Gov. Kay Ivey sent a letter to Dr. Nancy Pack of the Alabama Public Library Service on Sept. 1, 2023, inquiring about the group's policies and procedures around book screenings and parent involvement.
Gov. Kay Ivey sent a letter to Dr. Nancy Pack of the Alabama Public Library Service on Sept. 1, 2023, inquiring about the group's policies and procedures around book screenings and parent involvement.
Gov. Kay Ivey sent a letter to Dr. Nancy Pack of the Alabama Public Library Service on Sept. 1, 2023, inquiring about the group's policies and procedures around book screenings and parent involvement.
Gov. Kay Ivey sent a letter to Dr. Nancy Pack of the Alabama Public Library Service on Sept. 1, 2023, inquiring about the group's policies and procedures around book screenings and parent involvement.
Stare Capito.
MontcoMery, ALABAMA 36130
Kay Ivey (334) 242-7100
GOVERNOR Ox Fax: (334) 242-3282
September 1, 2023
Dr. Naney C. Pack, Director
Alabama Public Library Service
6030 Monticello Dr.
Montgomery, AL 36117
Dear Dr. Pack:
1 am writing to express concern—and to seek answers—about the environment our Alabama
libraries are providing to families and children,
Public libraries play a vital role in our communities. They facilitate research and learning. They
provide recreation. And they promote literacy by fostering a love of reading that will improve our
citizens" lives and uplift our State’s communities. Regardless of background or income, Alabama
libraries are—or should be—a safe place for all individuals in a community, including families
and children, to read, learn, and explore.
Especially given libraries’ importance to society, I have grown inereasingly concemed due to
recent reports calling into question whether our own libraries here in Alabama are most effectively
fulfilling this important mission
‘The heart of the issue seems to be the exposure of children and youth to inappropriate, sexually
suggestive materials without adequate means of parental supervision. According to reports, the
children’s section of the Foley Public Library has featured a book called IWho are You?: The Kid's
Guide to Gender Identity, which is marketed to five- to eight-year olds for “understanding and
celebrating the gender diversity that surrounds us.” The Prattville Public Library’s toddler and
children’s section, meanwhile, has reportedly featured The Pronoun Book, a board book for three-
year olds to learn about “preferred pronouns,” and if You're A Kid Like Gavin, which is a self
proclaimed story about “gender transition” targeted at children between four and eight years old.
Most recently, it has come to light that the Ozark Dale County Library’s young adult section—
which serves library patrons as young as 12 and 13 years old—has featured The Mirror Season
and Only Mostly Devastated, both of whieh feature graphic sex scenes,
This list could go on, but the important point, as I understand it, is that each of these books has
been made freely available in the very part of the library where children and youth are most likely
to browse. As several parents have eloquently put it, their concem is not about removing these
books. The concern is about ensuring that these books are placed in an appropriate location. InDr. Nanoy Pack
September 1, 2023,
Page 2
other words, the parents are saying, if our children and youth are going to encounter these books
atall, it should be because of a considered family decision, not the whims of a local library.
Rather than supporting Alabama families, out-of-state library groups like the American Library
Association appear to be making the situation worse, The ALA’s “Library Bill of Rights”—which
the Alabama Public Library Service has adopted as its own—says that a person’ library use should
not be abridged because of “age.” Not to be misunderstood, the ALA’s website regarding youth
access to library resources clarifies that “like adults, children and teens have the right to find the
information they choose,” so libraries must not “discriminate” based on “age.” Even more
startling, the Library Bill of Rights further provides that all people, regardless of age, “possess a
right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use”—a statement that appears to directly
contravene Alabama’s law giving parents access to their children’s library records,
Considering the foregoing facts, its not surprising that Alabama parents are raising concerns about
both the content on display in some Alabama libraries as well as the general approach of Alabama
libraries towards parental involvement. I share these concems and believe that the responsible
thing to do is seck more information that may be useful in considering whether reform is
necessary —and if so, what reforms to make.
For these reasons, 1 request your assistance in answering the following questions as soon as
possible, and in any event, before the next meeting of your executive board on September 13th:
1. What measures has the Alabama Public Library Service taken to ensure that local
libraries are providing parents with means to supervise their children and youth before
encountering age-inappropriate materials?
2. What role has the Library Service played in advising local libraries about screening
inappropriate content in libraries or making determinations as 10 whether library
content is inappropriate for children?”
3, In the past year, has the Library Service received any complaints from parents about
the display of age-inappropriate materials? For each such complaint, please provide a
summary of the complaint and the Library Service’s (or local library’s) response,
Please also provide copies of any written correspondence in your possession
concerning parents’ complaints about age-inappropriate materials.
4, To receive supplemental state library aid, local libraries must submit to the Library
Service, among other things, written policies addressing such topics as “patrons,”
“materials selection,” and “special services groups.” To what extent do the written
policies submitted by local libraries facilitate parental supervision over their children’s,
library browsing? Please provide examples of such policies submitted to the Library
Service in support of a local library's request for supplemental state aid,Dr. Naney Pack
September 1, 2023
Page 3
5. Are you aware of any model library policies (from any jurisdiction) that support
parental supervision of children and youth library browsing? If so, please provide
examples. If not, please research the matter and provide a summary of your findings,
including examples.
What role have you or the Library Service played in advising local libraries about
hosting events organized by concemed parents, including any events in Millbrook or
7. Please provide an itemized account of how much money the Library Service has paid
to the American Library Association over the past five years. For each expenditure,
please explain the purpose of the expenditure and what benefit the Library Service
received from it.
8. To what extent does the Alabama Public Library Service have existing policies or
procedures that incorporate ALA rules or standards? Does the Library Service
otherwise rely on ALA materials—or advise local libraries to rely on ALA materials—
for any purpose (such as reading lists)? To the extent the Library Service encourages
use of ALA suggested reading lists for children and youth, please describe what steps
the Library Service takes to vet the lists for age appropriateness and to facilitate
parents’ rights to guide their children in accessing these books.
9, What role does the ALA play in the operation or administration of local libraries? Are
you aware of local library affiliations with the ALA? To what extent have local libraries
adopted the ALA’s “Library Bill of Rights"?
am deeply grateful for the work Alabama libraries do, day in and day out, to engage our children
and promote a lifelong love of leaming—including by providing information that may be
unavailable elsewhere in a community. At the same time, however, I respect parents who want
their young children and teens to be able to freely explore a library without fear of what those
children will find there.
T am confident that we can improve our Alabama libraries and better enable them to fulfill their
important mission, For the sake of Alabama taxpayers and families, we simply must get this right,
Members of the Alabama Public Library Service Executive Board.