Tosh Booking
Tosh Booking
Tosh Booking
2 rooms ₹ 5,641.20
Price ₹ 5,641.20
(for 4 guests)
Additional charges
The price you see below is an approximate that may include fees based on the maximum occupancy. This can include taxes set by local governments or
charges set by the property.
Goods & services tax ₹ 676.94
The final price shown is the amount you will pay to the property. does not charge guests any reservation, administration or other fees.
Your card issuer may charge you a foreign transaction fee.
Payment information
You will be charged a prepayment of the total price of the reservation in the 7 days before arrival.
This property accepts the following forms of payment: No credit cards accepted, only cash
Additional information
Please note that additional supplements (e.g. extra bed) are not added in this total.
If you don't show up or cancel, applicable taxes may still be charged by the property.
Please remember to read the Important information below, as this may contain important details not mentioned here.
Hotel Policies
Guest parking
No parking available.
No internet access available.
You can always view, change or cancel your booking online at:
For any questions related to the property, you can contact Whoopers
Hostel Tosh directly on: +91 78761 50408
Or contact us by phone - we're available 24 hours a day:
Local number: 0008 000 016 075
000800 0016077
When abroad or from India: +44 20 3320 2609
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Safety resource centre
This print version of your confirmation contains the most important information about your booking. It can be used to check in when you arrive at Whoopers Hostel Tosh. For
further details please refer to your confirmation email sent to [email protected].