Guideline For Safe and Eco-Friendly Biomass Gasification: November 2009

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Guideline for Safe and Eco-friendly

Biomass Gasification

November 2009

The project is co-funded by the European Commission


I. Preface
Biomass gasification is a promising, energy-efficient technology that can contribute
significantly to renewable energy generation. This technology has to advance and is
close to commercialisation, but large-scale implementation is hampered for various
reasons. Leading gasification experts from around the world have identified Health,
Safety and Environmental (HSE) issues as an important barrier to marketing the
technology. In several cases, the lack of awareness and understanding of the HSE
issues results in neglecting these issues, in long and complicated procedures, high
costs and sometimes cancellation of the initiative. For the same reasons authorities
tend to have unrealistic and costly requirements for gasification plants. A broadly
accepted HSE guideline would effectively tackle this barrier and then significantly
contribute to the development of a safe and environmentally-friendly technology.

With the support of the Intelligent Energy for Europe programme (contract number
EIE-06-078), an international team developed a methodology for easy risk
assessment. The main result is this GUIDELINE, aiming at safe best practice of
biomass gasification. The Gasification Guide project team believes that guidance to
stakeholders on Health, Safety and Environment will contribute to this aim.

Risk assessment in biomass gasification activity is becoming increasingly important

all over the world. It is an effective means of identifying process safety risks and
determining the most cost-effective ways to reduce risk. Manufacturers and users of
gasification plants recognise the need for risk assessment, but most do not have the
tools, experience and resources to assess risk quantitatively.

This GUIDELINE is based on an accepted methodology, science, common sense

and wherever possible, measurable parameters from existing biomass gasification
plants and those under development or construction. They also take account of the
chemical industry and petroleum refinery practice. This guideline provides a general
overview, and is not intended to be comprehensive in every aspect.

The existence of a practical biomass gasification guideline will assist different target
groups such as manufacturers, operators, scientists, authorities, advisors and end-
users/investors in assessing the potential HSE risks and imposing realistic measures
for risk reduction and fair HSE requirements.

Experts within the Advisory Group and external experts are acknowledged for their
comments and suggestions during preparation of this document. Special thanks go to
those who contributed actively, either in the case studies or in supplying feedback
and comments or suggestions on the Guideline document. Thanks also go to those
who spent valuable time using the Software Tool.


The project team want to express their thanks to the following persons who
contributed to the development of the Guideline and/or software tool on a voluntary
Mr. Henrik Flyver Christiansen, Danish Energy Authority, Denmark
Mr. Gerhard Schmoeckel, Bavarian Environmental Agency (LfU), Germany
Mr. Des Mitchell, OGen Ltd, United Kingdom
Mr. Luis Sanchez, Eqtec, Spain
Mr. Frédéric Dalimier, Xylowatt, Belgium
Mr. Steve Scott, Biomass Engineering Ltd., United Kingdom
Mr. Thomas Otto, TOC, Germany
Mr. Jacques Chaineaux, Ineris, France

The project was carried out from January 2007 – December 2009 and was
conducted by the following team:

1. Mr J Vos and H Knoef from the BTG biomass technology group, the Netherlands,
[email protected], [email protected],
2. Mr M Hauth, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Graz University of Technology,
Austria, [email protected],
3. Mr U Seifert, Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy
Technology, UMSICHT, Germany, [email protected],
4. Prof. Hofbauer and Mr M Fuchs, Institute of Chemical Engineering Vienna
University of Technology, Austria, [email protected],
5. Dr L Cusco and L Véchot, Health & Safety Laboratory/HSE, United Kingdom,
[email protected],
6. Mr T E Pedersen and RM Hummelshøj, COWI A/S Energy, Denmark,
[email protected],
7. Prof. Ivan Ivanov, Safety and Environmental Engineering Laboratory (SEEL),
Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, [email protected],
8. Subcontractor Umwelt + Energie, Mr R Buehler, Switzerland,
[email protected]
9. Subcontractor FEE, Mr E Oettel, Germany, [email protected],

Legal Disclaimer

The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect
the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use
that may be made of the information contained therein.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, the authors cannot accept
and hereby expressly exclude all or any liability and gives no warranty, covenant or undertaking
(whether express or implied) in respect of the fitness for purpose of, or any error, omission or
discrepancy in, this document and reliance on contents hereof is entirely at the user’s own risk.


III. Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Objective ...................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Target groups............................................................................................... 9
1.3 Scope of the Guideline ................................................................................. 9
1.4 Reading Guide ........................................................................................... 10
2 Technology Description....................................................................................... 12
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Fuel storage, pre-treatment, transport and feeding .................................... 13
2.3 Auxiliary fuel and plant utilities ................................................................... 13
2.4 Gasification reactor .................................................................................... 14
2.5 Gas cooling ................................................................................................ 14
2.6 Gas cleaning .............................................................................................. 15
2.7 Gas Utilisation ............................................................................................ 15
2.8 Exhaust gas cleaning ................................................................................. 16
2.9 Producer gas properties regarding HSE aspects ....................................... 16
2.9.1 Typical gas composition and physical gas properties ......................... 16
2.9.2 Explosion levels and combustion pressure ......................................... 17
2.10 Automation and control .............................................................................. 17
3 Legal Framework for Biomass Gasification Technologies................................... 18
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 18
3.2 Manufacturing and placing on the market .................................................. 18
3.3 Construction and operation of biomass gasification plants......................... 21
3.4 Permit procedures for biomass gasification plants ..................................... 26
3.5 Special aspects of permit procedures for biomass gasification plants in
European states.................................................................................................... 29
3.6 Legal background of "best available techniques" requirements ................. 30
4 Theoretical Aspects of Risk Assessment ............................................................ 31
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 31
4.2 Applied risk assessment procedure for biomass gasification plants........... 31
4.3 Hazards Identification and Consequences ................................................. 33
4.4 Risk assessment ........................................................................................ 34
4.5 Risk reduction measures............................................................................ 36
4.6 Documenting the outputs of the risk assessment ....................................... 37
4.7 Software Tool for Risk Assessment............................................................ 37
5 Potential hazards and good design principles ..................................................... 39
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 39
5.2 Primary safety considerations .................................................................... 40
5.3 Good engineering and operation practice .................................................. 40
5.3.1 Good design practice related to plant building construction ................ 41
5.3.2 Good engineering practice related to process equipment ................... 41
5.3.3 Recommendations regarding operating and monitoring procedures... 44
5.3.4 Supplementary precautions................................................................. 45
5.4 Safety related issues in practice................................................................. 45
5.4.1 Explosion / deflagration....................................................................... 45
5.4.2 Fire...................................................................................................... 50
5.4.3 Toxic liquid escape.............................................................................. 51
5.4.4 Toxic gas escape (in particularly CO) ................................................. 52
5.4.5 Operators failures................................................................................ 52


5.5 Norms and Standards ................................................................................ 53

5.5.1 A norm for gas tightness ..................................................................... 53
5.5.2 Literature regarding zoning and explosion protection measures......... 54
5.6 Documentation ........................................................................................... 59
5.6.1 Operation and Maintenance manual ................................................... 59
5.6.2 Other documentation........................................................................... 59
6 Emission abatement in biomass gasification plants ............................................ 61
6.1 Emission abatement techniques................................................................. 61
6.1.1 Fuel storage, pre-treatment, transport and feeding ............................. 62
6.1.2 Gasification reactor ............................................................................. 62
6.1.3 Gas cooling and gas cleaning ............................................................. 62
6.1.4 Gas engine operation and exhaust gas cleaning ................................ 63
6.2 Emission limit values .................................................................................. 63
6.2.1 Emission limits in Denmark ................................................................. 64
6.2.2 Emission limits in Germany................................................................. 64
7 References.......................................................................................................... 67


IV. Abbreviations and Definitions


ABV Anti backfiring valve

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
API American Petroleum Institute
ATEX ATmosphères EXplosibles(French)
BGP Biomass Gasifier Plant
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation
CHP Combined Heat and Power
COMAH COntrol of MAjor accident Hazards
DS Dansk Standard
EC European Community
EEC European Economic Community
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
FR Fire Resistance
HAZOP HAZard and OPerability
HAZID HAZard IDentification
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
IC Internal Combustion
IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
INF Informationshæfte (DK)- [Short note]
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PI Piping and Instrumentation
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
ppm parts per million
PSV Pressure Safety Valve
RA Risk Assessment
RP Recommended Practice
SIL Safety integrity level
SME Small and Medium Enterprises (KMU in German)
VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure

Biomass: Material of biological origin, excluding material embedded in geological
formations and transformed to fossil (Note: This definition is the same as the
definition of biomass in CEN TC 335 Solid Biofuels. Biomass is the only non-fossil
carbon source.).

Gasification: Thermal conversion of carbon-based materials into a product gas

composed primarily of CO, H2, methane and light hydrocarbons in association with
CO2, H2O and N2, depending on the specific gasification process considered.

Producer gas: The mixture of gases produced by the gasification of organic material
such as biomass at relatively low temperatures (700 to 1000ºC). Producer gas is
composed of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen
(N2) and typically a range of hydrocarbons such as methane (CH4). Producer gas can
be burned as a fuel gas, e.g. in a boiler for heat, or in an internal combustion gas
engine for electricity generation or CHP. The composition of the gas can be modified
by choice of gasification parameters to be optimised as a fuel gas (producer gas) or


synthesis gas, which contains almost exclusively CO and H2 and is suitable for
synthesis of liquid biofuels.

Synthesis gas: A mixture exclusively of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2).
Following clean-up to remove any impurities such as tars, synthesis gas (syngas)
can be used to synthesise organic molecules such as synthetic natural gas (SNG -
methane (CH4)) or liquid biofuels such as synthetic diesel (via Fischer-Tropsch

Environmentally-sound: The maintenance of a healthy environment and the

protection of life-sustaining ecological processes. It is based on thorough knowledge
and requires or will result in products, manufacturing processes, developments, etc
which are in harmony with essential ecological processes and human health.

Deflagration: An explosion that has a pressure wave below the speed of sound.

Detonation: An explosion that has a pressure wave above the speed of sound.

CE-mark: The CE marking symbolises the conformity of a product to the Community

requirements incumbent on the manufacturer of the product. It indicates that the
product conforms with all the Community provisions providing for its affixing.

Zoning: These are the ‘official’ definitions for zones 1, 2, and 22 from directive
Zone 1 A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with
air or flammable substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist is likely
to occur occasionally in normal operation.
Zone 2 A place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with
air of flammable substances in the form of gas, vapour or mist is not
likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a
short period only.
Zone 22 A place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of
combustible dust in air is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it
does occur, will persist for a short period only.

Note: Categories like ‘II2G’ refer to the quality of equipment and should not be mixed
with zone classification.


Terms for "Authorisation" and "Declaration"

Official terms and synonyms for "authorisation/permit" and "declaration" (with regard
to classified installations) are listed below for different EU countries.

State Authorisation / Permit Declaration

Austria Bewilligung
Belgium Permis (d'environnement) / Déclaration /
(milieu)vergunning aangifte
Denmark Godkendelse Anmeldelse
France Autorisation Déclaration
Germany Genehmigung, Erlaubnis, Anzeige, Anmeldung
Bewilligung, Zulassung
Ireland Licence, permit, permission
Italy Autorizzazione Comunicazione
Netherlands Vergunning (wet milieubeheer) Aangifte
Spain Autorización Notificación
Sweden Tillstånd Anmälan
Switzerland Bewilligung, (Plan-) Anzeige, (Emissions-)
Genehmigung Erklärung
United Kingdom Authorisation, permit, license, Notification, declaration
(England and Wales) (planning) consent


1 Introduction

1.1 Objective
The objective of the Gasification Guide project is to accelerate the market
penetration of small-scale biomass gasification systems (< 5 MW fuel power) by the
development of a Guideline and Software Tool to facilitate risk assessment of HSE

The Guideline may also be applied in retrofitting or converting old thermal plants in
the Eastern European countries – with rich biomass recourses – to new gasification

The objective of this document is to guide key target groups identifying potential
hazards and make a proper risk assessment. The software tool is an additional aid in
the risk assessment.

1.2 Target groups

During the project cycle of developing and implementing a biomass gasification plant,
different organisations, institutes, industries and/or private bodies are engaged at
some stage. Stakeholders include: project developers, engineers, legislation and
permitting authorities, investors, consultancy/advisors, manufacturers and operators.
In principle, they all belong to the target group. Furthermore, host communities and
policy makers also play a key role.

The views and needs of these target groups regarding biomass gasification
technology may differ. In some cases, members of the target groups may even have
conflicting interests, for instance manufacturer versus plant owner, end-user and
permitting authorities. For the implementation and commercialisation of biomass
gasification, there are several major target groups:

Operators, technicians and plant owners;
Permitting authorities;
Investors or advisors to the investors; and
HSE experts.

1.3 Scope of the Guideline

This guideline is intended to be a training tool and a resource for workers and
employers to safely design, fabricate, construct, operate and maintain small-scale
biomass gasification facilities. The Guideline is applicable with the following
The maximum scale of the gasification plant was agreed to be about 1 MW e. The
reason is that large companies do have normally their safety rules in place;
This means in principle only fixed bed gasifier designs. However, most parts are
also valid to other designs and even other thermal conversion processes;
The use of contaminated biomass is beyond the scope of this Guideline.


Biomass gasification is a fairly complex technology, and biomass gasification plants

(BGP) need to comply with various European guidelines and national laws. The
different process steps and potential HSE aspects in a typical BGP are illustrated in
Figure 1-1. Each process step has to be carefully considered for its HSE constituents
during the planning, engineering, construction and operation stage. In this Guideline
less emphasis is placed on gas engines as these are commercially available and
already come with a CE mark and Declaration of Conformity.
Exhaust gas
to Chimney

Process Automation Gas

Biomass Gas Gas Gas fired
Cooling Cleaning Boilers Heat
to District Heating
(air, oxygen,
Gasifier Gas Engine
steam etc.)
Heat Dusts
Int. Demand Generator Power
to Local Grid
Waste Water
Condensates Condensates Waste
Water Waste Water
Treatment to Canalisation or

Ash Dusts/Ash Sludge

to Disposal to Disposal to Disposal
Figure 1-1 : Potential Health, Safety and Environmental aspects of gasification plants

In the formulation of this HSE Guideline, the following process steps and system
components have been considered:
Fuel storage and handling on site;
Fuel conveyance and feeding;
Gasification reactor;
Gas conditioning (cleaning and cooling);
Gas utilisation (gas engine);
Automation and control; and
Auxiliaries and utilities

1.4 Reading Guide

The Guideline contains four major chapters; each chapter can be read on its own
without knowing the content of previous chapters.

Chapter 2 briefly describes the gasification technology in general.

Chapter 3 gives an overview of major legal framework issues on plant permission
and operation. The legal frame is changing and the description is based on the
situation by the end of 2007.
Chapter 4 explains the theory behind the risk assessment method and risk reduction


Chapter 5 is the heart of the Guideline and gives practical examples of good design,
operation and maintenance principles. The practical examples and feedback have
been received throughout the project and the description is based on mid-2009.
Chapter 6 describes the best techniques currently available for emission abatement
which are used in biomass gasification plants.

The following important information can be downloaded from the project website
1. Software Tool “Risk Analyzer” for easy risk assessment of biomass gasification
plants. The software tool is java-script based and the associated manual can also
be downloaded
2. A checklist for permitting authorities to make a quick risk assessment
3. Several comprehensive reports as deliverables from the project.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Technology Description

2 Technology Description
2.1 Introduction
This chapter gives a brief overview of the different process steps applied in biomass
gasification plants (BGP). The chapter is an abbreviated version of the technology
description report given by Deliverable 8: Biomass gasification: State-of-the-art
description, where a more comprehensive description is given on:
general information (e.g. design, information on plant emissions, etc.);
technology details (e.g. fundamental description of basic technologies); and
important health, safety and environmental relevant issues.

Biomass gasification with a downstream gas engine is particular suitable for

decentralised biomass utilisation and high efficient combined heat and power
production. Figure 2-1 presents a simplified diagram of a BGP illustrating the main
components, which describe and classify the process.

The fuel is normally fed into the gasification reactor through an air/gas-tight closure
(an exception is an open top gasifier) by appropriate fuel conveying systems. The
conversion of the fuel into a producer gas takes place in the gasification reactor,
where the thermo-chemical conversion steps of drying, pyrolysis, partial oxidation
and reduction as well as ash formation take place. For relatively small scale units –
which is the scope of this Guideline –air is normally used as the gasification agent.

Fuel Gas-
Gas cooling &
supply/ Gasifier
Gas cleaning utilisation

Process Automation System

- biomass storage - fixed bed gasi- - cyclone - gas engine

exemplarily configuration

- utilities storage - bag house - gas turbine
- fluidized bed
- intermediate storage - filtering - micro gas turbine
of gasification - gasification utilities
(water vapour, - wet dedusting/ - synthetic fuel
air, additives) cleaning applications
- conveying
- gasification - residues treatment - etc.
boundaries - etc.
- input units or rotary
valves, vibro
conveyor etc.
Figure 2-1: Typical process chain of a biomass cogeneration plant (compare [1])

The producer gas leaves the reactor at elevated temperatures (600-800oC) with a
certain heating value and pollutant load. In the subsequent steps of the process
chain, sensitive heat contained in the producer gas can be used for the provision of
internal process heat, drying of the fuel and/or for district heating purposes. In
various cleaning and cooling concepts the producer gas is subjected to dry (hot)
and/or wet cleaning to achieve the required specifications for the gas engine. Note: in
the case of wet gas cleaning, often the sensible heat can not be utilised.

During operation of a biomass gasification plant there is an increased hazard

potential due to the fact that a potentially explosive, toxic and combustible gas

GASIFICATION GUIDE Technology Description

mixture is produced and consumed. The producer gas and residues (ash, liquids,
exhaust gases) may cause the following major hazards/risks:
an explosion and/or fire;
health damage to humans (poisoning, danger of suffocation, noise, hot surfaces,
fire and explosion); and
pollution of the environment and plant vicinity.

To counteract these adverse effects, appropriate measures must be taken to meet

the requirements for successful market introduction of a safe and eco-friendly
biomass gasification technology.

2.2 Fuel storage, pre-treatment, transport and feeding

Fuel storage, transport and pre-treatment may influence the fuel quality (e.g. drying
during storage), as well as the gasification process stability (e.g. producer gas
quality, stability of heat and power production, etc). Fuel is normally stored in a
separate building adjacent to the main gasifier building. In most cases, the size of the
storage building is chosen based on 2-3 days operation (to overcome a weekend)
without fuel delivery. From here, fuel is transported to the pre-treatment section. The
main technologies available to meet the requirements of the gasification system are
drying, sizing or compacting, depending on the origin of the fuel. After pre-treatment
the fuel may be transported to a daily storage bunker. The most common means of
transport or conveyance is belt conveying and screws. From the daily storage bunker
the fuel is further transported to the feeding system, which mostly is equipped with a
dosing unit. The fuel conveyor may have integrated features like sieving, a magnetic
belt, removal of contaminants and foreign material, and/or a drying unit. The actual
feeding into the gasification reactor is usually done by a speed-controlled screw, the
double-sluice lock hopper system or the rotary valve.

An important aspect is to avoid the escape of gas through the feeding section during
the actual feeding and/or the air ingress during the same period. Anti-backfiring
systems can be used or purging using inert gases to avoid this risk of potentially
explosive atmospheres, as well as physically separating the fuel storage and
gasification reactor, minimising fire risks potentials.

2.3 Auxiliary fuel and plant utilities

Auxiliary media/fuels and plant utilities may be needed during O&M to ensure the
stable plant operation. A summary is given in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1: Example of auxiliaries and utilities

Media Purpose
Natural gas / propane gas Auxiliary firing, like start-up
(Bio)-diesel Auxiliary firing, pilot injection gas engine
(Bio)-oils Lubricating oils, scrubbing emulsions
Nitrogen, Inertisation media, purge media
Water, steam Gasification media supply, cooling media
Air and pressurized air Gasification agent supply, operating medium for
plant actuating elements
Electricity Blowers, conveyors, fans, etc.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Technology Description

2.4 Gasification reactor

The thermo-chemical conversion of solid biomass into raw producer gas takes place
in the gasification reactor (gasifier). At small scale, the updraft and downdraft type
gasifiers are mostly used, see Figure 2-2. The sequence of the biomass conversion
steps of drying, pyrolysis, partial oxidation and reduction depends on the type of
gasifier. Recently, concepts are developed and implemented where the different
zones are physically separated, mostly the pyrolysis and partial oxidation. The main
reason behind this separation is the optimisation of each step and minimisation of the
tar production. At the exit, the producer gas contains desired products and by-
desired products: permanent gas (H2, CO, CH4, CO2, N2) and ashes with low
remaining carbon content;
undesired products: particulate matter, dust, soot, inorganic (alkali metals) and
organic pollutants (tars or PAH, Polycyclic Hydro Carbons).

Figure 2-2: Typical gasifier reactor configurations at small to medium scale (updraft, downdraft
double fire and two-stage)

2.5 Gas cooling

The purpose of gas cooling is to decrease gas temperatures to a certain level for:
producer gas treatment (e.g. gas cleaning in bag filters); or
utilisation in the gas engine; cooling increases the energy density of the gas.
It is recommended to recover the sensible heat in the gas, which allows the supply
internal process heat (steam supply, evaporation energy, etc.);
process heat to districted heating systems.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Technology Description

Corresponding to the process chain configuration of Figure 2-1, producer gas

temperatures can be decreased in different stages, see
Table 2-2.
Table 2-2: Examples for typical temperature levels provided by gas cooling
Temperature range Process step
600-800 °C Cyclone, ceramic filters
90-250 °C Fabric filters
90-400 °C Gas scrubbing, final cooling
Close to ambient Gas engine
Note: in case fabric bag filters are used, the tar and water dewpoint need to be
considered. The dewpoint is the temperature where the molecules start condensing.
This should be avoided, because they will block the filter, leading to increased
pressure drop.

2.6 Gas cleaning

Gas cleaning is required to meet the specifications set by the engine supplier, even
under varying conditions like gas flow, producer gas compositions, level of
contamination, etc.. Major contaminants in the raw producer gas are particulate
matter (soot, dust) and tar. Other impurities may include ammonia (which will be
converted to NOx during combustion in the engine), HCl, H2S, alkalies, and acids, all
dependent much on the process conditions, fuel and type of gasifier. The following
dry and/or wet gas cleaning devices are applied (or a combination):
cyclone - primary de-dusting (prior to gas cooling);
hot gas filter - fine de-dusting (prior to gas cooling);
bag filter system - fine de-dusting (after gas cooling);
other filters (sand bed filter, active coke bed); and
scrubbers – tar and dust removal with a liquid agent (water, oil, emulsions).

2.7 Gas Utilisation

This Guideline is focused on small scale BGP’s producing combined heat and power
(CHP) plant. The gas engine entails a conditioning of the biomass derived gas,
providing gas parameters determined by the specifications of the engine (nearly
constant producer gas temperature, sufficient heating value, purity level, humidity as
well as a gas engine inlet pressure). Gas engines are a commercial commodity,
which means that the gasifier manufacturer has to fulfil the requirements set by the
engine supplier. There are only a few cases known, where the engine suppliers
adapted the engine design for using biomass derived producer gas.

The major HSE issue to be considered here are the exhaust emissions. Products
from incomplete combustion or from producer gas slip (predominantly CO and CxHy)
and high-temperature or fuel-nitrogen combustion (NOx) necessitate the operation of
secondary treatment systems with regard to stipulated emission limits insofar,
engine-specific measures being insufficient for minimising pollutants in the exhaust
gas. Treatments with various techniques involving catalytic converters or post-
combustion techniques, which guarantee compliance with emission limits, are
possible in principle. Long-term experience regarding the effectiveness and service
life of catalytic converters is presently not yet available. Service life is influenced

GASIFICATION GUIDE Technology Description

substantially by catalyst poisons, e.g. heavy metal compounds, alkali compounds,

etc., which in part reduce the activity of the catalytic coating very quickly.

2.8 Exhaust gas cleaning

Dependent on the emission requirements, exhaust gas must be cleaned from too
high values of CO, CxHy, NOx or particulates. The amount is dependent on the
oxygen level in the exhaust gas. Some engines are operating in lean-burn mode,
meaning a relatively high oxygen level, to reduce the CO emission.
There are very limited detailed data on the exhaust gas composition. Recently, the
concentration of benzene (C6H6) appeared to be a problem and a solution for this has
still not been found.

2.9 Producer gas properties regarding HSE aspects

2.9.1 Typical gas composition and physical gas properties
Small-scale biomass gasifiers operate normally with air as a gasification agent. This
results in a certain gas composition that differs largely from other gases like biogas or
natural gas. Typical characteristics of producer gas are given in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3: Typical characteristics of producer gas compared to other gases

Parameter Producer gas Biogas Natural gas
CO (vol %) 12-20 <1 <0.5
H2 (vol %) 15-35 <1 <0.5
CH4 (vol%) 1-5 50-75 90-99
CO2 (vol %) 10-15 20-50 <1
N2 (vol%) 40-50 <1 <1
Heating value MJ/Nm3 4.8-6.4 18-26 35
Explosion range (vol%) 5-59 8-18 4.5-15
Air to gas ratio 1.1-1.5 5-7.5 10

GASIFICATION GUIDE Technology Description

2.9.2 Explosion levels and combustion pressure

The following analysis of gases comes from a two-stage gasification plant. The first
stage is evaporation and pyrolysis of wood chips by indirect heating. The second
stage is pyrolysis of gases by direct heating with combustion products.
Table 2-4: One example of the explosion levels and pressures
Gas composition Pyrolysis gas (1st Production gas (2nd
stage) stage)
CO2 0.15 mole/mole 0.13 mole/mole
CO 0.15 mole/mole 0.09 mole/mole
H2O 0.46 mole/mole 0.29 mole/mole
H2 0.13 mole/mole 0.22 mole/mole
CH4 0.07 mole/mole 0.01 mole/mole
N2 0.00 mole/mole 0.23 mole/mole
Tar components 0.04 mole/mole 0.02 mole/mole
Mole weight 24.3 kg/kmol 22.3 kg/kmol
Stoïchiometric combustion air 3.00 mole air/ mole 1.59 mole air/ mole
mole air/ mole gas gas gas
LEL 0.104 0.12
UEL 0.395 0.62
Deflagration pressure from 15°C 6.6 barg 6.1 barg
Flame temperature from 15°C 1695 °C 1575 °C
Deflagration pressure from 500 °C 3.4 barg 2.5 barg
Flame temperature from 500°C 2480 °C 1820 °C

2.10 Automation and control

Under the current economic conditions, a BGP needs to be fully automated, allowing
for unmanned operation. Full automation has the advantage that safety procedures
can be included in the automated control system. Basically, any plant needs an
automation and control system, so for small-scale systems, the part becomes
relatively expensive. The following items are mostly automated:
Fuel feeding (rotational speed controllers, or opening of valves);
Fuel level in the gasifier reactor;
Oxygen supply to the gasifier reactor (linked to the fuel feeding);
Cleaning sequence of filters (dependent on pressure drop);
Air-gas ratio to the gas engine.


3 Legal Framework for Biomass Gasification Technologies

3.1 Introduction
Planning, building, commissioning, and operation of biomass gasification plants are
activities that are subject to European and national regulations. In order to determine
the relevant legal framework for small and medium biomass gasification plants, it is
useful to draw a rough distinction between those requirements applying to the design
and manufacturing of BGPs (as products that are to be placed on the European
market) and those applying to ownership and operation; in simple terms, to
distinguish between the manufacturer's and the operator's duties.

The underlying legal background is different for the two parties. While the legal
framework with regard to the safety of products placed on the market is rather
homogeneous throughout Europe, the legal framework for plant operation displays
many variations across the European member states. The aim of this chapter is to
give a general overview of the legal areas that apply to biomass gasification plants,
both from the manufacturer's and the operator's point of view. The focus is on legal
requirements towards health, safety and environment (HSE).
Hazard identification and risk assessment are among those legal HSE requirements
that have to be met both by the manufacturer and the operator.

3.2 Manufacturing and placing on the market

The manufacturer's HSE duties related to biomass gasification plants arise from
European directives according to Article 95 of the EC Treaty, which define essential
health and safety requirements that have to be fulfilled by products intended for the
European market. Directives that may be particularly relevant for BGPs are listed in
Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: European Directives (providing for the CE marking) that may be applicable to
biomass gasification plants or to parts thereof
Directive: Number, Scope Examples of application (BGP equipment)
73/23/EEC: Low voltage equipment Electrical instruments, drives, control systems,
[2006/95/EC] generator
89/336/EEC: Electromagnetic compatibility Electrical instruments, drives, control systems
98/37/EC: Machinery Drives, pumps, blowers, moving mechanical
[2006/42/EC] parts, gas engine, fuel feeding system, ash
removal system
94/9/EC: Equipment for use in potentially Blowers, measuring devices, flame arrestors
explosive atmospheres (ATEX directive)
97/23/EC: Pressure equipment Heat exchangers/boilers, compressed air system
2000/14/EC: Noise emission by outdoor Conveyor belts


Common elements of these directives include the assessment of conformity with the
essential health and safety requirements set out in the directives. Technical
specifications of products meeting the essential requirements are laid down in
harmonised standards. Application of harmonised or other standards remains
voluntary, and the manufacturer may always apply other technical specifications to
meet the requirements.

A comprehensive reference to New Approach directives and to harmonised

standards can be found at the website below:

While manufacturers are required to assess and declare the conformity of their
products, they may choose between different conformity assessment procedures
provided for in the applicable directive(s).

It is evident that certain parts of a BGP will be in the scope of directives from
Table 3.1. The question is sometimes raised as to whether a biomass gasification
plant as a whole can be in the scope of any one of these directives, and therefore
requires CE marking, conformity assessment and declaration of the entire plant. This
issue is also treated in Deliverable D6 ("Listing of actions to harmonise the legal
frame for biomass gasification"), which is available on the Gasification Guide website.

The following quotation from the European guide on New Approach directives may
give some guidance on this matter:
"It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to verify whether or not the product is
within the scope of a directive.
A combination of products and parts, which each comply with applicable directives,
does not always have to comply as a whole. … The decision whether a combination
of products and parts needs to be considered as one finished product has to be taken
by the manufacturer on a case-by-case basis."1

A BGP manufacturer will have to identify those units or pieces of equipment in the
biomass gasification plant that are devices or assemblies covered by New Approach
Directives, and to supply the required CE marking and declarations of conformity
(DoC) for these parts. The manufacturer may choose to install pieces of equipment
from third-party suppliers that already bear CE marking and that come with
declarations of conformity.

Guide to the implementation of directives based on the New Approach and the Global Approach,
European Commission, Luxembourg, 2000


There is no requirement for a manufacturer to deliver an all-inclusive declaration of

conformity for an entire biomass gasification plant. Nevertheless, the manufacturer
has to supply operating instructions, possibly in the form of an operating manual,
which cover all hazards of the plant and all safeguards and precautions that are
required for safe operation, including start-up, shut-down, and maintenance.

Discussion with experts from various European countries has revealed that different
opinions exist concerning the application of some of the directives listed in Table 3.1
and on the consequences of their application.

With a view to the Machinery Directive, it has been argued that a biomass
gasification plant as a whole should to be treated as an assembly of machines,
resulting in a DoC according to the Machinery Directive for that assembly. A point in
favour of that notion is the fact that risk assessment according to the Machinery
Directive covers different types of hazards, including mechanical hazards as well as
electricity, extreme temperatures, fire, explosion, noise, vibration, and emission of
hazardous substances.

On the other hand, it has been argued that general product safety and liability
requirements already demand a comprehensive hazard identification and risk
assessment from the manufacturer, without any need to subject the entire product to
a single New Approach directive. Furthermore, the official ‘Comments on Directives
98/37/EC’2 published by the European Commission state that "...there is no point, for
example, in extending [the Machinery Directive] to complete industrial plants such as
power stations...". Therefore, it may be regarded as a viable solution for biomass
gasification plants to employ hazard assessment procedures related to machinery
(e.g. according to European standards EN 1050/EN 14121-1), but without classifying
the entire BGP installation as machine (or assembly of machines) and without issuing
a DoC related to the entire installation.

It has been a subject of discussion whether a piece of equipment (e.g. a gasification

reactor) that could become pressurised to more than 0.5 bar only in case of an
internal explosion should be regarded as pressure equipment in terms of the
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), combined with the question of which design



specification should be used for such equipment3. This seems to be an issue that still
needs to be resolved between competent bodies at European level. A more detailed
discussion can be found in Deliverable D6 ("Listing of actions to harmonise the legal
frame for biomass gasification"), which is available on the Gasification Guide website.

Biomass gasification plants in terms of this Guideline are supposed to be

professional equipment, operated on a commercial scale. It cannot be precluded,
however, that future development of small biomass gasifier plants may result in
equipment that can be operated far more easily, turning such BGPs into an
alternative for standard heating equipment which is made available to consumers.

Therefore, it may become necessary in future to apply directive 2001/95/EC on

general product safety to BGPs if they are intended for, or likely to be used by,
consumers. Health and safety requirements for consumer products are generally
more demanding than those for commercially operated products.

3.3 Construction and operation of biomass gasification plants

Construction and commercial operation of a biomass gasification plant are affected

by various regulations that may have a direct impact on the design of the plant and its
operation mode.

The areas that appear to be the most important in terms of environmental protection
and occupational safety and health regulations have been compiled in Table 3.2

Table 3.2: Legal areas that may be relevant for the construction, putting into service, and
operation of biomass gasification plants
Main subject Subject Relevance for biomass gasification plants
Environmental Permit requirements Although BGPs are not in the scope of the IPPC
impact (Integrated pollution directive, national regulations may require
prevention and control) integrated permits or special permits,
cf. table 3.3.
Environmental impact BGPs may be classified as a type of
assessment (EIA) development that requires EIA screening.

For explosion resistant equipment, design and test principles based on explosion protection
demands have been specified in EN 14460. This standard is in the list of harmonised standards to the
ATEX Directive 94/9/EC, however, but not to the PED.


Emissions to atmosphere: Emissions in normal operation from engines,

gases, dust, smell flares, or from storage; start-up and shutdown
may also cause relevant emissions
Noise emission Noise from equipment (gas engines, blowers,
coolers), from material handling and vehicles
Environmental Major Accident Hazards Could become relevant if large amounts of
impact hazardous substances are stored on site
Waste production and Waste from plant operation may include ashes,
treatment tar, and contaminated cleaning fluids.
Special considerations may be required if
intermediates are recirculated (e.g. tar from the
gas cleaning system)
Waste water discharge Process waste water may require special
treatment to meet requirements for discharge to
Handling of substances Tar, cleaning liquids, water treatment chemicals;
hazardous to water /
protection of water bodies use of cooling water
Soil protection Tar, cleaning liquids, water treatment chemicals
Occupational Health and safety at work, Risk assessment, protective measures,
safety and health general operating instructions, personal protective
equipment, emergency procedures
Substances hazardous to Intermediates: producer gas (CO), tar; handling
health of chemicals used in the plant, e.g. cleaning
liquids, water treatment chemicals, biological
agents (storage of feedstock)
Fire and explosion hazards; Flammable producer gas; special precautions
explosion protection for gasifier start-up and shutdown; assessment
of areas at risk from hazardous explosive
atmospheres (zone classification)
Installations subject to Special monitoring may be required for certain
monitoring types of equipment and installations
Pressure equipment Requirements towards installation and
maintenance, (regular) testing
Electrical equipment Requirements towards installation and
maintenance, (regular) testing
Machinery Requirements towards installation and
maintenance, (regular) testing
Other Regulations Renewable energies and Possible effects of plant design, type of
biomass feedstock, and mode of operation:
feed-in tariffs, combined heat and power,
guarantee of origin (renewables)
distinction: (natural) biomass / waste
Energy feed-in Requirements towards feeding electrical energy
to the power grid
Land use planning Selection of appropriate site (industrial activity)
Safety of buildings Fire safety, building stability


Table 3.2 can be used as a checklist to determine the statutory obligations that may
become relevant for a specific BGP installation in a European state. The regulations
pertaining to the subjects from Table 3.2 need to be determined individually for BGP
installations. It is recommended to consult the competent local authority or authorities
at an early stage in order to identify the regulations and procedures that apply.

A basic question that needs to be answered at an early stage of planning concerns

the type of permit(s) that will be required for an individual BGP installation. For small
and medium BGPs, an environmental permit will be necessary in many cases, and
limit values for emissions of noise and substances to the atmosphere and water will
be fixed in the permit.

Classification criteria which have the most significant impact on legal requirements
towards BGP construction and operation, including the decision on whether or not a
permit is required and what type of permit is needed, are listed below:
Type of gasifier feedstock: natural biomass or (biomass) waste; 4
Thermal input rating (thermal capacity) of the BGP with regard to gasifier
Thermal output rating (thermal capacity) of the BGP with regard to the
produced gas;
Is the BGP operated as a stand-alone unit or as part of a larger installation;
Electrical rating of the CHP gas engine;
Gas engine type (e.g. compression ignition, spark ignition);
Operating time per year of the gas engine (peak load operation or continuous
Date of putting the plant into service;
Properties of the site and its surroundings (e.g. industrial, commercial,
agricultural, or residential area);
Does the BGP require the discharge of waste water?

The above criteria apply to formal requirements (is a notification of the regulatory
authority or an environmental permit required?) and to substantive requirements and
consequences (emission limits, electricity feed-in tariff).

Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution

prevention and control (the ‘IPPC Directive’) lays down measures designed to

Gasification of waste within the scope of the Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76/EC is not
considered in this guideline.


prevent or, where that is not practicable, reduce emissions in the air, water and land
from certain industrial activities to achieve a high level of protection of the
environment as a whole.

The situation of licensing (permit) requirements for biomass gasification plants

resulting from national or regional legislation transposing the IPPC Directive and
defining integrated permit procedures is given in Table 3.3 for a number of European
Table 3.3: National regulations transposing the IPPC Directive; pertaining permit requirements
for small and medium BGPs using natural biomass
State Regulation(s) transposing the IPPC Permit requirements for biomass
directive gasification plants
(Europe) (Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated (According to Annex I, BGPs are
pollution prevention and control – IPPC not in the scope of the IPPC
directive) directive.)
Austria Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Yes, but specific requirements for
Act 1994, last amended 2006 IPPC installations do not apply to
[Gewerbeordnung GewO 1994, zuletzt BGPs
geändert 2006]
Immission Protection Act - Air Yes
[IG-L Immissionsschutzgesetz - Luft]
Belgium Environmental Permit Order
(Example: [Ordonnance du 5 juin 1997 relative aux
Brussels) permis d'environnement du Ministère de la
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale]
Schedule of classified installations Yes, for gasification of
[Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de carbonaceous material (< 500 t/d)
Bruxelles-Capitale fixant la liste des (No. 39, class IB)
installations de classe IB, II et III]
Bulgaria Environmental Protection Act (SG 91/2002) Yes
[Закон за опазване на околната среда
(ДВ 91/2002)]
Regulation №5 on risk assessment (SG
[Наредба №5 за оценка на риска (ДВ
Denmark Environmental Protection Act 2006
Statutory Order no. 1640 of 13 December
2006 from the Ministry of the Environment Yes, if thermal rating is > 1 MW
on Approval of Listed Activities (Approval (Annex 2, G 202)
[BEK nr 1640 af 13/12/2006
France Environmental Act
[Code de l'environnement]
Schedule of classified installations Yes, for production of flammable
[Nomenclature des installations classées gas (1410) and for combustion of
pour la protection de l'environnement] non-standard fuel if thermal rating is
[Arrêté du 2 février 1998 relatif aux > 0.1 MW (2910)
prélèvements et à la consommation d'eau


ainsi qu'aux émissions de toute nature des

installations classées pour la protection de
l'environnement soumises à autorisation]
Germany Federal Immission Control Act
[Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG] Yes, if thermal rating of the
Ordinance on Installations Requiring a produced gas is > 1 MW
Permit [4. BImSchV] (Annex, No. 1.4 and 1.13)
Ireland Protection of the Environment (PoE) Act (BGPs not in the scope)
1992 and 2003
Italy IPPC Act 2005 (BGPs not in the scope)
[Decreto Legislativo 18 febbraio 2005, n. 59
"Attuazione della direttiva 96/61/CE relativa
alla prevenzione e riduzione integrate
Environmental Protection Ordinance Yes (Art. 269)
[Decreto Legislativo 152 del 3 aprile 2006
recante norme in materia ambientale]
Netherlands Environmental Act [Wet milieubeheer, Wm]
Ordinance on Installations and Permits Yes (internal combustion engines
[Inrichtingen- en vergunningenbesluit > 1.5 kW) (Cat. 1, 1.1b)
milieubeheer (Ivb)]
Water Act [Wet verontreiniging
oppervlaktewateren, Wvo]
Spain IPPC Act (BGPs not in the scope)
[Ley 16/2002 de 1 de julio de Prevención y
Control Integrados de la Contaminación Needs to be discussed with
(Ley IPPC)] competent authority:
Air Quality Act dry distillation of wood (annex IV,
[LEY 34/2007, de 15 de noviembre, de 1.1.3, group A);
calidad del aire y protección de la conventional heat and power
atmósfera] stations < 50 MW thermal (2.1.1,
group B);
gasifiers (3.1.2, group C)
Sweden The Environmental Code No, for gasifiers and gas engines
[SFS 1998:808 Miljöbalk] < 10 MW, but notification required
Ordinance on environmentally hazardous (40-5 and 40.1-2)
activities [from 01/01/2008: yes, if more than
[Förordning (1998:899) om miljöfarlig 150.000 m flammable gas per year
verksamhet och hälsoskydd] is produced – 40.10 (B)]

Switzerland (No Swiss transposition of IPPC directive!)

Environmental Protection Act Yes; building laws of the Swiss
[Bundesgesetz über den Umweltschutz cantons determine the authorization
(Umweltschutzgesetz, USG)] procedure
United Kingdom The Environmental Permitting (England and Needs to be discussed with the
(England and Wales) Regulations 2007 Environment Agency,
Wales) cf. Part 2 (Activities) / Chapter 1
(Energy activities) / Section 1.1
(Combustion Activities) and
Section 1.2 (Gasification,
Liquefaction and Refining Activities)


In some European states, Annex 1 of the European IPPC Directive (categories of

industrial activities) has been transposed into national law on a 1:1 basis, which
means that BGPs are not in the scope of these national regulations. Other European
states have combined the obligations from the IPPC Directive with their national
schedules for plants and activities subject to licensing.

Even if a BGP is not in the scope of national regulations transposing the IPPC
Directive, individual permits for construction and operation (e.g. building permits) or
notification of regulatory authorities may still be required due to other national or
regional regulations.

Therefore, when planning to build and operate a biomass gasification plant, it is

recommended that discussions are held with the local regulator at an early stage and
advice is sought on the specific statutory regulations.

National regulations on occupational safety and health (for the subjects listed in
Table 3.2) require the employer to prevent or minimise occupational risks, to provide
information and training, and to provide the necessary organisation and means. To
this end, the employer needs to perform hazard identification and risk assessment,
and draw up documents on the results of this assessment and on the protective
measures and safeguards that need to be used.

With regard to biomass gasification plants, these documents have to include:

a registry of hazardous substances used on the premises;
an explosion protection document; and
written company-specific operating instructions.

In addition to statutory regulations, it is necessary to take account of HSE

requirements set out by insurers in order to obtain liability or damage insurance for a
biomass gasification plant.

3.4 Permit procedures for biomass gasification plants

If a permit is required for the construction and operation of a biomass gasification
plant, the applicant has to provide detailed information on the planned activity. The
procedures are country-specific e.g. in terms of
the competent authorities;
the information that has to be provided in the written application for permit;
application forms to be used; and
the number of copies to be provided by the applicant.

In Table 3.4, official sources of information (web_links) and search strategies for
relevant official information on permit procedures and application forms have been
compiled for a number of European states.


Table 3.4: Overview of sources of information concerning the required specifications in

applications for permits
State Scope / type of installation;
source of information regarding application for (environmental) permit
Austria Commercially operated BGP installations:
Sections 353 and 353a of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act
(GewO 1994):
Detailed information on permit procedures has been compiled in the Austrian
"Guideline on safety and authorisation of biomass gasification plants"
[Leitfaden - Anlagensicherheit und Genehmigung von Biomassevergasungs-
Belgium Permit procedures for classified installations:
(Example: Brussels)
Denmark Heat and power plant, gas turbine or gas engine installation in the 1–5 MW
(thermal) range:
Annex 5 Section 3 of the Approval Order (BEK No. 1640 of 13/12/2006)
France Permit procedures for classified installations:
Information on details required in the permit application:
Germany Gasifiers and gas engines > 1 MW (thermal):
Ordinance on Permit Procedures (9. BImSchV), Sections 3, 4 and 4a) to 4e)
Additional information and application forms can be found on the websites of
Laender Environmental Ministries.
(Search keywords: "Antrag Genehmigung Immissionsschutz <Land>")
e.g. for Northrhine-Westphalia:
Ireland General information on licensing:
Environmental Protection Agency (Ireland)
Italy Installations subject to environmental permits:
Environmental Agencies of the provinces
(Search keywords: "autorizzazione ambiente <province>")
Netherlands Installations subject to environmental permits:
Application forms for environmental permits can be downloaded from
community websites in the Netherlands.
(Search keywords: "aanvraag vergunning milieubeheer <community>")
Spain General information: Spanish Ministry of the Environment: (New authorisation requirements have
been imposed by the Air Quality Act of 15/11/2007.)
Sweden Installations subject to environmental permits:
General information on permit procedures can be downloaded from the


Swedish Environmental Ministry website
Additional information and application forms can be found on the websites of
county administrative boards [länsstyrelsen].
(Search keywords: "tillstånd miljöfarlig verksamhet <county>")
Switzerland Industrial installations:
Building permits, declarations on emissions, permits for industrial installations:
Special application forms and guidelines can be found on the websites of the
Swiss cantons.
(Search keywords: "Baugesuch Industrie <canton>";
"Plangenehmigung Betriebsbewilligung <canton>")
United Kingdom Planning process for renewable energy:
(England and Wales)
Energy from solid biomass plants (background document):
Understanding the meaning of regulated facility:
How to comply with your environmental permit, Additional guidance for
Combustion Activities:

Typically, the application for a permit to construct and operate a biomass gasification
plant will have to include the items listed below:
information on the applicant (name, address),
specific reference to the relevant regulations, e.g. classification of the installation
and of the type of industrial activity according to national schedules,
description of the plant location, supplemented with maps and site plans in
different scales,
description of plant layout and plant operation (text, flowsheets, equipment lists,
layout plans),
mass and energy balances of the entire plant (feedstock, emissions, waste,
auxiliary materials, energies that are used and delivered), demonstrating that all
emission streams have been considered,
description of general occupational safety measures,
description of special hazards (fire, explosion, hazardous substances) and
precautionary measures,
description and assessment of potential effects on the environment (e.g. noise
emissions, emissions to atmosphere),
description of waste and waste-water management.

Occasionally, additional third-party certificates and expert opinions may be required,

e.g. on noise emissions and on fire and explosion protection.


3.5 Special aspects of permit procedures for biomass gasification

plants in European states

A detailed presentation of the legal framework for construction and operation of
biomass gasification plants in Austria, of the documents required for the permit
procedures and of the competent authorities can be found in chapter 4 of the
"Guideline on safety and authorisation of biomass gasification plants" (Leitfaden -
Anlagensicherheit und Genehmigung von Biomassevergasungs¬anlagen), cf. table
3.4. Small BGPs operated on a commercial basis will be covered by the Trade,
Commerce and Industry Regulation Act [Gewerbeordnung]. Production of electricity
is subject to Austrian electricity law.

Permit procedure requirements for BGPs in the 1 – 5 MW thermal range are detailed
in Annex 5 Section 3 of the Approval Order (BEK No. 1640 of 13/12/2006). This order
contains a detailed description of the information that needs to be presented when
applying for a permit.

For BGPs with less than 1 MW thermal rating of the produced gas and/or the CHP
engine, only a building permit from the local building authority will be required. For
larger plants or if an environmental impact assessment is necessary (for site-specific
reasons), the activity will be subject to an environmental permit procedure, which will
include other relevant permits. Noise emission from BGP operation can be an
important factor for the choice of a suitable site for the plant.

Permits for small-scale biomass plants are issued by local government, mostly the
municipality or province. Building permit includes the need for a declaration of clean
soil as it is prohibited to build on polluted soil.
Municipality and municipal Fire department evaluate proposed fire protection and
safety measures, as stipulated in the Building Decree.
BAT is important to obtain environmental and building permit.

Issues of environmental protection (emissions, waste) and occupational safety are
treated as part of building permit procedures. The application for a building permit
[Baugesuch] must include a declaration on emissions [Emissionserklärung] and an
application for permits according to occupational law for planning and operation of an
industrial installation [Plangenehmigung, Betriebsbewilligung].
Building authorities of the “cantons” are the competent authorities for building permit
Fire safety of the installation has to be described when applying for fire insurance at
the building insurance of the canton [Kantonale Gebäudeversicherung], which is


3.6 Legal background of "best available techniques" requirements

According to Article 2 of the IPPC Directive, "best available techniques" (BAT) shall
mean the most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and
their methods of operation which indicate the practical suitability of particular
techniques for providing in principle the basis for emission limit values designed to
prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally to reduce emissions and the
impact on the environment as a whole:
‘techniques’ shall include both the technology used and the way in which the
installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned;
‘available’ techniques shall mean those developed on a scale which allows
implementation in the relevant industrial sector, under economically and
technically viable conditions, taking into consideration the costs and advantages,
whether or not the techniques are used or produced inside the member state in
question, as long as they are reasonably accessible to the operator;
‘best’ shall mean most effective in achieving a high general level of protection of
the environment as a whole.

Article 9 of the IPPC Directive requires that emission limit values (or equivalent
parameters and technical measures) for activities in the scope of that directive shall
be based on the "best available techniques", without prescribing the use of any
technique or specific technology, but taking into account the technical characteristics
of the installation concerned, its geographical location and the local environmental
Due to the thermal rating and to the type of feedstock used, biomass gasification
plants as considered in this project are clearly not in the scope of Annex I, Category 1
(Energy Industries) of the IPPC Directive. Neither can these BGPs be classified as
any of the "Other activities" listed in Category 6 of Annex I to the IPPC Directive.
Therefore, there is currently no requirement at the European level from the IPPC
directive to apply emission limit values or emission abatement requirements based
on BAT. As has been pointed out in chapter 3.2, however, small and medium BGPs
are in the permit scope of some national regulations transposing the IPPC Directive.
Therefore, some national permit procedures for BGPs include the requirement that
emission limit values (or equivalent parameters and technical measures) shall be
based on BAT.
In the BREF document of July 2006 on large combustion plants , for example,
gasification of biomass is described as an ‘emerging technique’ that is currently
performed in demonstration units only. This is an indicator that the techniques for
exhaust gas cleaning of biomass gasification plants, large-scale or small-scale, are in
the stage of development, too. The questions
which emission abatement techniques from standard combustion applications can
be successfully transferred to small biomass gasification plants; and
which emission values can thus be achieved,
still need to be answered, taking both environmental and economic considerations
into account.

A brief description of techniques for emission abatement that are currently used in
small-scale biomass gasification plants is presented in chapter 6 of this Guide.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

4 Theoretical Aspects of Risk Assessment

4.1 Introduction
The technology of biomass gasification differs from other energy conversion
technologies based on renewable energy sources (e.g. biomass combustion)
because it inherently involves the production, treatment and utilisation of flammable
and toxic gas mixtures, plant media and utilities. Therefore, an adequate risk
assessment is strongly recommended and is often a legal requirement for placing the
plant into the market and running it.
A risk assessment is aimed at protecting the workers and the plant itself.
Manufacturers/operators have to keep in mind that accidents and ill health can ruin
lives and can affect the business too if output is lost, machinery is damaged,
insurance costs increase or there is the possibility of prosecution [Ref 16].
A risk assessment consists of a careful examination of what could cause harm to the
people and environment in the plant, and the adoption of reasonable control
measures. The manufacturers/operators have to produce a complete and well-
documented assessment of the risk relative to:
Health – e.g. hazards to human health, dangers from toxic gases, etc;
Safety – e.g. explosion hazards, fire hazards, etc;
Environment – e.g. plant emissions, loss of containment relating to toxic
substances, etc.

A risk assessment has to be carried out during the planning phase (for
manufacturers) in order to improve the plant’s conceptual design. In existing plants, a
risk assessment allows the reduction of the remaining risks by continual updating of
the original risk assessment (for manufacturers and operators).
Different methods for risk assessment are available, but procedures for risk
assessment are not generally standardised for biomass gasification plants. Some
guidance on risk assessment can be found in different case studies from other
branches of the industry (e.g. food industry, chemical industry, metal industry, etc.).
These examples can only give guidance for finding a methodology and often have to
be adapted to be used for biomass gasification plants.

4.2 Applied risk assessment procedure for biomass gasification


Assessing the risks is an extensive task for which comprehensive knowledge of the
process and the operational behaviour, as well as the risk assessment methodology
itself, is needed. A team that has various expertise is recommended for the risk
assessment. The following information is necessary:
Plant data (process schemes, piping and instrumentation diagram (P&I),
reference designation and plant documentation, apparatus design, etc.);
Predefined plant operation modes (knowledge about start-up, shut-down and
normal operation mode), process control strategies;

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

Data on plant media, gas mixtures and plant media streams (e.g. waste water,
gas cleaning residues, dusts, exhaust gas), as well as their corresponding safety
characteristics (toxicity, explosion characteristics etc);
Desired operation conditions (temperature, pressure, flows and gas
Machinery lists, details on construction design;
Mass and energy balances, process stream information (temperature, pressure,
composition and pollutant load, etc);
Information on the plant’s surroundings (geographical aspects, environmental
aspects, etc).
Preparation Analysis &
System Description
Ambience Plant
• Abutting owner (private • Technology description
person, industry, etc.) and Classification
• Infrastructure • Description of the actual
• Meteorological and plant state (existing plants)
geographical basic data • Description of plant utilities

Risk Identification and Occurrence Consequence Analysis

Effects .. on people, animals, the
• Check list, What-if-Method, Dow and Mond Index
• Hazard and Operability Studies HAZOP Propagation environment, the plant side, ..
• Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis
Effect assessment
• Delphi Method, MOSAR Method

Risk Assessment
Risk Matrix Risk = f ( Effects or Consequences, Occurrence
probability or frequency)

Risk Minimization Measures

Weak spot elimination, Gradual reduction of possible
hazards, Consequence limitation, Package of technical
and organisational measures

Figure 4-1 Systematic approach for the risk assessment of biomass gasification plants

Small-scale biomass gasification being a unique and relatively new technology, no

specific risk assessment technique or guidance is available. This guide recommends
a risk assessment methodology which is practicable and sufficient to be applied to
such plants. The chosen approach is based on functional analysis of the plant [Ref
10-12]. It follows principally the Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) [Ref 13, 20]
and Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMEA) [Ref 14] methods, as well
as recommendations given by an expert commission [Ref 13, 15].
In many cases, the risk assessment deals with a very complex system, which
contains a huge number of mostly independent functions and plant parts. By
subdividing the process into process units [Ref 1, 17] (e.g. fuel storage, handling,
feeding, gasifier, gas cooling, gas cleaning, gas conditioning and gas utilisation), the
complex system is simplified, and a separate analysis of each function (e.g. for the
gasifier: fuel supply, gasification utilities supply - i.e. steam and air, temperature
control in the gasifier, ash removal, etc) is possible.
On each investigated function, the risk evaluation team has to [Ref 21]:
Identify the possible hazards and their associated occurrence probability;
Identify the consequences arising from these possible hazards and their severity;
Evaluate the risks;
Apply the suitable reduction/mitigation measures;
Review and update the risk assessment on a regular basis.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

Function/Technology Risk evaluation &

Description assessment
1. Ask within the analysis for what
circumstances it could be possible to
cause a failure of the defined function?
Event List
Function - i.e. pressure drop to high:
Analyse the present function or
Pressure drop to high

the involved parts on
consequences due to the event
Operation “pressure drop to high”
Procedure - choose a possible consequence Consequence
(i.e. blocking) or define a new one List
- Complete the risk assessment in blocking
the risk matrix (back ground info …
Part 1 have to prepared: failure rates
and possible frequencies)
Part 2 2. Is the remaining risk acceptable or not Risk Matrix
–> counter measure
Part 3 3. evaluate the next event of the event
Part … 4. after evaluation of all listed and
possible additional events continue
with counter measures and function

Figure 4-2 Description scheme for the risk evaluation and assessment within one investigated

Figure 4-2 gives a general overview of the principles and methodology underlying a
risk assessment. All steps of the assessment must be well-documented to allow
The following sections give the basis for conducting the hazard identification
(Hazard-ID), the risk assessment (RA) itself and implementing concrete risk reduction
(RR) measures.
An example of a risk assessment carried out on a whole model process configuration
will be given in the software tool manual (D11 – Software tool and Manual).

4.3 Hazards Identification and Consequences

For each defined function, the risk assessment team has to carry out a hazard
identification. This consists of identifying all situations or events that could cause
harm to people and environment. These hazardous events can be of different
Abnormal operation conditions (temperature and pressures);
Equipment failures;
Operator failure;
Loss of containment;

The approach proposed in this guide follows principally the HAZOP and FMEA
analysis, but different hazard identification techniques are available and could be
used (see Annex A).

The occurrence probability of each identified hazardous event has to be assessed

(e.g. using failure rates of equipment, existing data) [Ref 23, 26]. The investigated
hazardous event can itself be caused by different events or situations that have to be
taken into account in the calculation of the overall occurrence probability.
All these possible hazardous events have to be analysed to determine their possible
consequences, such as fire, explosion, emissions, etc. [Ref 26] (see Figure 4-3).

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

Consequence 1
Hazardous event 1
Consequence 2
leakage air Exceeding of
intake – e.g. failure temperature limits
Process function seal Consequence 3

e.g. gas
scrubbing and Consequence 1
transport, …
Hazardous event 2
Consequence 4
Plant parts/units,
… leakage gas Fire
escape – e.g. failure Consequence 5
e.g. quench, seal
scrubber tank, …

… further … further
hazardous events consequences
Figure 4-3 Structure of hazard identification

The identification of possible hazardous events and their consequences should be

conducted by expert teams consisting of different disciplines. Realistic figures for the
estimation of frequency and the severity should be used.

4.4 Risk assessment

The next step of the procedure consists of evaluating the risk associated to the
identified hazardous events. Risk is interpreted as the combination of consequence
(severity) and likelihood (frequency). A risk matrix enables this combination to be
represented graphically (see Figure 4-4) [Ref 21, Ref 27, Ref 28]. It is an easy
method to visualise the spread of risk, to screen hazards, or to conduct a simple risk
analysis. The main advantage of the matrix is its easy representation of different risk
levels, and the avoidance of more time-consuming quantitative analysis where this is
not justified.
For the implementation of the risk matrix, the occurrence probability and the severity
determined in the previous step can be classified in several categories. Table 4-1
and Table 4-2 propose a structure that can be used. The risk assessment team can
choose a different classification, e.g. by having more categories. However, the
chosen classification should not overcomplicate the risk matrix [Ref 28].

Figure 4-4 Risk matrix for the characterisation and visualisation existing and/or remaining risk

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

Table 4-1 Example for risk characterisation – Probabilities

Notation Frequency range

Extremely unlikely <10–6 per year

Very unlikely 10–6 to 10–4 per year

Unlikely 10–4 to 10–2 per year

Improbable 10–2 to 1 per year

Probable > 1 per year

Table 4-2 Example for risk characterisation – Severities

Category minor significant servere major catastrophic
Human beings light injury injury severe injury disablement, death death

olfactory pollution, long lasting

emission of toxic emission of toxic emission of toxic
elevated olfactory pollution,
Environment substances of little substances of substances of
emissions (short slightly increased
amounts amounts huge amounts
time) emissions

critical plant
no plant shut plant damage, damage
plant stop, warm enormous plant
down, online cold start concerning the
start possible, destruction/damag
Property/goods reparation necessary, whole plant or
standstill of the e concerning the
possible, little standstill of the plant sections,
plant < 2 days whole plant
costs plant 1 to 3 weeks standstill of plant
> 8 weeks

The risk matrix is subdivided into three areas [Ref 27]:

Acceptable region
Risks falling into this region are generally regarded as insignificant and
adequately controlled. The levels of risk characterising this region are
comparable to those that people regard as insignificant or trivial in their daily
lives. These risks are typically from activities that are inherently not very
hazardous or from hazardous activities that can be, and are, readily controlled
to produce very low risks. Further action to reduce risks is often not required.
As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) region
Risks in this region are typically activities that people are prepared to tolerate
in order to secure benefits, provided that the nature and level of the risks are
properly assessed and the results used properly to determine control
measures. If the hazardous events fall into the ALARP region, this does not
mean that the total risk for the installation is ALARP, but that it should be
considered whether further risk reductions are needed.
For the remaining risk in the ALARP region, further safety measures might not
be economically justifiable and reasonable. In all cases, the risk assessment
team must discuss the following points:
 Is the remaining risk acceptable?
 Can additional countermeasures be taken to reduce the risk level?
The risk falling in this region should be reviewed on a regular basis to make
sure that they still meet the ALARP condition.
Unacceptable region
The risks in this region are unacceptable and must be reduced to an ALARP
region by the application of countermeasures.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

4.5 Risk reduction measures

An unacceptable risk requires the implementation of risk reduction measures to move
it to the ALARP region of the risk matrix. Practically, this consists of decreasing the
frequency and/or the severity of a hazardous event or concern.
The bow-tie diagram shown in Figure 4-5 can be used for this purpose. The column
‘Top event’ in the bow-tie diagram marks the failure of the currently investigated
function. This technique is flexible, and any event can be used as a top event. The
columns on the left and on the right of the top event contain initiators and
consequences of the ‘top event’. The bow-tie diagram can help in determining what
can be done to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Indeed, on the diagram, safety
barriers are represented (Figure 4-5):
The safety barriers between the ‘Hazardous Events’ column and the ‘Top Event’
correspond to prevention measures that act towards the reduction of
likelihood/frequency of the top event.
The safety barriers between the ‘Top Event’ and the ‘Consequences’ columns
correspond to the mitigation measures that act to reduce the severity of
consequences and/or the likelihood of those consequences.

Different types of countermeasures can be applied:

Technical countermeasures: These consist of the implementation of technical
modifications such as change in the process design, addition or replacement of
some process parts, etc.
Process control countermeasures: These refer to any changes of the control
system routine. This may be the addition of new control devices on the process
chain (e.g. temperature sensors, pressure gauges, CO sensors, etc) with the
suitable alarm system. The implementation of these new control devices must
include setup of the adequate emergency management system.
Organisational countermeasures: These refer to various activities relative to the
organisation of the work.
All these countermeasures have to be recorded in the O&M manual.
Therefore, the risk assessment procedure should not be taken as a straightforward
process [22]. Indeed, the implementation of countermeasures may change the
original process. Additional hazardous events may appear. A re-evaluation of risks
for the modified process may be necessary.


EVENTS measures measure

Abnormal Automation
operation system

P1 Instruction
Start-up M1
Failure of
M3 Health
Shut-down M4


Figure 4-5 Bow-tie diagram for risk assessment

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

4.6 Documenting the outputs of the risk assessment

The documentation of the risk assessment and risk reduction is essential for the
traceability. It is commonly done in tabular form, i.e. in structured lists of events and
their possible consequences. Such a method may be carried out with the assistance
of computer software, which helps considerably with structuring the documentation
and with placing cross-references to recurring events and consequences.

4.7 Software Tool for Risk Assessment

A software tool (called RISK ANALYSER) was developed to facilitate the implementation
of the risk assessment proposed in this Guideline. HSE issues of small-scale
biomass gasification plants can be treated in a very structured way when the
assessment is supported by the software tool.
The target groups of the software tool are, in the first place, manufacturers, project
developers, operators, researchers, and implementers of biomass gasification plants.
The software can also be used for types of processes other than biomass
In the software, a recommended risk assessment procedure is implemented, which is
practicable and sufficient for the application in small-scale biomass gasification
plants. The chosen method, which was presented before, is based on a HAZOP
study and is enlarged by additional features specific to biomass gasification plants.
The risk assessment procedure with the software follows the following steps:
1. Definition of plant basic data
The basic information of the investigated plant is given (project name, plant
manufacturer, operator, power output of the plant, etc)
2. Definition of process units
The plant is subdivided into process units corresponding generally to the
process steps - e.g. gasifier, gas cooling, gas cleaning, gas conditioning and
gas utilisation.
3. Definition of functions
The unit functions have to be defined (e.g. fuel supply for section gasifier). They
represent the basic data for the risk assessment.
4. Definition of the operation modes
In this step, a short description of the foreseen operation modes for start-up,
shut-down, normal operation and emergency shut-down is requested. This will
help identify the hazards in different operation modes.
5. Definition of parts
The functions are fulfilled by dedicated parts, which have to be defined. This
requires input on:
o Design parameters (pressure, temperature, flow rates, etc. in all
operation conditions, as well as minimum and maximum values);
o Information on plant media as well as plant utilities (safety
characteristics, operation temperature and pressure of the treated
media, etc);
o Information textbox, if necessary (optional).
This comprehensive documentation of the information should give all the
necessary basics for the rest of the risk assessment.
6. Risk assessment
The programme supports the risk assessment with a preset of possible events
and consequences. The software tool rates the risk potential according to the
proposed risk matrix.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Theoretical Aspects of Risk assessment

Important note: within this first risk assessment, the original plant and operation
concept is investigated. Countermeasures for risk reduction are added in the
next step.
7. Countermeasures
Setting of countermeasures is supported by the tool, giving the possibility of a
re-assessment of revised process configurations. The description of
countermeasures allows categorising in technical, process control and
organisational countermeasures. An editing of the operation procedure is
feasible. Automated system control measures can be documented for each
operation mode.
8. Summary
The summary is the final step. It gives an overview of the original plant concept
(before applying countermeasures), its functions and parts. The outcomes of the
risk assessment are documented for each investigated process function,
including the improvement resulting from the countermeasures.

At the end of the risk assessment of the whole process, a report can be generated.
This can be used as a documentation of the risk analysis.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

5 Potential hazards and good design principles

5.1 Introduction
This chapter briefly describes the potential dangers associated with the design,
operation and maintenance of biomass gasification plants (BGPs). It is an essential
prerequisite for the complete risk assessment process to first analyse the hazards
and then go on to assess the risks that they present and determine what, if any,
ameliorating measures should be taken.
It is good practice to apply a number of good engineering principles that apply to
design as a hierarchy, by aiming to eliminate a hazard in preference to controlling the
hazard, and controlling the hazard in preference to providing personal protective
A holistic approach is important in order to ensure that risk-reduction measures that
are adopted to address one hazard do not disproportionately increase risks due to
other hazards, or compromise the associated risk control measures. Where
appropriate, consideration should also be given to the balance of risk between
workers and the public, and to the increased risk due to action taken during normal
operation which is intended to reduce risks during an emergency condition.

In the “Guidance on ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ (ALARP) decisions in control

of major accident hazards (COMAH)”, the following three important principles are
defined [ref. 27]:

Principle 1
"HSE starts with the expectation that suitable controls must be in place to address all
significant hazards and that those controls, as a minimum, must implement
authoritative good practice irrespective of situation based risk estimates".

Principle 2
"The zone between the unacceptable and broadly acceptable regions is the tolerable
region. Risks in that region are typical of the risks from activities that people are
prepared to tolerate in order to secure benefits in the expectation that:
 the nature and level of the risks are properly assessed and the results used
properly to determine control measures;
 the residual risks are not unduly high and kept as low as reasonably
practicable (the ALARP principle); and
 the risks are periodically reviewed to ensure that they still meet the ALARP
criteria, for example, by ascertaining whether further or new controls need to
be introduced to take into account changes over time, such as new knowledge
about the risk or the availability of new techniques for reducing or eliminating

Principle 3
"both the level of individual risks and the societal concerns engendered by the activity
or process must be taken into account when deciding whether a risk is acceptable,
tolerable or broadly acceptable’ and ‘hazards that give rise to …. individual risks also
give rise to societal concerns and the latter often play a far greater role in deciding
whether risk is unacceptable or not".

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

5.2 Primary safety considerations

Occupational hazards relate to hazards or risks inherent in certain employment or
workplaces. Occupational health and safety issues should be considered to be part
of a comprehensive hazard or risk assessment, including, for example, a hazard
identification study [HAZID], hazard and operability study [HAZOP], or other risk
assessment studies. BGP’s presents several occupational hazards of different
nature: physical, chemical, biological, environmental, mechanical, psychosocial, etc.
Most of them are not specific to BGPs, for instance: slips and trips, collisions, falls
from height, struck by objects, workplace transport, electricity, noise, vibration,
lighting, compressed air/high pressure fluids, confined space, cold stress, heat
stress, crushing, cutting, friction and abrasion, vehicle movements, impact, moving
parts, work related stress, etc.
The operator must be aware of these different aspects of occupational hazards, and
also of the national regulations related to them, and take appropriates measures.
The Health and Safety Executive (UK) provide on its website ( a list
of possible hazards to be considered in a workplace. Some guidance on how to
prevent and manage these hazards is also given.
The French institute competent in the area of occupational risk prevention (INRS)
also gives some guidance on the different areas of occupational hazards on the
following website (document in French):
Similar guidance in German language is available ("Ratgeber zur Ermittlung
gefährdungsbezogener Arbeitsschutzmaßnahmen im Betrieb") on the website of the
German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA):

Each activity can have some inherent and specific occupational hazards. This
chapter highlights the hazards specific to the gasification process, such as: fire,
explosion/deflagration, toxic substances, etc.
The focus in this chapter will be to identify precautionary measures to be taken for
health and safety. These measures are based on available expertise within the
consortium, external advisors, using generally available information and information
gained from case studies. As mentioned in Chapter 1 (Introduction), some target
groups may have conflicting interest such as end-user versus the permitting
authority, or manufacturer versus plant owner. Therefore, it is necessary to have as
complete as possible insight into all HSE concerns and best practices accepted by
the international community.

5.3 Good engineering and operation practice

Good design engineering and construction based on a decent risk assessment

and/or HAZID/HAZOP study are compulsory to put a biomass gasifier plant on the
market. Most risk assessments provide a general overview and are not intended to
be comprehensive in every aspect. They can create liability issues and give a false
sense of security. The following paragraphs provide a general overview of good
engineering practices, and are not compulsory to each gasifier design, e.g. the safety
issues are different whether the gasifier operates at overpressure or underpressure,

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

5.3.1 Good design practice related to plant building construction

When designing the gasification plant buildings, a number of health, safety and
environmental measures should be considered:
The fuel storage facility must be separated from the gasification building or
divided using a high performance fire curtain.
For safety reasons, the control and staff rooms must be separated from the
remainder of the plant due to fire, explosion and toxic gas release hazards.
The control rooms should have positive pressure ventilation (special attention
must obviously be paid on where the inlet air is taken from).
The gasification building must be well ventilated and the flows monitored or
verified across critical operational areas.
There should be two escape routes from each point within the gasifier building to
the outside.
The ATEX directive requires that all areas classified as hazardous shall be
identified with a warning sign. The sign must be triangular, black on yellow with
the text EX to be displayed at points of entry into explosive atmospheres. It is
recommended that a study to identify the areas appropriate to be controlled to this
standard be undertaken.
Equipment exceeding a certain noise level, like compressor or engine, should be
placed in acoustically insulated cabins.

5.3.2 Good engineering practice related to process equipment

Good engineering practice related to process equipment is the responsibility of the

manufacturer. If the plant is designed properly according to the Machinery Directive,
the basic hazards should be eliminated.

Choice of material
Reactor vessels, valves and piping materials should be constructed from good
quality materials;
Heat resistant stainless steel or other appropriate material shall be chosen for the
gasifier and gas cooling device;
Chemical resistant stainless steel is recommended for gas scrubbing and
washing media circulation.

Gas tightness
Gas tightness is important to avoid gas escape and air intake, which may lead to the
formation of explosive mixtures and/or the release of toxic gas. The following
engineering practices are suitable to ensure gas tightness:
The use of welded connections is preferred above flanges, in particular for hot
pipes above 500°C. In all cases, proper flange sealing like chemical and thermal
resistant material need to be used;
All pipes, aggregates, measurements devices have to be of proper materials;
Proper material should be used with regard to chemical resistance, temperature
and pressures, corrosion, particle size.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

All air inlets and gas outlets to/from gasifier, including fuel feeding section, flare
and engine should be equipped with block devices or anti-backfiring valves in
series (after the other in the same line);
When valves are in contact with pyrolysis or gasification gas they may get stuck;
Valves used to ensure a safe mode in case of failure and emergency stop must
be of the fail safe type;
Valves at air pipes, filters and cyclones should have position micro switches;
Faulty settings of manual valves should not be possible. Malfunction of critical
valves should be detected.

Electrical devices
It is recommended to electrically ground all gas conducting parts.
PLC should be properly grounded in order to avoid malfunction and accidents.
Galvanic separation of electrical supply of measurement devices is strongly
It is recommended to supply PLCs with uninterrupted power supply units (UPS).
Duplicate plant key operation measurement points (critical temperatures,
pressures, etc.) are recommended for monitoring using a secondary
measurement system during emergency case or in case of failure of the main
PLC system.
Gas/air inlet into engines should be earth grounded, and shielded cables should
be used to avoid electrical breakdowns that could cause backfiring in the inlet
In equipment where there may be a gas-air mixture, instrumentation and electrical
equipment should be for Zone 1, otherwise the equipment should be secured; in
the gasifier itself equipment should be for Zone 2. A study to determine the
relevant zone rating for each area is highly recommended as many plant have
been designed for open areas and the Zone classification is highly dependent
upon building ventilation.
There should be safety switches and local circuit breakers on:
 rotating parts and switches;
 access panels;
 pressure relieve equipment;
 critical valves with access to gas containing equipment such as feeders,
cyclones and ash outlet.
The use of area E-Stops should be considered.

Control and safety devices

CO detectors, giving indication and alarm at about 25/50 ppm CO, must be
installed in rooms with equipment containing pyrolysis or gasification gas.
Pressure and temperature sensors included in the safety concept should be
duplicated or tripled. The failure probability regarding the influence of
operation/installation must have been estimated.
Heat exchangers between gas and air form a possible hazard source in case of
leaks between the media due to e.g. thermal cracks or corrosion. Similarly for
expansion joints in long welded pipes. Hazards from this possible malfunctioning
should be avoided by well designed equipment and by temperature and oxygen
sensors downstream to be able to detect leakages.
It should not be possible to tamper safety related devices.
All alarm values should be specified in the manual before start-up of the plant.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

Temperature sensors should be installed before and after the main plant reactor
system components. Preferred and allowable operating temperatures shall be
available for the operators in plant manuals and secured with proper alarm levels.

The movable or rotating parts

The plant movable parts, such as conveyor belts, motors, engines could generate
a risk of gas explosions. They should be shielded and equipped with ‘visible’
signs and emergency stop.
At standby, gas blowers and other rotating equipment in the product gas line
should be maintained, otherwise it may corrode or seize through the
condensation of tar, which will lead to break down.

Hot surfaces
The plant can have several hot surfaces. These could generate a risk of gas or
dust explosion and also present a risk of accidental contact with operators. The
plant equipments that can pose an occupational risk due to high temperatures
should be adequately identified and protected (shielded) to reduce risks.
Training should be provided to educate operators regarding the hazards related to
hot surfaces and the use of personal protective equipment (e.g. gloves, insulated
clothing, etc).

Gas flaring system

The flare or a similar device for burning the gas is used when the gas quality is
poor and can not be used in the gas engine, or in case of engine failure.
In case where valves in contact with pyrolysis or gasification gas get stuck, the
gas should automatically be flared.
Gasifiers will have to vent gases as they purge pipe-work from the gasifiers to the
engine. At start-up, the gas will always pass through and LEL and UEL.
The flare should be equipped with:
o an automatic ignition system;
o flame monitoring with alarm;
o water seal.
A HAZOP study is recommended to understand the issues relative to the gas flaring
system and then identify the suitable counter-measures, for instance inert gas

Safety equipment
The following safety equipment or tools should be present in each separate part
and/or building of the gasifier plant:
Fire detection and suppression equipment that meets internationally recognized
technical specifications for the type and amount of flammable and combustible
materials stored at the facility;
CO detection system;
Fire fighting equipment;
Personal protective equipment: ear protectors, eye glasses, gloves, respiratory
equipment, personal CO detectors;
Emergency equipment: shower, first aid kit.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

5.3.3 Recommendations regarding operating and monitoring procedures

Important operating and monitoring procedures to be considered include the start-up

procedure (cold and hot start-up), normal operation, normal shutdown procedure and
emergency shutdown. These should be considered within the HAZOP study and
described in the O&M manual.
It is recommended to develop and implement start-up, normal operation and
shutdown routines for the entire gasification plant (preheating, gasifier ignition,
normal operation, etc.) to avoid human error in manual operation. Fail-Safe routines
have to be part of the plant operation concept.

Normal start-up and shutdown procedures

At start-up it is recommended to remove the oxygen inside the plant by inertizing
the system with for instance nitrogen.
Experience shows that most accidents take place at start-up and shutdown.
Therefore, operators should be instructed not to stay unnecessarily close to
system components (gasifier, cyclone bins, filters, etc.) containing flammable
materials during start-up and shutdown.
At start-up and emergency shutdown or in the case where valves get stuck, the
gas must be flared.
If the gas engine were to be shutdown for whatever reason, any residual gas
should be immediately flared by switching valves by the automation and control
system. If the engine can not be re-started (after two attempts), the emergency
stop procedure should be initiated.

Normal operation procedure

Procedures for manual intervention during operation of the plant should be
documented properly in the O&M manual.

Emergency shut down procedure

The development of the plant operational manual and appropriate scada control
must consider the implications identified within the Hazid and Hazop. Each
emergency shutdown procedure is therefore highly specific and customized to the
individual application.
Typical emergency shutdown measures include:
o stop feeding to the gasifier;
o stop air supply to the gasifier;
o direct the gas to the flare;
o note: inerting the gasifier with nitrogen is not effective as the gasifier
normally contains a lot of fuel and charcoal.
Evacuation procedures must be in place.
Proper training in evacuation and emergency procedures for operators and
visitors at induction must be in place.

Maintenance procedure
Schedules should be developed for start-up checks and regular inspection of
sensor devices for accuracy. For instance, when pressure transmitters pipes are
blocked by tar or dust, sensors may show wrong readings, etc. Procedures
should be available for inspection even if the sensors are functioning properly.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

During plant maintenance, the operators should avoid contact and inhalation of
either toxic or suffocating gases or toxic liquids. All plant maintenance procedures
should be well documented while operators should routinely follow procedures.

5.3.4 Supplementary precautions

The adoption of the following supplementary precautions is recommended:

Operators must be aware that condensation of tarry compounds and steam inside
producer gas piping, reactor vessels and valves is likely to be a frequent
occurrence. The plant design and maintenance procedure should deal with this
issue. It is recommended that operators have a clear understanding of the effect
of temperature and pressure on condensation of gaseous components.
At the fuel gas-air mixer before the gas engine, there is a possibility of
condensation when for instance the outside temperature is low, or the air is very
humid. Condensate may cause hammering (= knocking) with damage to the gas
engine. It is good practice to monitor the air temperature – and preheat the air, if
necessary – and monitor the humidity of the gas entering the gas-air mixer. For
modern engines with full electronic control, this is less relevant.
Besides overpressure, plant components should also be able to withstand under-
pressure for example the full design pressure of the main gas fans. Vacuum
conditions may form during cooling after plant shutdown.

5.4 Safety related issues in practice

Several hazardous events may occur, having different consequences. A checklist is

provided in Annex A. The most critical safety issues during the operation and/or
maintenance of gasifier plants are related to:
Asphyxiation/toxic issues like unplanned release of potentially hazardous gas and
Explosion / deflagration hazards;
Fire hazards;
Operator failures.

For each safety issue, a description is given in the following paragraphs on:
When and where to address these issues
Potential impact of these issues, and
Possible corrective measures to implement best practices.

5.4.1 Explosion / deflagration

Gas explosion at biomass gasification facilities can occur when a mixture of
combustible gases (mostly CO, H2 and higher hydrocarbons) and oxygen within
the flammability limits meets an ignition source.
A gasifier plant routinely pass through the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and Upper
Explosive Limit (UEL). The limiting oxygen concentration depends on the
producer gas composition, the moisture, the temperature and the pressure. For
hydrogen and carbon monoxide at room temperature and ambient pressure, the

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

limiting oxygen concentration is about 4%. In particular, a dangerous situation

may occur during plant start-up, at shutdown and in an emergency case of
uncontrolled air intake, for instance due to leakages.
A combustible vapour cloud can be formed after the spillage of flammable liquids.
This depends on the volatility of the liquid, the flash point, the vapour density.
Attention should be given to the auxiliary media stored on site.
Dust explosion from small biomass and char particles can occur at BGPs when a
mixture of dust and air in a proper concentration meets an ignition source. The
severity of the explosion depends on several parameters such as the size of the
dust particles, the degree of confinement of the building, etc.
Specific attention should be paid to hybrid mixtures, where there is a combination
of a flammable gas and dust.
Ignition sources can be sparks resulting from the build-up of static electricity,
glowing particles (char, partially converted biomass), lightning electrical or
mechanical sparks (from an electromotor of the blower for instance), hot work
(welding, cutting, grinding and sawing), hot surfaces, self-ignition in dust layers
and open flames.
Product gas from gasification can auto-ignite at temperatures above ca. 600-
650°C. If a small amount of air is added to gas at high temperature - or vice versa
– a quiet combustion will take place at the air/gas interface. If gas and air can be
mixed without immediate reaction and subsequently set on fire by an external
source such as e.g. a spark or a glowing particle, gas explosion may take place,
the reaction velocity and the peak pressure depending on the degrees of
turbulence and confinement of the gas mixture.

In plant sections where pressure build up exists (i.e. after a blower), there is a risk
of gas escape to the atmosphere, which may lead to a toxic atmosphere, a fire or
an explosion on the outside of the particular plant section. Similarly, at under-
pressure there is a risk of air ingress and the explosion may occur inside a
particular plant section.
Backwards flowing producer gas is a potential hazard in case for instance valves
are not properly functioning.
Although the gasifier reactor is operated at under-stoïchiometric conditions,
locally higher oxygen levels may occur, which can result in rapid temperature
increase and explosive mixtures. However, at high temperatures the maximum
explosion pressure decreases and classical low-speed deflagration or
“Verpuffung” may occur.
In the gas cleaning section, explosion can be more severe with large volume gas.
In most cases, the ignition source would be burning pieces of charcoal/ashes,
entrained with the raw gas.
In the gas flare, back-firing can cause the flame to travel backwards into the gas
cleaning section.
In the gas feeding to the engine, in case of back-firing of the engine takes place.
In the ash removal section, in case carbon rich ash is generated.
During repairs (in particularly during welding, cutting, grinding and sawing)
explosion can occur if there is still gas inside the system.
In the fuel storage, feeding section and at places where excessive dust is present,
explosions may occur when clouds of dust are formed, depending on the
processed biomass and on fuel particle size.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

Attention should be given to auxiliary media such natural gas/propane gas

storage and piping. As they are stored under pressure, a risk of leakage exists.

What happens:
In most cases, there is a minor explosion called low-speed deflagration or in
German “Verpuffung”, caused by “unstable” operation, where a local explosive
mixture may be present for a short time.
From theory and practice it is known that pressure in the system due to explosion
depends on the producer gas composition and the developed temperature, where
explosions/deflagration occur.
The explosion pressure of (wood) dust/air mixtures is similar to that of flammable
gas/air mixtures. Dust explosions could be severe mainly due to the large volume
of explosive mixture that can be formed when extensive dust gets dispersed in
air. The severity of explosions will depend on the degree of confinement, which –
in case of BGPs – is the highest inside equipment, where gases are present (and
not dust).
A gas or dust explosion can cause significant damage to the building, the
equipments and the personnel.
A gas or dust explosion can initiate a fire.

Possible reduction measures:

The following measures are specific to gasification facilities:
o Gasification facilities should be designed, constructed, and operated
according to international standards for the prevention and control of fire
and explosion hazards, including provisions for safe distances between
tanks in the facility and between the facility and adjacent buildings.
o Safety procedures must be implemented for operation and maintenance,
including use of fail safe control valves and emergency shutdown and
detection equipment.
According to ATEX, there are three principle ways to reduce the explosion risk:
o primary measures which consist in avoiding the occurrence of an
explosive atmosphere,
o secondary measures which consist in avoiding the ignition source, and,
o tertiary measures which consist in mitigating the effects of explosions.
Furthermore, some general measures are to be considered.

Primary measures: avoidance of explosive atmospheres.

o At plant sections where over-pressure exists, gas leaks will lead to CO and
H2 escaping to the atmosphere. On the contrary at under-pressure, O2 will
enter into the plant section. Therefore, an oxygen sensor must be installed
to monitor the O2 level in the plant system, and CO monitors must be
installed to measure the CO level around the plant. The maximum value of

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

O2 at the sampling point must be defined with consideration of determined

flammability limits and dispersion effects due to the geometry of the
equipment. Reference is made to the normative standard BGR 1047, where
design practices are given in terms of flanges to be used, type of sealing,
o At start-up, explosive atmosphere can be avoided by operation in
combustion mode or purging with nitrogen.
o After shutdown and cooling, the whole system should be inertized with
nitrogen. Purging with air is used as well, but this is not recommended
because in that case the ignition source have to be eliminated which is a
secondary protection measure.
o The control of dust is an important consideration to avoid the formation of
an explosive atmosphere:
Good housekeeping is the key to avoid dust explosions. This
includes removing dust deposits and maintaining a clean working
The facility should be well ventilated.
Flooding with inert gas can also be considered when relevant.
Secondary measures: avoidance of ignition sources:
o Proper grounding will prevent static electricity build-up and lightning
hazards (including formal procedures for the use and maintenance of
grounding connections).
o The use of intrinsically safe electrical installations and non-sparking tools is
o The implementation of permit-to-work system and formal procedures for
conducting any hot work (welding, cutting, grinding and sawing) during
maintenance activities, including proper tank cleaning and venting, is
highly recommended. Flammable material and explosive mixtures or
atmospheres must be removed or prevented when performing such work.
o Backfiring from a flare can be prevented by using a water seal acting as a
flame arrestor (Reference to EN 12874).
o Application of hazardous area zoning for electrical equipment in design is
required. Ex-zoning will determine which type or category of equipment is
allowed. When ex-zones have been defined, it will be necessary (in a
second step) to assess all potential sources of ignition in these areas.
Zoning of places where hazardous explosive atmospheres may occur has
to be applied according to ATEX directive 1999/92/EC – the following plant

BG-Regel 104 „Berufsgenossenschaftliche Regeln für die Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit -
Explosionsschutz-Regeln“, Ausgabe Juli 2008, SMBG

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

sections are recommended to be considered for the occurrence of an Ex-

 Fuel storage and feeding with respect to dust explosions;
 Fuel intake;
 Ash and dust removal system;
 Waste water removal system;
 Flare and auxiliary firing systems (e.g. misfiring);
 Engine and exhaust gas system;
 Man/hand holes and sampling ports;
 Measurement and instrumentation points;
 Liquefied petroleum gas tanks or cylinders.

Ex-Zoning requires a risk based approach. A study to determine the relevant zone
rating for each area is highly recommended as many plant have been designed for
open areas and the Zone classification is highly dependent upon building ventilation.

There are tertiary measures which may be appropriate for gasification plants:
o to construct the whole system to withstand explosion pressure. For a single
vessel (not interconnected) the explosion pressure has been assessed to
be around 8 bars. When calculating the maximum explosion pressure, one
must take into account any possible pressure pilling effects in
interconnected vessels. The maximum explosion pressure in inter-
connected vessels would indeed be higher than the value calculated for a
single closed vessel;
o to use of flame arresting devices preferably in the form of water seals;
o to use explosion venting devices to relieve the explosion pressure9

Other general measures:

o Smoking in the facilities should be banned, and clear ‘no smoking’ signs in
the facilities must be installed with staff instructions/training.
o The whole system should be purged before ignition at start-up by either
using excess air or inert gas at 6 times the system volume.

Explosive mixtures at non-atmospheric conditions, e.g. at increased temperature, are outside the
scope of Directive 1999/92/EC, and Ex-zoning may not be appropriate in this case. Conditions for the
formation of such mixtures and appropriate safeguards need to be addressed separately.
Devices like bursting discs are not preferred due to the small surfaces and they can be expensive.
With such devices, ATEX requires decoupling of the particular plant section from the other parts by
flame arrestors before and after the particular plant section. This makes the whole system quite
complicated. In practice also spring-loaded doors are applied at the gasifier reactor, but they are not
preferred since they may get blocked after a while due to sticking of tar and dust. Reference is made
to the standards EN 14994 (Gas explosion venting protective systems - 2006) and EN 14797
(Explosion venting devices – 2005).

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

5.4.2 Fire

When and where:

An explosion can initiate a fire.
Self-ignition of moist and high piles biomass feedstock can lead to a fire.
Spontaneous ignition of piles of biomass feedstock can result from the heat
accumulation in a relatively large mass where combustion starts deep inside the
pile. A small amount of biomass feedstock is not likely to lead to self-heating, but
this can occur in huge piles and lead to a fire.
In cases where the maximum allowable temperatures are exceeded.
Sparks from hot work (welding, cutting, grinding and sawing) can initiate a fire.
At the removal of hot ashes, a fire can be initiated.
In the case where, the decelerating of the engine occur with the wrong ignition
timing, a very rich mixture can form in the exhaust manifold. This mixture is hot
enough to self-ignite, if the amount of air is enough to support the ignition. If the
timing is too late a backfire through the carburetter may happen. If the timing is
too early backfiring through the intake valve may occur, which could burn the
intake valve. It is to be noted that with the use of modern engines using integrated
control systems, this is less likely to happen.
Failure of the anti-backfiring system (valve-, rotary valve system, double sluice)
due to unexpected foreign material, failure in the fuel dosing routines and
apparatus, etc may lead to a fire.
The spillage of flammable liquid could lead to a fire, if an ignition source is

What happens:
Physical injury to human being.
Damage or destruction of the BGP and other buildings.
May act as an ignition source for an explosion.
Release of toxic fumes.

Possible reduction measures:

Fuel should be stored in a closed container, fire isolated, or in a separate room or
A fire-resistant separation (with a specified fire resistance time) between the fuel
storage and the gasifier may be required according to local fire-protection
The installation of anti back-firing system at reactor, flare and the air inlet to the
engine may be required according to national regulations. A humidification system
at the ash removal in order to prevent fire hazard from glowing particles or
nitrogen inerting on ash removal screws.
It is recommended to monitor the temperature in the fuel storage pile.
Ample ventilations is recommended, preferably natural ventilation.
Fire detection and suppression equipment that meet internationally recognized
technical specifications for the type and amount of flammable and combustible
materials stored at the facility should be used.
Accommodation areas should be protected by distance or by fire walls.
The ventilation air intakes should prevent smoke or gas from entering
accommodation areas.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

A formal fire-response plan supported by the necessary resources and training,
including training in the use fire suppression equipment and evacuation, must be
prepared. Procedures may include coordination activities with local authorities or
neighbouring facilities.
Fire-extinguishing system like fire extinguishers and/or Sprinkler system should
be used (Note: Regulations on the construction of the fire protection system must
be coordinated with the pertinent fire-protection expert of the licensing public
authority). Fixed systems may also include foam extinguishers and automatic or
manually operated fire-protection systems.
All fire systems should be located in a safe area of the facility, protected from the
fire by distance or by fire walls. The detection equipment specified needs to be
suitable for use in a dusty environment to prevent false alarms or accidental

5.4.3 Toxic liquid escape

In case of leakage in the gas cooling section.
In case of leakage in storage or holding tanks containing toxic liquids.
During the maintenance of gas cooling section.

Condensed water and tar vapours can be toxic. This could be particularly relevant
at wet scrubbing systems.
Scrubbing liquor and other media used for dissolution or lubrication of tar covered
moving parts (including some industrial degreasers) can be toxic and caustic.

What happens:
Contact with the toxic/caustic liquid can lead to physical injury, suffocation,
irritation to eyes or irritation after inhalation.
The liquid may evaporate with subsequent risk of inhalation of the associated
toxic vapours like PAH, (some PAH are carcinogenic).
Toxic liquid escapes can lead to environmental hazards and pollution.
If the liquid is also flammable, a risk of formation of a combustible vapour cloud
can exist.

Possible reduction measure:

Wear safety (chemical resistant) hand gloves, glasses and safety shoes.
Wear suitable respiratory equipment to prevent the inhalation of the toxic vapours.
Ample ventilation of the surrounding work area.
Storage in bin/tank to be collected and treated by certified company, as
prescribed in the permit document.
Reduce inventory of toxic/caustic liquid onsite.
Spill cleanup kits available.
Use of non-sparking tools in the facilities.
Regular inspections of the stock of toxic/caustic liquids.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

5.4.4 Toxic gas escape (in particularly CO)

Toxic gas escapes can occur in case of leakages and an over-pressure in the
system. In particular, when a plant is shut-down, the whole system is filled with
toxic gas. It is important to understand that after a planned or emergency shut-
down, the gasification reactions still continue for quite some time, which may
result in an over-pressure in the system if the gas is not safely vented. This is in
particular valid to fixed-bed gasifiers containing large volumes of fuel
During plant maintenance.
In case volatile toxic liquids escape.

Water seals in case of over-pressure.
Leakages where over-pressure can occur.
Exhaust gas emission.

What happens:
CO poisoning.
There is also an explosion hazard with CO (see 5.4.1).
Suffocation (CO, PAH,…).
Toxicity, both short term and long term as some components of the syngas e.g.
PAH are carcinogenic.
Irritation to eyes, inhalation.

Possible reduction measures:

Gas-tight construction, see also par. 5.5.
Wear portable CO monitors during operation and maintenance and install fixed
online CO detectors in fuel storage buildings, gasifier building and gas engine
room, giving an indication and alarm at about 25/50 ppm.
The control rooms should have positive pressure ventilation.
Ample ventilation of gasification building.
In case volatile toxic liquids escape, the reduction measures cited in 5.4.3 also

5.4.5 Operators failures

Only skilled and qualified personnel are allowed to operate and maintain the plant.
They should be trained by the technology supplier or on-the-job using the original
O&M manual. However, there are several potential risks due to failures of operators,
(Un)authorised re-programming of the alarm settings. These set-points must be
reset again after the problem is solved.
Safety-related changes to the process control system must be performed by
trained personnel and properly documented. The operation manual must clearly
indicate and address this type of actions (e.g. changing alarm setpoints, re-
programming, etc.).
Operational procedures should be in place, which indicates whether the plant
should be operated by only one or two operators.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

5.5 Norms and Standards

As for construction and operation of BGP’s, different regulations and norms exist.
Applicable directives are listed in Chapter 3. An up-to-date list of harmonized
standards relating to European Directives can be found at: .
Regulations for operation can typically be found in national legislation, technical rules
etc. These are not defined in norms or standards (like EN or ISO standards).

Gasification plants must be approved for the design, construction and safe operation
by the local fire department and permitting authority, and sometimes supplemented
by third-party inspectors, expert opinions and/or environmental authorities. The exact
types of approval vary between EU countries (Chapter 3), and will depend on plant
parameters like thermal capacity, gasifier feedstock, plant location and the like.

5.5.1 A norm for gas tightness

A couple of standards is used in the chemical industry for a safe handling of
hazardous substances (toxic and flammable) in pipes and vessels. Norms for gas
tightness relate to “good practices” regarding the methods for avoiding leakages,
methods of detection, etc.
Technical measures regarding the use of piping standards and the design and
maintenance of piping systems can be found on the Health and Safety Executive
website. These are good practices for COMAH (Seveso II) sites:

Even if the Seveso II regulation is not relevant to BGPs, these recommendations in

terms of gas tightness could be considered as applicable to BGPs (such as the
values of frequencies and severity for the risk assessment part). The standards
showed in Table 5.1 might be relevant.

In German regulations, a few definitions and remarks on "technically leakproof" units

are available:

in the non-binding Guide on directive 1999/92/EC, cf. the glossary of that Guide
and chapter 3.2.1/remarks on zone 2
in the
 German Technical Rules on Industrial Safety: TRBS 2152 part 2, chapter
 German Technical Rules on Hazardous Substances: TRGS 722, and in
 technical rules of the German "Berufsgenossenschaften" (employers' liability
insurance associations / professional organisations): BGR 104 "Explosion
Protection" (very similar definitions and descriptions appear in these

German Technical Rules make a difference between units that are "technically
leakproof" ("= technisch dicht") and "permanently technically leakproof" (= "auf Dauer
technisch dicht"). In the latter case, no hazardous release of flammable material is
anticipated, and there is no need to classify a hazardous area around such
equipment. TRBS 2152-2 etc. give some examples of the types of connections which

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

are deemed "permanently technically leakproof", e.g. certain types of flanges used in
pipe connections.
In some cases, technical measures combined with regular inspection and
maintenance may also result in equipment being regarded as "permanently
technically leakproof".

With equipment regarded only as "technically leakproof", releases are anticipated on

rare occasions, and this will typically lead to a zone 2 classification around such
equipment / such connections.

With a view to environmental protection, there are some requirements on permissible

leak rates of flange connections and gaskets in TA-Luft (chapter These refer
to gaseous emissions of certain (volatile or hazardous) organic liquids, however, and
do not formally apply to producer gas.
Concerning technical requirements, TA-Luft refers to regulation VDI 2440 (for
technically leakproof flange connections) and to EN 1591-2 for selection and design
of flange connections.
These standards could also be useful for flange connections in pipes with hazardous

5.5.2 Literature regarding zoning and explosion protection measures

The Health and Safety Executive website gives general information about:

Fire and explosion:

ATEX regulation (called DSEAR in United Kingdom)

Short guide to the ATEX regulation:

Zone classification:

Some guidance is also given by different sources compiled in Table 5.2. These
different sources contain information on explosion protection measures (for instance:
EN 1127-1:2007).

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

Table 5.1: Standard for gas tightness that might be applicable

Source Name Description
American Society of B31.3-2002 Process Piping Petroleum refineries; chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, paper, semiconductor, and cryogenic plants; and
Mechanical Engineers related processing plants and terminals.
Content and Coverage (a) This Code prescribes requirements for materials and components, design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing of piping. (b) This Code applies to
piping for all fluids, including: (1) raw, intermediate, and finished chemicals; (2) petroleum products; (3)
gas, steam, air, and water; (4) fluidized solids; (5) refrigerants; and (6) cryogenic fluids. (c) See Fig.
300.1.1 for a diagram illustrating the application of B31.3 piping at equipment. The joint connecting piping
to equipment is within the scope of B31.3. Packaged Equipment Piping. Also included within the scope of
this Code is piping which interconnects pieces or stages within a packaged equipment assembly.

Exclusions. This Code excludes the following: (a) piping systems designed for internal gage pressures at
or above zero but less than 105 kPa (15 psi), provided the fluid handled is nonflammable, nontoxic, and
not damaging to human tissue as defined in 300.2, and its design temperature is from -29°C (-20°F)
through 186°C (366°F); (b) power boilers in accordance with BPV Code2 Section I and boiler external
piping which is required to conform to B31.1; (c) tubes, tube headers, crossovers, and manifolds of fired
heaters, which are internal to the heater enclosure; and (d) pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps,
compressors, and other fluid handling or processing equipment, including internal piping and connections
for external piping.

IGEM IGE/UP/1/New Edition 2 2003 IGE/UP/1 (Edition 2) gives practical guidance to gas operatives when engaged in strength testing, tightness testing Guide to non-domestic gas tightness and purging gas pipework used in the non-domestic sector.
testing and purging standards.
IGEM IP Model Code of Safe Practice Part The purpose of this Code is to provide a guide to safe practices in the in-service examination and test of
13: Pressure piping systems used in the petroleum and chemical industries.
Energy Institute The Code gives general requirements regarding the provision and maintenance of adequate
Publications piping systems examination
documentation, in-service examination, the control of modifications and repairs, examination frequency, protective devices and testing of piping systems. In many countries statutory requirements exist, both local
nical/energyinstitute.asp and national, pertaining to the in-service examination of pressure vessels and, where this is so, this Code
should be regarded as being complementary to such requirements.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

British standards BS 3636:1963 Ten methods for application to evacuated plant, seven to pressurized plant. Five involve direct measurement of
Methods for proving the gas tightness of quantities but are insensitive or lengthy. Others use search gas and detectors sensitive to such gas. Four use vacuum
vacuum or pressurized plant gauges which may be able to serve another purpose on plant. Each method describes apparatus, special precautions,
procedure, interpretation of results, working principles, sensitivity. Design of plant; contracts; blockage of capillary
leaks; leak rates of different fluids; worked examples; safety precautions; bibliography; methods of leak location.

British standards BS 4504-3.3:1989 Types of flanges from PN 6 to PN 40 and in sizes up to DN 1800. Facings, dimensions tolerances, bolt sizes, marking
Circular flanges for pipes, valves and and materials for bolting and flange materials with associated pressure/temperature ratings.
fittings (PN designated). Specification
for copper alloy and composite
API API 570 2nd Edition 1998 Covers inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating procedures for in-service metallic piping systems. Establishes
requirements and guidelines that allow owner/users of piping systems to maintain the safety and mechanical integrity
of systems after they have been placed into service. Intended for use by organizations that maintain or have access to
Piping Inspection Code
an authorized inspection agency, repair organization, and technically qualified personnel. May be used, where
practical, for any piping system. Piping inspectors are to be certified as stated in this inspection code.

API API 510 - "Pressure Vessel Inspection Addresses the maintenance inspection, repair, alteration and re-rating procedures for pressure vessels used in the
Code: Maintenance Inspection, Rating, petroleum and chemical process industries.
Repair, and Alteration"
API API RP 572 - "Inspection of Pressure Addresses the inspection of pressure vessels. It includes a description of the various types of pressure vessels and the
Vessels" standards that can be used for their construction and maintenance.

API API RP 574 - "Inspection Practices for Addresses the inspection practices for piping, tubing, valves (other than control valves), and fitting used in petroleum
Piping System Components, June 1998" refineries and chemical plants.

API API RP 575 - "Inspection of Atmospheric - Addresses the inspection of atmospheric storage tanks that have been designed to operate at pressures from
and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks" atmospheric through 0.5 psig and inspection of low-pressure storage tanks that have been designed to operate at
pressure above 0.5 psig but less than 15 psig.

Health and Safety Executive Web site

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

Table 5.2: Guidance for ATEX

Source Name Description
Energy Institute Model Code of Safe Practice Model code of safe practice Part 15: The Area classification code for installations handling flammable fluids (EI 15,
Part 15: formerly referred to as IP 15) is a well-established, internationally accepted publication that provides methodologies
(leading professional Area Classification Code for for hazardous area classification around equipment storing or handling flammable fluids in the production,
body for the energy Installations Handling processing, distribution and retail sectors. It constitutes a sector-specific approach to achieving the hazardous area
industries) Flammable Fluids classification requirements for flammable fluids required in the UK by the Dangerous Substances and Explosive
Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) 2002 and in doing so, provides much more detail than BS EN 60079-
http://www.energyinst.o 10 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres: Classification of hazardous areas. Note that the scope of EI 15 excludes hazardous area classification arising from dusts.
SHAPA Practical Guidance for Suppliers The purpose is to provide practical guidance to manufacturers, suppliers and operators, when manufacturing,
and Operators of Solids Handling installing and operating equipment or systems that may require compliance with standards under the ATEX
(SHAPA has been the Equipment for Potentially Directives, particularly in dusty atmospheres. A brief description of the two relevant ATEX Directives is included,
UK's leading specialist Explosive Dusts together with their purpose and scope.
association for the
solids handling and Compliance with legislation Pdf document:
processing industry implementing the
since its formation in ATEX Directives.
Bundesministerium für TRBS 2152 "Gefährliche TRBS 2152 (TRBS = Technische Regeln für Betriebssicherheit, Technical Rules on Workplace Safety) describe
Arbeit und Soziales explosionsfähige Atmosphäre" rules for protection against hazards from explosive atmospheres in the workplace. If these rules are followed,
(German Federal (Technical Rules on hazardous compliance with the German Regulations on Workplace Safety and Regulations on Hazardous Substances is
Ministry of Labour and explosive atmosphere) assumed.
Social Affairs) TRBS 2152 is referred to in BGR 104, which gives a comprehensive description of the formation and prevention of
hazardous explosive atmospheres, on potential sources of ignition and their prevention, and on constructive
measures to mitigate the effects of explosions. BGR 104 contains a detailed list of practical examples of ex-zones
DGUV (Deutsche BGR 104: Explosionsschutz- and safeguards, taking various factors (e.g. ventilation, source strength) into account.
Gesetzliche Regeln (EX-RL) – Regeln für das
Unfallversicherung), Vermeiden der Gefahren durch
(former HVBG) explosionsfähige Atmosphäre mit
Beispielsammlung (explosion
protection rules with practical
European commission Guidance on ATEX Directive
Harmonized guideline:

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

Considerations PAPERS by the ATEX Standing Committee on How to apply the Directive:

European commission Guidance on ATEX Directive COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION concerning the non-binding guide of good practice for implementing
1999/92/EC Directive 1999/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on minimum requirements for improving the
safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres:
[available in other languages, too; search for COM(2003) 0515 document]

European standard EN 1127-1 Explosive atmospheres, Fire risks, Explosions, Hazards, Classification systems, Ignition, Surfaces, Flames, Electric
Explosive atmospheres - sparks, Gases, Particulate materials, Electrostatics, Electric current, Lightning, Electromagnetic radiation, High
Explosion prevention and frequencies, Ignitability, Ionizing radiation, Ultrasonics, Chemical hazards, Design, Ventilation, Protected electrical
protection - Basic concepts and equipment, Hazardous areas classification (for electrical equipment), Dust, Fire safety, Flame traps, Safety
methodology measures, Instructions for use, Marking, Hand tools, Control equipment, Electrical safety, Risk assessment
European standard EN 60079-10 The standards EN 60079-10 and EN 61241-10 explain the basic principles of area classification for gases and
Electrical apparatus for explosive vapours and for dusts, respectively. These standards form a suitable basis for assessing the extent and type of
gas atmospheres Part 10: zones, and can be used as a guide to complying with the national requirements towards explosion protection.
Classification of hazardous areas However, they cannot give the extent and type of zone in any particular case, as site-specific factors should always
European standard EN 61241-10 be taken into account
Electrical apparatus for use in
the presence of combustible dust
- Classification of areas where
combustible dusts are or may be

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

For the purpose of the Gasification Guide, the names of the European (EN)
standards have been quoted, but the various national translations have been omitted,
as the list would have become lengthy otherwise.

5.6 Documentation
5.6.1 Operation and Maintenance manual
Technical process description of the main plant sections (as in chapter 2),
including the process flow diagram (PID)
Description of the automation and control strategy and process
Main technical specifications
Contact details of manufacturer
Procedures for operation and maintenance
 Start-up
 Normal operation, including display and set-point overview
 Unmanned operation
 Shutdown
 Emergency procedures
 Check lists (inspection and maintenance tables: what to do, where and when)
 Troubleshooting
 Maintenance
HSE instructions
 Skills of operators
 Description of hazards
 During normal operation
 During inspection and maintenance
 During repairs or modifications
Most of this documentation has to be supplied by the manufacturer. For some
documents – like the permit – the manufacturer has to supply information upon
request. The operator and plant owner are responsible for keeping the information
updated in case of modifications to the plant or changes in O&M procedures like
adjustments of set-points, etc.

5.6.2 Other documentation

Emergency procedures
 Check lists (what to do, where and when)
 Description of escape routes
 Contact addresses in case of accident
Accident register
Spare parts lists
Log book (if electronic it must have a safe back-up system)
Training manual
Detailed plant description (Design book)
 Process description
 PID of each main process step (unit operation)
 List of components (I/O listing)
 HAZOP analyses
 Risk assessment analyses report

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

 Arrangement drawings
Component documentation and drawings
Permits (building, environment, CE marking, etc.)

Table 5-3 shows which parts of the documentation have to be provided by the
manufacturer and which parts are to be drafted by the operator/owner.

Table 5-3: Target group responsible for documentation

Document Manufacturer Operator
Operation and Maintenance Manual X
Training Manual X
Updating the O&M Manual X
Description and map of escape routes X
Detailed plant description (Design Book) X
Accident register X
Logbook X

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

6 Emission abatement in biomass gasification plants

As described in chapter 3.6, the questions
which emission abatement techniques from standard combustion applications can
be successfully transferred to small biomass gasification plants and
which emission values may thus be achieved,
still need to be answered, taking both environmental and economic considerations
into account.

6.1 Emission abatement techniques

The description of emissions and emission abatement techniques in this chapter

refers to the basic units of a biomass gasification plant which have been described in
chapter 2.
Basic potential release routes for gasification plants can be identified as follows:

Fig. 6.1: Potential release routes for gasification [30]

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

6.1.1 Fuel storage, pre-treatment, transport and feeding

A description of potential emissions and emission abatements techniques for the
storage and handling of solid biofuels has recently been compiled by the Nordic
Innovation Centre [31].
Solid biofuels dust may contain large amounts of microspores from actinomycetes
(bacteria with a growth pattern similar to fungi) and moulds (fast-growing fungi),
which find a favourable environment for growth in wet biomass, e.g. in chipped wood.
These microspores are easily inhalable and can cause allergic reactions and
alveolitis. The spores become airborne when the biomass is handled.
A way to avoid microbial growth and to reduce microspore emissions is to store only
dry biomass (<20% moisture content), preventing the stored material from getting
wet. In case of outdoor storage, it is important to utilize fuel or raw material piles
according to age; the oldest first (FIFO-principle: First-in – First-out) [31]. Storage
time of moist biomass should be reduced as much as possible.
If very large amounts of comminuted biomass are stored in enclosed spaces (like
silos), the formation of appreciable levels of CO in the storage space is possible [31].
When dried biomass is mechanically treated or conveyed, dust will be released.
Enclosed conveying systems can help to mitigate the release of dust. As described in
chapter 5.4.1, good housekeeping (which includes the removal of dust deposits) will
be a key to avoid self-ignition of dust layers on hot surfaces and to prevent dust

6.1.2 Gasification reactor

Operation of a gasification reactor at ambient pressure or at a slight underpressure
will in general help to prevent gas emissions from the reactor. A reactor design that
avoids both gas leaks and uncontrolled gas flow from or to the reactor is usually
required for stable reactor operation and good producer gas quality.
Rotary gate valves, double sluice lock hoppers or similar systems are often used to
prevent backfire and producer gas flow from the gasification reactor into the biomass
feeding line, thus also avoiding producer gas emissions in case of disturbances in the
gas cleaning and/or utilising system.
During reactor start-up and shutdown, the quality of the producer gas may not be
adequate for gas engine utilisation. For these situations as well as for periods when
the gas engine is temporarily unavailable, a flare or a similar device can be used to
incinerate the producer gas (cf. chapter 5.3.2) in order to avoid atmospheric venting.
Ash removal from the reactor can be a source of dust emissions. If carbon-rich ash is
produced, additional measures will be required to prevent self-ignition of the ash
upon contact with air. Wet ash removal systems may be useful for both targets.

6.1.3 Gas cooling and gas cleaning

Unless the gasification reactor produces a very clean gas, tar and dust removal from
raw producer gas will normally be required to permit reliable and disturbance-free
operation of the gas engine. As described in chapters 2.5 and 2.6, raw gas cleaning
can be accomplished with a combination of cyclones and (dry) filters or (wet)
scrubbers, occasionally supplemented with electrostatic precipitators. This will
minimise large-molecule tar components (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
PAHs) in the fuel gas to the gas engine, but may not be effective for organic
components with a high vapour pressure (e.g. benzene).
If significant amounts of ammonia are present in the raw producer gas, removal e.g.
by water scrubbing will be required to prevent formation of high concentrations of
fuel-NOx in the gas engine.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

If liquid residues are produced in the gas cleaning section which contain appreciable
amounts of hydrocarbons, these may be fed to the gasification reactor or to other
thermal units of the plant for thermal conversion. If the liquids are mostly water, they
may be treated in activated carbon filters before being discharged to the sewer
system. Otherwise, it may be necessary to dispose of such liquids as waste for off-
site controlled treatment.

6.1.4 Gas engine operation and exhaust gas cleaning

The most important emissions from the gas engine are noise and exhaust gas. Noise
emissions from the engines are limited by installing the gas engines in separate
rooms with sound-absorbing walls and by using silencers for combustion air supply
and on the exhaust gas lines.

Exhaust gas emissions have been described in chapters 2.7 and 2.8. Treatment of
the exhaust gas with various techniques involving catalytic converters and post-
combustion is basically possible for the reduction of single components in the
exhaust gas (e.g. CO, NOx, benzene, uncombusted hydrocarbons).
Long-term experience regarding the effectiveness and service life of catalytic
converters in BGP application is not yet available at present. Catalyst service life is
influenced substantially by catalyst poisons, e.g. heavy metal compounds, alkali
compounds, etc., which in part can reduce the activity of the catalytic coating.

Due to the gas slip in internal combustion engines (cf. chapter 2.7), a fraction (about
1%) of the producer gas will pass through the gas engine uncombusted. In addition,
combustion of nitrogen compounds in the producer gas (e.g. ammonia) will yield fuel-
NOx, which can be reduced by lean-gas operation, which means a relatively high
oxygen level in the gas/air mixture, which lowers the exhaust gas temperature.
However, at these conditions the CO emissions tend to increase.
Certain components in the producer gas may therefore require a combination of
producer gas and exhaust gas cleaning techniques in order to achieve acceptable
emission levels.

6.2 Emission limit values

In most European countries, national regulations that contain emission limit values for
gas engines do not account in particular for engines fuelled with gas from thermal
biomass gasification. Environmental permits for biomass gasification plants in these
countries often draw on emission limit values that have been established in emission
regulations for other types of fuels (e.g. biogas).

It is open to discussion whether emission limit values established for other gases in
these regulations reflect the best currently available techniques for emission
reduction in gas engines using producer gas from biomass gasification: some key
process parameters of these activities are different, e.g. the CO content in the fuel
gas, so emission limit values based on available and proven techniques for standard
combustion activities (e.g. for CO-free fuel gas) may not be applicable to small BGPs.
In addition, long-term efficiency of emission abatement techniques for small BGPs is
still a matter of investigation. Therefore, it will be necessary to determine appropriate
emission limits for small BGPs from continued experience with plants in operation
and from measurements performed in these plants.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

6.2.1 Emission limits in Denmark

In Denmark, specific emission limit values for gas engines fuelled with gas from
thermal gasification of biomass waste have been established in 20055. These
emission limit values for NOx, unburnt hydrocarbons (UHC), CO, and smell are cited
below (reference state: dry exhaust gas at standard conditions, 5% O2, except for
smell – actual O2 content):
NOx: 550 mg/m3
UHC: 1500 mg C/m3 (valid for 30% electrical efficiency)
CO: 3000 mg/m3
Smell: 20000 smell units/m3

In combustion applications, the CO concentration in the flue gas is often used as an

easy-to-measure indicator for combustion efficiency, with a special view to limiting the
emission of high-concern substances like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). In
Denmark, measurements on the exhaust gas of gas engines in commercially
operated biomass gasification plants had revealed [32] that PAH emissions of these
installations are very low, irrespective of the CO content of the exhaust gas which is
mainly caused by gas slip in the engine. Therefore, a relatively high CO emission
limit value has been fixed in the Danish regulations for gas engines running on
producer gas. (For combustion of producer gas, Danish emission limits are
considerably lower.)
An emission limit for smell emissions has been introduced in Denmark because smell
(basically from aldehydes) had been found to be an issue with exhaust gas from gas
engines operating on natural gas [32].

6.2.2 Emission limits in Germany

In Germany, emission abatement requirements towards biomass gasification plants
(BGPs) established in the authorisation procedure depend on whether construction
and operation of the plant are subject to a permission according to immission control
legislation (environmental permission) (which is the case for BGPs that can produce
gas with an energy equivalent of 1 MW or more) or whether the plant requires a
construction licence only.
According to German law, the operation of plants subject to environmental
permission must neither cause harmful effects on the environment nor cause
immissions that exceed limit values (as stipulated e.g. in the Air Quality Directive

BEK 621 of 23/06/2005 (Order about limitation of emission of nitrogen oxides, uncombusted
hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide etc. from engines and turbines)

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

2008/50/EC and in German administrative guideline on assessment of odour in

ambient air). BGPs in combination with other sources of emissions (e. g. road traffic,
wood combustion) must not cause a benzene concentration in ambient air in excess
of 5 µg/m³ (annual mean) within the sphere of influence of the BGP. Equally, plant-
specific odor must not be perceivable in more than 10 % of the hours per year (or 15
%, depending on the type of land use). Additionally, emission abatement measures
are required which are based on best available techniques (BAT).
For the purpose of limiting gas engine exhaust gas emissions, German licensing
authorities will generally stipulate emission limit values as listed below, partly derived
from TA-Luft6 requirements for gas engines that are fuelled with biogas:
 Carbon monoxide (CO): 650 mg/m³
 Nitrous oxide (NOx), stated as NO2: 500 mg/m³
 Formaldehyde (HCOH): 60 mg/m³
 Benzene: 1 mg/m³
 Dust: 20 mg/m³

Experience has shown that even a benzene concentration of less than 3 mg/m3 in the
purified exhaust gas will already require the use of rather large oxidising catalysts.
Therefore, the value of 1 mg/m3 for benzene is currently regarded as a target value
by many authorities.
As distinguished from the above requirements, the operator of a plant not subject to
environmental permission in Germany has to make sure that any harmful effects on
the environment which are avoidable using the best available techniques (BAT) will
be avoided, and unavoidable harmful effects will be kept to a minimum using
emission abatement measures based on BAT. Whether or not harmful effects on the
environment can be caused (e.g. by benzene or odor emissions) will essentially
depend [33] on
 exhaust gas flow rate and emission concentrations in that gas,
 the height of exhaust gas release to atmosphere and whether removal takes
place in undisturbed free air flow,
 the distance to neighbours,
 how often producer gas that cannot be used in the gas engine (e. g. during
plant start-up and shut-down) is vented to atmosphere without being
incinerated, and

"Technische Anleitung zur Reinhaltung der Luft (TA-Luft)"; Technical Instructions on Air Quality
Control, July 2002

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

 the quality of enclosure of equipment bearing strong-smelling substances (like

raw producer gas, scrubbing liquids, tarry residues).
According to a recommendation given by a German Environmental Agency7 [33], the
licensing authority can generally assume without any further examination that a BGP
will not cause harmful effects on the environment related to benzene emissions if
these emissions do not exceed the minor mass flow of 5 g/h stipulated in section of TA-Luft for diffuse emissions. This will be the case with plants that do not
exceed 100 kW electrical power output (corresponding to an exhaust gas flow rate of
less than 500 m3/h at STP) if the benzene concentration in the purified exhaust gas is
less than 10 mg/m3, ensured e.g. by using an oxidising catalyst.
In general, this will depend on the fulfilment of additional conditions, e.g.
 a certificate issued by the manufacturer stating that
o a benzene concentration of less than 10 mg/m³ will be safely achieved
with the plant design (verified by measurements performed by an
agency which is qualified for such measurements relating to the
foreseen width of fuel),
o producer gas not used in the engine will be safely incinerated, with a
CO concentration in the flue gas of less than 2 g/m³ (verified by
measurements which may be done by a chimney sweep in Germany),
except for start-up and shut-down operation of less than 5 minutes
once per week, and
o no further development work will be necessary on the BGP which
would require additional start-ups and shut-downs
 annual testing of proper catalyst function (CO reduction > 70 %), verified by
measurement of the CO concentration upstream and downstream of the
catalyst (which may be done by a chimney sweep in Germany).

Recommendation by the Bavarian Environmental Agency (LfU Bayern)

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

7 References
[1] Timmerer H. L., Lettner F.: Leitfaden - Anlagensicherheit und Genehmigung
von Biomassevergasungsanlagen (Projektendbericht), Energiesysteme der
Zukunft, Nr. 807786, 2005.
[2] Österreichisches Normungsinstitut: ÖNORM M 7132: Energiewirtschaftliche
Nutzung von Holz und Rinde als Brennstoff, Begriffsbestimmung und
Merkmale; Österreichisches Normungsinstitut, Wien, 1998.
[3] Österreichisches Normungsinstitut: ÖNORM M 7133, Holzhackgut für
energetische Zwecke, Anforderungen und Prüfbestimmungen;
Österreichisches Normungsinstitut, Wien, 1998.
[4] Nussbaumer Th., Neuenschwander P., Hasler Ph., Bühler R.: Energie aus
Holz - Vergleich der Verfahren zur Produktion von Wärme, Strom und
Treibstoff aus Holz. Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft, Bern (CH)1997, 153
Seiten, 1997.
[5] Europäisches Parlament und Rat: Richtlinie der europäischen Union
67/548/EWG über Einstufung, Verpackung und Kennzeichnung gefährlicher
Stoffe unter den entsprechenden Änderungen der Richtlinie 1999/33/EG,
Richtlinie 2001/59/EG sowie Richtlinie 92/32/EWG, 2001.
[6] Republik Österreich: BGBl. II Nr. 253/2001 i.d.F BGBl. II Nr. 184/2003 und
BGBl. II Nr. 119/2004: Verordnung des Bundesministers für Wirtschaft und
Arbeit über Grenzwerte für Arbeitsstoffe und über krebserzeugende
Arbeitsstoffe (Grenzwerteverordnung 2003 - GKV 2003), Anhang I/2003:
Stoffliste, 2003.
[7] Armstrong B., Hutchinson E., Fletcher T.: Cancer risk following exposure to
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): a meta-analysis, London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for the Health and Safety Executive, 2003.
[8] Steinbach J., Antelmann O., Lambert M.: Methoden zur Bewertung des
Gefahrenpotentials von verfahrenstechnischen Anlagen, Schriftenreihe der
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitssschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, Berlin-Dortmund, 1991.
[9] Steen H.: Handbuch des Explosionsschutzes, Wiley-VCH, Willingdon/England,
[10] Kühnreich K., Bock F.-J., Hitzbleck R., Kopp H., Roller U., Woizischke N.:
Ermittlung und Bewertung des Gefahrenpotentials für Beschäftigte in
verfahrenstechnischen Anlagen und Lagereinrichtungen, Berlin-Dortmund,
[11] Österreichisches Normungsinstitut: ÖNORM EN 1050, "Sicherheit von
Maschinen - Leitsätze zur Risikobeurteilung", 1997.
[12] Österreichisches Normungsinstitut: ÖNORM EN 1127 T1, "Explosionsfähige
Atmosphären - Explosionsschutz, Teil 1: Grundlagen und Methodik", 1997.
[13] Siebenhofer M.: Sicherheitstechnik verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen; VTU
Engineering - TU Graz; Vorlesungsskriptum; Grambach/Graz, 2003.
[14] Standard IEC: IEC 812/1985 - Analysis techniques for system reliability –
procedure for failure mode and effect analysis FMEA, 1985.
[15] EKSC-Switzerland: Sicherheit: Einführung in die Risikoanalyse – Systematik
und Methoden; Schriftenreihe Heft 4; Expertenkommission für die Sicherheit
der chemischen Industrie in der Schweiz, 1996.
[17] Timmerer H L: Anlagensicherheit und Prozessführung für thermische
Biomassevergasungs-KWK-Anlagen mit gestufter Gaserzeugung, Institut für
Wärmetechnik, TU Graz, 2007.

GASIFICATION GUIDE Potential hazards and good design principles

[18] Rogers R. L.: RASE Project Explosive Atmosphere: Risk Assesment of Unit
Operations and Equipment; Methodology for the risk Assesment of Unit
Operations and Equipment for Use in potential Explosive Atmosphere, March
[19] SHAPE-RISK: Sharing Experience on Risk Management (Health, Safety and
Environment) to design Future Industrial Systems, 6th Framework Programm,
[20] Steinbach J., “Safety Assessment for Chemical Processes”, Wiley-VCH, 1999
[21] “Reducing Risks Protecting People - HSE’s decision-making process”, HSE
Books, 2001
[22] Cusco L.: Standards - Good practice & goal setting, UK regulatory apporach,
UK HSE Laboratory; Conference Paper, IEA - ThermalNet meeting, Innsbruck,
[23] Hummelshoj R.; Garde, F.; Bentzen, J.D.: Miljøprojekt 112 - Risk assessment
at biomass gasification plants; Denmark Standardisation; COWI Consulting
Engineers and Planners AS, 2006.
[24] DIN 6779-10, Kennzeichnungssystematik für technische Produkte und
technische Produktdokumentation - Teil 10: Kraftwerke, 2007-04.
[25] EN 61346-1, Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial
products. Structuring principles and reference designations. Part 1: Basic
Rules, 1998-01-14.
[26] “Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis (2nd Edition)”,
Center for Chemical Process Safety/AIChE, 2000
[28] Middleton M, Franks A., “Using risk matrices”, The Chemical Engineer, 723,
pp. 34–37, 2001
[30] Environment Agency (UK): IPPC Sector Guidance Note Combustion Activities,
Bristol, 2002
[31] NT ENVIR 010: Guidelines for Storing and Handling of Solid Biofuels, Nordic
Innovation Centre, Oslo, Oct. 2008
[32] Christiansen, H. F., Danish Energy Authority;
personal communication
[33] Schmoeckel, G., Bavarian Environmental Agency (LfU Bayern);
personal communication


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