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Keywords: The poor machinability and extensive work hardening of Ni-based superalloys makes additive manufacturing an
Alloy 718 attractive option for producing geometrically complex components with distinct microstructures. Although
Heat treatment previous studies show recovery of high strength at room temperature, very few studies demonstrate successful
properties at elevated temperatures required for industrial applications. The objectives of this study are to
Tensile properties
Laser powder bed fusion
present a post-build heat treatment for high strength across a wide temperature range, determine the strength
contribution of nanoscale precipitating phases to the overall mechanical properties of superalloy 718, and from
these, provide a comprehensive microstructure-property relationship for wrought and AM 718 to guide efforts to
simulate the properties of AM components. Laser powder bed fusion–produced superalloy 718 was characterized
at multiple length scales using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy in the as-built
condition and with multiple heat treatments designed to form combinations of γ′ , γ′′ , and δ precipitates. Uniaxial
tensile tests performed from room temperature to 600 ◦ C on subsize specimens determined the yield strength,
elastic modulus, ultimate tensile strength, fracture stress, and uniform elongation. Precipitates in this work
proved to be weak barriers to dislocation motion through a dispersed barrier model, but they provided strength
to the alloy through their consistent high density. The relative contribution to the yield strength from γ′′
remained consistent between 48% and 57% of the total strength up to 600 ◦ C, the primary influence on the high
temperature strength of superalloy 718. The strength factors for γ′′ and δ precipitates were found to trend
inversely with tensile test temperature and may be attributable to the differences in precipitate coherency. A
post-build heat treatment is recommended to maintain high strength at elevated temperatures. A quantitative
microstructure-property relationship, dependent on precipitate size, density, and morphology, was derived and
can estimate the yield strength across a wide temperature range applicable to the operational regimes for su
peralloy 718.
This manuscript has been authored in-part by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05–00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States
Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up,
irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The
Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (
* Correspondence to: 1 Bethel Valley Rd., Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Taller).
Received 3 August 2022; Received in revised form 26 October 2022; Accepted 11 November 2022
Available online 14 November 2022
2214-8604/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Table 1
Composition of superalloy 718 powder used for PBF-LB in wt% provided by the vendor for Lot 119 and a commercially purchased wrought superalloy 718 for
comparison as measured with x-ray fluorescence.
Designation Ni Fe Cr Nb Mo Ti Al Si C N O Co B Mn P S
AM718-Lot 119 Bal. 18.22 18.99 5.15 3.0 0.93 0.50 0.04 0.04 0.012 0.016 0.1 0.001 0.02 0.006 0.001
W718-Z1653 Bal. 18.77 17.56 5.18 2.89 0.94 0.49 0.08 0.02 – – 0.05 0.004 0.03 0.008 <
ASTM-B670 50.0 – Bal. 17.0 – 4.75 – 2.8 – 0.65 – 0.2 – 0.35 0.08 – – 1.0 0.006 0.35 0.015 0.015
Reference 55.0 21.0 5.50 3.3 1.15 0.8 max max max max max max max
Table 2
Heat treatments for AM718 and W718 to produce increasingly simpler microstructures for characterization and mechanical property measurement.
Designation Homogenization (◦ C/ Cooling Solution anneal Cooling Aging #1 Cooling rate to reach aging Aging #2 Cooling rate to
h) (◦ C/h) (◦ C/h) #2 (◦ C/h) (◦ C/h) room temp.
The cooling between steps was performed using either water cooling (WC) or air cooling (AC).
Fig. 1. The (a) time-temperature diagram for the heat treatments in this study with (b) a TTT diagram for alloy 718 derived from [8,38,39].
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
around 80–100 nm, which effectively eliminated the TEM-visible FIB 1024 × 1024 pixels with a resolution of ~1.3 nm/pixel, a probe full-
damage induced at high-beam energy. For each condition, two lamellae width half-maximum of ~1.5 nm, and a beam current of around 3 nA.
were extracted from different grains comprising of at least 25 µm2 of Each scan had a duration of 1 h, with more than 35,000 counts/s and
electron transparent area to assess uniformity. dead times from 1% to 6%. The qualitative x-ray counts were converted
The nanoscale microstructure for each heat treatment of AM718 and to quantified weight percentages by using the Cliff-Lorimer [41] method
W718 was characterized by using the FEI Talos F200X scanning trans for calculation at each pixel.
mission electron microscope (STEM) instrument equipped with high Each corresponding collection of STEM images and EDS spectrum
counting rate electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Before imaging images was characterized for nanoscale features. Precipitates were
and EDS spectra collection, the lamella was tilted to a low-order zone identified by using the composition expected for each phase [38] and
axis such as the (001), and the collection angles were optimized. Each overlaying the corresponding EDS maps for the elements of interest in
STEM image set consisting of Bright Field (BF), Dark Field (DF), and the phase. Phase identification was assisted using a trained dynamic
High Angle Annular Dark Field (HAADF) images was collected with a segmentation convolutional neural network [42]. Each feature was an
region of interest size of 2048 × 2048 pixels with a resolution of notated by the neural network and designated as belonging to a class.
~0.7 nm/pixel. Additional images were collected as needed at a higher These annotations were used to produce an image in which the type of
resolution of 0.16 nm/pixel to confirm the precipitate structure and feature present at any given pixel was labeled by a class number. Each
composition. EDS-based spectrum images for precipitate measurement feature class was individually filtered out of the image and analyzed by
were taken over a broad area by using a region-of-interest size of using the particle analysis function in FIJI [43] to obtain parameters for
Fig. 3. Representative forescatter electron images and corresponding EBSD orientation maps for (a) W718, (b) AM718-ASB, (c) AM718-HT1, (d) AM718-HT2, and
(e) AM718-HM.
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
3. Results
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Fig. 5. STEM images of ASB AM Superalloy 718 showing dendritic Laves phase, large δ precipitates, TiC, pores, oxide particles, and γ′ and γ′′ precipitates as a
function of distance from the part surface. Note the build direction vector is directed out of the page towards the viewer.
Fig. 6. STEM images of ASB AM Superalloy 718 with corresponding EDS maps for precipitate-forming elements showing large δ precipitates circled in yellow
(Ni3Nb), Laves particles circled in red(Nb-Mo-Si rich), TiC, and γ′′ precipitates circled in blue (Ni3Nb), and oxide particles circled in light blue. For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.
The microstructure found in the heat-treated specimens was not as 3.3. Tensile test results up to 600 ◦ C
complex as the ASB AM718. Representative STEM HAADF images for
the wrought alloy 718 and the three heat treatments of AM718 are Representative engineering stress-strain curves for each heat treat
shown in Fig. 9. The wrought alloy contained the expected microstruc ment of AM718 and the reference wrought alloy 718, labeled as W718,
ture that consists of a high density of fine γ′ and γ′′ precipitates, strained at each test temperature, are shown in Fig. 11, and the stress-
consistent with the ASTM-prescribed microstructure for precipitate- strain curves for each strained specimen are provided in the supple
hardened superalloys [33]. Following the homogenization treatment mentary materials. Engineering stress-strain curves for each strained
to produce AM718-HM, the microstructure consisted of a low density of specimen from each condition are displayed in the appendix as
remaining oxide and carbide particles and dissolved all Laves, δ, γ′ , or γ′′ Figure A.14 through Figure A.17 for transparency. These curves were
phases present in the ASB AM718. After aging, the AM718-HT1 and used to calculate the common engineering properties of elastic modulus,
AM718-HT2 treatments appeared qualitatively similar and contained a 0.2% offset yield strength, uniform elongation, ultimate tensile stress,
high density of fine γ′ , γ′′ , and δ precipitates, with AM718-HT2 having total elongation, and fracture strength. These properties are included in
greater precipitate densities overall. However, AM718-HT1 contained a Table 5. Although acoustic methods are preferred for determining the
higher fraction of δ phase, as expected from the heat treatment. The elastic modulus, the elastic modulus here was calculated by fitting a line
quantitative analysis of γ′ , γ′′ , and δ particles is provided in Table 4, and to the elastic portion of each tensile curve, minimizing the least squares
the size distribution of γ′ , γ′′ , and δ precipitates from each heat treatment error, and extracting the slope of the line through a simple Hooke’s Law
is shown in Fig. 10. approximation. Fig. 12.
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Fig. 7. Higher magnification STEM images of ASB AM Superalloy 718 with corresponding EDS maps for precipitate forming elements showing γ′ (Ni3[Ti,Al]) circled
in white and γ′′ (Ni3Nb) precipitates circled in blue. For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.
Fig. 8. Precipitate size distributions for γ′ , γ′′ , and δ phases in ASB AM Superalloy 718.
Table 3
Summary of characterization results for precipitate phases observed in ASB AM718.
Alloy Feature Number of features Percent of total precipitation Mean eq. diameter Standard error of mean Number density
designation observed (%) (nm) (nm) (m¡3)
The error in number densities is the minimum of error from counting statistics [48] or from the TEM foil thickness measurement. N.O. indicates that the feature was not
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Fig. 9. STEM HAADF images of wrought alloy 718, AM718-HT1, AM718-HT2, and AM718-HM showing the mixture of γ′ , γ′′ , and δ as bright features and oxides as
dark features.
4. Discussion recrystallization regime from 900◦ to 1066◦ C [50]. Likely as a result, the
yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of AM718-HT1 and
4.1. Comparison of wrought and AM 718 AM718-HT2 (Table 2) increased relative to W718 and were well within
ASTM specifications of superalloy 718. The AM718-HT2 condition dis
The wrought superalloy 718 displayed the expected behavior for a played a larger uniform elongation after yield compared with the
precipitate-hardened alloy consisting of a large yield stress and a high AM718-HT1 condition. Comparison of the microstructures of these two
ultimate tensile stress. However, both the yield and ultimate tensile conditions as presented in Table 4, both exhibited a high density of γ′′
stress were 15–20% lower than expected for the ASTM heat treatment precipitates on the order of 1022 m− 3, with AM718-HT-2 having a larger
[1,8], and both had an increased uniform elongation and fracture strain density. However, AM718-HT1 had a higher fraction of the δ-phase,
compared with results presented in the literature [8,46,49]. The which likely contributed to the decrease in uniform elongation. The
increased fracture strain is consistent with the expectation of subsize agreement in the uniform elongation between AM718-HT-1 and W718
specimens and may result from the decrease in scale factor [35]. A lends support to the detrimental effects of δ-phase precipitates observed
fraction of the metastable γ′′ transformed into intragranular δ-phase in W718.
precipitates as predicted by the time-temperature-transformation dia When the precipitates were removed through homogenization and
gram [45], and over-aging as discussed in Appendix A.2. Although δ solution annealing (AM718-HM), the yield stress and ultimate tensile
precipitates share the composition of Ni3Nb with γ′′ , the strength decreased with a significantly greater uniform elongation and
lattice-precipitate interface is incoherent for the δ-phase, thus reducing fracture strain, which is consistent with solution-annealed alloy 718
its contribution to strength [8]. The high density of δ precipitates [51]. However, the elastic modulus was significantly lower than the
(Table 4) in the wrought superalloy 718 likely reduced the strength of 190–220 GPa range expected for polycrystalline pure Ni [52], stemming
the alloy compared to the expected ASTM-designated strength. from the decrease in yield stress. In the literature, a decreased elastic
Prior to heat treatments, there was a clear preferred grain orientation modulus was found when annealing at high temperatures for 1 h to
in the as-built condition relative to the build direction. This likely would achieve values of 165–172 GPa [53–58]. Increasing the annealing
result in anisotropic properties. However, the first step of the heat temperature reduced the elastic modulus linearly and correlated with an
treatment was a high temperature solution anneal meant to remove all increase in the grain size [55]. Compared with these previous works, the
previous precipitation. This resulted in significant grain growth, as ex homogenization treatment in this work was performed for a much
pected for annealing above 982 ◦ C [50], and a transition from lath-like longer time and at higher temperatures. In this work, the recrystallized,
elongated grains to more equiaxed grains, as expected for the homogenized AM718-HM still had a reduced grain size compared to that
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Table 4
Summary of characterization results for precipitate phases observed in heat-treated AM718 and W718.
Alloy Feature Number of features Percent of total precipitation (%) Mean eq. diameter Standard error of mean Number density
designation observed (nm) (nm) (m¡3)
The error in number densities is the minimum of error from counting statistics [48] or from the TEM foil thickness measurement. N.O. indicates that the feature was not
observed. N/A indicates there was not enough of the feature to calculate this value.
of the wrought alloy, but without precipitates, making the implied constant, and d is the grain diameter; and (3) the dislocation friction
relationship between grain size and elasticity unclear. Additionally, at stress, also known as the Peierls-Nabarro stress, τP− N [63]. The impact of
600 ◦ C, the elastic modulus appeared to increase for AM718-HM. While defects and precipitates is generally described by a dispersed barrier
precipitation is not expected based on the TTT diagram (Fig. 1b), solute hardening model, as shown in Eq. (3): αi Mμb Ni di , where α represents
clustering is likely occurring. Many precipitating phases proceed along a the strength of the barrier, M is the Taylor factor, μ is the shear modulus,
mechanism consisting of clustering of the constituent elements and b is the Burgers vector, N is the density of the precipitates, and d is their
accumulation of solutes until a critical concentration then transition to a size described as an equivalent diameter:
distinct phase [59–61]. Therefore, the elastic modulus increase may ∑δ,γ′ ,γ′′ ,MX,oxide
k √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
stem from dislocation pinning on solute clusters that have not transi σ Y = σ SS + τP− N + √y̅̅̅ + αi M μb Ni di . (3)
tioned into γ′ or γ′′ precipitates. These clusters were not visible in the d
STEM EDS datasets and thus may reside below the resolution of the A linear superposition was utilized because the contributions from
technique estimated at approximately 2 nm for the parameters pre each component are not expected to be similar in strength. Because
sented in the Methodology. An approach is needed to deconvolute the W718 and each heat treatment of AM718 all exhibited similar micro
contributions of grain size, precipitates, and other features contributing structure features, all yield stress measurements were made into a linear
to the yield strength. system of equations to solve for the contributions of each component of
the microstructure to the strength. Because of the low density of carbides
4.2. Microstructure-property relationships and oxides, these features were assumed to contribute a negligible
amount of strength compared to the other factors and were excluded
There is an inherent link between a material’s microstructure and from the analysis. The solid solution strengthening and the dislocation
macroscopic mechanical properties. In the broadest sense, the yield friction stress were grouped together and assumed to act together line
strength of a material is the sum of the inherent strength from the crystal arly. The median grain diameter was used instead of the average to
lattice, σY,0 , with additional strength from the effects of defects and reduce the influence of outliers. Rather than assume an average density
secondary phases, σD , interpreted through a classical Orowan disloca and diameter, the precipitate size distributions shown in Fig. 10 were
tion bowing process [62]. The inherent strengthening shown in Eq. (2) integrated to be included in the dispersed barrier calculations. M is 3.06
stems from (1) the solid solutioning strength from substitutional ele [64], whereas the Burgers vector was assumed to be equal to the lattice
ments in the face-centered cubic (FCC) Ni lattice, σ SS ; (2) the grain parameter for FCC nickel. This results in a linear system of equations
with 5 unknown variables (σSS + τP− N , ky, αγ’, αγ’’ and αδ) for each of the
boundaries through the Hall-Petch relationship, √y̅̅,
where ky is a
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Fig. 10. Precipitate size distributions for γ′ , γ′′ , and δ phases in (a,b) heat-treated AM alloy 718 and (c) W718.
16 yield stress measurements given in Table 5. Assuming that the microstructural features to primarily stress-driven interstitial disloca
inherent strengthening and grain boundary contributions are the same tion motion. The results in Table 6 suggest that the main contributions to
for each measurement of the same heat treatment, the system reduces yield strength at room temperature are grain boundaries, γ′′ , and δ
the system to 16 equations with 28 unknowns—an underdetermined precipitates, with the γ′′ and δ exhibiting the same obstacle strength.
system. In many similar analyses, the barrier strength is assumed to be However, when the tensile temperature is increased above the onset of
independent of temperature for each feature, which would reduce the vacancy mobility, the strength coefficient for γ′′ precipitates remain
system to 16 equations with 7 unknowns and would become over about the same as at room temperature but decreases for δ phase.
determined. An overdetermined system almost always yields inconsis Because 300 ◦ C is still a relatively low temperature and is unlikely to
tent solutions when constructed with randomly determined starting have a significant thermal concentration of vacancies, this reduction in
points for each variable. Although an underdetermined system cannot the strength of δ can be attributed to the increase in interstitial motion
be solved for a unique solution, the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of the between room temperature and 300 ◦ C. With increasing temperature up
linear coefficient matrix of the unknowns can be used to construct a to 600 ◦ C and corresponding increase in thermal contributions to
linear solution that minimizes the least-squares approximation. The interstitial motion and vacancy concentration, the strengthening coef
coefficients found from this solution are displayed in Table 6. An ficient for γ′′ decreases, and δ increases until these precipitate phases
alternative approach using theoretical strength factors from Tan and become equal strength. Both phases are the same chemical composition
Busby [65] is presented in the Appendix for reference and suggests of Ni3Nb, but the disk-shaped γ′′ precipitates are coherent with the
similar values for α as this discussion. nickel lattice on {100} planes, maintaining the c-axis perpendicular to
Lucas [66] summarizes the reported α values of different types of the disks, whereas the δ phase is semi-coherent [49], possibly driving the
defects and categorizes them into three groups: (1) weak barriers such as differences in the observed strengthening factors when thermal motion
small bubbles/loops and dislocations with α < 0.25, (2) intermediate is considered. Coherent precipitates produce larger long-range strain
barriers such as Frank loops and small precipitates with fields compared to semi-coherent precipitates, and thus they also in
0.33 < α < 0.45, and (3) strong barriers such as voids and large pre crease the combined mechanical and thermal work required to over
cipitates with α~1 obstacles. According to this interpretation, the pre come a barrier. If the required work is sufficiently small, then thermal
cipitates examined are all weak barriers with a variable strength vibrations of the lattice may assist dislocations to pass through a weak
coefficient based on temperature. All materials exhibit several major strain field and overcome the precipitate [68]. Atomistic simulations of
temperature regimes separated by the onset of migration of point de point defect and dislocation interactions with these precipitates would
fects. In pure nickel, vacancy defects are immobile below about provide strong additional insight into the role of precipitate coherency
77–100 ◦ C, whereas small interstitial clusters and interstitial-solute on strength at high temperatures.
clusters may migrate [67]. Thus, the tensile tests at room temperature With these coefficients, the relative contribution of each term to the
can be considered as testing the resistance of each class of total yield strength can be estimated and is displayed as a percentage in
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Fig. 11. Representative engineering stress-strain curves for heat–treated AM alloy 718 and wrought alloy 718 at (a) room temperature, (b) 300 ◦ C, (c) 450 ◦ C, and
(d) 600 ◦ C.
Table 5
Engineering properties derived from room temperature tensile tests of wrought alloy 718 and heat-treated AM alloy 718.
Designation Test temp. Elastic modulus 0.2% offset yield Uniform elongation Ultimate tensile Total Elongation Fracture Strength
(◦ C) (GPa) (MPa) (%) strength (MPa) (%) (MPa)
AM718-HT1 22 244 ± 19.9 1056 ± 13.6 14.6 ± 1.9 1187 ± 17.7 26.1 ± 1.7 1007 ± 45.0
300 223 ± 11.5 843 ± 68.0 9.99 ± 1.9 1011 ± 17.9 19.6 ± 2.1 930 ± 48.3
450 230.6 ± 21.3 836 ± 53.5 11.7 ± 2.2 959 ± 23.1 23.2 ± 0.8 834 ± 118
600 227 ± 22.1 810 ± 17.0 7.1 ± 1.2 896 ± 9.22 16.3 ± 1.2 789 ± 15.1
AM718-HT2 22 234 ± 11.8 978 ± 33.2 18.5 ± 2.7 1144 ± 18.6 28.6 ± 3.3 1008 ± 24.3
300 240 ± 7.6 852 ± 22.7 15.9 ± 3.3 987 ± 12.7 24.6 ± 3.4 888 ± 22.9
450 226.1 ± 11.9 825 ± 45.5 11.0 ± 1.9 945 ± 12.9 22.3 ± 1.5 806 ± 102
600 230 ± 8.2 789 ± 33.0 7.9 ± 2.2 876 ± 23.4 17.1 ± 1.5 770 ± 26.1
AM718-HM 22 131 ± 6.1 338 ± 14.8 54.1 ± 1.2 717 ± 20.3 67.5 ± 1.5 552 ± 26.1
300 119 ± 44 303 ± 14.7 58.3 ± 5.8 610 ± 12.4 63.8 ± 4.4 463 ± 36.8
450 100.3 ± 15.4 294 ± 48.0 47.6 ± 5.1 563 ± 9.22 66.7 ± 3.7 478 ± 10.8
600 148 ± 27 250 ± 9.39 53.6 ± 4.6 517 ± 16.4 62.5 ± 3.5 423 ± 51.4
W718- 22 215 ± 23.0 759 ± 114 14.9 ± 1.8 928 ± 37.2 24.4 ± 1.3 734 ± 77.7
Z1653 300 217 ± 3.5 711 ± 28.6 13.8 ± 4.8 802 ± 25.3 22.6 ± 6.0 585 ± 97.8
450 190.5 ± 18.5 666 ± 14.0 8.4 ± 4.1 719 ± 30.8 17.5 ± 3.8 574 ± 21.9
600 179 ± 18.8 653 ± 13.5 6.0 ± 1.9 697 ± 21.8 14.3 ± 2.3 521 ± 40.7
Values reported are the averages of all tested specimens and their associated standard deviations.
Fig. 13. Based on this analysis, several trends are visible, and general Therefore, motion around solutes is comparatively trivial and results in
processes can be proposed. At room temperature, the grain boundaries an apparent lack of strengthening from these features. As temperature
appear to be responsible for most of the strength from the lattice increases to 300 ◦ C, interstitials have more thermal motion, and solutes
(AM718-HM), whereas the precipitates contribute more than half of the in the matrix provide pinning sites and increase the relative contribution
yield strength (AM718-HT1, AM718-HT2, and W718). However, this to the yield strength. However, as temperature increases even further, it
result is counterintuitive because some contribution from solutes in the becomes easier to bypass the solutes, and the grain boundaries once
lattice would be expected. Assuming primarily stress-driven dislocation again become a relatively stronger barrier to overcome. The main
motion, these results suggest that the stresses necessary to eject dislo assumption in the Hall-Petch slope (ky ) is that it is proportional to the
cations from grain boundaries are significantly higher than those work required to eject dislocations from grain boundaries [69], and thus
necessary to overcome small interstitial solutes or solutes in solution. the trends in Table 6 and Fig. 13 suggest a strong reliance on interstitial
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Fig. 12. Engineering properties for heat-treated AM718 and W718 as a function of testing temperature: (a) elastic modulus, (b) yield stress, (c) uniform elongation,
(d) ultimate tensile strength, (e) total elongation, and (f) fracture strength.
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
Fig. 13. Fractional contribution to the yield strength from solid solution strengthening and friction strength, grain boundaries through the Hall-Petch relationship, γ′′
precipitates, and δ precipitates for each heat treatment of superalloy 718 examined in this work.
stem from the coarsening of the γ′′ precipitates [8] expected from the 5. Conclusions
TTT diagram (Fig. 1b). Because of the wide temperature range in the
derivation and relative simplicity of the dispersed barrier model pro Microstructure characterization and baseline mechanical testing
duced in this work, it can easily integrate into modeling and simulation were performed on additively manufactured superalloy 718 produced
workflows to estimate the yield strength of AM superalloy 718 compo via PBF-LB. The key findings and conclusions derived from this work are
nents after fabrication. Such projects, for example the ExaAM initiative summarized as follows.
[70], are expected to transform AM through high performance The microstructure of as-built superalloy 718 contained many of the
computing (exascale) simulation of the complex interplay between the phases predicted from the isothermal phase diagram with strong vari
physical phenomena (e.g., heat transfer, melting, solidification, fluid ation, depending on the location in the part at nano- to micro-scales. The
flow) involved in the additive process to simulate the microstructure and formation of Laves and on-boundary δ phase suggests that the me
resulting properties. Because the precipitation in superalloy 718 is chanical properties would result in poor performance of the as-built
strongly sensitive to the thermal history, having a component, whereas the lath-like structure suggests that the mechani
microstructure-strength relationship dependent on the precipitate size, cal properties would strongly depend on orientation. Purely based on the
precipitate density, and morphology will significantly improve the as-built microstructure, superalloy 718 is not recommended for struc
quality of efforts to simulate the properties of traditional and AM tural use without post-build heat treatments using these processing
components. parameters.
Three heat treatments consisting of two step homogenization, solu
tion treatment, and aging were employed to control the precipitate
morphology in additively manufactured superalloy 718 after
S. Taller and T. Austin Additive Manufacturing 60 (2022) 103280
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This research was sponsored in part by the Laboratory Directed by selective laser melting, J. Alloy. Compd. 764 (2018) 639–649,
Research and Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
[18] X. Yu, X. Lin, F. Liu, L. Wang, Y. Tang, J. Li, S. Zhang, W. Huang, Influence of post-
managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the US Department of Energy under heat-treatment on the microstructure and fracture toughness properties of Inconel
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the Transformational Challenge Reactor/Advanced Materials and Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 798 (2020), 140092,
Manufacturing Technologies program supported by the US Department [19] C.E. Seow, H.E. Coules, G. Wu, R.H.U. Khan, X. Xu, S. Williams, Wire + Arc
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Energy Integrated University Program Graduate Fellowship. SEM and [20] S. Sui, J. Chen, Z. Li, H. Li, X. Zhao, H. Tan, Investigation of dissolution behavior of
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