Bendon Cross 8
Bendon Cross 8
Bendon Cross 8
As arranged with your receptionist, I am referring this minor /lad /my patient who has
demonstrated features consistent with rheumatic fever today, for an urgent
investigation and treatment. His developmental and past medical history was
unremarkable except for an allergy to peanuts.
Regrettably, he returned two days ago on 19/01/12 with worsening symptoms. The
fever persisted with right knee joint pain. He appeared restless and was finding it
difficult to eat and sleep. Examination revealed hypertrophied tonsils and a swollen right
knee joint without signs of effusion. There was a mid-systolic murmur on heart
auscultation. Brufen was prescribed but was not effective.
Today, blood test results reported elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and anti-
streptolysin O titre. An abnormal electrocardiogram indicated a prolonged P-R interval.
I believe Brendan needs admission at your Paediatric facility for further investigation
and stabilisation. I would appreciate your urgent attention to his condition.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Joseph Watkins
General Practitioner
Greenslopes Medical Clinic