DIASS Week 7 Activity Sheets

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SECTION: __________________________________________
TEAM NUMBER: ____________________________________
TEAM LEADER: _____________________________________
TEAM MEMBERS: ___________________________________

Activity 1. Case Study Analysis

Directions: The team leader will read out loud for the team the case study text “Mobilizing Social Capital for Social Service
Delivery in Marginalized Coastal Communities in the Province of Iloilo” provided by the teacher. After reading the case of
Baybay Norte, Miag-ao, Iloilo, put a check mark on each role, function and competency of social work needed to address
the problems of Baybay Norte, Miag-ao, Iloilo. After checking each role, function and competency needed by the said barangay,
choose a representative to write the board and explain at least two roles, functions and competencies that your team has
checked from the list.

Roles of Social Work - provide direction for professional activities and are best situated in the context of the client
_________1. Enabler - helping people find solutions
_________2. Broker or advocates in case management
_________3. Teachers in information processing
_________4. Facilitator in aid of organizational development
_________5. Convener or mediator in aid of creating networks of people
_________6. Trainer for professional development
_________7. Planner - facilitating research and planning
_________8. Activist in aid of social action and community education
_________9. Catalysts/starters of community service
_________10. Researcher-scholars in aid of knowledge development and capacity building
_________11. Colleague and monitor - in aid of professional enculturation and socialization

NOTE: Options 1-3 are applicable for INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS. Options 4-6 are applicable for formal groups and
organizations. Options 7-9 are applicable for the COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY. Options 10-11 are applicable WITHIN THE

Functions of Social Work - are activities professionally performed by social workers

_________1. Consultancy - refers to professional activities through which social workers and their clients plan, initiate, and
pursue actions toward desired change.
_________2. Resource Management - refers to the act of coordinating, systematizing, and integrating resources and services
needed to support social functioning, meeting needs and resolving problems.
_________3. Education - refers to imparting/giving knowledge and critical information needed for empowerment practice that
facilitates informed decision making, increased abilities, and gain acces to opportunities and resources for a client.

COMPETENCIES OF SOCIAL WORK - cover all needed social skills and personality qualities important in the
professional social workers to perform their various roles and skills. According to Segal, Gerdes, and Steiner (2005),
funcitonal competencies that social workers should be capable of include:
_________1. Handle case management with various clients and population groups
_________2. Perform direct practice depending on the needs of the client and the environment in which the social worker
_________3. Conduct mediations among parties/groups especially if one party is socially disadvantaged
_________4. Make referrals to appropriate agencies and service sectors needed by the client
_________5. Perform program planning and administration in different settings
_________6. In mental health setting, function as case managers, advocates, administrators, therapists, and to use research as
basis for problem solving and empirically based practice
_________7. In school system, analyze the transactions/activities between students, teachers, parents and the school system
_________8. In the judicial system, make the system fairer and more beneficial to both convicted criminals and their victims
_________9. Pursue social change on behalf vulnerable and oppressed individuals, eliminating economic inequality and poverty

NOTE: In addition to the competencies above, social workers must have the capacities generic to all helping professions:

Directions: Form groups with 5 members (refer to the seat plan). Decode and discuss with your team members the areas of
specialization of social work described in each item on your activity sheet. Write your answers on the blanks before each
number. A representative from Team 1 will discuss an example/scenario for Area of Specialization number 1, Team 2 for Area
number 2, and so on until Team 5.

Areas of Specialization of Social Work

I L Y F A M D N A L D C I H A R E W E L F ______________________________________________1. This includes
services to families in situations that seriously disrupt family life such as physical or mental illness, unemployment, divorce, in
aid of improving client’s family life. In child welfare programs or services such as adoption, daycare, foster child care, and care
for children with disabilities and aiding physically or emotionally abused children and their families.
H E L A H T _________________2. Social workers help patients and their families in clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare
facilities. They provide physicians information about the social and economic background of patients, help patients and their
families deal with the impact of illness and death and counsel patients who have been discharged to help them return to
everyday life; provide counseling in maternal and child care; the care for dying patients and victims of certain diseases like HIV
or cancer.

L A T N E M H E L A H T ______________________________3. Social workers provide aid to people suffering from mental

and emotional stress and many other services similar to the ones offered by medical social workers. Many have training in
psychotherapy, the treatment of mental or emotional disorders using psychological methods.

S N O I T C E R R O C _________________________4. Social workers in corrections are involved with programs concerned

with the prevention of crime and the rehabilitation of criminals and provide counsel to people who are on probation or parole.

S H O O L C S _______________________5. Social work in school is part of the program on all levels, from preschool through
college. It includes services to students in special schools for individuals with emotional disturbances or physical disabilties.
Social workers in this setting provide vocational counseling, school adjustment counseling, and help with behavioral
management and personal problems. They also assist students who have learning difficulties and help them work to their

Directions: Form groups with 5 members (refer to the seat plan). Complete the graphic organizer by writing the career
opportunity described by the key words in each box.

Career Opportunities
(plans community projects/activities) of Social Work (performing supervision of community

(doing administrative functions) (conducting empirical (works in the school setting/

investigations/studies) education sector)


Undertake participant observation (e.g., a day in a life of a social worker in your barangay, school or the community) to
adequately document and critique their roles, functions, and competencies. For this participant observation, you have
to accomplish the following:

1. Interview the social worker by asking questions on what roles and functions he/she performs everday and what
competencies he/she exhibits while performing his/her daily activities.

2. Write the transcript of your interview. State the questions and the answer of the social worker you interviewed for each of
your questions focused on the above-mentioned topics on Guideline 1.

3. After writing the interview transcript, write a one paragraph reflection of your Team on the Roles, Functions and
Competencies of the social worker you interviewed.

4. Ask permission and take photos of the social worker while performing his/her duties. Take photos of you as interviewers
and your interviewees and post the same on MS Word format along with your interview transcript.

5. Standard format of output:

A. Use short sized bondpaper.

B. 1 inch margin on all sides

C. Font style: Arial

D. Font size: 11

E. Cover Page should comprise the following: Team Number, Team Members’ Names, Section, Name of Interviewee,
Date of Submission
F. Content of Output: 1) Profile of Interviewee; 2) Interview Transcript; 3) One Paragraph Team Reflection; and 4)
Photos during the Interview

6. Deadline: Second meeting next week

Rubric for Advocacy Performance Task:

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Poor
Content 20 17 14 11
Completeness and 10 8 6 4
On-time Submission
Organization 10 8 6 4
Descriptions for each rating scale are found on the rubrics (attached).


Research for the following topics:

- Rights, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities of Social Work
- Code of Ethics of Social Work

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