Insurance Trends
Insurance Trends
Insurance Trends
3 245
1 author:
Mohd Arif
Shri Jai Narain Misra PG College, Lucknow
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohd Arif on 04 January 2022.
Research Scholar
University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India
Insurance is not a recent origin. It has been enforce in India dated back to the
Vedic period. Establishment of Oriental Life Insurance Corporation by Anita Bhavsar in
1818 forms the basis of present life insurance industry in India. Insurance sector
constitutes as one of the important pillar of the financial market. In 2000, Government
reopens the Indian insurance industry to private companies which leads to the
remarkable growth (increasing trends) in life insurance business. The sector witnesses a
multi-fold growth in terms of insurance density (4 fold), amount of investment (5 fold),
total premium (4 fold), number of new policy issued (doubled), number of offices opened
(4 times) etc. Even a tremendous growth in life insurance industry, there are still a large
portion of population who are remain uninsured. It demonstrates the lot of opportunities.
But in last few years, the performance of life insurance industry has been shown a
downfall (decreasing trends) because of slow economic growth rate, higher inflation,
global crises, low saving etc. So, life insurers required to change their strategies and
offered customized product so that the untapped market can be served effectively. This
paper is an attempt to study the trends and pattern of Indian life insurance industry.
Key words - Insurance, Life Insurance, IRDA, LIC, Policy, Trends and Pattern,
Nationalisation, Economic Development.
Life Insurance
A life insurance policy is a contract between the insurer and policyholder that
the insurer will pay a certain sum of money if the policyholder dies or any
other specified contingency happens. In lieu of this assurance, insurer takes a
premium amount from the policyholder.
Section 2(11) of Insurance Act 1938, define the life insurance business
as the business of effecting contracts of insurance upon human life, including
any contract whereby the payment of money is assured on death (except death
by accident only) or the happening of any contingency dependent on human
A learned author J.H. Maggi define the life insurance is a contract to
which the insurer, in consideration of a premium, undertakes to pay to the
person for whose benefit the insurance is effected a sum of money on the
death of the person whose life is insured or in his attaining a certain age.
Life insurance provides financial security to the family of a
policyholder in the event of his/her death. This is the most popular insurance
policy, as most people want to ensure that their family members remain
financially secure in the event of their death.
The existence of insurance in India is not a recent origin. It has been enforce
dates back to the Vedic period. In Rigveda the term Yogakshemam has been
given which means a sort of social welfare insurance. Manu, the great sage
and law giver, who wrote the Manusmriti, a Vedic literature, describe the
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH- Vol.II, Issue 11/ February 2015 14106
Mohd Arif: Life Insurance Industries in India: Trends and Patterns
Review of Literature
Insurance sector play a very significant and vibrant role in the process of
financial intermediaries. It constitutes as one of the important pillar of the
financial market which create a lot of new opportunities. The study is carried
out to know the trends and pattern of life insurance industry in India.
Research Methodology
Sources of Data: The study is purely based on secondary data which has
been collected from IRDA annual reports, IRDA journals, LIC reports,
websites, Insurance Chronicle (ICFAI), publications, journal, books, published
works, Internets etc.
Period of the Study: The study covers the period of 10 years from 2003-04 to
2012-13. For some parameters the period of study reduces because of non-
availability of data.
Tools to be Used: For studying the trends and pattern of life insurance,
simple ratio, percentage, average, SD, CV, CAGR, trend index, regression
analysis and charts has been used.
11) LIC's New Jeevan Mangal 12) Bajaj Allianz Pension Secure
17) Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY2014- 18) DLF Income Rakshak
19) Tata AIA Life Lakshya Supreme 20) HDFC Life Pension Super Plus
21) Tata AIA Life Insurance United Ujwal 22) ICICI Pru Wealth Builder
Bhawishya Supreme
23) Tata AIA Life Insurance Invest Assure Apex 24) ING STAR Life
25) Tata AIA Life Swarna Bhavishya 26) Kotak Assured Income Plan
27) Tata AIA Suraksha Kosh Plan 28) Reliance Life Insurance eTeam Plan
29) Tata AIA Suraksha Kosh Supreme Plan 30) Sahara Dhanvrishti Jeevan Bima
Tables 2 and Chart 3 depict the amount and growth of investment in life
insurance industry. It recorded a total investment of Rs. 1744894 crore in
2012-13 as against Rs. 352625 crore in 2003-04 with the Compounded Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.33%. The LIC recorded total investment of Rs.
347959 crore in 2003-04 which has been raised to Rs. 1402991 crore in 2012-
13 with CAGR of 14.96%. As regard to the investment of private company it
raises from Rs. 4666 crore in 2003-04 to Rs. 341903 crore in 2012-13 with
CAGR of 53.63%.The table also reveals one interesting point i.e., the
Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of private life insurance company
is 3.58 time of public life insurance company which shows the success story of
private companies. In spite of this, there is a big difference between the
proportion of investment of public and private company. From the total
investment in life insurance sector, public company (LIC) attract on the
average of Rs. 808019.70 crore (84.85%) while the private company attract Rs.
144327.20 crore (15.15%) of investment. But the higher CAGR of private
company will provide new opportunities to them which helped in bridging the
various proportion gaps.
Table 3 and Chart 4 depict the amount of life insurance premium. The
amount of total life insurance premium has been increased from Rs. 66653.76
crore in 2003-04 to Rs. 287202 crore in 2012-13 with the Compounded Annual
Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.72%. If we talk about the trend value of total life
insurance premium, it was 430.89 in 2012-13 for the base year 2003-04. From
the segregation of total life insurance premium into public and private
company, the public company (LIC) has a major portion in premium as
compared to private company. Out of the total life insurance premium, LIC
premium has grown up from Rs. 63533.43 crore in 2003-04 to Rs. 208803.58
crore in 20012-13 while private insurer premium amount grown up from Rs.
3120.33 crore in 2003-04 to Rs. 78398.91 crore in 2012-13. But again the
CAGR of private company (38.04%) is much higher than public company
(12.63%) which reflects the increased interest of customer in these companies.
As the life insurance premium index is concerned, it is 2512.52 for private
company and 328.65 for public company in 2012-13 for the base year 2003-04.
The index value suggests that the businesses of private life insurance
company are growing tremendously since its entry.
If we talk about the expenses of life insurance companies, it is
increases. The commission expenses was Rs. 14,790 crore and Rs. 4471 crore
for public & private insurer respectively in 2012-13 as against to Rs. 14063
crore and Rs. 4471 crore in 2011-12. The operating expenses increases from
Rs. 29656 crore to Rs. 31562 crore in 2012-13 with an increasing rate of
6.42%. If we talk about the profit of life insurance industry, it is Rs. 6948
crore in 2012-13 as against to Rs. 5974 crore in 2011-12. The profits are
increases by 16.30%.
Table 3: Total Life Insurance Premium (in Rs. Crore)
Public (LIC) Private Total
Year Premium Growth Trend Premium Growth Trend Premium Growth Trend
Amount (%) Value Amount (%) Value Amount (%) Value
2003-04 63533.43 100.00 3120.33 100.00 66653.76 100.00
2004-05 75127.29 18.25 118.25 7727.51 147.65 247.65 82854.80 24.31 124.31
2005-06 90792.22 20.85 142.90 15083.54 95.19 483.40 105875.76 27.78 158.84
2006-07 127822.84 40.79 201.19 28253.01 87.31 905.45 156075.85 47.41 234.16
2007-08 149789.99 17.19 235.77 51561.42 82.50 1652.43 201351.41 29.01 302.09
2008-09 157288.04 5.01 247.57 64497.44 25.09 2067.01 221785.48 10.15 332.74
2009-10 186077.31 18.30 292.88 79369.94 23.06 2543.64 265447.25 19.69 398.25
2010-11 203473.40 9.35 320.26 88165.24 11.08 2825.51 291638.64 9.87 437.54
2011-12 202889.28 -0.29 319.34 84182.83 -4.52 2697.88 287072.11 -1.57 430.69
2012-13 208803.58 2.92 328.65 78398.91 -6.87 2512.52 287202.49 0.05 430.89
Mean 146559.74 50036.02 196595.76
SD 55207.38 33637.78 88518.85
CV 37.67 67.23 45.03
(%) 12.63 38.04 15.72
Source: IRDA, Various Annual Reports
Table 4 and Chart 5 portray the market share of public and private life
insurance companies. The data reveals that the market shares of public
company have continuously decreases from 95.32% in 2003-04 to 69.77% in
2010-11 due to the opening of insurance sector to private company (2000)
which also indicate the increasing pattern of private company market share.
The reason behind growth of market share of private company was innovative
& customized products, better distribution channels, aggressive marketing,
after sale service, better facilities etc. adopted by the company. They gave a
tough competition to public insurance company. Such a big loss of market
share opens the eyes of LIC. They have made radical changes in their
strategies and product portfolio to face cut throat competition and to regain
the lost share. The efforts adopted by public company (LIC) and some
environmental factors have made a positive impact on its market share. Now,
it increases to 70.68% in 2011-12 and 72.70% in 2012-13. Now, LIC continue
its growth through product innovation and better facilities to get the
competitive advantage over its competitors.
Table 5 shows the various sources of fund in which the life insurer invest
their fund. From the table it has been found out that traditional product
attract more insurance fund as compare to ULIP funds. During 2012-13, out
of total investment of Rs. 1744894 crore, the traditional products have an
investment of Rs. 1402387 crore (80.37%) while ULIP funds have Rs. 342507
crore (19.63%). In traditional product, Central or State government securities
has been the most preferred means of investment. The total amount of life
insurance has been increased from Rs. 428453 crore in 2004-05 to Rs. 1744894
crore in 2012-13. Out of which, investment in traditional products raised from
Rs. 420925 crore in 2004-05 to Rs. 1402387 crore in 2012-13 while investment
in ULIP funds rose from Rs. 7528 crore in 2004-05 to Rs. 342507 crore in
2012-13. The investment in traditional product has been consistently
increases while ULIP investment shows a downfall in last two years. It also
indicates that even today, the traditional forms of investment are more
attractive in compare to other forms.
Table 5: Total Amount of Life Insurance : Instrument Wise (in Rs. Crore)
2004- 2005- 2007- 2008-
Investment Form 2006-07 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
05 06 08 09
Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt.
Central Government
Securities 201550 238089 275099 296688 316010 360447 420952 468082 512180
State Government &
Other Approved
Securities 51187 58288 60088 85198 107190 137236 173733 214515 265989
Housing &
Infrastructure 45521 49639 69837 63262 66673 85675 89181 97320 118878
Approved Investments 96289 88548 102057 145554 202469 257084 304977 385107 456256
Other Investments 26378 26699 30049 42191 51260 34477 42159 46262 49084
Total (A) 420925 461263 537130 632893 743602 874919 1031002 1211286 1402387
ULIP Funds
Approved Investments 6732 23401 57587 111630 151490 311669 371899 346340 325283
Other Investments 796 2488 9463 21448 21273 25871 27217 23632 17224
Total (B) 7528 25889 67050 133078 172763 337540 399116 369972 342507
Grand Total (A+B) 428453 487152 604180 765971 916365 1212459 1430118 1581258 1744894
Source : Compiled from various Annual Reports of IRDA
Table 6 portrays the status of new life insurance policies issued over the year.
The data reveals a high fluctuation in issuing a new policy. Some years it
shows a positive growth while in other shows negative trends. The total
number of life insurance policy issued has been increased from 286.26 lakh in
2003-04 to 441.87 lakh in 2012-13. Out of total policy issued the share of LIC
increases from 269.68 lakh in 2003-04 to 367.82 lakh in 2012-13 while the
portion of private insurer has been raised from 16.58 lakh in 2003-04 to 74.05
lakh in 2012-13. During 2012-13, life insurer issued total 441.87 lakh new
policies, out of which, LIC issued 367.82 lakh policies (83.24%) while private
life insurer issued 74.05 lakh policies (16.76%). This reflects that LIC has a lot
of life insurance product/schemes over the other company. In last few years,
the industry experiences declining trends in new policies issued.
Table 7 and Chart 6 portray the number of life insurer offices. There is a
tremendous growth of life insurance offices. It has been increases from 2612 in
2003-04 to 10285 in 2012-13. Out of total offices, LIC setup 2196 offices in
2003-04 which rose up to 3526 offices in 2012-13 while in private sector there
is a huge jump in number of offices, it increases from 416 in 2003-04 to 6759
in 2012-13. The table also reveals one interesting point i.e., public life insurer
(LIC) consistently setup new office which expand its network while there has
been a downfall or closure of private life insurer offices. In last few years,
there has been decreasing trends in total number of life insurer offices.
During 2012-13, total number of offices is 10285, out of which LIC has 3526
offices (34.28%) while private life insurer has 6759 offices (65.72%). Besides
the lower number of offices of LIC, they capture 72.70% (2012-13) of total life
insurance market.
Table 8 depicts the status of grievances regarding the life insurance. The
total grievances reported increased from 899 in 2004-05 to 341012 in 2012-13.
From the table it has been found out that the major portions of total grievance
occurred during the last two years i.e., 2011-13. In the same time grievance
resolution increased from 308 in 2004-05 to 341070 in 2012-13. During 2012-
13, the life insurer received total 341012 compliant out of which 73034
(21.42%) compliant is related to public company while remaining 267978
(78.58%) compliant related to private life insurers. From the total grievances
(reported plus outstanding) in 2012-13, 341070 grievances (99.64%) are
resolved out of which 72655 grievances (99.25%) are resolved by public
company (LIC) while 268415 grievances (99.74%) are resolved by private life
insurers. From the analysis we can conclude that most of the customer
grievances are resolved by the life insurers.
Testing of Hypothesis
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
issued has not (p>0.05). Using these values, the Model 1 equation become as
Total 7.052E10 9
a. Predictors: (Constant), No. of Offices, New Policies Issued
b. Dependent Variable: Total Life Insurance Premium
From the above analysis, it can be said that null hypothesis has been rejected
which means new policies issued and number of offices has a significant
impact on the amount of life insurance premium.
During the last two to three year, the insurance industry shows the
decreasing trends in most of the life insurance parameters. The reason behind
this downfall is slow economic growth rate, higher inflation, low saving,
tighter monetary policy, global economic slowdown and crises, low industry
growth rate etc. To tackle these issues life insurer required to change their
policies and strategies so that it reverse the decreasing trends into increasing