Architectural Conservation Project

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Architectural Conservation Project – Havelis

Name Location Architectural Features Image Reference Conservation

Haveli of Walled City,  Jharoka balcony with sculpted http:// Yes, as
Nau Nihal Lahore brickwork & small bulbous half walledcityla the Victoria
Singh dome Girls' High
 Jharoka features 5 small arches, /havelis-of- School
and is embellished imagery of lahore/
winged humans, parrots, and
frontally-viewed fish (East Asian
carving style)
 Base of the dome is decorated with
a serpent-like figure (like Hindu
snake god Naga). The Jharoka-e-
Darshan is flanked by two
smaller jharokas. (Each jharokas is
decorated with a floral pedestal)
 The interior is decorated with
carved wood, brickwork, and floral
 The ceilings of the haveli are made
of decorated wood inlaid with glass
and mirror, with sun-motifs in the
central portion of the roof
 Walls within the haveli are
decorated with false arches that
each contain a small 18 inch by 18
inch painting, with blues, golds,
reds, and oranges
Mubarak Walled City,  Planning is that of a courtyard http:// Yes, as it houses
Haveli Lahore mansion walledcityla the Naqsh
 Architecture of haveli is typical of School of Art
its time with kankar lime finish /havelis-of-
 Entrance has courtyard with a small lahore/
square fountain
 Multi foil arches in rectangular
recesses supported with pillars
Main brick courtyard is surrounded
with rows of rooms

Haveli Walled City,  The structure is made of red brick http:// Yes
Barood Lahore  Geometric patterns and arabesque walledcityla
Khana designs that decorate the haveli
manifest features of traditional /havelis-of-
Islamic art, in the form of wooden lahore/
jalis, stone seating in the courtyard
 The roof of the haveli is made up of
wooden planks with high ceilings
 The haveli was divided into
a Zanan Khana (female quarter)
and Mardan Khana (male quarter).
A room was called Sheesh
Mahal (glass palace) because the
room had glass work done in it.
 There are murals of Sikh general
fighting demons in a prayer room
built during the Sikh era.

Haveli Walled City, Yes, restored by

Alif Shah Lahore  Most of the old structure is http:// the Walled City
demolished walledcityla of Lahore
 Some of the old structure includes Authority in
the jharoka and some of the /havelis-of- 2011
arabesque design wooden and stone lahore/
 The original material used is
believed to be kankar limestone
 Currently used as an Imam Bargah
and during the days of Muharram,
Ashura procession started from this
Haveli Walled City,  The total area of the Haveli is 47 http:// Yes, currently
Dinah Lahore marla with nineteen rooms and two walledcityla under
Nath basements (known as sard khana) restoration an
including verandas and an open /havelis-of- conservation by
space backyard lahore/ the Walled City
 An underground tunnel also exists of Lahore
in the Haveli, which is now closed. Authority
 The structure (painted yellow) has a
huge platform and basins of
fountain was typical Sikh
architecture with arches, balconies
carvings, and fresco work and
worship places.
 The ceilings within the haveli
cutwork of mirror and glass. The
wooden patterns are inlaid with
 Walls have the old fresco remains
 Central hall is enclosed by arches
 Around the main hall, which is now
converted into a drawing room by
the residents, there are small rooms
used as bedrooms, dining rooms
and sitting areas by the residents.
 The residents have traditionally
decorated it with crafts and pottery
which is very typical of old Lahore
Haveli Walled City,  The entrance s through a large http:// No, the Sheesh
Mian Lahore wooden door decorated with walledcityla Mahal in
Sultan geometric patterns particular is a
 Partial surviving frescos of /havelis-of- recent discovery
geometric patterns, flowers, lahore/
animals and humans along walls
and ceiling
 The haveli is recognizable by its
wooden balcony that overlooks the
bazaar. With the ground floor is
taken up by shops, the upper floor
is a residency, while the middle
floor with its beautiful
 On the mezzanine floor there is an
exact replica of the Lahore Fort’s
Sheesh Mahal. Though some
mirrors have broken, the replica
remains largely intact, along with
high arches and a raised platform.
One could even picture the sunlight
or moonlight reflecting on the
balcony, illuminating the room all
day and night
Haveli Walled City,  In one part of this haveli there was http:// Yes, restoration
Baij Nath Lahore a “JanJ Ghar” of Hindu community, walledcityla work has been
a Zanan Khana, guest house, done in Haveli
Temple and a courtyard with a /havelis-of- Baij Nath under
beautiful fountain lahore/ the restoration
 Only Façade and some remains are Project of the
left behind. Cracks of the Walls Walled City
have been filled and old looks have Lahore
been revived. Moreover Drainage Authority. This
system has been improved. building has
with small
bricks and lime
Haveli Walled City,  Building is made of red brick, with http:// No
Wajid Ali Lahore arches widows and jharokas (made walledcityla
Shah of wood)
 Wooden arched windows (two /havelis-of-
arched windows with wood shutters lahore/
contained with larger arch). The
wood is carved with geometric
 There are some old structure of
multi foil arches on the entrance

Chamba GOR – 1,  Designed with Anglo – Indian

House Lahore architecture https:// Yes
 Floral and Shah Jahani arches en.wikipedi
 Material used are redstone bricks
 It has vents that are inclined wiki/
position to the walls Chamba_H
 Corners of the parapet have chatris ouse,_Lahor
 It was a mansion used by Maharaja e
of Chamba but now is used as
Government officer suite

Lal Haveli Walled City,  It has a courtyard with fountains, http:// No

Lahore huge kitchens, balconies, verandas, walledcityla
and several stories including
mezzanines, closely knitted rooms /havelis-of-
and basements lahore/
 Done in brick masonry with https://
wooden hanging windows dailytimes.c
 The parapet wall has perforations 221298/lal-
 Fluted half dome over jharoka and haveli-of-
flared arch that represents Hindu mai-daro-a-
and Sikh architecture marvel-
 It also shows lotus flower petals inside-
lined along the top of the jharoka lohari-gate/
Haveli Walled City,  Made of red bricks https:// No, Used as
Mian Lahore  Dominating feature are recessed walledcityla Rang Mahal
Khan arches, lined in harmony School
 Main arch is floral arch /haveli-
 Cupolas placed on the parapet in a mian-khan/
uniform distance
 This grand edifice was spread over
two square kilometres, and it was
divided into three sections: the
women`s quarter called `Zinnan
Khana`, the men`s quarter which
was called Rang Mahal, and the
Qalai Khana, whose walls touched
those of Masjid Chinyaanwali.
Bangla Walled City,  It was a three storey building https:// No
Ayub Lahore having two basements and a ground walledcityla
Shah floor. Major portion of the building
has fallen. /bangla-
 The building was built with small ayub-shah/
size bricks. The roofs are wooden
composed of beam and batten
system. There is a Roman style
veranda on the front side.
 The exterior and interior is finished
with lime plaster.
 Large semi circular arches
Haveli Walled City,  There are 20 rooms in this building https:// No, it has its
Qamar Lahore and 6 families are residing here as a walledcityla own residents
Manzil tenants.
 The area of the building is /bangla-
approximately 1 kanal. It’s a ayub-shah/
residential building. The building is
more or less in quite better
 No major repair works have been
done here except occasional cracks
filling or white wash
 Wooden balconies that overlook the
narrow street
 Pointed and multi foil arches are
used as doorways and along the
Haveli Walled City,  Originally covered an area of 46 https:// No, until 2004,
Raja Lahore kanals, but has now shrunk to 2 walledcityla the haveli was
Dhiyan kanals, with the majority f the used as a
Singh surrounding area /bangla- school, but
occupied/purchased by the public. ayub-shah/ currently lies
Prior to its downsizing, it was an vacant.
attractive building with a cellar. 
What remains is the court of Raja
Dhiyan Singh, one of the brothers
of Jamadar Khushal Singh.
 Made of kankar limestone and
 Has semi circular and multi foil
arches enclosing the court
 Jhorkas on the front façade
 Stone jalis along top paprapet wall
 Shamdan on the sides of the

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