2023 GAD Plan Banaue NHS
2023 GAD Plan Banaue NHS
2023 GAD Plan Banaue NHS
Department of Education 79
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Ifugao
Ayyud, Ducligan, Banaue, Ifugao
Agency/ Bureau/Office: BANAUE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL- MAIN Department(Central Office): Dep-Ed Central
Total GAA of Office: Php 39,700.00
GAD Result
Gender Issue/PAP Cause of Gender Output Performance Source of the Responsible
Statement/ GAD Relevant Agency GAD ACtivity GAD Budget
and/or GAD Mandate Issue Indicator/Target Budget Unit/Office
Objectives 4 5 7
1 2 6 8 9
GAD Focal Person is
trained and attended
GAD Capacity seminars related to Division
Training/Seminar for GAD laws, 2,000 MOOE Office//GFPS
GFP mainstreaming,analysis, Division Level
To improve the
The need to GAD responsiveness,
capacity of GAD
strengthen and build GFPS/Coordinator planning and budgeting.
committee on
capacity of GFPS lacks knowledge Seminars/ School GAD
and/or central or and training on symposium (program/activity/ies)
implementation Seminar/
field GAD gender-related committee and
and monitoring Consultation meeting
Coordinators concerns personnel are well
of GAD plan. on planning and School level-
informed and involved -- --
implementation of GFP
in planning and
GAD activities-School
implementation and
other relevant issues
concerning GAD.
Low level of Lack of To increase the Seminar/ Conduct training 95-100% of teaching 10,000 MOOE GFPS/Resource
awareness and opportunities to level of Symposium/ about Gad related and non-teaching speaker
understanding of deepen their awareness and Training issues such as Magna personnel were well
teaching and non- learning about understanding of Carta for Women, acquainted with gender
teaching personnel GAD; its school personnel Anti-Violence Against sensitivity and
on GAD-related mandates, laws, about GAD. Women and their awareness and their
issues. core massages Children, Anti Sexual practical applications in
Harassment Act, and
school setting and crisis
and principles. other relevant laws
and mandates.
To inform
parents about
GAD related
Parents have
including social Dissemination of
Inadequate insufficient Developed pamphlets School
protection, Social Protection information through
knowledge on GAD opportunities to and info board for wide Level;Basic
services and and Welfare various means such 5,000 MOOE
concerns and issues be educated about dissemination of Education
welfare Programs as info board and
among parents their rights and information about GAD. Services
programs of pamphlets.
available to the
student in classes
and/or school To provide basic
compound. necessity for
Provisions and
Health Services menstruating School
availability of sanitary Provided health care
and students and Level;Basic
Small accidents in School clinic napkins and and sanitary napkins to 2,500 MOOE
“Dalagita H’wag students and Education
need of basic care medicines at the students.
Mahiya” personnel in Services
school clinic.
need of basic
Nutrition of health care.
student and
Lack of To provide Create a program and
Created a program of Level;Basic
appreciation and activities that Basic Education activities where
activities participated by Education
GAD Fiesta involvement from relates to a Services-School students participate 15,000 MOOE
school personnel and Services
ones gender and better gender level and share skills and
students. /speaker/s
activities. understanding. talents to schoolmates
School activities To provide
Provided and supported School
Basic Education in-need of supports to Basic Education Involvement of GAD to
other programs and Level;Basic
Programs/Activity/ie supports that school activities Services-School other school activities 5,200 MOOE
school activities (esp. Education
s Involvements GAD Program can and other level and programs.
HPTA and PTA Services
provide. programs