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Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

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A novel weight-drop seismic energy source for subsurface characterization

Abul Aas *, Satish Kumar Sinha
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geoengineering, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India


Keywords: Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) studies for subsurface characterization in Central Ganga Basin
Surface waves of India, where thick cover of alluvium absorbs most of the vibrations generated by a sledgehammer source, give
Sledgehammer low quality seismic data at large offsets and generally provide imaging depth lesser than 30 m due to low quality
of dispersion curves at lower frequencies. Therefore, a novel seismic energy source is designed and developed to
Source comparison
produce large amplitude surface waves even at longer offsets and for deeper depths of imaging using dispersion
Dispersion curve analysis of surface waves. The developed source for seismic data acquisition is low-cost, repeatable, portable, and
easy to operate with no environmental impact. Unlike the sledgehammer source where the quality of surface
waves generated also depends on the person hitting the metal plate, the seismic data quality from the novel
weight-drop source is independent of the operator.
The developed source is an impact type where a free-falling mass accelerated due to gravitational pull hits
onto a base plate coupled with the earth generating vibrations in the ground. The performance of the source was
evaluated in a field trial. A receiver array of 24-channel cabled geophones with 3 m spacing was planted on the
ground. Seismic data were acquired using the source at 5 m negative offset inline from the first geophone.
Seismic data were also recorded with the sledgehammer as a source for comparison. Five shot gathers for each
source were acquired with the same acquisition geometry and source position.
Shot gathers were analyzed and compared using trace attributes, 1D and 2D Fourier spectra, signal-to-noise
ratio, relative energy, and dispersion images. The study shows that the developed source produces low fre­
quency high amplitude signal and better dispersion image, notably in the lower frequency range, in comparison
with the sledgehammer source. Therefore, the developed source is adapted to investigate deeper subsurface
velocity structure with dispersion curve from high amplitude surface wave analysis. Moreover, the repeatability
study suggests that the repeat shot gathers acquired from the developed source have remarkably high degree of
similarity. Therefore, seismic data acquisition with the developed source does not require repeat shots for ver­
tical stacking as often done in case of a hammer source. Sound pressure level measurement indicates that the
developed source has no adverse environmental impact on the operator. From the field trial of the developed
source, it is convinced that the source is cost-effective, portable, easy to operate and handle and is environ­
mentally friendly.

1. Introduction 1998; Giustiniani et al., 2008; Rubin and Hubbard, 2005; Shtivelman,
A man-made energy source is required for seismic imaging of sub­ Some of the important factors that need to be considered in the se­
surface in which seismic waves generated by the source propagate lection of a seismic source are: depth of investigation, cost of seismic
through various layers in the subsurface and are recorded by the re­ data acquisition, operational challenges and environmental impacts etc.
ceivers planted on the surface (Schuck and Lange, 2007; Steeples, 2005). (Evans, 1997). Commonly used seismic sources for seismic character­
The acquired seismic signals are further processed and analyzed for ization of shallow subsurface include thumper, minivib, airgun, mini
different application purposes, for example, detection of faults and sosie, HydraPulse, and VIBSIST, among others (Barbier et al., 1976;
fractures, groundwater exploration, geotechnical site characterization, Brocher and Hart, 1991; Evans, 1997; Ganguly and Moissa, 2005).
evaluating karst condition, glaciated valley, and others (Büker et al., Although some of these seismic sources generate high energy signal,

* Corresponding author at: Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Jais, Amethi, Uttar Pradesh 229304, India.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Aas), [email protected] (S.K. Sinha).

Received 26 July 2022; Received in revised form 19 October 2022; Accepted 20 November 2022
Available online 23 November 2022
0926-9851/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

they may not be cost effective and are also difficult to operate and 2. Development of novel seismic source
maintain. Furthermore, operational safety of a seismic source needs to
be considered, and local government permission may be needed for its 2.1. Source selection criteria for a survey
use (e.g., dynamite). No thumb rule exists for choosing a portable source
for the survey that would provide sufficient frequency range and energy Selecting an energy source for acquisition of the seismic data is
of seismic signal. The specified requirements that can be met may be crucial as the source characteristics affects signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in
conditioned by the survey’s financial constraints (Wardell, 1970; the data and typically controls imaging depth and resolution of the
Yordkayhun et al., 2009). Several researchers have developed their own image. Evans (1997) suggested the following five criteria for a source
seismic sources for their research projects, according to their budget selection:
limitations (Bahar et al., 2019; Brom and Stan-Kłeczek, 2015; Hartantyo,
2016; Richter et al., 2018; Yordkayhun and Na Suwan, 2012). Brom and 1) Target depth of penetration - The geophysicists should choose a
Stan-Kłeczek (2015) utilized pyrotechnic materials for the development source with sufficient energy to illuminate the target regions based
of explosive type seismic energy source. Hartantyo (2016) developed a on the exploration objectives.
mobile weight-drop system for generation of seismic wave. Yordkayhun 2) Frequency bandwidth necessary to achieve the desired resolution –
and Na Suwan (2012) designed an accelerated weight-drop seismic For high resolution imaging, the source should emit a wide range of
source for shallow subsurface investigation. Yet another type of accel­ frequencies.
erated weight-drop (awd250 v1.0™) was built by Bahar et al., (2019) for 3) Signal to noise characteristics – Noise problem varies from one
shallow seismic survey. Richter et al. (2018) designed pneumatic impact location to another. The energy generated by the source is dependent
and magnetostrictive vibrator seismic energy sources for geotechnical on the characteristics of impact surface. For example, an impact
investigations. source or a vibrator operating in a region of loose and dry sand may
The type of source employed for seismic data acquisition has major generate a poor signal because of weak coupling of the metal plate or
bearing on the data quality. Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and frequency vibrator pad to the soil.
content of the data determines the quality of seismic image and its 4) Environment – A seismic source must be chosen keeping in mind the
resolution (Feroci et al., 2000; Steeples, 2005). When choice of the operating environment/region. For example, it is difficult to use a
source is limited due to the budget constraints, a sledgehammer seismic vibroseis truck in a populated area or on a vegetative region or in a
source striking a steel base plate is commonly used. This source has the highly undulating terrain. Use of dynamite may be restricted by the
advantage of being inexpensive, portable, and simple to operate and local government.
maintain (Keiswetter and Steeples, 1995; Steeples, 2005). The disad­ 5) Availability and cost- The seismic sources such as vibroseis and
vantages, however, are: (i) it produces low-quality seismic signal (i.e., dynamite generate high energy signals, but they are costly, difficult
low amplitude vibration and poor S/N ratio), and (ii) its functioning is to operate and maintain. When choice of the source is limited by the
dependent on the available manpower causing variation in seismic budget constraints, a hammer seismic is often used.
source signature from one shot to another (Yordkayhun and Na Suwan,
2012). Furthermore, a hammer source gives low quality dispersion The energy and frequency content of the signal from the induced
curve at lower frequency range and typically has an investigation depth source are the key parameters for selecting a viable source for seismic
smaller than 30 m. Other seismic sources which can provide good data acquisition (Bühnemann and Holliger, 1998; Doll et al., 1998;
quality seismic data either require a certificate of permission to operate, Feroci et al., 2000; Miller et al., 1986). From operational point of view,
or have a difficult operational procedure, or are very expensive. These repeatability of the source signal is also one of the important factors
limitations prompted us to develop a seismic source which would pro­ (Aritman, 2001).
duce a better-quality seismic data for a relatively deeper depth of
investigation compared to a hammer source and would be cost effective, 2.2. Design criteria for a weight-drop source
portable, repeatable, and easy to operate.
Many researchers have suggested that the efficiency of a seismic A weight-drop source is essentially a surface impact source, which
source, particularly for surface waves in lower frequency range, can be uses an accelerating mass striking onto a base plate coupled to the
increased using a heavy weight drop mass (Foti et al., 2018; Keiswetter ground. When the falling weight strikes the base plate, the kinetic en­
and Steeples, 1995; Mereu et al., 1963). The novel seismic energy source ergy is transmitted to the ground, producing seismic waves which
is designed and fabricated for Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves propagate within the subsurface. The amplitude and frequency of the
(MASW) studies keeping in mind the cost factor and ease of operation. seismic waves generated from an impact source depends on several
An attempt has been made to increase the depth of penetration for factors, such as mass of weight dropped, height of falling, velocity of
seismic signal by using a heavy weight drop mass. The current study impact, mass of base plate or coupler and material of coupler (Abe et al.,
outlines the design and testing of the novel weight-drop seismic source. 1990; Mereu et al., 1963).
In this design essentially a weight-drop accelerated under gravity strikes The novel weight-drop source is designed keeping in view of the
a base plate that is coupled to the ground. The amplitude and frequency following criteria:
of seismic waves from the impact source depends on several factors
including mass and shape of weight-drop and base plate, material of the 1) Impact Energy – Seismic energy is more efficiently generated if the
coupler, falling height, and velocity of impact (Abe et al., 1990; Mereu weight-drop is heavier and a rigid plate is used for impact (Mereu
et al., 1963). The novel seismic energy source is a low-cost equipment et al., 1963). In the development of the novel source, a heavy, hollow
constructed from mild steel. It does not require any external power cylindrical and guided weight-drop has been used as it increases the
mechanism and has no environmental impact. It can be easily moved in impact energy and reduces the bounce from the plate. A rigid base
the field and operated by an adult. A test survey is carried out to plate with optimum weight is utilized for better coupling to the
demonstrate its utility for subsurface imaging using MASW and the ground.
quality of seismic data is examined based on the spectral analysis and 2) Repeatability – The source signature or the waveform must be similar
dispersion curves of the seismic signal. The source’s performance, from one shot to the next (Aritman, 2001).
repeatability of source signature, its portability and safety issues are 3) Mobility and operation – The design and operation of the seismic
discussed. source should be simple, so that it can be transported / moved easily
from one shot location to another and can be operated by a single
operator at the surveying site.

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

4) Cost – If its portability, ease of access, operation, maintenance is

simple, then it can be regarded as a low-budget seismic source.
5) Environmental Impact – The impact system mechanism and its
functioning should be simple enough for its environmental impact to
be minimal.

2.3. Structure and design of the novel source

1) The novel source has been designed with the specifications as given
in Table 1 and its structural representation is shown in Fig. 1. Its
various components have been discussed below:
2) Impact mass: The impact mass weighing 55 kg is molded from mild
steel. It has a hollow cylindrical form of the dimension: outer
diameter - 25 cm, inner diameter - 5 cm, and height - 15 cm.
3) Base plate-coupler: The base plate is square in shape with dimension
40x40x3.1 cm3 and is made from mild steel. It is placed at the base of
the instrument which assures good coupling with the ground.
Fig. 1. Design and description of the components of the developed source.
4) Supporting system: It consists of one central rod, two side rods, and
two rectangular plates, one at the bottom and another at the top. The
central rod is fixed with the base plate and another end is fixed with 2.4. Operation of the developed source
the upper rectangular plate as shown in Fig. 1. A small gap is pro­
vided between the base plate and the lower rectangular plate to 1) The source is placed at the identified location for generating seismic
reduce the jerk. The impact mass is allowed to move freely along the waves. The working procedures of the developed source are as fol­
central rod. The lower and upper rectangular plates are supported by lows (Fig. 2):
the two side rods. 2) Typically, the impact mass rests on the base plate when the source is
5) Transportation components: Two columns of mild steel are attached transported to the survey area as shown in Fig. 2a. The impact mass is
to the lower plate at one end and with the handlebars at the other brought on the topside by tilting the instrument to the ground using
end. Two wheels are provided at the base of the developed source for the handlebars. In this position the topside is lower with respect to
its mobility and the equipment is moved by tilting and pushing it the bottom of the instrument and therefore, the impact mass is easily
forward using the handlebar. moved along the central rod to the top plate and is locked at the top
6) Operating components: The holder is welded with the side rod 15 cm side using the holder (Fig. 2b).
below the upper plate and is used to hold the impact mass at the top. 3) The top is lifted with the help of two handlebars keeping the edge of
When the holder is activated the impact mass is released. A pair of the base plate pivoted to the ground (Fig. 2c) and is thus placed in the
handlebars jointed at the top side of the upper plate is also given to upright position (Fig. 2d). In this position the impact mass is at the
increase the torque and reduce the magnitude of force required to lift top side and has gained potential energy. Only the base plate is in
the source keeping the base plate pivoted to the ground. contact with the ground.
4) When the holder is released, the impact mass accelerates downward
along the central rod under the gravitational force and strikes the
base plate with significant amount of energy (Fig. 2a). The impact
generates seismic waves which propagates into the subsurface and

Table 1
Developed source specifications and its comparison with the hammer source and the seismic energy source developed by Yordkayhun and Na Suwan (2012) (OD –
Outer Diameter; ID – Inner Diameter; L – Length; W – Width; H – Height).
Characteristics Developed Source Hammer Source Seismic Source by Yordkayhun &

Type Impact (Free Fall) Impact (Accelerated) Impact (Accelerated)

Weight Drop Mass Base Plate Hammer Base Plate Weight Drop Mass Base Plate
Weight (Kg) 55 39 7.5 2 30 30
Description Shape Hollow Cylindrical Square Cylindrical Square Cylindrical Square
Dimension OD x ID x H LxWxH DxH LxWxH DxH LxWxH
(length in cm) 25 × 5 × 15 40 × 40 × 3.1 9 × 14 20 × 20 × 2 10 × 50 35 × 35 × 3
Height of fall / Vertical height of suspended mass 135 cm Variable and user dependent 100 cm
Potential Energy at the top 728 J Variable Not known
Time taken by weight drop mass to hit the base plate 0.525 s Variable Not known
Velocity with which the mass will strike the base plate 5.144 m/s Variable Not known
Momentum delivered to the ground 283 Kg-m/s Variable Not known
Area of the base plate that comes in contact with the falling
471 sq. cm 78.5 sq. cm 78.5 sq. cm
weight when it hits the base plate
Lifting and shooting of weight drop Not used User driven Rack and pinion
Overall weight of instrument 120 kg 11.5 kg 90 kg
Accelerator Acceleration due to gravity User dependent Spring+rubber sling
Repeatability High High
(user dependent)
Rate of shot production 1–2 min/shot 1–2 min/shot 1–2 min/shot
Total Cost (Make Year) 300 USD (2022) 20–60 USD (2022) 600 USD (2012)
Material Used Mild Steel (MS) Stainless steel (SS) Stainless steel (SS)
Manufacturing Location India India Thailand

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

3.1. Data acquisition

The test site is situated in the central part of Ganga Basin of India,
where a thick cover of Quaternary sediments is present (Dinkar et al.,
2019; Sastri et al., 1971). The available borehole data near the test site
reveals that the subsurface up to 40 m depth consists of alternate layers
of sand and clays and it absorbs high frequency component of seismic
signal. Near surface geophysical studies in the area is important for
geotechnical purposes. There are several ridges and faults present in the
basement of the Ganga basin (Demudu Babu et al., 2020; Sinha et al.,
2010). Though, the seismicity of Ganga basin is relatively moderate in
comparison to the Himalayan region in the north, several earthquakes
have been recorded in last 100 years, magnitude of which can poten­
tially cause damages to bridges, dams, and building constructions (Singh
et al., 2015; Yön et al., 2017).
A test survey is carried out using GEA 24-channel seismograph with
4.5 Hz vertical geophones. Acquisition parameters and field geometry
for the data acquisition are listed in Table 2. Seismic data were collected
for both the sources with the same acquisition parameters and field
geometry. Five shots from 5 m offset were recorded using the novel
weight-drop source. Another five shots were recorded using the
sledgehammer source from the same source point for comparative
analysis. Each shot gathers having 24 traces is analyzed for the source
performance. The developed source is easy to operate, and it produces
Fig. 2. Procedure for working of the developed source.
1–2 shots per minute.

can be detected by the planted geophones. The same cycle is 3.2. Analysis of collected data and results
repeated for the next shot.
All five shot gathers from the novel weight-drop source are stacked
The novel seismic energy source is designed and developed for and produced as one shot gather as shown in Fig. 3a. Similarly, five shot
MASW study keeping in mind the cost factor. A weight-drop of 55 kg, gathers from the sledgehammer are also stacked and produced as a
heavier than the base plate of 39 Kg with large plate area (1600 cm2), has single shot gather (Fig. 3b). Their normalized counterparts are shown in
been used to increase the efficiency of transmitting the impact energy Fig. 3c and d, respectively. Performance analyses of the developed
and lower frequency component, so that the depth of penetration can be source and its comparison with the sledgehammer source are presented
increased (Foti et al., 2018; Keiswetter and Steeples, 1995; Mereu et al., based on the study of these normalized stacked shot gathers and their
1963). No external mechanism has been used for lifting and shooting the spectra (Fig. 4-6). Energy ratio of both the sources and S/N ratio are
weight drop mass; it is allowed to fall freely under gravity. Yordkayhun analyzed with offset in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, respectively. Their dispersion
and Na Suwan (2012) has developed a seismic energy source where images are compared in Fig. 9 and shear wave profiles obtained from the
equal mass of weight drop and base plate (30 Kg) has been used. inversion of dispersion curves are presented in Fig. 10. Repeatability
Furthermore, a lifting and shooting system has been used for the weight analysis of the source signature is performed to assess the similarity
drop and is accelerated using spring and rubber sling. The specifications between the repeat shot gathers at the same source point (Fig. 11-13).
of the novel weight drop seismic source, the hammer source, and the These results are also compared for the two source types.
seismic source developed by Yordkayhun and Na Suwan (2012) have
been compared in Table 1. 3.2.1. Study of shot gather traces and its spectra
Shot gather traces from the two seismic sources have been compared
3. Performance analysis of the novel source and its comparison in terms of true amplitude, instantaneous amplitude, and frequency
with sledgehammer spectra in Fig. 4, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6, respectively. Blue colored traces are
for the developed source whereas red color has been used for traces from
In this section performance of the novel source is evaluated for its the hammer source. Only alternate traces are shown for pictorial rep­
efficiency and potential of generating good quality seismic data at a test resentation. It is evident from Fig. 4 that the seismic traces from the
site for its future applications. Furthermore, in this study, performance
of the novel source is compared with that of a sledgehammer source as it Table 2
is the most commonly used seismic source for near surface or shallow Acquisition parameters and field geometry for the data acquisition.
subsurface imaging. The sledgehammer and the base plate weigh 7.5 kg Description Acquisition Parameters
and 2 kg, respectively. Detailed specifications of the hammer source Seismic energy source Novel weight-drop source and sledgehammer
along with the novel source are listed in Table 1. The functioning of the source
developed source is assessed in terms of amplitude, energy and fre­ Seismograph GEA 24-channel
quency content of the signal, signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), dispersion No. of geophones and type 24, 4.5 Hz vertical geophone
Distance of source from the 1st 5m
curve analysis of the shot gathers, and repeatability of the measurements
(Aritman, 2001; Brom and Stan-Kłeczek, 2015; Doll et al., 1998; Har­ Geophone spacing 3m
tantyo, 2016; Sopher et al., 2014). Moreover, its environmental impact Sampling Interval 0.5 ms
is also analyzed using sound pressure level meter (David et al., 2013). Record Length 2s
Number of shots from each source 5
Field Geometry Inline (source and receivers are along a
straight line)

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

Fig. 3. Stacked shot gathers of five shots from developed source [(a) & (c)], and hammer source [(b) & (d)]. (a) and (b) are raw shot gathers whereas (c) and (d) and
normalized shot gathers.

developed source are stronger having high amplitude and surface wave 3.2.2. Relative energy ratio of the two sources (EDS/EHS)
is prominently visible on all geophones in comparison to the hammer In this section, relative energy from both the sources have been
source traces. The amount of energy released by a seismic source is evaluated and compared. It is essentially a single scalar in each fre­
difficult to calculate, it can only be estimated which is proportional to quency range, which determine the estimate of relative amount of
the peak amplitudes (Juhojuntti and Juhlin, 1998; Yordkayhun and Na seismic energy produced by an impact source. The relative energy is
Suwan, 2012). In Fig. 5a, instantaneous amplitude has been shown and computed by summing the squared amplitude of Fourier spectrum
stacked instantaneous amplitude from all twenty-four channels is shown (Miller et al., 1986). For each stacked trace of the developed source and
in Fig. 5b. Clearly, instantaneous amplitude of the signal generated by the hammer source, the relative energy was calculated and their ratio
the developed source is stronger (approx. 5 times) and deeper as the EDS/EHS is plotted in Fig. 7. It clearly demonstrates that the relative
hammer source signal weakens below 500 ms whereas energy from the energy of the developed source is many times greater than the sledge­
developed source can be seen up to 600 ms. hammer. Minimum value of EDS/EHS is 4.5 at near offset and maximum
The frequency spectra of the signal from the developed source and is 266 at far offset. It also indicates that surface waves can be cleanly
from the hammer source are compared in Fig. 6. It is evident that the recorded at larger offsets with the developed source.
developed source is more powerful than the hammer source as the
amplitude of the frequency spectra of the developed source signal is 3.2.3. Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)
higher implying that it is sending a greater amount of energy into the This is an important parameter for evaluating the quality of seismic
subsurface. Both the sources produced signal in the frequency range of data. In order to compute signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), a model trace is
5–100 Hz (Fig. 6b), however, the frequency spectrum of the developed generated by stacking signals received at any given location from the
source shows higher amplitude in the lower frequency range indicating same source activated multiple times. The model trace with reduced
increased depth of penetration of the signal and therefore, it would random noise is then cross correlated with the original signals to esti­
provide deeper imaging of the subsurface from MASW study. mate average S/N ratio for the geophone location. A plot of S/N ratios
with offset in Fig. 8 for both the sources shows that the developed source
has produced high S/N ratio in comparison with the hammer source.

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

drop source and the hammer source are shown in Fig. 9. Evidently, the
developed source produces better dispersion image at low frequency
range than the hammer source. The fundamental mode on both
dispersion images were picked to obtain dispersion curves as shown in
Fig. 9c&d and their comparison in Fig. 10a. Several attributes of the DCs,
such as lowest frequency and corresponding phase velocity, maximum
wavelength and corresponding penetration depth are listed in Table 4.
These DCs were inverted for shear wave velocity profiles as shown in
Fig. 10b for the developed source and in Fig. 10c for the hammer source.
Dispersion image from the developed source shows great improvement
in surface wave generation in the lower frequency range and the DC
could be easily picked up to 2.9 Hz. Whereas in case of the hammer
source, the lowest frequency that could be picked is 6.75 Hz. The
maximum depth of imaging is established by the lowest frequency,
which is approximately λ\2.5. The reduction of 3.85 Hz in the lowest
frequency pick increases the depth of imaging from 20 m to 50 m.

3.2.5. Repeatability study

Typically, while acquiring seismic data with a sledgehammer, mul­
tiple shots (usually two shots) are recorded at the same source point to
ensure good quality data acquisition. The performance of a sledge­
hammer source is mainly dependent on the available manpower, and
Fig. 4. Comparison of shot-gather traces generated by developed source (rep­ therefore, recorded data with a hammer source often shows frequency
resented in blue color) and hammer source (represented in red color). (For and amplitude variation in the repeated shot gathers (Abe et al., 1990).
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is Vertical stacking of multiple shots at the same source position is often
referred to the web version of this article.) carried out to improve the data quality of the acquired shot (Liu and
Xiao, 2011; Rietsch, 1980). The difference in source signatures between
3.2.4. Dispersion study of surface waves repeat shot gathers may also arise due to source coupling (e.g. base plate
As seen from Fig. 3a, the novel weight-drop source generated surface to hammer / earth), or site condition which is an issue that reduces the
wave signal of high amplitude and was prominently observed on all 24- resolution of the stack shot gather (Aritman, 2001; Mereu et al., 1963).
channel geophones. Surface waves are dispersive in nature as its varying The seismic energy generated by striking the hammer on the base
wavelengths penetrate to different depths of the layered subsurface. plate may vary from one shot to another at the same location as the
Dispersion of surface waves can be utilized for investigating subsurface operator might hit the base plate with different acceleration rate and/or
velocity structure and thus, for geotechnical site investigation and at different angle at different times. However, in case of the developed
geohazard analysis (Bajaj and Anbazhagan, 2019; Park et al., 1999; source, falling height for the impact mass is fixed and is allowed to fall
Rehman et al., 2016; Tremblay and Karray, 2019). Dispersion curve freely under gravity to hit the base plate. Therefore, it is expected from
(DC), which is a plot of propagation velocity (phase velocity) against such a free fall mechanism that the same amount of seismic energy will
frequency, can be obtained from the processing of multi-channel be generated each time. In this section, a repeatability analysis of the
recording of the surface waves (Gao and Pan, 2016; Lin et al., 2017; source signature is performed to assess the similarity between the
Park, 2011; Park et al., 1998; Xia, 2014). Frequency–wavenumber (f-k) repeated shot gathers from the novel weight-drop source as well as from
spectra and dispersion images of the shot gathers from the novel weight- the hammer source for comparison.

Fig. 5. (a) Instantaneous amplitude of alternate traces, and (b) summation of instantaneous amplitude of all twenty-four traces. Blue color is for the novel source and
red color is for the hammer source. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

Fig. 6. (a) Frequency spectra of individual traces, (b) combined frequency spectra of all twenty-four traces. Blue color is for the novel source and red color is for the
hammer source. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

source is markedly repeatable. For quantitative assessment of the simi­

larity between traces, cross-correlation coefficients have been calculated
and are shown in Table 3. Most of the coefficients for the traces from the
developed source (i.e., DS-1, DS-12, and DS-24) are above 0.95. In case
of DS-1, some coefficients are below 0.9 and it could be due to near field
effect of the source. Traces from the hammer source are showing most of
the correlation coefficients below 0.85. Very low correlation coefficients
for HS-24 are due to low energy reaching the far offset geophones where
S/N ratio is poor. We have further analyzed frequency spectra of the shot
gathers (all 24 traces) and are plotted in Fig. 12. Clearly, the developed
source is showing almost identical spectra (Fig. 12a) in repeat shots. The
hammer source produced somewhat similar spectra in repeat shots
Fig. 7. The ratio shows energy of the developed source (EDS) relative to that of
having more differences in the lower frequency range up to 20 Hz.
the sledgehammer source (EHS).
Repeatability of the developed source signature is better due to high
amplitude signal at low frequencies. Repeatability of the developed
source is further analyzed in the frequency-wavenumber space
(Fig. 13a) and with phase velocity variation against frequency
(Fig. 13b). The presence of little variation in the F–K spectra and in the
dispersion images of the repeated shot gathers from the developed
source might be due to good source-to-ground coupling, site condition
and little background noise. As the dispersion curve of shot gather traces
produced from the developed source exhibit strong similarity in the
repeat test, there is no need for repeat shot with the novel weight-drop
source at any location for the investigation of subsurface velocity

3.2.6. Operational safety and cost evaluation

Fig. 8. Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio calculated for both developed source and
hammer source at each geophone location.
Environmental impact of a seismic source and its cost are important
criteria for the decision making of a suitable source for seismic data
acquisition (Evans, 1997). A seismic source in operation may cause
Repeatability study between the multiple shots at the same source
harm, particularly from the sound intensity to the living beings sur­
location is evaluated by analyzing shot gather traces, its spectra and
rounding the source location. For example, explosives emit sound that
dispersion curves. Five shots from 5 m offset were recorded using the
range between 130 and 137 dB (Młyński et al., 2015). Such seismic
developed source (Fig. 3a) and for its comparative study another 5 shots
sources are harmful to the environment and also to the operators’ health
were recorded using the sledgehammer source (Fig. 3b) from the same
as it crosses the maximum permissible limit which may cause hearing
source location. In this study we have picked first, middle and end traces
loss. Therefore, environmental impact of a source is assessed, and safety
(i.e., trace #1, 12 and 24) from each shot gathers. These traces have
measures are taken accordingly. While a weight-drop or a hammer
been plotted in Fig. 11 to qualitatively assess the similarity between
hitting a metal plate produces elastic waves which travels in the sub­
traces. For example, Fig. 11a shows the 1st trace from each of the five
surface that are recorded by the geophones, it also produces acoustic
shot gathers acquired with the developed source (i.e. DS-1) whereas
wave in the surrounding space above the ground that may be harmful for
Fig. 11d shows the 1st trace from the shot gathers received using the
the living beings (Kulik and Malinowska-Borowska, 2018). Its environ­
hammer source (i.e., HS-1). Undoubtedly, data from the developed
mental impact is evaluated by measuring sound pressure at the source

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

Fig. 9. Comparison of f-k spectrum and dispersion curve. (a) f-k spectrum and (c) dispersion curve obtained from shot gather traces of the developed source, (b) f-k
spectrum and (d) dispersion curve of the hammer source. Circled data points have been picked on the dispersion image and have been compared in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10. Shear wave velocity profiles (b) and (c) are obtained from inversion of dispersion curves as show in (a). Developed source is represented by blue curve
whereas hammer source is represented by red curve. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

point and in the surrounding using sound pressure level meter (David 2015).
et al., 2013; Kinsler et al., 2000). According to the health agencies, the Sound pressure measured at 0.25 m from the base plate of the
sound emitted by forging hammers below 80 dB practically causes no developed source is 92 dB and it is 84 dB measured for the sledge­
hearing loss to human beings (Berglund et al., 2000; Młyński et al., hammer source. From this measured value sound pressure is calculated

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

Fig. 11. Subfigures (a), (b) and (c) are for the traces from the developed source (DS) whereas subfigures (d), (e) and (f) are for the traces from the hammer source
(HS). 1st, 12th and 24th traces have been selected from each five shot gathers and superimposed on one another. Here, DS-1 represents 1st trace each from the five
shot gathers for developed source and so on.

for the surrounding using the inverse square law (Dubey et al., 2021; is frequently used. However, it produces low quality seismic data.
Kinsler et al., 2000). Generally, height of a source operator is more than Therefore, an attempt was made to develop a novel cost-effective
1.2 m and sound pressure at that height reduces to 78.37 dB for the seismic source. Mild steel was used for the fabrication of the source as
developed source. At a height of 2.4 m the sound pressure reduces to it is low-priced compared to stainless steel. The total cost for
72.35 dB. Therefore, the sound pressure level from the novel weight- manufacturing and fabrication of the novel source is INR 25000 (or USD
drop source will not harm the operator, even though the sound pres­ 330) which is very low as compared to other seismic sources used for
sure at the source position on the ground is above permissible limit of 80 shallow subsurface investigation.
dB. Thus, utilization of the developed source for seismic data acquisition
has no health hazard risk on the operator and it is environmentally 4. Discussion
friendly. Furthermore, while working with the developed source, the
operator should wear safety shoes, preferably steel-toe boots, to ensure In the current study, a heavy mass for the weight-drop and large area
that they have right foot protection and should stand at a minimum for the base plate have been used to increase efficiency of the seismic
distance of 20 cm from the source while releasing the impact mass energy and to enhance lower frequency component in the signal. Surface
(Fig. 2d). waves are observed on the shot gathers and are characterized by its
When the choice of a seismic source is limited due to the budget prominent high amplitude signal in low frequency range and is consis­
constraints, a sledgehammer seismic source striking the steel base plate tent with the findings of earlier field studies (Abe et al., 1990; Foti et al.,

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

shows huge improvement in the mapping of dispersion curve at lower

frequencies, thereby, increasing the imaging depth in comparison with
the hammer source. It is also observed that the proportion of higher
frequency vibrations appears to be lesser in the developed source. This is
in line with the other field studies where it has been observed that as the
weight-drop mass increases, the vibration amplitude increases and the
higher frequency component decreases (Abe et al., 1990; Herbst et al.,
1998). Surface waves emanating from the source which travel longer
distances with high amplitude at low frequencies will provide better
velocity structure of the subsurface for site characterization using
MASW (Foti et al., 2011; Park et al., 1999) and the developed source has
that advantage over the hammer source.
Since the signal strength and the quality of dispersion curves in lower
frequency ranges depend on the geological settings and the site condi­
tions, it is suggested that more field trials be conducted at different
geographical locations to reach the conclusions obtained from the cur­
rent site. Moreover, the developed source was tested with 24-channel
seismograph, it is suggested that more geophones be added and offset
be increased in the field trials for high resolution seismic data. In this
study, the developed source was only compared with the sledgehammer,
a readily available seismic source, its comparative performance should
also be made against other commercial sources. The current paper
mainly focuses on the MASW study, its effectiveness should also be
investigated for reflection seismic.
The current design of the developed source has its body without
cover, consequently environmental conditions may have an adverse
influence on its operation. The holder which locks the impact mass at the
top side should be released carefully. Additionally, the source energy
can further be enhanced by using a spring system at the top side for
accelerating the mass. In case of the hammer source, the base plate being
Fig. 12. Amplitude spectra of all five shot gather traces of (a)Developed source, light weight, a rebound is often observed as the hammer strikes it.
(b)Hammer source. Whereas in case of the developed source, when the heavy impact mass
drops on the heavy baseplate fastened with the frame, no bounce is
2018; Keiswetter and Steeples, 1995; Park et al., 1999). Comparative observed. The developed seismic source equipment has the capability to
analyses of the shot gathers reveal that the developed source produces avoid any unwanted body shaking. It is also advised that a shield be
considerably higher energy with good S/N ratio than the hammer added to the source and that the equipment be cleaned and greased on a
source. Dispersion analysis of the shot gather from the developed source regular basis.

Fig. 13. Developed source (a) f-k spectra, and (b) dispersion images of all five shot gathers at the same source position.

A. Aas and S.K. Sinha Journal of Applied Geophysics 208 (2023) 104887

Table 3
Correlation table of shot gather traces taken at same source position. 1st trace from each five shot gathers is
correlated and their values are presented in the table. Similarly, 12th and 24th traces are correlated.

interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence

Table 4
the work reported in this paper.
Comparison between dispersion curve attributes from the developed source (DS)
and hammer source (HS).
Data availability
Source Lowest Corresponding Maximum Maximum
Frequency f Phase Velocity wavelength (λ) Penetration
in Hz (Vphase)(m/s) Vphase Depth(m)=
Data will be made available on request.
(m) =
f λ/2.5
DS 2.90 364.91 125.74 50.29
HS 6.75 330.994 49.02 19.60
The authors would like to thank the Director of Rajiv Gandhi Insti­
tute of Petroleum Technology, India for providing financial support for
5. Conclusions this project. Our special thanks to M/s Alico Engineers for their technical
support during development of the source.
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