DCB 63
DCB 63
DCB 63
P O Box 76 134
Manukau City,
New Zealand
• Presents the material under major topic Overview of Design Aids for
headings of interest, such as "design for 15
Structural Steel, from AISC
earthquake", "design for serviceability limit
state conditions", etc.
Maximising the Use of Steel in
• Provides a status report on which articles Basements
are still current and which have been
superseded and by what. References 17
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 1 No. 63, August 2001
Details of the errata in DCB No. 61 are as follows: 0.83 = non-uniformity factor, from [1],
taken as for a rectangular plate in
Page 15, left-hand column, half way down, shear
change the expression for φMp to read:
tw = 6.1mm for the 310 UB 40 collector
2 beam
Leff tep 0.9 x 250
φMp = = 4.87 kNm
4x106 Lcon = 73 + 65 + 90 = 228 mm
(see Fig. 61.7, DCB No. 61)
(The correction involves tep → tep
) The combined resistance is:
Page 17, right-hand column, just below half way φR = φNt + φVweb = 452 + 199 = 651 kN
down, correct the value of Vbrace, com compared
φR > HB,
com = 499 kN
with φVcon from 258 kN to 248 kN.
Page 20, section 7.2. A mathematical error has HB, com = critical design action (see top of
been made in calculating bb, which has a minor left hand column, page 21, DCB
flow-on effect. The first change starts half way No. 61).
down the right-hand column of text, to read thus;
Thus the combined shear and tension resistance
bb = bbf + db/2 = 303 + 307/2 = 456 mm of the beam web is greater than the design action
from the brace. √ O.K.
φRbb = 0.740 x 456 = 337 kN > VB,* com = 253 kN
Revision to the Rationalisation of
Reinforcing Bar Sizes and Riedbar Sizes
VB,* com = 253 kN compression (section 4.1.1)
Page 2 of DCB No. 61 contains advice on the
rationalisation of reinforcing bar sizes available
φRby = 2.41 x 303 = 730 kN > VB,* com from Pacific Steel Ltd. That advice was received
from Rajiva Kumar of Fletcher Building Steel
(The second mistake, which has been corrected Makers and has been disseminated around the
above, is that VB,* com was incorrectly called industry.
φVB,* com in the original text). Since the time DCB No. 62 was published,
feedback from the industry to Pacific Steel Ltd has
None of these errors change the outcome of the resulted in two minor additions to the advice given
design example. therein. These additions are to the SEISMIC 300
range (ie. Grade 300E to AS/NZS 4671 [2]). They
Footnote to DCB No. 61, Design Example are as follows:
No. 61.1, Section 7.3 • In plain bar, 25 mm will be added, making
the available range 6 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm,
In that design example, the unstiffened
16 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm
longitudinal tension capacity check on the beam
• In deformed bar, 28 mm will be added,
flange (see section 7.3) just fails in theory,
making the available range 10 mm, 12 mm,
however the result is accepted because the
16 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 28 mm and 32 mm.
answer is very close and the calculation does not
include the contribution from the web in shear. Pacific Steel have also modified the
standardised lengths for Riedbars. The
As can be seen from Fig. 61.7, this check is standard lengths of Riedbar to be produced
against the incoming compression force from the and stocked by them will be as follows:
brace causing a block shear/tension failure in the
top corner of the collector beam. This failure • 12 mm and 16 mm dia bar - 9 metre lengths
involves tension action through the flange, as • 20 mm, 25 mm and 32 mm dia. bar-12
described in DCB No. 61, plus shear resistance metre lengths.
through the web along the base of the root radius.
For further information, contact:
Only the former is considered in section 7.3 of
Design Example 61.1; the latter is readily Rajiva Kumar
determined to be: Product Development Manager
Fletcher Building Steel Makers
φVweb = φ0.6fyw 0.83twLcon = 199 kN Tel : 09-270 4381
Fax: 09-276 1232 or visit their website at:
0.6fyw = shear yield stress of beam web www.steelreinforcing.co.nz
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 2 No. 63, August 2001
Design of Circular Flange Joints Design Procedure
1 1
N t* 1 - +
nf ≥ f 3 f3 . ln (r1 / r2 ) (63.3)
0.67φN tf
nf ≥ 4 required
Fig 63.1
Circular Flange Joint Covered by Bolts must be evenly spaced around the
Design Procedure circumference.
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 3 No. 63, August 2001
Commentary to and Limits on Procedure Design Example
The procedure is taken from Japanese Determine the endplate thickness and number of
recommendations (reference (29) from [3]). bolts required for a circular flange bolted joint
between two 406 x 9.5 ASTM A106 Grade B CHS
The mode of failure is flexural yielding of the members carrying N t* = 2400 kN tension.
flange plates. Tensile failure of the bolts is
suppressed. An allowance for prying forces equal
The endplate grade is 250.
to 1/3 of the total bolt force at the ultimate limit
state is included. The procedure is suitable for
Start with assumed bolt size of M30.
use in connections resisting loads up to the
design tension capacity of the tube.
From R4-100[5] page 299,
The procedure is suitable for CHS of up to grade
e1 = af = 65 mm for an M30 bolt
350, endplate steel of grade 250, 300 or 350 and
e2 = ae1 = 55 mm for an M30 bolt
property class 8.8 HSFG bolts to [4] (or stronger).
The bolts should be tightened to the Tension
Calculating endplate thickness from equation
Bearing (/TB) mode. The minimum number of
bolts required is 4.
Finally, the above procedure is for a bolted joint in Use a 28 mm thick plate – 1% under thickness √ O.K.
a member subject to axial tension. If instead the
member is subject to moment, resulting in Calculating the number of bolts required from
moment-induced tension, calculate the equivalent equation 63.3;
tension force generated by the design moment 1 1
2400 1 - +
from equation 61.1 of DCB No. 61. 8.52 8.52 ln (333/268)
nf ≥ = 13.7
r1= 406/2 + 2 x 65 = 333
r2= 406/2 + 65 = 268
φNtf = 373 kN for M30 8.8 bolt
No. 1 to Issue No. 62
This article has been written by G Charles Clifton, HERA
Structural Engineer
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 4 No. 63, August 2001
that material in later issues or by other published HERA Report R4-99 [7]. That specification was
information. published in November 1998 and is still current.
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 5 No. 63, August 2001
• DCB No. 39, pp. 6-7, covers the design of a
horizontal cantilever canopy flat plate rib Design queries and concepts cover the
beam for major axis bending following:
• DCB No. 40, pp. 6-8, covers the ultimate • DCB No. 1, pp. 2-3, addresses the question
limit state design of a cantilever column as to whether local wind pressure
carrying a vertical axial load. The purpose coefficients from NZS 4203 [9] need be
behind this example is to illustrate applied to elements of cladding for design
application of NZS 3404 [1] for second- for serviceability limit state wind conditions.
order effect determination and subsequent
member design. • DCB No. 1, p. 3, covers how the torsion
constant and warping constant are
• DCB No. 41, pp. 7-9, covers calculation of calculated for a monosymmetric I-section
the lifting capacity of a spreader beam. with lipped compression flanges.
This is one of the more challenging
applications of the beam member moment • DCB No. 4, p. 5, covers how the effective
capacity (lateral buckling) provisions. section modulus of a half round steel
section carrying water is calculated.
• DCB No. 51, pp. 16-22 presents two fully
worked beam to column MEP connection • DCB No. 5, p. 6, covers calculation of Zey
design examples. These utilise the material for an I-section which is symmetrical about
in HERA Report R4-100 [5] as well as the y-axis.
performing all the additional checks
required on the column section. They • DCB No. 7, p. 4-5, covers a restraint query.
should be read in conjunction with DCB No. However this and all other restraint queries
52, pp. 13-16, which introduce an improved up to DCB No. 34 have been superseded
method of panel zone doubler plate by HERA Report R4-92 [10].
reinforcing and apply it to the MEP design
examples from DCB No. 51. See also DCB • DCB No. 16, pp. 3-4, covers the
No. 57 for a detailed article on panel zone determination of α m factors for segments
design and detailing that supersedes all unrestrained at one end and subject to a
previous articles on this topic. load pattern not covered by NZS 3404
Table 5.6.2. The expression for α m
• DCB No. 55, pp. 2-15, presents a very presented on page 4 has been incorporated
detailed design example and commentary into the program MemDes [11].
on the design of a cold-formed, thin-walled
single angle truss chord member subject to • DCB No. 29, pp. 5-6, covers determination
combined compression and bending. The of the design tension capacity of plain,
angle is formed from 3 mm thick cold bent round reinforcing bar members. The
plate and the design is to AS/NZS 4600 [8]. concepts presented therein are still
applicable to reinforcement produced to
• DCB No. 58, pp. 20-23, presents a detailed AS/NZS 4671 [2], although the minimum
design example on the semi-rigid Flange specified strengths have changed.
Bolted Joint (FBJ). DCB No. 62, pp. 16-18,
presents errata to the FBJ procedure
• DCB carrying a design tension force, Nt* ,
contained in DCB No. 58; these are minor.
as shown in No. 49, pp. 1-4, presents
• DCB No. 61, pp. 9-21, presents a detailed advice on member moment capacity
design example for a brace/beam/column determination for segments of portal
connection in a braced steel frame (EBF or frames. This supersedes advice given in
CBF). This uses the design concepts articles on this topic in DCB Nos. 22 , 23
presented in DCB No. 56. and 25.
• DCB No. 60, pp. 9-15, presents application • DCB No. 54, pp. 1-3, presents the
of the Slab Panel Method for the design of convention on signs for member and
floor slabs incorporating unprotected applied actions (moment, shear, axial force)
secondary beams in FHC 2 and FHC 3 adopted, as of February 2000, for all
situations. DCB No. 62, pp. 2-6, presents subsequent HERA publications.
more data on application of this method.
• DCB No. 55, pp. 18-28, presents a detailed
background to the concepts involved in
determining the shear stud design shear
capacity for shear studs used in composite
construction. This should be used to
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 6 No. 63, August 2001
determine the shear stud capacity for • DCB No. 20, pp. 1-2, presents general
applications that are not covered by guidance on selecting the appropriate
NZS 3404 [1]. environment for corrosion protection of
external structural steelwork.
• However, for shear studs used on beams
supporting precast hollowcore concrete • DCB No. 20, pp. 2-5, covers allowance for
slabs, the guidance given in DCB No. 45, corrosion of unpainted beam top flanges in
pp. 8-11, can be used, but only for car parking buildings.
hollowcore units of up to 250 mm deep.
Read the DCB No. 45 article in conjunction • DCB No 36, p. 6, covers galvanizing of
with the article entitled Welded Shear Stud HSFG bolts.
Capacity With Hollowcore Floor Slab Units:
Reappraisal of Published Design Criteria, • DCB No. 41, pp. 1-5, presents an article on
from HERANews March 2000 [12]. single coat Inorganic Zinc Silicate paints.
• DCB No. 52, pp. 18-28, covers the lateral • DCB No. 46, pp. 2-6, presents design long-
restraint and load bearing capacity in the term corrosion rates for steel piles, with
support regions of continuous beams. follow-up material in DCB No. 62, pp. 6-8.
• DCB No. 54, pp. 26-27, presents the • DCB No. 46, pp. 5-7, presents design
concept of using rigging to restrain member corrosion rates for long-term exposure of
buckling of long, isolated columns in unprotected structural steel to exterior
compression. atmospheric conditions. The guidance in
that article on allowance for microclimatic
• DCB No. 19, pp. 7-8, presents the general effects has been superseded by DCB
design principles for composite No. 62, pp. 8-16.
• DCB No, 46, pp. 18, presents a short article
• DCB No. 56, pp. 2-5, presents a method for on the use of steel with no applied
proportioning design actions from the corrosion protection in benign interior
braces into the supporting members of environments.
brace/beam/column connections. This
supersedes guidance in DCB No. 47. • DCB No. 47, pp. 1-3, presents detailing
requirements for steel to concrete
• DCB No. 56, pp. 5-11, presents design interfaces in exterior environments. This
concepts for brace/beam/column references back to DCB No. 46 as required.
connections in braced steel frame seismic-
resisting systems. • DCB No. 49, pp. 7-14, covers the durability
of car parking buildings, with follow-up
• DCB No. 56, pp.11-20, presents design material in DCB No. 56, p.25.
concepts for moment-resisting column
baseplate connections in seismic-resisting • DCB No. 51, p. 8, overviews a coatings
systems. guide for steel bridges.
• DCB No. 58, pp. 1-20, presents design • DCB No. 51, pp. 12-14, provides guidance
concepts for connections and systems on assessing the remaining structural
using the semi-rigid Flange Bolted Joint capacity of corrosion-damaged steel
(FBJ), followed by a design example. Refer beams, with an update in DCB No. 52, p. 4.
also to DCB No. 62, pp. 16-18, for revisions
to the design procedure. • DCB No. 52, pp. 5-7, introduces the
changes to the galvanizing standards and
• DCB No. 59, pp. 26-32, present design gives a list of galvanizing baths available in
concepts for the semi-rigid Sliding Hinge NZ, as of October, 1999.
Joint (SHJ).
• DCB No. 62, pp. 8-16, provides detailed
Design for Durability guidance on allowing for microclimatic
effects such as unwashed surfaces.
A wide scope of design guidance for durability is
covered, as noted below. This is presented in Design for Earthquake
chronological order, covering those articles which
are still current. The principal source of design for earthquake is
HERA Report R4-76 [13]. It was published in
1995 for application with the 1992 edition of
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 7 No. 63, August 2001
NZS 3404. However, the changes required to use seismic axial force in columns of tension
it in conjunction with NZS 3404: 1997 [1] are braced CBF seismic-resisting systems.
minor. Details of these changes are given in the
useful set of notes entitled Tips on Seismic • DCB No. 40, p.4, presents the most recent
Design of Steel Structures [14], which are empirical equations for preliminary
overviewed in DCB No. 56, p.28. These tips are determination of seismic-resisting system
also now included in each new copy of R4-76. fundamental period of vibration.
The items relating to design for earthquake • DCB No. 36, p.6, presents an extreme
covered in the DCB and which are additional to upper limit on seismic design actions for
the material covered by [13, 14] are as follows connectors and connection components.
(presented in reverse chronological order); These should be used where the system is
such that the minimum design actions
• Design of connections and systems using specified by NZS 3404 Clause 12.9.2 would
the Flange Bolted Joint is covered in DCB be obviously excessive for the system.
No. 58, pp. 1-20 and DCB No. 62, pp.16-
18. • DCB No. 24, pp. 7-8, present the revised
expressions for determining the post-
• DCB No. 57, pp. 14-28, covers design and buckling compression capacity of CBF
detailing of panel zones in moment- braces that are given as Equations
resisting beam to column connection. That C12.2.3(1) and C12.2.3(2) in NZS 3404 [1].
supersedes all earlier DCB articles on panel
zone design and detailing. • DCB No. 19, pp. 6-7, covers design of
single-brace concentrically braced framed
• DCB No. 56, pp. 2-5, covers design systems. (These are not covered in R4-76
concepts for proportioning design actions [13] but the provisions from that report are
from the braces into the supporting easily adapted for their use).
members of brace/beam/column
connections. • DCB No. 18, pp. 1-10, present guidelines
for assessing the seismic performance of
• DCB No. 51, pp. 14-23, covers design of pre-1975 moment-resisting steel framed
MEP connections for seismic-resisting buildings. These guidelines are currently
systems. See also DCB No. 57 for revised being incorporated, in part, into a new
panel zone design criteria. document on this topic being prepared by a
NZSEE Study Group for the BIA.
• DCB No. 50, pp. 20-26, covers general
concepts and derivation of design actions • DCB No. 8, pp. 1-6, DCB No. 9, pp.1-4, and
for connections in seismic-resisting DCB No. 10, pp.1-3, present reports on the
systems. This includes specific guidance Great Hanshin (Kobe) Earthquake of
on design actions for column bases of January, 1995.
MRFs, EBFs and CBFs, material which is
not covered in R4-76 [13]. Design for Fatigue
• DCB No. 49, pp. 15-19 and DCB No. 50, • The DCB to date has not provided direct
pp. 5-7, cover issues relating to P - ∆ guidance on design for fatigue, but instead
response and design of steel seismic- has referenced good sources of design
resisting systems. guidance. Details are as follows:
• DCB No. 47, pp. 20-21, presents details of • DCB No. 57, pp. 28-30, provides coverage
a cost-effective X-braced, tension only CBF of three sources of fatigue design guidance
system with site welded strap braces. covering welded construction in general
and welded hollow section joints in
• DCB No. 46, pp. 16-17, presents details of particular
a cost-effective V-braced CBF system with
site welded braces. • DCB No. 32, p.4, references a report
available from HERA on the fatigue testing
• DCB No. 45, p.16, covers derivation of Cs of riveted bridge girders.
factors for CBF roof bracing systems.
• DCB No. 40, p.3, contains a modification to Design for Fire and Behaviour in Fire
apply to equations 18.5 and 18.6 of R4-76
[13] when calculating the column design Design for steel structures response in fire and
information on steel structure behaviour in fire is
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 8 No. 63, August 2001
one of the principal topics covered in the DCB and getting out of date by February 2001. It
by the HERA Structural Division in general. HERA was revised and updated for the seminars
Report R4-105 [15] Notes Prepared for a Seminar on Behaviour and Design of Multi-Storey
on The Behaviour and Design of Multi-Storey Buildings for Severe Fires held in March
Steel Framed Buildings for Severe Fires, Revised 2001 and is now presented as session 4 of
June 2001 is the most current report on Fire [15]. For example, it now references the
Engineering Design (FED) of Multi-Storey SPM design method, presented in DCB
Buildings and contains/supersedes much DCB No. 60, a copy of which is also included in
material on FED of multi-storey buildings the notes under session 2.
published prior to then. HERA Report R4-91 [16]
Notes Prepared for a Seminar on Design of Steel • The collapsed wall condition concept, for
Buildings for Fire Emergency Conditions provides determining whether the steel columns
design and detailing guidance for low-rise supporting fire rated external wall elements
buildings. Various DCB articles since [16] was of single-storey buildings are required to be
published, in November 1996, have revised passive fire protected, was first introduced
application of the procedures to keep them up to in DCB No. 20, April 1996. It was then
date with changes to key documents such as developed further in subsequent DCB
C/AS1:2001 [17], the Approved Document for Fire articles and presented in detail in HERA
Safety. Report R4-91 [16], in November 1996.
Some errors in that report were noted and
This contents listing covers the DCB articles on corrected through DCB No. 30, pp. 3-4 and
behaviour and design for fire that are still current. more mention of the collapsed wall
Because so much of the earlier published material condition design concept made on page 6.
on fire has been superseded by later articles or The original condition was developed for a
other documents, they are listed in approximate previous edition of the BIA Acceptable
reverse chronological order: Solutions for Fire Safety and needed
modification to be applied to the current
• DCB No. 60, whole issue, presents the provisions C/AS1 [17]. Its application has
detailed design procedure for design of been made easier by the radiation
multi-storey steel framed buildings with provisions of [17] now employing the same
unprotected secondary beams or joists for concept of a limiting width on the emitter as
dependable inelastic response in severe is incorporated into the collapsed wall
fires. The design method is called the Slab condition concept. There have been two
Panel Method (SPM). This is followed up in rounds of modifications made, namely in
DCB No. 61, pp. 1-2 by details of a flexible DCB No. 51, pp. 3-5 and DCB No. 52
fire separation joint that can be used with pp. 2-3.
the inelastically responding floor system.
DCB No. 62, pp. 2-6, presents guidance on • Designers using the collapsed wall
applying the revised SPM design program condition concept should start with the
that has been developed to implement this advice given in DCB No. 52, pp. 2-3 under
method. (An error in the units for shear the articles Extending Use of the Collapsed
capacity shown in the output screen of that Wall Condition for Support of External Wall
program, Fig. 62.2, has now been corrected Panels…. That article refers back, as
from mm2 m to kN in the version of the required, to DCB No. 51 and to [16]. Pages
program available from HERA). 4 and 5 of DCB No. 51 give the method of
application itself in terms of determining the
• DCB No. 59, pp. 2-25, presents research emitter height and width.
results that have then been used in the
SPM procedure development. • DCB No. 51, pp. 2-3, provides guidance on
modifying the S rating given by [17] to
• DCB No. 58, pp. 25-30, in conjunction with account for the thermal inertia of the
a Canadian paper described and bounding elements of the enclosure. This
referenced from therein, covers the design modification is very important, as the S
of concrete filled steel hollow section ratings given in [17] are based on the most
columns for a specified fire resistance severe condition possible in buildings and
rating. require significant reduction for any building
incorporating concrete floor slabs.
• DCB No. 54, pp. 3-26, presents a state-of-
the-art report, as of February 2000, on the • DCB No. 51, pp. 5-6, provides guidance on
performance and design of modern, multi- the fire resistance ratings for structural
storey steel framed buildings in fully elements of steel framed car parking
developed fires. However, as this is such a buildings.
rapidly developing area, that article was
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 9 No. 63, August 2001
• DCB No. 50, pp. 9-10, overviews a useful • DCB No. 6, pp. 4-6, covers the accuracy of
paper on assessing the integrity of the structural fire severity time equivalent
structural steelwork after exposure to fire. equation, te = ef fb wf, used to develop the S
The other two FED articles in that issue rating provisions. Further brief background
have been superseded. to the ventilation factor, wf, is given in DCB
No. 8, pp. 7-8.
• DCB No. 48, pp. 3-13, presents results from
HERA’s fire research programme on key Design for Serviceability
aspects of the behaviour of a multi-storey
steel framed building subject to fully Acoustic performance:
developed natural fires.
• DCB No. 57, pp. 2-14, presents guidance
• DCB No. 46, pp.10-13, presents details on on the acoustic performance of steel
eliminating the need for passive fire framed apartment buildings.
protection in multi-storey apartment and
hotel buildings by using the shielding • DCB No. 45, pp. 11-13, covers acoustic
effects of the linings. insulation provided by Dimond Hibond floor
• DCB No. 44, p.7, mentions a publication
available from HERA on the fire Deflections:
engineering design of oil platforms and
similar structures. • DCB No. 49, pp.4-7, together with DCB
No. 50, pp. 2-4, provide guidance on the
• DCB No. 28, pp. 2-3, provides a summary stiffening effect of the cladding on portal
of the scope and contents of HERA Report frame deflections under lateral loading.
R4-91 [16].
• DCB No. 33, pp. 8-13, covers deflection of
• DCB No. 27, pp. 1-8, provides interesting composite floor systems. Much of the
material on the link between the fire information in that article is being
resistance ratings provided, the structural incorporated (and revised as appropriate)
fire severity and the resulting performance into the forthcoming HERA Report R4-107
in severe fire. That information, especially Control of Deflection and Placement of
pp. 4-5, is still of background interest; Concrete in Composite Floor systems. A
although the design recommendations draft of that report [20] is currently
arising from it have been superseded. available.
• DCB No. 27, p. 8, provides an overview of • The guidance given in DCB No. 37, pp. 9-
HERA Report R4-89 [18], Fire Protection 10, on vertical deflection limits for crane
Manuals, Section 7 (Passive Protection) runway girders, is superseded by the
and Section 8 (Active Protection). requirements of AS 1418 Part 18 [21]. This
very important new standard is overviewed
• DCB No. 15, p. 8, makes reference to in DCB No. 61, pp. 6-9.
HERA Report R4-82 [19] Calculation of the
Design Fire Resistance of Composite Vibration of floor systems
Concrete Slabs With Profiled Steel
Sheeting Under Fire Emergency • DCB No. 56, pp. 25-27, presents details of
Conditions. An error in the equation for he the latest US/Canadian based design
on page 15 of [19] is noted and corrected in procedure for the design of steel/concrete
DCB No. 35, p.5. floor systems for satisfactory in-service floor
vibration response. That article supersedes
• DCB No.12, pp. 6-8, covers the fire all previous DCB articles on this topic.
resistance of composite beams with profiled
steel decking, in particular addressing the Design of Specific Types of Structures
issue as to whether the voids between top
of steel and decking in a ribbed deck need This section of the content listings covers articles
filling with passive protection material when relating to specific types of structures, typically
the beams are protected. covering a range of topics in relation to that type
of structure. The listing is not exhaustive,
• DCB No.11, p. 6, covers fire stopping and especially in that it does not cover articles on
penetration seals for the construction components or other items that are applicable to
industry. more than one type of structure. Its principal
purpose is to identify articles that would not be
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 10 No. 63, August 2001
referenced elsewhere within this contents • DCB No. 31, pp. 1-10, covers general
overview. issues and design of selective pallet racks
Pallet racking systems • DCB No. 61, pp. 2-3, presents some
guidance on bolted circular flange joints;
There have been various articles on pallet racking see also pages 3 to 4 herein for another
systems in the DCB, however the following two design method for this type of joint.
issues present the current guidance and
supersede earlier articles; • DCB No. 61, pp. 3-6, presents an
amendment to the FE designs in R4-100
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 11 No. 63, August 2001
• DCB No.61, pp. 9-21, presents a fully • DCB No. 37, pp. 7-9, preliminary design of
worked design example of a composite members using published
brace/beam/column connection. See also charts.
minor errata to that example on pages 1 to
2 herein. • DCB No. 33, pp. 4-5, covers rapid
assessment of φMsx, preliminary sizing of
Design of Structural Hollow Section portal frame members, preliminary design
Members and Connections of simply supported composite floor beams.
(These are presented in earlier DCBs
The DCBs cover a range of topics in regard to referenced from this issue, especially DCB
SHS members and connections. These are as No. 2, pp. 1-2. The preliminary design
follows; guidance for connections presented on
pp. 5-7 of DCB No. 33 is superseded by
• DCB No. 63, pp. 3 - 4, DCB No. 61, pp. 2-3, R4 100 [5]).
DCB No. 46, pp.17-18, cover design of
bolted circular flange joints in tubular Crane runway girders and rails
• DCB No. 61, pp. 6-9, overviews the design
• DCB No. 58, pp. 25-30, covers design of of crane runway girders and monorail
SHS columns for fire endurancel. beams to the provisions of the new
standard, AS 1418 Part 18 [21].
• DCB No. 38, pp. 1-2, reviews two
publications, available from HERA, that • DCB No. 47, pp. 18-20, covers crane rails:
provide detailed design guidance on a materials and attachment systems.
range of SHS connection types.
Cold-formed steel members
• DCB No. 39, pp. 3-4, reviews the design
guidance, available from HERA, on the • DCB No. 46, pp. 16-18, introduces the
DuraGal range of members. Cold-formed Steel Structures Standard,
AS/NZS 4600 [8], and accompanying
• Refer also to HERA Report R4-104 [22] for design guidance.
much information on research and design
of tubular members, structures and • DCB No. 55, pp. 2-15, presents a detailed,
connections. fully worked design example with
commentary for a cold-formed member
Design of Members Not Listed Elsewhere subject to combined actions.
This section covers articles on design of members • DCB No. 39, pp. 1-3, covers material
that are not listed elsewhere herein. grades for cold-formed SHS members.
• DCB No. 53, pp. 1-6 and pp. A1-A20, The DCBs are written principally for structural
presents a design procedure for openings steel application, so the coverage of non-ferrous
in beam webs. metal design is limited to the following:
• DCB No. 54, pp. 26, 27 covers rigging • DCB No. 16, p. 5, overviews an excellent
restraint for long, isolated columns in book available from HERA on design for
compression. aluminium alloy structures.
• DCB No. 52, p. 9, briefly mentions • DCB No. 40, pp. 5-6, covers a range of
precambering of hot rolled beams; a topic stainless steel members available in New
being more comprehensively addressed in Zealand.
Innovative and Economical Steel Design
• DCB No. 52, pp. 11-13, covers lateral
restraint and load bearing capacity in the The following articles on innovative steel
support regions of continuous beams. applications and economics/costing of steelwork
are covered:
Preliminary design guidance of beams and
columns is covered in the following: • DCB No. 30, pp. 1-3, presents an article on
the rational way of costing steelwork. The
concepts are still current, but the detailed
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 12 No. 63, August 2001
costing provisions are now contained in • Use of AISI 4140 steel rods for hold-down
HERA Report R4-96 [23]. bolts is covered in DCB No. 39, pp. 5-6.
• DCB No. 44, pp. 7-8, presents an overview • DCB No. 8, pp. 4-6, covers availability and
of the Structural Steelwork Estimating use of the Torque Control (TC) high
Guide [23]. This is the principal source of strength structural bolt.
estimating guidance for all cost items
relating to structural steelwork. • DCB No. 5, p. 2, covers the designation of
steels of UK origin.
• DCB No. 52, pp. 22-25, optimising the cost
of multi-storey steel buildings in New Shear stud availability is covered seperately,
Zealand, presents summary guidance on under Composite Construction: Welded shear
choice of deck, floor beams, gravity stud design, supply and installation on page 15
columns and seismic-resisting systems for herein.
car parking buildings, apartment / hotel
buildings and office buildings. Publications
• DCB No. 47, pp. 20-21, cost-effective − Design of Structural Steel Hollow
X-braced, tension only, CBF seismic- Section Connections, First Edition
resisting system with site welded strap − Hollow Structural Section
braces. Connections and Trusses
− Design of Semi-Continuous Braced
• DCB No. 54, pp. 28-30, low-rise car parking Frames
providing increased carpark capacity. − Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel
• DCB No. 61, pp. 21-22, 14 storey − Seismic Behaviour of Steel Plate
apartment building with timber floors Shear Walls
(currently the tallest residential building in − Various Winstone Wallboards
the world with no concrete in the structure publications covering fire and noise
or floors). control
− Two publications giving properties of
Material Properties and Availability members to overseas design
Articles on material properties and availability of
components are as follows: • DCB No. 39, pp. 3-5, covers the following:
• DCB No. 39, pp. 1-3, cover the grades of − Range of DuraGal publications
steel plate, flat, sections and SHS − Building Design Using Cold Formed
commonly available. That article Steel Sections: Construction
supersedes earlier articles on the same Detailing and Practice
topic, except where these are referenced
from that issue.
• DCB No. 58, pp. 31-32, covers the status of
the HERA Structural Steelwork Design
• HSFG bolt, nut and washer availability in Guides Vol. 2, as of October 2000
sizes above M36 is covered in DCB No. 51,
p.14, with further guidance on nut
• DCB No. 62, pp. 18-19, covers the SCI
availability in DCB No. 52, pp. 3-4.
publication Appraisal of Existing Building
• Details on the Lindapter range of fasteners
is given in DCB No. 38, p.4 and 43, pp. 5-6.
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 13 No. 63, August 2001
• DCB No. 63, pp. 16-17, covers an SCI • DCB No. 55, pp. 16-18, give the
publication on the use of steel sheet piles background to the revised web slenderness
as permanent walls. limits introduced via. Amendment. No. 1 for
rectangular and square hollow section
Research Results members
The following articles relate to NZS 3404:1997 [1], Because several earlier articles have been or are
or were written for the 1992 edition and are still being superseded by later work, they are
current. They are presented in chronological presented in reverse chronological order and only
order: the articles that are still current are listed.
• DCB No. 16, pp. 3-4, covers α m factors for Composite members and systems
segments unrestrained at one end and not
covered by Table 5.6.2 of [1] • DCB Issue No. 56, pp. 25-27, overviews the
current recommended method for in-service
• DCB No. 17, pp. 2-8, covers single angle floor vibration design
• DCB Issue No. 53, most of issue, covers
• DCB No. 29, pp. 4-5, provides the design for openings in the webs of
background to Equations C12.2.3 of [1] composite beams.
• DCB No. 34, pp. 1-7, presents an article on • DCB No. 52, p.9, and DCB No. 33,
design to NZS 3404:1997 made simple. pp. 8-14, cover deflection of composite floor
This topic is covered in more detail in a systems. Those provisions are the current
comprehensive set of seminar notes [25] information in the DCB on this topic,
and an excellent SESOC publication [26] however they are currently being slightly
revised and incorporated into a more
• DCB No. 36, pp. 1-3, presents follow up comprehensive publication [20].
questions and answers from the mid-1997
seminar series on NZS 3404 • DCB No. 42, pp. 1-4, cover a number of
composite floor system good design and
• DCB No. 37, p.9, summarises a reference detailing practices, namely:
paper to the NZS 3404 provisions for SHS
members. This paper is included in [22], − Spacing of shear connectors on
which provides much more comprehensive secondary beams supporting profiled
coverage steel decks
− 22 mm diameter shear studs cannot be
• DCB No. 43, p.5, gives a change to the welded through deck
significant axial force provisions that has − unpainted beam top flange is required
been introduced in Amendment No. 1. for through deck shear stud welding
− Hilti shear connector availability
• DCB No. 45, pp. 7-8, presents more − Reasons not to use reinforcing bar as a
changes introduced via. Amendment No. 1 shear connector
• DCB No. 48, pp. 1-2, presents a partial
twist restraint scenario not covered in the • DCB No. 37, pp. 7-9, and DCB No. 36,
1997 edition of [1] and which is introduced pp. 4-5, cover preliminary design of
via. Amendment. No. 1. composite beams using published design
• DCB No. 51, pp. 9-12, gives the
background to two significant changes • DCB No. 35, pp. 4-5, overviews the
introduced via. Amendment. No. 1. These COBENZ 97 spreadsheet program for
relate to bearing at a pin and lateral composite beam design
restraint of inelastically responding
members • DCB No. 32, pp. 1-4, covers good practice
in composite floor system design
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 14 No. 63, August 2001
• DCB No. 29, p. 7, gives a reference for the • DCB No. 1, pp. 1-2, introduces the HERA
design capacity of Hilti shear connectors Limit State Design Guides Volume 1 [27]
Welded shear stud design, supply and • DCB No. 21, p. 5, gives details of Gib
installation Fireboard, which was introduced at that
time (May 1996).
• DCB No. 55, pp. 18-28, covers the
concepts involved in determining the design • DCB No. 23, pp. 5-7, covers results from
shear capacity of shear studs. Use when the experimental testing of large-scale,
the application is outside the scope of beam to column joints, undertaken to verify
NZS 3404, except for; the design model presented in R4-76 [13]
(and also in DCB No. 11, pp. 2-6).
• DCB No. 45, pp. 8-11, covers the design
shear capacity of shear studs with precast • DCB No. 28, p. 5, references a US paper
hollowcore slab units. However, those giving the design capacity of bolted
provisions should only be used for HCUs of moment-resisting endplate connections with
up to 250 mm thick and in accordance with multiple bolt rows at the beam tension
the restrictions of [12]. flange. An alternative to the use of that
paper is to determine the capacity from first
• DCB No. 44, pp. 3-6, covers the testing of principles, using the SCI Publication No.
shear studs during construction placed with 207/95 [28] as is covered in DCB No. 56,
conventional stud welding machines, while pp. 29-32.
DCB No. 52, pp. 7-9, covers testing of
shear studs placed with advanced all- • DCB No. 31, p. 10, gives a short article on
weather machines which record the weld the difference between nominal and
current for each application. These characteristic yield stress and the
machines allow the option of using the significance of each in design
printed output to determine stud weld
quality in lieu of visual inspection. If, • DCB No. 32, pp. 4-5, covers calculating the
however, visual inspection to DCB No 44 is bending moment in a pin
to be used with an all-weather stud welding
machine, then the Part 1 requirement on • DCB No. 36, pp. 5-6, overviews an
page 8 of DCB No 52 is not required. interesting paper on the design of slender,
monotubular steel arches
• DCB No. 42, p.8, gives a tabular listing of
the range of welded, headed shear studs • DCB No. 44, p. 7, gives a very brief report
available and their nominal capacity (which on the 1998 Second World Conference on
must be multiplied by 0.8 in accordance Steel in Construction
with Note 3 to Table 42.2).
• DCB No. 46, p. 1 and p. 18, mentions some
Note that the 0.8 factor has been of the structural steel topics covered by the
incorporated directly into the NZS 3404 1998 Australasian Structural Engineering
Equations for shear stud capacity Conference.
determination, through Amendment No 1.
See the reason for this in the amendments
to Commentary Clause C13.3.2.1 of An Overview of Design Aids for
NZS 3404: Part 2. Structural Steelwork
• DCB No. 22, p.7, and DCB No. 29, p. 7, Following on from the “what’s in” article, it is an
both give details of all-weather stud welding opportune time to bring readers attentions to an
equipment which was introduced at that extremely comprehensive listing of design
time. guidance for structural steelwork compiled by
Peter Kneen of the Australian Institute of Steel
• DCB No. 8, p. 8, gives the range and type Construction.
of arc shields available.
His paper, presented in Steel Construction, Vol.
Miscellaneous Items 35, No. 2 [29], is advertised as “a snapshot at
[June 2001] of the main local design aids”. It is
This article on what’s in the DCB from Issue No. 1 more than that, including HERA publications and
to Issue No. 62 ends with a listing of contact details for all major steel related
miscellaneous items that are still current but have associations.
escaped mention earlier. They are presented in
chronological order.
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 15 No. 63, August 2001
The advice is collated into the following sections: This use of steel sheet piling is particularly
1. Introduction relevant to top-down construction methods where
2. General steel structures the sheet pile walls can be left in place and built
3. Design capacity tables into the final construction, being propped by cast
4. Structural connections in-situ concrete floor slabs, as the construction
5. Specialised structural design aids progresses deeper.
6. Fire resistance design aids
7. Architectural and domestic A lower whole life cost is obtained due to simpler
8. Fabrication and faster construction, less risk of subsidence
9. General during construction, reduced maintenance cost
10. Composite construction through less leakage, and still with ease of
11. Composite design software removal at the end of the service life.
12. Software
13. Structural analysis software This method of sheet pile wall construction is now
14. Member/joint design software being increasingly widely used in the UK and
15. Costing software Europe, hence the initiative from the SCI to put
16. Structural modelling together design, detailing and construction
17. Purlins and grits recommendations.
18. CIDECT publications
19. Material and product catalogues
20. AS/NZS Standards
21. HERA structural publications (up to R4-101)
22. Steel Construction Journal contents
23. Websites
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 16 No. 63, August 2001
• References non-seismic elements (ie. their contribution to the
• Appendices – sheet pile products, systems seismic-resisting system is ignored). While this
available in the UK. would bring cost benefits, these would be further
enhanced through being able to use these walls
Food for Thought: Application in New as shear walls.
Any readers interested in their use or in
In principle, this permanent steel sheet pile wall participating in a research program to develop
system can be readily used in New Zealand. The their seismic potential should contact Charles
sheet piles are available and are frequently used Clifton or Clark Hyland at HERA.
as temporary walling on projects.
In terms of designing for durability, the guidance
in DCB No. 46 on long-term corrosion rates for 1. NZS 3404: 1997, plus Amendment No. 1:
steel piles would be used to determine the 2001, Steel Structures Standard; Standards
sacrificial loss of material to allow for on the side New Zealand, Wellington
in contact with the soil. Corrosion on the side
facing into the basement would be as for the 2. AS/NZS 4671:2001, Steel Reinforcing
basement interior environment; in any case this Materials; Standards New Zealand,
side would typically be painted for the sake of Wellington
3. Wardenier, J. et.al.; CIDECT Design Guide
This leaves only the question of earthquake for Circular Hollow Section Joints Under
performance, where these walls would form part Predominatly Static Loading; Verlag TUV
of the seismic-resisting system. In so doing they Rheinland, Koln, Germany, 1991
would function as shear walls, cantilevering out of
the ground at lower basement level and with a 4. AS/NZS 1252:1996, High Strength Bolts
fixed or pinned connection to the superstructure at With Associated Nuts and Washers for
their top. This interconnection can be readily Structural Engineering; Standards New
provided by welding shear studs to the sheet pile Zealand, Wellington.
tops and casting the studded tops into the
concrete slab/superstructure base. 5. Hyland C; Structural Steelwork Connections
Guide; HERA, Manukau City, 1999, HERA
If these walls are to be used as elements of the Report R4-100.
seismic-resisting system, then the following needs
to be known: 6. Structural Steel Properties and Design
Charts, Third Edition; Fletcher EasySteel
(1) Their lateral strength and stiffness in the Kingston Morrison Ltd, Auckland, 1997.
elastic range; and therefore
(2) Will they be subject to potential inelastic 7. Clifton, GC; HERA Specification for the
demand; and if so Fabrication, Erection and Surface
(3) Their force/deflection characteristics in the Treatment of Structural Steelwork; HERA,
inelastic range Manukau City, 1998, HERA Report R4-99.
The answers for (1) and (3) can be obtained 8. AS/NZS 4600:1996, Cold-Formed Steel
through Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Clark Structures; Standards New Zealand,
Hyland, SSAS Manager, has utilised permanent Wellington.
steel sheet piles in this manner on an SSAS
project, using HERA’s FEA capability to determine 9. NZS 4203:1992, General Structural Design
their elastic and inelastic behaviour. The result and Design Loadings for Buildings;
was a significant saving in cost over a Standards New Zealand, Wellington.
conventional approach of using these steel sheet
piles as temporary walls, bearing out the UK and 10. Clifton, GC; Restraint Classifications for
European experiences documented in [30]. Beam Member Moment Capacity
Determination to NZS 3404: 1997; HERA,
There is scope for an interested party or parties to Manukau City, 1997, HERA Report R4-92.
fund/collaborate with HERA to provide seismic
design guidance for the use of permanent sheet 11. Bird, GD; MemDes V2 – Program for
steel pile shear walls. That guidance would sit Member Design to NZS 3404, Version 2;
alongside SCI Publication P 275 [30]. BHP New Zealand Steel, Auckland, 2001
There is sufficient information in [30] to allow
permanent sheet steel pile walls to be used as
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 17 No. 63, August 2001
12. Clifton GC; Welded Shear Stud Capacity 21. AS 1418.18;2001, Cranes (Including Hoists
With Hollowcore Floor Slab Units; and Winches) Part 18: Crane Runways and
Reappraisal of Published Design Criteria; Monorails; Standards Australia, Sydney,
HERA News, March 2000, pp. 6,7 Australia
13. Feeney MJ and Clifton GC; Seismic Design 22. Hancock, G. et.al.; Notes Prepared for the
Procedures for Steel Structures; HERA, Tubular Structures Seminar; HERA,
Manukau City, 1995, HERA Report R4-76. Manukau City, 2001, HERA Report R4-104
14. Clifton, GC; Tips on Seismic Design of 23. Hyland, C; Structural Steelwork Estimating
Steel Structures; Notes from Presentations Guide; HERA, Manukau City, 1998, HERA
to Structural Groups mid-2000; HERA Report R4-96.
Manukau City, 2000.
24. HERA; New Zealand Structural Steelwork
15. Clifton, GC and Robinson, J; Notes Design Guides Volume 2; HERA, Manukau
Prepared for a Seminar on The Behaviour City, 1989/1991, HERA Report R4-49
and Design of Multi-Storey Steel Framed
Buildings for Severe Fires, Revised June 25. Clifton, GC et.al.; Notes prepared for a
2001; HERA Manukau City, 2001, HERA Seminar on the Steel Structures Standard,
Report R4-105 NZS 3404:1997; HERA, Manukau City,
1999 HERA Report R4-101.
16. Clifton, GC and Forrest, E; Notes Prepared
for a Seminar on Design of Steel Buildings 26. Bird, GD and Feeney, MJ; Simplified
for Fire Emergency Conditions; HERA, Design of Steel Members; Structural
Manukau City, 1996, HERA Report R4-91 Engineering Society, Auckland, 1999.
17. C/AS1: 2001, Approved Document for 27. Clifton, GC; Structural Steelwork Limit State
NZBC Fire Safety Clauses C1, C2, C3, C4; Design Guides Volume 1 HERA, Manukau
Building Industry Authority, Wellington City, 1994, HERA Report R4-80.
18. Barber, DJ; HERA Fire Protection Manuals 28. Joints in Steel Construction: Moment
Sections 7 and 8, Passive / Active Fire Connections; The Steel Construction
Protection of Steel; HERA, Manukau City, Institute, Ascot, England, 1995, SCI
1996, HERA Report R4-89. Publication P207.
19. Barber, DJ; Calculation of the Fire 29. Kneen, P; An Overview of Design Aids for
Resistance of Composite Concrete Slabs Structural Steelwork; Steel Construction
With Profiled Steel Sheet Under Fire (Australia), Vol. 35, No. 2, June 2001.
Emergency Conditions; HERA, Manukau
City, 1994 HERA Report R4-82 30. Yandzio, E and Biddle, AR; Steel Intensive
Basements; The Steel Construction
20. Clifton, GC; Draft for Comment: Control of Institute, Ascot, England, 2001, SCI
Deflection and Placement of Concrete in Publication P. 275.
Composite Floor Systems; HERA, Manukau
City, 2001, HERA Report R4-107-DD
HERA Steel Design & Construction Bulletin Page 18 No. 63, August 2001