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• Costs 2 April 2022

Fromm £1.85 for subscribers
• Neighbours
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Quick fixes

Covid hits all-time high in Secret

UK as Easter holidays begin Six of the best
test to find out if they are infected, BA.2 is even more transmissible people who were not infected in the
 Saturday
Nicola Davis and Hannah Devlin whether symptomatic or not. than the original Omicron variant, previous Omicron wave and is likely
While UK hospital admissions and BA.1, but data suggests that while to follow a short, sharp trajectory as
deaths are also rising, these are not infection with BA.2 after contract- has been seen in Denmark and the
Covid has hit an all-time high across in line with the rise in infections and ing BA.1 is possible, it is very rare – at Netherlands, scientists said.
the UK, with almost 5 million peo- scientists said they expected levels least at present. Paul Hunter, professor of medicine
ple estimated to have the virus – one to fall sharply again in April and May. This means the latest Covid wave at the University of East Anglia, said
in 13 – prompting experts to call for Kara Steel, a senior statistician for is, to a large extent, sweeping through there was evidence infections could
the immediate return of free testing. the ONS survey, which estimated be starting to fall. “I expect we’ll see
The new figures from the Office community cases in the week end- rates falling quite rapidly through
for National Statistics (ONS) came ing 26 March, said the growth of Inside April and May and hopefully hospi-
on the day the government ended Omicron variant BA.2 was fuelling Your Covid etiquette guide: so talisations will start falling in the next
free rapid tests for most people in the rapid rise. The removal of Covid what are the rules now and when week or so,” he said. “Any infection
England and as large numbers of Brit- restrictions and a shift towards should you emerge from isolation? that spreads rapidly peaks quickly
ons were hoping to embark on Easter pre-pandemic behaviour were also Page 2 and decreases rapidly on
2 
holidays. Many will have to pay for a contributing to the case numbers. the other side.”

Prince  Feast

and the
£1m puzzle
Calls to
Page 4 


• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

02/04/2022 News

 Continued from page 1 their removal was unlikely make a

Inside your major difference to overall rates.

Saturday paper Covid hits all-time

But he added: “Lateral flow tests
remain useful in high-risk settings
high in UK as Easter such as health care and social care
and in other residential settings
holidays begin prone to outbreaks such as prisons
and homeless venues.
“They also remain helpful as a
The Covid landscape is now very means of protecting vulnerable
ISSU E № 2 7 | 2 A PR I L 202 2
different from the early days of the contacts by testing before visiting,
pandemic: 68% of UK over-12s have particularly during periods when
had three doses of a Covid jab and, infection levels are so high, and of
while vaccines have not severed the self-diagnosing symptomatic infec-
link between infections, hospital tion and isolating appropriately.”
admissions and deaths, they have According to the latest ONS data,
weakened it. based on swabs from randomly
YOU MIGHT HAVE TO RUN ANY SECOND However, hospital admissions selected households, about 7.6% (one
have reached record highs in Scot- in 13) of the population in England had
2-8 April 2022
land in recent days, with 19,534 Covid Covid in the week ending 26 March
patients on wards across the UK on Devi Sridhar of the University of Edin- ▲ Shoppers in – the highest figure recorded by the
Wednesday. While the proportion burgh also voiced disquiet about the London in 2021 survey since it began in April 2020.

IN THE primarily being treated for corona- end of free tests. when mask rules Infection levels have risen across all
SHADOW virus has fallen since the arrival of “Looking at the next few months were relaxed. regions of England but were highest
OF Omicron, both the numbers of peo- in Britain, we’re in a pretty good posi- Some think in the south-west, where 9.4% are
BY ple in hospital “with” and “because tion compared to most countries in they should still estimated to have had Covid.
MARK of” Covid are rising. the world. [But] we’re still having a be widely worn Infection levels have plateaued
LAWSON Dr David Strain, a senior clinical couple of hundred people die every PHOTOGRAPH: among children and young adults but
lecturer at the University of Exeter day and letting testing go – I’m quite JEFF MOORE continue to rise among those aged 25
medical school, said he was seeing concerned about that.” and over, with about 6.6% of people
people testing positive with Covid Dr Julian Tang, a clinical virologist aged 70 and over infected – a record
In England, about one in 13 people
for longer – meaning lengthier hospi- at Leicester University, said he high for that age group.
Thomasina Miers
Greek lamb, tomato
and feta orzo
Ravinder Bhogal
Punjabi kidney beans tested positive for Covid-19 in the
with saffron rice
tal stays and staff absences. Infection believed the mask mandate, surveil- Infection levels remain high in
week ending 26 March
Ixta Belfrage
Vegan ‘caesar’ salad

levels are rising while vaccine-based lance studies and free testing could Scotland and Northern Ireland, with
Brian Danclair
Curry goat with
rice and peas
Felicity Cloake Average % of the population testing
immunity, particularly among older have been kept in place for longer one in 12 and one in 15 people infected
Perfect nasi lemak
Tom Hunt
Fridge-raid borsch
Benjamina Ebuehi
positive for Covid-19
Banana custard
brioche buns
Rachel Roddy
people, is waning, he warned. – although he acknowledged other respectively, and have continued to
Pearl barley, lentil
and vegetable soup
Grace Dent
‘This is the place
whose owner doesn’t
Plans to end free lateral flow tests demands on resources and funding. rise in Wales where they have reached
like Guardian readers’
(LFTs) and other measures were “I think we probably have to ride this 6
one in 14 – the highest since the sur-
made in the light of BA.1, but BA.2 out – as part of learning to live with vey began there in July 2020.
Tickled pink
Ottolenghi’s ceviche with rhubarb
had changed the picture, he said, Covid-19 as it becomes more seasonal 4 LFTs are now available from shops
adding: “Until the [spring] booster and endemic – as we do with seasonal such as Boots and Tesco. A Guardian
Issue No.219
Saturday 2 April 2022 Supported by
programme can be implemented and flu,” he said. 2 search of online marketplaces yester-
evaluated I think [it is] too early to be Prof Andrew Hayward, co-director day found little sign of people trying
getting rid of free tests.” He said mask of the UCL institute of epidemiol- 0 to sell on kits they had received free
Cryptic crossword wearing should also return. ogy and health care, said while LFTs Jul
Nov Mar
Jul Nov Mar
from the NHS, as seen earlier in the
Speaking at a Royal Society of Med- would have contributed to control, year. eBay previously said Covid tests
Journal page 12 icine conference on Thursday, Prof uptake had been patchy meaning Source: ONS were banned on its platform.

Killer sudoku
Journal page 12
Covid etiquette
Puzzles and quick How long should you isolate for now and when to test?
crossword When should I do a test – if at all? reduce transmission in crowded Do I need to self-isolate and, if so, stay at home and avoid contact
Pages 57-58 The official end of free testing kits indoor spaces and when in for how long? with other people for five days
(although they have been hard to prolonged proximity to others. The The requirement to self-isolate for after the day you took your test,
Weather come by for some time) means that extra layer of protection also means five full days has been replaced or three days for children.
those under 75 and not shielding that if you are exposed to Covid, with advice to avoid others “It’s worth remembering that
Page 59 have to pay about £2 a test from you are likely to receive a lower “until you no longer have a high we’re only picking up about one in
a chemist or supermarket. There dose of the virus, which could temperature (if you had one) or eight infections through testing,”
is no legal requirement to test, reduce the severity of symptoms until you no longer feel unwell”. Hunter added. “Whatever I do,
Contact but given that Covid symptoms if infected. “The evidence for this Hunter says this is broadly there are seven other people
For missing sections call 0800 839 100. overlap with seasonal respiratory isn’t cast-iron, but it’s likely to be sensible since people tend to be wandering around with no clue
For individual departments, call the Guardian
switchboard: 020 3353 2000.
infections and hay fever, without the case,” said Hunter. at their most infectious in the that they’ve got Covid so even
For the Readers’ editor (corrections testing there is no clear way to For many, there is also an early stage of infection and while isolating everybody who knows
&  clarifications on specific editorial content), call know if you’re infected. element of etiquette. “If I go into a symptomatic. “I’d isolate as long as they are positive isn’t going to
020 3353 4736 between 10am and 1pm UK time
Monday to Friday excluding public holidays, or
Paul Hunter, a professor of shop and it’s crowded I’ll put on a I was quite ill,” he said. “If I wasn’t make a massive difference.”
email [email protected]. medicine at the University of East face covering,” said Hunter. “If it’s that ill, I’d expect three to five days
Letters for publication should be sent to Anglia, suggests taking a test, if not really crowded but lots of other or until I was well on the way to What are the symptoms?
[email protected] or the
address on the letters page. possible, if you have symptoms. people are wearing masks, I’ll still getting over it before I’d go back The government now gives a list
It is also worth noting that put one on as a courtesy.” into society.” of symptoms of “Covid-19, flu and
SUPPORT while for most individuals However, the advice becomes a common respiratory infections”
The recycled paper
content of UK newspapers
Covid is now less of a risk than What should I do if I have bit stricter for those who actually rather than attempting a specific
in 2017 was 64.6%
seasonal flu, this is not the case symptoms? confirm infection with a test. In list for Covid. At the top of the
Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, for everybody and the elderly and There is no longer a legal this case the guidance is to try to list are a continuous cough,
London N1 9GU. 020-3353 2000. Fax 020-7837 2114. immunocompromised remain at requirement to test or self-isolate, high temperature and loss of,
In Manchester: Centurion House, 129 Deansgate,
Manchester M3 3WR. Telephone Sales: 020-7611 9000.
particular risk. This is especially but if you have any of the main or change in, sense of taste or
The Guardian lists links to third-party websites, but the case for those who had their symptoms or a positive test result, smell. However, the latest data
does not endorse them or guarantee their authenticity last vaccine dose six months ago the public health advice is to stay from the Zoe app suggests the
or accuracy. Back issues from Historic Newspapers:
0870-165 1470 guardian.backissuenewspapers.co.uk. and are now due a booster. at home, avoid contact with other most common current symptom
Published by Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, For children, the advice is now people and to try to work from for those with Covid is a runny
90 York Way, London N1 9GU, and at Centurion House, that testing is not recommended home. For children, the advice is nose (reported by eight out of
129 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WR. Printed at Reach
Watford Limited, St Albans Road, Watford, Herts unless you are directed to test by a that those with mild symptoms 10 people), followed by fatigue,
WD24 7RG; Reach Oldham Limited, Hollinwood Avenue, health professional. (runny nose, slight cough) can a sore throat, headache and
Chadderton, Oldham OL9 8EP; Reach Saltire Ltd,
110 Fifty Pitches Place, Glasgow G51 4EA; and by
continue to attend school, but sneezing. Far fewer people are
Irish Times Print Facility, 4080 Kingswood Road, When should I wear a mask? those who have a temperature or reporting an altered sense of taste
Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. No. 54,621, Masks are no longer mandatory, are feeling unwell should stay at ▲ This week marked the end of free or smell in the latest wave.
Saturday 2 April 2022. Registered as a newspaper at
the Post Office ISSN 0261-3077. but there is evidence that they home until they feel better. lateral flow testing kits Hannah Devlin
••• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

4 News

more than three minutes to a room at

‘Why didn’t
St James’s Palace filled with “CEOs,
Andrew influencers, angels, mentors and
immediately business partners”.
raise In 2019, Turk’s company, Heyman
questions AI, won the people’s choice award,
and pay the which is voted for by the audience.
money back?’ The company went bust about 18
months later.
Graham In her witness statement to the
Smith court, translated from Turkish and
Republic seen by the Guardian, Isbilen, 77, said
Turk had invited her to the event and
she attended. “I can only wonder if
there is any connection between this
event and the Duke of York transfer,”
she states.
A “particulars of claim” document
for the case against Turk, seen by the
Guardian, says: “In or around Novem-
ber 2019, Mr Turk told Mrs Isbilen that
she needed to make a purported ‘gift’
of £750,000 to HRH Duke of York by
way of payment for assistance that
he told her HRH Duke of York had
provided in relation to Mrs Isbilen’s
Turkish passport.”
The document claims the passport
suggestion was a ruse. It continues:
“The representation that Mrs Isbilen
needed to make a gift to HRH Duke of
York in connection with her passport
(or for any other purpose) was false,
and Mr Turk made it dishonestly,
knowing it to be false and intending
Mrs Isbilen to rely on it.’
In the ruling, Judge David Halpern
QC said a lawyer representing Isbilen
had said, in an affidavit, that informa-
tion had emerged to show evidence
given by Turk was “misleading”.
He said the solicitor, Jonathan
Tickner, had told him evidence
showed that “money was used for
purposes unconnected with Mrs
Isbilen, eg substantial sums were paid
to Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and
to Sarah, Duchess of York”.
The claim is part of a wider case
 Prince Andrew against Turk, and various businesses
recently settled associated with him, in the high court
a US sexual for the return of an estimated £40m.
assault case for Isbilen said she had trusted Turk
up to £12m as her financial adviser. She claimed
PHOTOGRAPH: she was fleeing political persecution
PARSONS MEDIA in Turkey. Her husband, the for-

Prince Andrew urged to explain £1m

mer deputy leader of the ruling AK
party, was imprisoned in 2015 after
an attempted coup in Turkey.
Ferguson’s case is that she received

payments from man accused of fraud

the funds from Turk’s business after
he took on a debt owed to her by
Pegasus, a solar power company,
which owed her payment for her role
as ambassador for the firm.
Her spokesperson said: “The duch-
application. Turk was the founder to comment while Ferguson’s spokes- person at Pitch@Palace and Andrew,” ess was completely unaware of the
Jamie Grierson and chief executive of Heyman AI, a person said she had been unaware of he said. allegations that have since emerged
digital bank which, nine days before the allegations against Turk. “It’s not credible he had no knowl- against Mr Turk. She is naturally
the payment, received an award from Andrew repaid the £750,000 edge of it and wasn’t aware it was paid concerned by what has been alleged
Prince Andrew is facing calls to Andrew at a Pitch@Palace event – a roughly 16 months after he received in. So why didn’t he immediately against him.”
explain why he received £1m in pay- Dragons’ Den-style project for entre- it and it remains unclear whether he raise questions and pay it back? He A spokesperson for Andrew said:
ments linked to a financier who is preneurs created by the duke. was aware of the money entering needs to be completely clear and hon- “We are unable to comment on ongo-
now facing allegations of fraud in Isbilen’s court case against Andrew his personal bank account, or what est about exactly what was going on,” ing legal proceedings.” The Guardian
the high court. has led to the uncovering of fur- it was for. said Smith. has approached Turk for comment.
The Duke of York, who is already ther payments of up to £350,000 Last night the Daily Telegraph Pitch@Palace involved entrepre- Another court document, dated
embroiled in controversy after to the duke from a company called reported that the payment of neurs presenting pitches lasting no April 2021, says Turk disputes
settling a US sexual assault case for Alphabet, described by solicitors as £750,000 was described to bankers as Isbilen’s allegations: “He disagrees
up to £12m, is named alongside his ex- “a fraudulent and covert front” to a wedding gift for Princess Beatrice. with her portrayal of the facts, includ-
wife, Sarah Ferguson, in a ruling on make payments to those “associ- Princess Eugenie was also allegedly ing as to her understanding of the
a dispute between a Turkish woman ated” with Turk. paid £25,000 on the orders of Turk. various dealings with her assets. He
and businessman. Ferguson also received payments Buckingham Palace has been con- states that much of what has hap-
In 2019, Andrew received £750,000 of at least £225,000 from Turk via tacted for comment. pened is the result of Mrs Isbilen’s
from Nebahat Isbilen, a Turkish mil- Alphabet Capital, said to be in con- Graham Smith, the chief execu- status as a politically exposed per-
lionaire and the wife of a former nection with money that she was tive of Republic, said Andrew should son and the consequential difficulty
leading politician, who has said in owed for her work with a solar power be clear about why he thought the in dealing with her assets.”
the high court that she was told by company. money had been paid to him. “Quite The revelations come after Andrew
her financial adviser Selman Turk There is no suggestion in the court clearly it raises a lot of questions settled a sexual assault case filed by
to pay the sum to the prince in documents of any wrongdoing by the about what was going on, what ▲ Prince Andrew’s ex-wife, Sarah Virginia Giuffre for an undisclosed
return for assistance with a passport prince or Ferguson. Andrew declined the relationship was between this Ferguson, is also named in the ruling sum, reported to be as much as £12m.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Bridgerton factor Found in the wild 5

TV fans flocking to An orchid never seen
visit stately homes before in the UK
Page 9 Page 10

PM to ‘bet big’
on nuclear as
he cools on
onshore wind
Rowena Mason
Deputy political editor

Boris Johnson wants his flagship

energy security strategy to “bet big”
on nuclear despite Rishi Sunak’s res-
ervations – but has cooled on more
▲ Former No 10 press secretary Allegra Stratton jokes in a leaked recording of onshore wind turbines in England
a briefing rehearsal about a party that was later denied PHOTOGRAPH: ITV amid a Conservative backlash.
The prime minister is determined

Sue Gray and the

to press ahead with plans to tar-
get about eight new nuclear power
stations even though the chancellor
has concerns about the cost, which

public kept in dark

could involve government input of
more than £13bn.
It is understood the energy
strategy, expected to be announced

as Met issues first

next week, is likely to contain targets
for nuclear but will not put a figure
on the cost.
Johnson will also commit to a

Partygate fines
“stretching” target on offshore wind,
according to a Whitehall source. But
he is now less enthusiastic about
the possibilities of onshore wind in
England, believing Scotland offers
Their names are only likely to events where those involved were ▲ Boris Johnson and staff pictured a better landscape for new turbines.
Rowena Mason become public if any of them own denying having attended illegal drinking wine in a Downing Street One ally of the prime minister said
Deputy political editor up to having been present, or they gatherings. garden in May 2020 he would be “not really pushing for
decide to challenge the fine, which One of the events where some of PHOTOGRAPH: THE GUARDIAN onshore wind in England” though it
Sue Gray is being kept in the dark could see their name listed by the rel- the people in attendance are believed would “be in the strategy as an option
about which Downing Street parties evant magistrates court. to have got fines is a leaving party on appeared at the Commons liaison where people want it, which realisti-
have attracted fines, as officials began Labour has criticised the lack of 18 June, which was held for a depart- committee on Wednesday. cally means in Scotland, essentially”.
to receive £50 penalties for attend- transparency, with Keir Starmer say- ing No 10 aide. In contrast, Kit Malthouse, the Johnson and Sunak are under-
ing illegal lockdown gatherings ing on Thursday the public must be The prime minister is believed policing minister, appeared to back stood to have discussed the new
following the Metropolitan police told if the prime minister’s wife, Car- to have been present at several of the view of two cabinet colleagues strategy this week. The document
investigation. rie Johnson, received a fixed-penalty the gatherings under investigation, – Dominic Raab and Anne-Marie was delayed owing to a row over
Emails were received by some notice (FPN) for breaking rules. including a birthday party and a gath- Trevelyan – that the issuing of Par- the scale of its ambitions on nuclear
partygoers this week, after the police Government sources said the Met ering in the garden of No 10 organised tygate fines was evidence that police power but is now likely to be pub-
said they were issuing 20 penalty appeared to have tackled the “low- by his principal private secretary, believe the law had been broken. lished at the end of next week.
notices to those they had a “rea- hanging fruit first” by concentrating Martin Reynolds. Malthouse, a Home Office min- Sunak will be in London for the
sonable belief” attended gatherings on parties where those involved had However, he has refused to accept ister, said it was fair to say an FPN launch of the strategy. However, he is
during lockdown. acknowledged their participation. that a fine would mean he has bro- signalled police felt an unlawful act reported to be going on holiday in Cal-
However, the Met is refusing to The Met suggested the fines were ken the law, and his allies suggested had been committed. Speaking to ifornia, where he has a second home,
reveal which parties have attracted issued as part of a “first tranche”, he would not resign if he were issued BBC Breakfast, Malthouse said: “A at some point over the parliamentary
fines. It is understood that Gray, the indicating that more could be handed with a penalty. He repeatedly dodged fixed-penalty notice means police recess despite rising pressure over
senior civil servant carrying out the out in relation to more complicated questions on the issue when he have a reasonable belief that you’ve the lack of measures to help with the
inquiry into suspected Downing broken the law – you still have a right cost of living and energy bills in the
Street parties during lockdown, is to challenge it if you want. spring statement.
also not being informed which events “Having said that, the police prac- The Treasury is understood to have
have reached the bar of criminality. tice is not routinely to release the concerns about the cost of expand-
She is due to update and publish names of those who receive fixed ing nuclear power, with costs of new
her report when the police investiga- penalties, and I don’t see why that plants under the fresh funding sys-
tion is complete, but is not expecting rule should be waived for those peo- tem due to be loaded on to people’s
to receive full information on which ple who may or may not be in receipt energy bills. The government would
of 12 parties under investigation and of it in Downing Street.” also be likely to take minority stakes
which officials, aides and potentially Malthouse, who attends cabinet, in new projects, and it has set aside
politicians have been fined. said he had not personally received an estimated £1.7bn so far on getting
The Cabinet Office and No 10 are a fine in relation to the Scotland Yard one plant, Sizewell C, in a position
also unaware which, if any, of its cur- investigation, but he would declare to go ahead.
rent employees have been issued it if he did. But Johnson is insistent on the
with penalties. The threat by some Tory MPs to need to press ahead with new plants,
No 10 has committed to disclosing depose Johnson as leader has less- with a draft target of about 16 giga-
whether Boris Johnson and Simon ened in recent weeks amid the crisis watts of nuclear power in the medium
Case, the cabinet secretary, have in Ukraine, but confirmation of the term and closer to 30 gigawatts in the
received fines, but otherwise offi- first penalties on Tuesday reignited longer term. On wind power, allies
cials are not being encouraged to go talk of a possible challenge and spec- of No 10 had described Johnson as
public or even tell their line managers ▲ Boris Johnson and staff members with an open bottle of wine at a No 10 ulation over his future if he were fined “open-minded” about onshore, but
if they are handed penalties. ‘virtual’ Christmas quiz on 15 December 2020 PHOTOGRAPH: MIRRORPIX and criticised in the Gray report. “passionate about offshore”.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

6 National
Conversion practice

Trans people
‘left unprotected’
by conversion
practices fiasco
year in protest over foot-dragging
Harriet Sherwood on the promised ban, said excluding
Heather Stewart trans people from legislation was “a
message of impunity” to those whose
The LGBT+ community has lost trust actions were harmful. “My fear is that
in the government after the debacle the prime minister has succumbed
over a ban on conversion practices, to an anti-trans narrative when he
with many seeing the exclusion of should be protecting this very vul-
trans people as a hostile act, accord- nerable group of people,” she added.
ing to a leading campaigner. Paul Farmer, the chief executive of
Jayne Ozanne, a former govern- Mind, said the mental health charity
ment adviser on LGBT+ issues, said was “deeply disappointed to see that
the approach, announced on Thurs- the UK government has chosen to
day evening after a double U-turn, exclude trans people from the ban
“left the most vulnerable group com- on these harmful practices. The gov-
pletely unprotected”. She added: ernment’s own research suggests that
“This debacle has set the Conserva- trans people are much more likely
tives back 20 years in their relations to have undergone, or been offered,
with the LGBT community.” conversion therapy, so this exclusion
Conversion practices attempt to simply makes no sense … We need
change or suppress a person’s sexu- a complete ban, without loopholes,
ality or gender identity. which protects everybody.”
On Thursday it emerged in a leaked The Conservative MP Alicia Kearns
briefing paper that Boris Johnson was tweeted: “We cannot exclude our
shelving a pledge to outlaw them. trans friends – why should quacks
But, faced with a backlash by cam- and charlatans be allowed to continue
paigners and MPs from all parties, he to cause life-long harm to them?”
U-turned again within hours. Keir Starmer, the Labour leader,
The government is now press- said the government should “keep to
ing ahead with making conversion its promises on this”. Instead it was
practices illegal – though only relat- “trying to get us all to talk about con-
ing to sexual orientation, not gender version therapy because they don’t
identity. This means the ban, to be want us focusing on the cost of living
introduced in the Queen’s speech crisis,” he added.
in May, will cover gay and bisexual Supporting the government’s

Culture wars Tories tripped up by

people in England and Wales but not approach, Nikki da Costa, a former
trans people. director of legislative affairs at No
The foreign secretary, Liz Truss, 10, said including trans people could
who also holds the equalities brief, inhibit non-coercive discussions
met Johnson in Downing Street yes-
terday after being kept in the dark
over the first U-turn following her
about gender identity.
“Doctors, therapists and parents
would be deterred from exploring
trying to weaponise gender identity
return from a trip to India. Her allies with a child any feelings of what
said she was relaxed with the govern- else may be going on for fear of being “We don’t really need to do Yet Johnson’s U-turn on a U-turn
ment’s position following its second told they’re trying to change a child’s Heather Stewart anything,” one senior party in the space of a few hours on
U-turn of the day. identity,” she told the BBC. Jessica Elgot figure said gleefully, citing recent Thursday night over gay conversion

But LGBT+ campaigners said But Ozanne said that da Costa was interviews in which Starmer practices, underlined the fact that
Truss was “livid” at the sequence of “confusing good healthcare practice t Tuesday evening’s appeared to struggle to answer while some in Downing Street may
events, which came on the interna- with conversion therapy. The latter is back-slapping dinner questions about what defines want to fight a “war on woke”, it
tional day of trans visibility. Ozanne, about being told that you can only be for Conservative a woman, which they jokingly is not just Labour struggling to
who resigned from the government’s straight or cisgendered, that you can- MPs, Boris Johnson referred to as “penisgate”. navigate sensitive questions.
LGBT advisory panel in March last not explore who you are.” greeted his On Wednesday, when the Vocal Tory backbenchers
Ozanne said she had been inun- colleagues with a prime minister said in the House including Dehenna Davison
dated with messages of support from typical joke, aimed at exploiting of Commons that the “basic facts and Alicia Kearns – both from
MPs of all parties. Labour’s discomfort over the of biology” are “overwhelmingly Johnson’s 2019 intake – were quick
Truss was at a dinner in India when sensitive issue of gender: “Good important”, in defining gender to express dismay, when ITV News
the leaked document emerged, and evening ladies and gentleman. Or, identity, some relieved feminists got hold of a leaked “handling”
flew to the UK shortly afterwards. as Keir Starmer would put it, people took to Mumsnet message boards document, setting out how the
The government briefing paper who are assigned female or male at to hail his approach, a fact that did gay “conversion” ban could be
said: “While Liz is not ideologically birth,” he quipped. not go unnoticed in CCHQ. quietly dropped. Davison called for
committed to the legislation she is Just hours later, one of those reinstatement of the banning policy
likely to be concerned about owning MPs at table, Jamie Wallis, issued a as “a matter of basic decency”.
the new position, having personally heartfelt statement, revealing his ‘As well as breaking The very public row buoyed up
committed to delivering the bill.” struggle with gender dysphoria. Labour strategists, who insist the
Truss’s allies insisted she was As if trying to atone for his gag,
an explicit promise, Conservatives are just as divided as
happy with the government’s posi- Johnson kicked off prime minister’s this is a matter of Starmer’s party – and put Labour’s
tion. An aide said: “It got us back to questions the following day, by recent travails down to a failure to
where she thinks we should be: with hailing Wallis’s bravery.
basic decency’ communicate their position, rather
common sense carve-outs for free- Some Tory strategists had hoped than an ideological split.
dom of speech, and to make sure we to sit back and watch Labour The Guardian understands
▲ Liz Truss, the equalities minister, protect under-18s from making irre- squirm over “culture war” issues – Dehenna Davison On voters in recent focus groups
was said to be ‘livid’ at the debacle versible decisions on transgender.” in particular trans rights. gay conversion U-turn carried out by Labour have been
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

“I think it does depend what the

context is, surely,” she said. “I mean
surely that is important here. You
know, there are people who have
decided that they have to make that
transition. You know I’ve spoken
with many of them. It’s been a
very difficult process for many
of those people. And you know,
understandably, because they live
as a woman, you know, they want
to be defined as a woman. That’s ▲ The Labour leader, Keir Starmer, and the prime minister, Boris Johnson,
what the Gender Recognition Act, have debated LGBTQ+ conversion practices in the House of Commons
again a Labour government brought
into place”.
Privately, some older MPs Key questions
believe Labour is vulnerable not
What are conversion practices and who defends them?
just on trans rights but on support
for anti-racism movements such as
Black Lives Matter. Fake leaflets, Boris Johnson performed two practices were “unacceptable and
which had the appearance of being U-turns within hours on Thursday harmful” and the college supports
official Labour material, were relating to the government’s four- a ban. In the Queen’s speech in
distributed around Batley and year-old pledge to ban LGBTQ+ May 2021, Johnson’s government
Spen during the by-election with conversion practices. described conversion practices as
the picture of Keir Starmer and “coercive and abhorrent”.
Angela Rayner taking the knee. The What happened? Polling released last May by
literature claimed the pair were On Thursday, ITV obtained a YouGov showed that almost
fighting white privilege – a clumsy leak of a Downing Street briefing two-thirds (64%) of British adults
attempt at stirring. paper titled Conversion Therapy believe conversion practices
But the issue has also been Handling Plan, which said “the should be banned. In 2017, the
damaging for the Conservatives, [prime minister] has agreed we Church of England condemned
with a huge response against Priti should not move forward with conversion practices and called
Patel for her lack of support for legislation”. The government said on the government to ban them,
England players taking the knee. it was looking at ways of preventing saying they had “no place in the
Stung by the criticism of a the practice through existing modern world”.
string of recent awkward Labour law and “other non-legislative
interviews, the shadow health measures”. But, after a backlash, Who is against a ban?
secretary, Wes Streeting, and the Johnson swiftly performed a Some religious organisations
shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves, second U-turn. Legislation will be have opposed moves to outlaw
took a punchier stance this week. introduced in the Queen’s speech conversion practices, saying
Asked about trans rights in an in May – but it would cover only the government should not set
LBC interview, Streeting said, “men sexual orientation and exclude parameters on the content of
have penises, women have vaginas, gender dysphoria. prayer and that a ban would limit
here ends my biology lesson”, freedom of religion.
before going on to say that there What are conversion practices? Evangelical churches
are also, “people who transition Human rights lawyers and experts welcomed the government’s
to other genders because they define conversion practices as initial U-turn on Thursday, as “a
experience gender dysphoria”, and attempts “to suppress, ‘cure’ great relief to many Christians”.
the debate should be carried out in or change a person’s sexual Graham Nicholls, director of
a “respectful” way. orientation or gender identity”. the Affinity partnership of
His remarks caused anger among Such practices were “motivated churches, said: “We will continue
some LGBT+ activists. The political by a misguided belief that being to have freedom as Christians
commentator Ellie-Mae O’Hagan gay or transgender is wrong, are to instruct our children, and
horrified by the party’s struggle to ▲ Reclaim Pride marchers in said: “If it was as simple as men degrading and psychologically for churches to continue the
answer questions such as whether a London last year show support for have penises, women have vaginas, damaging, and constitute a serious loving, compassionate exercise
woman can have a penis. banning conversion practices then trans people wouldn’t exist. violation of the basic human of orthodox Christian ministry,
Asked that in an LBC phone in, PHOTOGRAPH: MARK KERRISON/ALAMY Life is just a bit more complicated rights of LGBT+ people under including the teaching of the
Starmer stuttered and stalled. “I’m than that. international law”, wrote Helena biblical understanding of sex
not... I don’t think we can conduct However, another backbencher “Labour is supposed to be a Kennedy QC in the Guardian. It and marriage.”
this debate with... I don’t think that suggested there is also a party for the majority, and that is sometimes called “conversion Aside from religion, some
discussing this issue in this way considerable group of “gender means it should be able to deal with therapy”, “reparative therapy” or believed legislation would have
helps anyone in the long run.” critical” Labour MPs – perhaps up the fact that people are different “gay cure therapy”. an adverse impact on talking
Some shadow cabinet members to 40 – who are nervous about an and complicated and they have therapy for young people trying to
have been privately frustrated at erosion of sex-based rights. different paths in life.” How common is it? navigate complex identity issues.
Labour’s caution on such issues. Labour’s chair, Anneliese However, the Labour leadership It is difficult to know – many forms
“At the next general election, Dodds, dismayed some colleagues believes Streeting’s is a more are carried out behind closed Why are trans people excluded?
they will be playing those clips over when she took a notably cautious common-sensical position that doors and victims are often too Nikki da Costa, a former director
and over again and we’ll be asked it approach when asked to define a respects vulnerable groups, traumatised to speak of their of legislative affairs at No 10,
in every interview,” said one. woman in a recent interview on while avoiding being portrayed experiences. A 2018 LGBTQ+ told the BBC yesterday that a
Particularly among younger Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour. by the Tories as out of touch with survey by the government found ban would have had “profound
shadow cabinet members, there the public. that about 5% of 108,000 people consequences for children
is a feeling that Labour should The party’s policy, which said they had been offered a form struggling with gender dysphoria.
speak proudly about its progressive includes the protection of single- of the practice, while 2% had It would create a situation where
values - anti-racism, anti- sex spaces in some circumstances, undergone it. doctors, therapists, even parents
misogyny, pro-trans rights. has not changed – but the language People from a minority ethnic would be deterred from exploring
They argue that by speaking has. “I think it’s fair; I think it does background were twice as likely to with a child any feelings of what
confidently about values, Labour what it needs to do,” said a senior be affected. Almost one in 10 trans else may be going on for fear
can avoid looking awkward and Labour strategist. men said they had been offered of being told they’re trying to
being led into culture-war traps And they added that while the conversion therapy, and one in 25 change a child’s identity. And that
that the Tories will set for them. Conservatives may hope to make said they had undergone it. is deeply concerning.”
Lisa Nandy, the shadow levelling political capital from “culture-war” But the Peter Tatchell
up secretary, has previously said issues in the run-up to the next Why is there a push to ban it? Foundation accused the prime
that the US president, Joe Biden’s general election, Johnson’s party The NHS and other professional minister of “throwing trans
campaign was a model in that are deeply divided themselves, and bodies have warned that all people under the bus”. It said:
regard, pointing out “he mentioned risk appearing out-of-touch with forms of conversion practices “We feel conned and tricked.
the trans community in his victory pressing issues in voters’ lives. are “unethical and potentially It looks like a bid to stoke trans
speech, he stood up for the Black “If you’re worrying about paying harmful”. Dr Adrian James, culture wars for political gain in
Lives Matter protesters and he’s your bills at the end of the month, president of the Royal College the run-up to the next election.”
never shied away from standing up ▲ Tory MP Jamie Wallis revealed you’re going to think: ‘Why are you of Psychiatrists,said conversion Harriet Sherwood
for his values.” his struggle with gender dysphoria talking about this?’”
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

8 National

Scolding for Irish police over beards Founder

uneven stubble, RTÉ reported. The own, including, of course, all the res-
critique followed a rule change last taurants. Regrettably, that attempt
year allowing uniformed officers to failed and Minor Hotel Group was the
that resemble ‘a badly watered lawn’ grow beards if they are kept tidy and successful bidder, buying the entire

Rory Carroll
up” and grow a proper beard or to be
clean-shaven and to avoid a ragged
between 0.5cm and 2cm in bulk.
“The decision to allow members
to wear beards should not be inter-
of ‘perfect’ business,” he wrote in the email.
“As a result, I no longer have
any equity interest in the busi-
Ireland correspondent

To beard or not to beard, that is the

in-between look that resembles “a
badly watered lawn in a heatwave”.
The unnamed inspector wrote
preted as an excuse to break from
shaving every now and then,” the
inspector wrote. He said guidelines
Wolseley ness, although for the time being, I
remain an employee. I assume Minor
will take immediate control of the

question vexing Ireland’s police force in an internal circular to Garda ser- gave a maximum of two weeks for the restaurants.”
in a controversy over officers’ patchy geants that some officers “cannot beard to grow. “If after that, the face Dillip Rajakarier, the chief exec-
facial hair. seem to make up their minds” about still resembles a badly watered lawn utive of Minor International, said:
A Garda Síochána supervisor has a beard and alternate weekly between in a heatwave, then it is time to con- “We are delighted that our offer was
instructed subordinates to “smarten being clean-shaven and having cede graciously and admit defeat.”
group accepted, and we can now look for-
ward to building on the existing
strong foundations to drive growth

is ousted in the UK and internationally. We

have exciting growth plans for the
A spokesman for Minor said it had
“the utmost respect” for Corbin and
King but added that it was “now time
Rupert Neate to focus on growing the business in
Wealth correspondent the UK and internationally without
the involvement of Messrs Corbin
Jeremy King, the famed restaurateur and King”. Officially, King continues
behind the Wolseley and the Delaunay as the chief executive of the company.
in London, has been ousted from the Corbin serves as a director.
fine dining group he founded in 1981. Jay Rayner, the Observer’s restau-
King, who with his business part- rant critic, said: “Jeremy King and
ner Chris Corbin launched and ran Chris Corbin are consummate res-
many of the capital’s top restaurants taurateurs, the best in the business,
including the Wolseley next to the and the fact they have lost control ...
Ritz on Piccadilly – where the art- is very sad indeed.
ist Lucian Freud used to dine most “The only logic to Minor Interna-
nights until his death in 2011 – the tional wanting to buy up the company
Delaunay on Aldwych and Brasserie and oust the very people who have
Zédel near Piccadilly, announced made it what it is, is the belief that
yesterday he had lost a battle to buy somehow things need to change,
his venture, Corbin & King, out of which is madness. The Wolseley,
administration. Delaunay, Brasserie Zédel and the
The bidding war was won by the rest are perfect as they are.”
American-born Thai billionaire Rayner said that as well as run-
William Heinecke’s Minor Interna- ning delightful restaurants, Corbin
tional, which is understood to have and King were well known for tak-
paid more than £60m in an auc- ing good care of their staff. “Their
tion that took place early yesterday innovative and forward-thinking
morning. programmes enabling older people
Minor had previously owned 74% and parents with small children to
of Corbin & King, and had forced the work flexibly in the hospitality busi-
company into administration. ness have made them a model for the
In an email to regular diners – rest of the industry.”
including many FTSE 100 chief Minor bought a 74% stake in Corbin
executives as well as celebrities & King for £58m in 2017 and this year
such as David and Victoria Beckham, forced the company into administra-
Joan Collins, Nigella Lawson, Keira tion. It found itself at loggerheads
Knightley, and Paul Smith – King said with King, claiming the founder had
he had tried to buy the restaurants repeatedly rejected “proposals to
but lost out to Minor. recapitalise the company”.
“We took part in the auction to King’s Rolodex must rate as one of
try to buy the business and assets of London’s most extensive, as his res-
Corbin & King that we didn’t already taurants are hugely popular with city
chief executives having power break-
▼ The Wolseley restaurant, fasts as well as royalty and celebrities
Piccadilly, has long been a favourite enjoying themselves.
dining room for artists, film stars Joan Collins has described the
and business executives Wolseley’s Souffle Suisse as one of
PHOTOGRAPH: DANIEL LYNCH/EYEVINE the best dishes she has ever eaten.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

National 9

 Castle Below, a scene

Howard, from the series
used for Lord featuring Golda
Hastings’ home, Rosheuvel as
and, above, Queen Charlotte
Ranger’s House with a fittingly
in Greenwich, aristocratic
which is used for backdrop
the Bridgerton PHOTOGRAPHS:
family’s London ALAMY; LIAM DANIEL/
residence. NETFLIX

were previously unaware of the site

inspired to visit. We have even seen
some fans of the show pose outside
the gilded gates to the house, in full
Georgian costume.”
The interest is reflected in the
increasing number of Bridgerton-
themed tours popping up. Tours
International, which offers bespoke
group getaways to Britain and
Europe, takes fans to filming
locations such as the city of Bath.
There are three main benefits to
being featured on a smash hit such
as Bridgerton, according to Harvey
Edgington, the National Trust’s
head of filming and locations,
and co-author of National Trust

‘Bridgerton factor’
on Screen. There are fees, extra
visitors and economic generation
from crew using local hotels,
restaurants and tradesmen.
“Any revenue goes straight back

TV fans flocking
into the property that hosted the
filming. Quite often that means a
conservation issue that’s perhaps
on the back burner waiting for
funding can come forward.”

to England’s finest The show shines a spotlight

on many of the National Trust’s
properties, such as Stowe,
Buckinghamshire, which was

stately homes
used to depict Vauxhall pleasure
gardens, with its Temple of Venus
providing the glittering backdrop to
the outdoor Vauxhall ball.
Season two features Petworth
in West Sussex, Ashridge in
Bridgerton family home, and Castle Hertfordshire, and Basildon Park in
Nadia Khomami Howard, used for outside the Duke Top ten Berkshire, where an evening party
Arts and culture correspondent of Hastings’ home. scene takes place. For this, the
Most popular great houses to visit

Castle Howard said the number production design team brought
ridgerton, the steamy of visitors aged 18-24 to their in about 5,000 artificial flowers to
soap-opera take on website increased by 3,408% after To determine the most popular 3 Chatsworth House, Derbyshire fill the rose garden with summer
Regency England, full the programme was released. stately homes in Britain, the French 4 Castle Howard, York blooms and added more greenery
of decadent costumes, “We know that screen tourism is Bedroom Company analysed 5 Highclere Castle, Hampshire and foliage.
dashing dukes and a big factor when potential visitors hashtag and Tripadvisor data. Here 6 Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire Edgington cited a report by
elegant backdrops, are making decisions about where are the top 10. 7 Burghley House, Stamford Olsberg SPI measuring the impact
has once again shot to the top of the to plan days out,” said Abbi Ollive, 8 Cliveden House, Berkshire of “set-jetting”. “It found the 1995
Netflix charts. And one industry Castle Howard’s head of marketing. 1 Kensington Palace, London 9 Osborne House, Isle of Wight drama Pride and Prejudice is still
is reaping the benefits – England’s “We were the original screen 2 Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire 10 Longleat House, Wiltshire worth £900,000 a year in visitors to
stately homes. tourism destination in many ways, Lyme Park [where Colin Firth as Mr
The aristocratic properties are having played such a starring role  Longleat Darcy takes that dip].”
reporting a “Bridgerton factor” as in the original Brideshead Revisited House, But the most popular surge was
people enchanted by the baroque and then in the film.” Wiltshire, with following Tim Burton’s Alice in
interiors and bucolic gardens of the She added: “As attractions open its Elizabethan Wonderland, when the number
hit show decide to visit its real life up and travel and tourism recover architecture of visitors to Antony House in
landmarks. post-pandemic we do expect to see and grounds Cornwall – the main house in the
Internet searches for stately an uplift in visitor numbers due to landscaped film – quadrupled. There was also
homes in Britain have increased by the Bridgerton factor.” by Capability a Harry Potter effect at Lacock in
23% in the last month, with more Similarly, English Heritage Brown, is a hit Wiltshire and other places.
than 8,000, according to the luxury said visits to the Ranger’s House with visitors “There’s always a fascination
bedroom specialists The French webpage had increased by 81% PHOTOGRAPH: NEIL with going to see somewhere for
Bedroom Company, who analysed on the previous month. Chris LANG/SHUTTERSTOCK real, because the film-makers
hashtag and Tripadvisor data. Small, English Heritage’s London make the locations look glorious.
Among the buildings featured operations manager, said: “Since And I think people get a joy out of
in the show are Ranger’s House, in the launch of Bridgerton in 2020 thinking ‘I’m walking where film
London, used as the exterior of the we have seen many people who stars walk,’” Edgington said.
••• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

10 National

Giant orchids
Nobes was walking when he saw growing further north as the climate
Phoebe Weston the pink flower five metres away warms, with records showing the
from the path and assumed it was plant is able to survive in northern

discovered Giant orchids that can reach a metre

a butterbur, but clambered down
the steep slope to get a better look,
France and the Netherlands.
“It was weird, because a few weeks
tall have been found growing wild and realised what he had found. The prior I was looking through my Euro-
growing wild in the UK for the first time, having
become established hundreds of
sweet-smelling orchid has many pur-
plish-red flowers and the leaves are
pean orchid book and I was looking
at the giant orchid and thought that’s

in the UK for miles north of their native habitat in

the Mediterranean.
The “stately” plants were discov-
broad and glossy.
“I was ecstatic. I’ve never really
found anything, and I’m not a bota-
such a beautiful orchid, it would be
lovely to see one day, maybe in Greece
or somewhere, but really it was just
the first time ered on a grassy slope near Didcot
in Oxfordshire by Hamza Nobes, a
nist in any way, shape or form,” said
Nobes. Typically found in southern ▲ Giant orchids, typically found in
10 minutes from my house,” he said.
It is not believed the plants arrived
29-year-old trainee nurse, who wants and central Europe, the giant orchid southern Europe, were discovered naturally, but rather by someone scat-
to keep the exact location a secret. (Himantoglossum robertianum) is on a grassy slope in Oxfordshire tering seeds about 15 years ago.

Maxwell denied retrial

as judge rules juror was
honest in his testimony
gave interviews in which he dis-
Victoria Bekiempis cussed experiencing sexual abuse as a
New York child. He claimed he had told the jury
about this so they could understand
Ghislaine Maxwell’s bid for a new things from a victim’s perspective.
trial has been denied, the judge in her David’s comments prompted
Manhattan federal court sex-traffick- questions because would-be jurors
ing case said yesterday. The daughter were asked about any history of abuse
of the late British media baron Robert during selection proceedings. The
Maxwell repeatedly requested a new questionnaire asked, for example:
trial after a juror in the case failed to “Have you or a friend ever been the
disclose childhood sexual abuse dur- victim of sexual harassment, sexual
ing jury selection. abuse or sexual assault?”
Juror No 50, Scotty David, was When David’s comments were
questioned in court on 8 March about revealed, prosecutors requested
his omission. He told the judge, Ali- Nathan investigate. Maxwell’s law-
son Nathan, he had been distracted yers made a similar request and then
when quickly completing a screen- asked Nathan for a new trial. Prosecu-
ing questionnaire. tors argued against a new trial, noting
In her ruling, Nathan said she David’s adamance that he did not fail
thought David’s explanation was to reveal his abuse intentionally.
truthful and he gave no indication In her decision , Nathan also
of bias against Maxwell. addressed the contention of Max-
“The court finds Juror 50 testi- well’s attorneys that they would have
fied credibly at the hearing,” Nathan tried to keep David off the jury had
wrote in a 40-page decision. “There they known his history. The judge
are many reasons for that finding. He said that was not pertinent to weigh-
appeared to testify frankly and hon- ing Maxwell’s push for a new trial.
estly, even when the answers he gave “What is not at issue in resolving
were the cause of personal embar- this motion is whether the defendant
rassment and regret. His incentive at would have exercised a peremptory
the hearing was to testify truthfully strike against this juror had he accu-
or face criminal perjury charges.” rately disclosed his prior sexual
Nathan added: “His tone, demean- abuse,” Nathan wrote.
our and responsiveness gave no “Although the defendant argues
indication of false testimony. The in her pre-hearing briefing that she
court thus credits his testimony that is also entitled to a new trial because
he was distracted as he filled out the Juror 50’s failure to disclose his his-
questionnaire and ‘skimmed way too tory denied her the opportunity to
fast’, leading him to misunderstand exercise her peremptory challenges,
some of the questions.” that is not the law in federal court.”
David told Nathan his failure to
mention childhood sexual abuse
was an “honest mistake” and he
was deeply remorseful. He was given
immunity to testify, having indicated
he would invoke his fifth-amend-
ment right against self-incrimination.
Maxwell was found guilty on 29
December of sex-trafficking and
related charges for bringing girls,
some aged just 14, to the late finan-
cier Jeffrey Epstein, for him to
sexually abuse. Maxwell insists she
is innocent.
Epstein, a convicted sex offender
whose high-profile associates once
included Prince Andrew, was arrested
in July 2019, on sex-trafficking
charges. He killed himself in federal
jail in New York. ▲ Maxwell had sought a retrial after
Following Maxwell’s trial, David a juror failed to disclose sexual abuse
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

National 11

I was in that position. The coun-
cil’s advice last time was: ‘You don’t
have to leave your home until you’re
evicted by a court’, but I worried that
call for ban would affect our future prospects.
I feel so relieved and lucky to have
found a home again.”

on second A lifelong St Agnes resident, Nicola

Bunt lives in a one-bed wooden cabin
in her landlady’s garden. Bunt runs a

homes as local cleaning business but refuses to

clean holiday lets, even as she tries to
save a deposit for a mortgage.

housing “My friends are here, my job is here

and this will always be my home, so
I really want to stay in St Agnes, but

crisis bites there’s no opportunity for me to buy

here. It feels really out of reach,” she
said. “Everyone wants a piece of
Cornwall and they’re actually ruin-
ing what Cornwall is all about.”
So outraged was one local woman
Jonny Weeks by the construction of another man-
sion in St Agnes that she defaced an
unoccupied seafront property with
Desperate residents in north Cornwall the words “No more investment
have described themselves as an properties” and “second homes own-
“endangered species” and are calling ers give something back: rent or sell
for compulsory purchases of unoccu- your empty houses to local people at
pied second homes amid a deepening a fair price.”
crisis in affordable housing. Speaking anonymously to the
The coastal village of St Agnes – ▲ St Agnes Guardian, she said: “When my hus-
located on what one estate agent has on the north band and I bought our place here in
labelled the “platinum edge” of the Cornwall coast, 1998 it cost £80,000. We had really
UK – has witnessed a mass protest where activists ordinary jobs and we could afford to
and hostile graffiti in recent weeks, said there were buy here. Now, half of the proper-
as outrage has turned into activism. 111 Airbnbs but ties nearby are holiday lets or second
Cath Navin, a co-founder of the no long-term homes and young local people are
protest group First Not Second rentals to live in competing for housing with million-
Homes, said: “Last month there were PHOTOGRAPH: aires. It makes me furious.
111 Airbnbs in and around St Agnes, 96 MILANGONDA/ “We’re like an endangered species.
of which were whole houses. If you This is not the platinum edge of
looked for long-term rentals, the clos- the UK, this is people’s homes and
est place was Portreath [seven miles communities.”
away]. There’s nothing locally for  Graffiti on Andrew George, formerly the Lib
people to live in.” an unoccupied Dem MP for St Ives and now a local
The group has organised peaceful house in St councillor, believes tax loopholes for
rallies around the county in recent Agnes, left by property investors must be closed
months – the next is at nearby Porth- a local woman immediately. “For years, the public
towan tomorrow. It is campaigning who said young purse has been used to subsidise sec-
for the introduction of licences for people were ond homes,” he said. “Thousands of
second homes, new planning laws, ‘competing with second home owners avoid paying
and an end to “no-fault” evictions, millionaires’ council tax [by qualifying as busi-
which allow landlords to rapidly PHOTOGRAPH: ness premises] and then claim small
expel tenants without good reason. JONNY WEEKS business rates relief. That loophole
“Ideally, I’d also like to see some cost Cornwall £17m per year before
retrospective action with compulsory and more than 11,000 holiday lets, properties have been sold. They have Covid.”
purchases in places where commu- while 21,817 people are on the coun- waited unsuccessfully on the housing The national government also paid
nities are being eroded,” she said. cil’s housing register. Last year, the register, lived in holiday accommoda- almost £170m in Covid grants to Cor-
“That’s quite radical, but those things council installed emergency one- tion and moved into a friend’s house nish “holiday let business premises”
have been introduced internationally bed shelters for vulnerable people when there was no alternative. during the pandemic, more than half
so why not here?” in Truro and Penzance. It has also “To say to your child: ‘I actually of which went to owners who live
Co-founder Camilla Dixon added: placed people into bed and break- don’t have a home for you’ felt really outside the county. “Rather than
“Ultimately I want to see no second fasts and static caravans. rubbish – I felt like I had failed at life,” rewarding second home owners with
homes until everybody has a decent One Truro resident, Samantha she said. “As a professional who public money, they should be making
first home.” Quinn, and her teenage daughter works full-time in the charity sector them pay a great deal more,” George
According to recent figures, ▲ Cath Navin, left, and Camilla have been forced out of several rental and doesn’t have any credit history said. “It’s not the politics of envy, it’s
Cornwall has 12,776 second homes Dixon of First Not Second Homes homes in recent years because the issues, it’s really weird to think that the politics of social justice.”

Falklands conflict cannot define “The 1982 conflict did not alter
the nature of the dispute between
both countries, which is still pend-
we behave as if the conflict had taken
place just yesterday.”
Argentina’s invasion, initially
President Néstor Kirchner from 2003
and then from 2007 by his wife Cris-
tina Fernández de Kirchner. Those 13
relations – Argentinian minister ing negotiation and resolution,”
Cafiero added.
greeted with patriotic fervour and
politically beneficial to the dictator-
years included non-cooperation over
hydrocarbons and a ban on ships fly-
The foreign secretary also points ship, ultimately led to the collapse of ing the Falklands Islands flag entering
bilateral relations. In an important out that prior to the Argentinian dic- General Galtieri’s regime as the death Argentina’s ports.
Patrick Wintour statement of the current Argentinian tatorship’s surprise invasion, there toll mounted and the lack of train- A plebiscite on the islands con-
Diplomatic editor coalition government’s thinking on had for 16 years been negotiations ing of a working class conscript army ducted in 2013 revealed a 99.8%
the islands, he said some of the UK over the sovereignty of the islands became apparent. desire to continue belonging to the
British-Argentinian relations will treatment of Argentina resembled that took into account the interests In total, 649 Argentinian soldiers, UK, and this has been the corner-
be stifled so long as the UK refuses that handed to a country in breach of the island’s inhabitants. 255 British servicemen, and three stone of the British diplomatic stance
to engage in discussions about the of basic human rights norms rather Pretending that the dispute does Falkland Islanders died in the con- ever since.
future sovereignty of the Falklands than a nation that has been a democ- not exist or that it does not create flict. The Malvinas veterans, initially In 2016, Argentina reverted to a
Islands, the Argentinian foreign min- racy for 40 years. obstacles in our bilateral relation- ignored by Argentina, now have an more conciliatory approach led by
ister has said. He writes: “We believe that no out- ship is “naive”, he says. official status, with 2 April a day of the government of Mauricio Macri,
Writing in the Guardian on the 40th come of any war can resolve a dispute He insists “the two governments memorial. but the centre-right former mayor
anniversary of Argentina’s invasion recognised by the international com- share fundamental values and a Ever since the defeat, Argentina of Buenos Aires fell from power in
of the islands in April 1982, Santiago munity. This would set a dangerous vision of a rules-based world order. has pursued various diplomatic tracks 2019 after he failed to deliver prom-
Cafiero called for an improvement in precedent. And yet, in the South Atlantic agenda, including the combative one led by ised economic prosperity.
•• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

12 News
War in Ukraine

Ukraine denies
Kremlin claim it
sent helicopters
across border to
attack oil depot
attack”, RIA news agency reported.
Andrew Roth Video posted to social media yester-
Moscow correspondent day appeared to show a helicopter
strike using air-to-ground missiles
Russia has claimed Ukraine sent and then a major fire at a facility said
attack helicopters across the border to be in Belgorod, with flames reach-
to strike an oil storage facility, in what ing dozens of metres into the air.
if confirmed would be the first raid on Reports showed that the facility
Russian soil since its invasion. continued to burn until midday, with
But Ukraine has denied that it dozens of firefighters dispatched to
launched the attack, raising ques- battle the inferno.
tions about whether Russian Other videos showed the helicop-
negligence may be to blame. ters, which are used by both Ukraine
A Russian governor in the border and Russia, flying in the region. None
region of Belgorod said that early of these videos have been verified,
yesterday two Ukrainian Mi-24 hel- however.
icopters crossed the border at low “The fire at the oil depot occurred
altitude before firing rockets at an as a result of an airstrike from two
oil facility 25 miles from the border. helicopters of the armed forces of
Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine, which entered the terri-
Ukraine’s national security council, tory of Russia at low altitude,” said
denied responsibility for the attack. the governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov.
“They say that we did it, but in fact “There are no victims.”
this does not correspond with real- Russia’s defence ministry said in a
ity,” he said on Ukrainian television. statement yesterday that the facility
Yesterday, the Ukrainian pres- had been attacked but claimed it did
idential aide Oleksiy Arestovych not supply fuel to the military.
said: “We are holding defensive mil- Russia has claimed cross-bor-
itary operations on our own territory der shelling from Ukraine before,
… Everything that happens on Rus- including an alleged attack on an
sian territory is the responsibility of air base in February and an incident
the Russian leadership. All questions last week that allegedly killed a mili-
to them.” tary chaplain, but not an incursion of

Mariupol 2,000 refugees reach safety

A number of prominent Ukrainian its airspace. The depot, run by Rus-
commentators have claimed that the sian energy giant Rosneft, is about 21
attack could be a “false flag” meant miles from the Ukraine border.
to justify a Russian mobilisation or
scuttle negotiations.
The Kremlin spokesperson Dmi-
There have been other incidents
in Belgorod, which has served as a
major hub for Russian military units
but rescue operation hangs in balance
tri Peskov fuelled those rumours by involved in the invasion of Ukraine.
saying the attack could hamper nego- There was an explosion earlier on
tiations, although he stopped short of Thursday at the site of an arms depot Russian-controlled territory. A fur- The Kyiv authorities reiterated
announcing any concrete response there, raising speculation that sabo- Bethan McKernan ther 631 people managed to leave yesterday that no aid or evacuation
over the alleged attack. teurs were targeting the city. Lviv Mariupol in private cars on Thurs- convoys had been allowed to reach
“What has happened is certainly The Russian news agency Tass day night, according to the Ukrainian Mariupol itself, despite reassurances
not something that can be perceived reported that four service person- A group of 2,000 people have made government. from Russia on a limited ceasefire in
as creating conditions comfortable nel were injured because of that it to safety from the besieged Ukrain- Up to 170,000 residents remain the area, and that it remained dan-
for the continuation of negotiations,” explosion. ian city of Mariupol, as the success of hemmed in by Russian ground forces gerous for the city’s residents to try
Peskov said. The explosions in the Russian rear the wider rescue operation for more in Mariupol, a strategically important to flee without assistance.
Peskov later said that Russia would came after Russia announced it was than 100,000 trapped civilians still coastal city which before war broke Russian forces also seized 14
strengthen its western borders so that winding down its offensive toward hangs in the balance. out last month was home to about tonnes of food and medical supplies
“it wouldn’t cross anyone’s mind to Kyiv after its troops met heavy resist- The 42-strong convoy of buses 430,000 people. headed for Mariupol, the Ukrainian
ance in the month-long war. Western organised by the Ukrainian govern-
Belgorod officials have warned that Russia may ment and escorted by the Red Cross  A Ukrainian
Two Ukrainian military be repositioning its troops for a larger headed from the nearby Russian- special police
helicopters struck a Russia attack on Ukraine’s east. occupied city of Berdiansk to the officer patrols
fuel depot according Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Ukrainian-held city of Zaporizhzhia Kharkiv during
to a Russian official Zelenskiy, said in a late-night address yesterday afternoon, according to the a curfew
on Thursday that Russia was con- Mariupol city council’s channel on
solidating and preparing “powerful the messaging app Telegram.
strikes” in the country’s east and Russian forces allowed the vehi-
Ukraine south. “This is part of their tactics,” cles to pass unhindered, a small
he continued. breakthrough after several evacua-
“We know that they are moving tion attempts failed.
Kharkiv away from the areas where we are Those aboard the buses, how-
beating them to focus on others that ever, had made it out of Mariupol
30 km are very important … where it can be to Berdiansk on their own, after
30 miles difficult for us,” he added. which they were allowed to leave
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian ••

▼ A fire at a fuel depot in Belgorod,
Russia, yesterday. Russia has
accused Ukraine of the attack

Kyiv Mayor warns against

incessant airstrikes and shelling have
hit civilian infrastructure, including
a maternity hospital, an aid ware-
house and an arts centre sheltering
displaced people.
At least 5,000 people have died in
return to capital as ‘risk
the brutal assault, the Ukrainian pres-
ident, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said on
Thursday, while electricity, water,
of dying is pretty high’
food, fuel and medicine are running
out. Ukraine has also accused Rus- can now be purchased between 11am
sian forces of shelling supposedly Daniel Boffey and 4pm. The ban had been imposed
safe routes outside fighting hotspots, Kyiv because of fears of public disorder.
which Moscow denies. Mariupol At the Flowers and Mafia corner
city council said yesterday that Rus- Kyiv’s mayor, Vitali Klitschko, has bar on Kontraktova Square, in the
sia’s actions in the bombed-out city warned those who fled Ukraine’s cap- heart of the old town of Kyiv, Andriy
amounted to genocide. ital at the start of the war with Russia Andruschenko, 27, was nursing a
On Thursday, Kyiv and Moscow not to return as “the risk of dying is small glass of cider, his first since
agreed on a humanitarian corridor pretty high”, even as he offered a before the war, while chatting with
along the route from Mariupol to glint of normality by partially lifting a couple of friends.
Berdyansk and then Zaporizhzhia for an alcohol ban. Serving at the bar, Anna Golik, 23,
several hours at 10am (0700 GMT) The former world heavy weight said there had been a handful of oth-
yesterday, but other than the success- boxing champion said he expected ers ordering a beer earlier in the day
ful evacuation of the 2,000 people “huge battles” in the coming days in and that she hoped it would be the
who had already made it to Berdi- satellite towns and the outskirts of start of a “renaissance” for the city.
ansk, by late afternoon little progress the city, which Russian forces have Andruschenko, who is a free-
had been made. repeatedly tried but failed to encircle. lance web designer, said he had no
A bus convoy had not been able “The risk of dying is pretty high, illusions that life was close to going
to approach the dividing line into and that’s why my advice to anyone back to normal. He had only recently
Mariupol, an International Commit- who wants to come back is: please, returned from evacuating his girl-
tee for the Red Cross spokesperson, take a little bit more time,” he said. friend to Poland, and a missile had
Ewan Watson, told reporters in Oleksiy Arestovych, a political struck close to his flat just two days
Geneva, with complex logistics and adviser to Ukraine’s president, Volo- earlier, forcing him to move in with
instructions still being worked out dymyr Zelenskiy, echoed the mayor’s a friend. “So many people are very
and conveyed to military units on concerns. He said the Russian attacks tense,” he said.
both sides. It was not immediately were continuing around Kyiv and There are, however, signs of the
clear whether the convoy he was the encircled city of Chernihiv, 100 city inching towards a more normal
referring to was the same one which miles north, despite claims from the pattern of life.
transported people from Berdiansk. Kremlin that they were withdraw- A 10-minute walk south through
Earlier in the week the Kremlin ing out  of respect for the continuing the city centre – past numerous
said its goals in the “special opera- peace talks. checkpoints, sandbags and khaki-
tion” to “de-Nazify” its neighbour “Our troops are chasing them both covered protective positions guarded
had shifted to gaining complete to the north-west and north-east [of by stern men grasping AK-47 rifles –
control of Donbas, where Mariupol Kyiv], pushing the enemy away from Iryna Asosok and Viktoria Shkurat,
is located and where Moscow-backed Kyiv,” Arestovych said. the owners of a small convenience
separatists declared two independ- A US official, speaking on condi- store on Sofiivs’ka Street, near Inde-
ent republics in 2014. tion of anonymity, claimed Russian pendence Square, said a customer
Russian air and ground-launched forces were planning to use a church had come in that morning seeking a
missile attacks on Chernihiv, in north- north-west of Kyiv as a launchpad for bottle of wine to give his daughter for
ern Ukraine, and suburbs of Kyiv a new assault. her birthday.
have continued despite Moscow’s The official said: “We believe the “We also had a few people asking
announced drawdown. Ukrainian Russian military is using this staging for beer, the weaker stuff, but we only
forces said they have retaken the point as part of its assault on Kyiv.” have whisky, vodka and champagne,”
villages of Sloboda and Lukashivka, At least 2 million people – half of Asosok said.
south of Chernihiv, on the main sup- the city’s population – fled Kyiv in Ukrainian Railways said that about
deputy prime minister, Iryna Veresh- ply route to Kyiv, as well as carrying the first few weeks of the conflict as 5,000 people had travelled to Kyiv
chuk, said. ‘We don’t see a real out limited counterattacks to the east the Russian troops had made their between 25 March and 1 April.
Petro Andryushchenko, an adviser and north-east of the capital. way to its north-eastern edge with Arriving at Kyiv’s central railway
to the mayor of the city, wrote on
desire from Russia to Peace talks aimed at ending the the intention of storming the capi- station from the western city of Lviv,
Telegram: “We don’t see a real desire provide a chance for five-week-old war, which has killed tal and decapitating the government. Mary Mykolaivna, 73, said she had
from the Russians … to provide an thousands and forced four mil- That plan failed, and the relaxation fled with her family on 27 February
opportunity for Mariupol residents
residents to evacuate’ lion Ukrainains to flee the country, yesterday of the prohibition on the but that she wanted to be home.
to evacuate to territory controlled resumed by video link yesterday. sale of alcohol in shops and the hospi- “I feel safe,” she said. “The walls
by Ukraine.” Significant progress did not seem tality industry that has been imposed of my Ukrainian house will protect
Mariupol has borne some of the Petro Andryushchenko likely, however, following the stalled since 1 March had offered residents in me, but I left my daughter and her
worst violence of the conflict so far: Mariupol mayor’s aide Mariupol evacuation attempt and Kyiv some glint of normality. 16-year-old son there. My daughter,
Russia accusations of a Ukrainian Under the regulations, alcohol Nataly, wants to move abroad.”
Russia’s war in Ukraine: latest developments helicopter attack earlier in the day.
Under Russian control Russian-controlled territory Russian invasion routes Ukrainian unit movements The alleged gunship assault on an
oil depot on the Russian side of the
Kyiv – Presidential adviser says Donbas – Nato says border, in Belgorod, is the first such
troops pushing back Russian forces Konotop intelligence indicates reported incursion of its airspace by
to north-east and north-west Belarus Russia is trying to Ukrainian forces.
reinforce its offensive “Certainly, this is not something
Chernobyl – UN in region that can be perceived as creating
watchdog chief to Sumy comfortable conditions for the con-
visit after Russian Lutsk Russia
troops leave Kyiv tinuation of the talks,” the Kremlin
Lviv Ukraine Kharkiv spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said.
Dnieper The Ukrainian foreign minister,
Ivano-Frankivsk River Dnipro Dmytro Kuleba, said he could “nei-
Donetsk ther confirm nor reject the claim that
Voznesens'k Melitopol
Moldova Ukraine was involved in this, simply
Mykolaiv – Death toll from
Tuesday’s rocket attack on because I do not possess all the mili-
government building rises tary information”.
to 28, says governor Odesa Negotiations in Turkey this week
Mariupol – Red Cross
Crimea was hoping to evacuate centred on Ukraine’s willingness to
150 km Romania Black Sea thousands yesterday abandon its bid to join Nato. Kyiv also
150 miles offered proposals to have its neutral
military status guaranteed by a range ▲ People relax in the Buena Vista bar in central Kyiv after a partial lifting by
Source: Rochan Consulting, Institute for the Study of War with AEI’s Critical Threats Project. 2230 BST 31 March
of foreign countries. the city’s mayor of a ban on alcohol sales PHOTOGRAPH: OLEG PETRASIUK/THE GUARDIAN
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

14 News
War in Ukraine

Nuclear watchdog
Ukrainians charged with overseeing Press yesterday it seemed unlikely
the safe storage of spent fuel rods and a large number of troops would
maintaining the concrete-encased develop severe radiation illness, but
ruins of the reactor. added that it was impossible to know

chief to lead visit

But the UN agency said it could not for sure without more details.
independently confirm the claim that Citing plant workers, Energoatom
the Russian soldiers, whose capture said in a statement yesterday that the
of the plant raised fears around the “Russian occupiers, as they ran away

to Chernobyl as
world of increased radiological risks, from the Chernobyl nuclear power
had been exposed to radiation. plant, took members of the national
Energoatom did not say how many guard, whom they had held hostage ▲ Sean Penn at a news conference
soldiers were involved and gave no since 24 February, with them”. PHOTOGRAPH: JAKUB PORZYCKI/REUTERS

Russians pull out

details of how they had been affected. The Ukrainian government had
The Ukrainian deputy prime minister
Iryna Vereshchuk also said Russian
troops were exposed to radiation
repeatedly expressed safety concerns
about Chernobyl and demanded the
immediate withdrawal of the Russian
Sean Penn
after digging trenches in the forest.
Some Ukrainian reports have sug-
troops, whose presence prevented
the normal rotation of personnel for
Actor calls for
Jon Henley
left taking several Ukrainian service
personnel with them. Some Russians
gested the soldiers were taken to a
special medical facility in nearby
several weeks.
Russian forces also retreated from billionaire to
remained in the surrounding exclu-
sion zone, they said.
Belarus after driving tanks through
the exclusion zone, kicking up radi-
the nearby town of Slavutych, where
Chernobyl workers lived, Ener- buy fighter jet
The head of the UN atomic watchdog The Ukrainian state power com- oactive dust. goatom said, and the IAEA said it was
has said he aims to lead a mission to pany Energoatom alleged that the The Kremlin has not commented preparing to send its first assistance
Chernobyl as soon as possible, after pullout followed a number of Russian on the claims. and support mission to Chernobyl
Russian troops were reported to have soldiers receiving “significant doses” Edwin Lyman, a nuclear expert within the next few days. Dan Sabbagh
largely withdrawn from the decom- of radiation from digging trenches with the US-based Union of Con- Grossi was due to hold talks with Defence and security editor
missioned nuclear power station. in the forest in the exclusion zone, cerned Scientists, told the Associated senior Russian officials in Kalinin-
Rafael Grossi tweeted yesterday a claim the IAEA said it could not grad yesterday after visiting a nuclear Hollywood star Sean Penn has called
that he would head an “assistance independently confirm but would power plant in southern Ukraine on for a billionaire to come forward and
and support” mission by the Interna- investigate. Wednesday on his first trip to the buy two squadrons of F-15 or F-16
tional Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Energoatom said the troops had country since the invasion. aircraft for Ukraine in an unlikely
to the highly contaminated site of “panicked at the first sign of illness”, The IAEA chief, who has repeat- attempt to tip the scales against the
the world’s worst nuclear accident which “showed up very quickly”. edly warned of the dangers of the Russian invaders in the five-week-
in the first of a series of such visits to Chernobyl’s No 4 reactor exploded conflict – Ukraine has 15 reactors at old war.
Ukrainian nuclear plants. on 26 April 1986, killing hundreds and four active nuclear power plants, The actor’s plea for somebody to
The announcement came after spreading radioactive contamination as well as stores of nuclear waste come spend $300m on “12 aircraft
Ukrainian officials said the Russian west across Europe. at Chernobyl and elsewhere – was with better tech than Russian MiGs
soldiers who had occupied the highly The IAEA said yesterday Kyiv had expected to hold a press conference or SUs” mirrored a request a couple
contaminated plant since 24 Febru- informed it that Russia had trans- ▲ The Chernobyl plant was the scene at the organisation’s headquarters in of hours earlier from Ukraine’s air-
ary – the first day of the invasion – had ferred control of the site back to the of the world’s worst nuclear accident Vienna yesterday. force for US-made fighters.
Although the role of arms mid-
dleman may be one to which Penn
is not obviously suited, he has been
engaged in filming a documentary
about Ukraine and its charismatic
president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, for
The Oscar-winning star of Milk
and Mystic River was in Kyiv on the
day the war broke out, pictured in
the front row of a press briefing in
the capital city, and met a tired look-
ing president later that day according
to an Instagram story released by
Penn’s documentary team
remained for some while after in
Kyiv, working closely with govern-
ment officials, and the actor appears
to have come close enough to Zelens-
kiy and his circle to try to help source
higher specification arms for Kyiv’s
embattled forces.
Filming for the Vice Media doc-
umentary has been going for some
time, with Penn donning military
gear in a visit to the Donbas front lines
in November – but the Russian inva-
sion on 24 February and Zelenskiy’s
sudden global fame has made it hot
media property.
Ukraine has been asking for more
fighters since the war started, but
the US refused to support a deal that
could have seen Poland supply 28
MiG-29s, a Russian-made jet of the
type its remaining pilots are used to
flying. Washington was concerned
that supplying fighter jets could be
deemed escalatory by a nuclear-
armed Russia.
Ukraine continues to press its case,
and overnight its airforce tweeted
“the greatest need is for fighter jets”
Exhausted Ukrainians Volunteers take a much-needed break during training exercises in and asked specifically for F-15s and
F-16s, which it said its pilots could
the forests of Zaporizhzhia, in the country’s south-east. With the Russian army not far off, many learn to fly with a few weeks’ train-
PHOTOGRAPH: civilians have been learning combat techniques. The huge nuclear power plant near the city, the ing. Experts said it would normally
ZUMA PRESS/EYEVINE largest of its kind in Europe, was seized by Russian forces a month ago. take pilots up to four months to learn.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

▼ Oleksandr Petrakov, Ukraine
coach, talking to his players in
September’s UEFA qualifiers

‘I thought if they
come to Kyiv I will
pick up a weapon
and defend my city
… I could take two or
three enemies out’

Oleksandr Petrakov
Football manager

The Ukrainian football

association is instead, on Petrakov’s
advice, trying to arrange with Uefa
a camp outside Ukraine, possibly
in the UK, and friendly fixtures
against teams such as “Bayern
Munich, Manchester United,
Manchester City, Arsenal”, with
the proceeds of the games going
to support the Ukrainian armed
Petrakov says he has 11 players
in his squad playing outside
Ukraine, including in the Premier
League, but 26 inside who need
match practice. “We could play
at Wembley, for example, against
a London club. It could be a good
exhibition game, a response for
the Ukrainian army, as well as
preparatory work for the Scotland
Petrakov says he needs five or six
games to return his team to fitness.
“We have to play because without
the [practice] games, it would
be very hard to get to play with
Scotland,” he says.

‘I can’t leave’ Team manager wants to

He has weekly phone calls with
players, including the West Ham
winger Andriy Yarmolenko and
Manchester City’s midfielder
Oleksandr Zinchenko.

use power of football to support war

“They’re calling me, saying
please be safe, we couldn’t bear it
if you were killed. You’re staying in
a dangerous zone. Mostly, all the
parents of these players are staying
in Ukraine. The players worry.”
their land. We need time to calm Manchester United, might help him those in the domestic league in the Other players and former
Daniel Boffey down but for now it is just hate. to overcome. relative safety of western Ukraine. internationals have joined
Kyiv They have broken our countries for Competitive football is banned “But there is also shelling in the fighting, including Andriy

years.” among those between 18 and 60 western Ukraine. And if someone Bogdanov, 32, and Oleksandr
hen the war Petrakov tried to sign up to who can fight, under an order from says that the national team training Aliyev, 37.
broke out in the Ukraine’s territorial defence, the Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr camp has started, the enemies The idea of Ukraine playing
early hours of reservists being deployed across Zelenskiy. could start shelling us. Russia on the football field again is
24 February, the country to fight the Russians. Those who play their football in “These people are without anathema to Petrakov.
Oleksandr He spoke to a member of Ukraine’s the domestic league are scattered morals, or principles, and we He says: “I wouldn’t want this to
Petrakov, government but was advised that across the country, unable to couldn’t risk our players. The happen while I am still alive. I don’t
the manager of Ukraine’s men’s his lack of military experience was train properly. Petrakov initially Russians are not our brothers, they [want] to shake hands with these
national football team, chose not an issue and that he might be better proposed a training camp for are the horde.” guys … We have to build a great wall
to leave his home in the capital, employed elsewhere. and do what we can do to separate
Kyiv, as the Russians advanced and “I was told: ‘You have to sign from them.”
shells dropped, but to try to join the a contract and someone will Petrakov, who won the under-20
fight. command you.’ He said: ‘I know World Cup for Ukraine in 2019, is
“My family told me to go to you, that would be very hard. You full of admiration for Zelenskiy’s
western Ukraine but I refused. I don’t need this, you are another leadership.
said: ‘I am from Kyiv, I can’t leave,’” kind of person.’ And I’m 64, you He says: “When we won the cup,
says Petrakov. understand?” he had become president and he
“I didn’t think it would be correct Petrakov, who took over called up and I didn’t even know
as people have to defend and I can’t from the former Chelsea striker his name and surname. I just called
run. I thought, if they come to Kyiv Andriy Shevchenko as manager him ‘my president’, says Petrakov,
I will pick up a weapon and defend last August, is instead trying to laughing.
my city.” get Ukraine’s men’s team to this But the war rages on. Petrakov’s
He adds: “I am 64 but I felt it was November’s World Cup. The team daughter, Viktoria, 32, and son
normal to do this. I think I could were due to play Scotland in a Yevhen, 41, and his four-year-old
take two or three enemies out.” play-off qualifier in Hampden Park grandson are in relative safety
A Russian speaker from in Glasgow on 24 March but it was in the west of the country. But in
childhood, Petrakov now sticks to postponed. their flat in Kyiv, his wife, Irina, 66,
Ukrainian in public and while some A new fixture is pencilled in for struggles with the sounds of war.
are sad about Vladimir Putin’s war sometime in June. Petrakov says “She can’t bear the shelling and
and others are angry, he admits to a he believes it will be honoured explosions and at 8pm she goes
more visceral emotion. although there are serious down to the shelter with the dog.
“It’s just hate. It is not anger, but obstacles that he hopes that Uefa ▲ The Ukraine team before the World Cup Group D qualification match I stay in the flat. It would be better
people hate those who invaded and major European clubs, such as against Bosnia which was played in Lviv PHOTOGRAPH: MYKOLA TYS/SOPA IMAGES for me to fight somebody if I could.”
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

16 News
War in Ukraine

Inside Saturday
In flames

How to win the As a fire started

by a Russian
fight against attack engulfs
buildings in
disinformation Kharkiv, a
resident of
Page 71 the city in
Ukraine runs
for cover
carrying a few


Russia and India will

keep trading despite
‘illegal’ western
sanctions – Lavrov
populous democracy, does not seem
Patrick Wintour willing to accept this, especially if it
Diplomatic editor requires India to break with Russia
over issues such as arms sales and a
The Indian prime minister, Narendra future realignment of the global secu-
Modi, has afforded Russia’s foreign rity architecture in which the US has
minister the honour of a meeting as a less prominent role.
Sergei Lavrov praised India’s refusal Lavrov said: “These days our west-
to condemn the Ukraine invasion. ern colleagues would like to reduce
Lavrov, who is visiting India, pre- any meaningful international issue to
dicted Moscow and Delhi would find the crisis in Ukraine … [We] appreci-
ways to circumvent “illegal” west- ate that India is taking this situation
ern sanctions and continue to trade. in the entirety of facts, not just in a
Modi had not met the string of one-sided way.
other foreign ministers to arrive in “I can only say that the balanced
Delhi in recent days, including the UK position of India, which is not
foreign secretary, Liz Truss, and the influenced by blackmail or diktat
Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, methods, inspires our respect.”
so Lavrov looks to have been singled Lavrov also claimed Ukraine was
out for attention by the Indian leader. showing increasing understanding
India has abstained from suc- that joining Nato was not an option.
cessive United Nations resolutions “Friendship is the key word to
censuring Moscow, calling only for describe the history of our relations,
an end to violence, and has increased and our relations were very sustaina-
its oil purchases from Russia, its big- ble during many difficult times in the
gest supplier of arms. past,” he said.
Truss, in India on Thursday, His Indian counterpart, S Jai-
had tried to cast the battle as one shankar, reiterated “the importance
between democracies and autoc- of cessation of violence and end-
racies, but India, the world’s most ing hostilities” and said: “Disputes
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •••


Cyber-attacks invasion, according to a report. The

UK government confirmed that the
Times. Ukraine’s security service, the
SBU, alleges that China appears to
National Cyber Security Centre is have had advance notice of the inva-
China ‘targeted investigating the allegations, which sion because the hacking attempts
claim that more than 600 websites, started before the end of the Winter
Ukraine assets’ including Ukraine’s defence minis-
try, were subjected to thousands of
Olympics in Beijing and peaked on
23 February, the day before Russia
hacking attempts coordinated by the invaded its neighbour.
Chinese government. The SBU said other targets of the
Dan Milmo A UK government spokesperson attacks included border defence
Global technology editor said: “The National Cyber Secu- forces and the national bank. The
rity Centre is investigating these attempts were designed to steal data
China launched cyber-attacks on allegations with our international and explore ways to disrupt or shut
Ukrainian military and nuclear tar- partners.” The claims are based on down defence and civilian infrastruc-
gets shortly before the Russian intelligence memos obtained by the ture, the SBU added.

should be resolved through dialogue But there are also tensions between
and diplomacy.” India and Russia. Western financial
Lavrov said Russia’s military offen- sanctions have reportedly made it
sive in Ukraine was not “just about difficult for India to pay Russia for
Ukraine, its neutrality”, but rather imports including arms, oil, rough
a “question of world order”. He sug- diamonds and fertilisers.
gested that the US had suppressed all Russia has written to India’s
attempts at establishing autonomy by defence ministry requesting clear-
Europe, which was now completely ance of back payments worth $1.3bn
in lockstep with Washington. (£990m), according to the Economic
In words designed to attract Times newspaper.
approval in India, he said the west’s India and Russia have been work-
real endgame was the re-establish- ing on a rupee-rouble mechanism
ment of a unipolar world. to facilitate trade and get around
The Russian foreign minister said western sanctions on Russian banks,
that the US and its allies were try- according to media reports.
ing to conceal their true objectives, Lavrov said he was confident the
portraying their confrontation with two countries would find a solution.
Russia and some other nations as a “Many years ago we started moving in
“battle between democracies and our relations with India, with China,
autocracies”. with many other countries from using
However, according to Lavrov, the dollars and euros to more and more
west itself has become one big auto- use of national currencies. Under
cracy with the US at the helm. these circumstances this trend, I
believe, will be intensified,” he said.
“We will be ready to supply to India
any goods which India wants to buy
… and I have no doubt that a way
will be found to bypass the artificial
impediments which illegal unilateral
sanctions by the west create.”
Lavrov arrived in Delhi on Thurs-
day from China, where he had hailed
Beijing as part of a new “multipolar,
just, democratic world order”.
India shares western alarm over
China’s growing assertiveness in the
Indo-Pacific region, and is a member
of the so-called Quad alliance with
the US, Japan and Australia.
The US is pushing the argument
that Russia will end up the junior
partner in this relationship with
▲ The Russian and Indian foreign China, and that the more leverage
ministers, Sergei Lavrov and S China gains over Russia, the less
Jaishankar, met in Delhi yesterday favourable that is for India.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

18 News

What next after

‘the slap’? Smith
weighs options
to preserve career
opinion on Smith being ejected from
Catherine Shoard the auditorium, only on the possibil-
ity of Smith being arrested by police.
Ticket prices for dates on Rock’s
When Will Smith picked up his Oscar current comedy tour have soared
on Sunday, it felt as if he was at the but some punters at shows earlier in
pinnacle of his career, despite his on- the week declared themselves disap-
stage assault of the comedian Chris pointed by Rock’s failure to discuss
Rock an hour earlier. the slap in his routine.
Amid a standing ovation, Smith Smith, since making a public apol-
tearfully explained his actions as ogy for “reacting emotionally” on
those of a man seeking to protect his Monday, has also remained silent on
family from abuse – Rock had referred the incident as his team recalibrates
to his wife Jada Pinkett Smith’s bald- its response.
ness, even though she had recently A number of options seem pos-
made public a diagnosis of alopecia. sible. Smith could appear on a
Backstage, Rock declared himself chatshow to discuss the incident, as
“fine” and declined to pursue the Packer has done – though this risks
matter. The Academy apparently his appearing to diminish the seri-
asked Smith to leave the auditorium, ousness of the incident. It is more
but seemed satisfied by his refusal. likely that the actor will agree to a
Yet a week is a long time in show- longer-form interview conducted
business and six days on, Smith’s by someone such as Oprah Winfrey.
standing seems substantially more As his acceptance speech dem-
shaky. As soon as the slap was aired onstrated, much of Smith’s defence
on TV, celebrity viewers were swift rests on his claim of high emotional
to castigate the actor. Mark Hamill stakes and personal history. The
and Rob Reiner were disgusted; narrative he has built is of a flawed
Jim Carrey and Judd Apatow were man, well used to the unforgiving
among those who suggested Smith spotlight, who finally cracks under
should have been arrested. Politi- pressure when someone insults his
cians including Keir Starmer echoed family.
the sense of outrage. Another route would be for Smith
Two days later, the verdicts of to self-produce such a show. His
those in the room at the time of the memoir was published in tandem
incident began to filter through and with a YouTube series, The Best

Life with alopecia ‘The

were yet more stinging. Joseph Patel, Shape of My Life, charting his 20lb Guardian of how alopecia has led to
a producer on the Oscar-winning weight loss in tandem with a pro- isolation and depression.
documentary Summer of Soul, said gramme of psychological growth. Alopecia, a loose term referring
Smith was “selfish” and had “robbed” The regard with which Smith is to hair loss, is commonly caused
him and his film-makers of their
moment of glory. Pedro Almodóvar,
held by the public could prove hard
to shake. A YouGov poll of 1,319 US joke is bringing awareness, by an autoimmune condition that
attacks hair follicles. In nearly 20%
sitting close to the stage, said the adults conducted earlier in the week of cases, there is a family history.
scene “produced a feeling of abso-
lute rejection in me”.
The Academy, under fire for
found only a narrow majority thought
he was wrong to have slapped Rock.
It also remains in Hollywood’s
but for the wrong reasons’ There is treatment but no cure.
After Malik was diagnosed
with 80% hair loss, she decided to
inaction, swung into gear. A previ- best interests for Smith to regain the shave her head this January. “It’s
ously announced investigation was favour that has characterised his 30 wigs in the park where she takes definitely not been an easy journey,
upgraded to disciplinary proceed- years as a leading man. Films in which Geneva Abdul her three-year-old son. because I’m somebody who has
ings. Yesterday, the Oscars telecast he played lead have accounted for On Sunday, when Will Smith always had very good hair,” she

producer Will Packer sought to almost $6.5bn (£5bn) in takings at the slapped Chris Rock after the Oscars said. But she said that with support
deflect criticism further by telling global box office, and his appeal has fter Shaily Malik presenter made a joke at the from her husband, Malik “realised
Good Morning America that the Los been of unusual breadth and reach, found a bald patch on expense of his wife, Jada Pinkett if I cannot accept myself with …
Angeles police had immediately spanning genders, demographics, her head three years Smith, who has alopecia, Malik how I look right now, I cannot teach
described the attack as “battery” and nationalities and ethnicities. ago, mornings grew realised: “If that can happen to the same thing to my child”.
offered to arrest Smith. The results of the Academy’s inves- tough. She would Jada at the Oscars, it can definitely For Toby Penty, a member of
It was only the decision of the vic- tigation will be announced in about wake to discover happen to us on the streets.” the Team GB badminton team, his
tim, said Packer, that meant this did three weeks, but it appears unlikely chunks of hair on her pillow, and For Malik, the impact was huge. diagnosis with alopecia universalis,
not happen. “Chris was being very that Smith will have his award with- the thought of washing her hair “People are actually talking about a complete loss of hair from the
dismissive of those options,” he said. drawn. Whoopi Goldberg, a member became dreadful, knowing she it. They’re considering that people body, was a shock. Penty, who lives
“He was like: ‘No, I’m fine.’ He was of the Academy’s board of governors, would only lose more. She grew are actually bullied because of their in Surrey, said he didn’t enjoy going
like: ‘No, no, no.’” said on Monday: “We’re not going reluctant to have her photograph visible difference,” she said. “I have outside, wore a hood and felt very
Rock’s conciliatory mood was to take that Oscar from him.” Even taken, and struggled to identify personally experienced it.” uncomfortable in regular, public
also credited by Packer as the rea- Oscars won by expelled members with her reflection in the mirror. Pinkett Smith, who shaved places. Once he knew he was going
son Smith was not ejected from the have not been recalled. As a 32-year-old business analyst her head after “struggling with to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics,
auditorium by the Academy’s leader- Only a handful of Academy mem- born in India and living in Brighton alopecia”, is far from alone in he “had to deal with it”.
ship. “I said, Chris Rock doesn’t want bers have been expelled, mostly as with alopecia areata, which causes being ridiculed. The comedian As for the awareness the Oscar
that. I said, Rock has made it clear that a result of convictions for sexual patchy hair loss, Malik understands Matt Lucas, who is also outspoken incident has drawn, he said: “It’s
he does not want to make a bad situ- assault, including Harvey Wein- the strength it requires to dress about having alopecia, recently great that it’s in the public sphere
ation worse.” stein, Roman Polanski and Bill Cosby up, go out and be yourself. She has said he found it “so weird” that one like this, but it’s just unfortunate
However, some sources suggest (whose conviction for sexual assault endured stares on the street, and newspaper always referred to him that it came at the moment of quite
that Rock was not asked by Packer his was overturned last year). people telling her to wear hats or as an “egghead”. Others told the strong violence and shock.”
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

▼ Will Smith and Jada Pinkett
Smith arrive for the Oscars awards
ceremony in Los Angeles last Sunday

Can music
awards win
fight to be
Alexis Petridis

here is a longstanding
and compelling
argument that a
significant proportion
of people who
tune in to showbiz
awards ceremonies do so with a
certain schadenfreude. They’re
less interested in seeing glitz and
glamour or deserving artists being
justly rewarded than seeing events
going wrong or wildly off-piste.
It’s an argument that has been
reinforced over the past week, with
discussion of Will Smith slapping
Chris Rock at the Oscars showing ▲ Jon Batiste has 11 nominations for his genre-defying album We Are and the
no sign of abating. Pixar animation Soul PHOTOGRAPH: SUZANNE CORDEIRO/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK
Tomorrow’s ceremony thus
finds itself struggling to make meltdown, he has nevertheless as the new queen of teen and
itself noticed in the aftermath of received five nominations for his tweenage pop. The previous
the Oscars. The Grammys have album Donda – and the fact that the incumbent, Billie Eilish, also has
valiantly plodded on, making event is hosted by Trevor Noah, the seven nominations, though her
announcements about what it has subject of a recent Instagram tirade album Happier Than Ever was
in store, without dislodging Smith by West that included racial slurs. relatively coolly received.
and Rock from the headlines: what Under the circumstances, it’s Also among the album nominees
price the hot news that Bruno probably best to try to drown out lurks Love for Sale, the second
Mars and Anderson .Paak’s retro- the chatter and concentrate on collaborative effort from Lady Gaga
soul outfit Silk Sonic are opening the music. The winner before the and Tony Bennett: the latter is 95
the show, that the Foo Fighters’ winners are announced seems to be and living with Alzheimer’s, and
appearance has been replaced by Jon Batiste, who has 11 nominations you should never underestimate
a hastily convened tribute to their thanks to his score for the Pixar the willingness of the Grammys to
late drummer Taylor Hawkins, animation Soul and his album We wax sentimental and treat an award
While the Oscars incident raised patients. “I’ve got patients who or indeed the saga of the Korean Are. That said, it’s worth noting as a kind of long-service medal.
awareness, for some “dealing with would just stay at home, parents boyband BTS – two of whom have that competition in the album of Nevertheless, Batiste should
unwelcome remarks and being the who are absolutely distraught, Covid, and may or may not perform the year category is strong and not win something. He’s an endlessly
butt of jokes is sadly an all-too real and so this has kind of made it – compared with one Hollywood just because it includes Taylor Swift fascinating artist – his background
part” of alopecia, said the charity mainstream,” she said. “If anything star lamming another on live TV? touting the follow-up to last year’s is in jazz, although he declines
Alopecia UK. comes out of this, it’s awareness.” Anyone tuning in for that sense album of the year winner and the to label his own music as such;
For Anita Takwale, a consultant However, for Helen Rowlands, of schadenfreude can always cling hugely successful debut by Olivia his desire to connect with a
dermatologist and hair specialist 33, it is more complex. She said she to the prospect of Kanye West Rodrigo – herself the recipient of broader audience has led him to
in Gloucester, the incident has felt empowered seeing Pinkett- attending – barred from performing seven nominations, which feels do everything from record entire
become a topic of discussion with Smith attend. But the day after the as a result of his latest social media very much like her coronation albums on subway trains to leading
video went viral, Rowlands felt the house band on The Late Show
self-conscious at the gym with her With Stephen Colbert. Plus We Are
own shaved head: “It’s great that is an exceptional piece of work:
it’s bringing the awareness, but urgently political, packed with
it’s almost bringing it out there for fantastic songs and genre defying.
the wrong reasons. The joke never HER should also be rewarded
should have been made.” – another artist with multiple
Living with alopecia from the nominations and a great album in
age of 10, Rowlands has had her the shape of Back of My Mind. .
fair share of bullying. As a child Patriotic onlookers in search
she wore wigs and hats, only to of evidence that British pop is
have other children steal them and flourishing across the Atlantic have
throw them into gardens. a rather thin time of it. Ed Sheeran
These days, people often assume gets a nomination for the single
she is ill, and ask what stage of Bad Habits and nothing for its
‘Ultimately, hair is chemotherapy she is at. On one accompanying album. Arlo Parks
occasion, a stranger stroked her is an outrider in the best new artist
an important part head at a club. “I don’t want people category, while Glass Animals
of women’s lives, to treat me any differently because perhaps have a better chance:
I’ve got alopecia – a lot of people they’re bigger in the US than at
so to lose that is a with alopecia want to be seen as home thanks to the old-fashioned
loss of identity’ the same as everyone else,” said expedient of relentlessly touring.
Rowlands, an alopecia model. “But That said, the chances of them
Helen Rowlands ultimately, hair is an important part ▲ Olivia Rodrigo performs at the 2021 MTV video music awards. With seven triumphing over Rodrigo look slim –
Model with alopecia of a lot of women’s lives, so to lose nominations for her debut album, Sour, the Grammys feel like her coronation indeed, there’s a decent chance she
that is a loss of identity.” as the new queen of teen and tween pop PHOTOGRAPH: MIKE COPPOLA/AFP could sweep the board.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

National ‘I’ve had to tell people 21

that the council

are not going to
accommodate you –  Gemma Walsh, the housing
find a tent. That’s the services manager at the Citizens
Advice bureau in Bolton

British Gas is threatening to refer

her to a debt collector and install a
pre-payment meter over an unpaid
£395 bill. Her husband is diabetic
and could become seriously ill
if they can’t afford to refrigerate
his insulin. Their 12-year-old son
has noticed they are struggling:
“My child is upset when he sees
my debt. He wants the same as his
friends … everybody is struggling.”
In another room, an Indian
woman told the Guardian she had
started skipping meals so she could
feed her 14-year-old son. “One day
I eat, one day I don’t,” she said. “My
son says: ‘Mum, is there any food?’”
Her problems spiralled after
submitting immigration paperwork
16 days late, meaning her universal
credit was stopped and she had to
quit work as a cleaner: “My friends
say if you’re hungry we will give
you food but we can’t pay the bills.”

olton has some of the
most deprived streets
in England but the
borough as a whole is
not one of the poorest.
About one in seven
of its households were defined as
experiencing fuel poverty in 2019,
similar to the UK average, according
to government data, but that figure
will soar as bills rise.
The effect will be felt unevenly

‘One day I eat, one day I don’t’ Bolton

among Bolton’s 285,000 residents,
as it will across the country. In the
south-east of the borough, 41% of
children are in poverty, double the
rate just a few miles away.

grapples with the cost of living crisis

West started as a debt advisor
during the financial crash of 2008.
He has noticed a shift in people’s
quality of life in recent years, as
people sacrifice food and internet
subscriptions yet still cannot make
people there’s literally nothing we abattoir in Bolton town centre, the tell people that [the council] are ends meet: “People have already
Josh Halliday can do,” said Richard Wilkinson, office feels nearly as cold as the not going to accommodate you – go fully budgeted their salary to points
North of England correspondent chief executive of the Bolton and streets outside. find a tent. We say stop here until we would never have advised.”

Bury branch of Citizens Advice. The tenor of the conversations we shut because it’s warm but then The lifeline for many in Bolton
n eight-month-old In the past three months, his is quiet and desperate. The small they’re off. That’s probably the is a Christian charity called Urban
baby girl snoozes in team has directed 706 people to team of specialist advisers are worst-case scenario.” Outreach. Operating from a 17,500
her pram while her crisis support such as emergency trained to help people who are In interview room one, Salma* sq ft warehouse, its 350 volunteers
mother, in those food parcels or fuel vouchers – a suicidal. They often see people at clasps a bundle of energy bills as have delivered 248,000 food
precious moments 31% increase from the previous their lowest ebb. she explains how her previously parcels since the pandemic began.
of quiet, counts the quarter. Nationally, Citizens Advice Some come in surrounded by all comfortable life was upended Over the Easter holidays, it will
cost of feeding her four young referred 24,752 people to food their belongings after being made when her husband, a chef, had provide about 1,000 lunches a day
children. A 16p increase in the price banks or to other charitable support homeless, often through no fault a stroke four years ago. Now for children on free school meals.
of chicken drumsticks has put them in March, up by 44% on the same of their own, said Gemma Walsh, they rely on universal credit and The charity tops up pay-as-
beyond her reach. month last year. the housing manager. “I’ve had to disability benefits. you-go energy cards for people
“What my children eat - it’s The latest research, conducted with pre-payment meters on behalf
too expensive. The cost of before the April energy cap of the council. In winter 2019-20,
living has changed,” she said, in increase, found that one in five it put £27,000 worth of gas and
interview room four of Bolton’s people in Bolton were unable to electricity on these cards. This
Citizens Advice bureau. “Chicken afford their energy bills even if winter, due to a surge in people
drumsticks, they used to sell them they cut back on other essentials. needing council help, that had risen
for £1.49 - it’s now £1.65. And the That will rise to one in three people to £181,000. “That gives you some
bus pass as well. From my house when bills skyrocket this month. idea of the movement this winter
it used to be £2. It’s now £3 … A £1 “One in three or four people before we see the cataclysmic rise
[increase] – that’s a lot.” we see now are stating that they in April,” said Dave Bagley, the
Down the corridor, another need help with food or fuel,” said charity’s chief executive.
woman looks flustered when she Robert West, a debt adviser. “It At the bureau, Wilkinson fears
learns that gas, electricity and sounds like that is the exception for the year ahead. His advisers
water bills will rise sharply this but it’s the norm. These are daily are handling a “tsunami of
month. “More?! They will go up?!” occurrences now.” demand” with fewer resources.
she cries. The Bolton bureau has a twice- Staff nationwide are leaving due
This is the frontline of Britain’s weekly drop-in day where people to poor pay and low morale. With
cost of living crisis. The advisers get advice on debt, housing, an average salary of £23,000, the
who help low-income families immigration or other money people helping those in dire straits
say they are now out of answers. problems. Within an hour of the are also suffering. “It can’t really
“Historically, our staff have got doors opening at 10am, the waiting get much worse and it looks like it’s
so many tricks and tools but now room is packed to standing room ▲ Demand for help from those who are having to choose between eating or going to,” he said.
we’re running out of road. For some only. Based in a rundown former heating their homes has soared, even before the rise in the energy price cap *Name has been changed
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

22 National

Airports brace for surge of Easter break

UK Border Force, said it was “clear
that queue times may be longer”
with the reopening of international
travel and a rise in passenger num-

travellers freed from Covid restrictions bers. It said it was working to “ensure
passengers have the smoothest pos-
sible journey”.
Problems at Heathrow continued
when a technical issue with British
Airways on Wednesday left passen-
in passenger numbers. A spokesper- gers hit by long delays, with some
Jane Clinton son said that during the pandemic cancellations. The airline said the IT
the airport had seen a reduction of failure had been resolved by the after-
about 25% in staff numbers and that noon. However, there was a knock-on
Passengers anticipating delays at UK it had begun a recruitment drive in effect, with “a reduction in sched-
airports this Easter are taking extra January to “fill hundreds of roles in ule” on Thursday compounded by
precautions including arriving early, its security operation”. The airport’s bad weather.
with some even staying in nearby partner organisations, such as air- BA said it had offered refunds,
hotels the night before they fly. lines and ground handlers, have also hotel accommodation and refresh-
Airlines are expecting a huge been recruiting. ment vouchers, or to rebook people
surge in the number of people trav- Stansted airport began a major on alternative flights where needed.
elling this week as people jet off on recruitment drive in January. It has At Gatwick, where the second of
longed-for Easter breaks after the lift- teamed up with Tottenham Hotspur two terminals reopened last week
ing of Covid travel restrictions. The FC to hold a jobs fair at their stadium after 21 months, a spokesperson
travel company Tui said demand on Tuesday. A spokesperson advised said there were no staffing issues
was “strong” for school holiday get- passengers to leave plenty of time to but added that the terminals “may
aways, while Hays Travel also said it get to the airport and through the be busy during peak periods, such as
was “very busy” for overseas depar- security checks and to be aware of weekends and the Easter holidays”.
tures over Easter. all restrictions before leaving home. Passengers, perhaps out of practice
Many airports have ramped up At Heathrow, passengers last week at taking flights, have been advised to
recruitment after layoffs during the complained about “quarter-mile- check their airline’s guidelines and to

pandemic and other staff leaving dur- ▲ Crowds at Easter breaks long” queues at passport control. The refamiliarise themselves with secu-
ing the so-called “great resignation” Heathrow’s after Covid environment minister Lord Benyon, rity rules including those on carrying
resulted in shortages. With a tight and terminal 5 curbs were lifted who was caught in the delays, called liquids in hand luggage.
competitive labour market airports yesterday. PHOTOGRAPHS: The revenue lost by UK airports it a “shambles”. Meanwhile, a report published by
are struggling to fill vacancies. Many people SOPHIA EVANS/ since the first Covid lockdown in A spokesperson for the Home the industry trade body the Airport
Sallyanne Glynn, 52, decided to are jetting off for March 2020, according to the AOA Office, which is responsible for the Operators Association (AOA) found
stay in a hotel near Heathrow air- that “UK airports lost £10bn in reve-
port with her family the night before nue since the first lockdown in March
a flight to New York to celebrate her 2020 and have taken on more than
daughter’s 21st birthday, at a cost of £4bn in debt”. It added that 2021 was
£1,000. “It was to make things eas- worse than 2020, with UK airports
ier for us,” she said. “I don’t think seeing “the lowest passenger num-
anybody is back to normal yet. The bers since 1983”.
airport is a huge operation with It called for more help from the
thousands of staff and you can’t just UK and devolved governments and
switch that on and off.” a “comprehensive aviation recovery
Heathrow has deployed extra staff plan”. Airports in Germany, Italy,
to help people get on their way as Ireland and the US had received
quickly and smoothly as possible, in up to eight times as much financial
expectation of passenger numbers support as UK airports did, the trade
“not seen since early March 2020”. body said.
Manchester airport, which will reo- Karen Dee, the AOA chief executive,
pen its second runway on Tuesday, said while airports had been prepar-
said it was working to put meas- ing for the return of greater numbers
ures in place to deal with the surge of people travelling, “at peak times
passengers may not have the expe-
rience they are used to”.
‘The problems are The Unite union national officer
Oliver Richardson said an overhaul
set to get worse. The was needed to make the industry
model the aviation more resilient. “The problems fac-
ing airline passengers are set to get
sector operates on worse,” he said.
is broken’ “The model that the aviation sec-
tor operates on is broken and unless it
becomes more attractive for potential
employees it won’t be able to recruit
Oliver Richardson the workforce that is needed to meet
Unite union ▲ Sallyanne Glynn, centre, and her family spent £1,000 for a hotel near Heathrow before their flight to New York demand as flights steadily increase.”

P&O Ferries: criminal inquiry action would not be taken by the

government, despite Boris Johnson
having suggested it would.
be replaced by cheap agency workers,
and imposed a deadline for accept-
ance of a payoff while forfeiting the
Hebblethwaite as a director. The chief
executive has resisted calls to resign.
The RMT union’s general secre-
launched after staff sackings The move will be welcomed by
MPs on all sides who had urged the
right to legal action. All but one had
accepted by yesterday’s deadline.
tary, Mick Lynch, said: “This … gives
clear grounds to detain P&O’s ships
government to not let P&O escape A spokesperson for the business whilst the criminal and civil investi-
circumstances of the redundancies, without sanction for choosing to department confirmed the move by gations are completed, and justice is
Gwyn Topham after making inquiries at the request break the law. P&O Ferries’ chief the Insolvency Service, adding: “We delivered for our members in face of
of the government. executive, Peter Hebblethwaite, will not provide further comment this corporate hostility.”
The move was confirmed in a let- admitted last week in an extraordi- while investigations are ongoing.” Frances O’Grady, general secretary
Criminal and civil investigations ter to the business secretary, Kwasi nary Commons hearing that there Pressure on the Insolvency Service of the TUC, said the inquiry must not
have been launched into the con- Kwarteng, who tweeted that he was “absolutely no doubt we were to move came after the parliamentary “shy away from serious sanctions and
duct of P&O Ferries after the operator and the transport secretary, Grant required to consult with the unions business and transport committee big financial penalties”. She added:
summarily sacked nearly 800 crew Shapps, would “continue to follow … We chose not to do that.” The law hearings, after it had given an origi- “P&O must not be allowed to get away
without notice or consultation. this matter closely as the investiga- also requires due notice to be given to nal commitment to decide by 7 April. with its scandalous and unlawful
The Insolvency Service said it tions progress”. the Redundancy Payments Service. P&O Ferries declined to comment. treatment of staff. Firms who behave
had “initiated both formal crimi- The announcement comes after The firm laid off 786 crew on Brit- The investigations could poten- like corporate gangsters deserve far
nal and civil investigations” into the Shapps appeared to admit court ish contracts issued out of Jersey, to tially lead to the disqualification of more than a slap on the wrist.”
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

National 23

most famous
portrait of
Princess Diana,
from 1990. A
year later he
her in colour for
a Vogue cover

 From left, in
2016, Christy
Evangelista and
Naomi Campbell
by Demarchelier

Models pay tribute to

celebrities including Beyoncé, Jen- I will always treasure his talent, his “Oh I am so sad to hear this,” he
nifer Lopez and Madonna. kindness and our long history. So wrote. “I had the best times with Pat-
In 2018, seven female models many sittings ... rick, endless incredible iconic photos,
accused the photographer of sexual “I am saddened to the core. To his wonderful memories, a lifetime of
photographer who put assault, allegations Demarchelier
denied. In response to the allega-
tions, the publisher Condé Nast
wife and family, I send my love. May
he rest in peace for ever more.”
The celebrity hair stylist Sam
“I have so much to thank him for,
there will never be another.”

Diana on cover of Vogue stopped working with him.

He was mentioned in the 2006 film
The Devil Wears Prada, in which he
McKnight, who also worked with
Diana, said he had “so much” to thank
Demarchelier for.
Hadid said: “I am grateful to have
been lucky enough to be in front of
your lens.
is sought after by the fashion jug- “Most gentle, most legendary, soft
is survived by his wife, Mia, his three gernaut Miranda Priestly, played by but full of life. You will be missed Pat-
Jamie Grierson sons, Gustaf, Arthur, Victor, and three Meryl Streep. rick. Rest in peace. I will miss this day,
grandchildren.” Among those paying tribute to and you dear Patrick.”
Demarchelier produced the cover Demarchelier were the US designer Sharing pictures of herself taken by
Patrick Demarchelier, the fashion for the 1991 December issue of Vogue Vera Wang and models includ- Demarchelier, Crawford said: “Rest
photographer who worked with that featured Diana. He worked for ing Bella Hadid, Cindy Crawford in peace, @patrickdemarchelier.
high-profile figures including a multitude of other top magazines and Hailey Bieber. Wang said she Thanks for so many great memories
Diana, Princess of Wales, has died at including Harper’s Bazaar, Elle and was “saddened to the core” by the and beautiful, timeless images.”
the age of 78. Rolling Stone, as well as high-end news and would “always treasure” The actor Kate Hudson said she
His death was announced by his fashion brands. He helped shoot Demarchelier’s talent and kindness. had always enjoyed working with the
representatives on Instagram on advertising campaigns for Dior, Sharing a picture of one of their photographer and sent a “ton of love”
Thursday. “It is with great sadness Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Tommy final shoots together, she wrote: “We to his family: “So many memories.
that we announce the passing of Pat- Hilfiger and Carolina Herrera. began our fashion journey together I had the pleasure of being photo-
rick Demarchelier on 31 March 2022, During his career, Demarchelier on a Shophound shoot for American ▲ The fashion photographer Patrick graphed by Patrick often and always
at the age of 78,” the post read. “He photographed a string of high-profile Vogue where he met his wife, Mia. Demarchelier, who has died aged 78 enjoyed him and his team so much.”
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

24 National

Infosys says it will close

despite the invasion of Ukraine. A  Rishi Sunak
source at Infosys told the Guardian with his wife,
that the company was “in the process Akshata

Moscow office ‘urgently’ of urgently closing down its Russian

operation” and “relocating staff to
other countries”.
Murthy, who
owns an
An Infosys spokesperson declined £690m stake in
about £11.5m in annual dividends, is to comment, and would not be drawn Infosys
Rupert Neate “urgently” closing its office in Russia. on whether the decision to close the PHOTOGRAPH:
Infosys’s decision to shut its Mos- Russian office was linked to political VICKIE FLORES/EPA

cow office comes as pressure mounts pressure mounting on Sunak.

The Indian IT services company on Sunak to answer accusations Keir Starmer, the Labour leader,
Infosys, in which the chancellor that his family is collecting “blood earlier yesterday called on the chan-
Rishi Sunak’s wife owns an esti- money” dividends from the compa- cellor to reveal whether his family
mated £690m stake and collects ny’s continued operation in Russia had been “benefiting from money

 Lady Margaret Hall, University of

Oxford. The college paid damages
to a student who accused it of
negligence and discrimination

Lady Margaret Hall (LMH) said it

could not comment on individual stu-
dent cases – after the allegations were
reported by the Times – but a spokes-
person said it “recognised that there
is scope for improvement in our non-
academic disciplinary procedures,
which includes how the college deals
with allegations of sexual assault”.
The alleged assault occurred while
Alan Rusbridger, the former Guardian
editor, was LMH’s principal between
2015 and 2021.

Oxford college Rusbridger said: “Numerous staff

and tutors went to great efforts to
support and protect a student who
pays damages alleged she had been attacked by
her partner. Both the police and the
to woman after college mounted thorough investi-
gations into the alleged attack but

alleged rape by were unable to determine what had

happened to the required burdens
of proof.”
fellow student The woman said the college told
her not to speak about the attack or
the college’s policies on social media.
It included a clause in a “non-contact”
Richard Adams agreement that asked both students
Education editor to refrain from public comment and
threatened expulsion if they “pub-
A University of Oxford college has lished material” in the media.
pledged to overhaul its handling Calvert-Lee said students and
of sexual assault cases after paying junior academics “up and down
damages to settle legal action taken the country” had complained of
by a woman who said she was raped similar treatment, including being
by a fellow student. threatened with disciplinary action
The woman, a student at Lady Mar- if they talked about their experi-
garet Hall, said she was raped after a ences to others. Rusbridger denied
man entered her room while she was a “blanket gagging order” or non-dis-
asleep. Police investigated but he was closure agreement was imposed by
not charged with any crime. the college.
The college settled the case this He said that while the police inves-
week, after the woman accused it of tigation was still active, the woman
negligence and discrimination for had posted, under her own name and
the way she was treated after com- to a Facebook group of 2,500 people,
ing forward. The college agreed to pay the claim that she had been raped by
damages as well as the woman’s legal a man who was identifiable.
costs. It did not admit liability. “The student was advised of the
Georgina Calvert-Lee of McAllister- obvious risks involved in this posting:
Olivarius, who acted for the woman, she apologised and volunteered to
said: “Universities have known for delete all her social media accounts,”
years that their complaints-handling Rusbridger said.
processes are defective, and the law- “After this LMH asked both par-
suits keep coming. But while there ties to refrain from public comment
are certainly some improvements, while the case was active as part of a
change is far too slow.” no-contact agreement.” A spokesper-
Calvert-Lee accused the higher son for LMH said the college had been
education regulator, the Office for working with the Oxford student
Students, of issuing guidelines on union’s It Happens Here campaign
sexual misconduct without impos- against sexual violence, and agreed to
ing any mandatory requirements to ban the use of non-disclosure agree-
enforce them. ments in sexual misconduct cases.
“The college system in Oxford Oxford University said it did not
lends itself to further confusion, as use non-disclosure agreements to
students are pointed from college to prevent students from reporting
the university and back again just try- sexual misconduct or inappropriate
ing to find out how to make a formal behaviour, other than settlements in
complaint,” Calvert-Lee said. exceptional circumstances.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

▼ Images of actor Sydney Sweeney
wearing a blue wrap cardigan as
Cassie in Euphoria went viral
made in Russia when the government and come at my wife”. Sunak drew profile, is the daughter of the billion-
has put in place sanctions” on firms parallels with Will Smith, who hit aire founder of the Indian technology
and individuals following Vladimir the comedian Chris Rock at the giant. According to its latest annual
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Oscars on Sunday after a joke about report, Murthy’s estimated £690m
Sunak, who has repeatedly called his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. He also stake in the firm is calculated to have
on British firms to pull out of Russia in referenced the beleaguered England yielded £11.5m in dividend payments
order to “inflict maximum economic cricket captain, Joe Root. over the past year.
pain” on Putin’s regime, had refused The chancellor quipped: “Some- Infosys had continued to operate
to comment on his wife Akshata one said, ‘Joe Root, Will Smith, and in Russia despite most big global IT
Murthy’s 0.91% stake in Infosys. me – not the best of weekends for any and consultancy firms closing their
Speaking to the BBC’s Newscast of us’. But I feel, on reflection, both Russian operations. A spokesper-
after a challenging week in which Will Smith and me having our wives son for Sunak has said Murthy and
his spring statement also met heavy attacked – at least I didn’t get up and her family members do not “have
criticism, he said it was “very upset- slap anybody, which is good.” any involvement in the operational
ting and … wrong for people to try Murthy, who keeps a low public decisions of the company”.

Why styles
inspired by
ballet are
on point
photoshoot is a love letter to the
Priya Elan world of leg warmers and hair buns.
At the Oscars, Zoë Kravitz and

Lily James wore dresses in “ballet
ashion has decided that pink”. Later in the week Sarah
it is time to raise the Jessica Parker recalled Carrie
barre and to embrace Bradshaw’s pink tutu in a Prabal
the ballet look. British Gurung maxidress and the singer
Vogue has unveiled its Harry Styles revealed his shoes
April cover, featuring of choice on the cover of his new
Anya Taylor-Joy from The Queen’s album: ballet pumps, while a blue
Gambit. With tulle dresses and wrap cardigan worn by Euphoria’s
mesh body stockings from Dior, Cassie, played by Sydney Sweeney,
taffeta corsets from Jean Paul recently went viral.
Gaultier and a chantilly lace “[The look] channels the
corset dress by Alexis Mabille, the dressing room, the rehearsal
space and the dance studio, where
clothing must be comfortable and
versatile, easy to pull on and off,
with little superfluous decoration,”
says Prof Alison L Goodrum from
Norwich University.
The style has gained traction
– the fashion search engine Lyst
reported a 36% increase in searches
for ballet flats and a 22% rise in
searches for tulle dresses in the past
six months. #Balletcore has 7.5m
views on TikTok, while fashion
brands such as Simone Roche,
Molly Goddard, Gucci, Erdem, Miu
Miu and The Vampire’s Wife have
been hugely influenced by the fluid
lines of the dance style too.
▲ Dance-style clothing suggests It is also a reaction to the
‘a general rediscovery of the body’ pandemic after a spell of wearing
tracksuit bottoms. “It suggests a
more general rediscovery of the
body after a significant period
of time buried under baggy,
shapeless, non-clothing during
lockdown,” says Goodrum.
“The ballet studio remains
such a place of popular fantasy for
girls,” says Prof Angela McRobbie
of Goldsmiths University, London.
“There is some sort of big nostalgia
▲ Searches for ballet flats have risen for ‘girlhood’ underpinning the
36% on the fashion platform Lyst current romance with ballet.”
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

26 National

Grade confirmed as Ofcom

admission this week that he did not long career as a broadcasting exec- a pre-confirmation hearing on Thurs-
use social media but was aware of utive, would receive advice on the day. Grade “clearly has the character
how it worked thanks to his children. tech aspects of his role. and gravitas for the role”, he said.
chief despite MPs’ concerns “His clear lack of depth when talk-
ing about social media and online
“He appears to understand the
importance of Ofcom’s new role in
Knight added that Grade would
bring a wealth of experience to the
safety gives us concerns,” said the regulating the online space. It would three-day-a-week job, having had
The former BBC chair will lead committee in a report published be difficult to find a candidate with leadership roles at the BBC, ITV and
Dan Milmo Ofcom, which will play a key role in hours before his appointment was deep experience across the whole of Channel 4. The DCMS statement con-
Global technology editor regulating large social media platforms confirmed. The Department for Cul- Ofcom’s remit, and we hope that he firming Grade’s appointment referred
and search engines in the UK, as the ture, Media and Sport said Grade had will be well supported with the neces- to his “long career in broadcasting”.
Michael Grade has been confirmed as body charged with implementing the been appointed by the culture secre- sary advice to fulfil his role as chair.” The committee, which does not
chair of the communications watch- landmark online safety bill. tary, Nadine Dorries, in the £142,500 Despite concerns over perceived have the power to block Grade’s
dog despite MPs warning that he has However, the digital, culture, media a-year role for four years from 1 May. gaps in Grade’s knowledge, the com- appointment, was scathing about a
a “clear lack of depth” of knowledge and sport committee said yesterday The committee report expressed mittee’s Conservative chair, Julian hiring process by the DCMS that has
about social media and online safety. it was concerned by Lord Grade’s hope that Grade, 79, who has had a Knight MP, said he had impressed in taken two years.

April fools
the government’s “levelling up”
agenda. Wales Online, meanwhile,
suggested the Second Severn
Crossing was to be renamed after
Funny fake the Welsh footballer Gareth Bale.
You may have spotted our
dedicated shipping correspondent

news tries to Mari Tyme reporting not entirely

implausibly that Tory MPs have
been lobbying Downing Street to

dispel gloom let the royal family use a recently

seized Russian superyacht as the
new flagship royal yacht.
ITV’s Good Morning Britain
tried to prank viewers by having
the weather presenter Laura Tobin
Martin Belam drop, live on air, what was being
presented to her as a unique plant

that had been specially bred and
or most people April was to be named in her honour.
Fools’ Day is either Former Tory leadership
a bright spot in grim contender and long-standing
times, or a tedious Boris Johnson critic Rory Stewart
parade of poor jokes, shocked his followers by tweeting
with nothing in about his new job. “It is an honour
between. With a pandemic and to have been asked by the prime
a global focus on conflicts in minister to serve as director
Ukraine and elsewhere, judging of communications for No 10
the tone of a decent April Fools’ Downing Street,” he said.
gag has become much harder Elsewhere, there was exciting
for companies, and even more news for those with an interest in
so for news organisations who cryptozoology, as the Scottish Deer
are battling a rising tide of Centre in Fife announced it had
disinformation on social media. caught a wild haggis. The animal,
For the Telegraph, the big news which is definitely not some sort
on April Fools’ Day was a plan by of guinea pig wearing a wig, had
the England and Wales cricket apparently been leaving telltale
board to drop the unsuccessful footprints around the glens near
England men’s cricket team the Lomond hills.
defeated in the West Indies and Fusion cuisine may be somewhat
replace them with Heather Knight’s out of fashion these days, but
World Cup finalists. British people ruining Italian food is
The Mirror revealed that timeless. Pasta Evangelists claimed
mud from the ill-fated Marble to be adding to its delivery range
Arch mound was to be used to a mash-up featuring the nation’s
rebuild Hadrian’s Wall as part of favourite Sunday meal to produce
Sunday roast spaghetti.
The rising cost of living in
Britain has driven some people
not to refer to yesterday as April
Fools’ Day but rather Bleak Friday.
The Koop+Kraft restaurant in
Waterlooville, Hampshire, had
a plan for that. It pledged to give
away a free pint of petrol with
every order yesterday, an offer that
is possibly more appetising than
▲ The wild ▼ Rory Stewart a pizza-flavoured gin. On a more
haggis that was tweeted that he practical note, the restaurant chain
‘caught’ by the was to be No 10’s Burger King does genuinely appear
Scottish new director of to be giving away free Whoppers,
Deer Centre communications blaming a “glitch” in its app, which
has issued a voucher to customers
that must be used by today.
Easter is a time when people
often moan that chocolate eggs
don’t say Easter on them any more.
They will no doubt be delighted
that Mash Direct has very definitely
called its new product an Easter
egg. They may be less enchanted
to discover that it is a chocolate egg
filled with mashed potato.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •••

National 27

Maternity scandal

New law means medical scandals in

later this year into Nottingham uni-
versity hospitals and East Kent
hospitals university NHS foundation
trust, seven years after an inquiry was

future could be missed – watchdog

held into another maternity scandal,
at Furness general hospital in Barrow.
“The thing that strikes me is that
if you compare the Ockenden report
with the Kirkup report of 2015 in
Morecambe Bay, you have to ask the
question, why are things happen-
Andrew Gregory ing time and time again when they
Health editor should be stopped after the first
example of it happening?
New laws allowing health workers “You get politicians who have said
involved in medical blunders in Eng- after Morecambe Bay, ‘This should
land to give evidence in secret mean never happen again.’ And I heard pol-
future scandals may be missed, the iticians in the House of Commons say
NHS ombudsman has warned, as he exactly the same thing [this week].
said the “shocking” baby deaths in But it does do. And that is a collec-
Shrewsbury are not a one-off. tive failure.”
The government’s health and Behrens said he was struck by the
care bill, passed on Wednesday, battle campaigning mothers such as
means NHS staff can give evidence Rhiannon Davies and Kayleigh Grif-
about clinical mistakes privately fiths faced in Shrewsbury for many
in a “safe space”. But Rob Behrens, years to get to the truth.
the parliamentary and health ser- “I take my hat off to the integrity
vice ombudsman, said the change and the persistence of those peo-
means he and his staff will not be able ple who had tragedies and [were]
to get to the bottom of medical fail- still determined to find out what
ings because his office will be denied happened. It’s taken years out of
access to that vital information. their lives, and that is to be deeply
In a bitter irony, the shakeup of respected. It shouldn’t have to hap-
health investigation rules was slipped pen,” he said.
through the Commons on the same “These women and their families
day the report into the biggest mater- were let down by shocking levels
nity scandal in the history of the NHS of maternity care with devastating
was published. “We have now been consequences. What exacerbates the
effectively excluded from the so- catalogue of errors over many years
called safe space,” Behrens said. is that the voices of victims and the
Under the changes, the Healthcare families were never heard, and they
Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB), were even blamed for the outcomes.
set up in 2017 by then health secre- ▲ New legislation could increase “That is a great concern,” said The failings in Shrewsbury could That is disgraceful.”
tary Jeremy Hunt to improve patient secrecy in the NHS if new maternity Behrens. “It’s a violation of account- be the tip of the iceberg, Behrens Behrens added: “This report
safety after the Stafford hospital blunders emerge, critics fear ability. The only way we could stop suggests. “We do have a significant should be a wake-up call for
scandal, will be renamed the Health PHOTOGRAPH: PETRI OESCHGER/GETTY IMAGES it would be to go to the high court.” number of not only health service maternity care services and trusts.
Service Safety Investigations Body He spoke out after the report from cases but maternity cases. I’ve looked I echo Donna Ockenden’s view that
(HSSIB). The body can collect secret the independent inquiry into Shrews- at a considerable number of deaths as maternity care should be properly
evidence from NHS staff involved in bury and Telford hospital NHS trust a result of perinatal incidents.” funded, staff well trained, and, when
avoidable deaths and safety lapses found 201 babies and nine mothers Shrewsbury is not alone in having things do go wrong, trusts must lis-
but this cannot be shared with any- could have or would have survived its maternity services scrutinised by ten to the people affected and learn
one else except coroners. if the trust had provided better care. other bodies, with reports expected from their mistakes.”

‘It’s awful’ C-section birth rates are highest in Brazil at 50% still waiting to find out the full
C-section rates per country
scale of the problem. A review into ‘So much of the
maternity services at Nottingham Ockenden review is so
0 5 10 20 30 50%
16% university hospitals NHS trust is
Fears more Norway under way, with the number of
families coming forward increasing
resonant. It’s painful’
from 84 to 387 in just a few weeks.

revelations 31%
“We’ve got a private Facebook
group just for peer support and
we’ve got over 103 people,” said
Helen Gittos
Mother of Harriet

are to come 20%

Hawkins. “If Nottingham isn’t on
the same scale as Shrewsbury,
it’s going to be more. It’s just
happened was a very difficult thing
to deal with. But to learn so many
people have experienced the same
Sudan absolutely horrifying.” thing is shocking,” she said.
19% Has the East Kent hospitals university Reading the Ockenden review
Bolivia lowest rate NHS foundation trust is the subject was also particularly hard for
Jessica Murray of a government-ordered review families affected by the Morecambe
31% of its maternity care, led by Dr Bill Bay inquiry in 2015, which found

Has the highest rate
of C-section births Australia Kirkup, after it emerged a number maternity services were beset by
arah Hawkins could of babies had died after receiving a culture of denial, collusion and
barely look at the photos Source: UN Note: most recent year in the period 2007-12 that was available for each country what their families said was poor incompetence from 2004 to 2013.
of the families affected care. “So much of the Ockenden “I had a huge sense of deja vu
by the Shrewsbury we’ve got dead babies, we’ve got with “natural births” rather than review [of maternity services and of sadness and frustration,”
maternity scandal as harmed mothers, we’ve got hypoxic caesarean sections, with a shocking at Shrewsbury and Telford] is said James Titcombe, whose son
they responded to the babies. It’s absolutely awful.” lack of staff, training and oversight so resonant. It’s painful to deal Joshua died in 2008 after hospital
landmark review this week. The independent inquiry into of maternity wards resulted in a with,” said Helen Gittos, who lost staff failed to pick up on signs of
“It’s so difficult even to look at maternity practices at Shrewsbury toxic culture in which mothers and her daughter Harriet eight days an infection for almost 24 hours.
those pictures because I can feel and Telford hospital NHS trust babies died needlessly for 20 years after she was born in 2014. She “I was really struck by how similar
their emotions,” said Hawkins, uncovered hundreds of cases while “repeated failures” were was transferred to hospital after the findings are.” He said he was
whose daughter Harriet was in which health officials failed ignored again and again. experiencing difficulties during frustrated to see the same problems
stillborn, nine hours after dying, to undertake serious incident What happened in Shrewsbury a home birth, but waited more highlighted in Morecambe Bay
at the end of a six-day labour at investigations, while deaths were and Telford is considered the worst than an hour to see a consultant, still being reported elsewhere,
Nottingham City hospital in 2016. dismissed or not investigated maternity scandal in NHS history. and staff went on to claim she had and said people were “just kidding
“Taking out all the emotions, [the appropriately. But in Nottingham and East Kent, turned down medical intervention, themselves” if they thought the
Shrewsbury report] was like a copy The report found that the where maternity care failures have which she denies. “The way in trusts under investigation were
and paste of Nottingham. Here, combination of an obsession also been identified, families are which I was blamed for what “unique one-offs”.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

28 National

Music review Harry Styles: As It Was

Robbie Williams. Splashy shoots
for Vogue and Dazed and the
launch of his beauty company
of comparison is the Weeknd’s
Blinding Lights, which also ticks
along at 175bpm and has the same
splash of a real cymbal. The tempo
also reminded me of the Strokes’
Hard to Explain, and the song is
A song to skip Ben Beaumont-Thomas
Pleasing have positioned him
as a post-metrosexual arbiter of
contemporary manhood: muscular
sort of earworm instrumental
motif. Styles shares the Weeknd’s
sense of a pop artist at the top of
invested with the bedroom indie-
pop production of Gen Z stars
such as Clairo. Maybe the steady

down the Whole modules at performing arts

and tattooed but wearing women’s
clothes, being fluid to soften old
their game. And Styles’s climactic
“hey!” is very similar to the
Weeknd’s own exclamation to
signature backbeat of the War on
Drugs is another touchstone, and it
feels lit by a Scandinavian light: the

street to on a academies will no doubt be taught

about Harry Styles, a star who has
negotiated one of the most difficult
That sense of freedom to wear,
move or sing in any way he pleases
suffuses his return on the brilliant,
round out Blinding Lights’ chorus.
But where Blinding Lights was
an explicit homage to a certain
softness of that region’s indie-pop
artists such as Jens Lekman. It is
music to skip down the street to on

spring day transitions in music – from boyband

to solo artist – with more panache
than even Justin Timberlake and
effervescent As It Was.
This is an extremely high-
tempo song, and an obvious point
neon-in-rain 1980s aesthetic, As
It Was is a richer blend: against
that 80s-style melody is the rough
a spring day, clicking your heels and
picking up passing cockapoos for a
cuddly spin – and Styles knows it.

has many – that Deborah exists in
the round and her work, life, legacy
and flaws are never treated with
anything other than respect.

review Despite the constant hustle,

however, Deborah’s star is on the
wane and Marty, the owner of the
Palmetto and as close a thing to a

Comic diva friend as Deborah has, wants to

hand her Friday and Saturday slots
over to a reality show winner who is

delights as now big box office. To buy her time

to negotiate, Deborah’s manager
Jimmy (Paul W Downs) sends one
of his younger clients over to help

she faces her produce fresher, more relevant

material – in the faint hope that the
partnership will work out.

new truths
A TV comedy writer Ava (Hannah
Einbinder) has been unemployed
since tweeting a joke about a
closeted senator and his gay son.
After a rocky start, the pair
accept each other’s presence and
Hacks the rest of the series follows the
Amazon Prime Video gradual – and it is pleasingly slow,
non-linear and credible – evolution
★★★★☆ of their relationship from cautious
to eventually moving friendship.
Lucy Mangan They are both prickly, both
assured of their talent and essential

rightness in all things comic (and,
here are few things for Deborah, everything else, too),
these days that help as well as being in need of change.
keep together the We can see how much Ava could
tattered remains of a learn from a woman who knows
belief in the universe’s what it takes to overcome the
moral arc bending relentless hostility of the world –
towards justice, but the continuing and particularly the men in it. And
renaissance of Jean Smart is one of we can see how much Deborah
them. After substantial supporting needs to shed some of the diva
parts in the television series Fargo, attitude and admit that a new
Watchmen and Mare of Easttown, perspective needn’t be feared.
the actor who started in the There are plenty of laughs along
business in 1979 is now front and the way, but it’s the unforced
centre in HBO Max’s new comedy emotional truths that make Hacks a
drama Hacks (showing in Britain on right and proper vehicle for Smart.
Amazon Prime Video). She has long been the go-to for any
Smart plays Deborah Vance, a casting director looking for a tough
battle-hardened veteran of the broad, and now she gets to play all
standup comedy scene who now the notes that sang underneath.
lives in Las Vegas. Vance is playing
100 shows a year at the Palmetto
casino in between flogging tat
and her guts out on a shopping
channel, doing paid daytime events
and never, ever letting down the
fans who still adore her, even if
they follow in smaller droves than
they once did. Then it’s home to
a magnificent mansion and her
dogs, and time to take the wig and
makeup off before dinner alone.
There are clear parallels with
Joan Rivers here, whose life was
also one of constant hustle and
glamorous graft (and, famously,
beloved dogs and a jewellery line
on QVC). But there is never any
sense of the snotty mockery with
which Rivers, especially in later
life, was frequently treated. It’s the ▲ Jean Smart plays a veteran Vegas
greatest triumph of Hacks – which comedy performer not about to quit
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

National 29

business as usual, it’s how things

I drink
Emma Brockes’s are, always were, and ever will be.
to make
New York diary Tuesday him more
Visuals from the Cambridges’ interesting
state visit to the Caribbean are

Help! We’re back to

still circulating as more come in
from Prince Philip’s memorial. I
don’t mean this entirely unkindly,
but with each passing year Prince
William, once so reminiscent of

the pre-pandemic Diana, edges closer in outline to his

late paternal grandfather, the Duke
of Edinburgh. Oof. Genes will out.
Coverage of the memorial

kids’ party rat race extended to some mild tutting over

Andrew, his mother’s favourite,
re-upped to the frontline as the
Queen’s escort into Westminster
Abbey, but the majority of
Monday The spirit in which these sorts opprobrium from the popular press
One welcome hiatus, during the of parties are thrown is more was reserved, as usual, not for the
pandemic, was from the rat race transactional than the ones in the alleged sex offender, but for the
of children’s birthday parties. park, with an expected minimum podcaster. Harry, said the tabloids,
Before March 2020 middle-class spend on each gift. After it’s all was “petulant” for not attending.
kids in my neighbourhood would over, parents tend to audit the haul Faced with the prospect of sitting
routinely throw parties at venues and any shortfall is noted and not in a draughty hall full of sour-faced
that, once catering, party bags appreciated. ghouls, one sympathises with
and gratuities were factored in, You can sigh about this, but Harry’s choice to stop at home. PHOTOGRAPHS:
comfortably hit a low three-figure there’s no changing it. Back to One result of all this, oddly, BEN CAWTHRA/LNP
dollar amount per child. is a surge in affection for Prince
Then came the pandemic and Edward, once the absolute runt of thing that could happen at an ham and cheese, then cancel
It’s called
the trampoline parks shut down. the litter but who, relative to the awards do, is selling her house in culture came for the celery;
No more events at American ‘running’. others, these days appears to be Sydney. (If you missed her opening everyone knows their rolls here
Girl Doll. Thank God, an end to We’re unveil- almost heroically blameless. act, Wilson told jokes about weight (sorry). The landlords of the
Saturday afternoons at the Sugar ing it as the loss, JK Rowling, and Will Smith’s pub, the Tor, are either publicity
Factory. Instead, birthdays slid healthy, Wednesday open marriage, which the New York geniuses, breathing new life into
back to where they were meant low-cost A man comes to fit the new Post summarised with the headline a clapped out old genre, or more
to be – outside in a park. As long alternative dishwasher, after many “Just Not Funny”.) probably, have blindly stumbled
as there was singing and cake, to central weeks of delay, and it triggers Anyway, she’s selling her house into a minefield.
the children were as happy in the disproportionate stress on my on Instagram and it’s the most In the best tradition of this kind
playground as they’d been in the part. I don’t know what this is. I likable thing she’s done for a of story, it turns out they rebranded
foam pit of the expensive soft have a high tolerance for pressure. while. She’s even had a stab at the the menu item two years ago and it
play area. And with lower costs But home improvements undo estate agent’s pitch. The elevator, has only just come to light on social
per head, the parties got bigger me, particularly when there’s the she notes, is something that goes media. It was, they said this week,
and less exclusive. potential for flooding. He’s three “up and down” while delivering a “a lighthearted gesture and nod
As with so many changed hours in and hasn’t managed to view of the water. The location is a to our local farming community
habits of that period, many of us uninstall the old one. I hide in my “brilliant street and suburb”, while of men and women. We never
said at the time: “Oh, we’ll carry room, pacing. The only thing that the property itself has undergone a intended to cause offence.”
on doing it like this for ever.” And soothes me, apart from popping “meticulous renovation”. As a friend points out, the real
as in almost every other category, upstairs to my neighbour who has She refers interested parties with story about ploughman’s lunch has
the conviction over parties has Valium, is to talk it out. In a brief at least A$9m (£5.1m) to spend to been missed for generations, which
started to slide. On Sunday there lull between construction sounds, her estate agent who, one hopes, is the out-of-whack ratio of bread
was a ninth birthday party at a I call a friend. “Do you have a given her 10 million followers and to cheese. In the case of Marmite
venue in Times Square, billed as a moment?” I whisper. There’s a degree of hustle, is giving her a deal or butter, one person’s bread-to-
children’s arcade, but that might nervous pause. I guess I’ve been on commission. spread quotient is another’s red
more accurately be described as a overdoing it. “Is this about the flag for psychopathy. Fine. But,
casino. Each child guest is issued dishwasher?” she says. Friday in this hyperpolarised times, can
a swipe card giving them access A return of that old favourite, the we all agree on this one universal:
to unlimited video games and a Thursday PC Gone Mad panic, a rich seam in on any lunch plate where you’re
capped amount for games with Rebel Wilson, whose appearance the 90s, and back thanks to a pub left with a hunk of unmitigated
prizes, which include, amusingly, two weeks ago at the Baftas in Devon rebranding ploughman’s cheddar, something has gone
actual slot machines. seemed, quaintly, like the worst lunch as ploughperson’s. Woke savagely wrong.

A month in
jog around to a version of the of Ambridge. Moving on. I don’t with Alice’s best mate Amy (and
The Archers Ghostbusters theme (“Who ya mean to make a trite comparison I’m still shuddering at the mention
Radio 4 gonna call?”). here (OK, maybe I do) but the stage of the word “bra” on Radio 4
In my imagination, the Gleeson we are at in the Chris-Alice divorce outwith the safe space of Woman’s
Ambridge Charlotte Higgins
twins – universally known in
Ambridge as “One of Them” and
now seems to me to resemble the
moment in about September 2020
Hour) will precipitate a grand
reconciliation, but I doubt it.
“The Other One” – resemble those when it began to dawn on the Were one to plot Chris and Alice’s

Silent twins f you are over a certain age,
you will recall the weird,
118 118 characters, committed
runners that they are. Possibly they
circle the village ceaselessly, locked
populace that, despite the prime
minister’s airy pronouncements
back in the spring that Covid would
personal trajectories on a graph,
you’d see that their lines have now,
fatefully, crossed. He’s plunging,

are on call if interstitial era that came

between the halcyon days of
dialling 192 for free directory
together like Francesca and Paolo
in Dante’s Inferno. They never
speak; they were cheerfully hailed
all be over in 12 weeks, we’d be
lucky if we’d be out of it in two, or
even three, years.
she’s rising up, increasingly
magnificent and implacable (and
sober). She’s even faced down
enquiries and the full onset this month by Tracy, but answer I suppose there is the faintest Susan in the shop – not bad when
village ever of the internet age. In those liminal
days, if you wanted to find a phone
came there none.
Once upon a time, we learn, they
chance that Chris’s one-night stand you consider that she chucked
a brick through its window in a
number, one of your options, other were champion ballroom dancers, drunken rage only months ago.

runs out of than flicking through a telephone

directory, was to call 118 118, which
a TV ad campaign aggressively
until One of Them injured his ankle
and The Other One gave up his
glorious career in solidarity. Now
They are reduced to
eating eggs benedict
All she wants is her baby, which
is all he wants too. The gods of
Ambridge will be plotting the
at Grey Gables
Alice gossip encouraged you to do.
These ads featured two skinny
blokes – apparently twins – with
they are reduced to eating eggs
benedict at Grey Gables and being
the subject of gossip between Ian
courtroom drama even now.
I will not be discussing those
appalling goldfish, Kate and Roy.
70s facial hair and wearing running Craig and Susan Carter, the most I love animals but they both need
vests numbered “118” who would unlikely friendship in the history to die.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

Pictures of the week
 The Queen
attends the
service for
Prince Philip
at Westminster
Abbey on

▲ Members
of the Mara
and Barrio 18
gangs in custody
at a prison in
Ciudad Barrios,
El Salvador.
The country
declared a state
of emergency
this week after
a fresh wave
of criminal

 A man stands
by a dragon
blood tree
in Socotra,
Yemen. The
photograph was
a runner-up in
the Life Framer
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Chastain at
the Vanity
Fair party last
Sunday after
winning the best
actress Oscar
for The Eyes of
Tammy Faye

▲ Stormzy on
stage at the
O2 Arena in
London during
his Heavy Is
the Head world
tour, which was
delayed two
years by the

 Police in
where the
security level
has risen after a
series of attacks.
The prime
minister, Naftali
Bennett, said
the country was
facing a ‘new
wave of terror’

▲ A tokay, a
nocturnal gecko
that can grow to
more than a foot
long, appears
from inside a
hollow in a tree
in West Java,
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022


Light at last The arrival of solar energy

▲ The residents have
Renewable seen a drastic
Energy for improvement in
Refugees project their quality of
has delivered life, including

is transforming lives in refugee camps

electric systems the ability to run
to three refugee businesses

stoves have been delivered by the starting to contribute back to the Republic of the Congo. The injuries in 2007. “Before the streetlights
Damian Carrington Renewable Energy for Refugees community. But it’s an area that is she suffered there have left her we had many people who wanted
Environment editor (RE4R) project to three camps in underprioritised and underfunded with a physical disability, and the to come, but the day was not long

Rwanda, which house more than in almost every operation.” street`lamps now help her safely enough. Now it is open for the time
he camp has come 42,000 people. The refugees say Uwimana Nyirakabukari, a single navigate the rough paths in the we want.” Sport is also a form of
from the dark into the result has been miraculous, mother with five children, lives in hilly camps. child and youth protection, he says,
the light,” says making the camps safer and the Nyabiheke refugee camp and For 75-year-old widow Esperance diverting them from alcohol and
Edson Sebutozi boosting children’s studies and now has a solar home system: a Mukabera, the radio that is part of other risks.
Munyakarambi, a small businesses. In particular, solar panel on the roof powering the solar home system is key. Her As well as the solar systems, the
refugee living in women and children who had to lights inside and a battery for grandchildren visit to listen to their refugees have been given access
Kigeme camp in Rwanda. collect firewood outside the camp charging a mobile phone. “Before favourite shows. “Before [the solar to clean stoves. These burn pellets
“Before the solar-powered no longer face the danger of rape this I used candles, or if I could not power] it was very hard, the camp made from sawdust and waste
streetlamps, some people would and beatings. afford a candle, a burning stick,” was a very dark place. Now we can wood and remove the dangers
come and steal things from the “Providing sustainable energy she says. “ I can study too – I am go to the toilets easily, we feel safer of collecting firewood, as well as
houses.” Munyakarambi is the chair to people who have lost almost learning to read and write, and to and can move around the camp producing much less smoke.
of the committee that represents everything is just so critical,” says speak English.” She earns a living without any problems.” Refugees not classed as
the 16,000 people in the camp. Andrew Harper, special adviser for by making carrier bags to sell at The solar streetlamps have also vulnerable pay for solar systems
“Now no one can rob people on the climate action to the UN Refugee markets, and having light at home given new life to the Nyabiheke and stoves in instalments to local
street corners and the children can Agency (UNHCR), which runs the now means she can work in the camp’s only basketball court. firms. “We believe it’s the most
study or play outside while they camps. “It reduces vulnerability evening while her older children “The children love it more than sustainable way,” said Denyse
wait for their dinner.” but also brings people back up from cook. Like all the refugees in the you can express,” said sports coach Umubyeyi, Rwandan country
Solar street lamps, home a position of disempowerment and three camps, Nyirakabukari fled Hertier Mugisha, who himself came manager for Practical Action, which
solar systems and clean cooking dependency to one where they’re from violence in the Democratic to the camp as a seven-year-old is implementing the RE4R project.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Cuilcear staiseach landing 33

The Gaelic names for
new Scottish species
Page 35

A shortage of wheat
“It is good for the refugees lost workers and farm vehicles to
because when they buy, they feel a the Ukrainian military.
Quiz by Patrick Greenfield

Climate crisis
kind of ownership, and self reliance “Our own agricultural inputs
and dignity,” she said. “One refugee are more or less sufficient for now
told me ‘What is done for me
without me is done against me’.” Ukraine’s farmers struggle and the diesel stocks should be
enough for the sowing. We may run
Test your
It also means many more refugees short of seeds, fertilisers and crop
can get the systems than if they
were provided for free.
Seventy refugees are now
in face of Russian invasion protection products.
“Before the war started we had
made several pre-payments for
employed selling and installing the supplies from our credit lines.
solar systems. Altogether to date, However, the logistics and supply 1 “Ugly gaps” have started
the RE4R project has delivered Tom Levitt chains are broken now, so our to appear in hedgerows in
183 streetlights, 4,000 solar home Chris McCullough suppliers can’t provide us with the Cornwall, angering locals. Why?

systems and 5,600 cooking stoves inputs.”
across the camps, with some also he Russian invasion of Ivaschuk said he had maize and A Farmers have been aggressively
being installed in nearby villages. Ukraine is leading to wheat in storage ready to sell but cutting hedges, destroying shrubs.
Involving the host communities a dramatic decline in was unable to export them owing B Foragers have been picking wild
is important, said Jost Uwase, a crops being planted by to logistical restrictions on using garlic for dishes such as fresh pesto.
Rwandan working for Ecogreen farmers in the country the railway, with his crops normally C A new fungus has started killing
Solutions, which has sold more this spring, with fears sent via Poland by rail. blackthorn plants.
cooking stoves to local people than for domestic and international ▲ Ukraine is a major exporter of The restrictions on selling wheat
to refugees: “The host community food security. wheat, particularly to north Africa held in storage were not just a 2 Dorset police confirmed a rare
could have said those [refugees] are Known for its fertile soils, threat to global food security, said white-tailed eagle found dead
benefiting while we are starving. Ukraine is a major exporter of and the difference in railway track Andrii Dykun, the chair of the in January had been poisoned.
But now it’s like they are sharing.” wheat, in particular to north and rolling stock width between Ukrainian Agri Council, which
What action did they pursue?
One concern about installing Africa. In 2021 either the Russian Europe and Ukraine. represents about 1,000 farmers
solar energy has been making the Federation or Ukraine (or both) “I think we’re looking at across the country. A Brought charges against two
camps more permanent. ranked among the top three potentially several months [after a “In a few months there will be a suspects.
“Some organisations have global exporters of wheat, maize, cessation of the war] before export new harvest, so where will we store B Issued an appeal for information.
been reluctant to do such rapeseed, sunflower seeds and levels could be returned to normal,” it? Farmers also need money for C Closed the case.
infrastructure,” said Umubyeyi sunflower oil, according to the UN said Mike Lee, who runs the Black fuel and fertiliser,” he said, adding
at Practical Action. “But some of Food and Agriculture Organisation. Sea Crop Forecasts service. He said that the price of diesel had doubled 3 The Met Office said in parts of
these refugees have been here for However, farmers and analysts in ships may struggle to get insurance since the war started. England the heatwave threshold
20 years. Imagine denying a human the country have told the Guardian cover and permission to re-enter Ukraine gets most of its diesel was changing owing to climate
being such basic rights for all those that planting, harvest and export Black Sea ports, with mines also supplies from Belarus and Russia,
change. In Cambridgeshire,
years. Their lives have not been have all been disrupted by a lack needing to be cleared. said Dykun, but was now trying to
put on hold. Their lives go on, they of fertiliser, low or no fuel supplies Global cereal prices rose to an find other sources from Europe. what is the new threshold?
have to grow, to learn, to work.” for tractors, closure of ports and all-time high in February due to The Ukrainian Agribusiness A At or above 28C for three days or
Habaruema said some people military activity. the disruptions to exports. The Club (UCAB), one of the country’s more.
who had tried to return to DRC At least one-third of the land World Food Programme, the UN largest agricultural associations, B Two days of at least 26C.
had been killed in the continuing normally used for spring crops such agency that provides emergency said farmers facing shortages C At least four days of 30C.
violence. as maize and sunflower is likely to supplies to countries in conflict or of fertiliser, seeds and plant
A small number of camps around go unplanted. Furthermore, one- experiencing natural disasters such protection products were likely to 4 Last week, the Conger ice shelf
the world have installed renewable third of the normal wheat harvest as famines, said this week that the have lower yields. collapsed following a heatwave
energy, for Syrian refugees in from the crop planted last autumn higher cost of food had meant it It estimates about a third of the in Antarctica. How much
Jordan and Ethiopian refugees in could be lost. was already cutting rations. acreage normally used for spring
warmer were seasonal highs?
Kenya. But there are more than 26 A small amount of wheat held While most of Ukraine’s wheat crops may be unsown this year. The
million refugees worldwide and, of in storage is reportedly being is planted in autumn other crops wheat crop planted last autumn A An average of 23C.
those living in camps, 90% do not exported by rail and road via including maize and sunflower are had benefited from favourable B An average of 15C.
have electricity and 80% rely on Poland and Romania, but this planted in spring. weather over winter, but 40% of it C An average of 40C.
firewood for cooking. is a “tiny fraction” of what was Serhiy Ivaschuk operates a is in regions with active hostilities.
“Energy is often collecting normally exported via the Black Sea mixed dairy and arable farm with Svetlana Lytvyn, a UCAB analyst, 5 This week, scientists said
firewood and that is causing a ports of Odesa and Mykolaiv before just under 7,000 hectares (17,300 said: “If we make a pessimistic hundreds of mammal species
disaster globally,” said Harper at the the invasion, said analysts. acres) in the Khmelnytskyi region, assumption that it is not possible to remained unidentified. What
UNHCR. “If you cannot protect the Ukrainian officials have said 218 miles (350km) south-west collect these crops, then Ukrainian
kind did they say taxonomists
environment, you cannot protect other export routes via the Danube of Kyiv. He said there were no farmers will receive 19m tonnes of
the community.” Attacks on women River, railways and road are hostilities in his area but planting grain instead of 32m tonnes [based should study for discoveries?
were increasing, he said: “As the restricted by inadequate facilities had been slowed this year as he had on average recent yields] when A Large mammals in savannah
areas around refugee settlements they start harvesting in July.” habitat that may have been
get more denuded from firewood, In western Ukraine, another misclassified.
they’ve got to go further and farmer who co-manages a B Bats, rodents, shrews and moles
further afield.” 2,000-hectare farm near the city of in areas with high temperature
Harper believes all refugee Lviv, said he had started planting variability.
camps should have a plan for peas and some wheat but planned C Marine mammals at the open sea
renewable energy for lighting and to “sow around two-thirds of what that are rarely seen.
cooking.“We have to drive forward we planned a month ago”.
the good work that is being done, “Cashflow and inputs are very
and move away from pilot projects difficult with suppliers demanding
and implement these activities prepayment for supply compared
at the scale of the challenges. But to credit last season.” He said
there is a difference between what that farms in the east were likely
people deserve and what they get.” to be sowing even less owing to
Back in Kigeme camp, difficulties with logistics, military
Munyakarambi says the RE4R has occupation and mined areas.
brought a huge positive change. In the north and east of Ukraine,
“But we cannot forget we are farmers have described Russian
refugees. My wish is to go back to soldiers occupying farms and
my country. We have a saying: ‘If taking food and equipment.
you visit someone, you have to go “They are scared to go into the
back before they get tired of you’. fields,” said Dykun, adding that “it via incompetence or intent. 3: A. 4: C. 5: B.
But we have to be sure there is ▲ Up to one-third of Ukraine’s normal wheat harvest from crops that were looks like they want to destroy our 1: B. 2: C – the RSPB says it was illegal whether
security in Congo.” planted last autumn could be lost this year PHOTOGRAPH: ANTON PETRUS/GETTY IMAGES agricultural industry”.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Environment 35

Western Isles, Fife and the Scottish
Poetry Library in Edinburgh. ‘Gaelic has a tradition
Robertson said the project was of naming things,
renames designed to update the Gaelic lexicon
in a way that embraced the language’s
intimate, historic connections to the
which is beautiful’

firecrest as landscape and Scotland’s natural her-

itage. “Gaelic has a rich tradition of
naming things which is really beau-
Derek Robertson
Artist behind the project

flaming tiful,” he said.

Gaelic, like many languages, will
adopt words from other tongues. The project, endorsed by Bòrd na

wee thing Gaels will also devise informal trans-

lations. “Languages borrow words
all the time and that is a process for
Gàidhlig, the Gaelic language agency,
and NatureScot, the government con-
servation agency, could also help
any living language,” Robertson said. build interest in the language among
Some are exotic species brought to non-native or lapsed speakers, said
Severin Carrell Britain by the Victorians and Edward- Mark McConville, a linguist at the
Scotland editor ians. Those include the muntjac, a University of Glasgow who special-
reed-worker or cuilcear staiseach, ▲ A parrot crossbill, now named diminutive deer originally native to ises in Gaelic lexicography.
A host of warm weather species mov- while the parrot crossbill, a few of cam-ghob làidir, or stout bent-bill China which escaped from country Recent reports have warned that
ing into Scotland have been given which breed in the Cairngorms, is PHOTOGRAPH: DENJA1/GETTY/ISTOCKPHOTO house parks in the home counties. Gaelic is at risk of dying out as a living
new Gaelic names, reflecting the cam-ghob làidir, or stout bent-bill. In Gaelic, it is now fiadh-comharta- language, with the number of native
subtle but significant environmen- The project, devised by the wildlife ich or barking deer. speakers rapidly dwindling, and its
tal shifts brought by climate heating. artist Derek Robertson and endorsed Even the red-necked wallaby, the catchment shrinking to the Hebri-
Following work by dozens of lex- by Scotland’s Gaelic language and Australian marsupial that colonised des and far west of Scotland. Those
icographers, naturalists and Gaelic nature agencies, has identified 40 the island of Inchconnachan on Loch areas are also suffering the negative
artists, the firecrest, one of Britain’s species of recent arrivals in Scotland Lomond after it was imported by a impacts of climate heating: sea level
tiniest birds, now luxuriates under that lack formal Gaelic names. former owner, has been captured by rise threatens coastlines, intensifying
the delicate Gaelic words for flaming The full inventory, which is still the project. Its name translates as storms and harming native species.
wee little thing, or crìonag lasrach. being finalised, is due to be published uallabaidh ruadh-mhuinealach. “Music is one route into learning
The azure damselfly is now cruin- in June in a new book edited by Rob- Some Gaelic names are quite lit- Gaelic and nature is definitely one of
neag liath, or grey, neat young girl, ertson, featuring his watercolours of eral: the Iberian three-banded slug those too,” said McConville.
while the common rosefinch has each species and a short three-line is now seilcheag thrì-stiallach Ibeiria- “Any language starts from a place
become little red creature of the briar poem in Gaelic on each by the Skye- nach or three-streaked Iberian slug; and comes from a place, and the way
or deargan drise. The bearded tit, based Irish poet Rody Gorman. An azure damselfly, the leathery sea squirt is now spù- words are formed is intimately con-
mostly resident in southern and east- This year, an exhibition will take now cruinneag liath tachan-mara leatharach, for leathery nected with that place. We definitely
ern England, is now the moustached the paintings and translations to the little squirting creature of the sea. see this with Gaelic.”
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022


Orbán’s arms-length line

▲ People gather
to hear Viktor
Orbán, left,
speak during
the final rally

on Ukraine war could be

of his Fidesz
party ahead of
tomorrow’s vote
in Hungary

key to Hungary’s election


– fought the Red Army with primitive vote tomorrow in a general election stem from years of conditioning, with buildings, trams and many private
Robert Tait weapons in a doomed effort to over- in which the self-proclaimed illiberal Orbán casting the EU and the Hungar- homes in solidarity with Ukraine.
Budapest throw Soviet-imposed communism. prime minister, Viktor Orbán, is seek- ian-born philanthropist George Soros Wariness in Hungary has been
Yet Ata, 39, a hotel worker and ing a fourth successive term. as enemies, while fostering warm ties fuelled by prewar antagonisms result-
With its statues and plaques ven- keen supporter of Hungary’s govern- Pitted against him is a unified six- with Vladimir Putin, whom he has ing from a law enacted in Ukraine
erating Hungarians who resisted ing Fidesz party, felt no connection party bloc that he has relentlessly met 12 times. under its former president, Petro
Moscow’s military might, Corvin with Ukraine’s plight as he walked – and inaccurately – painted as war- In the streets of Budapest walls Poroshenko, designating Ukrainian
Alley may seem a natural setting to past a statue depicting a youthful mongers who advocate sending and lamp-posts are festooned with as the sole official language, which
sympathise with Ukraine. insurgent. “There’s no correlation Hungarian troops to fight in Ukraine. election advertising and the Ukrain- nationalists have complained dis-
The circular passageway in central between the two. The Ukrainians are Support for Ukraine, while present ian flag is almost nowhere to be seen, criminates against 150,000 ethnic
Budapest – nowadays a busy conduit insolent and Putin gave them what among many, is qualified – and in in marked contrast to other central Hungarians living in the country’s
to a nearby shopping mall – was the they deserved,” he said. some cases entirely absent. European capitals. In the Czech cap- Transcarpathia region.
setting for some of the worst fighting “The Ukrainians are kissing our “I would say 30%-40% of Fidesz ital, for instance – which endured its The anti-Ukrainian sentiment
of the 1956 uprising, when local teen- arses and waiting for help from us, supporters are very strongly pro- own Moscow-led invasion by Warsaw voiced by Ata mirrored that in a
agers – since immortalised as the Lads but we shouldn’t get involved.” Russian,” said Daniel Hegedus, an Pact forces in 1968 to crush the Prague recent article on pestisracok.hu,
of Pest (Pesti Srácok in Hungarian) and His view, albeit crudely expressed, analyst on central Europe at the Spring – the yellow and blue emblem a pro-Fidesz website named after
lionised by the current government evokes a central theme as Hungarians German Marshall Fund. The attitudes has been widely displayed on public the heroes of 1956, which accused
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Master stroke All grown up 37

Painting revealed as Pioneering health
£8.5m Rembrandt study marks 50 years
Page 40 Page 41

Analysts estimate the six-party

‘The election isn’t grouping seeking to put Péter
Márki-Zay, the winner of the 2021
taking place in a opposition primary, in power needs
totally democratic a 3%-5% popular vote advantage to
ensure a parliamentary majority due
context, but in a to deliberately gerrymandered con-
hybrid regime’ stituencies produced by boundary
changes carried out under Fidesz rule.
Péter Krekó Further complicating the opposi-
Political Capital thinktank tion’s task is the fact that the election
is being held alongside a government-
inspired referendum on a so-called
child protection law that critics see as
Ukraine’s leaders of abusing teen- an attempt to prevent teaching LGBT
agers by urging them take up arms rights in schools. The law makes it
against Russia’s invasion. It raised an offence to “promote or portray”
eyebrows even in a government- homosexuality or gender-change
friendly media landscape. procedures to children.
“The absurdity is that Fidesz spent More immediately concerning for
years creating an official narrative of Márki-Zay are fears that his message
the Lads of Pest as the real heroes of of more enthusiastic Nato and EU
’56 for fighting a hopeless, tragic war participation is not cutting through
against the overwhelmingly power- with voters in a media setting in
ful Soviet army,” said András Mink, a which every regional newspaper is
historian at the Blinken Open Society owned by a pro-Fidesz foundation
archives in Budapest. “Now we had and the opposition is limited to five
a news website named after those minutes’ campaigning airtime on
same heroes condemning Ukrainian public television.
leaders as irresponsible nationalist “The election isn’t taking place in
fascists for similarly urging their a totally democratic context, but in a

Scores hurt as Sri Lankan

young people into a hopeless war hybrid regime where the government ▲ A burning bus during the latest
against Russian invaders.” enjoys a huge media advantage, with protests, prompted by power cuts
Against this backdrop, Orbán – very high spending in communica- and shortages of fuel and basic foods
while not thus far obstructing EU
sanctions and Nato measures in
tion and an ownership structure
leaning towards Fidesz,” said Péter president’s home targeted in PHOTOGRAPH: ISHARA S KODIKARA/AFP/GETTY

response to Russia’s invasion – has Krekó, the director of Political Capi- at the phone base stations have run
waged an election campaign on a
self-styled “peace” platform, vowing
tal, a Budapest-based thinktank.
“Added to this, the opposition has
protest over economic crisis out of diesel.
“We make sure we charge our
to keep Hungary out of a conflict in failed to keep the momentum it had phones during the hours we have
which he insists it has no stake. after last year’s primaries, which was after diesel shortages had sparked electricity but the internet is very
This has meant refusing to allow a great moment of mobilisation for Amrit Dhillon Delhi demonstrations elsewhere on the patchy because the towers aren’t
military aid – even non-lethal – to them.” Agencies island. The economic meltdown has working properly. Supermarkets are
pass through Hungarian territory Orbán’s non-intervention stance left roads eerily empty as fuel pumps shut as they have no electricity for
en route to Ukraine, a stance at odds on Ukraine was underpinned by a Nearly 50 people were injured after run dry. If residents manage to find lighting or the freezer compartments
with other former communist states narrow view of the national interest authorities used teargas and water petrol, the price has risen from 128 and we are paying two to three times
in the region. Orbán has also pledged in which moral considerations played cannon to drive back a crowd that rupees (33p) a litre to 300 rupees. the normal price for basic food items,”
to veto steps that would cut Russian no role, said Zoltán Kovács, his gov- stormed the home of the Sri Lankan With no air conditioners or fans, a tourism official, Zainoor Adnan,
energy supplies, something he insists ernment’s international spokesman. president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, late people are sweltering during the 10-12 told the Guardian before the Whats-
would wreck Hungary’s economy. “Cutting energy ties with Russia on Thursday amid anger over the gov- hour power cuts. The government App connection failed.
His posture has angered Ukraine’s would ruin this country immediately. ernment’s handling of the nation’s does not have the money to pay for The government’s decision to
president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who In that context, it doesn’t matter what deepening economic crisis. the fuel needed by power stations. plunge into organic farming last year
last week called out Orbán in person is right or good,” he said. The crisis, which is the worst in People with serious medical condi- turned out to be disastrous. The ban
as unsupportive while addressing He dismissed parallels between the living memory, has caused massive tions are struggling to find medicines on all chemical fertilisers, without
the EU council, before criticising war in Ukraine and Hungary’s trauma discontent, with people unable to and hospitals have cancelled oper- preparing farmers, led to a surge in
Hungary again by telling Danish MPs of 1956 as “misleading”, adding: “The find gas for cooking, medicines, fuel ations as they have no diesel to prices and food shortages. Although
that “Europe must stop listening to historical lesson we have is very sim- and basic foods such as milk powder operate the backup generators dur- the policy was partially reversed
any excuses from Budapest”. ple. When in the neighbourhood because the country has run out of ing blackouts. later, the damage had been done.
The patience of allies, too, has there is a war and that war has noth- foreign currency to pay for imported To save electricity, the government A retired Indian diplomat, Neelam
worn thin. A scheduled meeting in ing to do with Hungary, as in this case, goods. has switched off street lighting. Deo, said: “Agriculture is seriously
Budapest of the so-called Visegrad then we would like to avoid involve- A crowd of hundreds chanted for Mobile phones have been affected distressed. Now they want to import
group of central European countries’ ment … Because if it helps one [side], Rajapaksa and the entire cabinet to because the standby generators used fertilisers but with the war in Ukraine,
defence ministers was called off on it would be against the other.” resign over his handling of the crisis. fertiliser isn’t available because other
Wednesday after the Polish and That view dismays several Hungar- Videos circulating on social media countries have long-term contracts
Czech delegations declined to attend. ian historians, including János Rainer showed the protesters shouting: that have tied up supplies.”
But in domestic political terms, – a founding member and former “Lunatic go home.” This year, Sri Lanka has to repay
the strategy appears to be working. director of the 1956 institute, which The finance minister, prime min- $7bn (£5.3bn) in foreign debt even
Opinion surveys show Fidesz con- was dedicated to commemorating ister and agriculture minister are the though it does not have the foreign
sistently ahead by between three and the uprising but later disbanded by president’s brothers. His nephew is exchange to import milk powder. Of
seven points. If accurate, that would Orbán’s government. sports minister. this debt, about 10% is owed to China.
put it on course to win a comfortable “There are differences but also Near the president’s home in India has recently extended a
majority in the 199-seat parliament, similarities and the most significant Mirihana, the demonstrators set fire $912m loan along with another $1bn
although short of its current two- one is the moral meaning of the two to an army bus and a police vehicle. line of credit for Sri Lanka to purchase
thirds super majority, which has cases,” he said. “As in 1956, it is obvi- The violence prompted an over- food and fuel. Sri Lanka is also seek-
enabled it to enact constitutional and ous today who is the aggressor and night curfew, which was lifted ing more loans from China.
voting-rule changes at will. which side is the victim. Shamefully yesterday, and the arrests of 45 peo- The government has said it is seek-
the present Hungarian government ple. Nearly 50 people, including some ing a bailout from the International

is trying to avoid taking sides in this journalists, were injured and taken Monetary Fund.
conflict, and hides behind a ‘neutral’ to hospital. Civil society groups have called
rhetoric.” Official sources told Agence for another demonstration tomor-
Seats in Hungary’s parliament. If France-Presse that Rajapaksa was not row morning and members of the
opinion polls are accurate, Orbán Additional reporting at home during the protest, which ▲ A police officer outside President opposition parties are expected to
is set to win a comfortable majority Flora Garamvolgyi was the first to target the president Rajapaksa’s home yesterday participate.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

38 World
▼ Tourists pose for photographs on
a living root bridge in Meghalaya,
which has 100 such crossings

India’s living
very low, just a few metres above the
surface of a river.
“Grown by Indigenous Khasi tribal

bridges in communities, these structural eco-

systems have performed in extreme
climatic conditions for centuries, and

line for spot encapsulate a profound harmony

between humans and nature,” the
Unesco website says.
on world It adds: “ The intergenerational
growth process of nurturing a sapling
into a robust, load-bearing structure
heritage list in extreme climate and geography
reveals exceptional enterprise and
skill, suggesting a masterpiece of
human creative genius.”
The root bridges have not yet been
Amrit Dhillon afforded world heritage status. How-
New Delhi ever, by placing them on Unesco’s
tentative list, the Indian government
India’s famous living bridges – the is taking a vital step needed to submit
roots of trees coaxed and stretched them for consideration by the world
into the form of a suspension bridge heritage committee.
over a river – have been submitted to Morningstar Khongthaw, 23,
Unesco’s tentative list for the coveted is founder of the Living Bridges
world heritage site status. Foundation, which builds bridges
The mountainous state of Megha- and helps preserve them. His village
laya in the north-east has more than has 20 living roots bridges.
100 such bridges in 70 villages, unique “I am very glad that the knowledge
structures created by a combination strengthen over time. In the initial dotted with waterfalls, steep slopes, of our elders has been recognised by
of nature and human ingenuity. ‘I’m glad the knowledge stages only about 15 to 20 people can lakes and streams. The living root Unesco. We want to multiply this
Once a bamboo structure has been of our elders has been cross the bridge in a day. Much later it bridges are often the only way vil- knowledge so that future genera-
stretched across the river, the roots of can be 50 or more, though it can take lagers can cross a river to reach the tions also benefit,” said Khongthaw.
the tree, usually the rubber tree (Ficus recognised by Unesco’ up to two decades for a living roots other side to farm, go to school, sell The state government has been
elastica), are manipulated to become bridge to be finished. produce or reach a doctor. pushing for the Unesco tag in the
entwined with the bamboo until it In a remote region such as Megha- Known locally as Jingkieng Jri, hope that it will become easier to
becomes a strong mesh. The roots Morningstar Khongthaw laya, building roads is not feasible. some bridges are double-deckers or preserve the bridges while boosting
are allowed to grow gradually and Living Bridges Foundation The topography is dense jungle high above a valley while others are tourism further.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

World 39

Infant dies awaiting First food aid

which makes decisions on permits,
referred them instead to the Palestin-
ian Civil Affairs Committee (PCAC),
which coordinates with Israel.
for 100 days
permit to leave Gaza Israel approved 69% of permit
applications from patients in Gaza
in February, but 56% of applications
for companions to patients were not
is driven into
for heart treatment ▲ Fatima al-Masri’s case was said by
responded to in time for the appoint-
ment, according to the World Health
Organization’s monthly report.
Israeli officials to be ‘under review’ Miriam Marmur, a director for the
Israeli group Gisha, which campaigns
then she died. It felt like I had died as Rights, a Palestinian nongovernmen- for Palestinian freedom of move-
Kaamil Ahmed well without Fatima in my life.” tal organisation, took on Fatima’s ment, said Israel appeared to have
Masri said Fatima had missed case when Masri complained in changed how it dealt with permits,
two appointments for treatment at February, urging Israel to issue the no longer handling applications from Lizzy Davies
A 19-month-old child has died in Gaza Jerusalem’s al-Makassed hospital in permit in time for her to be taken to human rights groups or lawyers but
after waiting five months for Israel December and February while her al-Makassed in the week after the directing them through the PCAC.
to grant her permission to leave the family were told her case was “under appointment, before the hospital “Unfortunately, nonresponse to A convoy of aid trucks has arrived in
enclave for treatment. review” by the Coordination and Liai- took her off its list. permit applications is a practice of Tigray, the first emergency food sup-
Human rights groups said Israel’s son Administration (CLA), the Israeli “Al Mezan deeply regrets Fatima’s bureaucratic violence used by Israel plies to reach the besieged region of
blockade of Gaza was responsible authority that handles Palestinian death and strongly condemns Israel’s on a regular basis,” said Marmur. northern Ethiopia by road for more
for the death yesterday of Fatima al- travel permits. ongoing closure on the Gaza Strip “In a growing number of cases, than 100 days.
Masri, who was diagnosed last year “We are under blockade. I don’t and its associated restrictions on even patently humanitarian and Two weeks after Abiy Ahmed’s
with a hole in the heart. understand how Israel can send me the movement of Palestinians that highly urgent ones such as Fatima al- government declared an immedi-
“I loved her from deep inside my this message about her case being includes denying patients access to Masri’s, people receive no response ate “humanitarian truce” with rebel
heart. I wish I had died as well as her,” under review. If Israel wanted to the hospitals in the West Bank, East from the CLA.” Tigrayan forces to allow aid in, the
said Jalal al-Masri, Fatima’s father. send her by herself for treatment, Jerusalem, Israel and abroad,” it said The Israeli military authority over World Food Programme said it had
“They kept saying the application then send her,” said Masri. in a statement. the Palestinian territories did not received the assurances it needed to
was ‘under review, under review’ and The Al Mezan Center for Human Al Mezan said the Israeli authority, respond to a request for comment. dispatch 20 trucks containing vital
supplies of food.
Since mid-December no aid has
reached Tigray on the land route
from Semera, in neighbouring Afar,
to Mekelle, the capital of Tigray.
In a video posted online earlier
yesterday, WFP said the convoy
contained 500 tonnes of food and
nutrition supplies “for communi-
ties on the edge of starvation”.
A fuel tanker followed behind, but
had not yet entered Tigray, a spokes-
person added.
The UN has accused the Ethio-
pian government of placing Tigray
under a de facto blockade for months,
squeezing the civilian population
of basic resources as it wages war
against the Tigray People’s Libera-
tion Front (TPLF) forces.
The authorities in Addis Ababa,
meanwhile, have accused the TPLF
of bringing misery upon their own
people by conducting military offen-
sives on key aid delivery routes.
Thousands have died and many
more were forced to flee their homes
in the 16-month war and, as it drags
on, the civilian population still in Tig-
ray is considered desperately in need
of food, fuel and medical supplies.
According to a January assess-
ment, at least 2 million people are
suffering from an extreme lack of
food. Since January some medical
and nutrition supplies have been
trickling in by air, but the UN says
they are a fraction of what is needed.
On a series of flights since 24 January,

Rain refresh Adam Morton

Stephanie Tran
country of outback Queensland.
That last happened in 2019, when
the area was inundated for the first
▲ Recent rainfall adds vibrant
colours to Kati Thanda-Lake
Eyre seen from the air PHOTOGRAPHS:
about 360 tonnes of supplies have
been delivered – about nine trucks’
worth, according to the UN office

Australia’s s an amplified La
Niña weather event
time in decades.
This year the Queensland
waterways have not contributed as

never tire of flying over it because

for the coordination of humanitar-
ian affairs.
In a move that took many by sur-

vast desert turned life on the

Australian east coast
into a flooded misery
much to filling the lake; instead, the
lake itself was hit with a fall of local
rain in January more than twice the
every time you do it, it’s different,”
he said. “Just the expanse of it. You
get these amazing pink colours.”
prise, Abiy’s government declared a
truce on 24 March, saying it hoped
the move would ease humanitarian

lakes system over recent weeks,

it has also played a role in helping
bring the vast desert lake near the
long-term average, and water has
flown in from the nearby Flinders
Ranges. The result is a spectacular
The Lake Eyre Basin is
considered one of the planet’s
last remaining pristine desert
access to Tigray and “pave the way
for the resolution of the conflict”. It
called on the TPLF to “desist from all

glories in rare middle of the continent to life.

Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre is about
700km north of Adelaide, covers
dance of pinks, blues, greens and
browns as the water replaces red
dirt and the lake’s white salt pan.
river systems and is a contested
space. Locals have campaigned to
stop diversions to expand cotton
acts of further aggression and with-
draw from areas they have occupied
in neighbouring regions”.

rehydration more than 9,000 sq km and is the

lowest point on the Australian
mainland. When the tropical
Prof Richard Kingsford, a
conservation biologist at the
University of New South Wales,
irrigation elsewhere in Queensland.
Kingsford said: “There are
always big threats. Thankfully, it’s
The rebels in turn urged “Ethio-
pian authorities to go beyond empty
promises and take concrete steps to
monsoon hits, floodwaters flow said there has not been rainfall like pretty much still a free-flowing facilitate unfettered humanitarian
from major rivers in the channel this over the lake since the 1980s. “I river system.” access to Tigray”.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

40 World

Landscape comes out

with Arched
Bridge in the
of the shadows to prove For more than
30 years it was
considered to

itself a true Rembrandt be the work of

Govert Flinck,
a student of
occasion of the work’s planned below
Kate Connolly appearance in an exhibition of the PHOTOGRAPH:
Berlin British artist David Hockney, which CHRISTOPH SCHMIDT/
opens on 9 April, as an opportune MUSEEN ZU BERLIN
A painting considered to have been moment to analyse the picture as part GEMALDEGALERIE
the work of a Rembrandt pupil of the Rembrandt Research Project.
has been confirmed to have been X-rays showing changes and cor-
executed by the Dutch master rections that had been made to the
himself. work helped confirm Rembrandt as
In what has been described as a its creator. Kleinert said experts were
coup for curators at Berlin’s Gemälde- unanimous in their verdict.
galerie, which owns the painting, Comparisons were made to a sim-
Landscape with Arched Bridge is ilar composition by Rembrandt,
now considered a direct work of the called Landscape with Stone Bridge,
17th- century painter Rembrandt at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam,
Harmenszoon van Rijn. For decades which the Gemäldegalerie’s director,
it had been attributed to one of his Dagmar Hirschfeld, said had shared size of a hill and making changes to contrary to previous understanding,
pupils, Govert Flinck. hallmarks typical of his work. a group of trees. These processes in was created before and not after the
Painstaking analysis of the small “You quite often get pairs of paint- turn made the painting more com- Amsterdam work, which is more
work dated from 1638, which meas- ings where you have the impression pact and dense. exact and translucent.
ures 28.5cm (11.2in) by 39.5cm, he is trying to do the same again but Specialist examination brought The promotion of the work to a
confirmed the belief of a number of in another style of painting,” she said. clarity to the way the composition Rembrandt means its value will soar
Rembrandt experts who had ques- Analysis of the painting in Berlin was developed, with each change to more than €10m (£8.5m). Not that
tioned the work’s demotion in 1989. showed how Rembrandt had made enhancing the masterful Rembrandt the work is expected to go up for sale.
Katja Kleinert, a curator for Dutch radical changes to the work during its style of chiaroscuro – the contrasting “It is relevant only in the case of the
and Flemish art of the 17th century creation, including shifting the posi- light and shadow. The investigation painting being loaned to another
at the Gemäldegalerie, used the tion of a storm cloud, reducing the also established that the Berlin work, exhibition,” said a spokesperson.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

World 41
▼ The Dunedin study initially aimed
to follow newborns until age three.
Its participants are now about to

Lockdown in
extended as
economy put
on the skids
Martin Farrer and agencies

Shanghai has been plunged into an

extended lockdown and some resi-
dents face another 10 days of isolation
in their homes as China’s strict zero-
Covid policy threatens to derail the
world’s second-largest economy.
The eastern half of China’s big-
gest city had been due to emerge
yesterday from a four-day lockdown
aimed at crushing a persistent out-
break of the Omicron variant, but
the extension was announced late
on Thursday night.
A lockdown of the western half of
the city went ahead as planned yes-
terday morning, leaving a majority
of the city’s 26 million people still
in lockdown in the latest sign that
China’s financial powerhouse is
struggling to eliminate the outbreak.
The virus has forced lockdowns in

Fifty years under a microscope several large cities this year, making
this outbreak China’s worst since the
pandemic started in Wuhan in 2019.
Figures released yesterday showed

From infancy to middle age, the that factory activity in China slumped
at the fastest pace in two years in
March, as the resurgence of Covid
and the economic fallout from the

1,000 heroes of medical science

Ukraine war triggered sharp falls in
production and demand.Economists
▲ An early photo of the study, which at Morgan Stanley cut China’s eco-
began tracking subjects from birth nomic growth forecast for this year
sharply, while Citigroup warned of
under 1,000 members, who remain Prof Terrie Moffitt evolved into a be in their 50s, we’re studying how risks to the second-quarter outlook.
Eva Corlett anonymous to everyone except the paper on antisocial behaviour in they’re preparing for old age.” Shanghai said yesterday morning
Wellington researchers, and all of whom turn adolescents that has become the The research will also shift that it had recorded 4,144 asympto-

50 over the next year. most cited theory in criminology. to reflect changes in society – matic cases and 358 symptomatic
n 1972, a researcher in a small Every few years since the Speaking from North Carolina, including delving into the thorny cases on Thursday, compared with
city at the bottom of New members were born they have Moffitt said: “So many countries area of social cohesion and why it is 5,298 and 355 the previous day.
Zealand set out to track the returned to the University of Otago use that 1993 paper as a justification coming unstuck all over the globe. The changes to the rules in Shang-
development of more than research centre in Dunedin, flying for reforming their juvenile justice “We thought, well, hold on, we’ve hai mean that anyone living in a
1,000 newborn babies and in from all over the world to spend system to be less punitive and more got a whole bunch of information building where a positive case has
their health and behaviour at a few days having their mental supportive to young offenders.” on just about everything but we been found will be required to stay
age three, not realising that over the and physical health examined. The data also helped show child haven’t got a good measure of at home for 10 more days. Residents
next 50 years the research would Everything from dental to maltreatment can lead to greater social cohesion yet,” Poulton said. of other buildings in the same resi-
become one of the world’s most cardiovascular health, from sexual body-wide inflammation and With that in mind, the team dential compound will be confined
important longitudinal studies. behaviour to relationships and an elevated risk of depression, will now develop a method for for three more days. People living in
The study did not stop at lifestyle, are covered. Poulton said. “Inflammation is understanding what underpins the surrounding neighbourhood of
three years; instead it gathered “It’s incredibly important that a marker of risk for all sorts of socially cohesive behaviour. a positive case will face less restric-
pace, following the lives of the we acknowledge the real heroes other physical diseases.” The The last group assessment was tive limits. They may be allowed out
participants into adulthood, and of the study, which are the study paper states: “Children exposed to in 2019 – just before the pandemic. to shop for necessities, but only for a
creating a comprehensive body of members. They only do it for one adverse psychosocial experiences But not wanting to miss an limited time on certain days.
data that has yielded more than main reason, which is, they think have enduring emotional, immune opportunity, the team contacted About 16 million people will be
1,300 peer-reviewed research it might help other people,” says and metabolic abnormalities the members in 2021 to interview tested during the lockdown in Puxi
papers, reports and books. Poulton, who joined the team in that contribute to explaining them about their experience of on the west side of the river in Shang-
This week is the 50th anniversary 1985, when study members were their elevated risk for age-related the pandemic and their plans for hai. Residents are not allowed to
of the Dunedin multidisciplinary becoming teenagers. Work led at disease.” getting the vaccine, with that data leave their neighbourhoods or hous-
health and development research that stage by the US psychologist As the years evolved, so too due for release soon, Moffitt said. ing compounds during the four-day
study, more commonly known as did the expertise the researchers Three things set Dunedin apart period, with groceries or meals deliv-
the Dunedin study. The study has needed. “When they were from longer studies, Poulton said: ered to their complexes.
some limitations – the cohort is ‘It’s important that teenagers, it was drugs and alcohol a high retention rate (94% of the Shanghai authorities have rushed
reflective of 1970s Dunedin and and risky sex and law breaking,” original cohort have stayed), a to bolster food deliveries to the city
not the more ethnically diverse
we acknowledge said Moffitt, who is still an associate multidisciplinary approach that after panic buying stripped stores.
New Zealand of 2022 – but it does the real heroes – the director of the study. “We had to gathers an “incredible” breadth

capture a group of people who have become expert in that, but then of information, and testing and
grown up in all sorts of households.
study members’ they grew out of it. Then we had to interviewing face to face rather
Founded by Dr Phil A Silva become expert in how they pick a than through questionnaires.
in 1972, and now under the partner, how they decide to have “That’s a very rare combo – the holy Number in millions of Shanghai
directorship of Prof Richie Poulton, Prof Richie Poulton children and when to have their trinity, in my mind – to make us the residents still under strict lockdown
the study continues with just Director of the study first baby. Now that they’re going to best study of our type in the world.” in China’s financial powerhouse city
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

42 World

French court Japanese navy’s

families, friends, and survivors sat,
many bowed their heads and wept.
In the box, there was little reaction

hears tapes from the accused, though one, Farid curry thieves
Kharkach, sat with his head lowered
and his hands over his ears. Kharkach land in hot water
of Bataclan is accused of supplying false docu-
ments to the terrorists.

terror attack The main suspect, Salah Abde-

slam, accused of being a member of
a group of jihadists who carried out a
Justin McCurry
coordinated series of bombings and
shootings across the French capital, A keen appetite for curry has landed
Kim Willsher appeared impassive. six members of Japan’s maritime self-
Paris Police had found an explosive defence forces (SDF) in trouble, after
vest they believe to have been his it emerged that they had been tuck-
A French court has heard audio (and that an expert suggested was ing into the dish without paying for
recordings and seen photographs of faulty) in a rubbish bin, throwing up to three years.
the 2015 terror attack at the Bataclan doubt on Abdeslam’s claims that he The SDF members, including an
theatre in central Paris. had changed his mind about the sui- officer in his 50s, helped themselves
There was silence yesterday as the ▲ Paramedics carry a woman hurt them to leave. From the packed rows cide attack at the last moment. to free curry at Hachinohe airbase in
court was played three sound record- in the November 2015 terror attack of “civil parties” – survivors and the Islamic State claimed responsi- north-east Japan, apparently ignor-
ings from the Bataclan attack, one of away from the Bataclan theatre victims’ relatives and friends – about bility for the attacks, which began at ing rules requiring them to pay,
a series of bombings and shootings PHOTOGRAPH: THIBAULT CAMUS/AP 20 people stood up and walked out. about 9pm with the detonation of a according to Japanese media reports.
across Paris that left 130 people dead What followed were just a few of suicide bomb at the Stade de France The dish is gratis for personnel liv-
and more than 300 injured. followed by an interminable series of the images from the hundreds police and continued with a number of ing in barracks or stationed on board
The first recording was of the single shots. took of the scenes of horror inside the drive-by shootings and bombings at ships docked at the base, Sora News
moment three gunmen carrying The second recording, largely Bataclan that night. There were bod- busy cafes and restaurants, and the 24 reported. But the officer and his
automatic rifles, their faces covered, inaudible, was of the hostage-taking ies by the stage, on the balcony, next massacre at the Bataclan. five colleagues did not belong to
entered the Bataclan as the Califor- and included the voice of one of those to the bar and in the corridors. The marathon legal process that either group and should have paid
nian rock band Eagles of Death Metal who survived. The third recording They were just some of the 90 men began in September and is expected for their meals.
played. The terrorists had shot at the was of the police raid that brought and women who had gone to the to last nine months is the biggest- All the culprits have received short
doorman and people smoking out- the siege to an end. Bataclan to enjoy an evening of music ever criminal trial in France. Fourteen suspensions from duty.
side, walked inside the concert hall The lead judge, Jean-Louis Périès, but were killed by Foued Mohamed- suspects including Abdeslam are in Japan’s maritime SDF is proud of
and paused. said there would be a pause before Aggad, 23; Ismaël Omar Mostefaï, 29; the dock and a further six people are its connection to curry, which per-
Then the massacre began. The the photographs were displayed on and Samy Amimour, 28. being tried in their absence, five of sonnel eat every Friday. Packs of
music dwindled to a few guitar riffs large screens throughout the court to At the back of the court on the them presumed dead in Iraq or Syria; boil-in-the-bag “navy curry” are pop-
as volley after volley of shots rang out allow those who did not want to see rows of benches where the victims’ the last is in prison in Turkey. ular souvenirs.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •


FTSE 100 All share Dow Indl Nikkei 225 £/€ £/$
+ 22.22 +11.70 -66.82 - 155.45 1.1877 1.3108
7537.90 4199.48 34611.53 27665.98 +0.0043 -0.0059

Profits surged for Patel-backed firm

has caused these problems,” the
home secretary wrote on 3 May last
year. She went on to say she would
be “most grateful” if Hancock could

after it won PPE deals worth £216m

review the matter urgently and urged
him to “work with the company to
distribute and supply these masks”.
Hancock wrote back 10 days later
to say that “KN95 face masks are Chi-
nese standards” and that UK officials
ministerial code, which she denied, failure to do so would have been a account for more than the entire had concluded they were “not suita-
Rob Davies after letters emerged showing she dereliction of duty.” She has denied increase in revenue at the company ble for use in the NHS”.
had intervened with Michael Gove on Labour’s suggestion that her inter- last year, which was £128m. PDL, Patel later contacted procurement
behalf of the firm, which was repre- vention was improper or represented which has 25 employees according officials, documents show, to advise
Profits at a PPE company that secured sented by one of her former advisers. a breach of the ministerial code. to Companies House filings, has since that PDL was able to source higher-
support from the home secretary, Documents showed that in May At £131m altogether, the two con- won a third contract, worth £85m, to quality PPE products. The company
Priti Patel, as it lobbied ministers 2020 Patel attempted to help the firm tracts that PDL subsequently won provide lateral flow tests, taking its went on to win its first pandemic-
for UK government contracts have secure a PPE deal worth £20m. total income from Covid-19 work to related contract, worth £28.8m.
soared after it won £216m in tax- Her efforts failed after the then £216m. That contract runs from Feb- PDL told the Guardian it had
payer-funded business during the health secretary, Matt Hancock, said ruary to August this year. “decades of experience as a well-
pandemic. the masks were “not suitable for the Disclosure from the government – established supplier in the healthcare
Revenues at Pharmaceuticals NHS”, according to disclosure in a in response to a pre-action letter from sector, with an exemplary record of
Direct Limited (PDL) jumped from legal case brought by the Good Law the Good Law Project – revealed a let- successful procurement and delivery.
£38m to £166m in the year to the Project campaign group. ter that Patel wrote to Gove in May “It is precisely the kind of proven
end of March 2021, with profits ris- Samir Jassal was named as Patel’s last year. The Daily Mail, which first and reliable organisation that the
ing eightfold, from £1.6m to £13m, “suppliers’ contact” at PDL in con- reported on the documents, said the country needs to respond to the
according to accounts filed this week tract documents. Jassal is a former possible deal was worth £20m. ongoing challenges posed by the
at Companies House. unpaid adviser to Patel, has stood In the letter, Patel expressed dis- pandemic. It did not have to respond
The company won two PPE con- as a Conservative candidate at two ▲ Priti Patel supported PDL’s bid appointment that the government to the government’s call to arms at
tracts during the period, worth a general elections, and has met Boris no longer required supplies of KN95 the very height of the emergency.

combined £131m. It paid a £420,000 Johnson and David Cameron. masks from PDL, saying that “they PDL could well have chosen to con-
dividend to its parent company, Phar- At the time, a spokesperson for have committed stock and secured tinue with its already very successful
madent Holdings, which is ultimately Patel said: “The home secretary supply, exposing them to consider- business and left the national emer-
owned by Bemal Patel (no relation to rightly followed up representations Factor by which PDL’s profits rose able financial risk and pressures”. gency to be dealt with by other, much
Priti Patel). Last year, Labour accused made to her about the vital supply of in 2021, from £1.6m to £13m. The “The late stage in which the gov- less capable and less experienced
Priti Patel of a “flagrant breach” of the PPE. During a time of national crisis, company states it has 25 employees ernment has decided not to use them contenders.”

Pizza Express Camelot to

waiting staff launch court
win battle over challenge over
credit card tips lottery licence
Rob Davies
Sarah Butler

The national lottery operator Camelot

Pizza Express waiting staff have won is launching a high court challenge to
back a bigger slice of their tips after a the gambling regulator’s decision to
year-long campaign against a change hand over the operation of the draw
that handed more to kitchen staff. to a rival after 28 years, accusing
The restaurant workers took action the regulator of getting the decision
after their share of tips and service “badly wrong”.
charges paid on credit and debit cards Camelot’s chief executive, Nigel
was cut from 70% to 50% last year at a Railton, said: “We are launching a
time when pay was already squeezed legal challenge today in our capac-
by social distancing measures that ity as an applicant for the fourth
limited the number of diners. [national lottery] licence because
A shift to cashless payments dur- we firmly believe the Gambling Com-
ing the coronavirus pandemic had mission has got this decision badly
also reduced tips for staff. wrong.” The Gambling Commission
After a campaign, backed by the said it “regrets” Camelot’s decision
Unite union, from next month, wait- wage they received, said that some ▲ From May, waiting staff at Pizza and have faced massive internal pres- and expects the high court to find
ing staff will again receive 70% of tips colleagues had cried with happiness Express restaurants will receive 70% sure from the company to stay silent that it ran a “fair and robust” process.
made on credit cards, a change worth at the planned increase in the share of of tips. Kitchen staff will receive 30% and accept it.” Allwyn, a lottery operator owned
about £2,000 extra a year. Kitchen tips after months of struggle. PHOTOGRAPH: JUSTIN KASE/ALAMY A spokesperson for Pizza Express by the Czech billionaire Karel
workers will get 30%. “The original decision was insane,” said: “The tipping policy is entirely Komárek, is in line to take over from
Waiting staff say they should the worker said. “The change came in employee-led.” They added: “100% Camelot in 2024, after beating the
receive a bigger share of tips and the so suddenly that reasonably predict- of all tips continue to go to our restau- incumbent in a four-way battle that
service charge as they tend to receive able earnings every month suddenly ‘This decision is rant teams and cash tips go directly also included Sisal, Flutter, and the
lower hourly pay and fewer guaran- disappeared.” long overdue and a to the server. Pizza Express pays the media tycoon Richard Desmond.
teed hours than those in the kitchen Unite’s general secretary, Sharon card fees to ensure 100% of tips go to “Despite lengthy correspondence,
and do not have an opportunity to Graham, said: “This decision is long welcome change’ the restaurant team.” the commission has failed to provide
receive a bonus. overdue and a welcome change. Pizza Six years ago the company was a satisfactory response,” Railton said.
One member of the waiting staff, Express waiters have been fighting forced to reverse a policy of taking “We are therefore left with no choice
who said it was a struggle to sur- this ill thought-out, unpopular and Sharon Graham an 8% “administration fee” from tips but to ask the court to establish what
vive on the basic legal minimum unfair tipping policy for over a year Unite general secretary paid by card. happened.”
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

44 Financial
Cost of living

Energy bills
Your questions answered

Is it too late to submit a meter

No. If you read your meter on 31
March you can still submit the
reading and get the units you had
used before the change charged at
the old rate.
Providers are saying that
customers can send in readings
over the next few days – some are
being less specific than others
about whether there is a deadline.
At E.ON, customers have until
Saturday 9 April to go online and
submit their meter readings for 31
March. Smart meter customers do
not need to do anything.
EDF says its customers can
share meter readings “over the
coming days and into next week
and we will adjust the account
Scottish Power is accepting
readings online and via its app.
British Gas has a form on its
website that customers can fill in
with Thursday’s meter reading
and this will remain available
next week.

... or too late to take a reading?

Not if you are a customer of
Octopus – its prices do not
actually rise until today.
Customers will then have a week

Sunak urged to do
their total energy spending. Ofgem’s ▲ Houses show signs of heat loss in to submit their readings.
policy of raising the standing charge London. The poorest families are
instead of the price per unit of energy having to choose between food and Should I ditch direct debit?
is perverse.” heating PHOTOGRAPH: LEON NEAL/GETTY Rising monthly direct debits

more to help poorest Households were hit with multi-

ple price increases from yesterday,
from council tax and VAT on hospi-
in last week’s spring statement were
“woefully inadequate”, as UK house-
have prompted some energy
customers to consider switching
their arrangements and paying

households as slew
tality to broadband and phone bills, holds faced the biggest fall in living when they receive their bills.
all adding to the cost of living crisis, standards since the 1950s. Before you do this, check that it
with inflation forecast to hit a 40-year “People shouldn’t be struggling to will not end up costing you more.
high this year. As snow and hail fell cover the basics but millions of fam- The price cap for customers

of price rises kick in across the UK this week, families and

pensioners spoke of having to turn off
the heating and disconnect broad-
band to afford the rising cost of food.
ilies have been pushed to breaking
point by spiralling bills and soaring
inflation,” said Frances O’Grady, the
general secretary of the TUC.
who pay in this way is £130 a
year higher than for direct debit
customers, and you could find
that your standing charges and
However, those with prepayment “This is a living standards emer- unit rates rise. At British Gas,
to look at expanding the scale and meters who stop using them will still gency. Rishi Sunak must come to for example, paying in this way
Rob Davies and Mark Sweney scope of this support after October find they are running up gas and elec- parliament and present an emer- attracts a standing charge of
at the very least,” said Dr Craig Low- tricity bills because of rising weekly gency budget. We need a proper 51p on electricity and a unit rate
rey, Cornwall’s principal consultant. standing charges of up to £6.15, package of economic support for of 30p, against a 45p standing
The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, will The 54% increase in the price cap despite having no power for heat- families. Britain faces the worst liv- charge for direct debit customers
have to do more to help struggling yesterday sparked chaos, as energy ing, light or cooking. ing standards crisis in generations. ” and a unit rate of 28p.
households with soaring energy providers’ websites failed to cope The Resolution Foundation think- Energy bills would rise 10 times SSE says switching from on-
bills, experts said yesterday, with with a deluge of traffic on what has tank said the number of households faster than wages this year, said the demand payment to direct debit
the average annual gas and electric- been called “Bleak Friday”, as the in England in “fuel stress” had dou- TUC, as it joined the Labour party in could save its customers up to
ity bill poised to double inside a year largest rise in gas and electricity bled overnight, from 2.5m to 5m. calling for a windfall tax on the bil- £129 a year.
to £2,600. prices in living memory took effect The Trades Union Congress (TUC) lions in profits made by oil and gas
The average household dual fuel on the same day as scheduled rises to called for an emergency budget to companies to pay for its proposed What help can I get if I’m
tariff jumped from £1,278 to £1,971 taxes and household services. help working families who were at package of support measures. struggling?
at midnight, as the energy regulator Customers in Great Britain seek- “breaking point”, as Citizens Advice “People don’t want a revolution, If you are having problems with
raised the price cap by 54% on bills to ing cheaper energy bills had been estimated that about 5 million people they do want to know how to pay the new prices there may be help
reflect sky-high wholesale gas prices. advised to submit meter readings would be unable to pay their energy their energy bills,” said the Labour available from your provider.
Analysts at Cornwall Insight, who online before yesterday’s increase, bills from this month. The TUC said leader, Keir Starmer. Most have funds to support
predicted the £1,971 price cap within putting unprecedented pressure on the measures announced by Sunak Citizens Advice warned that the their most vulnerable customers
a 3% margin of error, said they now the websites of suppliers. number of people unable to pay their and will tell you if you qualify,
expect the next price cap increase, The meter reading page of British energy bills would rise to one in four and should be able to point you
due in October, to result in the aver- Gas, one of the UK’s biggest suppliers, across the UK, more than 14 million, towards other help and advice.
age tariff jumping to £2,599.92. was displaying an error message yes- if the energy cap rises by the amount British Gas announced
This would mean bills having terday morning, while E.ON and EDF forecast in October. yesterday that it was adding
doubled inside a year, it said, piling were also battling outages. Experts have said the war in £2m to its fund for struggling
pressure on the chancellor to help Standing charges, a fixed amount Ukraine could drive annual bills to customers – it provides grants
the poorest households, who experts paid to connect a home to the grid, £3,000 at the next price cap decision. of £250 to £750 towards bills.
have warned face a choice between have been criticised for dispropor- “We understand that people are If you have less than £1,000 in
heating and eating. tionately penalising those on low struggling with the rising cost of liv- savings and need help you can

“While the government’s £350 incomes. “In the new price cap the ing – we can’t shield everyone from apply. It has another fund to
worth of support will provide some fixed charge is about £300 [a year],” the global challenges we face but help customers of other energy
respite to consumers this time said David Osmon of Ideal Eco- we’re putting billions of pounds back companies – this is currently
around – albeit not far enough – nomics, a former senior economist Number of people across the UK into the pockets of hard-working fam- closed but will open again on 1
with the cap almost guaranteed to at Ofgem. “For the poorest 10% of unable to pay energy bills if the cap ilies across the UK,” a government July. Hilary Osborne
rise again, the government will need households this amounts to a third of rises in October – Citizens Advice spokesperson said.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Financial 45

‘I feel disrespected’ Evri couriers

struggling to survive amid rising
costs and meagre fuel allowance
▲ The parcel
Jem Bartholomew delivery
industry has

grown hugely
icolas, a 36-year-old during the
courier based in a pandemic amid
small town in Suffolk, a surge in online
has started to think sales
the unthinkable:
soaring fuel costs
may soon force him out of work.
Nicolas (he asked not to use his
surname) is one of an 18,000-strong
army of self-employed drivers
who work for Evri, the company
formerly known as Hermes, who is
desperate for more financial help to
ensure delivering parcels is a viable
way to earn a living.
But he claims the private-equity-
owned company, which he’s
delivered for since 2016, is failing to
recognise the value couriers bring.
On Thursday Evri struck a deal
with drivers and the GMB union on
a fuel allowance that was labelled  Evri – formerly
insulting by some. Hermes – has an
“It’s not just a job, you become army of 18,000
part of the community,” said self-employed
Nicolas, who visits about 75 courier drivers
households a day. “I’ve seen babies delivering
grow up and start school, families parcels
getting bigger, attended customers’ throughout
funerals, been invited to a wedding. the UK
During the pandemic, sometimes I PHOTOGRAPH: KERRY
was the only person elderly people HARRISON/EVRI

would see for weeks.”

But he says he’s afraid surging said Steve Garelick, GMB’s national acquire a 75% stake in what was to about £65. “The fuel situation
fuel costs will force him out of ‘I’m disheartened. lead for Evri, who helped negotiate then trading as Hermes UK. Advent, is horrendous,” said James, who
the job. He now spends roughly the agreement. which bought the defence company withheld his surname over fears of
£240 a month filling his tank, up
It makes me want Garelick added that Evri had Cobham in 2019, renamed Hermes his role being terminated.
from about £180 before the war in to leave and find a no legal obligation to offer a fuel last month, after coming under fire He said the low fuel allowance
Ukraine, but only stands to claw allowance to couriers in its “self- for mishandling parcels. was another instance of the
back no more than £12 for fuel a
company that shows employed plus” category and James, a 63-year-old courier in company not valuing its couriers
month. “I’ve started having to use a little more empathy’ acknowledged their willingness to Northamptonshire who joined Evri for what could be a physically
credit [to buy fuel], going further “do the right thing”. more than two years ago, said he demanding job. “At the end of
into debt just so I can work,” Amy “We always want more,” he said. was spending about £45 a month the week I definitely feel it,” said
Nicolas said. “I don’t see how this Evri courier, Worcestershire “But we started from zero.” He on fuel last year, but since Russia’s James, who is on medication for a
changes things.” hailed real progress from the GMB- invasion of Ukraine it had soared heart attack a few years ago.
As fuel costs jump, Evri says Evri negotiations, bringing money The fuel allowance is structured
many self-employed couriers will to couriers’ pockets. in four grades: 35p a day (for
receive between 35p and 75p a day Other companies, such as Boxed in couriers with an average delivery
depending on the delivery radius by war in Ukraine and the west’s Amazon, provide more generous radius of less than 1 sq mile); 50p

– which the company claims is an attempts to wean itself off Russian fuel allowances – of more than 21p a (1-5 sq miles); 65p (5-20 sq miles);
average of 2.3p a mile – backdated oil. Last week the average cost of mile, in some cases. and 75p (more than 20 sq miles).
to 26 March. That means someone a litre of petrol at UK forecourts The row underlines the An Evri spokesperson said it
working five days a week on the was 167.3p, according to data firm precarious nature of gig economy provided access for couriers to
maximum radius would receive Experian Catalist, while diesel was work, particularly courier driving, Daily fuel allowance Evri drivers will the best fuel cards and it would
£3.75 a week, or £15 every four 179.7p. Despite the chancellor, Rishi which has ballooned amid a surge receive, depending on their delivery continue to regularly review fuel
weeks, for fuel. It replaces a Sunak, cutting 5p off fuel duty, in online shopping. radius, backdated to 26 March prices with GMB to ensure people

package earlier this month worth many complain the discount is not Hermes Parcelnet posted a pre- were paid the national living wage.
just under 2p a mile. being fully passed on. tax profit of £131m in the year to But many couriers are unhappy.
“My reaction is shock [and] total Further rises are expected, piling February 2021, more than tripling “It’s insulting, it feels like a slap in
disappointment. I feel disheartened pressure on courier drivers who the previous year’s £43m, as the face,” said Nicola, a 40-year-old
and disrespected,” said Amy, 43, are often on gig economy contracts business surged in the pandemic. Average rate per mile Evri says it is courier in South Yorkshire.
a courier for eight years based in and lack the security of full-time Revenue was almost £1.5bn for the paying its couriers. Some Amazon Nicola said she had worked as
Worcestershire, who also asked the employees. year to February 2021, a roughly drivers receive more than 21p a mile a courier for 12 years. “It takes
Guardian not publish her surname An organiser for GMB 70% jump on £860m the year years to build up the experience

over fear of losing her job. acknowledged the package wasn’t before. The highest paid director – knowing which customers
“It makes me really want to leave perfect but said the allowances received an aggregate package of want packages left in their sheds,
and find a company that shows a were a “step in the right direction”. more than £600,000 last year. greenhouses, at the backdoor,”
little more empathy.” “It’s a helping hand – it isn’t huge In 2020, the US private equity Profit posted by Hermes Parcelnet in she said. “I really don’t want to
Fuel costs have hit record highs amounts, but it’s at least more than group Advent International the year to February 2021, more than leave this job, but I’m not making
in recent weeks, driven higher just a token from the company,” partnered with management to tripling the previous year’s figure ends meet.”
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022


Home renovations
How to pay for
building work
as costs increase
Her clients generally want
Many Britons are seeking to extensions and “really wow”
remodel their properties, but conversions – the company has
the race for space comes as designed new kitchens and
the price of materials soars. remodelled the downstairs of
houses to include playrooms and
Hilary Osborne reports working from home space. There’s

“lots of glazing”, Esdon says.
ince the first lockdown “People are moving away from
eased, many bifolding doors and are instead
homeowners have been looking at structural glazing, large
wanting to improve sliding panels or Crittall-style
their properties. The glazing as an alternative.”
race for space has made However, that glazing costs
loft conversions and extensions considerably more than it did in
popular, while some of those who 2020. According to Nick Cockayne
cannot make structural changes of the Rooflight Company in
are  considering how to remodel Oxfordshire, since the first
their homes. lockdown “glass has increased by
“Most people have been working 6% to 12% depending on the type,
or otherwise spending significant steel has increased from £950 a
amounts of time at home and, tonne to £1,500, MDF has shot
probably for the first time, really up by 38%, and silicone, timber,
getting to know why and how their stainless steel and aluminium have
existing home wasn’t working for all increased in price”.
them,” says Sam Levene, a director Painful inflation is not confined
of the designers and architects LLI to windows. According to the
Design. “This, together with large National Federation of Builders,
stamp duty costs, means it can be material prices are changing weekly
a significantly more appetising – and are on average 23.5% higher
proposition to refurbish or extend than they were last year. The cost build, especially for new-build or had a couple of months to make
an existing home to suit your wants of cement rose 1% in February, extensions,” says Rico Wojtulewicz, Priced up a decision but now they are only
and needs rather than move.” imported timber went down by the head of housing and planning valid for two or three weeks.”
Katy Esdon of Esdon about 20% in the same month but policy at the NFB.
How much will it cost? A written quote states the price
Architecture in Salisbury has been that followed a two-year rise of that will be charged for the work
busy since June 2020, when some 200%. The cost of sanitary ware Dealing with rising prices Guide prices from MyBuilder.com, the builder has detailed – it cannot
of the Covid restrictions were first was up 1.9%. Water-based paint Most companies giving estimates covering building work only: charge you more unless you later
relaxed. “We had about six or seven went up by 2.3%, while non-water- for home improvements will advise Small single-storey extension add jobs or change the specification
months of being inundated,” she based paint has risen by 3.1%. that prices can change – and, with (3 metres x 5 metres): £16,000– of the materials being used. Make
says. “It’s quietened down a bit but “It is therefore very likely the situation moving so quickly, £21,000 sure that everything you want is
has been steady ever since.” that prices [will] increase mid- some are making sure this is spelled Medium extension (4m x 6m): included at the outset, if possible.
out in extra-large print. £26,000–£34,000 If prices keep rising, things that
Esdon says her practice is being Large extension (6m x 8m): you add later may come at a higher
clear with clients about the impact £52,000–£67,000 cost than you anticipate. A builder
of inflation. “Things have got really Creating a loft room: £17,500 might not be willing to give a
expensive,” she says. “We’re telling Loft conversion with dormer: written quote for a job that will be
people that you don’t get as much £45,000 done some months in the future or
for your money as you did two or Hip to gable loft conversion: may make it clear that the quote is
three years ago.” £54,000 only valid for a certain period.
Her company is advising people Edwardian-style conservatory Levene suggests that if you are
to put by more than the traditional (4m x 3m): £10,000–£12,000 responsible for buying anything for
10% contingency fund. It works the build, “where at all possible,
with builders who are asked to if you have out-of-the-way, clean,
give a fixed-price tender for the secure storage, order materials
work. “This means there are no early and store them there. Or,
surprises,” she says. “But they if on-site storage is not possible,
are not valid for as long as they negotiate extended delivery dates
were – before, you might have with your suppliers so you can
order something at today’s price
 Trends are moving away from but have it delivered as and when
bifolding doors to structural glazing your project requires it.”
or sliding panels, an architect says ▲ Adding a large extension can cost Most loft conversion companies,
PHOTOGRAPH: ANDREAS VON EINSIEDEL/ALAMY homeowners upwards of £50,000 for example, ask you to supply
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Consumer champions Money hacks 47

Reader can’t get reply How to get a good deal
from the Co-op Bank on travel insurance
Page 50 Page 51

council for permission, is in excess

of three months,” it warns.

Paying for it
The good news is that despite
recent increases to the Bank of
England base rate, borrowing
through personal loans and
remortgaging is historically cheap.
Personal loans of up to £50,000
are available and can be arranged
over a term of one to eight years,
says Andrew Hagger, a finance
expert at MoneyComms.
“If you’re looking to borrow
£20,000 over five years, for
example, you can still get rates as
low as 2.8% APR with a monthly ▲ A velvet sofa in fresh yellow will provide a splash of bright colour and max
repayment of £357 – however, you springtime luxe to the living room. Hudson three-seat sofa, £895, habitat.co.uk
need a pristine credit record if you ▲ Add a pop of colour and light to a

Spring style
want to bag those rates,” he says. dark corner. Verre glass table lamp,
Larger loans cost more. Hagger £125, oliverbonas.com
says borrowing £35,000 over seven
years starts from about 6.7% APR,
which means monthly repayments
of about £520. Those rates are fixed,
so you do not have to worry about
repayments increasing in future.
Ten easy ways to
“It’s usually easier and quicker
to borrow from your own bank as
they should have all your financial
details and track record to hand;
update your home ▲ Cushions are an easy way to add
however, don’t let that stop you pattern to any room. Alex cushion in
from shopping around – the biggest mint, £70, artisanhomeware.co.uk
banks aren’t always the cheapest,”
Spruce up your decor
he says. with these simple uplifts
Credit cards can be a smart way that will add fresh colour
to pay for home improvements, and pattern to your interiors.
especially if you’re looking for a
smaller sum, Hagger says. There By Jessica Edwards
are still cards offering up to two
years’ interest-free borrowing on
purchases, from brands such as
Barclaycard, Sainsbury’s Bank, ▲ Spruce up walls with a striking
Tesco and MBNA. print. Water Lily Pomelo wallpaper,
“It’s always worthwhile putting £80 a roll, missprint.co.uk
an element on your credit card, as ▲ Bright vases add interest and
this gives you the added section perspective to a space. Large round
75 protection should you hit a glass vase, £35, monsoon.co.uk
snag with your builder and the
▲ Large areas of glazing can flood improvements don’t come up to
your home with light – but the cost scratch,” Hagger says.
of buying glass panels has soared
Yes, if you like where you live and
the sanitary ware for any bath want your home to suit your needs.
or shower room you are having During the stamp duty holiday,
installed, so you could buy this when you could save up to £15,000
sooner rather than later. in tax, moving became more
Another option may be changing appealing to those who wanted
the spec of your original design extra space. Now that money will ▲ Painted florals on furniture add ▲ Give sad looking plants a lift with
– Esdon says clients are opting go some way towards buying you ▲ Instant tropical vibes for the a unique twist. Olina pink mirrored some cheerful pots. Cilindro design
for cheaper cladding or different a basic loft conversion, with no garden. Patio Palm outdoor rug, bedside table, £275, oliverbonas.com planters, £59 for set of four, iamfy.co
timbers to keep down costs. dormer, and you will save the cost from £58, iamfy.co
To add to homeowners’ woes, and hassle of a move.
there are long lead times for things Not necessarily, if you are hoping
such as planning permission, which to recoup the costs when you move.
mean prices could rise before you Jonathan Rolande of the National
get started. Permitted development Association of Property Buyers says
rights cover many extensions and that when it comes to return on
loft conversions now, so this will investment, “loft extensions need
not be an issue for everyone. But if to add a required benefit to give a
you live in a conservation area or return on the high cost. If a house
are doing work not covered by the already has five bedrooms, will a
rights, you may have a long wait. sixth add very much? Not usually.”
According to the planning, He adds: “Double glazing won’t
architect and builder’s company add a huge amount – buyers expect
Studio Charrette, case officers a home to have working windows.
at some local authorities are Kitchens and bathrooms that give
struggling to get through a backlog. a wow factor will help the property
“As a result, the timeframe for sell faster and for more.”
consumers to get started on their ▲ Update a drab patio with on-trend rattan. Rhonda ▲ The bold prints in this footrest have a big impact.
projects, if they have applied to the Additional reporting by Jenn Selby outdoor dining chair, £275 for set of two, made.com Matthew Williamson Ikat Pouffe, £150, johnlewis.com
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

48 Money
Home renovations

Get covered
Protect your deposit and home
Building work
Once you’ve found someone
to do your work you will need
to sign a contract and hand
you check on their websites for
companies that are registered
with them.
cover damage to your property
or if anything happens to a
neighbour’s home.
How to stay friends
over a deposit. Before you do, Paying your builder by credit Your home insurance is unlikely
make sure you know that your
deposit is protected – a good
company should be signed
card is one way to get more
protection. Unfortunately, many
tradespeople do not accept cards,
to cover problems resulting
from major work such as a loft
conversion or extension. You
with your neighbours
up to a scheme to insure your so this might not be an option. should tell your insurer before
money against it going out of Also get details of the builder’s you get this kind of work done,
business. Ask for details before insurance and make sure the as it could have an impact on any professional training, abide by
you pay. Most schemes let policy is up-to-date and will claim you make.
Carrying out renovations can a code of conduct and have a
cause serious disruption to complaints handling procedure.
those living around you. So “There’s redress against Rics
build on a solid foundation, surveyors acting inappropriately or
illegally – or simply not doing a very
advises Donna Ferguson good job,” he says.

You can find one via the find a
verybody needs good surveyor tool on the Rics website.
neighbours. And Look for one who is also
that’s never more true a member of the Pyramus &
than when you are Thisbe Club, a group for party
renovating your home. wall surveyors.
Moving in a skip or a
tribe of builders for a few weeks, or Communication is key
even months, can test the strongest Ideally, tell your neighbours what
of friendships – so what can you do is going to happen on site, before it
to keep relations good? happens, and update them about
any issues that might affect them.
On the right side of the party wall For example, if you can, give
If you are carrying out construction them notice of deliveries that will
or excavation work on a boundary, block the road or the arrival of
or land close to neighbours’ homes a skip on a street where there is
or undertaking building work that limited parking.
involves adjoining or shared walls, “Keep neighbours informed
you may be required by law under about when builders are going
the Party Wall Act 1996 to serve to start work, any likely noise
a notice, typically at least two that’s going to happen, the level
months before the job begins. of disruption, skips and major
You can serve the notice yourself deliveries,” says Brian Berry, the
using the free example “party chief executive of the Federation of
structure notice” letter on gov.uk, Master Builders.
or pay a party wall surveyor to do it If part of your work seriously
for you – this normally costs a small disrupts, or inconveniences, your
fixed fee of about £100 or less. neighbours, and they cannot stop
But first, speak to neighbours you going ahead with your plans, it
and find out whether they are may cause an upset.
comfortable consenting to the The best way to avoid this kind
notice, or if they want a party wall of problem is to be as open and
surveyor to draw up an award. This collaborative as possible from
will dictate how the building work the start, says Alicia Drummond,
covered by the act should be carried an adolescent therapist and the
out, and you will pay for it to be founder of TeenTips.co.uk. “Give
drawn up. them time to adjust to the idea,
A good first step is to share and acknowledge their feelings,”
the Royal Institution of Chartered she adds.
Surveyors (Rics) party wall For example, you could say:
consumer guide with your “I know the idea of us doing this
neighbour, which explains extension is upsetting for you: if
the process. there is anything we can do to make
If they then want to hire a party it easier, please let us know.”
wall surveyor, ask them whether But the reality, Berry says, is, “no
you can come up with a shortlist one can wave a magic wand … It is
together, and agree on a single one going to be inconvenient.”
you are both happy with, to act Ultimately, all you can do is
impartially for both of you. You explain that you need to get the
should then ask that surveyor to work done, and you will try to
serve your notice. keep them informed and minimise
If you fail to agree on a single disruptions as much as possible.
surveyor then you, as the Whatever happens, don’t take a
homeowner carrying out the work, neighbour’s objections personally.
will have to pay for two: one for
you, and one for your neighbour.
Most surveyors charge between ‘The best way to
£100 and £200 an hour to draw up repair any fraught
a party wall award, depending on
where you live, and you may have relationships is with
more than one neighbour you need a bottle of wine, some
to serve a notice to, so costs can
easily run into thousands. toys for the kids and a
Always try to agree on a surveyor cheery disposition’
who is a member of Rics, advises
Michael Cooper, a Rics fellow who
is head of neighbourly matters
at Cooper’s Building Surveyors. Jason Orme
All Rics surveyors undergo Property expert
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •


Fantasy house hunt
Five of the best
inspiring renovations
for sale
Page 53 

Silver linings
▲ Poor communication about work
such as putting up scaffolding can
drive your neighbours up the wall
your party wall award. You could
also ask all your tradespeople to
take care not to disturb neighbours
PHOTOGRAPH: RPPICTURES/ALAMY unnecessarily by, for example,
shouting or playing loud music Investing for a rainy day?
“They are protecting their assets in while working outside. “If you
the same way that you are trying to choose a reputable builder, they With ii’s award-winning
maximise yours,” Drummond says. will be concerned about their own ISA, you can choose how
professional reputation,” says
Employ a considerate builder Berry. A good builder will also have to invest your money.
Before the project starts, offer to experience communicating and
introduce your builder to your understanding people’s concerns.
neighbours and make them aware And, you’ll keep more of
of the hours tradespeople will Remember to say thank you
be working. When the work is complete, it’s what you make thanks to
Your neighbour may have a polite to thank your neighbours for our low, flat monthly fee.
say, via the party wall award, over putting up with all the disruption.
when certain works governed by As a goodwill gesture, you could
the Party Wall Act can take place. pay for their windows to be
Otherwise, your builder should professionally cleaned of any dust
Dot the iis and open
only have to abide by the local your builder has created. an ISA today.
authority’s rules. There is, however, no need to
“In most cases, it’s generally OK offer any compensation for the
to carry out building work between inconvenience they have suffered,
8am and 5pm on a weekday and Orme says.
Saturday morning,” says Jason “The best way to repair any
Orme, a property expert for the fraught relationships is with a
Homebuilding & Renovating Show. bottle of wine, some toys for the
Ensure your builder sticks to the kids and a cheery disposition,”
hours set by your local authority, he adds. “You’ll never be able to
and only carries out party wall reconcile  with some neighbours –
works during the hours agreed in but that’s life.”

Building a relationship
How to get on with your contractors

Eddie Marku at ProntoBuild, a final choice. Indecisiveness and

based in central Ruislip, has tips changing your mind frequently
on how to get on: leads to a messy project.
• Trust your builder and • When your builder asks you
communicate with them. If your for something either ask for it in
builder is experienced there’s writing or write it down. If you’re
nothing they wouldn’t have unsure, clarify before purchasing.
encountered before. • The builder should be able to get
• Buy the things you are hold of you each day in case there
supplying in good time. Have are decisions to be made.
them ready and on site for when • It’s best to let the workers get on
they’ve been requested. Lead with it – hanging over them won’t Capital at risk.
times (especially in the current make things proceed any faster.
climate) can vary hugely. • Speak to the person designated
• Consider all aspects of a as your main point of contact. Bring
decision carefully before making them all queries to avoid mix-ups.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

50 Money

other customers are similarly

Consumer champions frustrated.
After I got in touch, a staff
Miles Brignall member contacted you directly,
and your service was restored.
It has also apologised.
When loyalty isn’t on the technical error for your experience. “While we’ve made some
It has apologised and provided significant changes to improve
cards at Sainsbury’s Bank a £10 Nectar credit as a gesture our service levels, there is still
While I was obtaining a home of goodwill. more that we aim to do,” it says.
insurance quotation of £183 Its explanation is that the system “We continue to look for ways to
from Sainsbury’s Bank, my recognised that a Nectar card was increase the options for customers
husband reminded me that we registered to your address, and to carry out their banking needs
have a Nectar card, so I went that it had automatically applied through online banking and our
back to the online form and the “Nectar preferential rate”. mobile app. This includes investing
added its number. The act of you adding the number in our systems and processes to
I was very surprised to see should not have changed the reduce the need for customers who
that the price rose as a result quoted price, it says, and claims it would rather self-serve.”
– to £194. When I deleted the is not aware of this happening to It is worth noting that the
card from the order, the price other customers. bank is no longer part of the
reverted to £183. This week I went online and and personal account lines are ▲ A reader could not get through to Co-operative Group. It was
This seems like a very odd did a home insurance quote with basically uncontactable, unless Co-op Bank despite several attempts rescued by international hedge
way to treat loyal customers. Sainsbury’s Bank and the price you have a few hours to spare. PHOTOGRAPH: M4OS PHOTOS/ALAMY funds after its much-publicised
Had I remembered to enter the barely changed when I added my I was locked out of my business problems. It continues to proclaim
card number in the first place, wife’s Nectar card. account for three weeks because have been a happy customer for its ethical investment stance
I would have assumed that this Has anyone else noticed this I could not get hold of anyone. I more than 30 years but this is but, unless it sorts out its service
was the best price. I’d never have happening? Perhaps readers now have a new key but can’t get becoming untenable. soon, it could be facing an exodus
thought of deleting it to reduce should get two quotes – one through to activate it. SW, by email of customers.
the premium. You wonder how with their loyalty card added, and There is no other means of
many others may have overpaid one without. contact – it does not accept emails If things don’t improve rapidly, We welcome letters but cannot answer
as a result of this. or online messaging. I would be looking for a new bank. individually. Email us at consumer.
SP, Hitchin Locked out of account but Last night at 5pm, I tried again, It simply isn’t acceptable to take [email protected] or
Co-op Bank doesn’t answer and a message said it was unlikely three hours to answer the phone. write to Consumer Champions,
I have long felt that life is too to be able to answer before it Last year, the company blamed Money, the Guardian, 90 York Way,
short for Nectar and other In August you published a letter closed. Closing time is 8pm. the delays on the pandemic and London N1 9GU. Please include a
reward schemes, but have never from a reader who found it almost I have made several complaints staff shortages, and said it was daytime phone number. Submission
thought that people could be impossible to contact the Co- and always hear the same story: recruiting more people, but and publication of all letters is subject
being charged more to use them. operative Bank by phone. Nothing the bank has employed more these excuses are wearing thin. to our terms and conditions: http://
Sainsbury’s Bank has blamed a has changed. Both business people and it will get better. I Its Trustpilot page suggests that theguardian.com/letters-terms
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Money 51


of the country you are in. The G
version came in after Brexit, and ‘Shop around, rather
is the one you need if you are a UK than staying loyal to
citizen travelling in Europe. An Ehic
is for non-UK citizens who live in one provider’
the country, or students and some
state pensioners living in the EU.
Beware of unofficial sites that Which?
charge a fee to apply for either, as Consumer group
applying directly is free of charge.
Despite having the word global According to the Association
in its name, the Ghic does not offer of British Insurers, policies that
worldwide cover – it works in the provide more cover, and those with
EU and Switzerland. Check the list lower excesses, tend to be more
of destinations online. expensive, but may be better value
It is not an alternative, or in the long run.
a substitute, for a full travel
insurance policy, and does not Check it’s Covid-proof
offer protection against any private
medical costs. Some insurers may The pandemic has been the biggest
require you to have a Ghic, so it’s reason for holiday plans going
a good idea to read your policy wrong over the past two years,
conditions and apply for one. so it’s wise to check what is being
offered if Covid strikes.
Buy enough cover Look out for coronavirus medical
and repatriation cover to pay out
This will usually depend on the cost if you’re infected while away, or
of your holiday and what you think coronavirus cancellation cover
you will be taking. Consumer group which offers a refund if you are
Which? recommends looking for unable to travel.
policies that: Only the best policies will
• include £5m worth of emergency include cover for cancellations due
medical cover and £1m of personal to changes in Foreign Office rules.

Money hacks How to buy

liability cover; If your holiday or flight is
• will pay out £2,000, or the value cancelled, bear in mind that
of your holiday, in the event of insurers will only pay for money
its cancellation, curtailment or a you can’t claim back in other ways,
missed departure; so contact your accommodation

the best travel insurance

• include up to £1,500 for personal and transport providers first for
belongings and money. refunds before you give them a call.

Shop around Don’t duplicate cover

Research by Which? found that the Travel insurance is sometimes
European insurance will include or their age, it might be more cost most expensive travel insurance included as an extra service on a
Jenn Selby certain countries outside the effective to cover them separately. was not always the best, and that bank account or credit card. If you
continent, for instance, while Consider the type of holiday holidaymakers were being quoted already have this kind of policy,
worldwide cover can include, or you’re going on, too. Skiing in the wildly different prices for the same check what cover it offers. It may
Know the basics exclude, travel to the US. Make sure French Alps carries a lot more risk level of protection. provide sufficient protection – or it
your policy includes the country than sitting on a beach in Spain for “To avoid paying over the odds, may still be more suitable to shop
Travel insurance is designed to you are travelling to. a week. Your policy will need to be shop around, rather than staying for a standalone deal.
compensate you if your holiday Consider how many trips you comprehensive enough to cover the loyal to one provider,” Which? says.
is cancelled, or something goes plan to make. Annual cover tends danger – and may cost more. “A quote from a rival company Decline optional extras
wrong while you are away. to be the best value if you are can act as a bargaining chip with
The type of cover you need travelling more than twice in a year. Sort out your Ehic or Ghic an existing insurer. Comparison Know what you really need – and
depends largely on three factors: Single-trip cover each time may websites can be a useful tool for uncheck boxes offering anything
where you are going, how long make more sense if you’re planning Heading to Europe? Have your gauging prices.” that doesn’t apply. With gadget
you are going for and who you are to head away once or twice. European health insurance card Make sure you are comparing cover, for example, your mobile
travelling with. If travelling with a partner or (Ehic) or global health insurance like with like, and pay attention to phone and laptop may already be
For most standard policies, you family, you could save by covering card (Ghic) to hand, both of which the excess. This is what you will pay protected via your home contents
will be asked if you are travelling everyone under the same policy. are free via the NHS website. These towards the amount you claim in insurance. Read up on what you
within Europe or beyond. Before However, if one member of the offer you access to medically compensation. Ensure you are able can already claim for under your
you pay, check to see how the party needs specialist cover due necessary healthcare for free, or at to afford the excess in the event existing policies before you take the
insurer is classifying this. Some to existing medical conditions, the same cost as paid by residents that you do have to claim. plunge and buy a new one.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Money 53

 East Kennett, Wiltshire

The owners of this Grade II-listed 19th century
home have embraced cottagecore. Covered
in ivy with a thatched roof, it consists of two
cottages knocked through with a two-storey
rear extension. There are exposed timber
beams, stone work on display, wooden flooring
and stripped-back timber doors. The kitchen
and breakfast room joinery is painted in a
Farrow & Ball studio green and there is a
Rayburn, of course. The centrepieces of the
reception and dining rooms are inglenook
fireplaces complete with log burners. Strutt &
Parker, 01635 576 922

Fantasy ▲ Bath, Somerset

house hunt Fittingly, this apartment-cum-art

gallery is in the artisan quarter
of the city. Once the ballroom of
the 17th century Grade II-listed
inspiration Ladymead House, this vast space
is quite the spectacle and pays
Compiled by Anna White homage to its grand heritage. The
bedroom is on a mezzanine level.
 Shepherd’s Bush, London With an all-white palette and
polished marble floor, this is one
£415,000 for the extremely houseproud.
This one-bedroom apartment, in The Modern House, 020 3795 5920
a 1940s red-brick block, is a short
walk from Shepherd’s Bush market. ▼ Rhynie, Aberdeenshire
Recently renovated, it is decorated
in a palette of mint green and
plasterboard pink, with a white Sympathetically renovated, this
kitchen and soft grey bedroom. three-bedroom cottage is where
Picture rails have been kept (or the Scottish Highlands meets
added) with pictures creating Scandinavian hygge. The walls
a gallery effect in the reception are clad in white wooden planks,
room. A combination of engineered making it light and airy and, for
timber flooring and carpet runs when the weather turns, there’s a
underfoot, and cabinetry in the wood-burning stove. French doors
hallway and kitchen gives plenty open on to a wraparound garden.
of storage. Glazed doors slide back The village has a primary school and
to reveal the balcony covered in is nine miles from the historic town
houseplants. Inigo, 020 3687 3071 of Huntly. Galbraith, 01343 546 362

 Hackney, London
One road away from Hackney
Downs park, and a few minutes’
walk from Rectory Road station –
less than 15 minutes’ journey into
Liverpool Street – is this newly
renovated and extended ground-
floor apartment, which is as
fashionable as the neighbourhood.
The front door leads through
a shared hallway and in to the
property at the back of the four-
storey Victorian building. The
hallway is painted a deep blue
which runs through the kitchen.
Exposed brickwork and structural
columns have been left, and
parquet flooring runs underfoot.
The Modern House, 020 3795 5920
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •


Solutions Kakuro Codeword

Fill the grid so that each block adds up to the total in the box above or to Crack the code to fill in the crossword grid. Each letter of the alphabet makes
the left of it. You can only use the digits 1-9 and you must not use the same at least one appearance in the grid and is represented by the same number
number twice in a block. wherever it appears. A number of letters have been decoded to help with the
identification of other letters and words in the grid.

Train tracks

Word wheel


Suguru Train tracks Time Word wheel


on your
Fill the grid so that each square in Lay tracks to enable the train to travel from village A to hands? Find as many words as possible
an outlined block contains a digit. village B. The numbers indicate how many sections of Stay using the letters in the wheel. Each
A block of two squares contains rail go in each row and column. There are only straight must use the central letter and at
the digits 1 and 2, a block of three rails and curved rails. The track cannot cross itself. connected least two others. Letters may be
squares contains the digits 1, 2 and and keep used only once. You may not use
3, and so on. No same digit appears in touch plurals, foreign words or proper
in neighbouring squares, not even nouns. There is at least one nine-
diagonally. with your letter word to be found. Target:
friends with excellent 36, good 30, average 22.
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• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022



Quick crossword no 16,194 Yesterday’s

Quick crossword
Across Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Solution no 16,193
1 Empty talk (4) 1 Highly-prized item (4,4) C U T T O T H E Q U I C K
3 Ultimate right to decide (5,3) 2 Visitor numbers (8) N H R V P A
8 Circuit (4) 4 Collision — shock (6) S T Y E E V E N S O N G
9 Vindictive (8) 5 Magnetic (10) 8 9
11 Paddington Bear’s favoured 6 Secure — a place to keep valuables
garment (6,4) (4) 10
14 Humid (6) 7 Cry out in pain (4)
15 Walked purposefully (6) 10 Sculptor known for his semi- 11 A L W A Y S P I S T O N
17 Makeshift (10) abstract monumental bronze E B O N
20 Stevenage, Corby and figures, d. 1986 (5,5) 12 13 O S C A R W I L D E
Skelmersdale, for example (3,5) 12 Crew member who never does D L H C N E
21 Cab (4) a stroke (8) 14 15 B E R I B E R I F O N T
22 Annoyed (8) 13 What tops an article (8) M S S N R S
23 Previously (4) 16 Flinch — fawn (6) 16
18 One looks down on others (4)
19 Mug up (4) 17

18 19

20 21
Stuck? For help call 0906 200 83 83. Calls cost £1.10
per minute, plus your phone company’s access charge.
Service supplied by ATS. Call 0330 333 6946 for
customer service (charged at standard rate).
22 23 Want more? Get access to more than 4,000 puzzles at
theguardian.com/crossword. To buy puzzle books, visit
www.guardianbookshop.com or call 0330 333 6846.

Sandwich sudoku Chris Maslanka

Medium Pyrgic: 1 Encouraging folk to to those on you switch, the chances of your
cook and bake and not always eat the upper line. t first choice being wrong are 3/4;
Place the digits ready-made meals is good, even if The centre of so the chances of choosing the
from 1-9 in each the pastry is a slight compromise. the big circle R l right one on switching to one of
row, column and But as with eating well, so with is (R – r) higher the two other urns are (3/4)(1/2) =
t’ l’
3x3 block. writing well: 365 recipes each day than that of the 3/8 (“switch, stick”). If you switch
The clues outside would make 133,225 in a non-leap small one; so each time (including a possibility
the grid show year. With thanks to Jim Cownie for by Pythagoras, (R – r)2 + t’2 = (R + r)2; of switching back to the original
the sum of the spotting this. whence t’ = √(4Rr) = √(Dd). Then R/ urn) your chances are 1/4 + (3/4)
numbers placed 2 Imagine the first car (L ahead (t’ + l’) = r/l’  l’ = [r/(R – r)]√(4Rr) = (1/2) = 5/8 (“switch, switch”). Point
between the 1 and of the second) enters the second √(Dd3)/(D – d). As D  d or d  D this to Ponder: What if after you switch
9 in that row or region. The second car will reach approaches ∞, as expected.] the first time Bart shows your
column. the speed limit sign T = L/U later 4 Your chances of choosing well original choice contains a muffin?
than the first car which has in that first go are 1/4 and stay so if you Wordplay: Wordpool d), d), d);
time drawn further ahead by X = never switch (the worst strategy: Dropouts REISSUE, BRAINSTEM;
[V – U]T = [V – U](L/U) = (V/U)L – L; “stick, stick”). The chances the Jumblies TEDIOUS; Dough BAKER,
so the new spacing is (V/U)L. In the nugget is in one of the other urns BANKER; Cryptic SPANISH STEPS,
first case we get a spacing of X = 2L; are 3/4; so if you wait to switch until SPANISH EYES; Missing Links
in the second we have X = 3L. Bart has discarded two urns, your a) cold/war/hero, b) super/star/
3 6 units; 24/5 units. [By symmetry chances are 3/4 (the best strategy! chart, c) art/work/shop, d) sweet/
the key points on the downward- “stick, switch”). If you wait until heart/beat, e) bath/sponge/cake,
sloping line are similarly disposed Bart has revealed one muffin before f) chocolate/bar/gain.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •


Saturday 2 April 2022
UK and Ireland Noon today Forecast Around the UK

Sunny Mist Fog
Low -1 High 10 Lows and highs Precipitation Air pollution
5 -1 9 80% Low
Sunny intervals Hazy

Mostly cloudy
11 Inverness -1 9 80% Low
Overcast/dull Edinburgh
8 7
-2 8 80% Low
Sunny showers Slight
8 Low 5 High 12
Sunny and heavy showers Glasgow 0 9 80% Low
1028 Birmingham
Light showers Newcastle
-3 8 80% Low
Rain Sleet Light Belfast Slight
snow 10

Snow showers 0 9 80% Low

Dublin Liverpool
ol 9
8 1024 Bristol
Heavy snow Ice Nottingham
Nott m
35C 8 Norwich
-1 9 80% Low
Thundery rain Cardiff
25 Daily atmospheric CO2
readings from Mauna Loa,
20 11 9 Hawaii (ppm):
Thundery showers 15
Ca L
London 1 9 80% Low
10 9 29 Mar 2022 420.49 Newcastle
Dover Weekly average
Temperature, 0 20 Mar 2022 418.18
9 -1 7 80% Low
Plymouth 01 Apr 2021 417.81
-10 9
01 Apr 2012 395.06 Penzance
Slight 16 Pre-industrial base 280
Wind speed, Windy
mph -20 Safe level 350
The Channel Islands 4 10 90% Low

Atlantic front L
1024 Weatherwatch Around the world
1000 L
H 1016 The Dominican Republic – not to Algiers 15 Lisbon 17
be confused with the much smaller Ams’dam 7 Madrid 10
L 984 1024 Caribbean island of Dominica –
1008 Athens 21 Malaga 16
1016 1016
992 forms the eastern two-thirds of Auckland 23 Melb’rne 18
the island of Hispaniola, which B Aires 21 Mexico C 28
H 1000 it shares with Haiti. It is the most Bangkok 28 Miami 30
mountainous of all the Caribbean Barcelona 15 Milan 11
Cold front 1008 H
L 1016 islands, with the highest peak – Basra 34 Mombasa 33
H 1000
L Pico Duarte – reaching an altitude Beijing 18 Moscow 3

Warm front of almost 10,200ft. Berlin 6 Mumbai 32

Like other islands in the region, Bermuda 21 N Orleans 23
1016 the climate is tropical and there Brussels 6 Nairobi 26
Occluded front H are two distinct seasons: hot and Budapest 7 New Delhi 38
muggy from May to October, and C’hagen 6 New York 12

Trough cooler and more pleasant from Cairo 33 Oslo 8

December to March, with April and Cape Town 22 Paris 7
November somewhere in between. Chicago 6 Perth 28

High tides
Source: © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Times are local UK times
Sun & Lighting Rain falls mainly in the spring Corfu 16 Prague 4
and summer months, averaging Dakar 24 Reykjavik 6
Moon up between 640mm and 2,260mm (25 Dhaka 36 Rio de J 27
to 89 inches) a year, depending on Dublin 8 Rome 12
Aberdeen 0259 4.2m 1502 4.3m London Bridge 0328 7.1m 1550 7.1m Belfast 2003 to 0652 the location. Along the north coast, Florence 12 Shanghai 16
Avonmouth 0901 13.8m 2120 13.5m Lossiemouth 0133 4.0m 1336 4.2m Birm’ham 1943 to 0637 which is exposed to northerly Gibraltar 16 Singapore 31
Barrow 0056 9.2m 1307 9.6m Milford Haven 0757 7.2m 2013 7.0m Brighton 1935 to 0632 trade winds, winters can also be H Kong 17 Stockh’m 5
Belfast 0041 3.2m 1256 3.5m Newquay 0647 7.1m 1903 6.9m Bristol 1946 to 0642 fairly wet. However, because the Harare 25 Strasb’g 3
Cobh 0709 4.2m 1926 4.1m North Shields 0506 5.0m 1709 5.2m Carlisle 1950 to 0638 rain falls mainly in intense bursts Helsinki 3 Sydney 20
Cromer 0820 4.9m 2015 5.2m Oban 0723 4.1m 1933 3.9m Cork 2009 to 0705 and thunderstorms, the climate is Istanbul 18 Tel Aviv 25
Dover 0040 6.8m 1302 6.6m Penzance 0619 5.6m 1836 5.5m Dublin 2002 to 0654 generally very sunny, with between Jo’burg 26 Tenerife 21
Sun rises 0633
Dublin 0110 3.8m 1315 4.0m Plymouth 0731 5.6m 1951 5.4m Sun sets 1935 Glasgow 1958 to 0643 six and eight hours of daily K Lumpur 32 Tokyo 11
Galway 0646 5.3m 1906 5.2m Portsmouth 0056 4.7m 1303 4.5m Moon rises 0716 Harlech 1953 to 0646 sunshine through the year; slightly K’mandu 25 Toronto 7
Greenock 0209 3.3m 1421 3.5m Southport 0020 9.0m 1231 9.2m Moon sets 2109 Inverness 1958 to 0640 more in the south. Kabul 19 Vancouv’r 11
First Quarter 9 April Kingston 31 Vienna 5
Harwich 0110 4.0m 1336 4.1m Stornoway 0820 5.0m 2041 4.7m London 1935 to 0631 In the mountains temperatures
Kolkata 33 Warsaw 5
Holyhead -- -- 1159 5.8m Weymouth 0743 1.4m 2004 1.3m M’chester 1946 to 0638 can fall to single figures, especially
L Angeles 20 Wash’ton 14
Hull 0810 7.3m 2007 7.8m Whitby 0540 5.4m 1747 5.7m Newcastle 1946 to 0634 in winter. Sea temperatures are
Forecasts and Lagos 32 Well’ton 19
Leith 0412 5.5m 1623 5.6m Wick 0055 3.3m 1301 3.5m
graphics provided by
Norwich 1931 to 0625 mostly warm all year round.
Lima 22 Zurich 3
Liverpool 0039 9.3m 1250 9.5m Workington 0057 8.2m 1310 8.5m AccuWeather ©2022 Penzance 1956 to 0655 Stephen Moss @stephenmoss_tv

I was subjected to conversion practices. A ban must be for all Jayne Ozanne, page 3
To Katya, aged seven, in a bomb shelter in Kyiv A poem by Ben Okri, page 4
Calorie counts? No thanks – I just want to eat Clare Finney, page 5
The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

and ideas

Losing friends,
oris Johnson’s government loves to country” to unsettle Labour, with its mainly urban ILLUSTRATION:
boast. Often it seems to do little else. MPs. A relatively inclusive Conservative government NATE KITCH

Talking up its achievements, real or not, can be presented as a change from the discredited Tory
gives the impression of momentum regimes that ran Britain from 2010 to 2019. If enough

U-turns galore:
where there is more often chaos and voters believe in this change, the Conservatives may
indecision – as there was this week, get re-elected yet again.
with the government twice changing So it has been strange in recent weeks to watch
its position on LGBT+ conversion the government seemingly happy to alienate so

the Tories have

practices. With many voters and newspapers still many groups of voters. From public sector workers
wanting to believe that the Tories are the natural party to people who followed the lockdown rules; from
of government, for today’s Conservatives constant students to people who export to the EU; from Covid
bragging plays a crucial distracting role. shielders to benefits claimants, including pensioners:

lost the plot

One of the government’s more potent claims is the government’s combination of cuts, tax rises and
that it represents a wider range of Britons than its insouciance about the pandemic threatens to enrage
predecessors. In some ways, this is actually true. them all. Meanwhile, promises made during Johnson’s
Johnson has a bigger majority, drawn from more parts first year in office have been allowed to wither. In his

Andy of England and Wales – if not Scotland – than any Tory

premier since the early 90s. Most strikingly, he has the
spring statement the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, only
mentioned “levelling up” once, in passing.
Beckett most ethnically diverse cabinet ever.
In other ways, his government is much less
All governments eventually disappoint people.
But Johnson has been in power for less than three
representative, with a huge reliance on support from years. The speed with which his government has let
pensioners and twice the proportion of privately voters down, the unapologetic way it has done so – “We
educated cabinet ministers as served under Tony Blair can’t do everything,” as Sunak sulkily
and Gordon Brown. Yet there is just enough substance
in Johnson’s claim to speak for “the people of this
put it – and the scale of the disconnect
between rhetoric and reality have all 
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

Losing friends, U-turns galore:
the Tories have lost the plot
Andy Beckett Founded 1821 Independently owned by the Scott Trust № 54,621
‘Comment is free… but facts are sacred’ CP Scott
 Continued from front

been pretty startling. These brazen Ethiopia seeds for the planting season, which begins in

 shortcomings also tell us important things

about Johnson’s rule.
Most obviously, as all his careers have shown, he
weeks, as well as the restoration of banking, trade,
telecommunications and fuel. The Tigray People’s
Liberation Front (TPLF) accuses the federal
always lets people down. Second, his party is feeling Slim hopes of peace in government and officials in the Afar region of
almost invincible. After surviving – or thinking they holding up the trucks, while the federal government
have survived – Brexit, the pandemic and countless the world’s most deadly says it is Tigrayan troops that have blocked the
other policy disasters and scandals, many Tories find
it hard to imagine any crisis that would be fatal. war are better than none road as part of a surge in fighting, which TPLF
and Afar forces blame on each other and which
A similar overconfidence is shaping how the Tories imperils the hopes of peace.
govern. They seem more interested in trying to However faint the hope may be, any glimmer of The war began in November 2020, when
control the country’s political conversations – about peace – or even a brief respite – is welcome in the Mr Abiy said he was launching a strike on the
patriotism, for example – than in more tangible goals face of a brutal war that has claimed so many civilian TPLF because it had attacked an army base,
such as making the public safer or protecting standards lives, seen atrocities by all parties, and displaced following a political dispute in which the federal
of living. Meanwhile, the material beneficiaries of 2 million people from their homes. “Nowhere government and regional Tigray government
Johnson’s rule seem ever fewer: rich party donors, on Earth”, even in Ukraine, are people more at declared each other illegitimate. But the swift
crony companies winning government contracts and a risk than in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, the head of victory he expected appears as distant as ever.

minority of homeowners able to exploit a price bubble. the World Health Organization said this month. A brief ceasefire last summer was followed by
Yet as Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, himself an intensification of the conflict.
onservative governments once from Tigray, noted, the conflict is happening “out This break in the fighting looks slightly more
thought it was in their interests to of sight and out of mind”. promising. But it is unclear whether the government
spread the rewards for voting Tory Up to half a million are estimated to have died from even has a plan for establishing a substantive peace
more widely. As housing minister war and famine since the conflict broke out in late process, let alone whether either side is willing to
during the 1950s, Harold Macmillan 2020. More than 90% of the region’s population is in make the kind of concessions necessary to reach a
was so keen to get more homes urgent need of assistance, the United Nations warns. deal. To reconcile with the TPLF would jeopardise
built, to demonstrate that the Tories Remaining food stocks from the last harvest – only half relations with Isaias Afwerki’s regime in Eritrea,
were creating a “property-owning the usual yield – will soon be exhausted. What the UN which has aided Mr Abiy’s troops. It also risks
democracy”, the construction totals were displayed calls a de facto government blockade has halted road catalysing opposition to him in Amhara, which is
in his department like the scores at a cricket match. In deliveries and left the population dependent on scarcer angered by its occupation by Tigrayan forces last
1992, the Conservatives’ manifesto proudly claimed and much more expensive air shipments; the UN year, and which is occupying western Tigray.
that under them, Britain had become “a capital- recently said it had reached only 7,000 of the 870,000 Many in Ethiopia fear the TPLF’s return to the
owning democracy”: “10 million people own shares, people it was trying to help weekly. political dominance it enjoyed for decades, and
6 million of them in newly privatised industries”. Last week, the federal government declared an point out that the prime minister won elections
This more expansive Toryism should not be immediate humanitarian truce to allow the delivery last year by a landslide. Others say a power grab by
romanticised. Many of the homes built during of aid. Tigrayan officials have said that they are Mr Abiy triggered the crisis. Many Tigrayans have
Macmillan’s housing ministry were small and shoddy. observing it, as long as sufficient aid arrives within come to see the conflict as a matter of survival;
More than four-fifths of Britons still did not own a “reasonable” time. The first trucks for more than some think that secession may be their best hope.
shares in 1992. But these Tory governments at least 100 days arrived on Friday afternoon, but suspicion The alternative to peace is not only severe civilian
made serious attempts to soften the tension between remains that the prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, may suffering but further destabilisation of the country,
conservatism and democracy – namely that a belief seek to assuage the concerns of Ethiopia’s international and potentially of the region. But the urgent issue is
system based on hierarchies is always potentially donors by allowing a nominal amount through, rather preventing hundreds of thousands of deaths from
threatened by every adult having one vote. As the US than the 100 trucks a day estimated to be necessary. famine. If the current truce can deliver even that
political theorist Corey Robin wrote in his book The And Tigray needs not just food and medicine, but limited aim, it will be a step forward.
Reactionary Mind, serious conservatives are always
looking for ways “to make privilege popular”.
Johnson is not serious about anything except
himself. For all his populist talk, the Tories’ electoral Culture from the Hepworth Wakefield and the Museum of
strategy now looks increasingly narrow. Their party Making in Derby, to the Tower Museum in Derry
co-chairman Oliver Dowden recently said that their and the Museum nan Eilean in Stornoway.
next general election campaign would be “building
on the experience of [our] campaign in 2015”. The Museums can be signposts He notes along the way that nostalgia is a danger
for some of these institutions: there can be a
Conservatives won that election with a skimpy 37%
of the vote by focusing on small numbers of voters in to the future as well as temptation for them to become containers of “loss
and longing”, especially when part of their founding
a few dozen swing seats, adding them to the party’s
core support and essentially ignoring everyone else.
repositories of the past impulse may have been, understandably and
rightly, to preserve what was on the verge of being
The architect and overseer of this strategy was the erased – whether preindustrial ways of life or, in the
Australian consultant Lynton Crosby. He has been The 20th-century philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer post-Thatcher age, manufacturing cultures.
hired to advise the Conservatives again. considered the encounter between the viewer and a Something intriguing can happen when the drift
There is a chance that this methodical, minimal, work of art to be a dynamic relationship. Meeting a to nostalgia is resisted. An example is Derby’s new
often cynical approach will work less well at the next work of art made in the past involves a jolt, a reaction, Museum of Making, which both salutes the city’s
election. Politics has become more unpredictable an actual event, in the present. Coming across the history of manufacturing and aims to foster skills
since 2015, and after all the chaos under Johnson it is same work of art later will set up another event, and inspire new acts of ingenuity. That in itself
harder to present the Conservatives as the safe option. another reaction, in which the artwork will be, as it is nothing new, of course: part of the purpose of
Eventually, the Tory support from older voters may were, activated afresh by the intellect and emotions the Victoria and Albert Museum in London was to
also weaken. Last year, the sociologist Phil Burton- of the viewer. When we interpret a work of art, we encourage innovation in design and manufacturing.
Cartledge published Falling Down, a counterintuitive are teasing out its possible meanings in the moment; But the Museum of Making takes things a step
but quite convincing book about “the decline of Tory but those meanings will change, depending on the further – hosting, for example, sessions for teachers
Britain”. It argues that there is “a crisis of Conservative viewer and the time. and educators on fostering environments conducive
political reproduction”: today’s pensioners, many of Extend this thought into the world of the museum to creativity, and “maker challenges” for teenagers.
them beneficiaries of past Tory policies such as right and it becomes clear that these institutions are not In so doing, it bridges the gap between museum and
to buy, will gradually be replaced by more liberal simply about the past. They are, necessarily, about educational institution and inserts itself more fully
Britons who owe the Conservatives little. the present. Paintings, sculptures, artefacts of all into the fabric – and future – of the city.
Anticipating a better future is often a coping kinds become meaningful in the “now” of their It is a welcome shift. Museums, often in the
mechanism for the left. But the Conservatives are in being viewed and considered. They shape us as we teeth of terrible loss of income thanks to Covid-19
a reckless, possibly self-destructive phase: treating excavate new depths from them. closures, are increasingly becoming ethical actors,
most voters as expendable, offering the country In a more purely functional manner, museums are as heavily invested in conversations about the
not coherent government but the spectacle of their increasingly embracing their capacity to be actors in kind of places communities want to be as what
own manoeuvring and shamelessness. Explaining the present worlds of their communities – rather than they once were. It should go without saying that
Johnson’s U-turns on conversion practices, a simply repositories of things of the past, and gatherers they need to be properly supported to do this, by
Downing Street spokesperson said: “On reflection, and protectors of collective memories. Neil MacGregor, the government, local authorities and donors. As
it was something he cared passionately about.” Such former director of the British Museum, in his BBC the effects of Covid continue to bite – and inflation
slipperiness still impresses some commentators and Radio 4 series The Museums That Make Us, is exploring begins to hit – the work of reimagining communities
other political professionals. Voters may want more. this role, travelling through the UK, visiting museums is more important than ever.
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Opinion 3

I put myself
through years
of ‘healing prayer’
ministry in the
hope of ‘finding the
key’ as to why I was
attracted to women
the advice of three highly eminent UN independent
experts, the entire British medical profession and the
Church of England when he decided to renege on his
promise to protect vulnerable LGBT+ people. The
sad truth is that he has only backed down because
of a major revolt in his own party and the backlash
from campaigners like me, which has left him with
a public relations disaster. Notably, he has made no
apology for his actions, and has continued to show
that he does not have any understanding of the harm
that trans people will continue to endure. My advice
to him would be to sit down and meet with survivors
as a matter of urgency.
Trans people are the most likely to be offered
and put through “conversion practices”. In the
government’s 2018 LGBT survey, trans people
were shown to be nearly twice as likely as lesbian
and gay people to be offered and to undergo these
interventions. It is deeply ironic that on the one day
that the international community seeks to support
and celebrate trans people, Trans Visibility Day, the

prime minister decided instead to exclude them from
the urgent protections they need.

I was subjected
n Thursday night, No 10 backed Protesters The damage is clear. My own foundation ran
down on its plans to scrap its long- outside Downing some research with Stonewall and Mermaids among
promised ban on “conversion Street demand the trans community in 2020, which showed the
practice” for lesbian, gay and an end to full extent of the horror that so many trans people

to conversion
bisexual people, but crucially it conversion faced – beatings, deprivation, verbal abuse, prayer,
has chosen to leave trans people therapies, exorcism. They were left totally undefended at a
unprotected. As someone who August 2021 critical stage in their lives, with no one to turn to for
underwent nearly 20 years of PHOTOGRAPH: WIKTOR help. As recent research by Galop has pointed out, a

practices. A ban
conversion practices, which resulted in me being third of LGBT+ people experience abuse by relatives

hospitalised twice, I find this utterly unforgivable. – which is why they need protection from the state.
Conversion practice is any intervention that seeks
to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender adly it seems that some anti-trans

must be for all

identity. These interventions can involve pseudo- groups have spread false narratives
scientific counselling sessions, being prayed over, and stoked irrational fears, with quite
exorcisms, even corrective rape. I put myself through devastating results. The truth, as
years of “healing prayer” ministry, sharing some of always, has been the casualty. Despite
my most intimate moments and relationships with their faux concern, there is no risk at
Jayne strangers in the hope that we might “find the key” as all that the medical profession will be
Ozanne to why I was attracted to women. I even took part in
exorcisms, paying thousands of pounds in the process.
prevented from working with their
trans clients by any legislation that seeks to eradicate
I was constantly told that my prayers were unanswered conversion practice.
because of my lack of faith, or because I wasn’t holy Instead, safe spaces where people can explore and
enough. Part of the trauma of these abusive practices reach a sense of peace about who they are will be
is that you, the victim, are left with the burden of being welcomed and encouraged – be that in the home, in
told it is your fault, that you are not healed. It nearly the therapist’s chair or in a religious setting. Gender-
broke me, but I survived. Many others are not so lucky. affirming therapy and gender-transition healthcare
In 2018, the then-prime minister, Theresa May, are not conversion practices.
promised to ban the practice, but her successor, However, what will be banned is telling someone
Boris Johnson, stalled on the plans, despite promises that they have to be straight or cis-gendered,
to enact them. That is why I resigned from the and that anything else is unacceptable. This is
government’s LGBT advisory panel in March last year, what the Ban Conversion Therapy Legal Forum,
which then elicited a promise in the Queen’s speech chaired by Lady Helena Kennedy QC, has called a
that the government would finally ban these abhorrent “predetermined purpose” – any practice that has
practices. Then came the leaked report on Thursday only one outcome. It is these practices, often fuelled
evening, which I was shown by ITV, saying that the by a religious belief, that must be outlawed and their
ban was to be scrapped. I and others were furious.  perpetrators brought to account.
There was a media maelstrom, which in turn led to yet Jayne Ozanne This is why we need the prime minister to act – and
another U-turn by the prime minister. is director of act fast – to ban conversion practice for trans people
I fear that few in the LGBT+ community will ever the Ozanne in addition to lesbians, gays and bisexuals, as other
trust the prime minister again, and most will see this Foundation countries have done. Delay only serves to embolden
U-turn as proof that this administration is creating a and the founder perpetrators, who are currently acting with impunity.
“hostile environment” for LGBT+ people, especially of the Ban It’s about time Johnson apologised and committed
trans people. Conversion to doing the right thing. Whether he likes it or not, the
One has to wonder who is advising the prime Therapy shadow of section 28 looms large – and this debacle
minister, given that he was prepared to go against coalition has set the country back by two decades.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

4 Opinion

To Katya,
He sat there in the throne
Of ash, and eternal winter
Descended on his head.
That was the commencement
Of his end. They learned
Nothing from War and Peace.

aged seven,
Nor from Hitler.
A people determined
To be free can
Not be compelled
To be unfree again.
Even if you kill them.

In a bomb
Do you know why,
Katya? Well it’s because
We are made of a stuff
Not of this Earth
And when we find
Our truth a new beauty

shelter in Kyiv
And force is added to
The universe.

The missiles are falling.
Children perish in bombed
Out churches. An evil
Is being planted in our
Times and the whole
World can see it.
But missiles create lions
From lambs, and bombs
Awaken tigers. They
Ben Okri Never learn, the deluded ones.
They’ll kill hundreds
Of thousands, but
From those defeats
An army of dragons
Will be born. They
Have changed the world,
All around you missiles Told who we can or can’t An empire is a vast ego, I am a bomb shelter child too. But not in the way they
Are falling. Churches Be. A time comes when A gigantic delusion, and This will end. It will pass. Thought. Katya, you
You once knew won’t You stand and say It makes people think So drink the sweet Who live in the slip
Be there any more. My future’s mine to dream That they own the Waters of the Earth. Stream of empires,
The streets you walked My land is mine to till Souls of others, that they Sing songs to one Wake up fast. Grow
Will be changed by My life is mine to imagine Control the destiny Another in this time Deep, strong and brave.
Blood and shelling You will not break my truth Of nations, and that they Of darkness. The Join the greater river
And bombs. It seems You will not distort my Are somehow the masters Monster’s worst roar Of human destiny.
The world’s gone mad. Dream. You will not Of the Earth. The loss Is often just before You can’t fight injustice
As the Earth shakes, Destroy my future, who Of such a delusion It falls. There are no real And then be unjust to others.
Not because of the rage Ever you are. You may Can make people insane. Monsters in life, Every day you survive
Of the gods, but that Pulverise our churches, Sometimes when a leader Just people who’re Brings your liberation
One man wants to Our roads, theatres, and our Is unhinged by this loss Deluded, or mad, or Closer. Spirits
Win back a lost empire, Hospitals, with hundreds They are prepared Lost in ideas that stray Of the dead will you on.
You will think that Hiding in them, but you’ll To destroy the world so Too far from the 
Your world is being Never touch the They can return Wise road of the human. The church will be rebuilt
Shattered for ever. It is. Fountain of our dreams, To their lost dream  The streets will be made new
But out of the destruction, Or the deep world Of vast terrains in which Fires are howling There will be festivals in the square.
Out of all this thunder, From which we will create Once they were gods. In the streets that the You will taste grapes from Greece,
Something new will Every day a radiant  Centuries built. Apples from the Hesperides
Come. Whatever happens Land. From this bomb It’s not good for humans There are tenements, And sweet oranges from Africa.
Your land will know Shelter we’ll dream anew. To entertain the delusion Bomb-sliced in half, And one day your laughter
The courage of its soul, Your shelling is our resurrection Of being gods. So Katya In which you can Will defeat the vacuum missiles
Its people; and history Your missiles are missives It is not your fault that See the innards And the bombs will fade
Will be rewritten not Of our regeneration. Someone wants back Of apartments. Into the depths of your freedom.
With the force of an autocrat All that you ruin What they should not Your roots are entangled A soft wind from the Bosphorus
But by the steadfast hope Are all those things Have taken. It’s not our With the souls of those Will weave your hair
And desire to be true Which must go so Fault that we dream Who seek to murder you. And the sun-kissed snow
To the beauty of your earth That we will for ever Of freedom, that we want I hear that their soldiers Will temper the grim memories
And all you have Be free to be what we To be ourselves, Weep as they drop Of this bomb shelter where you
Suffered. Katya in your Truly are. For even Live our lives, make Bombs on their distant relations. grow.
Bomb shelter, we’re with you. If you win, the victory Our own mistakes, See, they’re driving
We’re there in the shadows Is ours. For you’ve And determine our own Their knives into their own 
We’re there in the silence Tempered our souls Destiny. No one can Hearts. Such a great Ben Okri
Between the explosions ... And revealed to us our Rip that away from us. Civilisation, home to is the author of Every Leaf a
 True selves which we The age of empire is over. Such madnesses. Hallelujah and The Famished Road
Those who destroy your land Might never have The age of freedom is They learned nothing
Destroy themselves. Found without your Here. They may dominate From Lev Tolstoy, Katya. Writers including Ian McEwan
Always remember what Wish to crush us. Us still with their might and They learned nothing. and Karl Ove Knausgård will read
Your land fights for,  Their nuclear bombs, Napoleon tried to do work by Ukrainian authors at a
The right to its future, Katya, in your But they will not The same thing. He Guardian Live event in London on
Without any force from bomb shelter, it’s Determine who we shall Won too. But what Monday 11 April. All profits will be
Outside. Katya, we are A fearful thing Be, or where our A loss that was. donated to the DEC Ukraine appeal.
Done with people forcing When people act Fire and our dreams They burned their famed Book at gu.com/guardianlive
Us into their own dream. From the great emptiness will take us. I am with City so that what he
We are done with being Of a loss of empire. You there in the bomb shelter. Won was ashes. Illustration: Masha Foya
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Calorie counts?
the calorie information of all food and drink they – and I never, ever count calories, focusing instead on
prepare for customers. flavour and nutrition.
This is part of the government’s wider strategy And I’m recovering – recovered, even, though the
to help people who are overweight or obese, a threat of regression continues to worry me, as it does

No thanks – I
category that includes almost two-thirds of adults in all former sufferers. When I was unwell, restaurants
England and one in three children leaving primary were a rare and special refuge; a place where, because
school. In theory, this sounds like a simple solution: I couldn’t easily count them, calories were off the
if customers who are watching their weight know table. The regret would kick in soon after, but for those

just want to eat

a chicken katsu curry and a side of fried gyoza at few precious hours in Pizza Express Pinner or Ask
Wagamama adds up to 1,224 calories, they might order Northwood, my weight worries were outweighed by
differently. In practice, like most simple solutions, the company, atmosphere and sense of occasion.
calorie labelling doesn’t really work. It pains me to think that this brief, light relief will
For proof of this, we need only look to the US, be taken away from people like me. The number
Clare where calorie labels have been mandated on the menus of people with eating disorders in the UK is rising
Finney of large chains since 2018. Despite this, Americans
are still getting fatter. At best, studies suggest people
sharply as a result of the isolation and anxiety wrought
by Covid-19.
quickly stopped noticing the small, joy-sapping During long lockdowns, many former sufferers saw
number next to their favourite order. At worst – as it the disease they thought they had put to bed return.
transpired in New York City, where such labels have Mental illness can be easily triggered by changes

been in place since 2008 – it seems they go for broke in your environment: big changes, such as a global
when presented with calorie counts, choosing dishes pandemic, and seemingly small ones, such as calorie
here was a time when counting with more calories, not fewer. labels on menus. While the new regulations permit
my calorie intake was as easy as The failure of such policies can be accounted restaurants to provide menus without calories “where
breathing. Though practically for in many ways, from the role a person’s genetics the consumer expressly requests it”, the assumptions
innumerate in maths classes, plays in weight gain to the addictive quality of behind this concession are deeply flawed.
I could quickly tot up the calories high-calorie foods, and the economic and social It assumes the businesses will have such a menu;
I’d resisted, succumbed to and factors that make obesity a systemic rather than an that staff will know to offer it; that a customer
burned in a day. If restaurants and individual problem. will know to ask for it; and that a pathologically
cafes had revealed the calories in Yet rather than tackling obesity, the main effect compulsive counter of calories will ask for this special
their dishes, it would have played straight into my of calorie labelling may simply be to induce anxiety menu, in front of their family, colleagues or friends.
16-year-old determination to whittle away my already and stress in already vulnerable people. It’s been It is a cruel paradox that those who would ideally take
whippet-like body. years since I struggled with eating disorders, but only note of calorie labels will eventually ignore them,
For the 1.25 million men and women with eating because, like any recovering addict, I’m meticulous while those who should ignore them will have to fight
disorders in the UK, eating out is about to become about putting preventive measures in place. I have every instinct in order to do so. With this new policy,
even more stressful than it already is. From now on, a therapist. I’m open about my experiences. I have  those of us who are at risk of being affected by calorie
cafe, restaurant and takeaway businesses in England friends and family I can look to if I’m struggling. Clare Finney labelling on menus stand to lose an awful lot more
with more than 250 employees will have to display I never weigh myself, or take waist measurements is a food writer than weight.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

6 Letters

Our political consensus

• George Monbiot rightly highlights Dark skies,
the increasing havoc wrought by
“fake news” in recent times on all light relief
our lives. Since the very idea of fake ‘The lighthouse
is built on lies and fear news would be unintelligible unless
one also had some understanding
of what is meant by “truth” and
at Foz, Galicia,
on 19 March.
“objectivity”, surely the time has The clouds
George Monbiot’s claim that “our those not owned by a handful of come to make the philosophic parted to
system of organised lying has billionaires, are obsessed with analysis of these issues a central allow fingers
created an entire class of politicians, political pantomime. Terrified of focus of the school curriculum. I can of sunshine to
officials, media commentators, being labelled radical, politicians think of no better way to inoculate dapple the water
cultural leaders, academics and self-censor their views on alternative the next generation against this of the estuary’
intellectuals who nod along with” economics or the lethality of the virus of uncritical thinking. JOHN CARVER/
capitalist orthodoxy is largely true environmental crisis. McCarthyism Oliver McAdoo GUARDIAN COMMUNITY

(Putin didn’t create the truth crisis. is alive and well in Britain. Pulborough, West Sussex Do you have
Look at British history, 30 March). Jamie Driscoll a photograph
I’m a metro mayor. We’ve run Metro mayor, North of Tyne • To George Monbiot’s list of to share with
a citizens’ assembly on climate accepted “truths” should be added Guardian
change and are implementing its • I applaud George Monbiot’s ability the following common beliefs: war readers? Visit
recommendations. We’ve invested to call out widespread delusions “works” (despite its highly uncertain theguardian.
in clean energy and our Green New about limitless economic growth outcomes, and its untold millions com/letters-
Deal is operational. We promote our and the appropriateness of the of casualties); stockpiling nuclear pics to upload
Good Work Pledge, directly tackle enormous power wielded by those weapons capable of destroying the it, and we’ll
child poverty, and are investing with great wealth. But I take issue planet is the best way to ensure print the best
in the social and cooperative with his use of the term “lying”. our “defence” against potential on these pages
economy. Our policy objective is to The view of empire as a force for aggressors; the military (whose
create a zero-carbon, zero-poverty good was not built on lies. It was role after all is to kill when ordered
North of Tyne. I call for wealth built on self-delusion. To tackle the to do so) is a noble profession;
taxes, and without urgent and assumptions about the necessity and employing many of our ablest
crisis-level action, we will destroy of “growth” and inequality which scientific brains and spending We do not
our planet’s capacity to support us. Monbiot rightly targets, we need billions annually on researching publish letters
I know other leaders in local a far better understanding of the ever more “effective” ways of killing where only an
government who also put their process of self-delusion that has people is an honourable and sane email address is
(limited) money where their driven consensus about what is true use of national resources. supplied; please
mouths are, and at least some MPs – in both the past and the present. Mike Garnier include a full
openly say that we need to replace Dr Hugh Firth Bristol postal address,
blind profit-centred economics Newcastle upon Tyne a reference to
with an economy focused on • On reading George Monbiot’s the article and a
social and environmental good. article, I thought: what if, in this daytime phone
The reason I’m in such a minority, platinum jubilee year, the Queen number. We
and that “almost everyone in were to announce that she will may edit letters.
public life subscribes to the same dispose of her vast wealth – land, Submission
set of preposterous beliefs” is in Politicians, terrified of real estate, art collections, the and publication
part down to intimidation. The being labelled radical, spoils of empire accumulated over of all letters
first question I was asked by a TV centuries – and make full reparation is subject to
journalist after being selected was self-censor their views to all the countries impoverished our terms and
“are you a Marxist?” (If anything, on alternative economics by that baleful project? Now that conditions: see
I’m a libertarian socialist, but try or the environment crisis would be a legacy to be proud of. theguardian.
explaining that in 10 seconds!) Cathy Wood com/
Britain’s news organisations, even Jamie Driscoll Lichfield, Staffordshire letters-terms

Religion is here to stay – but it healthier and live longer, and that
the “community cohesion” of a Refugees caught up GP surgeries have been run in the
hotel, dental and opticians services
faith group leads to social bonding, in UK housing crisis have been made widely available,
must evolve to meet our needs and thus to survival. So, great.
Join a community choir.
and communications with the
Afghan families, using interpreters,
At the heart of faith is the I read your feature with great have been excellent.
Robin Dunbar’s article (The big Evolution is part of the DNA of longing to know the unknowable interest (Welcome to Britain … Alongside the organisational
idea: Do we still need religion?, Unitarian churches, which are open and endlessly mysterious infinite now what?, 26 March). My family response, the specific staff have
26 March) outlines the scientifically to wisdom from all sources, and often called God. Yes, church is met, and have subsequently been warm, friendly and helpful,
measurable benefits of religion. practise free inquiry into faith and important, but more important for become friends with, an Afghan as have the staff within the hotels.
After two years of the pandemic, belief, rather than all conforming me is prayer, often alone and silent. family airlifted to Britain last There have been many local
when our collective physical to a single doctrine. Quakers call it waiting on God August, and since then living initiatives – parties to celebrate
health has been prioritised, it Religion is here to stay – but we or listening for the inner voice, in a hotel in Westminster. I Nowruz (Persian new year),
is now time to focus on these must adapt it to what is needed but it doesn’t really matter what recognise the systemic failures Afghan input into the hotel menus
benefits to our spiritual health. and what works for us right now. you call it. The certainty that it’s of Operation Warm Welcome: – which have run alongside the
Though Dunbar states that Unitarians don’t have that finished not all about me or us, that there specifically the lack of immediate, massive charitable and volunteer
religion is not going anywhere, version yet – but anyone joining us is something more, something personal support, and the dismal response by local communities.
most congregations have been can be part of creating it. transcendent that occasionally is performance in finding permanent I met my friend earlier this
shrinking for decades. Most Liz Slade glimpsed and transforms everything homes – attributable to the UK’s week as he prepared to move
churches in Britain today would be Chief officer, General Assembly – that is the reason faith survives. appalling housing crisis, a crisis to a new hotel outside London
flabbergasted if 150 people turned of Unitarian and Free Christian Joanna Hodgkin for everyone in housing need, following the end of the current
up on Sundays. In order to offer Churches London not just for our new citizens. arrangements. Although they
community that works for most However, at a local level praise still face an indefinite period of
people, churches must evolve. • Robin Dunbar’s article is a terrific • Do we still need religion? If we should be given where it is due waiting and uncertainty, he told
The benefits of religion that analysis of the perks of religion, follow the Bible’s definition – to – to the joint council/Home Office me that within four or five hours
Dunbar explains – community but misses its core: the bathwater is look out for needy people and to project teams working on the of arriving in the UK last August,
cohesion, greater trust, greater described in detail, while the baby have integrity (James 1:27) – then ground. I have seen first-hand he and his family had felt safe,
happiness – will be vital as we crawl is nowhere. Yes, it’s good to know yes, we definitely need it. that children have been in supported and welcome.
out of the pandemic, and if we are that the rituals release endorphins, Robert Chamberlain school since October, adults Jakki Moxham
to navigate the climate crisis. that “religious people” are happier, Ingleby Barwick, North Yorkshire have received English lessons, London
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

[email protected]
 @guardianletters 7

Britain must lead the Corrections and Established 1906

way on animal rights

clarifications Country diary
• An article said the Duke and Abernethy forest,
We are concerned by reports of
the government abandoning its
Duchess of Cambridge’s recent tour
was “supposed to be a visit to mark
manifesto commitments to an the Queen’s diamond jubilee”; that
animals abroad bill (Tory row after should have said platinum jubilee The weather in the last 10 days
bill banning hunting trophies is (Misjudged royal Caribbean trip hits of March was ridiculous, and I
ditched, 15 March). Quite apart the wrong notes, 26 March, p14). use “ridiculous” in the sense of
from the welcome promise of an an old Scots word, which means
end to trophy hunting imports, • For readers to arrive at the correct unseasonal. And here, I mean
the bill’s other leading measures answer of “intuited”, the clue for 5 unseasonably warm and dry. I
are greeted across parties and the down in Quick crossword no 16,188 have a few old Scots words in my
whole country. These include a ban should have read “understood head now. Trees flounce in strong
on domestic advertising of venues instinctively”, and not “deduced” winds. Days with wind and rain
abroad where elephants and other (26 March, p58). are glousterie. Freezing weather is
endangered species – big cats, apes, nose-nippin’. There are far fewer
bears, dolphins – suffer extreme • A book review placed Berlin words for good weather.
brutality in tourism, with the UK 600km from the sea; the distance is On one of these ridiculous
market taking a shameful lead. about 200km (Sharp observations days I went walking up on to
Crucially, the bill would steer of the urban landscape, 26 March, the moorland. Somehow, my
the market towards ethical Saturday magazine, p69). hopes were high that I’d see an
tourism, throwing a lifeline to eagle – perhaps as a reward as it
many endangered species and Editorial complaints and corrections can be sent to was my first real day out after 10
[email protected] or The readers’
countering claims that cruel editor, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. days struck down with Covid,
exploitation by rides, tricks, games You can also leave a voicemail on 020 3353 4736 when the closest to nature I got
and hunting provide important was the blackbird that started
revenue to certain countries. singing within 10 minutes of
The 1,000 and more UK-based
operators promoting this cruelty The icy pull of tragic 4.29am each morning.
The mountains beyond still
contribute nothing to protect
humans or animals at these
polar exploration had small patches of snow in
their shadiest nooks, reflecting
venues. Nor, apparently, have any the colour of the sky, and the
ethical improvements been made Imogen West-Knights’ beautiful landscape felt big and expansive.
during pandemic downtime. article about tragedy in polar Apart from the odd puff of cloud
It is in the government’s own exploration (26 March) recalled two and the occasional contrail, the
interests to take a principled lead very different pieces of art. One, sky remained stubbornly empty,
over other nations and introduce Héroes de la Antártida, is a song by until I started to look closer.
the bill, restoring a fair claim to be the 1980s Spanish group Mecano. Perhaps it was a day for noticing
showing the way on animal welfare. A perky disco synth beat surreally the smaller things, back after a
Duncan McNair Save The Asian accompanies the grim tale of death/ winter’s absence. Meadow pipits’
Elephants, Sonul Badiani-Hamment cold picking off Robert Falcon twittering filled the air, and in
Four Paws UK, Claire Bass Humane Scott’s team one by one. The other, their upward display flight they
Society International UK, Paul To Build a Fire, a short story by Jack looked as if they were push-push-
Christian Protect All Wildlife, Peter London, traces the fate of a lone pushing against the air just for
Egan, Stanley Johnson Patron, and overconfident explorer in the the joy of how they spread their
Conservative Animal Welfare Yukon. There is a universality to the wings and parachuted down to the
Foundation and six others. Full fascination expressed in the article. ground; I watched as they did it
list at theguardian.com/letters Ana Beard again and again.
London A bright siskin flew among the
junipers and stonechats perched
A Mary Whitehouse Whitehouse reacted with a furious
letter of condemnation, describing Covid, cholera and • Monica Ali refers to George
Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
on the top of young Scots pines,
the males’ black heads and orange
experience survived me with the words to the effect that
I was a foul, depraved wretch who
Prince Albert’s death and “doublespeak” (The books
of my life, 26 March). To be clear:
bodies popping against the
blue of the sky.
should be banned from television. Orwell invented two separate On the way home, I rejoiced
I can offer a little insight into how She, of course, was entitled I heartily endorse what William terms, doublethink and Newspeak, that the pied wagtails were
Mary Whitehouse operated (TV to her opinion. However, she Hanage says about herd immunity which somehow became conflated. also back, and I heard my first
review, 30 March). In the 1960s seemed to have forgotten that and the dubious uses to which this Frank Desmond chiffchaff too. In the field, a
I was in the enviable position the immediately preceding novel concept is sometimes put (‘Living Cork, Ireland peacock butterfly landed in front
of producer of BBC Two classic I had produced was George Eliot’s with Covid’ should not mean doing of me, then a small tortoiseshell
serials. We produced a wide range Middlemarch, after which she had nothing, 30 March). As he suggests, • Never mind what mothers are – everything affirming that spring
of dramatisations of international written to me wishing there were we need a sustainable strategy for called (Letters, 31 March). The was, perhaps, here.
novels including Émile Zola’s more producers like me working Covid, rather than a pretence that important names are the ones And yet, by the month’s end,
Nana. Its content was without at the BBC. the epidemic has somehow ended. your grandchildren give you. we were in the Borrowing Days,
doubt controversial, but it was Needless to say, she copied the Historical parallels are never exact, Manny and Bamps Kirkwood named for March stealing days
nonetheless regarded as a great Nana letter to the director general, but previous experience of other Sheffield from April, and bringing back some
work and worthy of dramatising. It but not the Middlemarch one. epidemic and endemic diseases wintry weather. Sure enough, on
certainly involved sexual attitudes David Conroy would indicate the same. • Sometimes children use more the 30th came St Causlan’s flaw –
and included bare breasts. Mrs London One minor point: Prince Albert’s than one name. One of my friends a shower of snow in March.
death was attributed to typhoid, says that if a text from her daughter Amanda Thomson
not cholera. This is worth pointing starts “Hi Mumma!”, she knows
Is AI an oxymoron? as a fundamental oxymoron. As
with most things it comes down
out, because cholera tends to
hog the 19th-century limelight,
it’s going to be expensive.
Jenny Swann
to definitions, semantics and whereas it is possible to argue Beeston, Nottinghamshire
Your editorial on artificial understanding.  that typhoid, another waterborne
intelligence (31 March) was both I tried running this past my disease, was at least as important • First stop San Serriffe (Let Queen
interesting and provocative. But computer, Hal, but he tells me he both as a cause of death and as a set sail in seized superyacht, Tory
it still left me wondering whether is not at liberty to discuss it. factor in sanitarian reform. MPs urge, 1 April)?
“artificial intelligence” is up there David Smith Margaret Pelling Mike Smith
with “small crowd” and “old news” Accra, Ghana Oxford Hythe, Hampshire ILLUSTRATION: CLIFFORD HARPER
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

8 Obituaries

childhood in West Malling, Kent, in

a house built by his father, which,
following Walter’s death in 1942,
his mother turned into a cafe.
Having enjoyed drawing from
an early age, James received
encouragement from his art master
at Maidstone grammar school, and
at the age of 16 went to Maidstone
School of Arts and Crafts to study
painting. However, the foundation
course exposed him to many
artistic practices, and he soon
became obsessed with sculpture,
which he studied under Sydney
Birnie Stewart, known as “Jock”.
When Stewart moved to St
Martin’s School of Art, in London,
Butler was persuaded to join him,
and he continued his studies under
both Stewart and Walter Marsden,
the head of sculpture. During his
last term there, Butler met the
stone carver Gerald Giudici, who
gave the students a demonstration
in the use of a pointing machine
to copy plaster into stone. Giudici
invited Butler to work as an
apprentice carver under him and

his brother, Raimondo.

nce he had
completed his
national diploma
and national
service – and had
married Daisy
in 1955 – he
returned to work for Giudici
as a carver. He was involved in
carving many of the architectural
sculptures of William McMillan,
Charles Wheeler and James
Woodford, including the latter’s
Queen’s Beasts, which stand at Kew
Gardens (1958).
While working for Giudici, Butler
took evening classes under Bernard
Sindall at the City and Guilds of
London Art School. Sindall directed
him to the work of the Italian

James Butler
a wide range of sculptural works sculptors in the modelling tradition
in a variety of materials and – notably Giacomo Manzù, Marino
techniques. These included a Marini and Medardo Rosso – and
Leading British figurative
number of military memorials, they would prove influential in
and the 50-pence piece produced developed his development. The award of
in 2004 to commemorate Roger the Beckwith scholarship allowed
Bannister’s four-minute mile. He a more him to stay at the British School at
sculptor whose subjects developed a more personal vein of
expression by sculpting children
and ballet dancers, often based on
vein of
Rome for about a month, and while
there he looked closely at the work
of these Italian modellers and the

ranged from Richard III his young daughters.

Butler was born in New Cross,
ancient art that had inspired them.
In 1956, Butler took up a
south-east London, the second children scholarship at the Royal College of

to Jomo Kenyatta of three children of a stevedore,

Walter, and his wife, Rosina (nee and ballet
Art, but soon found that he lacked
the freedom that he had had at

Kingman). He spent most of his dancers, the City and Guilds. So, in 1960,
often he returned there as a teacher,
ames Butler, who has Royal Academician, and received James Butler while also establishing himself
died aged 90, was one the first of several significant at work on his based on as a sculptor in his own right. His
of Britain’s foremost international commissions, a twice sculpture of the his young success was marked, in 1964, by his
figurative sculptors. life-sized sculpture of the Kenyan 19th-century daughters election as an associate of the Royal
His lively and popular president, Jomo Kenyatta, to be civil engineer Academy, at the age of 32.
representations of placed in the centre of Nairobi. Four Isambard For a while, Butler lived
national and local decades later, in 2015, he produced Kingdom Brunel alongside other artists, first at the
heroes, from Richard III a similarly large-scale bronze of CHRIS BEETLES Abbey art centre, Barnet, and then
in Leicester to the footballer Billy the Queen, which celebrated the GALLERY at the Digswell art trust, Welwyn
Wright in Wolverhampton, grace 800th anniversary of the signing of Garden City, Hertfordshire.
many a British square, street and Magna Carta, and was installed at However, following his divorce,
stadium precinct. Runnymede, in Surrey. and a brief second marriage to
Butler came to prominence in In the intervening years, Janet, in 1966 he married Elizabeth
1972, when he was elected a full Butler used his talents to create Nassim (who now writes novels
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

[email protected]
 @guardianobits 9

Angela Crow
as Liza Cody), and settled in the inherited it from his aunt. Birthdays
village of Greenfield, Bedfordshire, Crow was born in Horsforth, then
where he lived and worked in a in the West Riding of Yorkshire,
Victorian former schoolhouse. to Alice (nee Whalley) and WB Today’s birthdays: Linford
At this stage in his career, he
took on any job that he was asked
to do, as was confirmed by the
Early Coronation Street (William) Crow. Her father was
an author of books on the occult
who became a biology lecturer at
Christie, athlete, 62; Michael
Clarke, cricketer, 41; Prof Dame
Caroline Dean, plant scientist,
slogan printed on his T-shirt: “We
never say no”. He created stage
sculptures for productions of the
actor who had a varied Leicester College of Technology.
Crow’s acting career began when
she played truant from Alderman
65; Michael Fassbender,
actor, 45; David Ferrer, tennis
player, 40; Paul Gambaccini,
Royal Shakespeare Company at
Stratford-upon-Avon, and also stage and screen career Newton’s girls’ school, Leicester, to
appear in Jane Eyre with a touring
broadcaster, 73; Emmylou
Harris, singer and songwriter,

waxworks for Madame Tussauds. company. She then trained at Rada 75; Barry Hills, racehorse trainer,
But once he was elected to the in London, where she won the Tree 85; Rupa Huq, Labour MP, 50;
Royal Academy, Butler received n December 1960 when plenty of opportunity to perform and Emile Littler awards. After Dame Penelope Keith, actor,
increasingly distinguished Coronation Street began, comedy, notably when Swindley graduating in 1954, she gained 82; Sir Peter Middleton, former
sculptural commissions. These Tony Warren’s television had the women modelling new experience in repertory theatres. chairman, Barclays Bank, 88;
included Monument to Freedom creation instantly made stock in the shop and on television. She made an early stage Prof Camille Paglia, writer, 75;
Fighters, which stands outside its mark with distinctive, When Doreen said “ecky appearance as Maria in Twelfth Teddy Sheringham, footballer,
Freedom House, Lusaka, Zambia. believable characters such thump”, which was her response Night at Regent’s Park Open Air 56; Lady (Philippa) Stroud, chief
In 1975, he gave up teaching as Ena Sharples, Elsie to all manner of situations, sad or theatre in 1956, and her big break executive, the Legatum Institute,
in order to concentrate full-time Tanner, Annie Walker, funny, it came across not so much came with the role of Lily Smalls 57; Denis Tuohy, broadcaster, 85;
on sculpture, and, now divorced Albert Tatlock and Ken Barlow as a stereotype of northern people in the West End production of Todd Woodbridge, tennis player,
for the third time, in the same who portrayed life in a working- as an affirmation of their identity. Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood, 51; Keren Woodward, singer and
year married Angie Berry, who class back street in the north of Doreen and Sheila eventually adapted from his radio play, at the songwriter, 61.
would become a journalist, author England. Around them, Warren rented the flat above the corner New (now Noël Coward) theatre
and travel company co-founder. peopled the cobbles of the fictional shop and, in jiving to the music on (1956-57), which BBC television Tomorrow’s birthdays: Alec
From 1982, they lived at Valley Weatherfield with other equally their transistor radios and spending recorded for a 1957 broadcast. Baldwin, actor, 64; Sir Brendan
Farm, Radway, Warwickshire, the authentic “residents” in one of their nights on the town in search As well as parts in TV plays Barber, former chair, Acas, 71;
outbuildings of which allowed television’s first contributions to of boyfriends, represented the before joining Coronation Street, Suella Braverman, Conservative
for both a large studio space and a the social-realist revolution that opening up of the swinging 60s. Crow had roles in classic serials: MP and attorney general, 42; Nigel
gallery of completed work. was already under way on stage and However, in 1963, Doreen decided she was Nina Fawn in The Eustace Farage, former leader of the Brexit
In 1981, Butler was elected a in the cinema. there was life beyond Weatherfield Diamonds (1959), Charley in Bleak party, 58; William Gaunt, actor, 85;
fellow of the Royal Society of Angela Crow, who has died aged and left to “join the flippin’ army House (1959) and Betsy in Barnaby Dame Jane Goodall, primatologist,
British Sculptors. His Cippico 86, joined the ITV serial for episode and see the flippin’ world”, heading Rudge (1960). She also played a 88; Matthew Goode, actor, 44;
Fountain, for Heriot-Watt 12, screened in January 1961, as for the Women’s Royal Army Corps housemaid in The Pianist episode Prof AC Grayling, philosopher and
University, Edinburgh, was the 19-year-old Doreen Lostock, to become a tank driver. of the classic TV sitcom Hancock’s broadcaster, 73; Jamie Hewlett,
awarded the society’s Otto Beit a machinist at Elliston’s raincoat Crow had completed 145 Half Hour in 1957. comic book artist, 54; Leona
medal (1982); and his sculpture factory in Victoria Street. The ritual episodes between 1961 and 1963, Later, she was a busy screen Lewis, singer, 37; Jonathan Lynn,
of Field Marshal Earl Alexander of Doreen and her workmate Sheila with a break in the middle when character actor, switching between director, actor and comedy writer,
of Tunis, for the Wellington Birtles (played by Eileen Mayers) those Coronation Street actors not drama and comedy. She had a 79; Eddie Murphy, actor, 61;
Barracks, London, received the buying their favourite lunch from on contract took part in a seven- regular role as Cissie Ludgrove, Marie O’Riordan, former editor-
society’s silver medal in 1985. His Florrie Lindley’s corner shop month strike by Equity members. Irene Handl’s assistant at a in-chief, John Brown Publishing,
memorial to the Green Howards earned them the nickname the Like Doreen, Crow wanted to hairdressing salon, in the sitcom 62; Charles Peattie, cartoonist,
was placed at Crépon, near the “barm cake girls”, a term that fixed “get out there and see the world”, Barney Is My Darling (1966) and 64; Lesley Sharp, actor, 62;
site of the Normandy landings, in the soap in time and place. explaining: “I wanted to do Ibsen played Calpurnia, the Roman Richard Thompson, guitarist and
1996; and the memorial to the Fleet When her supervisor at work, and Chekhov. I’d had to turn down general’s last wife, in Heil Caesar! songwriter, 73; Sally Thomsett,
Air Arm was installed in Victoria Harold Pilkington (Philip Anthony), two meaty parts in the new-wave (1973). There was also the part of actor, 72.
Embankment Gardens, London, in groped her, Doreen called him out. films [and] it was an exciting time Liz Stride, believed to be one of the
2000. Working as successfully on He gave her a week’s notice, but she of change in the theatre.” serial killer’s victims, in Jack the
a small scale, he designed a new left on the spot. She subsequently Alongside her stage work, Crow Ripper (1988), a miniseries starring Announcements
Royal Seal of the Realm (2001), worked behind the bar at the was later in a programme fondly Michael Caine as the Scotland Yard
based on sittings by the Queen, Rovers Return pub, having fallen remembered by a whole new inspector Frederick Abberline.
which was the first of several for Billy Walker (Ken Farrington), generation of viewers. In the BBC On the West End stage, Crow
projects he did for the Royal Mint. son of the publican Annie (Doris children’s sitcom Potter’s Picture was Dorothy in the writer Richard BUTCHER, Arthur William, born 4 July 1940,
He was appointed MBE in Speed), and at Gamma Garments, a Palace (1976-78), Crow played Joan Harris’s play Stepping Out in known to all as "Rik", died peacefully on 21 March
surrounded by his family after a long illness.
2009, and in 2020 he was made a clothes shop managed by Leonard Biddie, receptionist and usherette 1986 (Duke of York’s theatre) Celebration of life to follow. Enquiries to Crowsons
Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Swindley (Arthur Lowe), with at a cinema being restored to its and Rummy Mitchens in George Funeral Directors. Tel. 01832 272269.
Lettres. He became a Senior Royal Emily Nugent (Eileen Derbyshire) former glory by the manager, Peter Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara, SMITH, Keith, 84, died on 22 March 2022, at Saint
Academician in 2006, but, in his as assistant. The trio were given Potter (Eden Phillips), who had directed by Peter Hall (Piccadilly Michael’s Hospice, Harrogate, with his wife,
later years, he came to believe “the theatre, 1998). She also played Margaret, at his side. Originally from Hull, Keith and
Royal Academy no longer really Lizzie in Edna O’Brien’s play A Margaret moved to Lymm in 1965, before relocating
to Harrogate in 2007. Well respected professionally,
looks after figurative sculptors”. Pagan Place at the Royal Court as architect and educator, Keith ran a practice and
In 2015, my gallery, in St James’s, theatre (1972) and Jane, the long- tutored at The University of Sheffield. He was also a
London, began to represent him. suffering wife of Sidney Hopcroft, talented artist and jazz musician (sax/clarinet), and
His last major works included in Alan Ayckbourn’s Absurd Person in his youth, played rugby for Hull Ionians. Keith
the Rainbow Division Memorial, Singular at the Royal Lyceum, shared 61 happy years of marriage with Margaret.
He leaves two children, five grandchildren, three
placed at the site of the Battle of Edinburgh (1981-82). beautiful great-grandchildren and numerous, much-
Croix Rouge Farm, in Picardy, In retirement, living in West loved friends, all of whom remained close to him
France (2011), and even at the age Yorkshire, she was a keen member until the end. We are all deeply saddened to lose
of 90 he still had the strength, of the Brontë Society, gave talks him but so grateful to have known him and to have
had him in our lives for so long.
concentration and imagination to about the Brontë family and
work on a large scale. wrote the book Miss Branwell’s
Butler is survived by Angie and Companion (2007).
AUSTIN, Sarah Mair, 3 April 1972. Happy birthday
their four daughters, Rosie, Saskia, In 2005, Crow married Michael
to our daughter who brought joy to us fifty years
Candida and Aurelia, by a son, Tom, Woods. He died of cancer the ago and continues to delight family and friends.
from his marriage to Janet, and by following year. She is survived by
a daughter, Kate, from his marriage her son, Jonathan, from an earlier
to Elizabeth. relationship with John La Thangue. For Announcements, Acknowledgments, Adoptions,
Chris Beetles Anthony Hayward Anniversaries, Birthdays, Births, Deaths,
Engagements, Memorial Services and In Memoriam,
email us at [email protected]
James Walter Butler, sculptor, born Angela Crow, left, as Doreen Lostock and Ena Sharples (Violet Carson) trade Angela Rosemary Crow, actor, born including your name, address and telephone
25 July 1931; died 26 March 2022 views in the Rovers Return pub in Coronation Street, 1963 ITV/SHUTTERSTOCK 13 December 1935; died 3 March 2022 number or phone 0203 353 2114.
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

10 Obituaries  [email protected]
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at theguardian.com/contact-obits. Submission and
publication of all Other lives pieces and letters is subject to
our terms and conditions: see http://gu.com/letters-terms

After Midfield secondary school group of friends and became Then came the murals. His first,
Other for boys, Brian began a course
at Ravensbourne College of Art
activists, campaigning for better
social provision in housing, parks
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,
in 1976-78, was vast, and was
The necessity
of creating art

lives (now Ravensbourne University

London) in 1961, leading to a
national diploma in design. There
and jobs, and protesting against
rent rises and the redevelopment
of Battersea power station and the
painted with 90 volunteers, near
Battersea Bridge. On the “good”
end were pictures of socialist
expressing social
concerns gave Brian
he met Aileen McKeegan, who riverfront for the wealthy. goals, in the centre a “rainbow” a new direction,
was studying fabric design, and The necessity of creating art broom swept away the capitalists’ and a bolder style
they married in 1964. Brian stood expressing social concerns gave failure. It became a popular to his work
out as a determined realist painter Brian a new direction, and a bolder landmark. A year later the wall
and went on to study at the Royal style to his work. In 1973 he began was demolished. Protesters arrived
College of Art, where he graduated printing silkscreen posters at home in thousands, Battersea Bridge was Battersea in Perspective. Then
in 1969 with beautifully composed for campaigns. Demand grew, closed and the artist arrested. anti-war murals: Nuclear Dawn
and detailed work. and by 1977 his print workshop More large-scale, gable-end in Brixton, with its threatening
Moving to Battersea in south-west was producing hundreds of posters murals followed; sunny evocations skeleton; and Riders of the
London, the couple found a leftwing for the community. such as Day at the Seaside and Apocalypse in New Cross, featuring
Brian Barnes world leaders riding rockets
around a besieged world, above
Muralist and community artist a tender rendering of messages at
whose bold campaigning work Greenham Common. There were
lit up parts of south London many more murals for schools,
My friend Brian Barnes, who towns, estates and railway stations.
has died aged 77 of chronic The Stockwell war memorial,
obstructive pulmonary disease, begun in 1999, was the work
was a celebrated muralist and he returned to often. It is a
a leading light in the community joyful mural with many images,
arts movement. Warm-hearted, dedicated to the fallen in the
funny, outspoken and a hugely world wars, and celebrating local
gifted artist, he created murals residents such as Vincent Van
around south London for more Gogh and the second world war
than 45 years. special operations agent Violette
Born in Farnborough, Kent, Szabo, as well as the Windrush
and raised in nearby St Paul’s immigrants who spent their first
Cray, Brian was the first child night in Britain in the area.
of William Barnes, chief executive Brian was appointed MBE in
of the Mullard electrical 2005 for services to the Battersea
components company, and community. He is survived by
Eileen (nee Hiley), a seamstress Aileen and their children, Eloise and
at Morphy Richards. His parents Glenn, and three grandchildren,
supported him in everything and Daniel, Lilya and Natalya.
he had a happy childhood. Detail from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly mural, 1976-78, by Brian Barnes Steve Lobb

where she hid was run by her moved to London in the 1970s that that was socially aware and non- and James Dungey, an architect
godmother, the heroic charity she joined the Hungarian section elitist, highlighting “the absurdity and surveyor. After attending
worker Jane Haining, who in 1944 of the BBC and became its senior of male behaviour” and flouting Maidstone girls’ grammar school,
was deported by the Nazis and programme organiser for nearly the prevailing glamorous image of she took a degree in English
murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau. two decades. women as entertainers. literature at Bristol University
I first met Ninon, who was Ninon was a most likable person, A force to be reckoned with, from 1971 to 1974, and then did
then married to the poet Endre who would invariably end her and standing at 6ft 2in, she was performance studies for a year at
Kövesi, in the youth section of telephone calls with a new joke a memorable presence wherever Bretton Hall College of Education
the Hungarian Writers’ Union, or an old anecdote. she went, a beautiful and fearless in West Yorkshire.
Ninon Leader but we became friends later while She is survived by Imre and woman who carried a bright flame When the Company of
studying Hungarian language Darian, the sons from her second of inspiration that was fanned by Imagination folded in the early
Hungarian-born writer and and literature at ELTE (Budapest marriage, which ended in divorce, her determination, intelligence 90s, Jan had stints as a council
broadcaster who spent almost University) in the mid-50s. Though and five grandchildren. and infectious humour. arts officer in Maidstone and then
20 years at the BBC World Service already graduated, she took part George Gomori Jan had a powerful singing Great Yarmouth in Norfolk. Local
My friend Ninon Leader, who has in the revolution of October 1956 voice, and performed blues and authorities were not her natural
died aged 88, was a scholar and started by the students, and had country songs at some of the home, and although she managed
broadcaster. From 1978 until 1993, to flee Hungary after its brutal countercultural Albion Fairs that to be of great help to the creative
living in London, she was senior suppression by the Soviet army. took place around East Anglia in sectors in both towns, including
programme organiser at the After arriving in Britain, Ninon the early 1980s. through setting up SeaChange
Hungarian section of the obtained a research scholarship to After the demise of Cunning Arts (now Out There Arts), an
BBC World Service. study at Girton College, Cambridge, Stunts she decamped to Bungay independent arts development
During these years, her radio where she received a doctorate in Suffolk, which became home charity in Great Yarmouth, she
series The Brits: A User’s Guide in 1961. She had married Elliot for the rest of her life. There, frequently ran up against the
was a great success both in Britain Leader, a Cambridge physicist, she conceived and set up the system that employed her.
and in Hungary. She wrote a book in 1959, her first marriage having Jan Dungey Company of Imagination (1986-91), In 2000 she returned to freelance
about the London she loved to ended in divorce, and travelled a multidisciplinary group that and self-directed projects. Despite
explore, published in 2012 as with him to the University of Performer dedicated to socially created site-specific outdoor having been diagnosed with
Londonban Van, Hej, Sok Számos California at Berkeley where she aware theatre with the all-female promenade performances, known multiple sclerosis in the late 90s
Utca … (There Are Many Streets taught Hungarian literature from Cunning Stunts cabaret group as “animated trails”, in rural she continued to initiate many
in London … ), with the drawings 1962 to 1965. Her doctoral thesis, My friend Jan Dungey, who has and urban settings. Many of the creative projects, and in 2010 was
of Mátyás Sárközi. Hungarian Classical Ballads and died aged 68, was a founder of company’s projects were created a co-founder of Waveney & Blyth
Ninon was born in Budapest Their Folklore, published by Cunning Stunts, an all-female with schoolchildren, enabling them Arts on the Norfolk-Suffolk border.
into a Jewish family, and survived Cambridge University Press in theatre company that performed to explore, understand and respond After 20 years of the creeping
the second world war on false 1967 (and reissued in 2011) received at festivals, village halls and clubs to their local environment. Jan was paralysis of MS, Jan was undone
papers, in hiding. Her father, many favourable reviews. around the UK – as well as in instrumental in making sure that by Covid-19.
Imre Neményi, was a journalist On returning from the US, Ninon women’s prisons and psychiatric most of the projects were funded by She is survived by her long-term
who died doing forced labour received a research fellowship units – between 1977 and 1982. an unusual mix of environmental, partner, Steve Cooke, whom she
under the Nazis, so for a couple at Clare Hall, Cambridge, and for Jan was also a performer built-heritage and arts bodies. met when he was an electrician
of years she was in an orphans’ some years taught Hungarian there. with the company as it created She was born in Maidstone, Kent, helping to set up the Albion Fairs.
home. The Scottish Mission It was when she and her family a spontaneous form of theatre to Grace (nee Murdoch), a secretary, Nicky Stainton
Saturday 2 April 2022 The Guardian •

Puzzles 11

Sudoku Easy Medium Expert

The normal
rules of sudoku
apply: fill each
row, column and
3x3 box with all
the numbers
from 1 to 9.

Futoshiki Medium Kids Word search Kids Countdown

Fill in the grid so that every row and column contains Find all the listed words relating to dolls in the grid, Can you work out the answers to the sums below?
the numbers 1-5. The “greater than” or “less than” signs reading in straight lines, up, down or diagonally, either
indicate where a number is larger or smaller than its backwards or forwards.

> >







> >


Kids Countdown Sudoku Easy Sudoku Medium Sudoku Expert Futoshiki Kids Word search
Hard: 39 4 > 3 > 2 5 1
Medium: 77



Easy: 2 1 4 5 2 3

5 3 > 2 1 4


4 5 1 2 < 3


3 1 5 > 4 > 2
• The Guardian Saturday 2 April 2022

12 Puzzles

Yesterday’s Killer sudoku Chris Maslanka’s puzzles

Hard No 807 Pyrgic puzzles maddeningly, it doesn’t
specify the units!). What is
1 Pedanticus was putting away some the distance between the
Killer sudoku The normal rules of sudoku apply: fill each row, column and 3x3 box with all ready-made pastry when he spotted the two points of contact of the
Easy the numbers from 1 to 9. In addition, the digits in each inner shape (marked invitation on the box to “Visit our website and downward sloping line and each circle? How
by dots) must add up to the number in the top corner of that box. No digit can find 365 unique recipes for each day of the much further along does this downward
year”. Why did he lose his cool? sloping line meet the “ground”?
be repeated within an inner shape.
2 Autonomous cars equally spaced 4 Down at the Last Chance Saloon Bart
(separation L) in convoy are all travelling Ender displays 4 urns. One contains a gold
along at 30mph. They then pass into a second nugget. Each of the others contain one of
region where the speed limit is 60mph. If Ma Coney’s bluebottle muffins. You choose
each car rather literally adheres exactly to the an urn at random. Bart then empties one of
speed of the speed limit what is the spacing the other urns to reveal a muffin and allows
in the second region? What if they enter a you to switch. Should you? He then empties
third region with a limit of 90mph? another urn to reveal a muffin and allows you
3 Garabaggio’s Penny Farthing is now on to switch. Should you? In short, what should
display at Rogues’ Gallery on Poppycock your strategy be? (Hint: being clued up, you
Terrace. Only Brian Seewell has pronounced prefer a gold nugget to one of Ma’s muffins!
it “Rubbish!”. But rubbish Art can make At the end of the process you get to keep
Medium for engaging Geometry. According to the your final choice’s contents.) Yes, he does
catalogue the large circle has a diameter of know which urn the nugget is in.
9 and the smaller a diameter of 4 (though, email: [email protected]

Wordplay Jumblies
Rearrange the letters of OUTSIDE to make
Wordpool another word.
In each case find the correct definition:
It’s All About Dough
HAMBO Identify the two words that differ only in the
a) would-be actor letter shown:
b) klutz
c) small cold-water fish ***** (s)he wants a rise
d) Swedish folk dance **N*** (s)he wants a rise
KOMBU Cryptic
a) blue-finned tunny Flamenco dance moves to tourist spot in
Codeword b) fermented cabbage Rome? (7, 5)
c) fish broth thickened with cornstarch Ojos? Elvis song (7, 4)
d) edible Japanese seaweed Missing Links
HELMINTH Find a word which follows the first word in
a) earlier form of the word helmet the clue and precedes the second in each
b) support for pelmet case making a fresh word or phrase. Eg the
c) type of wormwood answer to fish mix could be cake (fishcake &
d) parasite cake mix) and to bat man it could be he (bathe
Dropouts & he-man)...
In each case replace each asterisk with a a) cold hero b) super chart
letter to make a word: c) art shop d) sweet beat
R*I*S*E e) bath cake f) chocolate gain
*R*I*S*E* ©CMM 2022. Solutions on Page 58

Cryptic crossword
Guardian cryptic crossword No 28,721 set by Brendan
Solution No. 28,720
E F X I I P H U 1 2 3 4 Across Down
B I F FO D I S S I DENT 5 Fear, being tone-deaf etc, some 1 Like Van Gogh, for instance —
L E AV E I TOUT S I T 5 6 7 instruments or others (6) messed up, with one ear (8)
E Y R I C M I 6 Discovered a bit of corn planted 2 Attentive female occupying stage
RAVE L SBOL ERO 8 is happy (6)
T D T A E U N N in line, not cut (6)
HOR S E T RAD I NG 9 Particular kinds of speech — ear 3 Servant who doesn’t let things go
E I D T T E T 9 10 got some, but only some (6) 13 8? (8)
O F Y W I R N U 10 A point going in one (non- 4 Know how to put in anagram of
P H E R OMO N E A D I O S English) ear’s garbled, ear in cryptic (6)
S I D E A RM E N T RO P Y inadvertently (8) 5 Composed, having prepared in
11 12 11 At this point, use your ears, by advance without hearing organ
the sound of it (4) (6)
12 Finished in a triple time tempo, 7 Hear about breakfast or lunch, or
finally dealt with (8,2) possibly tea? It’s a deal (6)
13 14 15 13,8 Entering and leaving canals? 8 See 13
Not 12 or 24 (2,3,3,3,3,3,5) 14 Recounts how ears could be
16 17 18 Uses what’s between ears, has disturbed with rant (8)
fun with left to right shift (10) 15 Becoming aware of, in a form
18 19 20 21 21 Visibly less happy lacking of cognition, once nothing’s
attention — hence row (4) omitted (8)
22 Note echoed later, splitting ears 16 Comb what protrudes from head
in disturbed city (8) in school (6)
22 23
23 End of list that guy had 17 That woman’s rising musical
permanently fixed in memory, ability makes us listen again (6)
metaphorically (6) 19 One that hears about eg Joan of
24 Lacking lead, the editors Arc in French festival (6)
24 25
considered (6) 20 Piece from austere orchestra in
25 Note from one kind of singer enhanced sound system (6)
heard (6)

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2-8 April 2022

When I get
Savile and my
colleague, he is
furious. I hold
him off – and
feel his erection
against my leg

Leeds 1967-70
He was idolised by the BBC,
How much bad would you need “Yes, well,” says the BBC manager,
to do to require so much good? “child protection laws are stricter
My family go to a local Catholic At the time, it never occurs to us his now than they used to be.”

adored by royalty, knighted church where, to my wild

schoolboy excitement, Leeds
United players regularly attend
accounting is absolutely precise.
A cafe near BBC Broadcasting
Elland Road, Leeds 1987 House, London Early 2006
by the state … yet he was mass. Sightings of Billy Bremner,
Eddie Gray, Terry Yorath – tie-knots Living in London, I go north to A meeting of production staff to

Britain’s worst sex offender.

as wide as their trouser flares – are Leeds United games whenever discuss possible future guests for
the real religious experience for me. possible. This is a time, two Mark Lawson Talks To … on BBC
Some weeks, there is a bigger buzz years before the Hillsborough Four. Flicking through birthdays,

As a new show reveals how because of someone else who is

clearly – from the way worshippers
watch him go down the aisle like a
disaster, when overcrowding or
scary penning-in on the terraces
are common.
someone notices that Savile will
be 80 in October. After swapping
rumours about whether he only
Jimmy Savile got away with bride – well known.
At the time, this man – whose
During a crowd surge at Elland
Road, someone shouts: “Don’t die
molests young women or dead
bodies as well, we rule him out.

it, Mark Lawson recalls a

first TV appearances on Juke Box because you’ll get taken to hospital None of those present reach
Jury are probably watched by my and be fucked by Jimmy Savile higher management positions
parents – means nothing to me. But in the morgue.” (He volunteered at the BBC, so this conversation

lifetime of encounters with writing this piece, I have the feeling

that my whole life is somehow
heading from those Sunday
as a hospital porter, including
morgue duties, at Leeds General
Infirmary from 1960.) This shows
does not contradict a position the
BBC will take in future years: that
no one at the top at any point had
the predator – and their most mornings to a horrific encounter
with Jimmy Savile 40 years later.
that horrendous stories about the
broadcaster – not just paedophilia,
ever even heard rumours about
Savile. Yet, if in my experience of

shocking confrontation
but necrophilia – were in the public more than 20 years, so many junior
Hertfordshire 1973-75 domain, at least in Yorkshire, for BBC staff knew the stories, it must
decades before his exposure. mean that only those who didn’t
Along with most of my generation, Twenty-five years later, I tell were ever promoted to senior roles.
I watch Clunk-Click and Jim’ll this to a retired high court judge What are the odds?
Fix It, the shows with which Savile, posthumously investigating Savile.

The day I
until then mainly a music presenter BBC Television Centre,
(he had done Top of the Pops since London flat 1989 London 26 July 2006
1964) morphs into a children’s TV
star. He is heading towards 50. Interviewed off the record for my Front Row has been offered
“I want to swim with a dolphin … novel about Margaret Thatcher, “behind the scenes access” to the

read the news … fly a plane,” runs a member of her retinue recalls final recording of Top of the Pops,
the first BBC billing for Jim’ll Fix Savile as a regular guest at which is ending after 42 years. I go
It on 31 May 1975. “Whatever your Chequers, teasing and pranking the with a producer who can now only
wildest dream is, Jimmy Savile will prime minister much as the Fool legally be identified as C23, her
try to make it come true.” Having does King Lear. code in Janet Smith’s 2016 report
access to a studio of grateful, elated The role of court jester seems into Jimmy Savile and the BBC.

children was, we now know, beyond to have been Savile’s passport to The press officer has sent her
the wildest dream of the presenter. the powerful. He played the part a list of potential interviews and
to Thatcher, the Prince of Wales we choose Tony Blackburn and
Bookshops and libraries 1979 (who released a statement about Reggie Yates to represent both
his “sadness” soon after Savile’s ends of the chronology. We are
Although already well advanced death), and to Cardinal George offered Savile, who had fronted
on becoming one of history’s most Basil Hume, leader of the English the opening show and is co-hosting

prolific criminal sex offenders, Catholic church from 1976 to 1999, the closing one, but decline for
Savile shows a peculiar proclivity who will successfully secure Savile the reason that, not being senior
for public near-confession. In his a “Papal knighthood” from the BBC management, we have heard
book God’ll Fix It, he admits to Vatican in 1990 – the same year he all the stories.
being “an abuser of things and becomes a knight of the British I also want to keep my colleague
bodies and people”, a formula empire at the behest of Thatcher from an encounter with a man
that can in retrospect allude to (overruling, it was subsequently whose greetings to women are
both sexual abuse and necrophilia revealed, civil service concern known to involve laboriously
(“bodies” and “people” are oddly about his moral suitability). kissing or licking the length of their
differentiated). arm ( both Thatcher and Princess
Elsewhere in God’ll Fix It, he A London West End Diana reportedly suffered this).
repeats his regular hope (also We have happily talked to
restaurant Late 1990s
expressed in many interviews) Blackburn and Yates and are
that his good works will provide As a BBC presenter, I am packing up to go when Savile splits
enough “on the credit side” for intermittently invited to so-called the double doors of the studio
God Almighty to overlook the “talent lunches” with one senior and lopes out, characteristically
“debit side”. manager or another. At one such track-suited, top unzipped to show
As he boasts that the black lines meal, I question why Jim’ll Fix It medallions nesting in chest hair.
in the ledger add up to tens of ended, in July 1994, after 19 years He is 79.
millions of charitable donations, and two months, rather than “Now then, now then, now
he is effectively confessing that the let Savile depart after two full then,” he exclaims. “What’s all
red entries have nearly equal value. decades, a neater break point. this about Radio 4?”
The Guardian
2 April-
8 April 2022

I struggle to write the next reneging on an interview that had The following day, a global involving children (including
paragraph but Smith, in her never been agreed. And at the time, email from BBC HR urges all vetting and chaperones), making
section 5: 262, records what though I know I have definitely employees to inform line managers the format prohibitively expensive.
happened with the pellucid seen something happen, it is of any known incidents relating Some will see it as my duty to
neutrality of legal prose: impossible to be sure exactly what to Savile. I remind two executives name – even turn in to the police –
He said “hello” to everyone except until discussing it on the tube back of 2006. On that autumn Monday this BBC manager. However, they
C23. Then he stood beside her, to Broadcasting House. As seems morning, the corporation moves have never denied under oath
grabbed her round the waist with to be regrettably often the case in with a speed as determined as its knowing about Savile’s activities,
his right hand, put his legs round such situations, my colleague does earlier stasis. so perjury is not an issue, and a
her left thigh (so that her leg was not want the incident reported. C23 and I are rapidly questioned retired detective has advised me
between his two legs) and rubbed She is doubtful of the BBC backing (without warning) by the that, as the boss’s gloss on the
his crotch up and down. So far as us against Savile (as, privately, Metropolitan Police, to whom “child protection” comment is
C23 can remember, he did not say am I) and asks me not to say our names have apparently been plausible, our exchange would
anything. She felt that he was giving anything. But what has happened given. We both speak to detectives become a they say/I say dispute,
a performance. Fortunately Mr is confirmation of 30 years of and, after Smith is appointed on making further action impossible.
Lawson saw what was happening, rumours, and puts me in the clear 11 October to investigate Jimmy One other oddity. On publication
came over and distracted Savile, then position of having not just heard Savile and the BBC, we each give day, I am due to record interviews
positioned himself between Savile something but now seen it. So evidence during the four years of at Broadcasting House. But my
and C23. The interview took place. when we get back, I inform my line her investigation. producer is contacted by a manager
There is one detail Smith omits manager and subsequently gain the who suggests it would not be a
for the proper reason that it is impression that the information Westminster 26 June 2014 Hiding in plain sight “good day” for me to be around the
experienced by a witness not a has been spread more widely. (Clockwise from above) Jimmy building. When pressed on this,
victim. When I block Savile, he is When this incident becomes An NHS inquiry reports that Savile Savile in 2006; presenting Top the manager suspends the request.
furious, thwarted. His strength public a decade later, the BBC abused multiple patients at Stoke of the Pops in 1973; in 1962; on a There are TV crews outside, seeking
is extraordinary for a man four line is that no action was taken Mandeville Hospital (where he charity run in Coventry in 2011 comments on the Smith report.
months away from 80 but I have because I failed to make a “formal” had his own room) and Broadmoor This, presumably, is the worry.
enough height and heft to hold complaint. I have no recollection secure psychiatric hospital (to
him off, though not without briefly of ever being offered a choice of which a Conservative government London 2020-22
feeling his erection against my whistles to blow. My memory is actually gave him a set of keys).
leg. (Many have suggested that his that the BBC told me the matter There are also rumours of – and In Pizza Express on the South Bank,
favoured baggy leisure wear was could only be taken seriously if the reports of Savile boasting about BBC Broadcasting House I meet, at his request, Neil McKay,
doubly calculated for easy removal complaint came from the victim. – raping and abusing corpses at a TV dramatist I admire for works
25 February 2016
and to advertise his arousal to his I will also later be informed that Leeds Infirmary, supporting the including Appropriate Adult, See
prey without doubt.) I am mistaken about the number of terrace rumour at Elland Road The Smith report is officially No Evil: The Moors Murders and
Let me be clear that this BBC managers among whom news four decades before. published (expanded from the Four Lives. He is researching a
experience is nothing at all of the 2006 assault was shared. Exaro draft) and now details four-part drama about Savile and
compared to the impacts on his Scarborough October 2014 assaults from 1964 to 2006. It his victims that the BBC will air
victims, but it is a weird memory to BBC Broadcasting House is revealed that the 79-year-old later in 2022, starring Steve Coogan
have and gives me some tiny insight With time to spare before reviewing Savile, on the day he assaulted as the predatory presenter. There
October 2012
into the suffering he inflicted. a play at Alan Ayckbourn’s my colleague, also attacked an is no writer I would trust more
In later years, I will agonise over The Sunday Times reports that Stephen Joseph theatre, I drive audience member at the final than McKay not to ignore the
whether I should have stopped ITV will soon screen Exposure: up to Woodlands Cemetery and Top of the Pops. BBC’s complicity in its long-time
the interview happening. But The Other Side of Jimmy Savile, work out from newspaper photos While pointing out that she has employee’s crimes.
Savile, with a tactical cunning a documentary reanimating an where Savile’s grave must be. His no power to compel executives to I am also interviewed by
likely developed through his investigation into Savile that headstone – a vast granite triptych give testimony under oath, Smith 72 Films, a British production
depravities, created a situation had been dropped by BBC Two’s with the inscription It Was Good clears the BBC of “knowledge by company commissioned by Netflix
in which we would appear to be Newsnight the previous December. While It Lasted, a DJ’s last glib the body corporate”. This allows to make a two-part documentary
jingle – was pulverised at midnight the BBC to claim, as it quickly about Savile. That is a hard
two years before, its fragments does, that bosses are exonerated, decision. I don’t like talking
used for landfill. although it is actually a legal publicly on this subject because
Someone appears to have laid a concept, meaning not that nobody it is painful even at my secondary
single flower on the grassy knoll, knew of any Savile problems but level of exposure, and because
unless the wind filched a tribute that not everyone at a senior level some people seem to get jumpy
from an undisgraced grave. A tag knew everything: ie there was no when I do.
with the council logo is tied on organised cover-up. It is a melancholy fact that
the fence behind, in line with My bigger surprise is that every everyone who ever tried to expose
the mound. Is that so they know senior BBC figure interviewed Savile – including Meirion Jones
where he is in case of exhumation claims never to have heard any and the late Liz MacKean, the
or removal? Others seem to be rumour or gossip about Savile. producers who led the Newsnight
following this ghoulish route; It would be comprehensible if investigation – soon left the BBC.
a group arrive as I leave. There they felt there was insufficient So it would be much easier never
is a sense of not being able to information to take action, but not to think or write about Savile again.
believe the scale of the fall until that they were completely clueless. But I feel a duty as apparently
seeing what was an extravagant I make contact through third the only person alive who ever
shrine (to a man called “a saint” parties with the manager who told tried to report a Savile assault to
in BBC coverage) but is now just me 20 or so years earlier about why the BBC in real time. And I do so
scruffy lawn. Jim’ll Fix It was taken off air. Their because I believe his story should
eventual reply is that the comment be examined and dramatised:
Northamptonshire referred to increasing protective I believe that how he got away
measures around studio shows with it for decades should snap at
20 January 2016
the ankles and yelp at the throats of
The Exaro news website
publishes a reputed draft copy Apparently, the British establishment for ever
like an angry dog.
of Smith’s report, detailing
hundreds of assaults in the 1960s I am now If the BBC can show a Savile
story, I can, perhaps should,
and 70s. There is no mention tell mine. Because the true
of 2006, or of other allegations the only story is his victims, and how
in the latter part of the 20th the BBC, Department of Health,
century. I contact Smith’s person left Conservative party, Catholic
lawyers. Apparently, the scope church, police forces, local
of the inquiry is “historical” and alive who councils and libel law let them
“focusing on the 60s and 70s”, down. I had glimpses of him in
which means that any managers tried to report action; they live for ever with the
involved are now lost to their consequences of a monster for
pensions or eternity. (It is unclear
if this remit is set by Smith or
the presenter whom the British establishment
– political, broadcasting,
the BBC.) So an assault just a
decade ago is too recent to count?
to the BBC ecclesiastical, medical, charitable –
provided a dazzling shield.
No one is saying that. Further Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story
interviews are conducted. is on Netflix from Wednesday
WHAT’S ON Television

that alluring Russian might be

causing a potentially problematic
distraction. JS

The Big Fat Quiz of

Everything 2022
9pm, Channel 4
Big Fat Quiz is best known for its
New Year’s Eve scheduling, but
Peaky Blinders, Sun
TV will apparently combust if it
stand for in Line of Duty?” and goes too long without a Jimmy
“A European version of Saturday Carr-led quizshow – so here’s an
Night Takeaway was made in which April edition. Tonight’s contestants
country?” are two of the questions include Richard Ayoade and Rosie
host Sinha has for them. HR Jones with Charles Dance, as ever,
making an appearance. HR

Pick of the day
Peaky Blinders Pick of the day
9pm, BBC One The Split
We’ve reached the end of 9pm, BBC One
the Brummie road (well, not The third and final season of Abi
quite: there’s a Peaky film and, Morgan’s law drama kicks off
intriguingly, a ballet on the way). with Defoe sister Rose (Fiona
With Michael out of prison and Button) recording a podcast about
hungry for Tommy’s blood, how divorce, which confirms that The
will Aunt Polly’s prophecy – Split has always been somewhat
“One of you will die, but which cringeworthy. Still, watching its
one I cannot tell” – play out? Will family messes unravel feels so good.
Pick of the week This riveting documentary about one of the media Tommy’s terminal illness catch
him before anyone else does? And
Outside of the podcast, Hannah and
Nathan celebrate their amicable
House of Maxwell world’s most scandalous family sagas opens with has he been playing a bigger game separation, until Nathan reveals
footage of the yacht that Robert Maxwell was than we thought with Mosley and he’s already met someone new. HR
Monday, 9pm, Mitford? With Tom Hardy back as
BBC Two holidaying on when he suddenly disappeared amid Alfie Solomons for the final hurrah, Scam Interceptors
huge financial fears. Using first-hand testimonies it’s sure to be a big one. HR 10am, BBC One
A team of “ethical hackers”
of those who worked with the Maxwells, alongside Ukraine: On the Front Line track the activity of scammers
never-before-aired recordings, the three-part With Johnny Mercer in real time for this new series.
5.30pm, Channel 4 With a reassuring voice on the
series shows us the world of power and secrets that Army officer turned MP Johnny phone and call centre mumbling
Mercer teams up with veteran in the background, it’s easy to
socialite Ghislaine Maxwell grew up in. We follow Levison Wood to make a secret trip see why retired actor Belinda
her story through to the present day, where she is to Ukraine for this documentary. comes seconds away from being
The pair meet MPs who are now convinced to unknowingly transfer
caught up in perhaps the family’s most notorious taking up arms, visit those injured her money into a fake account. HR
scandal, after being convicted in 2021 of recruiting in the conflict and experience
what life is currently like in Kyiv. Dispatches: Cadbury Exposed
and grooming teenage girls for sexual encounters Hannah Verdier 8pm, Channel 4
with Jeffrey Epstein. Hollie Richardson A deeply uncomfortable watch for
Black Patriots: Heroes of the anyone looking forward to a visit
Civil War from the Easter bunny, Antony
Chernobyl: The New Evidence Hidden 8pm, Sky History Barnett’s report explores the
Saturday 8pm, Channel 4 9pm, BBC Four The role of Black Americans in human cost of Cadbury’s chocolate
The concluding part of a revealing The Snowdonia-set crime series the civil war is often overlooked. treats. Barnett is undercover in
documentary looks at the cover-up continues apace, as DCI Cadi But this stirring film, produced by Ghana, where he finds evidence of
Pick of the day that followed the world’s most John and DS Vaughan make an Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, offers a new children as young as 10 working in
Starstruck: The Final notorious nuclear farrago, and arrest in the middle of the night, spin. Particularly fascinating is the poor conditions. PH
8.30pm, ITV how bad the (literal) fallout was. bringing builder Piotr Korecki in story of the heroic Harriet Tubman,
“Under pressure, diamonds are The latter brings surprises, such as for questioning after analysing whose war encompassed fighting, Travel Man: 48 Hours in the
made,” says judge Adam Lambert the woman who has continued to CCTV footage. Could this gentle nursing and recruitment for the Basque Country
about the six finalists in this live happily in the exclusion zone. giant really have murdered Ifan abolitionist cause. PH 8.30pm, Channel 4
glorified karaoke contest. While It turns out that she simply likes Williams? Ali Catterall It’s Joe Lycett’s first full series as
“diamond” might be a stretch, the the quiet. Jack Seale Thatcher & Reagan: A Very the Travel Man, and he’s taking the
winner will be walking away with Killing Eve Special Relationship amiably awkward James Acaster
a £50,000 prize. Tina Turner, Billie 9.15pm, BBC One 9pm, BBC Two to Bilbao and San Sebastian.

Eilish and Lionel Richie are among In tonight’s episode of the thriller A timely look at two western They spend most of their time
the stars (well, the singers doing we are in Berlin in 1979, when leaders who formed a close making satisfied noises while
impressions of them) taking to the foundations of the Twelve relationship in the wake of the sampling local delicacies including
the stage – and it’s up to the studio were being set. Meanwhile, in cold war and an impending kalimotxo (red wine and cola),
audience to vote for the best. HR the present day: Eve attempts nuclear threat. Margaret pintxos (fancy bar snacks), oxtail
to take a hostage, while Carolyn Thatcher’s biographer Charles sandwiches and the Basque take
TOTP: The Story of 1993 Starstruck: chases down a key target from her Moore examines how the Iron on tuna mayo. HR
7.35pm, BBC Two The Final, Sat past, and Villanelle embraces her Lady initially allied with Ronald
These journeys through our pop murderous side, getting creative Regan in the first episode of this Holding
yesteryears might be clip shows again with her killings. HR comprehensive two-part series. HR 9pm, ITV
but they still make for excellent, It has been a powerful run for
nostalgic entertainment. We’ve Paul Sinha’s TV Showdown The Ipcress File Graham Norton’s novel adaptation
reached 1993 – a year synonymous 10pm, ITV 9pm, ITV and it’s time to find out who killed
with recession and 2Unlimited’s Anita Rani, Sarah Hadland, Ed Harry Palmer (Joe Cole) is in peril as Tommy Burke. While Mrs Meany
No Limit. Elsewhere, there are signs Byrne and Jamie Laing take on this pleasing spy drama slinks into is finding it difficult to keep her
of a new British pop sensibility Black Patriots: the easygoing telly quiz tonight its penultimate episode. While the mind off last week’s revelations, PJ
in the shape of Suede and Saint Heroes of the – with a guest appearance from hero languishes painfully and we struggles with his emotions as he
Etienne. Phil Harrison Civil War, Sun Rainbow’s Zippy. “What does ‘chis’ continue to enjoy the retro stylings, tries to bring the killer to justice. HV
The Guardian
2 April-
8 April 2022

Mood into boutique boltholes in north

10pm, BBC Three Wales. Helping to judge them this
After waking from a nightmare in week is Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen
which she is baptised – or drowned who, as Michelle points out, has a
– Sasha Clayton decides to ditch little bit of Welsh in his genes. AC
escorting and follow her dreams,
in the final episode of Nicôle The Simpler Life
Ellie Simmonds:
Lecky’s powerful drama. However, 9pm, Channel 4
A World Without
as Kobi tells her: “You’re never It has been four months since 24
Dwarfism? Tue going to be a singer if you don’t volunteers left their jobs – and all
Winning Time: The Rise of the believe in yourself.” Can she find technology – behind to move to the
Lakers Dynasty the strength within? AC Devon countryside for a taste of
9pm, Sky Atlantic Amish living. The series concludes
The fun-lovin’ factual drama Settling Down: A Believer’s Guide as scientist Barry Schwartz
about the LA Lakers’ dominance 10.35pm, BBC One considers whether we really are
of the NBA in the 1980s continues, This series follows families from better off without the stresses of
slathered with ripe dialogue, retro five of Britain’s major religions modern life. AK
visual effects and sex. Enjoying through big life occasions. Tonight, Cardiff Calling:
himself less than we are is Kareem couple Grace and Jess move into a Raised By Wolves 6 Music Festival
Abdul-Jabbar (Solomon Hughes), London canal boat ahead of their 9pm, Sky Atlantic 2022 Highlights, Fri
who is beginning to doubt his place wedding. “Jesus was born in a The sci-fi survival fable returns
on the team. JS stable – pretty sure he would’ve for a second season of android Bartlett, has proved a fiery addition reel hosted by Cerys Matthews
lived in a boat,” quips Jess. Sadly, anthropology with heavy religious to the lineup. Among the projects and Huw Stephens provides the
they find no word from JC on how overtones. Mother, Father and seeking hard cash tonight: a nifty optimal mood-setter. Manic Street
Tuesday to stay dry while piloting a barge. their brood of human tykes are now webcam and caffeine chews Preachers proudly lead the bill in
Alexi Duggins in the tropical zone of exoplanet for runners. GV their homeland, with energetic
Kepler-22b. An atheist collective performances by Little Simz, Pixies,
Pick of the day has already called dibs, but are they Eating With My Ex Idles, Johnny Marr and Wet Leg. HR
Ellie Simmonds: A World Wednesday friend or foe? Graeme Virtue 8pm, BBC Three
Without Dwarfism? “Why did you lie about being Unreported World
9pm, BBC One Storyville: The Truffle Hunters pregnant?” Yes, the dining table 7.30pm, Channel 4
“I’m pretty much against Pick of the day 10pm, BBC Four of awkwardness keeps on giving. The unflinching documentary
it,” Olympian swimmer Ellie The Great Home Transformation There hasn’t been a weak link in This week, Osama has questions for strand investigates an
Simmonds says at the start of this 8pm, Channel 4 this latest Storyville series, but Avery, who allegedly “took open environmental catastrophe
documentary exploring vosoritide, Nick Grimshaw and Emma Willis this week’s choice does give us a to another level”. Meanwhile, Alan unfolding in Ghana as a result of
a drug that promises to make host yet another “smart design at lighter subject: truffles. Michael and Mat are still living together fast fashion. In Accra, there’s a
children with dwarfism grow closer home” series. The USP: designer Dweck and Gregory Kershaw’s two years after their split. Are they buoyant trade in donated clothes.
to average height. “Is it changing Alex Dauley examines heat maps to documentary follows a group of really ready to move on? HV But on the outskirts of the city,
being a dwarf? I’m not a fan of see how each member of the family elderly men as they hunt the white there’s associated waste that is
that.” But she’s open to all sides of interacts with the space. Then, Alba truffle in Italy’s forests. HR Gordon Ramsay’s Future Food poisoning the city’s slums. PH
the debate and meets families who Alex sets up her interiors ideas in a Stars
say the drug could improve their big truck for them to walk around 9pm, BBC One Pilgrimage: The Road to the
lives. All the while, though, Ellie (a bit like an Ikea showroom). Her Thursday Chef Ramsay is back with two new Scottish Isles
asks if this is another way in which team have three days to unload tasks in the show that will see him 9pm, BBC Two
“the average-sized world is trying the chosen items and transform invest £150,000 of his own money In this three-part series, Scarlett
to change people like me rather the home, without making any Pick of the day in a winning food entrepreneur. Moffatt (a Christian), Laurence
than accepting us”. HR structural changes. HR My Brilliant Friend The 11 contestants must master Llewelyn-Bowen (a non-
9pm, Sky Atlantic salmon smoking in a Hackney Wick conforming pagan) and Monty
The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Anyone Can Sing The Neapolitan delight concludes restaurant, then serve a woodland Panesar (a practising Sikh) are
Stand Up to Cancer 8pm, Sky Arts with a double bill of drama. Lenù’s feast on an open fire. Easy. HR some of the seven celebrities with
8pm, Channel 4 As this underrated reality series feminism is causing tension differing religious views who set
In a Bake Off first, Matt Lucas continues, you will find yourself between her and Pietro, but there’s A League of Their Own Road Trip: out on a heartwarming St Columba
is made to enter the tent rooting for every participant trying even more trouble ahead when Dingle to Dover pilgrimage from Donegal. HR
as a contestant instead of a to sing opera. The Rev Dr Ellen rebels Pasquale and Nadia turn up 9pm, Sky Max
host, following a last-minute Clark-King (King’s College London’s at her house in Florence, throwing Freddie Flintoff and Jamie Grantchester
cancellation. Lucas goes up against first female dean) and Luke (who around insults. Later, the friends Redknapp start a new banter- 9pm, ITV
Annie Macmanus, Ed Gamble and suddenly developed Tourette go on holiday and their peace is fuelled road trip across Ireland and There are shades of One Flew Over
Example, as they each need to pull syndrome four years ago and wants interrupted by a fight between Britain, beginning on the Irish west the Cuckoo’s Nest in this episode
off a showstopper that represents to be able to sing at his wedding) Lila’s son and Lenù’s daughters. HV coast. Joined by comic Romesh of the whodunnit, with holy hunk
their lives before fame. HR are two of our heroes. HR Ranganathan and ex-footballer Will and stressed copper Geordie
Dragons’ Den Patrice Evra, the lads try their investigating a death at a care home
Banned! The Mary Whitehouse Interior Design Masters 8pm, BBC One hands at sheep herding before overseen by a domineering matron.
Story With Alan Carr The investment bear pit where performing with Riverdance. AK With two suspects on the lam there
9pm, BBC Two 9pm, BBC One wobbly business plans get picked is barely time for the boys to deal
It’s the second and concluding part The final five are given their latest apart reaches the end of its current Meet the Richardsons with their own romantic woes. GV
of a compelling deep dive into the brief: transforming shepherd’s huts run and the newest Dragon, Steven 10pm, Dave
legacy of Mary Whitehouse, the Lucy gets excited about auditioning Not Going Out
controversial campaigner against for The Masked Singer (“I’m scared 9.30pm, BBC One
the sexual revolution. We pick up I’ll take my mask off and people Ineffectual dad Lee continues to
in the 1970s, when Whitehouse still won’t know who I am”), while blunder through comic mishaps,
reached “fame” status, and follow Jon films a scene for Line of Duty in the sitcom that never lets a
as her movement gets closer to (because “Jason Manford said no”, punchline go without wall-to-
Margaret Thatcher. HR according to Jed Mercurio) in this wall canned laughter. Tonight, he
enjoyable mockumentary. HR attempts to befriend another dad on
The Witchfinder the school run at Lucy’s behest. AD
10pm, BBC Two
The offbeat 17th-century sitcom Friday Open House: The Great Sex
continues, following Tim Key’s Experiment
failing “witchfinder” Gideon 10pm, Channel 4
Bannister as he transports Pick of the day The swinging series continues.
suspected witch Thomasine Cardiff Calling: 6 Music Festival Married couple Mike and Jess
Gooch (Daisy May Cooper) to 2022 Highlights continue their quest to have a
trial in Chelmsford. In tonight’s 10.40pm, BBC Four threesome – but it brings up issues
penultimate episode, Gideon gives Unofficially marking the return they haven’t fully processed.
Thomasine a taste of freedom, of festivals, 6 Music resurrected Meanwhile, Jon and Danielle also
before she is captured by a rival The Great Home its annual event in the Welsh question if they’re ready to invite a
witchfinder. Ammar Kalia Transformation, Wed capital last week. This highlights stranger into the bedroom. HR
WHAT’S ON Streaming

Dirty Lines
Netflix, from Friday
The sex line. What an odd
phenomenon; once seemingly
symbolic of the alienating effects
of technology but now a quaint
and almost innocent harbinger of
the impersonal sexual revolution
facilitated by the internet. This
Dutch drama is set in 1987, at a time
of growing freedom in Europe. Two
brothers, Frank and Ramon Stigter,
take advantage of that freedom to set
up what they characterise as “a service
to help men with their sex drive”.
Their rise is seen through the eyes of
Marly Salomon (Joy Delima, pictured),
a student who performs on their
premium rate lines. PH

Pick of the week The long and ostensibly triumphant career of

Jimmy Savile: Jimmy Savile doesn’t feel any less irreconcilably
A British Horror Story strange with the benefit of a decade’s hindsight.
Netflix, from Savile was evil hiding in plain sight; a bad dream
Wednesday that most of the country didn’t wake up from until
after his death. Nothing about Savile feels any more
explicable after this series, although it does add
plenty of worthwhile context – the grimy 70s, less
evolved attitudes towards sexual abuse, the ability
of public figures to keep secrets – that partially
explain how Savile somehow maintained an empire
that balanced fame, charity and child abuse for so
many decades. It’s horrifying but a valuable piece
of social history. Phil Harrison

Single Drunk Female Pinecone and Pony

Disney+, from Wednesday Apple TV+, from Friday

“I miss being a drunk. There was Apple TV+ has been receiving
a lot less accountability.” Sam justified plaudits for its adult
(Sofia Black-D’Elia) has bottomed drama offerings recently. But what
out. She’s gone from a cool media about the kids? This DreamWorks
job in New York to living with her animation, adapted from Kate
parents. But giving up booze does Beaton’s book The Princess and
Ronny Chieng: Michela Giraud: The Ultimatum: tend to reduce life to its essence, the Pony, deals in the primary
and perhaps there’s a certain colours and simple moral clarity
Speakeasy The Truth, I Swear! Marry or Move On clarity in that. This search for familiar to most children’s
Netflix, from Tuesday Netflix, from Wednesday Netflix, from Wednesday meaning is the emotional centre fiction. Its eight episodes explore
The cheerful but deceptively Giraud is a big comedy name in Yet another semi-experimental, of this unvarnished comedy – and the adventures of a young girl,
acerbic comic returns with his her native Italy. Can her fiery yet semi-sadistic relationship show although Sam’s circumstances Pinecone, and her loyal equine
second Netflix comedy special, self-deprecating standup translate in which six couples – all featuring are, to a troubling extent, neater, pal Pony. Throughout the pair’s
filmed at the intimate Chinese to English-speaking audiences? one member with commitment lighter and less traumatic than variously charming scrapes, the
Tuxedo bar in New York. His first She’s an amiable and confident anxiety – are broken up and sent to those of most real-life recovering central message – “be fearlessly
set rejoiced in the provocative presence – although clearly, she live with someone else. Tonally, it’s addicts, the series still has a you” – is simple enough for kids
title Asian Comedian Destroys hasn’t always felt that way. In fact, an unholy mashup of Wife Swap certain disconsolate charm. PH to get behind. PH
America! and this looks likely to be exploring her teenage neuroses is and Love Is Blind (it is made by
equally bracing. After all, plenty a big part of her shtick. “A Picasso the production company behind
has happened in the last couple beauty”, as she describes herself. LIB, too) and arguably takes an
of years. With his trademark “I felt as strong and solid as an unseemly amount of delight in
intelligent fury, Chieng dissects unauthorised structure built with picking at the tiny faultlines in
the pandemic, US race relations the contributions of the Camorra.” relationships for the purposes of
and so-called cancel culture. Spoilt kids at holiday resorts and entertainment. Doubtless there’ll
He also, inevitably, touches school discos also get an equally eventually be some learning to

on the reception his previous withering going-over during go with the trauma. Hosted by
polemic received. PH the special. PH  Nick and Vanessa Lachey. PH
The Guardian
2 April-
8 April 2022

Catchup TV
Marvel goes Frank Spencer
and a history of TV morality
6 Music Festival With Huw
Stephens & Afrodeutsche
Sat, 9pm, BBC 6 Music
Huw Stephens and Afrodeutsche
front the coverage from St David’s
Hall, Cardiff, for the second of
three curated nights. Headlining
a long-since sold-out gig are
Texas trio Khruangbin (pictured
above), the purveyors of soothing
psych instrumentals influenced
equally by the Shadows and
obscure Thai funk mixtapes. Their
entire set is broadcast live, with
other performances coming from
Moon Knight Beyond Reasonable Doubt: indie veterans Bloc Party, former

Disney+ Britain’s Rape Crisis Maccabees frontman Orlando
★★★★☆ BBC One/iPlayer Weeks and Brit-winning rapper
★★★★☆ Little Simz, as well as Afrodeutsche
The current plundering of the Pick of the week in conversation with Cardiff
Marvel database for obscure Panorama investigates the fact collective Ladies of Rage. Jack Seale
characters is philosophically
interesting and witty. Moon Knight
that rape has effectively been
decriminalised, so small are the
Best Friend Therapy The Essay: EarthWorks
is a nocturnal warrior battling evil, chances of a perpetrator being Widely available, episodes weekly Mon, 10.45pm, BBC Radio 3
with impressive abs and a cape so caught and punished. It opens with Elizabeth Day (pictured above) follows her wildly This week’s essay slot on Radio 3
voluminous it’s in danger of getting the finding that just 1% of reported sees archaeologist and artist Rose
caught in his bicycle spokes. Oscar rapes lead to a conviction and successful podcast How to Fail with a similarly self Ferraby analysing the varied
Isaac – whose accent and bodily takes a sober look at a complicated help-focused offering featuring her best friend of landscapes of the British Isles as
tics were reportedly inspired by problem. It follows four reports, markers of our history. Continuing
Karl Pilkington – has great fun each emblematic of a different 20 years, psychotherapist Emma Reed-Turrell. The nightly until Friday, Ferraby begins
with the role, playing Steven Grant aspect of the current crisis, from in the Yorkshire Wolds, examining
as if Indiana Jones were tragi- Fiona’s case, which demonstrates
pair join forces to tackle the emotional challenges chalk hills to unearth our patterns
comically trapped in the body of the difficulty of proving intimate we face in our everyday lives, drawing on the details of habitation. Later in the week, she
Frank Spencer. His powers stem partner rape, to Sam’s, which finds out how understanding past
from a role in the historic struggle shows the obstacles presented by
of their relationship in the process. The first episode environments could hold the key to
between ancient Egyptian deities, drunkenness and identifying an is on boundaries: why we need them, how to set a sustainable future. Ammar Kalia
but he has no memory of this. Will
he beat his ancient foe? It remains
unseen assailant. There is room for
more from this documentary, but it
them, and how they can better us. Ammar Kalia The Caretakers
to be seen. The only certainty is that does important work – highlighting Tue, 11.30am, Radio 4
the Marvel Cinematic Universe will how the system is stuck in a Rituals From the Glasgow Women’s Library
continue to expand. Stuart Jeffries destructive cycle. LM Spotify, episodes weekly to Titanic Belfast and the Barbara
This half hour-ish pod takes a Hepworth Museum and Sculpture
Banned! The Mary Whitehouse Winning Time: The Rise of the different occult topic each week Garden, artist Eloise Moody has
Story Lakers Dynasty and puts it at the heart of banter- been meeting those responsible for
BBC Two/iPlayer Sky Atlantic/Now packed hot takes from the hosts keeping our museums and galleries
★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ of comedy true-crime podcast clean. These are the people who are
And That’s Why We Drink. What able to see how a sunset changes
This two-part documentary This brash show sets out its stall discussions on the supposed the colours of paintings, who have
is an exhaustive – and slightly right away, announcing that it existence of weather witches certain insights into the visitors
exhausting – look at how and why will be “a dramatisation of certain lack in historical research, they meditation exercise, and part who come here, and an intimate
campaigner Mary Whitehouse facts and events”, while making it more than make up for in laughs. opportunity to hear Myleene Klass knowledge of the buildings
engaged in her impassioned clear it is allowing plenty of room Alexi Duggins (pictured) perform enthusiastically themselves (“I feel that our library
struggle against Britain’s moral for interpretation. Those facts calming narration. There’s a here is definitely a she,” says one).
decline. She gunned first for and events involve the rise, in the Fiasco: The Aids Crisis surprising lack of music, but Classic Ali Catterall
the BBC, harnessing the then 1980s, of the LA Lakers, who came Audible, episodes weekly FM presenters describing exotic
considerable might of women’s to define not just basketball but Slow Burn’s Leon Neyfakh hosts locales make this a calming (if The Likely Dads
and Christian groups to become a an entire cultural epoch. Anyone this eight-episode podcast slightly odd) pre-bedtime listen. AD Thu, 11pm, Radio 4
true thorn in director general Sir expecting actual basketball may tracking the history of the Aids How do you react when your child

Hugh Greene’s side. Her religiosity be left disappointed, though, as epidemic in the US. There are Curious State insists on watching Encanto for the
made her wildly homophobic, but it’s a behind-the-scenes approach, archive interviews with witnesses, Widely available, episodes umpteenth time? That is just one
she was prescient in other fields, detailing the gutsy financials including activists who railed weekly of the dilemmas discussed in this
particularly where children and far more than the sport. Many against being labelled “victims” There’s nothing like the soft, returning fatherhood forum hosted
women and their freedoms were of its scenes are loose, although as prejudice increased. Neyfakh reassuring voice of an NPR host by former Blue Peter presenter
concerned. To anyone used to the performances are excellent, centres them in his thought- to make you feel more intelligent, (and parent of twins) Tim Vincent.
spending time on social media, it particularly Quincy Isaiah as star provoking history. Hannah Verdier so Doug Fraser is perfect to reveal The frank but blokey tone set by
is an almost refreshing experience player Magic Johnson and John C whether you could domesticate Vincent and sidekicks Mick Ferry
to watch something that insists a Reilly as Lakers owner Jerry Buss. Classical Dreams a T rex or if celebrities are more and Russell Kane means there are
person and her work were neither The few female characters drift Global Player, all episodes interesting than civilians. more dad jokes than epiphanies,
wholly good nor wholly bad and, in and out as ciphers of decency, available Particularly useful is his interview but guests Nabil Abdulrashid
moreover, that the one does not leaving it a touch superficial but a This sleep podcast from Classic with therapist Lori Gottlieb on and Alun Cochrane bring fresh
negate the other. Lucy Mangan lot of fun. Rebecca Nicholson FM is part bedtime story, part overcoming tricky childhoods. HV perspectives. Graeme Virtue

Sweet Country

Monday, 11.50pm, Film4

Warwick Thornton’s unhurried,
beautiful drama explores colonial
attitudes and Indigenous Australian
life in the outback after the first
world war. Hamilton Morris plays
Sam, a worker on a farm run by the
considerate Fred (Sam Neill). Other
white landowners are more racially
antagonistic, and Sam and wife
Lizzie (Natassia Gorey-Furber) end
up going on the run, pursued by
Bryan Brown’s copper. Thornton’s
effortless style and inventive
narrative shifts make this so much
more than a history lesson. SW

Pick of the week Mark Romanek doesn’t make many features – he’s 99 Homes Sport
One Hour
Name Photo
of programme mostly known as a music video director for the
Monday, 9pm, likes of Beyoncé and Jay-Z – so any film by him Tuesday, 11.15pm, BBC Two Women’s Six Nations Rugby
Time, channel Ramin Bahrani’s plucked-from-the- Wales v Scotland
Great! Movies is to be cherished. This thriller, shot in a striking headlines drama brings a personal Sat, 4.30pm, BBC Two
range of colour palettes, features Robin Williams touch to the statistics about the Italy v England is on Sunday at
many Americans made homeless 2.30pm on iPlayer and Red Button.
in arguably his best performance. He plays Sy, a by the late-00s financial crash. The
technician at a photo kiosk who prints snaps for the ever-relatable Andrew Garfield Premier League Football
plays Florida construction worker Man United v Leicester
public, including Connie Nielsen’s Nina. Loner Sy Dennis, who is evicted with his Sat, 5pm, Sky Sports Main Event
family by real estate broker Rick Live from Old Trafford. Followed by
idolises Nina’s seemingly perfect family – he stalks Carver (Michael Shannon at his West Ham v Everton on Sunday at
them by making furtive copies of her prints – so most cynical). In his desperation, 2pm and Tottenham v Newcastle at
Dennis ends up working for Carver, 4pm, both on Main Event.
when he discovers a dark secret about them his profiting from the misery of others
vicarious pleasure is shattered. Williams is chilling in an unregulated, capitalist free- Women’s International Cricket
for-all. It’s a cautionary tale of World Cup Final
here, with an unnerving stillness that belies his gaining the whole world but losing Sat, 1.30am, Sky Sports Cricket
inner unhappiness. Simon Wardell your soul, a la Glengarry Glen Ross, Overnight coverage of the final at
viewed with a clinical eye. SW Hagley Oval in Christchurch.

Women’s Super League Football

Monsters Leicester v Arsenal
Sun, 12.15pm, BBC Two
The title contenders visit the King
Monday, 7.15pm, AMC Power Stadium.
The borderlands of the US and
Mexico have been “infected” Champions League Football
by huge, octopus-like aliens Man City v Atlético Madrid
and are now a war-torn no-go Tue, 7pm, BT Sport 2
zone. This proves a problem for Quarter-final, first-leg tie from
photojournalist Andrew (Scoot Etihad Stadium. Benfica v
Blue Velvet All the President’s Men McNairy) when he is ordered to Mistress America Liverpool is on BT Sport 3 from the
chaperone his boss’s daughter Sam Estádio de Luz in Lisbon.
(Whitney Able) back to the States.
Saturday, 1.20am, Film4 Sunday, 11.10pm, BBC Two In Gareth Edwards’s inventive, low- Thursday, 2.20am, Film4 Golf
With one of the great opening After his apex conspiracy thriller budget sci-fi drama, their perilous For this week’s Greta Gerwig/Noah The Masters
sequences – houses framed by The Parallax View, Alan J Pakula journey through the detritus of Baumbach fix, take your pick from Thu, 2pm, Sky Sports Main Event
white picket fences and firemen found real life providing similar conflict parallels the experiences this or Frances Ha, which precedes First day of the 2022 tournament
waving from their passing truck raw material with this 1976 take on of real-life migrants and has an air it. Both feature co-writer Gerwig from Augusta National in Georgia,
lead into a man having a heart the Watergate scandal, based on the of reportage. The leads’ chemistry as an effervescent New Yorker won last year by Japan’s Hideki
attack on a lawn infested by beetles book by journalists Carl Bernstein (they were a couple at the time) about town, full of ideas – some Matsuyama (pictured).
– David Lynch’s much-imitated and Bob Woodward. Dustin only adds to the empathy. SW delusional – but blessed with
1986 thriller announced its assault Hoffman and Robert Redford bring enthusiasm and a beguiling nature. Premier League Darts
on suburbia. His protagonist, a touch of Hollywood glamour to a In 2015’s very funny Mistress Thu, 7pm, Sky Sports Action

student Jeffrey (Kyle MacLachlan), nuts-and-bolts tale of persistence America, Gerwig’s would-be Ninth night of the tournament from
is lured from middle-class naivety and – courtesy of anonymous source restaurateur Brooke becomes an First Direct Arena, Leeds.
into an underworld of violence, Deep Throat – huge scoops, as the object of fascination for her new
drugs and perverse sexuality – two Washington Post reporters stepsister, Lola Kirke’s awkward Women’s World Cup Football
lorded over by Dennis Hopper’s “follow the money” right to the door literature student Tracy. Fiction North Macedonia v England
terrifying crime boss Frank Booth of the Oval Office. A compelling and reality jockey for position as Fri, 6.30pm, ITV4
– and discovers his own capacity for drama that is, unfortunately, still Tracy finds inspiration for her short Group D qualifier from Toše Proeski
darkness in the process. SW utterly topical. SW stories in her new friend. SW Arena in Skopje.
The Guardian
2 April-
8 April 2022

Channel 4

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast (T) 10.0 Saturday 6.40 The Dengineers (T) (R) 6.0 CITV 9.25 News (T) 9.30 6.0 Mike & Molly (T) (R) 6.45 6.0 Milkshake! 10.0 SpongeBob
Kitchen Live (T) 11.30 7.10 Blue Peter (T) (R) 7.40 James Martin’s Saturday The King of Queens (T) (R) SquarePants (T) (R) 10.25
Marcus Wareing’s Tales Malory Towers (T) (R) 8.30 Morning (T) 11.40 Simply 7.35 The Simpsons (T) (R) Entertainment News (T)
from a Kitchen Garden (T) Deadly 60 (T) (R) 9.0 Forces Raymond Blanc (T) 12.45 10.50 Four in a Bed (T) (R) 10.30 Friends (T) (R) 12.30
(R) 12.0 Football Focus (T) of Nature (T) (R) 10.0 Earth’s News and Weather (T) 12.59 1.25 The Next Karate Our Yorkshire Farm (T) (R)
1.0 News (T) 1.10 Weather Great Rivers II (T) (R) 11.0 Local News and Weather (T) Kid (Christopher Cain, 1994) 2.30 Cruising the Caribbean
(T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) Interior Design Masters (T) 1.0 Racing: Live from Ayr (T) (T) 3.35 A Place in the Sun (T) With Jane McDonald (T)
2.0 Escape to the Country (R) 12.0 Great British Menu: 4.0 Tipping Point: Best Ever 4.20 Grease (Randal (R) 4.0 Kew Gardens: A
(T) (R) 3.0 Garden Rescue Banquet Special (T) (R) 1.0 Finals (T) (R) 4.30 The Chase Kleiser, 1978) (T) 6.30 News Year in Bloom (T) (R) 5.0
(T) (R) 4.0 Final Score (T) The Best Dishes Ever (R) 1.50 Celebrity Special (T) (R) 5.30 (T) 7.0 Matt Baker: Our Farm Cornwall: A Year By the Sea
5.30 Superman & Lois (T) Calamity Jane (1953) News and Weather (T) 5.45 in the Dales (T) (R) (T) (R) 5.55 News (T) 6.0
6.15 News (T) 6.25 Regional 3.30 Florida: America’s Local News and Weather (T) The Two Ronnies: The Lost
News and Weather (T) Animal Paradise (R) 4.30 6.0 Celebrity Catchphrase (T) Sketches (T) (R) 7.30 Queens
6.35 Celebrity Mastermind Live Women’s Six Nations (T) of Mystery (T) 7.0 The Normans (T) (R) The
(T) 7.05 The Wall (T) 7.50 Wales v Scotland (kick-off tale of the expansion toward
Pointless Celebrities (T) 4.45pm). 7.05 Grand Tours southern Europe and the
of Scotland’s Lochs (R) 7.35 Middle East, which began
TOTP: The Story of 1993 (T) with the conquest of Sicily.

8.35 Casualty (T) Iain risks his 8.35 TOTP: Big Hits 1993 With 7.0 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night 8.0 Chernobyl: The New 8.30 Dad’s Army: All the Laughs 8.0 Rick Stein’s Long Weekends
life and his relationship with Haddaway, Sub Sub, Ace Takeaway (T) Alan Partridge Evidence (T) The second part & More (T) (R) Behind the (T) (R) The chef takes a break
Chrissie to find Keidi’s sister, of Base, Robin S, Suede, is this week’s Star Guest of this film explores how far scenes of the BBC comedy in Bordeaux, where he helps
and Jan stumbles on a clue Radiohead, Björk, Meat Loaf, Announcer. Soviet leaders were willing to series, revealing what the judge a wine contest.
that could help him find her. Gabrielle, Jamiroquai and 8.30 Starstruck: The Final (T) Olly go to cover up the disaster. cast were like in real life and 9.0 Hidden (T) Cadi and
9.15 Killing Eve (T) Carolyn tracks Chaka Demus & Pliers. Murs hosts as the six heat 9.0 The Hitman’s telling the stories of some Vaughan bring Piotr Korecki
down a leading member 9.35 Take That at the BBC (T) winners battle it out for the Bodyguard (Patrick Hughes, of their own heroic efforts in in for questioning. The DCI
of the Twelve, Villanelle A selection of performances £50,000 prize, taking to the 2017) (T) Comedy action the two world wars. realises that she’s made a
embraces killing again, while from their early days with stage in the guise of their thriller, starring Ryan mess of her personal life,
Eve delves into the past Robbie Williams, through to idols to sing one of their hits. Reynolds, Samuel L Jackson and a farewell turns into a
of her target. their current lineup. 9.40 News (T) Weather and Gary Oldman. sombre occasion.

10.0 News (T) Weather 10.35 Take That: We’ve Come a 10.0 Paul Sinha’s TV Showdown 11.25 Assassin’s Creed (Justin 10.0 Most Shocking Celebrity 10.0 Hidden Wales With Will
10.20 Match of the Day (T) Long Way (T) (R) Celebrating (T) With Anita Rani, Sarah Kurzel, 2016) (T) Action Moments (T) Millard (T) (R)
Liverpool v Watford, and one of Britain’s best-loved Hadland and Ed Byrne. adventure, starring Michael 12.0 Greatest Ever Celebrity 11.0 Wogan: The Best Of (T) (R)
Burnley v Man City. boy bands. 10.40 Lucy (Luc Besson, Fassbender, Marion Cotillard Wind Ups (T) (R) 1.0 The Live Includes a chat with Star Trek
11.45 MOTD Top 10: Players to 11.35 Meat Loaf: In and Out of Hell 2014) (T) Sci-fi thriller, and Jeremy Irons. Casino Show (T) 3.0 Dubai: actor Leonard Nimoy.
Have Never Won the Premier (T) (R) The life and music of starring Scarlett Johansson. 1.20 Kitchen Nightmares USA Lives of the Super Rich (T) (R) 11.45 Yes, Prime Minister (T) (R)
League (T) The best players the rock star. 12.20 Starstruck: The Final (T) (T) (R) 2.10 Come Dine With 3.45 Now That’s Funny! (T) 12.15 Keeping Up Appearances (T)
to have played in the Premier 12.35 Amundsen (2019) (R) 1.20 Shop: Ideal World Me (T) (R) 3.0 Hollyoaks (R) 4.35 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.0 (R) 12.45 A Slow Odyssey: A
League without winning it. Roald Amundsen biopic, 3.0 Living on the Veg (T) (R) Omnibus (T) (R) 5.05 House Doctor (R) 5.25 Peppa Turtle’s Journey (T) (R) 1.15
12.15 Weather for the Week Ahead starring Pål Sverre Hagen. 3.55 Unwind With ITV 5.10 Moneybags (R) 5.55 Kirstie’s Pig (R) 5.30 Paw Patrol (R) Rick Stein’s Long Weekends
(T) 12.20 News (T) 2.35 This Is BBC Two (T) Alphabetical (T) (R) House of Craft (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy (T) (R) (T) (R) 2.15 The Normans (R)

Other channels Radio

BBC Three E4 the voice of Mike Myers. Juice 11.55 Family Guy 3.0 Road Wars 4.0 Sun, Radio 3 Radio 4 Steve Coogan, Deborah Radio 4 Extra
7.0pm Laugh Lessons 6.0am How I Met Your 3.05 Transformers: 12.25 Family Guy 12.55 Sea and A&E 5.0 Sun, 7.0am Breakfast. With 6.0am News and Papers Meaden and Omid 6.0am Love in a Cold
7.05 EastEnders 7.35 Mother 6.30 How I Age of Extinction (2014) American Dad! 1.25 Sea and A&E Elizabeth Alker. 9.0 6.07 Ramblings. The Djalili. With music from Climate 7.30 Great
EastEnders 7.55 Gossip Met Your Mother 6.55 Sci-fi adventure, starring American Dad! 1.50 Record Review. Nicholas Saxon Shore Way in the Coral and Tenille Lives 8.0 The Write
Girl 8.35 Gossip Girl 9.15 Lego Masters USA 7.55 Mark Wahlberg. 6.20 Plebs 2.20 Plebs 2.45 Sky Arts Kenyon chooses his Kent. (R) 6.30 Farming Townes. 7.0 Profile 7.15 Stuff 8.30 Spangles
Love in the Flesh 10.0 Don’t Tell the Bride 8.55 Ghostbusters Unwind With ITV 3.0 6.0am Arts Uncovered favourite recording of Today This Week 6.57 This Cultural Life. John ’n’ Tights (2/5) 9.0
Obsessed With … Killing Don’t Tell the Bride 10.0 (2016) Fantasy comedy, Teleshopping 6.20 Handel/Mozart: Mozart’s The Marriage Weather 7.0 Today 9.0 Wilson talks to American Inside the Music: From
Eve 10.30 Mood 11.15 Married at First Sight starring Kristen Wiig. Der Messias By Robert of Figaro. 11.45 Music Saturday Live 10.30 writer and director Score to Encore 12.0
What We Do in the Australia 11.30 Ramsay’s 9.0 The Rhythm Sky Max Wilson 8.45 Tales of the Matters. Tom Service The Kitchen Cabinet: Aaron Sorkin about his My Favorite Husband
Shadows (2014) 12.40 Kitchen Nightmares USA Section (2019) Thriller, 6.0am Highway Patrol Unexpected 9.15 Tales talks to the conductor Home Economics. life, work and creative (1) 12.30 Clare in the
Becoming … The Batman 12.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen starring Blake Lively and 6.30 Highway Patrol of the Unexpected 9.45 and harpsichordist With panellists Rachel process. 8.0 Archive Community (1/6) 1.0
12.55 Love in the Flesh Nightmares USA 1.30 Jude Law. 11.15  7.0 The Flash 8.0 The Tales of the Unexpected Rinaldo Alessandrini. McCormack, Jeremy on 4: The Ministry of When Courtney Met Chris
1.40 Love in the Flesh Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Get Out (2017) Thriller, Flash 10.0 A League 10.15 Tales of the 12.30 This Classical Pang, Tim Anderson Fun. Ben Gernon asks 2.0 Alex Horne Presents
2.25 Mood 3.10 Freeze: Hell and Back 2.30 The starring Daniel Kaluuya. of Their Own 11.0 A Unexpected 10.45 Tales Life. Jess Gillam chats to and Dr Zoe Laughlin. how we quantify the the Horne Section (1/6)
Back on Thin Ice Great Celebrity Bake Off 1.20 Blue Velvet League of Their Own of the Unexpected 11.15 composer Ella Jarman- (1/7) 11.0 The Week in success of the arts. 2.30 The Million Pound
for Stand Up to Cancer (1986) Thriller, starring 12.0 A League of Their Anyone Can Sing 12.15 Pinto. 1.0 Inside Music. Westminster 11.30 From 9.0 GF Newman’s The Radio Show (1/8) 3.0
Dave 3.50 Extreme Cake Kyle MacLachlan. Own 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 The Directors 1.15 Deep Soprano Nora Fischer Our Own Correspondent Corrupted. Drama based Brian Gulliver’s Travels
6.0am Teleshopping Makers 4.05 The Big 2.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 Purple: Perfect Strangers chooses a selection of 12.0 News 12.01 (LW) on his novel Crime (1/6) 3.30 Delve
7.10 Cop Car Workshop Bang Theory 4.35 The ITV2 Hawaii Five-0 4.0 The 3.45 Concert pieces. 3.0 Sound of Shipping Forecast and Punishment. (R) Special (4/4) 4.0 Love
8.0 Rick Stein’s Long Big Bang Theory 5.0 The 6.0am Totally Bonkers Flash 5.0 DC’s Legends for George (2003) Gaming. Louise Blain 12.04 Money Box. The 9.45 Border Crossing. in a Cold Climate 5.30
Weekends 9.0 Rick Big Bang Theory 5.30 Guinness World Records of Tomorrow 6.0 Strike Musical tribute to ponders the notion of latest from the world Twenty-Something Great Lives 6.0 To the
Stein’s French Odyssey The Big Bang Theory 6.0 6.25 Coronation Back: Retribution 7.0 George Harrison. 6.30 solitude in gaming. 4.0 of personal finance. Going Nowhere by Linda Ends of the Earth: King
9.30 Storage Hunters The Big Bang Theory Street Omnibus 9.05 Agatha Raisin 8.0 Classic Albums 7.45 Roy Music Planet. A session 12.30 The Now Show (R) Yohannes, and The Solomon’s Mines (2/2)
UK 10.0 Top Gear 11.0 6.30 The Big Bang Love Bites 10.05 Love Agatha Raisin 9.0 Harlan Orbison: Austin City by Estonian musician and 12.57 Weather 1.0 News Revolutionary T-Shirt 7.0 Inside the Music:
American Pickers 12.0 Theory 6.55 The Bites 11.10 Dress to Coben’s The Five 10.0 Limits 9.0 Roger Waters: producer Maarja Nuut. 1.10 Any Questions? by Nikesh Shukla. From Score to Encore
Storage Hunters UK Greatest Showman Impress 12.10 Dress Harlan Coben’s The Us + Them 11.30 Classic 5.0 J to Z. Japanese (R) 2.0 Any Answers? Last in the series. (R) 10.0 Comedy Club: Alex
12.30 Storage Hunters (2017) Musical drama, to Impress 1.10 You’ve Five 11.0 Peacemaker Artists: Jimi Hendrix pianist Hiromi shares Listeners have their 10.0 News 10.15 How Horne Presents the Horne
UK 1.0 Top Gear 3.0 starring Hugh Jackman. Been Framed! Gold 2.15 12.0 Resident Alien 1.0 1.30 Eric Clapton: music that inspires her. say on the week’s big Things Fell Apart, With Section. Musical comedy,
Red Bull Soapbox Race 9.0 Celebrity Gogglebox Dr Seuss’ The Caught on Dashcam 2.0 Live in California 2.45 6.30 Opera on 3. A New issues. 2.45 From Fact to Jon Ronson and Louis with Phill Jupitus. (2/6)
4.0 Top Gear 5.0 Top 10.0 Gogglebox 11.05 Lorax (2012) Animated The Force: North East Muscle Shoals York Met production of Fiction. Jabber, Jabber, Theroux (R) 11.0 Round 10.30 Chain Reaction
Gear 6.0 Would I Lie to Gogglebox 12.10 First fantasy, with the voice (2013) A look inside Tchaikovsky’s Eugene by Mark Lawson. (R) Britain Quiz (R) 11.30 (6/6) 11.0 The Simon
You? 6.40 Would I Lie Dates 1.15 First Dates: of Danny DeVito. 4.0 the acclaimed recording Onegin, conducted by 3.30 Rap Gets Real (R) Papageno and the Poetry Day Show (5/6) 11.30
to You? 7.20 Would I Lie Valentine’s Special 2.20 Despicable Me studio. 5.0 The Great James Gaffigan, starring 4.0 Weekend Woman’s of Disquiet. The impact The Skivers (1/5) 12.0
to You? 8.0 Not Going Celebrity Gogglebox 3.15 (2010) Animated Songwriters Igor Golovatenko, Hour. Highlights from of disquieting poetry To the Ends of the
Out Live 8.40 Not Going Gogglebox 4.10 Don’t comedy, with the voice Ailyn Perez and Piotr the week. 5.0 Saturday on vulnerable people. Earth: King Solomon’s
Out 9.20 Not Going Tell the Bride 5.05 Don’t of Steve Carell. 5.50 Sky Atlantic Beczala. 10.0 New Music PM. News and sports (R) 12.0 Midnight Mines (2/2) 1.0 When
Out 10.0 Mel Giedroyc: Tell the Bride Man of Steel 6.0am Fish Town 10.0 Show. Includes Bára headlines, presented by News 12.15 Letter from Courtney Met Chris 2.0
Unforgivable 11.0 QI XL: (2013) Superhero Six Feet Under 3.35 Gisladóttir’s Elemental Caroline Wyatt. 5.30 Ukraine (R) 12.30 Short Alex Horne Presents the
Quizmas 12.0 Have I Got Film4 adventure, starring Raised By Wolves 9.0 Animals of Your The Bottom Line: Buy Works. Profound Earthly Horne Section (1/6)
a Bit More Old News for 11.0am Akeelah Henry Cavill. 8.30 Game of Thrones 2.25 Pasture. 12.0 Freenesss. Now, Pay Later (R) Suffering, by Kritika 2.30 The Million Pound
You 1.0 Jon Richardson: and the Bee (2006) Fast & Furious 8 Succession 3.30 In Music exploring new 5.54 Shipping Forecast Pandey. (R) 12.48 Radio Show (1/8) 3.0
Ultimate Worrier 2.0 Drama, starring Keke (2017) Action adventure Treatment 4.0 Richard frontiers in outer 5.57 Weather 6.0 News Shipping Forecast 1.0 As Brian Gulliver’s Travels
Dave Gorman: Terms and Palmer. 1.15 Shrek sequel, starring Vin E Grant’s Hotel Secrets space, technology 6.15 Loose Ends. Clive World Service 5.33 News (1/6) 3.30 Delve Special
Conditions Apply 3.0 QI Forever After (2010) Diesel and Charlize 5.0 Richard E Grant’s and language. 1.0 Anderson and Emma Briefing 5.43 Bells on (4/4) 4.0 Love in a Cold
XL 3.30 Ladhood Animated comedy, with Theron. 11.10 Celebrity Get Out, Film4 Hotel Secrets Through the Night Freud are joined by Sunday 5.45 Profile (R) Climate 5.30 Great Lives
Peaky Blinders,

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast (T) 7.30 Match of 6.50 Christine’s Garden (T) (R) 6.0 CITV 9.25 News (T) 9.30 6.05 Mike & Molly (T) (R) 7.15 The 6.0 Milkshake! 10.0 SpongeBob
the Day (T) (R) 9.0 Sunday 7.20 Gardeners’ World (T) The Pier (T) 10.0 Love King of Queens (T) (R) 8.30 SquarePants (T) (R) 10.25
Morning (T) 10.0 Politics (R) 8.20 Countryfile (T) (R) Your Weekend With Alan The Simpsons (T) (R) 9.30 Entertainment News (T)
England (T) 10.30 Wanted 9.15 Saturday Kitchen Best Titchmarsh (T) 12.0 The Sunday Brunch (T) 12.30 The 10.30 Friends (T) (R) 12.55
Down Under Revisited (T) Bites (T) 10.45 Tales from a Pet Show (T) (R) 1.0 News Simpsons (T) (R) 1.55 The Joe Kidd (John Sturges,
(R) 11.15 Heavenly Gardens Kitchen Garden (T) (R) 11.15 and Weather (T) 1.10 The Secret Life of the Zoo (T) 1972) (T) 2.45 Wyatt
With Alexander Armstrong The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Masked Singer US (T) (R) (R) 2.40 The Great Celebrity Earp (Lawrence Kasdan,
(T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt Exposure (T) (R) 12.15 MOTD 2.05 Midsomer Murders (T) Bake Off for Stand Up to 1994) (T) 6.25 News (T)
(T) (R) 1.0 News (T) 1.10 Live: Women’s Super League (R) 4.05 Evan Almighty Cancer (T) (R) 4.0 Grand 6.30 When Posh Holidays Go
Weather for the Week Ahead (T) Leicester City v Arsenal (Tom Shadyac, 2007) (T) 6.0 Designs (T) (R) 5.0 News (T) Horribly Wrong (T) (R)
(T) 1.15 Songs of Praise (T) (kick-off 12.30pm). 2.40 News and Weather (T) 6.15 5.30 Ukraine: On the Front
1.50 The Boat Race (T) 4.20 Move Over, Darling Local News (T) 6.30 Tipping Line With Johnny Mercer
Dodger (T) (R) 5.05 News (1963) 4.20 Perfect Partners: Point: Lucky Stars (T) (T) 6.0 One and Six Zeros (T) 7.0 The Piano: A Passion (T) (R)
(T) 5.20 Regional News and Talking Pictures 5.20 Inside 7.0 Britain’s Most Expensive Alexander Waugh searches
Weather (T) 5.25 Weather the Factory (R) 6.20 Britain’s Houses (T) (R) for other like-minded piano
(T) 5.30 Countryfile (T) 6.30 Ancient Capital: Secrets obsessives, and teaches
Extraordinary Portraits (T) of Orkney (R) 7.20 Stanley a novice how to play the
7.0 Antiques Roadshow (T) Tucci: Searching for Italy (T) instrument.

8.0 Dynasties II (T) On Zambia’s 8.0 The Speedshop (T) Titch 7.30 All Star Musicals (T) Six 8.0 Inside the Superbrands (T) 8.0 Happy Campers: The Caravan 8.0 Much Ado About Nothing
plains, a cheetah mother Cormack and his team celebrities perform songs New series. Helen Skelton is Park (T) Head yellowcoat (T) Filmed performance
must keep her cubs safe, refurbish Exmoor Search and from hit musicals. joined by Ed Sheeran to go Matt is preparing for a of the Royal Shakespeare
preparing them for life Rescue’s 30-year-old Land 9.0 The Ipcress File (T) Harry is behind the scenes at Heinz. bingo evening. Company’s production
without her. Rover Defender. handed over to the Chinese 9.0 The Big Fat Quiz of 9.0 Holidaying With Jane of William Shakespeare’s
9.0 Peaky Blinders (T) As 9.0 Thatcher & Reagan: A Very military and subject to Everything 2022 (T) Jimmy McDonald: The Caribbean comedy. Directed by Roy
the clouds of the coming Special Relationship (T) a bewildering regime of Carr is joined by guests (T) Jane heads to St Lucia, Alexander Weise and starring
storm gather, Tommy faces Charles Moore examines the mental torture, while Chico including Rob Beckett, taking a trip to the heart of Akiya Henry and Luke Wilson
the consequences of his alliance between Margaret and Alice are suspicious Richard Ayoade, Rosie Jones, the rainforest and a boat ride as Beatrice and Benedict.
experiences and his actions. Thatcher and US president of gaps in Lavotchkin’s Roisin Conaty, Mawaan from the north to the south
Last in the series. Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. personal history. Rizwan and Joanne McNally. of the island.

10.20 News (T) 10.0 Falklands War Stories (T) (R) 10.0 News (T) Weather 11.0 8 Out of 10 Cats Does 10.0 Monaco: Lives of the Super 10.45 Arena: All the World’s
10.45 Regional News (T) Weather With Brian Hanrahan. 10.20 Joanna Lumley’s Great Cities Countdown (T) (R) Rich (T) (R) a Screen – Shakespeare
10.50 Match of the Day 2 (T) 10.20 Muhammad Ali (T) Ken of the World (T) (R) The 12.0 Rescue: Extreme Medics 10.55 Funniest Royal Cock-Ups (R) on Film (T) (R) The
West Ham v Everton, and Burns’s documentary. actor visits Berlin. Last in (T) (R) 1.0 Chernobyl: The 1.0 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.0 history of films based on
Tottenham v Newcastle. 11.10 All the President’s Men the series. New Evidence (T) (R) 1.55 A Country Life for Half the Shakespeare plays.
11.50 The Women’s Football Show (1976) (T) Political drama, 11.15 Premiership Rugby Union Patti Cake$ (Geremy Price (T) (R) 3.45 Casualty 11.45 Imagine: Becoming Cary
Action from Leicester v starring Robert Redford and Highlights (T) Jasper, 2017) (T) An aspiring 24/7: Every Second Counts Grant (T) (R) An insight
Arsenal, Chelsea v Reading, Dustin Hoffman. 12.10 Shop: Ideal World 3.0 rapper makes an unlikely (R) 4.35 Wildlife SOS (R) 5.0 into the film star, including
and Man United v Brighton. 1.25 Sign Zone Question Time (T) Don’t Rock the Boat (T) quest for glory. Drama, House Doctor (R) 5.25 Peppa footage shot by Grant.
12.25 Weather for the Week Ahead (R) 2.25 Holby City (T) (R) (R) 3.50 Unwind With ITV starring Danielle Macdonald. Pig (R) 5.30 Paw Patrol (R) 1.15 The Beauty of Maps (T) (R)
(T) 12.30 News (T) 3.10 This Is BBC Two (T) 5.05 Tipping Point (T) (R) 3.40 Come Dine With Me (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy (R) 2.15 The Piano: A Passion (R)

Other channels Radio

BBC Three E4 Britt Robertson and Sky Max 9.0 Tales of the Radio 3 challenging one’s together the life of her Island Discs (6/27)
7.0pm EastEnders 8.0 6.0am Hollyoaks Scott Eastwood. 3.50 6.0am Hour of Power Unexpected 9.30 Tales 7.0am Breakfast 9.0 instincts. (R) 6.35 murdered father through 10.45 The Curious
The Drop 9.0 Love in the Omnibus 8.20 Rude(ish) Deep Impact 7.0 Arrow 8.0 Arrow 9.0 of the Unexpected 10.0 Sunday Morning 12.0 Natural Histories (R) her poetry. 5.0 Dirty Cases of Rutherford
Flesh 9.45 Hot Property Tube Shorts 8.30 (1998) Sci-fi drama, Arrow 10.0 Magnum PI Tales of the Unexpected Private Passions. With 6.57 Weather 7.0 News Work (R) 5.40 Profile (R) & Fry (2/6) 11.0 The
10.15 Laugh Lessons Married at First Sight starring Robert Duvall. 11.0 NCIS: New Orleans 10.30 Tales of the architect Francesco da 7.0 Sunday Papers 7.10 5.54 Shipping Forecast Moth Radio Hour (6/8)
10.20 Obsessed With: Australia 10.0 Married 6.10 The Martian 12.0 NCIS: New Orleans Unexpected 11.0 Comedy Mosto. 1.0 Lunchtime Sunday 7.54 Radio 4 5.57 Weather 6.0 News 11.50 Inheritance
Peaky Blinders 10.50 at First Sight Australia (2015) Ridley Scott’s 1.0 NCIS: New Orleans Legends 12.0 André Concert. Kaleidoscope Appeal: Child Poverty 6.15 Pick of the Week Tracks 12.0 Poetry Extra
Becoming: Tommy 11.35 Teen First Dates sci-fi drama, starring 2.0 NCIS: New Orleans Rieu: Welcome to My Chamber Collective Action Group 7.57 7.0 The Archers 7.15 12.30 HR (6/6) 1.0
Shelby – A Peaky Blinders 12.40 Ramsay’s Kitchen Matt Damon. 9.0 3.0 NCIS: New Orleans World 1.0 André Rieu: perform Dvořák, Frank Weather 8.0 News 8.0 Desolation Jests (R) RisingTideFallingStar
Special 11.05 The Drop Nightmares USA 1.40 Independence 4.0 A League of Their Welcome to My World Bridge and William Grant Sunday Papers 8.10 7.45 Spring Stories. Only Omnibus 2.10
12.05 Love in the Flesh The Big Bang Theory Day: Resurgence (2016) Own 5.0 A League of 2.0 Anyone Can Sing Still. (R) 2.0 The Early Sunday Worship 8.48 A Works in the Spring, by Inheritance Tracks
12.50 Love in the Flesh 2.05 The Big Bang Sci-fi adventure, starring Their Own 6.0 A League 3.0 A Run for Your Music Show. Hannah Point of View (R) 8.58 Kerri Ni Dochartaigh. 2.20 Valley of the Dolls
1.35 Hot Property 2.05 Theory 2.35 The Big Jeff Goldblum. 11.20 of Their Own 7.0 Rugby’s Money (1949) 4.45 French explores the links Tweet of the Day (R) 9.0 (1/5) 8.0 Feedback (R) Omnibus: Part Two
Freeze: Back on Thin Bang Theory 3.0 The Legend (2015) Funniest Moments 8.0 Classic Artists: Jethro between Handel and Broadcasting House 10.0 8.30 Last Word (R) 9.0 (6-10/15) 3.30 Spanish
Ice 2.50 Mood 3.35 My Big Bang Theory 3.30 Biopic of the Kray twins, Resident Alien 9.0 Tull 7.0 Frank Sinatra: Cambridge. 3.0 Choral The Archers Omnibus Money Box (R) 9.25 Steps 4.0 How to Murder
Mate’s a Bad Date The Big Bang Theory starring Tom Hardy. 1.55 Magnum PI 10.0 NCIS: The Voice of America 9.0 Evensong (R) 4.0 Jazz (R) 11.0 The Reunion. Radio 4 Appeal: Child Your Husband 5.0 Poetry
3.55 The Big Bang A Fantastic Woman New Orleans 11.0 Brassic Sam Cooke: A Legend in Record Requests 5.0 Kirsty Wark reunites key Poverty Action Group Extra 5.30 HR (6/6) 6.0
Dave Theory 4.30 The Big (2017) Drama, starring 12.0 SEAL Team 1.0 The Concert 10.30 Queen The Listening Service figures involved in the (R) 9.30 Analysis (R) Ghosts from the Past
6.0am Teleshopping Bang Theory 4.55 The Daniela Vega. Force: North East 2.0 & Adam Lambert: The (R) 5.30 Words and Boxing Day tsunami of 9.59 Weather 10.0 The 6.45 LP Hartley: Short
7.10 Cop Car Workshop Big Bang Theory 5.25 Road Wars 3.0 Caught on Show Must Go On 12.15 Music (R) 6.45 Sunday 2004. (1/5) 11.45 Lent Westminster Hour 11.0 Stories (3/5) 7.0 The
8.0 Rick Stein’s French The Big Bang Theory ITV2 Dashcam 4.0 Highway Chrissie Hynde Sings Feature: I Arrive Without Talks (R) 12.0 News Loose Ends (R) 11.30 Moth Radio Hour (6/8)
Odyssey 9.0 Storage 5.50 Lego Masters 6.0am Totally Bonkers Cops 4.30 Highway Cops Bob Dylan: Tomorrow Is Leaving – The Story of 12.01 (LW) Shipping Something Understood 7.50 Inheritance Tracks
Hunters UK 10.0 Top USA 6.50 The Guinness World Records 5.0 Highway Cops a Long Time 1.50 Bob Women Surrealist Poets. Forecast 12.04 Just a (R) 12.0 News and 8.0 How to Murder Your
Gear 12.0 American Huntsman: Winter’s 6.25 Love Bites 8.30 Dylan: Trouble No More Alexandra Reza profiles Minute (R) 12.32 The Weather 12.15 The Husband 9.0 Desert
Pickers 1.0 Border Force: War (2016) Fantasy Dress to Impress 11.30 Sky Arts 3.10 Guy Garvey: From the female poets and Food Programme. Sheila Lullaby Project (R) 12.45 Island Discs (6/27) 9.45
America’s Gatekeepers adventure, starring Celebrity Catchphrase 6.0am Arts Uncovered the Vaults 4.10 The writers of the surrealist Dillon explores why Bells on Sunday (R) The Curious Cases of
2.0 Special Ops: Crime Chris Hemsworth. 9.0 12.30 You’ve Been 6.15 LSO: Sir Simon Sixties 5.0 The Great movement. 7.30 Drama beans are so popular in 12.48 Shipping Forecast Rutherford & Fry (2/6)
Squad UK 3.0 Top Gear Jason Bourne Framed! Gold 1.30 Rattle Conducts Songwriters on 3: Beethoven Can Spain. 12.57 Weather 1.0 1.0 As World Service 10.0 HR (6/6) 10.30
4.0 Would I Lie to You? (2016) Action thriller, You’ve Been Framed! Stravinsky Ballets 8.30 Hear You. By Timothy The World This Weekend 5.33 News Briefing 5.43 Seekers (1/6) 10.55 The
5.20 Would I Lie to starring Matt Damon. Gold 2.0 Yogi Bear Tales of the Unexpected Sky Atlantic X Atack, starring Peter 1.30 The Listening Prayer for the Day 5.45 Comedy Club Interview
You? 6.0 Top Gear 7.0 11.35 Gogglebox 12.40 (2010) 3.35 Shark 6.0am Fish Town 7.0 Capaldi. (R) 9.0 Record Project Omnibus (R) 2.0 Farming Today 5.58 11.0 Edge Falls (3/6)
Border Force: America’s Naked Attraction Tale (2004) 5.25 Urban Secrets 10.0 Review Extra 11.0 The Gardeners’ Question Tweet of the Day (R) 11.30 Dan and Nick: The
Gatekeepers 8.0 1.45 Below Deck: Shrek (2001) 7.10 Six Feet Under 12.35 Art of Accompaniment. Time (R) 2.45 1922: Wildebeest Years (4/7)
Mortimer & Whitehouse: Mediterranean 2.40 Johnny English Raised By Wolves 6.0 Keval Shah explores The Birth of Now. The Radio 4 Extra 12.0 Ghosts from the
Gone Fishing 8.40 QI Gogglebox 3.35 (2003) 9.0 Family Funeral for a Dog 8.0 chamber music from story of Ah Q, China’s 6.0am The Female Past 12.45 LP Hartley:
XL 9.20 QI XL 10.0 Hollyoaks Omnibus Guy 9.30 Family Guy Winning Time: The Rise an accompanist’s first modernist work Persuasion Omnibus: Short Stories (3/5) 1.0
The Island 11.0 QI XL 10.0 Family Guy 10.30 of the Lakers Dynasty perspective. (1/3) 12.0 of literature. (R) 3.0 Part One 7.10 Inheritance RisingTideFallingStar
12.0 Alan Davies: As Film4 Family Guy 10.55 Family 12.20 Billions 1.25 In Sounds Connected 12.30 Rossum’s Universal Tracks 7.20 Life Lines Omnibus 2.10
Yet Untitled 1.0 All 11.0am The Guy 11.25 American Treatment 2.0 Winning Through the Night Robots. Musical Omnibus 8.30 Doctor Inheritance Tracks
Girls Live at the Apollo Pink Panther (1963) Dad! 12.25 Deep Heat Time: The Rise of the adaptation of Karel in the House (9/13) 2.20 Valley of the Dolls
2.0 The ”Christmas” Crime comedy, starring 12.55 Deep Heat 1.25 Lakers Dynasty 3.05 Radio 4 Čapek’s play. (1/2) 4.0 9.0 Something to Omnibus: Part Two
Misadventures of Peter Sellers and David Don’t Hate the Playaz Billions 4.10 Richard E 6.0am News Headlines Bookclub. With author Shout About (2/20) (6-10/15) 3.30 Spanish
Romesh Ranganathan Niven. 1.20 The 2.10 CelebAbility 2.50 Grant’s Hotel Secrets 6.05 Something Karen Joy Fowler. 9.30 Daliso Chaponda: Steps 4.0 How to Murder
3.0 QI XL 3.35 Ladhood Longest Ride (2015) Unwind With ITV 3.0 5.0 Richard E Grant’s Understood. The 4.30 The Open Box. Citizen of Nowhere Your Husband 5.0 Poetry
4.0 Teleshopping Romantic drama, starring Teleshopping Yogi Bear, ITV2 Hotel Secrets consequences of Gail McConnell pieces (2/4) 10.0 Desert Extra 5.30 HR (6/6)
The Guardian
2 April-
8 April 2022

Travel Man,
Channel 4

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Morning 6.30 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 7.15 The 6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 6.0 Food Unwrapped (T) (R) 6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Live (T) 10.0 Scam Repair Shop (T) (R) 8.0 Sign 9.0 Lorraine (T) 10.0 This 6.05 Countdown (T) (R) (T) 12.15 George Clarke’s
Interceptors (T) 10.45 Zone: Great Coastal Railway Morning (T) 12.30 Loose 6.45 Cheers (T) (R) 7.40 Build a New Life in the
Defenders UK (T) 11.15 Journeys (T) (R) 8.30 Inside Women (T) 1.30 News and Everybody Loves Raymond Country (T) (R) 1.10 News
Homes Under the Hammer Culture With Mary Beard Weather (T) 1.55 Local (T) (R) 9.05 Frasier (T) (R) (T) 1.15 Home and Away
(T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 9.0 News (T) 1.0 News and Weather (T) 2.0 10.35 Ramsay’s Kitchen (T) (R) 1.45 Neighbours (T)
(T) 1.0 News (T) 1.30 Ready Steady Cook (T) (R) Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) (R) Nightmares USA (T) (R) 11.30 2.15 A Criminal Affair
Regional News and Weather 1.45 Eggheads (T) (R) 2.15 3.0 Lingo (T) (R) 3.59 Local News (T) 11.35 Undercover (Daniel West, 2021) (T) 4.0
(T) 1.45 Doctors (T) 2.15 Street Auction (T) (R) 3.0 News and Weather (T) 4.0 Boss USA (T) (R) 12.30 Filthy House SOS (T) (R) 5.0
Shakespeare & Hathaway: The Heights (T) (R) 3.30 The Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 Steph’s Packed Lunch (T) News (T) 6.0 Neighbours (T) 7.0 Pubs, Ponds and Power:
Private Investigators (T) (R) Customer Is Always Right (T) The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A (R) 6.30 Eggheads (T) 7.0 The Story of the Village
3.0 Escape to the Country (R) 4.15 Indian Ocean With News and Weather (T) 6.25 Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 Police Interceptors (T) (R) (T) (R) The history of the
(T) 3.45 The Repair Shop Simon Reeve (T) (R) 5.15 Party Election Broadcast. By A New Life in the Sun (T) 7.55 News (T) Northumberland village
(T) 4.30 Bridge of Lies (T) Flog It! (T) (R) 6.0 Richard the Conservative party. (T) (R) 5.0 Sun, Sea and Selling of Warkworth. 7.30 Inside
5.15 Pointless (T) 6.0 News Osman’s House of Games 6.30 News and Weather (T) Houses (T) 6.0 The Simpsons Museums: The Story of
(T) 6.30 Regional News and (T) 6.30 Lightning (T) 7.0 7.30 Emmerdale (T) (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) Slate (T) New series. Huw
Weather (T) 7.0 The One Doctors (T) (R) 7.30 Rick 7.0 News (T) Stephens visits the National
Show (T) 7.30 EastEnders (T) Stein’s Cornwall (T) (R) Slate Museum in Llanberis.

8.0 Panorama: Obesity – Who 8.0 Mastermind (T) The sixth 8.0 Coronation Street (T) Toyah 8.0 Dispatches: Cadbury 8.0 Traffic Cops (T) The team 8.0 Neanderthals: Meet Your
Cares If I’m Bigger?(T) and concluding semi-final. makes an important decision Exposed (T) Antony Barnett lead a county lines drugs Ancestors (T) (R) Actor Andy
EastEnders actor Clair Norris 8.30 University Challenge (T) regarding Elsie’s adoption. goes undercover in Ghana to crackdown in Chesterfield, Serkis and archaeologist
asks if it is possible to be The final of the student quiz. Tyrone wishes Fiz well for her investigate the company. capturing three suspects Ella Al-Shamahi examine
overweight and stay healthy. 9.0 House of Maxwell (T) New fresh start in Phill’s house. 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in the believed to be ferrying crack the reasons Neanderthals
8.30 We Are England (T) Regional series. Documentary charting 9.0 Holding (T) PJ uncovers the Basque Country (T) New cocaine and heroin. became extinct.
current affairs reports. the saga of businessman truth behind the body and series. Joe Lycett is joined by 9.0 Inside the Force: 24/7 (T) 9.0 Ian Hislop’s Fake News:
9.0 The Split (T) New series. Robert Maxwell’s family, a is forced to confront his comedian James Acaster. New series. The return of the A True History (T) (R) The
When Nathan reveals he has tale of fortunes built and own personal demons as he 9.0 Rescue: Extreme Medics (T) documentary going behind Private Eye editor explores
met someone, the separation lost, mysterious deaths and attempts to bring the killer An amateur pilot has crashed the scenes at a Lincoln the history of dishonest
takes a turn for the worse. a descent into scandal. to justice. Last in the series. his vintage plane on takeoff. police station. news reporting.

10.0 News (T) 10.0 Live at the Apollo (T) (R) 10.0 News (T) Weather 10.0 Police Custody USA (T) 10.0 Casualty 24/7: Every Second 10.0 The Challenger (T) (R) Fact-
10.25 Regional News (T) Weather Dara Ó Briain hosts Felicity 10.30 Local News (T) Weather 11.05 In the Footsteps of Killers (T) Counts (T) (R) based drama about American
10.35 Have I Got a Bit More News Ward and Mo Gilligan. 10.45 Unbelievable Moments (R) Investigation into Suzy 11.05 Ambulance: Code Red (T) (R) physicist Richard Feynman,
for You (T) (R) Clive Myrie is 10.30 Newsnight (T) Weather Caught on Camera (T) (R) A Lamplugh’s disappearance. 12.05 The Boy Who Grew a New starring William Hurt.
tonight’s guest host. 11.15 Couples Therapy (T) couple are caught on camera 12.05 Emergency (T) (R) 1.05 Brain (T) (R) 1.0 The Live 11.30 Tomorrow’s Worlds: The
11.20 Paddy and Christine 11.40 How to Sleep Well With being attacked by a rabid Kitchen Nightmares USA (T) Casino Show 3.0 Build a New Unearthly History of
McGuinness: Our Family Michael Mosley (T) (R) animal on their driveway. (R) 1.55 Come Dine With Me Life in the Country (R) 3.45 Science Fiction (T) (R)
and Autism (T) (R) 12.40 Sign Zone Countryfile (T) (R) 11.45 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (R) 2.50 Location, Location, Now That’s Funny! (R) 4.35 1.30 Pubs, Ponds and Power (T)
12.20 Killing Eve (T) (R) 1.05 1.40 Antiques Roadshow (T) 1.25 Shop: Ideal World 3.0 Loose Location (R) 3.45 Ugly House Wildlife SOS (R) 5.0 House (R) 2.0 The Story of Slate (T)
Weather for the Week Ahead (R) 2.40 MasterChef (T) (R) Women (R) 3.50 Unwind to Lovely House (R) 4.40 Doctor (R) 5.25 Peppa Pig (R) (R) 2.30 Fake News: A True
(T) 1.10 News (T) 3.40 This Is BBC Two With ITV 5.05 Tipping Point Grayson’s Art Club (T) (R) 5.30 Paw Patrol (R) History (T) (R)

Other channels Radio

BBC Three E4 Maggie Smith. 9.0 Sky Max Video Killed the Radio Radio 3 images of resistance. of Kindness (R) 9.30 (3/7) 2.0 The Female
7.0pm MasterChef 6.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 Man on Fire (2004) 6.0am Stargate SG-1 Star 12.0 The South Bank 6.30am Breakfast 9.0 (1/12) 9.45 (LW) Daily Start the Week (R) 9.59 Persuasion (6/10) 2.15
Australia 8.10 The Catch Ramsay’s Kitchen Action thriller, starring 8.0 Arrow 9.0 DC’s Show Originals 12.30 Essential Classics 12.0 Service 9.45 (FM) Book Weather 10.0 The World Love for Lydia 2.30 For
Up 8.15 Freeze: Back on Nightmares USA 9.0 Denzel Washington. Legends of Tomorrow The South Bank Show Composer of the Week: of the Week: Hybrid Tonight 10.45 Book at One Night Only (5/7)
Thin Ice 9.0 The Drop The Big Bang Theory 11.50 Sweet 10.0 The Flash 11.0 Originals 1.0 Tales of Elmer Bernstein (1/5) Humans. By Harry Parker. Bedtime: The Promise. 3.0 Hand in Glove (1/3)
10.0 Hot Property 10.30 11.0 Young Sheldon 12.0 Country (2017) NCIS: New Orleans the Unexpected 1.30 1.0 Lunchtime Concert. (1/5) 10.0 Woman’s By Damon Galgut. (1/10) 4.0 Counterpoint (2/13)
Gavin & Stacey 11.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.0 Australian period drama, 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 Tales of the Unexpected Live from Wigmore Hall, Hour 11.0 The Invention 11.0 The P Word (R) 4.30 Getting Nowhere
The Miseducation The Big Bang Theory starring Hamilton Morris 2.0 S.W.A.T 3.0 DC’s 2.0 Discovering: Ben pianist Alexander Gadjiev of Poland. How the idea 11.30 The Shadow of Fast (3/6) 5.0 Daliso
of Cameron Post (2018) 3.0 Young Sheldon 4.0 and Bryan Brown. 2.05 Legends of Tomorrow Kingsley 3.0 Anyone plays Schumann and of Poland was kept alive Algiers. Stories from Chaponda: Citizen of
12.55 The Drop 1.55 Hot Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.0 The Actors (2003) 4.0 Arrow 5.0 The Can Sing 4.0 The Prokofiev. 2.0 Afternoon between 1795 and 1918 France’s troubled history Nowhere (3/4) 5.30
Property 2.25 Freeze: The Big Bang Theory Comedy, starring Michael Flash 6.0 Stargate Sixties 5.0 Tales of the Concert. The Nouvelle- when no country existed. with Algeria. (R) 11.45 Just a Minute (6/6) 6.0
Back on Thin Ice 3.05 7.0 Hollyoaks 7.30 Caine and Dylan Moran. SG-1 8.0 Agatha Raisin Unexpected 5.30 Tales Aquitaine Chamber (2/3) 11.30 Homework Today in Parliament 12.0 The Lost Stradivarius
Gavin & Stacey 3.35 My Married at First Sight 10.0 Rob & Romesh vs of the Unexpected 6.0 Orchestra in concertos (R) 12.0 News 12.01 News and Weather 12.30 (1/4) 6.30 A Good
Mate’s a Bad Date Australia 9.0 Made in ITV2 NBA Basketball 11.0 Discovering: Helen by Mozart. 4.30 New (LW) Shipping Forecast Book of the Week: Hybrid Read (9/9) 7.0 Lines
Chelsea 10.0 Married 6.0am Totally Bonkers NCIS: New Orleans 12.0 Mirren 7.0 André Rieu: Generation Artists. With 12.04 You and Yours Humans (R) 12.48 from My Grandfather’s
Dave at First Sight Australia Guinness World Freddie Fries Again 1.0 Love in Maastricht 8.0 jazz guitarist Rob Luft. 12.57 Weather 1.0 Shipping Forecast 1.0 As Forehead (7/8) 7.30
6.0am Teleshopping 10.35 Naked Attraction Records 6.10 Dress to Road Wars 2.0 Caught Beatles Stories 10.0 5.0 In Tune 7.0 In Tune The World at One 1.45 World Service 5.30 News Chambers (3/5) 8.0
7.10 Yianni: Supercar 11.40 Gogglebox 12.45 Impress 7.05 The Ellen on Dashcam 3.0 Hawaii Donovan & the Beatles Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. A Show of Hands (R) Briefing 5.43 Prayer for Raffles (1/6) 8.30
Customiser 8.0 Timber Married at First Sight DeGeneres Show 8.0 Five-0 4.0 S.W.A.T 5.0 in India 11.0 Butterfly Robin Ticciati conducts 2.0 The Archers (R) the Day 5.45 Farming Sherlock Holmes With
Kings 9.0 Storage Australia 2.45 Made Love Bites 9.0 Celebrity Highway Patrol Affect 11.15 Tate Britain’s the German Symphony 2.15 The Painted Hall. Today 5.58 Tweet Carleton Hobbs (3/7)
Hunters UK 9.30 in Chelsea 3.40 Below Supermarket Sweep Great Art Walks 12.15 Orchestra, pianist Leif Drama, by Ian Kelly. of the Day 9.0 TED Radio Hour
Storage Hunters UK Deck: Mediterranean 10.0 Dress to Impress Sky Arts Romeo and Juliet Ove Andsnes and soprano 3.0 Round Britain Quiz. (1/52) 9.50 Inheritance
10.0 Top Gear 11.0 4.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen 11.0 Secret Crush 12.0 6.0am Royal Air (2019) 1.55 Nick Cave Lise Davidsen in Berlioz’s With Paul Sinha, Marcus Radio 4 Extra Tracks 10.0 Comedy
Expedition With Steve Nightmares USA 5.20 Love Bites 1.0 Dress to Force in Concert 7.30 & the Bad Seeds: One Les Francs-Juges, Op 3, Berkmann, Paddy Duffy 6.0am Raffles (1/6) Club: Just a Minute (6/6)
Backshall 12.0 Bangers Mike & Molly Impress 2.0 The Ellen Rumpelstiltskin: More Time With Feeling Schumann’s Piano and Freya McClements. 6.30 Sherlock Holmes 10.30 Liam Williams:
and Cash 1.0 Top Gear DeGeneres Show 3.0 BalletLORENT 9.0 Tales 4.0 Rankin’s 2020 5.0 Concerto in A minor, (2/12) 3.30 The Food With Carleton Hobbs Ladhood (2/4) 11.0 The
2.0 Expedition With Film4 Hart of Dixie 4.0 One of the Unexpected 10.0 Landmark Grieg’s Haugtussa and Programme (R) 4.0 The (3/7) 7.0 Daliso Now Show (4/6) 11.30
Steve Backshall 3.0 Rick 11.0am The Tree Hill 5.0 The OC 6.0 Discovering: Maggie Beethoven’s Symphony Godfather and Me (R) Chaponda: Citizen of Elis James’ Pantheon of
Stein’s Mediterranean Weaker Sex (1948) Catchphrase Celebrity Smith 11.0 Music Icons: Sky Atlantic No 3 in E flat, Op 55. 4.30 Beyond Belief. Faith Nowhere (3/4) 7.30 Just Heroes (6/6) 12.0 The
Escapes 4.0 Bangers and Second world war Special 7.0 Superstore US Punk Rock 11.30 6.0am Urban Secrets 10.0 Music Matters. in the modern world. a Minute (6/6) 8.0 Lines Lost Stradivarius (1/4)
Cash 5.0 Rick Stein’s drama, starring Ursula 7.30 Superstore 8.0 8.0 Totti: One Captain Tom Service talks to (1/7) 5.0 PM 5.54 from My Grandfather’s 12.30 A Good Read
Long Weekends 6.0 Jeans. 12.45 The Bob’s Burgers 8.30 Bob’s 9.0 CSI: Crime Scene harpsichordist Rinaldo (LW) Shipping Forecast Forehead (7/8) 8.30 (9/9) 1.0 Raffles (1/6)
Taskmaster 7.0 Richard Blue Dahlia (1946) Burgers 9.0 Family Guy Investigation 10.0 The Alessandrini. (R) 10.45 5.57 Weather 6.0 News Chambers (3/5) 9.0 1.30 Sherlock Holmes
Osman’s House of Games Thriller, starring Alan 9.30 Family Guy 10.0 Sopranos 12.10 Game The Essay: EarthWorks 6.30 The Unbelievable Counterpoint (2/13) With Carleton Hobbs
7.40 Would I Lie to You? Ladd. 2.50 Dead Deep Heat 10.30 Family of Thrones 1.15 Six Feet – Wold Rose Ferraby Truth. Hosted by David 9.30 Getting Nowhere (3/7) 2.0 The Female
8.20 QI XL 9.0 QI XL Reckoning (1947) Guy 11.0 Family Guy Under 3.30 Ray Donovan explores traces of Mitchell, with Lucy Fast (3/6) 10.0 Hand Persuasion (6/10) 2.15
10.0 All Girls Live at the Murder mystery, starring 11.30 American Dad! 5.30 The Sopranos 7.40 human history in the Porter, Holly Walsh, Tony in Glove (1/3) 11.0 Love for Lydia 2.30 For
Apollo 11.0 Mel Giedroyc: Humphrey Bogart. 4.55 11.55 American Dad! Game of Thrones 9.0 Yorkshire Wolds. (1/5) Hawks and Alan Davies. TED Radio Hour (1/52) One Night Only (5/7)
Unforgivable 12.0 Mock Tomahawk (1951) 12.25 Bob’s Burgers Winning Time: The Rise 11.0 Night Tracks 12.30 (1/6) 7.0 The Archers 11.50 Inheritance Tracks 3.0 Hand in Glove (1/3)
the Week 12.40 QI XL Western, starring Van 12.55 Bob’s Burgers of the Lakers Dynasty Through the Night 7.15 Front Row 8.0 12.0 Lines from My 4.0 Counterpoint (2/13)
1.40 Would I Lie to You? Heflin. 6.35 The 1.20 Superstore 1.50 10.05 Billions 11.10 The Stalked. Lucinda Borrell Grandfather’s Forehead 4.30 Getting Nowhere
2.15 Ladhood 2.40 Second Best Exotic Superstore 2.20 The Night Of 12.15 Gangs of Radio 4 finds out how stalking is (7/8) 12.30 Chambers Fast (3/6) 5.0 Daliso
Richard Osman’s House Marigold Hotel (2015) Stand Up Sketch Show Winning Time, London 1.20 Gomorrah 6.0am Today 9.0 Start being policed across the (3/5) 1.0 Raffles (1/6) Chaponda: Citizen of
of Games 3.20 Mock the Comedy drama sequel, 2.45 Unwind With ITV 3.20 Babylon Berlin the Week. Tom Sutcliffe UK. 8.30 Am I That Guy? 1.30 Sherlock Holmes Nowhere (3/4) 5.30
Week 4.0 Teleshopping starring Dev Patel and 3.0 Teleshopping Sky Atlantic 4.20 Urban Secrets leads a discussion about (R) 9.0 The Anatomy With Carleton Hobbs Just a Minute (6/6)
BBC Three

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast 9.15 Morning 6.30 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 7.15 6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 6.05 Countdown (T) (R) 6.45 6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Live 10.0 Scam Interceptors The Repair Shop (T) (R) 8.0 9.0 Lorraine (T) 10.0 This Cheers (T) (R) 7.40 (T) 12.15 George Clarke’s
10.45 Defenders UK 11.15 Sign Zone: Great Coastal Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Everybody Loves Raymond Build a New Life in the
Homes Under the Hammer Railway Journeys (T) (R) Women (T) 1.30 News and (T) (R) 9.05 Frasier (T) (R) Country (T) (R) 1.10 News (T)
12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 1.0 8.30 Marcus Wareing’s Tales Weather (T) 1.55 Local 10.35 Ramsay’s Kitchen 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45
News (T) 1.30 Regional News from a Kitchen Garden (T) News and Weather (T) 2.0 Nightmares USA (T) (R) 11.30 Neighbours (T) 2.15 The
(T) 1.45 Doctors (T) 2.15 (R) 9.0 News (T) 1.0 The Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) (R) News (T) 11.35 Undercover Husband With Two Wives
Shakespeare & Hathaway: Super League Show (T) (R) 3.0 Lingo (T) (R) 3.59 Local Boss USA (T) (R) 12.30 (Manu Boyer, 2019) (T) 4.0
Private Investigators (T) (R) 1.45 Eggheads (T) (R) 2.15 News and Weather (T) 4.0 Steph’s Packed Lunch (T) Filthy House SOS (T) (R) 5.0
3.0 Escape to the Country Street Auction (T) (R) 3.0 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A News(T) 6.0 Neighbours
(T) 3.45 The Repair Shop The Heights (T) (R) 3.30 The The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 (T) (R) 6.30 Eggheads
(T) 4.30 Bridge of Lies (T) Customer Is Always Right (T) News and Weather (T) 6.25 A New Life in the Sun (T) (T) 7.0 Dream Kitchens & 7.0 Pubs, Ponds and Power:
5.15 Pointless (T) 6.0 News (R) 4.15 Indian Ocean With Party Election Broadcast. (R) 5.0 Sun, Sea and Selling Bathrooms With Mark Millar The Story of the Village (T)
(T) 6.30 Regional News Simon Reeve (T) (R) 5.15 By the Labour party. (T) Houses (T) 6.0 The Simpsons (T) 7.55 News (T) (R) Ben Robinson explores
and Weather (T) 6.55 Party Flog It! (T) (R) 6.0 House of 6.30 News and Weather (T) (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) the history of Cromford
Election Broadcast. By the Games (T) 6.30 Lightning (T) 7.30 Emmerdale (T) 7.0 News (T) in Derbyshire. 7.30 Inside
Labour party. (T) (R) 7.0 The 7.0 Doctors (T) (R) 7.30 Rick Museums: Manchester’s
One Show 7.30 EastEnders Stein’s Cornwall (T) (R) Whitworth (T) With Diana Ali.

8.0 MasterChef (T) Another 8.0 Saving Lives at Sea (T) (R) 8.0 Love Your Garden (T) 8.0 The Great Celebrity Bake Off 8.0 Dogs Behaving (Very) 8.0 Keeping Up Appearances
nine amateurs cook for John RNLI volunteers race to the Alan, David and Danny for Stand Up to Cancer (T) Badly (T) Graeme meets a (T) (R) Richard is not looking
Torode and Gregg Wallace. scene of a plane crash. transform a small Leicester Annie Macmanus, comedian chihuahua named Hulk that forward to early retirement.
9.0 Ellie Simmonds: A World 9.0 Banned! The Mary garden into a colourful, Ed Gamble, rapper Example has a tendency to be vicious. 8.30 Yes, Prime Minister (T) (R)
Without Dwarfism? (T) The Whitehouse Story (T) Part Caribbean-inspired paradise. and presenter Matt Lucas 9.0 Deadline (T) New series. Jim tries to turn the tables
swimmer investigates a drug two of two. In the 1970s, 9.0 DNA Journey (T) Celebrities bake for charity. A woman accused of on French officials.
that could make children with Mary’s battle with permissive explore their family history 9.15 The Simpler Life (T) As murdering her husband asks 9.0 Gods of Snooker (T) (R)
achondroplasia grow closer society heats up as ideas of using DNA technology frictions mount over the a washed-up investigative A look at the emergence
to average height, and the progress and suggestions and genealogy, beginning alcohol and household journalist to find the killer. of Steve Davis and the rise
repercussions of a treatment that nothing should be with The Chase stars Anne chores, a shock discovery Thriller, starring James of promoter Barry Hearn’s
that could end dwarfism. censored gain currency. Hegerty and Shaun Wallace. threatens their potato crop. D’Arcy and Charlie Murphy. Matchroom group of players.

10.0 News (T) 10.0 The Witchfinder (T) The 10.15 News (T) Weather 10.15 Gogglebox (T) (R) 10.0 True Lies (1994) (T) 10.0 Filth: The Mary Whitehouse
10.25 Regional News (T) Weather Dedham ordeal has softened 10.45 Local News (T) Weather 11.20 Gogglebox (T) (R) Action comedy, starring Story (T) (R) Fact-based
10.35 Settling Down: A Believer’s Bannister’s hostility. 11.0 The Great British Treasure 12.20 Kitchen Nightmares USA Arnold Schwarzenegger. drama, starring Julie Walters.
Guide (T) Documentary 10.30 Newsnight (T) Weather Hunt (T) (R) Five teams of (T) (R) 1.10 Undercover Boss 1.0 The Live Casino Show (T) 11.30 Meet the Romans With Mary
following a gay Christian 11.15 99 Homes (Ramin metal detectorists compete Canada (T) (R) 2.05 Come 3.10 World’s Most Scenic Beard (T) (R) The classicist
couple moving in together. Bahrani, 2014) (T) Drama, to unearth the most Dine With Me (T) (R) 2.55 River Journeys (T) (R) 3.55 finds out about the ordinary
11.15 Extraordinary Portraits (T) starring Andrew Garfield historically important finds. Location, Location, Location Now That’s Funny! (T) (R) people of ancient Rome.
(R) Caroline Pool paints an and Michael Shannon. 11.55 Kate & Koji (T) (R) (T) (R) 3.50 George Clarke’s 4.45 Wildlife SOS (T) (R) 5.10 12.30 Pubs, Ponds and Power (T)
88-year-old dairy farmer. 1.0 Sign Zone Dragons’ Den (T) 12.20 Shop: Ideal World 3.0 Loose Old House, New Home (T) (R) House Doctor (R) 5.35 Peppa (R) 1.0 Inside Museums (T)
11.45 The Wall (T) (R) Gameshow. (R) 2.0 MasterChef (T) (R) Women (T) (R) 3.50 Unwind 4.45 Grand Designs (T) (R) Pig (R) 5.40 Paw Patrol (R) (R) 1.30 Gods of Snooker (T)
12.30 Weather (T) 12.35 News (T) 3.30 This Is BBC Two (T) With ITV 5.05 Tipping Point 5.40 Bidding Wars (T) (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy (R) (R) 2.30 Neanderthals (T) (R)

Other channels Radio

BBC Three E4 (1995) Action adventure, Sky Max Tales of the Unexpected Radio 3 who spearheaded a Wooldridge reports on The Female Persuasion
7.0pm MasterChef 6.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 starring Dylan Walsh. 6.0am Stargate SG-1 10.0 Discovering: Ben 6.30am Breakfast permanent citizens’ the changing fortunes (7/10) 2.15 Love for
Australia 7.50 The Catch Ramsay’s Kitchen 9.0 Coming to 7.0 Stargate SG-1 8.0 Kingsley 11.0 Music 9.0 Essential Classics assembly in Belgium. of the Falkland Islands. Lydia (2/10) 2.30 Dr
Up 7.55 Ready Nightmares USA 9.0 America (1988) Comedy, Arrow 9.0 DC’s Legends Icons: Folk Around the 12.0 Composer of the (1/6) 9.30 Witness: 8.40 In Touch 9.0 Fungi: Hepcat and the Hepster’s
Player One (2018) 10.0 Married at First Sight starring Eddie Murphy. of Tomorrow 10.0 The World 11.30 Video Killed Week: Elmer Bernstein The Battle for Mount The New Frontier (R) Dictionary 3.0 Hand in
Mood 10.50 Famalam Australia 11.0 Young 11.20 The Beach Flash 11.0 NCIS: New the Radio Star 12.0 Cold (2/5) 1.0 Lunchtime Longdon (R) 9.45 (LW) 9.30 Positive Thinking Glove (2/3) 4.0 The
11.15 Famalam 11.40 The Sheldon 12.0 Brooklyn Bum (2019) Slacker Orleans 12.0 NCIS: New War & Cinema 1.0 Tales Concert. Recitals from Daily Service 9.45 (FM) (R) 9.59 Weather 10.0 3rd Degree (5/6) 4.30
Drop 12.40 Mood 1.30 Nine-Nine 1.0 The Big comedy, starring Orleans 1.0 Hawaii Five- of the Unexpected 1.30 Belfast Music Society Book of the Week: Hybrid The World Tonight 10.45 Elephants to Catch Eels
Hot Property 2.0 Hot Bang Theory 3.0 Young Matthew McConaughey. 0 2.0 S.W.A.T 3.0 DC’s Tales of the Unexpected International Festival of Humans. By Harry Parker. Book at Bedtime: The (4/6) 5.0 Ayres on the
Property 2.30 Freeze: Sheldon 4.0 Brooklyn 1.10 Miss Sloane Legends of Tomorrow 2.0 Discovering: Helen Chamber Music 2022. (2/5) 10.0 Woman’s Promise. By Damon Air (4/4) 5.30 The World
Back on Thin Ice 3.15 Nine-Nine 5.0 The Big (2016) Drama, starring 4.0 Arrow 5.0 The Flash Mirren 3.0 Too Young to (1/4) 2.0 Afternoon Hour 11.0 Putin. Jonny Galgut. (2/10) 11.0 of Simon Rich (4/4) 6.0
Famalam 3.35 Famalam Bang Theory 5.30 The Jessica Chastain. 6.0 Stargate SG-1 7.0 Die 4.0 David Hockney: Concert. Includes French Dymond and his panel Fortunately 11.30 The The Lost Stradivarius
Big Bang Theory 6.0 The Stargate SG-1 8.0 The Time Regained 5.0 Tales National Orchestra and discuss Putin’s second Shadow of Algiers (2/4) 6.30 Soul Music
Dave Big Bang Theory 6.30 ITV2 Flash 9.0 Peacemaker of the Unexpected 5.30 Radio France Chorus in term as president. (4/8) (R) 11.45 Today in (1/5) 7.0 The Goon Show
6.0am Teleshopping The Big Bang Theory 7.0 6.0am Totally Bonkers 10.0 Strike Back: Tales of the Unexpected Saint-Saëns’ Requiem 11.30 The Caretakers Parliament 12.0 News 7.30 King Street Junior
7.10 Yianni: Supercar Hollyoaks 7.30 Married Guinness World Retribution 11.0 SEAL 6.0 Discovering: Vanessa 5.0 In Tune 7.0 In Tune The cleaners responsible and Weather 12.30 Book (7/7) 8.0 Raffles (2/6)
Customiser 8.0 Timber at First Sight Australia Records 6.25 Dress to Team 12.0 Resident Redgrave 7.0 The Art of Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. for treasures in Britain’s of the Week: Hybrid 8.30 Sherlock Holmes
Kings 9.0 Storage 9.0 Celebrity Gogglebox Impress 7.30 The Ellen Alien 1.0 Frayed 2.0 the Album Cover 8.55 Sofi Jeannin conducts the museums and galleries. Humans (R) 12.48 With Carleton Hobbs
Hunters UK 9.30 10.0 Naked Attraction DeGeneres Show 8.25 Road Wars 3.0 Hawaii 24x36: A Movie About BBC Singers and Aurora (1/3) 12.0 News 12.01 Shipping Forecast 1.0 (4/7) 9.0 Motortowns
Storage Hunters UK 11.05 Naked Attraction Love Bites 9.20 Hart Five-0 4.0 S.W.A.T 5.0 Movie Posters 10.30 Orchestra in Victoria’s (LW) Shipping Forecast As World Service 5.20 10.0 Comedy Club:
10.0 Top Gear 11.0 12.10 First Dates 1.15 of Dixie 10.15 One Tree Highway Patrol 5.30 Joan Rivers and Barbra O Vos Omnes, Reena 12.04 Call You and Yours Shipping Forecast 5.30 The World of Simon
Expedition With Steve Married at First Sight Hill 11.10 The OC 12.05 Highway Patrol Streisand: Urban Myths Esmail’s When the Violin, 12.57 Weather 1.0 The News Briefing 5.43 Rich (4/4) 10.30
Backshall 12.0 Bangers Australia 2.40 Celebrity Love Bites 1.05 Dress to 11.0 Teju’s Tale 11.15 Caroline Shaw’s Entracte, World at One 1.45 A Prayer for the Day Alex Edelman’s Peer
and Cash 1.0 Top Gear Gogglebox 3.35 Below Impress 2.05 The Ellen Sky Arts Spielberg 1.45 Too Young Vaughan Williams’s (arr Show of Hands (R) 2.0 5.45 Farming Today Group (2/2) 10.55 The
2.0 Expedition With Deck: Mediterranean DeGeneres Show 3.0 6.0am Janine and to Die 2.45 Christina Timothy Burke) Fantasia The Archers (R) 2.15 The 5.58 Tweet of the Day Comedy Club Interview
Steve Backshall 3.0 Rick 4.25 Ramsay’s Kitchen Hart of Dixie 4.0 One the 12 Stradivari Hendricks: Off Camera on a Theme by Thomas Shell Seven. Drama, by 11.0 Comedy Club: The
Stein’s Mediterranean Nightmares USA 5.15 Tree Hill 5.0 The OC 6.0 7.0 Rachmaninov: 4.0 A Play in a Day 5.0 Tallis, and MacMillan’s Margaret Heffernan. 3.0 Radio 4 Extra Harpoon (4/4) 11.30
Escapes 4.0 Bangers and Mike & Molly Catchphrase Celebrity Rhapsody/The Two Landmark Seven Last Words from The Kitchen Cabinet: 6.0am Raffles (2/6) The Million Pound Radio
Cash 5.0 Rick Stein’s Special 7.0 Superstore Pigeons 9.0 Tales of the Cross. 10.0 Free Home Economics (R) 6.30 Sherlock Holmes Show (2/8) 12.0 The
Long Weekends 6.0 Film4 7.30 Superstore 8.0 the Unexpected 9.30 Sky Atlantic Thinking. A discussion on 3.30 Costing the Earth. With Carleton Hobbs Lost Stradivarius (2/4)
Taskmaster 7.0 Richard 11.0am My Man Bob’s Burgers 8.30 6.0am Fish Town 7.50 what kept the Georgians The fight to save the (4/7) 7.0 Ayres on the 12.30 Soul Music (1/5)
Osman’s House of Games Godfrey (1936) Comedy, Bob’s Burgers 9.0 Totti: One Captain entertained. 10.45 The Russian snow leopard. Air (4/4) 7.30 The World 1.0 Raffles (2/6) 1.30
7.40 Would I Lie to You? starring William Powell Family Guy 9.30 Family 8.40 CSI: Crime Scene Essay: EarthWorks – Fen. 4.0 Word of Mouth. How of Simon Rich (4/4) 8.0 Sherlock Holmes With
The Unseen Bits 8.20 and Carole Lombard. Guy 10.0 Plebs 10.30 Investigation 9.30 The Archaeologist Rose the vocabulary of sci-fi The Goon Show 8.30 Carleton Hobbs (4/7) 2.0
QI XL 9.0 QI XL 10.0 12.55 Carry on Plebs 11.0 Family Guy Sopranos 11.40 Game Ferraby delves into the has entered everyday King Street Junior (7/7) The Female Persuasion
Question Team 11.0 Meet Constable (1960) 11.30 American Dad! of Thrones 1.0 Six Feet peat of the Fens. (2/5) speech. (1/6) 4.30 9.0 The Now Show (7/10) 2.15 Love for
the Richardsons 11.40 QI Comedy, starring Sid 11.55 American Dad! Under 3.10 Ray Donovan 11.0 Night Tracks 12.30 Great Lives. Actor Brian (4/6) 9.30 Elephants to Lydia (2/10) 2.30 Dr
XL 12.20 Mock the Week James. 2.40 Man 12.25 Bob’s Burgers 5.20 The Sopranos 7.30 Through the Night Cox on director Lindsay Catch Eels (4/6) 10.0 Hepcat and the Hepster’s
1.0 QI XL 1.40 Would I of the West (1958) 12.55 Bob’s Burgers Game of Thrones 9.0 Anderson. (1/9) 5.0 Hand in Glove (2/3) Dictionary 3.0 Hand in
Lie to You? The Unseen Western, starring Gary 1.25 Superstore 1.50 Raised By Wolves 10.05 Radio 4 PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping 11.0 Motortowns 12.0 Glove (2/3) 4.0 The
Bits 2.15 Have I Got a Bit Cooper. 4.40 The Superstore 2.20 Totally Funeral for a Dog 12.05 6.0am Today 8.45 (LW) Forecast 5.57 Weather The Goon Show 12.30 3rd Degree (5/6) 4.30
More Old News for You Pink Panther (1963) Bonkers Guinness Big Love 1.15 Big Love Yesterday in Parliament 6.0 News 6.30 Teatime King Street Junior (7/7) Elephants to Catch Eels
3.15 Richard Osman’s Crime comedy, starring World Records 2.50 Ready Player 2.25 Raised By Wolves 9.0 Positive Thinking. (R) 7.0 The Archers 1.0 Raffles (2/6) 1.30 (4/6) 5.0 Ayres on the
House of Games 4.0 Peter Sellers and David Unwind With ITV 3.0 3.30 In Treatment Sangita Myska talks to 7.15 Front Row 8.0 The Sherlock Holmes With Air (4/4) 5.30 The World
Teleshopping Niven. 6.55 Congo Teleshopping One, BBC Three 4.0 Fish Town David Van Reybrouck, Falklands Now. Mike Carleton Hobbs (4/7) 2.0 of Simon Rich (4/4)
The Guardian
2 April-
8 April 2022

Storyville: The Truffle

Hunters, BBC Four

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast 9.15 Morning Live 6.30 Escape to the Country (T) (R) 6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 6.05 Countdown (T) (R) 6.45 6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
10.0 Scam Interceptors 10.45 7.15 The Repair Shop (T) (R) 9.0 Lorraine (T) 10.0 This Cheers (T) (R) 7.40 (T) 12.15 George Clarke’s
Defenders UK 11.15 Homes 8.0 Sign Zone: See Hear (T) Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Everybody Loves Raymond Build a New Life in the
Under the Hammer (R) 12.15 8.30 Extraordinary Portraits Women (T) 1.30 News and (T) (R) 9.05 Frasier (T) (R) Country (T) (R) 1.10 News
Bargain Hunt (R) 1.0 News (T) (R) 9.0 News (T) 1.0 Weather (T) 1.55 Local 10.35 Ramsay’s Kitchen (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T)
1.30 Regional News and Ready Steady Cook (T) (R) News and Weather (T) 2.0 Nightmares USA (T) (R) 11.30 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15
Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 1.45 Eggheads (T) (R) 2.15 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) News (T) 11.35 Undercover A Killer in My Home
Shakespeare & Hathaway: Street Auction (T) (R) 3.0 The (R) 3.0 Lingo (T) (R) 4.0 Boss USA (T) (R) 12.30 (Farhad Mann, 2020) (T)
Private Investigators (R) 3.0 Customer Is Always Right Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 Steph’s Packed Lunch (T) 4.0 Filthy House SOS (T) (R)
Escape to the Country (R) (T) (R) 3.30 Natural World: The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A 5.0 News (T) 6.0 Neighbours 7.0 Pubs, Ponds and Power:
3.45 The Repair Shop 4.30 Kangaroo Dundee & Other News and Weather (T) 6.25 Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 (T) (R) 6.30 Eggheads (T) The Story of the Village (T)
Bridge of Lies 5.15 Pointless Animals – Part One (T) (R) Party Election Broadcast. By A New Life in the Sun (T) 7.0 The Gadget Show (T) (R) Ben Robinson explores
6.0 News 6.30 Regional 4.15 Golf: The Masters 2021 the Liberal Democrats. (T) (R) 5.0 Sun, Sea and Selling 7.55 News (T) the history of Port Isaac
News and Weather 6.55 Review (T) 5.15 Flog It! (T) (R) 6.30 News and Weather (T) Houses (T) 6.0 The Simpsons in Cornwall. 7.30 Inside
Party Election Broadcast. 6.0 Richard Osman’s House 7.30 Emmerdale (T) (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) Museums: Glasgow’s
By the Liberal Democrats. of Games (T) 6.30 Lightning 7.0 News (T) Treasure Palace (T) Lachlan
(R) 7.0 The One Show 7.30 (T) 7.0 Doctors (T) (R) 7.30 Goudie visits Kelvingrove
EastEnders Rick Stein’s Cornwall (T) (R) Art Gallery and Museum.

8.0 MasterChef (T) The 8.0 Your Body Uncovered With 8.0 Coronation Street (T) Faye 8.0 The Great Home 8.0 Police Interceptors (T) The 8.0 Lucy Worsley’s Royal Photo
contestants serve up a dish Kate Garraway (T) Kate blurts out the truth. Transformation (T) Emma knife-crime team are faced Album (T) (R) The historian
using ingredients including meets Paul, who has been 9.0 Kate & Koji (T) Koji decides to and Nick help a family of six with the growing threat on how photography helped
poussin and clams. dealing with the aftermath take a chance on romance. who are struggling for space of mamba, a synthetic reinvent Britain’s monarchy.
9.0 Interior Design Masters With of a severe stroke. 9.30 Bradley & Barney Walsh: in Eastbourne. cannabis substitute. 9.0 Putin, Russia and the West
Alan Carr (T) The designers 9.0 Stan & Ollie (Jon S Breaking Dad (T) (R) The duo 9.0 The Simpler Life (T) The 9.0 Deadline (T) Natalie tells (R) Former Ukraine president
fly solo this week, giving Baird, 2018) (T) Biopic of continue their adventure volunteers celebrate the James that she has just seen Leonid Kuchma tells the
them a chance to show off Laurel and Hardy, focusing in Slovenia, where they go end of the project and the her supposedly dead brother, story of the 2004 elections,
their individual abilities as on their 1953 tour of Britain. motocross racing, undergo statisticians discover how the Oliver, who went on the run and Kremlin officials explain
they transform shepherd’s Starring Steve Coogan and honey therapy, and join the process has changed those after borrowing from drug how they clamped down on
huts into boutique boltholes. John C Reilly. national quidditch team. taking part. Last in the series. dealers in Budapest. Putin’s critics in Russia.

10.0 News (T) 10.30 Newsnight (T) Weather 10.0 News (T) Weather 10.0 Naked Attraction’s Best 10.0 Killer at the Crime Scene (R) 10.0 Storyville: The Truffle
10.25 Regional News (T) Weather 11.15 Unspun World With John 10.30 Local News (T) Weather Naughty Bits (T) 11.05 Police Code Zero: Officer Hunters (T) Documentary
10.35 Mood (T) (R) Sasha knows Simpson (T) News review. 10.45 Rachael Blackmore: A Grand 11.05 First Dates (T) (R) Under Attack (T) (R) following a handful of
she cannot keep running 11.45 Thatcher & Reagan: A Very Year (R) A look at the jockey’s 12.05 Rescue: Extreme Medics 12.05 Inside the Force: 24/7 (R) elderly men working in Italy’s
from her trauma. Special Relationship (T) (R) historic success in 2021 when (T) (R) 1.05 A Cure for 1.0 The Live Casino Show Piedmont forests.
11.25 Gordon Ramsay’s Future Part one of two. she became the first woman Wellness (2016) (T) 3.30 3.10 Build a New Life in the 11.15 A Horizon Guide to Dogs (R)
Food Stars (T) (R) The 12.45 Sign Zone See Hear (T) (R) to win the Grand National. Unreported World (T) (R) Country (R) 3.55 Now That’s 12.15 Pubs, Ponds and Power (T)
acerbic chef seeks the next 1.15 Stanley Tucci: Searching 11.45 Paul Sinha’s TV Showdown 3.55 Ukraine: On the Front Funny! (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R) 12.45 Inside Museums (T)
generation “food star”. for Italy (T) (R) 2.0 The Real 12.20 Shop: Ideal World 3.0 Bling Line (T) (R) 4.20 Location, (R) 5.10 House Doctor (R) (R) 1.15 Royal Photo Album
12.25 Would I Lie to You? (T) 12.55 Peaky Blinders (T) (R) 4.0 (T) (R) 3.50 Unwind With ITV Location, Location (T) (R) 5.35 Peppa Pig (R) 5.40 Paw (T) (R) 2.15 Putin, Russia and
Weather (T) 1.0 News (T) This Is BBC Two (T) 5.05 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.15 Moneybags (T) (R) Patrol (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy the West (T) (R)

Other channels Radio

BBC Three E4 of Egypt (2016) Fantasy 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 Artist of the Year Canada Radio 3 Daily Service 9.45 (FM) Promise (3/10) 11.0 Earth to Earth: Potted
7.0pm MasterChef 6.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 adventure, starring 2.0 S.W.A.T 3.0 DC’s 4.0 Wordsworth & 6.30am Breakfast 9.0 Book of the Week: Hybrid Little Lifetimes: Leaving Immortality 3.0 Hand
Australia 7.50 The Catch Ramsay’s Kitchen Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Legends of Tomorrow Coleridge Road Trip Essential Classics 12.0 Humans. By Harry Parker. Alan. Comic monologue, in Glove (3/3) 4.0 The
Up 7.55 Angels of the Nightmares USA 9.0 and Gerard Butler. 9.0 4.0 Arrow 5.0 The Flash With Frank Skinner and Composer of the Week: (3/5) 10.0 Woman’s by Jenny Eclair. (1/7) Write Stuff (2/6) 4.30
North 8.15 Glow Up Married at First Sight The Spy Who 6.0 Stargate SG-1 7.0 Denise Mina 5.0 Tales Elmer Bernstein (3/5) Hour 11.0 Stalked (R) 11.15 The Skewer (1/8) Spangles ’n’ Tights (3/5)
Ireland 9.0 I Like the Way Australia 10.30 The Dumped Me (2018) Stargate SG-1 8.0 DC’s of the Unexpected 5.30 1.0 Lunchtime Concert. 11.30 Oti Mabuse’s 11.30 The Shadow of 5.0 Ed Reardon’s Week
U Move 10.0 Love in the Big Bang Theory 11.0 Comedy, starring Legends of Tomorrow Tales of the Unexpected Belfast recitals by pianist Dancing Legends. Algiers (R) 11.45 Today (2/6) 5.30 Conversations
Flesh 10.45 This Country Young Sheldon 12.0 Mila Kunis and Kate 9.0 SEAL Team 10.0 6.0 Discovering: Jason Vadym Kholodenko and Vincent Simone talks in Parliament 12.0 News from a Long Marriage
11.15 This Country 11.50 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.0 McKinnon. 11.15 Harlan Coben’s The Five Robards 7.0 Classic clarinettist Annelien about tango dancer María and Weather 12.30 Book (5/6) 6.0 The Lost
Hot Property 12.20 The Big Bang Theory Girls Trip (2017) 11.0 Harlan Coben’s The Albums 8.0 Anyone Van Wauwe. (2/4) 2.0 Nieves. (2/4) 12.0 News of the Week: Hybrid Stradivarius (3/4) 6.30
Love in the Flesh 1.05 3.0 Young Sheldon 4.0 Comedy, starring Regina Five 12.0 The Force: Can Sing 9.0 Six By Afternoon Concert. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Humans (R) 12.48 How Tickled Am I? (2/6)
The Drop 2.05 I Like the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Hall. 1.40 The North East 1.0 Road Sondheim 10.30 Les The French National Forecast 12.04 You and Shipping Forecast 1.0 7.0 Hancock’s Half Hour
Way U Move 3.05 This 5.0 The Big Bang Great Wall (2016) Wars 2.0 Sun, Sea and Dawson’s Parisienne Orchestra in Saint-Saëns’ Yours 12.57 Weather 1.0 As World Service 5.20 (9/20) 7.30 If You’re So
Country 3.35 My Mate’s Theory 7.0 Hollyoaks Fantasy adventure, A&E 4.0 S.W.A.T 5.0 Adventure: Urban Myths Organ Symphony. 4.0 The World at One 1.45 Shipping Forecast 5.30 Clever, Why Aren’t You
a Bad Date 7.30 Married at First starring Matt Damon. Highway Patrol 11.0 Daddy’s Girl 11.15 Choral Evensong 5.0 A Show of Hands. The News 5.43 Prayer for the Rich? (5/6) 8.0 Raffles
Sight Australia 8.45 The Directors 12.15 In Tune 7.0 In Tune importance of gesture Day 5.45 Farming Today (3/6) 8.30 Sherlock
Dave Teen First Dates 9.50 ITV2 Sky Arts I Am Richard Pryor 2.10 Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. in religious faith and the 5.58 Tweet of the Day Holmes With Carleton
6.0am Teleshopping Celebrity Gogglebox 6.0am Totally Bonkers 6.0am Beethoven: The Comedy Legends 3.0 Domingo Hindoyan arts. (R) 2.0 The Archers Hobbs (6/7) 9.0 The
7.10 Yianni: Supercar 10.55 Gogglebox 12.0 Guinness World Complete Symphonies Joan Rivers and Barbra conducts the Royal 2.15 Blame. Drama, by Radio 4 Extra Changing Sound of Radio
Customiser 8.0 Timber Naked Attraction 1.05 Records 6.25 Dress to 6.50 La Bohème 9.0 Streisand: Urban Myths Liverpool Philharmonic Mark Lawson. (R) 3.0 6.0am Raffles (3/6) (3/3) 10.0 Conversations
Kings 9.0 Storage Married at First Sight Impress 7.30 The Ellen Tales of the Unexpected 3.30 Les Dawson’s Orchestra and pianist Money Box Live 3.30 The 6.30 Sherlock Holmes from a Long Marriage
Hunters UK 9.30 Storage Australia 2.20 Teen DeGeneres Show 8.25 10.0 Discovering: Parisienne Adventure: Stephen Hough in Invention of Poland (R) With Carleton Hobbs (5/6) 10.30 Kevin Eldon
Hunters UK 10.0 Top First Dates 3.15 Below Love Bites 9.20 Hart Helen Mirren 11.0 Music Urban Myths 4.0 The Brahms’s Piano Concerto 4.0 Thinking Allowed. (6/7) 7.0 Ed Reardon’s Will See You Now (3/4)
Gear 11.0 Expedition Deck: Mediterranean of Dixie 10.15 One Tree Icons: New York Hip South Bank Show No 1 in D minor, Op With Laurie Taylor. Week (2/6) 7.30 10.55 The Comedy Club
With Steve Backshall 4.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Hill 11.10 The OC 12.05 Hop 11.30 Video Killed 5.0 Landmark 15 and Tchaikovsky’s (1/11) 4.30 The Media Conversations from a Interview 11.0 Radio
12.0 Bangers and Nightmares USA Love Bites 1.05 Dress the Radio Star 12.0 Sky Symphony No 6 in B Show 5.0 PM 5.54 (LW) Long Marriage (5/6) Active (7/8) 11.30 Dave
Cash 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 to Impress 2.05 The Arts Book Club 1.0 Tales Sky Atlantic minor, Op 74. 10.0 Shipping Forecast 5.57 8.0 Hancock’s Half Podmore’s Cricket Fix
Expedition With Steve Film4 Ellen DeGeneres Show of the Unexpected 2.0 6.0am Richard E Free Thinking. Kevin Weather 6.0 News 6.30 Hour (9/20) 8.30 If (4/4) 12.0 The Lost
Backshall 3.0 Rick Stein’s 11.0am Red 3.0 Hart of Dixie 4.0 Discovering: Vanessa Grant’s Hotel Secrets Rudd talks to Rana Conversations from a You’re So Clever, Why Stradivarius (3/4) 12.30
Mediterranean Escapes Mountain (1951) One Tree Hill 5.0 The Redgrave 3.0 Landscape 7.40 Totti: One Captain Mitter. 10.45 The Essay: Long Marriage. Joanna Aren’t You Rich? (5/6) How Tickled Am I?
4.0 Bangers and Cash Western, starring Alan OC 6.0 Catchphrase 8.35 CSI: Crime Scene EarthWorks – Mountain. decides the time has 9.0 The Write Stuff (2/6) 1.0 Raffles (3/6)
5.0 Rick Stein’s India 6.0 Ladd. 12.40 The Celebrity Special 7.0 Investigation 9.30 The Rose Ferraby visits a come to move house. (2/6) 9.30 Spangles ’n’ 1.30 Sherlock Holmes
Taskmaster 7.0 Richard Gentle Sex (1943) Superstore 8.0 Bob’s Sopranos 11.40 Game Neolithic quarry in the (6/6) 7.0 The Archers Tights (3/5) 10.0 Hand With Carleton Hobbs
Osman’s House of Games Second world war drama, Burgers 9.0 Family Guy of Thrones 1.15 Six Feet Lake District. (3/5) 7.15 Front Row 8.0 The in Glove (3/3) 11.0 The (6/7) 2.0 The Female
7.40 Would I Lie to You? starring Joan Greenwood. 11.30 American Dad! Under 3.30 Ray Donovan 11.0 Night Tracks 12.30 Exchange. Two people Changing Sound of Radio Persuasion (8/10) 2.15
8.20 QI XL 9.0 QI XL 2.30 The Rare 12.25 Bob’s Burgers 1.25 5.40 The Sopranos 7.55 Through the Night who faced difficult (3/3) 12.0 Hancock’s Love for Lydia (3/10)
10.0 The Island 11.0 Breed (1966) Romantic Superstore Celebrity Game of Thrones 9.0 decisions when their Half Hour (9/20) 12.30 2.30 Earth to Earth:
Have I Got a Bit More comedy western, starring Juice 3.0 Teleshopping Raised By Wolves 10.05 Radio 4 elderly parents needed If You’re So Clever, Why Potted Immortality 3.0
Old News for You 12.0 Maureen O’Hara and Yellowjackets 11.10 6.0am Today 8.45 (LW) care. (1/4) 8.45 Lent Aren’t You Rich? (5/6) Hand in Glove (3/3) 4.0
Mock the Week 12.40 James Stewart. 4.30 Sky Max Winning Time: The Rise Yesterday in Parliament Talks (5/6) 9.0 Costing 1.0 Raffles (3/6) 1.30 The Write Stuff (2/6)
QI XL 1.40 Would I Lie ¡Three Amigos! 6.0am Stargate SG-1 of the Lakers Dynasty 9.0 Life Changing. Jane the Earth (R) 9.30 The Sherlock Holmes With 4.30 Spangles ’n’ Tights
to You? 2.25 The Island (1986) Comedy western, 8.0 Arrow 9.0 DC’s 12.15 Six Feet Under Garvey talks to people Media Show (R) 9.59 Carleton Hobbs (6/7) 2.0 (3/5) 5.0 Ed Reardon’s
3.15 Richard Osman’s starring Steve Martin, Legends of Tomorrow Raised by Wolves, 2.25 Big Love 3.30 In about turning points in Weather 10.0 The The Female Persuasion Week (2/6) 5.30
House of Games 4.0 Chevy Chase and Martin 10.0 The Flash 11.0 Treatment 4.0 Richard E their lives. (1/7) 9.30 World Tonight 10.45 (8/10) 2.15 Love for Conversations from a
Teleshopping Short. 6.35 Gods NCIS: New Orleans Sky Atlantic Grant’s Hotel Secrets Ingenious (R) 9.45 (LW) Book at Bedtime: The Lydia (3/10) 2.30 Long Marriage (5/6)
Nikki Grahame:
Who Is She?
Channel 4

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Morning 6.30 Escape to the Country (T) (R) 6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 6.05 Countdown (T) (R) 6.45 6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Live (T) 10.0 Scam 7.15 The Repair Shop (T) (R) 9.0 Lorraine (T) 10.0 This Cheers (T) (R) 7.40 (T) 12.15 George Clarke’s
Interceptors (T) 10.45 8.0 Sign Zone: Gardeners’ Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Everybody Loves Raymond Build a New Life in the
Defenders UK (T) 11.15 Homes World (T) (R) 9.0 News (T) Women (T) 1.30 News and (T) (R) 9.05 Frasier (T) (R) Country (T) (R) 1.10 News
Under the Hammer (T) (R) 1.0 Ready Steady Cook (T) Weather (T) 1.35 Local News 10.35 Ramsay’s Kitchen (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T)
12.15 Bargain Hunt (R) 1.0 (R) 1.45 Eggheads (T) (R) and Weather (T) 1.45 Racing: Nightmares USA (T) (R) 11.30 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15
News 1.30 Regional News and 2.15 Best Bakes Ever (T) (R) Grand National Festival (T) News (T) 11.35 Undercover Deadly Prescription
Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 3.0 The Customer Is Always 5.0 The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Boss USA (T) (R) 12.30 (Caroline Labreche, 2018) (T)
Shakespeare & Hathaway: Right (T) (R) 3.30 Natural Local News and Weather (T) Steph’s Packed Lunch (T) 4.0 Filthy House SOS (T) (R)
Private Investigators (R) 3.0 World: Kangaroo Dundee & 6.30 News and Weather (T) 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A 5.0 News (T) 6.0 Neighbours
Escape to the Country (R) Other Animals – Part Two (T) 7.30 Emmerdale (T) Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 (T) (R) 6.30 Eggheads (T) 7.0 Pubs, Ponds and Power: The
3.45 The Repair Shop 4.30 (R) 4.15 Indian Ocean With A New Life in the Sun (T) 7.0 Inside Greggs: Britain’s Story of the Village (T) (R)
Bridge of Lies 5.15 Pointless Simon Reeve (T) (R) 5.15 (R) 5.0 Sun, Sea and Selling Biggest Bakery (T) (R) The history of Lavenham
6.0 News 6.30 Regional Flog It! (T) (R) 6.0 Richard Houses (T) 6.0 The Simpsons 7.55 News (T) in Suffolk. 7.30 Inside
News and Weather 6.55 Party Osman’s House of Games (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) Museums: Ulster’s Folk
Election Broadcast. By the (T) 6.30 Lightning (T) 7.0 7.0 News (T) Wonders (T) Marie-Louise
Conservative party. 7.0 The Doctors (T) (R) 7.30 Rick Muir visits the Ulster Folk
One Show 7.30 EastEnders Stein’s Cornwall (T) (R) Museum. Last in the series.

8.0 Dragons’ Den (T) An 8.0 Secrets of the Museum (T) 8.30 Tonight: House Prices – 8.0 Perfect House, Secret 8.0 Cornwall: A Year By the 8.0 Michael Wood’s Story of
ex-newsreader and his New series. Behind-the- How High Will They Go? Location (T) Steve Sea (T) It is autumn and the England (T) (R) The historian
business partner pitch their scenes documentary on the (T) Jonathan Maitland Jones helps Nicki and pregnant ewes are being explores the history of
movable webcam. Victoria & Albert Museum. investigates why house Levant Aktolga find a scanned to see how many Kibworth, Leicestershire,
9.0 Gordon Ramsay’s Future 9.0 Art That Made Us (T) New prices conntinue to rise. house suitable for their lambs they can expect. from the 19th century to
Food Stars (T) Gordon tests series. An alternative history 9.0 Falklands War: The home-based businesses. 9.0 Deadline (T) James has a today. Last in the series.
his contenders’ skills at of Britain told through 1,500 Forgotten Battle (T) Ben 9.0 Nikki Grahame: Who Is She? terrifying flight to Budapest, 9.0 Move Over, Darling
an artisan smoked salmon years of art. Leading British Fogle uncovers the story of (T) A tribute to the late and he tracks down people (Michael Gordon, 1963) (T)
business. Then he sees creatives explore key works a garrison of British Marines reality icon, detailing her from Natalie’s past that Romantic comedy, starring
whether they can create an that have shaped British art and the battle they fought triumphs in Big Brother and can help him get closer to Doris Day, James Garner
incredible feast in a forest. and culture. during the Falklands war. lifelong battle with anorexia. the truth. and Polly Bergen.

10.0 News (T) 10.0 Mock the Week (T) (R) With 10.0 News (T) Weather 10.0 Gogglebox (T) (R) 10.0 The Rise & Fall of John Leslie 10.40 Calamity Jane (David
10.25 Regional News (T) Weather Catherine Bohart, Ed Byrne, 10.30 Local News (T) Weather 11.05 My £2 Dream Home (T) 11.05 Most Shocking Celebrity Butler, 1953) (T) A tomboy
10.35 Question Time (T) Fiona Darren Harriott, Rhys James 10.45 All Star Musicals (T) (R) 12.05 Naked Attraction’s Best Moments (T) (R) seeks a friend’s help in
Bruce hosts the debate. and Felicity Ward. John Barrowman hosts. Naughty Bits (T) (R) 1.0 1.05 The Live Casino Show (T) attracting a man. Musical
11.35 Celebrity Mastermind (T) 10.30 Newsnight (T) Weather 12.10 All Elite Wrestling: Rampage Kitchen Nightmares USA (T) 3.10 Dogs Behaving (Very) comedy western, starring
(R) Jeremy Edwards, Sonali 11.15 The Speedshop (T) (R) (T) 1.0 Shop: Ideal World 3.0 (R) 1.50 Come Dine With Me Badly (T) (R) 3.55 Now That’s Doris Day and Howard Keel.
Shah, Dave Rowntree and 12.15 Golf: The Masters Highlights Tonight: House Prices – How (R) 2.45 Grayson’s Art Club Funny! (T) (R) 4.45 Wildlife 12.20 Talking Pictures: Hollywood
Camilla Tominey compete. (T) 1.45 Sign Zone: Interior High Will They Go? (T) (R) (R) 3.40 Location, Location, SOS (T) (R) 5.10 House Actresses (T) (R) 1.05 Pubs,
12.05 Question of Sport (T) (R) Design Masters (T) (R) 2.45 3.25 Wonders of Scotland Location (R) 4.35 Dispatches: Doctor (T) (R) 5.35 Peppa Pig Ponds and Power (T) (R) 1.35
12.35 Weather for the Week Tales from a Kitchen Garden (T) (R) 3.50 Unwind With ITV Cadbury Exposed (R) 5.05 (T) (R) 5.40 Paw Patrol (T) Inside Museums (T) (R) 2.05
Ahead 12.40 BBC News (T) (R) 3.15 This Is BBC Two (T) 5.05 Tipping Point (T) (R) Moneybags (T) (R) (R) 5.50 Pip and Posy (T) (R) Story of England (R)

Other channels Radio

BBC Three E4 Like a Boss (2020) Sky Max 11.30 Dave Stewart Radio 3 9.45 (FM) Book of the Our Time 9.59 Weather With Carleton Hobbs
7.0pm MasterChef 6.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 Comedy, starring Tiffany 6.0am Stargate SG-1 and Eurythmics: 6.30am Breakfast 9.0 Week: Hybrid Humans. 10.0 The World Tonight (7/7) 2.0 The Female
Australia 7.55 The Catch Ramsay’s Kitchen Haddish, Rose Byrne and 8.0 Arrow 9.0 DC’s Video Killed the Radio Essential Classics 12.0 By Harry Parker. (4/5) 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Persuasion (9/10) 2.15
Up 8.0 Eating With My Nightmares USA Salma Hayek. 10.40 Legends of Tomorrow Star 12.0 National Composer of the Week: 10.0 Woman’s Hour 11.0 The Promise. By Damon Love for Lydia (4/10)
Ex 8.30 Eating With My 9.0 Married at First The Inbetweeners 10.0 The Flash 11.0 Treasures: The Art of Elmer Bernstein (4/5) Crossing Continents. Galgut. (4/10) 11.0 2.30 Dancing With the
Ex 9.0 Daisy Maskell: Sight Australia 10.20 Movie (2011) Comedy, NCIS: New Orleans Collecting 1.0 Tales of 1.0 Lunchtime Concert. How calls for hunting The Likely Dads Tim Devil 3.0 Hand in Glove
Insomnia and Me 10.0 Rude(ish) Tube Shorts starring Simon Bird 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 the Unexpected 1.30 Belfast recitals by pianist bans have affected the Vincent hosts a debate (1/3) 4.0 Foul Play
Love in the Flesh 10.45 10.30 The Big Bang and Joe Thomas. 12.35 2.0 S.W.A.T 3.0 DC’s Tales of the Unexpected Vadym Kholodenko and French elections. (1/7) on parental discipline. (2/6) 4.30 Clare in the
MOTDx 11.15 Mood 12.05 Theory 11.0 Young Frances Ha (2012) Legends of Tomorrow 2.0 Discovering: Jason clarinettist Annelien 11.30 Archaeology of a (1/6) 11.30 The Shadow Community (2/6) 5.0
Love in the Flesh 12.50 Sheldon 12.0 Brooklyn Comedy-drama, starring 4.0 Arrow 5.0 The Flash Robards 3.0 Matisse: Van Wauwe. (3/4) 2.0 Storyteller (R) 12.0 News of Algiers (R) 11.45 It’s a Fair Cop (5/6) 5.30
Hot Property 1.20 Daisy Nine-Nine 1.0 The Big Greta Gerwig. 2.20 6.0 Stargate SG-1 8.0 From Tate Modern & Afternoon Concert. Paris 12.01 (LW) Shipping Today in Parliament Big Problems With Helen
Maskell: Insomnia and Bang Theory 3.0 Young Mistress America An Idiot Abroad 9.0 A MoMA 4.0 Guy Garvey: Opera Orchestra and Forecast 12.04 You and 12.0 News and Weather Keen (4/4) 6.0 The
Me 2.20 Gavin & Stacey Sheldon 4.0 Brooklyn (2015) Comedy-drama, League of Their Own From the Vaults 5.0 Tales Chorus perform opera Yours 12.30 Sliced Bread. 12.30 Book of the Week: Lost Stradivarius (4/4)
2.50 The Drop Nine-Nine 5.0 The starring Lola Kirke and Road Trip: Dingle to of the Unexpected 5.30 extracts. 5.0 In Tune 7.0 Greg Foot and guests Hybrid Humans (R) 6.30 Great Lives 7.0
Big Bang Theory 7.0 Greta Gerwig. Dover 10.0 Resident Tales of the Unexpected In Tune Mixtape 7.30 question a product’s 12.48 Shipping Forecast The Small, Intricate Life
Dave Hollyoaks 7.30 Married Alien 11.0 Peacemaker 6.0 Discovering: Richard In Concert. Live from bold claims, beginning 1.0 As World Service of Gerald C Potter (3/6)
6.0am Teleshopping at First Sight Australia ITV2 12.0 The Flash 1.0 Dreyfuss 7.0 Anyone Can the Royal Festival Hal, with electric cars. (1/20) 5.20 Shipping Forecast 7.30 After Henry (5/8)
7.10 Yianni: Supercar 9.0 Naked Attraction 6.0am Totally Bonkers Road Wars 2.0 Hawaii Sing 8.0 The Directors Stanislav Kochanovsky 12.57 Weather 1.0 The 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 8.0 Raffles (4/6) 8.30
Customiser 8.0 Timber 11.05 Gogglebox Guinness World Five-0 4.0 S.W.A.T 5.0 9.0 A Run for Your conducts violinist World at One 1.45 A Prayer for the Day 5.45 Sherlock Holmes With
Kings 9.0 Storage 12.15 First Dates 1.20 Records 6.25 Dress to Highway Patrol Money (1949) 10.45 Gil Shaham and the Show of Hands (R) 2.0 Farming Today 5.58 Carleton Hobbs (7/7)
Hunters UK 9.30 Storage Rick and Morty 1.50 Impress 7.30 The Ellen Why Me 11.0 The Movies Philharmonia Orchestra The Archers 2.15 Our Tweet of the Day 9.0 Desert Island Discs
Hunters UK 10.0 Top Robot Chicken 2.15 DeGeneres Show 8.25 Sky Arts 12.0 Freddie Mercury: in Shostakovich’s Friends in the North: (6/27) 9.45 The Curious
Gear 11.0 Expedition Married at First Sight Love Bites 9.20 Hart 6.0am LA Philharmonic The Tribute Concert 1.50 October, Op 131, 1970. Drama, by Peter Radio 4 Extra Cases of Rutherford & Fry
With Steve Backshall Australia 3.35 Below of Dixie 10.15 One Tree Centennial Birthday The Strange Life of Dr Prokofiev’s Violin Flannery. (4/10) 3.0 6.0am Raffles (4/6) (2/6) 10.0 Big Problems
12.0 Bangers and Deck: Mediterranean Hill 11.10 The OC 12.05 Gala 7.45 Hollywood: Frankenstein 2.50 Philip Concerto No 2 in G minor, Open Country. Helen 6.30 Sherlock Holmes With Helen Keen (4/4)
Cash 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 4.25 Ramsay’s Kitchen Love Bites 1.05 Dress to Singing and Dancing 9.0 Larkin By Andrew Motion Op 63 and Mussorgsky’s Mark explores the With Carleton Hobbs 10.30 Brian Gulliver’s
Expedition With Steve Nightmares USA 5.15 Impress 2.05 The Ellen Tales of the Unexpected 3.50 Life & Rhymes 4.20 (orch Ravel) Pictures Cairngorms national (7/7) 7.0 It’s a Fair Cop Travels (2/6) 11.0 The
Backshall 3.0 Rick Stein’s Mike & Molly DeGeneres Show 3.0 10.0 Discovering: Life & Rhymes 4.50 Arts at an Exhibition. 10.0 park. (1/4) 3.27 Radio 4 (5/6) 7.30 Big Problems Maltby Collection (5/6)
Mediterranean Escapes Hart of Dixie 4.0 One Vanessa Redgrave 11.0 Uncovered 5.0 Landmark Free Thinking 10.45 Appeal: Child Poverty With Helen Keen (4/4) 11.30 A Look Back at
4.0 Bangers and Cash Film4 Tree Hill 5.0 The OC 6.0 Music Icons: Alt Rock The Essay: EarthWorks Action Group (R) 3.30 8.0 The Small, Intricate the Future (5/6) 12.0
5.0 Rick Stein’s India 11.0am The Blue Catchphrase Celebrity Sky Atlantic – Island. In the Outer Bookclub (R) 4.0 Unreal: Life of Gerald C Potter The Lost Stradivarius
6.0 Taskmaster 7.0 Dahlia (1946) Thriller, Special 7.0 Superstore 6.0am Richard E Hebrides, Rose The VFX Revolution (R) (3/6) 8.30 After Henry (4/4) 12.30 Great Lives
Richard Osman’s House starring Alan Ladd. 1.05 7.30 Superstore 8.0 Grant’s Hotel Secrets Ferraby considers the 4.30 Inside Science 5.0 (5/8) 9.0 Foul Play 1.0 Raffles (4/6) 1.30
of Games 7.40 Would I Tomahawk (1951) Bob’s Burgers 8.30 Bob’s 8.0 Totti: One Captain archaeology of islands. PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping (2/6) 9.30 Clare in the Sherlock Holmes With
Lie to You? 8.20 QI XL Western, starring Van Burgers 9.0 Family Guy 9.0 CSI: Crime Scene (4/5) 11.0 Night Tracks Forecast 5.57 Weather Community (2/6) 10.0 Carleton Hobbs (7/7) 2.0
9.0 QI XL 10.0 Meet Heflin. 2.45 The 9.30 Family Guy 10.0 Investigation 10.0 The 11.30 Unclassified. 6.0 News 6.30 You Hand in Glove (1/3) The Female Persuasion
the Richardsons 10.40 Weaker Sex (1948) Celebrity Juice 10.50 Sopranos 12.15 Game of Highlights from After Heard It Here First. 11.0 Desert Island Discs (9/10) 2.15 Love for
Mock the Week 11.20 Second world war Family Guy 11.20 Family Thrones 1.20 Six Feet Dark festival. 12.30 Chris McCausland hosts (6/27) 11.45 The Curious Lydia (4/10) 2.30
Mock the Week 12.0 drama, starring Ursula Guy 11.50 American Under 3.30 Ray Donovan Through the Night a one-off panel show Cases of Rutherford Dancing With the Devil
Mock the Week 12.40 Jeans. 4.30 Night Dad! 12.15 American 5.40 The Sopranos 7.55 about sounds. 7.0 The & Fry (2/6) 12.0 The 3.0 Hand in Glove (1/3)
QI XL 1.40 Would I Lie Passage (1957) Western, Dad! 12.45 Bob’s Burgers Game of Thrones 9.0 My Radio 4 Archers 7.15 Front Row Small, Intricate Life of 4.0 Foul Play (2/6) 4.30
to You? 2.30 Live at starring James Stewart. 1.10 Bob’s Burgers My Brilliant Brilliant Friend 11.30 6.0am Today 8.45 (LW) 8.0 Terrorism and the Gerald C Potter (3/6) Clare in the Community
the Apollo 3.15 Richard 6.20 Ghostbusters 1.40 Superstore 2.05 Friend, Raised By Wolves 12.35 Yesterday in Parliament Mind (R) 8.30 Life 12.30 After Henry (2/6) 5.0 It’s a Fair Cop
Osman’s House of Games (2016) Fantasy comedy, Superstore 2.35 Deep Banshee 4.0 Richard E 9.0 In Our Time 9.45 Changing (R) 9.0 Inside (5/8) 1.0 Raffles (4/6) (5/6) 5.30 Big Problems
4.0 Teleshopping starring Kristen Wiig. 9.0 Heat 3.0 Teleshopping Sky Atlantic Grant’s Hotel Secrets (LW) Daily Service Science (R) 9.30 In 1.30 Sherlock Holmes With Helen Keen (4/4)
The Guardian
2 April-
8 April 2022

Pilgrimage: The
Road to the Scottish
Isles, BBC Two

BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Morning 6.15 The Repair Shop (T) (R) 7.0 6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 6.05 Countdown (T) (R) 6.45 6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Live (T) 10.0 Scam Sign Zone: Great Coastal 9.0 Lorraine (T) 10.0 This Cheers (T) (R) 7.40 (T) 12.15 George Clarke’s
Interceptors (T) 10.45 Railway Journeys (T) (R) Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Everybody Loves Raymond Build a New Life in the
Defenders UK (T) 11.15 7.30 Marcus Wareing’s Tales Women (T) 1.30 News and (T) (R) 9.05 Frasier (T) (R) Country (T) (R) 1.10 News
Homes Under the Hammer from a Kitchen Garden (T) Weather (T) 1.35 Local News 10.35 Ramsay’s Kitchen (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T)
(T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 8.0 Golf: The Masters and Weather (T) 1.45 Racing: Nightmares USA (T) (R) 11.30 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15
1.0 News (T) 1.30 Regional Highlights (T) 9.30 News Grand National Festival (T) News (T) 11.35 Undercover Killing Your Daughter
News and Weather (T) 1.45 (T) 1.0 The Pure Hell of 5.0 The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Boss USA (T) (R) 12.30 (Craig Goldstein, 2019) (T)
Father Brown (T) (R) 2.30 St Trinian’s (Frank Launder, Local News and Weather (T) Steph’s Packed Lunch (T) 4.0 Filthy House SOS (T) (R)
Money for Nothing (T) 3.0 1960) (T) 2.30 The Customer 6.30 News and Weather (T) 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A 5.0 News (T) 6.0 Neighbours
Escape to the Country (T) Is Always Right (T) (R) 3.15 Sri 7.30 Emmerdale (T) Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 (T) (R) 6.30 Eggheads (T)
(R) 3.45 The Repair Shop (T) Lanka: Elephant Island (T) (R) A New Life in the Sun (T) 7.0 Coastal Britain With Kate
(R) 4.30 Bridge of Lies (T) 4.15 Indian Ocean With Simon (R) 5.0 Sun, Sea and Selling Humble (T) 7.55 News (T) 7.0 Dusty (T) (R) A show from
5.15 Pointless (T) 6.0 News Reeve (T) (R) 5.15 Flog It! Houses (T) 6.0 The Simpsons 1967, with Latin singer-and-
(T) 6.30 Regional News and (T) (R) 6.0 Richard Osman’s (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks guitar trio Los Machucambos.
Weather (T) 7.0 The One House of Games (T) 6.30 (T) (R) 7.0 News (T) 7.30 7.25 Dusty (T) (R) With guest
Show (T) 7.30 Question Lightning (T) 7.0 MOTDx (T) Unreported World (T) Scott Walker. 7.50 Sounds of
of Sport (T) 7.30 Beechgrove (T) (R) the Sixties (T) (R)

8.0 MasterChef (T) The third 8.0 Gardeners’ World (T) Monty 8.0 Coronation Street (T) Kelly 8.0 Grayson’s Art Club (T) 8.0 Cruising With Susan Calman 8.0 TOTP: 1992 (T) (R) With M
quarter-final. Don begins a redesign in the refuses to allow Laura to ruin Grayson and Philippa Perry (T) As her cruise ship leaves People, Tasmin Archer, Dina
8.30 Would I Lie to You? (T) (R) dry garden. Toby Buckland her moment of glory. are joined by comedian the Canaries, Susan enjoys Carroll and Take That.
With Jo Brand, Emma Bunton explores daffodils at 9.0 Grantchester (T) After Mawaan Rizwan, who is sailing north across the 8.30 TOTP: 1992 (T) (R) With
and Jonnie Peacock. Cotehele in Cornwall. a murder at an old folks’ challenged to create an Atlantic Ocean to Madeira. Madonna, Doctor Spin,
9.0 Have I Got News for You (T) 9.0 Pilgrimage: The Road to the home, two of its residents artwork on the theme 9.0 Deadline (T) James returns Boyz II Men, Bon Jovi and
Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts. Scottish Isles (T) New series. go missing. Will and Geordie Inside My Head. to London to pursue the Tasmin Archer.
9.30 Not Going Out (T) Lee Seven celebrities set out on are given the run around 9.0 Gogglebox (T) The armchair killer, but he has been fired 9.0 BBC Four Sessions (T) (R)
promises Lucy he will make a journey by foot, travelling when they try and track them critics share their opinions and no one believes his Bonnie Raitt performs in
more of an effort to be more than 1,600km to learn down. Drama, with Robson on what they have been stories of what happened in concert, featuring tracks
friendly to other parents. about St Columba. Green and Tom Brittney. watching during the week. Budapest. Last in the series. from across her career.

10.0 News (T) 10.0 QI (T) (R) With Stephen K 10.0 News (T) Weather 10.0 Open House: The Great Sex 10.0 Holidaying With Jane 10.0 The Old Grey Whistle Test
10.25 Regional News (T) Weather Amos and Cally Beaton. 10.30 Local News (T) Weather Experiment (T) McDonald: The Caribbean (T) (R) A Bonnie Raitt concert
10.35 Iron Man 3 (Shane 10.30 Newsnight (T) Weather 10.45 21 Jump Street (Chris 11.05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does 11.0 80s Greatest Pop Videos (T) from 1976.
Black, 2013) (T) The 11.05 House of Maxwell (T) (R) Miller & Phil Lord, 2012) (T) Countdown (T) (R) 1.0 The Live Casino Show (T) 10.40 Cardiff Calling: 6 Music
armoured avenger faces a 12.05 Golf: The Masters Highlights Comedy inspired by the TV 12.05 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally 3.10 Police Interceptors (T) Festival 2022 Highlights (T)
terrorist bomber. Superhero (T) 1.35 Sign Zone: Panorama series, starring Jonah Hill Just Told You (T) (R) 1.05 (R) 3.55 Now That’s Funny! 11.40 Stewart Copeland’s
sequel, starring Robert – Obesity: Who Cares If I’m and Channing Tatum. Popstar: Never Stop (T) (R) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (T) Adventures in Music (T) (R)
Downey Jr and Ben Kingsley. Bigger? (T) (R) 2.05 Your 12.40 Shop: Ideal World 3.0 Never Stopping (2016) 2.35 (R) 5.10 House Doctor (T) (R) 12.40 TOTP: 1992 (T) (R) 1.10 TOTP:
12.35 Superman & Lois (T) (R) 1.20 Body Uncovered With Kate Winning Combination (T) (R) Come Dine With Me (T) (R) 5.35 Peppa Pig (T) (R) 5.40 1992 (T) (R) 1.40 BBC Four
Weather for the Week Ahead Garraway (T) (R) 3.05 This 3.50 Unwind With ITV 5.05 4.45 Moneybags (T) (R) Paw Patrol (T) (R) 5.50 Pip Sessions (T) (R) 2.40 Dusty
(T) 1.25 News (T) Is BBC Two (T) Cash Trapped (T) (R) 5.35 Bidding Wars (T) (R) and Posy (T) (R) (T) (R) 3.05 Dusty (T) (R)

Other channels Radio

BBC Three E4 starring Dave Bautista. Five-0 2.0 S.W.A.T Icons: New Wave 11.30 Radio 3 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 6.0 News 6.30 The Now (R) 10.0 Hand in Glove
7.0pm MasterChef 6.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 10.55 White Boy 3.0 DC’s Legends of Video Killed the Radio 6.30am Breakfast 9.0 9.45 (FM) Book of the Show (5/6) 7.0 Letter (2/3) 11.0 Podcast Radio
Australia 7.55 The Catch Ramsay’s Kitchen Rick (2018) Crime Tomorrow 4.0 Arrow 5.0 Star 12.0 Rankin’s Essential Classics 12.0 Week: Hybrid Humans. from Ukraine. Ukrainian Hour 12.0 Dad’s Army
Up 8.0 The Fast and the Nightmares USA 9.0 drama, starring Matthew The Flash 6.0 Stargate 2020 12.30 Rankin’s Composer of the Week: By Harry Parker. (5/5) writer Andrey Kurkov (16/20) 12.30 Bristow
Farmer-ish 8.30 The Fast Married at First Sight McConaughey. 1.10 SG-1 7.0 Stargate SG-1 2020 1.0 Tales of the Elmer Bernstein (5/5) 10.0 Woman’s Hour reflects on recent events (3/6) 1.0 Raffles (5/6)
and the Farmer-ish 9.0 Australia 10.30 The Big Regression (2015) 8.0 Rugby’s Funniest Unexpected 1.30 Tales 1.0 Lunchtime Concert. 11.0 Three Pounds in My in his home nation. (6/7) 1.30 XPD (1/8) 2.0
Love in the Flesh 9.45 Bang Theory 11.0 Young Psychological thriller, Moments 9.0 Rob & of the Unexpected 2.0 Recitals from the Belfast Pocket. Migrants from 7.15 Screenshot. Ellen E The Female Persuasion
Love in the Flesh 10.30 Sheldon 12.0 Brooklyn starring Ethan Hawke. Romesh vs Cricket: Discovering: Richard festival by pianist Vadym the Indian subcontinent Jones and Mark Kermode (10/10) 2.15 Love for
Love in the Flesh 11.15 Nine-Nine 1.0 The Big South Africa 10.0 Rob Dreyfuss 3.0 Mystery Kholodenko and Trio recall Britain post-9/11. take a look at the Lydia (5/10) 2.30 Ken,
Love in the Flesh 12.0 Bang Theory 1.30 The ITV2 & Romesh vs Cricket: of the Lost Paintings Gaspard. (4/4) 2.0 (1/3) 11.30 Whatever kaleidoscopic world of Madge and the Strange
Love in the Flesh 12.45 Big Bang Theory 2.0 The 6.0am Totally Bonkers The Test 11.0 A League 4.0 Landscape Artist of Afternoon Concert. Radio Happened to Baby Jane the moving image. (2/9) Rock 3.0 Hand in Glove
Love in the Flesh 1.30 Big Bang Theory 2.30 Guinness World of Their Own Road the Year National Trust France Philharmonic Austen? Florence and 8.0 Any Questions? 8.50 (2/3) 4.0 Guess What?
Hot Property 2.0 The The Big Bang Theory Records 6.25 Dress to Trip: Dingle to Dover Favourites 5.0 Tales of play Johann Strauss I, Selina are nominated A Point of View 9.0 The (4/10) 4.30 Bookcases
Drop 3.0 Freeze: Back 3.0 Young Sheldon 4.0 Impress 7.30 The Ellen 12.0 DC’s Legends of the Unexpected 5.30 Johann Strauss II and for a writers’ prize and Museums That Make Us (R) 5.0 All Those Women
on Thin Ice Brooklyn Nine-Nine DeGeneres Show 8.25 Tomorrow 1.0 Road Wars Tales of the Unexpected Richard Strauss. 4.30 the contest becomes a Omnibus (2/4) 9.59 (3/4) 5.30 Desolation
7.0 Hollyoaks 7.30 The Love Bites 9.20 Hart 2.0 Arrow 3.0 Hawaii 6.0 Discovering: Basil The Listening Service battle between them. Weather 10.0 The World Jests (2/4) 6.0 The Veldt
Dave Big Bang Theory 8.0 of Dixie 10.15 One Tree Five-0 4.0 S.W.A.T 5.0 Rathbone 7.0 Fleetwood (R) 5.0 In Tune 7.0 Comedy, written by Tonight 10.45 Book at 6.30 And the Academy
6.0am Teleshopping Teen First Dates 9.0 Hill 11.10 The OC 12.05 Highway Patrol 5.30 Mac: Live in Boston In Tune Mixtape 7.30 David Quantick and Bedtime: The Promise. Award Goes To (3/3)
7.10 Yianni: Supercar Jason Bourne Love Bites 1.05 Dress to Highway Patrol 8.0 Fleetwood Mac: In Concert. Live from starring Dawn French By Damon Galgut. (5/10) 7.0 Dad’s Army (16/20)
Customiser 8.0 Timber (2016) 11.25 Naked Impress 2.05 The Ellen Live in Boston 9.15 the Barbican Centre, and Jennifer Saunders. 11.0 Great Lives. Brian 7.30 Bristow (3/6) 8.0
Kings 9.0 Storage Attraction 1.35 First DeGeneres Show 3.0 Sky Arts Classic Albums 10.30 London, Sakari Oramo (1/5) 12.0 News 12.01 Cox on Lindsay Anderson. Raffles (5/6) 8.30 XPD
Hunters UK 10.0 Top Dates: Valentine’s 2.35 Hart of Dixie 4.0 One 6.0am Darbar: Music Discovering: Blondie 11.0 conducts the BBC SO and (LW) Shipping Forecast (R) 11.30 The Shadow (1/8) 9.0 Podcast Radio
Gear 11.0 Expedition Gogglebox 3.30 Below Tree Hill 5.0 The OC 6.0 of India 7.0 The South Fields 11.15 Punk 12.30 violinist Nicola Benedetti 12.04 Archive on 4: The of Algiers (R) 11.45 Hour 10.0 Comedy Club:
With Steve Backshall Deck: Mediterranean Celebrity Catchphrase Bank Show 8.0 Puccini Isle of Wight Festival in Korngold’s Violin Ministry of Fun (R) 12.57 Witness: The Battle for Desolation Jests (2/4)
12.0 Bangers and 4.20 Ramsay’s Kitchen 7.0 Superstore 8.0 Bob’s By Andrea Colombini Greatest Hits 1.0 Isle of Concerto in D and Rued Weather 1.0 The World Mount Longdon (R) 12.0 10.30 Mark Watson’s
Cash 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 Nightmares USA 5.10 Burgers 8.30 Bob’s 9.0 Tales of the Wight Festival Greatest Langgaard’s Symphony at One 1.45 A Show of News and Weather 12.30 Live Address to the
Expedition With Steve Mike & Molly Burgers 9.0 Fast & Unexpected 9.30 Tales Hits 1.30 Discovering: No 1 in B minor, BVN 32 Hands: Touch (R) 2.0 The Book of the Week: Hybrid Nation (6/6) 11.0 State
Backshall 3.0 Rick Stein’s Furious 8 (2017) 11.40 of the Unexpected 10.0 Iggy Pop 2.0 Classic ”Klippepastoraler”. Archers (R) 2.15 Dead Humans (R) 12.48 of the Nations (3/5)
Far Eastern Odyssey 4.0 Film4 Family Guy 12.10 Family Discovering: Jason Albums 3.0 Video Killed 10.0 The Verb 10.45 Hand: Zero Sum. Thriller Shipping Forecast 1.0 11.30 My Booze Hell By
Bangers and Cash 5.0 11.0am Man of the Guy 12.40 American Robards 11.0 Music the Radio Star 3.25 Born The Essay: EarthWorks – set in Northern Ireland, As World Service 5.20 Little Johnny Cartilage
Rick Stein’s India 6.0 West (1958) Western, Dad! 1.05 American in Chicago 5.0 Landmark Moor. Rose Ferraby visits by Stuart Drennan. (2/5) Shipping Forecast 5.30 (3/4) 11.45 Bird Island
Taskmaster 7.0 Richard starring Gary Cooper. Dad! 1.35 Bob’s Burgers Exmoor. (5/5) 11.0 Late 2.45 Living With the News 5.43 Prayer for the (3/4) 12.0 The Veldt
Osman’s House of Games 1.05 Vertigo 2.0 Bob’s Burgers Sky Atlantic Junction 1.0 Composed Gods. Neil MacGregor Day 5.45 Lent Talks: “I 12.30 And the Academy
7.40 Would I Lie to You? (1958) Hitchcock thriller, 2.25 Superstore 2.50 6.0am Storm City With Emeli Sandé. The examines the role and Was Sick and You Took Award Goes To (3/3) 1.0
8.20 QI XL 9.0 QI XL starring James Stewart. Unwind With ITV 3.0 7.50 Totti: One Captain singer explores the expression of shared Care of Me” (R) Raffles (5/6) 1.30 XPD
10.0 Live at the Apollo 3.40 Little Man Teleshopping 9.30 The Sopranos music that brings her beliefs in communities (1/8) 2.0 The Female
11.0 QI XL 11.40 Meet Tate (1991) Drama, 11.45 Game of Thrones strength and inspiration. around the world. (1/30) Radio 4 Extra Persuasion (10/10) 2.15
the Richardsons 12.20 directed by and starring Sky Max 12.50 Six Feet Under (1/12) 2.0 Gameplay 3.0 Gardeners’ Question 6.0am Raffles (5/6) Love for Lydia (5/10)
Mock the Week 1.0 QI Jodie Foster. 5.45 6.0am Stargate SG-1 3.0 Ray Donovan 5.10 With Baby Queen 3.0 Time 3.45 Short Works. 6.30 XPD (1/8) 7.0 All 2.30 Ken, Madge and the
XL 1.40 Would I Lie to Transformers: Age 7.0 Stargate SG-1 8.0 The Sopranos 7.25 Through the Night Oestrogen City, by Those Women (3/4) Strange Rock 3.0 Hand
You? 2.15 Have I Got a Bit of Extinction (2014) Arrow 9.0 DC’s Legends Game of Thrones 9.0 Rosemary Jenkinson. 7.30 Desolation Jests in Glove (2/3) 4.0 Guess
More Old News for You Sci-fi adventure, starring of Tomorrow 10.0 The Funeral for a Dog 11.0 Radio 4 4.0 Last Word 4.30 (2/4) 8.0 Dad’s Army What? (4/10) 4.30
3.15 Richard Osman’s Mark Wahlberg. 9.0 Flash 11.0 NCIS: Los Succession 12.05 True 6.0am Today 8.45 (LW) Feedback (5/8) 5.0 PM (16/20) 8.30 Bristow Bookcases (R) 5.0 All
House of Games 4.0 Stuber (2019) Angeles 12.0 NCIS: Blood 3.30 In Treatment Yesterday in Parliament 5.54 (LW) Shipping (3/6) 9.0 Guess What? Those Women (3/4) 5.30
Teleshopping Premiere. Action comedy, Los Angeles 1.0 Hawaii Vertigo, Film4 4.0 Storm City 9.0 The Reunion (R) Forecast 5.57 Weather (4/10) 9.30 Bookcases Desolation Jests (2/4)
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