial interests.
Applicants should work closely with those affected by their proposals to evolve
designs that take account of the views of the community. Applications that can
demonstrate early, proactive and effective engagement with the community should
be looked on more favourably than those that cannot.
133. Local planning authorities should ensure that they have access to, and make
appropriate use of, tools and processes for assessing and improving the design of
development. These include workshops to engage the local community, design
advice and review arrangements, and assessment frameworks such as Building for
a Healthy Life 51. These are of most benefit if used as early as possible in the
evolution of schemes, and are particularly important for significant projects such as
large scale housing and mixed use developments. In assessing applications, local
49 Planning policies for housing should make use of the Government’s optional technical standards for
accessible and adaptable housing, where this would address an identified need for such properties. Policies
may also make use of the nationally described space standard, where the need for an internal space
standard can be justified.
50 Unless, in specific cases, there are clear, justifiable and compelling reasons why this would be
51 Birkbeck D and Kruczkowski S et al (2020) Building for a Healthy Life
planning authorities should have regard to the outcome from these processes,
including any recommendations made by design review panels.
134. Development that is not well designed should be refused, especially where it fails to
reflect local design policies and government guidance on design 52, taking into
account any local design guidance and supplementary planning documents such
as design guides and codes. Conversely, significant weight should be given to:
135. Local planning authorities should seek to ensure that the quality of approved
development is not materially diminished between permission and completion, as a
result of changes being made to the permitted scheme (for example through
changes to approved details such as the materials used).
136. The quality and character of places can suffer when advertisements are poorly
sited and designed. A separate consent process within the planning system
controls the display of advertisements, which should be operated in a way which is
simple, efficient and effective. Advertisements should be subject to control only in
the interests of amenity and public safety, taking account of cumulative impacts.
52 Contained in the National Design Guide and National Model Design Code.
13. Protecting Green Belt land
137. The Government attaches great importance to Green Belts. The fundamental aim
of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open;
the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their
139. The general extent of Green Belts across the country is already established. New
Green Belts should only be established in exceptional circumstances, for example
when planning for larger scale development such as new settlements or major
urban extensions. Any proposals for new Green Belts should be set out in strategic
policies, which should:
b) set out whether any major changes in circumstances have made the adoption of
this exceptional measure necessary;
d) demonstrate the necessity for the Green Belt and its consistency with strategic
policies for adjoining areas; and
e) show how the Green Belt would meet the other objectives of the Framework.
140. Once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered where exceptional
circumstances are fully evidenced and justified, through the preparation or updating
of plans. Strategic policies should establish the need for any changes to Green Belt
boundaries, having regard to their intended permanence in the long term, so they
can endure beyond the plan period. Where a need for changes to Green Belt
boundaries has been established through strategic policies, detailed amendments
to those boundaries may be made through non-strategic policies, including
neighbourhood plans.
141. Before concluding that exceptional circumstances exist to justify changes to Green
Belt boundaries, the strategic policy-making authority should be able to
demonstrate that it has examined fully all other reasonable options for meeting its
identified need for development. This will be assessed through the examination of
its strategic policies, which will take into account the preceding paragraph, and
whether the strategy:
142. When drawing up or reviewing Green Belt boundaries, the need to promote
sustainable patterns of development should be taken into account. Strategic policy-
making authorities should consider the consequences for sustainable development
of channelling development towards urban areas inside the Green Belt boundary,
towards towns and villages inset within the Green Belt or towards locations beyond
the outer Green Belt boundary. Where it has been concluded that it is necessary to
release Green Belt land for development, plans should give first consideration to
land which has been previously-developed and/or is well-served by public
transport. They should also set out ways in which the impact of removing land from
the Green Belt can be offset through compensatory improvements to the
environmental quality and accessibility of remaining Green Belt land.
a) ensure consistency with the development plan’s strategy for meeting identified
requirements for sustainable development;
c) where necessary, identify areas of safeguarded land between the urban area
and the Green Belt, in order to meet longer-term development needs stretching
well beyond the plan period;
d) make clear that the safeguarded land is not allocated for development at the
present time. Planning permission for the permanent development of
safeguarded land should only be granted following an update to a plan which
proposes the development;
e) be able to demonstrate that Green Belt boundaries will not need to be altered at
the end of the plan period; and
f) define boundaries clearly, using physical features that are readily recognisable
and likely to be permanent.
144. If it is necessary to restrict development in a village primarily because of the
important contribution which the open character of the village makes to the
openness of the Green Belt, the village should be included in the Green Belt. If,
however, the character of the village needs to be protected for other reasons, other
means should be used, such as conservation area or normal development
management policies, and the village should be excluded from the Green Belt.
145. Once Green Belts have been defined, local planning authorities should plan
positively to enhance their beneficial use, such as looking for opportunities to
provide access; to provide opportunities for outdoor sport and recreation; to retain
and enhance landscapes, visual amenity and biodiversity; or to improve damaged
and derelict land.
146. The National Forest and Community Forests offer valuable opportunities for
improving the environment around towns and cities, by upgrading the landscape
and providing for recreation and wildlife. The National Forest Strategy and an
approved Community Forest Plan may be a material consideration in preparing
development plans and in deciding planning applications. Any development
proposals within the National Forest and Community Forests in the Green Belt
should be subject to the normal policies for controlling development in Green Belts.
148. When considering any planning application, local planning authorities should
ensure that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. ‘Very special
circumstances’ will not exist unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason
of inappropriateness, and any other harm resulting from the proposal, is clearly
outweighed by other considerations.
149. A local planning authority should regard the construction of new buildings as
inappropriate in the Green Belt. Exceptions to this are:
b) the provision of appropriate facilities (in connection with the existing use of land
or a change of use) for outdoor sport, outdoor recreation, cemeteries and burial
grounds and allotments; as long as the facilities preserve the openness of the
Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it;
d) the replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and
not materially larger than the one it replaces;
f) limited affordable housing for local community needs under policies set out in
the development plan (including policies for rural exception sites); and
g) limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed
land, whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary buildings),
which would:
‒ not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the
existing development; or
‒ not cause substantial harm to the openness of the Green Belt, where the
development would re-use previously developed land and contribute to
meeting an identified affordable housing need within the area of the local
planning authority.
150. Certain other forms of development are also not inappropriate in the Green Belt
provided they preserve its openness and do not conflict with the purposes of
including land within it. These are:
a) mineral extraction;
b) engineering operations;
d) the re-use of buildings provided that the buildings are of permanent and
substantial construction;
e) material changes in the use of land (such as changes of use for outdoor sport or
recreation, or for cemeteries and burial grounds); and
151. When located in the Green Belt, elements of many renewable energy projects will
comprise inappropriate development. In such cases developers will need to
demonstrate very special circumstances if projects are to proceed. Such very
special circumstances may include the wider environmental benefits associated
with increased production of energy from renewable sources.
14. Meeting the challenge of climate change,
flooding and coastal change
152. The planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future in a
changing climate, taking full account of flood risk and coastal change. It should help
to: shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions, minimise vulnerability and improve resilience; encourage the reuse of
existing resources, including the conversion of existing buildings; and support
renewable and low carbon energy and associated infrastructure.
b) can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as through its location,
orientation and design. Any local requirements for the sustainability of buildings
should reflect the Government’s policy for national technical standards.
155. To help increase the use and supply of renewable and low carbon energy and heat,
plans should:
a) provide a positive strategy for energy from these sources, that maximises the
potential for suitable development, and their future re-powering and life
extension, while ensuring that adverse impacts are addressed appropriately
(including cumulative landscape and visual impacts);
b) consider identifying suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy
sources, and supporting infrastructure, where this would help secure their
development; and
53 In line with the objectives and provisions of the Climate Change Act 2008.
c) identify opportunities for development to draw its energy supply from
decentralised, renewable or low carbon energy supply systems and for co-
locating potential heat customers and suppliers.
156. Local planning authorities should support community-led initiatives for renewable
and low carbon energy, including developments outside areas identified in local
plans or other strategic policies that are being taken forward through
neighbourhood planning.
157. In determining planning applications, local planning authorities should expect new
development to:
158. When determining planning applications53a for renewable and low carbon
development, local planning authorities should:
a) not require applicants to demonstrate the overall need for renewable or low
carbon energy, and recognise that even small-scale projects provide a valuable
contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions;
b) approve the application if its impacts are (or can be made) acceptable 54. Once
suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy have been identified in
plans, local planning authorities should expect subsequent applications for
commercial scale projects outside these areas to demonstrate that the
proposed location meets the criteria used in identifying suitable areas, and
53aWind energy development involving one or more turbines can also be permitted through Local
Development Orders, Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders. In the
case of Local Development Orders, it should be demonstrated that the planning impacts identified by the
affected local community have been appropriately addressed and the proposal has community support.
54Except for applications for the repowering and life-extension of existing wind turbines, a planning
application for wind energy development involving one or more turbines should not be considered
acceptable unless it is in an area identified as suitable for wind energy development in the development plan
or a supplementary planning document; and, following consultation, it can be demonstrated that the planning
impacts identified by the affected local community have been appropriately addressed and the proposal has
community support.
Planning and flood risk
159. Inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by
directing development away from areas at highest risk (whether existing or future).
Where development is necessary in such areas, the development should be made
safe for its lifetime without increasing flood risk elsewhere.
160. Strategic policies should be informed by a strategic flood risk assessment, and
should manage flood risk from all sources. They should consider cumulative
impacts in, or affecting, local areas susceptible to flooding, and take account of
advice from the Environment Agency and other relevant flood risk management
authorities, such as lead local flood authorities and internal drainage boards.
161. All plans should apply a sequential, risk-based approach to the location of
development – taking into account all sources of flood risk and the current and future
impacts of climate change – so as to avoid, where possible, flood risk to people and
property. They should do this, and manage any residual risk, by:
a) applying the sequential test and then, if necessary, the exception test as set out
d) where climate change is expected to increase flood risk so that some existing
development may not be sustainable in the long-term, seeking opportunities to
relocate development, including housing, to more sustainable locations.
162. The aim of the sequential test is to steer new development to areas with the lowest
risk of flooding from any source. Development should not be allocated or permitted
if there are reasonably available sites appropriate for the proposed development in
areas with a lower risk of flooding. The strategic flood risk assessment will provide
the basis for applying this test. The sequential approach should be used in areas
known to be at risk now or in the future from any form of flooding.
163. If it is not possible for development to be located in areas with a lower risk of
flooding (taking into account wider sustainable development objectives), the
exception test may have to be applied. The need for the exception test will depend
on the potential vulnerability of the site and of the development proposed, in line
with the Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification set out in Annex 3.
164. The application of the exception test should be informed by a strategic or site-
specific flood risk assessment, depending on whether it is being applied during plan
production or at the application stage. To pass the exception test it should be
demonstrated that:
a) the development would provide wider sustainability benefits to the community
that outweigh the flood risk; and
b) the development will be safe for its lifetime taking account of the vulnerability of
its users, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and, where possible, will
reduce flood risk overall.
165. Both elements of the exception test should be satisfied for development to be
allocated or permitted.
166. Where planning applications come forward on sites allocated in the development
plan through the sequential test, applicants need not apply the sequential test
again. However, the exception test may need to be reapplied if relevant aspects of
the proposal had not been considered when the test was applied at the plan-
making stage, or if more recent information about existing or potential flood risk
should be taken into account.
167. When determining any planning applications, local planning authorities should
ensure that flood risk is not increased elsewhere. Where appropriate, applications
should be supported by a site-specific flood-risk assessment 55. Development
should only be allowed in areas at risk of flooding where, in the light of this
assessment (and the sequential and exception tests, as applicable) it can be
demonstrated that:
a) within the site, the most vulnerable development is located in areas of lowest
flood risk, unless there are overriding reasons to prefer a different location;
b) the development is appropriately flood resistant and resilient such that, in the
event of a flood, it could be quickly brought back into use without significant
e) safe access and escape routes are included where appropriate, as part of an
agreed emergency plan.
168. Applications for some minor development and changes of use 56 should not be
subject to the sequential or exception tests but should still meet the requirements
for site-specific flood risk assessments set out in footnote 55.
55 A site-specific flood risk assessment should be provided for all development in Flood Zones 2 and 3. In
Flood Zone 1, an assessment should accompany all proposals involving: sites of 1 hectare or more; land
which has been identified by the Environment Agency as having critical drainage problems; land identified in
a strategic flood risk assessment as being at increased flood risk in future; or land that may be subject to
other sources of flooding, where its development would introduce a more vulnerable use.
56 This includes householder development, small non-residential extensions (with a footprint of less than
250m2) and changes of use; except for changes of use to a caravan, camping or chalet site, or to a mobile
home or park home site, where the sequential and exception tests should be applied as appropriate.
169. Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems unless there
is clear evidence that this would be inappropriate. The systems used should:
Coastal change
170. In coastal areas, planning policies and decisions should take account of the UK
Marine Policy Statement and marine plans. Integrated Coastal Zone Management
should be pursued across local authority and land/sea boundaries, to ensure
effective alignment of the terrestrial and marine planning regimes.
171. Plans should reduce risk from coastal change by avoiding inappropriate
development in vulnerable areas and not exacerbating the impacts of physical
changes to the coast. They should identify as a Coastal Change Management Area
any area likely to be affected by physical changes to the coast, and:
a) it will be safe over its planned lifetime and not have an unacceptable impact on
coastal change;
d) the development does not hinder the creation and maintenance of a continuous
signed and managed route around the coast 57.
173. Local planning authorities should limit the planned lifetime of development in a
Coastal Change Management Area through temporary permission and restoration
conditions, where this is necessary to reduce a potentially unacceptable level of
future risk to people and the development.
b) recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider
benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic
and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees
and woodland;
e) preventing new and existing development from contributing to, being put at
unacceptable risk from, or being adversely affected by, unacceptable levels of
soil, air, water or noise pollution or land instability. Development should,
wherever possible, help to improve local environmental conditions such as air
and water quality, taking into account relevant information such as river basin
management plans; and
175. Plans should: distinguish between the hierarchy of international, national and
locally designated sites; allocate land with the least environmental or amenity
value, where consistent with other policies in this Framework 58; take a strategic
approach to maintaining and enhancing networks of habitats and green
infrastructure; and plan for the enhancement of natural capital at a catchment or
landscape scale across local authority boundaries.
176. Great weight should be given to conserving and enhancing landscape and scenic
beauty in National Parks, the Broads and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
which have the highest status of protection in relation to these issues. The
conservation and enhancement of wildlife and cultural heritage are also important
considerations in these areas, and should be given great weight in National Parks
177. When considering applications for development within National Parks, the Broads
and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, permission should be refused for major
development 60 other than in exceptional circumstances, and where it can be
demonstrated that the development is in the public interest. Consideration of such
applications should include an assessment of:
a) the need for the development, including in terms of any national considerations,
and the impact of permitting it, or refusing it, upon the local economy;
b) the cost of, and scope for, developing outside the designated area, or meeting
the need for it in some other way; and
178. Within areas defined as Heritage Coast (and that do not already fall within one of
the designated areas mentioned in paragraph 176), planning policies and decisions
should be consistent with the special character of the area and the importance of its
conservation. Major development within a Heritage Coast is unlikely to be
appropriate, unless it is compatible with its special character.
a) Identify, map and safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider
ecological networks, including the hierarchy of international, national and locally
designated sites of importance for biodiversity61; wildlife corridors and stepping
stones that connect them; and areas identified by national and local
partnerships for habitat management, enhancement, restoration or creation 62;
59 English National Parks and the Broads: UK Government Vision and Circular 2010 provides further
guidance and information about their statutory purposes, management and other matters.
60 For the purposes of paragraphs 176 and 177, whether a proposal is ‘major development’ is a matter for
the decision maker, taking into account its nature, scale and setting, and whether it could have a significant
adverse impact on the purposes for which the area has been designated or defined.
61 Circular 06/2005 provides further guidance in respect of statutory obligations for biodiversity and
181. The following should be given the same protection as habitats sites:
182. The presumption in favour of sustainable development does not apply where the
plan or project is likely to have a significant effect on a habitats site (either alone or
in combination with other plans or projects), unless an appropriate assessment has
concluded that the plan or project will not adversely affect the integrity of the
habitats site.
63 For example, infrastructure projects (including nationally significant infrastructure projects, orders under
the Transport and Works Act and hybrid bills), where the public benefit would clearly outweigh the loss or
deterioration of habitat.
64 Potential Special Protection Areas, possible Special Areas of Conservation and proposed Ramsar sites
are sites on which Government has initiated public consultation on the scientific case for designation as a
Special Protection Area, candidate Special Area of Conservation or Ramsar site.
Ground conditions and pollution
183. Planning policies and decisions should ensure that:
a) a site is suitable for its proposed use taking account of ground conditions and
any risks arising from land instability and contamination. This includes risks
arising from natural hazards or former activities such as mining, and any
proposals for mitigation including land remediation (as well as potential impacts
on the natural environment arising from that remediation);
184. Where a site is affected by contamination or land stability issues, responsibility for
securing a safe development rests with the developer and/or landowner.
185. Planning policies and decisions should also ensure that new development is
appropriate for its location taking into account the likely effects (including
cumulative effects) of pollution on health, living conditions and the natural
environment, as well as the potential sensitivity of the site or the wider area to
impacts that could arise from the development. In doing so they should:
b) identify and protect tranquil areas which have remained relatively undisturbed
by noise and are prized for their recreational and amenity value for this reason;
c) limit the impact of light pollution from artificial light on local amenity, intrinsically
dark landscapes and nature conservation.
186. Planning policies and decisions should sustain and contribute towards compliance
with relevant limit values or national objectives for pollutants, taking into account
the presence of Air Quality Management Areas and Clean Air Zones, and the
cumulative impacts from individual sites in local areas. Opportunities to improve air
quality or mitigate impacts should be identified, such as through traffic and travel
management, and green infrastructure provision and enhancement. So far as
possible these opportunities should be considered at the plan-making stage, to
ensure a strategic approach and limit the need for issues to be reconsidered when
65See Explanatory Note to the Noise Policy Statement for England (Department for Environment, Food &
Rural Affairs, 2010).
determining individual applications. Planning decisions should ensure that any new
development in Air Quality Management Areas and Clean Air Zones is consistent
with the local air quality action plan.
187. Planning policies and decisions should ensure that new development can be
integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities (such as
places of worship, pubs, music venues and sports clubs). Existing businesses and
facilities should not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of
development permitted after they were established. Where the operation of an
existing business or community facility could have a significant adverse effect on
new development (including changes of use) in its vicinity, the applicant (or ‘agent
of change’) should be required to provide suitable mitigation before the
development has been completed.
188. The focus of planning policies and decisions should be on whether proposed
development is an acceptable use of land, rather than the control of processes or
emissions (where these are subject to separate pollution control regimes). Planning
decisions should assume that these regimes will operate effectively. Equally, where
a planning decision has been made on a particular development, the planning
issues should not be revisited through the permitting regimes operated by pollution
control authorities.
16. Conserving and enhancing the historic
189. Heritage assets range from sites and buildings of local historic value to those of the
highest significance, such as World Heritage Sites which are internationally
recognised to be of Outstanding Universal Value 66. These assets are an
irreplaceable resource, and should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their
significance, so that they can be enjoyed for their contribution to the quality of life of
existing and future generations 67.
190. Plans should set out a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the
historic environment, including heritage assets most at risk through neglect, decay
or other threats. This strategy should take into account:
191. When considering the designation of conservation areas, local planning authorities
should ensure that an area justifies such status because of its special architectural
or historic interest, and that the concept of conservation is not devalued through the
designation of areas that lack special interest.
192. Local planning authorities should maintain or have access to a historic environment
record. This should contain up-to-date evidence about the historic environment in
their area and be used to:
a) assess the significance of heritage assets and the contribution they make to
their environment; and
b) predict the likelihood that currently unidentified heritage assets, particularly sites
of historic and archaeological interest, will be discovered in the future.
66 Some World Heritage Sites are inscribed by UNESCO to be of natural significance rather than cultural
significance; and in some cases they are inscribed for both their natural and cultural significance.
67 The policies set out in this chapter relate, as applicable, to the heritage-related consent regimes for which
local planning authorities are responsible under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act
1990, as well as to plan-making and decision-making.
193. Local planning authorities should make information about the historic environment,
gathered as part of policy-making or development management, publicly
195. Local planning authorities should identify and assess the particular significance of
any heritage asset that may be affected by a proposal (including by development
affecting the setting of a heritage asset) taking account of the available evidence
and any necessary expertise. They should take this into account when considering
the impact of a proposal on a heritage asset, to avoid or minimise any conflict
between the heritage asset’s conservation and any aspect of the proposal.
196. Where there is evidence of deliberate neglect of, or damage to, a heritage asset,
the deteriorated state of the heritage asset should not be taken into account in any
197. In determining applications, local planning authorities should take account of:
Considering potential impacts
199. When considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a
designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation
(and the more important the asset, the greater the weight should be). This is
irrespective of whether any potential harm amounts to substantial harm, total loss
or less than substantial harm to its significance.
200. Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset (from its
alteration or destruction, or from development within its setting), should require
clear and convincing justification. Substantial harm to or loss of:
201. Where a proposed development will lead to substantial harm to (or total loss of
significance of) a designated heritage asset, local planning authorities should
refuse consent, unless it can be demonstrated that the substantial harm or total
loss is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm or
loss, or all of the following apply:
a) the nature of the heritage asset prevents all reasonable uses of the site; and
b) no viable use of the heritage asset itself can be found in the medium term
through appropriate marketing that will enable its conservation; and
d) the harm or loss is outweighed by the benefit of bringing the site back into use.
202. Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the
significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against
the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its
optimum viable use.
204. Local planning authorities should not permit the loss of the whole or part of a
heritage asset without taking all reasonable steps to ensure the new development
will proceed after the loss has occurred.
205. Local planning authorities should require developers to record and advance
understanding of the significance of any heritage assets to be lost (wholly or in part)
in a manner proportionate to their importance and the impact, and to make this
evidence (and any archive generated) publicly accessible 69. However, the ability to
record evidence of our past should not be a factor in deciding whether such loss
should be permitted.
206. Local planning authorities should look for opportunities for new development within
Conservation Areas and World Heritage Sites, and within the setting of heritage
assets, to enhance or better reveal their significance. Proposals that preserve those
elements of the setting that make a positive contribution to the asset (or which
better reveal its significance) should be treated favourably.
207. Not all elements of a Conservation Area or World Heritage Site will necessarily
contribute to its significance. Loss of a building (or other element) which makes a
positive contribution to the significance of the Conservation Area or World Heritage
Site should be treated either as substantial harm under paragraph 201 or less than
substantial harm under paragraph 202, as appropriate, taking into account the
relative significance of the element affected and its contribution to the significance
of the Conservation Area or World Heritage Site as a whole.
208. Local planning authorities should assess whether the benefits of a proposal for
enabling development, which would otherwise conflict with planning policies but
which would secure the future conservation of a heritage asset, outweigh the
disbenefits of departing from those policies.
69Copies of evidence should be deposited with the relevant historic environment record, and any archives
with a local museum or other public depository.
17. Facilitating the sustainable use of
209. It is essential that there is a sufficient supply of minerals to provide the
infrastructure, buildings, energy and goods that the country needs. Since minerals
are a finite natural resource, and can only be worked where they are found, best
use needs to be made of them to secure their long-term conservation.
a) provide for the extraction of mineral resources of local and national importance,
but not identify new sites or extensions to existing sites for peat extraction;
d) set out policies to encourage the prior extraction of minerals, where practical
and environmentally feasible, if it is necessary for non-mineral development to
take place;
e) safeguard existing, planned and potential sites for: the bulk transport, handling
and processing of minerals; the manufacture of concrete and concrete products;
and the handling, processing and distribution of substitute, recycled and
secondary aggregate material;
g) when developing noise limits, recognise that some noisy short-term activities,
which may otherwise be regarded as unacceptable, are unavoidable to facilitate
minerals extraction; and
h) ensure that worked land is reclaimed at the earliest opportunity, taking account
of aviation safety, and that high quality restoration and aftercare of mineral sites
takes place.
b) ensure that there are no unacceptable adverse impacts on the natural and
historic environment, human health or aviation safety, and take into account the
cumulative effect of multiple impacts from individual sites and/or from a number
of sites in a locality;
c) ensure that any unavoidable noise, dust and particle emissions and any blasting
vibrations are controlled, mitigated or removed at source 72, and establish
appropriate noise limits for extraction in proximity to noise sensitive properties;
d) not grant planning permission for peat extraction from new or extended sites;
e) provide for restoration and aftercare at the earliest opportunity, to be carried out
to high environmental standards, through the application of appropriate
conditions. Bonds or other financial guarantees to underpin planning conditions
should only be sought in exceptional circumstances;
f) consider how to meet any demand for the extraction of building stone needed
for the repair of heritage assets, taking account of the need to protect
designated sites; and
g) recognise the small-scale nature and impact of building and roofing stone
quarries, and the need for a flexible approach to the duration of planning
permissions reflecting the intermittent or low rate of working at many sites.
212. Local planning authorities should not normally permit other development proposals
in Mineral Safeguarding Areas if it might constrain potential future use for mineral
Maintaining supply
213. Minerals planning authorities should plan for a steady and adequate supply of
aggregates by:
71 Except in relation to the extraction of coal, where the policy at paragraph 217 of this Framework applies.
72 National planning guidance on minerals sets out how these policies should be implemented.
b) participating in the operation of an Aggregate Working Party and taking the
advice of that party into account when preparing their Local Aggregate
c) making provision for the land-won and other elements of their Local Aggregate
Assessment in their mineral plans, taking account of the advice of the
Aggregate Working Parties and the National Aggregate Co-ordinating Group as
appropriate. Such provision should take the form of specific sites, preferred
areas and/or areas of search and locational criteria as appropriate;
d) taking account of any published National and Sub National Guidelines on future
provision which should be used as a guideline when planning for the future
demand for and supply of aggregates;
f) maintaining landbanks of at least 7 years for sand and gravel and at least 10
years for crushed rock, whilst ensuring that the capacity of operations to supply
a wide range of materials is not compromised 73;
g) ensuring that large landbanks bound up in very few sites do not stifle
competition; and
214. Minerals planning authorities should plan for a steady and adequate supply of
industrial minerals by:
d) taking account of the need for provision of brick clay from a number of different
sources to enable appropriate blends to be made.
73 Longer periods may be appropriate to take account of the need to supply a range of types of aggregates,
locations of permitted reserves relative to markets, and productive capacity of permitted sites.
74 These reserves should be at least 10 years for individual silica sand sites; at least 15 years for cement
primary (chalk and limestone) and secondary (clay and shale) materials to maintain an existing plant, and for
silica sand sites where significant new capital is required; and at least 25 years for brick clay, and for cement
primary and secondary materials to support a new kiln.
Oil, gas and coal exploration and extraction
215. Minerals planning authorities should:
a) when planning for on-shore oil and gas development, clearly distinguish
between, and plan positively for, the three phases of development (exploration,
appraisal and production), whilst ensuring appropriate monitoring and site
restoration is provided for;
c) indicate any areas where coal extraction and the disposal of colliery spoil may
be acceptable;
d) encourage the capture and use of methane from coal mines in active and
abandoned coalfield areas; and
217. Planning permission should not be granted for the extraction of coal unless:
Annex 1: Implementation
218. The policies in this Framework are material considerations which should be taken
into account in dealing with applications from the day of its publication. Plans may
also need to be revised to reflect policy changes which this Framework has made.
219. However, existing policies should not be considered out-of-date simply because
they were adopted or made prior to the publication of this Framework. Due weight
should be given to them, according to their degree of consistency with this
Framework (the closer the policies in the plan to the policies in the Framework, the
greater the weight that may be given).
220. The policies in the original National Planning Policy Framework published in March
2012 will apply for the purpose of examining plans, where those plans were
submitted on or before 24 January 2019. Where such plans are withdrawn or
otherwise do not proceed to become part of the development plan, the policies
contained in this Framework will apply to any subsequent plan produced for the
area concerned.
221. For the purposes of the policy on larger-scale development in paragraph 22, this
applies only to plans that have not reached Regulation 19 of the Town and Country
Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (pre-submission) stage at
the point the previous version of this framework was published on 20 July 2021 (for
Spatial Development Strategies this would refer to consultation under section
335(2) of the Greater London Authority Act 1999).
222. For the purposes of the policy on renewable and low carbon energy and heat in
plans in paragraph 155, these policies apply only to plans that have not reached
Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England)
Regulations 2012 (pre-submission) stage, or that reach this stage within three
months, of the publication of this version. For Spatial Development Strategies, this
applies to plans that have not reached consultation under section 335(2) of the
Greater London Authority Act 1999, or are within three months of reaching this
stage. For all other plans, the policy contained in the corresponding paragraph in
the National Planning Policy Framework published in July 2021 will apply.
223. The Housing Delivery Test will apply the day following publication of the results, at
which point they supersede previously published results. Until new Housing
Delivery Test results are published, the previously published result should be used.
For the purpose of footnote 8 in this Framework, delivery of housing which was
substantially below the housing requirement means where the Housing Delivery
Test results:
a) for years 2016/17 to 2018/19 (Housing Delivery Test: 2019 Measurement,
published 13 February 2020), indicated that delivery was below 45% of housing
required over the previous three years;
224. The Government will continue to explore with individual areas the potential for
planning freedoms and flexibilities, for example where this would facilitate an
increase in the amount of housing that can be delivered.
Annex 2: Glossary
Affordable housing: housing for sale or rent, for those whose needs are not met by the
market (including housing that provides a subsidised route to home ownership and/or is
for essential local workers); and which complies with one or more of the following
a) Affordable housing for rent: meets all of the following conditions: (a) the rent is set in
accordance with the Government’s rent policy for Social Rent or Affordable Rent, or is
at least 20% below local market rents (including service charges where applicable); (b)
the landlord is a registered provider, except where it is included as part of a Build to
Rent scheme (in which case the landlord need not be a registered provider); and (c) it
includes provisions to remain at an affordable price for future eligible households, or
for the subsidy to be recycled for alternative affordable housing provision. For Build to
Rent schemes affordable housing for rent is expected to be the normal form of
affordable housing provision (and, in this context, is known as Affordable Private Rent).
b) Starter homes: is as specified in Sections 2 and 3 of the Housing and Planning Act
2016 and any secondary legislation made under these sections. The definition of a
starter home should reflect the meaning set out in statute and any such secondary
legislation at the time of plan-preparation or decision-making. Where secondary
legislation has the effect of limiting a household’s eligibility to purchase a starter home
to those with a particular maximum level of household income, those restrictions
should be used.
c) Discounted market sales housing: is that sold at a discount of at least 20% below
local market value. Eligibility is determined with regard to local incomes and local
house prices. Provisions should be in place to ensure housing remains at a discount
for future eligible households.
d) Other affordable routes to home ownership: is housing provided for sale that
provides a route to ownership for those who could not achieve home ownership
through the market. It includes shared ownership, relevant equity loans, other low cost
homes for sale (at a price equivalent to at least 20% below local market value) and
rent to buy (which includes a period of intermediate rent). Where public grant funding is
provided, there should be provisions for the homes to remain at an affordable price for
future eligible households, or for any receipts to be recycled for alternative affordable
housing provision, or refunded to Government or the relevant authority specified in the
funding agreement.
Air quality management areas: Areas designated by local authorities because they are
not likely to achieve national air quality objectives by the relevant deadlines.
Ancient or veteran tree: A tree which, because of its age, size and condition, is of
exceptional biodiversity, cultural or heritage value. All ancient trees are veteran trees. Not
all veteran trees are old enough to be ancient, but are old relative to other trees of the
same species. Very few trees of any species reach the ancient life-stage.
Ancient woodland: An area that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600 AD.
It includes ancient semi-natural woodland and plantations on ancient woodland sites
Annual position statement: A document setting out the 5 year housing land supply
position on 1st April each year, prepared by the local planning authority in consultation
with developers and others who have an impact on delivery.
Article 4 direction: A direction made under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning
(General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 which withdraws permitted
development rights granted by that Order.
Best and most versatile agricultural land: Land in grades 1, 2 and 3a of the Agricultural
Land Classification.
Brownfield land registers: Registers of previously developed land that local planning
authorities consider to be appropriate for residential development, having regard to criteria
in the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Registers) Regulations 2017. Local
planning authorities will be able to trigger a grant of permission in principle for residential
development on suitable sites in their registers where they follow the required procedures.
Build to Rent: Purpose built housing that is typically 100% rented out. It can form part of
a wider multi-tenure development comprising either flats or houses, but should be on the
same site and/or contiguous with the main development. Schemes will usually offer longer
tenancy agreements of three years or more, and will typically be professionally managed
stock in single ownership and management control.
Climate change mitigation: Action to reduce the impact of human activity on the climate
system, primarily through reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Community Right to Build Order: An Order made by the local planning authority (under
the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) that grants planning permission for a site-
specific development proposal or classes of development.
Decentralised energy: Local renewable and local low carbon energy sources.
Design code: A set of illustrated design requirements that provide specific, detailed
parameters for the physical development of a site or area. The graphic and written
components of the code should build upon a design vision, such as a masterplan or other
design and development framework for a site or area.
Design guide: A document providing guidance on how development can be carried out in
accordance with good design practice, often produced by a local authority.
Designated rural areas: National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and areas
designated as ‘rural’ under Section 157 of the Housing Act 1985.
Edge of centre: For retail purposes, a location that is well connected to, and up to 300
metres from, the primary shopping area. For all other main town centre uses, a location
within 300 metres of a town centre boundary. For office development, this includes
locations outside the town centre but within 500 metres of a public transport interchange.
In determining whether a site falls within the definition of edge of centre, account should
be taken of local circumstances.
Entry-level exception site: A site that provides entry-level homes suitable for first time
buyers (or equivalent, for those looking to rent), in line with paragraph 72 of this
Essential local workers: Public sector employees who provide frontline services in areas
including health, education and community safety – such as NHS staff, teachers, police,
firefighters and military personnel, social care and childcare workers.
Green infrastructure: A network of multi-functional green and blue spaces and other
natural features, urban and rural, which is capable of delivering a wide range of
environmental, economic, health and wellbeing benefits for nature, climate, local and
wider communities and prosperity.
Habitats site: Any site which would be included within the definition at regulation 8 of the
Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 for the purpose of those
regulations, including candidate Special Areas of Conservation, Sites of Community
Importance, Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas and any relevant
Marine Sites.
Heritage asset: A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having
a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its
heritage interest. It includes designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local
planning authority (including local listing).
Heritage coast: Areas of undeveloped coastline which are managed to conserve their
natural beauty and, where appropriate, to improve accessibility for visitors.
Historic environment: All aspects of the environment resulting from the interaction
between people and places through time, including all surviving physical remains of past
human activity, whether visible, buried or submerged, and landscaped and planted or
managed flora.
Housing Delivery Test: Measures net homes delivered in a local authority area against
the homes required, using national statistics and local authority data. The Secretary of
State will publish the Housing Delivery Test results for each local authority in England
every November.
International, national and locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity:
All international sites (Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas, and
Ramsar sites), national sites (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) and locally designated
sites including Local Wildlife Sites.
Irreplaceable habitat: Habitats which would be technically very difficult (or take a very
significant time) to restore, recreate or replace once destroyed, taking into account their
age, uniqueness, species diversity or rarity. They include ancient woodland, ancient and
veteran trees, blanket bog, limestone pavement, sand dunes, salt marsh and lowland fen.
Local Development Order: An Order made by a local planning authority (under the Town
and Country Planning Act 1990) that grants planning permission for a specific
development proposal or classes of development.
Local Enterprise Partnership: A body, designated by the Secretary of State for Housing,
Communities and Local Government, established for the purpose of creating or improving
the conditions for economic growth in an area.
Local housing need: The number of homes identified as being needed through the
application of the standard method set out in national planning guidance (or, in the context
of preparing strategic policies only, this may be calculated using a justified alternative
approach as provided for in paragraph 61 of this Framework).
Local planning authority: The public authority whose duty it is to carry out specific
planning functions for a particular area. All references to local planning authority include
the district council, London borough council, county council, Broads Authority, National
Park Authority, the Mayor of London and a development corporation, to the extent
appropriate to their responsibilities.
Local plan: A plan for the future development of a local area, drawn up by the local
planning authority in consultation with the community. In law this is described as the
development plan documents adopted under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act
2004. A local plan can consist of either strategic or non-strategic policies, or a combination
of the two.
Main town centre uses: Retail development (including warehouse clubs and factory
outlet centres); leisure, entertainment and more intensive sport and recreation uses
(including cinemas, restaurants, drive-through restaurants, bars and pubs, nightclubs,
casinos, health and fitness centres, indoor bowling centres and bingo halls); offices; and
arts, culture and tourism development (including theatres, museums, galleries and concert
halls, hotels and conference facilities).
Major development 75: For housing, development where 10 or more homes will be
provided, or the site has an area of 0.5 hectares or more. For non-residential development
75 Other than for the specific purposes of paragraphs 176 and 177 in this Framework.
it means additional floorspace of 1,000m2 or more, or a site of 1 hectare or more, or as
otherwise provided in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management
Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
Major hazard sites, installations and pipelines: Sites and infrastructure, including
licensed explosive sites and nuclear installations, around which Health and Safety
Executive (and Office for Nuclear Regulation) consultation distances to mitigate the
consequences to public safety of major accidents may apply.
Minerals resources of local and national importance: Minerals which are necessary to
meet society’s needs, including aggregates, brickclay (especially Etruria Marl and
fireclay), silica sand (including high grade silica sands), coal derived fly ash in single use
deposits, cement raw materials, gypsum, salt, fluorspar, shallow and deep-mined coal, oil
and gas (including conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons), tungsten, kaolin, ball
clay, potash, polyhalite and local minerals of importance to heritage assets and local
National trails: Long distance routes for walking, cycling and horse riding.
Natural Flood Management: managing flood and coastal erosion risk by protecting,
restoring and emulating the natural ‘regulating’ function of catchments, rivers, floodplains
and coasts.
Older people: People over or approaching retirement age, including the active, newly-
retired through to the very frail elderly; and whose housing needs can encompass
accessible, adaptable general needs housing through to the full range of retirement and
specialised housing for those with support or care needs.
Open space: All open space of public value, including not just land, but also areas of
water (such as rivers, canals, lakes and reservoirs) which offer important opportunities for
sport and recreation and can act as a visual amenity.
Original building: A building as it existed on 1 July 1948 or, if constructed after 1 July
1948, as it was built originally.
Out of centre: A location which is not in or on the edge of a centre but not necessarily
outside the urban area.
Out of town: A location out of centre that is outside the existing urban area.
People with disabilities: People have a disability if they have a physical or mental
impairment, and that impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their
ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. These persons include, but are not limited
to, people with ambulatory difficulties, blindness, learning difficulties, autism and mental
health needs.
Planning obligation: A legal agreement entered into under section 106 of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990 to mitigate the impacts of a development proposal.
Playing field: The whole of a site which encompasses at least one playing pitch as
defined in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)
(England) Order 2015.
and allotments; and land that was previously developed but where the remains of the
permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape.
Priority habitats and species: Species and Habitats of Principal Importance included in
the England Biodiversity List published by the Secretary of State under section 41 of the
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.
Renewable and low carbon energy: Includes energy for heating and cooling as well as
generating electricity. Renewable energy covers those energy flows that occur naturally
and repeatedly in the environment – from the wind, the fall of water, the movement of the
oceans, from the sun and also from biomass and deep geothermal heat. Low carbon
technologies are those that can help reduce emissions (compared to conventional use of
fossil fuels).
Rural exception sites: Small sites used for affordable housing in perpetuity where sites
would not normally be used for housing. Rural exception sites seek to address the needs
of the local community by accommodating households who are either current residents or
have an existing family or employment connection. A proportion of market homes may be
allowed on the site at the local planning authority’s discretion, for example where essential
to enable the delivery of affordable units without grant funding.
Significance (for heritage policy): The value of a heritage asset to this and future
generations because of its heritage interest. The interest may be archaeological,
architectural, artistic or historic. Significance derives not only from a heritage asset’s
physical presence, but also from its setting. For World Heritage Sites, the cultural value
described within each site’s Statement of Outstanding Universal Value forms part of its
Site of Special Scientific Interest: Sites designated by Natural England under the
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Stepping stones: Pockets of habitat that, while not necessarily connected, facilitate the
movement of species across otherwise inhospitable landscapes.
Strategic policies: Policies and site allocations which address strategic priorities in line
with the requirements of Section 19 (1B-E) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act
Supplementary planning documents: Documents which add further detail to the policies
in the development plan. They can be used to provide further guidance for development
on specific sites, or on particular issues, such as design. Supplementary planning
documents are capable of being a material consideration in planning decisions but are not
part of the development plan.
Sustainable transport modes: Any efficient, safe and accessible means of transport with
overall low impact on the environment, including walking and cycling, ultra low and zero
emission vehicles, car sharing and public transport.
Town centre: Area defined on the local authority’s policies map, including the primary
shopping area and areas predominantly occupied by main town centre uses within or
adjacent to the primary shopping area. References to town centres or centres apply to city
centres, town centres, district centres and local centres but exclude small parades of
shops of purely neighbourhood significance. Unless they are identified as centres in the
development plan, existing out-of-centre developments, comprising or including main town
centre uses, do not constitute town centres.
Transport assessment: A comprehensive and systematic process that sets out transport
issues relating to a proposed development. It identifies measures required to improve
accessibility and safety for all modes of travel, particularly for alternatives to the car such
as walking, cycling and public transport, and measures that will be needed deal with the
anticipated transport impacts of the development.
Travel plan: A long-term management strategy for an organisation or site that seeks to
deliver sustainable transport objectives and is regularly reviewed.
Annex 3: Flood risk vulnerability classification
• Essential transport infrastructure (including mass evacuation routes) which has to
cross the area at risk.
• Essential utility infrastructure which has to be located in a flood risk area for
operational reasons, including infrastructure for electricity supply including
generation, storage and distribution systems; and water treatment works that need
to remain operational in times of flood.
• Wind turbines.
• Solar farms
• Police and ambulance stations; fire stations and command centres;
telecommunications installations required to be operational during flooding.
• Emergency dispersal points.
• Basement dwellings.
• Caravans, mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent residential use.
• Installations requiring hazardous substances consent. (Where there is a
demonstrable need to locate such installations for bulk storage of materials with
port or other similar facilities, or such installations with energy infrastructure or
carbon capture and storage installations, that require coastal or water-side
locations, or need to be located in other high flood risk areas, in these instances the
facilities should be classified as ‘Essential Infrastructure’.)
• Hospitals
• Residential institutions such as residential care homes, children’s homes, social
services homes, prisons and hostels.
• Buildings used for dwelling houses, student halls of residence, drinking
establishments, nightclubs and hotels.
• Non–residential uses for health services, nurseries and educational establishments.
• Landfill* and sites used for waste management facilities for hazardous waste.
• Sites used for holiday or short-let caravans and camping, subject to a specific
warning and evacuation plan.
• Police, ambulance and fire stations which are not required to be operational during
• Buildings used for shops; financial, professional and other services; restaurants,
cafes and hot food takeaways; offices; general industry, storage and distribution;
non-residential institutions not included in the ‘more vulnerable’ class; and
assembly and leisure.
• Land and buildings used for agriculture and forestry.
• Waste treatment (except landfill* and hazardous waste facilities).
• Minerals working and processing (except for sand and gravel working).
• Water treatment works which do not need to remain operational during times of
• Sewage treatment works, if adequate measures to control pollution and manage
sewage during flooding events are in place.
• Car parks.
• Flood control infrastructure.
• Water transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.
• Sewage transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.
• Sand and gravel working.
• Docks, marinas and wharves.
• Navigation facilities.
• Ministry of Defence installations.
• Ship building, repairing and dismantling, dockside fish processing and refrigeration
and compatible activities requiring a waterside location.
• Water-based recreation (excluding sleeping accommodation).
• Lifeguard and coastguard stations.
• Amenity open space, nature conservation and biodiversity, outdoor sports and
recreation and essential facilities such as changing rooms.
• Essential ancillary sleeping or residential accommodation for staff required by uses
in this category, subject to a specific warning and evacuation plan.