Grade 10 Seismic Waves

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Waves of energy which

travel through the planet

when an earthquake
occurs, when blocks of
rocks break, when a
volcano erupts, or when
tectonic plates move.
A highly sensitive
instrument used
to detect seismic
1. Body waves –
travel through the
inner layers of the
2. Surface waves –
travel only on the
1. Primary waves (P-waves) first
to be felt on the Earth’s; they
shake the ground back and forth
in the same and in opposite
direction through which surface
they move.

Pass through solid sections of the

Earth but are refracted or bent
when they travel through liquids.
2. Secondary waves (S-waves)
felt in up-and-down motion
perpendicular to the direction of
the wave. They do not travel
through liquids.
1. Love waves
are the fastest type of the
surface waves and move
the ground from side to

(Augustus Edward H. Love,

geologist and mathematician)
2. Rayleigh waves move in
circular manner similar to
rolling on the ground, and
cause buildings to heave up
and down and side to side.
(John William Strutt, also
known as Lord Rayleigh)
Scientist gained information about
the Earth’s internal structures by
studying how seismic waves travel
through the Earth.

It involves measuring the time it

takes for both type of waves to
reach seismic wave detecting
stations from the epicenter of an
Andrija Mohorovicic
found out that the velocity of
seismic waves changes and
increases at a distance of about 50
kilometers below the Earth’s

This led to the idea that there is a

difference in density between the
Earth’s outermost layer and the
layer the layer that lies below it.
P-waves can travel through liquids
while S-waves cannot.

During an earthquake, the seismic

waves radiate from the focus. The
farther away from the epicenter
means the longer time interval
between arrival of P and S waves.

As the depth increases, the density

also increases.
Beno Gutenberg
German seismologist discover the
existence of a shadow zone, could
only be explained if the Earth
contained a core composed of a
material different from that of the
mantle causing the bending of the
Inge lehmann
Danish seismologist who discovered a
new region of seismic reflection within
the core.

Earth has a core within a core.

The size of the inner core was accurately

calculated through nuclear
underground test conducted at Nevada.

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