Orange County TDT Collections July 2023
Orange County TDT Collections July 2023
Orange County TDT Collections July 2023
ORLANDO, FLORIDA – Orange County Comptroller Phil Diamond announced today that Tourist
Development Tax (TDT) collections received by Orange County for the July 2023 TDT collection month
were $27,171,100. That is a 5.2% decrease compared to July 2022. This is the fourth month in a row
Compared to last month, July collections were lower than June collections by $2.9 million. July
collections were higher than July 2021 collections by $2.5 million. The chart below shows monthly TDT
collections for the current fiscal year and the previous three fiscal years.
Occupancy at area hotels was 73.8%, down -4.0% year-over-year. The Average Daily Rate was
$177.60, down from $185 in June and down slightly from the prior year’s July performance (-1%). For
group business at the Orange County Convention Center, July saw an increase in the number of groups
year-over-year with 19 events in July 2023 compared to 13 in July 2022. However group sizes were
On the TDT reserve side, Renewal & Replacement Reserves increased by $6.9 million in July as shown
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Tourist Development Tax - Cash Reserve Summary as of July 31, 2023
1. Debt service reserves are restricted for debt service only and equal the maximum annual debt
service payment.
2. Property plant and equipment is the amount that the County has committed to maintaining as a
reserve for property replacement. This amount is equal to 4% of the Convention Center’s gross
physical plant and equipment cost-excluding construction in progress. This Renewal and
Replacement Reserve component is currently fully funded at $63,208,282.
3. Tourism Stabilization is a reserve, which when added to all other reserves (with the exception of
the Other Authorized Uses reserve) equals $300 million dollars - Orange County’s recommended
reserve level. This reserve protects against tourism market downturns that could impair the County’s
ability to pay for its ongoing obligations.
4. Other authorized uses are reserves, which when added to all other reserves exceeds $300 million
dollars. This reserve can be used for any legally authorized expenses.
FISCAL YEAR 2023 (10/1/22-9/30/23)
Monthly Collections
Budget to Actual
Actual to Actual
Actual to Actual
(1) The Board of County Commissioners approved increasing the FY 2023 revenue budget by
$25,000,000 on January 24th, and then increased it again by $55,000,000 on August 8th
bringing the total revenue budget to $355,000,000. The budget is presented on a straight-
line basis.