Grade 7 Science Practice Test 2019-20

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Tennessee Comprehensive

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TCAP Science
Grade 7 | Practice Test

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All practice test items represent the appropriate grade level/content standards—however, the
practice test may contain item types that no longer appear on the operational assessment.
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Grade 7 Reference Sheet
1 Periodic Table of the Elements 18
1 2
H He

1 Hydrogen Helium
1.01 2 Key 13 14 15 16 17 4.00

3 4 11 Atomic Number 5 6 7 8 9 10
Na Element Symbol
2 Li Be Sodium Element Name B C N O F Ne
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
6.94 9.01 22.99 Average Atomic Mass 10.81 12.01 14.01 16.00 19.00 20.18

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
22.99 24.31 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 26.98 28.09 30.97 32.06 35.45 39.95

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
39.10 40.08 44.96 47.87 50.94 52.00 54.94 55.85 58.93 58.69 63.55 65.38 69.72 72.63 74.92 78.97 79.90 83.80

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
85.47 87.62 88.91 91.22 92.91 95.95 98 101.07 102.91 106.42 107.87 112.41 114.82 118.71 121.76 127.60 126.90 131.29

55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Cesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
132.91 137.33 138.91 178.49 180.95 183.84 186.21 190.23 192.22 195.08 196.97 200.59 204.38 207.20 208.98 209 210 222

87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
Francium Radium Actinium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson
223 226 227 261 262 266 264 269 268 271 272 285 284 289 288 292 294 294

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
140.12 140.91 144.24 145 150.36 151.96 157.25 158.93 162.50 164.93 167.26 168.93 173.04 174.97

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
232.04 231.04 238.03 237 244 243 247 247 251 252 257 258 259 262
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Read the sample and mark the correct answer.

Metals are commonly used in medical implants, but they have the
disadvantage of tending to corrode. When a metal corrodes, the
metal is worn away or gradually destroyed.

Which of these is the most likely solution for preventing metal

corrosion when metal is used in the human body?

A. Cover the metal in a nonreactive chemical.

B. Allow the metal to form compounds with tissue.
C. Increase the surface area of the metal.
D. Allow the metal to absorb fluids from the body.

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TCAP ACH Science 07/24/2019 [This header should NOT be printed.] TCAP_FA19_ACH_SCI_GR7PT_rev00

Grade 7 Science

1. A mixture of two gases is in a rigid container at 25°C. The particle

diagram shows a mixture of neon gas and argon gas.

The temperature was decreased below the boiling point of each gas.
Which diagram shows what would happen to the gas mixture?

A. C.

B. D.

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Grade 7 Science

2. Information about dairy products, lactose, and lactase are listed in the
table shown.

Dairy Products and Lactose and Lactase in Humans

Dairy Products Lactose and Lactase in Humans
An enzyme, lactase, breaks lactose
down in the body.
Source of protein and minerals
Some people do not produce
enough lactase.
Too little lactase causes abdominal
Contain lactose pain when dairy is eaten.
A gene controls lactase production.

Based on this information, which hypothesis best predicts how a change

to the gene could affect people who do not produce enough lactase?
M. A change that causes the gene to increase the amount of lactase it produces
will increase a person’s ability to break down lactose.

P. A change that causes the gene to decrease the amount of lactase it produces
will positively affect a person’s body.

R. A change that causes the gene to increase the amount of lactase it produces
will allow a person to consume large amounts of minerals.

S. A change that causes the gene to decrease the amount of lactase it produces
will allow a person to digest more protein.

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Grade 7 Science

3. Students were studying the first 20 elements on the periodic table. One
student found a diagram of a silicon nucleus. In the diagram the large
circle represents the nucleus. The rest of the particles are represented as
shown in the key.

Based on the diagram and the periodic table, which three statements
correctly describe a silicon atom?
A. Electrons are not present in the nucleus of a silicon atom.

B. There are 14 protons in the nucleus of a silicon atom.

C. Silicon atoms have no electrons.

D. A silicon atom should have 16 protons.

E. There are equal numbers of protons and neutrons in a silicon atom with a
mass number of 28.


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TCAP ACH Science 08/06/2019 [This header should NOT be printed.] TCAP_FA19_ACH_SCI_GR7PT_rev01

Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

4. Students look at pictures of structures found in living organisms. Each

picture represents a different level of complexity.

Which sequence places the structures in order from least complex to

most complex?
M. 1 Æ 2 Æ 4 Æ 3

P. 1 Æ 3 Æ 2 Æ 4

R. 2 Æ 1 Æ 3 Æ 4

S. 2 Æ 1 Æ 4 Æ 3

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Grade 7 Science

5. Protists are organisms that are classified in their own kingdom. Protists
are not plants or animals, yet some protists have characteristics similar
to those of either plants or animals or both. A protist like the protozoan
shown in the picture has similarities to both plants and animals. This
protozoan is similar to animals because it has the ability to move from
place to place while obtaining nutrients. This protozoan also shares a
similarity with plants.

Which feature labeled on the protozoan is associated with organisms in

the plant kingdom but not in other kingdoms except protists?

A. Mitochondrion

B. Chloroplast

C. Flagellum

D. Nucleus


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Grade 7 Science

6. A student investigates the process of passive transport by the cell

membrane by creating a model. The student puts a starch solution in a
dialysis tubing bag. The bag is then placed in a beaker that contains an
iodine solution. The dialysis tubing bag is semipermeable. The student’s
observations are in the table.

Observations Before Bag Observations After Bag
Part of System
Was Added to Beaker Was Added to Beaker
Water and iodine
Light yellow Light yellow
solution in beaker
Starch solution in
Cloudy, white Blue-black
dialysis tubing bag

The student concludes that the iodine passes through the dialysis tubing
material but the starch molecules cannot.

Which two statements provide evidence to support the student’s

M. The starch solution turned blue-black after the bag was placed in the beaker.

P. The iodine solution did not change color after the bag was placed in the

R. The iodine molecules passed through the bag because they are not the same
size as the starch molecules.

S. The starch solution did not react with the iodine solution after the bag was
placed in the beaker.

T. The change in color of the iodine solution was due to a student error in


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Grade 7 Science

7. A student was reading about the gases in air. Ozone helps protect Earth
from harmful ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. Certain types of
pollution created by humans have caused a hole in the ozone layer. This
hole is over the South Pole and could become larger if this type of
pollution increases.

Which question should the student ask to determine if ozone is an

elemental molecule?

A. What is the color of the molecule?

B. What is the shape of the molecule?

C. What elements are present in the molecule?

D. How many atoms are present in the molecule?

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Grade 7 Science

8. The diagram represents a cellular process used by cells.

In which situation would this process be beneficial to the cells?

M. growth and repair, because it produces identical types of cells

P. growth and repair, because it makes the cells of the organism larger

R. reproduction, because it creates more energy for the organism

S. reproduction, because it increases the number of chromosomes in the cells


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Grade 7 Science

9. The table shows the estimated percent concentrations of atmospheric

gases. Trace gases are composed of small amounts of gases such as
carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane.

Concentration of the
Types of Gas
Nitrogen 78.08%
Oxygen 20.94%
Argon 0.93%
Trace Gases 0.05%

Which of these will most likely increase the amount of a trace gas in the
A. A pine cone releases the protected seeds inside after it is exposed to intense

B. A hydroelectric dam increases the amount of water processed into energy

after a flood.

C. A company refining uranium ore is powered by natural gas.

D. A bacterium releases oxygen gas during photosynthesis.


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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

Questions 10 – 13 refer to the passage(s) and image(s) shown.

Carbon Cycle – Part 1

A Tennessee student studying the carbon cycle learned that carbon moves through all
four spheres of Earth: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the biosphere, and the
geosphere. The student wanted to understand how carbon cycles through both the
abiotic and biotic parts of the planet.

The student knew that limestone, the official state rock of Tennessee, contains carbon
because it is made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

The student learned that the water (H2 O) in the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) from
the atmosphere. This produces carbonic acid (H2 CO3), which easily splits apart into
hydrogen ions (H+ ) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3−), which are both charged particles. The
chemical reaction for this process is shown.

The bicarbonate ions (HCO3−) split into more hydrogen ions (H+ ) and carbonate ions
(CO32−). Corals and mollusks pull in seawater that contains the carbonate ions and
calcium ions (Ca2+ ) and pump out any hydrogen ions. The organisms use the carbonate
and calcium ions to make calcium carbonate (CaCO3) for their skeletons and shells. The
chemical reaction for this process is shown.

When the corals and mollusks die, layers of their skeletons and shells form on the ocean
floor. As the layers are buried by sediments, they compact and cement to form
limestone, which is a sedimentary rock made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

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Grade 7 Science

10. Which diagram correctly represents the mass of one of the chemical

M. R.

P. S.

11. Which step in the formation of limestone includes biotic parts of the

A. 1. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

B. 2. Water in the ocean that contains carbon dioxide

C. 3. Calcium carbonate in shells and corals

D. 4. Calcium carbonate in limestone


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Grade 7 Science

12. Which statement correctly describes how matter is conserved in Chemical

Reaction 1?

M. There are three oxygen atoms in the reactants for every three oxygen atoms
in the products.

P. There is one hydrogen atom in the reactants for every two hydrogen atoms in
the products.

R. There is one carbon atom and one hydrogen atom in the reactants for every
three carbon atoms and three hydrogen atoms in the products.

S. There are two carbon atoms and two oxygen atoms in the reactants for every
three carbon atoms and three oxygen atoms in the products.

13. Which statement correctly describes how matter is conserved in Chemical

Reaction 2?

A. There are six oxygen atoms in the reactants for every three oxygen atoms in
the product.

B. There are two calcium ions in the reactants for every one calcium ion in the

C. There are more atoms in the reactants than there are in the product.

D. There is one carbonate ion in the reactants for every one in the product.


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Grade 7 Science

Questions 14 – 16 refer to the passage(s) and image(s) shown.

Carbon Cycle – Part 2

After learning about limestone formation in a marine environment, the student was still
curious about the cycling of carbon through the biotic and abiotic parts of the planet in a
terrestrial environment. The student found a diagram on the website that shows another
way that carbon in the atmosphere is absorbed into another part of the planet. This
diagram shows the carbon moving directly into the biosphere.

The student learned that plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it
for photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants make sugars that are used by the
plant for growth and that are stored for energy. Animals eat the plants for food and
absorb the carbon in the sugar. The chemical reaction for photosynthesis is shown.

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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

When the plants and animals die, their bodies decay, releasing carbon into the soil.
Under the right conditions, decaying plants can turn into coal, which is almost pure
carbon. Eastern Tennessee has several coal mines that produce tons of coal each year.
This coal is burned for energy, which releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

14. Coal is mostly carbon. When coal is burned, it reacts with oxygen. The
carbon dioxide produced is released into the atmosphere. The chemical
reaction for coal burning is shown.

C + O2 → CO2

Based on the model shown, which statement correctly describes what

may happen to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

M. Carbon dioxide becomes solid and falls to the ground.

P. Carbon dioxide burns in the atmosphere.

R. Carbon dioxide is used by plants in photosynthesis.

S. Carbon dioxide is breathed in by animals and humans.

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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

15. The student learns that carbon dioxide is stored in Earth’s mantle. Which
part of the carbon cycle diagram shows the carbon dioxide from the
mantle being cycled to another sphere of Earth?

A. the arrow pointing from the volcano, which is part of the geosphere, to the

B. the arrow pointing from the plant, which is part of the biosphere, to the soil,
which is part of the geosphere

C. the arrow pointing from the plant, which is part of the biosphere, to the
animal, which is also part of the biosphere

D. the arrow pointing from the coal, which is part of the geosphere, to the
factory, which releases emissions into the atmosphere

16. Which statement correctly describes how matter is conserved in Chemical

Reaction 3?

M. Water is a reactant and a product.

P. There are six carbon atoms in the reactants for every one carbon atom in the

R. The total combined number of atoms in both the reactants and the products
is the same.

S. There are more hydrogen atoms in the products than there are in the

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Grade 7 Science

17. A student conducted an investigation by following the steps shown.

• Place three raw eggs in a beaker filled with vinegar.

• Wait for the vinegar to dissolve the hard outer
eggshells. The inside of each egg will be surrounded by
a thin membrane.
• Measure and record the initial mass of each egg without
its shell.
• Fill one beaker with distilled water, one with a
sugar-water solution, and one with a saltwater solution.
Place one of the eggs in each beaker and soak for 24
• Measure and record the final mass of each egg that has
been soaking in its liquid.
• Compare the initial and final mass measurements for
each egg.

The table shows some data from the student’s investigation.

Investigation Data
Initial Mass
Liquid in Final Mass of
of Egg
Which Egg Egg Soaking
Without Its
Was Soaked in Liquid (g)
Shell (g)
80.3 Distilled water 82.5
80.0 77.5
80.6 75.3

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Grade 7 Science

(Item 17, continued from the previous page)

Which of these statements best explains why the eggs that were soaked
in sugar-water and saltwater solutions both decreased in mass?
A. Because these eggs were placed in solutions that had higher concentrations of
dissolved materials than were inside the eggs, water diffused from inside the
egg into the liquid.

B. Because these eggs were placed in solutions that had lower concentrations of
dissolved materials than were inside the eggs, water diffused from inside the
egg into the liquid.

C. Because these eggs were placed in solutions that had higher concentrations of
dissolved materials than were inside the eggs, water diffused from the liquid
into the egg.

D. Because these eggs were placed in solutions that had lower concentrations of
dissolved materials than were inside the eggs, water diffused from the liquid
into the egg.

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Grade 7 Science

18. A partial food web shows the movement of matter and energy in a land

Deer need producers and oxygen to provide energy and matter for their
cells. What is the primary source of oxygen for the deer in this

M. The oxygen is a product of photosynthesis by the insects.

P. The oxygen is a product of photosynthesis by the grasses.

R. The oxygen is a product of cellular respiration by the cougar.

S. The oxygen is a product of cellular respiration by the grasses.


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Grade 7 Science

19. White-tailed deer are mammals. Mammals have a reproductive strategy

that is not found in all animals.

Which two statements provide a cause and effect of the reproductive

strategy of white-tailed deer that helps them survive?
A. It requires two parents.

B. It requires only one parent.

C. It causes very fast growth and development.

D. It produces genetic variation within a population.

E. It results in individuals being identical to one parent.


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Grade 7 Science

20. A student has been learning about atoms. He wrote a small paragraph
describing one.

How an Atom Looks

An atom looks similar to a racetrack. There are small particles that move like
cars on a racetrack. These particles move in a circle around the center of the
track and do not easily move away from the center.

The student describes particles on the edge of the atom. Which statement
supports the student’s claim that the particles on the edge of the atom do
not move away from the center?

M. The particles are connected to the center by an object similar to a rope.

P. The particles are attracted to the center because they have a charge opposite
to the center’s charge.

R. The particles are held in place because atoms are a solid structure.

S. The particles are pushed toward the center by the nuclear charges of other


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Grade 7 Science

21. A person riding a bicycle wants to move the bicycle forward. She moves
her legs up and down on the bicycle’s pedals. Then the rider wants to
stop the bicycle. She stops pedaling and the bicycle slows. She takes one
of her feet off a pedal and puts her foot on the ground to stop the bicycle
and stay upright.

Which of these best identifies a pathway of systems in the rider’s body,

as described in this scenario?
A. nervous system → musculoskeletal system → circulatory system → nervous

B. nervous system → musculoskeletal system → nervous system →

musculoskeletal system

C. musculoskeletal system → nervous system → circulatory system →

musculoskeletal system

D. musculoskeletal system → circulatory system → musculoskeletal system →

nervous system

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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

22. Several students were studying five compounds. They wanted to see if
the compounds would conduct electricity when dissolved in water. A
small sample of each compound was placed in a beaker, and 100 mL of
pure water was added. Each sample dissolved in the water. A conductivity
tester was placed in each beaker. A glowing green bulb meant the sample
was a conductor. A glowing red bulb meant the sample was not a

The students recorded the results in a data table.

Conductivity Test of Five Compounds

Compound Observation
NaI Green bulb glowed.

C6H12 O6 Red bulb glowed.

Zn(NO3)2 Green bulb glowed.

Li2 SO4 Green bulb glowed.

CH3 OH Red bulb glowed.

(This item continues on the next page.)

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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

(Item 22, continued from the previous page)

Using the data table and a periodic table, which three of these
compounds are most likely to be conductors of electricity?

M. NaCl

P. K2SO4

R. C12H24 O12

S. C2H5 OH

T. Sr(NO3)2

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Grade 7 Science

23. The photograph shows a two-toed sloth. These slow-moving organisms

cannot outrun or outclimb predators, so they spend most of their time
hanging from branches in trees. The sloths eat the leaves and flowers
from these trees. Two-toed sloths often have a greenish tint on their fur
because algae grow on their bodies.

Which of these is the most likely reason the algae are able to help
two-toed sloths survive?
A. by allowing the sloths to blend in with the trees to hide from predators

B. by providing sloths with easy access to another food source

C. by making sloths more attractive to other sloths to encourage mating

D. by helping to keep the body temperatures of sloths cooler during hot weather


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Grade 7 Science

24. Students have been studying air quality. The teacher provides them with
particle diagrams of the components of five air samples.

Which three diagrams contain compound molecules?



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Grade 7 Science

(Item 24, continued from the previous page)





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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

25. In a type of bean plant, the trait for yellow pods (B) is dominant to the
trait for green pods (b). A plant that is heterozygous for yellow pods is
crossed with a plant that has green pods. An incomplete Punnett square
of the cross is shown.

Which statement correctly describes the probability that offspring of this

cross will display certain traits?

A. 75% yellow pods and 25% green pods

B. 50% yellow pods and 50% green pods

C. 100% yellow pods

D. 100% green pods

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Grade 7 Science

26. A student uses a microscope to observe a single-celled organism that can

move. The organism contains a nucleus and many chloroplasts. Based on
the observations, the student claims the organism is not a bacterium.
Which observation best supports the student’s claim?
M. The organism is unicellular.

P. The organism is able to move.

R. The organism has a nucleus.

S. The organism performs photosynthesis.

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Grade 7 Science

Questions 27 – 29 refer to the passage(s) and image(s) shown.

Tennessee Air Quality — Part 1

Air pollution in Tennessee cities is an increasing problem. Table 1 shows the different Air
Quality Index (AQI) categories.

Table 1: Air Quality Index Categories

Color Category AQI Value Level of Health Concern
Green 0 – 50 Good
Yellow 51 – 100 Moderate
Orange 101 – 150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups
Red 151 – 200 Unhealthy
Purple 201 – 300 Very unhealthy
Maroon 301 – 500 Hazardous

The orange category is unhealthy for sensitive groups such as children, older adults, and
those with heart or lung disease. Table 2 lists four cities in Tennessee that had six or
more orange days in 2017.

Table 2: Tennessee Cities With

Six or More Orange Days in 2017
City County Population Number of Orange Days
Chattanooga Hamilton 179,139 6
Knoxville Knox 187,347 9
Memphis Shelby 652,236 11
Nashville Davidson 667,560 8

A known cause of air pollution is emissions from cars. The average household in the
state has two cars. In Tennessee 855 electric cars were registered in 2016 and 791 in
2017. Electric cars produce fewer emissions. They also release zero tailpipe emissions.
Because electric cars are charged by power grids that burn fossil fuels, they are not
necessarily zero-carbon. This means that the extent of the carbon footprint of an electric
car depends on where the power to charge the vehicle comes from. Driving an electric
car is the equivalent of driving a gasoline-powered car that gets 80 miles per gallon.


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Grade 7 Science

27. Students make lists of characteristics that describe an isotope of carbon

(C). Which list is correct?

• It is a pure substance.
A. • All the atoms have the same number of protons.
• All the atoms have the same properties.

• It is a pure substance.
B. • All the atoms have different numbers of protons.
• All the atoms have different properties.

• It is a mixture.
C. • All the atoms have the same number of protons.
• All the atoms have the same properties.

• It is a mixture.
D. • All the atoms have different numbers of protons.
• All the atoms have different properties.


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Grade 7 Science

28. Which statement best classifies air?

M. Air is a pure substance because it is composed of pure substances.

P. Air is a pure substance because its properties rarely change.

R. Air is a mixture because it has the same properties at all times.

S. Air is a mixture because its composition varies.

29. Which statement does not describe a problem that causes some smaller
cities to have poorer air quality than some larger cities?
A. Smaller cities have less funding to spend fighting pollution.

B. Smaller cities have fewer charging stations for electric cars.

C. Smaller cities have shorter commutes to work.

D. Smaller cities have less access to public transportation.


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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

Questions 30 – 33 refer to the passage(s) and image(s) shown.

Tennessee Air Quality — Part 2

Photochemical smog is a type of air pollution produced by the emissions of
gasoline-powered cars and trucks and can hover over cities as a brown haze. Smog is a
mixture of ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitric oxide (NO), and sulfur dioxide (SO2).
NO2 gas forms in the cylinders of engines when the oxygen gas (O) and nitrogen gas (N)
are compressed at hot temperatures.

The molecules that are monitored for the Air Quality Index are O3, NO2, and SO2. Table 3
contains physical property data about these three compounds.

Table 3: Physical Properties of Ozone,

Nitrogen Dioxide, and Sulfur Dioxide
Appearance at Room Boiling
Temperature (22°C) Point (°C)

O3 Colorless -112

NO2 Reddish-brown 21.0

SO2 Colorless -10.0

Table 4 shows the physical properties of three elements.

Table 4: Physical Properties of

Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Oxygen
Appearance at Room Boiling
Temperature (22°C) Point (°C)
N Colorless -195.8

S Yellow 444.6

O Colorless -183.0

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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

30. Which question about photochemical smog could not be experimentally

determined by scientists?
M. In what year will the amount of sulfur in the air start to decrease?

P. How many different types of hydrocarbons are found in gasoline?

R. What concentration of gas molecules causes a visible brown haze in the air?

S. What temperature is the car engine when it begins to produce nitric oxide in
the cylinder?

31. One of the components contained in gasoline is octane (C8H18). Which

statement best describes C8H18?
A. It is a mixture containing a combination of the properties of hydrogen and

B. It is a pure substance containing a combination of the properties of hydrogen

and carbon.

C. It is a mixture containing properties different from those of hydrogen and


D. It is a pure substance containing properties different from those of hydrogen

and carbon.

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Grade 7 Science

32. Students compare the properties of the substances in Table 3 with the
properties of the elements in Table 4.

Which conclusion is best supported by the information?

M. Pure substances in the air reacted to form mixtures of themselves.

P. Nitrogen dioxide is a pure substance while both ozone and sulfur dioxide are

R. Nitrogen dioxide is a mixture while both ozone and sulfur dioxide are pure

S. Pure substances in the air reacted to produce other pure substances.

33. Students learn that impurities in hydrocarbons release sulfur into the air,
which contributes to smog. Which recommendation will least likely
reduce the amount of sulfur released into the air?
A. driving a smaller car that gets better gas mileage

B. filling the vehicle up with gas at the same gas station each time

C. treating the fuel to remove the impurities

D. riding with neighbors to go to school and work


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Grade 7 Science

34. Almonds are edible seeds that grow on trees. Wild almonds typically have
a bitter taste caused by a chemical in the almond. If an organism eats
wild almonds, a chemical reaction occurs that releases the bitter taste.
However, a genetic mutation in the almond tree can occur that prevents
wild almonds from producing the bitter taste. Which statement describes
how this type of mutation could affect these wild almond trees?

M. This mutation could increase the population of wild almond trees.

P. This mutation could increase the life span of wild almond trees.

R. This mutation could decrease the size of wild almond trees.

S. This mutation could decrease the rate of reproduction for wild almond trees.


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Grade 7 Science

35. Students collected the seeds from a red flower and planted them. After a
few months, the plants bloomed. Students saw that not all of the flowers
were the same color. They collected and recorded data about the flowers.
They also sketched one of the flowers. The students plan to harvest seeds
from these flowers and plant them to see what color flowers will be

Based on the data collected, which statement is the best prediction of

what the colors of the flowers will be on the new plants?
A. There will be more red flowers than white flowers, because the red color is
dominant over white.

B. There will be more white flowers than red flowers, because the white color is
dominant over red.

C. There will be fewer red flowers than white flowers, because the red flower
color is a recessive trait.

D. There will be fewer white flowers than red flowers, because the white flower
color is a dominant trait.


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Grade 7 Science

36. There are advantages to both sexual and asexual reproduction. Which of
these describes the most likely advantage of sexual reproduction?
M. Sexual reproduction results in more variation among offspring, which may
help them adapt better to changing environments.

P. Sexual reproduction ensures that all of the parents’ genes are passed on to
the next generation.

R. Sexual reproduction is able to produce large numbers of offspring in a short

amount of time.

S. Sexual reproduction increases the chance that an offspring will receive a

harmless mutation from its parents.


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Grade 7 Science

37. A scientist used a microscope to observe a prepared sample on a slide.

The scientist’s observations are shown.

The drawing illustrates which two levels of biological organization?

A. cell

B. tissue

C. organ

D. organism

E. organ system


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Grade 7 Science

38. When an athlete began running, both her breathing and heart rates

The athlete’s breathing and heart rates increased as she was running
because the athlete needed to

M. exhale more oxygen from her lungs.

P. decrease the temperature of her skin.

R. increase the amount of carbon dioxide in her blood.

S. transport more oxygenated blood to her muscles.


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Grade 7 Science

39. Damaged cells can release chemicals known as growth factors. Some of
these growth factors can cause nearby cells to divide.

Which pair identifies the process used by the nearby cells to divide and
the result of that process?

Process: meiosis
Result: new cells that are genetically different from the parent cell,
A. allowing the new cells to carry out their function better than other new

Process: meiosis
Result: new cells that are genetically the same as the parent cell,
B. allowing the new cells to develop and specialize into different types of

Process: mitosis
C. Result: new cells that are genetically identical, allowing them to perform
the same functions as the parent cell

Process: mitosis
D. Result: new cells that are genetically different from the parent cell,
allowing the new cells to carry out different functions


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Grade 7 Science

40. Students are studying the behavior of matter as a gas. Each sample is at
the same temperature and in different 1.0-liter rigid containers. The
number of particles shown in the diagram is proportional to the number
of particles in each sample.

Which three statements about the gas in the containers are true?
M. The gas particles in Container 1 will be the easiest to compress.

P. The gas particles in Container 3 will be the hardest to compress.

R. The gas particles in Container 2 will move faster than the gas particles in
Container 1.

S. The gas particles in Container 3 will move slower than the gas particles in
Container 1.

T. If the temperature is decreased in each container, the pressure will decrease

in each container.


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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

41. The diagram represents solar panels collecting energy from sunlight and
then converting that energy to electrical energy. The electrical energy can
be stored as chemical energy in batteries. Then, this chemical energy can
be converted back to electrical energy to power lights and appliances.

Which of these best describes a similarity between photosynthesis and

the changes in energy represented by the diagram?
A. During photosynthesis, a plant’s leaves change solar energy into chemical
energy, and then the chemical energy is used for the plant’s life functions.

B. During photosynthesis, a plant’s roots absorb and store water until the plant
needs the energy stored in the water for the plant’s life functions.
C. During photosynthesis, a plant’s leaves change chemical energy into solar
energy, and then the solar energy is used for the plant’s life functions.

D. During photosynthesis, a plant’s roots absorb water and then transform the
water into chemical energy that is used for the plant’s life functions.

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Grade 7 Science

42. Which of these describes a behavioral adaptation that will increase the
probability that a species will survive?

M. A bird has brown feathers that help it blend with the ground where its nest is

P. A giraffe has long legs that help it reach leaves growing at the tops of acacia

R. A moth has large dark spots on its wings that resemble eyes and scare away
S. A mother bear stays with her cubs for a year and a half until they learn skills
to live on their own.


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Grade 7 Science

Questions 43 – 45 refer to the passage(s) and image(s) shown.

Cellular Division – Part 1

All human life begins from a single cell. This cell then divides into many more cells. Cells
in the human body divide through two main processes called mitosis and meiosis. The
process of mitosis allows the human body to heal itself. New cells originate mostly from
newer cell layers of a particular tissue. However, after an injury, older cells are pushed to
an area to gradually fill in the damaged space. This complex process automatically stops
once an injury is healed. The healing process is not just for injuries; the process also
repairs normal wear and tear of the body. Skin, mouth, intestine, and blood cells that
are damaged or dead are replaced daily.


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Grade 7 Science

43. Which organelle begins to form in Phase 4 of the process in Figure 1?

A. mitochondrion

B. nucleus

C. ribosome

D. lysosome

44. If a student were to discuss Figure 1 with a classmate, which description

would be correct?
M. The student says Phase 2 of Figure 1 shows prophase, with the chromosomes
moving toward the far ends of the cell.

P. The student says Phase 3 of Figure 1 shows telophase, where the

chromosomes have duplicated.

R. The student says Phase 4 of Figure 1 shows anaphase, where the

chromosomes have lined up in the middle of the cell.

S. The student says the bottom part of Figure 1 shows the daughter cells, with
each having the same chromosomes as the parent cell.

45. Mitosis occurs in the organelle that controls cell activities. Which
organelle should be added to the model in Figure 1 to show where this
process is occurring?

A. vacuole

B. chloroplast

C. mitochondrion

D. nucleus


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Grade 7 Science

Questions 46 – 49 refer to the passage(s) and image(s) shown.

Cellular Division – Part 2

Meiosis is a special type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes by
half. Four haploid cells known as sex cells are created during this process. Meiosis occurs
in all sexually reproducing organisms including animals, plants, and fungi. Sex cells are
produced for the purpose of creating new offspring. Not all organisms reproduce
sexually, but those that do experience increased genetic diversity in their populations.


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Grade 7 Science

46. The parent cell in Figure 2 already contains double the amount of original
genetic material. Which event must have occurred before the parent cell
in Figure 2?

M. mitosis

P. DNA replication

R. cellular respiration

S. germination

47. During meiosis, an organelle breaks down to allow chromosomes to

separate. This part then redevelops during the last phase of the cycle.
Which part of the cell should be added to Figure 2 to make the diagram
more accurate?

A. vacuole

B. mitochondrion

C. cell membrane

D. nucleus


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Grade 7 Science

48. In male organisms, the process shown in Figure 2 results in cells that
each have a special organelle that helps the cell move. Which organelle
has this function?

M. flagella

P. ribosome

R. endoplasmic reticulum

S. Golgi apparatus

49. Figure 2 illustrates genetic diversity between all four daughter cells, with
no two being the same. Which component in the model helps account for
creating this diversity?

A. Crossing-over

B. Parent cell

C. Homologous pair

D. Meiosis II


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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

50. Students were looking at coins during lunch. One of them noticed that
older pennies looked and felt different from new pennies. The students
decided to investigate whether all pennies are made of the same
materials. The students measured the mass and the volume of 10 pennies
and then divided the mass by the volume to determine the density. The
measurements were recorded in a data table.

Student Data Table

Mass Volume (cubic
Penny (grams, g) centimeters, cm3)

1 2.5 0.35

2 2.5 0.35

3 2.6 0.35

4 2.4 0.35

5 2.4 0.35

6 3.1 0.35

7 3.1 0.35

8 3.2 0.35

9 3.0 0.35

10 3.1 0.35

The teacher told the students that newer pennies contain copper and
zinc. Copper has a density of 8.96 g/cm3 . Zinc has a density of 7.1 g/cm3 .

Which statement is best supported by the data and information from the
M. All pennies are pure copper.

P. All pennies have the same amount of copper since their volume is the same.

R. Pennies 1 through 5 are mostly copper because the mass of copper is less than
the mass of zinc.

S. Pennies 6 through 10 are mostly copper because their density is closer to

copper’s density.

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Grade 7 Science
Grade 6 Science

51. Some processes add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. There are other
processes that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The global
carbon cycle is a complicated interaction between processes that take
place on the land and processes that take place in the ocean.

Global Carbon Cycle Data

Change in Amount of Carbon
Process Result in Atmosphere
(billions of tons)
Burning of fossil fuels Adds carbon dioxide +5.3

Agriculture Adds carbon dioxide +2.0

Photosynthesis Removes carbon dioxide -120.0

Plant respiration Adds carbon dioxide +50.0

Decomposition Adds carbon dioxide +60.0

Ocean sink Removes carbon dioxide -110.0

Which change in the carbon cycle would have the greatest effect on the
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. a 10% decrease in the burning of fossil fuels

B. a 20% decrease in the number of photosynthetic organisms

C. a 10% increase in the amount of decomposing organic matter

D. a 20% increase in land used for agriculture

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Grade 7 Science

52. Two types of cells are shown. Organelles found in both cells are labeled.

Which two claims about cell function are supported by the evidence in
the diagram?
M. Both types of cells are unable to produce energy.

P. Both types of cells produce proteins.

R. Both types of cells can store excess water.

S. Both types of cells can maintain a rigid shape.

T. Both types of cells can control what enters and exits the cell.


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Grade 7 Science

53. Students are learning about the functions of different parts in cells. The
students model a cell part with a screen that sorts large objects from
small objects. When objects of different sizes are placed on the screen,
the screen allows the smaller objects to pass through it but not the larger

Which of these cell functions is most likely being modeled?

A. energy production by the mitochondria

B. passive transport across the cell membrane

C. photosynthesis inside the chloroplast

D. mitosis in the nucleus

This is the end of the Grade 7 Science test.

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Name: __________________________________

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53.      A      B      C      D

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8.      M      P      R      S

9.      A      B      C      D

10.      M      P      R      S

11.      A      B      C      D

12.      M      P      R      S

13.      A      B      C      D

14.      M      P      R      S

15.      A      B      C      D

16.      M      P      R      S

17.      A      B      C      D

18.      M      P      R      S

19.      A      B      C      D      E (select two)

20.      M      P      R      S

21.      A      B      C      D

22.      M      P      R      S      T (select three)

23.      A      B      C      D

24.      M      P      R      S      T (select three)

25.      A      B      C      D

26.      M      P      R      S

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27.      A      B      C      D

28.      M      P      R      S

29.      A      B      C      D

30.      M      P      R      S

31.      A      B      C      D

32.      M      P      R      S

33.      A      B      C      D

34.      M      P      R      S

35.      A      B      C      D

36.      M      P      R      S

37.      A      B      C      D      E (select two)

38.      M      P      R      S

39.      A      B      C      D

40.      M      P      R      S      T (select three)

41.      A      B      C      D

42.      M      P      R      S

43.      A      B      C      D

44.      M      P      R      S

45.      A      B      C      D

46.      M      P      R      S

47.      A      B      C      D

48.      M      P      R      S

49.      A      B      C      D

50.      M      P      R      S

51.      A      B      C      D

52.      M      P R      S      T (select two)

53.      A      B      C      D

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Answer Document

TCAPTNReady Practice
Practice Test Test Standards
Standards AlignmentAlignment
and Key -and Key7 –Science
Grade Grade 3
Question 1 No. KeyKey Standard
1 1 BC 3.OA.B.5
2 280 3.NBT.A.3
2 M 7.LS3.1
3 9 3.OA.A.3
3 A, B, E 7.PS1.1
4 D 3.OA.B.6
5 4 B, DR 7.LS1.4
6 5 63 B 3.MD.C.7a
7 6 24M, P 3.OA.C.7
8 7 CC 3.NF.A.1
9 8 BM 3.G.A.2
10 Point B at 5:15 and Point C at 5:45 3.MD.A.1
9 C 7.ESS3.1
11 B 3.MD.B.3
1210 Any rectangle with P
10 squares 7.PS1.4
13 11 B C 7.LS2.1
1412 AM 3.NF.A.2b
132 D 7.PS1.4
1514 >; <R 3.NF.A.3d
16 C; 11 3.OA.D.8
15 A 7.LS2.1
17 D 3.OA.D.9
16 R 7.PS1.4
18 45 3.MD.A.1
1917 AA 7.LS1.2
2018 20 P 3.MD.D.8
2119 A,A,E D 3.OA.A.3
203 P 7.PS1.1
22 D 3.OA.D.8
21 B 7.LS1.5
23 30 3.MD.A.1
22 M, P, T 7.PS1.5
1 3 2
2423 , ,A 3.NF.A.3b
2 4 3
2524 D S, T
P, 3.OA.A.2
2625 DB 3.MD.D.8
27a 50 3.OA.D.8
26 R 7.LS1.3
27b 4 3.OA.B.6
27 A 7.PS1.3
27c T, F, F, T 3.NF.A.3
27d28 300, 250,S 300 7.PS1.3
27e29 5C 3.OA.D.8
2830 could, could, could,
M cannot 3.G.A.1
2931 8D 3.OA.A.4
30 B 3.OA.B.6
31 D 3.MD.C.6

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Question No. Key Standard

32 S 7.PS1.3
33 B 7.ESS3.2
34 S 7.LS3.1
35 A 7.LS3.3
36 M 7.LS1.7
37 A, B 7.LS1.4
38 S 7.LS1.5
39 C 7.LS1.8
40 M, P, T 7.PS1.6
41 A 7.LS1.9
42 S 7.LS1.6
43 B 7.LS1.1
44 S 7.LS3.2
45 D 7.LS1.1
46 P 7.LS3.2
47 D 7.LS1.1
48 M 7.LS1.1
49 A 7.LS3.2
50 S 7.PS1.5
51 B 7.ESS3.1
52 P, T 7.LS1.3
53 B 7.LS1.2

May only be reproduced for classroom use
Tennessee Comprehensive
Assessment Program TCAP
Grade 7 | Practice Test

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