Course Outline
Course Outline
Course Outline
Course Learning
Program Learning Outcomes
PLO1. Acquisition of techniques and advanced knowledge in
interdisciplinary fields between finance and other appropriate CLO1, CLO2,
disciplines including but not limited to engineering, law and CLO3, CLO4
PLO2. Application and integration of knowledge and skills in finance
and relevant interdisciplinary fields to identify and tackle practical CLO1, CLO2,
problems, and design innovative products and systems with CLO3, CLO4
international standards and global vision
PLO3. Inculcating leadership, professional ethics and competence in CLO1, CLO2,
finance and relevant interdisciplinary fields CLO3, CLO4
PLO4. Mastering communication skills CLO1, CLO4
Grading Criteria
Grade Performance
A+, A, A- Strong evidence of superb ability to fulfill the intended learning outcomes of
the course at all levels of learning: describe, apply, evaluate, and synthesis.
B+, B, B- Strong evidence of the ability to fulfill the intended learning outcomes of the
course at all levels of learning: describe, apply, evaluate, and synthesis.
C+, C, C- Evidence of adequate ability to fulfill the intended learning outcomes of the
course at low levels of learning such as describe and apply but not at high
levels of learning such as evaluate and synthesis
D, D- Evidence of basic familiarity with the subject.
F Little evidence of basic familiarity with the subject.
Class Conduct
Students are required to attend all classes on time. If students are 30 minutes late or more,
they might be regarded as not having attended the class. Students are required to tap their
student cards on the card reader for attendance when they enter the classroom as well as when
the class ends (double tapping).
Respect your instructor and your fellow students. Be considerate to others.
Academic Dishonesty
The University Regulations on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced! Please check
the University Statement on plagiarism on the web:
Academic dishonesty is any act that misrepresents a person’s own academic work or that
compromises the academic work of another. It includes (but not limited to) cheating on
assignments or examinations; plagiarizing, i.e., representing someone else’s ideas as if they
are one’s own; sabotaging another’s work.
If you are caught in an act of academic dishonesty or misconduct, you will receive an “F”
grade for the subject. The relevant Board of Examiners may impose other penalty in relation
to the seriousness of the offense.
*: Students are required to attend each session as scheduled. Anyone who would like to sit in
a different class have to first seek for approval from the program office.
*: Check the course Moodle page for lecture notes and more detailed coverage of each
Session 1 Introduction to the course and to derivatives in general
Chapter 1
Session 6 Swaps (cont’d)
Chapter 8
Session 8 Parity and other option relationships
Chapter 9
Session 9 Binomial option pricing
Chapter 10, 11