Social Work I

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Social Work
B.A. Social Work-I Total Mark: 100
Appendix ‘A’
(Outlines of Tests)

Paper-A: Social Work-I (Written) : 75 Marks

Paper-B: Practical : 25 Marks
Appendix ‘B’
(Syllabi and Courses of Reading)

Paper-A: Social Work-I 75 Marks

I. Nature and Philosophy of Social Work:
a) Definition and Philosophical base of Social Work
b) Objectives of Social Work Practice
c) Basic Principles of Social Work
d) Scope of Social Work
e) Professional and Voluntary Social Work

II. Islamic Concept of Social Work:

a) Islamic Concept of Social Welfare and Social Work
b) Worth and dignity of Individual
c) Rights and responsibilities of individuals in Islamic Society
d) Social Relationship in Islam i.e. Family, Neighborhood, Mosque

III. Methods of Social Work:

A. Primary Methods:
(i) Social Case Work:
a) Definition and description of “Social Case Work”
b) Elements/Components of Social Case Work (Person, Problem, Place
Professional person and process)
c) Worker client relationship in Social Case Work
d) Principles of Social Case Work
e) Phases/steps in Social Case Work
f) Fields of application of Social Case Work practice
g) Role of professional worker in Case Work Practice

(ii) Social Group Work:

a) Definition and description of “Social Group Work”
b) Types of Social Group (primary and secondary, formal and informal groups)
c) Stages of Group Development
d) Definition and description of Social Group Work and its philosophy
e) Objectives of Social Group Work
f) Components of Social Group Work (group, agency and group worker)
g) Principles of Social Group Work
h) Fields of application of Group Work practice
i) Role of professional worker in Group Work Practice

(iii) Community Development:

a) Definition and description of Community
b) Definition of community organization and development
c) Objectives of Community Development
d) Phases/steps in Community Development, (study of the community, planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation)
e) Principles of Community Development
f) Role of professional Social Worker in Community Development

B. Secondary Methods:
(i) Social Research:
a) Definition and description of “Social Research”
b) Types of Social Research
c) Phases/steps in Social Research
d) Tools of data collection (questionnaire, interviewing schedule, interview guide
and observation).
e) Importance of Social Research in Social Work

(ii) Social Welfare Administration:

a) Definition and description of “Social Welfare Administration”
b) Importance of Social Welfare Administration in Social Work

(iii) Social Action:

a) Definition and description of “Social Action”
b) Importance of Social Action in Social Welfare

(iv) Fields / Areas of Social Work:

a) Medical Social Work
b) Community Development (Urban / Rural)
c) Child Welfare & Protection
d) Women Welfare
e) Probation & Parole
f) Welfare and Rehabilitation of Special Groups
- Physical Disability - Sensorial Disability
- Mental Retardation -Socially disadvantaged (orphans, widow and
destitute women and criminals)
g) Youth Welfare
h) Labor Welfare
i) Population Welfare
j) Juvenile Justice System Ordinance
k) School Social Work
l) Application of Social Safety Nets; Zakat, Bait ul Mal etc.
m) Disaster Management

(v) Social Welfare Agencies:

a) Definition and description of “Social Welfare Agency”
b) Types of Social Welfare Agencies (government, semi government, voluntary/NGOs)
c) Role of voluntary social welfare agencies in socioeconomic Development.

Recommended Books:
1. David W. Minar & Greer Scot (1969). The Concept of Community Reading with
Interpretations. Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago, Pp-ixm 140
2. Don, Joanathan P & Tageem, Hidy, (2000). Globalization & NGO's. Green Wood
Publishing Group, U.S.A
3. Douglas Tom (1976). Group Work Practice. Tavistocle Publications, Cambridge
4. Frieldlender, W.A. (1957). Concepts and Methods of Social Welfare. Practice Hall,
New York
5. Hallahan (1991). Exceptional Children (4th ed.). Merrill Pub.Co., Columbus
6. Hepworth Deans H. and Lesser, Jo Ann. (1990). Direct Social Work Practice: Theory
and Skills (3rd edition). Wodsworth, California
7. Herliegh B. Tracker (1967). Social Group Work, Principle & Practice. Association
Press, New York
8. Khalid M. (2008). Social Work Theory and Practice with special reference to Pakistan
(3rd edition). Kifayat Academy, Karachi.
9. Khalid, M. (2003). Introduction to Social Work Methods & Fields. Kifayat Academy,
10. Lane E. Hold Croft (1984). The Rise And Fall of Community Development, 1950-65,
in C.K. Excher & JM Staag(eds), Agricultural Development: in the Third World. Pp.
11. Lois A. (2000) Fort Cowles: Social Work in the health Field A Care Perspective
Haworh Press, Inc. London.
12. Mehbub-ul-Haq (2000). Human Development in South Asia. Human Development
Centre, Islamabad.
13. Michel Oliver and Bob Sapey (1999). Social Work with Disable People (2nd Edition).
Macmillan England.
14. Parsad, Kamta & Masdaan, Devendar, (2000). NGOs & Socio-Economic Development
Opportunities. Deep & Deep Publication, India.
15. Polansky, Norman A. Social Work Research. Chicago University Press, Chicago.
16. Safdar Sarah (November 2008). Introduction to Social Work (2nd Edition).
17. Saif Printing Press, Peshawar.
18. Rafiq, Zari (2006). Community Development, Concepts and Practices, Peshawar. Saif
Printing Press, Peshawar.
19. Rafiq, S. Zari. (2006). Research Method in Social Science. Aaraf Printing Press,
Peshawar.Safdar Sarah (2007). “Social Work: Theory and its Implication. University of
20. Stroup, RH. Social Work: An Introduction to Field. Association of Social Work
Education, New York.
21. World Bank (1975). Rural Development. World Banki, Washington.
22. Young, PaL (2001). Mastering Social Welfare (3rd edition). Macmillan Press limited,
23. Saeed, Gul Rukh, (2012). Taruf-a-Social Work (Part-I) Awais Publications, 2012

Paper-B: Practical 25 Marks

a) Students will make observational visits to different Social Welfare agencies.
They will be provided guidelines for observations before each visit.
b) They will write reports about these visits. (6-8 visits)

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