International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
Mrunalini Deshmukh,
Department of Civil Engineering
Shree L R Tiwari College of Engineering
Thane-401107, Maharashtra, India
[email protected]
ABSTRACT- In this paper deals with the scrap concrete, get from the construction industry which is our biggest industrial waste
and can’t be recycled or can’t be reused. Here had tried to reuse and Replaced the fine aggregates by crushed demolished scrap
waste concrete. The all laboratory test are conducted on Sand, Cement and Concrete along with the Mix design and get
satisfactory result .These results are compared with the other standard mixes and get satisfactory result.
Key words- Concrete, Reucrete, Demolished Concrete, Fine aggregate, Sand.
I. INTRODUCTION waste rubble and to follow the specific rules for design and
production of this new concrete type.
Concrete has been around with us from many
centuries, the first known use of a material resembling
1.1 Waste Characterization Study
concrete was found by the Minoan Civilization around 2000
A huge amount of solid waste is generated annually from
construction and demolition activities. This has lead to the
promotion of waste recycling as a major measure to reduce
waste and to mitigate the harmful effects of construction
activities on the environment. Among these waste, concrete
apportions more than half of the total. The construction
industry conspicuous consumer of raw material of many
types and thus large material inventories are required to
sustain the growth. Among the various raw materials used in
construction, aggregates are important components for all
the construction activities and the demand in 2007 has seen
increase by 5%, to over 21 billion tones the largest being in
developing countries like china, India etc]. The use of swine
manure, animal fat, silica fume, empty palm fruit bunch,
citrus peels, fly ash, foundry sand, glass, plastic, carpet, and
concrete aggregate in construction is becoming increasingly
popular due to the shortage and increasing cost of raw
materials. This study present an initial understanding of the
current strengths and weaknesses of the practices intended
to support construction industry in developing effect policies
Fig. 1: Waste Characterization Study (Year 2015).
regarding uses of waste and recycled materials as
Amidst growing awareness on protection of environment
construction material.
Regardless of the replacement ratio, recycled aggregate and conservation of natural resources and this study is an
concrete (RAC) had a satisfactory performance, which did attempt to explore recycled concrete as a material of hope
not differ significantly from the performance of control for 21st century. Demolished waste obtained from a
concrete in this experimental research. However, for this to structure mainly made up of concrete. Demolished waste has
be fulfilled, it is necessary to use quality recycled concrete several foreign matter such as various type of finishes,
cladding materials, lumber, dirt, steel, hardware’s, woods,
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @ (Conference Issue)
International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
plastics etc, attached to them directly or indirectly. The aggregates “Reucrete Sand”). Fine aggregates “Reucrete
process of removal of impurities and crushing of rubble into Sand” can be manufactured by crushing the waste
suitable and desirable aggregate particle size can be carried demolished concrete manually or by stone crusher machine.
out in a continuous and sequential manner using appropriate
mechanical devices such as jaw crushers, impact crushers, 1.3 Characteristics of Recycled Aggregates
swing hammer crushers etc. There are three processes, for
The global consumption of natural sand is very high, due to
processing of demolished waste: Dry, Wet and Thermal, the extensive use of natural sand as a fine aggregate in the
which are used individually or in combination with one production of concrete. In general, the demand of natural
another. Due to high water absorption of recycled sand is quite high in developing countries to satisfy the rapid
aggregates, it is sometimes suggested to use pre-soaked infrastructure growth, in this situation developing country
aggregates for production of recycled aggregate. like India facing shortage in good quality of natural sand.
In major cities there is a surge in construction and REUCRETE: The Word Itself Indicate, “REU” Means
demolition concrete waste (CDCW) quantities causing an Reuse & “CRETE” Means Concrete.
adverse effect on the environment. The use of such waste as
Recycled fine-aggregate in concrete can be useful for both Reucrete May Also Be Defined As Concrete Which Is Been
environmental and economical aspects in the construction Mixed By Replacing Crushed Sand/River Sand By
industry. This study discusses the possibility to replace Crushed Demolished Concrete Waste.
natural/crushed fine aggregate with demolished concrete
waste (crushed fine aggregate “Reucrete Sand”) in structural 1.5 Pre-Requisites of Ideal Fine Aggregate are:
concrete. An investigation into the properties of recycled
concrete as a fine aggregate is made by using a method of It should be sharp.
crushing & grading of concrete rubble collected from
different demolition sites and locations around the locality. Clean.
A total of 45 concrete mixes cubes forming nine groups Durable.
have been casted. Groups has be designed to study the effect
of demolished concrete waste (crushed fine aggregates Angular.
“Reucrete Sand”) quality, content, cement dosage, use of
admixture and partial replacement of natural/crushed sand Fine.
etc. Tests have been carried out for different grade of
concrete. The concrete rubble could be transformed into It should give minimum voids.
useful recycled fine aggregate and used in concrete
production with properties suitable for most structural No silt and clay.
concrete applications in India. A significant reduction in the The sand must be of proper gradation.
properties of Recycled fine aggregate concrete made of
100% was seen when compared to natural/Crushed fine It should have particles from 150 microns to 4.75 mm in
Aggregate. proper proportion.
Durability, reliability and adequate in service performance
of these reused waste materials over the stipulated design 1.6 Concrete recycling
life of designed structures are of paramount importance to
structural designers. The production techniques of recycled When structures made of concrete are demolished or
aggregate, the mixture proportion, the physical property, the renovated, concrete recycling is an increasingly common
durability, the basic mechanical behavior and the structural
method of utilizing the rubble. Concrete was once routinely
performance of recycled aggregate concrete are mainly
investigated. The results indicate that it is feasible to reuse trucked to landfills for disposal, but recycling has a number
waste concrete and the recycled aggregate concrete which of benefits that have made it a more attractive option in this
can be adopted in both self-bearing members and load- age of greater environmental awareness, more
bearing members in civil engineering. environmental laws, and the desire to keep construction
Concrete is the main material used in construction in the costs down.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Therefore, it makes
economic and environmental sense to use recycled materials Concrete aggregate collected from demolition sites is put
in the making of new concrete for different applications. through a crushing machine. Crushing facilities accept only
The scope of the study is a comparative analysis of the uncontaminated concrete, which must be free of trash,
wood, paper and other such materials. Metals such as rebar
experimental results of the properties of fresh & hardened
are accepted, since they can be removed with magnets and
concrete with different replacement ratios of natural/crushed other sorting devices and melted down for recycling
sand with demolished concrete waste (crushed fine elsewhere. The remaining aggregate chunks are sorted by
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @ (Conference Issue)
International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
size. Larger chunks may go through the crusher again. After Bulk Density 20
crushing has taken place, other particulates are filtered out
through a variety of methods including hand-picking and 2.2.4 TESTS ON FRESH CONCRETE:
water flotation Slump Cone Test.
Deepening of the river courses. Fine Aggregates are important construction materials, both
for new constructions and maintenance. Fine Aggregates are
Causing bank slides. a valuable natural resource and it is our obligation to use it
sensibly, in particular in highly populated areas where the
Loss of vegetation on the bank of rivers. demand is great and costs may increase due to long
transportation distances. Good understanding of the basic
Exposing the intake well of water supply schemes. material properties, usage possibilities and quality is
significant for sensible use. It is further important for
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @ (Conference Issue)
International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
authorities to be up to date with locations and details of 5.5 TECHNICAL CHALLENGES
existing and potential quarries.
One of the main challenges in fine aggregate production is
The concrete industry is presently facing a growing, to obtain a satisfactory mass balance. Any excess fraction
public awareness relating to the environmental profile of that has to be kept on stock – or even more; deposited – will
their activities. Important areas of concern are: create an economic as well as an environmental problem.
Rapidly depleting sand resources this implies the need for
The non-renewable character of the natural resources, developing useful alternatives, e.g. crushed/manufactured
especially in regions facing a coming shortage of adequate hard rock, recycling, subsurface quarrying etc. A change to
local materials. alternative materials sources will then also necessitate the
development of new technologies for the end materials and
The environmental impact on neighborhood and society structures, a part of this being the materials and construction
(noise, pollution, effect on bio diversity) of the quarrying standards. Economically, reduced transport costs will more
and of the materials transport related to the quarrying or less balance higher cost relating to local quarrying and to
activities. a more expensive end product (e.g. higher cement
requirements and need for additives in some concretes.
Land use conflicts between quarrying and e.g. agriculture,
recreation, building sites, archaeology - especially in
densely populated regions.
A lack of sustainability in production, characterized by Applications:
inferior mass balance (i.e. high percentages of e.g. surplus
fines to be deposited) and a high energy consumption Crushed demolished concrete waste can be used in plain
needed pr. ton aggregate produced. cement concrete.
The potential environmental or health impact of the very It can be used in a RCC framed structure.
materials produced, due to e.g. leaching of heavy metals,
radioactivity, and to special minerals suspected to have It can also be used in a load bearing structure.
hazardous health properties.
It can also be used for the construction of the concrete
These questions in the relation between the aggregate
industry and its surrounding society will by far be
determinant for the industry’s survival.
The real challenge will be to merge the environmental issues
1. Benefits related to Demolished Waste concrete:
with the industrial ones; to create industrial plants, which
Demolished concrete (Reucrete) will produce high
are at the same time environmentally friendly and
strength, greater durability, greater workability, eco-
economically profitable, which integrate quarrying and
friendly and economy.
industrial production, and finally – for which there exist
2. Benefits related to Industry: Reduced cost of sand
plans for restoration and area use after completed quarrying
thereby reducing overall cost of concrete with less
transportation cost.
Knowledge of material properties may aid in the selection of
3. Benefits related to environment: Demolished waste
aggregate use to ensure optimum use of the resource, for
fine concrete will reduce the construction waste in very
instance high quality (and valuable) aggregate may be used
large volume hence reducing air pollution, with healthy
for the more expensive constructions whereas aggregates
and natural environment for development and growth of
with lower quality may be selected for massive fills where
quality demands are not as strict. Unnecessary damages to
the nature may be prevented; optimum exploitation of the 4. Benefits of Concrete: Concrete is one of the oldest and widely
resource may be achieved. Environmental effects may be used of construction materials and possesses many inherent
better estimated. All these are important goals on the way qualities which can be used to benefit the client, designer and
towards sustainable development. contractor.
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @ (Conference Issue)
International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
Variety of Specification - Concrete can be manufactured Silt Content 16.50 12.00 More than
to an inexhaustible range of specifications to suit all Limit
applications. This is possible by using different Specific 2.67 2.51 Within the
proportions of the natural ingredients or by the use of gravity Limit
different materials. Water 3.50 6.90 More than
Variety of Surface Finish - Building in concrete provides absorption Limit
an extraordinary range of surface finishes that can be Bulk Density 1.90 1.38 Within the
applied either when the concrete is still wet or once it has Limit
hardened, providing the opportunity for architectural Organic Absent Present Limit of
expression to go hand in hand with structural integrity. impurities (Retard 5% for
Flexibility of Shape and Form - Concrete can be the setting Uncrushe
moulded into any shape by using appropriate formwork. & d & 2%
This capability can be used to provide be spoke design Compressi for
solutions to specific problems and also aesthetically ve Crushed
pleasing finishes which often eliminate the need for further Strength) sand
fixings, e.g. false ceilings. Particle Presence Presence Limit 3%
Durability - Well designed and well placed concrete passing 75 of dust of dust for
offers exceptional durability and long life in any structure. micron particle particle uncrushed
Concrete structures built over 100 years ago, indeed as shall be shall be & limit
long ago as the Romans, are still in active service today. less than less than 15% for
15% 12% crushed
Environmentally Friendly - Concrete consists of sand
naturally occurring materials, produces no emissions and
needs no toxic preservatives. This is becoming an
increasingly important issue. CUBE TESTING REPORT.
Fire Resistance - Concrete is naturally and inherently fire
resistant and needs no additional application of fire Descripti 3 Days 7 Days 28 Remark
protection. on Result Result Days
(N/SQ (N/SQM Result
MM) M) (N/SQ
VII CONCLUSION Trial 266 25.77 38.51 48.88 Water
100% Saved
Concrete will continue to be a dominant construction material.
Crushed 450ml
Environmental impact can be reduced through design. Sand
Trial 267 23.55 35.40 43.55 Water
Notably Our Experimental study established that Reucrete Sand 90% Saved
satisfied the requirements of fine aggregate from the physical and Crushed 150ml
mechanical properties such as specific gravity, Fineness Modules, Sand +
Moisture Content, Silt content, Bulk Density and Gradation. 10%
The Mechanical properties of Reucrete sand depend on the Trial 268 27.69 31.25 45.03 Water
source of its raw material hence selection of a good quality of 80% Saved
Demolished waste is very important for obtaining quality fine Crushed 00ml
aggregate. Sand +
The Concrete cubes made out of combination of Crushed Sand
and Reucrete Sand
Trial 269 19.96 25.18 28.58 Extra
Reucrete Sand therefore offers a viable alternative to the 100% Water
Natural/Crushed sand. Reucrete added
Sand 400ml
Property Crushed Reucrete Remark Trial 270 12.57 16.69 21.62 Extra
Sand Sand 100% Water
Shape Cubical Cubical Satisfied Reucrete added
particle particle Sand 1000ml
Fineness 2.828 3.359 Within the (With
Modulus Limit Min
Moisture 2.39 0.00 Fully cement
Content Absent in content as
Reucrete per I.S
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @ (Conference Issue)
International Conference On Emanations in Modern Technology and Engineering (ICEMTE-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 46 - 52
Code, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Without A.S.L. Pauls college of Engineering & Technology,
Admixtur Coimbatore – 642 109, Tamilnadu, In
Crushed Reucrete Metal-I Metal-II
Sand Sand (10mm) (20mm)
finess modulus
moisture content
silt content
Specific Gravity
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