Semana 08 - Ingles
Semana 08 - Ingles
Semana 08 - Ingles
02. The fallacious reasoning proposed by the 06. It is incompatible to say about the dispute
sinister owl is characterized by between the horse and the stag that
A) not refuting the budget proposal. A) the horse beat the stag by its own skills.
B) discovering the lie about the budget. B) the horse asked for the help of a hunter.
C) appealing to the fear of the voters. C) the stag was finally defeated in said dispute.
D) refuting the president's arguments. D) finally the horse was caught by the hunter.
E) showing who is the best congressman. E) a third participant was decisive in the dispute.
03. The grim owl appeals to a fallacy called 4. It is possible to infer that the last line of the text is
the of the story.
A) ad baculum. B) ex populo.
C) ad hominem. D) ad verecundiam. A) truth B) outcome
E) ad ignorantiam. C) knot D) moral
E) conclusión
07. If a person manipulated us to reach his goal
A quarrel had arisen between the Horse and the Stag, because he helped us reach our goal
so the Horse came to a Hunter to ask his help to take
revenge on the Stag. A) the teaching of the text could be confirmed.
The Hunter agreed but said: "If you desire to conquer B) the moral would have to be reformulated.
the Stag, you must permit me to place this piece of C) the teaching of the text could be discarded.
iron between your jaws, so that I may guide you with D) that person would achieve his goal with help.
these reins, and allow this saddle to be placed upon E) we would necessarily have to help him.
your back so that I may keep steady upon you as we
follow after the enemy." PASSAGE 3
The Horse agreed to the conditions, and the Hunter
soon saddled and bridled him. Adolf Hitler was the dictator or absolute ruler of
Then with the aid of the Hunter the Horse soon Germany from 1934 to 1945 and leader of the
overcame the Stag, and said to the Hunter: National Socialist German Workers’ Party, known as
"Now, get off, and remove those things from my mouth the Nazi Party. He took advantage of Germany’s
and back." economic hardships and the bitterness of its citizens
"Not so fast, friend," said the Hunter. "I have now got after World War I to attract followers, eventually
you under bit and spur and prefer to keep you as you taking complete control of the country. Hitler had a
are at present." deep hatred of Jews and he used the idea of “racial
If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, purity” to justify harsh measures—and eventually
they will use you for theirs. mass murder—against them as well as other groups
he called “enemies of the state.” Hitler’s skills as a
04. What is the topic of the story? persuasive speaker and his willingness to use
violence to get what he wanted led to a twelve-year
A) A fight between the horse and the stag reign and sparked a war that led to the deaths of some
B) The horse's hatred towards the stag fifty million people.
C) The interested help of the hunter
D) The horse, the stag and the hunter 08. The topic of the text is
E) The unexpected help of the hunter
A) Adolf Hitler's language skills in his government.
05. The word CONDITIONS implies a B) the hatred that Adolf Hitler had against the jews.
C) the fateful government of Adolf Hitler in Germany.
A) fight. B) covenant. D) Adolf Hitler's persuasiveness during World War II.
C) payment. D) lie. E) the large number of deaths during World War II.
E) threat.
09. What is the synonymous of the word PRÁCTICA DOMICILIARIA
The characteristics of Peruvian racism (and this must
A) resentment be applicable to the situation in other Latin American
B) hope countries) make it an unapproachable phenomenon
C) trust based on the analytical categories developed in other
D) mistrust social contexts. For example, white racism against
E) defeat blacks, in Anglo-Saxon countries, means the
possibility of "objectifying" the one who is
10. According to the passage, Adolf Hitler discriminated against. While miscegenation was
rather exceptional, the discriminating "white" feels
A) was the leader of the Nazi party after World War the "black" discriminating as something alien and
II. external to himself. In Peru, such "objectification" of
B) was a great orator who used his words to do harm. the discriminated is impossible, since the
C) repented of his misdeeds at the end of World War discriminating subject can not be separated from the
II. "object" that discriminates. For the majority of the
D) intended to rule the world with a German Peruvian population to use the terms “Cholo” or
government. "Indian" to insult another person, also having Indian
E) hated certain groups of German Jews, but not all blood in their veins, means denying a part of their
Jews. own identity: discriminating, hating and despising
constituent elements of their own selves. The radical
11. It is inferred from the passage that Hitler's alignment. The impossibility of recognizing one's
policies face in the mirror.
A) had a secure scientific basis. 01. The central theme of the text revolves around the
B) had a very personal nuance.
C) were replicated 20 years later. A) peculiarity of Peruvian racism.
D) were scrutinized for a long time. B) segregation against the Indians.
E) allowed Germany to win the war. C) relegation against blacks.
D) subjectivity of Peruvian miscegenation.
12. If Germany hadn't lost World War I E) animosity of white racism.
A) England and France would be part of German 02. In text, radical alienation implies
territory today.
B) Hitler would have been president of Germany a A) ecumenical transformation.
long time later. B) discrimination against blacks.
C) the conditions for the rise of Hitler would not have C) rancor and ojeriza banks.
been met. D) consolidation of nationality.
D) Hitler would have been president of Germany long E) lack of one's identity.
E) Germany would rule all countries in the world 03. In text, the term DEVELOPED refers to
A) a fruit.
B) a dilemma.
C) a coercion.
D) an analysis.
E) a compendium.
04. From the text it is inferred that Peruvian racismo 05. If most of peruviens were proud of their pre-
Columbian legacy, then they
A) is deeply convoluted and difficult to explain.
B) must be analyzed as in Anglo-Saxon societies. A) would travel through Andes every year.
C) allows overcome all kinds of discrimination. B) wouldn’t use “Cholo” like an insult.
D) is a phenomenon that causes great disturbance. C) should be able to talk quechua.
E) has avoided the proliferation of mestizos. D) should put their capital in Cusco city.
E) would restrict Machu-Picchu’s access.